manylighthands · 7 years
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I will be teaching Aromatherapy Hand Massage and Chakra Balancing at MAYfestNY.com 
I will also be a part of the Wellness Village offering Tarot Readings.
Here is a discount code: 17LIGHTHANDS10 and can be used on any Weekend, Single Day, or Kids Weekend passes. 
Please use and enjoy!
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manylighthands · 7 years
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Get your tickets now for this years MAYfest fun. Music, Art and Yoga! Practice in the day party at night
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manylighthands · 7 years
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February Special! Spend over $10 on Aromatherapy or Tarot readings, use code IMBOLC2 to receive a $2 discount- offer valid until 2/28/17
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manylighthands · 7 years
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 Horoscope and Tarot Overview for April 26, 2017              New Moon in Taurus-from manylighthands.com  
The Moon is in stable Taurus with a New Moon at 8:17 am EST, bringing us contemplative energy to start a new month. We are asked to get in touch with our more sensually grounded and self-aware side for the next few weeks, this may mean a pause in the action to be more considerate of our needs and the needs of others, but it will not stop real progress. This will feel delicious as we try on new personas and break to soothe our senses. We are realistic, and concerned about our cash flow as well as interested in true pleasure.  
We are aspect free until late this afternoon when the Moon semi-squares Chiron opening our hearts and minds to intuitive healing and forgiveness that may be thrust upon us suddenly. This aspect is accentuated by a lunar sextile to Neptune and a semi-square to Venus tonight, helping us sort through where we need a more spiritually creative connection. Writing in a journal will bring soft reasonable progress to the evening hours. Find the one you love most and cuddle up for some mutual loving care.  
Tarot Cards of the Day- the 5 of Wands, Temperance and The Hermit-we get to play with new ideas today, a little brainstorming and bantering of viewpoints will do us good. Remember to blend fresh constructs into the present belief system held, seamlessly, there is always room for more understandings. Take the time to go within, learn lessons that benefit our soul and be ready for the next onslaught of work and progress.  
Chakras: throat, heart and sacral
Crystals: blue topaz and rose quartz and coral
Aromatherapy: rosemary, lemongrass and tangerine
Yoga-a hatha practice with backbends, end with legs up the wall      
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manylighthands · 7 years
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 Horoscope and Tarot Overview for April 11, 2017- 
Full Moon- Mercury Rx- manylighthands.com
The Moon stays in even handed Libra until this evening, opposing the Sun in Aries for a Full Pink Moon at 2:09 AM, EST, highlighting issues where we use aggression or impatience rather than balance and calm. It may be difficult to reconcile feelings for significant others because we would rather explore freedom instead of compatibility. Our tasks are related to finding blocks to intimacy, opening candid communication and realizing what our needs are, while knowing what our loved one’s needs are also.   
The Moon also opposes Uranus this morning assuring most of our internal discoveries can come at quite a surprise. We are attracted to wild ideas and quirky things to do, which may or may not warrant further exploration. Think about what you want to stay carefully before opening a can of worms you cannot close.   
Later this afternoon the Moon sextiles Rx Venus in Taurus, helping to ground our emotions and move us into a more solid, sensual base of commonality. Review money, spending and savings techniques. We are far more in touch with what /how we need to go for the gold.    
Tarot Cards of the Day- The World, Queen of Wands and Queen of Swords-we are within reach of our goals if we learn from our mistakes and speak with an open mind but a compassion heart. Be extra mindful while pursuing goals and make sure to get legal advice if needed. 
  Chakras: third eye and throat Crystals: clear quartz and blue sapphire Aromatherapy: lavender and lemongrass essential oils Yoga-a gentle hatha flow with inversions  
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manylighthands · 7 years
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Horoscope and Tarot Overview for April 12, 2017 
from manylighthands.com
The Moon is in mysterious Scorpio all day, so we are considering ways we can heighten our hunches honing them into enlightened instincts with very little effort. We favor anything sexy, sensual or imaginative in darker more interesting veins. The Sun is parallel Uranus setting us up for a quirky day that brings surprising clues to our understanding of what we crave.  
There is a lunar opposition to Mercury Rx overnight that may disturb our sleep once again. Our mind is racing with old memories, things left unsaid and errors we have made along the way. Don’t let them weigh you down with regrets or an even a deeper exploration of emotions, get some sleep. The rest of the day is aspect free until evening, leaving us to play creatively with some spiritual ideas or investigations.   
Tonight, the Moon semi-squares Rx Saturn and trines Rx Neptune asking us to look back into old story lines we have let go of; in a self-aware way we can settle old wounds and move on with helpful insights, in a unhelpful way we become bogged down with revisiting painful moments without absorbing a lesson.  
We have 5 planets retrograde so be mindful of what you say, how you love, what opportunities you take, tasks you need to complete and visions you need to review. Breathe through the days ahead, don’t hurry.   
Tarot Cards of the Day- the 5 of Wands, the 10 of Pentacles, The High Priestess-the struggle is real, remember to cooperate with coworkers and loved ones. You can have it all if you remind kind and open. Listen carefully to your intuition, there may be many attempts for wisdom to come from other worldly avenues, listen and pay attention.  
Chakras: throat, heart and solar plexus Crystals: blue sapphire, jade and yellow topaz Aromatherapy: peppermint, bergamot,   Yoga-a gentle hatha flow with inversions      
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manylighthands · 7 years
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Horoscope and Tarot Overview for April 19, 2017              Sun moves into Taurus-from manylighthands.com
The Moon stays in Capricorn briefly but long enough to sextile Chiron and Rx Venus plus semi-square Neptune (all in Pisces) overnight, bringing instinct, intuitive reasoning and intense healing to our dreams while we sleep. Look for old questions to be answered and a sense of peace to help us feel relaxed, loved and supported. write down impressions remembered in the morning .  
Towards dawn the Moon trines Mars in Taurus and squares the Sun before he leaves Aries, we have the chance to realize our power and take the action necessary to seal deals in the works, however Mercury is still Rx so take it slowly and carefully.  
The Moon enters altruistic Aquarius this morning at 6:53 EST, so our mood shifts instantly giving us a chance to step back and look at everything with fresh eyes. We can feel a bit detached emotionally which can be a good thing. The Moon squares Rx Mercury shortly after the move which can affect communications for the rest of the day. Tune into solid thoughts and actions plus take the mindful, centered path to avoid misunderstandings.  
The Sun moves into solid Taurus at 5:28 PM, staying there until May 20th. Our sights turn to a more earthy, sensual feel, we are powerful yet tuned into what we desire, what we taste, feel and see. Appreciate all the beauty that surrounds us in a peaceful, easygoing yet grounded and self-aware way. Avoid stubborn behaviors that do not flatter or help move a project forward, cooperation is key. Time to get serious about money and work ethics this next month.  
Tarot Cards of the Day- The Tower, the 9 of Pentacles and The Wheel of Fortune- major changes can affect our direction, mood and work/career trajectory. Assess what is needed to make comfort accessible not indulgent. There may be opportunities that have been overlooked or disregarded that resurface with promise, be open to the possibilities offered.  
Chakras: throat and sacral
Crystals: blue sapphire and coral
Aromatherapy: rosemary and blood orange
Yoga- a strong vinyasa with seated twists      
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manylighthands · 7 years
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Horoscope and Tarot Overview for April 24, 2017 
from manylighthands.com
The Moon is in forward moving Aries today, bringing new life into our bold ideas and plans. The Moon is waning however, so it’s not the best time to enact new strategies or contracts. Keep brewing those creative schemes, work them out on paper and be ready to launch after the New Moon in Taurus on Wednesday or wait for Mercury to move direct on May 3rd.  
There is a trine between Rx Mercury and Rx Saturn this morning asking us to rethink and redo anything that may not be as sharp, on point or working as well as we would like. Our brains are quite active while mulling over anything that needs detailed work and grounded realism. We are much clearer than we have been while Mercury has been Rx and the future planning we do will be based on what has worked in the past. It’s a good day to express yourself and bring positive reinforcement to all you do.  
The Aries Moon has one aspect today, an opposition to Rx Jupiter that may make us restless, anxious or gullible. Take your time reviewing what you need and what you can leave behind. Then look at a plan of action that is fair and balanced. Speak fairly and mindfully tonight.    
Tarot Cards of the Day- the 4 of Cups, the 7 of Swords and the Knight of Wands-we may not be satisfied with the current state of our affairs but new ideas spring to life creating easy pathways to a better future. Stay aware of what may trip you up on the way to success and think carefully before proceeding or rushing to the next project,  
Chakras: third eye, throat and root
Crystals: blue goldstone, blue topaz and smoky quartz
Aromatherapy: geranium, chamomile and ylang ylang 
Yoga-a strong vinyasa and a long meditative savasana      
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manylighthands · 7 years
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Horoscope and Tarot Overview for April 25, 2017 
from manylighthands.com
The Moon stays in impetuous Aries nearly all day, making it difficult to stay quietly mindful and centered as the Moon winds its way down to a New Moon tomorrow morning. Overnight, there is a semi-square to Mars and a square to Pluto that may have disturbed your dreams a bit with energetic exploration of our inner workings.  
This afternoon the Moon aligns with Uranus and Rx Mercury (who will be aligning on Friday) bringing a strongly intuitive sense of direction to our day and our week. However, we may be so in tuned to our instincts that we cannot see the change coming which can sidetrack us. We may be surprised with events that pop up and push us to another level of creativity. Stay clear, focused and communicative, writing your thoughts down will assist your process.  
There is a lunar trine to Rx Saturn and a semi-square to Neptune that increases our awareness to our tasks and the work we do now and have coming.  
The Moon moves into centered Taurus at 9:57 PM EST, helping us pause, and feel the energy of the day. Commit to the goals you have worked on and be connected to the sensual emotions surrounding us. There is a New Moon tomorrow morning that brings us out of our head and into our bodies.  
Tarot Cards of the Day- the 9 of Wands, the 2 of Pentacles and The Moon- don’t take on too much today and instead survey your surroundings and let go of that one extra project that throws you off balance. Take time to understand the background information and all that is needed to be supported and support those closest to you.  
Chakras: crown, throat and heart
Crystals: Herkimer diamond, blue topaz and jade
Aromatherapy: jasmine, basil and bergamot
Yoga-a hatha practice with inversions and backbends      
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manylighthands · 7 years
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Horoscope and Tarot Overview for April 27, 2017 
from manylighthands.com
The Moon stays in sensual Taurus until later tonight bringing us some well-grounded, thoughtful and productive energy. Very early this morning we start with a lunar trine to Pluto in Capricorn, pushing us to be thorough in our tasks, pay close attention to financial needs and stay the course both career and personal veins.  
Mars sesquiquadrate Pluto this afternoon intensifying our wants and needs in a restless difficult to pin down way. There is an uneasiness if we don’t know which path to follow, but if we are secure in our desires and flexible we will achieve goals. Stay extra mindful, there is the tendency to be slightly more aggressive than the situation calls for, be sure to review each situation before open a dialogue.  
This evening the Moon sextiles both Chiron and Venus in Pisces helping us access our loving, healing, forgiving nature. There is a need to pause the work day, connect with loved ones and truly express gratitude and caring.  
The Moon enters flighty Gemini at 9:40 pm EST, shifting the energy dramatically, our sights are reset in a more social, chatty and airy direction loosening and removing any heaviness left over from earlier in the day.  
Rx Mercury conjunct Uranus is exact tomorrow morning which has the power to make us a little more impulsive as the day wears on. Our minds will revisit sudden changes that have helped us develop and express ourselves.    
Tarot Cards of the Day- the Queen of Pentacles, the King of Cups and the 2 of Swords- we can own our hearts today if we put in the effort and may have the power to win over the heart of someone we care about. The trick is to hold steady, speak clearly and concisely with depth of emotion and good judgement.
Chakras: throat, heart and sacral
Crystals: blue sapphire and rose quartz and orange calcite
Aromatherapy: lavender, lemongrass and ginger
Yoga-a yin yoga practice    
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manylighthands · 7 years
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Horoscope and Tarot Overview for April 22, 2017 
from manylighthands.com
The Moon is in spiritual Pisces all day, helping us soothe our souls, intuit new pathways for learning about ourselves and brings imagination to our actions.
Yesterday's Venus-Rx Saturn aspects may have set our teeth on edge, especially when we feel that nothing we do is enough to satisfy some people. Stand your ground and continue improving your work load and private life. Tensions ease a bit today when you realize you need a big and much dserved break.
Mars moved into Gemini also yesterday, turning on an electric switch in our brains. Our drive, determination and goals are now set on speaking our minds plainly, networking our resources and tuning into the social scene. We may be more impetuous despite the waning Moon and Mercury retrograde so be extra mindful in all activities today but especially those that require discussion about emotions, as we may be more detached than usual.
The Moon semi-squares Uranus this morning which may bring a surprise day dream or two in our consciousness. The message may be as plain as to help us enact creative, healthy changes in diet and exercise or more complex system shifts in the work place. Either way pay attention to these subtle moves.
This afternoon Rx Mercury and Neptune play with the Moon with a lunar alignment to Neptune and a semi square to Rx Mercury then they align intensifying their energy. The good news is we are full of exciting new ideas, artistic fancies and pretty speeches yet, we are also unclear of the direction this may take us. While we may arrive at many successful conclusions tonight remember to hold off on going forward with them just now. Keep them recorded, work on them and polish their brilliance so when it is the right time it will be ready. Be extra careful walking, driving or operating machinery. Be mindful of the words you use and who you speak them to so misunderstandings are avoided.
Tarot Cards of the Day- Strength, 8 of Pentacles and The Moon-today we strive to stay grounded and connected to our wise self. There is much work to be done and we may have many projects in the works, however we are easily distracted, could become petulant or moody or let our imagination and emotions run overtime. Stay present and centered today.
Chakras: third eye and throat
Crystals: labradorite and blue topaz
Aromatherapy: clary sage* and rosemary                                             (*please don’t use clary sage in pregnancy)
Yoga- restorative poses, end with legs up the wall
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manylighthands · 7 years
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Horoscope and Tarot Overview for April 16, 2017
Easter Sunday from manylighthands.com
  The Moon stays in adventurous Sagittarius nearly all day, tempting us to be gregarious and freedom loving. Our sights are set on philosophical pursuits, learning new and wonderful things plus seeking a spiritually meditative mind. Take some time for yourself today and explore the mind’s eye.   It is quite the busy day in the cosmos, with a grand fire trine to begin the events, as the Moon trines Uranus and the Sun in Aries prompting us to feel a bit fiery, inspired and full of surprises. We may need a little restraint if others are not up to the tasks we propose.   
Next, we have Mars in a sextile and the Moon squaring Chiron bringing up some emotional and sensual memories that can be hard to ignore. This may bring healing to certain volatile situations, increasing assurance it will be a peaceful, but soul searching day.  
Later today, the Moon aligns with Saturn then squares Venus who also sextiles Mars, building on the inner work we started this morning, these aspects bring a warm fuzzy feeling that helps us connect with loved ones on a deeper, more personal level. Cooperation, negotiation and commitment proposals are possible and can lead to long lasting loving connections. Intimate desires lead the way to stronger relationships and creative love making.   
The Moon moves into earthy Capricorn tonight at 7:06 PM, adding to and heightening the effects of the days romantic and loving aspects but adds a bit of the steadiness we crave. We are more determined to make situations work because we feel the need to face the long haul with the special people in our lives. The Moon trines Rx Mercury late tonight aiding conversations and easing the miscommunications of late. Express your creative and loving side.   
Tarot Cards of the Day- The Hierophant, The Emperor and The High Priestess-3 major arcana cards pointing to a significant shift in our thinking today. Take care to respect elders and listen to their sage advice, it doesn’t mean you need to take it and use it just take it all in there is much to learn. Intuit what is needed most for happiness, wisdom and peace of mind, tap into the strong power of the feminine and masculine divine for inspiration and guidance.    Chakras: crown and throat Crystals: clear quartz and aquamarine Aromatherapy: rose geranium and chamomile Yoga- restorative poses and a walking meditation       
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manylighthands · 7 years
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Horoscope and Tarot Overview for April 28, 2017         Venus in Aries -from manylighthands.com
The Moon is in chatty Gemini all day and we have a busy day in the cosmos. A Gemini Moon keeps us on our toes while we express our intelligence and easy going attitude. An early morning lunar alignment to Mars helps us push for our goals without offending anyone, we will sound intelligent and breezy while we make our case, keep conversation light and open minded.  
Venus moves forward and back into positive Aries this morning staying there until June 6th, changing our outlook on love and money. We move past the dreamy self-absorbed musings of our dreams and put them into swift romantic action. There is nothing stopping us from getting what we want in love and money scenarios, so expect commitment preproposals to pop up in both fronts. Expect to be charming and be charmed.  
We have an especially surprising day as the Rx Mercury-Uranus conjunct that has been affecting us all week turns exact (both have lunar semi-squares later and sextiles tomorrow), bringing the past to the present in electrically charged ways that spark intuition and know-how. We have the chance to remember good plans, good dates and old loves that may be helpful in the present. Put memories to good use but don’t them let overstay their welcome. We are sharp, eloquent and social, networking can bring astounding results.  
Tonight, the Moon squares Neptune and trines Rx Jupiter bringing a little more creativity and exploration of opportunities to the night hours and our dreams as well as a loss of the keen focus we had earlier. We get a chance to reflect on the day’s events so we can tweak our plans and move forward with confidence.    
Tarot Cards of the Day- the 3, the 4 and the 8 of Swords- it’s an all swords day supporting the Gemini Moon, asking us to think carefully about the words we use and how they may affect the ones we love. Take extra mindful care to meditate and reflect on past experiences that that have shaped who you are now. There is nothing holding you back from shedding old habits and moving forward into better situations with instinct and grace.  
Chakras: crown, third eye and root 
Crystals: white topaz, amethyst and bloodstone
Aromatherapy: frankincense, rose geranium and ylang ylang
Yoga-restorative yoga sequence and a walking meditation      
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manylighthands · 7 years
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Horoscope and Tarot Overview for April 5, 2017 from manylighthands.com
 The Moon is in self-assured Leo all day, helping us feel good about our journey and where we have been. There is an overnight lunar square to Mercury that may infiltrate our dreams with ideas and communications we may need to write down for future use.
 The rest of the day is open to all Leo with no major aspects until tonight. This gives us plenty of time to fire up our deepest desires and romantic ideals for a test drive. Be playful, creative and involved in everything on the agenda.
 Tonight, the Moon trines the Sun then Mars trines Pluto helping us stick to our boldest plans but also helps us move forward with gravitas and certainty. We can hone in on what we need to complete our missions without going off in crazy directions. Channel the deeply grounded energy and get out the planning tools for some inspirational work.
 We continue to dive deeper into retrograde season after midnight when Saturn moves into its backwards motion, and will be joined by Mercury on Sunday. Saturn Rx has us going back to redo tasks we thought were done and finished. We are far more serious for the next 4 months, get ready.
 Tarot Cards of the Day- the 9 of Swords, The Empress and Temperance- these cards are asking us to put our problems behind us so we can focus on infusing creativity and imagination into the undertakings at hand. Use the power of unifying forces that do not normally work together and make them shine. Bring peace and healing to a tense situations in a bold new way..
Chakras: crown, third eye and throat
Crystals: clear quartz, moonstone and blue sapphire
Aromatherapy: frankincense, jasmine and chamomile
Yoga- a gentle hatha flow with inversions
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manylighthands · 7 years
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Horoscope and Tarot Overview for April 7, 2017 from manylighthands.com
 The Moon moves into organized Virgo just after midnight, reeling in our tendency to wander and get overexcited. We will feel more grounded, settled and ready to clean house both literally and figuratively.
 There is a lunar semi-square to Rx Jupiter and a trine to Mercury this morning helping us move our awareness into a fair-minded, rooted place of thinking and speaking. It may be tough to make decisions today so take the time needed to be mindful. Express caring to loved ones in a meaningful way.  
 The Sun opposes Rx Jupiter late this afternoon bringing conflicting energies to light. Our tendency to while away the hours instead of working productively gets in the way of our plans. Partly because we exaggerate our competencies and our motivation. It’s not that we don’t want to accomplish great things it’s just that we are easily distracted. Breathe, take breaks and move slowly but consistently.
 Tarot Cards of the Day- Strength, the Ace of Cups, and the Knight of Swords-stay supportive of yourself and others, indulge in self-love and care. There may be a need to look back over recent choices so there can be a positive outcome, correcting any errors and promoting clear communication.
 Chakras: heart and sacral
Crystals: rose quartz and carnelian
Aromatherapy: bergamot and lavender
Yoga-a strong vinyasa with backbends and seated twists
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manylighthands · 7 years
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Horoscope and Tarot Overview for March 28, 2017 @manylighthands.com
 The Moon stays in bold Aries all day feeling quite empowered from the New Moon late last night. Our emotions are right on the surface and ready to be shared no matter what the cost, patience is not a virtue we value today. We have all morning and afternoon without any aspects to relish the energetic feel of moving into the future with vigor. The challenge of the day is to stay extra mindfully engaged in what we are doing.
 Tonight, the Moon squares Pluto and opposes Rx Jupiter putting a little crimp in our plans as these planets attempt to slow us down and throw our momentum off balance with some petty arguments, or a drive for something new and different. Our restless vitality is surfacing and ready for action yet needs to be tamed, channeled and focused.
 Tarot Cards of the Day- Justice, The Wheel of Fortune and the 9 of Pentacles- remain steady, keep your mind engaged on your business plan and your love relationship. If you work hard and keep on track there is new opportunities waiting around the corner. Stay peaceful and meditative, root down and keep your creative cool.
Chakras: third eye, heart and root
Crystals: labradorite, jade and garnet
Aromatherapy: lavender, myrrh and ylang ylang
Yoga- calming yin yoga will help your meditative skills
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