#martin fuhrer
newblvotg · 4 months
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gcgazette · 5 months
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Jude Law | Wilde  (Réal. Brian Gilbert 1997 - Martin Fuhrer, directeur de la photo)
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er1chartmann · 6 months
Gerda Bormann
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These are some facts and curiosities about Gerda Bormann, Martin Bormann's wife:
She was born on October 23, 1909
she was Walter Buch's eldest daughter
She was a shy, sensitive girl with an artistic sense when she met Hitler, who immediately took her under his wing. The future Fuhrer was a regular presence in the little girl's life.
Reflecting on her childhood, Gerda complained that her father '' he was a guest. He never stayed with us long.'' In essence, Buch's greatest contribution to his daughter's life was introducing her to Hitler.
Shortly after his release Hitler immediately resumed contact with the Buch family. Gerda would later remember him sitting ''next to our tile stove'', intent on confirming his dedication to the battle.
Raised in the orbit of Hitler and his theories, Gerda was unable to form an independent critical spirit: her vision of the world was completely shaped by Nazism, her faith in the movement was absolute.
Gerda began to frequent Martin Bormann out of rebellion against her father, who considered Bormann a useless scoundrel.
In April 1929, returning from one of their long walks, Bormann formally asked for Gerda's hand. The two were married on September 2, with Hitler and Hess as witnesses.
Gerda was convinced that only a radically new social order could help National Socialism. So she looked for ways to abolish monogamy and introduce “people's marriage.” In February 1944 she supported the creation of several parallel marriages in the interests of the state.
Gerda was also a convinced anti-Semite. The attitude resulting from her upbringing was reinforced by her radical husband and environment. In her letters to her husband she abandoned her usual reserve and insistently insulted "international Jewry".
Shortly before the collapse of the "Third Reich", Gerda fled to South Tyrol. After a few weeks she was taken to the military hospital (the children remained at their home), where she was diagnosed with uterine cancer.
On March 23, 1946, Gerda died from mercury poisoning, contracted from chemotherapy.
Nazis written by James Wyllie
Wikipedia: Gerda Bormann
If you don't like go with your life.
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            Adolf Hitler was born and raised in Austria and had an unhappy childhood. His father was brutal, but Hitler looked up to his mother. He was a frustrated teenager and his artistic pursuits were disappointing, even though he had artistic talent. He served as a soldier in the German army during World War I where he was wounded. After the war he was lonely, isolated, and frustrated and he fantasised about much greater things and got entwined in politics.
            Germany was in an economic crisis and the German people were desperate for better days. In Munich, his party the National Socialist Party (NSDAP) attracted servicemen and disgruntled citizens. In 1924 Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison for staging the coup ‘Beer Hall Putsch’, he served only nine months and spent that time writing a book. Hitler’s book Mein Kampf (My Struggle) was published in 1925, the book was about his life and his political ideas. After his release he recruited Herman Goring, Heinrich Himmler and master propagandist Josef Goebbels.
            In 1933, his party won the parliamentary elections, there started the Nazi party, Third Reich and Hitler was their Fuhrer. Hitler predicted they would be in power for a thousand years and those who initially believed that the Nazi party wouldn’t last, would regret that they didn’t do more when it was possible.
            During his time in power he was known for his hatred towards Jews, Communists, Gypsies, political opponents and anybody else he disliked - he had them cruelty treated and killed. On 30 June 1934, was the Night of the Long Knives he destroyed any opponents, to get rid of Jews out of power and made sure he had total control. Hitler created the SS who were loyal only to Hitler and the secret police called the Gestapo. He had anybody he found undesirable sent to concentration camps, where millions died.
            Hitler embarked on a military program on a massive scale to make Germany a mega power. He attempted to take power wherever he could, the capture of Austria, Czechoslovakia, and the Rhineland; he then invaded Poland in 1939, which led to war with France and Britain. Winston Churchill refused to be duped by Hitler and even though Hitler first aligned with Stalin, Stalin later turned to side with the allies. In 1941 Hitler invaded the Soviet Union; the Russians were able to drive the Germans back. He then seized Denmark and Norway and then took over France in a matter of weeks. Hitler then declared war on the United States. The Allied troops invaded Germany from the east and west and had Germany in ruins.
            On 30 April 1945, Hitler and his wife Eva Braun commit suicide inside his Berlin bunker. The night before, around midnight, he married Braun. He wrote his will and declared Martin Bormann his deputy and expelled former right-hand man Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler for disloyalty. The two men had been concerned for Hitler’s mental state and doubted his ability to head the party in the last weeks of Hitler’s life when they would have known that the Third Reich was about to fall.
            Hitler and his closest aides had moved into the bunker below the Reich Chancellery garden on 16 January 1945 as allied forces closed in. The bunker housed medical staff, aides, telephonist and his secretary’s. The bunker was decorated in furnishings and artwork.
            On 22-23 April, those in the bunker had left but Hitler chose to remain until the end. On 30 April, Allied and Soviet troops moved into Berlin, prompting Hitler and Braun to end their lives. Braun swallowed a cyanide capsules and Hitler then shot himself. Afterwards Bormann doused their bodies with gasoline and set fire to them. That same day, Hitler’s minister Joseph Goebbels and his wife, killed their six children and then committed suicide. A week after Hitler’s death, Germany surrendered which ended World War II. The charred remains of Hitler remained in Russian custody, a skull fragment complete with a bullet hole and four teeth. Hitler and Braun were buried in unmarked grave in east Germany, their bodies along with those of the Goebbels family, were exhumed in 1970 on the orders of KGB boss Yuri Andropov, they were incinerated again, and the ashes poured into a river.
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#adolfhitler #worldwarII
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arcobalengo · 2 years
Lo scaltro e silenzioso burocrate, il capo del Partito, il braccio destro di Hitler, il custode del tesoro del Fuhrer, il punto di riferimento di tutto l’apparato industriale e finanziario tedesco uscì dalla riunione con Himmler alla Casa Bruna di Monaco quel 9 novembre 1942 sapendo esattamente cosa avrebbe dovuto fare. Del resto, a un’eventualità del genere aveva pensato da un bel po’. Da mesi si stava adoperando per mettere in salvo l’immensa fortuna accumulata dal Terzo Reich e dai suoi ricchi e potenti padroni. Nell’agosto 1942 il più facoltoso industriale tedesco, Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, si era incontrato con Bormann. Motivo del colloquio: evitare che la sua immensa fortuna fosse smembrata, come indicava la legge dell’epoca. Rivelò lo stesso Krupp ai giudici del Tribunale di Norimberga che lo interrogarono dopo la guerra: «Bormann fu molto sensibile alle mie istanze e mi disse che avrebbe certamente fatto qualcosa per aiutarmi. Mi disse, però, che in cambio di una nuova legge che avrebbe mantenuto intatto il patrimonio della mia famiglia avrei dovuto donare una parte delle ricchezze al Partito». Pochi mesi dopo nelle casse della Nsdap (National Sotialistisches Deuthscher Arbeiter Partei o Partito nazionalsocialista dei lavoratori tedeschi) entrarono miliardi di marchi. Il 12 novembre 1943 Hitler firmò una nuova legge a salvaguardia dei grandi patrimoni, soprannominata «Lex Krupp». Ma non era solo il denaro dei grandi magnati tedeschi a dover essere messo al sicuro. I più ricchi di Germania, coloro che controllavano buona parte della produzione industriale e delle ricchezze detenute dal Terzo Reich, erano le Ss. Sin dalla sua nascita l'organizzazione delle Ss non era stata solo una milizia di partito. Ramificandosi si era espansa come una metastasi, dapprima all'interno del Nsdap, poi del tessuto del Terzo Reich, divenendo una struttura autosufficiente, autonoma e autogestita. Secondo un rapporto del suo capo ufficio Economia e Amministrazione Oswald Pohl, risalente all'aprile del 1943, le Ss potevano contare su circa quaranta proprie grandi aziende nei più svariati settori in tutto il Reich, territori conquistati compresi: edile, alimentare, di lavorazione del legno, agricolo, forestale, ittico, tessile, dei pellami, editoriale, fotografico, chimico, di realizzazione e manutenzione di monumenti, storico, nonché case di riposo e negozi di abbigliamento nelle maggiori città. Lo stesso Bormann acquistò la compagnia aerea Lati (Linee aeree transcontinentali italiane) e una compagnia di navigazione spagnola (Compania naviera levantina). La prima avrebbe avuto il compito di trasportare i nazisti in fuga da Roma, via Siviglia (Spagna), Sahara Spagnolo, le portoghesi isole di Capo Verde, lo Stato brasiliano del Natal, fino a Rio de Janeiro o Buenos Aires. La seconda avrebbe dovuto fare la spola tra i porti spagnoli e quello di Buenos Aires. Questa l’analisi del cacciatore di nazisti Simon Wiesenthal: «Non erano stati dei semplici assassini. Erano stati degli assassini rapinatori. Non si è mai unicamente trattato del predominio della razza nordica nel continente europeo. Si è sempre anche trattato dei tesori d’arte che si potevano rubare agli Stati vicini. E non si è mai trattato soltanto dell’annientamento della razza ebraica. Si è sempre trattato anche della cosiddetta arianizzazione dei beni ebraici, del saccheggio delle abitazioni degli ebrei, dell’oro che si ricavò dai denti degli ebrei dopo averli uccisi nelle camere a gas. Gli alti papaveri nazisti hanno rubato a man bassa e ci si può fare un’idea di quanto, considerando che a Salisburgo era stato arrestato un certo dottor von Kummel, già aiutante di Martin Bormann, il quale cercava di andarsene all’estero con una quantità d’oro del valore di cinque milioni di dollari dell’epoca».
Franco Fracassi - 1945 Hitler
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
“NARVIK” (2023): Heroic Norwegian beat back of Nazi invaders
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It is April 1940. The eyes of the world turn to Narvik, a small town in northern Norway, the source of the iron ore needed for Nazi Germany’s war machinery. Following two months of fierce winter warfare, Hitler suffers his first defeat. https://youtu.be/cXUPmKR2Lz8 “NARVIK” (2023): Heroic Norwegian beat back of Nazi invaders Film Review by John Smistad If you are native to Norway, or of direct Norwegian descent as am I, and you are not proud as hell of what you watch in the new Word War II drama “Narvik”, then I can say to you only this…...“Uff Dah, kampis!” Best hang on to your fanny, friends Director and Co-Writer Erik Skjoldbjærg have succeeded in constructing a relentlessly riveting and emotionally wrenching film of genuinely epic proportion. Skjoldbjærg cuts no corners in his magnificent chronicling of a true, though the egregiously under-recognized, narrative of profound human courage and perseverance. This is the remarkable story of the residents of a small Norwegian fishing village who rally together, rising up in resistance against German forces which have invaded and occupied their close-knit community. To hell with British shipping cooperation in recognition of Norway’s declaration of neutrality while the war raged across both Europe and Asia. To these marauders, it represents a critical port they must secure to supply the Swedish iron ore necessary to fuel their assault on the world. To the inhabitants, it is home to centuries of proud Norwegian patriots. An "army" of just two Kristine Hartgen and Carl Martin Eggesbø are equally superb here as Ingrid and Army Korporal Gunnar Tofte, a young married couple with a just turned six-year-old son. Together, and each in their own way, they team with fellow townspeople to battle the ruthless Nazis who have claimed their land and waters for themselves. Facing impossible odds, they succeed in driving the enemy out of their fjord (sadly, within mere weeks Norway would succumb completely to Nazi domination). But not before their union is tested to the core, and the blood of far too many friends and family have been spilled in grim defiance. The battle of Narvik marked Nazi Fuhrer Adolf Hitler's first defeat in his maniacal mission to conquer the planet. And it still stands as the largest battle ever fought on Norwegian soil. May God Bless Norge that this deeply lamentable fact remains forever unchanged. “Narvik” became the number one movie on Netflix in only its second day of streaming on the platform. ******************** My video review of the dramatic Norwegian monster flick "TROLL" is on my YouTube CHANNEL now @ this link: JOHN SMISTAD, "THE QUICK FLICK CRITIC", reviews the epic action-adventure monster flick "TROLL"! - YouTube SUBSCRIBE for FREE to be notified when my next new vid drops! Read the full article
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bigspoopygurl · 3 years
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Lord of the Flies (1990)
“Okay, listen up. Whoever holds the conch gets to speak. That's the rule.”
Director: Harry Hook
Cinematographer: Martin Fuhrer
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wookiee-monster2 · 4 years
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Chris Hemsworth as Thor
art by Martin Fuhrer
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fuhrerdoodles · 4 years
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Paddy Finished portrait of Paddy O’Brian, background inspired on "Monaco Monte Carlo" 1897 by Alphonse Mucha. www.patreon.com/fuhrerdoodles
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newblvotg · 5 months
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tv-moments · 4 years
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White Lines
Season 1, “Episode 2“
Director: Nick Hamm
DoP: Martin Fuhrer
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frioleros · 6 years
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Wilde (1997) dir. Brian Gilbert, cin. Martin Fuhrer
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guilt-and-rod · 4 years
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Credit: Martin Fuhrer
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eastern-anarchist · 3 years
Nazi quotes about the Slavs and the population of the Eastern Front
Addition to the post on the attitude of the Nazis to the Slavs
Martin Bormann to Alfred Rosenberg in August 1942: - "The Slavs are to work for us. Insofar as we do not need them, they may die. Therefore, compulsory vaccination and German health service are superfluous. The fertility of the Slavs is undesirable. They may use contraceptives or practice abortion, the more the better. Education is dangerous. It is enough if they can count up to one hundred. At best an education which produces useful coolies for us is admissible. Every educated person is a future enemy".
- "In Poland the intelligentsia had been marked down for extermination as early as September 1939, and in May 1940 the defendant Frank wrote in his diary of 'taking advantage of the focussing of world interest on the Western Front, by wholesale liquidation of thousands of Poles, first leading representatives of the Polish intelligentsia".
Martin Bormann to Alfred Rosenberg in July 1942: - "Therefore, in no case there should German service be introduced for the local population of the occupied eastern regions. For example, under no circumstances should vaccinations and other recreational activities be carried out for the non-German population.
In no case there should the local population be given a higher education. If we make this mistake, we ourselves will generate resistance against us in the future. Therefore, according to the Fuhrer, it is quite enough to teach the local population, including the so-called Ukrainians, only to read and write".
Himmler in a meeting of SS major generals at Poznan, in October 1943: - "What happens to a Russian, to a Czech does not interest me in the slightest. What the nations can offer in the way of good blood of our type, we will take, if necessary by kidnaping their children and raising them here with us. Whether nations live in prosperity or starve to death interests me only so far as as we need them as slaves for our Kultur; otherwise, it is of no interest to me. Whether 10,000 Russian females fall down from exhaustion while digging an antitank ditch interests me only insofar as the antitank ditch for Germany is finished".
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gcgazette · 3 years
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Jude Law | Wilde (Brian Gilbert 1997 - Martin Fuhrer, directeur de la photo)
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littlefreya · 3 years
Some lovely Henry art
You guys are attacking me from every direction and I just woke up 😶
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Credit to Martin Fuhrer
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