#men's lib
jodjuya · 5 months
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This flag is a celebration of Men's Liberation and its core values of intersectionality, the subversion of norms, and a dismantling of the patriarchy.
The dark-colored Mars symbol represents intersectional masculinity. The oppression faced by members of marginalized communities, such as men of color and mentally ill men, is often compounded and exacerbated by their gender in unique ways, and this symbol represents the inclusion of these men and our community's goal of examining men's issues through an intersectional lens.
The pink Mars symbol represents gender non-conformity and the redefining of what it means to be male in contrast with the restrictive traditional masculinity of the past, representing LGBTQ+ and gender-nonconforming men and masculine people. This symbol faces "backwards" because there is no wrong way to be a man.
The white Mars symbol represents privilege and the active dismantlement of the patriarchy. Men, especially straight white men, are socialized into a position of power within an oppressive hegemony. This symbol faces downwards to represent how the power that comes with privilege must be consciously relinquished in order for prejudice to be unlearned and equality to be created.
The arrows from the three symbols all converge at one point to represent true strength coming from diversity, inclusion, and unity.
The periwinkle background represents hope for future generations. Blue is traditionally the color used in Western countries to denote that a new baby is male. It is our hope that we can ensure the baby boys and young men of the future are brought into a world that teaches them compassion and positive masculinity.
Created by /u/sudo999 and refined by /u/erdijentila, this work is licensed under CC0 1.0 "No rights reserved" and you may use it for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, with or without attribution.
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thorne1435 · 10 months
I wish that the people men listen to when they're feeling desperate and unwanted actually thought that they were worth anything.
You hear manosphere types talk about how the value of women is inherent and the value of men is something that has to be earned, and...in a weird way, it breaks my heart. Because I know that somewhere in the world there is some lonely desperate man who really just needs someone to give a shit about him, and he's finding shit like Jordan Peterson clips and Andrew Tate misogynist 101 advice. And, like...they're desperate. So they believe them. And they're just going to make them more bitter and lonely and sad and it's not going to end in some "billionaire sigma male grindset" it's going to end in a false resolve to achieve it, and then an overwhelming rush of despair and depression that, in all likelihood, they'll drown out by playing some video games, masturbating, and going to bed.
They're not going to feel a sense of purpose, they're just going to feel justified about how isolated and depressed they feel, and that's simply because listening to some old man who doesn't like women that much tell you that women have it all and you have nothing and that you have to work for the right to be considered "valuable" is just not the solution to their problems. The solution is social integration, and that is hard to achieve in this shitty capitalist society where everyone is at each others' throats.
But that message doesn't get through to men. They never see it. They only see Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate, telling them that they need to muster up some inherent urge to work and become valuable that these boys don't really feel so much as hope that they'll start feeling.
And y'know...I just wish someone could get to them before the manosphere did, and tell them that they are valuable inherently, and that they don't have to work or fuck or lead to contribute to society. That we as human beings contribute to our society by thinking, by talking, by doing things that humans do passively in their existence. That men and women alike contribute by being alive. And that you don't have to earn the right to do so.
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dkettchen · 4 months
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A summary of my excursion to the local (publicly accessible) uni library to look at some books to learn proper pattern drafting for my highly customisable sewing needs/goals
I'd assumed the problem would be a nonbinary one of binary gendering above base theory, but ALAS, THE MATRIARCHY IS STRONG WITH THIS ONE
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aloeverawrites · 8 months
Familiarize yourselves with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The US hasn't signed it yet, but if they had the stunts the alt-right are trying to pull would definitely go against it.
We have to be on the forefront of the children's rights movement and protect it intersectionality along with other civil rights movements like trans rights, gay rights, women's rights, poc rights, indigenous rights, Jewish rights, disabled rights and all basic human rights.
If they go after one of us, they go after us all. Right now children aren't protect so they're being targeted first.
We can't let them use "what about the children" as an excuse to create laws that harm children and adults. But as far as I can see, we are not making as much noise about children's rights. People who care about children might be drawn to the alt-right if they falsely believe that this is the only children's rights movement, we can't allow that to happen.
So spread the word.
Children's rights are human rights.
Trans children's rights are human rights.
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kinka-juice · 2 years
You talk about men's issues, but you ignore the big one. Men are sexually indiscriminate enough to just take what they can get, meaning women can afford to be pickier, meaning men who aren't hot or high-status enough can't get laid. You mention body shaming against men without mentioning that the real misery of being bald and short is women won't fuck you. Men don't mind circumcision or hostile schools. A man could be on a slave galley and still be happy if the slave driver was a hot dominatrix.
Hey, I know you're trying to be inflammatory here - making people disgusted makes you feel more vindicated in your belief that you are being wronged by everyone. I do want to try and take this with some good faith and extend some compassion. And I'm Aroace and all so this belief that sex is the be-all-end-all is absolutely alien to me. But I do think you are being wronged, but not in the way you think.
Is sex really this key issue, or is it that men are socialized such that the only form of intimacy you are really allowed to have after boyhood is with sexual partners? Do you need the physical sensation of sex, or do you need the emotional release? Do you want a Domme to make it okay to suffer and cry, or feel okay to let go of societal obligations and just rely on someone else? If you just wanted the physical pleasure, there's certainly other ways to get it.
Emotionally healthy people don't think access to sex is more important than children suffering. This is indicative of things like Normative Male Alexithymia. It's like an emotional constipation. And I think you recognize that you need someone to help release it, but think of it as a sexual frustration & anger rather than you need to talk to someone about what you feel and someone to share in your life, and society has taught you that the way to release this constipated feeling is with a sex partner. Everyone does need supportive people in their life, but that support can come from all kinds of people you don't have sex with.
And if sex is the core root of it, wouldn't it be important that your pleasure is not greatly reduced by a cosmetic procedure we inflict on infants? One that literally kills?
Yeah, I'm doing a lot of armchair psychology here, but I'm trying to extend a compassionate hand because I don't think this was really sent in good faith or a passion for Men's Lib or Egalitarianism. I do sincerely think that the focus on sex as the "real solution to men's problems" is indicative of some deeper issues and I think seeking a therapist with knowledge of Normative Male Alexithymia might help, or a sex therapist. You're obviously not happy, and talking to someone about it sincerely helps.
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One interesting concept I heard a while back (I wanna say on r/menslib?) is the idea of passive versus active male privilege. Passive male privilege refers to the perks you get simply by virtue of being perceived as a man. Active male privilege refers to the full benefits you can reap if you really lean into the normative masculine role, especially if you're privileged in other ways too (cishet, abled, wealthy, belonging to the dominant ethnicity and faith, etc.).
This fits with the broader idea of masculinity as a pyramid scheme. It offers some small starting perks to new marks (or at least tells them they can be better than everyone else out there) to hook them. But the bulk of the actual benefits are given out more selectively and tend to remain concentrated at the top levels.
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netherspam · 2 years
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runthepockets · 5 months
A subject that's always tended to really interest me is why boys do so much worse in school than girls tend to. I think it more or less boils down to three things:
School as a facility is not made to compliment the way boys are taught to perform masculinity; aggression, competition, moving around, and generally being social outside of pretty specific times and circumstances aren't really encouraged. School is sitting in one place for 8 hours a day and focusing on one subject at a time, keeping talking and play to a minimum. Many will chalk this up to boys lacking some quintessential maturity and planning ahead that girls tend to have (and they're not wrong), but the usual response to this behavior is punishment rather than communication and counseling with the child, only further alienating them and worsening these behaviors.
Teaching is a very gendered field. 74% of teachers are female, 80% white females especially, which makes it harder for boys to focus because they'll assume teachers will have biases against them and give them lower grades (and they're not wrong; female teachers tend to give boys lower marks on assignments, even when both demographics have the same abilities than male teachers, who graded boys and girls the same. Black boys get this especially hard, as even black women teachers are more strict and biased toward them than their nonblack male peers). A lot of it has to do with teachers subconciously accounting for things that read as "traditionally feminine" into the grading proccess, IE neatness and sitting quietly, because it makes their jobs easier.
It's also generally hard to self motivate when you're not seeing successful adults who look like you on a daily basis. Little girls who may not have the best home life, are still surrounded by positive and affirming examples of femininity on the daily, there's really no equivalent for boys of similar backgrounds to see masculinity. As a black trans boy from a single parent background, in my entire life, I think I only had 3 black male teachers, and one of them was for Phys Ed, so I only saw him for about 40 minutes out of the day. It made coming out and being comfortable with my identity a lot harder.
There's a couple of solutions and accomidations that could be made to correct this. Degendering the workforce would help. Having two teachers (one male and one female) to a classroom would not only help male students, but female teachers who are frequently saddled with being the sole position of authority in classrooms of 24 kids at a time as well. Paying the female teachers we do have better wages and giving them better benefits, so they're not as stressed and prone to taking it out on their students, and restructuring the "sit and listen" prospect of the American school system in general. I focused on boys a lot here, but I'm sure plenty of girls (especially neurodivergent ones) would greatly benefit from an environment that allowed them to move around and chit chat and gave them room to be messy, too.
I think a lot about my days in school, specifically toward the end in high school and me inevitable dropping out of college, and how hard it all was for me. I sometimes think of going back to school to be a teacher or a youth correctionial counsler (the idea is still really daunting and I work overnight, so it's not a priority but it's definitely something I consider). I love and care about boys so much, and I hate seeing them fail and struggle and be down and themselves and immediately be read as a hassle from both peers and teachers alike.
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k-wame · 4 months
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Felix Catton SALTBURN (2023) · dir. Emerald Fennell
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fallout-lou-begas · 2 months
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Fallout: New Vegas (2010)
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transfaguette · 2 years
part of the reason why I feel so strongly abt men's liberation is because I just...give a shit about people. I don't think anyone should suffer. I think we can make the world a better place for everyone. and especially as a trans man, yeah, the societal issues faced by men are particularly relevant to me. who would have thought.
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logicpng · 10 months
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I think I can with certainty say I'm past the halfway point with this. there's not that much random dialogue left to make up
I can only hope the switch works as intended on other computers, since a different timing left them mid-transition. it seems like it doesn't interrupt the bubbles switch but it's only if the menu switch/shell reset comes at a specific point before it 🤔
sakurascript is really weird with calling functions, but I Think if you call it as a variable ( %(function) ) it doesn't interrupt the script?? maybe??
[Image ID:
Two gifs showing off Vega complaining about the messiness of Windows' system32 folder, providing the user with a link to open it and see for themselves, and the right click context menu changing its color scheme alongside Vega switching to Rigel.
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dkettchen · 5 months
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aloeverawrites · 9 months
We should start pitting hate groups against each other, it's really fun. Like they want to pit demographics against each other, we should do the same thing. Rn I'm focusing on men's rights activists and terfs, and I think it's gonna work lol.
Look terfs hate men and trans people, and mras hate women and trans people, so if we can convince them to leave the opposite genders and trans people alone and just fight the opposing ideology then we could take a nice break and watch two hate groups destroy each other.
Chill with the intersectional feminists and men's liberationists and work to help men, women and non-binary people instead of spend our time fighting them.
And both groups are recruited by the fascists alt-right so if they're fighting each other that won't work.
Hate groups are trying to untie with each other and divide the oppressed. We need to stick together to divide them.
Hey terfs that have just joined the party, so the sentiment I'm hearing is that MRAs are terrible and you guys are not. I can see why you don't think transphobia and therefore you are very unhelpful in the fight for equality, so from that perpective I see your point. And MRAs have been involved in more actual terroism.
Where you guys shine is helping far right conservatives (cough nazis) pass laws that are gearing up for a fascist society. Here's a video about it, prominent terfs are support pro-life, homophobic politicians and some terfs are fully calling for eugenics against trans people.
These politicians aren't going to stop with trans people, they hate gender non-conforming people and women too. So if you're going to hate trans people at least don't shoot yourselves in the foot by supporting terfs who are fully working with the alt-right. And don't worry I'm looking through my section of feminism trying to nazi-proof it too, it's a little easier as they tend to keep themselves away from trans people because they hate us, but it's still good to keep an eye out.
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catblimp · 1 year
Going on Pinterest and finding Rush memes obviously made by men in their 50s is so great bc they’ll be like
“This is REAL MUSIC made by REAL MEN in the time when MEN were MEN” over an image like this
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