#maybe one piece because a close friend is into it. idk if i'm really interested but i like getting more into what my friends like!
astrxealis · 1 year
there's so much media i want to get into and so little time !! :((
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jnnul · 11 months
five questions
a/n: and here is the first of the wips! i know this was supposed to come out on friday and now it's almost wednesday but it's out and that's worth something, right? i hope you love this little fluff piece + mark as much as i do!
word count: 5.1k
tags: finance bro mark and y/n, slice of life, mostly fluff, kinda your typical suburban modern day couple, idk they’re just good ppl who experience a slow and sweet romance, oh! and mark sucks at beer pong
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sorry, is this seat taken?
you pride yourself on not being a very superficial person. you always look deeper into a person of interest and in the past, your friends have made fun of you because you never seemed to find the people they thought were attractive very hot at all.
he seems like he swears at his mom. they give off the impression that they are rude to waitstaff. i don’t care how hot she is, she’s literally fighting with a customer service worker for no reason.
did it mean that your ability to look past superficial identity led to you giving some pretty sketchy people second chances? maybe. but usually, it did more good than harm.
but for all of your in depth thinking, you realize that you’re just as superficial as every last one of your friends when the man of your dreams asks you to marry him.
what he really says is, “is this seat taken?” but it all sounds the same when you’re half in love.
with dark eyes that are bright and shine with innocent curiosity, slender lips with a slight pout, and tousled black hair that falls into his eyes, you realize this man looks like nothing short of an angel.
you stutter out a squeaky, "no, go ahead!" before moving your laptop a little closer to you so that the hot stranger could have space to put his things down. he offers you a sweet smile before sliding into the seat next to you.
"my name is mark, by the way," he says once he's settled into his seat. he's about to ask your name but he nods to the keychain that's attached to your lanyard. "i'm guessing your name is y/n? that's a cute keychain."
"yeah," you say, flipping the keychain so that mark could see it properly. "one of the kids i teach made me it a couple years ago and i've carried it around ever since."
mark's eyebrows furrow at that as he checks his calendar to make sure that he's in the right class. "you're an education major? what's an education major doing in a business statistics class? this class is an upper level business class i thought?"
you nod and close your laptop so that mark could see the sticker on the backside of your laptop. you point out the biggest one that has 'ucla - anderson school of management' written in bright yellow letters. mark's eyebrows knit as he reads it and you can't help but laugh softly at how utterly confused he looks.
"i'm a finance major. i just really like kids so i spent last summer juggling between an internship at apple and volunteering at a learning summer camp for kids who are underprivileged in education," you explain, watching as mark's confusion turns to awe, his dark eyes glinting as you explain.
"damn. that's so cool of you, y/n. i'm sorry i assumed you were an education major. turns out you're just an angel instead," mark says, almost offhandedly. you freeze at the last sentence and immediately, mark's ears turn bright red as he realizes what he had said.
you to turn to face forward as mark rubs the back of his neck awkwardly and if you weren't so damn flustered, you would take a picture of how incredibly cute he looks.
mark had pretty privilege, as far as you were concerned. if any other person said that, you would probably just laugh it off and thank them but a single comment from mark had you blushing and internally combusting. the worst part? you didn't even mind it.
the two of you are silent for another couple minutes before you turn to him once more, a corner of your lips tilted upwards, a teasing look in your eyes.
"you know i definitely don't mind being called angel by a pretty boy," you say casually. you try not to let your voice give away how nervous mark actually makes you but there's still a little shake when you say the word 'pretty'. because really, mark was so pretty. just...too pretty to be good for your heart.
it doesn't really matter though because mark looks at you like you've personally put the stars in the sky.
"you think i'm pretty?" mark says, his voice soft and tentative. you look at him strangely. surely he had heard that many times over the course of his life? why did he sound so surprised?
"i think you're very pretty, mark," you say matter-of-factly. mark wants to say something else but everyone has filed in and it seems as though the professor is starting the lecture soon as the lights begin to dim in the hall.
mark has heard that he was attractive many times before. in fact, he'd probably become synonymous with the word handsome, as his superlative in high school was 'most likely to become a famous singer' and 'most likely to win prom king'.
so why did his heart flutter so much when you called him pretty?
can you help me with this one?
turns out, mark is shit at statistics. he's great at the business part, as you have learned over the past three weeks of sitting next to each other and working on the practice problems together. but the actual statistics? you might as well be working with a victorian child.
"i still don't understand why you can't just assume that this condition applies in all scenarios," mark says as he reads through the question once more. the two of you had grown pretty close over the past month or so, and often, you would go to the library after class to work on the assigned homework or projects together.
mark was a good study buddy (he always brought good snacks) and he had a great work ethic that made you feel guilty about not studying when he was. not to mention that he was gorgeous eye candy to look at whenever you needed to take a break from your work.
which was pretty much all the time if it meant looking at mark lee a little while longer.
your friends had teased you when you described your encounters with mark thus far. although they never really crossed the line between platonic and romantic relationships, just the fact that you were practically dying of anticipation was enough to rile your friends up.
you had had a few partners in the past but most of them ended at the situationship stage - very few of them become actual relationships. so, you had put a pause on dating for good (much to the dismay of your gossip mongering best friends) and had been happily single for the past year or so. unfortunately, that was when you met mark lee and your heart decided to rebel against all sense of logic.
besides his pretty face (your friends were very surprised to hear that you had developed a crush on a good looking man for once; you had a seriously incriminating track record), mark lee had a pretty heart. he was so incredibly humble and kind to everyone he knew - which was a lot of people, as you came to learn. he was super friendly and great at remembering little details about people that made them feel as though he truly cared about them.
which he really did. it seemed like mark truly cared a lot about every single one of his seemingly thousands of friends and went out of his way to make them feel loved. for you, however, it seemed like he went above and beyond.
it seemed as though after mark (and you, really) had gotten over the initial shyness and awkwardness, the two of you were rarely seen apart. you weren't sure if the two of you were toeing the line of romantic relationship yet, but it just felt like you guys were having fun. even without a label or anything, you and mark tended to gravitate towards each other in social situations and even made consistent efforts to see each other outside of your respective friend groups.
for example, you really didn't belong in the frat scene. you had expended all of the energy and patience you had for frat house parties during your freshman year and quite frankly, as a junior in college, it felt kind of embarrassing to go to them without having any real connections to brothers themselves.
but mark was a brother in nu chi theta so within the first month of your friendship, you found yourself at the NCT house with a red solo cup and an uncomfortable top on.
"hey y/n! i'm losing over here! can you help me with this one?" mark calls out from behind you. you turn around to see him extending a ping-pong ball (that smelled like it was coated in beer, vodka, and...laundry detergent?) in your direction. you look to see if your friends, who you had dragged along to the party, were going to save you from death by beer pong but you're on your own when you see two of your friends making out with the same boy.
you would stop them but the image was far too gruesome and downright hilarious. and in their drunken state, you doubted you could really separate the lovebirds (?) anyway.
"alright, but it's gonna cost you, lee," you sigh dramatically, setting your cup down on the counter before accepting the ping-pong ball, your fingers brushing over mark's.
"name your price," mark says confidently as you line up your shot, ignoring the heat that radiates off of mark's body as you realize that mark was a lot closer than you had previously anticipated. his words sink into your skin and you involuntarily shiver when you feel his breath on your neck.
"hmm...i'll have to think about it..." you trail off, finally throwing the little ping-pong ball into the cup. you turn so that your chest was pressed against mark's front and all your thoughts have been replaced by the look of his eyes in the dim lighting. the words tumble out of your mouth before you even realize what you're saying.
"go on a date with me?"
your heart drops as you see mark's face turn from confusion to shock and then back to confusion. he rubs his neck awkwardly (a habit, you had noticed, that tended to present himself when he felt particularly confused) as he licks his lips nervously.
"was...was us hanging out everyday not...dating? i kinda thought we were already going on dates," mark mumbles, his cheeks flushed. you stare at him and a strange gurgling laughter rips out of your mouth before you clamp your hand over your mouth, your eyes wide in horror at the sound that came out of your mouth.
"does this mean you like me?" you ask, and once again, you're graced with the sight of mark lee looking just all too angelic under the strobe lighting as he nods before tentatively making eye contact with you.
"uh...if you asked me on a date, am i safe to assume that you like me too?" mark proposes and the way that he says it, almost like he was presenting a business pitch to a potential investor, makes you laugh once more as you lean a little closer to mark, your lips barely brushing against his.
"more than you realize, mark."
can i come inside?
the first time mark came with you to help out with the kids at the school, it was completely unexpected. another one of the student teachers had suddenly fallen ill (you found out a few months later that at his girlfriend's baby shower that he was not, in fact, sick) and no one else was available to help out.
your supervisor was a sweet old lady who was dedicated to helping as much as she could before 'her joints gave up on her' - which meant that oftentimes, she tried to take on more responsibility than she really could. and then that meant that she often didn't hire enough staff to keep the place running, hoping that she could do all of the administrative things herself so that all of the people who did come in could focus on working with the kids. needless to say, as one of the only volunteers who had been with the organization for more than four years, you knew more than well that the sweet old lady needed more people to help her out.
so, you forced your boyfriend of three years to help you out. well, not really forced. mark had the day off from work because it was the day before july 4th and really didn't have any plans for the day. so when mrs. varghese calls you frantically at nine o'clock the previous night, mark offered to come with you.
"we've been together for the past three years and we've been living together for the past one and a half. i lose my girlfriend every monday and thursday evening to kids. i gotta meet the little suckers who've been monopolizing my girlfriend." which was mark's stupid way of saying i love you. let me help you out a little bit. let me be part of your world. maybe in the disney princess way.
and you're a sucker for kids and your boyfriend, even after dating for three years, so you agree and the next day, you're piling into the passenger seat at seven in the morning to teach young children addition and subtraction.
not really how the two of you (mostly mark) were planning on spending on of your rare days off but you could never deny mrs. varghese of anything. especially if it meant more time with the kids.
mark always joked about how you should've become a teacher but as much as you loved the children and the interactions with them, you were not a fan of the underpaying salaries. so you made it a point to become successful in your career and dedicate a percentage of your paycheck to donate to the school you volunteered at instead.
which had caused some struggles when you first moved in with mark, given that it was only the two of you rather than you living with three of your friends and your share of the rent went higher. but you figured it out and mark definitely wasn't the type of person to hold it over your head that you weren't able to pay your full share of rent for the first two months.
because that's just who he was. he would cover for you, covering up all of the little parts of yourself that you didn't like. and you would help him see that those blemishes he thought he had were just things that made him more lovable to you.
so when mark steps into the little school and immediately, kids are swarming to the two of you, trying to find out who the attractive boyfriend was, you're not even surprised. mark had a natural, comforting air about him (not to mention the fact that the kids were overly invested in your personal life) that made people want to draw to him like moths to a flame.
in fact, he's so overwhelmed by the love that the kids are showing him, he's still hovering around the door awkwardly, semi-bowing to mrs. varghese, who's watching him with amusement.
"can i come inside?" mark asks, trying to take a step forward while not hurting any little kids. you snort at his awkward shuffle before clapping your hands together, taking it upon yourself to relieve your poor boyfriend from the possibility of death by enthusiastic children.
"can you or may you?" mrs. varghese says with a humorous smile and mark's eyebrows furrow as he contemplates the question. the kids are slowly making their way over to you, where you're starting to distribute fruit pouches as a morning snack and mark finally feels as though he's only carrying his own body weight - as opposed to ten other children's.
"it was 'can i' at first but now i think it's more of a 'may i'. mrs. varghese, i presume?" mark says, extending his hand for the old lady to shake. she just looks at it strangely before gathering mark in a tight, bone-crushing hug.
for such a frail old lady, she had a lot of strength.
"get out of here with those manners. y/n's told me a lot about. and anyone in y/n's corner is family here, alright?" mrs. varghese says, and mark has to blink furiously to push back the tears, although he can't really tell why her words are hitting him so hard.
you mean that?
mark was really easy to love. that's just the type of person he was. in everyone else's eyes, he was a good guy who just always tried to be better at the things he was already incredibly good at. he was always polite with strangers, babies cooed at him, and was the type to be the person to start a 'pay-it-forward' queue whenever he could afford to do so.
and for all of his perfectness, mark was a very flawed man. he was a little bit of a miser - he hated to spend money on himself, even if he would splurge a little more on you. he was a little bit on the insecure side, and no matter how many times you told him that you loved him all the more for his quirks, he still got down about it. mark was also really bad at communication when things made him upset. he was just so easy-going that he would let the smaller things accumulate and build until he's practically bursting.
and mark was kinda mean when he got angry.
he would never hurt you, of course. mark didn't think he could ever live with himself if he knew that he had laid a hand on anyone - but you in particular. and he really, really was trying to work on his communication skills so that he wouldn't let it build and then get so angry.
but when mark got angry, he seemed to just turn into a different person. it had only happened once in your relationship before, almost right after you had moved in together
it was about something incredibly stupid but the tension had been building for a while prior to that. technically, before you moved in, the apartment had been mark and one of his friend's, johnny seo from school, before johnny had moved out to move in with his own girlfriend. and mark and johnny weren't exactly...the cleanest people. you didn't really mind the mess but soon it turned into an unhealthy balance of mark leaving things around the house and you having to clean up after him.
not to mention that a lot changes when a couple moves in together. naturally, tensions were running a little high. for all your cleanliness, you had a really bad habit of leaving unfinished meals in the fridge until they went bad and started to smell, which made mark upset because that was a waste of a valuable meal. and so on and so forth.
one day, the tensions just burst and the two of you ended up in a screaming match going back and forth and back and forth about cleanliness and not eating properly and soon, it escalated from a conversation about living together to being together in the first place.
mark regretted it almost immediately, cursing himself out when he saw you just completely shut down in front of his eyes. he knew his anger got the best of him sometimes, and when he was in the moment, all he could think about was winning the argument, no matter what he needed to say to win.
that had been the worst fight you've ever had. after that fight, you got a lot better about portioning your food to eliminate leftovers and mark made a more conscious effort to clean up. you also started talking more to each other about what things did or didn't make you happy.
but even as mark was getting better at communicating with you, he still didn't know how to raise up issues with you. usually, you would tell mark what you were up to and then you would naturally ask him yourself if he was comfortable with what you were doing. he would then reply with a simple yes or no with an explanation and that would be the end of that. he always hesitated to raise up an issue with you though. he didn't want you to think that he was trying to control your life or be one of those possessive boyfriends.
one day, though, you were out clubbing with your friends (your friend had recently broken up with her fiancé and she really needed her girlfriends) and you had come home pretty late. mark had stayed up, watching a movie (barely), worried about you making it home safely because he knew that your friends were prone to trying to get you as wasted as possible.
mark never told you explicitly but you had a feeling that's how he felt. it frustrated you though that he never said anything to you and wait for you to bring it up to him instead. so that night, you decided to drink a little more than usual (but not as much as they tried to make you drink) so that you could finally, finally get mark to talk to you about his issues.
really, for your behavior, you were expecting to have a round two of what had happened when you first moved in with him. you were imagining a screaming match like no other but instead, mark just looks at you, sighs, and pulls you into a hug when you come stumbling through the door. confused, you begin to pull away, but mark just continues to hold you tight.
"i was so worried that you might not get home safe. and i promise we'll have a proper conversation about this when you're sober in the morning but i love you so much and...let's just talk about this in the morning, okay?" mark mumbles into your hair. you let mark just rock you gently side to side as he clings onto you, completely opposite from the reaction you were expecting.
"mark, i'm not drunk. i just...i'm tired of always being the one to bring up issues. i know that you don't like it when i get drunk outside because you're worried for me but i'd rather you tell me that than me having to guess that by myself. i can make my own decisions and i'm a big independent girl but you're the singular most important person in my life. i would never consciously do something to make you uncomfortable but i make mistakes sometimes. i need you to be open and honest with me when something makes you uncomfortable - because i know it takes a lot to get that far in the first place."
mark steps back to look you in the eyes, his eyes glittering in the shitty lighting of the apartment. "you really mean that?"
"i mean it with my whole heart."
do you promise to love me for the rest of our lives?
mark tries not to trip. he tries really hard to hold in his sneezes, tears, and any other bodily fluids that are inappropriate for the situation. but the nearly fifteen feet from the entrance to the where the officiant is standing is enough to make mark want to puke all over the very expensive carpet you bought for the wedding.
when you first proposed having a backyard wedding, mark was extremely opposed.
a wedding was a once in a lifetime day where you could celebrate your union together with your partner and start the journey to the rest of your lives together. in fact, it was mark, not you, who had the pinterest board (although, to be fair, it wasn't actually a pinterest board and was rather just a folder on his phone of screenshots from pretty tiktoks). he had a vision for the wedding - one that included all members of your friend circle, your families, and your family friends as well.
and well, that wasn't really in the budget. rather than spend 100k on a one day event, you proposed having a backyard wedding that would be significantly more economical and using that 100k to buy a starter home.
"you still get your expensive venue and we have a place to move into. a real home that we can start a family in, mark," you had argued as mark paced back and forth in the small, almost cramped apartment the two of you shared. mark stops when he realizes that it only takes fourteen steps to make it from one side of the room to the other side and back.
and that was the biggest room.
so mark agrees on one condition: there are no lacking traditional elements of the wedding. the both of you worked together on the pain-staking process of planning a wedding that included portions of your culture and his culture to put on the wedding of a lifetime. hopefully the only wedding of your lifetimes.
well, the only wedding for you and mark, at least. but that was about the future and in the present, mark can barely keep from keeling over right there at the beautifully decorated altar that you and your mother had spent hours on.
after so long of being together, mark can't help but feel just so incredibly lucky and overwhelmed to be finally marrying you. you. the person of his dreams. the person who taught him that love isn't always fireworks and euphoric thrills; that love can be huddling together when gas bills were too high to pay and wanting nothing more than to see your significant other when it's been a long day.
love was you and mark really, really can't wait to finally show the world how much he truly loved you.
unsurprisingly, mark almost cries when you finally enter, the picture of the stunning bride as you clutch your father's arm for the last time as y/n l/n instead of y/n lee. mark isn't sure the last time he saw you this nervous but when you meet his eyes, he can feel the rest of the world melt away.
just normal people with enough love to fill the world, is what you say in your vows. just a guy and a girl in the same business class who never travel business class because the two of you are such money minders - something that my soon to be husband has rubbed off on me.
"i will never forget the moment that i knew i was so irrevocably love with mark. it was two days after we fought for the first time. i remember that i was so incredibly angry and scared that that fight would be the end of y/n and mark. that i would have to move out and redownload tinder and just be miserable again for losing one of the best things in my life over a little sock in the wrong place and leftover pizza."
"but two days after we fought, mark came up to me, hugged me and just said, 'we're gonna get through this. i love you too much to not get through this.' and even though everything just seemed so uncertain, the moment mark said that, i knew instantly that we really were going to get through it. because mark had faith in us. and i have faith in us. i love you, mark lee. from the moment you sat down in that ucla business class. i have loved you for so long and i will continue to love you forever."
there isn't a single dry eye in the house (quite literally) after your vow. mark has to clear his throat four or five times before he can start his vows, too afraid that his voice would give out on him in the middle due to how much emotion he was feeling.
"y/n, you asked me one day when we were binging american horror story and pigging out with a family sized bag of chips when i started falling in love with you. and i couldn't answer then so i just said that for as long as i can remember. and that's true - i still don't know when i fell in love with you. i just remember that one day i woke up alone in bed (don't worry mr. l/n, i have never slept in a ten mile radius of your daughter...please don't make her divorce me) and thinking that i would rather wake up next to you instead for the rest of my life."
"but i do know when i realized you were my soulmate. five moments when i knew i found the one. when i asked you if i could sit down next to you in business class. when i asked you to help me with statistics because for being a business major, i'm horrible at math - go figure. when i volunteered with you for the first time with mrs. varghese. mrs. varghese! - where are you - mrs. varghese! may i marry y/n? then i'll be real family."
mrs. varghese blows into a handkerchief unceremoniously, waving mark off through her tears, making the crowd and you laugh a little. mark's smile grows when he sees you laugh and continues on nervously.
"and the fourth moment was the time when you gave me a reality check. when you reminded me that love doesn't work without communication. you've changed me so much for the better, y/n, and i truly could not thank you enough for it. so, i have one last question for you. one last moment for me to know that we're soulmates."
mark takes a deep breath, holding one of your hands in both of his as he looks at you with soft eyes, so filled with love that your breath catches in your throat. "i promise to love you and stand by you for as long as i breathe. can you - can you promise...do you promise to love me for the rest of our lives?"
it seems as though everyone in the venue is holding their breath before you press a sweet kiss to mark's cheek and say the words that everyone has been waiting for.
"i do."
and with those five questions, mark lee had found his soulmate.
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diientedegato · 4 months
I'm curious if you have any thoughts on what Ben Paul would look like if he was alive years after S1 of TWDG :> I honestly prefer to imagine both him & Kenny going off on their own adventures after S1, because Idk if I'd've had Kenny as part of S2, it felt like when he returned it became less Clem's story & more his. That might be controversial among fans but it's how I feel :s I like to imagine Ben, Kenny & Sarita forming their own little family in fact <3 I'd expect Ben would end up with shaggier hair after a while but I wouldn't mind knowing what he'd look like with short, spiked up hair ;>
IM SORRY BOTH THE ASK AND DRAWING ARE OLD- but I came across the sketch I had eugeugeh. I do not have many headcanons but behind the cut is just a rant about. Kenny mostly. Too much should I warn? But yah I'm sorry it took me like 5 months lol
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The only headcanon (regarding Ben's appearance) is that he'd keep his school jacket for as long as possible. Until it thorns apart. Or until he dies.
I'm big fan of Ben lives possibility btw I've gotta draw sum about that sometime (I say, about every twdg character i like,)
And dude, do I agree about Kenny. Man doesn't belong in season 2. The character they made him to be in the second season is not Kenny, it's just a nostalgia element. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, I'm biased as hell, I break that hug choice every time. But it made the character development in the first season just.... pointless. "For some reason, I saved that piece of shit Ben", man, that quote just disappoints me. Kenny lost everything. Father and husband of none no more, which was pretty much the arc of Kenny on the first season?? I think? . Everything he loved and he had he lost, and he killed the person responsible for it. But not as revenge, he killed a kid out of mercy. He saved the boy from suffering a painful death, and that was forgiveness, to the reason he hadn't any. He took a decision he would be fully responsible of, when it was time for him to go. And he was perfect.
Hell, if he had appeared during season 2, I do prefer the Kenny as Carver idea. Clementine wasn't even that close to Kenny in the past, the player was, so even then it feels... off, off to be forced to care about a man that says so much he wants to protect you. (They're not really family, but is as if Kenny tries to protect and have Clem on his side, to have Clem's loyalty through and through. Though he does let her go and is proud of her on her individuality... hm.) But still, I mean, second season Kenny is not first season Kenny, and it isn't even a change that made sense. If he had been antagonist (which pretty much feels like it in the Canon story already), he should have had some other background story, no Sarita or company. Maybe then the cynical view he has would have mattered. The violence and anger and whatever else. For him to change that way was a consequence of him losing what he represented, protection of family? Wasn't failure and grief and acceptance meant to be important after all?
But otherwise yea I think it would've been pretty cool if Ben survived :3 I am a sucker for tales of redemption, forgiveness, and found family. And I hadn't thought about Kenny, Ben, and Sarita, but hell yeah. Man, even if they appeared in the second season, it would've been interesting if the choice wasn't between two individuals, but between two families. Ben already had a relationship with Clem! He appreciated her and calls her his only friend during season 1, he did leave her behind during that scene, -but the point of Ben was that- He was a coward all the season, until when he wasn't. He wanted to help Lee help Clem. They would've had an interesting sibling relationship-? also Ben had a young sister before the apocalypse so ooooh projection and parallels and shi. And if Ben had lived, he would've completed his development to something close to bravery-?
Well, I don't know, at least I think that'd be one interesting way to bring back old characters. Otherwise, Kenny should only be mentioned on dialogue maximum. The way I see it.
(I repeat the same thing over and over when I talk about something I'm sorry
(I've developed no language skills whatsoever in my life
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I didnt love S3 but Steve peaked there. Robin became the final puzzle piece he needed to complete his development - thanks to the actors because the duffers clearly didn't know what to do with him. Steve spent the last three seasons chasing after a girl who would never be his soulmate, and when he accepted that, he tried to find someone else to love instead. He tried flirting with any girl whose attention he could hold for over 60 seconds, except for Robin - setting her apart already, though for the wrong reasons initially. She was originally meant to be Nancy's replacement as Steve's arm candy, it seems, but making her a lesbian at the last moment is really what saves S3 for me, not only because she's my baby, my favorite character and I adore her with my whole heart, but also because... the improvised straightbait turned out to work incredibly well at the time to cement the conclusion of Steve's arc - he was a piece of shit and lost Nancy to someone who was better for her (say what you want about Jonathan, but that's clearly the idea the writers had with him, regardless of the effectiveness of the execution). Steve couldn't get Nancy back, and really, he shouldn't be focusing on romance at all because that's just not what he needs to grow as a person. The people who truly challenge him, push him to be better and motivate him to grow are his platonic bonds - Dustin and Robin. He couldn't "fix" everything with Nancy (meaning that he couldn't go back to before everything changed, as if he hadn't messed up). Nancy may appreciate the change but she won't go back to him. Steve doesn't need to change for love - he needs to change for himself, in order to be a better person, period. And Nancy has no reason to stay and watch him grow, she has her own matters to attend to, and she doesn't have enough space in her life for Steve. So Steve finds new people, somewhere else, away from Nancy, and he grows thanks to them.
Robin being not only just his friend but also being completely and eternally unavailable to him works perfectly here. The audience believed, alongside Steve (and the Duffers lmfao) that what Steve needed was romantic love, but Robin proves him wrong. He gets over his ex-girlfriend and finds a sister instead.
And then Season 4 ruins that, for no reason and to no one's benefit. Steve regresses. The growth is undone, for the purpose of keeping Nancy in that eternal love triangle loop that seemed to have been solved two seasons ago. It's sad and disappointing and I'm hoping they don't revisit that in S5.
What I would've done instead would've been to let Steve finish his arc in S3. S4 Steve has a flat arc now. He learned all he had to learn. He's fine. Now, he's here to teach others what he's learned, and I think it would be very interesting if the person who learned from him the most turned out to be Nancy. Steve basically just discovered the power of friendship, and deep emotional connections and trust and how closeness to others makes you stronger. Gives you a purpose. He learned to love and care for others and now that's his strength. Have him tell her about how much he cares about Robin and Dustin. Show him bonding more with Lucas and Max. Contrast him with Nancy, who is isolated, who just lost another friend after leaving him alone, and is desperately trying to protect Max from Vecna. Maybe she's hesitant to become friends with Robin, or to rely on her and Steve to share the burden, or trust the kids to take care of themselves on some capacity. Nancy has become more and more isolated as Steve grows closee to other people.
Then Steve sacrifices himself in S5 to save either Robin or Dustin or both of them idk I think that would be the best conclusion to his arc. Passing on the torch to one of them. Maybe Robin becomes the new babysitter and protector. Maybe Dustin becomes the new hot boy at Hawkins High idk but I think an ending of this sort would fit. He doesn't even need to actually die, if he somehow survives it still works, just having a sacrifice scene (not played for laughs) would be a perfect way to conclude his growth and move on to inspire others to grow like others have done for him.
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miradelletarot · 7 days
I'm here to help with your bad mood!! Ten thousand hugs coming your way stat! 🫂🫂🫂💕
If you need something to take your mind off of things, and if you have the energy for it, maybe you could write something about Gale with a Cleric! Reader who worships a deity of light that he's never heard of. Bonus points if they actually have some of that deity's power and totally save his ass with it.
(This may or may not be inspired by my Cleric of Hylia OC where my Tav's name is Sheik and she worships Hylia from the legend of zelda. Idk how much you know about Zelda so sorry if you're unfamiliar with it ;-;)
I really really hope tomorrow goes better for you, and every other day after that. You deserve the best and only the best, sweetie. Have some cake 🎂
Sorry it took me literally *forever* to get to this, but I hope you like what I came up with. For context, I decided on using Sarenrae (which I know is a Pathfinder deity, not a D&D one,) but I assumed that Gale would at least have some BASIC knowledge on every known deity in the Forgotten Realms so I wanted to lean into something that would be truly known. Sure, I'm crossing the streams, but it's a system I am semi-familiar with, and thought it would be a neat touch. (plus, I thought it would be cool asf for our cleric to call upon her, and basically level up on the battlefield. because...ya know. turn that badass dial up to 11.) Also, even though i grew up with Zelda, i was not allowed to play video games as a kid so I know NOTHING about it. Should I play it? perhaps. Will I? probably not. I barely have two braincells to rub together half the time, and I use them both on writing or sleeping these days lol. So, I hope you like the bit of creative license I took with this one. Regardless, THANK YOU so much for the ask! This has been so fun to take these prompts and stretch my writing abilities a little, diving into ideas I never considered (except for the Sagora x Gale one...i really ran to the moon with that lmao).
So here you go! Cleric!Reader x Gale, saving Gale's ass in the shadow cursed lands. (I kept it neutral as to their relationship so it could be seen as friendship if said reader was not interested in the romance aspect of things). cw: some canon-typical/D&D-typical violence
You and your companions ventured into the Shadow Cursed lands, overwhelmed by the depths of emptiness and darkness that lurked throughout. As you walked you could almost feel threads of your very soul being tugged on, draining you piece by piece.
You stop, closing your eyes – which normally wouldn’t be a good idea, but your companions had your back – and you did your best to focus all of your energy on anything that wasn’t the curse. Your connection with the divine was barely able to break though enough to guide you to a familiar sensation.
Last Light.
“This way,” you call out as you open your eyes and begin to walk forward, your companions following you.  It isn’t long before you make your way into an ambush, surrounded by vine and needle blights. “Shit!” You hiss as you’re struck by a cluster of spindly thorns from afar. You brace yourself, weapon drawn, and spells at the ready, prepared to defend your friends.
You do your best to fight them at a distance, finding out very quickly that the needle blights explode on death, and spray out a flurry of needles as a last attempt at retribution for invading their land. “AH!” Gale cries out, his shield spell flickering out as about a dozen or so needles jut out from his robes sending him reeling backward. “Gale!” Before you can reach him, he backs up directly into a vine blight, its spindly arms wrapping around him tightly. He lets out a blood-curdling scream as it constricts around him, and pushes some of the needles deeper into his flesh. You watch in horror as he loses consciousness knowing you can’t help him just yet lest you succumb to a similar fate. Your eyes light up like a bronze fire, a guttural incantation emerging from your lips. Desperate. Angry. Surrounding you is the manifestation of your rage in the form of spiritual guardians, bathing you in a soft glow as they purge the evil around you and your friends. 
For a brief moment, Gale groans, his eyes fluttering open as a surge of deep golden light flashes before him, and his body falls lip to the ground.
Behind shut eyes, he’s aware of that light…how it fades, then brightens again.
“Hang on, Gale! I’ve got you!” Your words sound more like a desperate plea than a promise, words he can scarcely make out in his daze.
He draws in a sharp breath as you and your fellow companions pluck the needles from him one by one, his eyes thrown open from the pain, but all he can see is you. Bathed in the brightest light he’s ever seen, and the color of a Waterdhavian sunset, your hands are outstretched towards him, his breathing begins to settle as you chant to your deity. Sarenrae? Dawnflower? What are these names?He’s not familiar with either of those names, but you keep chanting them, and each time you do, he can breathe a bit deeper, see a little clearer. “Gale??” You whisper as he sits up, and the radiance that surrounded you has dimmed once again.
He lifts his hand to his chest, clutching his robes. For a moment, he simply sits in silence, wrestling with his own mortality. When he finally looks at you with disbelief. “What was that? What you did just now?” You ponder for a moment, not even entirely sure what it was yourself. After all, these abilities were new to you, a new blessing from your goddess. Not that you never healed anyone before, but your light was stronger, brighter, more radiant than even you had ever experienced. “I – I’m not entirely sure. I just called upon Sarenrae…The Dawnflower. Our lady of healing light. It is with her blessings that I shine so brightly.” You pause, taking in everything that just transpired before you give him a gentle smile. “I’m just glad you’re alright.” You stand and help him to his feet, allowing yourselves a moment to dust off your clothes, and check for any other immediate injuries.
“You have my most sincere thanks.” He bows before you, and smiles as he straightens up again.
You bow your head and offer a half-smile in return. “You’re most welcome. Now, let’s find our way to the Inn, shall we?”
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claralouvette · 1 year
Hawks/ Keigo Takami x F!Reader
Idk what title i should put, its just keigo being a comforting i guesS???
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⚠Messy Drabble: Got this idea randomly and its a mess, but posted it anyways coz im stressed. ✨Barely Proof read....0%
Taglist: @mysideeffectsofyou
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Getting caught was not something you would imagine on happening to you, especially when you were just doing something so trivial such as listening to an NSFW Audio while at the office. Oh, you wish you could go back in time to save yourself from embarrassment. Why did you leave your phone with earphones connected & audio playing, no less?
🌷Coming back from the bathroom you found your Boss on your office desk with an ear piece on his ear. While he got this flushed Face, you on the other hand, has a horror look on your Face. You ran towards your table, yanking the earpiece from his ear and there enters the awkwardness.
"Heh, I didn't know you have a thing for guys being a moaning mess “he said trying lighten up the mood.
your just too embarrass to speak.
After that interaction, Keigo is intrigue by you. He wonders why you listen to those kinds of audios.
🌷it also gave him an idea on why you would randomly smile while doing your paper works, sometimes you would blush.
🌷 He really wants to know what those things are called, maybe he could try listen in to one. (Oh god), you can't blame keigo for being curious let him be!
🌷 One time when you were on break keigo heard a conversation between you and your friends within the agency, (Through his feathers of course).
"Omg, have you heard of the newest audio of Best kept secret?"
"I received a notification but I moment got no time to check it out."
"Girl, Mr. Robinson sounds so not I suggest you listen to it at home when your boyfriend is not around, trust me it bests if you listen to it alone"
🌷His mind went blank when he heard the word "your boyfriend “ why does he feel jealous?
🌷Poor keigo, he tries so hard. When he realizes that he likes you, he tried so hard to bury his feelings away, locking it inside the box and never to be opened again, but no matter how many times, it always comes back, hitting him like a ton of bricks.
🌷You two are not really close, well it’s because he is trying keep it professional, it was one of the agencies protocols. But at some point, he tried to put down some small barriers because of his interest to you. Well, you know how that turned out, he was only trying to know what songs you listen to.
🌷He's been using his feathers to eavesdrop on you whenever you are on your break (Bad Keigo). It was there he learned how toxic your boyfriend is to you, how sometimes he world almost hit you. He wanted to give you comfort.
🌷 And so, he did. He would start buying small Flowers and tasking someone to deliver them to you. When you receive the flower, you were confused, leaving it, not giving any attention.
🌷Second time He bought the same simplistic flower this time with your name & a comforting quotes. When you received it, he was pleased by your reaction & he couldn’t wait to see that smile more.
🌷Weeks After that you were broken hearted, Puffy eyes, crying. keigo noticed this he asked you carefully, if you're not but you still said "I'm fine."
🌷"He cheated on me “you softly cried Infront of your co-worker on your break, you couldn't hold back your tears, not wanting everyone to witness this your friend pulled into a small pantry room trying to calm you down.
🌷Keigo witnessed all this, and not even a second thought He walked towards you both, and hugged you. You were both shocked by this, your co-worker even has their hand over their mouth. But keigo didn’t mind that, he only wants you to calm down. Whispering you comforting words like the ones you would hear from the audios, but this time, it’s a real comfort with warmth and a genuine feel of safety. It felt nice and addictive.
🌷"Uhm, thank you for what you did back their hawks” you said. "You don't have to mention it" he replied looking at you but it seemed he wanted to say more. Hours after, you receive a small bouquet of Flowers with a note with your name on it and a quote
Everything's going to be okay
who is ‘k'?
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grasslandgirl · 8 months
I genuinely can't comprehend the level of discipline it takes to hold back a 100k+ piece until it's completed. In vague terms if needed, what scene in noble pining are you most excited for people to read?
awww thank you!!!! i've just found for me personally that like. i tend to get blocked on wips and jump between projects really frequently depending on what i feel interested/inspired/motivated by at any given time. and a big motivation for me in my wips is like. getting to a point where i can post and share this thing that i'm working on!! and i've found that when i post multi chap works as i write them instead of finishing and posting all at once, i tend to give up on them halfway through because it's weirdly easier for me to abandon a wip i've half posted than it is to abandon a wip in my docs forever-- maybe because i feel like it's easier to go back to an unposted wip than one that people have already read?? idk there's not a clear a-to-b reason it just. is how my brain works skfjnsb
so yeah. ive been working on noble pining for three years now, and i've gone like. over a year at times and not worked on it or touched it all !! and a step i take when im blocked is to go back and reread and workshop and edit old chapters, so the whole thing is a little bit fluid and always under progress, even chapters i wrote back in 2020 !! i ike having the option to go back and change things early in the story to suit what i'm actively working on later in thes tory, and ifeel like i wouldn't like having to go into ao3 and edit an already posted chapter if i needed to <3
all this to say, it doesn't really feel like self control to not post noble pining until it's done, that's just always been the plan from the beginning- even before i knew how long and involved this story was going to end up being!! and i don't think i ever anticipated having so many people be so excited for an invested in this story !! in my head, noble pining was always jsut for me as a silly little passion project and for my close friends who i'd bully into reading it for me; so the fact that there are people on here that are enthusiastic about a story just from what i've blogged and talked about it is amazing to me forever <3333
ALSO. its not a full scene but my aelwyn pov chapter is one of my favorite things in the whole of noble pining thus far, it makes me crazy to think about and reread it, and so i'm sosooo excited for people to get ur hands on it :))
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Um. I think I just wrote a whole essay on Ninjago love triangles I'm so sorry.
Has anyone ever touched on the parallels that Ninjago draws with its two love triangles? Like. Nya and Misako, Jay and Wu, and Cole and Garmadon (as the love triangles are presented in canon). Like I know both love triangles were shoehorned in, blah blah blah, but I enjoy the trope shush.
So like both Misako and Nya (until her elemental powers were revealed to her) were both normal people who were stuck with all the cool elemental masters.
Jay and Wu were the usual "good guy" in accordance to how love triangles must work, that the person typically ends up with. Falls in line with the "young Wu was an absolute dumbass" hc (is it canon? idk-) as well as with both of them being a bit more romantic in nature (the awkward s1 date, and the sappy love letter)
And Cole and Garmadon are the "bad boy" alternative (once more in accordance to Love Triangle Rules, and possibly one of the main reasons the Nya Jay Cole love traingle does not work - Cole doesn't fit this), and they come in to disrupt the "endgame" couple. And character parallels are a bit more difficult to draw because Cole really doesn't fit this, but I suppose they could both be more subdued characters (compared to Jay and young Wu), as well as not very romantic in nature (Garmadon not writing his own sappy love letter (that we know of), Cole in general). Cole is definitely more level headed than Garmadon but still.
And then where the relationships diverge: The endgames. Because Misako actually went with the "bad boy" character, which from what I've seen doesn't happen often. That sort of character is typically there to add tension for the inevitable endgame, but Misako actually did choose Garmadon.
And Nya chose Jay, which does fall in line with the actual love triangle logistics.
I'm not good enough at analyzing things to pinpoint exactly what this means about the characters, if it were to mean anything at all. Like, is there technically a right choice? Is the "good" guy the right choice, and did Nya learn from Misako's errors? Did Misako make a specific error that Nya never even had to face? Did Nya make the wrong choice because she'd never considered anything else before? (Or are they different characters under different circumstances in which different choices were made, may the be good or bad?) And listen, I am well aware that the love triangle isn't good writing. I enjoy it because I am stupid. But if there was a point trying to be made, I think it's interesting.
Plus how it affects the relationships between the romantic rivals. Brothers and best friends, respectfully. Like, the rift that it creates between both groups, and the friendships that have the potential to be destroyed over romance- which is actually quite rare from what I've seen in these tropes. Typically the romantic rivals aren't so close? They know each other, of course, but rarely is their own relationship being compromised a focal point. And yeah, I know it's annoying to see romance being put on a pedestal above friendship, but it's also just interesting to me.
Like, Misako, and Wu and Garmadon's rivalry mattered so much to the two of them that years later, Wu got mad over the letter. Like, as adults, that affected them. And Jay and Cole being able to resolve it, and be friends despite it is also very cool to me.
And Wu being hung up on it shows the general lack of resolution that he got from that. He might have been waiting for a response for his letter, that he put all his heart into (to the point he forgot to sign it), only to find out, in a letter from Misako he had hoped would be for himself (or maybe one from his brother), that the two were together. Maybe that stung a bit, that Misako hadn't even mentioned his letter. Maybe he wondered about it, why she never mentioned it one bit. Maybe he put the pieces together, but brushed it aside as jealous speculation, in favor of trying to support his brother. Maybe that's why he got so angry when he found out.
And I think we can agree that it never really mattered as much to Cole as it did to Jay, which also makes for an interesting dynamic. Their friendship was strained more so from the rivalry than the romantic rivalry. Jay was super invested in it, and Cole probably just wanted things to go back to normal (maybe he was just competitive, or got carried away in general). And I think Jay and Cole's friendship being more important, and resolved first, is actually really cool. I really love that scene in season four, always have.
Not to mention Jay and Cole being separated for a long period of time between seasons 3 and 4, which let feelings, and misdirected anger and grief fester. At that point, it was a lot more than Nya.
Same with Wu and Garmadon, probably. Not so much canon evidence, but I can imagine that after so much, they got bitter over the whole thing, too. Wu did, at least.
Okay I think that's it? If anyone wants me to rant more about the ninjago love triangles I will do so gladly (clearly). Though I severely doubt there's a market for this. Pretty sure it's one of the least favorite writing decisions ever made in the show. That does not stop me though-
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cowboymantis · 9 months
"The gate has opened.
A new history has written down.
Seven kings of the seven world gathered
and headed for a new kingdom.
All will be one, and the one will be all,
All come to mean the world.
King, draw your sword."
"He who holds the sword, bear the weight.
Carry onto a new era."
And that's how Kingdom starts off in a way, those texts are in the very first debut album of Kingdom and I absolutely loved their concept since the very beginning.
Now... It does sound very similar to King Ohger right?? I'm not going crazy because I obsess over two things and want to connect them no?? No! Because!! I already did this before King Ohger even started, just when it was barely announced. Sure there was a lot of hype anyway because it was the first Sentai season I was there for from the very beginning, and I absolutely love themes like that, but I was even more hyped because it just reminded me SO MUCH of Kingdom, which is one of my favourite bands. I own every album (versions) and have written a whole theory google doc combined with an introduction for my friend and made a whole personal archive of all their stuff ,,,
It was just perfect, the main characters are a bunch of kings of different kingdoms, all of which look completely different and are centered around one big theme.
And then I noticed how some were kind of overlapping with King Ohger, the more got announced about that show.
So I planned on doing this Kingdom X King Ohger thing a while back, but then I didn't really want to start it yet since King Ohger was just beginning, and looking back it was a smart move because a lot of things changed. For example, I probably would've put Ivan and Rita together because of snow, same with Mujin and Kaguragi because of the outfits and theme, just like Louis and Himeno, once again for that exact reason.
Sure, I could also just make one based off of aesthetics alone, but now I like to put a bit more lore into it! Because that's what it's all about, the LORE
So how am I doing this now? First, next thing I'm gonna do is share my notes on who I'm pairing up with who and why. Or at least, I try to explain why I think it fits. Then, I'll add some parts of the Kingdom member's "song" that I think also further prove my point...or something like that. And some photos I thought could have a similar vibe when I went through my albums and archives and stuff. (Also I love calling it archives that sounds so professional hdhdhddh)
I mean, at the end of the day it's just a little project I plan on doing for fun for two things I love so it doesn't have to make much sense right? Jdhdjd I doubt anyone that's gonna see this has both of these things as an interest anyway. Well maybe, who knows.
Anyway, one thing it all leads up to is me making some fanart and I'm thinking of drawing the Kingdom members and mix up their outfits with their "corresponding" King Ohger character. I'll think about later if I do a group pics, or do multiple for each character and whatnot. Maybe I'll even assign them differently just based on outfits alone, since a lot of them fit outfit/kingdom theme-wise but not really character-wise?
But now it's brainstorming and planning time!!
Arthur - Racules
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(I'm not writing this name Rkules or whatever weird spelling they gave him-)
Arthur is not the leader, but the first one to be revealed as a king. The power of Excalibur is both what helps him and what leads to his downfall in a way, kind of like Racules' power lust is what makes everyone turn against him and makes his "downfall" for now happen. Idk man. Does that make sense? They're not TOO similar but similar enough? Plus, Arthur definetly feels like he's got the most smug Racules vibes in the music videos. Ivan is a close second, but for him it's way more of a Gira vibe.
"Destiny is in my hands
This fantasy will unfold
The master key will blow away
All the madness spiraled in chaos"
"Hold onto your wounds
Cut by pieces of glass deep inside
Your heart like sharp thorns
To the end of the world, I'm killin'
Bear the weight of the crown"
"History begins with us
The world must work properly
The colour becomes clearer, reject any fear
Kneel and pray in front of the closed castle gates"
Ivan - Gira
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Ivan might rule over the Kingdom of Snow BUT he is really not like Rita at all. The kingdom fits well, but other than that... I don't know... But here too, Racules could be kind of fitting, but it's just different, y'know? It's more like a Gira VS Racules internal fight for Ivan if that makes sense?
He has to decide how to defend his kingdom and for that he uses the power of evil. Y'know. Like the... the evil king Gira? Also their facial expressions when they want to look "evil" are very similar and not very convincing because they just have babyfaces 😭
Black Crown
"With a bit of cruel
But beautiful dangerous power
Getting something
Means losing something
A paradox which I swallowed enchantedly"
"Accept it, just the way you are
Wake it
Don't forget who we are
Engrave it
Raise the holy grail above your head
Put on the black crown
Endure the pain of astonishing power
There's no limit"
"Rather than losing the world
I would become a monster
I choose suffering
Over the loneliness which overwhelms
The evil power of necessity given to me"
Louis - Jeramie
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NOW, when King Ohger barely was out, I already had the idea of making this "crossover", especially because King Ohger started airing in the same month a new Kingdom album came out which was insane for me who's obsessed with Kingdom's universe and Toku so it was a win for me for sure.
But also, when King Ohger started, Jeramie technically didn't "exist" yet and I'd given Himeno the position here because of the whole Kingdom of Aesthetic deal. And the outfits, they are basically the exact same.
HOWEVER. Louis is insanely fitting for Jeramie, because both of them feel like outsiders and having lived through many more years than any human ever would.
Also, Louis is one I noticed the most often being bount/restrained in some kind of way. I've made some connections how it's often in an almost connection with Chiwoo and Mujin, but I mean that doesn't really have anything to do with the topic rn,,
But yeah,,
Long Live The King
"Time goes off
A lot of things were destroyed then go
But I always existed
I protected my kingdom"
"A child stuck in a time of loneliness
When will this chaos end
I'm on the eye of the storm"
"Lights out bright light, I'm alone under the lights
Dancing in my own
Shining upon me, the spotlight
I can feel it even with my eyes closed"
"Before that sun rises again
The moment I waited with bated breath
Even if everything changes, I shall stand here"
"Running out of time, nothing can stop me
With my own two hands, I'll write again the destiny
Long live the king
Long live the king, I'm a light that will never go out"
"Winding up the spring of endless memory
Unfamiliar masks are dancing in the hall
The moment the good and evil collide
The second hand stops as if it's laughing at me again
Even with the darkness cast inside me
What brightens is the small flame
To this soul that went against the world, what isn't granted is the finale"
Dann - Rita
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I was debating on wether to give him Racules or Rita. I know, Racules again, but they are all very serious and strict in a way and the main characters are all way more silly? So yeah.
But after thinking a bit about it, I think Rita is quite fitting. Dann is quite... stoic? Serious? In the music videos, and often seems to be some kind of advisor to other's.Plus, he's got more of that cold vibe that Rita has? Also in general, his music video is just very fitting, the vibe is really perfect.
"I'll leave behind the tears in agony
I'll just pass by
Willow leaves shaking precariously
As soon as the wind strikes
All the arrows with resentment are pointing at me"
"One beautiful day
The flower blooms splendidly
One sad night
The deep shadow troubled my heart"
"A glance in between the narrow bars
I see all the enemies coming
They are puring down at once, keep your ground"
"All the evil souls
Burn it all
I'll turn everything back to its original state"
"Spread the wings. Strike hard
Those who rebelled, you will drown in blood
I'll protect you, I miss you
Enchanting ascension over the horizon"
"Knife of condemnation
Don't forget my royal command"
Mujin - Himeno
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Another one I really had to debate. In a way I think aesthetic-wise Kaguragi is the most fitting, Mujins theme being traditional Japanese and all, and Himeno would technically fit better in the Kingdom of Aesthetic, but just character-wise I feel like Himeno fits. Also, "Kingdom of Cherry Blossoms" does sound really fitting for Himeno too. And the whole self sacrifice, or rather doing everything for the wellbeing of your own kingdom-theme is also very in character. Also, not like Mujin as the lore character, but Mujin himself loves to be a bit silly just like Himeno :D
And also Dystopia overall is kind of similar to certain events that happened in the show I guess?? So like??
"Rewing the strings of fate and bloom with all your might
All delight swiftly crushed by the rise of rampant evil"
"The flower that blooms in deep darkness
The overwhelming sword of salvation
Sinking into the abyss
Like a dystopia"
"On the night when hatred opened its eyes
The darkness swallows the light
The power of the cherry blossoms suddenly dissapear
The song of monsters
Extinguish the embers of chaos
Just you watch I will definetly shatter it all"
"The flower petals are blooming again
The light of my soul is getting darker
Even if I cross the bounds and dissapear it does not matter"
Hwon - Yanma
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This one's hard to properly explain so just believe me when I said it appeared to me in a dream or whatever. IDK at the same time they are quite different but the vibes are just kinda fitting, y'know? And Yanma is quite uh... stormy I guess I don't know man this is hard to justify with words,,
Overall, Hwon is the hardest to fit in because we know the least about him, since he's still quite new and hasn't gotten an album yet... but I mean I might come back to this all later and update it when both Jahan and Hwon have an album!!
Jahan - Kaguragi
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So, Kaguragi was really hard to decide if he's more fitting for Mujin or Jahan. Guess in a way Kingdom of Sun is fitting, bees and harvest and all I guess. Anyway, I did a lot of Kingdom analysing and looking in detail through the music videos and lore and Jahan often seems a bit confusing, in a way it's never too obvious which side he's on? He can seem more mischievous, even when he's acting serious. If that makes sense.
And gah sadly no Jahan album yet either. BUT SOON. Hopefully. I mean his specific Kingdom logo was revealed so I guess it's in the works?? 😭
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maglors-anion-gap · 11 months
5,6,10 and 17 for the spread love ask :)
[from this ask game]
5. Recommend three (or more) blogs to follow
you gave me the hard question!! :( someone else asked me the same question so it's not as hard though, I won't have to narrow it down as much. Today's theme is resources! I am recommending @antiracist-tolkien because the blog has such a good collection of meta and general information. I go weeks sometimes not logging on or scrolling much and I miss so many good posts, so I really appreciate the dedication to running an archive blog of that sort! @tolkien-meta-library fills a similar niche; I'm so paranoid about missing The Definitive Treatise on something or other. I'm also recommending @expertsofarda because if you're not plugged into the silmarillion writers guild discord or don't already have beta readers or mutuals with niche knowledge, this is an excellent place to see who might be able to answer a question of yours. You don't even have to message ppl; just knowing who knows what means tag searching their blog might yield results.
6. Ship or platonic relationship that you got into because of the fans
I think this is a tie between hurin/morwen(/aerin) courtesy of outofangband and idril/tuor/maeglin courtesy of jaz-the-bard! polar opposite pairings, to be sure. The former is because I had no knowledge of the narn and had simply failed to appreciate how cool morwen is (I have since learned the error of my ways). The latter .... tfog was really hard for me to engage with personally for a long time so it was actually really nice to see what the rest of the fandom was up to in terms of putting the puzzle pieces together, deciding what to keep, what to modify, etc. It's about the balancing of it, I think? idril/tuor was not so interesting to me on its own, and idril/maeglin was unbalanced and sad. I think a lot of the ships I'm interested in are some variation of having deep interpersonal conflict but also deep love. shrugs. (I've given maeglin the curufin blorbo treatment - it's the being your father's shadow for me).
10. A popular character you actually really like and why
Umm I actually really like Maedhros (No one could guess from my AO3 works /sarcasm). I don't think bad takes are super unique to him as a character; greater popularity and greater emotional attachment are positively correlated with woobification, and greater popularity is positively correlated with more takes and thus more bad takes. *snl reaction image* he has everything: pain, killing instinct, self-destructiveness, appeasement, love, hatred, duplicitousness, self-serving nature, hope beyond hope, trans of gender. He's not the only one to have these characteristics, but I also like fucked up and evil men. I can't list any of the other feanorians bc they don't come close for popularity.
17. Something you love that you don’t often share because you’re worried what others will think
.... you know the answer to this, my friend! ;) That particular thread will bear fruit soon! But to give a second, evasive, answer: I feel like I do talk about this a fair amount, but it always makes me super nervous to write/post trans porn because ... idk I feel like people treat it like it's extra-perverse or extra-explicit, but like. That's just my life. I am simply just vibing yaknow? Or just, generally explicit fic. Because on the one hand I feel like it's very revealing and I feel weird exposing my sex life to people - not because I feel inhibited but rather that people will maybe find it odd. And on the other, I feel like there's a kind of narrow window past which you go from "freak (appreciative)" to "freak (derogatory)" and that window is vanishingly small for unpopular characters, queer freaks (moi), and kink.
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new-lorien-artist · 1 year
I was thinking over my personal frustrations that have been going on lately about being in the fandom as opposed to being so excited and gung-ho about LL for years, ESPECIALLY when I took several months long hiatuses from posting, and I realized
It was because I was talking to people in the fandom almost every day, about the book series or not, developed strong connections with these people, maintained them, and looked forward to something every day because there was something worth getting excited over
I was in Discord servers and Instagram chats with tons of Lorien Legacies fans who I talked to often, and it was a blast (amid occasional issues, but that's a given in small communities anyhow). I could go into a couple weeks long conversations talking about ships, and then go into another week long conversation and anime that me and someone else in the fandom like, and then back to LL
Despite my constant hiatuses and how many times I was taking breaks from making fanart or engaging in the fandom, I had friends in tight circles and we talked often and we had a lot of interests that go beyond LL because we just knew each other. We had inside jokes, we shared memes, we delved into different interests and got to infodump about them all the time
And now all of that is just.. gone.
Idk, I've been feeling less and less engaged in Lorien Legacies, but in a social kind of way. I love to write stuff for myself and make notes on the books and analyze all the neat stuff I find, but I dunno who to share that with. I feel like I'm overtalking about the books with one or two people and it's the only conversation starter I can think of, and everyone else I talk to, I do not know well enough, we're too busy to have long conversations, or it's gotten to the point where we're running out of Lorien Legacies stuff to say so we just don't talk at all.
And that's kind of the opposite of a fandom, at least in my eyes? I talked about this place being a very tight knit community because everyone knows each other, and that may be the case for some of you guys who regularly talk to other people in the fandom about LL or another shared interest like other books, anime, video games, memes, or other stuff. I feel like I'm starting to be a stranger to this place again, though. Everyone's a stranger, I don't even know who you all are outside of "Lorien Legacies fan," and every conversation I have with someone is surface level small talk. Sometimes something interesting happens, and I get a laugh or two out of it, or something exciting happens. That's it.
I was especially excited because the 13yearsoflorien project also has monthly event discord calls for people to join for this EXACT REASON: to hang out with others, get to know each other, laugh and stuff, actually bond with people and develop some sort of connection so we traverse that barrier that makes everyone a stranger to one another. But, people are busy (whether it's school or work), live in different time zones, or are not aware of the call, so it's very few people getting on and playing a couple games. I'm trying to fix the time zone thing to make sure people are able to attend, but people still get busy and cannot attend the events, or don't know it's happening in the first place
I really want to return to that initial spark of social engagement that forges bonds and makes friends and makes this fandom as close knit as it was when I first got here? Maybe I'm looking at this from the wrong angle, maybe we no longer have that ability to hang out as much, I don't know. But I do know I'm having less fun here, and every piece of fanart I make feels more like tedious work than anything passionate I'm excited to share with others (not anyone's fault I feel that way btw)
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scattered-winter · 2 years
respectfully requesting newt from maze runner for the character meme !!
bro you've Awakened Something in me it's been far too long since I've talked about my boy my babygirl my blorbo
favorite thing about him
his selflessness!!! throughout all the events of the series (both the books AND the movies) he's consistently putting everyone else's needs before his own. he was one of the leaders of the Glade, which meant he worked day and night to keep the order and safety there. and outside the Glade, he pulled his own weight and even put himself in danger to protect the others on several occasions (saving Minho from the lightning storm is what immediately comes to mind but I know there's a lot more). and even in the death cure, when the flare is taking over and he can feel himself changing, he still stays focused and doesn't let that distract him or anyone else from the end goal. to me it's just....heartbreaking, really. he suffered in silence because he didn't want his friends to grieve him while he was still standing there, and so he had to deal with slowly losing his mind by himself
least favorite thing about him
listen I can love and hate the same thing about a guy
the fact that he was so focused on the group's survival just added so much more angst to the story and it causes me PAINNNN. like!! in the movies specifically, they were SO CLOSE to giving him the cure!!!!!!!!! they were so achingly close!!!!!!!! but he'd been fighting the virus for so long and it finally took over and he died only moments before the cure arrived. I'm fukcijgn
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favorite line
"great, we're all bloody inspired"
Minho and Newt are BESTIES ok. they're besties. I cry about them every day. they're besties
same with Alby and Newt they were! leaders together! and neither of them made it out! I'm unwell!
actually on that same note. I think Minho was the oldest Glader to have made it out alive. all his friends and mentors who came before him are dead. I'm so fucking emo right now
honestly I love all of Newt's canon friendships! his friendship with Thomas is GREAT his friendship with the other Gladers is GREAT
meh nothing really....strikes me as a nOTP tbh. in fact I don't really actively ship anyone in this series! usually when I hard-core ship something, it's because I felt unsatisfied with the media/felt like it's an interesting dynamic to be explored. I was fairly satisfied with the series as a whole and I felt like the overall point of them was complete without romance, and to add a lot of romance (excluding the thomas/teresa thomas/brenda stuff that was already there) would have just....blocked out the horror and morally gray themes, ya know? so idk I don't really have strong feelings about any romantic pairings in this specific piece of media
in fact, I saw someone point out that it would've been a stronger and more potent narrative if Thomas and Teresa were SIBLINGS instead of romantic partners and tbh that hasn't left my brain because they're RIGHT. it would've been soooo compelling ughh I'm going insane just thinking about the parallels here
all that being said, it's kinda fun to play with the narratives a bit :] most of the fic I intend to write in this fandom is friendship/family based, because of my feelings as stated above, but I'm not immune to the newtmas or minewt here <3 there's just something about two best friends who have been through hell and worse together getting to kiss <3
random headcanon
Newt actually left notes for EVERYONE, not just Thomas. he even left one with Thomas intended for Teresa, despite everything she'd done, but ofc she never got the chance to read it so Thomas just kept it in a pocket by his heart. and maybe one day, years later, after he finally found some semblance of peace and healing, he burned it to ash to finally say goodbye to them both
unpopular opinion
listen I love Newt but the fandom has a tendency to shove Minho aside to make room for him (especially hardcore newtmas shippers) which is... :/ let's all examine why that might be !
song I associate with him
Doom Days by Bastille. warning: you will cry.
favorite picture of him
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hair floof <3 he's so blorbo shaped here idk
send me a character!
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cosmossystem · 4 days
on the friend skills thing; most of those things, even though they feel pretty big, shouldnt be too big of a deal? like with the stuff youd have to remember, if you add them on pretty much any messaging app theyre gonna have a name listen, alot even let you set nicknames or add notes so you could add their pronouns onto that. there is programs to track birthdays, along with pretty much any calendar thing (plus most friends will tell you like 2-3 days beforehand in my experience). friends of friends dont really matter until they become just friends, bc if a friend of friend is there they will probably be called their name atleast once by the shared friend. trying to analyze mannerisms & trying to say the right things are,, okay, fair, but to be honest you probably wont need to care about those past the first meeting because with good enough communication they dont rlly matter. like, if youre confused or wanna know if theyr upset you can just ask. if you cross or go close to a boundary theyll clarify it and then you can respect it moving forwards (also, if youre scared you wont remember, 1. thats fine, they can always state it again and you try again and 2. you could always keep notes on them, their interests, boundaries, etc). you can always reclarify a message or go 'nvm'. and also ive always heard the "be yourself!" advice, like uhh, dont over-salt yourself with trying to be normal and do the right thing in friendship, bc then all thats gonna attract is people who .. suck. idk where i was going with that metaphor. basically dont overpower 'you' with trying to do what others want. or something, idk. also yeah theres gonna be people who dont like you, and that sucks but what can ya do besides try again. also maybe check if theres any meetups around you? because even if you dont keep them as friends it still gets you around people! dont worry too much about having those as friends forever or whatever, just see them as a starting point.
this all sounds great in theory but doesn't actually help me. i was just mostly listing hypotheticals with things that make relationships more complicated to navigate. like i've never actually gotten far enough into a relationship to worry about birthdays except for once, and we were barely friends by the time their birthday rolled around, but i write down important details that i don't want to forget. or i would if there were any!!!
the problem is that every part of the process of actually getting to know someone sucks. you have to meet them and then you have to talk to them. i don't like talking and if i could, my entire life i would be mute. but sure let's start with the meeting:
i go out of my way to speak to people in meatspace. it usually doesn't work. like, i go to cons. i'll try to chat with people but most are already there with friends anyway and don't care. i mean no one wants to let anyone in their clique anymore. when i was younger i almost got adopted by a friendgroup because i was 14 and in cosplay but then no one spoke to me and my mom was just awkwardly standing like ten feet away and so we left. as for "going to meetups" that'd be great except i can't go anywhere because i can't drive yet, so i'm stuck dragging along a 50-year-old asshole with me everywhere and that scares people off. until i get to college that's my only option. (and guess what? when you have an abusive piece of shit parent, that parent doesn't want to leave you places alone. so even if i told her "hey drop me off here and return in two hours" she just won't.)
so i'm left to try to meet people online. that's harder than you think. if you try to meet people organically in your community, there's a bunch of barriers to it. on tumblr specifically even attempting to find people i could tolerate is hard. i block the weirdos but it doesn't leave many options (everyone has a dni these days, which is fine, but i'm usually on it somewhere.) and let's say i finally find someone. well i want to try sending asks but i have nothing to say. i already know "hey how are you?" won't get me anywhere and if i get someone in my dms the conversation eventually dies out.
i tried going onto other social medias but that just really means twitter because i don't understand how instagram works. when i was on tiktok, no one talks to each other and so that's a bust. on twitter there's a different Social Ecosystem (meaning more invisible rules i have to figure out. what the fuck do all of these abbreviations mean? i don't reply to anyone because it feels needlessly direct, but that's the only way people communicate on twitter, and if i DO reply i never get a reply back so i look crazy. etc) and be honest, everyone on twitter is more insane than here.
i don't do discords because every time i've been in a discord it's either way too busy to actually get to know anyone, someone starts some kind of drama, or i'm inevitably the odd one out because i don't talk as much. i thought group chats would be an easier way to socialize but it turns out i hate those too.
i don't feel like i'm really speaking to someone on the internet. it feels more like a magic box i type in and sometimes i get a response. i don't get attached to people both online or offline because i've never known someone for more than a few weeks/months and even people i see at cons all the time, that's only twice a year maybe and we never follow each other's socials because I Don't Have Any. yes i've made them no i don't use them insta sucks tt sucks no one has a twitter and no one remembers me.
and when i, finally, have enough good days and make it work for long enough to feel like i'm "friends" with someone (mind you i have never had a "best friend" or even known someone for longer than a few months) at some point, i will either miss a message for a day or two, then feel so bad about that that i give up on trying with them; or i manage to convince myself that they hate me.
it seems like the only way is to talk to someone directly and it sucks. i don't like it. i never get past the initial Polite Chit Chat portion. i don't know how to. and if i try, i inenvitably sabotage myself somehow or i ghost them or. i don't know. it just hasn't worked. i feel like every social interaction is a puzzle and everyone knows the answers except me. i want friends but i just don't care about people because i've never had a reason to care about people.
and i say all of this as i ignore maybe a dozen discord messages. because my social meter is shot. just totally drained. every time i write something i have to script it, that takes hours, it's draining, and so i section off a portion of my day to it but then i get a message back immediately and i'm already drained. i can't talk to people forever it's tiring to me i dread having to do it. but none of that matters because i don't message people back immediately, so they start to think i don't care about them. and maybe i don't.
ok i'm still sobbing and have more to say but. this is long enough. it's not proofread. bon appetit
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Okay last post (maybe)
But I played the Skz Replay on Spotify and it's shuffled and the first thing to play is Zone and I just got so excited. Like the slightly different mixing and did they re-record it like with their now voices or was it just the mix that made it sounds so?
Like I didn't see the track list so I'm just gonna keep being surprised and I love it
-okay so I've decided to let this be the last post and just edit it with the brain goop that happens during the first listen/stream on Spotify
The second song that played is HaPpY and fucking ow (in a good way) but I've always love it cause it reminds me of a friend I miss so.
I don't recognize "Piece of a Puzzle" but I also hadn't been through a lot of Skz Player songs so idk if it is one of the new ones or another old one but I literally have goosebumps...
Why is that how - I can't finish that sentence cause I forgot what I was saying... Run is certainly what my thoughts did away from me...
Oh wow I knew Close before but like two Han songs right after one another with quite different feelings is whiplash lmao
Ice.cream also hurts as much as I remember expecting it to. I was so afraid to listen to it and now I don't have a choice
Doodle immediately made me unsettled but I am really loving it at the same time! My brain has these weird goosebumps cause of being unsettled but also like Jesus is it a good song cx (this still happened the second time hearing it too it's neat.)
Baby bread is somewhat back it seems cause Hug Me is so light 🧡
Lovestay is so pretty and heartwarming as ever I can't exactly focus the best to see if any of it is different tho unfortunately. Sleepy brain is catching up a bit
Up All Night My beloved vampire song about just losing track of time and not sleeping (aka me the last like week). Sounds so much sharper now! So glad this one is now available to listen to on Spotify.
Oh Maknae On Top has finally played !!!!! So so so so so so so glad I can now show people this song on Spotify and have it in playlists. I can't help but smile when I hear it.
The ranges both Changbin and Felix show in Because gives me the sharp kinda goosebumps it's incredible to hear so clearly with all the eq and everything.
Alien. Right after. You know how often I've felt like an alien? I think he nailed the feeling of it. That sad hopefulness. God its so clear now.
Limbo feels like being in limbo it seems both sad and happy. Is incredible. Like happy in spite of being sad and vice versa- sad in spite or being happy. There's a non-English word for that a sad happiness. Charmolypi (I had to look it back up cause I couldn't remember it) Saudade might also apply depending on the meaning of the song.
Okay so I'm back cause I couldn't sleep and I was just sitting here jamming to Drive and then realized "oh shit! This is Spotify!" It sounds even better then I remember
-I finally got sleep and am back to listening and "miss you" came on and it's quite calming? Like of course it seems sad but also like you've accepted what happen and prefer to think of the lighthearted happy times.
I like Love Untold but it's got a similar kinda hopeful sadness? I'm so interested in seeing the translations of all of these tbh.
Oh my god I Connected finally played. The music started and I was like "huh I don't recognize th-" and then Bang Chan's voice was there and I paused out of panic...lmao. as I was listening I was like "I mean it's a bit suggestive yeah but it's kinda sweet! I don't get wheat everyone was talking about!" And then the change happened. But like people are saying it's on par with like Red Lights and Taste in terms of Horny but like maybe this says something about me but I don't think it is? It seems sweeter? Idk
The post glitched out and what I wrote disappeared xc. I did my best to rewrite it...
But am I crazy or was Wish You Back one that was already posted as a Player song? I remember hearing it and being mesmerized by it. Still am.
Okay woah- Deep End is very deep. Like my audio processing is struggling to process it but it's -wow. And the range!!!! Goosebumps and heartbreak
"i hate to admit" right after that? Really likes to do a 1-2 punch huh? Even more beautiful than I remember- maybe that's also cause I've been in my feels about something in the past lately tho too. I love the static recording sound in the end really knocks it home
Then immediately followed by Streetlight?!?!? Spotify is really trying to take me out huh? The song itself is just as beautiful and hopeful sounding as I remember but I'm worried that the ending will be included because that makes it hard to breathe. It wasn't. I don't know if I'm releaved or disappointed, I think it's a bit of both. Cause I will always think it but not hear it.
Stars and Raindrops- both the name and song are very Seungmin and I mean that in the best way. I love it.
I haven't heard I GOT IT to many times but I immediately recognized it as soon as the music started lol, glad it's streamable now.
And with that I have heard the whole album in just under a day thanks to shuffle and needing to do things like sleep and work. Definitely an album that shows the variety they have both as a group and each one individually. It's a very beautiful album that I'm glad we finally have on streaming services!!
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elleroodles · 1 year
elleroodles ___ of the year awards
runner ups r smile and uhh. i really don't know what else i watched that came out this year. do i have to say don't worry darling. i watched that with my mom and neither of us liked it that much but i did think it was more interesting than where the crawdad sings buuut crawdad had a good twist so idek..... i liked smile tho it was goofy and dumb and really great to watch in a theater with my friend. anyways eeaao has a fun acronym and is soo os oso good i don't think i even need to say that because well it's an objective fact but something i really appreciated upon a rewatch was how well it sticks to being bizarre but also coherent. like there's so much happening at any given moment but the movie gives it to u in a way that you can process, and while a lot of this is through having a protagonist like evelyn, it's also just really really good storytelling! and the flow is sooo good that movie is 2hrs and 19mins but does nott feel like it. luv it. everyone go watch it again please
i put this category here then realized i didn't really watch any shows that came out this year then realized CHAINSAW MAN!!!! one of my fav stories my fav manga probably i would need to think about it but i do love chainsaw man . sizzling hot take tho the anime is losing me. that's why the top spot goes to SEVERANCE!!!! even though i'm not done with it yet anyways let me have my safe space to air grievances about the csm anime. I THINK IT IS TOO PRETTY. maybe idk. there's just something off to me about the anime adaption as a whole idk what it is but i thiiiink it might be the style? the animation is so incredibly gorgeous and a masterclass in everything ever so i want to make it clear that i do not have a problem with the quality of the animation or art but i think its a little too. clean? idk! the csmiverse feels a little too gritty for the tone the anime has set. but we are getting into darker parts of the story now so maybe i will be proven right! that or yoshida will be introduced and they'll make him so pretty i won't even care anymore. anyways the other runner up is smiling friends i watched that show in its entirety at like 1am with my dad and we both liked it
starting this list there was only one album i knew for sure would make it in but then i checked and wow some music has been released this year.... top spot is going to shock everyone my aoty is HELLFIRE BY BLACK MIDI! reason: it's really good . thank u for coming. for real though i had never listened to a black midi song in my life until hellfire was the album of the week in the little music club my irls and i have and i listened to it and my third eye opened fireworks went off behind me a lightbulb lit up over my head etc etc i thought i had a broad taste in music but apparently not because HELLO? there's a lot of sounds here! and they're all really good! one of those things i think people should listen to at least once in their lives so they can either fall in love or get a shirt that says 'I LISTENED TO A BLACK MIDI ALBUM AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS DUMB T-SHIRT AND GOOD SOUNDS IN MY EARS.' extremely close second place is bleed out my the mountain goats the goats are the goats of concept albums like hello. and third goes to brightside bc i've been a slut for the lumineers since day one baby. i saw them tour this album actually and they shot confetti during birthday and even though i was all the way in the back i still got a piece and keep it in my phone case
i played three games that came out this year. did you know that. you do now because i have to expose myself for this top 3 list anyways i love POKEMON LEGENDS ARCEUS! i got it around release whenever that was. january i think. and it's such a cozy game. def in the top 5 mainline pkmn titles. i looove the open world aspect even if it's a little boring i don't care because i'll see a bidoof and go WOAHHH IT'S BIDOOF!!! crazy stuff i wish i could just go outside and see a thing in my front yard. the bugs scared me away from scarvi but my friend showed me the little tea party things. and i nearly caved. but then i picked up legends arceus and had such a good time that it saved me $60 so THANK YOU!! runner ups are rf5 which runs like hell on the switch pls buy rf4 instead and twewy. which i bought 12 hours ago because it's on sale right now
thank u all for coming
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cinnajun · 2 years
hiiiii it's been awhile i think? but oh. my. god. i just read atlas cried yesterday and i am still. speechless. just. oh. my. god. you really know how to make the soulmate au evennnn more interesting and you even gave a lil more spin god you're so amazing i could kiss u rn I CRIED because it's just. that. good. details? the details. DETAILS!!!! the gotdamn little details you're awesome this may just be your first long piece but it's already your best one yet. GODDDDD love how you didn't make them like fall in love with each other right away just because they're meant for each other. and we don't even know if the mc would idk be in love with him enough to actually pursue a long term w him. with jeno also! he knew about it already for quite awhile but that didn't make him fall for her right away he even got his own bull going on before telling her (as he has his own agenda ndhdhd) it just all happened gradually ;;;; they may be soulmates but this is still (their) reality. if they can't really like each other must they go through with it still stuff like that AAAAAAAA her roommate i knew she was all sus she's not even good at hiding it tho that still threw me off i just thought she got something with hyuck or mark even and jeno was just jeno but nooooo them bitches actually had something going on (that actually hurt me real bad like i was the one who was betrayed) but yk! that's life. and YES just because they were close at the time doesn't they're really best friends meant for a long long time. nayeong was a real surprise there i thought she was going to be some villainy sort of. no. it's just jeno himself. KIDDING OFC ITS HIS OLD DAD I SUPER ADMIRE THE MC FOR HOW SHE HANDLED THAT SITUATION SHE DIDNT JUST KEEP QUIET AND TAKE IT ALL NOPE NOT IN THIS LIFETIME AAAAAAAAA LOVE HER SO MUCH ID TAKE HER TO EUROPE MYSELF SHE CAN LEAVE JENO NSHDHDHD (or can i take jaemin home instead uwu) does this even count as a feedback/review i really suck right now i swear i can do better than this i don't think i said everything i wanna say about how much this fic changed me HEH i literally just laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about everything i just read. i'm in love w it so so much you 🥹 idk how to continue this further but PLS i so wanna talk about this w you more 🥲
🍞 :)
HELP this was so fun to read ... i could tell how your thoughts were progressing throughout this lol
i tried my best to make mc somebody admirable, maybe even a little pretentious and self-centered, just because i felt like there wasn't a world in which someone at a prestigious academy on a full ride scholarship wouldn't be...
if u want a little more about atlas cried, i actually intended donghyuck to be a love rival of some sort (with the plot that he didn't like his soulmate either) and for jaemin to be a forced-mediator between jeno and hyuck ... but i ended up changing my mind LOL
tysm for reading bff! im glad you enjoyed it so much :)
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