wyfy-meltdown · 3 hours
The more I look at Shinoha, the less satisfied I am with her design. I think I'm going to try and redesign her with a clearer theme and colour palette.
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I did it again!!! Meet my second PMMM OC: Shinoha Murofushi!
More info below the cut *⁠.⁠✧
Basic Info:
Name: Shinoha Murofushi
Age: 16
Height: 5'6
Wish: "'My ultimate dream could come true'... If that's really the case then, I want to get revenge on those bastards!"
Weapon: Dual Swords
Power: The ability to release attacks used against her back at an enemy*
Soul Gem: Bellflower (*also somewhat looks like a skull) located below the chest, with scales on the bottom of the soul gem
Witch: Nemesis
*She can only absorb attacks that have hit her, and will take damage from anything that hits her. She can store damage for as long as she wants, but when she releases it, every attack she's stores gets released at once. However the attack affected her is how it will affect the target she releases on: Ex. Someone punches her causing a bloody nose, Shinoha releases her damage, and the puncher gains a bloody nose and the pain that caused the bloody nose. Ex2. Someone breaks her arm with a baseball bat, Shinoha releases her damage, and the batter gains a broken arm and the pain of a baseball bat to the arm.
She's incredibly standoffish and tries her best to be alone at all times. She rarely leaves her room, and hates going to school. She's quick to judge and mistrust others, and it's incredibly hard for her to lower her guard. She's learned to cut her own hair (due to avoiding leaving the house) and while she has exceptional talent doing so, she has no interest in being a hairdresser. She rarely sleeps, and is always tired. She maintains a perfect poker face, but struggles with violent thoughts and self-loathing: becoming a magical girl has given her an outlet for her struggles, although she gets very brutal in fights. Her favorite food is seafood, and she can't stand the taste of sweet things. Despite her dark thoughts, she's very meek, and seldom voices her opinions and feelings. If she's got a problem with someone, they likely don't know until it's too late. Her downbeat nature means she doesn't have many hobbies; she spends most of her time on her phone, and is a closet idol fanatic.
Design Breakdown:
This design was a challenge and a pain. I struggled A LOT to incorporate her "revenge" wish and find a good theming for it, but all I could really work with was "greek goddess Nemesis" (justice/law/punishment theme). I managed to fit in some wing-like shapes (skirt, swords) but I don't know if it's obvious enough(?) Her hair-circle is meant to look like a halo (angel of punishment theme) but I'm not sure if it just looks like a random circle or an actual halo. I included bellflower motifs because... I have no real reason; nice concept, but I can't draw bellflowers well. Her colour palette was the most difficult part (theming second) because no colours fit her??? I don't know how to describe it, but no colours worked right with her personality (not even black or white). I settled on green with grey hair, but it'll probably change if I ever draw her again. I fear her design is a little to "fantasy" not enough "magical girl" (but that might just be my "ruffles/pink" brainrot). I tried really hard to give her a should cloak, then a caplet, and finally I gave up and just went with the sleeves.
Overall: she was a struggle, and I don't think I got across my theming and motifs well. I might try to redesign her in the future, but for now I'm content with this: I think it's good for my current skill level and her current concept.
She didn't believe in magical girls at all, but after much pestering convincing from Komoe, she unseriously made a wish before becoming a magical girl
Her damage absorbing ability causes her to intentionally endanger herself in fights against witches (possible concept)
Originally her plan was to kill her bullies, but she instead opted to use her power to curse them
She would've liked to be the brooding loner type of magical girl, but Komoe had other plans
She has a mini fridge in her room and it's her favorite thing in the world
It's always dark in her room, so she can see well in the dark (potential plot point later[?])
She's a big fan of spy, action, and mystery movies; and has some form of online review blog
She has a mannequin in her room she vents her frustrations and feelings to (she strongly dislikes showing emotions in public and/or around others)
As much as she's tried to fight it, Komoe often comes to her house with groceries, grief seeds, gifts, and other things to give to Shinoha
Although she was initially very unhappy about becoming a magical girl (she kinda became a magical girl on accident), she's slowly learning to embrace her magical girl persona (and becoming more deranged in the process!)
She named her magical girl swords after her two favorite idols, and has begun a personal sword collection (a goal Komoe helped her set was to eventually forge a sword herself)
She once drank a small bottle of vanilla extract without batting an eye (it was dark, she was tired and didn't feel like reading)
She punts around Inkyuu like a ball
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 hours
The cat paw gloves are SO CUTE!!! The tennis racket is a very unique weapon choice, and I didn't expect her to be a full cat! (I only thought it was going to be ears and tail lol). She looks so sporty and spunky and fun!!! I adore this design, thank you so much for showing it to me!!!
@wyfy-meltdown WHA-BAM !!!!! I dont have a normal outfit but I do have the magical girl outfit >:3cc
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this is the sketch I'm most proud of heheeee (and fittingly, as an action pose!)
Ive gone for a tennis racket as the weapon since I play tennis a bit, so I'll be able to know a bit of the moves/form !! And thats also where most of the outfit comes from (with longer undersleeves just being something I do fbdshbfjhd)
The tie doesn't really have a reason, but it reminded me of miku so I might keep it BFJDSBFH
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I also looked up a height chart and apparently I"m the same height as madoka !! Though I'm older than her... FDFBDHJS
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 hours
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wyfy-meltdown · 16 hours
Some of my favorite Nagisa images and gifs:
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wyfy-meltdown · 17 hours
Nagisa has such a complex and emotional backstory (the one presented within Magia Record) and while I love the memes, I'd also love to see her analyzed the same way as the Holy Quintet girls more.
When it comes to Nagisa's relationship with her mother, it is clearly emotionally and verbally abusive in a very realistic way. Nagisa loves her mom. Her mom is still her mom despite everything, and Nagisa wants to love and forgive her. Nagisa also hates her mom; The mom who yells at her, is implied to hit her, and tells her she's wasting money and time. Nagisa tries her best to support and care for her mom despite everything; she acts like a hit dog still coming back to the hitter because it's all she has.
Speaking of dogs, I want to draw parallels between Nagisa and Inui. Kyuubey specifically mentions that another girl in similar circumstances* (*to Nagisa) wished to have the attention of the boy she liked; cut to Inui, who talks to Kyuubey about her worries with the Sleepwalking Ghost and her boyfriend. From this we can guess that Inui is impoverished, has a difficult relationship with her mom, and has the same goal as Nagisa; to be loved in a conditionless way by someone who endlessly hurts them.
Inui is a perfect parallel for Nagisa; Nagisa has become disillusioned with the concept of "love" to the point of viewing all fairytales and stories in a gloomy light; Nagisa has not been loved in the way a child needs to be loved, and so cannot fathom the type of carefree love shown in fairytales. Inui on the other hand is so desperate for the attention and love she hasn't gotten she's gotten into a relationship with (presumably) the first douchebag who showed any kind of interest in her; she craves a fairytale romance and to be swept off her feet by a prince and so in her mind Sho can't be anything but that prince. Both of them cling to their delusions and coping mechanisms while further being hurt by people supposed to love and protect them.
Nagisa resents her mother despite craving her affection; she considers using her wish to make her mom regret being unkind to her (a vengeful fantasy of an abused child [she hopes for an apology and for things to become perfect]) before finally settling on making her mom unknowningly seal her own doom (ie, the cheesecake).
Nagisa's cheesecake is an incredibly important object for both literal and symbolic purposes. She wished for it instead of saving her mother's life; It represents her final revenge against a woman who never treated her kindly. It also represents the unobtainable love Nagisa searches for even as Charlotte; "unable to make the cheese she loves" aka "unable to obtain love". There is a more uplifting (albeit dark) symbolism here too; that being Charlotte's unfortunate decapitation of Mami. Mami, who in Rebellion is Bebe's caretaker and mother figure, is eaten by Charlotte: Mami is the "cheese" Charlotte loves and has finally found.
Nagisa is abandoned by everyone: the only one who hasn't abandoned her is her mother, who is convinced Nagisa will abandon her. They have a vicious cycle of mistrust and dependence. Right before she becomes a witch, Yuu promises "I'll never leave your side"; after taking the only person who never abandoned Nagisa, Yuu promises "I'll never leave your side". Those were some of the last words Nagisa heard: the crippling loneliness, guilt, and betrayal that sunk in is what caused the birth of Charlotte. What makes it worse is those are words Nagisa was likely told by her parents at some point: afterall, parents will say anything to comfort their child, especially before something like hospitalization or leaving the family entirely.
Nagisa is 12 at her oldest possible age and 8 at her youngest possible age. She is a tragic figure on the same level as Sayaka, Kyoko, and Mami. The only true closure we have for her at the moment is her relationship with Mami (and the other Holy Quintet members) in Rebellion.
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wyfy-meltdown · 17 hours
*looks at your account*
“Going Through A Madoka Magica Phase, Again”
I mean, I can see why it’d catch up to your brain again, it’s a wonderful show–
I managed to ever so slightly become not as obsessed with Madoka Magica for a brief time before accidentally nosediving into allowing PMMM to consume my life for a second time. It's too good of a show: they need to put some safety labels on it.
Also I love Nagisa she is the most wonderful cheese goblin, she does nothing and yet makes two of the most emotionally impactful moments in the franchise and-
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wyfy-meltdown · 1 day
Going alright!
I thought my sickness was over, but my voice is COMPLETELY GONE. Everytime I try to talk it sound like high-pitched demonic growling lol.
Thank you for checking in on me Seal!!!
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wyfy-meltdown · 1 day
Ah yes, the perfect friendship
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Also it's not called "bonks aggressively" it's called a headbutt.
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wyfy-meltdown · 2 days
Reblog to bonk your mutuals on the head every time they start thinking negatively about themselves
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wyfy-meltdown · 2 days
This is a super cute design!!!
I love the colour combination and pastels!!! The baker theme is cute and the wisk weapon is very unique!
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wyfy-meltdown · 2 days
This is such an interesting concept and design! I love the blending of military and bee themes, all in a magical girl form (the capelet looking like a soldier's shirt is really cool!)! I love the implication of her being in the past (like a historia story).
Her story is very macabre (in a good way!): the concept of using a one-time-all-powerful-wish to bring back someone who comes back wrong- to the point they become an otherworldly monster only humanised by your love for them- is horrific and tragic in a lovely poetic way. The idea of loneliness for both parties is intriguing, and I'd love to see it explored.
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New Puella Magi OC alert! Florence Barkley was just 13 years old when she made her contract with Kyubey. Her wish was to bring her older brother, Harold, home from the Great War. Little did she know, her brother was killed in action from mustard gas. Her wish, however, did bring him back home alive, but different. He came home permanently disfigured as a result from the gas. His skin was blistered and swollen beyond recognition, an eerie grey-ish green color, oozing puss all over. Viewed as otherworldly and a monster, he was kept away hidden in secret and rejected by his family, although Florence still loved and cared for him. She visited him often bringing him freshly made iced tea with honey she just harvested from her family's bee hives. Although, life isn't as sweet as honey as a magical girl. She must fight witches, after all. Her weapon is a bee smoker, but instead of the typical calming smoke, it is now mustard gas itself. She has to dawn a gas mask and work alone to be able to use her weapon. Fighting is lonely for Florence, she yearns to make friends with others in her situation, but she mustn't due to endangering others. She's alone, her brother is alone, and there isn't anything either of them can do.
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wyfy-meltdown · 2 days
Talking to Seal about her/his self-insert really makes me want to design my own PMMM-sona
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wyfy-meltdown · 2 days
OK so you know how Mami was tracking the trail of a witch that one time with her soul gem? what if my magical girl's power was all about those trails !!
It'd be great for finding witches, and maybe other magical girls too :00 ? it could tie into cat-stuff by being a sort of scent trail >:3c
She could have a sixth-sense where she senses the presence of nearby witches (+ labyrinths and familars) and magical girls; and can specifically hone in on something she wanted to find!!!
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wyfy-meltdown · 2 days
"wish to be a cat-girl" is a really unique concept!!! For her magic... maybe hyper-reflexes, always landing on her feet, ect (Mew Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew had a bunch of cat-related traits you could take inspiration from!). As for physical transformation, maybe she could change the color of her hair (+cat ears + tail) into different cat breeds (not practical for a fight, but fun!)!
Do you have any magical girl OCs? (PMMM and other)
hi!!! I have the vague idea of a pmmm self insert, yea!
not much else than the wish to "be a catgirl!" but I think she'd definitely idolize the other magical girls (and be GAY!) bdjshfbhjd
I'm not sure how the wish would tie in to her magic.. the wish was a physical transformation so I suppose it'd be something like that? :O
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wyfy-meltdown · 2 days
Ok so I know that the other Holy Quintet girls have much more obvious/drastic changes to their costumes but THIS
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wyfy-meltdown · 2 days
+゚*。⁠Nagisa Momoe Headcanons。⁠*゚⁠+
+ Her favorite kind of cheesecake is orignal/plain (she likes the more interesting varieties too, but the original can't be beat)
+ She is currently going through/will soon go through a vicious Edgar Allan Poe + Shakespeare goth phase
+ Her favorite school subject is language arts
+ She HATES romance-focused media, and always gets disinterested when her friends start talking about crushes
+ She's befriended the workers at her local bakery, and occasionally goes there just to hang out
+ She's very responsible and hates burdening others; relatives and family friends compliment her for being "mature" and keeping up with chores, but she'd prefer to act goofy and do kid stuff
+ She gets very engaged in her favorite media: audibly and physically reacting and engaging with content (ex: yelling at a character in a show or book)
+ She occasionally shoplifts small things that look nice (and hasn't been caught)
+ Her favorite summer activity is blowing bubbles
+ She's slightly a "teacher's pet" in the sense she's a very good student (behavior-wise), and often has to tell her teachers about her home situation (thus creating a close bond with her teachers)
+ She's made several OCs and fanart for her favorite media, and WILL rant for hours if given the chance
+ Her favorite genres of music are pop and metal (pop to relax to, metal when she's upset and/or because she likes the feeling of bone-shaking music)
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wyfy-meltdown · 2 days
Yay doodles!!!
Hi Seal!!!
hiiiii!!!!! hi chiffon!!!
hows it goin?
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