#maybe i'll try again in the morning i am going to bed now i'm sooo tired
7, 12 ? <3 :)
tessa beloved hi!! i've already answered 7 <3
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
hmmm i think a lot of my opinions conform with the general spnblr views so this is a hard one. i know moc arc is very contentious and i mostly like to think about the good s10 that lives in my head but i do really enjoy moc!dean and demon!dean. i think watching him killing loads of people was actually super fun. and also i remember actually quite liking cole more and more over time as i made my way through s10, and i know his whole thing is generally disliked. maybe i need to rewatch and i know the actor's a prick but i thought he had a decent storyline (not that i can currently remember it <3) generally though i can only think of arcs that only i wished occurred rather than ones i liked that other people didn't heh sorry for the sleepy tired answer
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
L.S.S.: No progress on leaving, but the inbox has some new stuff… I guess we can see if anybody has any more ideas before we try and figure out our sleeping situation?
Mitch(1): [typed] Yeah, okay. And we thought the sheets were dirty when we got here…
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L.S.S.: Good to hear from you, MJ. Yeah, the last few days have been… not ideal. 
Mitch(1): [indecipherable]
L.S.S.: What? I know that’s putting it too lightly. Sarcasm is my defense mechanism of choice, you know that.
So, fae are real, huh? And you got spirited away by some fairy king creep while you were walking alone in the woods at night? Wow. Shocker. Why am I not surprised…
Mitch(1): [typed] MJ! You’re okay!! I’m so relieved…! 
L.S.S.: Oh my god, you actually punched him over that? Ha! Serves him right! 
Mitch(1): [typed] I usually don’t think violence is the answer, but when the chips are down and you have no other choice, it can be necessary. Hopefully, that punch will be enough of a warning. Just try to talk it out with from now on him, okay? 
L.S.S.: And if that doesn’t work, go for the balls. Fae have balls, right? Keep us updated, I’m actually kind of curious.
Mitch(1): [typed] keep us updated so we know you’re okay!
L.S.S.: Oh yeah, that too. I thought that went without saying…?
Mitch (1): ….
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L.S.S.: WOAH, AWESOME!! It's the medical supply motherload!! Damn Meadow, way to come through...! I guess we can start patching ourselves up, huh Mitchie? If we're still alive somehow, maybe we can heal, too...? It's a stretch, but it's not like anything else here makes any sense, so it's worth a try... oh, hey, I bet I could learn to pop some wheelies in this thing [the wheelchair], once we reset my arms and fingers! Nice...
Mitch(1): ......
[typed] Thank you very much, Meadow. It's really thoughtful of you to give us all this. We'll be sure to put it to good use.
L.S.S.: ...are you okay?
Mitch(1): .....
[typed] Yes, I'm fine. I think I just need some more water in my skull hole. And I want to start picking this glass out of me, since we have tweezers now.
L.S.S.: ...
Okay, yeah, of course, we can do that... er, I mean, you can do that... I'd help, but I can't really do fine motor functions right now.
Mitch(1): [typed] Okay.
L.S.S.: ....
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L.S.S.: It is really weird, but so is everything else about this situation, sooo...
Mitch(1): ...
[typed] We looked behind it, but I don't think we looked closely at the back. I'll take a look.
[typed] What does 'K.E.W.K.' stand for?
L.S.S.: It says that on the back?
Mitch(1): [typed] It has 'K.E.W.K. x L.S.S.' scratched into the wood in a little heart. L.S.S. is what you go by with your friends, right?
L.S.S.: ... shit, that... probably isn't good...
Mitch(1): [typed] This painting seems like nothing but trouble. Should we try to throw it away? Should we destroy it?
L.S.S.: No! That might make things worse! Besides, I... if we are stuck here forever, I... kind of want to keep it...
Mitch(1): [indecipherable, angry]
L.S.S.: What? It's theirs. I don't know if I'll ever see them again... I can't keep something to remember them by?
Mitch(1): ....
L.S.S.: ...?
Mitch(1): [typed]Sal, I'M MITCH! The only reason you were ever with the others is because you couldn't have me, remember? Why do you want to keep something from my copy when I'm right here?!
L.S.S.: They're not your copy. They're you.... just different. And I was supposed to be with them this month... I'm supposed to be with them right now.... I may be here, but I still I miss them, just like I missed you. What's wrong with that...?
Mitch(1): ........
[text deleted]
L.S.S.: ........
Listen, it's been a fucking crazy day and we're both exhausted. We'll talk more about this in the morning, okay?
Mitch(1): ..........
L.S.S.: ... c'mon. Let's change the sheets and get in bed. We'll talk and keep trying to figure out how to get out of this 'box' tomorrow. Who knows, maybe we'll wake up and be back to normal again...
Mitch(1): .... [nodding]
L.S.S.: Okay. Here, I'll... hold down a corner of the sheets, I guess....
Mitch(1): .......
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: Y/n and George had been crushing on each other for too long, but neither of them said anything. They both were waiting for the right moment to do it, but with a war upon them, was there really such thing as 'the right moment'?
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst-fluff
George Weasley: ———
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: injuries, blood, implicit beating
A/N: (dis bish long lmao) Idk what is this, I just wanted to do something for George. Bill and Fleur's wedding came to my mind and I was like, ok but what happened after the death eaters arrived? And this came out, so enjoy <3
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I wasn't expecting to see her.
I had heard my mother mention her name whilst talking about the Order, and I knew she had befriended Fleur at the Triwizard Tournament, but seeing her apparate in our yard was... Well, surprising.
"Son, snap out of it!" My father called me out and I corrected my wand movement; I had almost messed up the canopy, and I blamed the way her dress and hair flew with the wind as she approached our home's entrance.
Fred walked to me the moment we had secured everything, glancing at the house before questioning, "am I delirious or that was Y/n?" with a knowing grin and an intent eyebrow wiggle.
As if taking a cue, we saw the girl coming out, now with a borrowed jacket on, making a beeline to us. "I'm... Pretty sure it's her." I replied, giving the girl a smile when she waved. "Morning, lady."
"Morning, gentlemen." Fred then turned around and stepped to her in order to give her a hug. "Long time no see, huh?"
"Indeed." I agreed, following my brother's lead and hugging Y/n; her arms were quick to wrap around my neck and shoulders and squeeze me tight; I would have sworn she let out a relieved sigh. "Fleur invited you?"
"Your mom, actually." Her reply left me puzzled. "I heard your night was... Eventful." She pointed at the bandages covering my ear with a worried look. "How are you feeling?"
"Better than last night." I replied, scratching the back of my neck.
"You sure, Georgie?" It was then that I remembered we weren't alone. "Last night he was feeling Saint-like." Y/n frowned in confusion. "Because he's holey." Fred pointed at his ear just like I had done the night before and I could feel my cheeks burning. "Get it?"
"Oh, no! it's sooo bad!" She laughed at the joke and a smile tugged the corners of my lips. "I think that's the lamest joke you've cracked." She pointed out.
"I know! I told him."
"Okay, I was bleeding out." I defended myself. "I think I'm allowed to crack a lame joke."
"Dunno, George, it was really bad." I threw my head back with a groan at Y/n's teasing. She waved at Fred, who said something about having things to do inside, and when my eyes landed on him over Y/n's shoulder, he mouthed a clear 'go for it'. "Tonks told me about Mad-Eye." She spoke again in a more serious note.
"You said it," the smile vanishing from my face. "Last night was eventful."
"When your mother told me you got hurt, I just... I got really scared." Her anxious words took me aback. "I went straight into the house to see you." The wind made her hair flow again, and I had to put my hands in my pockets to stop myself from tucking that bloody strand that kept getting in her face back behind her ear. "I was so happy you were out preparing stuff and not in there, unconscious in a bed."
"Well, I'm very happy to see you." I replied, my eyes digging into hers to make sure she knew how much I meant that. "Missed tons that smile of yours."
"I missed your lame jokes." I rolled my eyes at her response. Right after, she stepped forward and gently pulled me down; one of her hands holding onto my forearm, steadying her, while the other one cupped one of my cheeks so she could press a kiss to the other. "See you." And with that, she was off to greet the rest.
"Do it."
"She's talking with Luna."
"Excuses." I puffed tired at Fred's reproach before taking a sip of my drink. "C'mon, you got absolutely nothing to lose."
"My dignity?"
"She fancies you!" I shook my head no. "How many times are you gonna have the opportunity to dance with her, Georgie? Stop being a twit."
"Not yet."
"Oi, have you seen Y/n?" Ron approached us, taking a seat by my side.
"It's the only thing he's seen." I pinched the bridge of my nose, unable to deny what my twin had just said. "Just do it." I groaned. "Okay, I'll do it."
"No!" I jumped up and tugged Fred down in the process. "Alright, I'll go."
"Yeah, I was about to—"
I involuntarily let out a squeal when a hand tickled my side. "Hello, ladies." I spun my head to see George behind me. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I have this dance?"
Luna replied before I could. "You see, I was wondering how much time it'd take you to ask her." I turned as red as a beetroot; my only comfort was that the towering ginger's face was the colour of his hair. "I think I'm odd man out." She waved us goodbye and headed to see Harry.
"I reckon Luna is way too observant." He spoke, tugging my hand.
"Were you ogling me, Weasley?"
"Maybe." He came to a stop in the middle of the dancefloor and pulled me close. "Couldn't take my eyes off you." He confessed quietly.
As we swayed, I let my forehead land on his chest, savouring what I dreaded would be one of the last precious moments before everything went down.
"George?" He hummed, raising his brows as a prompt for me to talk. I took a deep breath and told myself that what I was going to say mattered little compared to whatever was looming over us. "I've been wanting to tell you this, but I just... Didn't find the right time." Our faces were mere inches away. "But I don't think I'll ever find the right time at this point so—"
I jolted, holding onto George, when a blue volute plunged into the tent; a Patronus.
It was not until Shacklebolt message was ending that I realized George's arms were around me, pulling me flush against his chest.
Both our hearts were hammering violently, and I was sure he could feel mine as clearly as I felt his.
When the Patronus vanished, panic began to spread. I noticed how my own breathing picked up. "Y/n." This time it was George the one calling my name; his whisper sounded so clear compared to everyone else's screams and cries. "If I don't say this out loud, I'll combust—"
"Y/N! GET DOWN!" Tonks's shouts snapped us out of it. We obeyed just in time to see a red hex flying over us, being stopped by Tonks herself.
George and I grabbed our wands and pulled each other back to our feet before joining the Order.
We parted ways, George making his way to reach his twin while I ran to a moderately tipsy Luna, who seemed to be struggling to find her father.
As soon as I made sure she was out of the picture, I jogged to help the twins, casting protection spells against two death eaters.
"STUPEFY!" I managed to take out the one attacking George, and he was quick to stun the one duelling his brother.
"Leave!" George tugged my hand, attempting to get me out of the canopy, his brother quickly rushing to their little sister.
"I'm not leaving!"
"Y/n—" I moved him out of the way to shield us from another hex. "Please— Flipendo!!" I saw another death eater flying away from us. "Shit!" George's hand gripped mine for dear life, making me back off with him to get back in when he realized it was too late for me to leave.
Soon enough it was just the Weasleys, Fleur and her family, Tonks, Lupin and me inside the tent, all back-to-back, surrounded by death eaters.
Corban Yaxley stepped out. "My apologies to disrupt the celebrations." he offered a fake apology to the newlyweds which was equally disgusting and scary. "Let's try by fair means." I knew my knuckles had gone white, given the strength with which I was gripping George's hand. "Where is Harry Potter?" He knew no one would speak. "Aight, by foul it'll be."
I looked around and I saw Molly and Arthur shielding Ginny; Bill and Fleur held onto each other; Lupin and Tonks pulled Fleur's sister and parents behind them; Fred gave a quick look at his twin before moving closer to us.
"Take them inside and register the house."
Soon we were being pushed into the Burrow, a bunch of death eaters before us ready to put all upside down.
We stayed quiet meanwhile, leaving out an occasional 'don't touch that' or a 'there's no need to break that' from Molly and Arthur.
"I reckon you won't find Harry in my grandma's glass cabinet, smart arse." We all turned to Fred, his mother giving him a pleading look.
"Maybe he's between the plates, Freddie," George jumped in, attempting to draw the attention off his brother. "You'll want to check the cutlery too, in case he's now a teaspoon." He suggested to Yaxley with a challenging look.
The death eater tilted his head to the side, as if he had noticed something worth of interest in George. "What happened to you?"
Everyone went livid.
"I fell downstairs." George replied through gritted teeth. His tone was full of what could be easily passed as anger, but by the way his hand was shaking, I reckoned it was fear.
Yaxley seemed to think for a second before turning to two of his mates. "Start with him, then the twin and we'll move on to—"
Before I knew what I was doing, my wand was out and hexing one of the guys that had tried to remove George from us.
"Take their BLOODY WANDS!" Yaxley stalked to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me away. "We'll start with you, miss."
"No! Wait, she doesn't know anything!" George tried in vain to persuade them, pushing through the death eaters in an attempt to get to me. I looked at him and shook my head no, already psyching myself up.
They were rather quick, and not half as bad as I thought they would be. I was thrown back into the living room with only a shiner and the promise of bruised wrists.
It was enough for George to jump up; not to check on me, though, but to do something as stupid as my impulsive hexing.
"Okay, crippled," three death eaters grabbed him before he could do anything and dragged to the bathroom they had gotten me in. "your turn."
He looked bad.
Molly was about to throw hands when we saw George leaving the bathroom; a cut on the cheek, a bloody nose, a black eye and by the way he flinched while walking, probably an injured rib.
But the worst was the red pooling the bandage around his head, and the way he was struggling to keep his hand off it.
"C'mon, blabber." It wasn't surprising when Fred willingly approached Yaxley and punched him strong enough to throw him down. "You know-” He got up, motioning at his minions so they would get Fred in. “that just made it worse."
I spared Molly an enquiring look, to which she replied with a nod; in an instant, I was gently pulling George to the settee. "Let me see..." I pursed my lips, tilting his head to the side so I could check his wound. A sigh left my lips, suddenly realizing I couldn't really take off the bandage in front of them. "Can you sit it up?" I whispered only for him to hear.
He nodded, his hand travelling up to mine, which rested on his cheek, to give it a reassuring squeeze. I didn't think twice about how wrong the timing was before leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips.
My body moved forward by itself when she pulled back, attempting to chase her lips. I managed to stop myself when I remembered we were surrounded by death eaters and my family was right behind Y/n.
She then gave me a small smile and moved to grab a fresh towel from the kitchen. I caught a glimpse of my family's looks before she came back, ready to clean the blood on my face.
She aided Fred along with my mom; he bore the burnt along with me.
The sun was rising when Yaxley decided to leave. My father rushed to send a Patronus to the trio, and everyone felt a bit of relief and finally scattered through the Burrow. Ginny claimed she would take care of Fred, and she took my twin to our room.
"Now, let's check that." Y/n spoke, standing up so she could remove the damp bandage. "What happened?"
"He threw a punch and—" I hissed when the bandage left my ear, earning a concerned ‘sorry’ from Y/n. "The wound opened. It began to bleed, and they decided to stop." She only nodded, grabbing again the towel, now mildly red due to the blood it had cleaned. "That kiss was too short." I didn't even know how I managed to let that out.
She stopped, her eyes going up and down my body before inquiring, "want another one?"
"Please." She didn't need anything else for her soft lips to return to mines. This time it was one hell of a kiss, but my mouth chased them again when Y/n pulled away, only that this time her lips did return to mines for another short kiss. "Should I ask you on a date?"
"I doubt we'll be able to go on a proper date." We both chuckled; as sad as it sounded, it was true. "You can make me a coffee after I fix this, though."
"Gladly." I replied, my thumb caressing her cheek before bringing her to my lips one more time.
"FINALLY!" We both jumped at Fred's yelling. "It was about fucking time, really."
"Do you wanna get beaten up again?" Y/n harmlessly shoved my shoulder, hiding a laugh. "I just realized," I signalled my black eye and then hers. "We're matching."
"What a lovely way to match, is it not?" She replied, shaking her head with a smile on her face. “Come,” she caressed my cheek before carefully pulling me up. “I saw clean bandages over the sink.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
“Y/l/n,” her eyes travelled to my brother. “don’t you snog my brother in the lavatory where we just got beaten up.”
“Piss off, Fred.” She responded indifferent, pulling me with her into the bathroom, leaving the door completely open; she probably feared my mother would burst it open at the possibility of us doing inappropriate things in there.
“Yeah, piss off.” I agreed, siting down on the toilet so she could clean the wound. “She can snog me wherever she wants.” I added, muffling a laugh when Y/n cursed us both under her breath. “I’m sorry, love.”
“No, you’re not.” 
“No, I’m not.” I confessed with an amused grin.
“Why do I even fancy you?” She questioned, faking disappointment in herself.
“I’m very handsome?” I casually suggested, tilting my head for her to wrap the bandage without much difficulty. 
“Must be.” She agreed, leaning on to peck my lips. “Now where’s that coffee, sir?”
I got up, leading Y/n to the kitchen and instantly preparing the coffee pot. “It’s gonna be the best coffee you’ll ever taste.” I stated, as if it was a scientifical fact.
“Confident, are we?” she laughed, sitting on the counter besides me.
“Well, my four-year-long crush just kissed me.” I confessed. “So yeah, very.”
“Fred’s right.” I hummed, looking at her with an eyebrow raised as I handed her the coffee. “It was about fucking time.” We smiled at each other, way too widely for two people who had just gotten roughed up. We stayed next to one another in silence, looking through the window; I found the customary landscape particularly beautiful. 
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hinatastinygiant · 3 years
Show & Tell - Five
The following morning you're awoken by loud knocks on the door of your room.
"Who is it?" you ask groggily before rolling to your other side and pulling the covers up over your head.
"It's meee," Gojo's voice sings to you. "Time to get up. You have your first job today."
"You gotta wait," you say as you dig yourself deeper under the covers. "I'm too tired and it's too early for your bullshit."
"Don't make me come in there," he hums.
"Fine," you groan as you attempt to pull yourself out of your covers. "I'll get dressed. You better not come in."
"Wouldn't dream of it," he feigns innocence.
You roll your eyes at his tone and step out of bed. That's when you hear him clear his throat and call out to you again.
"I'll wait for you outside," he says in a more mature voice. "But take your time."
Your ears perk up at his mannerisms. You think that perhaps there is a reasonable adult inside him so maybe you're not completely in bad hands.
When you're ready, you leave your room and walk out of the dorm building. There you find Gojo waiting patiently for you as he sits on a bench with one leg crossed over the other.
"Where's everybody else?" you ask as you look around for the other students.
"They're training again today," he answers calmly. "They don't need my help right now."
"Shouldn't I be with them?" you continue to ask with growing confusion.
"Even though you're a student," Gojo begins as he stands up, "you're still my weapon- Ah, wait... weapon is too harsh of a word... I think I like assistant better, let's go with that," he says with a grin.
"Wait a minute," you say skeptically as you cross your arms. "I'm not going to just run chores for you all day."
"Okay," he thinks aloud before gasping excitedly. "Think of this as an assessment of your skills then! Just as I am your teacher, I should be the one assessing you, no?"
That's complete bullshit.
"Whatever," you sigh. "Can we go?"
"Of course," he says before nodding and walking towards the entrance of the school.
The two of you then hop in a car driven by a man who introduces himself as Ijichi. You sit patiently in the car for awhile until it pulls up at a strange-looking abandoned building. There, in front of the building, stands another tall man with blonde hair, sunglasses, and a suit.
"Thanks for the ride," you smile at Ijichi as you step out of the car.
When you look up to find Gojo, you see him skipping up to the other man. He waves and smiles like a child surrounded by candy. As you approach the two of them, Gojo somehow smiles even wider.
"Nanami," he coos, "this is my new assistant..."
"Oh my god, did you forget my name?!" you deadpan. "You can't be serious."
"Haha, sorry darling. I'm not so good with names," he tries to cover himself.
You ignore Gojo and bow slightly to the man you now know as Nanami. "I'm Y/N," you tell him, "It's nice to meet you."
"You as well," he replies. "I am Nanami Kento." He then looks over at Gojo. "So, why exactly did you bring Y/N here?"
"She's my student!" Gojo exclaims.
Nanami looks back at you with a confused look and quickly scans your face. "She doesn't look like a high school kid to me."
"I mean to say that she's both my student and my assistant," Gojo corrects himself.
Once again Nanami looks confused. He gives Gojo a strange look until Gojo shakes his head and tells Nanami not to think too much about it. After that, he begins walking towards the abandoned building.
"You shouldn't have brought a new sorcerer to something like this!" Nanami shouts after him.
Shouldn't have brought me!? What exactly are we here to do?
"It's fine," Gojo tells him before stopping and turning around. You then see a smile on his face as he begins to light up while talking about you. "Y/N's got a super cool curse inside of her that she won't let me see without attacking me. Sooo, I thought that this would be a great way of trying it out!"
"Hey, uh, what's going on?" you ask worriedly to whoever will answer.
You and Nanami walk over to Gojo as you wait for either of them to respond. Gojo only pats your head with a small grin on his face. "Not to worry, Y/N. It's time to go inside."
The three of you walk into the building, you and Nanami lagging behind an excited-looking Gojo. It's pretty dark despite the fairly large windows hanging high up on the wall.
"When did you first meet Gojo?" Nanami quietly asks you.
"Yesterday," you admit, "but that's already too long."
"I can hear you, you know," Gojo whines. "That was hurtful."
Just then, you stop walking. The sound of silence consumes the awkward tension. "Are you kidding me?! You're the one who brought me here to do whatever you're supposed to be doing so that you don't have to do it!"
Before you can say anything else, Gojo appears almost instantly right in front of you. You jolt back reflexively as he slaps his hand over your mouth.
"Hey!" you mumble as you try to pull his hand off of you.
"Shh, be quiet for a second," Gojo says seriously.
You listen to him, concerned since he actually looks serious for once. Just then, you hear a strange noise. A huge, blue creature then leaps into the room. You can't help but be frightened at the sight of the thing.
"It's too late," Gojo sighs. "You already called it over."
Gojo then lets go of your mouth and spins you around to block himself from the creature. "Go kill the curse, sweetie," he whispers to you.
You narrow your eyes, the way he talks to you making you want to turn around and kill him instead. But you do as your told; shaking yourself out of his grasp and stomping up to the curse without any sort of gameplan.
"I hope you two know that I've got no idea what I'm doing!" you try to say sweetly, although it probably comes out more angry than anything else.
When you get somewhat close to the curse, you look up and take in its huge size. Woah, you think to yourself as you stand slack-jawed before it, that's got to be the biggest curse ever. S grade or whatever Gojo calls those things.
"Is this safe?" you hear Nanami quietly ask Gojo.
"Oh yeah, it's okay," Gojo says nonchalantly. "She'll be fine."
next chapter
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iisuya-simps · 3 years
A Kings Coronation (Royal au – Otoya x Reader)
A/N: I've been trying to write this since his birthday celebration card came out
Klab please let me marry this man ~ I will give him my s o u l
God, I wish this were me...
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Word count: 2458
The day of Otoya's 18th birthday. Today he would be crowned king and take over the kingdom. You woke up early and rode all morning from your country to see him. A few hours later you woke to the sun shining in your eyes, seeing how you slept most of the way.
It was crowded when you got there. Guards lined up at every corner. People came far and wide to witness the crowning of a new king. You had to push through the crowd to even get close to the main balcony when a hand touched your shoulder.
“There you are! I finally found you!” You feel someone's arms wrap around your waist. It was him. “Otoya!” You turn and give him a hug, he squeezes you back. “Thanks for coming.”
“How could I miss my best friend's 18th birthday/coronation??” “Haha, this place is totally packed, huh? Just getting over here to you was crazy.” “They're all here for you.” You give a warm smile.
“Congratulations, King Otoya Ittoki.” You curtsy. “Gosh... Hearing you say it all formal like is kinda embarrassing.” He scratches his head. “Well, I'll answer as the birthday king should.” Otoya puts his hands on his hips puffing out his chest. “You have my thanks, dear Y/N.” Then bows. “Maybe that wasn't so regal...” you both laugh.
“Well, today is about to kick into high gear so stick close to me, ok?” “I promise I won't leave your side.”
“Still, I'd find you even if you vanished into thin air. We'll have lots more time to talk if we stick together, plus everyone can know about us right?”
“Know about us?”
“Let's go!” You follow close behind him but find it challenging with all of the people. You hesitate to grab his hand but he takes yours first. You look up and see his bright smile and wink as he guides you through the crowds of people till he sneaks you inside.
“Hey, there's something I'd like to show you.” “Oh?” “Close your eyes.” “Otoya...” You whine. “Come on it's a surprise!”
“Fine.” You close your eyes and he takes your hand guiding you slowly down the hall.
“Don't peek, ok?” “I wouldn't dream of it.” You go down a few halls then Otoya puts his hands over your eyes. “It's just up ahead, so put your trust in me. Keep walking straight.”
Continuing down the corridor you approach some steps and a large door. “There's a small staircase so watch your step.”
“Shouldn't I be the one surprising you?” “Maybe. But it's not often we see each other. Just a few more steps and we're here!” He takes his hands away from your face. “Open your eyes!” Revealed to you is a grand balcony with a gorgeous view of the land. “Ta da!”
“Wow, Otoya!” “Are you surprised?” “This is amazing! I've never been here before.” “This is the prettiest spot in the whole castle, so I had to show you! There's even an awesome view of the ocean!”
You can see every corner of the courtyard. You walk up to the railing and lean forward taking in the sights, Otoya joins you from behind.
“Beautiful isn't it? Wonderful weather, and a beautiful princess.” You giggle. “And a charming prince, soon to be king.”
You both heard a commotion from below. “Uhh, it looks like everyone is looking for me. They won't check here right?” He scratches the back of his head. “Maybe we should go back.” “Nah, it'll only be a few minutes, no harm done. Besides look!” Otoya shuffles in a bag behind his back.
“I brought us some cake for us to eat together!” You cross your arms. “Otoya isn't that for the reception?” “Well yeah but I want to eat it with you now... And it's my birthday so anything goes!” You shake your head and laugh. “Alright then, let's dig in.” “Yay!”
He places the plate on the table to the left of the balcony. “After you, princess.” He pulls out a chair. “How kind of you your majesty.” Grabbing two forks from his bag he sits across from you unwrapping the cake. “Waah, this looks sooo good. Itadakimasu!” You both took a bite savouring the vanilla cake and fluffy buttercream frosting.
“Mmm, I knew it.” “Knew what?” “That this cake is way tastier being here with you than at the party.” “Uh-huh.” “What? You don't feel the same way?” He pouts. “Everything's better with you, Otoya.” “Really? I think so too... With you I mean!” You both gobble down the rest of your cake not saying a word but simply enjoying each other's company.
“Ahh, that hit the spot. Shall we go?” “You have cake on your face silly. You'll look like a fool if you go out like that.” “Hmm? Where is it?” He licks around his lips. “No on your cheek, here.” You laugh stepping closer to wipe the icing with your thumb from his cheek. Sticking it in your mouth you then clapping your hands together.
“That's better.” “T-thanks...” He blushes but quickly recovers. “Well, the party's just getting started.” You place your hands on his shoulders. “Let's make this the best day ever!”
You and Otoya go back down to greet the people outside in the crowd. Staying closely by his side he never let you out of his sight. “Otoya there you are! I swear you have no sense of time. The ceremony is about to begin!” The queen crosses her arms. “Already?” “Yes, now let's go.” “But Y/N...” “I'll be fine.” You smile. He takes both of your hands in his. “I'll come to find you after, ok?” “Alright, now go get your crown.” You wink.
The crowning ceremony was lovely. Otoya took the coronation oath and made a speech. Afterwards, everyone gathered in the main ballroom then the celebration really began. You were wandering around near the edge of the ballroom when you felt a hand pull you around the corner.
“Hey.” “Oh hi.” You smile and fix your eyes on his crown. “So what's next, king?” “Hehe, come with me.” You spend the rest of the day greeting more people, enjoying the food at the banquet and listening to the royal orchestra. When nightfall came Otoya leads you away from the dwindling crowds to his bedroom to retire for the night.
“Wow, that was a blast.” You jump on his bed and sink into the duvet. “We hung out all day huh?” “Yup seems like it.” “Time flies when I'm with you. Oh! And did you hear the band? They were all like bweeh daa daa doooo.” Otoya mimics a violin shaking his head around.
“Ah! My crown is gonna fall!” He juggles it between his hands leaning over and catching it before it hits you. “Gotcha. Whoa!” The carpet slipping from under him he fell on top of you anyway. “S-sorry y/n!” There was a moment you stared into each other's eyes. You blushed a bright red then laughed.
“Cmon... no laughing. I just let my guard down a bit...” he pouts. “You're just a clutz, Otoya.” You scoot off to the other side of the bed. “Am not! I always act like a king should...” “Uh huh. So what does it feel like to be a king anyway?” He places his hand on his chin and ponders.
“It's not much different than being a prince yet I don't think. Though I guess a big responsibility falls on my shoulders now that I am a king. I have a whole kingdom to look out for after all. And you.” “I can look after myself.” “But you don't have to.” Otoya twiddles his thumbs together.
“Anyway... Today is special! After all, you're here with me.” He raises a brow. “Hey, why are you so far away? Didn't you promise not to leave my side? Come sit by me. You're making me lonely...” He pouts again. “Promise you won't fall on me again?” “Not on purpose.” “Haha.” You move closer and the both of you talk about the day's events. Though the whole time, you couldn't help feel butterflies dance in your stomach.
“I had a great time today, Y/N.” “Me too.” “Everything was so wild during the day, but now all I hear is you.” His hand caressing your cheek. You gaze, getting lost in his eyes. “Those lips hold the voice I cherish most.” His thumb brushes over your bottom lip. Leaning forward his lips meet yours as they come together in a sweet kiss. You stay like that for a moment, then part. You turn away embarrassed. “Wait what's wrong? Don't turn away.” He giggles. “You left yourself open for that.” You laugh too.
“Look at me.” He turns your head and your eyes meet once more. “I'm sorry I guess I just wasn't expecting that...” He places both hands on the side of your face slowly pulling you into another kiss. “Were you expecting that?” “Hehe.” You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back. You melt into each other drawing out each kiss for as long as you could. “I don't know, were you expecting that?” You both laugh and he pulls you into his arms.
“Oh, Y/N...” He sighs. “I just want you all to myself.” “So selfish, your majesty.” “Hey, a king's orders are absolute you know. That being said, I order you to stay and talk all night to me.” “I guess I cant disobey direct orders.” “Hehe, no you can't.” You lay back and chat in his arms, steadily getting more sleepy you yawn.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” “I did arrange to stay for a few days.” “Really? He beams then suddenly gets nervous. “W-what is it?” You ask, both looking serious and sit up.
“Y/N, would you stay longer if I asked you to marry me?” Your eyes widened. “O-Otoya I-”
“I know it's sudden, I just can't wait. I want you to be mine.” “Are you sure? There are plenty of other princesses that are dying for your hand in marriage.” “Well of course there are other princesses, but you're the only one I have my eyes on. You're too special not to be my beloved.”
“Otoya...” A happy tear slides down your cheek but he wipes it away and holds your hands. “Hows about I ask you again tomorrow? More formally.” “Okay.”
You're unable to hold back the grin from your face. Marry Otoya? Being his friend is one thing but this is a dream come true.
“Oh! I almost forgot!” You get up and grab your purse shuffling around. “Close your eyes Otoya.” “Ok ok... You take the little box from your purse and open it to place a small wooden triangle in his hand. “You can open your eyes now.” He looks down at his hand to see a small triangular pick. “A pick?” He studies it. “For your guitar!”
“Wha-” reaching under the bed you pull out a brand new redwood guitar. “Wow! For me?! Are you sure?!” “Of course! Otoya takes the guitar running his fingers over the frets and strings. “Happy birthday Otoya.” He sets the guitar down by the nightstand beside him. “Thank you Y/N!” He tackles you to the bed holding you tight.
You spend the rest of the night giddily talking about your goals, dreams and aspirations for the future. Eventually falling asleep next to each other.
In the morning you wake to a blushing Otoya combing his hand through your hair and your eyes flutter awake.
“Good morning, Y/N.” Otoya presses a kiss to your forehead. “Morning.” You yawn. “Did you sleep well?” “That was the best sleep I've had in a while.” Otoya beams. “Good, are you hungry? Would you like breakfast? I could have the cook bring us something.” “That sounds lovely.”
“I'll be right back!” Otoya rushes off to the kitchen and has a special breakfast made. He returns with the cook serving both of you a buffet.
“Otoya!! We cant eat all this!?!” "That's ok, there's plenty of variety so just pick what you want!” You share a large breakfast together in bed. Otoya insists on feeding you dessert, but after the feast you just had you couldn't possibly take another bite.
After a quick rest, Otoya leads you on a stroll through the garden. It's early spring and the flowers are just starting to bloom. You're walking along when you pull Otoya to a stop.
“Hibiscus!” You wander over to the colorful display of red, yellow, white and pink flowers. “Hibiscus is my favorite flower.” You hold back your hair and take in the sweet almost fruity fragrance. “Y/N.” Otoyas hand takes yours.
“We've known each other since we were kids. As the years have gone by I've realized how special you are to me as a friend and something more. I promise to love and protect you as I will my kingdom. With you by my side, I feel as if I can do anything. I will give you each and every one of these flowers and more.” Otoya kneels down in front of you.
“My heart belongs to you and only you.” You gasp as he opens the velvet box to reveal a dazzling yet subtle ring. “Say you'll be mine, forever and always.”
“Otoya...” You tear up once more. “Yes, of course I'll be yours!” He stood and took the ring out of the box placing it on your finger. You leap to hug him almost knocking him over in the process. This was better than you could ever imagine.
"Otoya, I love you." Your heart pounds as you pull back to look him in the eyes.
"I love you too, Y/N." You share a very heartfelt passionate kiss.
Otoya plucks a flower from one of the branches and tucks it in your hair.
“There, for my beautiful bride to be.” You plant a gentle kiss on his cheek and walk hand in hand back to the castle where you greet the queen.
You feel quite foolish when you realize that it was your parent's plan all along to get you two together, but it worked out so naturally you didn't care. You were getting married to the guy of your dreams, and that was a miracle within itself.
Your wedding was celebrated with your family and civilians from far and wide.
But with Otoya by your side, this truly was a dream come true.
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enchantedtomeethyun · 4 years
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Back To December Part Two-Felix
Warnings: none. Fluffy. Maybe language.
It's not what you think. I don't want to hurt him. Felix is such a kind person I feel ashamed he doesn't know me how he should.  He doesn't know I bite my nails when I lie.  I can never seem to make up my mind so I usually wing it and hope things go well. The truth is right now this man is sitting in front of me talking about how he's happy we are together right now and I'm still not sure. Maybe he falls in love quicker than me? I really am the worst person for him.
"Felix..." I signed out look up finally to make eye contact with him. His lips curl into a smile and he cups his cheeks leaning on the table.
"Yes lovely.." he says looking at me awaiting my words.
"I want to love you right this time... please give me this chance. I know I am not the best for you but I want to try and be the best I can for you." I said lowering my head pulling my hands off the table onto my lap.
"You will always have me you know. That's what hurt me the most after you didn't show up. I realized you will always have me in some way. If we are apart you'll be in my thoughts and my heart. Those months without you made me realize something..." He began to say waiver if his voice and sitting up straight.
"I fell in love with you too easily and I didn't give you a chance to fall for me. I was so caught up and I was selfish. I blamed myself." He admitted hand on his heart.  Blame himself... but I'm the asshole that never showed before his flight. I left him on read. Ignored him for months because I was selfish and didn't think how I effected him.
"Felix listen please don't say that... I.. I'm an asshole. I left you in the dark when all you did was give me your love. You held me that night the first time you ever saw me cry and I pushed you away." I began. Placing my hands on the table i opened them as they shook to show my vulnerability. He noticed me shaking and reached out hovering above my hands not knowing if it was appropriate to hold them. Finally deciding, he held them loosely looking at me with consoling eyes ready for my words again.
"It maybe bothers me how you're so accepting of me but you know nothing about me. You know my favorite pudding sure but you don't know the inside of my mind. I'm scared you'll see me for who I am and decide maybe you don't want me anymore." Tears left his eyes as I finished. His pure heart aches for me. I'm his Achilles Heel  and there is nothing I can do about it.
" I want you to want me to stay. No, I need you to need me to stay. I will. You know I will. But I need you to tell me you feel something when you're with me. Cause if you don't know then let me go.." Felix choked out wiping his tears on his sleeve and returning his hand back into mine.
"I just need time. I feel something for you but it's hard to tell how much I feel when we have only spent 5 days together. We haven't even kissed.." I said quietly. Why do I feel guilty all of a sudden. I can't return this love he has for me.
"Dammit so it's my fault I fell in love with you. What did you expect you're perfect to me.. you like me for me not because I'm a celebrity or something. When we met at GameStop and you told me to try and play the cars3 game cause it was on sale I knew I liked you. You said lighting McQueen is your role model and you expect me not to fall in love with you?!" He raised his voice but laughed towards the end.
"One thing I can promise is you have been the one thing on my mind since you left. You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk!" I said laughing then fully regretting it seconds later because of the shocked look on his face.
" You what! Oh no what's wrong with how I talk ahhh god. Now I can't stop thinking about it ..." Felix said covering his face shyly laughing.
"No nothing is wrong with it. It's cute I promise but please let me fall in love with you". I said More serious at the end.  Felix looked up and smiled at me.
" Lucky for you I'm on vacation this month.. you got me for a while!" He beamed like the sun he is. I'm fucking screwed.
One week later and here we are. I let Felix stay at my place cause like I don't care how much money you have everybody wants somewhere free to stay without worrying about cum on the comforter. Period. He likes to do this fun little thing in the morning. He wakes up and takes a shower at 9 am then proceeds to sing power ballads in the bathroom for an hour. I don't know if the bathrooms in Korea are sound proof or if he's shameless. But I do know that 9 am is the middle of the night for me. So here I am laying in my bed eyes open listening to Felix dramatically sing "He said she said" by Ashley Tisdale. At least he has taste though I'll give him that. After a few songs and his fictional audience asking for an encore TWICE he shut off the water. There is no way I'm going back to sleep so I sat up in bed, arms crossed awaiting his arrival.
His footsteps tiptoe out of the bathroom and he shushes my dog who was probably sleeping. That bitch can sleep through a fire I swear. He slowly opens the door ever so quietly not to wake  me. But like what the point ?
"Felix." I said deadpanned. His eyes were wide with shock still holding his towel on his body.
"What are you doing awake? I thought you sleep till noon on the weekends?" He said surprised while sorting through his suitcase for clothes to wear.
"Well  I would still be sleeping but you just had to give your rendition of "Breaking Free" from High School Musical..." I said rolling my eyes collapsing back into the covers covering my face with the pillow he used from the night before. Felix giggled before throwing himself onto the bed engulfing me in a hug from behind.
"Ahhhh my babyyyyy I'm sorry.. I'm so used to the boys sleeping heavy. Hyunjin is knocked out cold once he's asleep you know?" He said apologetically.
"Oh pleaseee don't tell me another story about Hyunjin and his girlfriend.. I've heard enough I get it they are perfect for each other and are sooo funny..." I mumbled into my pillow dramatically. Felix laughed and rolled off of me getting off the bed to go get dressed. It did not occur to me he was not wearing any clothes until this exact moment.
"Felix..." I said calmly face still in the pillow.
"Yes my lovely.." Felix said cheerfully across the room shuffling around.
"Are you naked..." I said again calmly.
"Yes I am." He responded equally as calm.
"Ok..." I said after a long silence in the room.
The room was still for a moment and I felt like I could finally get back to sleep when I felt the bed dip and my pillow taken away from me. The pillow was replaced with a warm Felix holding me close. Luckily he was clothed now. We haven't kissed yet and the thought of him naked in my room makes me sweat more than a hooker in a church.
"Felix.." I said prolonging his name. He hummed against my head as a response.
"When are you going to kiss me?" I said opening my sleepy eyes looking at his resting frame.
"I wanted to wait until you are ready. I can't rush your feelings for me I realize that. Something like our first kiss together should be shared when we both want it equally..." he said as his voice vibrated against my neck as he snuggles in closer. I want this now. I think I do at least. How will I know I want him if I haven't kissed him? How will I know there are sparks if we don't?
"Kiss me Felix." I said as sure as I could. He doesn't hesitate which shows he's been waiting for a while. Immediately he grabs my face with both hands.Looking at me as if he is holding the world  and leans in. Instinctively I grab the hem of his shirt pulling him closer to make the kiss deeper. I felt someone go off inside me. A beautiful flame began to flicker as he climbed on top of me not once stopping the kiss. It continued in an addictive rhythm I wish would never stop. Separating for a moment to catch our breaths I felt the dim light inside me ignite into a full flame not wavering once. A solid flame lit for as long as he's in my arms.
"Do you want to continue?" He asked leaning toward my face. Who am I to say no?
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chinguwritings · 4 years
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A 3RACHA Fan-Fiction
|| Ch 1 || Ch 2 || Ch 3 || Ch 4 || Ch 5 || Ch 6 ||
A/N: Sorry this took even longer than the other chapter ;-; work has honestly just been driving me insane and running me down so much that I couldn't bring myself to write. I'm finall quitting this week though sooo hopefully I'll be back in the swing of things really soon. ~Admin Kay
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Chapter 5 - Better Late Than Never
Genre: Angst, Hanahaki AU
Rating: PG (swearing, mentions of sex)
Word Count: 3.8k
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Bright rays of sunlight peeked through Changbin’s window, making him squint as he stretched out his arms and slowly sat himself up in his bed. For a minute he simply sat there, eyes half lidded while he pent up enough energy to actually will himself out of bed, that was until he got a surprisingly strong whiff of freshly cooked food from somewhere nearby. Suddenly alert, he quickly panned his room and noticed a plate on his desk that was filled with breakfast foods and next to it, sat a little piece of paper. Curious to know what the deal was, Changbin quickly untangled  himself from his blankets and made his way over to his desk.
Good morning, Changbin-hyung! I made you breakfast today. I hope it’s yummy… Enjoy! :)
A puzzled expression formed on Changbin’s face as he tried to make sense of the situation; was Jisung trying to prove something? After giving it some thought though, Changbin was able to quickly put two and two together, determining that this was Jisung’s way of trying to make it up to him. Of course, cooking him a meal this one time wouldn’t suffice as a proper apology, however, he did appreciate the thought and the free food.
He took his time eating what Jisung had prepared before heading out to the kitchen to wash the plate, but to his dismay, Jisung was currently occupying the sink to wash the dishes he’d used to cook. 
“How was it?” Jisung asked, a bright smile on his face as he finished rinsing the dishes and glanced over at Changbin expectantly.
“Um…” Changbin cleared his throat, awkwardly turning his head away as he spoke, “It was good, thanks.” With that, he was about to walk back to his room and come back later, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Jisung approaching him.
“I can take your plate, hyung. I’ll wash it for you.”
When Changbin looked up, he was met with Jisung’s innocent gaze, his hand held out to take the used dish from him. He couldn’t bring himself to say anything as he handed it over to him, a guilty feeling building up inside of him as he watched Jisung make his way back to the sink. It was clear that these past few days, Jisung had been trying really hard to make up with Changbin with his apologies and attempts to talk to him, and now doing nice things for him… but Changbin, on the other hand, hadn’t really tried at all to amend things with Jisung; not once did he ever think about apologizing to Jisung or even just talking it out, even though he knew he was in the wrong too. He felt better about himself when he evaded the situation as a whole and put all the blame on Jisung instead.
He felt shitty for it, but he decided to avoid Jisung yet again, going back up to his room to change. On their off days, Changbin normally liked to go to the gym to work out and today was no exception. If anything, he needed it more today than any other day to one, get away from Jisung, and two, to relieve his stress and get his mind off of things, particularly his conscience; it was really starting to get to him and it was becoming a nuisance.
Once he’d finished changing, he made his way to the kitchen to pack his things, passing by Jisung on the way, who was sitting on the couch watching tv.
“Hyung,” Jisung called from the living room, hearing Changbin scavenging through the kitchen cabinets, “I made your protein shake already. It’s by the door… and I packed you a little snack for after too.”
Changbin froze for a second at Jisung’s words, shocked that he’d gone out of his way for him yet again even though the day had just barely begun. Awkwardly making his way out of the kitchen, Changbin mumbled a quick thank you to Jisung before darting out the front door to get to the gym.
“Ergh!” he grumbled to himself as he walked down the sidewalk, frustrated by Jisung’s actions. If his goal was to guilt trip him, then he was doing a damn good job… Changbin thought a good workout would ease his mind so that when he got back home, he’d be able to go right back to ignoring Jisung, but no. Every time he took a sip of the protein shake, and every time he even just glanced at the snack bag Jisung had prepared he felt sick to his stomach. How could Jisung be so kind to him, when all he’d done was treat him like shit? Why couldn’t Jisung just ignore him back?
Unable to finish working out peacefully, he decided to call it quits and head home early. Maybe it really would be a good idea to talk things through with Jisung; ignorance was a bliss for a little while, but he had to admit the burden of losing his best friend over his own dumb feelings was pretty petty and it definitely didn’t feel good.
“Oh, you’re home early,” Jisung remarked as he passed by Changbin, who was making his way to his room, “I was just about to prepare a bath for—”
“Don’t,” Changbin replied solemnly, making Jisung frown. 
“Is everything okay?” he asked worriedly.
“We need to talk.”
As Changbin entered his room, he quickly set his things down before taking a seat on his bed, Jisung following suit and seating himself on the opposite end of the bed to provide some space between the two of them.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” Changbin blurted, his eyes glued to the floor, too embarrassed to look up at Jisung.
“Why wouldn’t I be? You’re my friend so of course I’m gonna be nice to you…”
“But you’re being particularly nice today…”
“Well… it’s just… I really missed you… you were being so distant after our fight and just… I don’t know, I was scared that I’d lose you if I didn’t do something.”
Changbin’s heart ached at Jisung’s words; Jisung really did care about him a lot more than he gave him credit for. In the end, Changbin was the one not giving a care about Jisung and completely disregarding his feelings.
“No wonder Chan likes you,” Changbin scoffed, his eyes welling with tears as he continued, “Who would like someone as selfish as me… someone who doesn’t even know how to properly express his feelings or contain them when he needs to?”
“Changbin…” Jisung whined, scooting closer to him to place a comforting hand on his shoulder, “I don’t think that’s—”
“Listen Jisung, all of this is my fault, I’m sorry,” Changbin sniffled, “I shouldn’t have lashed out at you about going out with Chan and I shouldn’t have said all that stuff about him using you, I was just jealous. Who you date, who you have feelings for, who you have sex with, all of that isn’t my business, and I shouldn’t have gotten upset that you never told me anything… I didn’t tell you anything either so I was also being a hypocrite. I’m really sorry, Jisung.”
“Changbin, it’s okay… I’m not mad that you didn’t tell me. It’s just… if I had known you were into Chan I wouldn’t have gone for him. I think I’m more upset that you didn’t tell me you were sick… I’m sorry that I haven’t been doing a good job showing it with all my sneaking around and doing things behind your back, but I do care about you a lot, and finding out about your hanahaki disease when you’re already in the fourth phase is really concerning… why haven’t you said anything about it this whole time? What if you died?! You did such a good job hiding it too, I would’ve never known…”
“Well, if it was bad enough I was going to get the flowers removed. I already started looking into it actually. The truth is though, I didn’t tell you because…” he trailed off, letting out a sigh before continuing, “You know what… I should just tell you everything. After all you’ve done for me you deserve to know.” Taking a deep breath, Changbin prepared himself to explain his situation with Chan. He knew it would probably end in another flare, or maybe multiple, but now that Jisung knew the jist of things it was a lot easier to discuss the sensitive topic with him.
“So, it was shortly after we’d started making recordings for 3racha that I’d first taken an interest in Chan. At the time, liking a guy was pretty foreign and so I assumed that what I felt wasn’t romantic or anything like that. I thought I was just admiring Chan as a good rapper, producer, and leader. Over time though, my feelings for him started to grow stronger and maybe about a year ago, I realized that I genuinely liked Chan, and that I really am sexually attracted to men. Obviously, seeing as I’m terrible with expressing my feelings, I tried to subtly hint at it and initiate hang outs and what not, but really, nothing was happening between us. He seemed completely oblivious to my feelings and we kind of just stayed as friends… until the Christmas party this past winter.
After dinner had finished and everyone was hanging out down stairs, Chan pulled me aside and took me to one of the bedrooms upstairs. He said he’d stayed there before with JYP when he had events to go to in the morning. Prior to the party, we talked about buying each other Christmas gifts, but agreed on not getting each other to be frugal, and instead, just spending time together or something like that. Since we weren’t buying each other anything, I just decided to make him something really small, a bracelet. I’d made us matching ones and while we sat together on the balcony of that room, I gave it to him. From there, everything escalated; it started with him holding my hand, and then a kiss… and then next thing you know we were in bed together…” 
Changbin paused for a moment, feeling the dreadful sensation that he’d been patiently awaiting starting to surface as his thoughts surrounded that night with Chan.
“Hey,” Jisung spoke feebly and gently rubbed Changbin’s back, sensing his unease, “You can take a break if you need, there’s no rush. Just breathe, and clear your head.”
“No, I’m okay…” Changbin sighed after inhaling deeply, “I’d rather just get this over with.”
Jisung nodded in acknowledgement before Changbin continued, “He never told me anything that night in regards to feelings or anything like that, and of course, I wasn’t going to be the one to ask, so I just left it. I kind of just assumed that if Chan was the one to make the advances, then it meant he liked me, but apparently I was very wrong to jump to a conclusion like that. Once we started getting back to work after the holidays finished, nothing. I’m not sure if I’m just being subjective about the situation because I was hurt, but it seemed as though Chan had actually become distant and a lot less… friendly with me. He was still nice, as always, but he didn’t talk to me as much as before and he didn’t text as often… he only texted me about work related things.
A few weeks after that, just barely into the new year, was when I developed the first symptoms of hanahaki disease. It was the worst in the beginning; I went from phase one to two in less than a week, but after that, I was able to keep it somewhat under control… I managed to stretch out phase two and three over the span of six months or so, with just occasional flares when I’d have major interactions with Chan. Before my recent recording with Chan, I was actually doing really well and hadn’t had a flare in almost a month. I thought I’d finally recovered to be honest… but y’know the matching bracelets I made for us? I still carry it with me in my pocket and when I was leaving the recording room, I accidentally dropped it and he picked it up for me… and then he commented on how I don’t wear it anymore… which bothered me because he only wore his for like, the first week after I gave it to him.
And also, I figured out that you went to see him the night before my recording, because I went to check on you right before I went to sleep, but you were gone. I didn’t think too much of it at first, but when I asked you about it the next morning, your reaction made me suspicious. Chan also seemed a little more tired than normal during our session so I kind of put two and two together. Finding out you and him were going out made my disease flare again, and worse this time… My fifth stage flowers actually started blooming last night, when you went home with Chan after practice. I went through stage four in less than a week, just like I did with stage one, but breathing and coughing up the petals is becoming a lot more painful these days. As for the reason I never told you about any of it, is because for one, after my encounter with Chan, I didn’t want to admit to anyone else that I was gay, and then I didn’t tell you I was sick because I thought you’d see me as a pathetic loser who’s so hung up on some guy who doesn’t even like him back.”
“Changbin…” Jisung whined, hurt that Changbin felt that way about himself, “You’re one of the strongest people I know, I would never think of you as a pathetic loser. You’ve literally been suffering for over six months on your own and you hid it so well that I didn’t even have a clue. I wish you didn’t have to go through all of that, but the fact that you could bear that is amazing… If I were you, I don’t think I would’ve been able to handle something like that by myself.”
“Thanks, Jisung… but I still think I’m pretty pathetic. I even got mad at you and blamed you because of my own jealousy…”
“If I had to go through what you’ve been through, I’m sure I would’ve done the same, you don’t need to beat yourself up about it… it’s really okay. The big issue now is figuring out how to help you recover. You know, I was thinking that you were right though, about only having spent a few days together with Chan and that I might be delusional about us, so I decided that I should just give him up on him, and then you’d have an easier time—”
“No!” Changbin blurted, turning sharply to Jisung and finally looking him in the eyes, “Don’t give up on Chan. You guys definitely have something special that he and I never had… I told you Jisung, everything I said before was just a load of bullshit that I blurted because I was just jealous of you. You should be with Chan if you really like him… d-don’t let me stop you.” Changbin could feel himself getting choked up, his eyes welling with tears again as he thought about what he’d just said. He did genuinely support Jisung and wished him happiness in his endeavors with Chan, but on the inside, it still hurt… he wanted more than anything to be in Jisung’s shoes, to be the one Chan liked.
“Hyung… don’t cry…” Jisung pouted, grabbing Changbin’s hand and squeezing it tight, “How can I pursue Chan if it hurts you like this?”
Breaking eye contact once again, Changbin hung his head, letting his tears fall down into his lap. He could feel his chest tightening with each sniffle, a growing pain in his thoracic region soon accompanying, making his face twist in pain. Jisung didn’t fail to notice the few petals that trickled past Changbin’s lips after letting out a few small coughs, so reaching for the small trash can that Changbin kept in his room, he knelt on the ground, placing the small bin down just between Changbin’s legs before comforting him through the painful process.
In a matter of seconds, Jisung noticed Chanbin become noticeably tense, the excruciating sensation he felt written clearly on his face as he expelled a bundle of petals into the container, right in front of Jisung.
“I,” Changbin started, obviously still in pain as he gasped for air, “I’m s-sorry you… had t-to see that.”
Jisung’s lips began to quiver and a lump formed in his throat as he stared at the green and blue petals piled in the bin, some of which were speckled with small, red blood stains.
“J-Jisung…?” Changbin addressed worriedly, “Why are you crying?”
Jisung hesitated to answer, sniffling and trying his best to collect himself before attempting to speak, “It’s so painful…” he looked up at the older boy through his glossy, tear stained orbs, “To see my best friend, and one of the strongest people I know suffering this much.”
* * *
The rest of the day went well. Besides the abundance of angsty emotions surrounding Changbin’s situation with Chan, everything was good. With Jisung and Changbin’s close relationship finally restored after their absence of communication for the past few days, they decided to celebrate by going out to dinner together.
“Good choice eating here, hyung,” Jisung hummed contentedly as he dug into his food.
“The last time we came here was for your past birthday, so I figured it’d be nice to come again,” Changbin nodded in agreement.
The boys were quiet as they ate, but of course, the silence was different from that of before;  the atmosphere was light and comfortable, with two best friends simply enjoying each other’s presence as much as they were enjoying their food. 
It didn’t take long for them to clean their plates, the two of them slumping into the big, cushioned seats of their booth as they waited for their waiter to come back with checks. They sat again in a comfortable silence for a few minutes until it was broken by Changbin’s phone buzzing loudly against the table. He sat himself up properly as he reached for the vibrating device to check who was calling, but when he saw the name displayed on the screen he almost had to do a double take to make sure he wasn’t crazy.
“Who is it?” Jisung spoke up, noticing Changbin’s sudden change in expression.
“It’s…. Chan,” he uttered.
“Answer it,” Jisung replied calmly.
Changbin was starting to look a little pale, the life completely sucked out of his features as he swiped his thumb over the screen to answer the call and lifted his phone up to his ear.
“Thank god, you actually answered,” Chan let out a sigh of relief before continuing, “How are you?”
“Uh… I’m okay…” Changbin replied nervously, “W-why?”
“Jisung told me you guys fought, so I kinda just wanted to check up on you… my gut feeling was telling me that it had something to do with me.”
“O-oh…” Changbin stuttered, taken aback by Chan’s statement. Although he was right, Changbin didn’t want to outright say, ‘yes, it had to do with you,’ but at the same time, he didn’t know what else he could say. As he pondered over what his next words should be, he ended up creating an awkward silence in the conversation, which Chan ended up having to break.
“Um… well if you don’t mind, we could meet up and talk about it tonight. I have a few things I’d like to say to you too.”
Changbin gulped at the proposal, still feeling anxious about the idea of facing Chan in a non-work environment. It’d been nearly half a year since they'd had a  genuine conversation just for fun, and that was a little while before their one night stand… after that incident, he really didn’t know what Chan thought of him and it scared him enough to avoid speaking with him all this time.
Just as he’d been doing, once again, he decided he felt more comfortable avoiding Chan, but without a valid excuse he ended up telling him, “I’ll think about it…”
“Alright. If you decide you wanna talk, just text me. I’ll see you later,” was the last thing Chan said before hanging up, and Changbin let out a sigh of relief as he set his phone back down on the table.
“What’d he say?” Jisung inquired, seeing as Changbin wasn’t going to mention it if he didn't ask.
“He wanted to meet up and talk… so I told him I’ll think about it,” he replied nonchalantly, shrugging it off and hoping Jisung wouldn’t prod further… but of course he did, it’s Jisung after all.
“Why don’t you do it?” Jisung asked bluntly.
“I can’t face him…” he sighed, defeated, “I’m a fucking coward.”
“You’re not a coward,” Jisung assured, “Approaching a crush is nerve-wracking for anyone, but I think it’s hard for you to get over Chan because you lack closure with him. You’re probably scared because you feel like Chan has negative feelings toward you, but I’m ninety-nine percent sure he doesn’t. You should ask him what really happened after your one night stand; I’m sure it's not as bad as you think it is.”
“I don’t know, Jisung… It’s been months already…”
“Better late than never.”
Letting out another sigh, Changbin decided that maybe Jisung was right. Everything he'd said  about him being scared and lacking closure was true and honestly, even though he was able to put it off for a long ass time, he did want to know what Chan thought of him and what had really happened between the two of them.
Reluctantly, Changbin reached for his phone and quickly scrolled through his archive of text conversations to find Chan’s. Upon finding it, he clicked on the text box and slowly began to type: “I’ll be free in about an hour if you still want to talk.” He could feel his heart pounding against his chest as his thumb hovered over the send button, still debating if he should follow through or not.
“You’ll be okay,” Jisung spoke up, placing a comforting hand over Changbin’s, seeing that he looked distressed, “In the end, you’ll be relieved that you talked to him. If you don’t do it, you’ll probably regret missing the opportunity… right?”
With that, Changbin let out a deep sigh as he nodded at Jisung and finally hit send on his message. He knew Jisung was right, and he knew that he would feel better afterwards, but that didn’t take away from the fact that he was nervous as hell right now. Only moments after he set his phone back down on the table, it buzzed again, nearly giving him a heart attack as he glanced over at the bright screen.
[Chan 7:46 PM]: I’ll be there by 9
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|| Ch 1 || Ch 2 || Ch 3 || Ch 4 || Ch 5 || Ch 6 ||
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Caught Red-Handed
Pairing: Finn Balor/Demon King Balor/Angeline (OC)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Dom/Sub interactions, DaddyKink, Oral, Orgasm Denial, Threesome? (Does it count as a threesome if two of the participants share a body? I feel like this should come up more often when it comes to Finn) SO. MUCH. FLITH
Author's Note: So I got hooked on ASMR. Specifically smutty ASMR. My favorite (performer?) is a guy with an Irish accent that always brings a certain wrestler to mind and so this was born.
Taglist: @tacoshu @ladytea19 @nerdlife0612 @wwevampireamongkpop @winged-time-criminal @blondekel77 @kayah16 @finnsauroraborealis @savemeroman @gold--gucciempress @littledeadrottinghood @evilangel84 @buttons-beads-lace @deepdisireslonging @mohawkmama
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Angel's POV
"Acushla?" Finn's voice permeates the hazy fog of sleep I'm lost in.
"Mm?" I try to answer him but Seth had a party in his hotel suite last night so I'm tired and my head is absolutely fucking killing me.
"I have that radio show interview and a signing, then i'll be back Mo Chroi" I hear him say
"Mm" I try to make a affirmative sound
My side of the bed dips and the covers are pulled from off my head letting in the bright morning sunlight, I blink a few times and try to focus on the beautiful man leaning over me.
"Hungover darling?"
"I am never letting Dean make my drinks ever again" I reply
Finn laughed lowly "A lesson we've all learned, love"
"Is THAT why no one else drank Dean's punch?! It doesn't even taste like it has that much booze in it!"
"I don't know what Ambrose puts in that magic potion of his but its all alcoholic" Finn tells her
"Oh" I murmur already planning out how I'm going to kick Seth's ass. I'd drank Dean's concoction on his suggestion but apparently I'd been pranked.
"You need to eat something, take a shower and rest. You don't have any press today?"
I ran through my schedule in my head. "Nope. I did the last round so its Becks turn."
"Good. Eat, shower and rest." he says kissing me on the forehead "If you take care of yourself like a good girl you'll get a treat when I get back. Normal rules are still in effect. No touching that sweet little cunt while Daddy is away."
Finn's POV
The interview went off without a hitch, and I'd done my job of talking up this weekend's PPV. The signing however? That was a fucking mess. There had been a mix up with the venue's security and we'd had to cancel. So here I was back at the hotel irritated at disappointing the fans who'd come out to see me, but happy to be headed back to Angel hours earlier then I'd planned.
I get to our hotel room and open the door only to be completely shocked at the sight before me. Angel, naked except for one of my button down shirts laying on the bed in front of her laptop with a toy buried deep inside of her.
"What is this?" I say louder then I'd intended
"Daddy?!" She says sitting up abruptly "Your early!"
"The signing was a dead loss, I was going to surprise you but I'm the one who got the surprise…Is that…one of my matches? And Toys? What happened to being a good girl for Daddy?"
I hear her mutter something "What was that? Speak up." I demanded
"I got turned on watching you" she says louder, blushing from what I assumed was a mixture of arousal and embarrassment
"You are a VERY naughty girl and you are in SO much trouble" I say walking towards the bed pulling off my suit jacket and loosening my tie.
Angel's POV
Well shit. I think to myself as I watch Finn walk toward me. I’m fucked aren’t I? And from the red and black stains crawling their way across his skin as he unbuttons his shirt…not only was I in trouble, I was in trouble with both my Daddy and my King.
“Oh my Angeal was a naughty, naughty lass wasn’t she?” That dark, velvety voice that was Finn’s and not Finn’s asked me.
“Yes, My King” I answer hesitantly
Balor clicks his tongue like a scolding parent “My dear Angeline. Whatever will my host and I do with such a naughty little girl?”
Balor's POV
The host and I didn't agree on much, I personally didn't understand why he didn't just let me out to destroy all these peons who dared to disrespect us, but since we'd come to America the host insisted on doing things 'fair and square' and would only ever let me out under extreme duress. I longed for the days when my host had thought of himself as royalty and we worked together to obliterate anyone who dared to oppose us.
The only thing good about our current surroundings was the one thing on which we did agree. Our Mate. Our beautiful Angeline, with her milk chocolate skin on, curly black hair and pretty brown eyes was a warrior in her own right and the only woman we'd deemed worthy to be our Queen since we'd shared this form.
Speaking of our Queen, she'd been a very bad girl and that just wouldn't do at all.
"How are we to punish you?" I ask her, enjoying the mix of emotions drifting across her face
Finn's POV
I strip down, walk over to the bed and take Angel's laptop, glancing at the screen and seeing it paused on myself, wearing Balor's warpaint before I place it on the desk out of the way.
"Look at you, all flushed and trembling, did I interrupt you before you could come?" I ask her
"Yes Daddy" she tells me.
"Well at least there's that. Maybe I should just make you go take a cold shower to cool off. After all you disobeyed me."
"Hmm, or maybe…you wanted to try edging didn't you my Angel?"
Angel's POV
Holy fucking shit. Edging was something we'd talked about trying but now? As a punishment? With both of them?
Yes, Daddy" the words slip out of my mouth before I can even wrap my head around the gravity of my situation
I watch as my Daddy., I could tell from his movements that this was Finn, but from the ever shifting red and black coating his skin I could tell My King wasn't far from the surface.
Finn climbs on the bed with me and gently walks his fingers up my legs toward my pussy.
You know you aren't allowed to dip into Daddy's pleasure when he's not around" he says, skimming a finger along my damp slit
"Look at this, all this wet, slick heat and it's not even for me is it?"
Well, I guess technically it was since I'd been getting off on one of their matches but I doubted that would be a sufficient answer for them.
"Shhhh don't speak right now." He says before I can answer him
He picks up the vibrator I had just been using and rubbed it along the same path his fingers had just took stopping at the top of my slit to press it against my clit before flicking it on causing me to let out a loud moan.
"You were soooo close when I interruptted your fun. Sooo close to coming all over this toy. But now you're not going to…so don't you dare come Angel. Not until Daddy says so."
"My Angeal just isn't living up to her name today, is she?" My King asks me
"No My King" I answer as I start to writhe on the bed, I had been so fucking close when Finn had surprised me and now my whole body was tingling with the need for orgasm
"We have the rest of the day, I could just tease and tease and tease you for hours." my Daddy says
Shit, I both loved and hated when they decided to keep switching on me. Finn and Balor were both dangerous in their own right…but when they worked together? They were lethal to my senses.
He, and at this point I wasn't exactly clear on who was in control, moved the vibe away from my pussy and buried his face between my legs.
"You taste so fucking good. So fucking sweet. Now this. This is for me, it's for us. Isn't it my Queen?"
Well fuck, I should have known. I thought as pleasure overwhelmed me. It was Balor. Balor loved eating pussy for some reason, even more than Finn.
"Don't even think about coming" he growled against my clit before sucking it into his mouth.
"Fuck!" I cried out "My King, my King. I can't." I babbled, he had to be kidding right? He was doing the exact thing that NEVER failed to make me go off like fireworks and I WASN'T allowed to come?
With one last nibbling suck, he sat up to look at me. It was definitely my King in full control now, Finn's gorgeous blue eyes were rimmed in red and black and Balor's markings were fully realized on his skin in a way no artist could duplicate.
"Do you need something to distract you?" he asks me.
When I nodded he flipped our positions so that I was draped over him with his beautiful, thick cock at my mouth and, my pussy over his face.
"Suck my cock, Angeal" he demanded before thrusting his abnormally long tongue into my pussy.
I licked at the precome beading the head of his cock, as always marvelling at the changes Balor wrought in Finn's body. He even tasted different then Finn did.
"I'm doing the teasing here not you, My Queen" Balor's voice brought me back from where I'd drifted off.
"AHHH, yesss," I hear him hiss "Now you're being a good little girl, that's it my Queen, suck my cock deep, while I eat this delicious cunt."
His words of praise send even more jolts of pleasure through my body, as he continues to wreck me.
"My perfect Queen, my perfect mate. Someone worthy of my status." I hear him growl against me.
His words cause another moan to vibrate around his cock. It was amazing to me that this was my life. That both these perfect beings, The Demon and the man agreed that I was absolutely perfect for both of them.
"When I come, my Queen you are going to swallow my seed, then and only then can you come."
With that command ringing in my ears I got serious about sucking his cock swirling my tongue around the head before sucking him to the back of my throat.
"That's it my good girl suck me down. Make your King come for you so you can come for him."
I redouble my efforts at those words, sucking him right down to the base causing him to let out a gasping moan before his hot cum filled my mouth and I swallowed every last drop.
At that moment two long fingers filled my soaking wet pussy hooking to hit my G-spot dead on "Such a good little Queen making me come for you. Now you are going to cum for me"
With those words, I exploded in pleasure with a scream hoping that none of our Co workers were in the ajoining rooms
Still breathing heavy I let Balor move me like a boneless doll until I was cuddled in his arms, tracing the patterns on his skin as they faded leaving only Finn's perfectly tanned skin behind.
"Rest, Mo Chroi" I could hear him say as I drifted off "When you wake. It's my turn."
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suckmetal · 5 years
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BlackKrossHouse_01_ September_19th_2017_Don't wake up Jeremy*
"Don’t wake up Jeremy."
I open my eyes to find myself on the upstairs hallway, did I go in a trance again? How long has it been? I don't remember what I was even doing before hand...
It is so dark, I'll try to turn on the lights so I can see where I'm going....
No power sooo power cut?
From what I can make out in the darkness was that I was upstairs in front of a door, my bedroom door.
I should be getting to bed before my housemates notice I'm out of bed and have a go at me for whatever reason, I don’t want to be blamed for another fight.
Supported Living wasn’t as fine and Dandy as I thought it to be, in my head I thought we’d all be a big happy special needs family, it’s more a prison and I’m rarely out of that stuffy shoebox room due to bullying.
I’m not allowed to stand up for myself or else I’ll be accused of bullying. I’d want to get back in my room before they notice I’m outside!
The doors locked? Damn!
and I can't find my keys in my pocket so I'm hoping maybe they are downstairs? And still there I hope for my sake that she hasn't taken them, I don't want her breaking into my room, stealing and violating my stuff, like those last few times she was able to get her little fat fingers on my keys.
I walk down the stairs untill I reach the middle landing, an unpleasent feeling stops me in my tracks as I stand before the wall of black hiding the stairs below, shouldn't it be illuminated with the moons light at least? like the other areas? I'm getting a sense of intense unease like something about this was wrong, like I felt...targeted?
I could always get my keys tomorrow I'll be up early enough anyway before she wakes up.
I turn away when a scream blasts into my ears
My legs automatically obey the voice and I run up the stairs hearing thundering footsteps behind me and once I see my door in sight I slam my body onto the door.
Shit it's locked! DUH Why didn't I think? My keys are down stairs!Now I'm dead!
Maybe it’s for the best...
I am bracing for it, the footsteps are slowing as it draws nearer possibly savouring my torment, my heart almost escaping my chest as I wait there accepting my fate.
I close my eyes crying, waiting.
"Don't move and control your fear"
"SHHHH! do as I say!" the voice whispered.
I take a big breath and I freeze instincts compelling me to do so, as I let my mind go blank remembering my techniques for whenever I have the paralysing panic attacks in public.
I feel it breath down my neck and I restrain the need to even shiver or give up and let it have me.
After what seemed a long time I felt it leave and I heard it return to downstairs.
I let out a shuddering breath feeling faint as all that compressed panic returns with a vengeance, the door unlocked from the other side opening revealing my best friend, the voice who guided me.
He opens out his arms and I run to embrace him tears spilling down my cold face and my form trembling, he locked the door behind me comfortly swaying me side to side securing me in his arms, I'm so scared and I stay close to him.
"It's okay, it's okay I'm here" He says soothingly.
"It's want it to stop!" I whimper letting out ugly sobbing noises and sniffling noises unable to breathe proberly "I want to get out of here and never come back! I hate it! I hate it! I HATE THEM! I hate seeing these things! I want it to end! But I can’t do it because I’m a fucking coward!" I choked my airways tightening.
"Now what good would that do to anyone? You still have so much ahead of you and one day you’ll escape from this and never turn back. Then everything will be okay and I’ll make sure your okay.... shhhh" He hushes continuing to sway.
His name is Dejavu (although I like to call him VuVu)hes my best friend who's like family to me, who’s the one been with me since I was little and is my guide throughout life, he helped me through all the times my Gran humiliated me, hit me, patronised me and degraded me, he healed every hurt inflicted on the cruel words of my family and now the cruel actions of the staff and my housemates.
I have tried remaining optimistic, you know like”at least I have a roof over my head” and “it could be worse and besides it’s not like they know better, they have higher needs then you”
I just wish that optimism was there when I needed it most, when at times I feel nothing matters, not even the things I enjoy doing, when I had those urges...
Anyway! Let’s get back to the tale, I do have a funny feeling he took most of my memories of Gran, I don’t know I just do.
I know they are still there but I can’t remember, sometimes I think it’s a good think I don’t remember because anything that’s associated with them fills me with a heavy feeling I’m unable to recognise, that’s why I put all those memories in a box and put it away.
Maybe that’s where Dejavu gets his name from.
I would spend days in my room like a prison, starving, unwashed and tired afraid to dare venture out my room because every time they will start drama with me and if I stood up for myself it would be seen as bullying.
I have Anemia, and due to starvation I hallucinate as I’ve never in my life hallucinated before, I don't have any other Disorders other than Aspergers to make me see things sooo it must be something to do with my living habits, stress, lack of food and sleep likely being the main culprits, all of which are directly linked to my housemates and staff.
Reasons for these problems is because these girls were allowed to steal my things if I dared to leave them unattended, or that one time I left the door open my remaining food went missing from the fridge in my room (I had a fridge in there because I was sick of them raiding my paid food located in the bottom drawer in fridge in the kitchen, but because I hardly leave my room to top up food from the shop I mostly starve), they're allowed to hit me, allowed to scream lies in my face for effect and talk about me behind my back.
They're allowed to do this simply because they've got more special needs then me, more rights then me whilst I'm just a mental case with Aspergers... according to the staff meant to have my best interests at heart.... sometimes I think that why should I take their needs in consideration when they don’t take mine in consideration?
Well that's my "Supported living" for you...
The staff hate me and I can’t imagine why as I treat them like guests and I always treat people with respect, I make sure they’re fed and give the beverages of their choices, cheer them up even though sympathy isn’t my strong suit and make them laugh even if my humour isn’t the best.
Was it because of that one time I yelled at my housemate and said those hurtful things because she yelled at me? I thought I was bad at letting petty issues go...
They call me a selfish Heartless bully and a useless lazy fuck because I won't come out my room, I hear them saying these hurtful things behind my back in the garden when I have my bedroom window open.
There's only been three staff that understood, but unfortunatly they aren't around often. Of course I have pros and cons to where I am now, I have freedom to do what I like away from my family now when when I lived with Gran I wasn’t allowed to do what I liked or even express anything, I wasn’t even allowed to get away so I had to fight for it.
My own family pretty much ignore the fact this is happening and remind me that I put this on myself by getting involved with social services and they are staying out of my drama, just because it got so hard with Gran that I couldn't do anything I wanted without being screamed and spat at and I got sick of it.
But the cons to it is that it’s damaging my mental health, I won’t tell anyone else because I will be labelled as an Attention seeker which is what I was called by my family for as long as I remember, I really really hate that word and how it’s thrown around needlessly.
It’s getting so bad that
I have paralysing panic attacks every single day and I usually lie in the fetal position on my bed as my body tenses in on itself in agony, attacks so bad I can't even scream.
Anxiety isn’t an unusual thing for me to have, as I’ve dealt with this as long as I remember but before I only had to deal with one panic attack each week or two.
It's no point to even scream anyway they'll just tell me how much of a drama queen or attention seeker I am anyway and VuVu would always be there when I need him, he’s always been there and that’s all I really need, he may not be “real” but he’s the only one who really cares and I care for him back.
I wouldn’t think he’s a hallucination or a delusion, he feels real to me, we grew up together and if it wasn’t for him I really wouldn’t be here right now..
I hope he is real because unlike everyone else, I don’t want to have more things wrong with me, I don’t want to be locked away in a mental ward like Gran tells me every time I suggest mental help.
He allowed me to cry into his sweater for some time until I composed myself.
"Yeah... best be getting to bed" I say wiping my eyes, all that panic and crying took out the remaining energy I had and boy am I drained, energy and patience has been in very short supply for me in these times.
I get into bed and he comes over sitting by my side. Just before I get comfortable I feel a vibration under my body which makes me jump, not like I wanted another mental breakdown thank you very much!
"Ugh! Oh.. it's my phone! Haha..." I laugh nervously unlocking it to see the text.
It was a text by nan and... a strange one, why would she text at 3:00 in the morning.
*You woke up Jeremy*
"Err VuVu?-" I ask but VuVu is gone and the air turns cold. --
--The supposed locked door opens, did he go out without me realising? I don't like this...-
Without warning a deformed creature with a receding hairline and naked long bony arms bursts into my room on all fours and leaps onto me shaking it's hideous head wildly.
"ARGH!" I scream as I bolt up right in a cold sweat.
Another nightmare but thankfully VuVu is still here but... he's standing face against the wall at the bottom of my bedroom.
"Oh VuVu am I glad to see you..." I breath in relief.
He doesn't answer he stands over staying at the wall.
"You have bought a lot of dark influences into this place... your negative energy is influenced by them-"
"What are you talking about?" I say cutting him off confused.
He slowly turns around slowly approaching me with a cold look in his eyes. My eyes widen and worry starts to rise.
"Vu you're scaring me... please I just had a nightmare...don't do this..." I whimper, he stops and looks up.
"Sorry..." He says and a moments silence took over.
"Are you okay?" I ask concerned, why is he acting like this? It's unusual and it's creepy, there's something wrong.
He then returned to his usual smile like nothing was wrong.
"You know what don't worry about it! I'll sort it out now it's 3:00 am bed college tomorrow and you're not pulling off an all nighters again right?" He grins but no matter how much he hides it I can see fear in his eyes, something I never saw in him before, I drop it feeling it wouldn't be a good idea to ask.
With that he fades away in the air returning to my mind, what did he mean by dark influences? I hardly call hexes much of dark influences as they are low level dark magic of course.
I close my eyes forgetting what happened earlier for now, reciting my housemates name in my head, what I want happening to her and allowing as much hatred as I can muster to make sure this spell is a success like all the others I’ve casted.
I already caused a staff member to have an accident on her bike and giveing her a really bad sprain, I even tried it a second time and she broke her leg going down the stairs the next day.
The proof I needed that these things, work if you perform them right.
Memorising what's written on a peice of paper under my pillow, I await what's to come to her tomorrow with a grin on my face.
I don’t have it in me to dish out revenge directly in person, so this technique is just for me and the best thing is they’ll never know.
They’ll all be sorry
Based on real life and on a dream I had. I hope you took no offence reading this and I’m sorry if you did but I like to turn my most horrible experiences into stories. I did change my friends name and the name of the house in this story but that’s the only changes I made. Or at least I’m aware of.
Stay awesome folks.
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