#magi's fics
magicclownjuice · 1 year
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juicymagicclown · 11 months
I am sorry to bother you but I came here from your fic to say I enjoyed it. Do you ship the couple? I ask because I noticed you wrote it as a gift.
Hello! If you are referring to Monty and Glamrock Freddy, yeah, I ship them! I think they could have an interesting dynamic together in a slowburn! It's meant to be a one-sided rivalry at first (from Monty's perspective haha), and then it's about how Freddy notices Monty's struggles with the public and starts slowly chipping away at all the walls he has put up to protect himself from rejection. They form a nice, deep friendship that later on blooms into a sweet romance! I am still writing the second chapter of that fic, so there will be more of it! Thank you for reading! :D -magicclownjuice
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magioftheseas · 3 months
Probably the best fucking au idea for svsss I'll ever have and will never write because I'm a loser: "Platonic" cumplane marriage of convenience that is completely sexless but that's fine because both men think they're straight and don't want to fuck each other. They still end up with Binghe and Mobei-jun respectively.
Binghe was actually so fucking ready to steal a married man and had a fully detailed and convoluted homewrecker scheme and he is...kinda disappointed that SY is so efficient and amicable (or as amicable as he can be) in just divorcing SQH (who doesn't even really try to keep him from leaving) and getting with Binghe instead. But he's not going to complain TOO much...
As for Mobei-jun, he just demanded SQH marry him because SQH was KINDA bummed about losing the tax benefits and SQH was too intimidated to do anything but say yes.
Would've included this exchange:
SY: I'm...in love... SQH: Well our marriage is only for show so I don't ca-- SY: With a man. SQH: YOU'RE GAY?! SY: If it's not gay to be married to a man, then how can it be gay to be in love with one?!
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grilledcheese-savage · 2 months
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Madoka magica au that I might write a fic of:
It’s basically a “what if” Homura wished to bring madoka back from the dead instead of going back in time to protect her. In this version she is too overwhelmed by madoka, that she doesn’t think to fix the rest of the decimation or protect her instead or anything like that, just “please bring her back”. And kyubey answers. Madoka is brought back from the dead but it’s not really madoka… it’s a more extroverted defender of Homura (if you’ve read some of The summer Hikaru went missing, it’s a similar dynamic) she’s a little more violent and she doesn’t quite remember all the things that happened. She also wears Homura’s soul gem. There’s a reason for that. Their souls have kind of intertwined and if Homura walks to far from her, madoka will die. It’s part of the reason the chain is both gold and silver. But also because she kinda looks reminiscent of kyubey now, with the gold rings and red eyes etc.
I though Homura’s magical girl uniform would be different since the wish was different.
Basically the plot is Homura being happy madoka is back, realizing this is kinda like a ship of Theseus “is this even her?” Situation and they both have to live in the fucked up aftermath of walpurgisnacht fighting weird corrupted souls? Kinda different from witches but similar. It would be a mystery.
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missnotstarry · 1 month
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heavily inspired by this beautiful fanfiction by penny_dreadful on Ao3
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mitholra · 12 days
I need recs for a good wlw romance where one girl is batshit insane. Unforgivable level insane. And the other just accepts everything she does. Please.
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wyfy-meltdown · 25 days
Nagisa living long enough to form bonds with other magical girls presents two wildly different AUs:
1. She meets Mami and the two help eachother through their mutual issues (fluff-fix-it-fic style)
2. She's mentored by Yuu and becomes an assassin who gets you with the bubble blower and puts a slice of cheese on your corpse (fix-it-fic but alot less fluff)
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andithiel · 4 months
Harry Potter and the Quest for the Faulty Vibrator
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Drarry | 9k | Explicit
Tags: EWE, PWP, auror trainers, magical sex toys, accidental edging, getting a toy stuck inside, magically powerful Harry, wandless magic, anal fingering, out of medical necessity, kissing, anal sex, probably ill advised considering the situation, both are too horny to care, explicit consent, enthusiastic consent, bottoming from the top, Harry has the patience of an angel, ust, rst, multiple orgasms, coming untouched, aftercare of sorts, getting together
Summary: When Pansy Parkinson talks Harry into going to Malfoy’s flat to help him with an emergency, Harry’s not entirely sure what to find. It’s definitely not a naked Malfoy needing help retrieving a magical vibrator stuck in his arse.
A/N: Oh. My GOD! This took me so effin long to write and it's finally done! I'm not including any excerpt because I've left multiple snips when writing this. Thank you so much to my 3 lovely betas @sleepstxtic, @nefariousfairybread and Dromikins who looked this over for me and made me feel like a rockstar, you're the best.
Read on AO3
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kira-anon-uwu · 1 year
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i have decided to start drawing my fanfictions as shitty ms pain comics
no one can stop me except god, here is this one
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magicclownjuice · 1 year
Sun pokes and prods at Moon's consciousness inside their shared headspace softly; it's a sensation they can never get quite used to. It's very much like being crammed into a tight space with someone else; very little space to breathe, too much contact all over. There are some times where they can feel themselves merging into one, identities blurred beyond recognition, wants and needs perfectly aligned. But there are other times where their wills wrestle with one another, times where they can't reach an agreement and their body suddenly shuts down on them.
This is one of those times.
Their body lays prone atop the bed, staring at the ceiling, breathing in and out softly, chasing traces of your perfume, eyes glazed over, unseeing.
"Moon," Sun says in their headspace, "I beg of you— we need to make a move soon! I— we can't do this any longer."
Moon's discomfort grows.
He had never felt this way about someone before— granted, neither had Sun. They had never cared much about other people, much less other's opinions of them. People knew that Sun was petty, punishing, and vindictive, that he was temperamental and held terrible grudges for the slightest of offenses. Moon was equally as bad; contrary to what one may think, he had never been quite sociable despite his position as the court jester. Oh no, he pretty much hated people, and that's why he took great pleasure in humiliating them, dragging them through the mud, at least verbally.
In conclusion, they were terrible people, and continued to be, until—
They met you.
You, fiery, stubborn, sweet, gorgeous you. Everything changed when they met you, in the blink of an eye, their painful familiarity was gone, replaced by uncertainty and warmth. You, you brought light along in your stride and set their hearts on fire, and oh, how much they want to bask in your radiance now, how desperately they want to curl up around you, hold you in their arms and call you theirs.
Their body heaves an involuntary sigh, clawed hands flexing, as if to reach out, get up and go find you so they can make that small fantasy come true.
Moon tries to shake the feeling off and regain control— it's too painful, thinking about the possibility of rejection. After all, they are monsters, both figuratively and literally.
Sun falls quiet, and Moon curses the fact that they share a body and a mind; Sun can feel his emotions, hear his thoughts. And he doesn't like them one bit; they stab him in all his soft, vulnerable spots.
Moon speaks, finally, even though it's unnecessary for them to communicate.
"Look at us, Sun. Do you think they'll ever see any good in us?" His voice trembles, almost a whisper, but Sun hears it loud and clear. "And even if they did now— once they know of our past, they'll leave. They'll be disgusted, they'll hate us—"
"You don't know that—"
"Neither do you."
They both fall quiet. It's true. They don't know, they will never know. Sun's resolve to confess is snuffed out at once.
The line between their selves becomes blurred once again.
"After all," their voices ring out as one, outloud. "Who could ever learn to love a beast?"
A single tear rolls down their body's cheek.
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discolesbo · 6 months
King Drakon of Sindria, Queen Sahel. Their children?
What's up with Hinahoho's children
New magic cooperation between Magnostadt's academy and Kou Empire's new magic school/facility/whatever
Will Aladdin ever be a magic teacher? In Magnostadt?
What are Kouen and co. up to now? Will Kouha give his mother a grandchild?
How will Morgiana's future as a bridge between fanalis and the rest work out?
Will Sinbad ever return :D
Will Yam and Sharrkan ever actually get together :D
Are all of the ex-generals really going to remain monarchs of their nations, or will some of them give the thrones to their siblings?
Will the illegitimate children of Sinbad show up, demanding recognition :DDD
Fanalis returning to the Dark Continent? Rebuilding?
(Literally anything about Judar's village but this has been explored a little bit)
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stardewpoesie · 5 days
Thinking about the similarities between Sinbad of Magi and Naruto
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And this is where they differ;
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"I must change the world... but for whose sake?"
Sinbad is doing it for his own sake, the self-proclaimed greedy king. Naruto is doing it all for one person's sake, Sasuke's. His strength and the person he envisions next to him.
I am clawing at the walls of my enclosure
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keikaru · 2 months
dreams do not end when you open your eyes - madoka magica (Homura & Madoka)
Her heart beats to the rhythm of Madoka’s name. Only Madoka’s name
Homura’s heart is set aflame with her devotion to Madoka. She will protect her even if it means bending the laws of time to will her wish into reality.
Time will not break her body but her mind. Despair and hope flutter between her ribs, and even if time does not break her body, her mind feels the effects of each loop.
But for Madoka, she will wrench back the hands of time to rewrite their ending. For Homura, there is no greater wish than seeing Madoka’s smile.
Heart aflame, Homura reaches for her bow and fires a succession of arrows. Slender fingers pluck the arrows as if sending a gift of lilies to the receiver. Despite her graceful actions, Homura’s eyes sharpen into a predator’s gaze, counting down the seconds to corner and maim her prey.
She steadies her aim and releases a flurry of arrows with unmatched precision. The arrows are ruthless when they identify its mark—burying itself hilt deep into the wailing witch.
The death cries grow quiet as a bouquet of light flashes. When the brilliance fades, the witch bursts into a confetti of white sparks, like a mermaid disappearing into seafoam.
Once the smoke disperses, grief seeds decorate the ground like loose buttons. Homura leans down and lets her soul gem eagerly devour the seeds. Her soul gem replenishes, the blotted gem turns into a pure, white crystal. Steadily, a warmth spreads across her body, and the tingling sensation fades when her strength returns. Flexing her fingers, she summons her bow like lightning’s equal.
Homura then pockets the remaining seeds and gradually stands up, brushing off the exhaustion of battle from her skirt.
To see that her wish is granted, she will rend each witch asunder to keep Madoka safe.
After all, dreams do not end when you open your eyes.
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magioftheseas · 1 month
In Which Komaeda Makes Himself Uncomfortable
Summary: Komaeda wakes up to see a mirror image of himself. This is a problem, right? Rating: T Warnings: Mentions of canon-compliant violence. Notes: This was supposed to be for a kink meme thread that was about other Komaeda ships so you can imagine how old it is sdhfkjhsdhf. But it's Komaeda's birthday so I finally finished this WIP and, uh, I'm not sure if this is a step towards self-acceptance, much less self-love, but it's something! Happy Komaeda Day 2024! ***Alternate Ao3 Link*** Commission? Donate?
When he first woke up to a look-alike looming over him, staring down with an intense focus, his first action was to pick the bottle of pills he had taken before bed to see if side-effects included hallucinations. They didn’t, but there was nausea listed.
Komaeda put the bottle aside, pushing himself up and the other remained standing there, staring with a furrowed brow. He looked...more curious than the confusion Komaeda felt right now. Confusion that lifted his hand to see if the other him was tangible...
His hand was grabbed and then their fingers entwined. They were perfectly identical right down to neatly filed down nails. The veins protruding, the jutted out wrist, the white pallor of the flesh—everything looked exactly the same.
“What is this...?” Komaeda pulled his hand back, blinking several times and then the other him pulled back as well, walking over to the curtains of his window and pulling them shut. “What are you?”
His question wasn’t answered at first, no, the mirror image was instead explaining, “If the others see that there are two of us; it may cause panic.”
Admittedly, that sounded reasonable, but when it was his own voice saying that even when he wasn’t the one... It sounded different than normal because the sound was through air, after all, so it was higher in pitch, more grating. It was no wonder his classmates always looked so irritated whenever he started talking.
Komaeda hummed to himself and slipped out of bed, in just the shirt and boxers he wore to sleep in, wondering if his doppelganger came with the jacket and jeans he was wearing and didn’t just steal—oh, no, there they were. Hung up in the same place he put them. But if he did glance back at the other, he’d be able to make out the mended tear that Komaeda remembered sewing shut a few days ago after he took a tumble. Even their clothes looked exactly the same.
Is this good luck or bad luck?
It must be bad luck, Komaeda initially thinks in response, because that the world would be afflicted with two of him—two worthless, despicable, and cursed beings—it’s easy to think it’s terrible bad luck.
But...on the other hand, so much more could be done with two of them. More stepping stones to lift those potential symbols of hope, more obstacles for the others to overcome and thus shine brighter, and he’d get cleaning and errands done so much easier and quicker with another pair of hands, provided more mistakes didn’t happen due to bad luck. Which, admittedly, would most likely be prone to happening if the two of them had the same fortune...
…Oh, but there can only be one SHSL Lucky though, right? Could their luck possibly be the same or could this duplicate just be a lowlier copy of an already lowly being? Komaeda really wondered about that. He could test it, of course. But if the other him died as a result, it’d be troubling if he got executed for the ‘murder’. Monokuma would certainly be all for something so ridiculous, and Komaeda wondered if the bear knew about this situation already.
He stared at the security camera, glaring at them both, and was sure that Monokuma did know. Why he wasn’t appearing right then and there to commentate on it, with the ridiculous jokes he’d probably make... That Komaeda wasn’t so sure about. Maybe the bear was just letting the situation settle first?
How strange.
“It’s nearly eight.” Ah, his doppelganger was speaking again, in that high-pitched grating voice. Komaeda perked up, glancing blankly at the other, watching him pause in thought. “Oh, should we both call each other ‘Komaeda-kun’?”
He laughed even though there was nothing particularly amusing about the situation. But that was normal behavior, so it wasn’t that strange if the two of them really were copies of one another. But nearly eight?
Right. This was the time his classmates usually met up at the hotel’s restaurant. But he wondered...could he really go there considering this situation...
“Should I go to the meeting? And come right back?” The other asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He was being given this expectant look and also a curious one, with the other’s head tilted and his eyes wide and did he really look like that...? “Or would you rather go and I stay here? You have to come back quickly if you do—otherwise I’ll get suspicious.”
Oh. “Shouldn’t I be suspicious right now? You’re the one who appeared so suddenly, you know. But if neither of us go to the meeting, the others may get anxious and get the wrong impression. Hinata-kun might even take it upon himself to check...” Would Hinata know what to do if he knew about this? Perhaps his talent had something to do with people getting inexplicably duplicated... But somehow, that sounded less likely than SHSL Tsun-Tsun Hair. Komaeda wanted to laugh too, thinking that, and it wasn’t that funny. “Oh, I should go though. I’ll come back immediately though. If you become troublesome, don’t think I won’t immediately tell the others and prove your existence if I have to. I will.”
His reflection blinks, but smiles like this isn’t a surprise—and it shouldn’t be. “Alright then. Have fun, Komaeda-kun.”
What kind of strange comment is that? Komaeda’s stare narrowed, his suspicious glare not leaving the other as he fetched the rest of his clothes. The other stared back with a calm smile, unaffected and simply gesturing for him to get going once he dressed himself.
Komaeda doesn’t need to be told twice to leave when he does.
One possible reason for this is that it’s a setup by Monokuma. A motive, perhaps? Maybe his classmates would be more driven to kill him if there were two of him. They barely tolerated him alone. The only reason why he wasn’t barred from the daily, usual full-class meetings is because they needed to keep an eye on him...and they couldn’t just keep him tied up in that lodge forever.
Though a few of them certainly tried to.
There were still glares and suspicious stares thrown his direction whenever he entered, and Komaeda met each one politely, while simultaneously searching for a particular sort of unease. Perhaps something to suggest he wasn’t the only one with the duplicate problem. But the mood and anxiety seemed unchanged from before.
And the topic of finding a mysterious double never came up in the usual conversation. Komaeda kept quiet as the other students reported the usual thing—and Monokuma introducing a new motive didn’t happen either. Perhaps this was just Komaeda’s issue then.
Perhaps he should inform them. Just in case.
Maybe to rouse them—to hopefully encourage them and just as he opened his mouth—
“No one wants to fucking hear it, Komaeda,” Kuzuryuu snapped, to which he shut his mouth and just looked down. He vaguely noticed Hinata giving him a look, and he weakly smiled in his direction. Hinata just looked away and he faltered.
The meeting went on as usual, and Komaeda would have just left immediately as usual, but he found himself pausing, thinking. On the matter of his double—is this really something he should just keep to himself? It’s just as likely to earn him more ire than any influence, and at least one of them could just end up tied up in that lodge again after all. That’d just be troubling.
Maybe it was all in his head after all. Though Komaeda certainly doesn’t remember this as part of any symptoms to any of his sicknesses—a new one, perhaps? But for what, exactly? What good luck would he get from—?
Ah. Hinata.
“Hinata-kun,” Komaeda said cheerily, turning to the frowning person in question. Hinata was eyeing him warily but at least he was looking at him, and that was more than Komaeda could ask for. “Can I...help you?”
“You’re not coming up with another murder scheme, are you?” Hinata asked, glare narrowing, to which Komaeda could only laugh.
“No—do you perhaps need one, Hinata-kun?”
“No.” A cold, clipped response, then a surprisingly curious question. “What’s been on your mind lately?”
“You care?” He can’t help but smile widely and hopelessly adoringly. “Hinata-kun, you really are such a kind person!”
“It’s because I can’t trust you.” Hinata scowled, but there was still a tinge of hurt in those words. There was also a strain in those features that had Komaeda faltering and had his chest do an odd sort of clench. “If you’re planning something—or if you’re aware of something that no one else knows, then we’re all at risk. You’re a liability, Komaeda.”
“Hinata-kun, I don’t mean to be...”
“Komaeda.” He’s stopped before he can explain as Hinata’s impatient and irritated. “So what was it? What were you about to say before Kuzuryuu cut you off? Please don’t tell me you were about to spew some of that hope-bullshit on us again.”
“...Hmm.” Komaeda shrugged. “Hinata-kun, what would you do if there were two of me?”
“What kind of question is that?” He shrugs again and though Hinata’s clearly annoyed, he does answer. “Scream. What do you think I’d do?”
“Would the sight of there being two be so skin-crawling that you’d have to take drastic measures?” Komaeda asks, eyes wide and expectant as Hinata backed away a bit. “Hinata-kun, let’s plan to kill the other me together. It’s the perfect opportunity!”
“W-What the hell are you—?!” Hinata’s eyes were wide with panic before he hurriedly regained himself. “There being two of you is impossible, right? U-Unless you mean to tell me you have a secret twin or something?!”
“Nope, only child,” Komaeda said. “My birth was a miracle, actually, my parents had been trying to months... Isn’t it so unlucky that they ended up with a worthless person as myself? Well, that among other things.” Komaeda laughed that off. “But, Hinata-kun, I did want an actual answer...”
“Forget it!” Hinata exclaimed, waving his hand and turning on his heel. “Why the hell do I even bother with a nutjob like you?! Just forget I said anything!”
And after working himself up so needlessly, Hinata stormed off in a horrible mood. Komaeda stood there, slightly stunned and a little dismayed.
It wasn’t like this was a surprising result, but he couldn’t help but feel disappointed with himself. Someone like Nanami could motivate Hinata to action so easily, meanwhile all Komaeda seemed capable of was aggravating and confusing him.
It hurt a little. After all, if there was anyone Komaeda liked most (not that someone as wretched as him had opinions that mattered when it came to SHSLs, but), it was unquestionably Hinata. When he thought about trying to cajole the other students, he wondered if it was too much of a gamble. He didn’t want to end up tied up in the old building again, especially when Souda was threatening to gag him and Kuzuryuu threatened to cut his tongue out.
Even if good luck would come from such a thing later, it...didn’t seem worth it. He’ll just have to figure something else out.
“Komaeda-kun. Welcome back.”
His doppelganger greeted him cheerfully as soon as he entered the cottage. An unsightly bright smile was on his twin’s face and if this was how Komaeda looked, it was no wonder he drew so much ire. It was no wonder others hated him so much.
Already, Komaeda wanted him gone but he couldn’t risk being executed over something that wouldn’t bring the others any hope at all.
(In the back of his mind, he thought of Hinata. “You’re a liability,” Hinata had said. “Why do I even bother with a nutjob like you?”
...Hinata would likely be relieved if Komaeda disappeared. That thought ached a little even as Komaeda convinced himself that short-term relief was no good with long-term complacency.)
“You’re still here.”
Regardless, the doppelganger was a problem. Perhaps Komaeda could knock him out and tie him up in the old building. A quaint idea but not feasible on his own.
The other kept on smiling, sitting innocently on the bed, murky gray eyes at half-mast.
“You came back,” the other said. “Good, good. I was getting lonely.”
Ridiculous. Komaeda knew loneliness was a constant. It was a necessary misfortune and one that it was worthless to complain about, especially to himself.
“Such disdain,” the other cooed. “Isn’t your self-loathing a little exaggerated, aha? It seems extreme to wear an expression that suggests you’d be keen on wringing my throat if you could.”
“What are you getting at, I wonder?” Komaeda asked, forcing cheer and keeping both his back and hands pressed to the door. “Was I always this infuriating or are you really a conjuring courtesy of Monokuma?”
“I’m more the result of a miracle, I suppose,” the doppelganger said. “You need not worry. I have no intention of interfering. See, I lack the stomach to see the others.”
Komaeda knew better than to trust himself, especially at a delicate time like this. It was why he needed to hurry up and get someone, anyone off this island before he spiraled into true incoherence and uselessness. But something about that statement rang as odd. This doppelganger seemed lucid, although Komaeda was uncertain, so what was it?
Maybe good luck would see the doppelganger killed at the hands of the SHSLs after all.
“What do you plan to do?” Komaeda asked.
The other shrugged. “Remain here, I suppose? As I said, I don’t wish to see anyone else. Even my own face is quite unpleasant.” His gaze lifted just slightly. “Do you want me dead? Have you already approached someone about it? Oh, you don’t need to make that face. We’re the same, so I know. You’re a coward so you had to let Hinata-kun approach you, and even then you were too incompetent to persuade him so you let him storm off!” His own laughter, when not vibrating through his bones, sounded scratchy and shrill. “You really can’t do anything right, can you?”
Komaeda stared. The other just kept smiling like nothing was amiss.
Something was off. More so than he already thought.
His doppelganger shouldn’t be this antagonistic. Even if they mutually despised one another, that should’ve resulted in them ignoring each other, not this goading. Provocation of himself like this wouldn’t result in hope. It was simply acting immature for the sake of it.
“Who are you?”
“Komaeda Nagito.”
“Are you really myself?”
“I’m Komaeda Nagito,” the other repeated, smile tightening at the corners for only a moment.
“Avoiding the question,” Komaeda said quietly. “There’s something wrong about you after all.”
That smile never disappeared, only becoming more twisted and grotesque. It was sickening to the point of almost mesmerizing, and Komaeda was almost taken aback when the doppelganger stood and strolled up to him. The doppelganger leaned in until they were close.
(Komaeda recalled how their fingers entwined and quickly smothered the memory.)
“Komaeda-kun,” the other asked. “Do you know yourself?”
Well enough to tell that something’s different, Komaeda thought. So, what is it? Is he just a fragment? A distortion? Or...is there something that he knows that I don’t?
That last possibility sat with him. The doppelganger was close enough that they could breathe one another’s air. It was disquieting, especially with the way the doppelganger’s gaze flickered to his mouth.
The other smiled.
“No one else will be close to you like this, especially not Hinata-kun. Does that make you feel relief? Or a misery that’s deeper than despair?”
Had Komaeda underestimated his potential for depravity? If time went on, would this be what he’d become? What fortune could come from such a wretched existence?
No, he was getting distracted. As long as he could bring about the greatest hope, nothing else—
“That’s no good. You need to look at me.” A cold, almost skeletal hand cups his cheek, tilts him back to the doppelganger. Komaeda stared at his reflection, both the tangible thing and within those murky depths that grew darker ever darker. “Let me ask you a question. Who am I?”
Komaeda opened his mouth and closed it. In a rare moment of hesitance that he hated himself more for, he couldn’t bring himself to answer.
“If you can’t figure it out, you’ll lose yourself forever,” the other said, caressing his cheek now. “Poor, poor Komaeda-kun. You can’t count on another’s kindness.”
The other’s touch was still so cold. Komaeda felt the flutter of a familiar pulse in that spindly wrist, brushing against his jaw.
Was this good luck or bad luck?
As the other leaned in further, Komaeda found himself thinking of a normal sunny day that fizzles into nothing.
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garr9988 · 1 year
I'd love to do or organize a PMMM project (webcomic, visual novel like MagiReco, fanfic, etc.) about the Witches from the original series as Magical Girls... but so much of their lore is locked behind the language barrier of all the production notes that, after about a decade now, still aren't translated.
I think a group project like this would be fun to do as a fandom collective, but to even get a beginning understanding of these characters, we'd need translators.
If anyone would be interested in being involved in a project like this, or wants to help find a Japanese translator(s), reblogs would be appreciated.
(Alternatively, the ideas I have could be done with an entirely original cast, which opens the door for people to make or offer their OCs to use!)
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maria-of-the-waves · 3 days
Can someone please write a crossover of PMMM and TCF?, I don't dare write it because of the angst but I really want to see it o(TヘTo)
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