#messed up hares head
grubbylilgoblin · 1 year
Some completed bots :0]
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166 notes · View notes
takami-takami · 1 year
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includes— hawks x reader. minors dni. suggestive.
warnings— daddy kink. predator/prey undertones. keigo being a meanie.
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You wish the ground would just swallow you whole before his smug look does.
"Don't let it get to your head! Keigo—" You squeak, covering your own face with one hand and pushing his away with the other. Your palm does nothing to quell the mischievous laughing fit that your boyfriend doesn't seem to have the courtesy nor self control to keep to himself.
Don't let it get to his head? His head couldn't be any bigger in this moment.
He seizes the opening to situate himself on top of you with ease, keeping you caged beneath him so he can bear witness to the full extent of your misery. Your hands lie helpless, locked under his hold and pinned above your head to leave you wide open. He wants nothing obstructing his view of your dreadfully desperate squirms.
He considers locking your legs in place beneath his, too. It wouldn't be difficult at all to overpower you, but the butterfly kicks behind his back that ruffle the sheets beneath are just too delicious to watch.
Your bedroom has become a locked box of your whimpers and flails, and he loves it. What he wouldn't give to cage you here and throw away the key.
"Keigo...? Sorry, dunno who that is." His eyes roll in time with his shoulders, while that wicked grin never falters.
"Could've sworn you were just calling me something else," he sings above you. He purses his lips like he just can't catch his thought. Bastard. You'd be screaming into your hands if you had access to them. "What was it you said... What was it..." he hums a devilish, giddy tune, turning to catch your eye.
"Care to remind me?"
"You're an asshole!"
"No, that's not quite what you called me."
You huff in response, opting to stare at the ceiling behind him. Anywhere but that stupid, god-awful, pretty face of his. Maybe if you try to pull your wrists free, he'd take pity on you and— nope, still not giving an inch of leeway.
He notices your weak attempt. Poor thing, he thinks. You don't actually think there's anywhere to run, do you? Your halfhearted flailing underneath him is cute though, he'll give you that. So cute. Almost as cute as your little slip-up that got you into this fucking mess.
This is your mess, you know. You did start it, after all, and who is Keigo if not a man who finishes the job? It'd be criminal to not keep this game going for as long as it'll take to satisfy his instinct to torment you.
He's not a sadist, he swears.
He just knows prey when he sees it.
"Kei', I didn't— can you please just let this go?" You finally look at him with those puppy dog eyes. In another circumstance, they would get him to do whatever you want; but for once, he decides to be selfish. He's just having too much fun.
"Why should I? Don't tell me you're embarassed," he posits, as if you aren't the picture of shame incarnate beneath him. "Nothin' to be embarassed about, doll." He closes the gap between you, nose barely brushing the line of your jaw before he dares to have a taste. "Plenty of people would jump at the oppurtunity to call me da—"
"Oooh, yet another name and you still won't repeat the one from earlier. Gonna hurt my feelings, baby." Raptor eyes zero in on the juncture of your neck. When you strain to turn your head away from him, you leave your jugular completely exposed. He sighs. You're fucking helpless. He supposes that's why he's the pro hero, and you're just the little hare captured betwixt his talons. 
With a finality settling in his gut, he latches on and sinks his canines into you. You go limp below with the hitch of a breath, kicks slowing to a halt.
"You know, I think I like this." When his hands release yours, he's sure your muscles won't even twitch. Frozen under his spell, you are the moth to his proverbial flame; the rabbit in his headlights.
"I think that name is already one of my favorites. You'll say it again for me, won't you? Tell me..."
"Who's your fucking daddy?"
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sapphic-coded · 3 months
I Swear That I Don't Have A Gun
You grew up in Ohio with your father, brother, and sister. Your family was small and strange. Because of that, you were picked on relentlessly at school. Until another weird kid showed up. Her family moved in across the street from you. It wasn't long until the two of you became friends. Your friendship became the light in your life. Until it ended suddenly. Rumors followed your friend's disappearance. Russian spies. You didn't see her again until you crossed paths at work.
Series Masterlist
Natasha Romanoff x fem Reader
Warnings: Violence. Reader is a messed up assassin and misses her gun home. Childhood trauma hanging out in the background. Hunted animals. Minors DNI.
Word Count: 4.6k
Author's Note: Life has been crazy. It still is. But this series is so much fun to write. Please know that your comments and love have kept my days bright. I read all your comments. Your likes and reblogs make me do my happy dance. It makes me happy that you guys are enjoying this series as much as I am. I apologize for the wait. I hope this new chapter makes up for it!
Taglist: @natsxwife @iliketozoneout @newawakening9 @natasha-1million @ilovemcuff @taliiiaasteria @alowint @yerisdumbass @natashasilverfox @fxckmiup
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Chapter Eight: You Can't Raise Hell With A Saint
Mount Vernon, Ohio – 1993
You watched the station wagon slowly back out of your driveway from your bedroom window. As you watched, you folded and then unfolded the piece of paper in your hand several times. Your father’s departing words echoed in the back of your mind. 
“This is vital to maintaining our relationship with our allies. Remember. When the time comes, we must position ourselves on the correct side.” 
You waited until the station wagon disappeared from view before your attention shifted onto the snowman across the street. Your father is gone for the weekend. Your assigned homework is already completed and buried in your backpack. You had hoped for two uninterrupted days with your friend. You two had discovered a perfect hill for sledding not too far away. You had hoped you could return to it this weekend with Nat. But before your father had left, he had given you an assignment. One you were not allowed to ignore. 
But if you finish it quickly like your homework…
You turned away from the window and got dressed. The house was quiet as you descended the stairs and hunted through the kitchen for breakfast. Your father had given both your brother and sister assignments. You figured your siblings were already out doing them. You found an opened pack of pop-tarts hidden behind the jar of two dead mating frogs. You ate the delicious blueberry pop-tart and washed it down with tap water from the sink. Once breakfast was done, you pulled on your snow boots and put on your heavy winter coat. You unfolded your father’s note once more to reread the words hastily scribbled in fine black ink. Then, you refolded up the note and shoved it into your coat’s pocket. 
You left out the back door and pulled on your gloves as the morning winter air scratched at your face. The snow crunched beneath your boots as you headed towards the treeline. The woods behind your house stretched onwards for roughly two miles. It was one of the reasons why your father had chosen to settle here. He could disappear into this patch of quiet woodland and no one but you and your siblings would know. 
For a while, the only noise was the steady rhythm of your footsteps and the chirping of birdsong as you left your house behind and walked deep into the woods. The sunlight shone brightly off the surface of the snow and made your eyes water if you stared at it for too long. You felt the wind beginning to pick up and blow against your back as you walked. Your pace did not slow until you reached the base of a tree with a dead hare hanging from a snare. 
You knelt down into the cold snow and pulled your hunting knife from your coat pocket. You cut the rope and lifted the dead animal up by the rope’s lead. Its dark lifeless eyes stared at you and you searched for any ounce of pity. When you didn’t find any, you stood up and continued walking. The weight of the hare hanging from the small noose made you feel less alone. You kept walking until you spotted a smooth, round rock. You picked it up and it nearly covered your whole palm. 
You tied the end of the rope around the rock as you continued further into the woods. The light of the sun had started to dim when you finally reached a large pond. Your feet carried you to a narrow dock that stretched out over the water. The wooden boards groaned beneath your feet as you came to the end of the dock. You looked down into the dark water. It hadn’t frozen over yet which made your assignment easier. The wind continued to blow at your back as you tossed the dead hare into the water. The lifeless animal hit the cold water with a splash and floated on the pond’s surface for a moment. Then the dark water pulled the dead hare down into its depths. You waited for some kind of response. A sign that your assignment was complete. But nothing happened. So you turned and started the trek home. 
Your thoughts returned to your friend as you began following your footprints back the way you came. You would have the whole rest of the day to do whatever you wanted. And tomorrow you wouldn’t have to waste any time with another assignment. Your immediate future was bright and that fueled your quick pace. 
But your pace started to slow when you lost sight of your footprints in the snow. The wind that had been blowing must have covered them up. You ignored the first sour taste of fear and kept going. You had planned to just follow your tracks back home, but you could make it back without them. You had only gone in one direction. It wouldn’t be difficult to find your way back home. You shoved your gloved hands into the pockets of your heavy coat as the wind now blew against your face. 
The light of the sun continued to fade as you made new tracks in the snow. You were going in the right direction. You had to be. But you spotted new bushes and weird leaning trees that you hadn’t seen before. You felt yourself shivering against the cold as the light faded into the coming dark. You kept walking until you finally leaned against a tree and sank towards the freezing ground. You closed your eyes and tried to curl yourself up as much as you could within the fading warmth of your coat. 
You don’t know how you messed up your assignment. You thought you knew your way back. You thought this would be so easy. Your father had dragged you and your siblings out here plenty of times. Yet you’re lost and you don’t know what to do other than sit here and–
Triskelion, Washington D.C. – 2012
You miss your little piece of woodland paradise. You had discovered the small cabin during your fourth job. You had been posing as a realtor for your target. The cabin had caught your eye because of its remoteness. It was tucked away along the mountainside and far enough away from all the main roads that all you heard when you stepped outside was birdsong and the wind brushing through the trees. It was the perfect spot to kill your target. The cabin had been left on the market for years and only maintained by a vendor who came out once a season to keep the place from falling apart. You would have no interruptions to deal with. If your target tried to flee, it would be a long run back to a main road. And even if your target got that far, they would need to run from there back to the nearest town. This spot was an open playground. You could kill your target however you wanted. Chase them around if you were feeling energetic. Sever their head with an axe like a lumberjack cutting up wood. 
But when you had pulled up to the cabin for the first time, you realized that you couldn’t do any of that here. Sure, you had plenty of space. The cabin was remote. The main road lightly traveled. When you let out a scream to test if anyone would come running, no one did. It wasn’t until you walked through the cabin and into each of the small, cozy rooms that you understood why you couldn’t bring your target here. The cabin felt too much like a home. 
The pictures that hung on the walls were snapshots of the owner’s life. Frames full of smiling faces and captured happy moments. You saw the lives of their children begin with innocent, small, round confused faces and stop at handsome young faces decorated in medals and gowns. The furniture bore the nicks and marks of a life used. You could even see the spots of soot left behind in the fireplace where the vendor failed to clean. 
You had only ever been in a home like this once before. You had sat down onto the couch in the cabin’s small family room and looked over at the kitchen. You imagined the smell of Nat’s home. You imagined Nat’s mother standing in the kitchen. It was the only thing you could think of. You sat there for a long time. It had been the first time in years that you thought about your friend without all the other stories hanging onto the memory. You thought about Nat. You thought about how happy you had been around her. You tried to imagine her as an adult, but you couldn’t. She was dead, and you were no longer the kid she met back in Ohio.
You ended up killing your target during a private tour of a much larger home far away from the cabin you found. By the time you had bought and moved into the cabin, the new owners of the other much larger home had only finished finding all your target’s missing fingers. The cabin had become your home. Your place to unwind after your jobs. You had filled it with everything you knew that belonged in a home. You loved the feeling of walking through the front door after a long job and just breathing in the smell of your home. 
Your bunk is nothing like your cabin. You are buried beneath all the important floors. Your room has no windows. Your room has four white walls, harsh overhead lights, and a white tiled floor. The brightness of the room often gives you a headache which is why your favorite time to be in your bunk is when you are sleeping. All the lights are off and you can listen to the hum of the air conditioner. The best part is that you don’t have to wear that stupid suit when you are in here. You are even allowed to speak, however the only person you ever talk to is Rumlow. 
You miss your cabin so much.
The lights in your room come on when the door opens. The twin sized mattress you lay on offers the bare minimum of comfort, yet you don’t bother to sit up. Instead, as you wake and hear familiar footsteps, you drape your arm over your eyes. It successfully blocks out the harsh light, but does nothing to stop the approaching footsteps.    
“The bosses up top were impressed with your Bardstown mission,” Rumlow says. 
You can’t fight back the small laugh that works its way past your curling lips. With your arm draped over your eyes you can see Sikora’s bent neck clearly. You can still hear each crunch as his body collided down each step. “I killed one person and they weren’t even my target.”
“Which worked out in your favor,” Rumlow says as his approaching footsteps stop. “You played your part. The mission was a success, and no one will look deeper than that.” 
You lift your arm away from your eyes and let it flop down to your side. The harsh lights already make your eyes water, but you focus on Rumlow who stands beside your bunk looking down at you. “Do you find your work fulfilling?” Instead of answering you, he turns and steps away from your bunk. You sit up. “Satisfaction is very important to me.” 
Rumlow causally makes his way over to a small table. He picks up the half finished bottle of bourbon Nat gave you before leaving Bardstown. You couldn’t drink it then. Removing your helmet around her would go against everything Rumlow has been drilling into your head. But you had ripped your helmet off the moment you returned to your bunk. You had brought the bottle to your lips, and you had drunk so much while thinking of her. 
“What are you asking for?” he asks. 
“Let me work,” you reply. “Without the suit and the rules. Tell me who the bosses want dead, give me back my gun, and let me kill them.” 
Rumlow sets the bottle down. “That’s not how this works.” 
You roll your eyes and flop back down onto your bunk. 
“I also don’t have your gun,” he adds. 
You close your eyes and swallow back the urge to yell. You hate this role so much. If you were impressing these bosses so much, why wouldn’t they let you show them how good you really were? What was the point of all the secrets if most of SHIELD was really HYDRA anyways? Or at least, most of the important people. Or whatever Rumlow had told you during those first few days. 
“The bosses were also pleased with how you handled Romanoff,” Rumlow says. 
Your eyes open and you stare up at the bland white ceiling. You fight back the smile you know is coming when you think back to the best day of your life. You hope you end up on another mission like that. Just the two of you. The one little new piece of your life that made tolerating this role just a bit more manageable. 
“How do you feel?” Rumlow asks. 
Like you want to pour over the office directory until you find her office. You’d race up there and sneak in when she isn’t around. You’d sit in the comfortable office chair that you hope she has up there. You’d take your helmet off and wait. And when she finally enters you’d spin around in her chair for a proper dramatic entrance. 
You turn your head to look at Rumlow. “Depressed. My favorite gun is lost.” 
Rumlow holds your stare. You know what he’s looking for. Perhaps if he could read minds then he would have found it. Instead, you hide all your fantasies and memories behind your little lie. It’s easy. You do the same trick your father always did. String together a story from bits and pieces of truth and mold it into what you need. You know it worked when Rumlow finally breaks your little staring contest. You don’t move when he turns away from you. You don’t want to give away your victory. 
“You have training with Rollins in twenty,” Rumlow says before he leaves. 
You wait until the door to your room shuts behind him before you get up. You move towards the table and grab the half empty bottle of bourbon. You bring it to your lips and take a sip. The smooth amber liquid washes across your tongue and burns down your throat. You think of when she handed you this bottle. You remember the way her hands briefly brushed across your gloved ones. 
You set the bottle down and change while your mind lingers in that memory. Rollins is already waiting for you when you arrive at one of the training rooms a few floors up. Bright sunlight pours through the windows that run along the far side of the training room. You feel uncomfortably hot underneath your suit, and you already miss the cool kiss of the air conditioning that hums in your bunk. When you see Rollins in the training room, your interior visor screen lights up with data you already knew. Except for the healing ribs. That part is new. 
Rollins leads you over to a bunch of blue mats. The hand to hand combat drills still feel weird. You know what you are supposed to do. You had learned back when Rumlow first shoved you into this stupid suit that going for kill strikes was not in compliance. You had to work your way up to kill strikes to make everything more believable. 
“You’re not an assassin anymore. You’re a SHIELD agent.” 
Which wasn’t even the truth. You found that this dance they forced you to do felt awkward. Your movements felt sloppy as you fought not to go for the opening that would put your target down permanently. And when a kill strike was considered acceptable, it always came far too late. It never felt right. These lessons pressed up against the memories of your training back in Ohio, and it often left you feeling more frustrated than anything else. 
Your training with Rollins is quickly following the same trend as all the others. Your punches feel sluggish and off. Every time Rollins dodges your hit or counters, you know exactly what you should have done instead. Your frustration grows as you hold back. Your thoughts scream at you in the roar of your father’s voice. You want to give in. Why trade blows when it can easily be only you hitting your target? But you’ve already tried giving in. You had managed to bloody your knuckles a bit before Rumlow had started talking to you about compliance. Everything had stopped despite your urge to keep going. Then you were back at the beginning as if your outburst hadn’t happened. 
Rollins dodges one of your punches and delivers a blow to your torso that pushes you back a step. He doesn’t advance. He stands there and waits as you swallow back all the foul words that usually tumble out of your mouth whenever something hurts. It’s hard not to say anything. Especially when he stands there looking bored. But you aren’t eager for them to start fucking with your mind again, so you keep quiet. The sound of your heavy breaths fills up your helmet as you return to your spot in front of Rollins. You duck under his right arm as it swings out. Your fist slams into his healing ribs and the noise he makes is exactly what you needed to hear. His cry is short-lived as he quickly masks it with a grunt. He retreats from you, and you let him. You watch as his breaths become more labored as his hands press against the very spot you hit. You don’t know if you just broke one of his healing ribs. It hadn’t been your intention, but you certainly didn’t pull that punch. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be resting?” 
Her voice steals your attention. She stands by the door dressed in a dark gray sweatshirt and black joggers. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest, and her head tilts slightly as her question is first met with silence. Well, more like your silence and Rollins’ heavy breaths. You could shatter this stretch of quiet in a heartbeat, and you want to. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip as you bury the urge. Your eyes greedily take in the sight of your friend. You are grateful for your stupid helmet as your eyes run down the length of her legs and stop at the black sneakers that cover her feet. 
“I thought you were heading back up to New York with Rogers,” Rollins finally says. 
“Eventually,” she replies with a slight shrug and walks further into the training room. “But I have some stuff I need to take care of first.” She uncrosses her arms as she casually approaches the mats. “You should head back before anyone from medical catches you here.”  
“I’m a bit busy training the quiet one,” Rollins says. 
You should have tried to break his ribs. He’d be too busy dealing with that pain to put a premature end to this wonderful moment. 
“I can take over,” she offers. 
Your helmet conceals the wide smile that cuts across your face. You don’t know what you have done to deserve so much alone time with your friend, but you will happily do whatever it takes to keep ending up in these wonderful moments. You don’t hear Rollins leave, and when you look over at the man, you can tell that he is unsure if he should leave. The questions he cannot voice are written plainly across his face and your smile falters. Is he…is he not going to leave? Is he really going to ruin this for you? You want to tell him that his concerns are unnecessary. If you were going to spill the beans, you would have done it the moment you and Nat were alone on the quinjet. Or sometime in Bardstown. Not in some fancy building secretly full of HYDRA agents ready to put you down with just a couple of random words. 
“Don’t worry,” her voice pulls your attention back to her. Despite the fact that she is addressing Rollins, her focus is on you. You spot the beginnings of a smirk that stirs up something inside you. Something exciting and warm. “I won’t break her.” 
You hear Rollins sigh and you feel the buzz of your excitement grow. 
“If you do, you’re the one having that conversation with Rumlow,” Rollins replies. “Not me.” Rollins gives you one last warning look before leaving. You watch the man’s retreating form and feel at ease when you see his hand come up to gingerly touch the spot where you hit him. 
When you look back over at Nat, you find her pulling her dark gray sweatshirt over her head. The uncomfortable heat that sticks to your skin beneath your suit returns as you feel your hands begin to sweat inside your gloves. You ignore the information that attempts to clog up your visor. Your focus is first on the black sleeveless shirt she wears. The hem of the shirt gets caught briefly on her sweatshirt and lifts to reveal the barest hint of a firm ab. You blink when the shirt falls back down. 
Nat sets her sweatshirt aside and steps onto the mats. “Are they always that serious around you?” 
You nod, but you are not thinking about Rollins, or Rumlow, or how painfully serious both tend to be at all times. You are too consumed by the realization that you have never seen this much of your friend before. No. That wasn’t it. You can recall several old memories of warm summer days and cool lake water. But you hadn’t felt like this back then. You are staring at her lean biceps and you just want to touch her. 
She steps forward. “Your missions with them must be fun.” She shifts into a fighting stance and raises her fists. “Let’s see what you can do.” 
You raise your fists and shift your stance. Your smirk at your friend’s earlier sarcasm falls away as your visor’s screen identifies multiple places to strike first. You know what you want to do, but that option isn’t listed anywhere on the screen. If it wasn’t for Nat standing in front of you, you would have quickly returned to your sour, frustrated mood. But instead, you wait for her to strike first. A few moments pass and all you two do is slowly circle the mats. You realize that she’s waiting for you to strike first. A hint of your concealed smile returns. You happily oblige. 
Your fist swings towards her, and you feel her arm quickly block your strike. Your focus is on her face, and you can tell that she barely had to think about her reaction. You continue to move in a slow circle and she does the same. You fall back into the training that Rumlow has been drilling into you since they freed you from that chair. You move in and strike. You frown slightly as she blocks or dodges every one of your strikes. It makes you feel like she’s in your mind. That she knew what you planned to do the exact same time you did. You retreat back a step when your fifth punch doesn’t land. 
You wait for her to move in with her attack, but it doesn’t come. You know she can’t see your face, but it feels like she can when she offers a small shrug and that small smile creeps back in. 
“I’m guessing that was your warm-up?” 
You know it’s bait, but you take it anyway. You move in with another series of attacks. Every single one of your punches feels just as sluggish as before. The rhythm feels off. You feel like each attack is wrong. Your strikes aren’t landing and just as you are about to sink into the seething grip of your frustration, you see Nat’s fist coming towards you. Your hand catches her wrist before her fist can make contact with your helmet. 
You watch as her brow arches in a silent question. You ignore the data that races across your visor’s screen and focus on the weight of her wrist in your hand. The familiarity of it lures out pieces of warmer memories. The touch of her hand taking yours. How her touch would melt the rigid cold left after early summer mornings with your father. You abandon the awkward dance you have been following. You can hear whispers of your father’s voice in the back of your mind as you take a breath and move. 
Her wrist slips free before you can pull her towards you. She goes on the offensive and the attacks you block send you back a few steps. You spy her foot moving to hook behind yours and you maneuver away from that pitfall only to feel her fist connect with your side. The pain is barely there. You two are sparring. But it lights a very familiar fire inside of you. 
You press forward with an onslaught of strikes that feel more natural. She continues to block most of them until you manage to slip past her defenses and successfully hook your foot behind hers. As you sweep her foot out from underneath her, her hands come up to latch onto the fabric of your stupid suit. She lets her falling body pull you down, and you both land on your side. Your one hand reaches to dislodge the grip she has on your suit while your other instinctively reaches out towards her neck. You feel her legs wrap around your waist and in one quick movement, you are on your back. Her hand stops yours from reaching her throat and pins it against the mat. She quickly pins your other hand to the mat, and you stare up at her as your heavy breaths fog up your interior visor. 
She doesn’t let go of your hands as she looks down at you. You know all she can see is her own reflection staring back at her, and you want her to pull the stupid helmet off your head. You wouldn’t be breaking the rules if she exposed this game. But she doesn’t. Instead, she leans down just an inch or two closer and asks, “How do you feel about opera?” 
You shrug. 
Her smile returns as she finally lets go of your hands. She gets up and you instantly miss her warm weight on top of you. You sit up as she returns to where she left her sweatshirt. She digs into her sweatshirt’s pocket, pulls something out, and tosses it towards you. You catch it. You can feel another burst of excitement rush through you as you stare at the phone in your hand. 
“That’s yours,” Nat says as she pulls her sweatshirt back on. “I thought it might be easier for us to communicate. I already loaded my number into your phone.” 
You have her phone number. You don’t move from your spot on the mats as your fingers wrap tenderly around the phone. Direct access to your friend without needing to go through anyone else or jump through any additional hoops. It feels like you’re back in Ohio. All you need to do is cross the street, and she’s there waiting for you. 
“I’ll be in contact soon,” she says as she moves towards the door. “Don’t put Rollins back in medical while I’m away.” 
You watch her leave. You wait until she’s gone before you lean backwards onto the mat and let out a quiet, short laugh.
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chanshoesunite · 7 months
Chan on the Beach
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Content Info: Chan and Y/N meet on a beach in Australia at Christmas and have some fun. This is an edit of Hare's bday fic for Tortoise. No beta we die like Y/N's resistance against lifeguard Chan.
Word count: around 6K
Warnings: semi-public sex, dirty talk
„Aaaah, this is the life!”
You reach over to grab your Virgin Lavender Mojito off the little table next to your lounger. Taking a sip through your plastic-free straw, you let your gaze, well-protected behind your heart-shaped shades, wander across the bay. From your position high up next to the rooftop pool of the renowned “Park Hyatt Sydney”, you can see the world-famous opera house.
“I know, right?” Your best friend Hare is next to you, holding a flashy pink cocktail. “Bless this job!”
As a pilot, Hare is allowed to bring someone along whenever she needs to fly over one of the major holidays, and since it’s Christmas in Austria right now and you’ll only fly back on the 28th, she chose her best friend to keep her company in her five-star hotel. There really are worse fates.
You stand to let your gaze properly explore the vicinity. “Do you fancy going to the beach?” you ask, spying the almost glisteningly white sand in the distance.
Hare raises an eyebrow at you, which you only realise because now it appears behind her sunglasses. “And getting eaten by a shark? Is this your idea of a good time?”
You giggle. “Oh, come on, there are safety nets. And anyway, I was thinking we could do one of those fun videos where you throw sand and I twirl in it? You know, for the Gram?”
Hare looks like she has half a mind to protest, might find this not worth the hassle, but then her smile softens. “Sure,” she says. “Let me check with the hotel staff to find the best beach access for us.”
An hour later, you are in your gloriously colourful bikini, twirling barefoot in the sand even though it’s too hot for comfort – not that you would give that away and ruin your Instagram reel, though. Hare is holding your phone, trying to get the perfect angle to have the sun glistening in a golden hour-way on the water.
“And now the sand,” you prompt. “You kinda just let it fly in the breeze, so it looks nice behind me.”
Hare looks dubious for a second. “What if I mess up and hit someone else?” You wave it off. “There’s nobody around!”
It’s true enough – it’s around dinner time, and your stretch of the beach is, possibly due to the holiday, rather empty. Hare nods. “Okay, sure.” She bends down to grab some of the white sand and repositions herself to throw it into the air. You twirl, and from the way Hare’s lips widen into a grin, you can tell it’s a great shot. You can already imagine how amazing you’ll look and how many likes you’ll get, maybe you should cross-post it on TikTok and-
Both of you turn to see someone standing there. And what a someone. Well, two someones, actually, but your eyes are glued to Someone Number One. He isn’t exactly tall, but well built, his black swimming shorts showing off his narrow hips and creating a marvellous contrast to his thoroughly-trained upper body. He has a sharp jawline that you would like him to use to cut you into chips, a big nose, well-formed cheek bones and beautiful eyes that are, admittedly, currently glaring at you. “What’s that all about?”
One glance at his wet upper body, which is now covered in sand, tells the entirety of what happened – that he is the unwilling participator in an Instagram challenge gone just a little wrong.
Hare gets her bearings faster, but from the way she eyes the taller, lithe man next to the buff grumpy guy, you assume that in order to get into her head, you would have to pass an 18+ ID check. “Sorry, we didn’t see you there and meant absolutely no harm!” She extends one of their towels to the taller guy who looks a little like a Korean forest fairy. “Here, please.”
The guy accepts the towel from her, cleaning his (for his build) substantial abs. You tear your gaze away and meet the buff dude’s eyes, who sarcastically pulls up one eyebrow. For a second, you don’t know what to do.
“Oh!” You realise he’s expecting you to also offer him a towel, so you do. At the way you briefly flounder around, your nemesis’ face softens, and a little smile plays on his face. It’s a good look on him, you decide. “Cheers”, he thanks you, cleaning himself up. “What were you even doing there, throwing sand?” he asks, somewhat curious and content now that the sand isn’t on his pecs but your expensive hotel towel. His voice is still a little gruff, a little dark, a little deep, his Australian accent making it all the more delicious.
Hare, the ever-trusting girl that she is, extends her phone to him. “I was filming a slow-mo reel. It looks absolutely gorgeous if you ask me. Sorry again, but it was kind of worth hitting you with sand for it.”
The two men watch the reel and you can feel your face heating up. You haven’t even seen it yourself yet, and now those two handsome dudes get to do so before you?! You should be mad at Hare, but from the way buff guy’s face softens watching it, you really, really can’t.
Handing her phone back to Hare, the guy looks at you. “You’re beautiful in this,” he says, a little sparkle in his dark eyes. “If I can follow you on Instagram, you’re forgiven.”
Ummmmmm. That’s a statement you haven’t anticipated. You gulp a bit. “Okay,” you agree, and accept the phone back from Hare to open the app for him. Your hand brushes his as you hand it over, and the back of your neck prickles. At the touch, his eyes find yours, and he smirks just the tiniest bit before focusing on the device to type in his Instagram handle. You feel a little lost for words, so you look over at Hare, who confidently winks at you. “Maybe we can buy you two a drink in order to make up for the, er, Sand Incident?”
The other boy chuckles. You take a moment to look at him more carefully and appreciate his fine features, his longer hair tied back in a ponytail. He is beautiful, no doubt about it, but you prefer his shorter friend. “That’s a lovely offer, but we’re actually headed to a party later.” Ponytail glances at the Short King. “But actually…?”
The Short King has finished typing his name. “Yeah, how about you come along?” he finishes the sentence. “I’m Chan,” he adds as he hands back the phone, “but lots of people call me Chris.” Chan nods at the phone and you glance at the handle. “Chanstopher97”. Oh, he’s younger, too. Hot. You accept his following request.
“And I’m Hyunjin.” The other boy smiles at Hare in a way that shows you he seems just as taken with your friend as her body language suggests she is with him. Nice.
“I’m Y/N,” you take charge of the conversation now, and there is a laugh dancing in Chan’s eyes. “And that’s Hare. And about our evening plans…” You look over at Hare, hoping to telepathically communicate that you’re not ready to make this impromptu decision without talking it through with her first.
Hare smiles. “We have dinner plans, but why don’t you text Y/N the address and we’ll see if we can meet you there?” You two share a look and you feel seen and comforted. Hare is keeping your options open but not consenting or refusing in your name.
There is slight disappointment in the two men’s faces, but that’s their issue. “All right,” Chan agrees, running a hand through his darkly wet hair and you are mesmerised by the way the muscles flex on his arms. “I’ll text you in a bit.” He smiles at you. “I really hope to see you there. It’s at the beach, but it does get cool at night, so make sure to bring a hoodie.” He pauses strategically. “Or you can always wear mine.”
You bite your lip to suppress a giddy grin, and his eyes follow the movement. There is an almost hungry quality in his gaze before it flickers back up to again. “See you later.” The confidence he lays into these three words is astounding but very attractive.
Hyunjin smiles sweetly at Hare, which she reciprocates, and then the two men make their way up the beach, in such a manner that the two of you can appreciate their backsides. When they turn around, you feel caught, and the slight blush on Hare’s face betrays the fact that she is experiencing the same emotion. As if in unspoken agreement, you both turn around and sink down in the sand, onto your respective towels that are already dirty anyway.
You are quiet for a moment. Then- “Well, damn,” Hare says.
“Damn,” you agree.
“He’s really hot.”
“I know. Mine too.”
“There’s one for each of us.”
Hare glances over at you. “How do you feel about a beach party on Christmas Day in Australia?”
You watch the setting sun glittering on the waves. How do you feel about this? On the one hand, many strangers in one place, mixed with alcohol, are never on top of your list when it comes to a desired evening programme. On the other hand, the party doesn’t have to be where they stay, does it? And Chan, Chris… He is really something. If he were lavender lemonade, you’d sip him. Hehe. Also, as a pilot, Hare has to stay sober, so there will be at least one reasonable person around – or, knowing your besty, at least a sober one.
“I think,” you say slowly. “Theoretically, if we didn’t like it, we could go home at any time. And we can share our location in case we lose each other.”
A slow smile spreads across Hare’s face, reminding you of a cartoon cat who has spotted an especially delicious baby bird. “All right,” your besty agrees. “Let’s party tonight.”
Chan texts the details within ten minutes of meeting you and you try not to let it get to your head. Hare and you enjoy an outstanding dinner on the hotel’s rooftop terrace, a Christmas present from the airline, and don’t let the prospect of two hot Korean men on a beach force you to hurry through the five delicious courses. Afterwards, you throw on bikinis, shorts, cute tops and pack long-sleeved items as well, just to be on the safe side. With on-fleek eyeliner and beautiful lipstick, you must surely be the hottest besty duo that has ever walked the hallways of this grand hotel, or so you think on their way downstairs to catch your Uber.
The party location seems to be a dive bar, and as you approach the hut, you are relieved to see that while there is a crowd gathered, it is not overwhelming. The last rays of sunlight are winking over the horizon as the two of you enter the bar.
The interior design is a little bit clichéd in its maritime theme, but since this is your first authentic dive bar experience, you don’t mind. You glance at the nets, the taxidermied swordfish, the life belts, take in the Jack Johnson song playing, and decide you like it. The bar is situated in the middle of the wooden building, an “o” marking the centre of the spot. And right there, behind the counter, drawing a beer, is-
“Is that Chan?” Hare asks the exact moment you realise that your crush is actually working here. Your gaze falls onto Hyunjin next to him, wiping glasses, and the women waiting to catch their attention in front of the bar. “Well,” you conclude. “It seems we’re here for the most popular boys. Damn.”
Hare grabs your hand. “That won’t stop us,” she disagrees. “After all, we are the hottest here.”
She pulls you towards the bar, and it is almost eerie how fast Chan’s head snaps up to meet your eyes. His slowly crinkle as he begins to smile. “You came!” he calls over the music and the waiting people, and some of them actually make space for Hare and you. “We came,” you confirm, propping your elbows up on the bar. “And you came to work, by the looks of it?”
Chan seems sheepish for a moment, but quickly shakes it off. “We are only doing the first shift,” he explains, “and then we’ll be all yours.” He gestures around the room. “You can check out the place or the beach if you’d like. Or hang out with us back here?” He has one hand on the door that swings inward and allows for entrance into the centre of the bar.
Hare glances at Hyunjin. “If we hang out back here, will you make us a kickass alcohol-free cocktail?”
Hyunjin smiles – he really looks good in his loose Celine racerback; you have to admit that. “My pleasure,” he says in a voice that is deeper than you remember.
Hare turns to you. “Beach or bar?” she asks.
You barely hesitate. “Bar.”
If someone had asked you a few months ago if spending Christmas day behind a bar sounded like fun, you probably would have refused to even consider the possibility. But this – sitting on chairs with Hare, sipping the amazingly lavender-flavoured cocktail Hyunjin created for you, watching the men work, throwing dish towels or napkins at them in jest – this is a perfectly lovely evening. There isn’t much time to chat, but just by looking at them interact with each other, their customers and their work, you get a better idea of their characters.
Chan seems to be caring, friendly, supportive, flirty, Hyunjin appears to be sweet, sassy and a little on the dramatic side. Both of them react well to the sarcastic comments Hare sometimes throws their way, teasing her back and each other. It is obvious that they are firm friends and likely have been for a long time.
“Hey, Hyunjin, your mojito game is actually pretty weak,” Hare exclaims, hopping off her barstool and joining the taller Korean man at the bar, elbowing him gently. “Why don’t I help you with that?”
Hyunjin’s gaze at her is challenging, but he hands her the bottle. “I am ready to be impressed.”
Someone snorts next to you, and you glance up to find Chan very close to you, also watching the two of them. “Hyunjin’s flirting technique need work,” he says, chuckling softly but not unkindly.
You arch an eyebrow at him. “And yours doesn’t?”
Chan turns to you, and with you propped up on your high bar chair, the two of you are eye to eye. “Well, you’re here, aren’t you?” he rasps, his voice suddenly just a tiny bit rough, his eyes intense. You feel yourself blushing but don’t look away. “I am,” you agree.
He shrugs. “Then I don’t think it does.” Chan winks at you and returns to the considerable queue in front of the bar, slapping Hyunjin on the shoulder in the process. “Stop flirting!” he barks, and from the way his friend blushes and Hare starts giggling, you can tell that you are not the only one behind this bar who is experiencing chemistry between herself and a man she met at the beach mere hours ago.
The first shift passes quickly, and as the bar fills up, you love seeing Chan get just a little bit hot, his dark t-shirt, tight to begin with, sticking to him in all the right places.
Finally, when a few of their friends come to take over, Chan throws the dish towel he has been holding down onto the bar and turns to you. “Finished!”, he exclaims happily, an almost childlike joy at having completed his task on his face. He extends his hand to you, offering you help in jumping off the chair. You take his hand, and it’s just a little rough. Does he surf? Play the guitar? You intend to find out. Relishing the moment, you wait just a tiny bit before jumping off, and Chan doesn’t let go of your hand when you’re firmly on your feet, either. You look up at him and there is something in his eyes. A dare to let go? Dream on, pretty boy, you think. I dare if you dare.
Hyunjin hands Hare two glasses – two more of the delicious mocktails, you are happy to see – and grabs two bottles of beer. “Shall we?”
The four of you leave the bar area and then the building behind, and you are thankful to be holding Chan’s hand so as to not lose him in the throng of people that seems to have been growing steadily throughout the past hour. Soon, your sandals hit the sand. There are beanbags on the beach, and miraculously, not all of them are occupied yet, possibly because the night air is just a little bit chilly already. Now you have to let go of Chan’s hand and follow the impulse to run across the now cool sand and throw yourself into an extra-large beanbag, giggling happily. Chan is not far behind, though, approaching you at a languid pace, two drinks in his hands which he has seemingly picked up from Hare and Hyunjin, watching you with a smile. When he is finally standing over you, you glancing up at him, his bravado seems somewhat diminished. “May I join you?” he asks, and when you wiggle just a little bit to the side and pat the newly gained space next to you, his smile widens again. He lets himself sink down next to you and you are overwhelmed by how much you like the smell of his shower gel, mixed with just a hint of sweat and ocean breeze. Delicious.
It takes some arranging, but the two of you are finally comfortable side by side, your drinks secured in the sand, Chan crossing his arms behind his head and gazing up into the night sky. You can hear Hare giggle behind you as, by the sound of it, Hyunjin falls off a beanbag.
The silence isn’t uncomfortable, but you still decide to break it – after all, you want to get to know this delectable specimen better. “So, is this what Christmas usually looks like for you?” you ask.
Chan glances over at you and holds your gaze. Man, you really want to sink into those eyes. “The party’s a tradition,” he explains. “We always host it.”
“We?” You sit up a tiny bit, edging just a little bit closer, and from the way his body shifts towards you, you can feel that he welcomes the change. Your bare leg brushes against his and the skin-on-skin contact makes you antsy, but in a good way. This is exciting – the two of you both know where this will lead, but the timeline is yet unknown, ready to be discovered.
Chan nods. “The lifeguards. Hyunjin and I both work at this beach.”
You process the info quickly and file it away under the category “hot”. “That’s extremely cool,” is what you say, though. “Very responsible.”
The man seems to be blushing a bit and you love how his cool behaviour falls away when he’s being himself. It’s endearing. “I am a huge ocean enthusiast. I am actually currently writing my dissertation on various measures that could be taken to effectively clean the ocean, you know, to remove all of the microplastic. I’m trying to create a filter that can be produced cheaply and applied across all water temperatures.”
Your mouth actually hangs wide open at this. “So, you’re hot AND super smart?!” you blurt out. “That hardly seems fair!”
Chan smirks at this, but there is no denying that he is flattered and cajoled. “And you haven’t even seen me bench press yet,” he jokes.
You laugh. “I’d love to, though,” you say, more serious than you mean to be.
He grins widely. “Well, if you’ll have any more of those cocktails, maybe I’ll have to carry you back later.”
It’s a joke, you both know it, but you notice the exact moment where you both think about him picking you up and maybe pinning you up against a wall. The mood shifts for a moment, it feels less playful and more explicit. The silence is heavy, almost alive with an electric current.
Chan clears his throat. “You haven’t told me yet what a beautiful publicist from overseas is doing in Australia at Christmas.”
Thankful for the distraction, you tell him about the trip, about your job, and as you sip your respective drinks, you establish a shared love for TV shows, bubble tea, colourful hair, non-spicy foods. If this were a first date, it would be absolutely amazing, but sadly, this can’t be a first date, because in less than seventy-two hours, you will be on your way back, and you are severely jetlagged, having arrived only today, and this will merely be a three-day-thing, if at all. You try not to be sad about this, but it’s hard.
Chan seems to sense your distress. “Is everything all right?” he queries, using his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
You smile. “Yeah. I was just thinking that I’d love to not leave in three days.” This feels like way too big a confession for this casual hook-up, but somehow, simultaneously, it also feels just right.
He seems to contemplate this, then takes your hand. “Want me to show you my lifeguard hut? You can see pretty far from up there.” It’s a distraction, but it’s working, so you nod and smile at him. Chan pulls you to your feet and just as you turn to tell Hare where you're intending to go, you can see her sitting in Hyunjin’s lap, making out with him. Shrugging, you turn back to Chan – after all, you can both access each other’s locations on your phones and Hare knows how to handle a dude. “You know,” you say boldly, “This could be us.”
Chan pulls you after him, towards the lifeguard station. “Oh, don’t worry,” he says with casualness that makes you shiver in anticipation, “it will be.”
Chan’s workspace is actually more elaborate than you anticipated. It’s a little hut on a raised platform so he can seek shelter from the sun while watching the ocean. The bottom of the steps is sealed for the night with a chain-link fence so unauthorized or drunk people won’t be tempted to climb up, but Chan produces a key from a chain around his neck and unlocks it so you can access the platform. You go first, but he keeps his hand on your lower back, steadying you, and you have to admit you like it.
Upon arriving at the top, you are greeted by a few solar lanterns glowing in the dark, illuminating your surroundings. You are maybe four metres up above the ground, but everything – the party goers down the beach, the music, the noise – seems miles away. The only thing you can feel is the wind and Chan’s warm hand against your side, and then there is the glorious sound of the sea. The lanterns also reveal that the chair Chan must usually spend his days in is folded up against the railing, replaced by a picknick blanket and a few throw-pillows. You turn to meet his eyes, into this half-embrace he has going on, and his hand finds your lower back again, pressing you softly to his firm chest. “Did you prepare this?” you ask, raising an eyebrow at him.
Chan does have the decency to blush. “I was hoping our night would go this way, I must admit.”
Briefly, the thought that Chan must do this all the time, that this must be his move, makes an appearance, but you actually don’t really care to slut-shame the man. Good for him, he is hot and sweet AND smart, you hope that he has lots of amazing sex, but tonight, preferably with you.
You take it all in – the waves crashing against the sand, the darkness softened by the glow of the lanterns, Chan’s huge hand splayed across your lower back, his scent, his face just inches from yours. “Can I kiss you?” you ask.
Chan briefly closes his eyes before opening them. There is a tiny smile on his lips. “Please,” he whispers. And so, you slowly, anticipation rising in your gut, close the distance and softly place your lips against his. Your first thought is how soft they are as you slowly move, placing your hands against his chest, then sliding them upwards, holding his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. Chan tastes of beer and chewing gum, but you don’t mind, you don’t have the capacity to think as his tongue touches yours and suddenly, this isn’t slow anymore, this is heat and lust and want and need. Chan’s hands are still at your lower waist, but from the way he is pressing you against him, you can tell that he wants to touch you, he is just too chivalrous to give in to his passion. You grab hold of one of his hands and place it very deliberately against your bum cheek as you pull his lower lip between your teeth and bite. Chan groans into your mouth, his left hand joining his right on your ass, and then he is lifting you up, pressing you against the railing, thoroughly devouring your mouth all the while.
You wrap your legs around his waist, and one of his hands slides down to touch your bare thigh while he breaks the kiss, pressing his lips to your throat, nibbling, licking, sucking. A moan escapes you, and you can feel him hardening in his pants. Without waiting for him to do it, you pull your shirt off so you’re just in your bikini top, and Chan immediately shifts your weight onto the railing and his left arm so he can slide his hand under the fabric and play with your nipples. At the first slight touch, you are already whining, arching into the touch, and Chan’s chuckle is half mean, half adoring as he watches you respond to him. With your bikini top askew, you feel that the clothing ratio between the two of you is a little unfair, so you pull at his shirt, and he actually stops teasing you for long enough so you can get it off of him. Unfortunately, you don’t have long to admire his physique, because as soon as the offending garment is discarded onto the floor, Chan leans forward to capture one of your nipples between his lips, and your moan is much throatier this time, needier, and you can feel Chan shudder with desire.
“I want you,” he breathes against your chest, making you shudder as the air hits your wet nipple.
“I want you, too,” you admit, stroking your hand across his pecs and earning another groan. “Can you take me like this? Up against the railing?”
Chan arches an eyebrow. “You want me to rail you against the railing?”
You groan at the dad joke, but, for once, not in pleasure. “I walked right into that one, didn’t I?”
“Yup. And speaking of right into…” He slides one hand into your shorts, going straight for your pussy and parting your lower lips with his forefinger so that any protest you had against his stupid pun dies on your lips. “Fuck, you are so wet,” he sighs. “I’d love to stretch you out with my cock.”
You cock your head to the side. “So why don’t you, then?”
At that dare, Chan crashes his lips to yours and your tongues dance wildly together as he slowly strokes your clit with his fingers, making you gasp into the kiss, before abruptly breaking away. “Fuck, let me just grab a condom real quick,” he says as he puts you down gently, placing an almost sweet kiss against your lips before approaching a bag that you didn’t notice earlier. You quickly discard your shorts and bikini bottoms; now only in your bikini top, you lean against the railing and watch the shoulders in Chan’s back work deliciously as he bends over, searches his bag and finally grabs a foil package before slipping it into the pockets of his shorts. Then he joins you again, scooping you up in his strong arms. You seize the opportunity to hold onto them and stroke them as he lifts you again and captures your lips in another scorching kiss. Your wet core presses against his naked lower abs, and Chan moans at the feeling. He lowers you just a little bit, grinding his still-clothed cock against your aching pussy as he presses kisses to your throat, your cleavage, any spot of bare skin he can reach.
“Please, Chan!” You might be begging at this point, but who cares, actually, he feels big and you want to see and especially feel if that’s the case. “I needed you inside of me like five minutes ago!” He stills, breathing heavily against your skin. “Fuck, okay,” he finally rasps after a moment of silence. “Hold on.”
You put your legs onto the railing, propping yourself up while Chan sheds his shorts and underwear, but not before grabbing the condom from his pocket. You watch as he tears open the package and rolls it over his indeed fairly large cock – it almost makes your mouth water and you promise yourself that before the night is over, it will literally make your mouth water.
Having finished his preparations, Chan steps back into the space between your legs, and you pull him closer. Your kiss is slower, more deliberate as he strokes his tongue against yours, tempting you, seducing you. And then his hard cock is pressed against you, and you shift, allowing him to press into you. Slowly, you feel yourself being filled, stretched by his girth, and you moan loudly as centimetre after centimetre disappears into your tight pussy. Unconsciously, you try to shift away from the intrusion, but Chan’s hands on your hips hold you steady, so you can do nothing but give in and take it. Chan’s tongue is back on your nipple, distracting you from the stretch by stimulating you sweetly, and the way he groans against your skin, muttering how amazing you feel, how tight your little pussy is, how good you are being for him, turns you on even further so that you use your heels to pull him closer, pull him in more quickly.
Finally, when he’s fully inside of you, he comes back up to kiss you, the movement causing him to shift inside you, making you both gasp. You are completely naked, completely out in the open, you realise, and still, this moment is intimate, like you are the only two people left in the world. It’s uncomfortable, rushed, risky – and somehow still perfect.
Chan is visibly trembling with the effort of holding still. “Can I move?” he asks, his voice hoarse against your neck as he kisses you softly, waiting for you to adjust to his size.
You cups his cheek so he’ll meet your eyes. When he does, you say, “Fuck me.”
His pupils dilate, and Chan doesn’t need to be told twice before he pulls almost all the way out and pushes back in with a force that knocks the breath out of you. Before you can recover, he does it again, setting a relentless rhythm, and you are caged between his body and the railing, his thrusts an assault to your very being, but in the best way possible. His body is blazing in the cool night air, keeping you warm as he worships your body, stroking you, kissing you, licking you, fucking you. And even though your weight must take its toll on him, he doesn’t show it, doesn’t let up, pushing into you again and again, filling you, taking you. You are both trying to keep it down, so your heavy breathing can be covered by the sound of the waves, but you would not bet on it working.
He bites your shoulder, suppressing a groan. “I won’t last long, baby, you feel too good. But don’t worry, I’ll make you come as many times as you want tonight. I’ll eat your sweet pussy until you beg me to stop.” You moan, nodding, as he once again sucks a nipple into his mouth. “That’s fair,” you breathe, and Chan chuckles as he seems to again redouble his efforts, railing you against the railing as his breaths become groans rising in pitch until he bites down on your shoulder once more, stilling inside of you.
The two of you stay locked in your embrace for a moment longer, your breaths calming, before Chan tenderly kisses you as he pulls out. Scooping you up into his arms, he lays you down on the blanket and finally removes your bikini top. Drinking in your naked form in the better light provided by the lanterns, Chan strokes his hands up your sides. “There is just something about you that makes it utterly impossible for me to keep my hands to myself,” he says almost wistfully, and then he is between your legs, kissing the insides of your thighs, nuzzling into them, licking his way up to where you need him. Finally, his tongue is on your clit, and he slides two fingers inside of you, and despite the fact that you are deliciously sore from the thorough way he has just fucked you, this is exactly what you need. His tongue writes letters against your clit, every movement unexpected and all the more exciting for it, and the steady rhythm of him finger-fucking you pushes you closer and closer to the edge. God, he looks so good on his knees for you. Your hand tangles in his hair, pressing him against you, and the way he groans into your pussy makes you bite back a moan as well, biting your hand to muffle your sounds of pleasure. Your orgasm crashes over you like the waves below you, unrelenting and unavoidable, and you remove your hand, letting Chan hear your high-pitched moans.
Chan stills his hand to feel the contractions around his fingers, but continues to kitten-lick your clit, drawing out your orgasm until you still, shaking from the stimulation. Only then does he press a handful of kisses to your lower belly and move to join you on the blanket properly, propped up on his side on one elbow, pulling you close and pecking your cheek repeatedly until you turn to slowly, lazily, kiss him. His hand strokes your side again. “That was… Pretty fucking great,” he reminisces, and you can’t help but giggle at the verdict.
“It was,” you agree, dragging your nails up Chan’s veiny forearm, making him shiver. For a moment, the sound of the waves is the only thing you hear. “And you’re here for three more days?” Chan asks, a serious note in his playful tone.
You continue to feel his muscular arms as you nod. “That’s right. Why?”
Chan shrugs – awkwardly, given his current position. “Oh, nothing,” he dismisses the question. “I was just contemplating how often I can fuck you in three days.”
A slow grin spreads across your face. “I’d wager that a low to medium double-digit number could be achieved, don’t you agree?”
Chan’s face mirrors your expression. “Do you want to make a bet?” You shrug. “I’d rather suck your cock.” His expression is a mixture of shyness and surprise before it takes on a devilish note. “Well, in that case,” he says, his hand sliding to cup your arse, "be my guest."
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Hello, it's me again, hope you're having a wonderful day ^u^. I was wondering what your headcanons for how the Sinclair trio (individually not poly) would handle a reserved S/O getting completely drunk for the first time and becoming a smiley, chatty, sociable butterfly but also so out of control - can't walk straight, can't do anything without breaking things XD Loved your last reply to my ask btw
Hello, again :3
Tw: drunk reader, love confessions, a bit of angst
The Sinclair Brothers with a drunk s/o
Part 2
Bo: Tucks you In
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The moment he sees you stumble after you seventh shot of his strongest whiskey, he's laughing to himself, shaking his head. He'll take his time to gather you up and clean your mess because he's also drunk with you, but at least he hasn't tried to set the piano on fire.... twice!
And, for some reason, you started talking to a house plant and plotted a plan to take over Louisiana? Bo was impress, thinking, 'A ten-step-plan on taking down the governemt? Darling, you're so amazing!
Anyways, he takes your hands and pull you closer, your drunk lips meeting his to taste his last beer. Bo help up his hands in shock, but his eyes roll back as he returns the kiss, bringing it deeper and passionate. He feels you tug his shirt, standing on your tipy-toes, arms around his neck, and smiling against his lips. To Bo, you feel fucking amazing! He burns for you, but... not like this. He can't take you like this. There's too much regret that'll follow on your end, and he can't pick up that mess. No matter how strong he is, he can't do that.
"Ya made quit the mess, darlin'," he hums. "Should getcha t'bed." He pushes back your hair, admiring your little smile in the broken glass.
"You'll sleep-" hick-up "-with me, right?" You giggled. You feel lighter than a feather as you lean against him. "Keep-" hick-up "-keep me warm."
Bo wants to take that offer, but he wants your mind to be straight, keep your mind and fears in the morning just on the mess you made in the living room. "No, y/n," he whispers, planting a kiss on your head. "'M lettin' ya have t'bed to yourself."
"But snuggles!"
Again, he pulls you into a kiss, shutting you up. When he pulls away, he guides you to bed and helps you undress and in your pjs. He'll give you a kiss goodnight and turn on the bathroom light for you.
"Stay with me?" you asked, taking his hand. "Just-" hickup "-just until I sleep?"
He gives you a carefree smile as he sits on the edge as he holds your hand. He hums a gentle lullaby and watches your drunk-self go to sleep. Bo leans down and kisses your temple, brushing your hair. He decided a couple things that night: keep you away from liquor, make sure you're already in your pjs, and to turn on the nightlight so you don't trip. But the most important thing came up, too.
He decided that you stolen his heart the first time you took a shot without flinching at the burn.
When you wake up, you realize something that almost seems to sad but blissful at the same time: you had your first kiss, and it was with Bo Sinclair.
And you will never tell him.
Vincent: Cuddle Bug
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As he leads you back to bed, you knocked over his tools and some of his harden wax. Luckily, he already put away the real hare for the night when you told him about the mixed drinks you wanted to try. After making two AMFs, downing a pitcher of Bo's mixture, and taking shots with Lester, you were two sheets from the window. You leaned against him as he guided you down the steps, holding you up as you giggled about every little thing. Under different situations, Vincent would admire you and your clumsy nature.
He undresses you and has you put on your shirt, but your head got caught in the sleeved and had him help you. He felt like he was taking care of Bo all over again when he didn't know his limits.
As he lays you down, you pull on his sleeve, asking, "Can I-I lay on your chest, Vincent? Please?" You whined as you pulled him closer. "I-I love smelling you." A grin formed as you kissed his mask; you've never done that before. "I love you."
He knows your drunk; you don't mean it. You don't love him... but still...
"Cuddle me to sleep?" You asked again. "Please?"
He gives in and takes off his boots. Climbing in and going under the covers, you wiggle up and rest your head on his chest, right over his heart. You close your eyes and slurred, "I wanna marry you one day."
He can't say anything. Stop giving him false hopes of having a family with him. Stop it!
"And I wanna have kids and-" hick-up "-and have you love me every day!" You look up at his mask and laid a hand on his cheek. "I wanna see your pretty face every day, cuddle bug." You giggled as you lowered your head. "I love you, Vincent. I love... love you."
Blissfully, you drifted to sleep as you hold his shirt tightly like a blanket, snuggling into his chest like a pillow. The rest of the night, he holds you close and rubs your back, his heart breaking with every breath you take.
Lester: Passing Out
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Lester isn't a heavy drinker, but he'll take a few shots with you, down a beer, and still have room for a jello shot. Where's all that alcohol going in him? Listen, no one knows, but you try to keep up with him and fail.
"Did you know that-that you're cute?" You asked as you pinched his cheeks, giggling and blushing. "You're just the cutest!"
Lester believes you for a moment as he takes away your empty beer bottle. "Yeah, sweet pea?"
You giggle and mimc him, "Sweet pea." You lean forward and kiss his neck. "You talk cute and funny, too."
"Yer drunk, dear," he laughs as he leans back on the couch for you to lay down. "But y'all funny, too."
You feel sleep start taking you. "Yeah?" You yawned. "How?"
"Yer just are, hon," he looks down at you as he watched sleep take you. "I love you," he confessed as you started to drift. "I know ya won't remember me sayin' it, but I love ya, y/n. I love ya so much it hurts." He hears your small snores, and he frowns. "Y'alls so bright and happy lik' a kitten. Yer my kitten." He closes his eyes and shake his head. He reaches behind him and turned on the lamp. "Sleep well, darlin'. Dream well an' dream o' lovin' someone. Lovin' Bo. Lovin' Vincent. But not of me," he smiles sadly at you and kisses your hand. "Never dream of me, sweet pea." He looks up at the ceiling and closes his eyes, whispering, "Night, little owl. Love ya."
When you wake up, you don't remember his confession, and you didn't dream about his brothers. Your dream was your wedding day, and Lester holding your hand for forever.
What a silly and sad dream to have, y/n.
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fairytale-poll · 10 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
So the story is that the Three Little Pigs sell Bugs their straw and wood houses, the Big Bad Wolf blows them down, and Bugs decides to get revenge - by dressing himself up as Little Red Riding Hood, getting the Wolf to play his part in that story, and then messing with him as only Bugs can. Here's the video if you've never seen it: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6vk41x
Bugs Bunny is an icon and he was so good for his role in this short. When he and the wolf realized they could work together against the pigs... oh my God. Come on Tumblr, you have to admit they had a little gay tension between them. Besides, at the end, when the brick house comes down and the wolf, so surprised and proud of himself exclaims "I did it!" and then it pans over to Bugs with the bomb and he slyly adds "We did it!" communist Bugs canon.
I'm pretty sure she uses her hood as a parachute at some point. (A note from tournament Mod: She does.)
she is so iconic. to me at least (watched hoodwinked appx 500000000 times during family road trips)
This delivery girl knows karate! Watch Hoodwinked
my first exposure to a real adaption of a classic story in video. Girl twists the whole story up compared to the original. Love how it's like an old fashioned PI show but still so 2005 in vibes.
A classic fairy-tale-with-a-twist-movie that if anyone hasn't seen they should. This story takes various elements not just from Red Riding Hood's story but other fairy tales to retell the story with Red as the true center and hero of the story and reframes it as a mystery. It's also one of the few good retellings that makes the wolf good while not framing him as a love interest, which allows the plot to remain focused on Red.
best movie ever
Listen. I don't necessarily think she should win this movie is fucking insane and not all of that insanity is necessarily good. HOWEVER. I have a pitch for you. Wouldn't it be so fucking funny to put Red Puckett on this poll as a wild card? Like how many people would be like "fucking HOODWINKED?". Also what other tellings of red riding hood go the crime mystery route? Like cmon
She's the protagonist of what I believe is one of the funniest and best written films of all time. She's so smart and talented
The entire Hoodwinked series is just really funny to me. I also think she's an absolute badass as she knows kung-fu and takes no shit from the wolf. Also her granny appears above her when they are both flying and somehow she sees her as a big cloud head despite it just being her granny doing a ski jump. She had to be high because she met a weed loving Billy goat literally right before that.
the creators said 'what if red riding hood did karate and was voiced by Anne Hathaway' and simply did not wait for an answer.
because she's the funniest answer
Okay as a child I watched this movie and liked it a lot, but by coincidence, I happened to watch it on Eid twice in a row (I'm Muslim). So for a few years in a row I made it a tradition to watch this movie on Eid while drinking orange juice (very important piece of the puzzle). This movie is so dumb and goofy, I really enjoy it, and also she's voiced by Princess Mia Thermopolis herself.
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arcade-writing · 2 months
Tea party for two
Pairing: Jervis Tetch x AFAB! reader
Warning: ribbon bondage, Oral - man EATS out, drool and spit kink, scent kink, he's a little weirdo, brief sex toy, March Hare! Reader, he's as giddy as he is horny, alot of whimpering, Jervis is very vocal, probably cringe dirty talk - man rhymes and speaks silly, established relationship, boss x henchmen, cheesy petnames, premature ejaculation, messy sex, creampie, mating press, a lot of praise, minor light degrading for hatter, hair pulling, table sex, abit of aftercare, they’re ridiculous your honour
I'm aware a Hare and a rabbit/bunny are very different but I don't give a shit quite frankly!
This is a non specific Hatter, it is implied he's got a gut on him and said he has curly hair but he's not detailed in description where you can't imagine your own version. He is also intended to be shorter than you but ehh again, nothing is overly defined.
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Being one of the mad hatters goons wasn’t too bad. Not many people In Gotham can say they get paid to dress up for a criminal and enjoy it. Tea parties were routine at this point, always at the same time and well- you couldn’t even be so sure the clocks even worked accurately in Jervis’s underground lair. They always say to expect the unexpected but this was certainly not expected; currently you were being wheeled into the tea party on a carrier. Your arms tied to the oversized metal tray you were sitting on, your knees forced to your chest as your ankles and thighs were tied together with thick ribbon. The other goons just looked mindless as usual as the hypnotic chip in their head softly beeped. There you saw Jervis sitting in his usual chair, it was tall and wide enough to sit comfortably in. Now, you and the tray were on the table right In front of him. Displayed like a meal ready to be eaten.
“There’s other ways of inviting me to tea..” you finally spoke up, raising a brow, your foot just brushed the hatters chest. Nudging it just beneath his large bowtie.
Jervis made the other goons leave the room with a usher of his hand. Shooing them off as he tutted, having everything he wanted now you were Infront of him – perfectly presented and even tied up with a bow! Oh how marvellous! He laughed with that mischievous yet playful tone that you’ve gotten used to over time. Leaning forward as he cupped one foot with his gloved hand and raised it to his lips, kissing it.
“They say a rabbit foot is very lucky to have, wouldn’t I just be lined up for fortuitous events if I got to have a cheeky nibble on my dearest Hare?”
He pulled back to clap, giddy with his own excitement and anticipation. Giggling as he grinned so uncomfortably large, those buck teeth of his on full display. “Rabbit for dessert! They say they’re best for stews and supper but no no! But I’m sure you’ll just ooze with sweetness!”
You slightly flush, nudging his chest with your foot once again in retaliation knowing full well what this was leading to as your upper back pressed against the large and long table. You weren’t in the proper state of dress but that was because you had your own plans, until those large Tweedle henchmen came barging in. Your knees pressed together from how your tied as you could just about watch him from this position.
“oh? You’re hoping I’ll have some special filling for you to enjoy, hatter?” Your hands flex as your wrists were tied with ribbon to the handles of the large tray.
Oh such temptation in that tone of yours! It was oh so sweet and full of mischief. His grin grew wider as he licked his lips, his face so close to your knees as he hummed. Eyes darting all over you, those greedy eyes soaked up your thin fabric of your knee highs. Already drooling at just the idea, he’s been a fidgeting mess since he made those big goons grab you. And hard too, straining in his trousers already. He adjusted his big top hat to look more presentable, he was the boss after all.
“Hmm… I suppose that depends.. If I were to dig in, would I get to lick my fingers once I’m done and find all the delicious drippings and honey still on them?” He was only growing more jittery as he grew more flustered at the thought. Twitching fingers reaching for the big bow keeping your legs together as he pulled it undone.
“why don’t you try and see? I’m not a mirror, Hatter, you have to seek more than just a glance.” Even with the spontaneous and ridiculousness of it all; wishing Jervis would approach these kind of topics and desires like how most would but that wouldn’t be him. Once your legs were untied you parted them, resting your feet on his shoulders as you made sure to arch your back a little for show. “I’m sure with your attention I’ll be stickier than toffee.”
He let out an audible gasp, cheeks turning red, his eyes practically popping out of his head. A cheeky smirk flashed all over his face with that devious look in his eye. “If you insist, dear Hare.” He didn’t hesitate to move his gloved hands down and grasp your knees, pushing them more to your chest as his hands slid along your thighs. His breath became shallow and his heartbeat quickened, kissing from your ankle up to your knee. Biting at your socks the way up as he let out muffled giggles.
“Oh my! Getting a little dewy already?” He peered down at the underwear you currently had on, seeing a wet patch already formed. Just spotting an outline of something else, growing curious as his fingers danced up your thighs and to the waistband of your underwear.
As he stripped your bottom bare, he was nuzzling into your thighs as he pressed them to his head more. Tucking His face against your clit as he his big nose peeking over as he inhaled with a proud ‘oh ho ho ho!’. He loved that scent of yours; it’s why he always tried to get clothes of yours into his grubby hands. Wanting to smell you whenever he could.
You squeeze around his head, almost knocking off his top hat in the process as the ribbons and feathers decorating it tickled at your legs. Rolling your eyes with a smile at his giggles and noises of pride. Pushing him closer with your legs considering you were still bound at the wrists. “I just want your attention, makes me all warm.” You coo, your legs wanting to tense but each kiss just made your body melt.
“ohhh don’t you worry, my attention is already all yours, dear Hare” He chuckles as he nuzzles you more, your legs squeezing his head making him all squirmy, hips rolling against the plump of his chair. Getting that needed friction. “Warm is definitely the right description. You’re practically a cocoon of warmth with all that blood pumping, I’m sure your heart is just THUMPING!” He adjusted his hat to sit more firmly on his head and let his hands venture, sliding down to your slicken folds and finally found what brought his curiosity.
“And what’s this? Have you been hiding carrots from me?” He teases with a scolding brow, awaiting your answer as he feels the rubbery end of the toy currently stuffing your hole. Its end looks like cartoonish leafs and a stem, looking between you and the toy as he flicks the stem.
“I know how much you like games, I was hoping you’d enjoy playing with me but you ended up beating me to it.” You huff, your toes curling as he brought attention to the carrot toy. Biting on your bottom lip as you almost completely forgot it was there – your feet pushing him by the shoulders to be as close as he could as your hands clenched and unclenched.
“Aha! So you ARE hiding secrets.” He let out a giggle with a grin and a mischievous look in his eye, clapping his hands together in his glee, you really had no idea how much you were teasing him. Before he gave your thigh and smack as punishment. “Naughty! Naughty! Bad rabbit! Such a cheeky little thing!” He tutted and tsked, giving your thigh a few more smacks in quick concessions. “Planning to toy with your poor ol’ Hatter, I can only imagine the maddening game you would have played.”
He hummed to himself as he grabbed the rubber stem of the toy, twisting and pulling at the ends and bouncing it about between his fingers. Giving it a testing tug as he could see it wasn’t an easy fit. You gasped sharply at the slaps and then my breath caught in my throat as he played with the stem, tugging and twisting. Your reaction only just made his breathing more rapid, drool slipping past his trembling lips. His buck teeth caught on his lip as he chewed on it. "ohh I should take your carrot from you! Yes yes! Naughty rabbits like yourself don’t get lovely carrots.”
Squirming as your feet lightly kicked at his shoulder. Your hands grasping at the table cloth as you bit down on my lip tighter to muffle the sound that escaped you. “Then why don’t you take it then? Huh, hatter?” You breath out, eyes fluttering at just the thought as you saw just how excited he was getting – his energy rising and rising was more obvious. He never was one to stay still for long.
“why not indeed?” He asked as he finally stopped teasing the toy and grasped it properly, pulling with a bit more force then he thought he would have to. Pulling out the large carrot – much larger than he expected it to be- as his eyes widened, his jaw dropped slightly as he breathed in with a sharp intake of air. “O-oh my!” Marvelling at your cunt squeezed and fluttered as he pulled it out, listening to the sweet moans pooling out as it dragged along your walls. Your legs trembled as you arched. Delighting in the friction but already feeling that full sensation in your stomach retreat. His boner was pressing hard against his trousers, pre-cum smearing and wetting the fabric through his boxers at just the sight alone.
Once the toy came out with a loud pop he was staring at it with wide sparkling eyes. His cheeks utterly flushed and his heart pounding. “You…you are naughty, my Dear Hare…utterly and entirely naughty..” he breathed out, staring at your body as he can only imagine delightfully in his head the struggle you went through just to stash this carrot away just for him.
Panting, as you could feel how embarrassingly messy your thighs and pussy now were. Leftover lube and slick stringing out and dripping down to your ass. It rattled even you with how wet you were. Watching him through glazed eyes at his surprise as your hips wiggled, trying to pull his attention back into focus.
“Hatter…” You whimper, feeling so empty now. You just needed him to fill you up. You needed his attention.
His eyes are glued to the puffy folds between your legs, mouth agape and still stunned by the size of the toy and of your willingness to use it to such extremes just to get him in a tizzy. But more so, the way you gushed. Oh he has never thought of a day more fitting to be deemed Fractious day more than now. “Oh- dear Hare..” his voice was nothing but soft and breathy. As he swallowed against the sight.
His eyes looked back at the toy in his hand, but at the sound of you whimpering his focus was refocused to your wiggling hips. With haste he grabbed the largest teapot he had and shoved the carrot in it. Practically Jumping into action, Not wasting a beat he began to nuzzle your thighs and kiss around your fluttering cunt. His nose was practically smothered by your soft pussy as he huffed and puffed under his breath. His mouth opened as he began to lick away at the wetness you left behind as he moaned. His gloved hands gripping tightly at your thighs as he let out an approving groan at the mess. At your taste, always so sweet.
Your legs tighten at his head again, your hands thumping against the table as you just wanted to grab him and pull on his thick curly locks of his. He was acting like he was starved and it made your head spin. You loved it. Gasping and whining as you strained in your restraints. “Oh that’s it- my pretty Shortcake..” your breathing is thick in your throat and heavy as it escapes you. Looking down to watch him as you can just see his eyes rolling and twitching.
Your sweet mess on his face was like the perfect desert, the smell and taste driving him into a delirious state. His breath became shallow as he continued, his eyes rolling back as they fluttered. His nostrils flaring in and out as he took in your smell, it made him feel drunk. Your scent was intoxicating. His tongue taking it's time to trace around your sticky hole. Savouring every moment. He continued to suck and lick with no end.
“oh….as juicy as an apple, a ripe delicious fruit you are!” Jervis praised between slurps he let out a moan, he sounded so desperate and needy. Bucking and rolling against his chair more. “yum..yuuuumm my Hare..so sweet..so very delicious.” he hummed the song of the tea party against you. “just perfect to eat!”
You wanted to roll your eyes, to huff and complain at his nonsense but you couldn’t deny he was doing perfect. Your hands tugged on the restraints and you finally felt the ribbon loosen against the handles, yanking your arms forward and the bow came undone as your hands grabbed the back his head, intertwining into the thick heap that was his curly hair. Hatter’s eyes widened In surprise as you broke free from your bounds, his mouth opening to scold you but you beat him to it.
“Poor Hatter… you’re ravenous… someone’s been needing his desert, hasn’t he?” You coo once more, scrunching a fist fall of his hair just beneath the rim on his big top hat.
Hatter turned to putty as you pulled at his curly locks, gasping with a breathless giggle. Your fingers ran deep into his hair, his breathing was frantic as he moaned and whimpered with your hands being so greedy.
Nodding feverishly at your words. “oh yes! I’m famished! I am but a starving man and like the wolves I hunger for tasty rabbits.”
And it was true, he was ravenous, every cell in his body was hungry and wanting more. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore. His lips glued to the sticky mess that was your sex, sucking on your throbbing clit as he hummed, suckling on you like you were the finest meal he’s ever had. Moaning as he let his nose nudge and nuzzle against the pearl as his tongue slid between your folds and to your entrance.
With great reluctance, he pulled back from you as a string of saliva connected his tongue to you as he panted. His hands pried from your thighs as he began to eagerly tug off the silk gloves finger by finger. “But to truly enjoy my meal, the gloves must come off!” He declared, growing impatient as he just yanked his other glove off his hand and dived back in.
Your hands tighten In his hair as you see him discard his pretty gloves so eagerly. His hand reached between your legs to hold open your dripping cunt as he prodded his tongue inside. Keeping his face as pressed to you as humanly possible as he fucked you with his wiggling tongue. Needing to taste you inside and out. To feel you clench and flutter. To savour each dewy drop you produced just for him. Keening under all his attention as you let out a whine. One hand raising to keep his precious hat on his head as he enjoyed himself vigorously. Knowing he’d go into a moody state if his top hat was knocked off his head no matter his enjoyment. Your thighs trembling against either side of his head as you nod, unable to as words felt impossible. Feeling his tongue deep in you, hungrily lapping and fucking you.
Jervis’s eyes sparkled to see you put care into making sure his hat didn’t fall off. He had you well trained, a marvellous Hare! But then again with a good bunny like you, you would know better not to ruin his hat. Jervis’s grubby hand feel along your thigh as he uses his free hand to hold on to your hips. His other hand using his bare fingers to keep you spread open for him. Spitting directly onto your dewy spot as he giggled, chewing on his bottom lip. Sucking in what was left of his spit as he smeared it into you with his fingers. Watching it string and connect his fingers to your sex.
“Messy bunny…oh you sticky little treat.”
You gasp at the feel of his spit, leaning up as you yank on his hair and tug his head back. “filthy Hatter!” You scold, even if it did make your face warm and your body shudder. Your breathing heavy as you make his big eyes stare up at yours. Brows scrunched up to keep some display of authority. “you’re a dirty little man, aren’t you? Just spitting on your desert, no manners.”
A smile lit up his face, your voice scolding him made it all the more better. His tongue sliding out of his mouth as he let it trace along your wetness, his eyes wide as he looked into yours. Oh how one part of him wanted to put you in your place for scolding him, telling him how he should enjoy you but another whined at your light jabs at his character. Unable to decide, drunk on the taste of you as he licked his lips.
“No manners? No no! I have manners, my sweet, yes – your hatter has all his table manners but…oh you make me feel as if I am topsy-turvy! I am spun in the head!” He shook his head but he couldn’t deny this was pushing at his restraint. He needed more of you. “But I am a starving man and I am in need of more than just a succulent meal, I need warmth and a cosy place to tuck myself into.”
The hatter hastily undid his trousers and shimmered them down as he pulled himself out of his chair and up onto the table, crawling over you as he pulled your legs to your chest, his shoes letting out a squeak against the wooden table as the cloth rode up in his pursuit.
“JERVIS-!” You yelp with surprise, the teapots and cups rattling at the sudden movements. His chest pressing to yours as he nestled himself right where he needed to be, right between those pretty legs as his hands grasped at the edge of the table to keep himself steady. Your legs were hooked under his arms and dangling in the air. Staring up at him with eyes as wide as his as your breathing hitched. Heart racing faster than ever as your hands kept a tight grasp on his hair and down to his shoulders for stability. The weight of him was a welcomed change, feeling his stomach press against yours, feeling its roundness through his waistcoat.
His face was just mere inches from yours, his eyes glued on yours as you breathed. Your warm breath being the only thing he could feel with every exhalation, you could almost feel his heart beating against you. Your arms holding on to him for dear life was just the icing on the cake, a tasty cherry to top it all off.
“oh my, oh my, I’m not too heavy am I? A little hapless Hare like you, you’re not struggling with little ol’ Hatter, are you?” He teased, as he nestled into you, sinking his cock into your warm heat as he gripped the table tighter. His knees slightly bending to keep himself balanced, but more so it was then buckling at just first contact.
He sank in slowly as he stretched you out with the girth of him, as thick as the rest of him but just as short, as he let out giggles. Chewing on his lip to muffle them as he nodded. You gasp, clinging onto him as your legs kick out slightly. Letting out a strained and wobbly ‘ooooh…’ as he pressed into you. Staring down at you he spoke up once more, though strained in his words.
“mmph! Oh-oh h-haha! Hatter has fallen into his very own rabbit hole! I think Hatter will never escape! Ah-!” His hips met yours as he pressed more of his weight onto you, bottoming out completely with delight. He really has been training you well.
Scoffing at his words as your nose pressed against his, your hands gripping at his shoulders. Feeling the ribbon draped off the edge of his hat caress your cheek, returning his intense stare. “I don’t think this rabbit wants you to-“ you finally responded, able to gather the words that threatened to lose themselves on the tip of your tongue. You never wanted him to stop whenever you two got intimate, he made your head spin and your body react in ways you never did with others.
His mouth split Into a smile as he nodded, your hands on him were a delicious pleasure, his hands clawing at the table cloth. He started to pump, keeping pace with his words, his hips moving downwards to meet you. Balls smacking against your ass. “Oh…is that so?” He let out a soft moan as he felt a nice little jolt go through his body that made a little hum escape his throat as his eyes rolled slightly as a spark went through his body. Oh you were so perfect.
“mmm that’s it darling! Good Hare! Good bunny! Good good! Yes! Oh yes!”
You were clenching into him so tightly – why would he ever want to escape when your perfect sex was hugging him? Wrapping his cock In the warmest embrace he could ever withstand. Wanting him as desperately as he wants you. Panting as that familiar warm knot in his gut already formed. Your heat was too much- he whimpered. His eyes widening with a cry of protest as he thrusted into you.
Suddenly, cumming before he could even fully grasp. He couldn’t help but stutter out his breath, a bloom of shame appeared in the heat of his cheeks, trying to maintain appearance. He knew this may happen but this was not what he wanted. Not the first he’s been a quick shooter but with you? He was a man who liked to impress and this was certainly not a moment his own excitement getting the best of him was desired.
“I- you snug rabbit-“ he hissed, that pride of his burning at his own action. He was a brilliant man! The mad hatter! He was-! He…oh he was humiliated. You mouth part, my eyes locked downwards as you watch him falter. Feeling the hot seed shoot and paint your walls, not expecting it at all.
“Oh hatter…” You whine, your hands pulling him closer as you nuzzle your nose to his. “oh my shortcake..my hatter.” You coo, searching his eyes as one hand goes to his cheek, spotting the shame in his red cheeks and now wavering gaze.
“I am not so easily..explosive..” Jervis tried to explain as he tried to pull away from you. Which you hastily made sure he was securely pressed to you, the both of you moaning as his cock twitched inside you. He was in a frenzy of emotions. Your touch was so stimulating, your words sent jolts down his spine as his mind raced. His eyes were glued to your lips, almost wanting to kiss them. But strangely between you two, it felt too sacred. It was expected of two people who have such an affair.
“Did I squeeze too tight? You just make me so excited, I can’t help it, just like you can’t help that little burst, now could you?” You mumble quietly, trying to make sure he doesn't feel embarrassed. If anything, you found it flattering. You loved when he cummed and this was no different.
“oh…dear me…” the heat in his cheeks grew, and his breath quickened as you nuzzled him. Your voice was so sweet and smooth. A shiver went from his shoulders all the way down to his knees when you nuzzled your nose against his. Your comforting hand stroking his face made his lip curl up into a wobbly smile. “oh you are not mad at your Hatter, I couldn’t help it, when you squeeze and squeeze I go pop!”
“oh no, I’m not mad at all, I want…more of that-“ oh how you wanted him to just be blunt but he was a fickle man. Whenever your mouth was too dirty he’d rattle on about manners and how one Should talk to a man of his class so you do your best to reassure him. “-filling of yours, Jervis.”
Spotting his gaze flickering to your lips and you lean forward, kissing the top of his big nose as you shift my hips. Giving them a small wiggle as your feet press into his back to push his body more into yours, feeling him bottom out once again with a shudder.
“I think it would only be fair, wouldn’t you?” You give his hot cheek another caress as you smile at him. Abit strained with your own growing embarrassment. “I know you can do it, you’re the hatter and he can do impossible things, can’t he?" Doing your best to sound as encouraging as you could. You knew if he couldn’t handle it he’d say, no matter if you stroked his ego. He knew his limits.
The man's eyes were locked on yours as they met. Your words of encouragement spur him on, pushing him to go forth. A whimper escaped his lips as you shifted your hips and pushed up against him. The feeling was so incredible, your fluttering heat coaxing a few more strings of cum to ooze out.
“You-you’re so naughty and persistent…oh…oh-…oh damn it-! Just like your delicious quim you can’t go five seconds without wanting more…how is that fair? How can your Hatter ever compete with such a hungry and needy bunny like you?” He pouted, leaning over to kiss your nose back. Leaving another kiss on the edge of your lips as he trembled at the mere act. The tender kiss he couldn’t dare himself to steal.
Jervis started to pump into you once again, but this time slower. Easing himself in and out as the drag of the ridges of your walls and the veins of his cock rubbed so agonisingly deliciously together. His lips were trembling as he began to breathe heavily again. His brows pinched as he felt that confidence warm his chest as he tried to not focus on the twitch of overstimulation just on the edge of sensation. Threatening to make his brain putty.
“But- I am capable of doing many things…”
“I know you are, you’re just so brilliant like that.” You grin, mewling at the feeling of his thrusts. Tilting my head away just enough so your lips couldn’t touch, teasing him. Knowing even when he was balls deep he couldn’t bring himself to kiss you on the lips. It was cute in a way. Charming even.
Gripping onto him tighter than before as you nod. Relishing in his stamina still able to keep him going. “big capable Hatter, huh? I think it’s plenty… fair…you have someone that can’t get enough of you…”
Talking felt easier with the slow pace, words coming out between heavy puffs of air. Your head pressing more against the table, your legs squeezing just under his armpits. There was a numb pain in your back, the cold of the metal tray beneath you but your blood was rushing too fast to truly feel it. Too focus on the feel of him.
The warmth you gave him with your compliments caused him to melt further into you, your words making him smile more. But when you shifted, he frowned a bit, your tease was very naughty. Using his timidness (shocking he could still be) against him. He pouted his lips and made a low noise in the back of his throat as he pushed even more into you. Biting your cheek with a nip as retaliation making you let out a small yelp of surprise.
“But it's been…hard to not keep you filled with cream, turn you into…my little éclair-'' Jervis whined, your heat causing more shivers down his spine as his pace grew more steady. Confident. He grinned, squeezing his eyes shut as his jaw was clenched. Your walls still hugging him like your life depended on it. How very naughty you were!
“oh god- oh god your too tight-!” He whimpered out with a small cry. His hands almost ripping the table cloth as the table trembled and rocked from his movements.
“Your éclair-?” You gasp out, your brain was mush as your legs gripped and lightly kicked at his back. Your eager hands lifted up to reach his, grasping them tightly as your eyes fluttered. “you want that?” You tease more, testing how he’ll react, not the first time he’s said something like that to you but in the silly ways he spoke his filthy desires you couldn’t help but encourage him. Perhaps you were as whipped for him as cream.
Feeling that familiar knot in your stomach as your fingers interlocked. Your own orgasm approaches with each electrifying friction. Feeling his stomach just graze against your clit, the fabric of his waistcoat making you keen.
The feel of your hands grasping his and interlocking with them was like a new set of handcuffs keeping him in place. And how could he ever dream of escaping the wonderland that was you? He couldn't. He wouldn't.
“H-haha…ha ha…oh-oh yes-! I- I want you to be my little éclair. A creamy, delicious one.” He hummed, licking your cheek with one long slow drag of his tongue, tasting your skin. Just able to taste the layer of salt forming on It as his cock twitched. The faster his hips moved the more overstimulation bit at his nerves but you were far too delicious to give up. But he knew his limit was approaching. “I want to fill you till you’re overflowing…and I’ll eat you up-“
Licking his damp lips as he pressed his nose to your cheek as he groaned. Overstimulation began to sting at his pulsing nerves as tears started to form into his eyes, his second orgasm rushing towards the finish line with you.
Just another hard few thrusts and the feel of his body just flicking your bud made that knot slap. “Hatter-!” You let out a squeal, your heels completely digging into his back as your eyes squeezed shut. Toes curling as your own release crashed over you. Your hands gripping his so tight as you chew on your bottom lip, trying to stop from being too loud but your attempt was futile. The loud clattering of the table and the teapots just barely drowning the sounds out.
His eyes shot open at the sudden release of yours. His grip tightened on your hands as he moaned into your cheek, tears falling down his cheek as he slammed into you. Completely filling you.
“oh god- squeezing-! Oh dear god- oooo-ooo-“ his voice faltered as your moans took its place, his body shook uncontrollably, his mind was in oblivion as he emptied himself into you. Painting your walls again, drooling as his mouth hung open. So caught up in it all he didn’t even realise his precious top hat fell off his head!
Feeling his body slump, your hands reached up to his head and cradled it. Easing him down as he jerked and trembled. Feeling sticky wet from his drool against your skin. Your legs falling down and resting on the back of his knees as both of your bodies gave out. His knees knocking against the table with a thud. Cooing as you nuzzled against him. Your hands smoothed and toyed with his curly hair, grounding the both of you as you caught a glimpse of his fucked out expression.
“oh Jervis.” You whisper, giving his cheek a kiss as you tried to ride out the high with him. Your bodies clumsily rub against each other. Feeling the pitter patter of his tears fall down onto your cheek. Immediately consoling him with kisses under and around his eyes.
The man's body was limp, the heat he felt coursing through him left him exhausted, his lips were curled into a small smile as you nuzzled him. Your cooing voice was like a dove's melody to his ears. He was still drooling slightly, he was like a puddle of melted chocolate on your lap, utterly ruined. Liquid in your hands, defenceless and blissed. You were definitely the best sweet he had ever had. His eyelids slowly opened back up, his eyes were tired and his throat was hoarse, his cheeks were still wet with your kisses. He was too exhausted and overwhelmed to speak any words. Only able to make a few slurred giggles and whines. You had completely wrecked him, just as he hoped you would when he got those goons to bring you to him, to present you so prettily with a bow.
“sweet Jervis…my shortcake.” The high left you in a daze but the adrenaline was dying down. Letting out a small noise of discomfort, the consequences of the continuous smack of your bodies made your tailbone hit the large tray you were resting on. In your shared bliss you completely forgot you were still set up like a delicious meal and now your back was feeling sore. Trying to nudge his heavy weight off you, though it was soothing to have. Grounding your dizzy mind.
“I need to move-“
But he didn’t want to move, his legs were jelly and every bump of your bodies together made that overstimulation strike him. Whimpering as his brain screamed for him to move but his body pleaded to stay in your wet heat. He tried to roll over for your own benefit but he miscalculated how far you two were to the side.
Letting out a yelp, never more thankful the flooring of his tearoom was padded as his back smacked against the floor as he fell off the table. Bringing you with him, yelping with him, as the table rattled loudly, the tray under you went clattering down on the floor. His cock falling out of your heat only adds to the jolt. His blissful high ruined as he was forcibly snapped out of it. Blinking as his cheeks were as bright as they could be now before he started to laugh. Unable to restrain himself as laughter poured out.
His laughter cut through the second of silence that came after the crash. Blinking in surprise as you finally noticed the puddle of tea on the table and the floor from all the moving on the table in your vigorous play. Your brain needing a few seconds to catch up to the sudden fall as you looked down at him; The lingering afterglow coating your mind as you listen to his sudden burst of laughter. It caught you off guard. A surprised chuckle escaped you before I started laughing too. Joining him as you both grew amused by the ridiculousness of it all.
His giggling became more genuine, and his eyes finally cleared up as he glanced at the tea mess on the floor. If it weren’t the honeyed glaze coating his brain and the absolute enjoyment of you he’d be sent into a tizzy. He took a big breath before sighing, his laughter turning into dying out chuckles.
“Oh dear, this is why we shouldn’t partake in such acts of debauchery. It's simply not good for our health.”
Your hands slid along his chest, letting out a little whine as you can feel the consequences. The pain shooting up from your tailbone up and the emptiness without his dick stuffing you beautifully. The feeling of his cum dribbling down your thighs and getting on his stomach. Adding to the mess around you two. Nosing his red cheek as I shook my head, a few giggles slipping out.
“perhaps not having it on the table will be for the best”
“Tables will be off limits…until I make some adjustments.” Jervis muses with a grin before a small, disappointed frown washed over his face the consequences of your wildness began to take its toll on you.
His hands went to your back as he saw the little aches of you and it made him frown more. Rubbing your back in tiny little circles with his fingers. He was a responsible person after all. Even after such activities, he shouldn’t have been so greedy with you.
“Oh My dear Hare, are you alright? Are you feeling pain?” His eyebrows wrinkled together in worry.
You nodded, sighing as you sank against him, the mess can be handled after. “My tailbone hurts, must have banged it on the tray dish I was on.” You admit, utterly caught up in the bliss of it all, of him, to even notice but now with adrenaline running out of my system you could feel it. Cuddling close to him as you stroke his cheek.
Oh that displeased him greatly.
“oh bad- bad hatter.” He tuts, shaking his head as he scolds himself. Bad, bad bad.” As he says that each time he makes your hand slap his tear stained cheek, not too harshly but it left a small sting. You wanted to protest, not wanting him to slap himself but he was already moving on. Cuddling you up to him as he forced himself to sit up.
“Luckily I have all the ailments to your issues right here-“ Jervis reaches up for his hat, his marvellous top hat, but it finally struck him! it has fallen off! His eyes wide and a sharp panicked gasp left him.
“my hat! Oh! My hat! Where-? When-?!” His head whipped side to side to see if it landed with you two on the floor. His fingers tapped and searched the very top of his head as if the hat would somehow be found in his curls. “thief-! Theft! Oh I bet it was that blasted cat-!”
The man rants as he scrambles around, but still reluctant to move far from you, checking under the table cloth to find his hat. He needed his hat, it had everything – his hard work and love poured into it. He kept things tucked into the band on the inside. His precious gadget was attached to his hat. How could he ever face batman- his goons- the world without his hat!?
Knowing he was a sensitive man about his hat, you look around with him. Spotting his hat still on the table as you wobbled up, reaching over to and grabbed It. Another wince leaving you as you stretched out your back. Hastily, you placed it firmly back on his head. Making sure all the ribbons and accessories were placed on it were still tidy and didn’t get tea split on it.
“Oh there, there, see it’s like it was never gone.” You sooth, kissing both of his cheeks as you dust off some powdered sugar from the top of it. Keeping your face close to his as you did your best to give a reassuring smile. “No cat, it just fell off.”
Jervis exhaled in relief, his breathing steady again as he watched you reach over and grab his beloved hat. Your touch, sweet and gentle as you place it on Jervis’s head again. It’s as if he breathed better once it hit his head, he seemed less frantic with you there supporting him and his hat back in place. Jervis was still shaking a little, his heart pounding in his throat. You truly were a blessing in his miserable life. He knew you were different from the day he met you, when he stopped hypnotising you and you still obeyed him so happily. You were perfect. So utterly Perfect.
“Oh – my- thank you, oh- god..thank you..”
Now his hat was back, he whipped back to his usual demeanour. Smiling, kissing your nose before he pulls out a ibuprofen packet from the side of his hat, hidden behind some feathers as he lets out a ‘ta da!’.
“Now let’s get you feeling better…I think after all that I need to have another taste of my bunny to calm me down.” He giggled, a mischievous look growing back on his face, his hand stroking along your aching back as he grinned so wide.
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mjolnir-76 · 5 months
Geralt of Rivia X Male!Elf!Reader
genre: fluff
words: 1922
summary: Geralt and Ciri come across someone on their trip to kaer morhen. after a couple of encounters, geralt is infatuated already.
you were minding your business, that's how you were roped into this mess. how you got involved with the white wolf. you lived life as a traveller, hopping from village to village. it's the best you could do as an elf, you loved the nature anyway. but your other interests such as alchemy are tricker to fund out in the wild so you do have a permanent home in a small village in the outskirts of kaedwen. you were in a forest on the other side of the country, you had a camp set up where you'd been living for a couple of weeks. no one came through these woods, that was until a white haired witcher and a young girl did. you noticed them on one of your hunts, perched in a tree you aimed your bow at them. they were getting scarily close to your camp, you didn't fancy being found and captured. you couldn't kill him however, that girl would be left alone. you decided to fire a warning shot, to let them know they weren't alone so they leave. you aim down the shaft of your arrow before shooting it at one of his bags on their horse. you made sure not to use too much pressure so you didn't pierce the horse too. they both flick their heads to the sound, the witcher immediately looking in your direction only to be met with your fleeing figure. geralt grits his teeth, looking back at the arrow, recognising it as the same type he's seen lodged in trees nearby. "stay here" he mutters to ciri as he draws his sword and follows you.
he tracks your footsteps in the snow until they suddenly disappear. he glances out at the forest ahead, trying to see if he can catch a glimpse of the perpetrator. meanwhile you stand right behind him, looking over his shoulder. he's so focussed he doesn't even notice your heartbeat, "what are you looking at?" you ask, you knew it was a risk but you couldn't help it, your playful nature shining through. he quickly whips around and swipes at you with his sword but you anticipate it, jumping backwards. you dodge every attack, eventually you use your bow, using it to trap his hand and pry his sword from his hand. you grab it, him now defenceless, you give it a testing swing. "try again next time witcher" you say and leave, retreating to your camp.
the night falls and you still search for some food, something to kill when you find a deer. you kill it easily, you'd eat for a while. but then you remember how you took the witchers sword, sure he can cope without it, but you felt bad. what if they hadn't found any dinner that night? that poor girl. you decide to take it to them, you may be an elven bandit but you weren't a heathen. you knew where their camp was anyways . you approach silently, carrying the dead deer across your shoulders. you notice geralt sat by the fire, keeping watch no doubt, not very well you thought. you make your plan, shooting and arrow into the distance he looks at so he's distracted. he stands up to investigate, you use this to chuck the deer down, stabbing his sword through it. you climb the tree again and watch as he turns back, seeing the deer and his sword. he furrows his brows, searching his surroundings hastily. when he can't find you, he turns to the deer, pulling out his sword. he smiles slightly, beginning to prepare the deer.
you got back to your camp, still hungry, you'd go hunting the next day. you didn't expect to see the witcher again, you assumed he'd move one to his destination now, but it seems his path still was directed at your camp.
you had been tracking what looked like hare maybe, when you eventually found it sniffing about. you hid nearby, aiming your bow at it. a small target would be significantly harder but nothing for you. you get ready to shoot when a crunch scares it away. you quickly spin to where the noise came from to see the witcher stood with his hands up. you keep your bow pointed at him. geralt can now see your eyes, more than he saw before atleast. you're in a stand off, neither one talking. "you just cost me dinner, you prick" you say defensively. geralt smirks, letting out a deep chuckle. "i'm here to give you dinner" he says, showing that in one hand he had some of the deer wrapped in cloth for you. "why're you offering me food while i'm pointing a bow at you" you ask, wanting to seem hostile. "because, i know you won't shoot" he says, "oh really?" you reply, tightening your grip on the bow, "try me" you say, "alright" he responds, taking a step forwards, calling your bluff. "at first i thought you were just a bad shot, but then you gave us that deer. it had been shot directly through the eye which means you're a good shot, you aimed to miss yesterday. you're not a threat, you simply want us to leave" he explains, "i could be a threat" you still try to convince him, "i don't believe you are" he replies giving you a smirk. you sigh and put your bow down. slinging it over your body, "why won't you leave then" you ask, beginning to search for the hare again, or something bigger. he follows diligently, "we're passing through, but we need a break every now and again" he explains. "why are you still looking for a meal? i have this for you" he says, you stop and look at him, your whole face isn't obstructed anymore, he can see clearly you're an attractive man, even with a cloak covering your hair. "you might have poisoned it" you shrug, "why would i do that" he asked like you were being ridiculous. you shrug. he takes a bite out of it to show you, "come on" he urges, you give in and take it, eating the meat off the bone. "what are you doing out here? you hunt monsters?" he asks, you scoff, "i'm no monster hunter. i'm trying to live" you say, he furrows his brows, "you live out here?" he asks, "well no, i have a house but it's ages away and i can't stay there forever" you say, not even thinking of the implications of your words. "why?" he asks, you glance around nervously, "it doesn't matter" you say, chucking the bone on the floor and tugging your bow off your back, "enjoy your trip and farewell" you say before trying to run off, geralt catches your arm, his grip is solid but gentle. you share a moment, eyes locked as he tries to work out the emotion trapped in yours when you shimmy out of his hold and dash off into thin air  "hey- wait!" geralt tries to get you back but you're gone.
he expects not to see you again as he and ciri approach kaer morhen, but it turns out they find your camp. they approach teo small tents and campfire, looking around for you. "seems we've found our little friends camp" geralt says. he notices your belongings, taking note that they look to be elven crafted. he ponders where you got them from when they hear footsteps nearby. geralt ushers ciri to hide behind a bush and they both watch as you hurriedly rush in with a big smile. you hop down onto a log near the fire and pull off the covering to one of the tents to show a complex system of pipes and vials, looking to be a potion set. you pull out some sort of root from your pocket, crushing it into the biggest vial and watching it bubble. just then, you pull down your cloak and geralt finally gets the full picture. he's entranced by your looks, even more so when he notices your pointed ears. "he's an elf" ciri mutters, "that's why he can't live in his house forever" geralt says back to her. "we have to bring him to kaer morhen geralt. he deserves a proper home" ciri whispers to him. geralt doesn't respond, thinking about her statement. they watch as you mumble a couple words in elder, geralt can't help but scan over the intricate braids in your hair, the way it the way it frames your face perfectly. he decides he agrees with ciri, something tells him you're trustworthy, that you're the one who needs help with trust. who needs someone to trust. and he feels a pull to be that person. he slowly steps out of the bush and approaches you. you hear his footsteps and look up, grabbing your bow once again and aiming it at him. you then realise that your cloak hood is down, "fuck" you mutter, quickly tugging it over your head. "there's no need for that" he says to you and you squint at him. "i want you to come with me on our journey, stay with us at our destination" he says and you don't drop the bow. "why should i trust you? how do i know you're not just going to drop me off at the town centre to be sold for 2 orens?" you say angrily. "because he's better than that" the girl steps out, "and i wouldn't let him" she says, you move your bow to her and back to him, going between the two. "i'm a witcher, i understand your wariness-" you cut him off, "no you don't!" you shout. "we only want to help" the girl says after a moment. geralt takes a couple of steps forward, slowly and you quickly turn the bow to him. he still advances however, "we only want to help" he reiterates, gently moving the bow down, you let him. he's looking deep into your eyes and you only see sincerity. you put the bow down, putting the arrow back in your quiver. you move to the camp, stamping out the fire and you kick over the alchemy set. you grab your bed set and bag that are already packed just incase you needed to make a speedy get away. finally you grab your violin, approaching the two again, "let's go" you say and they both smile at you. "thank you for trusting us" geralt says, stepping closer and holding your shoulder, "not fully" you respond with a small smile, pushing geralts chest so he steps back, "hm" he responds with a smirk. "so what's your name?" ciri asks as she walks with you, "y/n" you respond, she nods "i'm ciri and he's geralt" she says and you nod too. "so where are we going?" you ask, "kaer morhen, the witcher home base you could say" geralt responds. you wander for a while when you all start to get hungry. "do we have any of the deer left?" ciri asks and geralt shakes his head. "one second" you say and you clear your throat. you cup your hands around your mouth and make a loud bird call. it causes the birds to flutter out a nearby tree. you quickly whip out an arrow and shoot one of the birds, grabbing another rapidly and shooting another before you shoot the third and last one. you grab the 3 birds and lift them up to the group, "dinner?"
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cryptidseeker · 5 months
useful tips for those who winter in a cabin in the woods for the first time
pt 1
• the rustle of snow falling from the trees may sound like your name. If you hear that, leave the woods. Don’t look back.
• if the grass that pops out from the snow slightly resembles somebody’s bare ribs, don’t touch it, don’t step on it, don’t step over it, and especially, under any circumstances, don’t dig it out.
• there’s a lot of trash lying around on roads during winter, it’s really not necessary to back up to check whether it’s a plastic bag there, or just dirty snow, or a body, or something— someone entirely different.
• when entering the forest, remember: it will throw a lot of interesting things at your eyes when you decide to leave there. Don't be fooled. Don't look back.
• before taking a walk on a frozen lake, try throwing a piece of ice on it. If it breaks with a high-pitched melodic ringing, you are safe. If instead you hear a metal-like clanging sound, leave immediately. If you don't hear anything, take a few deep breaths. This will saturate your brain with oxygen, and then you will have a chance to swim out.
• birds do not sound like your mother's voice.
• sound does not travel well under water. If you hear someone calling you from under the water, leave. If they call you again, lie down and crawl: you have walked too far, there is ice under you, and if you do so, there is at least a small chance that it will not break.
• don’t. Mess. With tree hollows. It's not just birds and rodents that hibernate in them, and you definitely don't want to wake anyone up.
• pay attention to the tracks: hares cannot climb trees vertically higher than an average human height, bird paws cannot be larger than your head, and canines do not have more than four functioning paws.
• swamps are deep and do not freeze completely even in severe frost. They are warm inside. If you see bubbles rising from the bottom, even if they are being stopped by the ice, leave.
• the eyes of a fish frozen in the ice of a local lake — if it is truly a fish — will not follow you.
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hootbon · 6 months
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Verrry rushed iPhone drawing of my TADC Sona/OC if they were in the Freakshow AU. Honestly nothing much about them would change, C!Venti’s whole deal is that they look like an Abstracted character only as a humanoid hare, their real eyes are normally visible but they’ve got tons of fake eye patterns all over their body and they’re unfortunately prone to having their body glitch out, which makes them look like they’re Abstracting even more.
So if they were in the Freakshow, I just took away their visible real eyes and put a chain collar on them, they’re a ‘Beastman’. In a world where being an actual anthro animal is the norm, being someone with beast like features wouldn’t cut it in the Freakshow unless those features were realistic, so instead the audience gets to witness up close and personal a crime against humanity, an ‘Abstraction somehow hanging onto a shred of humanity’ with C!Venti’s act consisting of having them do human things (harder for them in this AU bc Caine messed with them enough to make it so their glitching isn’t just cosmetic and actually causes motor issues) or being forced to do stunts like jump through rings of fire, being whipped into submission, balancing on a big ball, having someone shove their head into their mouth, stuff like that, all that good old circus animal cruelty mashed up with the mocking torture of someone born with features that make them look more like a beast than a human.
I imagine C!Venti wouldn’t talk much as a Freak, for shows they’re only allowed to talk very stilted and roughly to play up the ‘wild animal human’ shtick, which means that they get put through vocal training to ensure they’re voice sounds as broken and awful as possible, which would naturally hurt, and they’d probably have Gangle and Ai Gangle hovering them a lot in case they DO actually abstract since it would be hard to notice at first, meanwhile everyone else would probably keep away from them. So not a very happy camper, hands were probably fucked with so that doing things like holding a cup would be hard, so it’s hard for them to do much of anything ‘normally’. They definitely scare the shit outta the others when they start having their meltdowns from frustration, not that they’d hurt anyone, but given their voice… well they sound like a wild beast when they have their meltdowns.
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cringemesstickles · 8 months
Honey Sweet Laughter
(TickleTober Day 16: Unusual Spot)
Summary: Gabriel discovers a new tickle spot on his boyfriend
Pairing: Sabriel
Word Count: 709
A/N: Some Sabriel tickles because they’re adorable
Anyway, ticklish arms are so underrated, goodbye
One of the first things Gabriel learned about Sam Winchester was that he was incredibly ticklish. Obviously, this would come in handy for a trickster such as himself, and he uses it against his serious boyfriend every chance he gets.
As soon as he learned about Sam’s sensitivity, he quickly found all of his tickle spots.
Or so he thought…
On one lazy evening, the couple was huddled together on the bunkers sofa, enjoying some alone time on a day off.
Gabriel leaned in close and gave his boyfriend a peck on the cheek, delighting in the warmth of his presence.
“I told you a rest day was a good idea.” Said the archangel, grabbing the taller man’s hand and giving it a kiss.
Sam giggled and leaned into the touch, melting at the sensation of warm lips on his soft skin.
“Alright, I’ll admit it… for once, you had a good idea.” He teased lightly, earning a theatrical gasp from Gabriel.
“All of my ideas are good ones and I am offended that you seem to think otherwise!”
Sam giggled again, amused by his lover’s theatrics.
To Gabriel, the sound was like a drug, addictive, always leaving him wanting more. It was a sound so sweet, it could give honey a run for it’s money.
Gabriel did always have a sweet tooth.
Overfilled with affection, the archangel brought Sam’s wrist to his lips and started littering the skin with quick, playful kisses, traveling upwards to the delicate skin of his inner elbow.
The sensation sent sparks through Sam’s arm, drawing out a surprised gasp, followed by a storm of titters.
“Gahahabe! T-That tickles!” The hunter lightly tugged at his arm, his stomach filling with butterflies.
Gabriel froze and looked up at his boyfriend’s smiling face, utterly delighted by the reaction.
“Oh? A new tickle spot, you say?” He kept a firm grip on Sam’s wrist and used his other to spider his fingers from the wrist to the crook of the elbow, prompting the muscles to twitch and shake.
Sam let his head fall back against the couch, letting out sounds that could only be described as angelic.
“Just when I thought I had found all your tickle spots~”
Sam’s laughter reached a new pitch when Gabriel started nuzzling the soft skin. He never knew such a light touch could be so ticklish, but as his boyfriend continued to nuzzle, the slight stubble brushing against the inside of his elbow, he couldn’t deny the overwhelming happiness that the sensation brought.
“Aww, does this tickle? Who knew you could be sooo sensitive in such a strange spot~” Cooed Gabriel, switching back to peppering chaste kisses all over his lover’s arm.
Sam couldn’t help but blush, the teasing getting under his ticklish skin and chasing his blood to the surface.
“You’re s-so embahaharrassing!”
Gabriel’s eyes had that flare to them, signaling that he was up to something.
“You think that tickles? How about this!”
Quick as a hare, he sucked in a breath and blew a sharp raspberry right on the sensitive skin, prompting Sam to jerk his arm and squeal.
“GABE, NOHOHOO!” Sam protested through peals of laughter, the blissful smile on his face betraying how he truly felt.
Gabriel could never put into words how he felt about the hunter before him. In his entire celestial life, he had never loved anything as much as he loved Sam.
Deciding he’d tortured his lover enough, the archangel released his arm and pulled away, eyes filled with love for the blushing mess in front of him.
He leaned in and pulled Sam into a warm, gentle kiss, relishing in the way Sam’s giggles felt against his lips.
When they parted, be it reluctantly, they looked at each other with all the love in the universe, content smiles adorning their faces.
“I love you… even when you embarrass the life out of me.”
Gabriel grinned and gave the hunter one last kiss on the nose, admiring the soft chuckle that escaped Sam’s lips.
“Love you too, my big brave hunter.”
They spent the rest of their night cuddling, letting themselves bask in the serenity of the moment.
And if more tickles took place, that’s a secret for just them to share.
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saphirered · 1 year
Fall For Me: Chapter 1
I got a couple of requests for Azriel so I decided to tie them together and turn them into a bit of a mini series. Hope you guys enjoy! 😘
//Summary: A stranger falls through the forest canopy injured. Despite all better judgement you decide to help him. You don’t know who he is or what happened but something within you pushes you to help, and brushes over the fact those arrows belong to the capital city’s guard. 
He messed up. He messed up real bad. Azriel got too greedy. He got so close, so damn close. He had to take the risk. Not like he would be able to get that information at a more opportune moment. This could turn the tides. He’s no fool. He knew the risks yet still he took them. It didn’t pay off. He got caught… Well sort of. He got caught and then he fought his way out. With too many resources expended he had to fly and so he did like his life depended on it. His life did depend on it. It’s more frustrating to consider he didn’t even get the intel he risked it all for. It left a bitter taste in his mouth or maybe that’s just the taste of his own blood. He’s sustained a good few injuries given he found himself in the lion’s den on his own so severely outnumbered not even the likes of Cassian would have come out in better shape than him, though he would never admit that to the idiot’s face. The good thing is, he made it out of the city and these people have a significantly more difficult time of keeping up with him than they would have hoped. He knows it’s only a head start but that’s plenty for him. He’ll have to turn every advantage he has in his favour. 
Hidden soundlessly among the trees and bush, you nock the arrow, eyes never once off your target. Hares aren’t easy game. They’re fast and bolt at the tiniest noise. In doing so you also find other game far and few and whenever you miss or make a mistake, it’s usually the sign of a bad day and you’re better off heading home already. You suppose you could go for deer or boar too but you didn’t feel like dragging back something big when there’s a storm coming. You can feel it in the air and don’t want to risk getting caught. The hare perks up. Its attention is drawn and in just before it can bolt you pull back the string and fire. You just barely manage to kill it before something large crashes through the tree line. Your first instinct is to hide. No hare is worth your life so you stay back until you hear a groan not like any animal. The string of curses that follow are definitely not animal either. You peak out from your hiding place. 
Everything hurts. His whole body, inside and out is just in perpetual pain. They may not have been able to fly but they did have damn good range and aim. He kept going for a while, until he reached far enough into the forest but he couldn’t keep his head from spinning. What’s up and what’s down? Well he found out as quickly as the branches of the trees cut and scraped at him and he hit the dirt with a heavy thud. Maybe if he just stays down here for a little while, he’ll feel better in a few minutes. Fuck. He smells blood but not his own. Then he hears movement; rustling of the branches. He hasn’t the energy to look up and assert the danger even though he tries. Everything is blurry and just nondescript shapes. He sees one such shape, blending in with the vegetation almost perfectly. At first he considers it might be his imagination or a hallucination as there’s no sound of footsteps. What the hell did they coat those arrows with? 
Something told you to get closer. Something called to you. The shadows around the winged male that fell from the sky grow ever darker like tendrils reaching and cocooning, almost as if beckoning you closer and protecting him. You perch to get a closer look and be up and out of reach should you have to, despite this odd feeling that reminds you of the morning fog at dawn right before the world awakes. He’s clearly injured given some cuts and scrapes and bruises from what visible skin you see or what has hit between the leather armour he adorns. Arrows, in his back, snapped off likely by the beat of his wings. The membrane is damaged too but nothing beyond repair. It looks like he took great care to avoid them taking the brunt of the attacks he could not avoid. You go to lift one of the wings to see the damage underneath where it is draped over part of his back but before you can touch it, one of those shadowy tendrils snap out and stop you. Did they not hold on for but a moment you would have bolted that very second and not looked back. You get closer to his head. He’s supporting the weight of his upper body on the arm he’s laying atop and his head is turned to the side. Good. At least he can see you? You kneel down by his head and gently and slowly reach toward him. This time the shadows do not dart out but do remain alert. You pat his cheek lightly. He blinks a couple of times but seems unable to focus on you. 
“Hey. Hey, you with me? You fell from the sky.” Of course he fell from the sky. He’d have felt it all the way down. He looks like he did. He groans. He’s awake. “Fuck.” You mutter to yourself and rise back up. You pace a few times. You pick up the hare you shot, retrieve your arrow and quickly gut the animal before tying it to your belt. You take your hand axe and look at the winged man. Shake your head and repeat that same curse once more before you climb a tree and cut three sturdy branches. With some rope and your cloak you fashion it into a travois. Why the hell are you doing this? You can’t even answer that question yourself. 
With a fair amount of difficulty you manage to lift him onto the travois. The shadows protested but didn’t actually fight you on this. And so you began your journey back home, with a hare and some winged stranger fallen from the sky. You much prefer a bad hunting day. 
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riddle-me-ri · 9 months
Alice type reader and march hare type readers are all well and good but I'd love to see a general (or Gotham, Arkham, btas) Jervis x queen of hearts type reader!!
a/n: asdfg yes, yes, yes I’m so here for this! Will likely do a dormouse reader in another post in the future especially if there's a mighty need from others lol. I couldn’t really come up with an idea for a drabble, so I decided to just go with headcanons and to just go ahead do all the Mad Hatters hehe Hope you enjoy anon!
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The Mad Hatters with a Queen of Hearts-Type Reader
Arkhamverse Mad Hatter:
- Jervis admires you. 
- He has to get respect and attention the hard way, it’s fun, but far more difficult than it has to be. 
- Not you though, you walk into a room and everyone shakes in their boots. 
- They know not to mess with you, to respect you (and Jervis doesn’t have to threaten them).
- Jervis especially appreciates how protective you are of him. 
- The only person that gets to see your softer sweet side is him. 
- And boy, does it make him feel incredibly special. 
- You're his queen of hearts and he's your mad hatter king (it's all nonsense anyway)
BTAS Mad Hatter:
- Jervis is slightly intimidated. 
- He prays for the poor souls that ever have to come face to face with your wrath.
- But he does manage to charm you and you allure him. 
- You will be a very powerful ally to have and vice versa. 
- Soon you two are unstoppable. 
- Jervis appreciates your loyalty and your tenacity. 
- He has never met anyone so fierce and determined.
- He is forever grateful to have you by his side. 
TNBA Mad Hatter:
- Much like his BTAS counterpart, he’s intimidated. 
- Unsure what to make of such a strong minded individual.
- He is mesmerized by you however.
- Jervis is used to being behind the scenes…quite comfortable with it until the end.
- But seeing you command a room and take charge…it's captivating to the scientist. 
- He's pleasantly surprised when he finds how fond you are of him.
- Jervis still gets nervous when you yell or scream.
- But he does take pride in knowing he is one of the few to calm you down.
Gotham Mad Hatter:
- Jervis is enamored with you. 
- Your fire, your rage, your destruction…
- It's something he's always felt but to see it in someone else…
- It's incredible, it makes his heart race. 
- You two will paint the town red. 
- Gotham will fall to its knees for you two.
- And no one would stand in your way.
- Yes, off with their heads, indeed!
Harley Quinn: TAS Mad Hatter:
- Jervis will pretend he's not impressed with you.
- But in reality he's actually shaking like a leaf. 
- However, you do amaze him with just how violent you are.
- Jervis enjoys watching you fight to protect him and your plans.
- It makes him chuckle with glee to see you take down multiple adversaries. 
- He has no problem helping you clean blood off your pretty face. 
- Jervis relishes in the fact you've only got a soft spot for him.
- You two are a force to be reckoned with.
Joker’s Asylum Mad Hatter:
- Jervis is mortified at first. 
- The Queen of Hearts is a blind fury. 
- He already experiences enough anger and aggression in his life. 
- Surely he wants no more of it. 
- He also admires your strength and tenacity.
- He’s perplexed when he sees you aim your fury towards those that wronged him.
- You protect him? Y-You care about him?
- Perhaps your fury isn’t all that blind after all.
Secret Six Mad Hatter: 
- I just have an inkling he gets a rise out of seeing you get angry. 
- Jervis loves to see how red your face can get, how loud you can scream…
- And yes, he’s still referring to when you're angry. 
- He enjoys it because he knows that he can quickly simmer your temper. 
- Or better yet, you’ll punish him later for making you get upset. 
- Either way leaves Jervis snickering to himself 
- You can be short and cruel, it's true. 
- But Jervis can see the passion and that will always captivate him back to you.
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vivienne-writes · 11 months
Wrong Flask
Summary: Self-explanatory title, Garreth was supposed to hand you a flask of his Fizzing Whizzbeer, but accidentally gave you firewhisky instead. No smut, just cute fluff.
“One should always be drunk. That's all that matters...But with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you chose. But get drunk.” 
― Charles Baudelaire, Paris Spleen
It was a quiet day at Hogwarts, with the sun breaking through the last remnants of a dying storm. The breeze held the first delectable hints of summer as the air grew warmer. After having been cooped up in the castle all week, its residents were eager to laze around the grounds, visit Hogsmeade, or catch a flight on their broomsticks, if only to feel the sun dance on their skin. Consequently, the castle was mostly empty, save for those who prefer the rare solace of a vacant dormitory. Garreth Weasley was one of them. 
He could finally work on his Fizzing Whizzbeer in peace without Leander or Natty constantly chastising him over his shoulder. The cauldron bubbled furiously beside an open window while Garreth carefully fanned the red smoke. He didn't want to mess with the flame, but the last time he let his concoctions fester, all of Gryffindor Tower ended up reeking of spoiled milk and burnt hair. None of his fellow housemates allowed him to sleep there for a week. 
But his potion was just about done. All it needed was the slightest pinch of ground billywig stings. Garreth's hand shook as he held it over the potion's curdling surface. Too much or too little, and months of hard work would be sent down the drain. He rubbed his thumb and forefinger the slightest bit, letting the faintest dust of powder escape his touch, and – POOF!
The potion instantly turned from burgundy red to fuchsia pink, releasing a small sparkling cloud of the same hue. He’d done it! He had finally done it! Garreth did a little celebratory jig, his foot bumping the table and nearly sending the cauldron a-tumbling. 
“She needs to see this,” he muttered excitedly, scooping a generous portion into a silver flask. 
With a surprised jolt, Garreth quickly emptied his cauldron and vanished any remaining evidence with a mad flourish of his wand before whirling around to come face to face with his aunt. 
“Good morning, Aunt Matilda,” he grinned sheepishly, hoping with all hope she didn’t see him stow the silver flask in his pocket. 
Professor Weasley sighed. “It’s late afternoon already, but I suppose you wouldn’t have noticed. What hare-brained scheme are you up to now, Garreth?”
“Nothing,” he replied quickly, his throat bobbing as he swallowed guiltily. 
Rubbing the bridge between her brows, Professor Weasley had half a mind to inquire further. But if the dormitory didn’t smell, and nothing was on fire this time. Perhaps she could let it go. Just this once. “Go join your friends, child, before I change my mind.”
"Yes, ma'am." She didn't need to tell him twice. He was gone before she looked up. By the time Garreth found his fellow fifth years, he had forgotten entirely about the flask in his pocket. 
“Crikey, Weasley’s actually left the castle!” Nellie gaped from where she lounged by the lake, the shade of the tree overhead dancing around her face. 
“Someone pinch me,” smirked Duncan. “Ow! I didn’t mean it literally, Nellie!”
“Where’s Lee?” asked Garreth, ignoring their jabs as he settled on the grass next to Natty. 
She turned the page of her book and, without looking up, replied, "Off on some stupid dare with Sallow and Clopton.” 
“It’s not stupid,” Leander said as he approached, flanked by Sebastian and Everett. Natty looked them up and down, ready to retort, but decided against it. She returned to her book with a dismissive roll of her eyes. 
“What did you lot have him do this time?” asked Garreth. 
Sebastian crossed his arms and leaned against the tree. “We simply tested Prewett’s bravery the old-fashioned way. Steal liquor from the Hog’s head. And wouldn’t you know it? The bastard actually did it.” 
Leander frowned. “You can have a little more faith in me, you know.”
“Did you swipe enough?” The devilish grin on Everett’s face grew slightly. He caught the silver flask before it hit his face. “Yes!”
“Here’s one for you, Gaz.”
Another silver flask landed on Garreth’s lap, and in a blink of an eye, he was back on his feet. The others stared at him in surprise. 
“Shit! I almost forgot!" And just like that, he raced back towards the castle, disappearing in a mad rush of black robes and red hair
“He could’ve at least given it back,” Sebastian muttered with a shake of his head. 
When he found you, Garreth was panting and out of breath. Curse the founders. The astronomy tower didn’t need so many steps! His footsteps were heavy on the wooden staircase, alerting you and Amit to his presence. 
“Garreth?” you asked worriedly. 
He rested his palms on his knees, his lungs gasping for air. “I’ve…finished…it,” he wheezed, fishing out a silver flask from his robes. 
Amit grimaced. “Not again.” He scrolled up his star chart and collected his ink and quill. “We can finish this another time. But I’d rather not be here for this.” Your quizzical eyes followed him as he darted around Garreth and made his swift escape.  
All the better for Garreth. If he was being honest, he enjoyed your company. Alone. He held out the flask invitingly. “It’s my Fizzing Whizzbeer. I promised you’d be the first to try.”
You opened the flask and sniffed it gingerly. It smelled… spicy. “Is it safe?” you glanced up cautiously, giving the flask a tentative swirl. 
Garreth nodded enthusiastically. “Chug it!”
“Well, if you say so…” With a deep breath, you brought the flask to your lips and threw your head back, downing the beverage in one go. Gulp after gulp, it felt like liquid flame setting your body aglow with spicy, smooth warmth. It tasted nothing like the candy that inspired it. But whatever this was, it tasted delicious. Perhaps an acquired taste, but delicious, nonetheless. 
“Well?” Garreth asked, waiting for the levitating to occur. “How is it?”
You blinked. The room began to spin, and you threw a hand out to steady yourself. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. But with your senses dulled, there was no way for you to tell. You just felt funny and warm all over. 
“It feels g-good,” you hiccupped, clutching Garreth’s robes before stumbling into him. 
“Oh no,” his heart sank. “This wasn’t supposed to happen…”
He grabbed the flask from your hand and brought it to his nose. Firewhisky. He accidentally gave you the wrong flask. If his aunt found out, he'd never hear the end of it. Thankfully, she never ventured up this far. And if she did, he could hear her incoming footsteps. 
"I should get you some water," he made to leave, but when he released you, one of your legs buckled. You grabbed onto the nearby steel railing for support, and Garreth cursed. He gently took hold of one of your elbows, his other hand flying to your hip to ease you clumsily onto the floor. "On second thought, let's sit here for a bit, shall we?" 
With a nod, you rested your forehead against the cool railing, savoring the feel of the spring wind that whipped your hair. It felt delicious against the rapidly growing heat of your body. Garreth looked you up and down worriedly with a gnaw of his inner cheek. And when he took in your flushed skin, your closed eyes as you enjoyed the dying sunlight and snappy wind on your serene face, guilt raced through his being before settling heavily on his shoulders. 
With a frustrated sigh, he ran his hands down his face. “What is wrong with me?” he muttered. At the sound of soft chuckling, Garreth looked up to find your eyes fixed on his. 
“You want to know what’s wrong with you, Garreth?” you smiled lazily. “We can start with how careless you can be sometimes.”
“Um… thanks?”
Your smile grew wider. "You're smart but easily distracted. Once an idea gets into your head, you never let it go. Not until you've tried it. It's quite adorable, really."
Exactly how strong was that firewhisky? You were usually less chatty. You've never looked at him this way before, either. Hungry. As if you desired him somehow. His palms began to sweat, and Garreth averted his eyes, fixing them onto the pink and purple skies as the sun’s descent welcomed the twinkle of stars. The last of its beams speared through mountain peaks, bathing everything in the valley with its fiery glow. 
“You’ve got the most beautiful eyes,” you spoke softly now, in a hushed tone that seemed more reverent than shy. “Has anyone ever told you that? Like rustling meadows in the summer.”
At that, Garreth couldn’t stop the bark of laughter. “No. Never,” he replied. “I’m beginning to think you’re flirting with me.”
He meant it as a joke to brush off your comments. But he didn't expect you to retort with, "Have been for a while now, but thanks for noticing." His heart somersaulted before pounding relentlessly against his chest. Did this mean…? "Yes, I've liked you for some time now," you continued, sitting up to watch the sunset. "But you don't seem to like me back. Not in that way, at least. That's another thing wrong with you. You're so terribly dense."
A frown tugged at your lips as you swayed. It wasn't like you to be this honest. But something about that brew made you feel light. Carefree. As if nothing mattered in the world. You could say anything or do anything, and right now, you wanted to tell him how you feel. How you've felt since the day you laid eyes on him… even if he didn't like you back, you've said your piece, consequences be damned. Garreth’s silence should have worried you, but you found you didn’t care. Your nerves sang with that uplifting warmth, and nothing could bother you. Nothing could touch you. 
Until you felt a trembling hand splay over yours, a thumb timidly rubbing your knuckles. Your head snapped up to find Garreth looking pointedly away. But the neck and ears that peeked out from his wild hair had bloomed into a furious blush. And so very faintly, underneath the howling wind that whipped through the tower, you almost didn’t hear him when he said, “I like you too.”
You giggled, blushing furiously as your heart soared. You could’ve ripped it out your chest and chucked it off the tower, and it would’ve flown up with the streaming gale. High, high above the castle towers, into the clouds beyond. 
"I didn't catch that," you teased, soft peals of mirthful laughter escaping your lips as you brought a hand up to your mouth. "Could you repeat that?"
With a sidelong glance, Garreth huffed indignantly. “You heard what I said.”
You shook your head and scooted closer, resting a head on his shoulder. Dizzy from the drink, from the revelation he shared your affections, from his hand that never left yours. “I thought Gryffindors were supposed to be brave,” you pouted, batting your lashes at him coquettishly. 
But the pout of your lips pulled the entirety of Garreth’s focus. They were plump and tempting, mere inches away from his. Lips he had spent countless daydreams on, fantasizing the feel of it against his tongue, his teeth. The silence and tension lay thick and heavy, as heavy as the curtain of dusk as night drew ever closer. 
His voice strained but laced with want, cut through the silence as he said, "Earlier, you told me I never let an idea go, not until I've tried it." His throat bobbed as he cupped your face, your skin underneath his fingers tingling with excitement. "I… I want to try kissing you now. May I?"
He shouldn’t have asked. You were inebriated, your inhibitions broken down by the liquid fire churning in your body. But so was he. Drunk off the very scent and sight of you. Drunk off the magnificent eyes that threatened to devour him whole. And he’d let you. He’d let you have him any way you wished, any time you wanted. 
“Yes,” you whispered, leaning closer, his soft breath ghosting your lips as you closed your eyes. Finally, after all this time pining, wanting… you were so close to finally getting a taste…
“Hey Gaz, if you weren’t going to drink that firewhisky, Sallow wanted me to – oh my!” Leander gasped. 
And just like that, his interruption sobered you up like a bucket of ice-cold water. You turned away from Garreth with embarrassment and shame as he got on his feet to hurl the empty flask at Leander's head. 
"Get. Out." He hissed venomously, bristling with equal shades of embarrassment and frustration. His friend always had shit timing, but Garreth was so close! So frustratingly close. Now the moment was ruined. 
Leander stopped the flask in its path with his wand before shoving it inside his pocket. “Trust me, I won’t breathe a word,” he said before he tucked his tail and ran. 
With an exasperated sigh, Garreth pulled you up to your feet. “Let’s get you back. You need food and water.” 
Your heart sank. Did he… did he not want to kiss you anymore? Your downcast eyes fell on your shoes as you refused to look him in the eye until you felt a soft kiss on your temple. You looked up at him questioningly, taking in the furrow of his brows as he anxiously shifted his weight from one leg to the other. 
“I still want to kiss you,” he said, eyes darting to your lips. “But not when you’re drunk.”
“So when?” This was your chance, and you didn’t want to let it go. 
Garreth ran a nervous hand through his hair. "Let me court you the right way. Take you out to Hogsmeade. I do owe you for accidentally getting you drunk."
And with a bright smile, you said, “It’s a date!”
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jell0buss-37 · 1 year
Why not? (Peter B Parker x reader) pt. 3
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God he is such a hunk.
This one took a long time, but there are nods to my Peter B headcannons in this!
Warnings: near death, an epiphany, and a kiss
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
He can't exactly pinpoint the moment he started, but he knows exactly when he realized what these feelings were. And when he had felt the same attraction from you towards him. Only, it wasn't him. A fact that he had put into his head to remind himself of a thousand times probably, and a fact that pained him more than that of MJ's. He finds himself looking back on it, sometimes sadly, more often than not fondly though.
Especially now, as he finds himself in a strange place, staring at an image of himself in a televised obituary.
It makes him wonder what would have happened if he hadn't have been scared to just buck up and face his feelings like an adult. Someone you deserve. He can't wallow in self pity right now though, where the hell is he? All he knows is that he needs to figure out what just happened, and fast. He'll have to lie low for a bit, obviously, given that this does not feel like home, and according to what seems to be a different universe or some alternate timeline, he was dead. Damn, if only he'd payed more attention to Harry whenever he would talk about his work.
Oh yeah. Harry. The one who had gotten him into this mess in the first place.
He doesn't know why he even decided to take that story on to begin with. Maybe it was the way that glint, that adorable glint of yours that had brightened up at the mention of how his ex roommate was working for Oscorp. Maybe it was the enticing promise of an easy and early end to your guys' shared night, with really tempting movie night plans. Well, any night was tempting if it was with you. Hell, you were his best friend! Why wouldn't he be excited to just hangout with you? To just do anything if it was in your presence? He couldn't help but feel that pride swell in his chest whenever fellow reporters referred to you two as the dynamic duo, who always somehow get to the bottom of any story.
Either or, his judgement was severely clouded due to the Osborne. Norman, Harry's father, had been a very docile man in comparison to his son, a man who just wanted to support his son and his work. However due to that devotion he had been killed in a horrible accident in the Oscorp main lab. Something Peter had tried so hard to prevent, but just happened to fall short in saving Harry's only peace. His grief had turned him cruel, a fast Nemesis of Spiderman. The Green Goblin, as he's known throughout New York. Although Peter hadn't known Harry, his childhood friend, had been the creature in green. Nor Harry with Peter.
It was when he and you had made the trip to visit Harry that Peter had to make a horrible discovery, as well as one of the best discoveries in his life.
Due to his close connection with Harry, they were able to get access to Oscorp facilities "easy peasy!" Peter boasted to you, that shit eating grin of his flashing his features again, making you giggle and roll your eyes fondly at his antics. "It's actually more complex than that, Pete." You hear from behind you, the voice scaring you out of your wits.
"AH- o-oh, uh, Mr Osborne! A pleasure to meet you-" he cuts you off, taking your hand that you had out stretched, bringing your knuckles to his lips to breathe a kiss to your skin. "Please, call me Harry. Mr Osborne was my father. And the pleasure is mine." He speaks with an air of confidence. He seems well put together, handsome. It made you… uncomfortable.
Peter picks up on it immediately, swooping in quickly to help you, while also humbling his old friend. "Woah, Hare, who knew you figured out how to talk to women! I'm proud of you man, those YouTube videos I keep emailing you are finally starting to pay off man!" He claps a hand on Harry's shoulder, effectively taking his attention off of you.
Harry just rolls his eyes. "And how've you been then, Pete? It's been, what, 17 months now? And yet you're still single?? Yikes." He digs at Peter. All he does is laugh, bringing him in for a bear hug, which Harry reciprocates willingly. It had been over a year since he and MJ split up at that point, and he'd say it's safe to say he'd moved on at that point, and can now look at those times as a fond memory. He wasn't really looking for another relationship at that point either. Hell, his best and most stable relationship he had was with you! Why go and add something else to that? You were more than perfect for him. And he was happy with how things were.
You both went up to Harry's office, and enjoyed their playful banter, writing down any juicy stories, wether it be about the company or about Peter. You loved seeing Pete in his element, finally relaxing around someone other than you. His smile was infectious. Although, Harry seemed to be more annoyed, constantly looking at his watch. It was as if he had somewhere to be. Neither of you thought much of it, at the time. He was an important man.
Once it was all over, you and Peter were just walking down by yourselves, you teasing him about his childhood more. Both of you just enjoying yourselves. You both had set foot outside when suddenly it had happened. The top of the building had exploded.
You were in complete shock. All you could do was look up in awe and terror, you hadn't even noticed Peter dashing off. He was gone so quickly, he knew something was off, his Spidey senses going haywire the second you walked out of Harry's office. It's why Peter had rushed you two by suggesting a movie rather than a tour of the facility.
He was suited up quicker than ever, swinging in to help any civilians inside, his main goal being to find Harry. He made it closer to the top, calling out Harry's name as he was putting out different flames. He was mid-air in swing when he was suddenly knocked to the ground, the air in his lungs being knocked from hitting the wall to the side.
"Well well, spiderman, it looks like my hypothesis was correct. You were here the entire time!" He grabs Spiderman, pinning him to the wall. "I could smell you." "Huh, and I thought this new shampoo was working better for me." Spidy chokes out. As he's about to shoot a web into the goblins eyes, it seems someone beat him to it, as a brick hits the goblin in the back of his head, causing him to drop the Hero.
"It's not nice to throw people, dickhead!" At the sound of your voice, his heart stops. Why were you here!? You should be safe on the ground! Before you knew it, the Villain was back on his feet, and snatching you up, jumping through a window and landing of to his air board, Spiderman shooting a web out to attach to the aircraft, tailing behind.
The sounds of your screams were ringing in his ears, as well as the sound of his heart racing. He couldn't panic thought he had to save you. You all had landed on the roof, where Goblin had dropped you off to the side. Spiderman was already on him though, and you watch in awe as they fight, grabbing your camera. After all, that's why you'd ran back up there. Where danger was, Spiderman was soon to follow.
Before you know it, the hero had a leg up on the monster, webbing him down to the ground. It seems a victory was soon! Until one of the Green Goblins bombs were tossed your way. Everything happened in a blur, Spiderman dashing to push you out of the way, the bomb going off and knocking you over the edge.
Peter's heart stopped. One moment you were there, then you were plummeting to your death. He was after you quicker than ever. The sight of your body falling engraving itself into his memory and into the fear in his heart.
You had felt everything in slow motion, absolute fear over taking your senses. You closed your eyes, accepting your fate. Until you feel your head on a hard chest, your body being encompassed in a bear hug, and you hold on to him for dear life, bringing your arms and legs to wrap completely around him. He swung you two over to a nearby rooftop, landing safely.
Your heart was racing a millions miles, and you felt his on your chest. It was so loud, so… comforting. His arms were wrapped around your waist. You felt safe. Until he sets you down and starts yelling at you.
"ARE YOU INSANE!??? WHY THE HELL WERE YOU UP THERE WHY DIDN'T YOU STAY ON THE GROUND WHERE I LEFT YOU!?? DO YOU KNOW YOU COULD'VE DIED TODAY!?" He was talking a lot, holding your face in his hands and inspecting you, they felt so warm. You feel your legs give out, and you fall into his chest, your eyes stinging with tears. He went silent, instead holding you, his fingers carding through your hair.
He smelled so familiar. You looked into his eyes, tears streaming down his face, and his heart stopped. You looked so beautiful. You were alive, and here, and so goddamned beautiful. He couldn't help himself. Before you knew it, you felt a warm pair of lips on your own. Your heart was racing, and they were so soft. And warm. You can't help but melt into him even more. He pulls away, a smack separating your lips. He pulls down his mask almost too quickly, and holds your face in his, commiting the lovesick look in your eyes to memory. And then you were panicking.
"PETER!!" You startle him out of his daze with your panic, scrambling out of his arms and frantically searching for your phone. In all of this action you had completely forgotten about him!!! He watches you as you run around, his heart swelling in his chest at how worried you were for him. Oh no. He's in love with you.
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sakustars · 10 months
yuuji itadori x gn!reader
sfw; fuff; royal au
a/n: while yuuji and choso’s kingdom is obviously based on japan, the reader’s kingdom and culture is stuff i made up — the names, location, clothing etc. hold no significance to real life. any similarities to irl cultures is purely coincidental :)
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the sleigh rumbled through the woods, covered by furs held up by a wooden frame, two kings laughing loudly at the exposed bow, their greatest treasures sheltered in the bed.
just behind them, trying (and failing) to play dice, cubes of painted bone bouncing against the tremors of the sleigh, were their respective first borns. choso, with cheeks pink from the cold, peering out into the frosty wilds, and len, clutching the dice in one hand, and his in her other.
hunkered down in the very back, sat two queens dressed in elegant furs and gloves, with their two toddlers bundled up in their laps.
you were just shy of four years old, this first time you met yuuji. you barely remembered it.
a tiny pink-haired boy, with a red nose and flecks of ice in his left eyebrow. he was pouting, unused to the cold, and the heavy furs he was bundled in. you had reached out with mittened hands, and squished his cheeks between them, and your mother laughed, looking upon the two of you fondly.
by the time the reindeer had turned the sleigh around, directed back towards the large stone castle you called home, the kings had come to an agreement. len would marry into choso’s family, and yuuji into yours. at that time, you had had no idea the face you were messing with was that of your betrothed.
the second time, you were seven.
his family had come to your kingdom once again, to be draped in furs and inundated with hot mulled wine and bask in front of large carved fireplaces at the heart of the stone fortress.
the first night of their stay, len and yourself had been sent to choso and yuuji with the purpose of helping them with their unfamiliar clothing. such a task could have easily been completed by a maid, but your parents grasped at the opportunity for the two couples to interact.
when choso called through the door that you could enter, you set about organising the many layers in order of which should go on first. yuuji stood awkwardly before you, dressed only in a base layer of thin cotton trousers and shirt, shivering from the draught blowing through the room.
you glanced at him as you approached with the first garment, a pair of thick woollen trousers. “make conversation,” your mother had told you.
you helped the pink-haired boy into the trousers, belted his waist, then plucked at the shirt he was wearing. “cotton doesn’t grow up here. we import it from your kingdom,” you muttered shyly, grasping at straws for a conversation topic.
yuuji shifted on his feet, blinking owlishly and turning his warm amber eyes to choso for assistance. “we get meat from your kingdom; weaponry too,” his brother supplied as he helped len pull a rich purple tunic over his head.
this seemed to spark something in yuuji as he turned to you excitedly, padding after you as you returned to the bench where his clothes were laid out. “yes! ven-i-son,” he sounded the word out carefully. “and hare. my father says you hunt it all yourselves.”
you nodded proudly. “yep. we’re good at hunting here, and my father’s the best, because he’s the king. i’m going to be the best when i’m queen, though. lift your arms.”
he did as instructed and you tugged on his tunic, choso and len giggling with each other at your bold declaration. as you set about pulling on shawls and furs, buckling and toggling, the conversation turned to other hobbies, then food, then animals, and by the time he was fully clothed, you felt like you could build a factfile on him.
when you were nine, you travelled to his kindom for the first time. boldly embroidered animal hide and stiff boots were traded for softly patterned yukatas and large, pleated trousers; simple sandals on your feet.
the days were spent lazing with yuuji on the engawa of the large estate, gorging yourself on meats that weren’t plain and salty, but instead served with tangy sauces and fresh garnishes.
yuuji had introduced you to to his friends megumi and nobara. they served at the estate, but personal to yuuji, so the three had grown close. megumi had grumpily allowed you to pet his two guard dogs, and blushed as yuuji garbled on about how he was going to be his personal guard when he was older.
when the evenings encroached, your parents would find you all sprawled out on the floor, deep in sleep, tired out from golden days of playing dice and chasing the koi fish in the grounds’ lake.
after this visit, the event would become annual, alternating which kingdom would host, and each visit would be spent in childlike bliss, growing closer with and exploring the other.
however this easy contentment could not last forever. as you grew older and wiser, taking the turn from child to teen, you had the bitter realisation of your lack of choice in life.
on your fourteenth year, you had spent most of yuuji’s visit locked away in your room, ignoring him and yet frustrating yourself over not seeing him. you were well aware that your anger was misdirected, but the only solution your teenage brain could come up with was to let your feeling run their course, and make reparations afterwards.
the night after yuuji and choso departed, len found you curled up in the mound of furs and wool blankets on your overly large bed. she called your name and you grunted under the blanket hiding your face. “if mother sent you, tell her i’m sorry or something to placate her.”
she must be furious, pacing the grand dining hall lamenting to your father about your stand-offish behaviour. you would apologise later, but right now you needed a moment to wallow in your own guilt. you could barely think of your mother’s stress when the fear of yuuji hating you encompassed all corners of your mind.
the bed dipped as len sat next to you. a soft hand reached and squeezing what shoulder she could reach through your coverings. “she did not send me. i wanted to talk to you myself.”
a beat of silence.
then you lifted the corner of your blanket, a silent invitation. she crawled under, laying forehead to forehead next to you. she wiped away the shining tears pooled at the corner of your eye, then pulled you into a tight hug.
“i’m going to apologise to him next year,” you whispered into her shoulder. “do… do you think he’s angry?” you choked out the question, so terrified of her answer.
“of course not,” she murmured, rubbing your back “i think he might be hurt, though. but he’s a kind boy. if you explain, he will understand. i went through the same thing myself, but choso understood. it will be okay.”
you sniffled crackly the pulled back to rest your forehead against hers once more. “you’re getting married next summer. you won’t be here anymore.” the thought broke your heart. you would start hunting soon, and she wouldn’t be there to see you. she wouldn’t sing you to sleep by the fire, or tease you at the dinner table.
“it will be okay,” she said again.
and, “it will be okay,” you repeated back to her.
the next year you did apologise. and it was okay. yuuji had forgiven you instantly, tugging you close to him and engulfing you in a huge hug, pressing a soft kiss to your temple that had your heart running out your chest, before excitedly pulling you down the emerald lawn to see the new flora that had bloomed in your absence.
he had always been slightly awkward, but so kind and so soft, carrying an undeniable charm that affected you much too greatly and that he was probably unaware of even possessing.
so when you came back to your room after hunting, greeted by a taller, stronger, more confident yuuji, you were unprepared.
unprepared for his rush forward, for his strong arms wrapping around your waist, laughing brightly as a crystal-clear brook as he picked you up and swung you around. unprepared for his undeniably gorgeous face so close to yours as he set you down, his cheeks dusted pink and honey eyes lit up with joy.
you breathed heavily against his chest, gripping his biceps and letting out a choked laugh of your own.
he looked at you with stars in his eyes and you looked at him as though he had hung the moon. shared adoration for one another was choked up in shy teenage throats, building and swelling, to inevitably burst out at any moment.
this moment was not to happen yet. not the next day, when you instructed him in archery, your bodies pressed tight together, your breath rolling against his neck as you positioned his arms. not even the next, as you sat together secretly in front of a kitchen stove, bundled in animal hide, sharing doughy bread loaves, and mead from the same cup.
this moment came an entire year later. the summer you visited yuuji, at seventeen years old, just one year shy of coming of age, and your betrothed’s kingdom was throwing a celebration to commemorate his youth.
you had been dressed by nobara, and an older lady named nitta. the yukata was patterned intricately, a mix of different blues making waves, interspersed with white clouds and pink flowers.
when you stepped into the main hall of the estate, your eyes widened. flower petals, streamers, other people in colourful yukatas moved around the room in some sort of organised hurricane, but throughout the chaos, your gaze was fixed to one person. he hadn’t noticed you yet, looking anxious as he spoke hurriedly to megumi, who was dressed in cranes on a dark blue background.
he stood to the side, leaving enough room for people to pass by him, and he looked a vision. instead of his usual red and yellow coloured clothing, his yukata was light blue, beautifully contrasting the carefully embroidered tigers on his sleeves and back. his hair was the same endearing mess as usual, and his cheeks and the tips of his ears were tinged adorably pink in the hot summer evening.
you gave one last thanks to nobara and nitta, before making a beeline straight towards him. he noticed you as you were ten paces away, his face relaxing as he dashed forwards to meet you.
he gathered you in his arms, pressing a kiss to your cheek before burying his face in your neck, inhaling the scent of your freshly-washed hair. you turned pinker than yuuji was as he kissed your cheek again and gently yet excitedly tugged you towards the dance floor.
you shared many dances with him, taking breaks occasionally where he insisted you sat down, fanned you if he thought you looked too warm, and made megumi bring you water, not wanting to leave your side for even a second.
you danced for some time with nobara, managed to pull megumi in for one dance before he got away, and had a few circle dances with len and choso. he really seemed like a wonderful man, and you were delighted when she told you about how happy she was with him when you sat down together to talk.
but after twenty or so minutes, yuuji started to become antsy, so you bid farewell with promises to continue writing, before taking his hand in yours and leading him along the engawa then down into the gardens. it seemed you came at the perfect time, because as you settled on the bench at the edge of the koi pond, the fireworks started.
other partygoers were dotted around the gardens, but your attention was fixed to the sky, and yuuji’s on you.
your focus was broken as you heard him call your name gently. you turned your head towards him, eyes widening as soft lips landed on your own. it took you a few seconds to gather yourself, by which time he had pulled away confused, a wrinkle in between his brows. you hastily took his face in your hands, kissed it away, then rejoined your lips.
he made a muffled sound of surprise, before returning the kiss with enthusiasm to spare, curling his hands around your waist and nipping at your bottom lip as you one of your hands through his hair.
you pulled away with your chest heaving, though finally you felt like you could breathe. your love for him was no longer festering in your throat, now moved to warm the hearth of his heart, and his love warmed yours.
🪐 a/n: reblogs, likes and comments r very appreciated <3
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