#menage a paris
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bazar suzanne
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iridecsense · 1 year
his brother’s keeper - m. 
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 ⤷ summary: after yet again pining for his brother’s girl, newt finds himself stuck between his brother and the woman he is in love with...quite literally.
𓇬 word count: 8.0k 𓇬 pairing: theseus scamander | fem!reader | newt scamander 𓇬 genre: smut, porn with a little plot  𓇬 rating: 18+ 𓇬 warnings: profanity, depictions of spiked drinks 𓇬 kinks: voyeur, cuckholding, breeding, creampie, menage et toi, oral (fem recieving), anal mdom/femsub/msub 𓇬 author’s note: Something you can think of as a sequel to rumors, or a stand alone one shot. I will definitely not see the pearly gates after this, I am so sorry in advance! I may be a bit rusty so please be gentle and accept this late Christmas gift as a New Years surprise. Expect more from me soon. ;)
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     It was usually in conditions like these, when the streets of London were slick with cool wet, and the biting cold spread mist from hot mouths filled the air, that made a time meant for cheer and love, one of desolate solitude for those less fortunate. Whatever the circumstances may be, it is in these times Newt Scamander often found himself alone. Though, if you were to ask him yourself he would deny the accusation and snarkily ask if one could ever be truly alone when surrounded by magnificent creatures. Despite the best efforts of his brother, who cared for him most earnestly, Newt hadn’t spent the holidays with him in years. 
      He had his reasons to be sure. Back when Theseus was engaged with his childhood friend Leta, there was no doubt an awkwardness. The younger Scamander brother was in love with the Lestrange girl. To see his brother have what he had longed for since he first met her put a strain on his heart. Newt was not bold in any sense of the word. Being forward with a woman never came easy to him. When he’d lost the chance to win Leta’s heart he swore that when he found himself enamored by another woman he would make it clear to her his affections.     In came Tina Goldstein, an American auror who he found himself entangled with on a trip overseas. He felt something for her—a kind of attraction that was different from the one he felt for Leta, but an attraction nonetheless. Tina was tall and beautiful and treated him with more respect than anyone ever had. But even that effort fell short. Tina had become more dedicated to her work and her sister. There was no room for him in her life at the moment. The two drifted apart succeeding the events of Grindelwald's rally in Paris. He returned to London, and she to her own affairs.     That had been nearly three years ago. Newt did well on his own, he felt. His creatures keep him busy enough. Getting through the day was easy. The nights were the hardest. At night there wasn't anything busying his mind from thinking of you.     Newt started to believe he was cursed to always fall in love with women he couldn't have. Whoever it was must have been especially cruel to make him fall for his brother’s girlfriends. That could be the only explanation. Otherwise,  he was just a sick, perverted man who desperately needed therapy. Little did he know two things can be true.    It wasn’t as though it were intentional. When it came to Leta, he had loved her first. Theseus just happened to get her. You, however, was something he did not expect. He was acquainted with you, only knowing and conversing with you when Leta was involved, considering you were her friend. It wasn't until she died that he got to know you better. During that time, Newt stayed with his brother and swore to stay by his side and help him and the ministry in capturing Grindelwald. Theseus grieved, and Newt was there to care for him, and so were you.     You would come by with food and insist on helping clean the apartment. The gesture was kind, especially when you were going through your own grief. Newt wondered if you used your kindness and instinct to help others as a way to distract yourself from the pain you truly felt. He was able to prove his theory right after many nights alone, drinking gin and fire whiskey, when he got to know you more intimately.     Theseus never knew, but in those first few months he spent grieving, Newt had grown rather fond of you. You were funny, kind, a great cook, and you listened to him, something no one else really did. The day he discovered your relationship with his brother he was disappointed, to say the least. Once again, Theseus had managed to take someone else he cared about. Newt often wondered how different things would have been if he had kissed you that night as you so desperately wanted him to. The same night when you had drank one too many gin and tonics and found the Scamander family album hidden in Theseus’s bookshelf. That night you somehow wound up on top of his lap, flipping through embarrassing baby pictures and evidence of his pubescent awkwardness. You were too drunk to notice how tense he was underneath you, or how with every shift of movement, or every laugh you chuckled, your ass pressed against his crotch.     When you came across a picture of Newt his mother had taken of him on the first day working at the Ministry when he was sixteen, you gushed over how ‘adorable’ he looked. Newt blushed. Then you said something he didn't expect.     “I see what Leta meant. You were always cute.”     Newt didn't know what to say. You positioned your head on his shoulder to look up at him. Newt was never good at eye contact, but he found it hard to tear his eyes away from yours.     “You have pretty eyes,” you slurred suddenly with a smile stretched across your lips. He could smell the alcohol on your breath your faces were so close.     “So do you,” he said, surprising himself with his own brazenness. It was true. You had two pretty (e/c) eyes like none he’d ever seen, even when they fluttered and stared blankly up at him in an intoxicated daze. But it was only with the help of the three glasses of gin he had earlier that helped him say it aloud.     Your smile grew wider. Your hand went to cup his left cheek. “I never understood Leta,” you mumbled. “How could anyone look past you?”     He’d wanted it so bad. To feel your lips against his would be his greatest reward after all he’d been through, after all his shortcomings. If he were a lesser man he would have taken advantage of your drunkenness. But you could barely sit up on your own, and he couldn’t tell how long it would be before you lost consciousness and fell asleep on the couch as you had done several times before.     “Kiss me, Newt,” you asked. “Please.” It was the first sentence you hadn't slurred since the gin entered your bloodstream. In a moment of weakness, his hand caressed your cheek. His thumb swiped over your bottom lip and he heard your breath hitch in your throat.     You were so beautiful and there you were, begging him to kiss you. Begging for something more by the way you pressed your body into him and looked desperately at his lips through half-lidded eyes. And maybe if he had four gin and tonics instead of three he would have given you what you wanted. But he was more sober than you and he respected you far too much to take advantage of you in your current state. What he had to do afterward took all his restraint.     The next day you greeted him in the kitchen with the same kind smile you always gave him as you prepared breakfast. The matter was never brought up again and Newt assumed you simply didn't remember. He saw no point in bringing it up himself. Before he knew it, it was too late. Theseus had set his eyes on you and wasted no time claiming you as his. Newt could not touch you, no matter how badly he wanted to.     And so, once again, Newt found himself in love with his brother’s girl. Constantly keeping her on his mind, constantly yearning for her, but always stepping back. He was still close to you, which only made it harder.     For the past year, he’s kept the secret of that night. But that wouldn't stop him from thinking of it, and all that could have been, just as he was doing now, lying in his bed with his hand wrapped around his cock. If only he could have you with him now and feel your skin on his, taste the salt of your sweat, and feel the heat of your body. He could only imagine. But even in his imagination he was the happiest man on earth. Theseus must have felt like God.     Unbeknownst to him, he would get a taste of that feeling the very next day. In the morning when he woke up, he found an owl waiting for him with a letter. It was an invitation, from you no less, to join you and Theseus for a Christmas dinner later that evening. In truth, Newt had been so busy tending to his creatures the past week he had forgotten how close Christmas was approaching, let alone that it was Christmas Day.     The thought of spending an evening with you was enticing. It was Theseus’s presence that made him second guess. He loved his brother, that was no question. He probably loved his brother more than anyone else in the world, which is why he could sit silently as he continuously watched him have everything he ever wanted with no protest. That didn't mean it was easy. It was hard to see you with him, even harder than when he had to endure Leta with him. At least then he had Tina as a distraction. Now there was only you and he could see no one else better than you.     Had it been Theseus who sent the letter he wouldn't have agreed to stop by. He might not have even replied. But since it was you, and only because it was you, he sent an owl confirming his arrival.     On the other side of things, you were ecstatic. It had been some time since you'd seen Newt and you considered him one of your closest friends. You knew Theseus would love having his little brother visit for Christmas and felt it would be the perfect present for him.     You had told Newt to come a couple of hours earlier than when you would be expecting Theseus. When you opened the door you greeted him with a bright, toothy smile and open arms. Newt hugged you back awkwardly and stepped inside.     “Everything is cooking in the oven now,” you said. “I’m just finishing up the pie for dessert. Come, have a drink in the kitchen.”     Newt followed behind you. You looked adorable in the tacky red and green Christmas sweater you wore over your long white dress. You made him a drink and started on your creme pie.     “It’s so good to see you, Newt,” you told him. “I was afraid you couldn’t make it. I know how busy your creatures keep you.”     “It’s good to see you too,” he replied. “Bunty insisted she stay and help while I am away. She claimed she had no other plans.”     You pouted your lips. “That’s awful!” You said. “You should have told me! I would have gladly invited Bunty over if I knew. No one should be alone on Christmas.”     Newt smiled softly. There you go again, always thinking of others. As the two of you sat in the kitchen you caught each other up on your lives. Things were going great for you, Newt discovered. You had recently gotten a promotion and received a medal for your efforts spying abroad for your department and gathering intel on Grindelwald and his acolytes.    Newt told you about his own travels abroad, searching for and rescuing creatures whenever he could while doing his own work for Dumbledore to support the cause. He told you stories of the places he’d been and the creatures he’d seen, even promising to let you visit his home to see them for yourself. “They’d love you,” he said.     Before he knew it, the two of you were sharing a glass of wine on the couch while the food kept warm. Then you shared another, and another, and another while you both waited for Theseus to return.     “He works later these days,” you tell Newt. “There’ve been days where he doesn't come home at all. Just stays up there, drooling over papers in his office. I worry about him sometimes.”     “That’s my brother,” he says. “Always working harder than anyone else. Always having something to prove. In some ways I’m jealous.”     You chuckled. “Jealous? How so?”     “He’s always so,” Newt paused, searching his brain for the right word. “Dedicated. Determined. He sets his mind on something and won't stop until he does it. He’s always been like that.”     You turned to face him next to you on the couch, sitting on your legs and propping your elbow on the back of the couch to lean your head against your hand. You peer at him quizzically. “But you’re like that too.”     Newt scoffed. “No I’m not,” he chuckled as he took a sip of his wine.     “Yes, you are!” You insist. “You’re very determined and dedicated to your animals. You have done things many others are too afraid to do; all to protect the things you love. Even Theseus admits you are much better suited to be an auror than he is.”     Newt raised a curious brow, a coy smile on his face. “Really?”     You nod. “He’s very amazed by you—admires you, even. As do I. You’re very brave, Newt. No one is more determined or dedicated than you.”     “There is one person,” Newt muttered.      “Who?” You asked, genuinely curious about his answer, prepared to playfully berate him for his humbleness.     “Theseus.”     “Well, he doesn't seem to think so,” you say.     “But he is,” Newt quipped, whipping his head to look you in the eye. The energy in the room shifted, and though both your brains were fuzzy from wine, you could tell the moment had gone from playful to serious.     “He is,” he continued. “He wanted to become head boy and he did. He strived to be the best auror at the ministry and he is. He wanted Leta and he got her, and when he wanted you, he got you.”     You were silent as you listened, unsure of where exactly Newt was going with his ramblings.     “I could never do that,” he admitted. “If I could, you would be with me now, not him.”     Now it was the wine talking. You were surprised. Newt’s face was red, but at this point, it wasn't clear if it was because he was embarrassed, frustrated, or tipsy.     “What do you mean, Newt?” You asked, your voice soft and sweet. His expression softened, and he looked at you in such a way your heart fluttered in your chest.     “You are so beautiful,” he proclaimed, making your face burn hotter than it already was. “I should have told you that a long time ago. If I were as forthright as Theseus I would have told you I loved you the night we almost kissed a year ago on this couch.”     Newt chuckled at your stunned expression, unable to say a word. “You don’t remember, but you were beautiful then too. You sat right here in my lap and you held my face in your hand and begged me to kiss you. I would have if you weren’t intoxicated. I wanted to talk to you about it the next day but you had already forgotten—”     “I didn't forget,” you spoke finally. Now it was Newt’s turn to be surprised.     “What?”     You put your wine glass down on the coffee table and scooted closer to Newt on the couch. Your knees touched his thigh, but neither of you moved.     “I didn't forget,” you repeat, clearer this time. “We were drinking while Theseus was asleep in his room one night. I had found your family album and we looked at it together when I asked you to kiss me.”     Newt frowned. “If you remember then why didn't you say anything?”     “I was embarrassed,” you reveal. “When you didn't kiss me I thought that I made a fool of myself. That you rejected me. When you didn't say anything afterwards I figured that was it. That you just wanted to forget and stay as friends.”     Newt couldn't believe his ears. All this time you had remembered that night and thought he held no feelings for you. He was spiraling in his head, you could tell by the way he distantly stared into his glass of wine.     “Newt?” You called out to him, taking his glass and replacing it with your hand.     “This is what I mean,” he said finally. “I wasn't determined. If I were like Theseus I would have talked to you regardless of whether or not I thought you remembered. I would have told you how wonderful it felt holding you in my arms and how desperately I wanted to press my lips against yours and taste you on my tongue. I would have told you how much I love you.”     Your stomach turned excitedly at Newt’s words. You squeezed his hand tightly. “Newt...”     He stopped, realizing what he just said. “I...I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I don’t know why I’m saying these things.”     “That would be the veritaserum in the wine,” said a deep voice behind him.     Newt turned around and found his brother, Theseus, standing under the archway to the foyer.     “Theseus,” He stammered and quickly stood to his feet.     “No need to get up, brother,” he said calmly. “It wasn’t as if I didn’t know.”     On the couch, you held up the wine bottle and inspected it. “How did veritaserum get into the wine?”     “I drugged it,” Theseus said simply as he walked past Newt and took a seat across from the couch in an armchair.     “Why the hell would you do that?” You asked Theseus angrily.     “Because this morning you said Newt accepted your invitation to dinner. Because I knew the real reason why Newt hasn't visited me in months is that he feels guilty for loving you knowing you’re with me,” he explained. “And I didn't want to have a Christmas dinner with a brother who resents me and sulks across the table pining for you. So, I put veritaserum in the wine I knew you wanted to drink tonight and left the two of you alone, hoping my baby brother would finally confess his feelings. And he did! Now we all know.”     You shot up from your seat and glared at Theseus. “This is cruel Theseus. You had no right!”     “I will admit it was slightly unethical, but I don’t see the harm in it. Aren’t you glad that Newt confessed his feelings?”     “Yes,” you answered instantly, though, of course, not of your own free will.     Theseus then turned to Newt. “And don't you feel better having finally told her?”     “Yes,” Newt admitted.    Theseus smiled. “Good! Now everything’s better.”     “You aren't upset?” Asked Newt.     Theseus looked at him as though he were confused. “Why would I be upset?”     “You’re not upset that I’m in love with your girlfriend?”     Theseus pursed his lips in thought before shifting his eyes to the half-empty bottle of wine. Standing to his feet, he walked towards the coffee table and grabbed the bottle by the neck. He took a swing of the truth-spiked wine and put it back down.     “Why don’t you ask me again.” He said.     “You’re not upset that I love y/n?” Newt once again asked.     Theseus smiled almost tenderly at his brother. “No.”     The older brother walked back to his chair and sat down, leaving you and Newt stupefied. “I do, however, wonder how you feel, darling.” He said, now turning his attention to you.     You furrowed your brows. “Me?”     “Do you love Newt back?” Asked Theseus.     Newt’s eyes fell on you. Your mouth opened and took a breath in preparation of your answer, but it closed as soon as it happened. Your glare on Theseus sharpened.     “What are you playing at, Theseus?”     “Don’t try fighting it,” he said. “You won't be able to lie so just answer. Do you love him?”     Your eyes flickered over and connected with Newt’s, who was looking at you expectingly. Your eyes softened and the tenseness in your shoulders fell away.     “Yes,” you whispered.     Newt couldn't believe his ears. Everything happening at this moment felt surreal. Just a few minutes ago he thought he had embarrassed himself once again, having confessed his feelings to his brother’s girlfriend right in front of him. He was prepared to be punched and thrown out and for his brother to hate him for the rest of his life. But instead of being angry, Theseus was encouraging him. He encouraged you and finally, he got to hear you say words he’d only dreamt of you saying. You loved him. Oddly enough, despite how it came about, Newt couldn't be happier.     “Kiss her.”     Newt was pulled from his thoughts and his shared gaze with you. You both turned and looked at Theseus who sat cooly in the armchair.     “Didn’t you hear what she said?” He asked. “She loves you! Stop standing there like an idiot and kiss her!”     “Theseus—” you began to speak, but Theseus stopped you.     “It’s okay, love,” he assured you with his gentlest voice. “Let him kiss you.”     The energy in the room for the second time that night, all because of Theseus, who ironically was the calmest person in the room. But there was something about the aura permeating from him that domineered over everyone else. His gaze burned into them as he stared, waiting for Newt to do as he commanded.     Every part of him wanted to turn around and walk out the front door and never speak of this again. He would go home and lay in his bed and do his best to fall asleep and forget everything that happened here tonight. Every part except the one that wanted to turn to his side, take you in his arms, and kiss you the way he should have that night. It was that part of him that won over all his better judgments.    In an instant, Newt’s lips were on yours. He held your face in his hands and pressed his body flat against yours. You were taken aback. You’d even yelped when his lips first touched yours. It was a while before your body finally relaxed and you closed your eyes, leaning into the kiss. Your lips began to move with his and he felt your hands lightly grip the sides of his waist, still unsure.     Theseus leaned back in his chair and said nothing as he watched. Newt’s tongue darted from between his lips and licked a stripe over your own. Your mouth opened for him willingly and he wasted no time exploring your mouth. He moaned at the taste of you. The feeling of your tongue swirling around his made his cock twitch in his pants. You could feel it against your thigh and your breath hitched in your throat.     “Don’t stop,” ordered Theseus with his hand over his pants, palming at the growing hardness straining against the fabric.    Newt kept his mouth on yours, only moving his grip around your face down to your hips. Your hands fisted the fabric of his shirt and you pressed your body into him, yearning to be closer. Newt stumbled back until the backs of his legs hit the couch and he broke away from the kiss to sit down. He spread his legs outwards and pulled you down onto his lap. You straddled his waist and his hips bucked upwards, longing to connect. A soft moan fell from your lips and he swore hadn't heard a more beautiful sound. Soon lips were back on yours.     “Tell her how pretty she is, Newt,” Theseus instructed.     Newt pulled from your feverish kiss and pushed your hair from around your face. “You’re so beautiful, y/n,” he said. You looked down at him through half-lidded eyes dilated with lust. Your lips twitched into a smile as you began salaciously grinding your hips against him, feeling the bulge of his dick against your slick heat. Newt hissed and watched you from below, moving his hips along with you, admiring your form hovering above him as you pulled your sweater over your head and threw it on the floor.     “Show him just how beautiful you are, sweetheart,” Theseus commanded. His voice was low and husky. He watched the two of you closely, palming his own arousal.     It was of no concern to the two of you, however. Newt was so encompassed by you he could barely pay any mind to his brother watching across the room. Of course, there were thoughts screaming in the back of his head telling him how fucked this whole situation was, but they were nothing more than muted whispers compared to you rubbing against his cock.     Just as Theseus commanded you showed Newt how beautiful you were when you took a hand and pulled down one of the straps to your white dress and freed your arm, repeating the same to the other. Taking his hands from your waist you brought them to your chest and helped him pull your dress down around your waist, revealing your breasts.     You felt Newt’s cock jump at the sight of you. He could only stare slack-jawed as you placed his hands over your beasts and guided him in pressing them against each other in a continuous circular motion while you rubbed your clothed clit against him. Your soft pants filled his ears as his low grunts filled yours.     “Newt...” His name fell breathlessly from your lips.     He had pumped his cock to the thought of you moaning his name many times before, but it barely held a candle to what it felt like to hear the real thing. Your name fell from his lips just as easily and he once again captured your lips in a heated kiss while he massaged your breasts.     Across the room, Theseus had his hand wrapped around his cock, slowly sliding it up and down as he watched his girlfriend shamelessly hump his little brother. You were the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. The way your hips moved against Newt could rival even the best of strippers. Your pretty moans filled his ears and he couldn’t help but reminisce about the many times he'd made those same sounds come out of you. To hear it in person is a gift. To feel your lips was a blessing. To feel your tight cunt wrapped around his cock was the best thing a man could ever feel. There is no greater present than fucking you, and Newt didn’t even realize that Theseus had just given his brother the best Christmas gift a man could ask for.     “Tell her what you’re thinking, Newt,” Theseus breathed.     Newt licked his lips. He did his best to gather his thoughts which were wall focused on you.     “Go on,” you said through shaky breaths. “Tell me.”     Newt moaned and pressed a trail of kisses on your bare shoulder and neck. “I’m thinking about how amazing you are,” he grunted out. “I’m thinking about how long I’ve wanted you and how good it feels to finally have you.”      You loved hearing Newt praise you. You loved the feeling of his hands and lips on your hot skin.  “Keep going,” you urged, moving your hands up his chest to unbutton his shirt.     “I think you’re perfect. I think that Theseus doesn't realize how lucky he is to have you,” he said boldly, piquing both your and Theseus’s interest. “You should have been mine. I would take good care of you—f-fuck!”     You had reached the top of his pants and unbuckled his belt, unbuttoning his pants and pulling out his hardened length. He wasn’t bigger than Theseus, but he certainly was thicker. Your hand slid up and down his shaft, only stopping to collect the precum leaking from his tip on your finger to put them in your mouth. He watched in awe as you licked and sucked your fingers clean.     “God, I want you,” he growled in your ear as your hand reached for his cock. “I want to be inside you. I want to feel you,” he said through labored breaths.     “Give him what he wants, love” Theseus spoke up. “Let him feel you.”      You sat up on your knees and hovered over his hips. Pulling your panties to the side with one hand you used the other to guide Newt’s member to your center. Both your breaths caught in your throats when he entered, stretching you open with his thick cock. Feeling you around him was unlike anything he could ever dream or hope. You were slick with arousal and he easily slid in and out of you, filling you up in all the right places. Your moans filled the room as Newt sucked on the supple skin of your neck. His hands and fingernails dug into your soft skin as he held you close and it felt as though the two of you were the only ones in the room.     Newt’s name sweetly slipped past your lips. Yours flittered through the air from his own. His hips rolled into yours with a precision you had no idea he was capable of. If he’d allowed it, the two of you would have lost yourselves in each other, forgetting the third presence in the room. But that wasn't going to happen.     Standing from his seat, Theses moved towards the couple and took a seat next to them on the couch, his hand still wrapped around his dick. “Does it feel good, my love?” He asked you.     “Yes,” you breathed.     “Does my little brother make you feel good? Do you love the way his cock stretches your tight little hole?”     You moaned at his dirty words, lulling your head back as Newt's lips wrapped around your nipple. “Y-yes,” you stammered, your hips rocking faster against Newts. “I love it. I love the way he feels inside me.”     “I know you do,” Theseus hummed, his breaths hastening. “You want him to make you cum don’t you, baby?”     You nodded excitedly and Theseus smirked.     “Newt, help her cum,” he said. “She likes it when you speak to her. It turns her on hearing all the dirty things you’re going to do to her.”     “Is that true?” Newt asked you once he pulled his lips from your pert nipples. “You want to hear all the things I want to do to you? Like how I’m gonna fuck your sweet cunt until you’re shaking a quivering under me? How...How I’m gonna fill you up so full with my cum you’ll end up with twins!”     He and Theseus laughed.     “See,” Theseus chuckled as he lifted the fabric of your skirt to reveal the sight of Newt’s cock pumping in and out of you. “She likes it! Look, she’s so wet your cock is soaked!”     Newt looked down and marveled at how wet you were. You took him so well and his cock disappeared inside you with ease. Newt held the skirts of your dress up so he could watch—so they could both watch.     Theseus’s hand rubbed the inside of your thigh. “Do you want me to touch you too, baby?” He asked politely.     You opened your eyes to look at your handsome boyfriend. He had long since undone his tie and unbuttoned his own shirt. His large cock was being tugged by his right hand and you nearly drooled at the sight of it, suddenly missing the feeling of having it shoved down your throat. You loved it when Theseus touched you. His hands were always precise, knowing exactly where to pinch, caress, and stroke. Like how he was rubbing your thigh right now, knowing how sensitive the skin on that area was for you. Your eyes connected and you ached seeing how dark his once baby-blue eyes had become.     “Yes,” you nodded.     Theseus wasted no time pressing his fingers on your aching clit. He rubbed your most sensitive part while his hand teased his own cock. Between his fingers and Newt’s dick plunging deep inside you, your body buzzed with pleasure. The air in the room grew hot and sticky and a symphony of soft moans, grunts, and pants melded with the sound of skin slapping against skin and the slick wetness of your dripping cunt. You could feel the knot in your stomach tightening and your eyes shut, desperately chasing that feeling.     “Are you close, darling?” Newt asked once he felt you tighten around him.     “Y-yes!”     Theseus’s fingers rubbed faster to help you get there. “Watch her, Newt,” he urged. “When she comes, it’s the most beautiful thing you’ll ever see.”     Newts darkened hazel eyes trained on you. His grip around the dress wrapped around your waist tightened and her wrapped it around his arm and held your hips steady. His hips snapped upwards, changing pace. You bounced on his cock, your moans growing louder and louder.     “Cum for me, please,” Newt begged, now reaching his own release. “Let me see it. I want to see it. Show me, my love. Show me how beautiful you are when you cum. Please show me.”     He pressed open-mouthed kisses on your chest and neck, his eyes never leaving your face. Theseus’s breaths quickened as well, his pace on his cock matching the pace of your hips rising and sinking on Newt’s member. One of your hands wrapped around the base of Newt’s neck, taking a fist full of his hair. The other grabbed Theseus’s wrist and held his hand in place over your clit. A few more pumps and several flicks was all it took for your body to seize up, tightening around Newt's cock as your whole body trembled. Your moans caught in your throat, struggling to escape. The knot inside your stomach had broke and you came harder than you ever had in your life.     Newt came not long after you, sputtering your name as he did so and holding your hips down, burying his dick deeper inside you and making sure every drop of his cum spilled inside. “F-fuck,” he choked out.     Theseus had cum too, clear, white ribbons of his seed spilled into his hand and onto his abs. He wiped up what had spilled with two fingers and held it up to your lips. You were still dizzy from your orgasm, but it didn't stop you from obediently opening your mouth to suck Theseus’s cum from his fingers. Newt watched as you did this. Your skilled tongue licked and wrapped around Theseus’s long fingers promiscuously, ensuring you cleaned up every last drop.  It was enough to get him hard and twitching inside you again.     “That’s a good girl,” praised Theseus with a smile on his lips. “Isn’t she a good girl, Newt?”     “The best,” Newt agreed.     Theseus pulled his fingers from your mouth and replaced them with his tongue by reaching up and pulling you into a deep kiss. It was slow and purposeful, as if he were trying to show off in front of Newt who had no choice but to watch uncomfortably as your tongues swirled passionately in each other’s mouths, earning your soft whimpers. Inside, he hated how much it turned him on.     As you both pulled away, you captured Theseus’s bottom lip between your teeth and playfully tugged it away before letting go. Theseus’s hand quickly flew to tightly wrap around your neck, keeping your eyes trained on him. He smirked. “Look at you, darling. Still asking for more. Aren't you tired?”     Your hand reached down to grip his cock as an answer, making him laugh. His grip around your neck tightened.     “What? Was my brother’s cock not enough for you? You need to have mine as well? Or perhaps you want us both at the same time. Is that it? You need me and my brother to fuck you senseless like the greedy little cock whore you are?”     You clenched at the thought of having both Scamander brothers filling you up at once. Newt felt it and your increasing arousal started to drip down his balls.     “I think she does,” said Newt. “Will that satisfy you, my love? If Theseus and I fucked you within an inch of your life and pumped your selfish cunt full of cum? Tell us you want it.”     You’d never seen this side of Newt. You didn't even think he was capable of saying such filthy things. He was always so sweet and temperate, being shyer than demiguise. But here he was, spurring you on with his debaucherous words. It only made you want him more.     “I want it,” you say and salaciously grind your hips into Newt, making him hiss due to how sensitive he still was.     “Beg,” Theseus demanded. “Tell us how badly you want it.”     Your cheeks burned red hot from embarrassment. Theseus smirked mischievously because he loved watching you squirm. You always begged so nicely for him with your pouty lips and round doe eyes. His little princess. He only wanted Newt to see and appreciate it too.     “Please,” you begged shamelessly. “I want to feel you both inside me. I need to feel it. I want it so bad. I want to make you both feel good.”    “You want to make us feel good?” Theseus repeated. “Such a sweet little girl you are, wanting to please us. But we all know your secret.”     Theseus turned to Newt. “Should we give her what she wants?” He asked.     Newt looked up at your pleading eyes, so sweet and innocent despite them begging for him to fuck you. How could he ever deny you?     “Yes,” he said finally. With that, Theseus picked you up with ease and carried you upstairs to the bedroom. Newt followed behind and once Theseus placed you on the bed he began fully stripping himself of his clothes. Newt followed his brother’s actions, closing the door behind him and peeling off his shirt and pants. You watched them under the candlelight, admiring the two beautiful brothers and their different bodies.     You’d seen Theseus naked a hundred times before but it never ceased to excite you. He was large in every sense of the word. He was tall and had a wide, muscular chest with strong arms and thighs to match. Newt’s body was new and different. Newt was tall as well, only a couple inches shorter than his older brother. Surprisingly, Newt was more muscular and lean. His abs were more pronounced and taut in comparison. Both brothers were freckled, the younger of the two having more of them with accompanying scars. They were beautiful. Having two gorgeous men naked in front of you made you feel nervous and self-conscious. Without realizing it, you had pulled your dress up to cover your body. But Theseus was having none of that.     He crawled over to you on the bed, moving your hands and pulling your dress back down to your waist. Newt sat on the bed as well and pulled the dress down the rest of the way, discarding it on the floor. Theseus trailed kisses up your stomach, chest, neck, and face until he reached your lips. He kissed you passionately and tenderly, reaching for your right hand to intertwine his fingers with yours while Newt peppered soft kisses up your legs and thighs. Their attempt at relaxing you and distracting you from your thoughts worked, and you melded with them both.     “Theseus...” you whispered against his lips because you knew how much he liked hearing it. He shushed you, pecking the corners of your lips.     “Just relax, darling,” he muttered. His hand left yours to grab your thigh, spreading your legs apart.     Newt’s kisses lingered on your inner thigh, nipping, sucking, and biting the sensitive flesh. You trembled under their touch, not sure what to expect next. Theseus hovered over you on your right, covering you with kisses and massaging your breasts while Newt neared dangerously close to your core.     “Such a sweet girl,” Theseus said between kisses.     “I wonder if she tastes just as sweet,” said Newt.     “She does,” Theseus confirmed. “But you’ll just have to taste for yourself.”     The sudden feeling of Newt’s warm tongue licking a licentious stripe along your heat made you gasp. He kissed and sucked on your lower lips, occasionally darting his tongue in and out of your entrance. He licked up and down your dripping cunt before finally swirling his tongue around your clit. Your hips bucked and twitched as he drew figure-eights with his tongue over your sensitive bud. Theseus held your right leg while Newt held down your left, ensuring you kept your legs open for them.    “F-fuck, Newt,” you sighed and closed your eyes, resting your head back into the fluff of the pillow.     Theseus was sucking the skin at the crook of your neck, determined to leave a mark. His hand on your thigh trailed closer and closer to your center until his skilled fingers reached your entrance under Newt's chin. He easily slid his longest digit inside and curled it upwards, instantly finding that spot he knew so well. He pumped his finger in and out, making sure to brush against your g-spot. Soon he added another finger and quickened his pace. Between Newt’s assault on your clit and Theseus’s fingers deep inside you, you were ambushed by another orgasm. White flashed behind your eyes and your hips spasmed. Newt sucked on your clit and Theseus vigorously fingered your hole as you rode out your high until you became too sensitive to touch and begged them to stop.     “No, no, no, baby,” Theseus muttered in your ear. “We can’t stop now,” he said. “We haven't ‘fucked you within an inch of your life’ yet.” You could hear the smirk in his voice. They weren't done with you yet.     Newt came up from between your legs and kissed you, letting you taste yourself on his lips. “Can you taste it?” he asked. “Your sweetness. I can’t get enough of it. I don’t think I ever will.”     Your lips chased his, wanting him to kiss you deeper. You were sandwiched between the two men, Theseus at your back, and Newt before you. You felt Theseus’s cock press flush against your ass while Newt's poked between your legs.     “Are you ready for us, darling?” Theseus asked as he nibbled at your ear.     “Yes,” you answered against Newt’s lips before he slid his tongue back down your throat.     Being as gentle as they could, the two brothers eased their cocks inside of you, introducing you to a whole new sensation. You had never been stretched out like this, with two cocks filling your holes at once. It was strange and slightly uncomfortable at first. They knew this, which is why they took their time, distracting you with their mouths and whispering sweet nothings in your ear, and ensuring you were okay.     “You’re doing so well,” they’d say.     “You feel so good.”     “You’re so wonderful, darling.”     “Are we hurting you, sweetheart?”     “Relax for us, my love.”     Theseus’s hand once again found your clit and he began lightly circling it with his fingers to give you some relief. It didn't take long for it to work and your body opened up for them with ease. They pushed deeper inside, inch by inch until they were fully sheathed in your flesh. They both whispered their own set of curses, letting out soft grunts and moans as they began slowly rocking their hips into you.     “Fuuuck,” Theseus moaned. “This ass is so fucking tight. You’re being so good for us, darling.”     “So, so good, love,” panted Newt. “You make us feel so good.”     Your high-pitched mewls and pretty sighs were like music to their ears. They completely engulfed you, body and soul. The world simply slipped away and nothing else mattered besides them, Theseus and Newt, making you feel better than you had ever felt before. You couldn't get enough of them, nor could they get enough of you. You were intoxicated by their scent, their bodies, and their moans. In your minds, you all tried to comprehend how lucky you all were to be in this moment. Nothing could be better than this. Nothing.     “This is it, isn't it?” Theseus panted in your ear. “Your secret. You’ve always wanted this. To have your holes stretched out by our cocks. Does it excite you, my darling, fucking two brothers? One just wasn't enough, was it? You had to have both. Well, now you have it. Now you’re taking our cocks like the good little girl you are, just like you wanted because we decided to give it to you. You should thank us. Go on and thank us, darling. Tell us how much you appreciate being filled up and fucked, blinded by your own pleasure.”     “T-th...Thank you,” you choked out, tears brimming your waterline. “Thank you so much! I wanted this. I always wanted this!”     “Good girl,” Newt praised, pressing a kiss on your forehead. “Such a good, good, girl for us. We’re glad to give it to you...Whatever you want, y/n. Whatever you want—a-ah!”      Newt’s thrusts got faster and sloppier, as did Theseus’s. They both worked hard to bury themselves deep inside you. It came to a point where both their cocks were brushing against your g-spot, one after the other. You felt the knot in your core again, that delicious, evanescent knot tightening, ticking like a bomb about to explode and send you to your euphoric escape.     “Oh, God!” You gasped, digging your nails into the skin of Newt’s back and Theseus’s thighs. “Don’t stop! P-please...right there! S-Shit, I love you!” You proclaimed. “Both of you. God, I love both of you so much!”     This seemed to excite them even more, something you didn't know was possible. They thrust into you faster than they ever had before, their winded breaths filling your ears.     “I love you,” Newt breathed. “So...so much...More than anything.” He kissed your lips.     “I love you too, darling,” grunted Theseus. “My sweet girl...Always.” He kissed your lips too.     In that moment the three of you bonded, body and soul. You all came at once, their bodies falling flush against you, twitching in satisfaction. For a while you just lay there as they held you and listened to the sound of their breaths while you waited for the sweet, buzzing feeling to dim. When it did, Theseus got up to fetch a towel from the bathroom, leaving you and Newt cuddled up on the bed, whispering sweetly to one another. They helped clean you up and embraced you with their warmth. You just stared at them, sharing kisses, twirling hair, giggling, holding hands, and gazing lovingly into their eyes. There wasn't much to say. You all knew. You didn’t need to say it. You could feel it in the room. You were complete.     “Do you smell something burning?” Theseus asked suddenly. You and Newt sniffed the air and your eyes widened like saucers.    “THE FUCKING TURKEY!” You gasped, and struggled your way out from between your two lovers, picking one of their shirts from off the floor to cover yourself as you ran downstairs to save what was left of your forgotten Christmas dinner.     Newt and Theseus smiled to themselves and chuckled. There was an awkward silence as they lay there alone, both unsure of what to say or do next.     “I do know how lucky I am, by the way.” Theseus was the first to speak.     “I know,” said Newt.     Theseus turned to his brother. “You can be lucky too...If you want.”     Newt blinked, not fully believing he’d heard what he thought he heard.     “She loves you,” said Theseus.     “She loves you too,” Newt reminded him.     “I know. And we both love her.”     “And we both love her.”      It was as simple as that.     “Thank you, Theseus,” said Newt.     Theseus scoffed and playfully pushed Newt’s shoulder.     “Happy Christmas, Newt.”     “Happy Christmas, Theseus.”
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deancaspinefest · 2 months
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Super Double Bus | Rating: Explicit | Word Count: 29,012
Author: MBQ | Artist: girlinthemirrorbluenight
Castiel Novak's first quarter at UIC had been carefully planned and scheduled out. He had his list of "Re-Entry" classes neatly checked off and had already gotten the academic calendar figured out. He thought he was properly prepared and debriefed for his first freshman outing to the Navy Pier with far too many baby-faced eighteen-year olds, but he'd indulge them.
Being a few years older and with some junior college already on his transcripts, he was pretty confident he could handle any curveball these toddlers could throw. But a boyfriend-shaped Dean Winchester quickly proves to be a problem that is rapidly demanding a solution.
Link to fic | Link to art
Pairings: Dean/Cas, Lisa Braden/Dean Winchester/Meg Masters (Meg 1.0)
Warnings: no major archive warnings
Tags: College AU, Frat Boy Dean Winchester, College Student Castiel, menage a trois, house party, semi public sex, party bus in Paris
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
what are some trends you like about current historical romance (say, the last 3-5 years?)
Lol it's a.......... mixed bag.
--more hybrid/indie/small press that is basically indie authors; it's happening very slowly, and it's nothing compared to the prevalence of erotic romance, monster romance, alien romance etc in that space. But just like PNR kinda died out from traditional publishing (or at least became a space where only a few established giants could survive, and not at the rate they once did) and was reborn in indie pub, not exactly in the same way but through monster romance, fantasy romance, and yes still sooooome more conventional PNR, I think HR may have to go more indie to get a new lease on life. I think that as authors like Scarlett Scott, Elisa Braden, etc. see success with indie/hybrid, as you see more established trad authors release these novella collections like Joanna Shupe and Eva Leigh have when teaming up with more indie-known authors like Sierra Simone, Nicola Davidson, and Adriana Herrera (her historicals are trad but I think she had some indie output before?), it will become more "normal" for historicals to be self-published/indie, but. It's taking some time. I just feel like a lot of young romance readers are getting books off KU more than ever, and there needs to be more HR taking that share. That accessibility will make it easier for readers to take a chance on it and hopefully see that it's not all dusty Heyer repeats.
--Slooooowly HR seems to becoming more diverse, but it's still got a long way to go. There have long been books about people of color and queer people in HR. We need more. Books like A Lady for A Duke, Something Fabulous/Something Spectacular, A Caribbean Heiress in Paris, the Davenports, are good. We. Need. More.
--I don't honestly know that it's happened enough for it to be called a trend, but I hope...? It will? Kink and non-monogamy (not that these things go hand in hand) being more popular. Nicola Davidson writes kinky historical romances and has for a while, often with menages involved. Scarlett Peckham has been writing explicitly kinky HR. Her Avon books, I will say, are *less so*, but her next book does feature non-monogamy. I love kink in romance, and it's ridiculous to me to act like it didn't exist until recently. I think non-monogamous happy endings should also be represented. I would LOVE to see more alpha-type heroes with femdom heroines. (I am... letting this idea percolate in my mind.) The Duke Gets Even being marketed as a book with rough sex as one of the selling points, and having that be explicitly depicted (like, leaving bite marks and bruises very intentionally being portrayed as an act of carnal devotion, not something weird or accidental but okay) as a trad romance was cool.
--Less virgin heroines, and those that are virgins being more likely to get down before marriage, and widowhood not being the only way a woman can be a not-virgin. Nellie Young wasn't a virgin or a widow. I don't think either of Sarah MacLean's Hell's Belle's heroines we've seen thus far were virgins (and I doubt the Duchess, at least, will be) and neither were widows. The heroine of Hotel of Secrets is not a virgin or a widow. Neither of Scarlett Peckham's Society of Sirens heroines are virgins or widows.
--Older-ish heroines? Or rather, heroines who aren't 20-25. Again, Hell's Belles heroines--Sesily is over 30, I wanna say Adelaide is mid to late twenties? The heroine of Scarlett Peckham's next book (The Portrait of a Duchess) is in her late thirties. Sophie Jordan's next heroine is late thirties. Eva Leigh had a great novella out in Villain I'd Like to F... with a couple in their forties.
--A bite niche, but the "he's into me but he's supposed to be with my daughter/stepdaughter"???? Diana Quincy's Her Night with The Duke, Sophie Jordan's upcoming The Countess, Megan Frampton's upcoming His Study in Scandal.
--Heroes who are LOVELY supportive men once you get to know them, but will also also fuck the heroine into the mattress and won't be gentle about it. I love a horrible hero who needs to get worse before he can get better, but I get that this is a harder sell today, especially in trad. This is a happy compromise. He's a Mark Darcy--might be a bit cool and cutting at times, is ultimately a VERY fundamentally decent man, but yes nice boys do fucking kiss (and fuck) like that. The Duke of Clayborn from Sarah MacLean's Heartbreaker and Lockwood from The Duke Gets Even ARE this.
--Not a trend but I hope it will be: books that are set in somewhere not-UK and not-America. Hotel of Secrets is set in Vienna. I fucking ADORED that book. It was magical. The Parisian setting of (part of) A Caribbean Heiress in Paris is similarly great.
--Not a trend but I hope it will be: authors just saying "I do what I want" with regards to accuracy, up front. Like, do the research and then do what the story necessitates and acknowledge this is fantasy. Alexis Hall has notes that make this clear in Something Fabulous and Something Spectacular. I think it's great. More.
--More intersection with witchcraft and magic. India Holton's books are great examples; I think Alexis Hall's Mortal Follies has some magical realism in a similar sense.
Anyway, these are some!
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psalm22-6 · 2 years
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Paul Chenay’s book is on archive dot come (in french), might glance over it to see if I can find the scandalous bits. I guess he was married to Adele’s sister Julie.  Julie helped to transcribe Les Miserables and so thank you Julie. Source: San Francisco Call, 9 July 1905
Special Cable to the Call LONDON, July 8 Victor Hugo's heirs have just been asked to contribute to the support of a brother-in-law of the great novelist, who forfeited Hugo's friendship by exposing the state of his domestic affairs. This is Paul Chenya [sic], who at the age of 87, is reduced to absolute poverty and lives in Paris with his daughter in a single room, the rent of which he is unable to pay. Years ago, when Victor Hugo was in exile In Guernsey, Chenay, who was an artist and engraver, met Madame Hugo and soon after married her younger sister. He and his wife were invited to "Hauteville House," Hugo's island retreat, and remained there four years. Then he removed to Paris and not long after published a book about his brother-in-law's menage. Of course, Hugo's domestic arrangements could not be written about truthfully without giving offense and the author of "Les Miserables" was so enraged at Chenay's revelations that he declined to have anything more to do with him. In contrast with Chenay's straitened circumstances all the other members of the Hugo family are prosperous, and Paul Meurlce, the novelist's executor, has just been asked what will be done for the old artist. "In such difficult situations,"Meurice replied, "in which our interests or our rancours conflict with our desire to pity and forgive, I always ask myself what Victor Hugo would have done in my place. In this case there Is no doubt. We know it from his own writings. I am therefore exerting all my eloquence to procure him a small monthly allowance and I am also seeing what I can do for his daughter. Claretie has been promised she shall have the first vacant place as 'ouvreuse.' " 
There is nothing so generous about that, for it simply means that in future folk who go to see Hugo's plays at the Comedle Francaise are likely to have their hats and coats taken by his niece.
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mega2wheellife · 2 years
Parisian affaire
though if truth be told it was more one of those
tepid English tedious encounters of unspoken feelings
my friend was posted to Paris by his company
& his delightful Sorbonne educated wife
wanted to bring her man friend along
fella was a broke wanderer fantasist storyteller
but what he did have in spades was time to spend on her
& how did I get involved? seems a good question
I was not a therapist then had just started on that route
& one evening as the wine was flowing
the air got thicker danker into their disputes
the wanderer had formed another liaison
with a woman working for a European institute
one of those with three or four letters as a name
he had left the menage-a-trois just off George cinq
had presented himself at the registry for marriage
where our Sorbonne mistress of the house turned up irate
intervened in the proposed romantic union cuffed his ears
took him back to the apartment made him pay rent
& I listened as close as I could the training told to do
as the stories unwound offering nothing new under the sun
I was not to be the referee the judge the jury here
if my role was left unclear listener chronicler maybe seer?
& after that night I never saw any of them again
whether I had failed or they had feelings of embarrassment
I will never know or even if this Parisian affaire ended then
if they did anything about any of that they did after all
let me go
neil benbow
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menageparfaitservices · 7 months
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cafearchitecturelyon · 8 months
Ménager nos lieux
Café N°21 _ Le 19 octobre 2023 à 19h Lieu : Rize _ 23 Rue Valentin Hauy, 69100 Villeurbanne
Faire pour partager, accueillir, enrichir, révéler, protéger, réparer, accompagner, ouvrir... et non plus  faire non pas pour limiter, recouvrir, oublier, exclure, posséder... Continuer de construire dans un monde abimé réclame d’inventer d’autres façons d’être et de faire en architecture, paysage et urbanisme. Cela est vrai tant du côté de la maitrise d’œuvre, que de la commande ou de la recherche. Afin d’ouvrir et de mesurer les déplacements à opérer, nous proposons de débattre à partir d’un article de Joan de Tronto qui s’adresse à l’architecture autour de cinq aspects essentiels dont celle-ci aurait la charge : faire attention à (caring about) ; prendre soin de (caring for) ; donner(care giving), recevoir(care receiving) et rendre (caring with).
https://topophile.net/savoir/vers-une-architecture-du-menagement/ Traduit de l’anglais par Joanne Massoubre et Martin Paquot, avec l’autorisation de Joan Tronto. Joan Tronto « Caring Architecture », in Critical Care, architecture and urbanism for a broken planet, Angelika Fitz and Elke Krasky Editors, MIT PRESS, 2020.
Invitées :
· Agnès Thouvenot  Première adjointe au maire de Villeurbanne, déléguée à la transition écologique, l’urbanisme et l’habitat. Présidente de la Société Villeurbannaise d'Urbanisme  · Laurie Gangarossa, Architecte HMONP, Doctorante au sein de l’Observatoire de la Condition Suburbaine (ED VTT – UMR AUSser 3329 – Université Paris-Est) ·  Leslie Bouille, Architecte et/ou Pauline Zamaron, Architecte 
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christophe76460 · 11 months
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Le milliardaire et la femme de ménage !
Cette histoire se passe dans les escaliers d’une tour de la place de la Défense à Paris.
Il y avait un certain milliardaire dont les bureaux se trouvaient au huitième étage d'une immense tour de ce quartier d’affaires.
Ce grand PDG avait l’habitude de se rendre à son bureau, en prenant l'ascenseur.
Par contre, quand il quittait son bureau, il descendait par les escaliers, histoire de faire de l’exercice.
C'était un homme hautain qui avait connu la pauvreté auparavant et qui s'était élevé dans le monde par sa propre force et sa grande énergie.
Et il ne s’arrête pas au fait qu’il y ait des êtres humains qui travaillent dans les ascenseurs ou qui nettoient les fenêtres suspendues à des hauteurs vertigineuses au-dessus du trottoir.
Il ne se souvient d’aucun d’eux au moment des étrennes pour leur remettre un pourboire. Non, il ne pense qu’à lui !
Mais dans cette tour, il y a une femme qui nettoyait les escaliers ainsi que les étages.
Il est passé à côté d’elle souvent, mais il ne l’a jamais vue jusque récemment, car sa tête était dans les nuages, il pensait davantage à sa fortune.
La femme de ménage se trouvaient à mi-chemin dans les escaliers, car elle avait commencé en haut et elle avait donné un premier coup de chiffon sur la toute première marche dans une flaque d’eau.
Il y avait aussi là, un gros pain de savon et le milliardaire mis le pied dessus, le pied qu’il avait posé sur le savon s’envolant vers le soleil levant et l’autre pied entreprit une expédition toute propre vers le soleil couchant. Le milliardaire tomba assis sur la première marche. Il tomba par terre et ne resta pas là !
Comme, il avait eu l’intention de descendre, il descendit donc, mais pas de la manière qu’il avait d’abord conçue, et en descendant il frappa chaque marche, un son se faisait entendre comme s’il s’était agi d’un tambour.
La femme de ménage se rangea poliment de côté pour le laisser passer !
En se relevant, l’homme se demanda s’il devait courir dans le bureau du gestionnaire de l’immeuble pour demander qu’on renvoie la femme de ménage, mais il se dit que si on lui demandait la raison, cela déclencherait une certaine hilarité parmi les autres habitants de l’immeuble. Il décida donc de garder le silence !
Mais depuis ce jour, il remarque la femme de ménage et il passe à côté d’elle avec respect et circonspection, la saluant à chaque occasion.
Car personne, malgré sa puissance, ne peut se permettre d’ignorer ses semblables, car une très humble femme de ménage et un pain de savon jaune bien ordinaire peuvent détourner l’attention d’un grand homme de ses rêves ou de ses difficultés professionnelles avec une rapidité surprenante.
Par conséquent, considérez ces choses !Ne pensez pas que vous êtes plus grand que le plus humble parmi les enfants de Dieu de peur que par accident, vous ne tombiez de votre piédestal et que vos blessures ne vous fassent souffrir un peu plus du fait que vous pourriez croire que la femme de ménage sourit dans ses bulles de savon !
Qu’elle commence sa journée de travail d’une humeur plutôt joyeuse en repensant au plaisir que vous lui avez procuré, car les temps sont difficiles et celui qui fait sourire une femme de ménage n’a pas vécu en vain !
Nous vous encourageons à faire de même et d’avoir toujours une parole gentille eu égard à tous ceux qui travaillent autour de vous comme le dit si bien, le proverbe 25 et au verset 11 :
_ "Comme des pommes d’or sur des ciselures d’argent, ainsi est une parole dite à propos."
Et encore comme a dit Jésus :
_"Qu’il n’en soit pas de même pour vous. Mais que le plus grand parmi vous soit comme le plus petit, et celui qui gouverne comme celui qui sert." Luc 22 : 26
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year
Born Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette in 1873 in a Burgundian village 115 miles south of Paris, Colette went on to become a legend of French letters and a celebrated author. She wrote more than 30 books and was made a member of the Belgian Royal Academy, the prestigious French Academie Goncourt and a grand officer of the French Legion of Honor, before becoming the first Frenchwoman ever accorded a state funeral in 1954.
Throughout her life, Colette's allegiances would remain unabashedly provincial. "I belong to a place I left behind," she wrote of Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye (she lived most of her life in Paris). She also made no bones about her voracious love of food.
Colette's mother, Sido, was the daughter of a mulatto merchant from Martinique and a French woman from Versailles, and had grown up in a bourgeois but politically liberal milieu in Brussels. Even as a girl, Colette could see that her mother felt a deep nostalgia for the refined life she had left behind. Unlike her mother though, Colette didn't see the villagers as "other," because she was one of them and always would be.
One of her most famous books, Cheri, was of a portrayal of a middle-aged woman who seduces her stepson and instructs him in the art of love. Franco-American actress Leslie Caron famously played the role of Gigi in the 1958 film of the same name.
One review writes of the book:
Cheri is the sort of book which endears itself to the reader partly because of its subject, but more because of the manner of its telling. Its delicacy of sentiment, its tenderness of mood when concerned with matter not usually delicate or tender, makes the reader forget that Mme. Colette is writing of a gigolo and a courtesan and accept her characters as creations worthy of more intimate sympathies. When we first see Fred Peloux, more intimately known as Cheri, he is a petulant boy of 19 with a feminine taste for jewels and the disposition of a very spoiled child. He is living with Lea, a friend of his mother's, who is half mistress, half nurse to the boy. In fact, his pet name for her is Nounoune, reminiscent of childhood relationships. She has made him over, by feeding him and making him exercise, transforming him from a neurotic, barely nourished child into a handsome young man who depends on her body for his pleasure and her management for his ease of living. Until Cheri marries a young convent educated girl, Lea didn't realize that he was to be her one true love. Cheri, after the experience of an older mistress, finds little satisfaction in his young bride, and his return to Lea in the climax of the book is dramatic and moving, the more so because it is followed by the stoical acceptance, on the part of Lea, of the recognition of her age.
"There's a blunt positivity in Burgundians and definitely in Colette's writing," said Caron. "The countryside of Burgundy is peppered with stocky, solid farms that each had round towers - to raise pigeons I think. Never refined or coy, the architecture of those rich farms didn't go for ornaments of style and neither does Colette's writing."
Colette's village life had ended when at the age of 20 she met Henri Gauthier-Villars, 14 years her senior, who took her to Paris as his wife. One day, interested in her stories of school life, he encouraged her to write them down. He then sent them off to an editor - under his own name - and so were born the Claudine novels, which made him famous. By the last volume, entitled Claudine Married, Colette was reporting on a menage a trois almost in real time, with the protagonists so lightly disguised that the other woman, the American wife of a wealthy French mining engineer, had the novel pulped. But Colette's husband, wily as ever, had retained copyright, and it was rushed out regardless. Her husband was also unfaithful to her and, Colette biographer Judith Thurman suspects, gave her gonorrhea. After thirteen years, Colette became disillusioned and divorced him. She later married Henri de Jouvenel, a news editor, who she would have a daughter with. Year after year she turned out novels, many of them thinly disguised autobiographies. By 1927, eminent writer Paul Claudel was calling her "the greatest living writer in France."
Colette's marriage to Jouvenel ended in divorce though, in 1924, due partly to his infidelities and partly to her affair with her 16-year-old stepson, Bertrand de Jouvenel. She had been waiting a regular column in Le Matin, where Jouvenal had been her editor. Their separation forced her to sever ties with Le Matin.
With Cheri in 1920 being her most famous book, she also wrote the 1944 novella called Gigi, which was dramatized for Broadway by Anita Loos, and made Audrey Hepburn, who was selected personally by Colette for the movie part, a famous actress. The plot focuses on a young Parisian girl born into a family of demimondes, who is being groomed for a career as a courtesan to captivate a wealthy lover, but ends up defying tradition by marrying him instead.
In 1935, Colette married her third husband, Maurice Goudeket, a Jewish man 16 years her junior. In these later years he cared for her as she became crippled with arthritis, although she continued to write during those years and published L'Etoile Vesper and Le Fanal Bleu, in which she reflected on the problems of a writer whose inspiration is mainly autobiographical.
While Colette married three times, she always also knew that the shock of marriage contained something greater than her own experience of any specific man: it ended any sense of independent sovereignty. And that existential shock reverberates through her fiction - from the offhand but sincere worry the courtesan Lea displays for the her self-absorbed teenage lover Cherie when he is about to marry, to the masterful, quiet short novel The Cat, in which a boy marries "an amorous and untamed young woman." Marriage, even to someone who is kind and true is, as she puts it in The Vagabond, a "long-drawn out voluptuousness, suspended, fanned, renewed, the winged fall, the swooning in which one's strength is renewed by its own death."
Colette was a woman who wrote novels, short stories, essays, memoirs and as a journalist reported on everything from domestic violence to the front lines of the first world war, from anorexia to literature, from fashion and cooking to fake orgasms. She wrote a libretto for a Ravel opera and scripted pantomimes - in which she acted. She was a successful mime and dancer, opened a chain of beauty salons (demonstrating makeovers on her daughter) and was an enthusiastic early adopter of everything from sushi to weightlifting, perms to acupuncture and facelifts. She was for awhile the literary editor of Le Matin, had three marriages, with men and women (she had a relationship for six years with a cross-dressing noblewoman), and with her second husband's 16-year-old son. And even when she conceived her daughter, Colette de Jouvenel - also called Bel-Gazou - she didn't let that get in the way of living her life. She was also a huge cat lover with one of her books focusing on a love triangle between a man, a woman and a cat:
The Cat [La Chat] tells of a love triangle involving Camille, her husband Alain and his Chartreaux cat Saha. Camille loves Alain, but Alain loves his cat.
Camille becomes so annoyed with his obsession for the dainty little Chartreuse cat with her lady-like ruff and her golden eyes, that she pushes the cat off a balcony to what she hopes is her imminent death. But little does Camille know, Saha isn't on her 9th life yet. Alain finds out and divorces Camille, moving back into his mother's basement with his cat.
The attention of any bibliophile cat owner is bound to be grabbed by The Cat. Readers will find Alain flung on the cool expanse of sheets with his cat Saha purring full throatedly while her owner sighs, and his woman leaves.
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johaerys-writes · 5 months
That ask about favorite mythological characters made me wonder…do you have favorite mythological relationships? With "relationships" I consider them all (romantic, friendship, family, etc...).
Homeric relationship canon.
Homeric headcanon relationship.
General relationship canon.
General relationship headcanon.
Obviously we know that Patrochilles is one of them, but if you want to talk something about them that maybe you don't usually talk about here you can consider them for the ask too!
(And anon from ask about the characters, sorry for copying your model a little lol)
Hi there!! And sorry for taking so long to answer but this is SUCH an interesting question and I have so much I want to say here. I'll try to be as concise as I can:
1. Homeric canon relationships 
Homeric canon has an ABUNDANCE of relationships, both romantic and platonic, and it's just really hard to choose a favourite, or even just a couple of favourites. I feel like I could talk forever about every single relationship in the epic but I'll try not to 😅
I love the relationship btwn Hector and Andromache, the scene with Astyanax and Hector essentially telling them goodbye is one of the most powerful and enduring scenes in the epic. I also really like Hector's relationship with Helen, as well as Helen with Priam; it just feels like they accepted her wholeheartedly into their family despite Paris bringing her there being the root cause of their suffering! And that's so neat to me!! I feel like Homer is a masterclass on subtle characterisation and *showing* the Trojan culture instead of telling us.
Other relationships that I find fascinating in the Iliad are the deep bond between Agamemnon and Menelaus and how protective they are of one another- like you can always count on Agamemnon to look after his little bro lol. The bromance between Diomedes and Odysseus is also really interesting and it's also kind of funny the way other characters in the Iliad acknowledge it. Also pretty much any relationship that Achilles or Patroclus have with other people in the Iliad (Phoenix, Briseis, Iphis, Thetis, Ajax, Odysseus) that shit is like catnip to me I want ALL OF IT and it's literally what I spend a LOT of my time thinking about ahah
As for Odyssey relationships, Peisistratus and Telemachus are CANON okay :)) and they are among my favourites, and another one that's really sweet and heartbreaking is Odysseus and Argos. The best doggo in the history of doggos
2. Homeric headcanon relationships
- Aaaaaahh gosh where do I START!! okay okay so I have a looooot of headcanons about the gods in the iliad and their relationships to their pet humans, I just fucking love thinking about Apollo being obsessed with Hector and maybe something dubcon-y going on between them 👀👀 As well as Aphrodite meddling in Paris and Helen's relationship and maybe having a taste trio somewhere in there 👀 SPEAKING OF TRIOS how cool would it be if Menelaus and Paris decided to settle their differences in a DIFFERENT FASHION and maybe agreeing to a menage-a-trois of sorts >:) Maybe Aphrodite has her hand in that too...... hehe
Also damn listen I'm not going to go into too much detail here but I am literally feral thinking about Achilles and Patroclus who have a sort of more open relationship and are free to mingle as they see fit. Like think of young Antilochus having a huge crush on the Best of the Greeks and Achilles taking advantage of that.... or Patroclus deciding that he simply *has* to invite Automedon to their bed one day, or maybe even fool around with him when Achilles is off with his ships warmongering somewhere. And then when they meet again they tell each other all about their escapades, and.... well..... can't blame a guy for getting all hot and bothered all over again >:))) huehuehue
3. General relationship canon
Generally, I'm always really interested in the relationships between the gods, both the Olympians and the Titan-born. I love thinking of the sibling bond between Artemis and Apollo for example, that they might have wreaked havoc together growing up lol. I also like thinking about Aphrodite and Ares and the way the ancient greeks used to ship those two and how that association came about (love and war), as well as the relationship itself which is both familial (brother-sister) and romantic in nature.
I also really like some of the tragic love stories in Greek mythology, such as Artemis and Kallisto, Apollo and Hyacinthus, Orpheus and Eurydice, Iphis and Ianthe. The lore is full of love stories with unhappy endings like that, but it’s kind of neat that we have some queer representation at least 😅 (except in the case of Iphis and Ianthe who got their happy ending!!) 
In another ask I also mentioned the relationship between Medea and Jason which I also find super interesting, as well as Theseus/Ariadne/Dionysus/the Minotaur (now THAT would have been an interesting polycule lmao... jk..... unless 👀)
4. General relationship headcanon
Okay so there's no headcanon that springs to mind right now, but there is a slightly niche thought I've been entertaining for a while now. So there's this play by Aeschylus called 'Prometheus Bound' which presents the story of Prometheus and his defiance of Zeus as we know it, HOWEVER Aeschylus introduced a plot twist in that play where Prometheus is the son of Thetis. His inspiration for this was a little detail in the wider legend of Achilles, where the prophecy that is given to Thetis is that the son she will bear will not only be greater than his father, but if the father is Zeus, their offspring will change the world order. Zeus doesn't know this so he sleeps with her, and then Prometheus is born who indeed changes the world. I really love this little spin on the myth of Thetis and the famous prophecy, and it also got me thinking about how Achilles would fit into that, like what would it be like if he learnt about it or even met his stepbro?? That is just fascinating to me.
Thanks once again for this ask!!
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devenirmilliardaire · 2 years
Kabirou Mbodje dans de sales draps pour dans un scandale de mœurs. Le PDG de la plateforme de transfert d'argent Wari mis en examen pour viols. Aujourd'hui, Wari n'est plus actif au Sénégal et ses points de vente ont fermé. Kabirou Mbodje, PDG et fondateur de Wari depuis 2008 anniversaire qui s’est transformé en scène de viole à Cameroun-Douala2 Le patron du service africain de transfert d'argent Wari, Kabirou Mbodje, a été mis en examen à Paris pour viols, des accusations qu'il conteste. Le patron du service africain de transfert d'argent Wari, Kabirou Mbodje, a été mis en examen la semaine passée à Paris pour viols, des accusations qu'il conteste, a appris mercredi l'AFP de sources concordantes. Cette mise en examen pour des viols à l'égard de quatre plaignantes a été prononcée le 13 octobre et s'accompagne d'un placement sous contrôle judiciaire, a-t-on appris de source judiciaire, confirmant une information du Parisien. anniversaire qui s’est transformé en scène de viole à Cameroun-Douala A lire aussi L’anniversaire qui s’est transformé en scène de viole pour deux femmes Une source proche du dossier a confirmé qu'il s'agissait de Kabirou Mbodje, l'un des fondateurs en 2008 de Wari, une plateforme numérique de services financiers et commerciaux, très utilisée dans les transferts d'argent et qui a été dans les années 2010 l'un des fleurons de la "tech" sénégalaise. Soupçonné d'avoir commis trois viols Kabirou Mbodje, PDG et fondateur de Wari depuis 2008 / Le PDG de la plateforme de transfert d'argent Wari mis en examen pour viols L'homme est soupçonné d'avoir commis trois viols lors d'une même soirée et un quatrième plus tôt dans l'année. "Mon client, dont je ne confirme pas l'identité, nie avec la plus grande fermeté les accusations portées contre lui. Il est parfaitement serein. L'instruction permettra de faire la lumière sur les faits et la réalité de ce dossier", a réagi auprès de l'AFP Me Philippe Zeller, avocat du suspect. L'homme d'affaires, comme sa société, connaissent depuis quelques années une période difficile, marquée par la concurrence de nouveaux opérateurs et des ennuis judiciaires. sitor ndour,ex dg du coud , accusé de viol par sa femme de menage ok A lire aussi Quatre acteurs de films pornographiques mis en examen pour des viols lors de tournages M. Mbodje a notamment été condamné à deux ans de prison, dont six mois ferme, par le tribunal correctionnel de Dakar pour "abus de biens sociaux" après un bras de fer judiciaire qui l'a opposé à d'ex-collaborateurs. Aujourd'hui, Wari n'est plus actif au Sénégal et ses points de vente ont fermé.
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sportskafunel · 2 years
Kabirou Mbodje dans de sales draps pour dans un scandale de mœurs. Le PDG de la plateforme de transfert d'argent Wari mis en examen pour viols. Aujourd'hui, Wari n'est plus actif au Sénégal et ses points de vente ont fermé. Kabirou Mbodje, PDG et fondateur de Wari depuis 2008 anniversaire qui s’est transformé en scène de viole à Cameroun-Douala2 Le patron du service africain de transfert d'argent Wari, Kabirou Mbodje, a été mis en examen à Paris pour viols, des accusations qu'il conteste. Le patron du service africain de transfert d'argent Wari, Kabirou Mbodje, a été mis en examen la semaine passée à Paris pour viols, des accusations qu'il conteste, a appris mercredi l'AFP de sources concordantes. Cette mise en examen pour des viols à l'égard de quatre plaignantes a été prononcée le 13 octobre et s'accompagne d'un placement sous contrôle judiciaire, a-t-on appris de source judiciaire, confirmant une information du Parisien. anniversaire qui s’est transformé en scène de viole à Cameroun-Douala A lire aussi L’anniversaire qui s’est transformé en scène de viole pour deux femmes Une source proche du dossier a confirmé qu'il s'agissait de Kabirou Mbodje, l'un des fondateurs en 2008 de Wari, une plateforme numérique de services financiers et commerciaux, très utilisée dans les transferts d'argent et qui a été dans les années 2010 l'un des fleurons de la "tech" sénégalaise. Soupçonné d'avoir commis trois viols Kabirou Mbodje, PDG et fondateur de Wari depuis 2008 / Le PDG de la plateforme de transfert d'argent Wari mis en examen pour viols L'homme est soupçonné d'avoir commis trois viols lors d'une même soirée et un quatrième plus tôt dans l'année. "Mon client, dont je ne confirme pas l'identité, nie avec la plus grande fermeté les accusations portées contre lui. Il est parfaitement serein. L'instruction permettra de faire la lumière sur les faits et la réalité de ce dossier", a réagi auprès de l'AFP Me Philippe Zeller, avocat du suspect. L'homme d'affaires, comme sa société, connaissent depuis quelques années une période difficile, marquée par la concurrence de nouveaux opérateurs et des ennuis judiciaires. sitor ndour,ex dg du coud , accusé de viol par sa femme de menage ok A lire aussi Quatre acteurs de films pornographiques mis en examen pour des viols lors de tournages M. Mbodje a notamment été condamné à deux ans de prison, dont six mois ferme, par le tribunal correctionnel de Dakar pour "abus de biens sociaux" après un bras de fer judiciaire qui l'a opposé à d'ex-collaborateurs. Aujourd'hui, Wari n'est plus actif au Sénégal et ses points de vente ont fermé.
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buzzkafunel · 2 years
Kabirou Mbodje dans de sales draps pour dans un scandale de mœurs. Le PDG de la plateforme de transfert d'argent Wari mis en examen pour viols. Aujourd'hui, Wari n'est plus actif au Sénégal et ses points de vente ont fermé. Kabirou Mbodje, PDG et fondateur de Wari depuis 2008 anniversaire qui s’est transformé en scène de viole à Cameroun-Douala2 Le patron du service africain de transfert d'argent Wari, Kabirou Mbodje, a été mis en examen à Paris pour viols, des accusations qu'il conteste. Le patron du service africain de transfert d'argent Wari, Kabirou Mbodje, a été mis en examen la semaine passée à Paris pour viols, des accusations qu'il conteste, a appris mercredi l'AFP de sources concordantes. Cette mise en examen pour des viols à l'égard de quatre plaignantes a été prononcée le 13 octobre et s'accompagne d'un placement sous contrôle judiciaire, a-t-on appris de source judiciaire, confirmant une information du Parisien. anniversaire qui s’est transformé en scène de viole à Cameroun-Douala A lire aussi L’anniversaire qui s’est transformé en scène de viole pour deux femmes Une source proche du dossier a confirmé qu'il s'agissait de Kabirou Mbodje, l'un des fondateurs en 2008 de Wari, une plateforme numérique de services financiers et commerciaux, très utilisée dans les transferts d'argent et qui a été dans les années 2010 l'un des fleurons de la "tech" sénégalaise. Soupçonné d'avoir commis trois viols Kabirou Mbodje, PDG et fondateur de Wari depuis 2008 / Le PDG de la plateforme de transfert d'argent Wari mis en examen pour viols L'homme est soupçonné d'avoir commis trois viols lors d'une même soirée et un quatrième plus tôt dans l'année. "Mon client, dont je ne confirme pas l'identité, nie avec la plus grande fermeté les accusations portées contre lui. Il est parfaitement serein. L'instruction permettra de faire la lumière sur les faits et la réalité de ce dossier", a réagi auprès de l'AFP Me Philippe Zeller, avocat du suspect. L'homme d'affaires, comme sa société, connaissent depuis quelques années une période difficile, marquée par la concurrence de nouveaux opérateurs et des ennuis judiciaires. sitor ndour,ex dg du coud , accusé de viol par sa femme de menage ok A lire aussi Quatre acteurs de films pornographiques mis en examen pour des viols lors de tournages M. Mbodje a notamment été condamné à deux ans de prison, dont six mois ferme, par le tribunal correctionnel de Dakar pour "abus de biens sociaux" après un bras de fer judiciaire qui l'a opposé à d'ex-collaborateurs. Aujourd'hui, Wari n'est plus actif au Sénégal et ses points de vente ont fermé.
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kafunel · 2 years
Kabirou Mbodje dans de sales draps pour dans un scandale de mœurs. Le PDG de la plateforme de transfert d'argent Wari mis en examen pour viols. Aujourd'hui, Wari n'est plus actif au Sénégal et ses points de vente ont fermé. Kabirou Mbodje, PDG et fondateur de Wari depuis 2008 anniversaire qui s’est transformé en scène de viole à Cameroun-Douala2 Le patron du service africain de transfert d'argent Wari, Kabirou Mbodje, a été mis en examen à Paris pour viols, des accusations qu'il conteste. Le patron du service africain de transfert d'argent Wari, Kabirou Mbodje, a été mis en examen la semaine passée à Paris pour viols, des accusations qu'il conteste, a appris mercredi l'AFP de sources concordantes. Cette mise en examen pour des viols à l'égard de quatre plaignantes a été prononcée le 13 octobre et s'accompagne d'un placement sous contrôle judiciaire, a-t-on appris de source judiciaire, confirmant une information du Parisien. anniversaire qui s’est transformé en scène de viole à Cameroun-Douala A lire aussi L’anniversaire qui s’est transformé en scène de viole pour deux femmes Une source proche du dossier a confirmé qu'il s'agissait de Kabirou Mbodje, l'un des fondateurs en 2008 de Wari, une plateforme numérique de services financiers et commerciaux, très utilisée dans les transferts d'argent et qui a été dans les années 2010 l'un des fleurons de la "tech" sénégalaise. Soupçonné d'avoir commis trois viols Kabirou Mbodje, PDG et fondateur de Wari depuis 2008 / Le PDG de la plateforme de transfert d'argent Wari mis en examen pour viols L'homme est soupçonné d'avoir commis trois viols lors d'une même soirée et un quatrième plus tôt dans l'année. "Mon client, dont je ne confirme pas l'identité, nie avec la plus grande fermeté les accusations portées contre lui. Il est parfaitement serein. L'instruction permettra de faire la lumière sur les faits et la réalité de ce dossier", a réagi auprès de l'AFP Me Philippe Zeller, avocat du suspect. L'homme d'affaires, comme sa société, connaissent depuis quelques années une période difficile, marquée par la concurrence de nouveaux opérateurs et des ennuis judiciaires. sitor ndour,ex dg du coud , accusé de viol par sa femme de menage ok A lire aussi Quatre acteurs de films pornographiques mis en examen pour des viols lors de tournages M. Mbodje a notamment été condamné à deux ans de prison, dont six mois ferme, par le tribunal correctionnel de Dakar pour "abus de biens sociaux" après un bras de fer judiciaire qui l'a opposé à d'ex-collaborateurs. Aujourd'hui, Wari n'est plus actif au Sénégal et ses points de vente ont fermé.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 5 years
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Hi!!! Remember when I used to write things....
Manage a Paris/ a non canon outtake of Tryst or A Premonition of Love, not sure which.
Probably will never happen in either universe, or be added to, unless I watch more Sense8 and need to bug @dirtystyles about...things. Long live @bleedinglove4h and my heart belongs to @emulateharry for the beta.
"How does that tiny little girl take you, babe?"
 Ada didn't really mean to say that out loud, but as she looked down between her thighs, spread around a bench and sat atop Harry's, her grip on her self control was not strong. Not while she watched the fluted head of Harry's cock come out of its sheath as it went into her. She could see the friction, God, there was absolutely no doubt she could feel it. The way he split her open was impressive. And she knew, rationally, that human anatomy worked. That with a wet pussy, patience and will, it fit, it always fit.
She just wondered at times. When she occasionally felt double stuffed, how did Helene?
They had been playing their game. Ada wasn't really sure when it had started, but when they'd decided to keep it open, while Harry was on tour, after communication and boundaries, occasionally she'd slip, when she was horny. She was always curious. So she started asking about it. His fantasies, experiences. It had started with men. She'd ask harry who he'd fucked, how, who he'd like to be inside, or have inside him.
Men were safer. She felt less threatened by them. They could give Harry things she couldn't give, simply. It wasn't her failing she had no cock, and Harry clearly liked what she did have. Enough to come home, to their home. So, men were first base. Girls for her.
The game went both ways, Ada shared some stories about times in college, and they'd get off to it.
They didn't talk about Helene. Because there were things she didn't want to know. Feelings there she wasn't entirely sure of, but could sense.
And Ada had almost, almost said 'not her!' When they'd finally discussed some poly logistics. He would be away, they were good, impossibly inevitably, good together, but they would not be physically together for months at a time. Ada was a sensual girl herself and, well, she didn't actually expect to use it, their widened boundaries. She may have done it to save herself feeling betrayed. In her head it was for him.
And then months went on, and she did. She indulged.
She used the free pass. Ada had sex, with a man. A friend of a friend at a dinner party. When they were introduced, there was that charge. So, unlike any other time before, she leaned into it. she'd been sleeping alone in her and Harry's big bed. And it had changed from alone to lonely, dry.
She didn't sleep with Raul there, of course. They got a hotel.
She left right after, and didn't get his number. And he thankfully understood what she could not say, and didn't get her number from Thandie. He never contacted her again.
She called Harry crying the next day. He was as he always was, loving and kind. Open, a talker.
She had slept with someone before him.
He didn't make her feel guilty about it. And he was honest when he slept with someone, didn't point out it was not just someone. He explained it though, without naming the name. It was harder for him, he explained. Required great trust, rules, and paperwork.
Ada knew who then. Why she couldn't preclude her.
Helene was safe at least.
Except for to her heart.
Ada had tried to puzzle it out. Why she set all her alarms bells ringing. She'd come down to a few reasons.
One, she was so different from Ada. A funhouse mirror image, opposite. Small, blonde, foreign, soft footed, soft spoken. Was that the appeal, the variety? It smarted, chapped her ass, sometimes uncomfortably, other times like a good spanking.
Because the other part, the flip side, Helene was nonetheless attractive. Ada could admit that. No matter how they differed. Ada could sometimes admit she was attracted. To herself.
Once more, they were both successful creative women though, for all their physical differences, Ada figured they must have more in common. More than Harry, to be the two women to occupy his time and bed. Some Je na sais quoi, yuck, some something in the way they moved.
But they talked about it, in their own bedroom, fantasized together.
They discussed The Who, not the band, but past lovers, but didn't talk about Helene. She never featured in their game, the soft spot, blind turn they were both afraid of.
Ada wondered about her. And what their sex was like. Because there was something about the mirror that was sexy. Also, Harry went back to her. Ada only had the one off. Harry, even with his more complex situation, did not have to go back. He had a world of opportunity.
So, she wondered why, and how, and when, mostly why. And it slipped out while she was about to come that first time. The thoughts came to her at other times, and instead of being a mental sojourn that made the friction uncomfortable as she got drier, even though she was doing the unforgivable and comparing herself to the tiny blonde, it was not a turn off. In fact, it got her off. Thinking about Helene. That was the confusing thing, she was into it. And it didn't get her in her head about how much bigger her ass was, not too much. Harry made sure she knew just how much he loved the way she filled his hands. And maybe, the way Helene's dimintutiveness appealed to her, her slim-thicc self was attractive the other way to Harry. Variety.
But what did he like about Helene? That he could man handle her well? He was strong, Ada got thrust against walls and tossed on beds enough to know. Must be easier with the 5'0" wonder? She wondered.
Fortunately, she lost control and asked that first time when they were both vulnerable, and open, her literally, and him in his heart center.
"What?" Harry stuttered over the thrust and Ada had to hold his shoulders and work back on him to not lose their rhythm. She was on edge, wanted to tumble. Could feel the image in her head, the blonde over his lap in her place making her skin too small, the bloom already in progress.
"Helene. How can she handle your dick, babe? You're so big!" She moaned at the fullness, "and she's tiny."
He caught her eye and narrowed his gaze a moment, but must not have found any danger. "She just wants it, Smokes. So she takes it. Like you." He caught her neck and pushed deeper, sideswiped her cervix, caught her spot on the way up her front wall. "Want it babe?" He didn't need the answer. She gave it anyway.
God, did she want it. "Fuck, yes! Give it to me!" Her head lolled back, and he laid her on the bench next to their kitchen table. Pulled her over his lap until she erupted all over him. Pulled out to add to their mess.
Later, over the dinner they burned a little because of the fuck break, Harry smiled at her and shook his head.
"Nothing." And he suppressed a laugh.
"Not nothing, at least give me the chance to laugh with you!" She gave him her evil eye look. Her dimples matching his.
"Nothing, you just," And he did that high pitch laugh she found boyish and cute, charming. "You came really hard talking about me fucking Helene. You usually just avoid it. I though it was verboten."
"It's not forbidden I just...." Well it wasn't explicitly not allowed, but maybe it was. "I don't know I feel," she searched for the right word. "I don't know?" She shrugged.
"You feel jealous?" Harry supplied. He was usually so much better with words than her. But that seemed inadequate. And right.
"Kinda, But I don't know..."
He did that head thing that was infuriatingly cute, like a golden retriever. With a slight cock to the side and pensive expression complete with lip bite.
"Say it!" She finally filled the silence.
"Do you want to know what I think?" He waited for her nod. "Ok. And you won't get mad?"
"That's a promise nobody is ever able to keep...." she felt exasperated and knew she was wearing it. He probably knew some of how she was feeling, but how could he possibly get it, she was all over the place. Didn't really know what she was feeling. She sighed, "but I'll try."
"Um, like," he exhaled. He did not want to fight, she could tell. Well, he brought it up. Kinda. They certainly could have left it in the bedroom, or the kitchen, whatever. "You are jealous, because I think you thought of our arrangement as a way to keep me."
She didn't nod, but made contact when he waited for her to. "But I'm not going anywhere, and I never would have if you wouldn't have. Helene and I could have been together before, and I have feelings for her."
Ada deflated.
"Wait! Hold that reaction, Smokes." He took her hand. "I like her, and she is a great friend, and fun in the sack. But I did not fall in love with her. I have a great affection for her. But it's different. I loved you right away. But it would be a lie to say I don't go back for a reason. I think you are worried that I am getting something with her I don't have with you."
Intuitive, empathic asshole. She nodded.
Harry continued, "I'm not. You are all I need. But you are far away. I know she looks different to you. But that's not a sign of me being unfulfilled, so does Xander!" They both giggled. "And you know you set me on fire, Smokes. Made me trip over my tongue, and my own feet, literally, on meeting you." He squeezed her hand. "If you have any questions- ask. Anytime."
She had questions. But, shit she thought she was getting better at this vulnerable stuff. He was too good at it. She tried to match him. Just as he rose to her occasions, she would to his.
"Is it better?"
"No, because my feelings are different. And I'm not lacking in excellent sex." He grinned at her until she smiled and rubbed her hand. He gave her a beat to digest. "But it's good. really good."
"Do you think about her when you are with me?"
"No, but you do!" He laughed.
"I just wonder!" Ada felt reassured and as always, seen. Intuitive ass.
"I know- that's why I offered to answer your questions." He dimpled and smirked. "Unless you wanna watch?"
He was being cheeky, she knew it. Completely thought that would shut down the conversation.
But she kinda did. Want to watch.
Though at the time, she just smacked him upside the head.
But it came up in their play time after that, occasionally.
And never failed to get her off.
So that's why the next time she met him on tour, she saw the little blonde photographer with new eyes. Now all those ways they were different were no longer sources of insecurity, they were sources of lust.
If Harry could slam her against the wall after fucking her upright for longer than she could stand, what could he do to shorty? And she'd been watching Helene's hooping videos, god help her. The lady could move. She'd adopted, or revisited the swivel hours in his hotel room before just from watching her Instagram on the plane over.
Harry had made her stop, couldn't take it. It was forever in the repertoire then she decided. A borrowed move, an homage.
She didn't ask him if Helene used the move she inspired Ada to try out. She wanted to see for herself. Their own little hooping competition. Harry was a fan of competition. Could play judge.
The thoughts, a little hip to hip action, fuck off, captured her imagination the entire way to the show that night. She'd gotten in very early and woken Harry up with his dick in her mouth. The denouement may have been quick because they'd been separated.
Though she knew he hadn't been lonely. Maybe he just missed her, and her dsl's. Or, maybe Ada was inspired. It may have been because of his on tour company.
Helene was just across the room backstage, now.
His partner was lovely. Seeing her with new eyes, lusty rather than jealous, Ada found herself watching.
She got caught staring. Right at Helene's ass when she bent over to take a pic of something she spent a fortunate amount of time arranging. Helene turned her head, must have felt Ada's voracious gaze.
Harry must be changing Ada's personality by injection. Every other same sex liaison she had not been the aggressor. But when Helene caught her, she smirked and then looked down the blonde's shirt, checking her out, a full body scan, intent. Helene's eyes dilated. And she didn't frown, but her mouth parted half way. Ada smiled, bit her lip.
When was this show over?
She heard the Kiwi chords and smiled. A couple minutes now. That song was a capper, going out with a bang.
Ada had wandered side stage then, mesmerized, waiting for him to come off. He was a magnet for the eyes, and a few fortunate hands. Hers included.
"Shit!'" She gripped her thighs to his hips as quickly as she could. He loved to pick her up like this, had since their "first" time.
She loved it too. The way the world sailed by in her peripheral vision while she clung on and buried her face. This time he was sweaty and his musk had mixed perfectly with the Gucci scent he'd had a hand in creating and was effectively hawking.
"Mmmm, you smell good!" She nuzzled into his sweaty neck and looked up to see Helene watching them.
Ada scanned her face for jealousy, but was surprised to find the still blown pupils and then a flirty smile.
"Helene is watching us."
"So," she felt his shoulders rise. "You don't want me to stop, do you?" He nibbled her ear a little.
"No, never." Then she realized he meant to start and finish now, just passed the door bearing his name , just the two of them. "Wait." And she found herself in his dressing room, on the ornate couch. "Wait."
"Wait?" He looked at her crazy. "Like, really Wait?" He started to untie her wrap top. "This looks amazing on you, Smokes!"
"I know." She shook her head at his chuckle. "I mean I like it, um, can you stop touching me so I can focus?"
"Nope!" he pulled her up and wrapped the ends of her shirt around her wrists behind her back.
For the love of god. "Mmmm, babe." His head was in her cleavage, and he had her bound and she wanted the gag too. "Wait," She could hear the green light in her vocal stop sign. But Ada couldn't stop thinking about that invitation.
The one in Helene's eye. From Harry's lips.
"Yeah?" He looked up from the place he'd made her bra sheer over her dark nipples.
"Do you remember when you told me I could watch..." Ada hoped he filled in the rest of the sentence on his own. She wasn't sure she could say it.
His eyes were blank and he was still panting. The front curls of his hair curling and a drip hitting her collarbone, still cooling off, coming down from rocking out on stage. Then his head tilted to the side and a grin dawned on his face.
"When I said you could watch what?" He narrowed his eyes but didn't wipe the pussy eating grin off of his face.
Ada rolled her eyes and would have let her surprised mortification keep her quiet. But then Harry rolled her hips over his pelvis, their point of contact gave her focus.
"You're kinda a Jerk."
"A sexy jerk!" He looked at her.
She slapped at his face a bit. "You know what I mean!" She protested.
Harry leaned up and whispered in her hair. "Yeah, but I would really love to hear you say it."
She sighed while he went back to her neck. She needed to be able to say it is she had a hope of doing it. Ada felt the chill bumps rise and pucker. "What you said about, about, Helene, about me watching. How she," This was the hard part, but he was rutting against her. So he was into it. And the fleshy tension between her thighs indicated that she was interested as well. "About how she takes you."
"I do." He breathed heavy and she felt his dick flex on her words, the idea of the three of them. Harry pulled back and looked at her. "Are you sure Ada?" He stared like she was a puzzle he had to figure out.
Was she? Fuck if she knew, but it was a continuous image in her mental movie so often lately, the three of them really, she needed them to cross the finish line so the damn marathon could end, her cerebral legs were tired from running through her mind all the time.
"Can we try?"
"Yeah, we can try, and you call the shots, ok. I want you comfortable and happy. Anything not comfortable, we send Helene to her room. Oh, that is a shot I need to call." He sighed, scooped out his dressing room, and looked at his erection like it was an offense. "Not here."
"Not here, ok. and I'll call time if I get weirded out. No matter how mortifying!"
"Embarrassment is not a sexy feeling. If you feel it, or anything bad, we shouldn't. And I want you to feel sexy, as hot as you are, all your fire. Are you anxious?"
"A little, I'm mostly..." She squirmed. "Turned on. Yet nervy."
"I can work with turned on but nervy."
"I know! I've seen it, felt it." Ada but her lip and nodded, watched his eye blaze emerald.
So Harry sent the text to Helene. "Night cap?"
And now Ada was standing in the bathroom of their suite in her top with no bra and some casual shorts that she could sleep in, or could come off easy. She was pulling on the hem when Harry walked in.
"Babe, she said she's leaving her room." He was looking at the message, blank faced.
"Yeah, ok." Ada looked over her shoulder at Harry. He was wearing a white wife beater- vest- as he always reminded her- and Gucci joggers. How was he always sexy? His arms were more defined. His shoulders too, and his ass was.....she had personally thanked his tour trainer. He had laughed his head off. And Harry had chuckled and pinched the shit out of her rear end for the slight embarrassment. Tour was stressful, she loved that he worked that stress off training. She reaped those benefits
Harry snugged up behind her and looked at her in the mirror. "I ever tell you that your face is a marvel?"
"You're just so symmetrical." He kissed the round of her shoulder.
"You know you've dated models babe, several of them." She smiled at his raised brow. She could see he had a counter. "And you have your face." So did she.
"I have a wonky eye, and I have dated models, so I know symmetry. And you are perfect. Steal my breath when I see you, first thing in the morning, perfect without a stitch of makeup or clothes, or right as I nod off, better still- below me moaning, above me, smiling. And the way the rest of you fits into me, fills my hands. I just." He waited a bit, and held her eyes in the mirror. "I love you and am intensely attracted to you. Don't forget it."
"You scared?" He was over-explaining, like a six year old in trouble.
"A bit." He pressed against her. "But still willing and I'm really turned on."
Ada flexed back against him. "Me too."
His phone dinged and they heard a knock.
"Will you get the door?" Harry asked.
"Ok". She thought about that message on the way to the door, her being the face to greet Helene.
"Hey." Ada put on her I belong here face, the one she used when she was among execs who weren't as sure of that fact as she was.
Helene smiled at her, with a cocked head and sweeping gaze. "Bon Soir."
Ada might have misjudged the lean if Helene hadn't already done the double kisses on her upon their first meeting. She might have pretended to misjudge it if she was braver. "Drink?" Her voice came out low as their cheeks coasted along each other's. Helene smelled deep and spicy.
Helene looked bemused. "Sure."
"Hey babe." Harry walked out of the bedroom, crossed and kissed both Helene's cheeks, kept his arm around her waist and took her over to the mini bar. "Pick the red, you are better at it than me." He left a hand on her hip as he walked away, a longer he'd never allowed in front of Ada. And Ada suppressed the frisson of jealousy when his hand rested on the top of her butt. She was gonna have to get over it. Their familiarity and them touching.
If she got what she wanted.
Helene bent over and her tiny waist and round as moon hips hit Ada's eyes. She found herself walking over. She slid the goblet from Helene's hand and waited for it to be filled, watched the red color in the cup, the way Helene's hand joined hers on the glass. Ada didn't think her hand was actually too unsteady. Maybe it was an overture?
"You want?" Helene nodded at the glass.
"A little more." Ada licked her lips. Kept her eyes on Helene while she poured. Felt an impressed smile on her lips when they maintained eye contact and her cup didn't runneth over. Just her fount.
"Sante!" Helene handed a glass to Harry. His only mid way full. Like Helene's. And clinked the glasses, the rims glancing off each other, catching the light. Ada and Helene maintained their stare.
Ada took her gulp, felt the rich berry flavor in her mouth and pulled Helene by the hand to the couch. Took another sip before setting down her glass on the low marble table top. She went to take Helene's when she noticed the French woman sat her glass down herself. Their inside shoulders faced each other, their outside deltoids open just enough to include the room, Harry.
Their commonality.
Helene rocked her head back on her neck and Ada watched her tongue touch the corner of her bubblegum lips. Her own lips were closer to the color of the wine. Then they were closer to Helene's, geographically.
The first touch is cautious, timid. But Bordeaux scented and intoxicating.
She's thirsty, so she dips her tongue into Helene's mouth. The play of their tongues, the dips and rolls wet her whistle but only make her want to sing, louder. Ada's fingers are moving into all that blonde hair and Helene flexes like a cat back into her hands, baring her delicate throat.
Her jugular pulses under Ada's tongue and the life there is thrumming. Ada's pulse double times to catch up. The hollow where her collarbones meet is deep, and Ada licks the bowl of it.
"Mmmm." She hears above her and kisses the point of Helene's chin, her full bottom lip bites Ada's teeth. back with its ripeness. Ada's shirt finds its way behind the couch and the air hardens her nipples further. As does the circuit of Helene's thumbs on her peaks.
"What does she like, Harry?" Ada hears the French slur to her English words. "A tease or firm touch?"
She'd almost forgotten his presence from the sensation.
She wouldn't be able to after her neck wilted and her eyes rolled over him.
What a picture he made, reclined on the arm chair, his hand covering what it could of his bulge. His shirt off. His other hand cradling his wine glass like he did her breast. When that was her mood.
"She goes crazy for a tease. But I think she's been teasing herself thinking about you for awhile. So..." he blinked slowly and Ada's eyes closed when Helene tweaked her nipple then licked it to further tumescence.
"Fuck!" Ada said when Helene's teeth closed.
"Mais qui." Helene's laugh was sultry as the fingers that slid down Ada's tummy, dipping into her navel and then up her loose tie dye shorts. "Humide!" She slipped her fingers through Ada's cleft and looked at Harry before kissing her mouth.
"Yeah, she gets wet, slippery like an eel, non?"
"I love eel." Helene moved a pink feverish mouth down Ada's body. Her shorts pooled on the floor a moment later.
"I know you do. Bon appetit!"
Ada could hear him moving, but her eyes were closed hard, and her bottom lip was caught tightly between her teeth.
It was like Helene had a map of her pussy inside her tongue. She hit all the right spots. From the clockwise opening exploration to the flat tongued strokes. The feathery clit teases were making Ada thrash her head until Helene's nose mashed into her mons semi uncomfortably and Helene groaned tunefully.
It wasn't bright in the room, but the overhead lamp backlit Harry, where he held Helene's hips to his pelvis at an angle off the couch. Her downward dog was impressive.
"See Smokes. No problem." And he stroked in.
"No." Ada heard herself say.
The whole room stopped. Held a collective breath. Helene's covered her flowing center. Ada pulsed. A seconds flex to touch Helene's bottom lip. What was the hold up?
"Do you want to stop?" Harry's voiced was strained, like the muscles, veins standing out on his forearm and hands where they held Helene still.
"No." She shook her head and lifted her hips Up. An offering, suggestion. "No, I want to watch it go in. Let me see." She was panting.
So was Helene.
Harry blinked like it hurt and Ada felt Helene gasp. Planted his opposing foot on the couch, calf against the arm, angled his body, open to her view. He pulled back his hips. His dick glistened. Wetness in the folds.
"Watch." He commanded. Didn't even use a hand to guide himself. Bottomed out, with his laurels against Helene's ass. "Like a glove." gave a smack.
Helene's teeth grazed Ada's clit on impact and they both moaned. Ada kept Harry's gaze while he rolled his hips, he wasn't inside of her, but they were connected, nonetheless, always. She watched him, and he watched her, her reactions to the beauty between them, until the tongue undulations closed her eyes.
The pressure between her thighs had increased so much it was a job to not hump Helene's face. "Fuck, I'm so close."
"Qui!" She felt a smile then a sucking kiss to her thigh. "I can tell." Slim fingers, foreign but familiar, at least with the terrain, entered her and Ada seized, kept contracting when Helene found her g spot, and sucked it's exterior twin.
"How's it feel, honey?" She could tell Harry was staving it off, maybe needed a break, his voice was as tight as she imagined Helene's pussy to be. Which was the problem.
"God, so good," she directed her attention to Helene, smoothed her brow. "You're so good!"
Helene preened and stood up, no matter the arch of her back was able to achieve with those flexible hips, it unseated Harry.
"Ada." He looked down at himself and stroked. She knew that tone. Rolled off the couch dragging a cushion with her for her knees. He tasted like lemon and hot honey while she licked Helene off of him.
If a face fuck could be gentle, Harry achieved it, the hand in her hair to hold her steady into his easy thrusts. The new flavor of their adventure all over him.
Her hand found her clit without a thought, and she felt Helene's hand at her nipple again, slim hip against her shoulder. Harry loosened his grip and Ada took the opportunity to kiss across Helene's hip. The blonde, mostly natural it seemed, turned easily into Ada's mouth. Her tongue slipped into the top of her slit, just below the groomed triangle of dark blonde hair. She tasted better at the source. The bottom of Ada's tongue slid over her swollen clit down to the deliciously dicked pussy below. Harry was right about how it spread the flavor around. She swirled her tongue there and brought the flat of her tongue back up, slow. Then used the tip of her teeth to nibble until a flick seemed necessary.
Helene liked that.
"She's good Harry." Ada brightened up at the accented comment, and Ada looked up before taking Harry back into her mouth. She could hear them kissing while she alternated between pleasuring them. Harry directed her to Helene for a moment, she may have missed him, without such a taste to savor. Ada was distracted until she heard a loud scrape. Harry had carted the bench from the bedroom out. That was a perfect surface, soft but firm. She loved when nothing soft stole his impact.
"Ada, on your knees, here." He pointed in front of him, and the promise of his presence inside her, she wet her thighs over it. She did as told, and arched when fingers slid inside her. "Smokes, you are burning up."
"I'm on fire, honey." She moaned at the thicker fingers inside her.
"I have something for you. Helene, lay under her, lick her out to cool her off." Helene slid beneath her, the grey leather highlighting the curves off her body by contrast. She slid her feet to the floor revealing another contrasting color, deep pink.
In tandem, or sync, Ada delved between the swollen lips of Helene while she responded in kind. Ada mirrored her actions, and the moans below her told her it was exactly what Helene needed. Just as she felt the tremble of her thighs, the beginning, Harry entered her. So Ada used her fingers, took inspiration again, and gave Helene deep strokes and hooked g spot rubs like the full cock deep inside her did.
Harry was moaning above her and was hard as nails within her. She loved when he was too turned on to quiet himself. She'd never forget this feeling, all this stimulation. "Fuck, Yeah, fuck me honey!" She bit into Helene's thigh to stifle her babble. She squeezed Ada's fingers over that.
Whenever Ada got close, Harry pulled out, and she would have a break, too long, where she could hear Helene suck Harry off, and Ada could only fill her mouth, plunge her fingers. It was killing her, softly, that cruel edge of love between pleasure and pain. She was swollen and needy and saying so.
By the third delay, Ada was sliding her pussy along the top of Harry as he went into Helene's mouth.
"Please, babe, please." She was begging, he liked that, when she was outta her head too.
He slid two fingers into each hole, "make her come, it's hard for her, and she deserves it, then I'll give you everything you want."
Her mouth got to work, and she copied Harry's finger moves, slid wet fingers into Helene's anus and pussy, sealed her mouth around her clit and rubbed it with her tongue until Helene pushed her away, three times.
Ada kept her fingers busy, kept Helene coming until she had to be held up by the hands at her hips at the serious deep dicking along with the finger fuck of her ass and the tongue on her clit.
She'd come hard before, but the blinding white light and noise in her ears were new. She gripped Helene's thighs hard enough to leave fingermarks and nearly stood up at the whip snap at her center. She may have apologized for sitting on Helene's face, had she found words to.
She must have passed out. When she comes to, back to herself, she's on a bed, the blanket gently around her hips. Her body is pleasantly sore, and heavy with pleasure. It takes her a minute to orient herself. She's sad she is alone, not cuddled to either lover. She places their voices, nearby, Ada follows them.
Helene and Harry are sharing wine, the Eiffel Tower between them. They make a romantic scene.
Ada expects to feel jealous, but she just feels affection when she hears what they are saying.
"Will She be ok? When the sexiness of this wears off?" Helene asks after rolling her wine around her mouth.
"I hope so, she, well her interest, in you, she wanted too, initiated." Harry shrugged blithely.
"Oh, and you had no interest, in both of us, your best of both worlds girls?" She's cheeky and beautifully lit up from her orgasm. Ada hopes she looks like that, and not like she woke up from a nap.
"Oh, I was deeply interested, but..."
"You want her to really be ok, oui?"
"I do." He looks soft, in that way he does, when his heart's on his breast pocket.
"She will be. She has you." There was longing in her voice, but no green.
"She has me." He nodded.
"If she's ok, do I get to still have you, sometimes? Maybe both of you?" Helene asked, Ada brought in a breath, louder than she intended. She hadn't thought of that.
Now, it seems she has a choice, because both lovers are looking at her like she's a magic eye image.
Her face must be a picture.
They, the three points of a triangle, do make a lovely composition.
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