#mk mileena x gn reader
satansamwriting · 7 months
I was wondering if I could ask for Mileena (MK11) with a reader who's from earth but inst scared by her and thinks her teeth are really cool?
It's okay if not, have a good day! (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
MK11 Mileena with GN!reader
Hi there! I hope you are also having a good day!
Since Mileena isn't really part of MK11 storyline, I made up something. Hopefully, it does your prompt justice.
Disclaimer : English ain't my native language so there might be mistakes ahead. I apologises for them and will try my best to correct them if I see them.
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No matter where their eyes lingered, darkness filled their sight.The disorienting place was to be their prison, where they would be trapped forever. Or so the Titan of time said. Back pressed on the solid ground, they stared at what they could only assume was the sky. If you could define black nothingless as such.
Nearby, voices changed from small  whispers to unnecessarily loud shouts. Turning their head toward the sound, (Y/n) observed the scene. Two duos faced each other, both sides had their weapon drawn as more shouting spilled from their lips. A sorcerer and a princess of Outworld stood on one side while the god of wind and a matoka’s warrior stood on the other. 
Even since arriving in this endless prison, the four of them have been on eachother throat. Much to (Y/n) annoyance. However, the constant fight proved to be the only source of entertainment they could find. 
Green magic shattered into tiny sparks upon impact with the ground. Some went as far as to reach the observer. Strong winds gathered around the god and even from their spot away from the fight, (Y/n) had to shield their eyes from the gust. No matter the distance they seemed to take from the ongoing battle, they would fall victim to some of the attacks. Even if they themselves weren't the desired target. 
An arrow meant for the sorcerer ending its course inside (Y/n) thighs. Burst of green flames thrown toward the matoka’s warriors only to hit them in the back. What made the situation more infuriating was the lack of awareness from the kombatant. Not once did they notice the repercussion of their actions. 
Screams followed by metal screeching against each other echoed into the void, forcing (Y/n) out of their thoughts.Mere seconds later, a body flew through the air and ended its course near them, in what must have been a painful landing. Blinking away the surprise, (Y/n) peeked to their left, their eyes meeting reptilian ones. The princess laid on the ground, a gushing wound on her chest. 
Reluctantly, (Y/n) stood up.They were used to this by now. A fight would break up between the four and one or more would end up injured, that included themselves as well. Being a simple earthrealmer without any fighting abilities, (Y/n) always preferred to stay out of fights. Don’t get them wrong, (Y/n) knew how to fight well enough but their ability was more defensive than offensive.Thus making them not particularly fond of kombat.
Feeling the pain of their sore muscles as they approached the princess, (Y/n) wished they could escape this endless place. 
The princess sneered at them, showing her pointy teeth. She tried to hurt them as they crouched beside her but the amount of blood she had lost made her weak. Without paying much attention to what was happening behind, (Y/n) took hold of the Sai in her bloodied hand.Threats spilled out of her mouth but they paid it no mind. With how injured the princess was, there was nothing she could do to prevent them from whatever they were doing. Slashing the palm of their hand, (Y/n) let their blood drip over the wound. Mileena’s eyes were glued to her wound as it mended back together.
No words of gratitude were given afterwards. Not that they expected some. The slash on their hand had closed, leaving only a smear of red behind. Mileena stared at them cautiously, perhaps she did not understand the kindness of the earthrealmer or the reason why someone like them would help someone like her. 
Amidst the vast openness of their prison, (Y/n) indulged themselves in their favourite pastime. Meaning, they laid on the cold hard ground, wondering how much time had passed since their arrival. Had it been days? Or weeks? Maybe months? There was no way to know, no way to tell if it was night or day or how many hours had gone by. (Y/n) hated how quiet it would become whenever the others stopped fighting. Shang Tsung would go back to pacing around, lost in his own thoughts. Fujin and Nightwolf would sit together, oftentimes conversing in low volume. As for Mileena, she preferred to keep to herself. 
This time around was no different. Except for the princess who now stood on their left side. She seemed uncomfortable standing there.Straightening up, (Y/n) waited for the princess. 
Despite her intimidating mouth filled with sharp teeth and her imposing piercing eyes, (Y/n) couldn’t help but find her beautiful. 
“You need to be more precise, your highness.”
She sneered at them, her Sai in hands. 
“Why did you help me?”
A question not unfamiliar to their ears. As saddening as those words were, (Y/n) tried their best to remain stoic. They wonder if the princess truly thought of herself as unworthy of help. Perhaps she was simply not used to someone else offering help. Mileena grew impatient as the silence stretched between the two. Shrugging, (Y/n) offered her a courtesy smile.
“ Because I couldn't stand to watch you bleed out, especially  when I could do something to help.” 
Whether the answer pleased or displeased her, Mileena didn’t show it. Her eyes were glued to them, analysing each and every move they did. The weight of her gaze would make anyone falter underneath it but for (Y/n) the attention was welcomed. They could tell the princess wasn’t used to such kindness. Under dumbfounded eyes, the princess sat beside them. No conversation followed, both opting to appreciate the comforting silence over making awkward small talk. 
Woken by the sound of an explosion, (Y/n) didn’t need to see to know what was happening. Stretching their sore muscles, they scanned the emptiness until their eyes landed on the battlefield. Shaking their head, (Y/n) observed from the sideline as usual. This time, their eyes tracked the movement of the princess, not once paying attention to the others. Even with her intimidating physique and aggressivity, Mileena fought with grace unparalleled by others. Every move seemed effortless, almost like memorised choreography. She was gorgeous. 
With their attention solely on Mileena, (Y/n) failed to notice the sorcerer missed spell. Green skulls pierced through the air, going straight toward them.Pain flared across their chest as the impact propelled them backward onto the solid ground. If only for a small fraction of time, the world plunged into quiet darkness. Something warm pressed against their chest, forcing them back into the moment. Laying on top of them was Mileena, her reptilian eyes fixed on their visage. Blood dripped from her back where (Y/n) presumed the spell must have hit. She had protected them using her own body as a shield. 
(Y/n) felt guilty. Because of their own carelessness, Mileena ended up badly injured. One arm on her shoulder, the earthrealmer silently asked for her to keep still. Moving would only aggravate the wound. Using their free hand, they reached for her discarded weapon until they could feel the sharp edge slice into their palm.
Mileena winced at the slight burning sensation of her healing wound.Unable to explain her own action in her head, the princess, once (Y/n) relished the hand on her shoulder, quickly moved away from the other. Despite her disgust toward Earthrealm, she couldn’t deny the growing curiosity and fondness toward (Y/n). Perhaps it was due to their unique ability. Or maybe it was the kindness they showed her seemingly unafraid of her deformation. No matter the reason, Mileena stayed by their side until they were able to move. Behind them, the fight continued as if nothing happened. 
“Thank you, your highness.”
Startled by their words, Mileena scoffed. 
“Don’t thank me, I’m just repaying you for what you did before.”
The smile they offered after her words brought an unknown feeling inside her chest. Something she would have to analyse later but for now, she allowed the strangeness to stay. If (Y/n) noticed the tiny smile she was wearing, they did not comment on it. Perhaps spending the rest of their life inside a void like prison with her by their side wasn’t bad afterall. 
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vampireimiko · 8 months
anyway, today im gonna be changing my theme (possibly💀) and setting up masterlists SOOO send in some more mortal kombat requests 🫶🏾
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borderlandsresearcher · 4 months
MK Girlies as Moms x Reader 💙🩷
(Kitana, Mileena+Tanya, Cassie Cage)
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CW: pregnancy, motherhood, gn reader, poly relationship mentioned, not proofread, I am not a writer!!!
TW: slight mentions/references to death in Mileena's section
(A/N @ the bottom as always)
*As a young girl, Kitana had always admired her mother for the caring and gentle role model she was.
*When it was Kitana's time to embrace motherhood, she did so with little to no fear. Not only was she confident in her abilities as a mother, but knew that if she ever needed help, that she has a supportive family and an entire kingdom of willing subjects to fall back on.
*Would most likely have twins if she were to give birth (that's genetics mama).
*Kitana didn't need to do half as much research as you did before your child(ren) was/were born. Motherhood was seemingly natural to her; waking up in the middle of the night completely unbothered to deal with the crying baby-- laughing anytime the baby spit or spewed-- cleaning up their messes without protest...
*Despite this, Kitana was exhausted. While she made it seem effortless, she needs the extra help more than anything.
*Because of Kitana's willingness to hide her true emotions, especially from those she loves, you had to sit her down and convince her that you don't mind splitting the responsibilities.
*There were days when you had to basically force her to take a break, tattling on her to Mileena so that she could relax under the empress's orders.
*Kitana always wants to be around her children. She loves everything they do, cheering them on at every opportunity.
*Definitely the type of mom to cry when their baby rolls over for the first time.
*Takes them for walks around the palace gardens, pointing out different plants and insects to teach them about.
*Every night at bedtime, she will either sing them a song or tell them a story. Each song she sings and story she tells all have to do with their ancestors and the lessons their lives had to teach.
*She wants them to be in touch with the land from whence they came, the same way her mother did. Although this can cause her to be strict at times.
*The older her children got, the stricter she was. Kitana will fully expect her child to marry an Edenian. You will have to call her out for being hypocritical if you are not Edenian and still married.
*Is an overall amazing mother, but sometimes needs a reminder that she's deserving of the same love she gives.
Mileena x Tanya x You
*Three parents? Y'all are good fr.
*Whether you decide to adopt or conceive, your children will be loved beyond comprehension.
*Mileena also greatly looked up to her mother as a child. But ever since she was infected with tarkat, her mother seemed to grow distant, favouring Kitana over her.
*She ensures your children will not face the same fate, loving them all equally and splitting attention between parents.
*Unfortunately, for the longest time Mileena refused to let her children sleep seperately from the three of you. This is due to the trauma she still holds from losing her father, even if he as returned, it still runs deep.
*She becomes such a softie for her kids.
*Will spoil them with clothes made of expensive fabrics and toys made of gold. She's excessive AF.
*She entrusts Li Mei with training them in Kombat when they are of age.
*As for Tanya, she is always telling them stories, even if they don't fully understand yet. (Y'all her voice is soothing af fr)
*Cries tears of joy when they call her "mama" for the first time. She has never felt a love greater than this.
*Knows that she is raising the Empress's heirs, so she can be quite strict at times.
*Politics are a thing your children are familiar with from a young age.
*Mileena and Tanya know how exhausting life in the palace can be, so every so often they allow you to take the children into the city for a day out.
*The three of you are great parents, the perfect balance of emotional availability and strictness. Your children grow up knowing they are supported.
Cassie Cage
*As much as she loved her mother, she always felt that Sonya could have been more attentive as a parent.
*Cassie will be more like Johnny and treat her child like royalty, giving them nicknames like "prince/princess".
*Unlike Johnny, however, she takes her time to plan out her/your pregnancy. She has baby fever like crazy, but still takes the time to make sure the two of you are mentally prepared to carry such a heavy burden.
*Will go to her father and uncle Jax for advice.
*Goes crazy when doing baby shopping, bringing a whole new meaning to overconsumption, especially if she's the one whose pregnant. Will nest like crazy.
*She would most likely be in her mid 30's-40's when she chooses to have a baby. Earthrealm still needs protecting!
*TONS of pregnancy photos posted onto social media but refuses to post her child's face anywhere, even if it's private.
*Cassie does not want her child to be a part of the SF. Will do everything she can to shield them from violence. She will, however, teach them self defence and how to shoot a gun.
*Jacqui and Takeda are the godparents <3
*She's the fun, party parent, and promises to always be her child's best friend.
*She still dishes out discipline, but makes sure to first hear them out no matter how angry or bratty they are being. Refuses to yell or grab her child in any way. Much prefers to talk things out and acknowledge each other's emotions. You often find the two deep in intellectual discussion.
*Johnny is best grandpa!!! He will take your child out for little dates around LA, making a game out of avoiding paparazzi. Spoils tf out of them. They want that Gucci teddy bear? He's buying five. They want to do sport or music? He's paying for every lesson. He already has a college fund set up for them the moment you and Cassie announce you're pregnant.
*Cassie loves her dad jokes. They are nonstop, and even worse when Johnny is around to encourage her!
*She is an amazing mother and wife, always making sure everyone around her (including herself) are stable and healthy.
A/N: I fucking suck at this shit
Hope y'all enjoyed! I only really had ideas for these four, so hopefully that's okay :)
I'm not much of a writer, so your support means a lot to me! Thanks to all of those who like/reblog/comment. It means a lot :)
Let me know what you think! I take constructive criticism!!!
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koisuko · 3 months
Could I request reader as a cat, but with the mk 1 girls?
Absolutely! (Forgive me this is long overdue and has been sitting in my drafts, im slowly losing my passion and motivation for mk1 content im sorry jehfjsjf)
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Pov: You are a cat (pt4)
how the mk1 characters react to you as a stray cat, one with an oddly familiar/fitting name
part 1, part 2, part 3, bonus
Tw: none, gn, platonic, kitty cat
Ft: Mileena, Kitana, Sindel, Li Mei, Tanya
Ever since her mother past, even if her soul was safe with her father, she found it hard to find the time to grieve. It wasn’t the same, not being able to speak to her, hug her, learn from her. And now, the newly passed duties of empress was thrown on her by circumstance, taking up nearly her entire day.
When in the solace of her room, hidden away from prying eyes, even for just a moment, she would let a tear slip down her cheek. All the inner turmoil collected into that single drop, and staining the silky case of her pillow.
All the struggle was slowly healed when you came along, trotting happily into the castle with your tail held high. You were a stray, with your once soft black fur now dirty and matted. She took pity on you, feeling the need to care for you tugging at the strings of her aching heart. And so she did, finding an almost therapeutic rhythm when brushing your shiny coat. Upon finding the small tag dangling on your neck, she was baffled to see it read ‘Tanya’. She almost giggled at it, such a bizarre coincidence to find a gentle companion with the same name as her lover.
During the nights, when the peace and quiet is a luxury earned, she lays on her satin sheets in deep thought. You, her new found friend, curled into a small ball against her side. Your purrs vibrate through her waist, bringing out a soft sigh of content from her lips. “Thank you, Tanya,” she whispered, “you’ve done a wonderful job fending off the sadness that plagues me.” She gently stroked your back, reaching up to scratch behind your ears. Both of you, at peace even for a moment, slipped into a dreamless slumber.
It was hard watching her sister, watching her lack the time to grieve, watching her suffer in silence and create a fake facade of happiness in front of the people. Kitana wasn’t as high status as her, so she could afford just a little time alone, something she was grateful for. If she could, she would take her place, even for a moment to allow her some freedom.
Even with the time she had, she still missed her mother greatly. It was too early, unnatural even for her mother to be gone. She almost felt lost, lacking her mother’s usual guidance and watchful eye was akin to a motherless fawn.
It had been a normal day, tending to duties, but a particularly sad day. A day filled with heavy sorrow, the stages of grief hitting Kitana like a train. Her sister is busy, tending to duties as a new empress, and this left her feeling empty and alone. Never the less, she kept a neutral expression through out the day, even a small smile for the cherry on top.
But as night came, she’d sit out in the courtyard, here eyes to the stars above. She’d whisper to the night sky, one prayer at a time, for the safety of her family and the palace. A sudden rustle of a nearby bush breaks her from her thoughts. She approaches with a perplexed expression, “who’s there?” No answer, instead, the bushes rustle once more in response. Kitana took another step closer, cautious and ready, her heart slightly racing with impending adrenaline. To her surprise, a small fluffy feline emerged from the shrubbery, tilting its head in her direction.
“Mreow,” you purred, a simple human translation to a hello. She lowered her stance, relaxing at the sight of you, “hello little one,” she cooed. You chirped in response, trotting over to rub against her legs, looking up with your big adorable eyes. She giggled, there is simply no resisting the pleading gaze of a friendly feline. As if she read your mind, she gingerly scooped you up into her arms, cradling you close to her chest. While doing so, her fingers grazed the hem of your collar, causing her to retract for a moment in surprise. When looking closer, the collar read ‘Sindel’ in a intricate cursive engraving. She gently traced the letters with her fingers, as if committing it to memory. Her eyes welled with tears, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She sniffled, nuzzling her face into your fur with a sigh, “I miss you, mother.”
To be reunited with her husband was one thing, but to be inside his body as a spirit was another. Death wasn’t at all as expected, she felt the cold sensation and loss of feeling that came with it, but did not go to some whimsical after life. Considering the death of the forest of souls, there was no going there. A shame, really, she wanted to experience it for herself. But, considering she was with her husband once more, it felt safer than the forest.
The best she could describe it would be, feeling whole again, realizing a part of her that she was missing. She felt a strange connection between her and the other spirits there, as if a cord interlocked them at the core. Every feeling, every thought, it was all shared between them as a collective. Negativity didn’t exist, all the fear and longing she once felt, was gone now.
There was a place where everyone was a physical, walking around in a blank plane of white and fog. This is where she could be with her husband, reunited once again in pure bliss. The area was endless, even if you chose to walk continuously, you would never reach an end.
Sindel sat near the edge of the group, waiting for her husband to return once again. She looked off into the endless pool of white, deep in thought. She could see the memories of her past life, memories of her children, husband, and the kingdom. All the memories skimming over her brain like a slide show, all the way up to her untimely death. Reaching down, she gingerly caressed the wound where the katana had struck and killed her. She could remember the look of dread and sorrow on her daughter’s face, but proud was the only thing she could feel. Sindel could see the progress Mileena and Kitana have made through Jared’s eyes, and regardless if she could tell them or not, she was beyond overjoyed.
A sudden presence beside her lured her out of her trance. When she looked, she was surprised to see you, the spirit of a small house cat. It was unusual to see animals here, but never has it been unwelcome. Perhaps the others have not noticed you, as usually they would flock to an animal newcomer. She smiled down at you, admiring the beauty of your coat while you groom your paw in silence. You turned your head in response, looking up at her with one big eye, the other closed off as a token of your past life. You could sense that she was waiting, and decided to keep her company. You stood, stretching your back before trotting over to her. You didn’t hesitate, making yourself right at home on Sindel’s lap. There was no protest from her, instead, she placed a gentle hand on your back and stroked her fingers through your fur. It had been quite some time since you had been pet, your past life lacking the love and care you craved so much. If only Sindel had found you when you both were alive, she would surely take you in as her own. She scratched the top of your head, eliciting a soft purr of satisfaction from you. Sindel continued to wait for her husband, watching memories flow by, but this time with a new friend.
Li Mei
Li Mei practically watched Sindel’s daughters grow up from small infants to young women. She nearly felt her eyes well with tears, watching the coronation of Mileena through blurred eyes. Even if she gained the role through circumstance, she was still unbelievable proud.
It was unfortunate, downright depressing, losing the best friend she had just got back. After years of pleading with Sindel, working so hard to regain her trust after Jared’s passing, she had finally rebuilt the bond once broken. Only for the untimely death of her best friend, regaining her best friend’s husband in her place. Although, it was a relief to learn from Jared that she had safe passage to an afterlife of some sort. And, she was happy to hear that they were reunited, even if it was through failed dark magic.
After her promotion for her heroic acts, she felt alone and home sick. She felt wrong in the place as chief of imperial police, missing the streets of Sun Do where she kept peace for so many years. Now, she sat in her office as a newly reinstated first constable, mindlessly dragging the pen across parchment. She had taken up journaling, a simple way to vent out the everyday frustrations of police work, and to pass time on off days where crime was minimal. Paperwork from the days criminals had stacked neatly in the corner of the desk, a small lamp hovered over the various journal papers. She sighed, setting the pen down and leaning back in her seat. Stretching her back with a satisfying pop before making way to the exit of her office.
A sudden shrill shriek startled Li Mei, nearly sounding like a child screaming for help. At this time of night? She swiftly ran to a nearby alleyway where she was surprised to see the source of the sound was a cat fight between strays. One was much larger, covered in fluffy orange fur, and the other a small and scrawny brown tabby. The smaller one let out a meek hiss, while the larger one raised a paw ready to strike. You bolted behind Li Mei’s leg, having accidentally stumbled into the territory of a large Tom cat. He was aggressive, fiercely defending his home and potential breeding area, to which you wanted no part of and simply made your way here by curiosity alone. As the Tom cat made an attempt to run towards you, Li Mei stomped her foot, “hey! Quit the scuffle.” The Tom cat hesitated at first, giving you one last hiss before running back through the alley where it came from. Li Mei brought her attention to the small tabby hidden behind her, lowering to crouch beside you, “quite the predicament you got yourself into hm?” She brought her hand to your eye level, to which you gave it a gentle sniff. Paper, ink, and a small amount of roast lingered on her skin, remnants of her lunch eliciting a heavy pang in your stomach. “Are you hungry?” She frowned, studying the current state of your boney ribs and dirtied fur. You meowed, your eyes large in a pitiful beg for a scrap of satiation. She smiled, scooping you up in her arms, “let’s get some dinner in you little one,” walking back into the headquarters. She felt a strange fabric on your neck, the dirt covering making it nearly impossible to notice at first. Attached to it, was a small metal heart, rusted and covered in mud. Upon wiping it with her thumb, the words on it read “umgadi”. She giggled, “my past comes back to me.” From then on, you made several returns to her for food and protection, until eventually, you were adopted by her with open arms.
When she wasn’t with Mileena, majority of her time was occupied by the duties of leader of the Umgadi. Being at such a high rank, and rebuilding the Umgadi from the ground up to be reformed from a few rotten apples, had kept her a very busy woman. Tanya made sure to thoroughly wring out every pupil to keep out the rats who conspire against both the Umgadi principles, and the kingdom itself.
Tanya stride down the hallways of the palace, her heels clicking against the pristine floors of the Umgadi barracks. She held an air of confidence, her head held high and eyes straight ahead. She smiled as the gentle snores of her sisters reached her ears, the peaceful sound of slumber fading slightly with every step. She had an objective in mind, her feet carrying her to the palace gardens where her lover waits.
Upon arriving, just at the entrance, two small cats walked side by side with their tails wrapped over each other. They seemed so peaceful, enjoying each other’s company under the starlit sky. She hadn’t meant to intrude, but once noticed by the two felines, one had bolted into a nearby hedge. The one remaining, a small calico, had looked at her with curiosity. You did not run, instead, you sat right where you were, to convey that you were not afraid. Tanya smiled, lowering herself to a crouch and reaching a hand in your direction, “it’s alright, I won’t harm you.” You sniffed the air, catching a whiff of her scent, the smell akin to a sunlit field of flowers with a hint of honey. You slowly approached, your neck elongated to sniff her outstretched hand without risking too much. She smiled, tilting her head with curiosity, “what’s your name, little one?” You lifted your head, just enough for her to catch a glimpse of a name on your collar. It read, “Mileena”. She smirked at the engraving, “what a beautiful name.”
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roselyn-writing · 1 year
How about intro ideas this time?
Y/N intros with Kabal, Shang Tsung, Mileena, Skarlet, Fujin,Sonya, Sindel.
Plot: Y/N just told their lover their secret.
They were a Black Dragon mercenary in their past and kept it as a secret from their lover. Until now.
Y/N intros with Kabal, shang tsung, Skarlet,Fujin, Mileena, Sindel and Sonya!
A/N: Merci~ for asking for such a lovely request! Btw; I headcanon shang tsung speaks Old english (Thine soul is min~) I just love it!☺️☺️☺️😌🖤🖤✨.
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Y/N: hello, Love~, Miss me?~
Kabal: really! Hell, why did you kept it from me! We could’ve been mission buddies!
Y/n: That ~ was a long time ago! I’m reformed now!
Intro 2
Kabal: Too bad!~ You quit your black dragon days without me knowing~ *tsk tsk*
Y/n: Oh, Honey~… *chuckles*
Kabal: The heck, why are you laughing!
Shang tsung
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Shang tsung: min love~ why thee kept such a secret from me! *hurt tone*
Y/n: thy have thine secrets too~.
Shang tsung: True that~.
Intro 2
Y/n: I redeemed myself from my black dragon days, But, Thou!~ did not tell me thine secrets too!
Shang Tsung: Thou kept such a secret, how couldst thee, (How could you).
Y/n: Hm, Thou art hurt? *smirk* (are you hurt?)
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Skarlet: of all people, I never thought of you were a black dragon once!
Y/n: My black dragon days are behind me now, Plus, You! Did not tell me that you were made by Shao Kahn!
Skarlet: Huh, sounds fair. *Smile*
Intro 2
Y/n: We all have secrets, that’s better kept hidden!
Skarlet: Well~ True that, Like your black dragon days.
Y/n: haha! Like your Origins. *Chuckles*
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Fujin: I can’t believe you were a black dragon!
Y/n: most people didn’t believe either, But! I changed!
Fujin: Doesn’t change the fact that you were a mercenary!
Intro 2
Y/n: Fujin, Dear, You know how I was ashamed of my secret.. Can. Can you forgive me?
Fujin: everyone deserves a second chance at forgiveness, even a former black dragon member.
Y/n: Thank you.. my love~ 😢
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Sonya Blade
Sonya blade: Damn it! You know I have been fighting with them for Decades! Yet.. you didn’t tell me that you were once with them! 😠
Y/n: that was in the past dear, I changed for the better!
Sonya blade: Still, This is awkward and weird!
Intro 2
Y/n: Sonya… please.. Find it in your heart to forgive me!
Sonya blade: I don’t know.. Y/N.
Y/n: are you for real! You forgot all the things we did together, Now, you hate me because I was in the past a BD member!
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Sindel: Well, That’s unexpected of you, you were once a bottom-feeder. But, you changed now!
Y/n: Really? Bottom-feeder, Sindel?
Sindel: That’s the right word to describe the Black Dragon! *Smile and wink*
Intro 2
Y/n: Dearest Sindel, we all have secrets, I know it’s wrong of me because I didn’t tell, but I discovered something about you~
Sindel: That’s Where I and you are different on this matter! I was brainwashed!
Y/n: Dearest~ I can understand~
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Mileena: Lovers don’t keep secrets from each other Y/N!
Y/N: Yeah… It is just I’m ashamed of bringing it up. Sorry dear.
Mileena: Sorry won’t make it right!
Intro 2
Y/N: Ugh, you kept your secret from me! You didn’t tell me that you were a clone!
Mileena: You know that is one of my insecurities!
Y/N: Dear~ don’t be ashame of your origins!
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gloomiebearwritings · 2 years
I have a request of a fake relationship with Johnny, Milena, and Rain during s/o's week long family reunion and they start to actually develop feelings for s/o?
Sorry, this took a bit to get done, Anon! My art took my pain tolerance from under my feet, and I couldn't focus 😭
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You were a good friend of his, so he didn’t hesitate to fill in for the s/o role you needed to feel less out of place at the family reunion 
It was all in good fun until he realized he’d have to keep up the act for a whole week, but he refused to back out and leave you alone
He filled the role of the goofy boyfriend perfectly, charming the whole family and bringing you plenty of smiles
Though one night he laid there in bed with you, your peaceful sleepy head resting on his shoulder making him question just how he really felt. A part of him started making itself known as he ran through all the excuses he could to avoid facing the fact- that being that he felt completely at home like this, being your boyfriend and being so close to you. After making sure you were completely asleep he carefully pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before finally going to sleep.
After it was all said and done, and you were both heading back to your usual lives he approached you with a request for a moment alone. While alone he bit the bullet and admitted that the week you two spent together really made him realize not only how much he treasured you, but that he had come to realize that you meant more to him than just a friend- but someone he felt truly at home with.
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She was bored out of her mind, so to have something to do piqued her interest- even if going with someone to their family reunion was a tad strange to her
It was even stranger when you said you two had to pretend to be together, though she played along, finding it fun to see you get flustered when she’d hang off of you
For her it was just fun to poke and tease at you the whole week, jokingly telling you that if you had feelings, you could’ve just told her sooner
She seemed completely unbothered by the whole thing, appearing to just be enjoying the food and company- though sometimes it was clear something was weighing on her mind. At first she assumed it was concern for how long this reunion was dragging on, and tried to push it aside until she felt her heart beat faster when you leaned against her during some alone time outside. She never thought she could see you this way, and yet she didn’t even try to stop the situation, the feeling of you against her being comforting almost. 
However, it was still only after the two of you went back to your normal lives after she finally began to crack, pulling you aside from the small crowd to speak with you. With a softness unheard of by you she quietly told you that she’d much prefer to “keep up the act” at all future reunions, because she’d come to genuinely love you.
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You were someone he trusted already, so when you came to him for some company he didn’t object, even if the concept was a tad new to him
He figured it’d be a short reunion, a day or so perhaps, so his eyebrows went up when you told him it’d last a week
The role of the doting lover was filled perfectly by him, your family loving just how much he cared for you, and sometimes saying it’d be sad if you two ever parted
Those comments rang around in his head on a restless night, unable to think of anything else besides the way your family seemed so thrilled to see you with him. It made him really think about how deeply he trusted you, and treasured your time together- in the past saying it was just because you were attentive, but now he began to question the validity of that. The more he thought about it the more it set in that you meant more to him than anything, even if he’d try to hide it in the coming days.
Once the two of you had returned from the week-long trip he pulled you aside, telling you there was something important you needed to know. And with an incredibly gentle tone, he admitted that the trip made him see things differently- that he actually did love you for real.
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mlmxreader · 8 months
date night w/ MK characters
: ̗̀➛ characters involved: Kitana, Mileena, Sindel, Ashrah, Tanya, Li Mei, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Kuai Liang (Sub Zero & Scorpion versions), Syzoth/Reptile, Kenshi Takahashi, Tomas Vrbada
: ̗̀➛ x gn!reader
: ̗̀➛ a few swear words here and there
Kitana leads a busy, tiring life. her idea of a perfect date night is kept simple and easy; maybe a walk in the gardens if the weather is kind enough. or just chilling together in bed with a good book if the weather is absolute shit. she's the queen's daughter, after all, she appreciates just being able to spend time with her s/o, especially if she's had a long day.
Mileena likes to go all out if she's got the time, but if not, she likes to keep things simple. dates can either be her taking you into a very public, very busy situation like a ball or a festival, or they can be as gentle and simple as a long walk together, hand in hand. it entirely depends on how much time she's got on her hands and how much of it she can spend with you.
very, very quiet dates. Sindel doesn't really like her love life being in the spotlight when there are more important things to worry about; she'll take you for a nice meal somewhere quiet - there's a little café in an alleyway, tucked behind a few other shops, that she often takes you to - and somewhere that she can really spend some quality time with you.
Ashrah doesn't really understand dates, but she knows that you like to show her all the different things on offer; museums, art galleries, restaurants, zoos, cafés, aquariums. she loves every moment of each one, but her favourite is definitely the museum; she loves how you light up when she asks you to explain something, and could listen to you talk for hours.
Tanya doesn't really do dates, and never has. she cares, of course she does, she adores you - but dates are just one of those things. she'd prefer to bring you home some food from your favourite place, or get you a book she knows you wanted - things like that. but, occasionally, she does take you out; she likes to take you dancing, more than anything.
Li Mei
Li Mei isn't really the date type, either, but sometimes she'll offer to take you somewhere; it comes out of nowhere, a complete surprise each time, but she'll offer to take you to museums, to festivals, to sports events. she enjoys the quality time, and not having to look over her shoulder all the time, but she loves it when you get invested as much as she does.
Johnny Cage
FLASHY!!! FLASHY!!! the best restaurants, always. concert tickets to bands you've always wanted to see live, VIP included. expect a new outfit being bought for you every time. Johnny loves to spoil you, and date nights are no exception; you want to see Sabaton live? he's taking you, and after, he'll make sure that you can sleep in the backseat of his car.
Kung Lao
film nights, 100%. there is nothing that Kung Lao likes more than to either take you to the cinema for a few hours and then out for tea afterwards, or to snuggle up with you in bed and watch old films you both love with a platter of snacks. he adores film nights, and he'll take turns choosing what to watch with you. just don't watch Marley & Me with him.
Sub Zero!Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang doesn't really do the whole dating thing. he'd prefer to just sit in bed with you and read for a while, or to sit near you while you're doing something. any quality time is good for him. there'll be a rare occasion where he can take you out, but it's usually just for a few drinks and a meal - it's simple, but it's always a good time.
Scorpion!Kuai Liang
an absolute gentleman, expect the very basics in the best way. a few drinks and a meal, sure, but you can bet he's taking you somewhere that he knows does your favourite food and drinks. he might be basic, and he might not be flashy, but the dates you have with him always make you grin when you kiss him goodnight. simple, but brilliant.
he likes to take you out for long walks, doesn't really matter where or when; he isn't really big on dates, but he loves going for a long walk with you. just strolling hand in hand, talking about everything and nothing all the same. he just likes being around you, and he likes when you stop to pick up little snakes and arachnids, telling him all about them. it never fails to make him smile.
Kenshi Takahashi
ADORES taking you dancing. maybe it's just the closeness, maybe it's the fact that he gets to have you all to himself. but he adores taking you dancing for date nights; he always throws in dinner afterwards, too, and it's usually put on Johnny's tab. you still don't know why he lets him get away with it, but you know better than to ask. every now and then, he'll take you with him to Johnny's new films, as well.
Tomas Vrbada
he loves nothing more than to go to the zoo with you. sitting down in the picnic area and sharing drinks and bites of each other's sandwiches; it's nice for him to get away with you for a while, to just relax and enjoy being around you. trying not to laugh at people getting chased by geese. Tomas loves it when he can take you to the zoo for the day; just you and him, nothing else to worry about except seagulls stealing your crisps.
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iliketangerines · 3 months
mortal kombat masterlist
request rules
the same general rules in my masterpost apply
i'll write for any mk kharacter
raiden m. list || kung lao m. list || liu kang m. list
kenshi takahashi m. list || johnny cage m. list || lin kuei trio m. list
shang tsung
sing for me || shang tsung x reader
sing for me pt. 2 || shang tsung x reader
keeping watch of you || shang tsung x reader
keeping watch of you pt.2 || shang tsung x reader
secrets and the moon || shang tsung x reader
wrapped around him || shang tsung x reader
sleep with you || johnny cage, kenshi takahashi, shang tsung x reader
stars in your eyes || shang tsung x reader x havik x quan chi
my obedient servant || nitara, rain, havik, reiko, general shao, shang tsung, syzoth x gn!reader
quan chi
stars in your eyes || shang tsung x reader x havik x quan chi
stay still || quan chi x reader x ermac
playing coy || havik x reader
stars in your eyes || shang tsung x reader x havik x quan chi
my obedient servant || nitara, rain, havik, reiko, general shao, shang tsung, syzoth x gn!reader
soft as you || general shao x reader
my giant lover || general shao x reader
too sweet || general shao x reader
just in need || general shao x reader
my obedient servant || nitara, rain, havik, reiko, general shao, shang tsung, syzoth x gn!reader
everywhere and anywhere || reiko x reader
admiring your strength || reiko x reader
my obedient servant || nitara, rain, havik, reiko, general shao, shang tsung, syzoth x gn!reader
look so pretty || rain x reader
sweet as wine || rain x reader
my obedient servant || nitara, rain, havik, reiko, general shao, shang tsung, syzoth x gn!reader
my obedient servant || nitara, rain, havik, reiko, general shao, shang tsung, syzoth x gn!reader
my marks on you || syzoth x reader
down on my knees || syzoth x reader
want them both || syzoth x reader
don't do that again || syzoth x reader
the heat off your skin || syzoth x reader
that dress on you || johnny cage, ashrah, syzoth, kenshi takahashi, kung lao, raiden, x gn!reader
my obedient servant || nitara, rain, havik, reiko, general shao, shang tsung, syzoth x gn!reader
heaven on earth pt.2 || johnny cage, tomas vrbada, kuai liang, harumi, bi han, liu kang, raiden x reader
that dress on you || johnny cage, ashrah, syzoth, kenshi takahashi, kung lao, raiden, x gn!reader
obey your empress || mileena x reader
dirty little secret || ermac x reader
stay still || quan chi x reader x ermac
sonya blade
knocking him down a peg || kung lao x reader x sonya blade
for hire || jackson briggs x reader
hanzo hasahi
for my honor || hanzo hasashi x reader
erron black
a working relationship || erron black x reader
sweet sugar trap || erron black x reader
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getmeoutofhell · 3 months
Mk1 Women aftercare x f!reader headcanons part 1
request: aftercare with mk 1 girlies??? fem or gn reader (*cough* KITANA&MILEENA *cough*) 😞😞 (either short oneshots or headcanons) 🙏
warnings: smut! meantions but mostly fluff. the words ‘good girl’ used.
a/n: yes my dear friend i can do this for you!! so i just made it one headcanon but mileena will be in part 2.
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oh my queen kitana would be so loving after a rough time in the bed. first she’ll see if you’re alright, making sure she didn’t go to crazy. sometimes she’ll call you a ‘good girl’ for behaving so good, which usually ends up making you wet all over again. she’ll then help you and herself get cleaned up, all while conforming you with praise. “you’re so pretty. my beautiful angel.” this then leads to a bubble bath together and cuddles afterwards.
aftercare depends on nitara’s mood that day. some days she’ll cuddle with you afterwards, other days she’ll just roll over and sleep. but don’t think to deep into this, because after she wakes up she will check up on you, i promise. “did i hurt you to bad?” she’ll then snuggle up in your chest, resting on you. or if you want to lay on her chest you can. as much as she’ll deny it, she loves cuddles.
ashrah is very, very gentle with you after sex. she will immediately give you closure and asking if everything was good for you. “are you alright dear?” she’s the best at showing you her love even after she’s been rough with you. you guys would probably even shower together as she hugs you from behind. or if you want to hug her. “i love you, my princess.”
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angel-of-the-moons · 6 months
Some MK11 Mileena x GN reader fluff please?
A Quiet Moment
Mileena x GN!Reader
TW/CW: None! Fluff! (Well some minor violence in MK terms but nothing graphic)
A/N: Okay so let's go with the Titan!Mileena ending for context, so Mileena is the Khanum of Time, whereas Shao Khan and Sindel rule Outworld, and she has her daughter. (Tho let's go with a slightly less macabre nursery for the baby than what was in her Aftermath ending lmao)
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The sound of tiny, happy gurgles filled the room as pudgy little fingers reached up towards you, bright glowing eyes pinched with glee as your baby girl babbled at you while you cradled her in your arms.
"Yes, yes, Grandma just came to visit, didn't she?" You chuckle, giving Sindel a polite nod of your head as she left the room.
Shao Kahn had yet to visit his granddaughter today, but he was busy in the Koliseum overseeing some gladiatorial matches today.
Your wife, Mileena, the Khanum of Time and Keeper of The Hourglass, was due to return soon. She would linger for a few combat matches, before making her way to see you, her loyal and dutiful spouse, and your little bundle of sharp-toothed joy.
Mileena was the happiest you'd ever seen the moment she recovered from the birth and was told her baby was a girl. She proudly proclaimed that she would name her Kitana. You asked her where she got the name from, and she merely smirked and said:
"Oh... It just came to me."
You weren't entirely sure why she said it with such malicious glee, or why her eyes twinkled in a certain way... but it was a nice name.
Kitana reached her little hands towards you again, babbling through her little fangs, still twinged red from the meat you and Sindel had fed her for her lunch.
"Yes, yes." You hummed to her, rubbing your nose to hers.
"Mama will be here soon, sweetheart."
She carried herself with her head held high, her sharp, gnarly fangs hidden behind her gold and ivory helmet and mask; both of which fashioned in a similar way to her father, Shao Kahn's.
Servants and guards bowed deeply to the Khanum of Time as she strutted past them all, eyes averted out of respect and fear as she made her way to her chambers where you, her lovely and ever-devoted spouse was awaiting her return alongside your darling daughter.
Ah... you were the perfect partner. In her eyes, you had no faults, every facet and fleck of skin was as it was meant to be for you.
Your personality contrasted slightly from hers and her parents, where they were violent, and hard-spoken in courtly manners, you were quiet and demure unless tested.
Shao Kahn once questioned your worth to his daughter's hand, but after a long and lengthy discussion with Mileena and Sindel in private, Shao Kahn bit his tongue from then on.
But even he couldn't deny you were a wondrous parent to his granddaughter.
Ah, but right now Mileena was on her way to you after a boring day at court. Unfortunately she missed the feeding of Kitana (which was one of her favorite things to do as she loved watching the baby voraciously shred the pieces of meat that you would prepare for her) but she could still make time with her until dinner and bedtime.
Right now she just wanted peace and quiet, and time to cradle her daughter and have you tucked against her side.
As Mileena came in, your face lit up and it made her heart skip a beat once again, as it always did when you smiled at her.
Mileena pulled off her crown with a toothy grin as she placed it on a faceless marble bust, and quickly dropped her pauldrons on the same decorative piece.
She pulled her clawed gloves off one by one and set them on the cabinet next to the bust as she made her way over to you, scooping Kitana out of your arms and cradling her against her breasts as she brushed her nose to yours, her tongue flicking out briefly to slide over your lips on her best approximation of a kiss, making you laugh.
"She's missed you, today." You say, moving to stand and wrap your arms around her, propping your chin on her shoulder as you looked down at your baby, her little maw opening wide as she yawned.
"She's been fighting sleep all afternoon. Even your mother couldn't get her to settle down." You sigh to her, planting a kiss to her shoulder.
"I know, the conversations with Kano dragged on and on, the pretentious cretin." Mileena scoffed.
"Ugh, him?" You said, your nose crinkling at the thought of the man who claimed he was the leader of the "Black Dragons".
Mileena giggled maniacally at the sound of your disgust, it was no secret you disliked Kano, especially after the one time he dared try to come onto you.
It was the first time Mileena saw you move so fast, grabbing a knife from the table and burying it all the way through the back of his hand and through his palm.
Mileena had whisked you away to make love to you rather desperately after that.
Kano has since given you a wide berth, however, especially once Kitana was born. He knew better than to test the ire of a fang-toothed Titan mama and her knife-ready spouse.
"Yes, I made it clear that I was not interested and had better things to do. Father laughed at him." She replied to you, running her knuckles down your daughter's chubby cheek as she nuzzled into her bosom, her little eyes finally becoming too heavy to keep open any longer.
"Hah! Good." You laugh softly.
Mileena grinned again and gestured for you to follow her as she walked over to your large bed, tugging the cords that held the canopy open as she maneuvered her body carefully so she wouldn't drop or jostle your child as she laid down on her back.
You smiled as Kitana kicked her little foot out and snuggled against her mother, and you crawled onto the bed alongside Mileena.
You moved up her body until your head was comfortably resting on her shoulder, giving you a nice view of Mileena as she cradled the baby protectively against her chest. Mileena's favorite way to let her nap was to lay her across her chest and rub her tiny back.
Your child, precious little Kitana. Was her pride and joy.
And you? You were her heart and soul.
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mrstsung · 7 months
Askbox: Closed. Until people send me requests instead of complaining about my posts and opinions on fictional characters.
These are what I'll write and not write.
IF YOU ARE A MINOR,I WOULD PREFER IF YOU DO NOT REQUEST NSFW WORKS. thank you. I am 18+ and I'm trying to make this a better and safer blog.
For recently, i have decided to not make any x reader fics and hcs for other people for the character shang tsung. I do not wish to share this particular character. So he is off limits. But anyone else is fine.
I do not post often here so apologizes if i dont get to anything right away.
My main blog is @arttrampbelle . I do post there but im trying to post here again more. For mortal kombat stuff
If you have any questions or concerns let me know
I don't do mk12/mk(1) 2023. So plz do not ask for that. I can do truly any other version. Sorry. I can maybe make a hybrid or my own version but it wont be like the actual game so of you're fine with that i could maybe make it work but i would very much rather do mk9,mk10,mk11,mk 1995,and mk legends.
I write hcs and imagines mostly. Full length fics are harder for my nurodivergent brain to do.
*added* i can write my own verse of mk12/mk1 shang tsung. But again i won't be writing him for anyone else,just myself or hc ideas. So if you wanna hear about them. I can do that. But sadly no x readers anymore of him. Again this is a personal choice.
Characters i will do:
Liu kang
Kung lao
Kuai liang (SUB ZERO/TUNDRA)
Hanzo hasashi(THE ONLY SCORPION!)
Reptile(lizardman look only because y'all cowards. Im not sorry)
Shao kahn
Johnny cage
Erron black
Quan chi(yes even him)
Shinnok(tho im not as good with him so plz bare with me)
Characters i won't do,things i can't do:
Any of the other elder gods besides shinnok because im not as good with them. So apologies.
Any of this titan nonsense. They don't exist to me. Sorry.
Shang tsung. He's my blorbo. And i have decided to not share or write for him anymore. So i really do apologize but i can't trust writing for other people with this character. I wanna write and self ship with this character in peace. So plz do not request any writing with shang tsung from now on. All my writing,art,kontent, for shang will be exclusively for myself only.
I do not write god liu kang(unless a corruption arch au idea?) Nor write him as some savior. You get the real chosen one or nothing at all.
I do not do character x character. I do not do anything outside of self shipping or character x reader or canon x oc/self inserts. So plz do not ask for this.
I do not write smut for minors. You can request fluff or sfw kontent only.
If you have something specific in mind,plz be as detailed as possible. Otherwise i will more likely do a in general thing
I write mostly GN and fem readers. I am not as good with masc readers yet. So apologies.
If you again have any questions. Let me know.
Ask box:closed
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roselyn-writing · 7 months
Can you please make intros for Mortal Kombat girls with male s/o who behave himself like Erron Black ?
Kitana, Jade, Sonya, Mileena and Cassie Cage
Plot: Y/N just opened a secret
Y/N was a former Black Dragon but similarly to Reptile/Syzoth from MK1 was forced to become their member or Kano would kill his younger sister who was only member of Y/N's family who actually cared about him. Kano anyway killed her.
Mk intros x GN! Erron Black! Reader
I hope you like it! ❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕.
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Kitana:*In disbelief* You were running with black dragon? Why!
Y/N: Kano took my sister as a hostage to ensure my loyalty but…. He killed her.
Kitana: *saddened* I’m so sorry, I didn’t know..
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Jade: *Angry* Kano will pay for what he did to you!
Y/N: *Nodded* We will finish him together.
Jade: Let’s move now!
Sonya Blade
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Sonya Blade: *Growling* How could you keep this secret from me? Didn’t you trust me?
Y/N: *Yelled* Sonya, You know that was in the past and my hands were tied because my sister was taken hostage by Kano and he eventually killed her!
Sonya Blade: *Speechless* My condolences.
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Mileena: You… were black dragon? Why?
Y/N: If I didn’t join Kano he would kill my sister but he eventually did..
Mileena: *saddened* I’m so sorry, I will kill him!
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Cassie Cage: *Smiled* Cheer up, Clint Eastwood, We will hunt Kano together!
Y/N: *Smiled back* That’ll be the best thing I have ever done in my life.
Cassie Cage: Indeed.
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angel-of-the-moons · 6 months
Mileena (MK 11) Masterlist
Mortal Kombat 11 Masterlist
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❤️‍🔥 -- Means NSFW
💘 -- Means eventual NSFW
🍰 -- Means Fluff
🥀 -- Means Angst
🍰 A Quiet Moment (Mileena x GN!Reader)
🥀 Timelost (Mileena x Reader)
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