#maribat jon
mae-dwrites · 6 months
A Bundle of Heliotropes - Chapter 2 - Apprise
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Now Marinette hadn't been avoiding her parents, nope siree! She wasn't strictly talking about the bakery, her commissions, school work, and every other thing in between when she was with them. She wasn't avoiding them, nor was she avoiding the growing elephant in the house.
Wait. What elephant? There's certainly no elephant, because for there to be one in her home her house would need to be bigger! Unless you're talking about the metaphorical kind, which there was none. That would require tension, and avoiding something.
Marinette does not avoid things. No, never even! She handles things head-on!
Which is why this is a tactical maneuver! As her soulmark could possibly reveal who she was despite the magic, but by how much? That is unknown, so to show or not to show. To tell or not to tell. To lie or not to lie…
Marinette hated lairs…lies; everyone knew that. And being Ladybug kinda went against that, she’ll admit. The pure irony made her cry from laughing when she first started this whole Protect Paris thing. Tikki had tried to reassure her but it didn't really help most of the time, Marinette had gotten over it through the years.
“Marinette! Alya’s here,” Sabine called from the other side of the trap door.
“She can come up, thank you maman!”
“Hey Mars,” Alya said as she came up. Marinette looked over the documents Mlle. Bustier had sent her this morning. Mlle. Bustier was putting all the budgeting for the class on Marinette, much like she had been for the last few years.
Which she shouldn’t even have to be doing since all her friends and her should be in different classes for their career-based tracks, but with Akumas and the fear of causing more: students were forced to stay in their same classes. Which sucked for the most part, i.e. Lila and Chloé always being on her. Well, Lila more so than Chloé since last year.
“Hey Alya,” Marinette didn't look up at her friend, still looking at the notes.
“Girl you need to relax, let me help.” When Marinette didn't say or do anything Alya continued, “Better yet why haven't you told Mlle. Bustier to stop dumping this on you?”
Marinette finally huffed and pushed herself away from the desk space, “I did last year. She threw a fit at me. Remember that?”
“Mlle. Helper? That's what that was about,” Alya gapped at Marinette.
“I thought you knew that,” Marinette frowned, she had told Alya, hadn’t she?
“You were very irritated after that Akuma that you told Alya you would talk to her later,” Tikki popped up. “You might have forgotten to tell her if you didn't message her.”
“Okay,” Marinette mumbled to herself, almost a grumble of sorts even, as she turned back to the sheets in front of her.
Their class hosted two major dances this year and were going to host another one in the middle of May. They also had multiple fundraising events, their entire year had been doing events left and right to get enough money for them to go somewhere out of France. Marinette had come up with the idea that they spent this year raising money so that next year they could fundraise for some extra cash. They would go somewhere much cheaper and close by at the end of May.
Next year though? They still hadn’t decided, but the staff were supporting them thoroughly.
“Marinette,” Alya’s hand gently took the papers from the Eurasian. “You for one need to put your foot down, and hard this time. Even if it means we need to fight an Akumatized Bustier twenty times. You have so much already, I don’t want you to overwork yourself more than you already do.”
Marinette frowned back at her friend, who just frowned at her harder.
“Are you going to tell your parents?” Alya finally asked, her true reason for randomly popping by this time.
Marinette’s lips became a tight thin line, she wasn’t going to lie to Alya but she knew what she was going to say. Marinette’s head rolled back and squeezed her eyes shut. She didn’t want to think about it or deal with it for that matter. She didn’t want to deal with anything she was dumped with these last three years honestly.
If she had never become Ladybug would she be unfit for her soulmate? Would they still work? Or maybe if she wasn’t Ladybug, wasn’t the Guardian, was just Marinette, whoever was her match wouldn’t be hers. Maybe she’d be with Adrien or Luka, perhaps it would be platonic instead.
Marinette’s lips went from tight to droopy, she swallowed as she thought over possibilities. She got pulled from it with a light squeeze on her wrist, she opened her eyes. Her vision now blurry, she blinked away her tears before looking at her friend.
Alya had a small, reassuring smile on her face as she carefully stated, “I think it would be better for them to know you’re Ladybug..”
This admittance from Alya was not unfamiliar to Marinette, they’d had conversations surrounding identities many times before. Marinette didn’t tend to handle them well, that was a recurring theme that made her avoid it more so. When she had asked Alya for the Fox Miraculi back she had thought it had made it clear where she stood on identity sharing.
That request had later led to a fight between the girls, Alya pointing out all the ways Marinette picked and chose her rules, and how she saw the difference between Chat Noir's involvement to that of either of them. It had been tense, to say the least.
But eventually, Marinette came forward and explained her side more thoroughly, though was careful to still keep the secrets the Order wished her to. It only left apologies and tears, and perhaps a bracelet.
Marinette’s gaze shifted to the bracelet on her best friend’s wrist before looking back up to look her in the eyes. The previous times they’d talked about identities it had been much calmer, but with soulmates coming up more and more Alya had taken to approaching the topic more.
Alya listened more and didn’t push Marinette past what she said she couldn’t handle, she dropped it when she clearly was over it. Alya’s face still held that same smile, so full of patience she didn’t have before. There was already acceptance in her eyes, acceptance for whatever Marinette said now.
Marinette opened her mouth to speak but closed it to clear her throat, having become dry in her emotional moment and lack of speaking. Alya let a quiet laugh out, earning her a half-hearted glare from Marinette.
“It wouldn’t be the worst plan,” Marinette finally said with a laugh. She didn’t like it, not one bit, but what choice did she truly have? Her parents weren’t pushy by any means, they respected her space and privacy. That had been one of the few things that made being Ladybug really easy, but they would want to see. If they didn’t realize it immediately they would put it together eventually.
“It really wouldn’t be,” Alya grinned.
“Perhaps you should plan how to tell them,” Tikki spoke up again.
“I think that is a swell idea,” Wayzz expressed from Alya’s shoulder. Alya smiled down at the green Kwami before looking over at Marinette, “That sounds good? Maybe it’ll help keep you calm?”
Marinette nodded, “Yeah. Yeah, we can do this.” Marinette wiped her eyes with a sniff. “That sounds good, let’s do it.”
“That’s the spirit!” Pollen cried from above them, making the girls laugh.
“This isn’t going to end well,” Marinette mumbled to herself. “They’re gonna throw me out,” she whined.
“That’s completely irrational. What happened to the confidence we had earlier?” Alya asked from behind her.
“I know, I know,” Marinette groaned before taking a deep breath. “This isn’t going to be a disaster. If it will Bunnix come out now.” Marinette held her breath for a moment. Alya groaned behind her.
“Marinette,” Alya grabbed Marinette by her shoulders. “I know this is hard but I think this would be very beneficial for you. Your parents love you, and no matter what they will support you.”
Marinette’s face still held a frown, “What if they’re disappointed?”
“Dis-disa-” Alya howled at the thought, “Do you know how our parents reacted when they found out you let us be temporary heroes? They were kinda mad at you for a moment but it also gave them some perspective of who you were. And after the worry mostly subsided they were really proud of us. Anark doesn’t shut up about it to other parents! So your parents are definitely gonna worry but they’ll be proud and support you.” Alya paused, holding Marinette’s hands, “Just start with your mark.”
Alya smiled at Marinette, it made Marinette’s chest go tight. Why couldn’t she be so sure? Why was she so scared? She knew those things, yet she was still so very terrified to tell her parents.
Three years. Three years and they never knew, or at least they never came to her about it. Three years of hiding, of following a rule that even Marinette sometimes found stupid. Three years of imagining telling them, ranging from welcoming her and supporting her to making them move or being told it was too dangerous to have her around. From the most realistic of outcomes to the worst, even if they were very unlike her parents.
Her parents loved her, she knew that.
Marinette held her breath for a moment.
This would be fine…yeah. Yeah! Bunnix would have stopped her right here and now if it didn’t go mostly right.
Marinette straightened up and gave an affirmative nod for no one but herself. She finally opened her room door and made her way down the steps. Marinette could sense the other Kwami making their ways down phasing into hiding spots, she felt Tikki in her pigtail and she knew Wayzz was likely close to Alya.
“Marinette! Alya,” Sabine greeted before asking, “are you staying for dinner? Staying over tonight?” The woman looked up from her pot, she tapped her spoon on the pot before putting it on the dublé. “Of course you’re welcome to but please check with your mother, I really don’t want her to relive her panic that one time.”
“Oh I’m just staying for dinner, and I already messaged her a while ago,” Alya reassured the older woman. “Marinette actually asked me to.”
Marinette felt her poke her in the back, she probably would have shot her a glare if she hadn’t been so nervous. She took a deep breath, “Yep uh, yep. I actually wanted to, to talk to you two with Alya.”
Marinette’s insides roared with trepidation, and she’d only said she wanted to talk!
“Of course sweetie,” Tom said beside Sabine. “Dinner’s almost ready, you want to set the table?”
“Of course,” Marinette made her way to the cupboards the familiar actions helped to ground her emotions. Alya tried to help her but the Dupain-Cheng household refused to let her, instead she was forced into a seat by Sabine as Marinette placed her plate and Tom came dishing her up. Alya crossed her arms in (lighthearted) annoyance of the sweet family.
Under the annoyed look love came off her, which was enough for the family of three.
When everyone was seated on the island and they’d all had some to start Marinette took a deep breath. She sent Alya a look that made the older teen feel the need to straighten up, just to simply show she was there whenever she was needed.
“So Maman, Papa, as I said there is something I wanted to talk to you about,” Marinette started, gaining her parents' full attention. “I believe it would be best for you to have an empty mouth.”
This made her papa nervous, she could tell as he tried his quickest to finish the bite in his mouth. Sabine though slowly lowered her fork with confusion a small frown on her lips.
Marinette swallowed and opened her mouth to speak but had to close it to center herself. Alya what she assumed to be a reassuring nudge with their knees. Marinette looked up at her parents with resolve.
“You know my birthday happened this week,” she watched her father grow concerned while her mother seemed to unintentionally lean forward. “Well I got my mark,” she trailed off for a moment, “And the thing is that I want to show you, but I believe you need to know something before I do.” Her voice almost sounded like it was tailing again but wasn’t quite.
Her parents stared at her as she sat there, not doing anything. She’d already put the start out, she’d gotten their attention on the matter and that meant no going back.
“Maman, Papa, I’m,” she struggled, gripping her fork tightly, “I’m, I.” She grew irritated with herself. It’s not that hard to say it, two words. That’s it, two simple words. Two simple, extremely life-changing words.
“Marinette, dear, it’s okay if you’re not ready. We’ll wait however long you want, you don’t ever have to show us,” Sabine reached out for her daughter’s hand. She had barely even grazed her hand when Marinette pulled away and firmly stated, “I’m Ladybug.”
Marinette squeezed her eyes shut. Finally, she’d said it, but the silence following was deafening. Moreso than any Akuma she’d fought, worse than getting a recipe wrong, worse than having to restart a project, worse than-
“Oh baby,” Sabine’s voice cut through. “Oh my baby,” she said softly rushing to her daughter. Arms encompanced the girl making her draw a quick breath, no sooner her father was quick to follow suit. Marinette swallowed as she slowly opened her eyes, staring at the empty seats. Her heart raced and she felt a bit lightheaded.
Overwhelmed. That’s it, she’s just overwhelmed.
Not by her family though, no not them. Saying it, her panic had come that’s what.
Marinette focused on the feeling of her parents' arms around her, the pressure that came with their love, the smell of the meal they’d made, the bakery coming off of them in waves…
Her maman murmured words she couldn’t quite make out into her hair, one hand smoothing her hair as the other held her. Her father’s giant arms encompassed her as she felt light tears drop onto her head.
A hand slid into hers. Alya, her mind supplied. Her best friend gave a gentle squeeze which she gladly returned. Marinette let her eyes shut as her own tears slid down her face, tears of relief. She took a deep, happy breath.
“My strong baby,” she made out before her mother kissed her practically on the ear. Marinette didn’t mind, she’d take it all.
Sabine slowly pulled away making Tom to take it as a cue. Sabine held her daughter’s face in her hands looking over her face seeming to be searching, searching for the trick, for the prank, for the lie. There was none, and no all she saw was her little girl. Who’d turned into a strong woman, had become…a solider of her people.
Sabine’s eyes became glassy.
“I’m fine dear. What about you? How are you?”
Marinette swallowed giving a weak smile, “A lot better right now.”
Sabine squinted at her, “Tell me the truth.”
“It is,” Marinette insisted laughing wetly. “I didn’t like it, lying to you.”
“Oh sweetie,” Sabine said so simply, so thick with words she couldn’t ever know how to say. She looked over to Alya and smiled, “I’m happy you had someone.”
Alya sat up with pride, but not without blinking rapidly. Tom bombarded her with a hug as he wailed, “Thank you for being there for her Alya.”
Alya laughed, “I wasn’t there the whole time.”
“It doesn’t matter, we mean it all the same,” Sabine said still smiling. The woman sighed looking back at her daughter, “I suppose you’re gonna show us missy?”
Marinette laughed, “Of course Maman.”
Damian had been very careful these first few days of having the mark, but sadly his brothers’ occasional nonchalant attitudes had infected him at some point. Now that meant something a little different for every family member, but for Damian that meant being sure; leaving him to slowly become truly careless.
Why? Because Jason was busy tracking someone in Crime Alley, the person had left him on quite the chase. Tim had holed himself in the cave the past two days, soon enough he’d pass out or Alfred would cause him to. Dick was currently in Blüdhaven for the next few weeks. And Father was busy with WE as to be expected.
Damian was safe for the time being, he smiled to himself as he decided what to wear for the day. He didn’t want to change as he had promised Titus that he would take him to the park today, and his friend knew what those words meant very well.
His neck prickled making him straighten up. It must be Alfred, he must have slipped in and he hadn’t noticed. It was fine, Alfred wouldn’t say anything. And he could keep it a secret, and-
Cassandra stood behind him with a wide smile. She’d seen, she knew, she’d tell Stephanie and then it would be over.
“Cain,” he said carefully. “Don’t tell anyone.” Her face became impish, Damian felt his stomach drop. His eyes glanced down to her hands, she was holding her phone.
“You didn’t,” Damian's voice became strained as he eyed the device. His panic seeped through more than he ever allowed, but that didn’t matter because Cass would know regardless.
His sister stood before him in a calm excitement. She didn’t need to answer, she knew she didn’t need to, Damian already knew she had. His brothers would pester him, Dick would be hurt he didn’t tell him, they wouldn’t stop talking about it…They wouldn’t stop talking about it. He hadn’t even told Jon, Jon would be upset he wasn’t told.
Damian stood staring at her in panic and shock, Cass stood staring back with an almost eerie calm.
“You didn’t share,” she said simply. Damian’s phone started ringing.
Oh. Oh Damian was in for it.
Damian glared at Cass from across the table.
He’d turned his phone off for the day so he wouldn’t answer Dick, but Tim had tried to chase him as he left with Titus. He thought he could stall but not even an hour of being at the park with Titus and Jason strolled in. Damian had barely made it out of the park without being spotted.
Damian suspects Tim had called Kon which led to Jon finding out. Jon had flown to Gotham and face planted on his car. Now Damian needed a new windshield and hood.
He could feel Jon glaring at him as he sat right next to him. Dick had driven right back to Gotham and was currently giving the saddest puppy dog eyes from across the table. Damian ignored him as he stabbed his brussels sprouts.
He was going to tell Jon, maybe even Cass, and his brothers could learn it when they became significantly insufferable. Damian tried to tell Jon that he was planning on telling him, but Jon was focused on the fact that he wasn’t told and learned from Kon.
“What’s it look like,” Brown whined, dramatically stretching her arms on the table. It’s all she would say it seemed, Damian was beginning to wonder if she was finally going insane.
“Stephanie he doesn’t have to show us,” Father said for what seemed like the twentieth time. His father while he was composed was obviously just as hurt as Dick was, Damian could’ve sworn he’d seen him sending heartbroken looks at him.
“We’ll see it eventually,” Todd said, looking smug at the thought. “It’s only a matter of time.”
Oh how Damian wanted to leap across the table with his fork.
“You didn’t have to show us, just tell us that you got it,” Grayson spoke up still looking forlorn.
“When did this happen?” Drake asked, sadly he hadn’t passed out yet like Damian hoped. Damian spent a moment trying to incapacitate him with his mind-will alone. Perhaps he could convince Raven or another hero to teach him spells without father finding out.
“Only this week, it hasn’t been very long,” Damian stated plainly.
“And you couldn’t tell me,” Jon’s voice woven with betrayal on par with Dick and with offense laced in. Damian certainly felt bad for not notifying his closest confidant, and was slowly feeling bad he didn’t say anything to Dick. The only thing stopping him from succumbing to the feeling was that he saw it as his brother moping.
“Dude you’re like second on the list who gets to know,” Brown stated with a mild glare.
Jon frowned as he snapped back, “That would make you third then.”
“Excuse me?” Stephanie squinted at him slowly moving her hand across the table to reach for a utensil.
“I’m his best friend, you’re a family friend,” Jon said, almost seeming to want to start a fight at the table. Damian felt a headache coming on, and by the look on Bruce's face so was he.
“That’s how you started out, and I was here first you’re a newborn,” Brown fumed with a predatory look.
“Stephanie,” Bruce strained from his seat.
“Best friend,” Jon said, his voice suddenly dropping his usually predominant Metropolis accent to encomancing his Kansas’s one thickly.
“Jon I will call your father,” Bruce hung his head not even wanting to take in the visual of his not-child and nephew arguing.
“He’d agree with me,” Jon mumbled just loud enough for Damian to hear.
“No he wouldn’t Jon,” Damian said bored. Being upset with Cass would not solve his problems and Dick and Jon would get over it eventually.
Damian looked down at the table to see Duke wide awake with mashed potatoes, gravy, and mushroom sauce dripping down his face and onto his suit. Damian frowned serving his brother; Duke, as he always has, does the dayshifts but he also stayed up for night classes he took college classes. At least he tried to get sleep between his schoolwork and working to patrol during the day, unlike Tim.
When Summer Break came Damian would be sure to take day patrols, while they weren’t his favorite he didn’t want to leave Duke to handle all of it. Jason occasionally joined which made plenty of rouges and lowlives think twice when they saw him or heard from others. Damian could probably put a few hours on the weekends to help lighten the load now while school was still in session.
Dick had rushed to help Duke almost immediately, the only reason Damian hadn’t gotten up himself. Alfred was soon with them presenting proper towels for the mess.
“Duke, what did I say about getting rest?” Selina’s smooth voice announced her presence, along with the happy babbling of Helena in her arms.
“Sorry, I’m trying, just today was busy,” Duke yawned at the end of his sentence. His suit appeared fine and with Dick’s quick action to wipe up any goopy mixture of the food it was safe to assume nothing important had been ruined. Alfred took the messy towels to dispose of them, he nodded to Selina as he passed her.
Damian got up and went to his stepmother, “Allow me.” He said simply referring to his sister.
“You don’t have to Damian,” Selina still handed the baby to him with a fond smile at both of them.
“Of course I do. She is my sister, and you shouldn’t have to be the sole caretaker. You’ll become too drained to properly take care of her,” Damian stated with a firm nod to Selina before making sure the baby’s head was well supported.
Selina's smile was soft as she kissed the tops of both their heads, “Thank you Damian.”
Damian hummed back taking his sister to his seat, he was glad he had eaten most of what was on his plate so he wasn’t trying to eat while he held his sister. Jon looked at his sister with the same wonder he had seeing anyone just younger than a toddler. His father kissed Selina as she sat down, they briefly spoke of their daughter before moving on to other topics that Damian ignored to give his attention to his sister.
She babbled excitedly to him trying to move her hands. Damian smiled at her while nodding seriously, “Fascinating, anything else to look out for?”
Helena reached her hands up trying to reach his face, which he gladly aided in her attempt to reach up. She tapped his nose and dragged her hand down to his cheek.
“She’s so cute,” Jon cooed forgetting both his food and his betrayal from his best friend.
“Very,” Damian agreed as the infant continued to tap his face. He gave a kiss on the top of his sister’s soft head, she made noises as though she was trying to speak again.
Damian’s smile softened, maybe he was thinking too pessimistic about it in the name of being a realist.
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aliensunflower-fics · 5 months
Man, Adrien's just wants everyone to be happy, and because he goes on the wrong way, he gets a raw deal.
Will he ever get a break in your fics?
... Okay I have gotten 1 to many asks like this even though if you check my pinned post you would see all my fics with tags a fair few of which include Adrienette or even just cool friends Adrien and Mari but to make your life even easier HERE I will link every single fic I have written (to this date) in which there is 0 Adrien salt ENJOY:
Alya Salt Prompt: Views (Alya Salt / Prompt / Mild Lila Salt )
Ladybug Is Addicted to Pastries ( Fluff / Comedy Short )
Corruption: A Prompt ( Light Adrinette / Lila Salt / Prompt)
Marinette Changes Schools: Funny Prompt ( Adrienette / Kagaminette / Felinette / Fluff / Comedy / Lila Salt)
A Sinister Sneaky Lila Prompt (Marinette Harem / Lila Salt / Prompt )
The Liar Trap: Lila Salt Prompt (Comedy / Lila Salt / Hints of Kagaminette )
Marinette The Perfect Daughter In-Law (Marinette Harem / Fluff / Comedy)
‘Akumatized’ Marinette: Funny Prompt (Marinette Harem / Fluff / Comedy / Lila Salt )
The Interview (Comedy /Gabriel Salt / Nathalie Salt / Lila Salt / BAMF Marinette)
The Interview Part 2: Live Broadcast ( Comedy / Gabriel Salt / Nathalie Salt / Lila Salt / BAMF Marinette / Hints of Daminette / Gay Adrien / AdriJon )
Jealousy & Honesty: Sugary Prompt (Innocent Lila AU / Marinette Is Insecure but Sweet / Marinette Talks to Her Mom / Prompt)
Who Framed Marinette Dupain Cheng (Comedy / Marinette Harem / Fluff / Class Sugar)
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Damian: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve. Jon: I think you mean cards. Marinette, watching Damian pulling knives out of his sleeves: No, he does not.
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leadenn · 7 months
Hello welcome to my Chloé, Adrien, Jon, and Damian being childhood friends agenda. Chloé and Damian fucking hate each other until they're 13 and form an alliance against Gabriel bc they both hate him more than they hate each other.
Bruce knows Gabriel bc rich people stuff, so when he had another accidental child acquisition arc he figured Damian could use a friend or two his age (Jon, Chloé, and Adrien)
Damian dislikes this at first, but then he doesn't hate being around Jon and Adrien. Chloé is a different story. She's a spoiled brat, he hates her, and he doesn't understand why killing her would be a bad thing. The feeling is mutual.
Jon and Damian have comical little shenanigans hiding their hero identities from Chloé and Adrien, and they have to do the same shit except hide it from Jon and Damian once they get their miraculous.
I can imagine them all going on vacation together or something and going over the various ways to hide shit from each other
Damian: I open the doors so you can't rip them off the hinges by accident- Jon: I did that twice. Damian: Because Agreste said something you considered "cute" and you were flustered enough to behave like a barbarian. Do you have any other comments? Jon: You know you're only allowed to have two weapons on your person, right dude? Damian: Tt. Yes. Jon: Do I need to check your pockets? Damian: *pulls out an unrealistic number of knives from his pockets, and reaches into his socks to pull out more knives*
Meanwhile in paris Chloé: You don't need to lecture me about making sure Pollen behaves. She's never done anything wrong ever. Adrien: You and her came up with the idea to pretend Pollen is a wasp and have her try and sting Lila in front of everyone Chloé: Yes, and? It was funny and she totally had it coming. Adrien: ... Chloé: Don't fucking say it- Adrien: Beehave. Chloé: If Pollen and I can't do the wasp thing YOU CAN'T MAKE BAD PUNS-
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One day at the park after class when the weather is fine...
Marinette: Tell me something I don't know.
Jon: (lifts a brow)
Marinette: What? Go on.
Jon (smirks): Alright. Damian loves you.
Marinette: No he doesn't.
Jon: Alright. Let's treat this logically. Why would he call you Angel if he isn't infatuated?
Marinette (calmly answers): Because we're friends and that is his friendly nickname for me.
Jon (looks offended): How the hell is vomited alien from planet K friendly to me then?
Marinette (chuckles): Ask him.
Damian (walks right on time, throws his things on the table and sits beside Mari): Here's your bag, Angel. And I got you ice cream. Strawberry vanilla with chocolate and pistachio, just as you like.
Marinette (beams and kisses his cheek, like a friend of course): Thank you.
Damian (blushes and coughs but hides it in a book.)
Jon (looking at Mari): Tell me I'm wrong again. It's obviously mutual.
Mari (licking ice cream): No, it's not.
Damian: What are we talking about?
Jon: The fact that you're an unfair friend since you didn't get me ice cream.
Damian (scoffs, pulls out a chocolate bar from his bag and flicks it at Jon.)
Jon: Oh, chocolate! You know me so well. Thanks!
Marinette: (laughs and leans her head on Damian's shoulder)
Damian (adjusts to accommodate her): Sleepy?
Marinette: Jon told me something today.
Damian: What is it?
Jon: That you love her.
Damian (freezes.)
Marinette (burries her face in her hair and tries to pull back.)
Damian (recovers): Oh.
Jon (looks outraged at the nonchalance): Oh? What oh? YES OH!
Damian: Well, he's not wrong.
Marinette: (freezes then)
Damian (calls softly, looking her in the eyes): Angel...
Marinette: Ye-yes?
Damian: Does that make you uncomfortable?
Marinette: Uhm...n-no. It really doesn't.
Damian: Ok then.
Damian (smiles subtly. Mari thinks he looks radiant. He picks up her hand, and she lets him.)
Jon (jumps up from his sit, eyes wide like an owl before exploding into manly squeals on their behalf): YES!!! I WIN! The bats owe me a hundred bucks each!
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intercoursefluids · 2 years
Maribat but with hanahaki disease but not in the "Love me or I will die way" more like this:
Marinette passes Damian and Jon in the hall: *Smiles and waves*
Jon: *Smiles and Waves back*
Damian: *Nods in acknowledgement*
(As soon as Mari turns the corner)
Damian:*Clears his throat to get rid of the urge to cough, a single rose petal leaves his mouth*
Jon, to Damian: For the love of everything holy, just tell the girl that you like her
Damian: I would rather die thank you
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ggomos-maribat · 11 months
As I said in the AO3 this was a fic that I had drafts for but never got around to completing. Thought it would be a waste not to post it anyway :D Do bear in mind that these were drafts, so the pacing is choppy and can skip over some things.
"Marinette? Can you help me change the curtains?"
"Coming, maman!" The girl zipped down the stairs, only to be greeted with an overfilled table. All sorts of delicacies decorated the top, with an elaborate centerpiece that Sabine only brought out when special guests were over. She chuckled and got the lace curtains from her mother.
"This is too much. You know we can't finish all of this." Marinette climbed on a stool and began putting on the newly washed curtains.
"Oh come on, you haven't seen them for a long time. Let me throw a feast." Sabine patted her back before moving back to the kitchen.
"No, you haven't seen them in a long time and now you have an urge to spoil them," said Marinette.
She hadn't expected that day to come quickly. For a rare time, her childhood friends had the chance to visit Paris, France, courtesy of Bruce Wayne's lavish spending. The boys would be flying over from Metropolis, Gotham, and Fawcett City and were staying over for a few days.
Sabine blew out a breath. "The ice cream shop texted me. Their delivery man isn't available today. I'm sorry dear, but can you go pick it up before the boys arrive?"
"Of course, maman. I'll take my scooter."
Marinette grabbed the money and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek before dashing down the apartment. She was peacefully driving on her scooter when she heard an ominous thump from the side of the ride. Skidding to a halt, she gaped at the mutated dinosaurs trampling over the city, sending Parisians into a panic. On the widescreen attached to a building, Nadja Chamack warned the public about the third akumatization of Dr. Anne-Jeanne.
"Not today!" Marinette groaned under her breath. From her half-open purse, Tikki sent a sympathetic look.
She took the next right to find a spot to transform. But she found herself speeding up, going too fast, only to be hit with a sudden impact on her side as she was knocked over by one of the villain's creatures. Marinette's breath fell short while she laid on the road, clutching her head. A few feet from her, she saw a familiar car pull over.
She regained her consciousness, but was cursed with a splitting headache. Marinette whimpered and burrowed deeper into the arms of whoever was holding her. When she tried to open her eyes, the light stung her vision, making her shut them tight again. She had no idea where she was or who she was with, but the smell of asphalt and the voices clued her in.
"This is a bad idea, Dames. We can't be seen in Paris—"
"Do you want us to sit back and let that thing wreak havoc in the city while Ladybug's nowhere to be found?"
"But the Justice League promised Ladybug they won't interfere—"
"The League promised. Not us."
"Wait, so technically, Billy's the one breaking the rules here—"
A snort sounded. "Wait a minute, I was the one who saved Marinette."
Marinette felt herself being shifted around. Billy . . . but the one talking didn't sound like Billy. It sounded like—She tentatively opened her eyes a little to see a lightning emblem on a broad chest. Captain Marvel. He was the one carrying her.
Her eyelids closed again. Head hurts. Dami. Jon. Billy. What . . .?
"Oh look, the cat can't even handle the villain himself," Damian (or Robin?) huffed.
"Even if we interfere, we can't purify the akuma without Ladybug," Jon argued.
"We can always stall until she arrives," Captain suggested.
The akuma! Chat! Marinette stirred, pretending to wake up for the first time. She squirmed and groaned, opening her eyes. Captain Marvel placed her on the ground but she swayed as  she tried to stand up.
Robin sharply nudged Superboy on the side.
Superboy cleared his throat. "I mean, citizen! Are you okay?"
Marinette clutched her head. "Hurts."
Robin's lips thinned to a line. Marinette knew his irises must be blazing behind his mask. "You probably have a concussion. Captain will stay behind with you while we fight the akumatized villain."
Marinette swallowed thickly. No, I have to get away from here. Transform. Get the akuma. Get the ice cream. Get back home.
"Why do I have to stay?" Captain Marvel asked.
"If you're spotted here, how will you explain that to the League?"
Robin rolled his shoulders. "At least our fathers are used to us getting into trouble."
Superboy glanced back at her worriedly as he flew up while Robin grappled away. Captain Marvel led her to a hidden alley for safety. Scratches and aches were scattered around Marinette's body, adding to the throbbing in her head. She braced herself on the wall just as more of the dizziness kicked in. I'm in no state to fight right now. Besides that, she wouldn't be able to concentrate because of that sudden revelation.
"Ladybug's cure will heal you right?" Captain Marvel fidgeted next to her.
"It should," she mumbled.
She waited for a time when the hero wasn't looking and removed her earrings to give to Tikki. The kwami immediately vacated her purse to hand the Miraculous to her partner.
Marinette slid down to a sitting position, holding her head with both hands. My best friends are superheroes.
She had arrived back home before they did. Marinette sped up the upper floor to drop off the ice cream, meeting Sabine's worried expression.
"Marinette? Are you okay? I saw the akuma attack in the news." Sabine's eyebrows furrowed. "I shouldn't have let you pick up the ice cream."
Marinette forced out a smile of reassurance. "I'm okay, maman. I went to a safe spot as soon as I could and Ladybug—err, the heroes fixed everything."
"Do you think the boys got caught in the attack too?"
"I'm sure they'll be fine." She waved the thought off. "I'll text them to check."
Without giving Sabine a chance to respond, she dashed up to her bedroom, saying that she had to change to a better outfit. Marinette practically threw her purse on the chaise as she steadied her breaths. First, she let her mind run. Damian. Robin. Jon. Superboy. Billy. Captain-freaking-Marvel who hadn't even revealed his identity to the rest of the League. The rest of the puzzle pieces fell into place. The Wayne family. The Kents.
Marinette groaned and held her head again. It had been so obvious. They were right in front of her the entire time! And yet she had never stopped to think that they were like her, living with two identities. She sat upright, stiffening. She would have to control her heartbeat around Jon. No. She'd have to be careful around all three of them. Jon was a walking lie detector. Damian was a detective. And Billy was perceptive and had the Wisdom of Solomon. She shuddered, thinking how many times she could've come close to letting her alter ego slip while not knowing about it.
She jolted when she heard her phone ring. Putting a hand on her chest, she answered the call. The frantic voice of Adrien bombarded her ears. "Mari? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I'm okay." She sighed. "The cure fixed everything."
"Are you sure? Tikki said you had a concussion. I have to send the earrings back—"
"No, wait!" The words tumbled out of her lips without much thought. "I think it's better if you keep the earrings and Tikki for a while."
"What? Why? Is it not safe in your house?"
Marinette stood up and opened a mini drawer on her desk to retrieve a pair of extra earrings that looked like her Miraculous. "No, not like that. We're having guests over later. I won't have time to meet up with you and it's too dangerous for you to drop in. I'll get the earrings tomorrow."
"Oh, okay." Adrien muttered a curse. "I have to sneak out for sweets."
"Don't feed her too much." She laughed a little, easing off the tension in her body. "Thanks for covering for me today, kitty. You did so well."
"Yeah, but the other heroes suddenly showed up . . ."
Marinette gnawed on her lip. "I—I saw them too. Did they interfere too much?"
"They helped save some civilians," Adrien grumbled. "But Robin won't stop nagging my ear off."
"Marinette!" Sabine called out from downstairs. "They're here!"
"I'll talk to them next time," she promised. "I have to go. Thanks again, kitty."
She took a few more seconds to fish out the Mouse pendant from the box as temporary protection. Fortunately, the pendant in camouflage matched her outfit perfectly. She bounded down the stairs to see the three boys, not a hair out of place as if they hadn't donned capes not more than an hour ago. Jon wore his usual sunny smile; Damian was his usual broody self, arms crossed and posture rigid; and Billy was tucked in a thick coat and black beanie.
Marinette put on a grin of her own as she hugged them one by one. "Are you guys okay? The akuma attack hit downtown and . . ."
Damian scoffed. "We're not foolish enough to get caught in an akuma attack."
"The dinosaurs looked pretty cool though," said Billy.
"I'm glad." As if nothing happened at all.
"Are you okay? Maman Sabine said you were outside during the attack too." Jon frowned.
Her voice raised an octave as she side-eyed her mother. "Fine! I'm fine. Why don't we eat now? You must be starving."
She gestured towards the living space. The coffee table had been pushed to the side to make room for cushions and pillows. "You guys can put your bags over there."
"It's a good thing you boys weren't harmed," said Sabine, placing the plates neatly on the table. "I heard some . . . foreign heroes were around as well."
Only Jon seemed to have a split-second reaction, Marinette noticed. Damian barely batted an eye when he replied, "It seems that they've been called in since Ladybug was missing in action."
Marinette wrinkled her nose. We didn't 'call them in'. Adrien would've been offended to hear that. "That happens sometimes," she piped up. "But Chat Noir always saves the city whenever Ladybug's out of commission."
"Dunno, he looked like he was being cornered back there," Billy recounted, sharing a look with Jon. "Um, we were watching from the car."
"Chat Noir's capable of handling things by himself." Marinette raised an eyebrow.
Jon poked her side. "I forgot you were such a fangirl."
"I'm not a fan—!" She sputtered out, face heating up. "Okay, I am, but not that kind. I just hate it when people don't appreciate Chat. He and Ladybug are partners. They're equals."
They took their seats around the table. Marinette's thoughts momentarily flew elsewhere. It was strange knowing their identities, and she knew she had to tell them. But the consequences of doing that were unpredictable. They might become overprotective of her, since knowing their secrets would make her vulnerable. Or they might also push her away in fear of exposing her to danger.
She absentmindedly sipped on her drink. It would be fair if I told them about me too but . . .
She watched them carefully. Billy and Jon were both scarfing down their food while Damian was talking with Sabine. They're the same . . . but everything is so different too. She wouldn't fault them for hiding those secrets from her since she carried one of her own. But since she found out about them, another invisible weight added to her growing pile.
She shook herself out of her daze.
"I can finally beat you in UMS properly," Billy grinned with a mouthful.
"Properly?" She pointed her fork at him. "You've never beaten me at all."
"Hey, I've beaten Eugene a few times. I can beat you."
"Please. You're leaving out the real champion here," Jon chimed in. Marinette threw a napkin on his face, telling him to wipe the pasta sauce on his chin.
"If you beat me once, I'll buy you ice cream tomorrow," Marinette wagered. "Damian, you should play too."
"Tt. It's a childish game."
Jon rolled his eyes. "It's a fighting game. You like fighting."
"Not with hunks of steel."
"Mechs," Marinette corrected. "But if you want to sit down and brood for the rest of the night, be my guest then. I'll make you our food errand boy."
"Oh, he's gotta practice his scowl." Billy smirked.
"The threatening aura," Jon added.
"Fine.” Damian crossed his arms. I'll join you for one game."
All the words she could hear were garbled, echoing in the white wasteland. There were hands choking her as she clawed at anything she could touch. 
Icy blue eyes. 
Sharp teeth. 
A feral grin. 
He morphed into an image of Hawkmoth, who sent her flying from the top of the Eiffel right after seizing her Miraculous.
Marinette's breaths grew ragged. 
It's not real!
She woke up in a cold sweat, realizing that she'd been holding the sheets tightly. Painfully. She'd fallen asleep nestled between Damian and Billy, and Jon had moved near her, hand positioned by her shoulder.
He must've heard my heartbeat, she guessed.
"Are you okay?" he whispered.
She sat up and nodded numbly. "Nightmare."
"Want to talk about it?"
She shook her head. Not wanting to wake the others, she moved to the kitchen with Jon trailing behind her. "Sometimes I have trouble sleeping," she murmured. "It's nothing too serious. Don't worry."
Jon looked at her sympathetically. To him, she was probably a traumatized innocent, someone who had witnessed too many akuma attacks. But the truth was something deeper, something that she wouldn't be able to tell them.
"Want a cup of . . . tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate?" Marinette offered, filling up the heater with water.
"Whatever you'll have," Jon said. "Does it happen often?"
"Not too often," she responded hesitantly. "I . . . I get used to it?"
He raised an eyebrow. She winced. That doesn't sound any better, does it?
"But I'm okay, really. I just have to wake myself up before an akuma slips in or something." She shrugged. "It's a burden every Parisian has to carry."
"Why can't the heroes deal with Hawkmoth already?" he said bitterly.
Marinette's fingers twitched as she handed him his cup. You don't know anything. "They're trying their best. It's just a matter of time before he breaks."
"But Ladybug and Chat Noir are just kids themselves. Won't it be easier to pass the responsibility to someone else?"
She clenched her jaw. And get amnesia? No thanks.
"Hey, I believe in trusting them both." She half-smiled, taking a sip of her drink. "Don't let other Parisians hear you say that. They're protective of their heroes." 
“You’ll be joined by Ladybug for this mission,” Batman told him. “And Captain Marvel will accompany the three of you.”  
Robin froze in the middle of sheathing his sword, only dwelling on the fact that his father had nearly uttered ‘babysit’ instead of ‘accompany’. His face hardened, eyebrows knitting together and lips pulled into a thin line. “Ladybug? We can do fine without her.”  
Though Bruce’s cowl was pulled up, Robin knew he was silently saying ‘ no room for arguments on this one’. Batman turned back to the computer. “Sources say that the location has some strange . . . signature. You need someone with magic expertise.”  
“Captain Marvel is magic.”  
“You know what I mean, Damian.”  
Robin clicked his tongue softly. Ladybug. It wasn’t that he disliked her, it was just that her behavior was too closed off. Always insisting that she’d handle Paris on her own, along with her team. Always saying she’s not a part of the Justice League. Never allowing anyone else to research or even see the other Miraculi.  
He supposed that Batman agreed on her terms about Paris being a no-touch zone since the Bat himself understood that a turf was a turf. Like Gotham was his own miserable little city to protect. Damian, on the other hand, didn’t appreciate her lack of openness. Acting like she could handle independence from superiors or mentors when she wasn’t any older than him.  
Not to mention she’d been actively avoiding the JL in the past few weeks. 
“I’m leading the team,” he said indignantly.  
“ All of you will work together,” Batman ordered. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. Ladybug usually doesn’t work closely with the League. We shouldn’t waste the opportunity.”  
He scoffed. “So you decided to put her with the other kids, huh.”  
“Damian. ”  
“I will ‘behave’, Father.” He signed air quotes with his fingers. “But I can’t say that she will too.”  
That was what brought Robin, Superboy, Ladybug and Captain Marvel to the borders of Russia to infiltrate a cave which was pinpointed to be a base of a mysterious group. Robin, bundled up in a thicker suit, couldn’t help but side-eye the French heroine. Another thing that irked him was that the three of them would have to hide their identities from her, which meant there would be little casual conversation going around.  
He clenched his jaw, putting one hand on the cave’s entrance. She’s the intruder around here.  
“Do you think the cult has something to do with the Miraculous?” Superboy hovered nearby, squinting at the darkness to search for potential dangers.  
“Won’t be the first time,” Ladybug muttered under her breath.  
“What do you mean?” Captain Marvel asked.  
“The knowledge about Miraculouses isn’t exactly . . . hidden throughout history,” she explained, opening up her yoyo to use as a light. “When people find out about the power they hold, they tend to go extreme when they try to look for the Miraculouses or their holders.”  
“So that’s why you’re keeping the Paris thing under wraps.” Superboy stepped on one of the rocks leading down the cave. “I think it’s safe. I’ll stay at the front so I can keep an eye out.”  
“Part of the reason,” Ladybug followed behind Robin as they ventured into the deep hollow. From the corner of his eye, he saw her shiver.  
“I thought your suit protected you from the cold,” he said.  
She matched his scowl with a deadlier one. “Ladybug instincts. I don’t do well in cold weather.”  
“And yet you still accepted this mission.”  
“I need to be here in case Miraculouses are involved.” Her voice raised slightly.  
“So if it wasn’t, you’re just dead weight?”  
“Okay kiddies, break it up,” Captain Marvel butted in behind them. “Forward now, and look where you step.”  
Robin withheld a sigh. Ladybug fell quiet behind him.  
“I’m worried about them,” Jon sighed as he stepped over to another platform. The damp smell of the cave permeated in the air, making him wrinkle his nose every ten minutes or so. 
“Of course you are,” Billy said, “It’s Damian we’re talking about here.”  
“He’s a bit . . . abrasive towards people he doesn’t trust yet.”  
“Abrasive,” Billy repeated, snorting, as he nearly slipped on one of the wet rocks. “The guy punched me when we first met.”  
Jon laughed. “You know that was an accident.”  
Damian Wayne was obviously a tough nut to crack. He was harsh, blunt, and stubborn through and through, only letting a few people slip past the gaps. But Jon also thought the same of Ladybug. She hid behind her mask, blocking everyone with her walls the second they tried to get close to her. Maybe she was afraid of getting hurt. Maybe she was paranoid.  
Consequently, both her and Damian’s spitfire personalities clashed, manifesting as heated arguments and opposition.  
Then there was Jon’s other worry. Marinette.  
“There’s something I’m thinking about too,” Jon began, “I . . . I think I want to tell her.”  
Billy stopped for a minute to catch his breath. “Mari?”  
“I’ve been thinking too. We . . . we pretty much dealt with our shit separately at first, right? Damian and the League. You and your powers. Me with . . . you know.” Billy pursed his lips. “But then we got to tell each other in the end. Except her.”  
“How do you think she’ll react?”  
“Mad. Really mad. She probably won’t talk to us for days.” Billy laughed a little.  
Jon pictured it in his head: Mari would be devastated. Confused. Angry. Expectedly, there’d be a rush of emotions involved. Knowing her, she would probably accept the truth in the end, but the journey to that point wouldn’t be pretty. But he found comfort in the fact that they could confide in her someday.  
“You know how the heroes have civilian aides? Like Dad has Mom and Uncle Bruce has Alfred?” Jon raked his fingers through his hair. “I kind of want Mari to be like that for us. I know we can’t force her but—but—”  
“But she’d be qualified to help us. She’s that smart,” Billy continued. 
He nodded. “I just thought that maybe if she’s one of us, we won’t need to worry about hiding and keeping secrets.”  
“I get that. Do you see us telling her anytime soon though?”  
Jon’s shoulders sagged. “No.”  
146 notes · View notes
the-coffee-fandom · 11 months
Siblings Be Like
Jon: Remember when I accidentally agreed to a fake relationship?
Jason: *deadpan* You mean with my sister?
Jon: *cringes* Yeah…
Jason: Are you guys dating now?
Jon: *surprised noise* How’d you know?
Jason who lived off of the fake dating troupe while waiting to be released from the league to exact revenge on Batman after he was revived from the Lazarus pit: *sips tea* Lucky guess
Pt 7
Previous < First > Next
Jason: So… you wanna date my sister huh?
Jon: Please don’t hurt me.
*An hour later*
Dick: Hey I’m back… Jason… what did you do?
Jon: *wiping tears off his face* I promise never to let anyone hurt Marinette ever again.
Jason: *pats him on the back, nodding, and serving him more tea*
Dick: What did you say to him…
128 notes · View notes
batfam-maribat · 10 months
Chloe: Are you sure you aren't dating Jon?
Adrien: If I am I certainly wasn't informed.
Marinette: To be fair, if any of us were dating anyone without realizing, it would be you.
74 notes · View notes
marauderundercover · 1 year
2022 Secret Santa Gift Exchange
For: @lifeexperience hope you enjoy!
Marinette was a simple child of parents who loved her, but not each other. Some of her friends at school had parents just like that, but they were divorced. But her parents never actually married, so they didn’t get a cool word. But really, all it meant was that she had to split her time between her Maman and her Dad. Unfortunately for her, her parents had decided to live a whole ocean apart. So she couldn’t just visit on weekends like her friend Max could. But it was finally summer again, and she was finally back in Gotham. Glancing around, Marinette grins widely the second she spots Alfred. 
“Alfie!” She cheers, running around the other people in the baggage claim area. Alfred’s lips twitch up into a small smile. 
“It’s nice to see you again, Miss Marinette.” He says. Marinette grins widely, pointing to the new gap in her teeth. 
“Look! I lost another tooth.” She says. Alfred raises an eyebrow. 
“Have you already received a visit from the tooth fairy?” He asks. She nods, holding Alfred’s hand as they walk through the parking lot. 
“Where’s dad?” She asks, swinging their arms. 
“Do you remember Mr. Kent?” Alfred asks. Marinette nods. He came to the manor a lot more than her dad liked, but she didn’t mind cause he usually brought his son Jon with him. “He and your father are in the middle of a meeting, and he couldn’t step away.” Alfred explains. Marinette resists the urge to ask if Jon was there too. Hopefully it was just a super quick meeting and then her dad could hang out with her. She knew that he was always super busy. He worked at a really big company, and he had a bunch of kids, and he was Batman. But he was still a good dad, and she knew he tried. 
“Is Cass home?” She asks, buckling herself into her booster seat (Alfred insisted, even though she tried to convince him that ten was plenty old enough to use a normal seat; apparently she was too short). 
“I’m afraid Miss Cass won’t be home for another week or so. Your brothers should all be there, though Master Duke and Master Tim won’t be staying for long. They’re going on a weekend trip with a few friends.” He explains. Marinette hums in surprise. It was really rare for Tim to leave Gotham for something not hero related. She’d have to make a bet with Damian to see what the odds were that Tim and Duke were actually going on a secret mission that they hadn’t told anybody about. It seemed much more likely. Marinette zones out on the rest of the car ride, just watching as her favorite city passes by. She liked Paris and spending time with her Maman, but Gotham had always felt more like her home. Gotham was where her dad and brothers and Alfred were. It was her home. As the manor appears out the window, Marinette grins at the sight of her dad waiting for her outside. The second the car stops, Marinette is out and running to her dad. She launches herself at him and sighs happily as he picks her up and wraps her in a big hug. 
“I missed you too.” He says softly, giving her one last squeeze before setting her down. “How was the last week of school?” Marinette sighs dramatically, grinning when she sees the moment her dad spots her new missing tooth. 
“I lost another tooth! And Alix didn’t even pull this one out for me.” She says happily. Her dad sighs, but she can tell he really wants to laugh. 
“You two are going to cause so much trouble one day, aren’t you?” He asks. Marinette shrugs. 
“Depends on if it’s fun or not. Where’re the boys?” She asks, leaning slightly to look past him. 
“Tim and Duke are packing, and Jason’s in the library. Last I checked, Dick was also in the library attempting to convince Jason to go do something else.” Her dad says with a small smile, the same smile he always got when he mentioned Jason. The memories weren’t super clear, but she did have some memories of when Jason died. She probably purposefully blocked out most of it, though. (Or that’s what Max thought, when she’d talked to him about it once; he was super smart). That was a rough summer. Tim hadn’t come around yet, and her dad and Dick were both really, really sad. And angry. As much as they’d both tried to hide it from her, she heard them yelling. And she saw the reports of what Batman was doing, even if the news only had stories and never any actual pictures of what Batman had become. No matter what she tried, she couldn’t get her dad back to who he was before Jason died. She spent most of that summer baking with Alfred and drawing in the library on the couch where Jason used to read her stories. By the time she came home for Thanksgiving (a holiday she knew her dad didn’t care about, but one he celebrated so that she could have an excuse to come to Gotham more) Tim was there. 
Snapping out of her thoughts, Marinette frowns when she realizes there was a brother missing. 
“What about Damian?” She asks. Her dad frowns as Mr. Kent smiles, and that’s when Marinette remembers Damian talking about his new friend, Kent. Her eyes widen. “Is Jon here?” She asks, resisting the urge to just run towards the manor. Her dad opens his mouth to respond, but Mr. Kent cuts him off. 
“They’re in the game room closest to the living room.” He says. Marinette squeals out a thanks before rushing off. Time to see Jon!
Bruce’s eyes narrow as he looks at one of his oldest friends. Clark just laughs, shaking his head. 
“You know she would’ve found them eventually, Bruce.” He says. Bruce huffs. 
“That doesn’t mean you had to just send her off to him.” He argues. Clark raises an eyebrow, the amusement clear on his face. 
“They’re kids, Bruce. It’s not like they’re going to get married tomorrow-” Clark starts to say, but Bruce cuts him off. 
“Or ever.”
“That’s not what Jon said.” 
“Bruce, breathe. Last time they talked, Marinette apparently told Jon that she was going to marry him one day. It was very matter-of-fact and, need I remind you, they’re children. Plenty of kids have crushes that never amount to anything. And besides that, they’re friends, Bruce. Neither of them have many friends that know about everything. You really gonna take that away from either of them?” Clark asks, crossing his arms. Bruce sighs. 
“Fine. But we will revisit this conversation in a few years.” He says. Clark chuckles, but agrees. Bruce, who knows how determined his daughter can be, doesn’t laugh. 
“Jon!” Marinette squeals, running into the room. Jon turns around and grins, opening his arms. Before Marinette can throw herself into the hug, Damian steps between them, frowning. Marinette skids to a stop, raising an eyebrow at her older brother. 
“What is the meaning of this?” Damian asks, looking between them. Marinette huffs. 
“I was trying to hug my friend.” She says, arms crossed. Damian raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms too. 
“Kent is my friend, Marinette.” He says firmly. Marinette’s eyes narrow. 
“He was my friend first!” She counters. Damian turns to Jon. 
“Well, are you going to say anything?” He asks. Jon’s eyes widen. 
“Well, uh, I-” He stammers over his words. 
“Leave him out of this! Can’t you see you’re stressing him out!” Marinette yells at her older brother. He scoffs. 
“Oh, I’m stressing him out?” He asks. “What about you? Rushing in here and trying to hug him with no prior warning?”
“Jon happens to like my hugs.” Marinette says firmly. Damian snorts humorlessly. 
“Are you sure he isn’t just being nice?” He asks. Marinette feels her cheeks turn red. 
“Actually-” Jon starts. 
“Stay out of this, Kent.” Damian warns. Marinette rolls her eyes. 
“Why are you such a know it all, all the time?” She asks, trying hard not to scream. 
“Why are you such a little baby?” Damian taunts. 
“That’s it!” Marinette shrieks before letting out a battle cry. She rushes towards her brother, fists flying. Every time he dodges, she shrieks. She wasn’t trained like he was. It wasn’t fair! Suddenly, arms are around her, lifting her away from Damian just as Damian is restrained by Dick. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! What is going on in here?” He asks, looking between them. Marinette glances back, stopping kicking when she realizes Jason is the one holding her back. He was officially her favorite brother at the moment. 
“Marinette is acting like a child simply because Kent is now my friend.” Damian tuts, tilting his nose up. Marinette’s eyes widen and she immediately starts thrashing around again in an attempt to go kick the heck out of her brother. 
“You are the worst! That’s not what happened at all!” She argues. 
“Cool it, kiddo.” Jason says quietly. Marinette shakes her head. 
“No! He’s being mean, and I’m gonna beat him up for it!” She insists. Damian snorts, but immediately stops at the look Dick gives him. 
“Alright. You two clearly need some time apart right now. Jason.” Dick nods towards the door and Marinette’s eyes widen. 
“This isn’t fair! Why does Damian get to hang out with Jon? He’s probably hung out with him all day! He’s my friend too!” She complains, going limp in Jason’s hold. Jason sighs, taking her out of the game room and towards the library. 
“Just breathe, Mari. I’m sure you’ll get to hang out with Jon a ton this summer. He’s over here all the time now.” Jason says. Marinette’s face falls into a frown. Before Damian came, Jon never wanted to hang out at the manor all the time. Even when Marinette was in town. Did he….was he really her friend? Or was Damian right. “Okay kid, if I set you down, do you promise not to go beat the shit out of the Gremlin?” Jason asks. Marinette nods. 
“I uh, I think I’m really tired, Jay. I’m gonna go take a nap, okay?” She’s trying really hard not to cry. Jason frowns, but nods. 
“If you’re sure. Hey, you know you can talk to me, right?” He asks. Marinette nods, and gives Jason a half hearted smile before she heads upstairs. Was Jon really her friend?
An hour later, Marinette’s door creaks open slightly. She glances over and waves half-heartedly at Jason. He frowns. 
“Hey kid, are you okay? I thought you were gonna take a nap.” He says. Marinette shrugs. 
“Not tired anymore.” She says. Jason’s eyebrows scrunch together. 
“I was gonna head home,” He starts, and Marinette feels her shoulders slump even more. “But, if you want, you could tag along. I was gonna make spaghetti for dinner.” He adds. Marinette perks up immediately. Damian may want to hog Jon (who may or may not be her friend), but Jason was always there for her. 
“Can we watch Little Women? The one with Winona Ryder?” She asks, Jason grins and nods. 
“Sure thing, kid. Grab a bag and let Bruce know. I’ll wait outside.” He says. Marinette nods and quickly packs up a backpack, then hesitates. It was only her first night back home. If she asked her dad, she ran the risk of him saying no. And then she’d have to eat dinner with Damian. And Jon. Nope. No, siree, she wasn’t going to risk that. Grabbing a piece of paper from her desk, she scribbles out a little note. It’d be fine, and if he was mad at her…well, he probably wouldn’t be mad. She was leaving a note! Just in case, she hurries down the back stairs and out the side door. No need to risk running into her dad. She’d talk to him tomorrow. 
Bruce lets his shoulders relax as he walks in and sits down for dinner. Clark had left just after Marinette arrived, but he’d had League business that couldn’t wait. Which meant dinner was the first time he’d be able to actually sit and talk to his daughter since her visit at Easter. Looking around the table, he frowns. 
“Has anyone seen Marinette?” he asks. Tim glances around, then shakes his head. 
“Uh, no. Actually, I haven’t seen her all day. Wasn’t she coming home today?” He asks. Bruce nods, trying to push down the worry welling up. 
“Little D?” Dick says, and Bruce glances at Damian, narrowing his eyes. 
“Damian. Care to explain?” Bruce asks. Damian purses his lips and tilts his chin up. A move he got from his mother. 
“She was acting like a child. We argued and Todd removed her from the game room.” Damian says simply. Bruce sighs, pinching his nose. 
“What was it this time?” He asks, shaking his head. It never seemed to fail. Every time Marinette came to stay, she and Damian found something new to fight about. It never lasted for long, but he’d come to accept it as an undeniable truth. The sky was blue. Grass was green. Damian and Marinette argued. Simple. 
“I hardly see how that-”
“They were fighting over me.” Jon blurts out. Bruce raises an eyebrow. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Well, I’m friends with Damian now, too. And so he was mad when Mari was trying to hug me, and then she yelled back at him since we were friends first and I tried to stop them but they kept fighting so Jason and Dick made them split up and then I didn’t get to say anything else to Mari and so she probably hates me now.” Jon rambles, eyes wide as his lower lip trembles. Bruce resists the urge to groan. Of course they were fighting over Jon. 
“Shall I go get Miss Marinette from her room?” Alfred asks. 
“No, I’ll get her. Damian, tomorrow we’re going to have a talk about friends. And the fact that multiple people can be friends with the same person.” Bruce says firmly, heading towards his youngest daughter’s room. He knocks. 
“Mari? Sweetie, it’s time for dinner.” Bruce says. He frowns when she doesn’t answer. “Mari?” He calls, knocking again. Bruce purses his lips. Perhaps she fell asleep? He knocks one more time before gently pushing the door open. He doesn’t panic at the empty room. He’s completely calm and collected. The paper that catches his eye on her desk, the letter letting him know that she’d be back the next day and not to worry- that’s what makes him panic. Flashbacks of five years ago. An empty bedroom. A note. A crumpled form in the middle of an explosion. Steadying his breath, he rushes downstairs. He wouldn’t go through that again. He couldn’t. 
“Master Bruce-”
“Marinette’s gone.” He says, clutching the note like a lifeline. 
“What?” Jon squeaks out, his eyes wide. Bruce turns to Dick. 
“We have to find her. Dick, will you call Jason? The rest of us will head to the cave. Everyone needs to be on comms and suited up in twenty minutes.” Bruce instructs. And not even the familiar feeling of directing a mission can bring him calm. Not while his daughter is missing. 
Marinette sips her chocolate milk, shaking her head at the tv. 
“You know, sometimes I wonder how Jo and Amy are able to like each other again after all the times they kinda suck and are kinda awful towards each other.” She says. Jason raises an eyebrow. 
“Yeah?” He asks. She nods. 
“Yeah. But then I remember all the times that we all fight, and I kinda get it.” She sighs. Jason snorts, shaking his head. The landline rings and Jason reaches over and grabs it. 
“Hello.” He says simply. Marinette looks away from the movie, instead watching her brother’s face as shock quickly covers it. “What? No- I- Dick, shut the hell up and breathe. She’s fine. No, she is. She’s with me. Well- I- I thought B knew. Yeah. Mmhmm. Call the calvary back, she’s fine. She’ll be back tomorrow morning after breakfast. Because I promised I’d make pancakes. No, not for you Dickhead. Uh huh. Bye.” Marinette quickly turns her attention back to the movie, hoping he doesn’t try to talk to her about it. 
“I wonder if I could wear a dress like that to the next gala.” Marinette muses, hoping it’ll be enough to change the subject. Instead, the movie pauses and Marinette sighs. 
“So. Are we going to talk about this? Or am I just going to give you a little lecture?” Jason asks. Marinette pouts. 
“Why do we have to do either? Why can’t we just finish watching the movie?” She asks. Jason lets out a long breath. 
“Do you remember when I died?” He asks bluntly. Marinette flinches back, looking at her older brother with wide eyes. He winces. “Sorry, kid. But I promise it’s important.” Marinette frowns, eyebrows scrunching together. 
“Well. Yeah, I- I kind of remember it. It’s not super clear, but…I remember.” She says, pushing down the wave of sadness that wells up inside her. It was one of the hardest times of her entire life. 
“I don’t know how much you remember of that time, but I ran away first. I was determined to figure out who my birth mom was, so I left. And do you know what I did?” He asks. Marinette shakes her head. “I left a note. I didn’t tell anyone I was leaving, not even Alfred. I just left a note. And we both know how that ended up.” He says. Marinette’s eyes widen. 
“That’s what I did to dad. I just left a note- I thought- I didn’t want him to tell me I couldn’t go. I didn’t think it would-” She stops, trying hard to stop her tears. Jason opens his arms and she throws herself at him, crying. “I’m sorry.” She says. 
“It’s fine, kiddo. I know the whole Jon and Damian thing really upset you. But- and I’m gonna sound like a fu-freaking hypocrite here- but you’ve gotta communicate.” Jason says. Marinette sniffles, and leans back. 
“Do you think dad’s gonna be really mad at me?” She asks timidly. Jason shakes his head. 
“No, kid, I don’t think he will. I think he’ll be too relieved to be mad.” He says. Marinette starts to respond, but a tap on the window makes her jump instead. Jason immediately leaps off the couch and heads for the window. “Of freaking course.” He huffs before throwing the window open. Marinette frowns, until a familiar person steps in and her eyes widen. 
“Mari!” Jon calls, running over and giving her a big hug. Marinette blinks a few times, before she relaxes and returns the hug. 
“What’re you doing here?” She asks once he pulls away. 
“Yeah. I’d also like to know.” Jason says, walking over and crossing his arms. Jon laughs awkwardly before reaching back and scratching the back of his neck. 
“I uh, I was worried about you.” He says. Marinette feels a smile creep onto her face. 
“Really?” She asks. He nods. 
“Course I was. You’re one of my best friends.” He says. She raises her eyebrows. “Yeah, uh, I already told Damian that people can have more than one best friend. I think your dad’s gonna talk to him more about it tomorrow, but I didn’t wanna stop being your friend.” He says. 
“Still best friends forever?” She asks, holding out a pinky. Jon grins and links his pinky with hers. 
“Forever and ever.” He says simply. And he was right. 
When Marinette and Jon get married fifteen years later, it surprises no one.
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mae-dwrites · 2 months
I’m Not Her (and I’ll Never Be) - Ao3
Chloé knew she was late, she was always late, you say whatever you want about Marinette but she wasn’t late in the ways that mattered. Chloé had been emotionally stunted and immature for years, she didn’t catch social cues till it’s been two too many beats, had things go over her head even. It wasn’t her fault, she knew that, but sometimes it sure felt like she had poisoned herself.
She’d ruined her own future and messed up a lot, but this felt like the Universe shoving it down her face. Telling her, “Look. This could’ve been you.”
Chloé swallowed, looking between the two, “I’m so happy for you.” Chloé smiled at Zoé, “You deserve nothing but happiness.”
Her sister smiled, too entrapped in her own euphoria to notice how forced Chloé’s own was, “Thank you Chloé,” she hugged her sister tightly.
“Yes, congratulations are in order,” Damian stated with a bright smile at his best friend. Jon seemed to shine with pride, Chloé watched as Damian brought Jon into a hug. Jon gave Chloé his big beautiful smile, her gut twisted with guilt.
He was happy.
Her sister was happy.
Chloé looked back to her sister, her smile more easy when she saw her rosy cheeks. Chloé raised her eyebrows and yanked her hand up, “Let me take a look at this. It better be good.”
It was pretty, a silver band with small stones around the band. Chloé’s face softened; simple and not too flashy. Perfect for her sister. Jon really knew her.
“Well?” Jon asked with a nervous smile. Chloé rolled her eyes, “I guess it’ll do.”
Jon smiled so big and Chloé tensed in his sudden hug but made herself relax. Jon whispered, “Thank you Chloé.”
“Of course Boy Scout,” Chloé said back. She gave a stern look and pointed in the journalist’s face, “Same thing as last time. Hurt her and I’m buying Kryptonite.”
“Right, right,” Jon said with a seemingly unimpressed look. Zoé pointed a light-hearted glare at her sister, “You can threaten him at the wedding.”
“Like that’s any better,” Jon exclaimed with poorly contained laughter. He pulled Zoé by the waist and kissed her temple.
“Who else knows,” Damian asked, uncomfortable by the display. He didn’t mind, but he didn’t quite feel comfortable with tons of it obliviously. Chloé could almost laugh about it.
“Mom, and her dads,” Jon said, “and now you two.”
Chloé did laugh at that, “Son of Steel can’t face the mere-mortal Audrey Bourgeois?”
“She’s…scary,” Jon admitted softly. Zoé patted him, “She’s not that bad.”
“You were able to see her every other day for years,” Chloé laminated. “I believe his fear is warranted, but,” she looked back to Jon, “he is being ridiculous. You’re practically invincible.”
“Emotional abuse is very effective,” Jon frowned.
“Well you better get to informing everyone else,” Damian said pointedly. “You won’t be able to keep it low for long. Not with everyone we’re surrounded by.”
“True that,” Chloé said, she immediately sucked in a breath, “Hope I never say that again.”
“Again, the people we surround ourselves with, Bourgeois,” Damian grimaced in sympathy.
Jon had nodded to himself, “You’re right. It won’t be much of a surprise if it isn’t shared soon.”
“Guess we can plan how to tell everyone else,” Zoé stated unsure.
“Oh most definitely, you should,” Damian nodded. Chloé squinted at him with a face that read, “What the hell are you doing?”
Jon lit up and looked down at Zoé, “We can make it fun. Something to make them think.”
Zoé raised an eyebrow, Jon took her hands gently and tugged her along, “It’ll be fun, I promise.”
“Last time you said that I almost died,” Zoé reminded him dryly as she followed him out of the room.
“Let’s forget that,” Jon’s voice would have cracked a few years ago.
Chloé sighed once they were out of the room, her gaze slid to Damian, “What was that about?”
“You obviously couldn’t handle being around them. You need time to digest the information,” Damian said as though it was so obvious.
“I was doing just fine,” Chloé sneered, taking a step in his face. “Besides, shouldn’t you be off celebrating with him? You seemed very pleased.”
Damian frowned, “Chloé, I am happy for Jon. He’s happy and that’s all I ever want for him. It’s everything I want for him, and for you; even if you believe you don’t deserve it.” Chloé opened her mouth but nothing came out, and Damian continued, “I have told you time and again to take the time to learn who you are, and what you want. Kagami has given the same advice as she has given your dear friend Dupain-Cheng, to not hesitate. Yet that appears to be the only thing you do, even when you were riding your high horse, wearing your wealth with pride.”
Damian leaned down, “I tried to tell you to take your chance, I am sorry you are distressed but I won’t let that ruin this for my best friend and your sister. I don’t like seeing you pained, so I took the cause out of the room.
“But I guess my consideration is never appreciated,” Damian took a step back. He sighed, “I hope your wits about you the next time you see them because I believe you will be the Maid of Honor, and I simply postponed Lee from asking that.”
Chloé looked away her face red with embarrassment. She hated he was right, he was usually right. He was like Marinette in that facet but far more brazen.
“I will be going now,” Damian stated, he placed a hesitant hand on her shoulder. He gave a small, unusual sight directed at her, smile, “I’d like you to know, I am here if you need a friend Chloé.”
Chloé mustered a smile, “Thank you, Damian. For, for everything.”
Damian squeezed her shoulder before leaving her in the room.
Chloé let out a long sigh, she faced the ceiling blinking back tears. She pursed her lips, she was happy for them. She was happy for Zoé. She was happy for Jon.
How could she not?
Chloé swallowed, she knew that answer.
She wanted it to be her. She was just as angry as she was happy. She was still selfish, she still wanted the sweetest guy, and especially wanted to keep him from the sweetest girl.
No amount of blinking stopped the tears today. Chloé made a very unflattering snort, she laughed through the tears.
“I shouldn’t have invited her,” Chloé sobbed to herself. She shook her head to herself, “I should have gone alone.”
Would that have made a difference? They would have met eventually. Chloé would have been too late still, wouldn’t she? Too late to know what she wanted. Jon would still meet Zoé and find everything he wanted.
Zoé was kind, and funny. The girl was a bleeding heart, compassionate to a fault. She could charm the walls down of anyone if she wanted to. Zoé wasn’t raised to be some passive-aggressive rabid dog.
Chloé collapsed onto the couch, she humorlessly laughed, “I’m not her. I’ll never be, I can’t be that.”
Chloé bit her lip and pulled her legs to her chest.
She was too late, and she’d long grown out of ruining others' lives for her own gain.
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adeva-eira · 2 years
Bio!Dad MariBat Prompt:
In this Prompt Marinette is Bruce's Daughter (one or two years older than Damian).
When Marinette finds out about the Bat stuff she becomes Pink Robin (they EXIST. Look them up. They're So damn cute)
Later she, Damian and Jon become a Team and travel into the future where they meet themselves as Batwoman, Batman and Superman!
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melonsinthesky · 11 months
Here goes nothing, so here are some friends and more family of Damian (Jon's not his only friend)✨️
In case you ever want to read the comics I included some spoilers ig and pictures too!
Maya Ducard (aka Nobody)
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So, Damian killed her father. Yikes. He is eventually forgiven in the comic series, Robin: Son of Batman. Which features one of the few depictions of brown Damian
She's his big sister (Damian being 10 y.o. in R:SoB and Maya 14 y.o.)
She was the first person of his siblings that he called by their name.
She helps Damian with undercover missions (as seen in Supersons), is a proficient fighter, also an ex-assassin, and the voice of reason.
Maya is black-latina.
Maya hasn't appeared in the recent timeline, last she was seen with Kathy (aka Beacon) in their own base.
If I'm not mistaken there's one maribat fic that's got her
She's family 💖
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Suren Darga
Like Damian, they both are initially interested into following their father's footsteps.
The Darga and the al Ghuls are rivals. But DC hasn't mentioned again since R:SoB
He's arab too! Like Damian.
Suren is a magician too.
If you think the al Ghuls are stuck in past, the Darga's are way more in the past.
He's also pretty exaggerated. I think he was dead but got resuscitated (it's been years since I've read R:SoB and my English wasn't as good as it is now)
Damian relates and cares for him in his own way.
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Colin Wilkes
He's an orphan, who's also a meta-human. Colin was experimented on, and when he's using his powers he doesn't look alike, he goes by Abuse.
He's a little bit like Jon, except that Jon is a little shit who never hesitates to fight Damian. Colin is a nice kid.
He appears a lot in Li'l Gotham. Damian takes him to the BatCave, and even lets his friend use a batsuit.
Colin hasnt appeared in a while because DC doesn't like Damian having friends or something.
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Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi
She's from the comic series "Gotham Academy" (currently working on a fic that has the GA kids)
I never understood if Maps got a crush on Damian or on his weapon(?) But they're cute together
She's a bit eccentric, likes to wear suits instead of dresses.
Maps like cartography, that's where the nickname Maps comes from.
She gets into trouble a lot. Dreams to be Robin, well she kindda is.
Maps as Robin was a thing during the We Are Robin arc, and on one more newish solo issue which probably means there's more of Gotham Academy in the works!!!
I've read one or two maribat fics that feature her!
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Kathy Branden (aka Beacon)
She's actually not Damian’s friend, she's Jon's.
Kathy is Jon's neighbor from when they lived in Hamilton County and he went by Jonathan Samuel White.
She's an alien like Jonny.
Seemingly DC was aiming to pair them.
So, Kathy and Damian develop a friendly relationship and ofc they're allies.
She lives on her own, in her farm along with Maya.
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Mara al Ghul
Cousin of Damian
Damian left her blind on one eye while after sparring she launched a dagger at him and he did the same to her but :/
She's the daughter of Dusan al Ghul (aka White Ghost), older than Talia but because of his albinism he was discarded of being the heir.
They have reconciled
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Athanasia al Ghul
She just appears in Injustice and she's Damian's bio-sister.
Daughter of Bruce and Talia.
She was kept hidden while Damian was away with Bruce.
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I guess, Flatline (a love interest) and Connor Hawk enter into this category too but I don't particularly care for them. Flatline is a new character from the Robin solo and Connor was revived(? for the solo too ig
Here's a pic that's got Flatline, Connor, and Rose too bc she was important too
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freedom-shamrock · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I actually have a work in progress and am remembering about WIP Wednesday on Wednesday. After reading a fuck ton of Miraculous/DC crossovers, I’m trying my hand at my own Maribat piece. And in a move totally out of character, I’m actually trying to get the bulk of it written before I start posting. Have a taste.
Would You Like to Swing From a Star?
"Hey Damian, Jon," Tim called, waving a bit as they approached. "Didn't expect to see you here tonight."
"Or ever," Jason added with a smirk.
"It's West Coast Swing night," Marinette pointed out, her accent barely noticeable. "The best way to blow off mid-term steam."
Jason's eyes gleamed as he turned toward the French designer. "And are you a swinger, Pixie Pop?"
Marinette side-eyed Jason while considering the translation. "I do swing dance," she finally settled on.  "I don't play on swing sets, and… isn't there a partner swapping swing thing or am I misremembering?"
"You're not misremembering, and I'm once again surprised your vocabulary is so expansive," Jon replied drily.
Marinette nodded and turned back to Jason. "I don't do that kind of swinging. No judgment, but it's not my thing."
"This is Marinette," Damian announced. "She is a veritable angel and you will mind your fucking manners, Todd."
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Following my Jonette + Damien Bakery AU:
Marinette, Jon, and Damien are around the same age. (20 somethings?)
I would say that Marinette’s bakery isn’t in a high traffic area. Since she’s also focusing on spreading good energy, she’d probably allow people who can’t necessarily afford the food to come in and stay. (Let’s say that most of her income comes from doing commissions).
As said before, of course, the baked goods are magic. Purifying Gotham (yaaay.)
Listen. I just have this very specific scene in my mind where an angry customer comes, and they’re about to hit Marinette, but Jon blocks/ catches their hand. Marinette could most definitely handle herself, but I just think the idea is neat.
 I don’t necessarily like Adrien (due to his behavior as Chat + his attitude/ actions in canon as a civie... the same going from some other characters), but I’m definitely not going down the heavy salt/ bashing route. So perhaps Marinette and the other’s don’t have as good of a relationship as before. Maybe she still talks to some of them more than others, but they're not as close as before
Let Marinette dabble with creation more!! Let her go outside of fashion, and let her just take up all creative studies. Inventions? Maybe. Cooking? Of course.
Damien + Marinette meeting? Part of me feels like it could go smoothly. Another part of me thinks that it’d be funnier if they couldn’t stand each other at first, and slowly they gain each other’s respect.
Why is Jon working there? I remember seeing a fic where Jon and Marinette are university students who are both trying to get away from bering heroes. So, to take inspiration from that, Jon may want a getaway from being a hero, but still wants to be… useful, in a way. He still wants to help others, but for his own (mental/ emotional) health, he wants to (temporarily) quite being Superboy. So, what’s better than applying to a normal bakery to help out the local community with baked goods? (He may work part-time, because I mean, it is in Gotham).
 This leads to Damien absolutely scruntinizing Marinette to the point where she feels like she’s being interrogated (to her annoyance). He wants to make sure Jon absolutely knows what he’s doing and that the bakery is trustworthy.
What if he checks out the bakery to see how safe it is? Is it durable? Does it have the proper safety exits? Are you windows even bulletproof? Are your doors??
(Marinette could eventually tell that he’s just quite… protective? of his friend.. or at least he just cares a lot, but come on, man!)
Listen. I crave Marinette + Damien + Jon chaotic friendship. What of it if it starts off with Marinette + Damien frenemyship? It’s a work in progress. They’ll get there!
He wouldn't. I think we both know Damien wouldn't work there. But imagine Jon enacting some revenge and Damien getting pulled into working there for the day. May be ooc, but it's funny. (Imagine how their could either go so great or so poorly. Would Damien be disguised? Would he be blatantly rude to customers or just to the disrespectful ones? Would Damien and Marinette end up competing to see who can "make the most money" or "do the best?" Damien swears that he's not competing, but he seems to be in deep concentration.. Is Jon going to regret doing this? Find out next time on)
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Mission Sleeptime
Tag Team Tournament 2022
Day 5
Prompt: I'm staying right here
"Come on Marinette, let's get you to bed."
"Noooo, I'm staying right here."
Jon gently stroked his girlfriend's hair as she curled in closer to him, in essence pinning to the sofa.
"We shouldn't sleep on the sofa. Your cousin's will kill me for not treating you right."
"Not my cousins."
"You tell them that then."
Jon huffed at the grumbling tired sounds escaping Marinette as she fought sleep and wake in equal measure.
"It's better for them to claim cousins as they'd prefer siblings especially if Bruce had his way with the world."
Shuffling closer to the woman, the sunshine in his world, so they could be face to face, Jon grinned at the adorable pout Marinette sent him.
"Do you want me to die because of Kryptonite poisoning?"
"Nooo! Can't we just stay here though. It's comfy and you're here."
Marinette curled in closer wrapping her arms round Jon tighter to not let him leave. Residing himself to the cuddle fate that he would *just* have to suffer, Jon pulled Marinette in close and moved them both to a seating position as Marinette let out disgruntled whine. Ignoring the abandoned cocoa mugs on the table Jon lifted the girl up into his arms and started to leave the Wayne family den.
He didn't know why he agreed to let Marinette convince him that it was the best location for a film night date. Especially as he could feel her reverse found family cousins, his best friend and his unique siblings, watching his every move. The farm, Metropolis, Paris would have been better, or well, safer for him. The other locations still had their drawback of different spies, just ones that maybe slightly less intimidating.
"Come on. I'll carry you Sunshine. Let's get to bed."
A hum was all Jon got in response.
As he walked down the family wing and headed towards the room opposite Damian's, he ducked as a birdrang flew at him.
"Hi Dames! I'm just…"
"Tt. I know what you're up to Kent!"
"... putting Sunshine to bed…"
"You're seducing her. Stealing her innocence!!!"
"Dames!!! Not this again. Please. Let me put MY girlfriend to bed. We can talk about it sensibly afterwards."
"I'm watching you, farm boy. You may be my… close associate, but Dupain-Cheng is… family."
Jon rolled his eyes and walked into Marinette's room. Yep, staying here was a bad move. Protective Wayne's are crazy.
"Shhh D… sleepy time. Stab mon amour tomorrow."
Ok, his girlfriend fitted in perfectly with them and was crazy too.
"Tt, you're safe for now Kent."
Damain moved with the shadows back into his own doorway watching Jon with his eerily observant eyes. Moving quickly into the only safe haven within the spooky grand building, Jon quickly closed the door to the staring eyes.
"My saviour."
"Hmmm, love you mon amour."
"Love you too Sunshine."
Jon carefully delivered his precious load to the ridiculously large and cloud-like bed before placing a chaste kiss on the tip of Marinette's nose, then forehead. He pulled the blankets up to cover the drowsy woman as she curled into a ball and reached out for him.
"Stay, non amour, please."
There was no debate. Dealing with the over protective Wayne's or curling up and snuggling with his girlfriend.
"Course Sunshine, I'm staying right here with you."
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