#lupo mannaro
major-x-blog · 17 days
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Un Popolo di Pecore, Crea una Civiltà di LUPI........
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koufax73 · 2 years
Romina Falconi: "Lupo Mannaro" è il nuovo video
Disponibile il video ufficiale di "Lupo Mannaro", il nuovo singolo di Romina Falconi fuori per Freak&Chic e distribuito da ADA Music Italy
Disponibile il video ufficiale di Lupo Mannaro, il nuovo singolo di Romina Falconi fuori per Freak&Chic e distribuito da ADA Music Italy che anticipa l’uscita del nuovo album Rottincuore e accompagna il Rottocalco Vol. 2. Le tavole in versione manga di Marco Albiero, uno dei migliori illustratori, character designer e mangaka italiani che ha contribuito al secondo volume di Rottocalco, prendono…
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tvserie-film · 1 year
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Title:  The Boy Who Cried Werewolf (2010)
Vote: 6/10
Movies for young teen. Very simple and also a little repetitive. The jokes are the usual of vampires and werewolves in perennial between them. The ugly girl who becomes beautiful after becoming a werewolf meets a good guy and dumps her cheating ex-boyfriend. Nothing original, just a homework for school done in a decent way.
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
Io comunque pensavo che fossero mezze dicerie ma a quanto pare ai tempi la gente credeva davvero alla licantropia
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papesatan · 6 months
per esorcizzare il futuro
Quest’implacabile e oscuro inquisirmi che mi fruga dentro e fuori, mi spinge a investigarmi il cuore alla malata ricerca di potenziali violenze passate e future. Mio nonno, uomo mansueto di sconfinata bontà, invecchiato in silenzio all’ombra d’un suocero dragone e una moglie arpia, è morto dopo esser stato corroso giorno per giorno dal Parkinson, roso sin dentro le ossa, fino a diventare un altro da sé. Quando la malattia lo lasciò, non c’era più niente in lui dell’uomo che era, non ne era rimasto più nulla, come scrive Flaubert: “il l’ouvrit et ne trouva rien”. Negli ultimi tempi s’era fatto estremamente violento, quasi ferino, tirava calci a tutti, schiaffi, pugni e spinte, parole al veleno, bestemmie e imprecazioni mai udite da quella sua bocca garbata, paranoie continue per cui era convinto che il fratello s’intrufolasse in casa di nascosto per scopargli la moglie, ben corrisposto, o che gli amici sparlassero di lui al bar. E giù d’insulti e botte. Oggigiorno non se ne ricorda più nessuno e di lui, fortunatamente, è rimasto solo il ritratto d’un uomo retto e buono, come effettivamente è stato per gran parte della sua vita. Ora penso, mio nonno era un uomo buono... (intravedete già il punto del mio discorso?) la storia della mia famiglia non ha niente a che fare coi Rougon-Macquart, ma risalendo le generazioni risulta evidente una certa predisposizione alla follia. Benché la scienza mi rassicuri d’avere solo una piccola esigua possibilità d’ereditare il male, io ne sono intimamente convinto. E se mio nonno, che era un uomo buono, s’è degradato in “nu diavl” (per dirla con le urla di mia nonna), io che non lo sono, che speranza avrei di restare umano? Solo la mia assoluta integrità morale mi permette di tener docile al guinzaglio il lupo in me. Se perdessi ogni freno, cosa mi distinguerebbe da un mostro senz’anima? Diverrei pari a un lupo mannaro, il povero professor Lupin morso dalla luna piena, Harvey Keitel che si tramuta in vampiro e morde a morte l’amato figlio, un maledetto zombie in un qualsiasi film di zombie. Tanto varrebbe sopprimermi prima. Non posso perdere me stesso, non voglio perdere me stesso, la mia mente è tutto ciò che ho. Un giorno, prima di perdersi per sempre, mio nonno mi prese per un braccio, mi fissò con la disperata urgenza della fine e disse: “La cosa più importante per una persona è essere padroni di se stessi. Ricordalo!” Non l’ho dimenticato, nonno, non l’ho fatto. Non posso prometterlo, ma spero solo di poterlo ricordare per sempre. 
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renaiswriting · 9 months
Baci di Luna (part 4)
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Pairing: Choi Seungcheol/Reader
Saying I love you was never easy.
Having to say it in a language that wasn't yours was not easy either.
Imagine the struggle of that, and now add it to loving someone whose family thinks you're a monster.
It can't be easy at all.
Warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of wounds.
Word count: +4.8k words.
Previous | Baci di Luna masterlist | Next
Moon phases masterlist
Taglist: @lol6sposts ; @phoebe0 ; @mingycr
If you wanna be tagged, please fill out the tag list form.
"Where are you going? Arianna asked, dropping herself on top of your bed. You send her a quick glance, finishing packing your bag. "I'm so annoiato."
"Why don't you go and ask Noah to play or something if you're so bored? You asked your sister. You took out two different jackets from your closet, trying to decide which would look better, the red or the black one.
"I already asked him; he told me he was going to be studying all day. Mom was mad because he couldn't remember how to say riordiner la mia stanza, so she sent him to study."
You chuckled, shaking your head at your brother's antics. You finally choose the red one, liking the way the color of the jacket pops up with the rest of your outfit.
"He said rider nella mia stanza instead; can you believe it? Arianna shook her head, a teasing grin on her face.
"Why are you smiling that big when last week you said per favore, passami il sole instead of per favore, passami il sale?"
"How was I supposed to know that sole meant sun and not salt? They sound the exact same!"
"No, they don't." You replied, raising your eyebrows.
Arianna quickly erased the smile on her face, her cheeks turning a subtle shade of red as she looked away, knowing that out of you three, you were the only one that actually could speak Italian.
"You didn't reply to my first question." Arianna remembered you again, behind tight teeth.
"I'm going on a walk; we have been here for some time now, but I barely know the town. The forest seems so pretty."
"Mom will kill you if you go there alone; she said people reported big creatures coming from there."
"Big creatures?" You asked cautiously, suddenly not so sure about the trip you were planning. "What types of creatures?"
"I don't know; they say there are these big creatures; that's all I know. Mom says it is the Lupo Mannaro."
You rolled your eyes, now slightly more relaxed. "Mom always says there's a Lupo Mannaro." Remember when we were young and refused to brush our teeth? She always said that the Lupo Mannaro would come and eat us.
"How to forget? I think I might have "Se non metti in ordine la tua stanza, il lupo mannaro potrebbe venire a trovarti!" tattooed on my brain."
You chuckled; that was probably one of the few phrases Arianna could say fluently.
"The only reason I want to have kids is to tell them to tidy their rooms, or else the werewolf would come and visit them as well. You know, passing the trauma to new generations." Arianna joked.
"But seriously," Arianna's expression turned serious, "I don't think you should go there alone. Lupo Mannaro or not, it can be really dangerous going into such a place. You never know what could be there. Or who could be there?
"I won't take long, I promise. But you can tag alone if it makes you feel less stressed." You invited her.
Arianna stood up with more excitement than she pretended, trying to act bored, but the sparkle in her eyes for going on an adventure with her big sister definitely gave it away.
You hid your smile behind a fake cough, knowing that Arianna hated to be put on the spot. It had been a while since the last time you both had some sister time, and you were not going to ruin it with just some giggles.
"Bring a jacket; it's cold outside." You told her before walking towards the kitchen, where your mom was preparing something to eat and your younger brother was sitting studying, just like Arianna had told you.
"Mamma, io e Arianna andiamo a fare un giro, a che ora si mangia?" You asked your mom; dinner and lunch time were a tradition, and there was no way any of you would get away with wandering outside and missing it.
"Tra un'ora." Your mom informed you, and it was perfect; you just needed an hour anyway. "No, Noah, non guardarla cos. Non te ne vai, non ti muovi da qui finché non sai dirmi una frase di più di cinque parole in italiano, capito?"
By the look on Noah's face, you could easily tell he had not a single clue about the instructions her mother had given him, and by the time you and Arianna would be back, the only five-word sentence he would be able to say in Italian would be "I am Noah Giovanni Bianchi Smith."
Noah's pleading eyes followed you until you moved all the way from the kitchen to the living room, and it honestly broke your heart. You would have taken him with you and Arianna, but the last thing you wanted was to get into a fight with your mom; she was really passionate when it came to Italian, and, if you were honest, you totally understood where she was coming from.
Both Arianna and Noah were at the same level as a five-year-old native speaker; the extra study time would do nothing but benefit him in learning a language.
"I'll bring you a pretty rock if I see one." You promised him that Noah had a big collection of rocks. They were all different, some more shiny than others.
This seemed to cheer him up, because he went back to his notebook with a small smile on his face.
"So from where do we start?" Arianna asked, and once you both were outside, you waited until you were far enough from the house to reply.
"We can walk past the Loco Thud's butcher shop. and go straight from there; I think the path is clear there, so we would avoid getting lost, not that we are going to." You rushed to add it after seeing the scared expression on Arianna's face. "But you know, just to make sure we get back home before dinner's ready."
Arianna nodded, walking right next to you, not wanting to fall behind your quick pace.
"I've never been here." Arianna mumbled, looking at the big trees that were forming a wall that divided the town from the wild.
"Me neither," you replied, but, unlike Arianna, the excitement could be heard in your voice.
"I think I have never seen so much green before; that leaf is the same size as my head!" Arianna quickly ran towards it to pick it up and show you. She was right; the leaf covered Arianna's face completely. She admired the leaf for a while before carefully putting it inside her pocket. It was not dry, so it stood there perfectly without breaking.
You both continued walking, enjoying the silence and, occasionally, the sounds of birds singing as they flew above the tall trees.
You liked the sound your shoes made whenever you walked over a dry leaf, crushing it as soon as your weight was on it.
You closed your eyes for a second, taking a deep breath and letting your lungs fill in with such pure air.
You could get used to this.
You could picture yourself having a small house in the forest.
You would never get sick of this view or of this feeling.
"Mom was talking about going back to Italy this summer for a week." Arianna broke the silence. "She said her aunt is not doing so well, so she wants to pay her a little visit. I think that's why she's so stressed out lately about Noah and me learning and practicing our Italian."
"That could be, yeah." You nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "It is important for her; it's her native language."
"I know, I just don't get why she is so pressed about it; it's not like we need it here."
"She wants us to be able to understand her and speak to her in a language that she is completely able to express herself in. She is already far away from her home, and the last thing she wants is for her kids to not be able to understand her. Also, all of her side of the family only speaks Italian."
Arianna kept silent, the frown on her forehead still quite present. You called her, but she didn't hear you; she was too deep in her own thoughts.
You let her be, asking for a better look at the green view that was surrounding you both.
Arianna kept kicking a rock until you both started hearing something.
It wasn't really a surprise, since the closer you looked there, the darker the mud was and the greener the plants and trees were.
It was to be expected to have some sort of water source there.
So taking Arianna's arm with your hand, you rushed her to run towards that sound, coming face to face with a beautiful lake.
The water was running so far to the end of it that you could not see it from where you both were standing.
"Come, I promised Noah that we would get him a rock."
Noah has found multiple beautiful rocks on other lakes and rivers.
One of his favorites had been found on a beach your family had decided to go to for five minutes, just to get some quick help with the hot weather and keep on with your day.
It didn't seem too deep, at least not where you were looking, so, as carefully as possible, you dipped your hand, cringing at the freezing feeling.
Even when you lifted your jacket and your shirt to avoid getting them all wet, they all slid down your arm, getting them as wet as if you were swimming.
You started moving your hand without really looking, hoping to bump into a rock that would be magically the most beautiful rock you have ever seen.
But instead, you felt something sharp cutting the skin covering one of your fingers.
You shank your hand back from the surface, biting your lower lip to avoid cursing while inspecting it.
"Cazzo!" You cried, the swear scaping from between your lips when the blood started coming out of the wound.
Arianna's head snapped at the curse you had said, because from the limited list of Italian words she knew, fuck was one of them.
"Are you alright?" Arianna rushed to see with her own eyes what had happened, but your hold on your fist was stronger, you felt as if you let go of the presiom on your hand, the pain will come back.
Arianna's eyes opened even wider once she got a little glimpse of the red coming from in between your hands.
"Oh no!"
In Arianna's desperation to check on your finger wound and yours to keep Arianna from touching it, your younger sister's hands accidentally touched the open skin. Almost instinctively, you jerked backwards, trying to get away from whatever had caused the pain.
Luckily, Arianna's reflexes were quicker than yours, which saved you from falling backward into the icy water of the lake behind you.
"Are you out of your mind? Arianna asked somewhat angrily. "Watch where you're going! You could have fallen and hurt your head on whatever cut off your finger!"
"I'm fine. I'm fine." You mumbled between puffs of air to try to calm the erratic heart that kept pounding loudly against your chest. "Should I stick my finger in the lake?"
"I don't know." Arianna replied doubtfully. "Don't you think it might attract some aquatic animals?"
"Like what, a shark?" you joked, trying to wipe the very serious expression off Arianna's face.
She rolled her eyes. "Obviously not; I'm not stupid, but we don't know what kinds of creatures might be here." Arianna set about inspecting the depths of the lake closely. Occasionally, some fish no bigger than half the size of Arianna's pinky would swim happily by. "Besides, we don't know how clean this water might be. I think we'd better head home; it's getting late anyway."
"But we haven't been here more than twenty minutes!" you protested. "I promised Noah a rock; at least let me find some for him."
"Noah's just a kid; grab some leaves on the road, and he'll be just as happy as he is with a rock."
"It doesn't matter. The poor kid had to stay in to study all day. If a shiny rock makes him happy, then how bad is it to find him one? Come on, if I haven't dropped my finger so far, I won't drop it by spending another ten minutes here." You laughed. While it burned pretty badly, it was only a small cut. You doubted it would even leave a scar.
Arianna pointed her index finger in your face, looking at you seriously. For a few seconds, you could see her face transform into one similar to your mother's. You could finally see the similarities that so many people said they saw between Arianna and your mother.
"With the first rock you find, we leave. I don't care if it's a dull color or if it's too small. We're leaving. Got it?"
And so it was that for about five minutes you were crouched on the ground, looking for the first rock you could take with you back home.
Every time you found one you didn't like, you looked carefully at Arianna to make sure she wasn't paying attention to you before throwing it in the lake so you could spend more time looking for a better one.
"For God's sake." Arianna complained, putting her muddy hands on her knees so she could stand up. "How could there not be a single rock in the middle of a forest?" Arianna sighed in annoyance. "I'm going to look further," she said, pointing her finger at a tree that couldn't be more than five meters away. "Surely that's where there will be rocks."
You didn't answer her, but she walked away to the place she had indicated anyway.
You were too focused on trying to find something your little brother might like.
"Do you think Noah will like this tree stick— Oh my god!" Arianna cut herself off mid-sentence with a scream of terror escaping her throat as she had been rolling over to stand up. In a leap, she was at your side, gripping your arm so tightly that you yourself had to omit a cry of pain to understand what was really happening.
Your eyes quickly found the figure of a tall, muscular person approaching you through the trees, with both hands raised in the air as a sign that he was not coming to cause any crime and a confused look on his face.
You felt the tension drain from your shoulders as Seungcheol finally stepped out from behind the wall of trees.
"Oh my god, you almost gave me a heart attack." You sighed in relief, bringing the hand with the cut on your finger to your heart. The fabric of your jacket brushed against the wound, and this caused a bit of discomfort. Your face transforms from a relieved smile to a momentary expression of pain.
Seungcheol's eyes quickly widened in a comically large way. It hadn't been until that instant that you realized how round they were. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice sounding quite concerned. Taking large strides, he reached your side in a matter of seconds, and his warm hands were taking yours, drawing the injured finger up until it was close to his face and inspecting it well. "How did you do this to yourself?"
You shook your head in response, trying to wipe away the worried expression on Seungcheol's face and bring some sense to your thoughts that were making your cheeks flush at the attention received. "I was looking for a rock in the lake for my brother. It was a silly thing to do. Really."
You smiled at him.
His eyes were watching your face carefully, trying to look for any sign that you were in any kind of pain.
His eyes sparkled with the smile you sent him, and his lips quickly returned the gesture.
His thick fingers began to massage the area carefully, trying to help the pain go away.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked.
"I don't know if I'm well enough to get the cornettos ready for tomorrow morning." You sighed, feigning sadness. You knew Seungcheol was going to be first thing in the morning on the other side of your family's bakery, ready to buy his daily amount of cornettos. He had been doing it for weeks already. "But I'll survive." You finished joking.
"Don't worry, she's always this dumb, actually." Your sister added that, besides you, she has taken quite a few steps back when Seungcheol approached you and had been quiet until that second, making you almost forget she was there.
Your cheeks turned red once she spoke, and you didn't have it in yourself to look at her in the eyes because you just knew she would have that teasing, knowing it all look on her face.
"I'm Arianna." Your sister introduced herself, taking a few small steps forward and confidently extending her hand. "The younger sister of (y/n)."
Seungcheol chuckled at Arianna's attitude, accepting her hand between his. "I'm Seungcheol; nice to meet you."
"Ah yes, the person in charge of keeping the family business running—the pleasure is all mine." Your sister smiled, pleased with herself, when she noticed the slight blush on Seungcheol's face.
"What were you doing in the forest?" You decided to ask, moving on from the awkward questions. Seungcheol seemed to be mentally grateful because his back was once again proudly erect.
"I was on my way home until I thought I heard voices here and noises in the lake."
"Noises in the— (y/n)! That's why we weren't finding any rocks, isn't it?" Your sister asked madly, her eyes fiercely piercing into yours.
You ducked closer to Seungcheol unconsciously, trying to hide from Arianna. She could be so scary when she was mad.
"I probably heard wrong." Seungcheol took it back.
"Nah-uh, surely you didn't. I've known my sister since I was born." Arianna shook her head, her eyes never leaving your figure. It was clear she was somewhat annoyed.
"We should have your finger looked at; it could be dangerous if left unattended. One of my brothers got infected with a special kind of rock and almost ended up poisoned."
This clearly put you in a state of alert, and concern quickly ran to your face, ridding it of any trace of color.
"But if you just had it cut off, we can probably treat it in time." Seungcheol assured you, trying to calm you down. His hands traveled to the light jacket he was carrying over his shoulders, taking it and placing it over yours, trying to get the fabric to cover, especially the parts of your wet jacket.
"My home is nearby." Seungcheol commented. "One of my brothers knows how to heal and what plants to use for injuries."
"It's already getting late, we should head home." Arianna said to you, sending you a particular look.
"I'll just be five minutes, I'll walk you both home after I finish examining that finger." Seungcheol promised. "I just want to make sure it's nothing dangerous." Seungcheol said to both of them, his eyes didn't take off from your injured finger, there were still some traces of dried blood.
"How far is it to your house?" You asked.
"It's that way." Seungcheol pointed to the right, "It's about five minutes from here."
"Five minutes?" You ask, glancing at Arianna to see if she agreed.
"If Mom gets mad at us for being late for dinner, it's your fault." She replied with a shrug, following Seungcheol from behind.
"So do you have many siblings?" You asked Seungcheol, who was walking slowly beside you. Not hurrying.
"Twelve." He answered calmly.
"What?" you asked, not wanting to sound like you were judging him, but your tone of voice came something like that out of your mouth.
What worried you most was that you were walking in the middle of the woods to a house with twelve other men.
Seungcheol laughed at your reaction.
"We are not biological brothers, we don't share blood. But we've all been living together for a very long time, they're like my brothers." He clarified.
"How big does your house have to be to be able to live with twelve other people without constantly fighting?"
"Well, usually it's not all twelve of us in the house every day. Now three of them are on a trip, they went to a nearby town. And two others went to spend the weekend with their families." He explained. "Anyway, there is always something new to fix or do in the house, so we keep busy. I'm sorry for any mess there may be, Mingyu.... He's the one who's usually in charge of keeping the house clean, he hasn't been feeling too well lately."
"Is he sick?"
"Something like that." Seungcheol muttered, scratching the back of his neck.
"He's not the one who got hurt by something in the lake... Is he?" you asked worriedly.
"Oh, no!" Seungcheol laughed, "that was Minghao. He didn't speak Korean well back then, so it was hard for him to understand what we were trying to warn him about."
Seungcheol had been right because in a matter of five minutes you were standing in front of a large wooden house.
It was about three stories as far as you could see and from the outside there was a large staircase leading up to the roof.
The steps, also made of wood, led up to the front door of the house. There were two outside seats, which looked really comfortable, outside by the door. Both were being occupied by two young men.
"Hello!" one of them greeted energetically, standing up and approaching you and your sister quickly. "You are (y/n), aren't you?" he asked staring at you.
The assurance in his voice made you take a step back, bumping into the chest of Seungcheol, who was standing behind you. You were feeling a bit wary.
"Soonyoung." Seungcheol warned behind you. "You're scaring her."
"Sorry." He replied with a smile. "It's just that Seungcheol tells us a lot about you. And about your delicacies."
Your cheeks quickly warmed, and you could hear Arianna giggling beside you.
The words Jeonghan had mentioned that time he had gone to the bakery suddenly came back to your mind.
"Stop it." A guy with an American accent that automatically made you feel more relaxed. "Hello, my name's Joshua."
"My name's (y/n); nice to meet you. You both." You quickly added, remembering that you had not introduced the Soonyoung guy properly either.
Now that you could finally go back to English, you felt a little bit more comfortable. While you would understand Korean and speak it comfortably, there wasn't anything like speaking your native language.
"Joshua." The guy introduced himself, and Arianna made sure to do the same. "Are you both staying in for dinner?"
"No," you quickly replied, "Seungcheol said someone could take a look at my finger. K was at the lake and accidentally cut it."
"Oh, let's go inside so I can take a better look. Joshua nodded, opening the door.
You followed him inside, sending Arianna a look that said, "Don't touch anything and stay close."
Inside the house, there was a smell of vegetables being cooked and some meat as well, which made your mouth water with saliva.
There was an orangish light inside that made the place look warmer and homey.
You saw some heads turned from behind a sofa, some waving their hands at you and Arianna, and others walking toward Seungcheol and greeting you both.
It felt weird because, even though Arianna was just there as well, you could feel almost all of their eyes on you as you kept moving.
"I don't know where Wonwoo left the mirror I usually use. Joshua mumbled and looked at Seungcheol. "He's not coming home tonight, is he?"
"No, I think his brother needed him to help him with something; he should be back tomorrow."
"It's alright; we will manage." He said this, looking at you and smiling calmly. "That's quite a nasty cut, isn't it?"
"Yeah," you chuckled, "it burns when I touch it."
Joshua hummed, nodded, and went back to his room to search for something. Your eyes wandered through the rest of the house, and you could hear some loud noises coming from downstairs that made you jump.
"Sorry, some of the kids are playing a little bit too hard." Seungcheol apologized, walking towards one of the walls and knowing it softly. You didn't really hear it, but almost as if it had been a rehearsal before, the noises stopped.
"Look who's here." A voice that you knew spoke behind you. Your head turned to see Jeonghan's back relaxing against the doorframe. A teasing smile adorned his face. "The start of the house is finally visiting. Is this a new service of the bakery? That's so nice of you guys to give back a visit to your most dedicated customer."
Arianna seemed to really enjoy Jeonghan's humor; she was laughing loudly, crossing her arms over her chest, waiting for more to come.
"Hi Jeonghan." You greeted him.
"Hello, (y/n)," he replied happily, a smile decorating his face. "Are you staying for dinner? We made extra."
"We would love to, but our mom would disown us if we missed dinner at home without telling her in advance."
Jeonghan laughed, saying, "Oh, my mom's the same. At least bring some home. I'll prepare it while you're here, he said, turning to Arianna. "Why don't you help me, kid?"
And now it was your turn to laugh because of Arianna's expression.
She hated it when people called her a kid.
She always said she was a grown teenager already.
"Sorry about that too," Seungcheol sighed, closing his eyes and massaging them with his fingers. "Jeonghan's a pain in the ass sometimes; just ignore him and everything he says or does."
You chuckled, "It's alright. I like him, actually. You reassured him.
Seungcheol frowned. "You like him? He asked. "Like, you like like him or...?"
"Oh no," you said, shaking your head once it finally hit you how it had come out of your mouth. "I mean, I like him because he's nice, not like that. Sorry, my Korean can be a little bit too..."
"It's perfect." Seungcheol rushed to reassure you.
Joshua quickly came back with something that smelled awful.
It was green, and it felt weird on your skin.
"This will help with the burning feeling, and it will avoid getting it infected or causing inflammation. Leave it all night, and tomorrow wash it off, alright? If it still burns, please come back so I can take another look, but it should be fine."
"Thank you!" You sighed happily; it did feel better than the burning from before. But now you had to make sure you made up a good excuse for it before you went back home. Your father would not be happy if he found out you went to the middle of the forest, followed a man to his house, which was full of other dudes inside, and then let one of them treat your wounds.
Arianna practically ran towards you once she saw you coming out of the room with an annoyed expression and mouthing something under her breath. She was carrying a big container with food in her hands.
Soonyoung sent you a wink on your way out of the house, and Jeonghan told you to enjoy the food.
By the moment the door was closed behind Seungcheol and you were back outside, with the muffled noises from the house becoming less and less audible as your legs took you back home, you felt like it had been days since you left your house less than an hour ago.
Seungcheol did walk you both until he could see your house, and he made sure that you both reached it safely.
"It was nice meeting you, Arianna," he said, smiling at her before Arianna went inside. His eyes moved back toward yours. "I'm sorry for all the mess at home; some of it can be a little bit too much sometimes."
"It's alright; I really had a nice time there." You reassured him.
"I was wondering if maybe next time we could spend some time together outside the bakery." He chuckled nervously, his eyes moving to the ground and his feet tapping up and down the grass.
"Sure, Noah would love to go to the lake next time." You smiled at him.
"That would be lovely, yeah. But I was wondering if it could be just us, together."
"Oh." You replied surprised. "I would love to. I need to make friends."
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bloodyfairy83 · 2 months
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An American Werewolf in London (John Landis, 1981)
I turisti americani David e Jack vengono aggrediti da un animale feroce durante un' escursione nella brughiera inglese.
David si sveglia in un ospedale di Londra e scopre che il suo amico è morto.
Aiutato ed ospitato da un' infermiera, David pian piano comincerà a notare inquietanti cambiamenti sia fisici che interiori e durante il plenilunio si trasformerà in un lupo mannaro, seminando il terrore nelle strade di Londra.
John Landis in questo film riesce a mischiare sapientemente horror e umorismo.
Anche dopo 40 anni 'Un lupo mannaro americano a Londra' non ha perso il suo fascino e resta uno degli horror più noti sul tema licantropia, grazie anche ad una scenografia eccellente e agli ottimi effetti speciali di Rick Backer.
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jasminewalkerauthor · 5 months
Deep dives into folklore: Italian folklore
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Italian folklore is a rich tapestry woven with threads of ancient traditions, mythical creatures, and timeless tales. Rooted in a history that spans thousands of years, Italian folklore reflects the diverse cultural influences that have shaped the country. This week aims to take a deep dive into the enchanting world of Italian folklore, exploring its mythology, legendary creatures, and the enduring narratives that continue to captivate imaginations.
I. Historical Context:
To understand Italian folklore, it's essential to delve into the historical context that has shaped its narratives. Italy's geographical location at the crossroads of various civilizations, including Etruscan, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine, has contributed to the rich tapestry of stories that form the basis of its folklore. The interplay of cultural, religious, and social influences has given rise to a unique blend of myths and legends that continue to permeate Italian society.
II. Mythological Pantheon:
Italian mythology draws heavily from its ancient Roman roots, with a pantheon of gods and goddesses who embody various aspects of life and nature. At the heart of this pantheon is Jupiter, the king of the gods, along with his consort Juno, and sister Minerva. The stories of their interactions, conflicts, and relationships with other deities shape the mythological landscape of Italy.
The influence of Greek mythology is also evident in Italian folklore, with gods like Apollo, Diana, and Mercury finding a place in the collective imagination. The fusion of Roman and Greek mythologies has given rise to a unique blend of divine characters that populate the tales of ancient Italy.
III. Legendary Heroes and Heroines:
Italian folklore is replete with legendary heroes and heroines who embark on epic quests and face mythical challenges. One notable figure is Aeneas, the Trojan hero who played a crucial role in the foundation of Rome. His journey, as chronicled in Virgil's "Aeneid," serves as a foundational narrative in Italian mythology.
Another iconic figure is the medieval knight Orlando, whose adventures are chronicled in the epic poem "Orlando Furioso" by Ludovico Ariosto. Orlando's exploits, alongside those of other knights and heroes, contribute to the rich tapestry of Italian chivalric folklore.
IV. Folkloric Creatures and Beings:
Italian folklore is teeming with a diverse array of fantastical creatures and beings, each with its own unique attributes and significance. From benevolent spirits to malevolent monsters, these entities populate the cultural imagination of Italy.
Fairies and Spirits: Italian folklore features benevolent beings such as the "Befana," a kind-hearted witch who delivers gifts to children on Epiphany Eve. Other spirits, like the "Lares" and "Larvae," are guardian deities of households and ancestral spirits, respectively.
Monsters and Malevolent Beings: The folklore of Italy is also populated by menacing creatures, such as the "Lupo Mannaro" (werewolf), the "Strega" (witch), and the "Banshee-like" "Striges." These beings embody the darker, more mysterious aspects of Italian folklore and have been the subjects of cautionary tales for generations.
V. Folk Traditions and Celebrations:
Italian folklore is not confined to ancient myths and legends; it also encompasses a vibrant tapestry of folk traditions and celebrations. Festivals such as Carnival, with its elaborate masks and lively parades, and the Feast of St. Anthony's Day, marked by blessings for animals, showcase the enduring influence of folklore on Italian cultural practices.
Italian folklore is a captivating realm where ancient myths, legendary heroes, and fantastical creatures converge to create a rich cultural heritage. From the heights of Mount Olympus to the depths of enchanted forests, the narratives of Italian folklore continue to echo through the centuries, connecting the past with the present and providing a profound glimpse into the collective soul of a nation. As these tales persist and evolve, they weave a timeless narrative that transcends generations, ensuring that the magic of Italian folklore endures for years to come. Taglist (reply or reblog to be added): @axl-ul @crow-flower @thoughts-fromthevoid @alderwoodbooks @harleyacoincidence @tuberosumtater @sonic-spade @theonlygardenia @holymzogynybatman @nulliel-tres @w0rkah0licz @sylvanthorn @tigertaurus22 @profiterole-reads @mathias-musings @1899adgg1997tbmd @grimmparanormalinvestigations
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chouncazzodicasino · 6 months
Horror vecchi che consigli di vedere? Vecchi eh no cose de mo.
Un lupo mannaro americano a Londra (è l'horror preferito del mio papà, me lo fece vedere da piccola piccola), Lo squalo, La casa, IT, l'Esorcista, Shining, quasi tutto di Dario Argento e Lamberto Bava così ti godi anche le colonne sonore dei Goblin: Quattro mosche di velluto grigio, L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo (mio preferito), Suspiria (aww), Demoni, poi Halloween (i primi), Carrie, Christine la macchina infernale, Dal tramonto all'alba (troppo recente?), Identità (più recente ma mi faceva impazzire).
Per ora mi vengono in mente di getto questi ma ne mancano tantissimi belli.
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blogitalianissimo · 1 month
Ma come artigli paralizzanti e coda che può spezzare il collo? Ma Jackson non era diventato lupo mannaro? È rimasto un lucertolone? Ma si sono dimenticati la fine della S2?
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elorenz · 5 months
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Un altro meraviglioso movimento di macchina che ci porta a conoscere il protagonista della storia, Paul Hackett (Griffin Dunne - un attore che purtroppo ha fatto poco oltre a due immensi film quali Fuori orario di Martin Scorsese (questo) e Un lupo mannaro americano a Londra di John Landis)
La prima volta che vidi questo film non mi resi conto di quanto fosse complicato il movimento che compie la macchina da presa. Questa non solo si sposta velocemente in orizzontale ma avanza verso un primo piano del protagonista tagliando in diagonale tutte le scrivanie dell'ufficio. Il film, che prende spunto da Tutto in una notte di John Landis, è uno dei meno conosciuti di Martin Scorsese ma è sicuramente tra i più belli.
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tvserie-film · 4 months
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Title: The Werewolf of Ponkert (1925) Author: H.W.Munn Vote: 6.5/10 Story that mixes werewolves, spirits and vampires obtaining a decent but not perfect result. The turn of events seemed forced to me, not to mention that in fact the protagonist does little or nothing to save his life except flee. The real protagonists of the story are the ghosts of the people killed by the vampire, who have returned for revenge.
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princessofmistake · 4 months
Ci sono ombre che coprono e ombre che nascondono. Come avviene con le nuvole, che per un momento coprono il sole di una giornata troppo calda, e allora sono ombre piacevoli. Però, se le nuvole coprono il sole troppo o troppo a lungo, allora le ombre diventano buio, tenebra, ed è una cosa che fa paura. Questa che sto per raccontarvi è la storia di un’ombra, un’ombra oscura, un’ombra nera che si estende su di un uomo, che di giorno viveva una sua personale ricerca esasperante della massima rappresentazione del pensiero, e di notte si trasformava nel suo contrario. Un uomo e la sua ombra. Quante volte abbiamo sentito dire che spesso le due cose coincidono, che se qualcuno ha un’ombra troppo ingombrante allora è quella che determina la personalità. C’è qualcuno dietro l’ombra di una persona? Cos’è quell’ombra che è scesa su quel volto? Che spiegazioni diamo a queste domande? A volte le ombre sono solo proiezioni di oggetti semplici che la fantasia di un bambino ha trasformato in un vampiro o in un mostro o ancora in un lupo mannaro. E invece magari non c’è niente. A volte però i vampiri, i mostri e i lupi mannari ci sono veramente, e la loro ombra sono essi stessi. Questo è il caso di Wolfgang Pauli, fisico di professione, pensatore per scelta, uomo con ombre e paure, come nessuno prima nella storia della scienza.
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"il Nulla" (2023)
vecchio cartone groffato in vecchia cornice cm36x60
(...) “Hai mai visto il Nulla, figliolo?” “Si più di una volta.” “E come è?” “E’ come se si fosse ciechi.” “Bene. E quando ci siete caduti dentro, vi rimane addosso il Nulla. Siete come una malattia contagiosa che rende gli uomini ciechi, così che non distinguono più  l’apparenza dalla realtà (...). “Ma io non voglio avere parte del Potere!” Gridò Atreiu. (...) Il Lupo Mannaro: “Non appena verrà il tuo turno di saltare nel Nulla, diventerai anche tu un servo del Potere, senza volontà ed irriconoscibile. (...) servirà il tuo aiuto per indurre gli uomini a comperare cose di cui non hanno bisogno, ad odiare cose che non conoscono ed a credere cose che li rendono ubbidienti od a dubitare di cose che li potrebbero salvare."  (pag. 154-156 de "La Storia Infinita" M. Ende)
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kinoko69saradasblog · 9 months
Ho dei quesiti che, se non li risolvono in maniera convincente, saranno di ostacolo alla serie tv.
1) Perche' ci vuole cosi' tanto a capire che l'insulto razzista di Severus contro Lily fu un problema di gestione delle emozioni? Non corrispondente alla realta', o non nella misura percepita dalla ragazza? Mentre il comportamento di James è stato intenzionale e volto a metterlo in cattiva luce.
2) Perche' Lily si dimostra cosi' intollerante verso il maltrattamento di ragazze e di babbani, ma in buona sostanza da' il permesso a James di fare a Severus cio' che vuole, subito dopo che si è offesa? Cioe' per ripicca.
3) Sirius mostra a Severus dove si trova Remus, proprio quando quest'ultimo ha la forma di lupo mannaro. Cosi' facendo, spera che Severus venga ucciso o ferito.
Questa azione non avrebbe lasciato indifferente nemmeno Remus, il quale, ripresa la forma umana, si sarebbe trovato un delitto sulla coscienza e non per colpa sua...
Bisogna dedurre allora: Sirius pensava che anche Remus sarebbe stato contento di aver fatto fuori l'uomo che odiavano. Oppure, a Sirius non importa niente di quello che succedera' a Remus.
In ogni caso, Remus rimane amico di un compagno che lo ha usato come un oggetto, lo ha strumentalizzato. Non ci vede un problema finche' non salta fuori la voce che Sirius ha tradito i Potter.
Come puo' essere?! Io mi sarei rifiutata di intrattenere rapporti con lui da subito.
4) Sirius ha continuato a odiare Piton, Remus continua a far finta di niente, anche se passa per quello accomodante. Nel Prigioniero di Azkaban, Sirius somministra dei colpi in testa a Piton mentre è svenuto. Forse qualcuno lo trova buffo. A me viene voglia di prenderli entrambi a calci nel sedere.
5) Perche' il comportamento dei Malandrini, che troppo spesso rasenta la delinquenza, non e' stato stigmatizzato? Mentre Piton è stato ostracizzato fin dalla scena sul treno.
Finche' si finisce per non capire se lui e' andato con Voldemort perche' lo voleva davvero, o perche' tutti dicevano che ci sarebbe andato.
5) Se James fosse stato meno cazz*ne e Lily meno inflessibile, sarebbero ancora vivi? Io credo proprio di si.
Ed Harry non saprebbe chi sono i Dursley.
E Neville sarebbe felice e in buona salute.
E Piton avrebbe un altro carattere.
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fallimentiquotidiani · 11 months
Vogliamo sapere anche la luna adesso!
Troppe informazioni, sarà stata una luna piena essendo io un po' lupo mannaro
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