#m robert mcgonagall
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE KING OF CUPS get what he deserves?” He is in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX & OPEN to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → dougal mckinnon pronouns → him/he  identification → cis male year of birth → september 1951 - september 1952 face claim → kendrick sampson blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → senior researcher for the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → married to annabeth pebworth
— he is best described as ;
A LION'S BREATH roaring in the blazing sun, they are the STRENGTH of an OLD OAK yet the waring weight held in its years. The SURE STEP of a WISE MAN, he is the CONSTANCE of day break PROUD and PROTECTIVE in it’s overwhelming MIGHT, yet the quiver of BURDENED RESPONSIBILITY forced into the light of day by UNYIELDED DEVOTION at its amber dawn.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
Raised on scottish bravery and the freedom of the skies, Dougal is as daring as any Mckinnon that came before him. With his mother a socialite from Paris, she took great care to ensure her children knew etique, language and politics. While their father - who worked for the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau within the Ministry - bolstered courage, with flying lessons and dragon eggs, even for a child of the wizarding world Dougal’s youth was vibrant. The thrills of adventure set him alight. Screaming into the sunset as Hebridean Black dragons dominated the skies, they soared through Scottish valleys and dove into locks exploring the creatures that lurked in their depths. For eight years he grew an only child. Books towered the tables in his room, with wizarding punk posters overlapping pinned anecdotes of muggle folktales; he thrived under the encouragement of his parents' love and the stubborn companionship of his fellow islanders. The eldest of four, with an eight years difference between him and the youngest, he took on an over protective role of MARLENE [sister], NATHAIR [brother] and COINNEACH [brother] often when he didn't need to. He loved them all with pride, fulfilling his big brother duties with compassion as his temperament made them squeal with delight. 
Adamant in his valiance, he longed to be a hero fighting for the voiceless. Following in the footsteps of the fabled heroes he admired; Dougal daydreamed of taking down villains like Robin Hood, bolstering with ROBERT MCGONAGALL [best friend] by his side. Sword fighting like knights, they charted maps of hidden caves, and taught his siblings to fly. Until his brother knocked an unsuspecting young girl off her feet. ANNABETH PEBWORTH [best friend/fiance] was poised with a quick witted remark and disregard of his help. Maddening even from a young age, they were similar in more ways than one. Competitive as they bustled for first place, for a man so used to being right, she had an alarming ability to disarm him. He loved her from the start. While it took time for her love to grow, his affection for her was one thing he couldn’t shake; even as they joined Hogwarts together. Filled with lion hearted pride, Gryffindor boosted his morale as he wrangled with the best of them; FRANK LONGBOTTOM [best friend], ALICE YEN [close friend], HESTIA JONES [friend], IAIN WOOD [best friend] and AMOS DIGGORY [friend]. Eating rogue plants Frank discovered in Herbology to challenging Iain to fly around the Whomping Willow; without the need to be the protector, Dougal thrived with the reckless hearts of youth and merlin did he bask in their glory. 
A chaser for the quidditch team, a Prefect and Slug Club member; achieving greatness was his aim even if his quaking black and white morals left him in detention from dueling whichever pure blood asshole decided to throw a sneering comment that week. Graduating with honors, while his years were spent fixating on the history of the ministry of magic, Annabeth brought entertainment to life. Tightly wound with the pressures of success, she pulled him out of books animatedly recounting 50s horror movies or singing - out of tune - to The Rolling Stones. With his long-eared owl flying notes between them; barely a day passed where they didn’t exchange a glance or a taunting jab from across the room. Until, everything fell apart. Ravaged home land, fire fury scorched the Highlands as dragons cried for their young against wix in search of loot. Dougal and Annabeth dove into action without a moment's thought. Fighting to protect their home alongside CATRIONA MCCORMACK [friend] and the McFusty clan; sparks flew as duels ensued. Paranoid for Annabeth’s safety, he let his guard down for a second when a scream pierced through the cliffs as ISLA PEBWORTH [acquaintance] got caught between a spell and a dragon and vanished. Eggs captured, the raiders fled leaving nothing but devastation in their wake. 
Grieving the loss of her sibling, all he could do was offer Annabeth patience, a shoulder and time. While she blamed herself for their death, Dougal only blamed himself. He’d been weak and he vowed then it wouldn’t be something he possessed. Valuing order and respect he saw The Ministry of Magic as a force of undeniable change. Situating himself within law and order offered Dougal the opportunity to make a lasting impact. Over the next ten years, he established himself as a key member within the Ministry. Years spent hunched over theseus by candlelight, he grew as noble as a knight and as wise as a king. Researching past prosecutions, he found patterns. Just like the maps he’d once made, he plotted tactics, pinned research and devoted time to unraveling cases as if they were the fables he once loved. While others such as RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [co-worker] saw cases as games of victory; Dougal saw the people. Compassionate with a selfless drive, his dedication to actively helping others was his shining quality. And one that didn’t go unnoticed by his best friend's sister, MINERVA MCGONAGALL [acquaintance]. She spoke of The Order of the Phoenix, an underground establishment fighting against blood-purity. He’d signed his name before she’d even finished her sentence. 
But rationality in the establishment wasn't the reality he'd hoped for. Instead of decisive action, he was met with passive evations of truth. With an increasing number of cases letting justice slip, at every turn Wizengamot fell to the whims of the elite as they favored their peers over law. With one being the ruler of that domain; JAE MULCIBER [rival]. In all his arrogance he reigned over prosecution as if he were Merlin’s gift. Sharp arguments combined with his devilish intellect left his smirk even the more bittersweet and Dougal desperately wanting to punch it off his face. For a time NAMARI NGUYEN [best friend/co-worker] agreed, until she fell for that grin. A blunt and direct witch, Dougal appreciated her sarcastic dry humor even if he didn’t approve of her bed fellow. Liberators, having joined The Order together, while his research skills and rational thinking were his assets; her ability to formulate plans and cut through illusions was hers. While in work they became recognised for taking down villains, outside they bartered on wizard chess and battled over their opposing quidditch teams with rolls of their eyes from their peers. Akin with Robert and Annabeth, Namari fit like a puzzle in their trio, until the news of Namari’s death hit The Daily Prophet. 
Labeled a closed case by The Ministry, with wounds matching that of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest], her death was labeled another murder by the infamous SILAS CRUMP [person of interest]. Convinced the tale was fabricated by BARTEMIUS CROUCH SR [boss/rival] to keep the peace, with the help of The Order, Dougal is set on finding the truth no matter the cost. Seeking Namari’s autopsy from KEIRA GREY [friend] and coming up with no answers, with stolen photographs and CELIA ABBOTT [acquaintance] offering her expertise in wounds inflicted by creatures; he is hoping to begin to unravel the mystery behind her death. With LACHESIS MALFOY [rival], EDRICK SELWYN [rival] and Jae recorded as the last to see her alive; he is holding them as suspects and keeping an eye out for clues about the night of her disappearance. With late nights at the junk shop offering distractions from home conflicts with Nathair’s traditionalist ideas against his engagement to Annabeth, Dougal is trying to focus his mind on what he can control. But is he delusional from guilt, or was that really the lingering white hue of Namari he saw in the corner of his eye down Knockturn Alley?
— he is a LEVEL 8 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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hollowed-theory-hall · 4 months
The Riddle of Tom Riddle: Part 1/?
(Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7)
The Death Tool of Voldemort's Wars
So, I did say I'll make this post somewhere, so here it is.
When trying to make sense of Voldemort’s behavior in the books, I noticed that the two wars were actually very different. How they were waged, how many people died, and who was most targeted along with Voldemort's goals.
(Because I mentioned it, I'll just say Voldemort’s behavior in the book is really weird and somewhat contradictory, but I found a way to explain that. Consider this the second post on my way to analyze Voldemort after the Horcruxes one)
The Wizarding Population in the UK
The first step to figuring out how bad the wars with Voldemort actually were is to know the size of the wizarding population in the UK. Numbers of deceased don't mean much without being able to calculate percentages.
If there are 40 students a year at Hogwarts in 1990s → 400 wizards and witches between ages 10-19
Account for fewer births during and right after the war with Grindelwald in the 1930s-1940s, and the war with Voldemort in the 1970s
Account for longer life acceptancy (Average of 130)
And we get an estimate of something like this:
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With wizards being around 0.01% of the muggle population in any country.
The population in Britian in 1991 was 57,359,454, making the wizarding population 57,359*0.01% =~ 5,700
The population in Ireland in 1991 was 5.1 M, making the Irish wizarding population about 510.
So as a rough estimate, we'll say there were ~6,200 wizards and witches in the UK and Ireland together in 1991
Probably less though considering JKR killed most of Harry's grandparents' generation with Dragon Pox....
By the same logic above in the 1970s the Wizarding population in Britain and Ireland was ~5,600 + ~300 = ~5,900 wizards and witches.
So, now we have the estimated size of the population and we can gage how much damage these wars actually caused.
So, I may have compiled a list of all war casualties from both wars. I will not place the full details here (like the exact year each died), but I'll mention sides, who they were killed by, and any other information relevant to understanding the war's influence on wizarding society, and what we can learn from it about Voldemort's intentions.
For these lists:
(M) - muggle (MB) - muggleborn (PB) - pure-blood (HB) - half-blood (O) - other $ - Death Eater or affiliated ^ - Order of the Pheonix member or affiliated Italics - killed against Voldemort's orders
The First War: Surprisingly Targeted
Killed By Voldemort Personally:
~4 unnamed goblins (O)
Dorcas Meadowes (PB/HB)^
James Potter (PB)^
Lily Potter (MB)^
Killed by Death Eaters:
Mr. Bones (PB)^
Mrs. Bones (PB)^
Robert McGonagall (PB)
Marlene McKinnon (PB)^
~4 more unnamed McKinnons (PB)^
Mrs McGregor (M)
Douglas McGregor (M)
2 McGregor Children (M)
Caradoc Dearborn (PB/HB)^
Dean Thomas’ Father (PB)
Edgar Bones' Wife (PB)^
Edgar Bones (PB)^
~2 Edgar Bones' children (PB)^
Benji Fenwick (PB/HB)^
Frank Longbottom (PB)^ - Not dead, but counts
Alice Longbottom (PB)^ - Not dead, but counts
Fabian Prewett (PB)^
Gideon Prewett (PB)^
Killed by the Order of the Pheonix & Aurors:
Evan Rosier (PB)$
Wilkes (PB)$
+ 13 muggles killed by Peter Pettigrew on October 31st, 1981
+ Regulus Black who died in the cave with the Inferi
This lands us at 45 casualties (including the Longbottoms) for the first Wizarding War. Now, let's look more closely at the numbers.
Not counting the muggles and creatures other than wizards lands us at 24
24/5,900 =~ 0.40% of the wizarding population was killed in the first war.
And did you notice anything interesting about the names on the list? There is only 1 muggleborn and 1 muggle family, whose death wasn't even on Voldemort's orders. What does it tell us about the war?
Well, first off, Dumbledore's idea of morality and not using dark magic and lethal curses kind of sucks. This is hardly a war, it's a massacre. 19 Order members and their families die compared to 3 Death Eaters, one of which was killed by Voldemort's creations. Moody and Mr. Weasley aren't kidding when they say the first war was rough in the fifth book. It really was, but only for their side.
The innocent casualties of people not belonging to any side in this war stand at 19 (including the 13 muggles killed by Pettigrew), and 6 (not including Pettigrew).
It's just wild how Peter Pettigrew has the most kills in this war, more than Voldemort. And it tells you a lot about Voldemort's priorities.
His priorities clearly aren't to kill all muggleborns, we can see that much. So what are his priorities? What is he actually waging a war for if it's not to kill all muggleborns like all the characters tell us?
Well, I will post a full rundown of the timeline of the first war at some point, but for now, what we know is that Voldemort is targeting the Order of the Phoenix, who opposed him. And he is in general causing chaos for the Ministry of Magic.
We know that by 1981, Voldemort practically won, with the ministry having more spies of his than any other group. The ministry was made up of Death Eaters. But we don't know of any rules he passed in this time, or moves to legalize dark magic or outlaw muggleborns — nothing like that happened.
What did happen, was that Voldemort made a cave filled with Inferi and experimented with potions (he invented the potion of despair in the cave).
It seems, more than anything, the war was there to distract the ministry or weaken it, and less about accomplishing a specific political goal. And if he was after a specific political goal, then it isn't blood purity as he isn't rounding up muggleborns like in the second war.
The low death count overall (especially when compared to the second war) is because Voldemort is there. Voldemort does not approve of unnecessary death, even muggle one:
“Nice costume, mister!” He saw the small boy’s smile falter as he ran near enough to see beneath the hood of the cloak, saw the fear cloud his painted face. Then the child turned and ran away. . . . Beneath the robe he fingered the hand of his wand. . . One simple movement and the child would never reach his mother. . . but unnecessary, quite unnecessary. . . .
(Deathly Hollows, page 295)
Voldemort himself does not like unnecessary death. He considers it and killing in rage below him at the end of the First Wizarding War. He doesn't do it himself and doesn't let his followers kill unnecessarily up until the night he kills the Potters.
What exactly Voldemort was trying to accomplish is a question I've pondered and have a few more posts about. But understanding he wasn't really after the death of all muggleborns and neither was he after control of Magical Britain, which is made very clear by the second war, is the first step to understanding him.
The Second War: Chaos Galore
Killed By Voldemort Personally:
Bertha Jorkins (PB)
Cedric Diggory (PB)
Bathilda Bagshot (PB)
Charity Burbage (PB/HB)
Alastor Moody (PB)^
Rufus Scrimgeour (PB)
German-speaking child #1 (M)
German-speaking child #2 (M)
German-speaking woman (M)
Mykew Gregorovitch (PN)
Gellert Grindelwald (HB)
Peter Pettigrew (PB/HB)$
2 Unidentified Death Eaters (PB/HB)$
Severus Snape (HB)$
Killed by Death Eaters:
Bodrick Bode (PB/HB)
Emmeline Vance (PB)^
Sirius Black (PB)^
Amalia Bones (PB)
Florean Fortesque (PB)
Mrs. Abbott (PB/HB)
Igor Karkaroff (PB)$
Montgomery (PB/HB)
4 Unidentified Muggles (M)
Gibbon (PB)$
Albus Dumbledore (HB)^
5 Unnamed muggles in Gaddley (M)
Gornuk (O)
Edward Tonks (MB)^
Dirk Cresswell (MB)
Dobby (O)
Lavender Brown (PB)^
Camelia (PB/HB)^
Vincent Crabbe (PN)$
Colin Creevey (MB)^
Remus Lupin (HB)^
Nymphadora Tonks (HB)^
Fred Weasley (PB)^
Killed by the Order of the Pheonix:
Bellatrix Lestrange (PB)$
Killed by Golden Trio:
Bogrod (O)
Tom Riddle (Voldemort) (HB)$
+ 42 more casualties for the Battle of Hogwarts.
What we see here is that this second war was much deadlier. The Battle of Hogwarts alone had more casualties than the entirety of the First War. Even if I'm generous and add 20 more dead to my estimate of the First War, it doesn't come anywhere close to the death tool of the Second War.
Now, I ask myself, why?
The Second War was much shorter, officially ongoing between May of 1996 and May of 1998 (2 years), with the First War officially waging from 1975 to October of 1981 (6 years). What was so different between the wars that caused this kind of escalation in the second one this quickly?
We see the Second War unfold, we watch how quickly the Ministry of Magic falls and the Death Eaters take over. They quickly make laws such as the Muggleborn Registry — things that didn't happen in the first war.
“Attendance is now compulsory for every young witch and wizard,” he replied. “That was announced yesterday. It’s a change, because it was never obligatory before. Of course, nearly every witch and wizard in Britain has been educated at Hogwarts, but their parents had the right to teach them at home or send them abroad if they preferred..."
(Deathly Hollows, page 182)
Lupin is talking about the Muggleborn Registry and compulsory attendance to Hogwarts — completely new things, never seen before in Britain. They weren't around the first go-around even if Voldemort had the same amount of control over the ministry (it being made up of his followers even in the 1970s). So, what changed? What's the difference?
I pondered this question, and I realized what the main difference is — Voldemort. He is different. His priorities are different.
In the second war, Voldemort doesn't show any care for the ministry, government, or unnecessary death the way he did in the First War. In the First War he limited his Death Eaters, focusing them on targeting only Order members, but in the Second War, not only did he let them loose, but he let himself loose as well.
And I'll prove just how unconcerned he is with Britain and the war during Deathly Hollows and Half-Blood Prince.
In Half-Blood Prince, when the Death Eaters break into Hogwarts to kill Dumbledore, arguably their biggest achievement in the war thus far, and where is their leader? Off, somewhere. Researching wands so he could kill Harry Potter.
And where is Lord Voldemort, leader of the Death Eaters when his followers take over the ministry and start passing the aforementioned rules? He's in Germany, tracking down the Elder Wand.
“That’s—that’s pretty, Dolores,” she said, pointing at the pendant gleaming in the ruffled folds of Umbridge’s blouse. “What?” snapped Umbridge, glancing down. “Oh yes—an old family heirloom,” she said, patting the locket lying on her large bosom. “The S stands for Selwyn. . . . I am related to the Selwyns. . . . Indeed, there are few pure blood families to whom I am not related. . . . A pity,”
(Deathly Hollows, page 225)
Voldemort is so unaware and un-present in Britain during the time he supposedly rules it, that Dolores Umbridge can strut around the ministry with the locket that is his Horcrux and holds a piece of his soul and is his Slytherin family heirloom and claim it to belong to the Selwyn family and to be hers. And she wasn't tortured horribly to death.
Yeah, Voldemort never stepped foot in the Ministry throughout Deathly Hollows. At least, not until he retrieved the elder Wand and was convinced he could kill Harry.
In the First War, Voldemort had intentions, unrelated to blood purity as they were, but intentions nonetheless. He was actually leading and had goals for the war. In the Second War, it looks like he gave up. Like he decided killing Harry Potter is the only important thing and he isn't even bothering with anything else and lets his Death Eaters do as they please.
Voldemort didn't really plan to win the Second War, he didn't really care what happened to the Ministry, as long as he could kill Harry Potter whom he is quite obsessed with. Like, he's really weird about Harry Potter, and maybe I'll talk about it more in-depth, but he's obsessed with being the one to kill Harry with a wand of his own, to the point of ignoring literally everything else.
If you are going to fight an opponent that is trying to kill you, you should probably be just as willing to be lethal in turn or you'd end up massacred like the Order of the Phoenix from the 1970s....
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cassiaallen · 10 months
Part 6/6 (not including the Jily Wedding Post I will post right after this one) of my Marauders Era series - this time, it’s my take on Lily Evans’s life!
As per usual, I was massively inspired by @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta, @moonlightdancer26, and @halfblood-princes-crown - thank you again! 🙏🏻
Lily Evans's Journey
Full name: Lily Potter (née Evans)
DOB: 30.01.1960
Born in: Cokeworth
Parents: Dorothy & Robert Evans
House: Gryffindor
In Hogwarts: 1971-1978
-is best friends with her older sister Petunia
-they spend most of their time together
-notices her magical abilities at around 7, but believes they’re just coincidences
-meets Sev at age 9 and they get along really well
-Lily now spends most of her time with him, especially because he can tell her so much about magic
-Minerva McGonagall brings her her Hogwarts letter and explains everything to her family
-everyone except Petunia is excited
-Petunia is devastated when she finds out that she can’t go and because of all the attention Lily receives
-re. Petunia: first, the magical world takes away her sister (Lily spending more time with Sev), and now they’re taking away her parents's love and attention (that’s how she feels and what contributes to her hatred of magic)
-Platform 9 3/4 Scene
-Lily is truly sad that her sister can’t go, but at the same time she is happy to go to this new exciting place with a familiar person (Sev)
-takes an immediate dislike to J&S on the train and is even more upset when they’re in the same House
-is forced to make new friends as she doesn’t share many classes with Sev
-becomes best friends with Mary MacDonald and gets along well with the other girls in Gryffindor
-she still likes Sev, but focuses more on her new friends
-struggled a bit academically in year 1, but after that she becomes a pro
-most of her friends/House mates are very anti-Slytherin and that influences her (and her friendship with Sev) a little
-doesn’t see much of the M bullying Sev and he certainly never tells her
-has a few crushes here and there, but no real relationship
-appreciates that J is a muggle(-born) supporter, but otherwise despised him for the first 3/4 years
-she is fascinated by his good looks though and that is what first sparks her interest in J
-WWI in February 1976
-she heard J talking about heroically saving Sev from the "Whomping Willow danger"
-confronts Sev "you’re being really ungrateful"
-she still likes Sev, but is more interested in her Gryffindor people
-the more she becomes aware of the war and her muggle-born status, the more she wants to distance herself from anything Slytherin related (eventually Sev as well [before the Lake Incident])
-spends less and less time with Sev even though he didn’t harm her in any way, she just associated him with harmful people
-Lake Incident; she is hanging out with Mary and the other Gryffindor girls before "intervening"
-is a bit sad about "leaving" Sev, but secretly glad she won’t be associated with him/Dark Arts anymore
-basically spends all her time with Mary, studying, helping younger students (as a Prefect)
-in the summer of 1976 she finds herself thinking about J a lot
-prepares for her NEWTS in year 6 and occasionally talks to J (largely ignores his bullying)
-starts catching feelings for J but is in denial
-is shocked to see the Head Boy badge on him (both because of her original dislike of him and because of her new feelings for him that she doesn’t want to confront)
-she sees that J is no longer bullying people (nvm he’s still bullying Sev) and thinks she can maybe give him a chance (plus, J does grow up a bit and shows her more of his nice side)
-they have their first date on Valentine’s Day 1978
-they officially become a couple on 31.03.1978
-[James's Journey + Jily Wedding]
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ao3feed-scorbus · 1 year
Ah, Music - A Magic Beyond All We Do Here
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HPqeO3J
by ftlow
A collection of drabbles (one per chapter), each inspired by a song and based on a challenge set by Severitus812: press shuffle on your playlist, start writing when the song starts, and stop writing when it ends. Tags in each A/N at the start of each chapter/drabble. Chapters named by fandom and pairing so you can skip to your favourites.
These were intended to be within the Harry Potter fandom, but the time pressure and the music changed things… I have characters and pairings and fandoms here that I never expected, including a couple that I've never written before and rarely or never read! Might have to write more of these, but this is the initial 10 for the challenge!
Words: 2127, Chapters: 10/10, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), Cormoran Strike Series - Robert Galbraith, Strike (TV 2017), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Relationships: Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Abby Griffin/Raven Reyes, Robin Ellacott/Cormoran Strike, Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Hermione Granger/Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks, Abby Griffin/Marcus Kane, Raven Reyes/Kyle Wick
Additional Tags: in each chapter heading, songfic ish, Inspired by Music, my music taste is wide
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HPqeO3J
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ao3feed-the100 · 1 year
Ah, Music - A Magic Beyond All We Do Here
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ybp9rJT
by ftlow
A collection of drabbles (one per chapter), each inspired by a song and based on a challenge set by Severitus812: press shuffle on your playlist, start writing when the song starts, and stop writing when it ends. Tags in each A/N at the start of each chapter/drabble. Chapters named by fandom and pairing so you can skip to your favourites.
These were intended to be within the Harry Potter fandom, but the time pressure and the music changed things… I have characters and pairings and fandoms here that I never expected, including a couple that I've never written before and rarely or never read! Might have to write more of these, but this is the initial 10 for the challenge!
Words: 2127, Chapters: 10/10, Language: English
Fandoms: The 100 (TV), Cormoran Strike Series - Robert Galbraith, Strike (TV 2017), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Relationships: Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Abby Griffin/Raven Reyes, Robin Ellacott/Cormoran Strike, Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Hermione Granger/Minerva McGonagall, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks, Abby Griffin/Marcus Kane, Raven Reyes/Kyle Wick
Additional Tags: in each chapter heading, songfic ish, Inspired by Music, my music taste is wide
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ybp9rJT
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Crikey! https://ift.tt/YFSjCbI by emsdiadem (emilyjoy2509) Hermione Granger had never been one for New Year's Resolutions, but 2005 was the year she wished for a change. She had felt like something was missing. Determined to make a difference in her work for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, Hermione is recruited to investigate a dragon egg smuggling ring with the man she least expects: Draco Malfoy. She had felt like something was missing. Maybe that something missing was actually someone. A post-war slow-burn that forces Hermione and Draco together half a world away - featuring unicorns, dragons, and the famed magizoologist and Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin. Updates weekly on Saturday afternoons (AEST - Sydney). Words: 3192, Chapters: 1/53, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Steve Irwin, Theodore Nott, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Rubeus Hagrid, Minerva McGonagall, Monica Wilkins, Wendell Wilkins, Terri Irwin, Bindi Irwin, Robert Clarence Irwin Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom/Ginny Weasley Additional Tags: POV Hermione Granger, Ministry of Magic Employee Hermione Granger, Auror Draco Malfoy, Co-workers, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, HEA, Post-War, Australia, Australia Zoo, Unicorns, Dragons, Care of Magical Creatures, Research, Speed Dating, Slow Burn, Complicated Relationships, Sexual Tension, Eventual Smut, Eventual Fluff, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Explicit Sexual Content, Idiots in Love via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/e0TxL4E December 10, 2022 at 05:01AM
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hogwartsbypictures · 4 years
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Minerva McGonagall and her nephews and nieces: Maxell Gavin McGonagall (age 13), Annabel McGonagall (age 10), Gordon McGonagall (age 7), Brodie McGonagall (age 5) & Isla McGonagall (age 4)
Taken by Robert "big smiles for grandma Isobel" Jr McGonagall in 1972
**Young Minerva McGonagall Spam**
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consistentsquash · 2 years
Holiday Fic Rec
Green Grow the Rushes, O
Rec why? - It’s dark and magical. It’s Biblical. It’s mythological. It’s got a surreal fantasy in a crusade mission narrative. It’s David Cronenberg meets Robert Eggers meets Peter Jackson. The scale is epic. The storytelling is just spectacular. The prose is layered, complex and absolutely beautiful. Everything clicks and connects brilliantly.
Vibes - It’s really the most UnChristmas Fic and the most ChristmasFic at the same time. Pretty unusual read.
Rating: M
Length: 7000 words
Pairings: Severus/Harry, previous history of Severus/Minerva.
Fic summary - A bittern’s bull-song on Christmas Day.
My TL;DR - Harry is a jackal-headed boy and he has Minerva’s voice. Also Snape lives with him in a church inside a church.
Stuff you need to know - Listen to this carol! If you are like me it’s probably going to be new to you. It’s a real ear worm.
Rec notes - Recs are based on my reading. YMMV. I skipped quoting lines in this fic because it’s just impossible to stop quoting the whole beautiful fic.
Background premise - Minerva McGonagall saved Snape in the Shrieking Shack. But they lost the war because of that. They don’t really like each other. They are in hiding in a marsh/swamp.
Structure - The fic covers the year 2000. It opens in medias res in December 2000. After that we get to see the year rewinded month by month. The structure is pretty straightforward. Because the fic is really dense and complicated, having a simple structure is actually super helpful for reading.
What about Harry? - Yeah! What about Harry? This is honestly the best part and the weirdest part about the fic. Maybe? This fic doesn’t have a single not-weird moment. But the weird parts are fantastically beautiful. Back to Harry. Harry was trapped in the Shrieking Shack and kind of semi-Transfigured himself into a jackal. His head is a jackal and his body is still Harry. He gets stuck that way. Wait! That’s familiar! So this is where the good stuff starts!
Mythology - Yup! Harry’s situation is actually based on the myth of Anubis, the Egyptian God of Death. It’s also really predictive of the role he’s going to have in the fic. If you are burned out on MoD Harry fics this is pretty different from those tropes. It’s pretty dark though.
Bible - The fic actually rolls through the 12 months in 2000 with the 12 verses from the carol which is connected to a bunch of Biblical events like the 12 Apostles, 11 + 1 Judas, 10 Plagues etc.
Astronomy - Auriga, Hyades, Pleaides… The stars have a starring role <3
Place - The setting is a coastline which is eroding. Literally everything is falling into the sea. The marshes are the only thing growing there.
Faith/Determination - This is really really brilliant! MM doesn’t want to leave. Snape thinks it’s over. But then Harry enters the scene and Snape changes his opinion. Of course. Because that’s how Snarry works! We get to see a lot of things working because of faith. Like a really ruined church. A coastline going into the sea because of erosion. A bittern which is really hard to spot. Harry succeeding in his mission. Snape’s faith in MM and Harry.
Masculinity - Harry doesn’t have a voice because of whatever Transfiguration mistake happened. He gets McGonagall’s voice because of some really weird magic. So for most of the fic he’s literally got a jackal’s head and MM’s voice. So this is the fic where Snape sleeps with a jackal headed boy. Yeah, it sounds weird. But honestly it’s really beautifully written.
Fantasy - This is definitely a big landscape epic fantasy type setting. Lots of telescopic scenes with really evocative imagery.
YMMV - Magic - I feel like this is the type of fic that used to get written more before the canon was completed. So if you don’t like that kind of fic it’s probably not going to be for you. Not in the AU/Canon Divergence sense. But more in the sense of how the magic in the fic isn’t really explainable. The angle is more around how weird magic stuff happens and MCs deal with it.
YMMV - Pairing - So the Severus/Minerva relationship is in the background history. But it’s definitely a big influence in the fic for both Sev and Harry. If you don’t like that type of situation this fic is going to be a hard sell!
YMMV - Content - MM dies in this fic. No graphic death. But if that’s not your thing definitely nope out! It’s a grimdark/romantic fic overall. So if you don’t like that genre it’s going to be a tough read. FWIW it’s got a legit happy ending.
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accio-helper · 4 years
Muitas pessoas têm dificuldades na hora de encontrar um sobrenome para seus personagens, então, fiz uma lista com todos os sobrenomes que aparecem na saga, alguns citados nos livros, outros não.
É importante lembrar que seu personagem deve ter coerência com a saga, por isso, não crie um irmão para James Potter ou uma gêmea para Lily Evans, embora você pode vir a criar primos ou parentes distantes para os mesmos. Use usa imaginação sem precisar sair da linha! Sem mais delongas, vamos la; uma lista completa de sobrenomes bruxos (caso queira alguma informação sobre um deles, chega na ask que eu te ajudo ♥)
Tumblr media
UPDATE: clicando AQUI você irá encontrar uma masterlist de NOMES que apareceram na saga, criada por @winterhelps. É uma masterlist bem bacana que você pode se inspirar ou utilizar algum dos nomes para o seu personagem. 
Boothby, Gladis
Borage, Libatius
de Gorsemoor
de Montmorency
de Upper Barnton
Su Li
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ao3feed-snape · 3 years
The Keeper of the Diamond 3
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2X1CERL
by Yan_Senna
*This is a continuation of “The Keeper of the Diamond” 1 & 2 (Harry Potter & Winx Club). You don’t need to read the previous books to understand this one. There will be a short resume of book 1 and book 2 in the introduction of this book*
A few days after Y/N‘s birthday party at Hogwarts, Severus Snape gets a visit in his home in Spinner’s End that he doesn’t expect. Three months later, Y/N and her friends, Laura and Vera, are assigned a mission from Dumbledore in a zombie-infected dimension.
In the The Walking Dead dimension, Rick and his friends and family are in a war with the Savior leader, Negan. It turns out that Snape, Lupin, Black and the Gryffindor Trio had been assigned to help Alexandria in their war. They however get captured, which is why Y/N, Laura and Vera have to rescue them. They get help from a person they never expected to see again.
*All The Walking Dead characters belong to Robert Kirkman while all Harry Potter characters belong to J. K. Rowling. I only own Y/N, Vera and Laura. Enjoy the story!*
*This book contains Negan x reader, Severus Snape x reader and Lucius Malfoy x reader*
Started: 7/26/2021
Ended: 8/6/2021
Words: 1106, Chapters: 1/22, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of The Keeper of the Diamond
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Walking Dead (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Negan (Walking Dead), Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Dwight (Walking Dead), Simon (Walking Dead: Saviors), Rick Grimes, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Draco Malfoy
Relationships: Severus Snape/Reader, Lucius Malfoy/Reader, Negan (Walking Dead)/You, Severus Snape & Reader, Severus Snape/You, Severus Snape & You, Lucius Malfoy & Reader, Lucius Malfoy/You, Lucius Malfoy & You, Negan (Walking Dead) & You
Additional Tags: Adventure, Magic, Dimension Travel, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Kidnapping, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Zombies
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2X1CERL
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ao3feed-romione · 4 years
Harry Potter and the Riddle Legacy
Harry Potter and the Riddle Legacy by NevilleTheSnakeslayer
It has been eleven years since the Dark Lord has been defeated, but as Harry Potter prepares to send off his godson to his first year at Hogwarts he comes to realize that threats both new and old threaten to upend the peace that he has sacrificed so much to obtain.
Words: 10432, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Continuing Adventures of Harry Potter and Teddy Lupin
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Teddy Lupin, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Andromeda Black Tonks, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Draco Malfoy, Astoria Greengrass, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, Victoire Weasley, Antonin Dolohov, Dolores Umbridge, Original Characters, Kevin the Quidditch World Cup Child, Alfred Cattermole, Seamus Finnigan, Lavender Brown, Dennis Creevey, Demelza Robins, Padma Patil, Anthony Goldstein, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Ernie Macmillan, Graham Pritchard, Natalie McDonald, Michael Corner, Susan Bones, George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Mark Evans, Kingsley Shacklebolt, John Dawlish, Kreacher, James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, Lily Luna Potter, Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy, Augustus Rookwood, Jugson, Gregory Goyle, Mrs Zabini, Jimmy Peakes, Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore's Army, Lucius Malfoy, Millicent Bulstrode, Charlie Weasley, Sybill Trelawney, Robert McGonagall Jr., Firenze, Griphook, Argus Filch, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Terry Boot, Luna Lovegood, Rolf Scamander, Rubeus Hagrid, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley, Percy Weasley, Audrey Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Walden Macnair, Augusta Longbottom, Algernon Longbottom
Relationships: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Hannah Abbott/Neville Longbottom, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Daphne Greengrass/Theodore Nott, Lavender Brown/Seamus Finnigan, Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley, Gabrielle Delacour/Mark Evans, Demelza Robbins/Dennis Creevey
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Epilogue Canon Compliant, Not Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Compliant, Mostly Interview/Pottermore/etc. Compliant, Epic, Harry Potter Next Generation, Death Eaters, Hogwarts, Ministry of Magic, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Statute of Secrecy, Mystery Character(s), MACUSA | Magical Congress of the United States of America, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Canon-Typical Violence, cast of thousands
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26932315
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Reading List 2019
So I thought to celebrate the fact that I actually read 100 books this year, I could list them all, give them a short raiting and quickly summarise my thoughts (as far as I remember them, my memory is terrible). So strap in, this is gonna be a looong list.
(The formating is gonna be: Title, Author, Language I read it in (D = German; E = English), rating, short thoughts)
1. The Toymakers, Robert Dinsdale, D, 3/5, Wants to be The Nightcircus but fails. Still sweet and thoughtful.
2. Deadly Sting (Elemental Assassin 8), Jennifer Estep, D, 4/5, Don’t remember specifics just that I was impressed the series was still this good.
3. The Labyrinth of Magic Volume 1, Shinobu Ohtaka, D, 1/5, Note to self: I don’t like Mangas (The Anime is fantastic though).
4. The Labyritnh of Magic Volume 2, Shinobu Ohtaka, D, 1/5, See 3.
5. The Ocean at the End of the Lane, Neil Gaiman, D, 3/5, Not my style but I can see what others like about it.
6. Norse Mythology, Neil Gaiman, D, 4/5, Very informative and entertaining.
7. The Master Magician (The Paper Magician 3), Charlie N. Holmberg, D,3/5, Adequate ending, I absolutely love the magic system.
8. The Plastic Magician (The Paper Magician 3.5), Charlie N. Holmberg, D, 4/5, Great spinoff, better story than the original with exactly enough cameos.
9. Heart of Venom (Elemental Assassin 9), Jennifer Estep, D, 3/5, see 2.
10. Inkdeath (Inkworld 3), Cornelia Funke, D, 5/5, Always a favourite, read it because I was feeling down cheered me right up.
11. The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus 5), Rick Riordan, E, 4/5, Why did I wait so long to read this?
12. Vulkanjäger, Katja Brandis, D, 3/5, Good adventurebook for younger readers.
13. Double Crossed: A Spies andd Thieves Story (Heist Society 2.5), Ally Carter, E, 3/5, Should really have read Gallagher Girls first.
14.  Wizards: The Myths, Legends, and Lore, Aubrey Sherman, E, 4/5, Very interesting, smiled everytime Harry Potter or BBC’s Merlin was mentioned.
15.  Vampires: The Myths, Legends, and Lore, Aubrey Sherman, E, 3/5, Not really a fan of Vampires but if you are you have to read this!
16. Nice Dragons Finish Last (Heartstrikers 1), Rachel Aaron, E, 3/5, Amazing worldbuilding!
17. The Tomb, H.P.Lovecraft, D, 2/5, I don´t even remember it.
18.  All the Ever Afters: The Untold Story of Cinderella's Stepmother, Danielle Teller, E, 3/5, Great new perspective, unfortunately not enough magic.
19. Stars Above (Lunar CHronicles Short Stories), Marissa Meyer, E, 3/5, I would read anything in this universe no matter if it´s good or not.
20.  To Kill a Kingdom, Alexandra Christo, E, 4/5, Really good, always love a dark fairytale retelling.
21. Her Royal Spyness (Royal Spyness 1), Rhys Bowen, E, 3/5, Expected more, it´s a bit slow.
22.  Mein Reckless Märchenbuch (Mirrorworld Readalong), Cornelia Funke, D, 5/5, It`s Cornelia Funke of course it´s brilliant. Also, everyone needs a collections of fairytales at home, just for refference. I have gotten into many a discussion about the specifics of a classic story that we needed to look up.
23. Air Awakens (Air Awakens 1), Elise Kova, E, 5/5, Fantastic read, couldn´t put it down.
24. Renegades (Renegades 1), Marissa Meyer, D, 4/5, Marissa Meyer writing about Superheroes? More please!
25. Fire Falling (Air Awakens 2), Elise Kova, E, 4/5, see 23.
26.Tales from the Front (Air Awakens 2.5), Elise Kova, E, 3/5, Kind of unnecessary, didn´t really add anything.
27. Earth´s End (Air Awakens 3), Elise Kova, E, 4/5, See 23.
28. The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line (Veronica Mars 1), Rob Thomas, E, 3/5, Was good when i read it but now after season 4 it just makes me sad.
29.  Mr. Kiss and Tell (Veronica Mars 2), Rob Thomas, E, 3/5, see 28.
30. China Rich Girlfriend (Crazy Rich Asians 2), Kevin Kwan, E, 4/5, A LOT of Characters but otherwise really great.
31. Rich People Problems (Crazy Rich Asians 3), Kevin Kwan, E, 3/5, see 30.
32. Witchmark (The Kingston Cycle 1), C.L.Polk, D, 5/5, Won it on lovelybooks (thanks again for that), amazing queer fantasy (often shelved as YA, it´s NOT, the protagonists are like 30 it´s not YA).
33. Water's Wrath (Air Awakens 4), Elise Kova, E, 4/5, see 23.
34. Crystal Crowned (Air Awakens 5), Elise Kova, E, 4/5, I read this and Water´s Wrath in one night, couldn´t put it down for the life of me.
35. Vicious (Villains 1), V.E.Schwab, E, 3/5, Do you know the kind of book that while you´re reading it is like meh but then you just can´t stop thinking about it?
36.  A Curse So Dark and Lonely (Cursebreakers 1), Brigid Kemmerer, E, 4/5, Great retelling, love the mix of modern and fairytale worlds.
37. Ninja: First Mission, Chris Bradford, E, 1/5, Just makes me want part 9 of Young Samurai even more.
38. DOORS: Der Beginn (Doors 1), Markus Heitz, D, 2/5, Love the idea but couldn´t really convince me.
39. Heartless, Marissa Meyer, E, 4/5, Really heartless, in the sense that it rips your heart right out of your chest and then crushes it, I think I cried... a lot.
40. Truthwitch (Witchlands 1), Susan Dennard, E, 4/5, Great start to a series, didn´t manage to read the sequels this year will try again in 2020.
41. The Forever War, Joe Haldeman, D, 3/5, A classic of the genere for a reason.
42. A rumor of Dragons (Dragonlance Chronicles 1), Margaret Weis, D, 1/5, Boring.
43. A Discovery of Witches (All Souls 1), Deborah Harkness, E, 4/5, The love story is a little rushed, still loved it though.
44. A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic 1), V.E.Schwab, E, 4/5, Why didn´t I read this years ago? I mean it´s been on my shelf? And it´s so good!
45. Catching Fire (The Hunger Games 2), Suzanne Collins, D, 5/5, Couldn´t stop even at 4am.
46. Mockingjay (The Hunger Games 3), Suzanne Collins, D, 4/5, I think I read this and 45 in one night (Yes I didn´t sleep).
47. Wicked Fox (Gumiho 1), Kat Cho, E, 3/5, Was in a Fairyloot box, underused setting therefore very interesting.
48. The Glass of Lead and Gold (Mirrorworld short story), Cornelia Funke, E, 3/5, Lovely but when are we finally getting book 4?
49. The MirrorWorld Anthology (Mirrorworld Readalong), Cornelia Funke, D, 4/5, Turns out we´re getting book 4 in 2020. FINALLY!!!!
50.  The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaiman, E, 2/5, Meh...
51. Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold, Stephen Fry, E, 3/5, Informativ but I prefer the ones by Riordan.
52. Shadow of Night (All Souls 2), Deborah Harkness, E, 3/5, Love the timetravel but like the first one it felt a little rushed.
53. James Acaster´s Classic Scrapes, James Acaster, E, 2/5, I really like his stand up but didn´t really enjoy this book.
54.  The October Man (Rivers of London 7.5), Ben Aaronovitch, E, 3/5, It´s always funny to read foreigners writing about your culture, if you like the other rivers of London books you will like this one.
55. A Gathering of Shadows (Shades of Magyk 2), V.E.Schwab, E,4/5, As good as the first one but with Pirates!
56. Caraval (Caraval 1), Stephanie Garber, E, 3/5, It´s ok but I can´t really understand the hype.
57. Spin the Dawn (The Blood of Stars 1), Elizabeth Lim, E, 4/5, I love this one, the writing is so beautiful.
58. Angelfall (Penryn and the End of Days 1), Susan Ee, E, 3/5, The Story is ok, but I absolutely love Penryn.
59. The Sleeper and the Spindle, Neil Gaiman, E, 4/5, Great story with amazing illustrations.
60. World After (Penryn and the End of Days 2), Susan Ee, E, 3/5, see 58.
61. End of Days (Penryn and the End of Days 3), Susan Ee, E, 3/5, see 58.
62. Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer 1), Laini Taylor, E, 4/5, Lovely Story with great Characters.
63. Pan´s Labyrinth: The Labyrinth of the Faun, Cornelia Funke, D, 3/5, I read it while listening to the movie soundtrack, can reccomend.
64. Kill the Queen (Crown of Shards 1), Jennifer Estep, E, 4/5, How does she write this many books in so little Time? And how are they all so good?
65. The Return of the Warrior (Young Samurai 9), Chris Bradford, E, 4/5, Noooo its over, I could cry this series was one of my favourites as a kid.
66. Spinning Silver, Naomi Novik, E, 3/5, Good retelling that gets a little over-complicated sometimes.
67. Muse of Nightmares (Strange the Dreamer 2), Laini Taylor, E, 3/5, Wow this turned very dark very fast.
68. Skyward (Skyward 1), Brandon Sanderson, E, 5/5, Spensa and M-Bot are deffinetely some of my favourite characters ever.
69. The Priory of the Orange Tree, Samantha Shannon, E, 5/5, Very long but deffinetely worth it.
70.  The Test, Sylvain Neuvel, E, 2/5, Very relevant but not really my style.
71. Archenemies (Renegades 2), Marissa Meyer, D, 5/5, Love it.
72. Shadow and Bone (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy 1), Leigh Bardugo, E, 4/5, God I just love the Setting.
73. Siege and Storm (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy 2), Leigh Bardugo, E, 4/5,  I know it´s not a very popular opinion but Mal is my favourite.
74.Ruin and Rising (The Shadow and bone Trilogy 3), Leigh Bardugo, E, 3/5, Bit disapointing as an ending but a rollercoaster in terms of feelings.
75. The Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn 1), Reneè Ahdieh, E, 5/5, I think this is the 3rd time I read this it´s so good.
76. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Hogwarts Library 1), Newt Scamander, E, 3/5
77. Quidditch Through the Ages (Hogwarts Library 2), Kennilworthy Whisp, E, 5/5, I love this one it´s so funny.
78. The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Hogwarts Library 3), J.K.Rowling, E, 3/5
79. Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies (Pottermore Presents 1), J.K.Rowling, E, 4/5, It´s about McGonagall and Lupin of course it´s good.
80. Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists (Pottermore Presents 2), J.K.Rowling, E, 2/5
81. Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide (Pottermore Presents 3), J.K.Rowling, E, 3/5
82. Harry Potter: A Journey Through Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts, J.K.Rowling, E, 2/5
83. The Traitor´s Kiss (The Traitor´s Circle 1), Erin Beaty, D, 2/5, A friend of mine realls loves this but I thought it was quite boring but I think that was just the translation that didn´t sit right with me it was kind of weird.
84. Mermaids: The Myths, Legends, and Lore, Skye Alexander, E, 2/5, Not as good as Vampires or Wizzards.
85. The Rose and the Dagger (The Wrath and the Dawn 2), Reneè Ahdieh, E, 3/5, Disapointing after the brilliant first one.
86. All Fall Down (Embassy Row 1), Ally Carter, E, 3/5, Didn´t really like it.
87. The Book of Life (All Souls 3), Deborah Harkness, E, 3/5, Good Ending, again very rushed.
88. Supernova (Renegades 3), Marissa Meyer, E, 4/5, God I love Simon and Hugh so much Spoilers!: I didn´t like that Ace turned out to be evil after all, I thought we would get a story with respectable leaders on both sides  which is really rare. Really loved the ending when we learned more about Magpie (i really hope there will be a Sequel or Spin Off).
89. Starsight (Skyward 2), Brandon Sanderson, E, 5/5, It was amazing but I missed the  original Crew.
90.  A River of Royal Blood ( A River of Royal Blood 1), Amanda Joy, E, 3/5, So many unanswered questions left!!
91. + 92.  The Grift of the Magi (Heist Society 3.5), Ally Carter, E, 4/5, Read it twice this year once in spring and the again before Christmas.
93. Red, White & Royal Blue, Casey McQuiston, E, 5/5, Maybe the best one this year, reads like really good FanFiction, it´s sooooooo good why aren´t you reading it right now?
94. Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society 2), Ally Carter, E, 5/5, Always fantastic
95. + 96. Perfect Scoundrels (Heist Society 3), Ally Carter, E, 5/5, So good I read it twice in a row.
97. Doctor Who: The Legends of River Song, Multiple Authors, E, 3/5,
98. Winter´s zerbrechlicher Fluch, Julia Adrian, D, 3/5, Only read if you really know your german fairytales it´s really confusing even if you know a lot about them.
99. Aurora Rising (Aurora Cycle 1), Amie Kaufman, E, 4/5, “They are not the heroes we wanted. They are just the ones we could find.”
100. Palace of Glass (Reckless Readalong), Cornelia Funke, D, 4/5, Can´t wait for Book 4!! Untill then i love everything that even mentions Jacob and Celeste.
Did you read any of these this year? Or any other year? Do you want to? What were your favourites of this year?
I hope you all had a fantastic 2019 and will have an even better 2020!
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ao3feed-dramione · 5 years
Strange Magic
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2MX665X
by Honorificabilitudinitatibus
Hermione has always known about goblins. They’ve always been at the periphery of her life- making mischief or keeping her company when she’s lonely. She knew that the goblins had a king, and probably should have realized that that king was her favorite, snarky Uncle J.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione go through Hogwarts under the protection of the Goblin King, and everything is just a little bit better for it.
OR The one where Sarah Williams is the world’s coolest aunt and actual Goblin Queen; Jareth is very protective of kids, and puts the fear of god and goblins into the Dursleys; and Draco Malfoy is a little shit, but he gets better.
Words: 2064, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Labyrinth (1986)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Hermione Granger, Sarah Williams (Labyrinth), Jareth (Labyrinth), Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Original Muggle Character(s), Toby Williams, Irene | Karen Williams, Robert Williams (Labyrinth), Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Angelina Johnson, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Rubeus Hagrid
Relationships: Jareth/Sarah Williams, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Slow Burn, The slowest, literally they're children when this starts, Give them some time, Found Family Feels, Jareth puts the fear of God and Goblins into the Dursleys, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall has had it up to HERE with you people, Snarky Malfoys, far too many goblins to be tasteful, Sarah is the coolest of cool aunts, Fluff and Humor, Jareth is protective of children, it's his job
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2MX665X
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reddieao3feed · 5 years
Lucky Number 13
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Kjfi2A
by The Tozier Wheeler Twins (omfgiminlovewithneeks)
When outsiders once [...] roam the halls, [...] storm [...] fire darkness [...] fall. [...]cient p[...]wer, thirteen [...] shall unchain, [...] forgotten breath in [...] foreign domain. [...] witching hour, night [...] the feast, Evil [...] stir [...] wake [...] beast. Th[...]ark [...]error lights up [...] night, S[...]ifices [...] make, if they [...] fight. [...] cast[...] crumbles [...] fiery breath, Saving [...] world [...] one last [...]
Words: , Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016), IT (2017)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M, Multi
Characters: Mike Wheeler, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough, Beverly Marsh, Mike Hanlon, Lucas Sinclair, Ben Hanscom, Will Byers, Dustin Henderson, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Stanley Uris, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Neville Longbottom, Claudia Henderson, Robert "Bob" Gray, Martin Brenner
Relationships: Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Dustin Henderson/Lucas Sinclair, Bill Denbrough/Ben Hanscom, Stanley Uris/Mike Hanlon, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Beverly Marsh/Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Richie Tozier & Mike Wheeler
Additional Tags: Richie Tozier and Mike Wheeler Are Twins, Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, the age gaps between characters has been altered, I want some people to be in Hogwarts when something happens, Hogwarts accepts transfer and exchange students, so some of them are Americans, some are British
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Kjfi2A
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ao3feed-byeler · 5 years
Lucky Number 13
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Kjfi2A
by The Tozier Wheeler Twins (omfgiminlovewithneeks)
When outsiders once [...] roam the halls, [...] storm [...] fire darkness [...] fall. [...]cient p[...]wer, thirteen [...] shall unchain, [...] forgotten breath in [...] foreign domain. [...] witching hour, night [...] the feast, Evil [...] stir [...] wake [...] beast. Th[...]ark [...]error lights up [...] night, S[...]ifices [...] make, if they [...] fight. [...] cast[...] crumbles [...] fiery breath, Saving [...] world [...] one last [...]
Words: , Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016), IT (2017)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M, Multi
Characters: Mike Wheeler, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough, Beverly Marsh, Mike Hanlon, Lucas Sinclair, Ben Hanscom, Will Byers, Dustin Henderson, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Stanley Uris, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Neville Longbottom, Claudia Henderson, Robert "Bob" Gray, Martin Brenner
Relationships: Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Dustin Henderson/Lucas Sinclair, Bill Denbrough/Ben Hanscom, Stanley Uris/Mike Hanlon, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Beverly Marsh/Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Richie Tozier & Mike Wheeler
Additional Tags: Richie Tozier and Mike Wheeler Are Twins, Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, the age gaps between characters has been altered, I want some people to be in Hogwarts when something happens, Hogwarts accepts transfer and exchange students, so some of them are Americans, some are British
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Kjfi2A
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ao3feed-malec · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2PeEg2w
by gray_eyes
Alec, understandably, was tired of ruffling any feathers. Figuratively, not literally, he thinks wryly. No, Alexander Lightwood would spend as much time as he could with his family and his best friend, support them in their bids for the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and figure out a career path before the year ended. If he was lucky, Alec thought wistfully as he grabbed his blue uniform to change into, he’d go on a couple dates.
He’d have to be really lucky.
Words: 2816, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Jace Wayland, Isabelle Lightwood, Aline Penhallow, Lydia Branwell, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Maia Roberts, Robert Lightwood, Maryse Lightwood, Clary Fray, Will Herondale, Simon Lewis, Catarina Loss, Helen Blackthorn, Mark Blackthorn, Nymphadora Tonks, Ragnor Fell, Jem Carstairs, Tessa Gray, Raphael Santiago, Camille Belcourt, Lily Chen, Maureen Brown, Anselm Nightshade, Louis Karnstein, Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac, Hodge Starkweather, Imogen Herondale, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Horace Slughorn, Filius Flitwick
Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Alternate Universe - 1980s, Slow Burn, BAMF Alec Lightwood, Self-Discovery, Magic, Fluff and Angst, Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things, Slow Build, Slow Romance, Mystery, Action/Adventure
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2PeEg2w
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