#mama and baby cheetah
ogerponpropaganda · 6 months
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Tony (tickspics)
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Smithsonian's cheetah mama and her two babies.
from https://www.instagram.com/smithsonianzoo/
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more hcs on girl mom abby! x black reader pls 🙇🏽‍♀️
this is my current favorite thing ever
☆ abby took a maternity leave from all of her basketball stuff so she could stay home at take care of you, only showing up to games or social events if it was completely necessary.
☆ shes educating herself on black history, even BEFORE you were pregnant she had learned some stuff from you and your family, but now since you two have a black-presenting baby she wants to understand the best she can for you and your daughter.
☆ definitely is the kind of mom to get her kids into sport’s really young, but she would be so soft with a baby girl like, “oh you dont wanna be in sports? thats okay we can stay home and draw together!”
☆ if you’re really connected with your culture ethnicity wise- for example my dads side is kenyan and they take alot in pride in their culture, my moms side is black-american, of course they have african roots but they’re not really connected to them- shes learning everything about your culture (aka anything she doesn’t already know) with your daughter- she definitely influences your baby girl to learn everything about her culture, the food, the clothing, the language(s), the music, everything!!!
☆ now if were talking black culture- let me just say, she is an absolute beast at cookouts.
☆ aunties are always making her extra plates in advance cus of how big she is and she dances to the music with your baby on her hip.
☆ if u have that gorgeous, amazing, wonderful hoochie mama type style shes shopping with you and you two end up with baby juicy couture, gold hoops with her name on them, and she orders a custom little gold chain with her nickname hanging from it.
☆ she finds it hilarious that your daughter knows some rap songs by heart.
☆ one time someone on her team asked why she smelled like cocoa butter and she just responded with “my girls” with that cute little dopey smile on her face.
☆ teaches you daughter to blow kisses and give fist bumps/high fives and now she just walks around the house blowing you and abs kisses/ asking for a high five.
☆ if you speak another language she asks you to only talk to her in that language so she can learn, english can come afterwards (plus she kinda wants to learn it herself).
☆ if you dont speak another’s language you two both agree to teach her, and yourselves, sign language- just in case its needed for some reason 🤷🏽‍♀️
☆ while you were pregnant you stressed her on how important hair is so she bought one of those baby bonnets to protect your baby’s hair, she ended up finding it adorable so she bought 5 more (6 in total including a cheetah print one).
☆ she’s definitely gone to nora and asked for help with her babies hair because she didn’t want to bother you- she knows how draining it is to be a stay at home mom so she insisted that you would have a day off, unfortunately so, she forgot what products to use on her hair and what order they should be put on- nora came in handy for that one.
☆ whole buncha hello kitty stuff, might be self indulgent cus i love hello kitty, buttt… the sanrio shirts for kids are just too cute.
☆ your daughter is consistently the best dressed in her school.
☆ loves to lay all cuddles up with you and your little girl, she hugs your baby close so she can stuff her face in your baby’s hair since she says it “literally smells like heaven”.
☆ if you have a fro shes asking to do your hair while you do your babys hair and asking to touch it cus it looks so soft “like a cloud”-once again, her words.
☆ short/shaved hair? shes kissing the top of your head constantly, so much that you’ve gained a habit of tilting your head back when she does, then your daughter starts to ask for head kisses too.
☆ if you have locs- your daughter probably asks to be loc’d up too, so she can be just like her mommy- and of course you agree because not only is her wanting to look like you the most darling thing you’ve ever heard, but her locs will end up benefiting her in a whole bunch of ways down the road (and abbys all for it too).
☆ if you always have your hair done, theres a 99% chance your daughter is matching in some way- abby loves how much your little girl looks up to you and admires you- sometimes your daughter even comes up to abby and asks her to do her hair “just like mommys”, abby almost cried right then.
☆ yk those big swinging hammock/hut things at hotels? yall have one in your backyard and you all lay in it and sunbathe every now and then.
☆ abbys a very educated woman, she does everything in her power to defend you and your daughter from racist internet trolls.
☆ your her girls, she wakes up every morning next to you and couldn’t be happier that she’s spending the rest of her life with you and your beautiful little girl. ☆
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xxtc-96xx · 2 years
I saw this on Pinterest and I can’t decide which of the twos/mew is the momma cheetah
(Remember the ask about mew having all those flower babies? That’s why I can’t decide)
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that's definitely mama Newt with her babies
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extrashortshorts · 11 months
Over silly over thinking but ace being an otter because his mama is brown and fuzzy and his papa swims and Vivi being a swan with a snake father….EXTREMELY good and funny even if accidental I want to believe that’s how animals work in one piece. One day Chopper could fall in love with a nice cheetah lady and have little horse babies because hooves and fast. Little baby Ace and Luffy were both brown and furry with little hands and that means they’re brothers!
50/50 Was thinking about that while drawing Vivi but all that stuff with Ace 🤯 its so fitting for everything that was made at this point
Also considering how many found families and adopted children in one piece it would be really in theme if everyone didn't even think twice about who is whose child. Cus you never know at first glance, or second, you could try and guess but who knows really🤔, better ask anyways
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jordie-gvf · 1 year
dont you ever grow up, sammy
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a fluffy dad!sam fic for you!
summary : it was your daughters 16th birthday and sam hates the idea of his babygirl growing up
word count : 1.9k+
warnings : Safety Sam 🫠, mentions of getting pregnant, i cant think of anything else, let me know if i am missing any!
It was your daughter, Elodie's, 16th birthday today. You had woken up before Sam had, you read and waited for him to wake up. When he woke up, he cuddled into your legs and said, “Do we have to celebrate her birthday?” You looked at him and frowned. “Yes baby, it's her birthday.” He frowned and kissed your thighs. 
You both showered and went downstairs to see Elodie sitting on the couch with Rosie and Odette, the cat you had got for your birthday. Atlas, your 5 year old, ran downstairs and went straight to his older sister and yelled out, “Happy Birthday DiDi!” She hugged her brother and said, “Thank you Atlas!”
You and Sam both had not grown up getting handed everything, but Elodie on the other hand, had. She was very fortunate and she knew that and was very thankful for it. Her birthday gift was a Volkswagen Beetle. She had always talked about them and how much she loved them. You got her the blue one, her favorite color, and some accessories you knew she would love. She hadn't known she was getting a car, but you knew she would be very grateful. 
She didn't really want a themed party, but you knew what she wanted on her cake. You had gotten her a pink and black cheetah cake and had “Elodie’s Sweet Sixteen!” written on it. You already brought  it home and put it down, Sam took one look at it and started crying. “It feels like yesterday when you had her. I can't believe we were 19.” He put his head on your shoulder and put your hand on his cheek and kissed his head. Elodie got up from the couch and hugged her father. She whispered to him, “I'll always be your little girl. I love you Daddy.” She truly loved her father, she loved him more than anything. 
She had wanted finger foods for her party. You had made spinach dip, jalapeno dip, cocktail weenies and meatballs, and her favorite, a charcuterie board. You had water and sodas arranged in a drink tin. Her decorations were retro 70s, thanks to her uncles. She quickly got up and said, “It's time for me to change.” She went upstairs to get into her party wear. She came down with a floral bell sleeve shirt, daisy earrings, bell bottoms, and white chunky heeled boots. She walked down the stairs and Sammy took one look and said, “Look at my munchkin! Happy 16th.” She looked at him and smiled. She looked amazing. 
When everyone was done eating the food you had out, it was time for presents. Josh got her a record player and a lot of his favorite records. Jake got her some more floral jewelry, flowers were her favorite. Danny got her a hydro flask, rings, and a bluetooth speaker. She thanked all of them and gave them hugs. You looked at her and said, “Alright it's time for our gifts.” You handed her a big box with a blanket in it. When she was younger, you made her a fleece tie blanket. She had lost the one you made her when she and Sammy went overseas for a tour. She was devastated when she told you she had lost it. You got the exact same fabric and made her a new one. She opened the box and started to cry. “Mama, you made me a new one?” She said, and hugged you tightly. Sam handed her a big box, containing smaller boxes, but the last one contained a car key. “Why is it so big, what the hell did you get me?” She asked, and Sam looked at her and said, “You'll see, open it.” She tore at the paper and opened the box, she said, “Really, one of these” She smiled and continued to open the box. Kelly had gone out to the dealership and had put the car in the garage last night. She got to the last box and opened it, and her brown eyes widened and she jumped up. “Daddy! You guys got me a car?” She ran out to the garage and fell to her knees. You both walked over to her and hugged her. She got up off the floor and said, “You didn't have to get me a car. I love it so much. Thank you guys.” She looked at her dad and her brother and held up the key, “Want to come with?” as she took the car for a spin. Safety Sam had got in the front seat and said, “Belts on.” Elodie and Atlas both listened right away. She backed out of the driveway and took them around the block. 
When they got home, Elodie went to you and hugged you again. “Seriously Mom, thank you. I love you. Thank you for the best birthday ever.” She ran to her friends who were in the backyard in the pool. She told them she would be right back to go put her suit on. She came down in a bikini. Sam looked at her and said, “And where do you think you're going with that on?” She smiled and said, “To the pool, with my friends, who are girls, who are straight. You don't need to worry.” You put your hand on his shoulder to say, let her go, and he backed off. 
Atlas came over to you and said, “Mamma she didn't open my gift” and frowned. You told him that she will open it tonight after dinner. After everyone had left and Sam helped you clean up, it was dinner time. Taking after her father with the love of pasta, she requested Olive Garden. She asked if she could drive by herself there and that she would meet us there. She pulled you to the side and said, “Mamma, do you think Daddy would get mad if I picked up a girl and brought her with us to dinner?” You looked at her and said, “Probably, but it's your birthday. I won't even tell him anything. Go” She smiled and hugged you and told her dad, “I'll see you guys there.” and went off. 
When you had arrived at Olive Garden before she did, he was in a panic. He checked Life360 at least 5 times before he called her. She picked up and said, “Sorry, detour.” You heard the Addie, the girl Elodie had a crush on, say, “Sorry Mr. Kiszka.” Sam looked at you and said, “Is that Addie? The Addie?” You nodded and he said, “That's alright Addie. I look forward to meeting you. Elodie, drive safe. I love you, see you soon,” and hung up. He walked over to you and said, “Addie is the one she's had a crush on since middle school right?” You nodded and said, “Mhm, Addie.”
You had sat down in a booth and ordered breadsticks and drinks, knowing both girls liked water. Elodie and Addie showed up and sat down in the booth in front of you. Elodie pulled out her phone, and you heard a vibration in your purse. You pulled out your phone and saw a message from her
Elodie Girl <3
She asked me out
And I said yes!!
I'll tell him later
Not knowing what to say, you looked over the table and smiled, happy for your daughter. Elodie had asked if her and Addie could get ice cream on the way home, and you said yes. You handed her $20, but Addie said, “Dont worry Mrs. K, I've got it.” You smiled at her and said, “Are you sure? I have no problem paying for it” She nodded her head and assured you that she would pay. Elodie had driven them to Jeni’s, Elodies favorite ice cream shop. You kept checking Life360, she had texted you saying she dropped Addie back home and that she was on her way home. You were already in her room, sitting in her papasan chair, waiting for her to come home. She had gotten home and came upstairs yelling for you. She figured out where you were, let Rosie and Odette in, shut and locked the door. She went into her en suite bathroom and showered and came back in her pajamas
She sat down, and you said, “Tell me everything. Dads with Atlas in the basement.” She laughed and gave you the rundown of the ice cream date. It just so happens that across from Jeni’s is a playground and they went on the swings together and ate their ice cream. 
She had your full attention, something you never had from your mother. There was a knock on the door and Rosie was ready to attack whoever was outside her door. Elodie got up and unlocked the door, Atlas had walked in with his gift in his hand. “I never got to give this to you today.” and handed her the gift. He sat on her bed as she opened the gift. It was a small locket, with a picture of the two of them together. She looked at him with adoration and said, “Thank you, I love it.” and she put it on. 
Sam had walked into her room and told Atlas it was bedtime. You told him you would take Atlas to his room and put him to bed. You grabbed him and winked at your daughter and shut her door. 
You brought him to your bathroom and put him in the tub. You grabbed all his water toys and his shampoo. You put bubbles in the water and gave him a bath. When you were done, you brought him out to your bed and saw Sam on the bed watching tv. You helped Atlas put his clothes on. You told Atlas to go pick out books that you would read to him. Sam looked at you and said, “She told me she was scared to tell me she liked girls. She was scared.” You looked at him and said, “I was scared to tell my father, but he was also slightly homophobic.” He looked back and said, “Yeah, but I'm not your father. I told her she didn't have to be scared to tell me and she started crying.” You felt for your daughter, you were scared to tell your parents you liked girls, but you got over it and did, when you were 25 and Elodie was 6. “When she told me, I told her I liked girls too, and that you were very accepting of it. I left the part out about what else you said” and he smiled. He grabbed your waist and put you on his hips. He kissed you and said, “I want another one. Let's make another one.” and winked. Atlas walked in and said, “I picked out my books Mamma.” You smiled and nodded. He walked out and Sam said, “He can wait 15 minutes, right?” You shook your head and laughed. “Go ahead Mamma.” and sent you off to his room.
You finished reading to him and walked into your room. When you walked in, Sam was nowhere to be found. He came out from behind the door, picked you up by your waist and said, “Come on, showers on. Let's make more.” and brought you to the bathroom.
What a way to celebrate a birthday, that wasn't even yours.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 4 months
If you've been seeing....
555 - Queen. Darlings. Personality Change. Going out tonight. Fierce Mode. Cheetahs, Dragon Energy, Empress, Royal.
666 - New foundation. Serpent's code. Books have messages for you. Reading more. Knowledge. Serpent DNA. Kundalini. Tree Of Life.
999 - Emergency awaits. Destiny. Reality Change. Getting your ducks in a row. Only a few can come on this ship. Noah's Ark. Gentleman uprising. Be more careful with who you connect and reproduce with. Baby daddy/mama drama. 'Emergency awaits' x2
Okay so the warning for this group (999) is being careful with who you choose to lay down with, and open your doors too. I see a lot of people taking advantage of you if you dont regenerate more love to your own needs and boundaries for yourself because others will pull form your energy if you're not careful. Ok? A closed heart has boundaries, its okay to not always be open to the gestures of others, you don't need your heart to always be open. Its yours, and yours alone.
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shadowmaat · 1 year
You know those stories of wild animals who seem to know which kind of humans they can trust? Elephants who become less guarded if they hear a woman in the group, cheetahs leaving their cubs with a photographer to go off hunting, etc.
Give me a story of someone who becomes an inadvertent babysitter when Mama griffin decides to go hunt. Or someone who becomes a perch for a baby dragon because its parents know they aren't a threat and baby likes to be TOL. Quirky stories of humans encountering magical predators and coming away unscathed (mostly) because they're just decent people.
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gamma-gal-24 · 11 months
Here's a little snippet about how Johnny and Emma met-!☺💕💞
For Johnny Bravo, there was absolutely nothing special about this warm Spring day. Sure the sun was shining and the birds were singing, but why wouldn't they when he was around? Besides, he was hotter than the sun anyhow; why should he be impressed?
No, today was just a typical day for him. He was out and about like usual- hitting the streets of Aron City and hitting on women. He was pulling out all the stops today, too. He was flexing, flirting, the works! And yet, no matter what, nobody was interested! He had already gotten two purses to the face, and it was only half past noon!
But it wasn't like Johnny to get discouraged so easily. No, he was determined! He told his momma he was gonna find himself a date, and by God, he was gonna do it.
With big ideas for how his night would end, Johnny decided to "take a break," from his ladykillin' in front of the mirror shop. The owner knew his face well by now- he couldn't say he was particularly happy to see him stop by to check himself out for the third time this week.
"Oh, Baby~ You are one good-lookin' guy. H-yuhh!" He flexed, waggling his brows at his own reflection. He couldn't possibly see why the ladies weren't eating him up. He was having a fantastic hair-day.
Johnny carried on like this for a good five minutes, flexing, posing in front of every mirror, fixing his hair- his usual routine. It isn't until he sees a pair of legs walk by behind his reflection that he pauses. He stops dead in his tracks.
Those are a girl's legs. No, not a girl- A woman's legs; and a fine one at that-!
Johnny spins around at break-neck speed, hurrying to catch a glimpse at the lady.
'Oh... Oh, she's cute.'
There she was- a little-bitty blonde he'd never seen before, strolling around with some sort of list in her hands. His jaw fell slack for a moment, just watching her walk away.
"Oh, Momma... That's one sweet little girly right there-"
Before he knows it he's off like a light. He runs to catch up to her at a speed that would make a cheetah cry, skidding to a halt right in front of her. He's already posing fabulously.
"Hey there, cutie~ I can't help but notice your lips look lonely- Do they wanna meet mine?~" he smirks, quirking a brow above his black shades. He gives his left bicep a showy flex for good measure.
Aw yeah... That'll get her.
The girl he's stopped blinks up at him for a moment, her round blue eyes wide and quite possibly terribly shocked. That's okay, he has that effect on girls, it's to be expected!
What he doesn't expect, however, is for her to start giggling.
This girl, short and just a little bit round, covers her mouth with a teensy hand and laughs. Her giggle sounds like little bells, light and jingly. But as pretty as the sound is, he was hoping for swooning... Not laughing.
He blinks a time or two, letting it sink in.
"Hey, what's so funny? Cat got your tongue?" He asks, his hands falling to rest on his hips. She giggles again.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I figured you were joking!" The stramger piped up, ber voice high and cheery. "Nobody's ever asked me something like that before!" She moves her hand, as sweet, pink-cheeked smile taking it's place. Now how could he be mad at a face like that?
Whatever pout or frown his face had taken melts quickly away. This girl wasn't just pretty- she was infectiously giddy. She seemed like the type that was just hap3ly to be alive.
Johnny could dig that.
He shakes his head really quick- getting his head back in the game. After trying all morning, he finally had a girl's attention. "Oh, that's okay, Lil' mama- You've got a cute laugh there." He grins, her smile infecting him.
She seems to smile just a little wider. Her round cheeks reach up to kiss those blue eyes of hers and Johnny melts.
'Man, she's cute.'
"Goodness; why, thank you! That's the sweetest thing I've heard all day!" Johnny doubts that. Has she heard herself talk? "I'm Emma, Emma Encore! It's nice to meet you-"
Johnny cuts her off, flexing both arms this time.
"-Johnny, Johnny Bravo." He flashes a wider, brighter grin. "Encore", huh? Why, that name sounds pretty good next to mine, don' it? Maybe it's a sign.~"
Emma flushes several shades darker before she can speak again. His smoothtalking leaves her stunned.
"My word- Oh, you're a rascal Mr. Bravo! A cheeky rascal!" She gives another infectious giggle into her hand. 'Does she catch them and save them for later?' Johnny can't help but wonder.
In a quick, fluid movement, he's leaning against the wall beside them, blocking her path. "Oh, I've been called a lot worse than that, girlie- But you could call me whatever you want.~"
His flirting game was strong today. He was even more proud of himself than usual.
Emma was delighted by the attention, too. She found him terribly charming. Boyish and silly, but charming nonetheless.
"Oh, "Johnny" works just fine!" She chirps, slipping her abandoned to-do list into her shorts' pocket. She couldn't possibly focus on her errands with such a handsome man demanding her attention. She giggles again; 'her laugh sounds like stars', Johnny thinks.
"So, how are you today, Johnny? The weather is gorgeous today, don't you think?" She inquires bashfully, cheeks holding tight to their pink hue. Johnny shocks her when he takes her hand in yet another abrupt, fluid motion.
"Why, yes it is, but not nownere near as pretty as you.~" Damn, he's good. Look at that- he's stunned her again. He is on a roll today.
Those big, blue eyes blink up at him and her little mouth hangs open just a little; she is a bashful little thing, isn't she? He likes that though- it's sweet. He's always had a soft spot for the shy ones.
"Oh, well... Thank you! That's very kind!" She smiles again. All this attention is strange to her!
Johnny sticks a hand out as though to banish the thought. "No need to thank me, Sugarplum- But if you really wanted to thank me, you could always let me take you out.~"
As smooth as that line was, it never worked. Not for Johnny at least. The last time he tried it he got a ponytail to the face. That's why it was so surprising when this "Emma" girl agreed- and enthusiastically, too!
"Really?! Oh, do you mean it? I would love to!"
"Say what-?" Johnny doesn't even realize he'd said that aloud.
"I said I'd love to! Did you havena place in mind? Dinner? A movie?" She looks so excited when she speaks. Her grin is ear-to-ear! Johnny can't help but smile too.
"Oh- Oh yeah! Uh... How's about I just pick you up at seven and surprise ya- That sound fun?" He smirks cooly, playing off the fact that he's just as overjoyed as she is.
It works like a charm. To Emma, he's cool as a cucumber.
"Oooh, that sounds like fun!" She nods enthusiastically, fumbling as she reaches back into her pocket for her list and pen. She scribbles her number and address haphazardly on her folded up to-do list and hands it to Johnny as though it were a present. And to him, it very well is.
"Here! Here's my information- I look forward to seeing you tonight, Johnny Bravo-!"
And with that, before Johnny could speak or even flex again, that pretty little girl had skipped off, the sound of her clicking heels fading in the distance and a love-struck hunk left behind her.
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echo-echo31 · 2 years
Cheetahs can purr and meow like house cats!!! And mama cheetahs make a chirping sound like a bird to call to their babies!!! Also, cheetah claws don’t retract like other cats do, they’re always out just like a dog.
AND (probably the cutest cheetah fact ever) cheetahs are socially anxious and just have anxiety in general. Cheetahs raised in captivity often end up with a doggy companion that they bond with for life 💕
~ @sammys-magical-au
Cheetah!Yancy is my favourite.
Also - we have a headcanon in the server that Illi and Markus call Yancy their 'songbird' because of how he chirps!
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
HEY REEE I MISSED YOU. Sorry I been away school and my men had me preoccupied 🤪 but how are you? I read your new FL post and I died, URBAN GOIN STAND UP FOR HIS GODKIDS AND JACK IS GOIN GO BALD BEFORE THEM BABIES COME😂😂😂 and I meant to ask what did Jack think of FL and the whole cheetah print underwear fiasco 😂😂
OMG HI SWEETIE!!!! I've missed seeing you in my inbox!
I hope school is going well and I hear that about the men keeping you occupied 🤭
I'm okay bby! One day at a time! Really focusing to make some changes this year!
And yessss Urban is going to go hard for them EVERY TIME lmaooo he has had that position of godfather since they had their pregnancy scare at 16 lmaooo
And ooh you gave me an idea mamas!!
I'll write a little blurb on it!
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eflen-n-reegee · 2 years
Field Trip to Milwaukee County Zoo (Milwaukee, WI)
Hiya! This is another self-insert imagine fic where the reader is an age regresser and the author is their caregiver. All pictures were taken by me. This one’s a little less detailed than the Field Museum fic, but it also has more elements to it. Feel free to tell me which style you prefer! 😁 Under the cut ‘cause it’s long. Hope you enjoy!
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Are you excited, sweetheart? I am too. We haven’t been to the zoo in a while, have we? Now remember, since it’s Halloween, there might be some spooky decorations. No, I don’t think there’s anything too scary - but if something does scare you, you can tell me, okay? Alright, let’s go in!
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Oh, penguins! Now, why are they sitting there on the rocks? If I was a penguin I’d spend all my time swimming!
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Ha, look at that! The aliens are wearing disguises!
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My goodness, the trees are beautiful, aren’t they? I love autumn. What’s your favorite season, sweetheart?
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Ooh, a Thomson’s Gazelle! I wonder if Thomson knows the zoo has his gazelle here?*
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This guy has a long name. Think you can read it, sweetheart? “Scimitar-Horned Oryx”. Phew, what a mouthful! But he looks pretty cool, doesn’t he?
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Look! The ostrich is coming over to meet you! I bet she’s never seen such a cute kiddo before.
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Wow! The elephants are so big! They must be African elephants because- That’s right! Indian elephants have smaller ears. How’d you get so smart?
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Aw, the giraffe has a baby! You’re right, it seems like the mama is taking good care of her baby. And, just as important…
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… the baby has a friend to play with!
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You’re right! They’re red pandas, just like Meilin! Oh, don’t worry, they’re not really fighting. See how careful they are not to bite, or swat too hard? They just like to wrestle sometimes.
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Hello, tiger! Look how close he is… I know, he’s like a really big kitty!
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Aw, the lion is sleeping! You’re right, we shouldn’t wake her…
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Ooh, a serval! They can jump super-duper high! How high can you jump, sweetheart?
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Hi cheetah! Y’know, sometimes cheetahs get really nervous, so the zookeepers find doggies to be their friends and help them feel better.
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Look how fluffy the alpacas are! Yeah, I bet they feel really soft. They come from South America, just like…
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… tapirs! Isn’t he cool? He looks like a pig, and he’s got a nose that can move around like an elephant, but you know what? He’s actually related to horses and rhinos! I know, he doesn’t really look like them… But you don’t need to be exactly the same to be family.
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Oh, hello pretty peacock! He has so many beautiful colors!
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They do look like reindeer, don’t they? But these are actually caribou! I think they’re related to reindeer, though… Hm, maybe they know Santa!
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Oooh, otters! Oh, yes, sweetheart, I like otters very much! They’re so cute, and so silly! Kinda like you, hm?
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Oh, look at this creepy campground! Ha, I love decorations like this… Someone took all these pieces and imagined them camping and then put them together. Just like when we play pretend with your toys.
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Haha, look at that lemur! I think he needs a nap.
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Oh, don’t be scared, sweetie. I know it’s dark, but these animals only come out at night. Too much light would make the bats sleepy, and then we wouldn’t get to see them.
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Wow, the octopus really wants to play with you!
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Look at this silly snake! Ooh, he just flicked his tongue - he’s sniffing us!
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Do you like fish, sweetie? They don’t do very much, but they are nice to look at.
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Aw, I love turtles! It looks like he’s smiling at us.
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Ooh, piranhas! Yes, they can be very dangerous… but they’re kinda pretty too! See how sparkly they are?
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Ooh, look at the little tomato frog! You’re right, he wouldn’t be very nice to find in your salad.
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Alright, it’s time to go get some dinner… Sweetheart? What are you…? Ooh, hi there little guy! Ha, guess we don’t need to go to the zoo to see cool creatures, do we? But we can still come back sometime, sweetie.  ~🐧~🍁~👽~🐘~🦒~🐅~🦁~🐆~🦙~🦚~🦦~🏕~🦇~🐙~🐍~🐟~🐢~🐸~🪲~
*I made this joke at the zoo and no one laughed, but darn it, I think it’s funny! 😝
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turn the volume up, please. The sounds cheetahs make are so unique and cute.
from https://www.instagram.com/smithsonianzoo/
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kabillieu · 2 years
Breastfeeding stuff under the cut.
I was watching the National Zoo's cheetah cub cam last night, and mama cheetah was feeding her babies, and I got super corny and was like, well, time to go feed my own little cub.
I'm still having some issues with breastfeeding, but also it's starting to come together more easily. I dropped the additional middle of the night bottle, and so feeding him at that time is a lot easier, plus Dominic doesn't have to get up anymore. I also finally got the hang of the side-lying position, so I'm much more comfortable feeding him during the night too. At this point, the only extra bottle he's getting is one right before Dominic and I go to bed, and if his weight gain looks good when we take him to his next pediatrician's appointment at the end of the month, I'm going to attempt to drop that one too.
We are sooooo close to him being exclusively breastfed, which was my goal coming out of the NICU where 85% of his feeding was done via bottle.
I feel truly insane when it comes to breastfeeding. Like why would I put my body and my emotions through this? But once it finally clicks into place it is such a unique and wonderful experience, and I'm so glad I pushed through all those frustrating early days and weeks of awful triple feeding to get here.
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carli-meows · 4 months
call me constipated, the way i cant give a shit
call me a motherfuckin' winner the way I'm done with this
call me quack the way im pissed off like a duck
and call me asexual the way i don't give a fuck
call me Chester Cheetah cause it's not easy
call me lemon zest the way it's easy peasy
call me Jeez, like Louise, the inventor of cheese
call me nuts, youre hoover, the way you suck on deez
call me daddy the way that i fucked your mother
call me faggot too, i also fucked your brother
call me the N word, i'll call you the L then the M word
call me Lou the way I skip around your world
call me bitch made the way my mom raised me
and a son of a bitch too the way my dad raised me
and the way I'm a frog, you can call me crazy and a sinner
just dont call carson, kevin, or late to fuckin dinner
call me a hater the way i indiscriminately hate you
and your baby mama's mama and those who celebrate you
call me a werebitch after you read up on my lore
and a juggalo the way that i grave dig horror core
call me Carly the way you can call me maybe
call me a refrance, the way you think you're baby
call me copy cat, the way that i mimic my fursona
call me a mime, the way im always quiet all the time
call me lucky number 7, just cause, i dont know
call me indecisive and lazy, i don't care or know
call me a whatchamacallit and a whozeewhatzit
with the way my gender is whatever i wants it
call me pansexual and all that "OoOoOh I fUcK pAnS"
call me a super freak the way I fuck you outcha pants
call me Carli the Carnie the way im down with the clown
call me questionable, with how long it took to jot this down
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mama Cheetah Gray White Striped Wearable Baby Blanket Swaddle Sleep Sack - Small.
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