#minhyun fic
slytherinshua · 2 days
genre. hurt/comfort. warnings. takes place in between s1 and s2. yul is still in seoho fortress. stupid worm 👎 yul has to think about how much longer he has until he dies.... a lot. pairing. fiancé!yul x fem!reader. wc. 811. request. no. a/n. yul being in pain w the worm gives me such brainrot cause nursing trope is my fav trope and it doesn't quite count as nursing trope but ITS CLOSE ENOUGH HEHE.
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“Shit— It’s happening again!?” You stood up from your seat with haste, rushing to the other side of the table where your lover sat. Yul doubled over in pain, breath irregular and aching. It happened often— ever since the day he had gotten trapped in the training center by the ice stone, he had never fully recovered. Though he tried to conceal his condition so you would not worry, he couldn’t keep it up for long. 
You were one of the few people that Seo Yul trusted without a doubt, and the only person he had ever told about his condition. He wanted to make sure that if the condition killed him, at least you knew. You spent every moment with him preciously, wanting to make use of however long you were given with him. Whether it was 50 days or 50 years, you wanted to make Yul as happy as you could. 
In front of others, Yul was forced to conceal his pain. You had watched as he kept a straight face in front of his father, mother, uncle, and household servants. It had taken quite a bit of coaxing from you to even get him to not conceal his pain from you. 
Your heart shattered into a million pieces seeing him like that; in pure agony, sweat building on his forehead, jaw clenched and eyes shut tightly as he tried to endure it. It was hard to even imagine how painful it must be— Yul barely even flinched from a stab wound. How much more painful must it be that he could barely stand?
You wrapped your arms around him tightly, your left hand finding his, “Squeeze it as hard as you need to.” You told him softly. Thankfully he complied, squeezing your hand tightly, breathing out in short cut-off gasps.
You knew you couldn’t do much— you felt helpless every time it happened. You could hold him tightly and soothe him with your words, and you hoped at least that much was enough.
You watched his breathing steady a little, and you let out a relieved sigh, knowing that the pain was subsiding. You pressed kisses to his temple until he stopped squeezing your hand. He held it gently, his strength completely exhausted.
“You’re okay. It’s okay.” The words were more of a reassurance than a fact. You knew he was not okay, nor would the pain ever stop unless there was some way to get the wretched worm out of his body. You longed to be able to take over his pain, if only for one day. Anything to let him rest.
“Thank you.” Yul uttered once he had caught his breath, letting his head fall until it rested on your bosom. You sunk your fingers into his hair, gently threading them through to relax him.
“I hate to see you in pain… I wish I could take it away from you.” You told him quietly. The moments after were always filled with a voiceless longing for things to change, from both Yul and you.
Yul straightened, shaking his head, “No. Never. It is far too painful for me to even think of you experiencing it too.” He met your gaze. You had rarely seen him look so scared and determined at the same time. “Seeing you in pain would be far worse than the pain I experience now.” You sighed, knowing you could not fight him on this. 
“You understand how I feel then…” You swallowed uncomfortably and forced a smile back on your face. Fighting with him over this, even if it was just a small disagreement, was not worth it to you. 
He reached for your hands, “I am fine now, my love. Do not trouble yourself over it too much.” He smiled at you, and you could not help but mirror it. Cupping his cheek, you leaned down until your lips connected. Hearing Yul’s contented sigh at the feeling of your soft lips, you smiled into the kiss.
Despite the agonising pain Yul experienced daily, as long as he was still able to hold you close and kiss you like this, he would do it all again without thinking. He could not lie to you and promise to be able to spend decades more by your side. He could wish for that amount of time to stay next to you— to call you his wife— but he’d be dumb to believe that he was going to live for that much longer. All he could do was vow to stay by your side for the rest of his life. Hundreds of years would still never feel like enough when it was all over. He had learned to cherish what he had while he had it. He wouldn’t let you go until he was at death’s door. That way he could die without any regret. 
↳ k-drama taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @wolfmoonmusic,, @cha3w0n-hearts,, @tempobaekh,, @candewlsy,,
@cosmicwintr,, @blossominghunnie,, @parkjennykim,, @seunghancore,, @emmylksblog,,
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blue-jisungs · 7 months
red and blue colored jealousy
author's note. thank u zanna @slytherinshua for coloring the yul pic <333 i hope u enjoy it!!! the bestest boy ever :( also!! my yet another take on "eloquent" wording hehehehe 🤓☝️
word count. 1.9kish
warnings. its not a warning techinally lol but its fem!reader ++ reader is wearing a hanbok for women and has long hair.... theres no aos spoilers (i think) + its not specified when its taking place so feel free to interpret it ur way lol ++ not proof-read sorrrrryyyyyyyy
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the tender music of kayagum, haegum, choktae and other instruments filled the room. the lights were slightly dimmed, a couple of candles casting shadows on the walls and curtains.
the crown prince sighed heavily, shifting on his seat.
“what is all of this?” he asked, fingers drumming against the wooden surface of the table. seo yul smiled softly, looking at uk.
“due to all the stress and hustle happening in the city, we decided to fill out spare time with some happiness” yul explained gently, nodding. park danggu shushed them, parting the table in excitement.
“it’s starting!”
go won was about to ask how could he tell but then some of the candles went out, as if a gust of wind did it. however, everyone felt a sudden invisible force causing them to shiver.
“did someone open the window…?” uk blinked and then they heard a faint rustle.
chwiseonru didn’t have a stage, to be frank. they just moved a couple of tables and cleared some space. the ladies sitting on the cushions, dressed in pink and purple coloured hanboks were on the ground. their fingers gently strummed their instruments, touches feather-alike.
suddenly, there were footsteps. everyone in the tavern noticed a woman.
she was wearing a black hanbok with crimson sewed details. small leaves and flowers adorned the cloth on the sides. she had her long hair braided, loosely put and swaying on her shoulder.
her hands were slim and her pointer finger was adorned with a red jewel. it shone beautifully, ruby and crimson glittering in the faint light. if one looked closer, they were about to realise it’s one of the half of ying and yang stone.
however, her face was hidden behind two fans. one of them was black with faint agate details, the other was an opposite – red with black sewings.
she held them in a way that hid her face, which only made the viewers more curious.
suddenly the pace of music fastened and the woman started flapping her fans a bit more rapidly. with swift and hypnotising moves of her body, she revealed her face.
she had some artistic makeup on her face: a curved line forming under her eyes that created a crooked circle, only to connect above her brows. two, small ruby stones were glued on her cheekbones symmetrically.
yul noticed the way the prince’s eyes widened, cheeks flushing and lips parting in awe. the mage scoffed, ignoring his friend’s gaze.
the performer moved gracefully, just like water. her moves were clean and gentle, the flutter of fans creating her own music. uk frowned upon noticing the similarities between some of her dance moves and chisu or even hwansu.
“she’s gorgeous” go won breathed out, his eyes focused on the dancer.
the performer’s face remained cold and expressionless, eyes trained in the audience. a brief eye contact with the prince caused him to smile and nod. whereas yul just clutched his fist, uk was growing more and more suspicious.
the song seemed to reach its climax, beat going faster and faster. nevertheless, the dancer didn’t fail to catch up, moves becoming more sharp and sturdy.
with a sudden thrust, the rest of the candles went out. briefly after, she finished the performance ending in the same position she started.
people started clapping and cheering, go won cleared his throat.
“who… is she?” he asked quietly, turning to the others. in the meantime, the servers lit up the candles again.
“l/n y/n” a female voice rung up from behind him, causing the crown prince to jerk in surprise.
yul sent you a soft smile, your face visible in the light once again.
the crown prince turned around and grabbed your hand, placing a gentle peck on the top of it.
“your performance was stunning. i have never seen anything like this in my entire life! the music, your moves and grace… truly breathtaking. how come i haven’t seen you perform before?” he asked, eyes sparking with adoration.
you chuckled sweetly, bowing elegantly.
“thank you, your highness. i had a break from performing… someone insisted i started dancing again which is why i’m here” you smiled and caught yul’s ebony irises on you. you couldn’t read his expression.
“thank gods that person convinced you. sincerely speaking, im fully mesmerised with you” the prince smirked, a playful smile dancing on his lips
“i’m pleased to hear that, my prince” you bowed once again, noticing uk’s sturdy gaze on you.
“i shall invite you to my castle one day”’ go won hummed. you nodded with a satisfied smile.
“i appreciate that you’re thinking so highly of me, my prince…” you started and looked above his head, only to meet seo yul’s gaze. you weren’t meant to finish as another compliment was landed at you.
“and your fans… may i have a look at them? they look absolutely stunning” he asked.
normally, you’d refuse. but it was the crown prince after all.
nodding and handing him your fans, you saw how he traced the detailed sewings on them.
“beautiful work. may i know by who was it made?” go won asked, rising his head up to look at you. he was amazed not only by your dancing skills but also your beauty. especially those e/c eyes.
“it was a gift from a dear friend of mine” you explained and took back the fans once he handed them to you.
“i see. will you perform again?” the crown prince asked, flirty tone in his voice.
you were meant to give just one dance.
but who were you to deny the majesty’s request?
you finished shortly after midnight, the moonlight sneaking through the windows. the prince wanted more and more, enchanted by you. only when he noticed that your musicians are getting tired, he decided to stop. bidding you farewell (not failing to shower you in compliments once again), he was gone. the ordinary people went home, leaving just a couple of drunkards and the mages left. they decided to return to the jeongjingak.
when you left, they stayed for a bit longer to finish their drinks. yul put his hands on his thighs, observing the crown prince.
“i’m really enchanted. who invited her?” the man asked. uk was about to snicker a joke about being so love-struck.
“yul! yul knows y/n, they’re good friends!” danggu yelled out, a bit more louder than he intended. yul felt his eyes widening as the prince’s thundering gaze shifted to him.
“seriously? and you never introduced me to her? seo yul, i’m disappointed” the crown prince tsked.
“i never knew you were a fan of such things, your highness” yul bowed his head and stood up. the sudden motion combined with couple of drops of alcohol in his system caused his vision to blur.
“ah, it’s a shame i only discovered her now. but better now than never, hm?” go win tilted his head and observed yul’s rosy cheeks.
“yul-ah, you seem distracted. is everything alright?” uk asked, worried. he stood up and placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“yeah, i’m just tired. we shall go. i need to get one thing done and i’ll join you in jeongjingak” yul sighed. he bowed and left them, ignoring their weird looks.
there was a sudden knock at your door. you let out a sigh but your gaze didn’t leave your reflection in the mirror.
“i’m sorry, your highness, but the performance is over” you called, hands working on untying your braid.
“oh, my apologies. i just hoped for a quick chat with such an amazing dancer”
you turned around and your face lit up upon seeing yul. he smiled wildly when your eyes met.
“oh for you master yul… i suppose i could make some time” you teased. yul closed the door and approached you slowly, as you reassumed to unbraid your hair “did you enjoy the show?”
“oh, of course i did. anyone would be a fool not to enjoy it” he hummed, placing his hands on your arms and massaging them gently “a certain individual seemed to enjoy it especially…”
“oh?” you rose your eyebrows, meeting his dark-brown irises in the mirror’s reflection. his face was pensive, brows furrowed and jaw tensed.
he huffed and leaned a bit forward, grabbing your hair gently and putting it on your back. as he started to unbraid your hair tenderly, careful not to tug too harshly, you started to wipe off your performance makeup.
“the crown prince fell in love, i recon” he murmured, shrugging nonchalantly.
“with the performance? i mean, i’d be rather upset if the future king wasn’t entertained with my dance” you hummed and put away the dirty cloths, your face now bare.
“i think he was more found of you than the show itself, y/n” seo yul sighed and parted the last parts of your hair, finally letting it flow on your back loosely.
“hm… it flatters me, truly” you smiled and noticed his brows twitch “yul?”
“yes, dear?” he asked, sitting down next to you. he looked at the stone on your finger, smiling subconsciously.
“are you jealous?” asking, you raised the corner of your lip.
he just rolled his eyes playfully, yet no words were spoken.
“oh yul…” you giggled and poked his chest “you seemed to kill him with your gaze the second he opened his mouth while he was talking to me”
“stop talking such nonsense about the future head of the country…” seo yul grunted, avoiding your gaze. a slight blush adorned the tips of his ears.
he leaned and grabbed your fans, holding them gently.
you observed how he traced the black sewing, then moving to the red one. he was thinking about something, absentmindedly moving his fingers along the soft fabric.
“i’m sorry” you huffed, placing your hand over his “i tried to hold a distance but he was too…”
“it’s a future king, they tend to get too blind to notice someone is uncomfortable” yul scoffed and looked up at you, suddenly reaching out and holding your chin with his free hand. he tilted his head, a faint smirk dancing on his lips “but you’re mine”
“mhm” you hummed in agreement and waited for him to shorten the distance between you two.
as your lips finally met, your head went spiralling. every kiss with seo yul was like the first time, always so passionate and tender.
you’ve been dating yul for a while now, yet you were keeping your relationship secret from the public eye. and for the time you’ve spent with your lover, you noticed his habits… such as struggling to word out his love. however, his words just weren’t verbal: yul adored to shower you with gifts and small gestures.
like those fans you always perform with. or the finest performance makeup supplies he got from afar. or the handmade hanbok for you to perform in. or the musicians.
or the ring.
as you felt the air escaping your lungs, you moved your hand from his and put it at the back of his neck.
leaning away, you noticed his flushed cheeks.
“i’m yours, yul. not going anywhere, even if the prince offers me to rule the country” you chuckled and tapped his ring, the blue part that matched yours.
“good” yul huffed, noticing the gesture.
after all, the red and blue yin and yang jade was the symbol for ever lasting love for a reason.
masterlist <3
taglist. @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @jiwuu ,, @ameliesaysshooo ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @primoppang ,, @dazzlingligth
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gyuhanniescarat · 1 year
hwang minhyun masterlist
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┊ 𝕜𝕖𝕪 ┊ 🌶️ = Mature/Suggestive 🔞 = Smut 🍻 = Poly/Multiple 🖤 = Angst 💐 = Fluff ⚠️ = Toxic 🤡 = Humor 📚 = Series 📝 = Oneshot 💌 = Drabble
❀ Please refer to my does not write + guidelines posts before sending in a request. requests status: requests open ❀ chats open
⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ… ⋙
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main masterlist
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© gyuhanniescarat | 2023 - all rights reserved. Reposting/Modifying of any fic, scenario, drabble, reaction or piece of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
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hollisonceagain · 1 year
i want to write fic to these songs day 02: hwang minhyun - honest
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Crimson Lace Part One. | Mark Lee (M)
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Prologue: “Thought you said studying was for losers and it was a waste of your time?” + “I changed my mind.”
Summery: Minhyun, the older twin, has become obsessed with you. He wants you to himself but When he finds out his younger twin brother, Mark, shares the same feelings for you he is determined to claim you first. Who will you choose?
The Warnings: Love Triangle. Mark Lee Twin Tropes. Trouble maker who looks mean but is only sweet to her trope >>> . Fem Reader. Possessiveness. Groping. Hair pulling. Face fucking. Dom!Minhyun. Unprotected sex, please wrap your willys before you tap it. Ass play. Hitting it raw from the back. Mention of breeding (but only mentioned once) Studying sesh that goes wrong ;). Minhyuns secretly a sweetheart who’s just in love but acts like he isn’t…
The Taglist: @yesohhsehun @chardonnayyyy @dearj43 @jwicore @skzennie
The Notes: This fic is long + There will be a part 2 with Mark’s story. Lmk if you want to be on Taglist.
Cover Credit: @dearj43 tysm bb you’re the best 🙏
The presentation ends as much as your will to live currently expires like a sappy old milk rotting at the bottom of the sinking fridge shelf . You felt yourself grow tired, yawning in your palm, cleaning up the open booklets from the lesson that has ended finally; you started to pray for it to end. However, one thing brings you back ultimately from your drowsiness and a near-midway-lesson nap.
“Who would’ve thought Y/n was slacking off having a goodnight nap through class right now?” Said the electric blue hair boy, wearing street way stylish clothes and his hair gelled up in to rough cliffs. The boy, Mark, was in every class you have and because of how much your time tables clash you became friends quickly. Ever since the two stuck like two peas in a pod. But there was another person in the dynamic.
Mark Lee is known for having a twin that was a complete polar opposite of each other, it felt like a big Shakespeare juxtaposition writing technique , honestly; it stuns everyone knowing how different they are to one another. It’s as if they were never related but that’s impossible considering they look freakishly identical face wise. But other than that, they act like complete strangers. They don’t enjoy speaking to each other, hell, you witness them ignoring each other at school. Though it’s not like Mark will run into Minhyun a lot considering his twin is a troublemaker. He doesn’t attend school. He doesn’t show any care for it actually. Unlike Mark, who cares about his classes, though, he tries his way to pass— he isn’t exactly the most smart either.
But he is very musically gifted. It’s one thing you love about Mark, it is the way he turns anything into music. He connects every little thing in everyday life you’d never expect to actually be connecting to music, and makes it fit right in. You remember once the cafeteria was serving kimchi jjigae one day and you and Mark sat down eating it; out of nowhere he starts rapping about kimchi jjigae and you swore you had second hand embarrassment but also found it completely comedically perfect. It was so random yet so funny. It went viral online too because other students inside the cafeteria were recording it.
To this day, Mark has been haunted by that video and he absolutely goes ballistic whenever he gets recognised by someone outside of UNI or inside of the campus.
Your lips fell apart as another soft yawn comes out, your hands shift on the books grabbing them as your pelvis shifts from the chair. You stand meeting Mark halfway from the class and outside. “I couldn’t sleep last night allow it. I had to pull an all-nighter for the Oscar Wilde analysis. I knew I was going to hate Wilde the moment i saw The Picture Of Dorian Gray book on my desk.” You sleepily added as your bodies walk side to side with Mark, his bag only one strap on the left shoulder, hands tucked inside the front black cargos pockets, watching you on the sideline as you complained your sad English-literature life away about how much Oscar Wilde is an absolute righteous dick for making The Picture Of Dorian Gray. Don’t get anything wrong but you don’t hate the piece. But if you are stuck late at night around 5am trying to figure out why the hell Dorian did what he did— without having to cuss in your analysis report saying ‘Dorian is a big dickhead’. It’s hard.
Mark loosely chimes at your long rant you’ve done from the classroom and inside the campus all the way to the front gates leaving the campus sight. Seriously, you can go on and on with venting and Mark could listen all day. He loves listening to you. But your conversation came to be cut close when his eyes look forward noticing an annoyingly vibrant red hair ; black leather jacket and a red Porsche outside parked out of the university. Many students watch the stranger, though Mark wished the person was a stranger. How badly he wished Minhyun wasn’t here outside waiting for you.
It’s hard sharing a mutual friend you both equally love and want your time to be shared with when the two brothers completely despise each other and want to forget their blood relation too.
You turn to Mark who looks glum and completely apprehensive. “Seriously guys why can’t you both get along?” You smack your lips together until Minhyun comes forward as his eyes fell on to you, completely ignoring Mark’s presence that seems to be the least acknowledge in his brain.
They really do hate each other.
“I refuse to get along with someone who literally hates watermelon.” Mark childishly adds as his lips pucker, shifting his head away from Minhyun. He seems so easily agitated, much Minhyun was unbothered. He fondly mocks his little brothers child’s-play tactics. “And i refuse to speak someone who cannot cook a bloody egg at his big age.”
Mark glares silently though you stare at the two boys in completely disbelief before shaking your head pushing past the two boys ridiculously petting you their anger but once you were gone their minds were put back on to you and they both follow you like lost puppies crawling back to their mother. Wanting the outmost attention, love, affection and time from you. But only one can get all from you and they don’t wish to share you. Whether it would be a single moment. They don’t want you to be with someone else yet along with one another. Minhyun wants you. Mark wants you. They don’t want to share you.
“Move out my way Markus.” Minhyun growls throwing an elbow to the leaner boy.
Mark hissed as his hands palm and shove the boy’s face, as breathing belts darkly. “Piss off Lee Minhyun.”
They push and shove each other just to get to you first but once you turned around with a huff, swearing a puff of white smoke emits from your ears, nostrils and the head as the boiling anger from within raises to high blood pressure— they back away slightly scared. If it’s one thing the two brothers know it is that you are ballistically terrifying when angry and they don’t wish to deal with angry you.
“You know what I’m going home alone today. How about you guys leave me alone if you cannot stay in one space long enough to be around me.” You add to them with a growl before walking off in the distance leaving the two stunned boys who let go off each other’s bodies with a soft whine leaving their lips. Minhyun let’s out a loose groan, you were supposed to get inside his car, it’s why he drove here. But Mark had to ruin it didn’t he. Mark on the other hand promised to walk you home! You always do that.
Mark rubs the back of his head. “What about our walk Y/n!” He calls out to you, though you ignore him.
Minhyun snarking. “I was suppose driving her home today.” Mark gawks at his brother. “As if. We always walk home.”
He rolls his eyes. “You really need to realise that she likes me better and you are simply the spare. I am the real deal. She clearly wants me and not you.”
He balls his tongue inside his tongue before he looks at Minhyun with a deadly glare in the black iris’ pupils, a look that could kill though he didn’t have enough body pressure to throw a punch. It wouldn’t be a first time that happened with them.
“You shut your mouth. You don’t know anything about her.” Mark said grabbing forward Minhyun by the collar. “Talk to me when you know what her favourite movie or Starbucks order is, Dickhead.” Letting go off the fabric leather collar as he walks off leaving Minhyun smirking at the angered boy.
Truth be honest, Mark has the most troubling anger management issues. Minhyun has never struggled with anger. Instead he struggles with his constant jealousy problem.
It’s funny though to see his little brother get so worked up, seeing the way his face turns hellish; Minhyun has to admit he must be head over heels for you, but that no can’t do.
He can’t have you. You’re his. He’s about to make sure of it.
The screen from your laptop welcomed you with bright light beckoning enough to warmly scorch your poorly tired and sore eyes as to last nights stupidly frustrating all-nighter ; what frustrates you the most is that you have an limitless pile of deadlines tasks to do therefore it looks like you’ll be needing to do more than one goddamn nighter. You can’t help but remember how your mother said to your high schooler self in the past that university was fun. Fun? If so when does the real fun start because fast forwarding three years you are still here with your head buried in books and your mentality reaching its downright limit .
You hear a door knock and as your eyes linger off your laptop you stand up and rush to the front reaching it to open, you thought this better be important enough to distraught you from your studies, and it was. Your eyes widen as you look at the unfamiliar face standing in an very unfamiliar setting. Minhyun in front of your door? Why? What did he need from you that seems so urgent considering the wet hair, soaking from the rain you haven’t even noticed it started to pour down, all the clothes sticking on his poor freezing body. His face had a sense of conflict and urgency that you felt the need to question, but when you’re about to speak and ask why he’s here, Minhyun pushes his hand on your doorway leaning down to your face.
His breathe was deathly cold you saw white smoke flowing out, his tongue rolling as he spoke. “I’m here for our unannounced study sesh.” He croaks out a smirk as your eyebrows squint together in confusion , wondering what sesh? It hit you right after Minhyun brushes past and enters inside your apartment wandering in front of you. You didn’t fight him or his nuisance presence wherein fact you simply went back to studying at your table on the floor.
Minhyun made himself at home with ease as if he was completely unbothered resting on the floor. You couldn’t focus with his damn presence around though, you hate it, you hate how much you gravitate to Minhyun and his troublesome tactics. You dislike the way he intrigues and controls you. You truly dislike that you want him near even though you know he will be giving out consequences and it truly makes your skin shawl with shivers. He was staring at you already when you look up giving him a short glance before hissing out in complaint.
“Here take the towel. You’re distracting me by how soaking you are on my floor.” He heard you hiss as you threw a white towel at him. Minhyun catches it with one hand before tugging the wet red locks in it and rubbing his cold-frozen face.
He grunts in the towel, finally letting out a relaxed and less stiff sigh. “Ugh that feels better.” You raise your eyebrow shaking your head until he let go off the towel and he crawls closer to the table in which you retort back instantly , starting to interrogate his true intentions of why he came here and what exactly was his deal because there’s no way you would ever study with a guy like Minhyun who shared equal hatred to doing something like that.
“Thought you said studying was for losers and it was a waste of your time?” You throw at the red head boy who gazed at you.
He looks like he was contemplating what to say. Nevertheless he continues taunting leisurely without shame: Minhyun’s the most shameless of them all. Even though you offered plenty of times to give him the opportunity of studying with you because you truly felt bad how far he was behind his university classes, he rejected you and then reprimanded you for trying to help him. Insulting your kindness to offer him a choice to help him through school. So why now? What made him come here to study now.
“I changed my mind.” You saw him shrug his shoulders as he said this and you roll your lips forward. “Oh yeah?” You say back and he hums a nod quickly to you.
His voice creepily lays on you with comfort and it makes your skin prickle as much as you wish to hate it you couldn’t and that is why you’re so conflicted with the way his dark eyes lay on you the more he crawls to you keeping you trapped in your own apartment. “I’d rather be a loser with you than have someone else do that.” He seeks a jealous remark causing your eyes to leave wonders as you let out a sudden softly chuckle in the air, it felt like magic to hear you speak and laugh; it’s insane to think he’s this obsessed with a girl he only met at a campus few times and then slowly throughout the years… you keep meeting and meeting. Like god was simply paving the way for you to meet more and more.
You bring your lips to shut as Minhyun looks at you confused as to why you were laughing at him. “Jealousy is a great motivator for you.” You smirk at him as he looks at you up and down.
Eyeing you like you’re what he wants. Not studying but only you.
He groans, demandingly. “Don’t tease me. It’s hard to control myself around you as it is.” He said with a warning but somehow you didn’t listen and lean closer whispering to his ears. You abandoned your studies without realising. You left your school work for this guy who had you thinking things. Had you feeling things you never wanted to feel.
As your voice leaves a whisper haunting his ears. “Oh yeah? I think I’ll stick to doing just that.” And his lips fell in a straight line when you crawl more to his space between you closing it, it’s the way your eyes flash at him . You were truly sly, he knew it. The way his hands slip round your back suddenly pushing you down on to his lap to sit your lips help a gasp deeply inside as his lips invade yours:
It felt like an intense rollercoaster to be kissing Minhyun with so much movement there wasn’t a time where neither of you were practically suffocating yourself to deepen the kiss, you were both at each other’s disposal but there was something with the way that Minhyun was just in control. But you didn’t hate it in any way, as you knew, he was jealous and it seems to of turned you on seeing him completely infatuated to the point he ran here to see you in middle of a heavy rain storm. He wasn’t sleeping. He wasn’t eating. He wasn’t thinking straight. All thanks to you wondering if Mark is at your place right now, studying, talking or touching you. He wants to be here in his place and he thanks the lord he is.
He felt blessed to have you on his lap and kissing him with twice as passion as he has for you. It threw him off guard as he could only imagine what you tasted and felt like and now it’s happening; “Mh you have no idea how much I’ve fantasied about this. About kissing your lips late at night.” Minhyun hoarsely croaks as he suddenly flips you over to the couch laying you down with a pin as he stays on top. You blink at the sudden change of positions and you couldn’t help but listen in awe. “I have to admit it’s better than i could ever imagine.” Minhyun groaning past your lips, spreading the wet trailing kisses down to the neckline and on your cleavage through the pyjama top.
The boy didn’t hesitate to slide off the pyjama top hungrily eyeing your beautiful resting chest that he gropes and pampering with mini kisses , how comes to acknowledge how you’re wearing a pretty set of Crimson Lace lingerie “This is pretty. But I’d prefer it off…” he says, you felt your thighs clench together the more he teased your nipples with the bare hint of his teeth grazing it. The more he pulls on your nipples and the way the cold air inflicts it with his contrasting hellish warm breathe, coating it with saliva you squeeze a moan in the moment. Minhyun didn’t leave the opportunity to pass when he can finally mark the hell out of your skin. There’s no way he won’t do this.
As his teeth and lips simply abuse your beautiful and clean skin you can’t help but become a desperate mess as to why he was taking his sweet timing being such a slow poke; you wanted him to rail you down on your couch already, you need him, you’re aching for him. But even so you could tell Minhyun was holding back and savouring the moment unlike you. You wondered what could make him tick off, you wondered what can you say to make the boy fuck you so hard you forget your own name.
“Minhyun…” You call out as the boy flashed you a grin coyly at your desperate face, watching him so sternly with a sudden frustration flashing on your face. “I want you to hurry up, I need you.” You state and Minhyun licks his bottom lip.
There was something about the way you were both desperate but so angry, it turns him on seeing you angry. Perhaps, he wouldn’t mind you lashing out on him. Hell does that make him love you provoking him?
“I want to enjoy this moment, because you never know if this will be the last time.” He slings through playing with the waistband of your lower pyjama clothing. You raise your head on the side whispering a remark.
“I bet if Mark was here he would’ve fucked me so much better by now.”
There it was exactly what you called a deathwish from Minhyun who looks at you with the absolutely-dead eyes- wanting to now fuck the shit and attitude out of you. It’s the way you love seeing his eyes go from lust to pure jealously in the moment and you shouldn’t lie, but you felt your stomach doing flips and turns full of butterflies seeing the way his demure and personality flipped off. He wasn’t going easy on you now. The sweet and caring Minhyun’s gone and you were left only with the cruel and merciless king who’s going to ruin the fuck out of you whether you like it or not. What’s the sickening part is that It’s what you wanted. You want him to treat you like he’s in control and you wish to challenge him. You want to be put in your place.
Your inner brat-ness couldn’t be controlled and Minhyun surely doesn’t mind taming a brat down the hard way. The easy way out wasn’t in your vocabulary anyways.
He shares no voice with you until he had you pulling upwards by grabbing a handful of your hair. He unbuckled the belt and slid down the jeans along with the calvin klein boxers, your eyes sparkle at the veiny abdomen and how pretty his monster cock simply was springing up with ease and Mark didn’t share you any instructions. Instead he: Grabbed your face roughly squeezing your jaw, telling you to open your pretty and useless mouth up, you obliged quickly to his words and he shoved his cock down your throat not caring if you gag or what not. Seeing you struggle might make him cum quicker.
Then again he was kind to you. You didn’t want that though because you simply love being ruined. You dislike the way you love how much he was pounding your mouth as if it’s nothing but a hole for him to get his girthy-cock used and it clouds your judgement with lust. Your cheeks hollow as you take more of his cock inside , as much as you’re gagging you can’t help but want more of him in your mouth. It was so small and tiny comparing to how wide and big he was, it made him watch you struggle arouse him more though. The way you couldn’t even use your mouth. He was constantly pushing against you and there was no way for you to run. You’re going to leave with a sore mouth, was his determined goal. Until you’re crying or tapping him to stop.
But instead you moan shamelessly at how deep his tip of the cock was rampaging the back of your throat, the way his size expands your mouth and curls in your cheeks too. Your eyes watery because this was only one speed, he had plenty of mores still ahead of him . You mentally should’ve presented yourself with the idea of: don’t piss off a raging jealous twin who wants to fuck you and possess you. Otherwise he will break your mouth and you’ll be the one complaining about it later on. Minhyun grabs your head pushing you forward in which he slows down the pace, so he could stay watching your mouth slowly crawl up and finally take him entirely in the mouth. Your eyes widen, looking above. Minhyun was gazing at you coldly before rubbing your hair in a messy ponytail with his hands and his thrusts, went berserk.
“Hm. I bet Mark couldn’t fuck your mouth like this. Look at you, crying over how much I’m destroying your face, I bet you knew Mark could never do this to you darling.”
His voice reeks of envy.
The way his was not even thrusting anymore but causing you to deep-throat him with such long and harsh thrusts, they were quick like constant jabs punching you and it makes your throat itch and hurt but even then you felt his cock twitch and your desires were overcoming with the pain to make him cum. Minhyun groans and you felt yourself become a people pleaser again— wanting to please him and only him. Wanting to help him out with the pent up frustration and he does. Snapping out with inconsistencies in the pounding to your face fucking, his lips die off an end as he was breathing heavily.
“That’s right baby, take all of it, don’t let any slip out yeah?” Minhyun swirls his cock in your mouth as it twitched one last time before the liquid snaps out in multiple lines inside your painfully stinging and warm mouth begging for a break. He watches you struggle to keep your mouth closed as his pink and reddish top of his cock leaves and you spill some on the corner to your lips. Minhyun growls grabbing your face forward, as he starts to ridicule you. “I said don’t let any slip out, Y/n did my cock fuck you so good that you can’t remember how to close your mouth and swallow?” He seeks his finger wiping the cum dribbling down as his fingers were pushed in your mouth, salvaging it back inside keeping your mouth full until you swallowed.
You haven’t recovered from the way he was simply abusing your mouth like it was an Inn and Out placement, so when he flips you over from the back with your head up and the back arched in circular motions as his fingers tied on the waistline stripping you he had you on display for the way his eyes lay on your beautiful figure with curves and a round ass that he groped. Smacking it with one hand as the other kneads it like it were a dough, seeing how it jiggles with the slap you found yourself letting out a soft sigh. He smirks hearing you become so sensitive over everything now. He just can’t wait to hear you when he enters you, it’ll be a sight to see and a show to hear.
“I’m not even sure if i should eat you out anymore, with the way you loosely mention my brothers name. Maybe you should go and ask him…” He suddenly says changing the way his tactics go and your eyes widen. Wait that wasn’t what’s supposed to happen. He was supposed to fuck you after you encourage his jealousy issue. Why was he suddenly turning the tables round you?
He pulls away and you grab the sheets whining, god, if he’s trying to make you beg than he shouldn’t do this you’ll do anything now. You can’t be left like this and there’s no way you’re calling Mark to fuck you when you truly want Minhyun now and there. You meekly call out, as an invitation. “No! No no. Minhyun I want you. I don’t want Mark.” You said quickly catching the boy to pause and smirk in delight hearing you. He reaches for your ass again, humming as he rubs your body.
“You want me right? Only me.” He ceases to say and you held your breathe. “Yes yes. Only you. Fuck. I want you to fuck me badly.”
He scoffs at how much you’re begging, it’s amazing to hear it, and he can’t wait to fuck you either but there’s just something lingering in the air that he can’t push the thought of. “I don’t believe you.” He states and you glare with a huff.
“Fine. Maybe I’ll go and call Mark.” You state with the grit to your teeth but that’s was what done it for him. Minhyun broke out of the sweet dearly caring demure again and had you face plant as his cock was watching your entrance before sliding inside due to how wet you are; it was easy to slip and out without you noticing and look at you moaning loudly in the mattress covering your face in the bedsheets like a whore you are. Minhyun had you waiting for you to act up, purposely, so he could fuck you like the white you want to be treated like and he wants to show you who’s wanting you and who isn’t. He doesn’t want you to even know Mark. He wants you to forget him. To stop mentioning him. He wants you to speak about him and mention him only so he can see Mark’s defeated face when you pick him.
He wishes to crush his brothers dreams of ever having you and knowing you, he wants you to be screaming his name that you only know him and cease to exist without him would be hard. It’s the way you fell completely in disbelief at how his thick cock was pursing through your tight velvet walls and the way his tip was constantly coursing through to your womb hitting the right spots you weren’t sure were able to be reached within a milestone; Minhyun had you bend down like you were an animal on display for him, he had you being fucked like you were nothing but a human bodily flesh for him to use and treat like his cum dump. He tried his best to be sweet to you but you didn’t take it. You wanted this.
You wanted him to be mean and jealous. You took advantage of his jealousy not once but twice now and it was going to be final for you to do this to him. You were lost so much in the pleasure you felt yourself go dizzy and weak, but Minhyun didn’t care, no, he truly didn’t. He was lost in his own pleasure as his cock kept going in and out of you— reconnecting to your tight pussy that feels like it’s made to be around him, clenching enough to make him cum right there and then and he doesn’t want this to end so quickly.
He was edging you through your own orgasm too. Whenever you became so close to the end as you clench harder he slows down the pace and you were simply gripping the bedsheets with frustration. He had you waiting and waiting for an orgasm until you simply beg for it and cry. You wanted this, Mean Minhyun, and you got it.
“You asshole.” You weakly spat in the bedsheets as he heard you curse, with a smirk growing wider on the face he pounds into you deeper the more you curse him out. “Hm, good girls get to orgasm. You have to earn it however.” He slants as he goes quicker again and you cry out. “Please I want to cum. Please. I can’t take much anymore.” You plead at his mercy as his eye watches you before reaching down with his palm to your exposed and bare clit. You gasp with your eyes widening, what was he doing? Was he purposely trying to pleasure you as he edged you?
You let out a yelp when his two fingers work his way in circular motions on your sensitive clit as his thrusts sternly kept a same identical pace of an animal pounding in you with all desires to have you. The overstimulation empowers through your body and when you realise the abdomen becomes warm and you were getting closer and closer to an orgasm you start to warn Minhyun in panic.
“Fuck, Min-Minhyun I’m close. Fuck fuck. Please can I cum, please. Give it to me please.” Said your voice dimming down and choking a moan midway, his glum and cruel voice creepily crawls behind you as his head pulls on your hair. “Cum on my cock since you’re begging this much.” He stated without much emotions as he groans, the way his hand flicks to your clit on the wrist and it didn’t take long for you to let go and have it snap right there and then.
You thought you were going to cum a little, boy, you were wrong. The overstimulation constantly had you waiting and waiting piling on so much that you squirt over your orgasm on his cock and down on the couch bedsheets, you would be sloppily trying your best with wobbling arms to stay up but you fell right on your face and chest as your breasts manoeuvre. Minhyun let go off your clit with a shock entering his body but it was an awe seeing the way you squirt due to how much he pleasured you, he felt a sling of ego rising in him and he mockingly adds to you. “God you squirted, did i pleasure you that much you couldn’t take it?” He sneers at you because you look fucked out dumb, literally with the way your eyes were clenching. You could no longer see without seeing black. It was that overwhelming.
It was your first time squirting too, who would’ve thought it was this powerful more than a normal orgasm? Seriously. You didn’t have time to recover at all and Minhyun pushed his cock further until he was twitching deep inside you, you could tell he was close and this somehow fuels you to take more and more of his demanding and pounding thrusts inside you leaving your pussy squelching. With your squirting on his hard cock he felt how warm your juices spew on him and he couldn’t lie it was a sight to turn on anyone, he felt the way his abdomen become harder to control as his thrusts getting closer and now he was simply pushing your face down in the pillows angling himself deeper in you. You were forced to lay on your stomach and the way your body follows his in synch, he fucks you deeper in an angle you couldn’t imagine.
“I’m going to cum inside you, fill you nice and up for Mark to see if he ever does.” He greedily said and your ears perk up at those words as did your body, clenching, he smirks feeling the way you were secretly enjoying this jealous side of him and so was he; he couldn’t lie. “Yeah? You like the sound of that huh? You’re so filthy Y/n. I bet you like the sound of me cumming inside you. Fucking a baby in to you. Do you like that Hm?”
You could only respond with a muffled moan as the couch creeks open and his cock spasms as well with his body, stuffing your abused hole with his his warm and scorching liquid filling you full to the brim of his cum. You let out a sigh of relief as Minhyun slants next to you with an exhausting expression and beads of sweat.
You roll over as Minhyun was quick to stand up gathering the clothes on the floor that were scattered especially your beautiful lingerie set — he then gets changed first. You wondered why did he hurry away when you thought he left, he actually came back from the kitchen with a glass of water. You look up at him, surprised, but an other half of you felt flustered. You sit up and reach for the glass but when he saw the way you were trembling, especially your arms, he stops you.
“Let me help you.” Minhyun gently said and you didn’t dare reject him as your lips drink from the cup as he helped you to be fed.
You shyly look down and Minhyun helped you get changed. He made sure you were taken care off. It really leaves you surprised with the way he was fucking you like an rabid dog and now here he is being this sweet and gentle soul you weren’t even aware he had this side of him. But it somehow makes you melt. It does.
He fell back in to his devilish smirk before grabbing a hold of your Crimson Lace Lingerie. “You should wear this more often.” Minhyun said. You raise your eyebrows together. “You like that set?” You smile and Minhyun let’s out a soft laugh.
“I fucking love it. Maybe next time,” he croaks out playfully before travelling close to you with a hint, he flashed you flirty eyes and smile. “I can fuck you wearing that only?” He would ask and you felt your heart drop at the suggestion.
You have a feeling this will become a daily-on-thing in the future.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu! REBLOG AND FOLLOW ME FOR MORE UPDATES FOR PART 2.
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
Hi I've been your supporter since the day Im here(I've only been here for 1week) and I really love your bp999 stories.So if you can can I request a Matthew imagine where the mc called him Canada oppa in the final episode and the reader teases him bcs of that thank you very much!
Easy to love (Canada oppa?)
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pairing: matthew x reader
genre: canonverse, fluff, lil angst + comfort
tw/tags: very emo at the start more than expected, mayhaps i rewatched episode 12 to get minhyun + matthew speech word per word so here is me citing my reference, tears and crying, ft. seokmae's eomma and noona, stolen kiss, reality of dating an idol
wc: 1456
summary: you and matthew celebrate him making the top 9 but there’s one thing you just can’t let go of.
a/n the poll has spoken haha. first of all, i'm really, really grateful for your support, it gives me such joy to know that my fics are loved. I did intend this to be a bit more humorous when I started your request but it turned into this giant emotional mess, definitely would be happy to do a lighter, more funny part two~ pls enjoy and looking forward to hearing what you think!
Check my pinned for more fics~
“The trainee who will join Zerobaseone in third place….”
You can’t breathe, the air stuck in your chest.
“The trainee who has finally achieved their dream of placing 3rd place in the final Top 9 is…”
Just say it already, dammit. 
“Seok Matthew!”
You’re cheering wildly along with the rest of the crowd as Matthew’s shocked expression is blown up on the big screen. As the other trainees surround him, he breaks down and you can’t help tearing up as well. 
You’re standing in the section reserved for family, a little bit removed from where Matthew’s mom and sister are. They had insisted you come stand with them but you knew how risky it was. Instead, you’re standing at the side, mask on, choosing to pass as one of the general family members or close friends of the trainees.
His sister turns to you, also teary-eyed and mouths “he did it!” You nod, practically choking back sobs and praying the cameras won’t catch you. 
“Trainee Seok Matthew, congratulations. Please come to the front.”
Matthew hugs his fellow trainees one last time before you watch him shuffle forward, still crying. You’re still crying. His mom and sister are still crying as they’re congratulated by the three aunties who you’ve learned are there for Ricky.
As he walks, he glances at the section you’re all standing in, eyes finding you. You manage to shoot a weak thumbs up before he reaches the stage.
“Trainee Seok Matthew captured the hearts of Star Creators from his entrance with his sweet smile.”
It’s not a surprise. He captured your heart first, long before the world got to see that sweet, sweet smile you fell in love with. Matthew was cute and charming and easy to fall for.
“Also his vocals stood out in every performance and helped create a perfect stage.”
But you knew his heart was big and his dreams were bigger. At some point, you were going to have to share him with the world. And you were okay with that. Because Matthew’s talent shines the brightest when he’s performing. You’d give him the world’s biggest stage if you could.
“Trainee Seok Matthew, I sincerely congratulate you for successfully debuting!”
Matthew bows, thanking the MC Hwang Minhyun before looking back at your section. As you subtly wave at him, his face only crumples as he tries to not to sob again. You’re no better, your mask soaked through with how hard you're crying.
Then, the MC says something that will be permanently burnt in your brain forever.
“Yes Canada oppa, Trainee Seok Matthew.”
Despite producing enough tears to create a small puddle, you can’t help but mirror Matthew, nearly doubling over in laughter at the sudden nickname. You’re laughing and crying, truly multitasking at its finest. It’s so perfectly in the moment that you almost don’t catch the second part of the MC’s question.
“How do you feel about achieving your dream of debuting?”
Oh but you’re so clowning him for it later. If he thinks he’s getting away with it, he better think twice.
Matthew starts shakily and now you’re back to crying.
“Honestly, this feels like a dream right now. I’ve lost so much confidence recently.”
He’s worried to you over stolen phone calls. What if he failed? What if he didn’t debut? Should he look for a job? Go back to Canada? Thinking about that made you all the more emotional, you tried your best to reassure him but this was an industry that took so much of a person and sometimes left them a shell of themselves. It made them question who they were, what they were worth. It put some of them on a pedestal and let others fall, breaking them apart.
“But my hyungs always took care of me at the dorms and kept telling me that things will go well for me. I couldn't really believe them, but being able to be here now, I am so grateful. Also, the Masters have always encouraged me, so I am grateful to them as well.”
You were grateful for them too. To be there for him, to take care of him when you couldn’t. Your heart squeezed thinking about the months you spent apart, stealing every moment together that you could and shoving it into the recesses of your heart so that no one would take it away from you.
“I have chased this dream for two years. Now, to think that I can finally live my dream everyday, it really feels like a dream. So, I am so happy.”
Matthew was so wide-eyed and in wonder of everything back then. He still is, you think fondly. But there’s a maturity to him now that makes you so proud. He thanks his agency and the program’s staff before turning to your section again.
“My eomma and noona have also come today.”
You watch as his eyes go from them to you and he lets out another sob before apologising, addressing his mom. You can only watch, wishing that you could stand there and comfort her as well. But you love Matthew and this is his dream and you can’t ever bring yourself, for any reason, to take it away from him.
“Eomma, thank you so much for trusting me and letting me come to Korea. I’ve finally made it here, so I will do my best to become a loving and cool son whom you can be proud of.”
God, when will you stop crying?
“I just love you so much, Eomma. I missed you.” And you think he’s done but Matthew doesn’t even breathe. He's still looking at your section but his eyes are only on you as he repeats the sentiment in English.
“I love you and missed you so much.”
His sister shoots you a knowing look as Matthew goes on to thank the Star Creators and wraps up his speech. You wave her away while the cameras follow your boyfriend walking up the stairs. He’s hugging his other group members, so happy, so excited to finally be there.
And you can’t help but smile through your tears.
Because you know how much love Matthew has to give and these boys are incredibly lucky to be on the receiving end of it. You only hope that they’ll love him back. And you know they will, because it’s incredibly hard to not love Seok Matthew.
The first moment you get is backstage, away from the cameras. You’ve finally agreed to stand with his mom, holding his sister’s hand as you wait for Matthew to wrap up filming. When he walks through the door, all of you are trying your best to not devolve back into a crying mess. You step back, letting him take his time with his family, trying your best to compose yourself.
But by the time he’s in front of you, you can’t help but throw your arms around him. He’s practically holding you up, neither of you wanting to let go. Except you have to at some point. His arms loosen, still holding you but enough so you can face each other. Your lips tremble. You really should say something, anything to keep you from breaking down right in front of him.
“So Canada oppa, is it?”
There’s that smile you know and love.
“Ah really? Is that how you’re going to be?”
“I can’t help it,” you fall back into your easy, comfortable banter, playing with the lapels of his uniform jacket. “It’s iconic really, would be a shame if no one uses it.”
“I missed you.” He says, catching you off guard. “My baby did a lot of crying for me today. Your eyes are still so puffy.”
“You cried too.” You pout at him before letting yourself admit it. “And I really did miss you.”
Matthew looks around, checking for any cameras before he presses a quick kiss to your lips, hands sliding to your waist. This is your life now. He’s not an anonymous trainee anymore. You have to be more careful.
“They’ll give us a few days off before the next official schedule.” he murmurs to you like it’s some grand secret. It probably is, there’s definitely an NDA or two to be signed. “Let’s do something, just us.”
You let yourself smile.
“Okay Canada oppa, text me.”
“You’re really not going to let this go, are you babe?”
“I’m changing your contact name as soon as I get that text.”
You know from now on that it’s not going to be easy for the two of you. But Seok Matthew is easy to love and he chooses to love you. You will get through this.
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marvelous-llama · 10 months
NU'EST recs
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
tumblr is based on reblogs not likes, so please reblog and comment under works you like. Show love to the authors and appreciate their hard work
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pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
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candewlsy · 7 months
I'm here dying (soon) over zanna's minhyun and taeri fic
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sneezyminniejo · 1 year
Translation Fails
My pre debut Nu'Est sick fic inspired by a post @whats-k-popping made a while ago
It was two weeks before debut promotions were due to begin. All of the members were getting anxious. They all knew how cutthroat the kpop industry can be and that there was no guarantee that their debut would even be successful. It didn’t help that everyone was still getting to know each other. The group was still very much trying to balance their varying schedules. Some of the members were still in school, so they weren’t able to get in as many hours of practice. One of the members had moved to Korea from the US fairly recently and didn’t know any Korean when he started training. He still didn’t speak it too well.
Four of the five members were already awake and getting ready for the day. Apparently some scenes from the music video needed to be reshot, so the group was planning on spending the day doing dance practice and then filming. The eldest member was still asleep and the other four members weren’t entirely sure what to do. Aaron is normally up a decent amount before the group has to leave for their varying schedules. However, the group was due to leave in half an hour and Aaron hadn’t woken up yet.
After brief deliberation, it was decided that the leader and second oldest, Jonghyeon would be the one to wake Aaron. Jonghyeon slowly opened the door to Aaron’s room on the off chance the oldest was actually awake and just taking his time to get ready. However, the lights to his room were off and Aaron was in his bed still fast asleep. The leader sighed as he approached his hyung’s bed.
“Hyung, you need to wake up. We’re leaving in half an hour.” Aaron did not react to Jonghyeon’s words, so Jonghyeon reluctantly decided to try shaking Aaron awake instead. “Hyung, it’s time to wake up.” The leader said a bit more loudly as he began to shake the eldest member. After a minute of shaking the elder, Aaron began to stir. “I’m awake.”  Aaron muttered in English as he slowly sat up.
“What’s up Jonghyeon?” Aaron asked, very much still not awake. Aaron yawned as he began to rub sleep out of his eyes. “You need to wake up. Manager-nim will be here soon to take us to our schedule.” Jonghyeon said in Korean. Unfortunately, Aaron didn’t seem to understand him. Jonghyeon sighed as he took out his phone and typed into papago translate. “You need to get a hold of yourself. Our manager will come and show us his schedule soon” Aaron looked even more confused as he listened to the robotic voice speak in English. He was also a little bit stunned at the rudeness of the statement. Why on Earth would Jonghyeon be telling him to get a hold of himself when he literally just woke up. Also, why would their manager be showing the group his schedule? Aaron rubbed his eyes a little more before glancing at his alarm clock, which was sitting on his nightstand. His eyes widened and he jumped out of bed. “It’s so late! Why didn’t you wake me sooner? We’re leaving in like twenty minutes!” Aaron didn’t quite shout, but his voice was definitely elevated. It was now Jonghyeon’s turn to be confused at what Aaron was talking about. But the leader wasn’t going to worry about it. Aaron was getting ready to go, and that was really all that mattered.
Because of how late Aaron woke up, he didn't have time to eat anything. Minhyun had grabbed a protein shake on his way out and handed it to Aaron shortly after the van left. Aaron began to sip at the drink, although he was realizing he wasn't super hungry. However, he was quick to brush his lack of appetite off due to just having woken up. It was also a fairly quick ride to the company, so Aaron found himself capping the drink, putting it in his bag for later.
When the van arrived at the company, Aaron seemed confused as the others got out of the van as well. He could have sworn that today was a school day for his four dongsaengs. "Don't you guys have school today?" Aaron asked in English. It took a second for Aaron to remember that none of his dongsaengs spoke English. "You are not going to school today?" The others looked at him a little weirdly at how the sentence came out, but Minki answered, “Manager-nim called us out for the next couple of days because our debut is so close.” When Aaron responded with a blank look, the maknae translated what he said using papago translate.
"Our manager invited us a few days before our debut." Aaron was confused by the robotic voice that came out of the phone. However, he decided that he was just too tired to properly comprehend it. There’s also the fact that he knows that online translators aren’t terribly reliable. He just nodded in understanding and placed his bag on the ground before beginning to stretch.
The five men had been practicing for around an hour, when Aaron started to not feel good. The grogginess from waking up never really left. The lack of appetite had slowly turned into slight nausea and he developed a headache. Aaron wanted to say that all of this was somehow from oversleeping his alarm, but he knew that he was probably sick. To make matters worse, the headache coupled with his brain fog from tiredness and probable fever made it much more difficult to comprehend what his group mates were saying. Aaron was really wishing he hadn't ditched his Korean lessons in favor of hanging out at pc cafes.
Dance practice was honestly a bit of a mess. Although, it wasn’t because of Aaron. While there had been a couple moments where Aaron had missed his cue, it wasn’t anything to worry about. The problem came just after lunch. Someone (Staff member or different trainee, no one really knows) was in the break room and started a mini fire in the microwave. It wasn’t anything serious, but the fire alarms did get turned on. The thing about the current building that houses Pledis Entertainment is that the sprinklers automatically release when the fire alarm goes off. So now, the five Nu’Est members are currently waiting on the curb outside Pledis waiting for the fire department to do a sweep of the building. They’re fairly wet from the sprinklers and it’s -7 outside (roughly 19 Fahrenheit). Ultimately, everyone was given the green light to go back into the building, but water from the sprinkler system made things too wet, so all the trainees were sent home for the day.
Since the Nu’Est members still needed to do the reshoots, the members were brought to the studio in their wet clothes for the reshoot.. Unfortunately, when the group arrived, they found out that there had been some miscommunication and the studio wasn’t expecting them until tomorrow. As such, the group was sent home.
By the time the five Nu’Est members arrived home, they were all cold and shivering a bit from being outside in the cold with wet clothes. As much as Aaron wanted to get into the shower first, he decided to be a good hyung and take the last shower. By the time he did get into the shower, his headache had increased, and a level of stuffiness had found its way into his sinuses. Aaron felt a level of relief at finally being able to take a nice hot shower.
By the time Aaron finished his shower, he was feeling fairly bad. The thing is though, none of his members have been sick since he moved to Korea and neither has he. Therefore, he had absolutely no clue how to tell his members that he was sick. Aaron exited the shower, and found his four dongsaengs on the couch, watching a drama. Dongho shifted over on the couch, creating a space for Aaron to sit. The eldest typed something into his phone. “I think it hurts. I just want to sleep.” Aaron hoped that his pronunciation was correct, then went to his room for a nap. His dongsaengs weren’t sure what he meant by “it” when he said “it hurts”, but they were going to respect his desire to take a nap. Although they did think it was a little odd seeing as he woke up late.
About an hour later, Aaron woke up from his nap not feeling any better. While his headache had subsided, he was still feeling cold, and some stuffiness had settled into his sinuses. He left his room knowing that he had caught a cold from somewhere. He was also resigned to the fact that he'd have to suffer silently because the language barrier between him and his dongsaengs was too great.
As Aaron got closer to the main living area, he realized that something smelled really good. His stomach growled in response, but under the hunger from not really eating anything since last night was a lingering nausea or at the very least lack of appetite to eat a whole lot.
"Hyung, Minhyun and I made some tteokbokki and ramyeon for a late lunch/early dinner. I was just about to wake you up." Minki said excitedly. Aaron didn't fully understand what the youngest said, but he definitely understood tteokbokki and ramyeon. He nodded and made his way to the table.
Aaron sat down and Minki was quick to put a bowl of ramyeon with tteokbokki in front of him. Minki had made the food spicy, but not terribly so. Aaron however could tell that the spice was affecting him. He could feel the slight congestion that had settled in his sinuses begin to loosen up. As such, his nose began to run and he began sniffling. Eventually the sniffling turned into a tickle.
Aaron, with a piece of tteokbokki in between his chopsticks, abruptly moved his elbow over his face. "Heh-stschhh, heh-stschhh, heh-stschhh" He sniffled again and Dongho handed him a napkin. Minhyun got up to clean the tteokbokki that Aaron had dropped during his mini sneezing fit.
Aaron continued to sniffle throughout dinner. In part from his cold and in part from the spice loosening up the crud in his sinuses. Either way, he had a small pile of tissues next to his plate by the end of dinner. He was also once again exhausted, even though all he’s done since waking from his nap was eat. However it wasn’t a huge issue because all four of his dongsaengs were choosing to call it an early night. Therefore Aaron went to bed when the others went to bed.
The following morning, Aaron woke up feeling absolutely miserable. Although he isn’t sure he actually slept much. The congestion in his sinuses had fully settled overnight, and he woke up several times to lubricate his mouth because his mouth had opened up when he was asleep so he could breathe. He also knows that he woke up later than he normally would again, because he could hear his dongsaengs bustling about. He quickly got dressed, grabbed his phone, then left his room.
Aaron got as far as sitting down at the table for breakfast before he quickly grabbed the napkin at his spot and covered his face. “Heh-stschhh, hih-stieshhh, heh-stcshhhh. Ugh, I feel like shit.” he said.
“What was that hyung?” Dongho asked. Aaron took his phone and typed what he had said into Papago translate. “I feel dirty” is what came out. Dongho gave Aaron a semi confused look before replying. “Okay, then take a shower.” Aaron nodded as he blew his nose. He grabbed some breakfast and ate it before leaving for the bathroom to take a shower.
The shower helped for all of a minute to clear his sinuses. However the hot water seemed to help his aching muscles a little, so he wound up feeling a little less shitty. Aaron joined his members a short while later to head to the studio for the reshoot. Aaron had forgotten to grab tissues, so as his nose started to drip, he had to resort to using his coat sleeve to wipe it. By the time the group got to the studio, Aaron’s nose was completely pink and chapped from constantly wiping it over the course of the car ride.
Makeup took far longer than Aaron would have liked. His nose had essentially become a faucet and he kept having to blow his nose, which would ruin the makeup. By the time his nose finally started cooperating, the group was already fifteen minutes behind schedule.
Aaron felt bad for delaying the shoot, and he also felt bad in general. The aches were returning. While his nose wasn’t running anymore, it was now completely clogged and he couldn’t breathe with his mouth closed. He was getting a headache, and he was feeling completely exhausted and he’s only been awake two hours. He’s pretty sure he’s running a fever, but can’t confirm that without a thermometer.
It took three hours to reshoot the scenes that needed to be reshot. By the time the group was in the car and heading back to the company building, Aaron felt dead on his feet. He just wanted to go back to the dorm and sleep, but with yesterday’s fire alarm fiasco, the group needed to make up for lost time. To make matters worse, the post nasal drip was starting to irritate his throat, and it was taking everything for the oldest not to cough or clear his throat.
The group was able to eat lunch before dance practice started. Aaron still couldn’t breathe, but at some point his clogged nose turned into a faucet again, so he had both a clogged and a runny nose at the same time. He did excuse himself to the bathroom so he could try to blow his nose, but all he accomplished was wiping his nose and starting a coughing fit. He joined his members afterwards and just hoped he could get through practice.
Even though Aaron felt completely miserable and off, he was surprisingly on point with the choreography. He hadn’t missed any beats or cues, and he was pretty sure his dongsaengs weren’t aware of how shitty he felt. It wasn’t until the two hour mark that things went downhill.
The group had finished another runthrough of Face and Aaron had spent a decent amount of time trying to fight off a cough. As soon as a water break was called, he went straight to his water bottle and drank in hopes of getting rid of the tickle in the back of his throat. Unfortunately he wound up aspirating the water instead.
It was only a split second before Aaron launched into a massive coughing fit. Of course said coughing fit was extremely chesty while simultaneously sounding like he was trying to cough up his lung. He spent a good three minutes coughing and eventually coughed up some phlegm as well. Not wanting to spit it out, he just swallowed it back down before sitting on the floor to catch his breath. His four dongsaengs had joined him, each sporting a concerned expression on their faces.
Jonghyeon took out his phone and typed into Papago, “Hyung, are you feeling okay? That didn’t sound good.” However, when the robotic voice translated to English, it came out as “Is it okay? I don’t think it’s good.”
Even with the English translation, Aaron was too tired to realize the translation didn’t make sense. He shook his head and pulled out his own phone. “I feel like death.” he typed into the translator. In Korean the robotic voice said, “I think I’m dying.” 
This, of course, alarmed the members. And none of them really knew how to respond. Jonghyeon called their manager, and Minki called for an ambulance. It was only about ten minutes before the paramedics arrived and they started checking over a very confused Aaron.
Thankfully one of the paramedics, Choi Juyeon, realized that the patient had no clue what was going on because he didn’t speak Korean. Coincidentally, Juyoen is fluent in English and was able to speak with Aaron.
“What’s the problem, sir?” he had asked. “I’m sick and I want to be in bed. I feel like death and I have no idea why you were called.” Aaron responded. Juyeon spoke with the other members until he figured out what had happened. The other paramedic had taken Aaron’s vitals and everything was within normal range, aside from his temperature, which came back positive for a fever.
“You probably just have the flu or a really bad cold. If symptoms get worse. I suggest going to the doctor, but I don’t see a reason to take you to the hospital.” Juyeon said. He also repeated himself in Korean so the others would understand what he said. 
Jonghyeon managed to get Aaron a couple days off so he could recover a little bit. The manager insisted that Aaron go to the clinic to test for the flu, and the test came back negative. Even so, Aaron spent his two days off essentially sleeping except for when one of his dongsaengs woke him up to eat.
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heexseung · 11 months
VIV OH MY GOSH SIIISSSSS YOU’RE BACK!!!!!! BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER OMGGG!!! 😳 you know………I was just thinking about you the other day because I had finally submitted ✨ my debut fic ✨ and asked jan if you were still around because i absolutely KNOW you’d go nuts and would’ve had a field day if you saw it.
I was the same anon who sent in all the submissive dilf x dom spoiled princess wife asks about minhyun, jay, and various other idols 😘😘😘😘 i decided to reveal myself after so long coz i was extremely busy with school, mental health, and other commitments. however, i FINALLY graduated uni and i’m now in the workforce daahhhllinggg!!!
I missed u and ur sub enha fics so much and I’m glad to see a creative mastermind like you back on tumblr and in a better headspace. hope you’ve been doing well💗
i missed u sm and wondered how you were doing too !! i'm glad to hear you seem to be doing well 🧸 AS U SHOULD, congrats on graduating and getting a job omggg slay 🥳
thank you for remembering me and the lovely welcome back !! here is a pic of minhyun as CELEBRATION 🎊🎊🎊 you dont know how long i had to scroll just to find this pic 😭 but it's worth
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slytherinshua · 3 months
genre. fluff. a little hurt/comfort. warnings. a lot of crying and distress. yul is there to comfort <3. a little talk about having children. pairing. fiance!yul x fem!reader. wc. 2k. request. no. a/n. i wrote this specifically for @candewlsy <3 mizu ik you've been having a bit of a hard time recently but i hope this cheers you up a bit!! yn may or may not be inspired by you 👁️
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Yul knew something was wrong with you the second you refused his request to meet up 5 days ago. It was times like these that he wished he could speed up the preparations for your marriage and just be able to see you at any time he wished as your husband. But for another 4 months, he would still be confined to the frustrating but precious title of fiancé.
Due to his studying and teaching at Jeongjingak, he hadn’t seen you in longer than he would have liked. It was bordering on almost 2 weeks and Yul was rarely the clingy of you two. If he was feeling the effects of missing you so greatly that it was hard to even focus on his work, he wondered how much worse it was for you.
You had as busy a schedule as him, mostly because of your decision to take on all the preparations for your weddings single-handedly. He knew you wanted it to be as perfect as possible. You had been dreaming of this day since you were little. Now that you had found the perfect man, you needed to plan the perfect ceremony as well. From the flowers, location, food, ceremony, afterparty, and even attire, you were responsible for planning it all. 
Yul had always admired how big a dreamer you were. You had fantasies and aspirations and always worked incredibly hard to complete them. And while he was hard-working and book smart, logistical and artistic planning had never been his strong suit. He was lacking in many ways, and watching you work reminded him of it every day.
Or he would have been able to watch you, if you hadn’t been seemingly avoiding his presence for over twelve days now. It was a perfectly sunny afternoon and Yul had finished all his work early. There was absolutely no excuse for him to not come to see you— even the weather was encouraging him to pay you a visit. He knew you were probably cooped up in your room, writing a million letters to all the vendors and designers you had hired for the wedding. It would benefit you greatly to get outside.
The sounds of shouting and subsequent rushing of footsteps was definitely not what Yul had anticipated hearing as he walked up to your home. One of the maids seemed to rush out of the house in a panic, her eyes widening and her face growing hot out of embarrassment once her eyes landed on Seo Yul.
“Master Seo! Oh, goodness, you should not be here right now— If Miss. L/n finds out she’ll only panic more—”
“Why is she panicking?” Yul interrupted the maid’s hurried jumble of words, concern growing every second he didn’t know what was going on. He had only been gone from you for twelve days; what possibly could have happened in that time? Before he even got an answer from the maid, he was already making his way towards the front door, unable to wait a second longer to figure out what was wrong.
“M-master Seo, please!” The poor maid scurried along after him, warning him to not go into the house. Yul seemed to be conveniently deaf to her pleading. As soon as he stepped in, he realized why he might not have been wanted at this particular moment.
Dozens of fabrics were… well, everywhere. On every surface, scattered on the floor, and even some stuck hanging from the walls. Yul’s concern grew, as well as his utter confusion and astonishment at how the house could have gotten this messy.
He followed the sounds of distress until he reached the doorway to your room— exactly what he expected. A harsh shout for everyone to get out sounded, and the silence that followed was almost deafening. Yul waited just outside in almost frozen shock, registering that the shout must have come from your mouth. Never in his life had he heard you shout. You barely ever got angry. A row of servants quickly filed out of the room, each bowing their head in shame.
Yul breathed out heavily, considering whether it would be wise for him to just leave now and not bother you. The last thing he wanted was for him to make you more upset, especially if you felt like you needed to be alone. But he couldn’t bear to leave when he could just make out your broken sobs and sniffles from the closed door. It was the most heartbreaking sound he had ever heard.
He slowly slid the door open a little to peek inside the room, being as quiet as possible in order to not startle you. The room was as messy as the rest of the house— extravagant fabrics strewn all over the floor and tables. You were sitting in the middle of the room, hunched over yourself. Yul noticed that you were dressed in a particularly elegant white hanbok dress that draped over your figure perfectly.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?” He spoke as softly as he possibly could, making sure he didn’t make the situation worse. He wanted to help lessen your tears, not create more. His soft approach seemed to have the opposite effect that he wanted, though. As soon as you heard him, you startled and turned around quickly. Upon laying eyes on him, your sobs only got worse and you immediately hid your face. Yul’s heart sank.
“Love? Tell me what happened.” He coaxed, kneeling down next to you, placing a hesitant hand on your shoulder. He could feel how tense you were, but also how you softened ever so slightly once you felt his touch. He felt relieved that he didn’t seem entirely unwelcome. “Can I help at all?” 
“No! It’s— it’s all ruined, Yul! W-we should have never tried in the first place!” You cried, heartbroken, and Yul frowned again. He pulled you closer to him, wrapping his strong arms around you in a safe embrace. It was clear that he wouldn’t get an answer to what started this mess until you had calmed down a bit. He stroked your back and softly shushed your sobs, waiting patiently for your crying to subside a little. When it finally did and your face was dryer, he pulled away from the hug slightly and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong now, love?”
You nodded, eyes focusing on a certain spot on the floor as you started explaining in a mumble, “It’s stupid, but… Since I can’t make my own dress, I wanted to get it from this particular dressmaker. But with our wedding in 4 months, they won’t have it ready in time.” You looked up at him again to gauge his reaction, your eyes watering again as you tried to go on. 
“I tried the other dresses, but they’re just not the same. I just wanted to look pretty for you, and now— now it’s impossible.” Your face crumbled again as you gripped the current dress you were wearing, looking like you wanted to shred it to pieces.
“What do you mean it’s impossible? You always look pretty to me.” Yul said simply, cupping your face in his hands and brushing away some of the new tears that had escaped. He offered you a soft smile, something that would help reassure you that everything was okay.
“I get that this… dress is important to you. You want to wear it more than anything, right?” He asked quietly. Knowing you and how long you had looked forward to getting married, he knew you had probably planned your dream wedding since you were little. It seemed as if you had had your eyes on this particular dress for years now.
You nodded, “If I had more time, I could order the fabrics myself and sew it… But I can’t. This dressmaker has the best fabrics. You know I know everything about fabric— it’s really important for the design. It just won’t work with anything else.” You sighed, seemingly more relaxed about the situation now, but still disheartened.
“Did you design the dress yourself?” Yul questioned. You had always been interested in textiles, and picked it up as your main hobby for most of your life. Most of your wardrobe was made up of your own designs, and you had even designed some pieces for him. Each design was so detailed and stunning; Yul thought you were better than any other designer he had seen.
“Yes. Songrim doesn’t have good seamstresses, Yul. They’ll mess it up, I know they will. This was supposed to be a mockup, but it’s completely different from my original design.” You gestured to the dress you were wearing right now. Yul looked at it again, trying to figure out what you thought was so wrong with it. It looked beautiful to his eyes, but he knew next to nothing about garments.
“We could always… postpone the wedding?” He offered, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. He had already waited so long for this that waiting even longer seemed like torture. But he knew you cared more about the wedding than he did, and he would do anything if it made you happy. 
“But… You wanted to get married before Spring.” You reminded him, heart sinking at the thought of postponing the wedding. It was even worse than not being able to wear your dress. It was clear that you would have to sacrifice one or the other.
“I’ll just pick a different design.” You whispered. “Mine was too complicated to complete in 3 months anyway…” 
“Are you sure?” Yul’s worry reached his voice, and though you didn’t feel quite sure about the decision now, you knew it would all turn out good enough. It didn’t need to be absolutely perfect, sometimes good enough was something you had to accept.
“I’ll save the design. Our daughter can wear it at her own wedding. I’ll make it for her myself.” You spoke, your smile growing as you thought of the idea.
Yul raised an eyebrow, “Our daughter?”
You glanced back at him, “I know you want one.”
He nodded, his face growing a little flushed, “I-I do, but we’ve… never… talked about it before.”
You laughed, “Well, we just did.” You kissed his lips before any more flustered words could come out of them. Despite the disaster that Yul had found you in, and the fact that the situation was still partially unresolved, the kiss made everything feel okay again. You sighed in content at being able to feel his soft lips against yours. Twelve days had really been far too long.
Your hands found their way into his soft brown hair, threading it through your fingers as the kiss went on. His hand cupped your jaw and his thumb stroked your cheek gently as you finally let all the stress of the afternoon panic leave your body. You giggled when you broke apart, your eyes shining with pure love as you looked at your betrothed. His hair had gotten messy from your fingers and his face was flushed as it always was after a long kiss. But he looked so content and at peace, and you savoured knowing that you brought Yul some rare serenity that he had seldom had the luxury of experiencing in the past few years.
“I can’t wait to call you mine.” You confessed, basking in the silent eye contact that Yul gave you. His eyes seemed to hold a million different emotions, all of them professing his undying love for you.
“You know that I already am, love.” He whispered back, pressing his lips to your temple forehead one more time to complete the statement.
↳ k-drama taglist: @eternalgyu,, @wolfmoonmusic,, @cha3w0n-hearts,, @tempobaekh,, @candewlsy,, @cosmicwint,, @cyberpunksunwoo
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blue-jisungs · 6 months
i keep thinking about like seo yul who has been hired to be a personal guard to the reader. and she's either like the daughter of a rly noble family or a princess just someone rly highly established in society who needs protection
and yul falls in love as soon as he sees her, he's literally so whipped he would do whatever she asked him. and once she realizes that he's not gonna tell her what to do like everyone else in her life, she starts to fall too. and like he helps her sneak out and they're just idiots in love <//3
training // calming balm
author's note. HI ZANNA CUTIE THANK J FOR THE YUL REQ LIKE I NEEDED RHAT IN MY LIFE!!! i hope u enjoy it bc personally i feel like it isnt the best thing i’ve written :(
summary. yul falls for you // soft moments w yul as your guard
word count. 3,6k
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“a bodyguard?” seo yul repeated in disbelief, eyes wide and directed at his uncle. his voice echoed in the wide room as the older man just nodded.
“the l/n family just moved here and they’re a well respected people. their daughter was raised not to cause any harm and live peacefully; therefore, in case of an attack she wouldn’t be able to protect herself” park jin explained calmly. yul just nodded “it’s not going to be a permanent occupation, only until the time they find a professional guard for their daughter”
“i understand” yul bowed gently.
“i’m glad. we’ll pay them a visit in a while, i’d want you to go with me” park jin announced. his nephew didn’t say anything, just nodded. the older watched him leave the room almost as quietly as a rustle of wind.
yul was smiling gently while talking to your parents, genuinely invested in why they moved here. the tea that was served was truly delightful and he couldn’t help himself but ask for more. when the discussion topic turned into a political one, the young mage looked around the garden. the gazebo they were seated in was cozy and prettily decorated, you could see the majority of the open space with one’s bare eye.
suddenly, yul saw a movement behind the peony bushes. he straighted his back and his hand rested on the grip of his sword.
eyes trained on the bush, he frowned upon hearing some voices.
out of the blue, someone fell from the bushes with a yelp. everyone looked that way, lady l/n letting out a huff.
“there she is… gods, this child will make me die because of an heart attack one day” she mumbled.
indeed, there was a young lady standing in front of the peony bush. she was dusting off the pink flower petals and leaves from her pastel purple hanbok. everyone could notice she was saying something to herself and seemingly, she didn’t realise she wasn’t alone.
“this is our daughter, y/n” your father sighed.
you looked up and suddenly saw the four people’s gazes on you. blood of embarrassment rushing to your cheeks, you approached them.
bowing gently you greeted the guests and a young man caught your attention. it seemed that you caught his too – he was staring at you in awe.
“greetings” you mumbled and refused to look at the unfamiliar people.
“where have you been– you know what? i done even wish to know. this is your new bodyguard, seo yul” your father pointed at the young man in light purple hanbok. you smiled upon realising it had the shade as yours. sending him a nod, he bowed.
his face was truly handsome and being honest, you were glad it was him and not the older man seated next to him.
“it is my pleasure to meet you. i promise, a single hair won’t fall off your head as long as i’ll be guarding you” he said softly. his ebony irises were glued to you, enchanted by your beauty. park jin just lifted the corner of his lips in a smirk, noticing how smittened his nephew is.
“and your name is…?” you asked, ignoring the look your mother sent your way.
“seo yul, lady l/n” the brown haired man replied, his feline-alike features causing you to study his face. then, your gaze fell upon his plum-shaded hanbok with tender, blueish sewings forming peonies. how ironic.
“i like your hanbok, seo yul” you smiled and bowed, then looked at your parents “i still need to unpack my baggage so if you’ll excuse me, i shall get going”
they just nodded and dived back in to the conversation whereas the young mage’s eyes followed you until you disappeared inside the house.
you were so pretty and graceful yet – unlike choyeon – you had a rebellious spark in your eye. something in you just intrigued seo yul and he didn’t even notice when he tried to drink from an empty porcelain cup.
the young mage arrived at your residence, the warm sun heating up his skin pleasantly. the fresh air was filled with the scent of flowers that blossomed in the garden, the birds’ singing beautifully filling in the silence.
someone from the servants led him to your chamber and knocked gently, looking at the new addition to the staff.
“lady y/n is very… childish. please, don’t be afraid to tell her no if she has an ridiculous idea or a foolish request” they said. yul frowned and suddenly the door opened, your maid looking the man up and down.
“you may come in” she said and yul stepped inside.
“who is it?” your voice rung in the room yet you weren’t nowhere in sight. only when your maid came to the folding screen and stepped behind it, he realised you’re there.
blush hit his cheeks and he shook his head.
“it’s seo yul, lad–” he started.
“we’re the same age, i assume. please, don’t use any of the honorific words and nicknames” you hummed and then said something to your maid “this ribbon, please”
yul looked around the room. he didn’t spend much time with noble women except choyeon, yet he thought it’s something known that women tend to be tidy. well…
maybe your room was somehow clean, it definitely had it’s own charm. history books on the floor, along with calligraphy supplies. horse-themed ornaments scattered on the wooden furniture, makeup tools next to a pretty mirror and… empty plates.
“can you show me around the city today, yul?”
his gaze snapped up and he felt his face get warm when he noticed you caught him staring. but there was no anger or disgust in your eyes, no. pure amusement and excitement.
“of course” he nodded, taking in the sight of you. today, you decided to wear a faint yellow hanbok. the sewings at the bottom of the dress were gold and formed a beautiful scenery: young deers, forest plants and wild birds. the rest of the clothing, including the frame of your sleeves, was white. there was a yellow ribbon in your braided hair.
“we shall go, then” you grinned and energetically stormed out of the room. he looked shocked at the maid. the older lady just sighed, dramatically wiping her forehead.
“good luck” she just mumbled and seo yul chased after you, with a love-struck smile.
“so? what are you going to show me? can we see the mage place?” you asked, not even turning around when you heard his footsteps approaching.
you knew he’d say no: you heard that only mages were allowed to enter the place and after all – sadly – you were no mage.
“sure, i’ll take you to jeongjinjak. but be aware that the mages might not be too pleased to see you there” he answered casually and just when he caught up with you, you halted your movements. yul realised he had to stop and turn around, blinking.
“really?” you asked in disbelief, lips forming into a huge smile.
“of course, why not?” seo yul returned your smile.
“i thought… ah, it doesn’t matter. we should go, then” you hummed happily.
yul already knew that he won’t be able to resist you.
“oh my, it’s beautiful here” you sighed when you entered jeongjinjak. the place was spacious and quiet, the air filled with a feeling of seriousness and a scent of old books “do you live here?”
yul nodded, his hand intertwined behind his back as you two strolled around the place carefully.
“my uncle is in charge of this place” yul added. passing by some young mages that were training, you sent them a sweet smile and bowed gently.
they all stared at you in awe, immediately losing focus and stumbling over their own feet. giggling at that, you failed to notice the disapproving look yul sent them.
“i always wanted to at least possess the power ryusu” you hummed sadly “but my parents were never willing to find me a teacher, even though they know some of the stages themselves. selfish, isn’t it?”
you turned to yul and his apologetic smile. there was a certain softness in his features, a look that was different to what you always stumble upon. most of the people assumed you’re a spoiled brat and treated you this way. but yul was the only one who didn’t: he was carefully listening and genuinely cared about what you said.
“i can teach you the basics, y/n” he offered and before you could burst out with happiness, he quickly added “but it must remain a secret between us”
“of course it will” you grinned and quickly went to hug him. you realized your actions and froze, feeling ashamed of your impulsiveness. seo yul noticed that and his heart ached with a strange feeling. were you taught to suppress your emotions? “thank you so much, yul”
“it will be my pleasure, la– y/n” he smiled, ebony irises glinting with happiness. you held eye contact for a mere moment longer before there was a sudden bang.
it was the mages in training who were just staring at you and didn’t notice that they tripped over the edge of the passage.
spending time with yul became a part of your routine. however, it wasn’t a negative thing. you loved his company; for the first time ever you felt like you had a friend. someone who truly cared for you.
a knock at your door caused you to smile. yul had a specific pattern of knocking – it sounded like a tender melody, rhythmic but pleasant to listen to.
“come in!” you hummed, finishing braiding your hair. your guard entered, bowing and scanning your figure (not so) secretly.
“good morning” he hummed, stepping in. you could read it on his face that he wanted to add something but halted from doing so. ‘you look stunning today’ was what lingered on his lips, albeit his shyness prevented him from wording it out.
“what should we do today?” you asked, tilting your head.
you adored seo yul – he always kept up with your ideas and temper. most of the maids were old and always too tired to even take a short walk. even though he wasn’t your maid – and certainly, he wasn’t old – he never had a problem with taking strolls around the city or showing you the neighbourhood . sometimes it included walking through hills, high grasses and small rivers. but he was always willing to do so.
“is there something particular you wish to do?” he asked, his tender voice calm as always.
“not really, no” you shook your head.
“then, we could go–”
he wasn’t meant to finish when your mother barged into the room. her face morphing into relief when she noticed you.
“you’re here, good. do not leave the house today, i heard there are some… civil commotions in the city. and it’s been dangerous lately” she said and her eyes met yul’s. he bowed “oh, you’re here. you can go home now. y/n’s not leaving the household today”
“but mother, i–” you started.
“no. it’s too dangerous” she cut you off and left, the maids closing the door behind her.
yul watched your features grow sad and his heart sank. you lost your excitement, eyes gradually fogging with a strange, bland emotion.
“it’s fine. i’m not in the mood anymore, you can go home” you mumbled, turning your face to the window.
“i’m not in the position to disobey your mother’s orders, however i’m your guard” yul offered and carefully studied your reaction “and not to brag or be overconfident, but you’re going to be safe under my watch”
there was a ghost of a smile dancing on your lips as you played with the hem of your hanbok.
“mhm… and what if my parents found out?” you hummed, cocking your eyebrow.
“i’d take the responsibility” yul said seriously. shaking your head, you stood up.
“no need, i was just teasing you. shall we go, then? where are we going, anyway?” you asked.
“to the market. i believe you haven’t seen it yet, y/n?” he asked with a tender smile.
“no, our maids do the duty of providing food…” you hesitated and stopped yul before he left. his eyes widened when he felt your hand on his chest “how are we going to leave? it’s the middle of the day, everyone will see us”
“just trust me, lady” he hummed and slid his hand to grab yours “may i?”
you nodded. yul’s gentle and smooth hand took in yours, as if scared that he’ll cause harm. blush spreading across your cheeks, you looked away and let him lead you.
seo yul was like a cat – his moves were sharp and calculated, paying attention to if someone is coming or not. in no time, you left through the back door and the garden. finding yourself in the middle of a busy street, you looked at him with wide eyes and a smile of gratitude.
“i’ll be using this route” you grinned and saw a flash of fear go through his face.
“no, don’t do that… you’ll get hurt or…” he started and you let out a gasp, drawing some passersby’s attention.
“what is that? that colorful thing? wait, yul, are those parrots?” you yelped in excitement and he couldn’t help but laugh sincerely. his features dropped when you ran off.
“wait a moment!” he giggled, adoring your excitement.
yul walked you through the market, explaing who’s selling what. the delicious smells and colors surrounded you, mouth agape as you took in all the amazing views. the young mage was stealing glances at you and how adorable you were while doing that.
“oh, the sweets!” he hummed and noticed you look that way curiously.
“can we get some?” you asked.
“of course” he grinned, hands interlocked behind his back. he followed you slowly while you already approached the seller. eyes meeting, you stood closer to him once yul arrived.
“what are we having? my treat!” you grinned “all of them look delicious…”
“my favourite are the pine pollen tea ones” he mumbled shyly, pointing at the greenish cookies.
“well then, we’ll have each one of everything” you hummed and noticed the seller’s eyes widen.
“ah, yul!”
you both turned around and saw a man with blonde hair approach you. while yul was distracted, you said something to the snack seller.
“what a beautiful lady… my name is park danggu” the blond man bowed dramatically as you stared him up and down.
“uh-uh. nice to meet you, i’m l/n y/n” you smiled and frowned, looking at yul. he just smiled.
“that’s a friend of mine” your guard explained and noticed all the snacks are already packed, waiting for you. suddenly, yul had a strange feeling ache in his heart: he did not want you to talk too much with danggu. “shall we go home?”
“oh, already?” you pouted, grabbing the bag. yul took it from you, fingers brushing against each other. blush spread on both of your cheeks. danggu smiled upon that.
“yeah, i’m busy either way. i will see you around, yul. don’t come home too late, though” danggu wiggled his brows and was off before yul could even say something.
“he’s silly” you snickered and poked his arm. yul seemed flustered.
on your way back you chatted all the time. you decided you won’t go anywhere once you’re home, so you dismissed yul to go back (only after thanking him for his company, of course).
once back at jeongjinjak, yul was surprised to see a package addressed for him.
it turned out you bought all the pine pollen tea snacks for him and had them delivered at his dorm.
the mage couldn’t help but melt and smile absentmindedly at the gesture.
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for a couple of days yul was dismissed from his duties: your parents gave him some spare time and you said you’re not in the mood to leave the house. it left him pondering if something is wrong and decided to ask you if everything is alright.
the time he spent without you made him realise something: life is bland when you’re not by his side. you’re so lively and energetic, yet so adorable at the same time. he missed you and had this tingling feeling in his heart whenever you weren’t around. yul was looking forward to the day he’ll meet you again.
after finally coming back to his duties, he went right away to your chamber. it was late and dark outside but a messenger called him, saying it was urgent. the mage thought something dangerous was happening.
“y/n?” yul asked, coming into the room. there was a couple of candles lighting up the room, shadows dancing on the walls.
“yul! let’s go out!” you whisper-yelled, grabbing his hands. a pleasant warmth spread through his body before he processed your words.
“what? i thought it was an emergency and you got hurt…” he mumbled.
“no, no. i’m fine. just bored to death… are there any horses…?” you asked hesitantly.
“h-horses?” he choked out, eyes widening. you shrugged nonchalantly.
“i feel like going on a horse ride”
you are insane.
“sure, we’ll find something” he scoffed, shaking his head. he shouldn’t be doing this; none of this, at all. he’s about to sneak out with a lady he was supposed to protect and do something that could potentially harm you. which, he was here to prevent in the first place.
but he couldn’t help it! he felt like you put a spell on him, he just wasn’t able to resist.
“we shall go then, my lady” he hummed. good thing the room was dimmed, otherwise he’d see how your face reddened with a shade of ruby-alike shade of the yin and yang jade.
yul held your hand gently and helped you leave through the window. erupting into quiet giggles when you almost stepped on his feet or when you passed the peony bush where he first saw you. under the cover of dark night sky, yul led you to a nearest stallion. he looked around, making sure no one saw you.
“y/n, do you even know how–” he turned around and gasped when he saw you already on the horse.
“can we go to the pretty fields? please…” you mumbled. yul nodded slowly and hopped on a horse too, leading the way.
“we should be back before sunrise…” he mumbled. there was a look of calmness in your face, almost unfamiliar.
wind in your hair, the sound of horse hooves pleasantly clacking against the ground underneath the starry sky caused your heart to soothe. the smell of fresh grass and yul’s silhouette beautifully framed by moonlight – it was a moment that you wanted to stay in forever.
arriving at the fields, you stopped next to a small stream. the water was rustling pleasantly, hypnotizing you. yul realized that you stopped following him and turned around, looking at you. something was troubling your mind, clearly.
even in the faint light you saw his eyes widen. cute.
“yes, y/n?” he asked, voice gentle.
“i think i… no. um, actually, no. i’ve been practising ryusu! can i show you?” you asked and he nodded, locking his hands between his back.
you put your body strength on your legs, focusing to keep your moves sharp and clean. chest moving up and down to keep your breathing regular and steady. just when you thought you got it–
“y/n, i think… my heart longs for you when you’re not present but then it acts as if it was possessed whether you hold my hand… i’d rather look at you than all of the stars or beautiful ornaments” yul said, his words carried by wind.
letting out a shaky breath, you looked at him. moonlight shining on his handsome face and somewhat scared eyes.
“why did i say that…” he mumbled.
you let out a melodic laugh and ran up to him, wrapping hands around his neck. yum was startled but held you gently.
“you fool” you mumbled, smiling against the fabric of his hanbok “my heart calls out for you too. i’ve been meaning to say that for while, that’s why i needed some time alone”
you leaned away and gently grabbed his face, cupping his cute cheeks.
“you’re the only one who understands me, yul-ah. i bask in your warmth and kindness, your spirit makes me feel alive– can… can i kiss you? i’m out of words” you asked. yup nodded shyly, unsure what to do with his hands.
placing your lips on his plump ones, he instinctively wrapped hus hands around your waist. pulling you closer and smiling softly into the kiss.
when you felt like you were running out of your breath, he pulled away.
“you need more training though…”
a frown formed on your face and he snickered.
“with ryusu?” you asked, unable to believe he just said that.
“no– well, yes. if you train your breathing, you’ll be able to kiss longer” a smirk danced on his lips “or the other way around. fortunately for you, i can help with such matter”
suddenly his eyes widened, the flirty behaviour disappeared in a blink of an eye.
“don’t tell your parents. or my uncle. we’re kind of… breaking the rules”
“i won’t” you smiled sweetly and tip-toed to smooch his cheek.
years spend alone without friends or love, barely with your parents caused your heart to ache in a mysterious and hurtful way. but now, with yul by your side, a soothing feeling washed over it as if someone put a calming balm. a balm called love.
masterlist <3
taglist. @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @primoppang ,, @dazzlingligth
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seokiepout · 2 years
here is a masterpost of all of my fics, aus and drabbles! you can navigate through them from the following sorting.
although most of the works are rated g or t, there can be occassional writings with m, e or other important warnings so please make sure to read the tags before proceeding <3
♡ — stray kids
lee minho / han jisung
hwang hyunjin / han jisung
lee minho / lee felix
lee minho / kim seungmin
lee felix / yang jeongin
♡ — bts
jeon jungkook / park jimin
♡ — wanna one
hwang minhyun / kim jaehwan
kang daniel / park jihoon
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Raven!! Do you think you’ll watch HYBE’s variety show(?$ with all of the HYBE family?
Ngl I’m kinda watching for Hwang Minhyun and TXT.
But hello! I’m excited for the new chapter you make good fics and I’m so proud of you 🫶❤️
Ahh no I don't really watch variety shows, like full ones, just pieces on tiktok😅
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rotblut · 2 years
HONESTLEE idk if it's just me but... minhyun and gyj have a more compelling chemistry and i hope. if anything that it's resolved nicely even if painful </3 also i hope we get to see more of hong seo hui too bc i loved /her/ w jae wook. ykw i just realized if nothing goes the way i want, i will simply write fic LSKDFJLSDFK
ngl i really have the lowest expectations like i don’t care about anything for now. haven’t even finished watching s1 because i was so frustrated with it BUT as long as it’s sexi in s2 i don’t really care what’s happening between ships and such. UGHHHHHHHH minhyun’s canon love interest doesn’t match him at all. like there’s no chemsitry it’s boring and plain. i would have loved if they paired him up with seo hui because their characters could be interesting together with them both caring about jang uk and matching personality wise well............... but that’s not happening.
still thinking at least twice a week about that perfect jang uk+yoon ok fic like that first chapter was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo powerful, emotional. sexi and amazing. was it ever updated i don’t think so. lemme go look for it omggggggggggggggg i would love some fics to come out of it. 
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marriedtothewriting · 2 years
Long waited update
I have been away for a while... I honestly have no idea how long. But I have a good reason why I've been offline.
First, my uncle passed away, and that took a toll on me. Then my favorite group, NU'EST, disbanded, which was a heavy blow. And not many days from that, our dear family dog passed away. I must say, his death took the most from me. I saw him so often... that furry buddy had been there with me for 10 years... am tearing up even as I type this... OK
So... I hope you understand I haven't really been in the mood to write anything. And I am not sure how to handle NU'EST from now on...
Also, I started school! So that is also why I won't be writing as much. But I do not want to leave this account and I want to write quality reader fan fics in the future. So I will post something here... eventually. I hope you can wait. It will most likely be a Minhyun or Baekho fic.
Thank you.
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