#minori my darling
sigmas-lover · 1 month
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My one year anniversary with Sigma was yesterday, so I drew our family portrait :)
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aylinvail · 3 months
Tanna Talk: This Week in the Rogue Trader AO3 fandom (March 17 - 23 2024)
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Hey hey hi, I want to be annoying on main so I thought it would be fun to start doing these weekly summaries of "What's new in the AO3 Rogue Trader fandom?" because my little rabbit brain can't keep up with the sheer amount of content and I loved @holylustration's dopamine week and think, you know what would be cool? Weekly newsletter style dop week minidose. This goes out to you @pycnolite my darling fellow organizer brained fan. Anyway, this is user aylinvail reporting to you live over vox caster from the Starseeker Bridge.
Flowers of Spring (March 21, 2024) has officially concluded. Flowers of Spring is a floral-themed Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader Edition. You can find all the entries on the Flowers of Spring (March 21 2024) tag. This was preceded by Rosette Coordinated Strike Day which was dedicated in honor of Inquisitor @leadflowers's birthday.
Cool new fics
Maybe the fic did something new. Maybe it innovated. Maybe it's an entirely new concept we haven't seen yet. A non-comprehensive list. Here's what I chomped on this week.
Salt in the Wound - user Weretoad_Writer explores the aftermath of the decision to exterminatus Rykad Minoris. Excerpt: "When you’re a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, right? So either take a swing or get the fuck away from me!”
Omnissiah Forgive Me - user @jaal-ama-daravv has launched the long awaited Pasqal/RT longfic. Excerpt: "Okay, Tech-Priest, you don’t get to die that easily.”
Killing Instinct - user @nerendus cooked a very sexy Tervantias the Archmachinator x RT dead dove fic. Excerpt: “Then don't allow it,” the Rogue Trader suggests. “Force me into submission as I do the same to you. Break me as I break you.”
Who updated?
Just because my silly rabbit brain is at capacity for longfics doesn't mean it's impossible to round everyone else's plot rabbits up.
Theatre of Hearts - RT/Nocturne of Oblivion arranged marriage. And from what I hear, getting really cultural difference-flavor of interesting.
My Knight So Daring - An Imperial Knight!Heinrix x noble!RogueTrader arranged marriage AU. And from what I hear, getting really hot.
Edge of Daybreak Unbroken - Heretic Rogue Trader gets brought back to the start of the game. Time travel shenanigans ensue.
Into Temptation - Ministorum priest x Marazhai x Heinrix. Dead dove!
Pigeons and Eagles - Argenta/Cassia! Enemies to Friends to Lovers.
Tapestry of Fate II - Heinrix/RT. The Godmother of Rogue Trader Heinrix fics. Elena M is currently the furthest along the events of the game out of all the current longfics.
Starseeker - Heinrix/RT intrigue rewrite of game events with Kunrad-related canon divergence. And a shoujo romance.
I Can Be Your China Doll, If You’d Like To See Me Fall - RT/Calcazar. RT is voidborn and Theo's daughter, has met Calcazar before game events.
gossamer of starlight - RT/Yrliet. Yrliet watches her elantach's dynasty fall apart in slow motion. Non chronological.
A Thousand Floating Worlds - OC/Calligos Winterscale where Calligos becomes the Rogue Trader to save his Found Family from Interrogator Calcazar.
will be updated, changed in the next few days, changes logged here. I just needed to get this out of my brainstem.
- Added I Can Be Your China Doll, If You’d Like To See Me Fall, gossamer of starlight as of March 22. Added A Thousand Floating Worlds on March 23.
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kawaiichibiart · 6 months
....how many fairy tales/stories has PRSK used for card sets?
Because we've got:
Wonder Magical Showtime! - Alice in Wonderland (with Tsukasa being the King of Smiles/Diamonds as opposed to King of Hearts, Emu is the White Rabbit, KAITO is the Cheshire Cat, Nene is probably the Caterpillar, Rin is the Mad Hatter, I believe in promotional art Miku is revealed to be Alice, who knows who/what Rui would have been assigned if he got a card)
Amidst a Dream, Towards the Shining Stars - Peter Pan (Emu is Peter Pan, Len is Tinkerbell, Tsukasa is Wendy Darling, Rui is John Darling and Nene is Michael Darling)
Mirage of Light - Snow White (and like, they're all Snow White, but I think it's very obvious that Mafuyu is the one who's meant to truly be Snow White, but it's still interesting to see how everyone else lines up as Snow White)
Mermaid Admiration - the Little Mermaid (Nene is the Little Mermaid, Ariel if you want to make things easier, Rui is the Sea Witch (or Ursula), if we go with the original version, Emu and Luka would be Nene's sisters, but yeah they're also mermaids, not sure who KAITO would be, maybe Triton, maybe a merman, maybe a third option that hasn't crossed my mind, and while in their show, Tsukasa was a merman, had he had a card, I think him being a human would make things more interesting, note: he doesn't have to be the prince)
Screaming?! Welcome to the Forest of Wolves - Mix: Little Red Riding Hood (Kohane as Little Red Riding Hood, Shiho as the Big Bad Wolf and Haruka as the Huntsman) Mary Had a Little Lamb (Rin, I honestly can't connect her or Minori to LRRH's story? So I figured they're both different characters from different stories), Three Billy Goat's Gruff (Minori)
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psychoelectricangel · 2 months
minori fancams from todays birthday show ໒꒱
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happy birthday minori! my darling angel girl <3
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ribbonsweetcreme · 7 months
Adventure! into the wolf forest we go!
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DND party drawing I made of my wolf forest team. Basically a rag tag group of adventurers (and Shiho as a supervisor sent by the capital) to aid in a werewolf infested forest outside of Vivid village.
Kohane the Ranger and her trusty familiar Count Pearl; She’d been a wanderer for most of her life going from town to town, kingdom to kingdom looking for work in order to survive.
An, the lovable bard with demon ancestry; the village darling, using her enchanting songs to liven up the village despite the threat posed just outside.
Minori, human wild druid turned half goat; while practicing her magic she ended up accidentally giving herself goat feature and doesn’t know how to make them go away.
Haruka, a retired idol sorcer; well know for her beautiful magic, even if it’s strength and practically was questionable.
Shiho, a reliable knight trainee sent from the capital to aid with the werewolf infestation; initially an outsider but bonds with the group as time goes on (also bout to live through her first canon event)
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Shiho: Why do I feel like something here is going to forever change the trajectory or my life?
Shiho: … must just be my imagination
Wolf Shiho will be real in 3… 2…
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kelsies-corner · 9 months
my minoharu week prompt drawings
day 3 was darling dance. the pose was absolutely painful to do
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day 4 was ocean + flowers. i gave up on the bg but i wanted to see haruka with flowers (given by minori obviously)
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day 5 was past. they had cool outfits when they were younger (i didnt want to draw haru's other eye)
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day 6 was an au! i drew them as nightcord members :3
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day 7... they took a picture together! i could do anything and i chose that!
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alright im done
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nogenderbee · 1 year
hey hey!! May i possibly request pjsk girls with a reader who loves drawing/art? Have a lovely day!! <3
Hello, my darling anon! I absolutely love your idea but there's overally 15 girls so I had to make 2 parts out of it. I'll post 2nd part the next day this will be posted! But anyway I know it's short but I hope you enjoy either way <3
PJSK girls with reader who loves art part.1
Tag List: @qwnelisa - come get your charming idol~
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⊱ Ichika didn't noticed your love for art at first, it's later on when she walked into your room for the first time and saw a bunch of drawings on your desk and she's absolutely impressed by your skills
⊱ definitely will ask if you can draw Miku or if you have any drawing of her, and if you do then she'll also ask if she can keep those drawings
"Your art is so pretty! Do you have any drawings of Miku? And if so, can I see them?"
⊱ if you just like art and don't really like to draw, she'll gladly show you some of her favorite fan arts and also will gladly see some of your favorite arts
"I recently found this new fan art of Miku and other VIRTUAL SINGERS, and I thought that this may interest you a little!"
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⊱ Saki noticed doodles in your notebook you borrowed her since she wanted to catch up on some lessons, and she couldn't blame you for doodling in class but... they seemed really professional!
⊱ when she notices yes u draw a lot, she'll compliment and find something she adores in EVERY SINGLE art of yours
"I love the way you accented those clouds in this one! They seem so fluffy, I just want to hug them!"
⊱ if you're only interested in art and not in drawing yourself tho, she'll ask everyone she knows for good art exhibition, and will gladly go there with you
"Hey YN! Guess what?! I found a really cool art exhibition that will have place in this week! Do you want to go there?"
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⊱ Honami found some of your drawings when she was helping you clean your place, it didn't had to be REALLY messy, she just wanted to help you with house work after stressful day
⊱ after seeing how good you can draw, she's really impressed by your skills and that you're so patient for activity like this
"You really drew this?! Wow... you must be really patient then! Whenever I try to draw it always turns out badly..."
⊱ if you don't draw and just like art, she will take you on a bunch of art exhibitions, she often gets informed about new events thanks to her job, so you can be sure she'll suggest something good
"I heard that there will be an art exhibition and it'll be held by the same person who held that great exhibition we couldn't come to last year!"
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⊱ Shiho noticed how saw some of your drawings on calm dates of yours when you spend time in comfortable silence and she didn't mind, you liked it so she supported you
⊱ if you share your drawing with her and ask her for honest opinion then don't expect her to hold back, sure you might be her lover but she'll still give you friendly criticism
"It's not bad... but I feel like this part ruins the whole drawing... I can't tell what's wrong tho since I don't know much about art... maybe try adding some more colors?"
⊱ if you only like art and don't actually draw, she'll gladly listen to you about it all and definitely will explore a little more about artist you're interested in the most
"I checked that artist you liked and I really like this one painting of theirs. What's your opinion on it?"
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⊱ Minori once asked if you know anything about art because her groups next stream was supposed to have art theme and luckily for her, you did!
⊱ if you showed her your drawings, she's absolutely amazed by your skills and will compliment every single one of your drawings
"I didn't knew you could draw like that! They're so pretty! Can you show me your sketches as well?"
⊱ if you're only interested in ary and don't actually draw, she still would like to know your favorite artist so she can share them with her group
"These are drawings of your favorite artist? They're so pretty! I'm sure everyone on stream will love it as well!"
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⊱ Haruka was telling you about book she read recently and really liked, and you couldn't help but remember drawing you had about the same or very similar topic to her book
⊱ if you show her some of your drawings, she definitely would be amazed by you and will ask if you have any recommendations on logo she wanted to give her group merch on social media
"Your skills are really impressing! Do you have any idea how to make my groups logo look better?"
⊱ if you don't actually like to draw and just like art, she'll show you some drawings she found for your opinion, after all she'd like to know your likes and dislikes in art so she can find some exhibitions you'd like to visit
"I recently found this drawing and really wanted to know your opinion about it."
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⊱ Airi saw some of your drawings when she was hanging out at your place and was looking for some of her lipstick she left at your place
⊱ she honestly was pretty amazed by how well you can draw and will ask you if you can help her design some of the decorations she thought for her groups next performance
"Hey, listen there. I thought about making some hearts since it'll be a love song but I don't want some basic hearts!"
⊱ if you're only interested in art and not on drawing yourself then she still thinks you can help her with decorations just by expressing your opinion (she'd also like to introduce you with Ena)
"Hey, I recently drew a little sketch for our next performance and thought that maybe some friendly criticism would be nice!"
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⊱ Shizuku always wanted to know about your interests so she probably discovered your passion for art very quickly
⊱ naturally first thing she did was ask if you had any drawings and if you did, she'd absolutely love to see them. And once you do show her, she won't stop complementing how good artist you are
"These are so pretty! I can see all the passion you put into this! And all the colors are making me so happy just be looking at them! And this part is..."
⊱ if you're not interested in drawing but are interested in art then be ready that she'll find you MANY art exhibitions, which is why some of them aren't really good but it's the thought that count, right?
"I found so many art exhibitions and they're all close! We can even have our date there!"
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buried-stars · 2 months
setsu... santa... date... kanade... trucy... and um. who's a curveball. saito
i love you so much
Sexuality Headcanon: i believe he is canonically bisexual and i will not take that away from him Gender Headcanon: he/they icon A ship I have with said character: im way too into santa/junpei. bonus throuple with snake. idk call me crazy but that's what i came out of the game with A BROTP I have with said character: kurashiki siblings forever and ever and EVER oh my god A NOTP I have with said character: people ship him with clover...? i know about the stairs line but. why. A random headcanon: he paints his nails black. for funsies General Opinion over said character: 999 has a lot of fantastic characters but he's my current fave. idk i love it when a kinda mean guy has a secret with a devastating impact on the plot
date: done here!
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian <3 Gender Headcanon: the n in n25 stands for non-binary A ship I have with said character: KANAMAFU!!!!! idgaf what anyone says. they need each other. poly nightcord also rules though A BROTP I have with said character: with honami... ooughh they just make me feel something very tender A NOTP I have with said character: any of the guys. also ive seen ppl shipping her with minori which isn't necessarily bad i just will never go for it A random headcanon: eventually mizuki has to cut her hair because she keeps tripping on it and eating shit as a result General Opinion over said character: my darling daughter. im getting you into therapy too trust me. when you have a saviour complex and are 16 years old ;-;
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian! Gender Headcanon: non-binary trans girl :D A ship I have with said character: i used to be rly into her and pearl but fell off it in recent years. atm i'm not sure i have one...? A BROTP I have with said character: WRIGHT ANYTHING AGENCY FOREVERRRRRR but special mention to apollo and phoenix. makes me feel very warm inside. A NOTP I have with said character: idk why people ship her with athena but it kind of makes me want to attack A random headcanon: not only was she the one who forged the bloody ace, but it was entirely her idea. phoenix actively tried to discourage her from doing it General Opinion over said character: I LOVE HER SO MUCH best mainline aa character. second fave overall. i so desperately need to give her a hug and tell her it'll be okay. im so mad that we never got a proper sequel to aa4 because the following games dont properly acknowledge her cheerful facade... "i'm the only one who knows trucy's real feelings" just breaks me. she's a kid. she's desperate to protect her family. i hope she has a nice day
Sexuality Headcanon: gay and homophobic Gender Headcanon: diversity net neutral! this serial killer is cis and yet carries some kind of swag...? A ship I have with said character: i think he should get into fistfights in parking lots A BROTP I have with said character: iris but only in clown house AU A NOTP I have with said character: everyone ever A random headcanon: this is specific to clown house AU again but i think he gets rly into designing violent video games. has the inverse effect of making him extremely chill General Opinion over said character: i hate this motherfucker so much but he's hilarious
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
heads up i'm writing this while listening to a fuck ton of teto covers so :thumbsup: also want to forward this with Minori !! Is so !!! I love her !!! but also yeah
anyways even though I'm not The Biggest MMJ Fan Of All Time I do want to talk about Minori because not even knowing much of MMJ main story she's ??? so interesting to me ??? like just the way she is also i think she's supposed to reflect idol culture a bit ??
because first of all. minori DOES NOT give up. like ever. girl just keeps going !! and that's so good for her !! but also sometimes you need to Stop. and she gets this determination from her idols !! who are literally also her bandmates !!
and that's all well and good but as per my previous statement, minori is headstrong about her goals and by extension her thoughts and feelings !!! and this can show in so many ways like she compares herself to a bunch of fully trained idols like erm... you are just starting man !! but she doesn't know that because all she knows is that she's not as good and she needs to be good to impress them !! which brings me to my next point
looking up to people is great. but like. minori my darling my sweet sunshine little minnow... these people are your FRIENDS not your superiors. she idolized the shit out of haruka and even in the wiki in haruka's relationship page it's mentioned !!
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their relationship !! is not easy !! because minori only sees her as better !! than herself !! and on minori's page
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and i'm like 90% minori doesn't even realized this monumental thing she's done !! like babes you made this girl. want to be an idol again. and you still don't see her as an equal ??? you saved her ??? even their trust rank is called "my idol"
and it kind of scares me that minori is so adamant that everyone is better than her !! she's going to work herself to the bone to try and achieve what everyone else has, and eventually determination isn't going to work anymore !!
it's similar to the idol industry and really just young girl's media in general !! you set impossible standards shown by people who have been raised since childhood to fill this specific role to try and show people who weren't child prodigies and whatnot that "you could have done this, but you're too lazy and therefore not as good" because that's what minori thinks !!
she sees baby haruka on TV who has probably been practicing since she was a toddler to smile and woo others, and thinks "why can't i do that ? I need to be better because she can do something i cannot" without knowing that it's because !! girl !!
I just can't get over minori. i want to see her realize that the people around her aren't always better than her and she doesn't have to feel inferior and that's so hard !! but she can use that determination and strong will and she !! can !! do !! it !!!
i want minori to see she's just as good as everyone else ans she doesn't have to prove anyone anything. also i think all the band leaders are so sad once you look into them and it's just :( anyways more more go minori !! go get em girl <33
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sleepy-bunbun-ace · 1 year
Five injured White Knights laid on the forest floor while an automaton pilot struggled to get out of her damaged suit. An alchemist stood on the long hair of the oldest knight. "Fufu, how hilarious," Rui chuckled, "it seems that even though with all your talk about defeating us, you just simply can't do that. Saki was right in joining us instead."
The eldest knight simply coughed and let out a soft 'fuck you'.
"Well, as fun as this was, I simply cannot let you live, my dear Tsukasa-kun. Maybe in another life things could have played out differently. Goodbye, my dear Tsukasa-kun."
The other knights could only watched in horror as Rui raised his staff while the pilot only struggled harder in getting out.
"I would step away from the young one, if I were you." Rui's body involuntarily stepped away from Tsukasa. His eyes were wide as he looked around. Soon enough his eyes settled on an older woman walking out of the woods.
She had short brown hair with silver streaks coming to her neck. Her light brown eyes looked at him with a hardened expression but also... disinterest? She wore a long red dress with a white collar, her sleeves rolled up and an apron tied around her waist. She had black gloves on her hands and brown boots on her feet. Around her neck was a pendant with a crest that was familiar to Rui.
She continued forward until she was standing in front of the White Knights. "It's quite rude of you to call someone your 'dear' when you don't mean it, isn't it? Hasn't your caretaker taught you anything about manners?"
Rui growled. How dare she. How dare she say such things! "You-"
"Meh, it doesn't matter. What matters is this." She took out a small rubber ball from a pocket Rui didn't notice. "Take out all your anger on him, won't you?"
The ball seemingly came to life and immediately targeted Rui. It pelted him with attack after attack, leaving him no room to defend himself. Seemingly satisfied, the woman turned to the injured White Knights.
All of them tensed, ready to defend themselves if she attacked even if they were injured. It broke her heart seeing these young teenagers act like that. "Please don't worry, I'm here to help. I saw what happened and I just couldn't let it happen any longer." She knelt down to their level.
Tsukasa didn't know whether to feel relief or terror. She singlehandedly beat Rui. Rui! The strongest Alchemist and one of the elites of the enemy! She could easily kill them off! Not that he would let her, of course! His juniors were much too precious to him and he didn't want anything bad happening to him. It wasn't until her pendant caught his eye that he made his decision.
That familiar dragon head looking to side with its emerald eye was very familiar. Now that he thought about it, the woman looked very familiar too. A faint memory locked under a haze surfaced for a bit before disappearing. "Alright, I'll trust you for now. But if you even dare lay a hand on them..."
"You have my word that I won't, darling. Now, allow me to pick you up." The woman did so with ease. She held Tsukasa like a prince would hold his princess after he saved her from the villain. Such a strange thing to think about. Like a troupe from a fairy tale.
The woman walked over to Minori who had the least injuries as she was in her automaton. She was still struggling to open it up. "Let her out, please." The makeshift doors opened with ease and Minori clumsily got out.
"Thank you so much, miss!"
"Huhu, it's alright dear." A large, fluffy dog with white fur jumped out of the automaton too and into his owner. Akito jumped up and hid behind Mizuki who was shaky on their legs. Len was helping Shiho up.
"Oi, senpai, why are we trusting this powerful forest lady?" Akito questioned. Mizuki could tell he wouldn't be getting an answer from how their senior looked. "Look on the bright side, Lil' Bro! She isn't attacking us like a certain someone."
"I know, but..."
"I know I'm just a stranger to you all but I will gladly help all of you out. Please, follow me." The woman turned to look at the automaton and rubber ball who was still attacking Rui. "Both of you, please follow us. As for you, alchemist, I suggest running far from here and not following us." They all did as told.
The automaton hovered without its pilot and the rubber ball bounced over. Rui's legs started running off into a random direction. The group went into the same direction as the woman had came from. Minori allowed Shiho and Len to climb up on her automaton with her as Samo-chan guarded the woman and Tsukasa. Akito had Mizuki's arm around his shoulder as he half-carried them along.
Soon they reach a clearing where a large castle was. Well, it was more accurately described as an off-balanced mesh of buildings, canons, and disparate pieces of junk hanging onto one another. It was also on creaky legs. A scarecrow with a top hat on its head, a pipe in a crudely drawn mouth, and wearing some more sophisticated clothes came up to the group.
"My sun! You're home!" A voice called. The group looked up to see the faint shape of another woman high up on the castle. The other woman jumped down to join them. Well, specifically to be with the other woman.
The other woman's pink hair was done up in butterfly locs as they cascaded down her back. Some locs went over her shoulder. Her blue eyes looked over at the woman carrying Tsukasa with so much love in them. She wore a form fitting off-white button up. Some deliberately left unbuttoned. It was tucked into some black dress pants and covered by a pink and blue diamond patterned jacket with gold trim. Her jewelry was eye-catching. Beautiful emerald earring dangled from her ears as a gold necklace with a diamond sat snugly on her neck. Rings covered her painted fingers.
The knights recognised her immediately. "Y-you're-!"
"Oh! We have some guests! Hello there, you all are now in the presence of Luka Megurine-Pendragon! It seems you have already met my wife, Meiko. Allow us to help you in your troubles."
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theguardianace · 4 months
i really need to catch up on leo/need and mmjs stories though. shizuku and minori my loves honami my darling they're everything.
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minimallyminnie · 1 year
Hear me out, @aoyagiisakito @enassbraid what if we had Rimokon cover with Nene and Toya?
Sega please don’t be afraid of adding cross unit songs that aren’t leader based. I need more than Salamander, Cosmospice, Gunjou Sanka, and Journey to keep me alive 😞
Here are my wanted covers and there’s some songs in game or upcoming but still. This may never happen but man is it fun to imagine.
Rimokon (Wonderful☆Opportunity)-Nene & Touya
Ai Dee(Mitchie-M)- Airi and Minori
Darling Dance (Kairiki-Bear)- Mizuki and Ena
Lost Umbrella (Inabakumori)- ok so maybe will never happen for these two but Rui and Akito? If not, Akitoya. Either way, slayyyy
Abnormality Dancing Girl (Guchiri)-Ena? Suits her a lot in my opinion. Or Nene.
Ikanaide (Sohta) Touya and/or Tsukasa
Deep Sea Girl (Yuuyu) Nene, Nene, Nene, it fits her so well please. I wouldn’t mind Honami singing with her either
Monday Melachony (Honeyworks) - Minori and Tsukasa
My R (Kurage-P)-Kanade and Mizuki
Reboot (JimmyThumb-P)-Leo/Need and Luka, please if they actually do this don’t do Miku. L/N Miku has a curse or something for terrible line distribution 😥
Fake Smile (Kairiki-Bear)-Tsukasa and Mafuyu
Mariuex (N-Buna)-Honami and Kohane
It’s Just Life (Nulut)- Rui and Toya. God it just screams them to me.
Proof Geometric Construction Can Solve All Love Affairs- (Mando-P)- I really adore this song but I’m not exactly sure who likes math in this game;; Mizuki and Rui and Len or Luka?
Ohedo Julia Night (Mitchie-M)-Nene and Toya or Rui. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Idm if this goes to MMJ, fits them too
Ifuudoudou- Rui and Tsukasa full cover when? Fantasia Squad full cover when?
Sacred Spear Explosion Boy (Rerulli)- HAHAHAHAH IF RUI AND TSUKASA GET THIS SONG THEN SURELY WE’LL HAVE AKITO AND TOYA SING THIS NEXT APRIL FOOLS (wild how Reruli can go from Kami No Manimani to upside inside out)
Flos (R Sound Design)- Mafuyu and Mizuki or Kanade
Mad Head Love (Kenshi Yonezu)-Vivid Bad Squad with the lead being Akito and An or Leo/Need with Shiho and Saki
Rabbit (John/TOOBOE)- Mizuki and Rui. Since I haven’t seen this song yet on anyone’s want list, the watered down lyrics are basically the singer being scared of losing the one they love because of their actions and feelings. Doesn’t need to take a ship route but they’re afraid of losing their friends aren’t they?
Po Poi Po (Lamaze-P)- Wonderlands x Showtime. Im going to die if they put everyone besides Rui because he’s afraid of vegetables.
Yellow (Yoh Kamiyama)- Toya and Akito
Quiet Room (Yoh Kamiyama)- Kanade and Kohane
Death Should Not Have Taken Thee! (Wonderful☆Opportunity)- Emu and Tsukasa
Mabel (Balloon)- Ichika and Shiho
The Secret About that Girl (Eve)- I know Mizuki has they pronouns but can’t N25 have a break? Singing this with Ena would be fun too
Raison D’etere (Eve)- Tsukasa and Rui
How to Eat Life (Eve)- Vivid Bad Squad would slay this
Mob (Eve)- WXS or N25, the song is about breaking out of Society’s oppression of yourself and how you should act.
Tokyo Ghetto (Eve)- N25
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aylinvail · 2 months
the cicatrix maledictum my darling u r here
Calligos shrugs casually, “I have my informants.” He looks at the shock on her face, “Come on, you think your protectorate isn’t crawling with informants, all of them eager to ingratiate themselves with the mighty Rogue Trader Winterscale?” He laughs lightly, “As I was saying, the Inquisition has begun dipping its fingers into Rogue Trader business.”
“And you don’t like that?” Aylin regards him carefully now. This could be a trap for all she knew. Some heavy handed way to pull her into admitting to an indiscretion. If Heinrix were the one to catch her, she could count on mercy. Anyone else would have her blood.
“No.” Calligos’ eyes bore into hers, “I don’t, Aylin. Everywhere you go in this galaxy, the long arm of the Imperium follows. Everywhere, the scene is repeated. Every planet, every system. Wherever the Inquisition goes, they bring the Imperium and where the Imperium goes, the world becomes tame. It becomes known.”
“Yes, the Inquisition assists in bringing the light of the Imperium. We share a mission. I have a copy of the Warrant of Trade, may I remind you.” She gulps down her drink.
“Our work. We clear the way and they come to pave it.” Calligos points at her, “You got a copy of the Warrant of Trade. You give it a closer look? No? You should. Read it even more carefully because right there – you followin’ me, new blood? – right there, you’ll see our powers only exist outside the Imperium. The moment wild space becomes Imperium space? Rogue Traders can fuck themselves.”
Aylin swallows, “You want the Inquisition gone?”
Calligos grins from ear to ear, “Before they get their fingers into everything. Goodness knows Calcazar’s got Incendia by her balls already.”
“You said it yourself-” Aylin chooses her words carefully, “You go after one, the others come. There’s a whole conclave sitting out in the Calixis Sector. Whatever your gripe is with the Inquisition, I can assure you Rykad Minoris isn’t worth taking them all on.”
“What if they can’t come?”
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melodyclover · 1 year
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WHAAAT I DIDNTKNOW THERE WAS AN MMJ PNE SINCEIVE ONLY SEEN PEOPLE POST ABT NIIGO T_T WoahSorry for yelling. Minori my angel..She is so cute asalways& I love her little teeth🐿Shes a a squirl to me. Her hairclips are butterflies isn't that just darling?!!!??!
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sora227 · 1 year
Songs I want in Project Sekai !!
Welp, you guys asked for it (not really) Here is the full (kinda) list of songs I really want in prosekai :)) I am so normal about this... there are 40 songs I have written down, along with the reasons and the vocals I want. Have fun reading this.
Virtual Singers
AaAaAaAAaAaAAa - Nashimoto Ui Miku Reason: I love this song, and the chart would be sooo cool. But I really don’t want anyone to cover it, it’d feel weird, even if N25 sang it.
SIU - Maretu Miku Reason: MARETU WHY AREN’T YOU IN PROSEKAI YET??? This song needs to be added, N25 could cover it but I prefer Miku.
Monster - Kira Gumi Reason: We need more Kira songs plspslspls,, this one’s his most viewed song?? I think?? Either way, emo gacha animation meme phase, but good nonetheless.
Triple Baka - Lamaze-P Miku and Teto Reason: Baka baka baka
Dancing Samurai - Kanimiso-P Gakupo  Reason: I love Gakupo, the chart would be funny, this entire thing would be for the laughs the sillies and the hahas.
Proof Geometric Construction Can Solve All Love Affairs - ManboP Gumi Reason: HOW IS THIS NOT IN PROSEKAI YET IT’S SO REAL??? Amazing song.
Tokyo Teddy Bear - Neru Honami, Saki, and Rin Reason: This song is incredibly requested but HOW IS IT STILL NOT IN THE GAME YET?? Anyways, I chose the vocals bc Ichiho sang Lost One’s Weeping, so pls let Honasaki sing this one. It’d be cool. We’d see a more powerful side to their voices. Yay!! 
Brain Revolution Girl - Maretu Ichika, Saki, Honami, Shiho, and Miku Reason: MARETU WHY AREN’T YOU IN PROSEKAI YET??? pt 2. This song is good idk man.
Overdose - natori Ichika, Shiho, and Kaito Reason: Not vocaloid, but this song has been stuck in my head. Kaito cover plsss. Don’t stop it music darling!!! OOoooo.
Life Reset Button - Kemu Shiho, Ichika, and Rin Reason: MMmm good song slap, Ichiho w.
Oeoeo - Nashimoto Ui Saki, Ichika, and Miku Reason: I actually really like Nashimoto-P, there’s not 1m+ views for this but whatever. OeOeO. Ik it’s about being drunk but it’s good. Okay. Plus being sick is Saki hahahahah I’m so sorry.
Ensei Rock - Hirose Aru Ichika and Miku Reason: GOD THIS SLAPS it’s so emo but as you can tell I really like l/n singing dark songs. Another Ichika and Miku duet lolz. Anyways.
More More Jump!
DARLING - MARETU Minori, Airi, Shizuku, and Haruka Reason: MARETU WHY AREN’T YOU IN PROSEKAI YET??? pt 3. This song is so pop please do this one at least pjsk. They would all sing this one fore sure.
Nee Nee Nee - PinocchioP Haruka and Shizuku Reason: Cute! Sillies. We need more Shizuharu songs fr.
Age Age Again - Mitchie M Airi, Minori, and Miku Reason: AGE AGE AGE AGE AGAIN!! Did you know that Mitchie M basically owns MMJ. Yeah guys. How has this not been added yet huh. Airi and Minori would fit this song fr.
Dance of Corpses - Kikuo Minori, Haruka, and Luka Reason: I think the Minoharu contrast of voices would be cool. Also ik Miku originally sings it, but guys please let Luka sing. For me.
Electric Angel (GIGA arrange) - Yasuo, Giga, Orebanana-P Shizuku, Airi, Rin, and Len Reason: How is this song NOT in yet?? It’s so cute. Shizuairi and the Kagamine twins would be so cute, this song makes me happy.
Ohedo Julia Night - Michie M Minori and Miku Reason: Kanade and Ichika both had duets with Miku, so let the other protagonists have them too! This would fit WxS too, but because I’m silly why not. Just give Minori a duet with Miku only. Yup.
Vivid Bad Squad
Cinderella - Deco27 (Giga First Night Remix) Kohane and Miku Reason: This fits Kohane, and she should only sing it with Miku. Giga owns VBS just like Mitchie M owns MMJ. Real.
KANKAN☆DANCIN - Kira and Kuraiinu Akito, An, Rin, and Len Reason: Akian so funny. Don’t listen to this often, but yeah. Okay.
Mobius - Hiiragi Kirai Kohane, Toya, and Kaito Reason: We need more Hiiragi Kirai songs. Yeah, that’s it.
On My Seventh Birthday - MASA Akito, Kohane, Len, and Rin Reason: IMAGINE BRUH. Hi Masa fans. This would be weird and cool. It begs for a 3dmv. Another song that could be WxS, but might as well. NOT putting The Fox’s Wedding on this list because goh dayum no.
Star Lily Dance Performance (Remix) - MASA Akito and Toya Reason: I FUCKING NEED THIS. I’M FR. THIS SONG IS AMAZING. Actually yk what. This is the ONLY SONG I need in pjsk, and I need it to be Akitoya. Post canceled, top 5 reasons why this song should be added and it must be Akitoya. Number one, it’d be both a good 2dmv and a 3dmv. Number two, they would eat the song up. Number three, this song is *claps*. Number four, only normal onibi series song. Number five, gay people. Bonus: Hai hai hai azore! I am so normal about this song (lie).
Wonderlands X Showtime
Hate It! Hate It! Huge Ego! - Takeaki Wada Tsukasa and Miku Reason: I love this song. SO glad they added Trash and Trash, it’s my fav from Kurage-P/Takeaki Wada. This song fits Tsukasa before the main story,, and no one should sing it but him! And Miku. 
Close and Open, Demons and the Dead - HACHI Emu, Tsukasa, Rui, Nene, and Miku Reason: OKAY, I AM NORMAL ABOUT THIS. We need the Hachi song. Yes, we. They would all sing it. It would be amazing. This is my second wanted, first being Star Lily Dance Performance. It'd be soo funny and kinda dark, they would eat the 3dmv like always. !!! Yeah.
Hole Dwelling - Kikuo Emu, Tsukasa, Rui, and Nene Reason: This song is so dark and weird, it’s so WxS. I don’t want a virtual singer to sing with them, this would just be them.
The Chattering Lack of Common Sense - Ghost Rui and Nene  Reason: They fit the roles, and they both speak english!!! Unlike Tsukasa and Emu lolz. I love Ghost’s songs.
I’m Only Just Getting Started - Nashimoto Ui Rui, Tsukasa, and Len Reason: The vibes this song gives are REAL!! So WxS, and I want another Ruikasa cover. I want Len to sing this too because it’d be cool. Soooo ffksfa;fnfn yeah. YEAH!!!
Queen - Kanaria Emu and Nene Reason: Almost everyone asks for this cover, and there’s a good damn reason. It's called King 2.0
Nightcord at 25:00
Abnormality Dancin’ Girl - Gurichy Mafuyu, Ena, and Meiko Reason: AHHH THIS SONG FITS THEM BOTH??? Ena suffers because she’ll never be perfect, and Mafuyu suffers because she has no CHOICE but to be perfect. I love Guchiry's songs a lot, and this is one of the most popular. Plus we already got one (1) Meiko cover. We can do this folks.
Lagtrain - inubakumori  Kanade, Ena, and Miku Reason: Good calm sad song. It’s quite popular. I like inubakumori.
Disappearance Addiction (MARETU remix) - Kairiki Bear Mizuki and Mafuyu Reason: I LOVE IT WHEN MIZUMAFU SINGS TOGETHER. THEY BOTH SOUND SO AMAZING. Venom was so real, now we must have DA, but the Maretu Remix is so yooo.
Therefore you and me - TadanoCo Mizuki and Ena Reason: It gives Charles vibes. That's it.
Yellow - Yoh Kamiyama Mafuyu, Kanade, and Miku Reason: Not a vocaloid song, but Kanamafu + Miku complaining about Mafuyu’s mom is so real. Oh, and they fit the voices.
The Snow White Princess Is - Noboru-P Kanade, Mafuyu, Ena, Mizuki, and Miku Reason: Yeah. They should all sing this! It’d be cool. So true.
Plus Boy - Giga, Reol Rui, Tsukasa, Akito, Toya, and Len Reason: I regret my life’s decisions, thanks a lot. They sang ifuudoudou, they can probably do this. Uh... Also let Tsukasa say fucking again for the third time now pls. That’d be so funny. I’m sorry. They shouldn’t sing this it’s so aaaaaaaaa but?? I thought it’d be funny to add.
My Time - Bo En Tsukasa, Kohane, and Minori Reason: OMORI REFERENCE???? Gasp. Tsukasa would NOT sing the english parts, but him saying oyasumi would be real!!
Confusion - Maretu Ichika, Kanade, and Miku Reason: My favorite Maretu song, it means a lot to me. It’s quite underrated, I never think it’ll be added. But I still love it.
I’m glad you’re evil too - PinocchioP Ichika, Minori, Kohane, Tsukasa, Kanade, and Miku Reason: This song… so… abfabdbfkasdfjaqadnlbladsd chefs kiss. This would make me break out into tears if they did a cover of this. They’re all glad Miku’s there, “evil too”. The reason they didn’t break? Miku, the Sekai, and their friends. And they’ll sing why to you about their life, their experiences that started because of a passion, and a little robot singer. Forever more.
...and, that's it! Thanks for reading all this way, I appreciate it :)
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sigmas-lover · 2 years
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My name is Philiah !! Mai pronouns are he/her! You can find more information about me on my main blog! or my straw.page :3
This is my self-ship blog where I ship myself with Sigma (from Bungou Stray Dogs) and Sigma only 🫰
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To note, you’ll find me not responding to reblogs more often than not. But never be afraid to comment reblog anyway; I see them all da time and thank you loads for wanting 2 engage :3
I am also not a person that makes a habit of forming mutuals! I will simply remember your username forever.
…said the old me but I don’t think I can remember every person I’m “following” so to make life easy…
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Tags #sigma my beloved — the actual self-ship stuff. Stuff about me and Sigma ! #asuka my sweetheart — hey can the community come up with a familial name for self ship this is my daughter Found Family or something idk Self Family?? #minori my darling #thistle my baby #sigma our beloved — in which, you or we are hopelessly in love with him together #not sigma (xxx edition) — what it says on the tin
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