#miss smith
beedokart · 2 months
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Quick redraw of a meme (not that one, another one that’s a reference to that one), but it’s Leonie/Zarenyia/Ms. Smith.
For Fem/February as well.
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tourma-lines · 8 months
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spider form worm on a string zarenyia and zarenyia and miss smith holding hands? worm tails? the worm equivalent of hands. yeah
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mametupa · 1 month
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“Miss. Smith is actually a really good teacher. She just needs to be nicer to Alvin, but he also has to stop making her mad.”
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quietflorilegium · 4 months
"He liked Miss Smith. He was sure she would like Kathleen. But he knew that people would take in a dog far more readily than they would take in a fellow human. It was odd, but it was true."
Diana Wynne Jones, "Dogsbody"
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“Sometimes, I really miss doing stuff like this to Miss. Smith.”
“Although, filling the detention room with foam was equally fun!”
“A 6 percent solution of peroxide, mixed with yeast and dish detergent. Bam! Foam city!”
“I said it was my science experiment gone haywire. She doesn’t know it was on purpose, although I’m sure she highly suspected it!”
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Miss Smith, Smart teacher.
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elwynten · 1 year
New Universes 3
Kidnapped by a Harpy
A couple days later I was on the balcony with Kim. He was hanging clothes out to dry. It's different in Japan than it is in America. Hanging clothes in American you use clothes pins to hang the clothes on a clothesline (rope). Here they put the clothes on bamboo poles Through the sleeves of shirts and dresses to dry.
I wasn't sure exactly which day Papi would show up, so I made sure I was out on the balcony whenever Kim was out there hanging clothes.
This happened to be the day. I saw a shadow go across the balcony and myself. Then I felt my shirt being grabbed and I was yanked off my feet. Papy had grabbed the back of my shirt with one of her feet and pulled me over to the railing. A moment later she took flight, and we were in the air. I waved at Kim and Miia as they watched me being 'kidnapped' by Papi. Although they didn't know who had snatched me.
Taima jumped off the balcony and ran after us. She knew what was going to happen. We had already talked about what I wanted to change so she knew to not interfere with Papi kidnapping me.
A short time later Papi dropped me onto a tree branch, and she fluttered in front of me. "My name's Papi. I'm Papi the happy Papi harpy." She told me.
Even though I knew who she was I went along with it. "Who?
"Harpy the Papi… Wait that's not right. I'm Papi the happy. Papi… harpy. Harpy, harpy Papi. Pap Papi harpy." She said trying to get out what she wanted to say. Unfortunately, Papi is literally a birdbrain. She forgets thing very quickly and she doesn't learn very well. I have plans to fix that.
"Where's your host family? You're not supposed to be out by yourself." I said.
"That's why I brought you here." Papi said innocently.
Papi looked behind me and saw an ice cream truck. "What's that over there? Food?" She asked, then grabbed my shirt again and flew over to the ice cream truck and dropped me so she could land.
Before she could do anything else, I gave her increased memory. So, now her memory is equal to an above average human's memory. I also increased her intelligence, so she is now as smart as the average collage graduate. She still needs to learn things, but this way she would learn easier and remember what she learns.
Papi grabbed me by the arm and started to drag me to the ice cream truck. After she took three steps, she looked at me. "Who… Oh, ya, I want some ice cream." She said.
"I'll get you an ice cream cone, but first I want to give you something." I told her.
"What are you going to give me?" She asked excitedly.
I gave her the Extra Arms Ability. That way when she needs hands she can extend her extra arms from under or over her regular arms/wings. And when she no longer needs hands, she can retract them so they will be out of the way. The Extra Arms ability also gives her the knowledge to use the Extra Arms as if she had them all of her life. While I was at it, I gave her Durability, Regeneration, Poison Proof, Convenience, Sustenance and Weather Proof as well. Convenience allows the person to clean themselves without water or soap. They can also clean about a ten foot by ten-foot area and it does a few other things as well. And I strengthened her wings and flight muscles so she could carry more in flight and fly longer. I also gave her night vision. That way she can see at night and not have to worry about crashing from being night blind.
"I'm giving you hands so you can hold things." I started and told her what she can now do.
"Really? I have hands now? Where did they come from?" She asked me.
I grinned. "I can give them to anyone I want to. And I wanted to give them to you so you will now have hands to hold things with and work with." I told Papi.
Taima came running up. She stopped a short distance from us so she wouldn't interfere with what would happen.
Then we went over to the ice cream truck, and I bought Papi an ice cream cone and I bought myself an ice cream bar. Then we went over to a park bench and sat down to eat our ice cream. Taima walked over and sat down beside me. I created another ice cream bar and handed it to Taima.
"I'm supposed to read the intersneeze derange bill. But I don't think that's what it really is." She said a little confused. "But I'm not allowed to go anywhere until I do." She told me.
"It's the Interspecies Exchange Bill." I corrected her.
"That kind of thing is hard for me, so I gave up pretty quickly. Then all I had to do was wait until the terminator wasn't looking. That doesn't sound right either. But then I ran away.
"It's coordinator." I corrected her.
"Yes. Interspecies Exchange Bill and my coordinator. Yes, that's right." She said.
"I've ran away lots of times and nothing's happened. Although, they said if I did it again, I'd get incested and deposited. I'm not sure what that means." She went on.
"That's arrested and deported." I told her.
"I don't like that." She said sadly.
I smiled at her. "Don't worry. I believe you'll start doing better now. Go ahead and eat your ice cream." I tried to cheer her up.
Even with her new arms and the knowledge of how to use them, Papi got ice cream all over her face and hands. "Eww, now I'm all sticky." She said and headed over to the fountain. She stripped off her clothes and jumped into the water. Then layed down on her back in the water.
"You shouldn't be in there. You need to get out." I told her.
"This feels nice. It's a good thing there's a bathtub in the middle of the city." Papi said while floating on her back. She reached up with her feet and pulled me in. "You should take a bath too. The water's great."
"There you are!" Miia exclaimed as she slithered up to us. Kim was right behind Miia. "We followed you as fast as we could." Miia told me.
"I didn't think I could run that far without getting tired. And I was able to keep up with Miia without any problem." Kim stated with surprise.
"Come on Papi. You need to get out and get dressed. You can take a bath when we get home." I told Papi.
"She's stuck." "Somebody call the police." Several people were saying as they looked up into a tree where a young girl was hanging onto a branch, afraid to climb down.
"Mommy I'm scared. Mommy… I'm scared." The girl called.
Looking up into the tree where the little girl was hanging onto a branch. "She can't get down." Papi said.
"This is not good. She could fall and get hurt." Miia added.
"I hope she's okay." Kim said as he looked up into the tree.
Papi had put her clothes back on. "I know. I can save her. I'll peck her till she lets go." Papi said and started running so she could take flight.
"No papi don't do that." I called even though I know it wouldn't do any good.
Papi jumped into the air then fell back to the ground. "I guess my wings are to wet for me to fly." She said face down on the ground.
"I'll get her down. Lamias are good climbers." Miia said and headed to the tree the girl was in.
"Keep calling to her so she knows your coming to get her." I called out, not knowing if Miia would listen to me or not.
A short time later the girl screamed and fell out of the tree. Papi jumped up and flew up to catch the girl. "My wings." Papi said because her wings were still to wet to keep her in the air and she started to fall. I reacted faster than Kim did. I ran up and caught Papi and the girl before they could hit the ground.
"I gotcha." I said as I caught Papi and the girl.
"You just saved me!" Papi exclaimed.
I smiled at Papi. "And you saved her. Good work." I said indicating the little girl.
Papi giggled as she stood up, And the crowd that had gathered were all clapping and cheering.
"Hay, wait. I tried to save the day too, you know." Miia said dejectedly.
Kim was standing beside Miia. "I know you did." He told her brushing the leaves out of her hair.
A police officer rode up on a bicycle and stopped beside Miia and Kim. "I heard there was a little girl stuck in a tree around here." He said looking around.
"Nope!" Miia stated.
"Well, there was, but thanks to this one, she's safe and sound." Kim told the officer.
"Oh, is that right. Thanks so much for your help." The officer told Papi and gave her a salute.
"Uh hu." Papi said returning the salute with her wing.
"By the way, you're demi-human exchange students, right? Where's your host family?" He asked Miia and Papi.
"I have Darling, but…" Miia started.
Papi looked at me. "Is this the part where I get incested?" She asked me.
"No, you won't get arrested." I told her. Then I turned to the officer. "I'm her host family." I told him indicating Papi. She lives with me." I told the officer.
"Then would you mind showing me your I.D.'s please?" The officer asked.
I acted as if I was pulling out a wallet and then held up my hand as if I had an I.D. in it. "Here's my I.D. officer. But Ms. Smith has Papi's I.D. She's Papi's Exchange Program Officer." I told him as I looked around to see if Smith had shown up yet.
At that time Smith walked up with Papi's I.D.. "Her it is officer." She told him and showed him the I.D. Card.
On the way back to Kim's house I introduced Taima to Papi.
Back at Kim's house. "How did you get her I.D. at the drop of a hat like that?" Kim asked Smith.
"Oh, that old thing? I already had it." She told us.
"What? You did?" He asked Smith.
"I've had trouble finding a host for a repeat runaway." Smith said. "I had it on me because I was going to force…" She stopped and cleared her throat. "I mean ask Eilwyn to let her live here. But she got away." Smith told us.
"So, the coordinator Papi ran away from, was YOU?" I said. "But wait, that's not good." I added.
"Well then, back to business. I hope you like your new home Papi." Smith said to Papi.
"Really?" Papi asked excitedly.
"What?" Miia said.
"Be sure to listen to everything this man tells you. He's the Master of the household." Smith told Papi pointing to me.
Papi leaned back in the chair she was sitting in and kicked her feet up. "Yaaay!" She exclaimed.
"Are you sure it's okay to have two of them living in the same house?" Kim asked Smith.
"Yaaay! Yaay!"
"Eeee, why not? Besides one of them will be living in that…" Smith started and waved in the direction of the hallway. "Other house." She finished.
"YaY! Whoo!"
"You're way to careless about your job." Kim told Smith.
"Yay! My home! Yay!"
"Now Papi, promise you'll never run away again." Smith said to Papi.
Papi walked over to me and grabbed my arm. "I promise. I may not be very smart, but I know one thing, and I won't forget it. I'll stay real close to my Master's side from now on." She told Smith. Then she looked at me. "Okay, take good care of me! Oh, Master, we never finished our bath earlier. Let's go take one right now." Papi said and started pulling my arm and heading out of the room. "Come on, come on." She said excitedly.
I let Papi pull me out of the living room and into the hallway. Once in the hallway. "Down the hallway. We need to go down the hallway, Papi." I told her.
"Okay Master." She said and started walking down the hallway, with Taima following us.
I looked at Taima and shrugged my shoulders.
I went ahead and took the lead and guided Papi and Taima to the 'door' to the pocket plain. Once in the pocket plain, "This is where you live now." I told Papi. "You'll have plenty of space to fly around without me having to be right beside you, and you'll have your own bedroom. And I'm sure Miia will come and play with you in the yard." I told Papi as I led her to the house.
I opened the door to the house and held the doors open for Papi and Taima to enter. "Taima, would you go get Papi a set of adjustable clothes for me?" I asked Taima.
"Yes… Master." Taima said with a grin on her face.
I stuck my tongue out at Taima. Then led Papi to the bathroom with the largest bathtub in it. I started filling the tub with fairly warm water. The bathroom was set up as a traditional Japanese bathroom. Although the bathtub was much larger than normal. "You do know that with your arms, you can bath yourself now." I told Papi.
Papi giggled. "I keep forgetting about them. But I would rather you give me a bath Master. You're supposed to take care of me Master." She told me and giggled again.
I laughed. That was part of Papi being Papi. Even though she was smarter now she still acted like a harpy.
"Okay then, get undressed and put your clothes up." I told her pointing to the cubbies for clothes. As I started taking my clothes off. I put my clothes in one of the cubbies along the wall. I walked over to the shower head, turned the water on and adjusted the temp.
"Where do you want Papi?" Papi asked after she put her clothes in one of the cubbies.
I pointed to the stool. "Right there." I told her.
Papi sat on the stool and looked up at me. "I'm ready for my bath." She said.
Taima came into the bathroom. "I have the clothes you wanted." She told me.
"Thank you Taima. Put them in Papi's cubby." I told her and pointed to the cubby Papi had put her clothes in. "If you want to join us, take your clothes off and put them in one of the cubbies as well." I added.
"Is Taima going to take a bath with us?" Papi asked.
"If it's ok with you, she is." I replied.
Papi looked at me for a moment then looked at Taima. "Taima can take a bath with us. It'll be fun." Papi said smiling.
I wetted Papi's hair then put some shampoo on my hand. I shampooed Papi's hair then rinsed it. Next, I got a wash rag, put some soap on it and washed her face, arms and hands. Papi just sat there smiling at me as I washed her. Then I rinsed the soap off of her.
I held out the washcloth to Papi. "I believe you should practice using your hands and finish washing yourself." I told Papi.
Papi looked kind of sad but took the wash rag. "Master in supposed to take care of Papi." She told me in a sullen voice.
I chuckled. "I am taking care of you. Part of taking care of you is making sure you can do things yourself." I told her.
While Papi was washing the rest of her body, I rinsed myself off. Then I held the shower head and helped Papi rinse the soap off herself. Then I held the shower head for Taima to rinse off.
"Okay, in the tub everyone." I said as I walked over to the wall and turned on a radio, set into the wall. I turned it to an oldies station. Then I went over and stepped into the tub and took a seat between Papi and Taima. I put an arm around Taima's shoulders and the other arm I put around Papi's shoulders and held them while we relaxed and enjoyed the music and made small talk.
After a while Papi got bored and started splashing water. I looked at Taima and grinned. Then I turned back to Papi and removed my arms from around both girls and started splashing Papi. We started having a water fight. Then Taima joined in, and we had a three-way water fight, splashing each other until Papi was too tired to fight any more.
I was kind of surprised that Smith didn't say anything about me giving Papi a bath. Either she didn't really care, she thought nothing would happen because of the laws or with Taima with us nothing would happen. It still seemed like Smith should object to me giving Papi a bath. That's something to think about later… maybe.
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adeleba · 26 days
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Something about different teens coming together to fight some prophesized evil, and gaining something more
(DR season 2 save me i miss em ToT)
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beedokart · 10 months
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A quick silly comic of one of my favourite Zarenyia scenes. She’s good at being girls’ sapphic awakenings.
Poor Miss Smith was not ready for her, and her power to look good in lederhosen via being a 6ft1 woman with short hair.
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hihomeghere · 5 months
RDR2 Text posts that are 100% true
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katsmtmsdoodles · 4 months
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Kai never really stopped wishing that he had been the chosen one
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5ftboy · 1 year
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How well does the DNDHAT cast know each other?
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quietflorilegium · 4 months
"You'll stay quietly here with me for now --" "Oh, I can't do that!" Kathleen said. "Yes, you can," Miss Smith said fiercely. "I've been very lonely since my Lass died, and I've not felt much use to anyone since I retired. I shall be glad to have you. And what I was going to say was, if we find we get on -- and we may not, because I am a highly independent and crotchety person, you'll find, Kathleen -- then perhaps you might like to stay here for good. Would you like to give it a trial?"
Diana Wynne Jones, "Dogsbody"
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robosuta · 1 year
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Zeke jaeger what a man you are
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