#mayu writes
mayullla · 1 year
Okay so you know those old fashion pixel jrpg games that look like adventure games or any/most rpg for that matter really... But like you are a new adventurer ever since you were a kid you always wanted to become one and here you are finally you signed into your new guild and not knowing you signed into a trap. Well, some might have known who knows.
They fall in love with you, some more infatuation than love. Human or magical creatures, all of them fall for your one way or another and all of them are obsessive and possessive. Say the person on the counter handling all the missions and quests, or one guy always stays at the corner of a bar. How about that slime that followed you through the dungeon or an elf who found you sleeping under a tree. A group of fairies just seeing you so adorable wanting to keep you for themselves. A ghost that haunts your dreams, or a prince delusional enough to think he is a prince charming.
How about ogres just finding you so small compared to them. Taking you away even as you screamed at them to let you down. You are supposed to kill a vampire but he falls in love with you or maybe it was the vampire hunter who fell for you making up stories that you were a vampire just so that he would be the one to keep you. Imps and devils finding you so deliciously innocent that they try to make a deal with you.
Just a thought. I saw too many rpg markers this week.
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ct-multifandom · 1 year
Paranormasight spoiler warning below!
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I went to go look at fan art and there are only like 20 pieces? Guess I have to help myself. I want to draw Tetsuo, Yakko, and Mio, but I couldn’t come up with anything silly so I think I’ll draw more serious art of them later.
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baileypie-writes · 1 day
I will literally start a riot if Mayu falls for Yuki. Like god please no that’s her cat. I want more queer representation but not this.
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mimiso-soup · 4 months
Rotating my current favourite Vocal Synth AU called 'Accidentally a Magical Girl?!' (or shortened to AMG) in my head lately, and I'm so happy that my friends enjoy it as much as I do!
It focuses on Yumemi Nemu, Xin Hua, Mayu, & Tohoku Zunko being summoned as magical girls by the ultimate magi-girl goddess, Rana, and having to fight against a bunch of other Vocal Synths magi-fighters who have been corrupted under Fukase, a magi-boy, who uses everyone he corrupts under his magic. (Or is it really Fukase causing all of this to happen?)
It's chaotic, it's queer, there's found families and some romance as well! I can't wait to work on this series more with my friends as a writing project!
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soratsuart · 1 year
How did Missa manage to get lost despite Philza leaving a tp for him fascinates me
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torabdos · 2 months
No my drive to write..... It's slipping away.........
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cocoabubbelle · 2 months
Will there ever be a live-action adaptation of Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun/Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun? I’d watch it.
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mayulli · 3 months
If I wanna do a 30 day challenge for October it is probs best to start writing some stuff now I feel like for me TvT
I have been here a little while now and always wanted to join the event but lacked the confidence to finish something like that.
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britishassistant · 10 months
Origin Stories (Don’t Get More Convoluted Than This)
“So why were you in a barrel?”
The firbolg walking alongside Nana makes an odd swallowing noise, and then begins coughing.
He rears away slightly, then begins patting down his many, many pockets. Trois-senpai drilled the importance of always having a hanky on hand into him in case of makeup malfunctions, messy meals, or a person in distress, so where is the damned—?!
“Ah, I’m fine, I’m fine!” The firbolg, who introduced herself fresh out the barrel as Ketsugi Mayu, holds up her hands. “Um, to tell you the truth, human-san, it’s rather…complicated?”
“Complicated.” Nana echoes, one hand still deep in the interior pocket of his gilet.
His fingers curl around the thin stiletto stashed in there.
“Complicated!” Ketsugi Mayu confirms, the tawny ears on the sides of her head twitching. “Although it does mean our meeting is very auspicious! Did you know, human-san, that when Luffy first appeared to Koby on the Grand Line, he too had sealed himself into a barrel to survive a whirlpool? For us to meet in the same way, it’s surely a good sign! Though, of course, Koby joined the Marines while Luffy went off to become the Pirate King and became comrades with Helmeppo—”
“Are you even saying real words right now?!” Nana interrupts.
“Of course I am!” Mayu is pouting now, an expression Nana has always thought looked slightly odd on those with more bovine noses. “This is important knowledge, you know! Understanding where Luffy and the others came from before they got their godly power levels is important to understanding their philosophies and living in accordance with their wishes!”
“Alright, alright.” He withdraws his hand from his pocket and scrubs at the back of his head, where the uneven fuzz has just begun to properly thicken.
Complicated. He can get that.
“I’m sorry for insulting your belief…system? Though seriously, please stop it with ‘human-san’, I told you, my name’s Johnny Powers. I’d rather you call me Nana.”
Mayu nods, eyes just as wide and guileless as the first four times he’d told her this. “Of course! And it’s okay, it took Na—my brother several retellings before he really got it. The StrawHats aren’t really the kind of people who’d hold something like this against you, either, so please don’t worry about anything on that end!”
This person, Nana decides, is a total weirdo.
Still, grasping at strings with this conversation, he tries. “You have a brother too? I’ve got a younger one myself. Are you the eldest as well?”
The firbolg’s long ears droop. He hadn’t even known that was even anatomically possible.
“I, ah, have two. Kind of.” Her eyes have lost most of their sparkle, looking more akin to those he sees in the fish on beds of ice at market. “They’re, they’re both older than me, though Le—the oldest is older by a year and the other one is only by a few months, so we’re both twelve. But we’re all different species, and we age at different rates, so technically I’m the most mature of all of us, you know?”
She stops in the street, fiddling with the long, bell-like ends to her sleeves.
Nana has to turn back and lean in slightly to hear, “…I miss them. I really want to see them again. My whole family. I wanna go home.”
“Hey, hey.” He hesitates, but puts a hand on Mayu’s shoulder. “I know how you feel. I, I miss my family too. But we’ll get you back to yours, and then I’ll get back to mine, and we’ll all live happily ever after, right?”
Mayu sniffs hard, peering up at him through her fringe. “…You’re sure?”
He feels his reassuring smile wobble slightly. “Uh. Yes? It’s been six months since I’ve last seen my family, but you know, I’m. I’m getting closer every day!”
The firbolg does not look reassured.
“Definitely going to be back with them before I turn fourteen.” Nana insists. “Definitely. One hundred percent.”
She somehow manages to look even more un-assured, if such a thing were possible.
Nana would be insulted if he couldn’t also hear the things that are currently coming out of his mouth.
As if to add insult to injury, his stomach takes the opportunity to loudly remind him that he hasn’t had anything to eat since the slice of flatbread he’d managed to scrounge up for breakfast yesterday, before he found a barrel with a firbolg inside it and all the port’s guards plus a much stronger assassin in a blank mask had shown up to try and murder him for it.
He takes a moment to mourn the loss of gainful employment. Sure, dock work wasn’t easy or pretty, but the feeling of having hard-won coppers in his pocket at the end of the day…he’ll miss it dearly.
“You’re hungry!” Mayu exclaims, startling him out of his reverie. “Wh-why didn’t you say earlier?!”
Nana holds up his hands, retreating a few steps. “I, I wasn’t hungry then? And it’s fine, really Ketsugi-san. I’ve…not much coin after paying off the stable, but I can keep going for a while yet. Just…please ignore any noises? They’ll stop after a day or so, I promise.”
For some reason, that makes her ears almost flatten against her head, eyes wide and mouth hanging open.
“Right.” Mayu says, back straightening, head turning as though on a swivel. “Right, um.”
The firbolg pats herself down, as though her outfit (long top with oversized bell sleeves, thick fabric belt, leggings, leg warmers, and sandals) will somehow produce pockets from somewhere. The furrow in her brow deepens.
She clasps her hands together and mutters, not quite under her breath, “-ami guide my hands and take from the overabundant and undeserving, from the cruel and covetous, that I may provide—”
Despite leaving the docks behind them a full day ago, Nana’s nose picks up an odd, salty scent.
When Mayu lifts her head, her eyes have an odd, almost orange gleam to them.
“That one,” She says, absentmindedly, as she starts to make a beeline through the crowd.
Nana blinks for a moment, staring after her.
“H-hey, wait!” He calls as she marches towards a random man at a fruit stall.
A corner of his mind that he’s still struggling to fully shut off notes that this man has inconvenient, well-tailored clothing and soft, unblemished hands. Add to his lack of muscle mass, and there’s no way this person would be any kind of real threat in a fight.
And Mayu is brazenly reaching for the coin pouch tied to his belt.
“Whoa, hey!” Nana leaps forward, grabbing at the firbolg’s wrist. “The hell are you doing?!”
She’s likely not had as much practice sneakily grabbing things or slipping away as him, because Mayu immediately begins jerking and flailing to twist out of his grip.
One of her elbows goes flying and slams into the foppish man’s back.
With an indignant squawk, the man tumbles forward into the stall, crushing several crates of produce under him.
The pair of them share a glance.
Then they’re both turning on their heels and sprinting down the street as fast as their legs will take them, leaving the man and the stall owner shouting in their wake.
“I—thought—y’r—a paladin.” Nana accuses as they run.
“I am!” Mayu retorts, not even sounding out of breath as they slow their pace. Nana almost wants to hate her for that. “And that guy was chosen as someone I could take money from to buy ingredients to feed you!”
“Chose-?! What, what kind of god says stealing is okay?!” He cries.
“Pirate gods.” Mayu replies.
Nana has to take a moment to stare at her, mouth agape.
“Pi-pirate—” He sputters, “What—how—? You’re a pirate?”
Her face falls as she admits, “Not yet.” Like piracy is something that normal and decent people should aspire to.
Her ears flick back and Mayu clenches a fist. “But I will be someday! I’m going to follow the teachings of the StrawHats and sail the seas as one of the greatest pirate chefs ever, just you watch!”
He is torn between bursting into hysterical laughter and tearing his hair out.
Somehow he’s saved from doing both when a blur of grey and bright blue dashes between their legs.
“Outta the way, comin’ through!”
As he stares in confusion, the shape resolves itself into some kind of four-legged monster? He’d almost call it a cat, but the shape of the body and tail is wrong, and most cats he knows don’t have blue fire sprouting from their ears.
They don’t run on two legs clutching a small sack to their chests, either.
The howl comes from a horned person, charging after the monster with all the speed they can muster.
They look slightly too delicate to be a full orc, Nana’s mind notes as they barrel past, but their skin is too vivid a bruise pink to be many generations down the line. A tiefling, perhaps?
But then, where’s their tail—?
Nana can’t see what the monster does, but he knows that one moment the maybe-tiefling is dashing down the bustling street after their prey, the next they’re engulfed in a black liquid with a sharp yelp, tripping over their own feet and falling prone to the ground.
Even from here it smells noxious, and as he watches the odd liquid rapidly hardens where it’s covered the person’s limbs, reducing their wild flailing to furious twitches.
“Ha-HA!” The monster crows. “Yer still a hundred years too early t’be gettin’ one over on the Great Grim-Sama, y’know! See ya, minion~!”
They seem like they’re well on their way to a full meltdown in public.
Nana winces in secondhand embarrassment.
That seemed…unfortunate. He’s almost curious about what’s going on there, but it doesn’t involve him. Nope. Does not involve him in the slightest.
And even if the maybe-tiefling is technically in trouble, what could he do? Go up and ask if he can help? No thank you. Last time he did that he lost a perfectly good job and got stuck with a pirate obsessed weirdo of a paladin. No, no. He’s learned his lesson. Look out for number one. It’s why he’s going to walk away any second now. He has to be his top priority, no matter what trouble others are in. It’s not worth—
“Hey, uh.” His treacherous mouth says. “Do you need some help getting out of that?”
The tiefling(?) glares at him and grits out, “Don’t. That little idiot hit me with a tanglefoot bag, it’ll take ages to get this stuff off. If you really want to be helpful, go after that bag he stole, and don’t let the little shit eat anything in it.”
He blinks at the vehemence of their tone.
“Tiefling-san?” Mayu places a hand on his shoulder, stepping slightly between him and the trapped probably-tiefling. “My human friend wants to help and I’ll aid him, but we will require payment for this. My friend needs food, he’s hungry.”
“Wh—” He protests. “It, it hasn’t even been two days, it’s not that bad! Don’t treat this like I can’t look out for myself, I’m thirteen!”
Mayu stares at him, her ears flattening again.
“Th-thirteen?!” She splutters. “That’s—that’s so young for humans, you’re, you’re a baby! Where are your parents?!”
“No! It’s not! It is very much not!” He can feel his voice reaching screech levels no matter how much he doesn’t want it to. “Thirteen means teen! I am a teenager! Practically an adult!! Older than twelve at least!!!”
“No you’re—”
“ENOUGH!” The most-likely-tiefling roars.
The two of them (along with what few passersby weren’t already gawping at their little group) stop and stare.
“Get that damn tanuki,” The tiefling orders, eyes flashing murderously, “And I’ll pay you whatever you want.”
It’s really not hard to track the monster.
It’s caused a lot of havoc throughout what seems to be the business district, diverging very briefly back through the market (where the fruit stall owner is pocketing a very large bag of coin with an air of satisfaction), eventually wending its way to a very, very large tree in the middle of a square.
It’s not the tallest tree Nana’s ever seen, but it easily makes it into the top fifteen. Which, given that the fourteen above it in rank had all been in forests far from civilization, or enhanced by magic to serve as dwellings to various communities, actually speaks a lot to how huge this thing is. He can see where some of the middle branches have been pruned back from growing into the top floors and roofs of nearby buildings
Through the leaves, there are glints of the bright blue fire sprouting from the ears of the monster up in the highest branches.
“Hm…” Mayu is frowning heavily. “I’m…not good at climbing trees. The worst in my village, in fact.”
Nana rolls his shoulders and shakes out his arms and legs. “Well, that’s funny. Because back home, I was one of the best. You sort have to be, if you want to be acknowledged as an adult or a rogue.”
Despite his boast, he has a bit of trouble finding a good handhold at first. But once he finds a sturdy knot in the bark halfway around the tree, he’s proud to say that not only can he scale to the branches very quickly, but also near silently.
There a few moments when a twig snaps under his weight and he freezes, waiting for any sign that the monster has heard him.
But it remains oblivious, singing to itself between bites of an obviously pilfered fish.
As he gets closer, the words resolve into, “Mackerel, mackerel, tasty, tasty mackerel, goes so well with, tasty, tasty rocks~!”
Nana has managed to climb undetected to a branch above the one it’s sitting on when the monster shoves the tail of the fish into its mouth, chewing and swallowing with a satisfied sigh.
“Fgnah…that hits the spot!” It purrs to itself. “And now for dessert…”
It begins to root around in its brown burlap sack until it pulls out an odd looking stone.
It’s a dark grey and nearly smooth, with glasslike streaks of blue-white and greenish yellow running through it. Maybe it’s because of the dappled light of the tree, but Nana could almost swear that it pulses every so often.
“Down the hatch!” The monster cheers, head tilted back and toothy maw open wide.
What Nana means to do is quickly and cleanly snatch the stone from midair, maybe take advantage of the monster’s confusion to grab the bag as well.
What he actually does is try to grab the rock and fail miserably, his fumbling fingers sending it flying out of the tree.
“Huh—? My dessert!!” The monster cries. “Why you little thi—?!”
The explosion of light and sound rock the tree, as if a thunderstorm decided to materialize around its base.
Nana instinctively curls into the branch he’s hanging from, squeezes his eyes shut and braces his body against his temporary shield.
When he blinks away the stinging afterimages, the square is in disarray. Several people are on the ground, some hiding, others knocked down. Those who are further away looking around for the source of the commotion, but those who were closest to the tree are acting…weird. Whipping their heads back and forth like they’re trying to spot something, or shouting near-incomprehensibly.
At the base of the tree, Mayu has her fists pressed to her eyes and her head is tilting from side to side, long ears twitching sporadically. She might be making noise, but Nana can’t hear from this far up.
The monster is clinging to its branch, expression dazed. “Wha’s goin’ on…why’s it all gone dark…?”
Nana unfurls himself slightly, and claps as loudly as he can.
Neither the monster nor Mayu respond. The monster doesn’t even look up at the movement, just facing towards where Nana was before…he guesses the stone did that? Unleashed all that light and noise?
No wonder the tiefling didn’t want the monster eating it. He’d hate to imagine what something like that could do in someone’s stomach.
As carefully as he can, he hangs upside down from his branch and gently eases the bag out from it’s precarious position pinned between the monster’s paw and the branch. It gets a little ripped from where one of the monster’s claws got snagged in it, but he hoists himself upright with his target clutched in one hand.
Peering through the hole he’s made, he can make out four or five more of those weird, pulsing, noisemaking rocks, two weird liquid-filled packet, and what might be coils of spiked steel wire?
He lets out a low whistle. Still, he’s got the bag, now to get ou—
A gout of bright blue flame shoots between Nana’s legs, almost crisping his boots before he yanks them up and out of the way.
The long end of his gilet is not so lucky.
“Shit!” He tries beating out the fire before it can spread any further, but forgets that the skin of his hands is just as burnable as cloth. “Ow, FUCK!”
“HAND ‘EM OVER!!” The monster cries as it leaps for the bag in Nana’s other hand.
He lets himself go limp and tumble backwards and out of reach, stashing the bag in one of his inside pockets as he falls.
Nana hisses as rough bark catches on his burnt hand, but keeps folding and twisting and swinging down through the branches, until he has a clear view of where Mayu looks like she’s finally shaking off whatever the rock did to her.
It’s only her wordless yelp of warning that has Nana flipping off the branch he just landed on, as a burst of that blue fire engulfs it.
“GIVE ‘EM BACK, YA LITTLE BRAT!!” The monster howls, claws digging into the tree’s trunk.
“WE ARE IN A TREE,” He yells back as he dangles from a dangerously thin bough. “WHY WOULD YOU SET IT ON FIRE?!”
The monster looks momentarily confused. It glances upwards, at where some of its fire has almost eaten through the higher branches.
“Uh oh.”
Words cannot do justice to the sheer level of “I-wish-you-were-close-enough-to-throttle” that manifests within Nana’s soul at that proclamation.
Below him, he can just barely pick up on Mayu muttering something unintelligble, hands clasped together and head bent.
That salty scent from before, like he’s leaning over the edge of the docks and staring at the swelling of the sea below, that returns in full force. It’s pervasive to the point where the monster begins sniffing the air, twisting around to look with a hopeful peep of “Mackrel?”
“‘O Merry, give me a sea to sail together on, a sea of adventure, of freedom,” Mayu’s voice raises, reverberating oddly as though set against crashing waves and the screech of gulls. “Show us the might of the Grand Line! CREATE WATER!”
Nana had never considered what rain might look like if it fell all at once rather than in sensible, dispersed droplets.
And, he realizes as he watches the shadow of what could only be called a tidal wave loom over the top of the tree before it descends in a clamoring rush of liquid, he could have gone quite happily through the rest of his life never knowing.
The thin bough he’s dangling from does not keep him from taking the brunt of the deluge in the face.
As he hacks and coughs and tries to snort out where some water has gone up his nose, he hears Mayu call out, “Oh! Oh, sh—sugar, human-san, I’m so sorry! Are you alright? I just, I thought it was best to take care of the fire before anything fell on you!”
She’s not even wet. The water somehow has the audacity to land in a perfect circle around her, not even a drop on her weird orange leg warmers.
“Maybe wait until we get out of the tree next time?!” He yells back, not quite able to keep the hysterical edge out of his voice. “And I told you, don’t ca—!”
For the second time that day, he’s interrupted by a small grey blur streaking past him.
This time, the monster’s not so much running as falling, eyes shut and blue ear flames spluttering weakly.
He doesn’t even think.
Nana swings his legs up to propel himself off his precarious handhold like a diver, arms outstretched to snatch the monster’s limp, sodden body out of midair and crush it to his chest.
His legs snap out in a split and just manage to snag onto two branches of varying heights before he falls the remaining fifteen feet out of the tree.
He stifles a groan at the sudden strain.
Below him, Mayu lets out a little gasp. She gives a small burst of applause.
“Th-thanks,” Nana grunts out. “But, um, can you get a ladder or something? I don’t know how long I can hold—”
There is an ominous creak.
Nana closes his eyes and exhales out of his nose. It’s fine. It’s fine! So long as he doesn’t look at it, the lower branch he’s wedged his foot onto isn’t breaking, and he’s not gradually losing his foothold on the high brancher either! Just keep his eyes closed, and he can have all the time in the world to plan how to manage a crash land—
Nana can’t help the involuntary scream that tears from his throat even as he plummets—!
Usually hitting the ground and rebreaking his bones feels more…impactful than this?
“Nana, are you okay?!” Comes Mayu’s frantic voice. “I, you didn’t hit your head or something? Oh Luffy, I didn’t give you whiplash, did I?!”
He opens his eyes to see Mayu less than a foot away from his face. Her arms are crossed over her chest for some reason, hands clenched into fists by her shoulders. He’s somehow still dangling above the ground.
He cranes his head to look.
There are a pair of disembodied arms holding onto his legs.
A pair of disembodied arm that are growing out of and being clutched onto by more disembodied arms which have somehow sprouted from the tree trunk.
The scream Nana lets out at this sight is very much voluntary.
Mayu flinches, hands coming out of that weird crossed formation and reaching for him.
The disembodied arms vanish.
He topples into the firbolg behind him, driving them both into the dirt-turned-mud below.
“Let me guess,” He huffs when his body finally decides to let him make sounds other than pained groans. “More of your pirate gods?”
“Be nice to Robin!” Mayu whines as she rolls him off her and sits up. “I wasn’t sure if she’d let me call on her power to save you, y’know. She only intervenes when necessary.”
“You say necessary,” Nana says as he props himself up against the roots of the damned tree. “I’m hearing picky. Why do pirate gods even need, need detachable limbs in the first place?!”
Mayu puffs up again, “First of all, Robin has the ability to grow parts of her body from any visible surface, not detach them from herself, that’s Buggy’s power. Second—”
“This is the worst rescue ever, fgnah.” The monster grumbles in Nana’s lap. “Imma sue you both for interrupting my nice, peaceful lunch, y’know. This is endangerment of the Great Wizard Grim—”
“—Who is going to be answering to Crewel for stealing that modified trapping kit.” A familiar voice interrupts.
The three of them look up.
The tiefling stands over them, unpleasant, cracking stains on their clothes. Their glare pins the monster named Grim in place. “And you’ve clearly been spending too much time with Azul if you’re using language like that without any clue what it means. Want me to sell you back to him as a dishcloth? At least then you won’t be causing me or the guild any more trouble.”
“Yuu~!” Grim the monster whines, almost squirming out of Nana’s grip. “C’mon henchman, you wouldn’t really do that to me, wouldja?!”
Yuu the tiefling considers him before tilting their head. “You got me there. I guess I wouldn’t.”
Grim’s eyes begin to sparkle and his ear flames regain some of their spark. “Yuu—!”
The tiefling seizes him by the scruff of his neck. “Not if it meant I’d miss the fun of punishing you myself.”
“Fgnah! Abuse! This is abuse I tell ya!” The monster protests, wriggling in the tiefling’s grip. “I shoulda gone into retirement with Ace! He wouldn’t treat me like this! He’d—!”
“The Rose Kingdom historic monument.” Yuu says, abruptly.
The monster suddenly goes silent, eyes darting around. It almost looks sheepish.
The tiefling sighs. “Well, now that that’s dealt with, did either of you manage to save any of the wire or other tanglefoot bags before this gremlin ate them? I know the thunderstones are probably a lost cause—”
“Thunderstone?” Nana pipes up before he can help himself. “Is that what those pulsing rocks are called?”
The tiefling stops short, and tilts their head at him. The flashes of their eyes that he can see through their overgrown bangs are piercingly intense.
“Yes.” They says slowly. “That’s what those are. Don’t tell me you managed to get one of them?”
Nana reaches into his inside pocket and gingerly withdraws the bag he stashed there. He makes sure to keep it well out of Grim’s reach when he hands it over.
“One didn’t make it,” He admits, rubbing the back of his head. “It fell when I tried to grab it, and I think it might’ve hurt Mayu? I’m sorry about that, by the way, I wouldn’t have made it out of the tree without you.”
She shrugs. “It was an accident, the StrawHats have loads of them. But the important thing is Nana-san got the bag and he didn’t let monster-san eat any more of the rocks. Right, tiefling-san?”
Yuu looks up from the contents of the bag, eyes flickering from Mayu to Nana and back again.
The corner of their mouth curls into a wry smirk.
“I believe that was the deal we made.” They tie the bag with the stones to their belt and untie another.
Yuu counts out an indeterminate amount of coin into their palm, splits it, and push half into each of their hands.
“Hopefully this will get you some dinner and medical attention.” They say. “Now, the both of you, go home to your parents, or whoever it is who’s meant to be looking after you. You’re both too young to be wandering around unsupervised like this.”
Nana opens his mouth automatically to protest, noticing out of the corner of his eye that Mayu is doing the same.
“If you’re both still on the adventuring career path when you’re older, come see me at the Night Raven Guild.” The tiefling interrupts. “Ask for Yuu at the mission desk, and Grim and I might have some work for you. When you’re older.”
And with that, Yuu the tiefling turns on their heel and strides off, leaving the two of them to examine the reward for their mission.
Nana feels his eyes bulge out of his head.
These—these are gold coins. Actual, genuine gold, from the look of it. This can get him a bunk at any inn from here to the Hidden Continent, hell, may even be worth something to some of the denizens of the Feywilds.
From the wide-eyed look Mayu’s giving him, she’s received the same.
They both turn to stare after the tiefling arguing with the monster bundled under one arm, stomping back to what looks like a partially burning guildhall. It has an emblem of a crow over crossed keys above the door.
“Well. They were generous.” Is all Nana can offer.
“They were.” Mayu agrees. Then, “…We did a good job together, didn’t we? I mean what you did, with all the flipping and things…”
“It’s called acrobatics.” Nana retorts without heat. “But yeah, your. God, thing. It was handy. I’m not saying I’m a convert, but—”
“We made a good team?” Mayu suggests. “After all, not everyone has to think or do the same things to get along. It’s better if they don’t. Makes for a stronger crew.”
“I guess so. Yeah.” He agrees.
They slowly get to their feet.
“You know,” Mayu starts, as they wander back towards the market together. “Tiefling-san never said how much older we had to be before we went and asked them for another job. Just ‘older’.”
Nana considers this as he carefully flexes his burnt hand. Even if other jobs didn’t pay quite as well as this one, the idea of at least having a semi-steady flow of income… it’s an appealing one.
“I think,” He announces. “I feel much older and wiser than I did half an hour ago. How about you, Mayu-san?”
She beams back at him. “I feel positively ancient, Nana-san. What do you say we visit the Night Raven Guild as a two person adventuring team?”
Nana’s stomach grumbles again.
“…We’ll get you some food first.”
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tokuteasings · 1 year
When does the Kamen Rider Girls Remix squad, along with Sophia and Mayu (Mage) arrive to beat up Beroba? Just curious so we can watch it happen….?
deep inhale
The first thing that happens is Neon feeling Sophia's arms around her, resting her head on the woman's shoulders and a gentle "shush" leaving her lips. She's rubbing Neon's back, whispering sweet nothings as darkness swirls around Beroba. She is normally a peaceful saintess, gentle and kind. But she is a dragonness who will protect her brood when needed be.
Mayu on the other hand, crashed into the stadium as soon as she could. Haruto could not hold her back, Nitoh could not, Rinko gave her a car to slam into the damn place without hesitation. There is a fire burning in the mage's eyes but the first thing she does is to run over to Neon to comfort her. Beating the shit outta Beroba is important, yes, but not as important as Neon herself. Their kouhai whispers that she is okay, heart breaking sobs and Mayu steps up to the plate first.
Her claws drag through Beroba's skin like it's nothing, punch after punch, graceful as magic zooms through the air like bullets and Sophia brings in the rearguard with dragonic hisses and growls, darkness blanketing the girl from the future.
Though Mayu would never wish despair upon anyone else...she prays that Beroba learns it that day.
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shayriara · 1 year
सफलता असफलता ये कृष्णा किस्मत के पाशें हैँ
अगर अच्छे आए तो मुक़ाम नहीं तो केवल तमाशे हैँ..
Safaltaa asafaltaa ye Krishna kismat ke paashe hai
Agr achhe aaye to mukaam nhi to keval tamaashe hai....
-Krishna sharma (कृष्णा शर्मा )
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mayullla · 4 months
Thinking about my arranged marriage!Neuvillette. Where reader has an interest in alcohol. Not to the point of being a drunkard but she likes to have it on occasions. The first time she drank it was with Neuvi and he saw her eyes sparkle at the taste, which was very foreign in his eyes. Once upon a time, she would sometimes invite him for a drink, but at some point she just never did. She has many habits that could be a showing of "affection", but inviting him for a drink of wine when she just could not sleep never really stuck.
And when Neuvillette realized that he could not help but become solemn at the thought. There were multiple occasions where he saw you with a glass late at night looking out the window, deep in thought enough not to notice him. Before he left thinking that you would like time for yourself, now he could not help but realize that even when time past nothing really changed after years.
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kangyina · 8 months
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フェンス (2023)
i truly believe nogi akiko has been waiting to bring this gem into the world and i love her for it. none of her usual subtle social commentary, she went with a full force punch to my face. i loved every moment of it! a truly difficult watch but an incredibly healing and cathartic one. so much nuance in one five episode little drama and so much heart, as well as absolutely superb performances from the cast. this one will remain in my mind.
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duckiiboop · 10 months
for the OTP asks: 8, 12, and 47 for both jolymayu and mayumes >:) sorry I'm gay and love drama
Worry not anon for I too am gay and love drama
Also you accidentally got novels. You’re welcome.
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
When Mayu gets sick, both girls can immediately tell: Mayu is an early bird and is usually up and running before the other is. She will absolutely refuse to get out of bed when she’s under the weather. She hogs the blanket and rolls herself in a burrito to keep the other girl (physically) away from her. However, she’ll whine for their company and then she usually ends up cuddling with them anyway lol.
Jolyne will (attempt to) pry Mayu’s head out of the burrito and pump her full of medicine and lay cold towels on her forehead. Jolyne’s not a strong cook, but she’s taught herself to make Mayu’s favorite soup to get some food in her tummy. They end up falling back asleep together. 🥺
Ermes likes to tease her (“That’s what you get for being barefoot!” “That’s what you get for going outside with wet hair!” Just little Gloria-isms) but she immediately gets to work by making some chicken broth, lathering Mayu in Vick’s vapor rub and switching between giving her sprite, Tylenol and ginger ale. That’s the way Gloria would take care of her growing up and it always works like a charm!
Nurse Mayu is ALWAYS on call when her baby’s sick. She’ll push them back into bed, tuck them in and hand feed them homemade chicken noodle soup. At the end of the day she will climb into bed with them and try to coax them back to sleep with some singing and a neck massage. Then she’ll get herself sick after drowning them in kisses lol.
Jolyne is pretty resilient and will take care of herself when she doesn’t feel good, but she knows when to admit defeat and tells Mayu when she doesn’t feel good. (Plus she absolutely loves being pampered by her muahaha)
BUT ERMES BEING SICK... Ermes is stubborn as FUCK and refuse to admit that she’s sick in the first place. She’s one of those that doesn’t believe that she’s sick unless she’s green and puking, but Mayu knows when she feels like shit. She knows Ermes doesn’t like feeling like she’s imposing on her, but Mayu lives to take care of her. After lots and LOTS of coaxing, Mayu will have Ermes asleep on the couch teehee
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
Both couples are pretty civil! The two situations that could cause some heat between them would be 1) someone eating someone else’s food or 2) Mayu getting fed up with the other girl’s teasing and accidentally blowing up on them by making a mean comment towards them. Mayu’s always a good sport, but if it’s taken too far she’ll end up making a comment that she regrets later. Jolyne will knock it off, but sometimes Ermes will feed off of the bad comment and one-up it. From there, they’ll walk away from each other to chill out. If Mayu makes the other girl mad, she’s chasing after her spewing apologies while the other stews in her anger while she calms down.
Mayu always feels guilty afterwards regardless of the situation so she tends to shut herself away from the other person for a little bit to calm herself down.
Mayu’s always the first one to apologize and beg for forgiveness even when the other person claims responsibility for starting it. A big old hug and a kiss solves everything!
47. Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship?
Between Jolyne and Mayu, not really. Mayu knows about Jolyne’s preteen activities, but she has a good understanding as to why it happened and doesn’t judge her for it. (Honestly Mayu thinks she’s a bad bitch for getting a tattoo so young lol) BUT they’re open books to each other.
Between Mayu and Ermes… it wasn’t something that would have ruined their relationship and Mayu also understands why Ermes didn’t share the information with her, but Mayu was definitely hurt by the fact of not knowing about Gloria. The two of them bonded a lot before the Kiss of Love and Revenge arc, and Mayu would talk about her family often. Ermes never talked about Gloria. Mayu definitely noticed the change in Ermes’ demeanor when she started tailing Sports Maxx and once she, Jolyne and FF got the scoop about what happened to Gloria, her heart was shattered. She understands that Ermes didn’t owe her that information, but she was definitely hurt that despite how close they’d become, Ermes didn’t tell her; she also felt like she had constantly rubbed the fact of having family on the outside in her face. After the Limp Bizkit fight, Mayu paid her respects to Ermes and ensured her that she’d always be there for her no matter what.
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hey-dont-touch-that · 2 years
Hey Mayutori shippers (so like 10 people) Mayu and Tori where to have a boy what would the name be and who would the baby look like?
So Kinu obviously looks like Hatori so would the boy(Kinu’s older brother) look like Mayu ( mama’s boy) or be a equal mix of both?
Please and thank you
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multisfabulis · 2 years
Word Count: 1274
TW: Incestuous undertones, strangulation, and major character death
This is my first attempt at writing horror so I apologize if it's not particularly scary!
God, I've loved this series since I was in middle school. While the second game isn't my favorite among the original trilogy (that goes to 3), it's definitely the most memorable due to the setting, the villain, and its ending. I know this fic is going out to an inactive fandom but sometimes you want to write something just for the heck of it!
One last thing! This work was beta'd by my good friend rosemaryblues! They don't really know much of FF outside of the little I've told them about it so they were kinda befuddled with a lot of what happens here but they still tried their best to beta this so thank you!
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     Mayu woke with a start. How much time had passed between now and when she had dozed off? The soft breeze flowing in from outside and the rhythmic clacking of pinwheels tempted her to lull back off.
     She was so, so tired. Her trips all around the village had rendered her legs sore as her mind struggled to stay focused on the task at hand. She was basically running on fumes.
     Her head flared in pain. The migraines had started appearing after she had seen that mysterious woman wearing a blood-stained kimono. Nothing she did was able to soothe the aching. They were eating away at her, eroding her sanity little by little. She needed to get out of the village as soon as possible; lest she’d lose herself completely.
     Memories floated up to the surface. Some were happy; ones of her playing with her sister and of the festivals they went to together. Others carried with them feelings of regret and sadness – The accident that left her with a permanent limp, her and her twin fleeing from the villagers, discovering the body of her friend hanging in the storehouse.
     Wait, that wasn’t right. She hadn't been chased, she didn’t know who that boy was in the jail. Or did she? Which of these memories were hers and what were hers? What was happening to her?
     There was a shuffling beside her. Her heart stirred in her chest as her eyes landed upon the form of her beloved Mio. Mio was working on something, something that was said to help them escape from the village if they could figure out the puzzle's solution as well.
     Mayu was just happy to have her back. The time they had spent apart from one another hurt her more than the migraines. It seemed her brain could only settle when Mio was around. She neither needed nor wanted anything else.
     A sound, like a mechanism opening, could be heard in the distance. Mio stepped back and turned towards her with a tired smile on her face. Mayu quickly closed her eyes once more. A hand grasped onto her shoulder and gently shook her. Mio called her name in soft whispers. She wished to hear her utter it more when they returned home together.
     They were almost there. All they needed to do now was through to the secret passage and never look back. A part of her was happy to see how close they were to freedom yet another felt hesitant in following through on this plan. Something was telling her to stay in the village and complete the ritual. They couldn’t, it wasn’t their job to succeed where the villagers had failed. Her voice begged her, pleaded with her to finish the ritual. It was only through taking Mio’s hand she managed to force the beckoning voice out of her mind for the time being.
     Their hands stayed entwined as they made their way to the shrine. Her head was pounding but she soldiered on, keeping herself sane by thinking of her sister. Dear, sweet Mio had done so much to protect her and always came to her beck and call whenever she needed her. The thought of drifting away from one another was an ache she couldn't describe. They’d been together for so long that a world, a life without Mio by her side terrified her more than death itself. Were these feelings truly hers or were they hers? Why wasn’t she able to tell anymore?
     It was at the shrine they were ambushed. The villagers were able to separate them and trap her within their little circle, cutting her off from Mio. They led her to the place she was meant to be at, the place that would soon become her tomb. If she was fated to die, then she had only one wish.
     She wanted Mio to stay away, leave her behind. She wanted her to kill her, let Mayu become one with her. Which was it? The result would remain the same, the only difference was if she’d die alone or die with her sister. No matter what happened, she’d forgive Mio for her choice.
     She felt herself fading. The last vestiges of her consciousness was spent calling out for her sister.
     A scream bounced off the walls as Mayu collapsed. Thankfully, her sister was there to save her from falling to the ground by catching her in her arms. It almost felt like an embrace. Mayu smiled through the exhaustion seeping into her bones, happy to have her beloved Mio back by her side. She was content in knowing her face would be the last thing she’d see before her death at her hands. All she wanted now was to become one with Mio.
     She lied back, guiding Mio’s hands up to her neck. This was her destiny, her fate, the end of her story. They may not be able to spend forever together but performing the ritual would allow them to be one. She’d rather live on as a butterfly than go through life separated from her sister. She waited in anticipation for Mio to choke the breath out of her, squeeze until her heart stopped beating in her chest. Oh, how she wished she could convey the joy it’d bring her.
     Then Mio backed away. There were whispers of how she couldn’t do it, how she didn’t want to hurt her, and that killing her would be wrong. Mayu knew this, of course. She admitted as much; Mio wouldn’t dare cause her pain, no matter how much she begged and pleaded for it. Something within her gave way. Tears began rolling down her cheeks as crazed laughter spilled from her lips.
     If they weren’t able to become one, then she didn’t mind staying in hell. Mayu would be okay living in the dark so long as Mio was there with her through it all. That would be better than Mio moving on without her. Mio was her whole world and she’ll be damned if she let anything get between them.
     Mayu crouched down in front of Mio. She cupped her face, watching her eyes widen in fear as the realization of what was happening dawned on her. There was no need to be scared, not when they would be together forever. Mayu’s hands slid down to her neck, her slender fingers wrapping themselves around her throat. Then she began to squeeze, firmly, thumbs stroking as if to comfort her.
     A voice in the back of her head was telling her to stop. It sounded oddly familiar but she couldn’t figure out why. Anguish flashed across Mio’s face and Mayu’s heart broke a little at the sight. If only she could assure her that the pain would last but a moment before fading, that it would all be over soon…
     As her chest heaved one final time, a whispered “I love you” was spoken into the wind.
     They were in the Great Hall. Mayu sat among the cut-up corpses with Mio laying across her lap, moonlight showering down on them from above. Her fingers carded through dark tresses lovingly, reverently. Was it possible for Mio to feel her tender strokes and caresses? It’d be a shame if she couldn’t.
     A crimson butterfly fluttered into the room, settling onto Mio’s shoulder. Mayu paid it no mind as she continued brushing sister's hair.
     The ritual hadn’t gone through so the chances were low yet not impossible. Mayu was almost inclined to believe this to be better than being one with Mio.
     They were in hell but they were, at least, together at last.
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