#lupin's cottage
wolfstarshipping · 1 year
I'll Be Yours In a Landslide (8464 words) by MoonCat457 (@mooncat457writing) Rating: Mature Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Lie Low at Lupin's Summary: You are to alert Remus Lupin, Arabella Figg, Mundungus Fletcher —the old crowd. Lie low at Lupin’s for a while, I will contact you there.
Coming together again in the summer of 1995.
Comment: I've been really into Lie Low at Lupin's-fics recently and this one was wonderful! I loved reading about their slow reconnecting, how they reluctantly start to create intimacy again between each other, and I especially loved Remus taking care of Sirius's hair and may or may not have cried a bit at the end!
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nikswonderland · 1 year
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a lupin meadow ig: bluedoorsbelle
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stauroraa · 5 months
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autumncottageattic · 1 year
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no regrets
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vornicheskucamera · 7 months
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lupine field
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anwynalene · 11 months
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Delicate Beauty | Instagram
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atlasdoe · 3 months
For Remus' birthday my wish is that The Marauders fandom would stop confusing Wales to Birmingham😭
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elysianymph · 10 months
thinking about remus being a dadda's boy when he was little but as he grew up he realized how lyall was drifting away bc of the guilt he felt whenever he looked at remus so remus became a mamma's boy in his teenage years
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thyming · 1 year
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Found on pixels ♡
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soloorganaas · 3 days
dancing with your ghost is specifically about remus during the azkaban years
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Day 31 of @remadoramicrofics - Make it Spooky
While Remus was washing up from Dinner, he heard the tale-tell snap of apparition. He wasn’t expecting any visitors; very few knew he owned this cabin and even fewer knew its location. Really, there were only two other people…well, he supposed now there was only one other person. Remus grabbed his wand, never straying far from it as of late, and approached the front door. One of the only…well, not advantages, but one of the only effects of his Lycanthropy that he didn’t consider a negative were his heightened senses.
Now, though, he couldn't hear anyone on the front stoop. Wand at the ready, he eased the door open but was put off by the empty mat that greeted him. His stomach twisted with unease. If it was Nymphadora, she would have immediately knocked or, more likely, walked in and announced her presence. 
He clutched his wand tighter as he closed the door and stood in the foyer for a moment, calculating his next move. He could sweep the house, just to be safe, but the intruder may expect that, giving them the upper hand. He settled on returning to the kitchen under the guise of dismissing the noise but kept his wand firmly in his hand.
As he turned around, he damn near jumped out of his skin. There, in the archway between the living room and the kitchen, Nymphadroa Tonks stood with a smirk. “Wotcher, Remus.”
Before he could process the visage before him or his own actions, he had her pinned to the wall, wand under her chin. “What did Nymphadora say to me outside the Yaxley manor?”
“That Sirius was charming,” she said easily. Her mouth ticked up in a half-smirk he’d become familiar with before adding, “and that you’d know perfectly well who I’ve fallen for, if you weren’t too busy feeling sorry for yourself to notice.”
He quickly withdrew his wand. “So sorry, I heard the –”
“Did I spook you?” She asked excitedly.
“Was it a little spooky?” she asked. “Hearing the noise but not finding anyone?”
“I suppose, you know, there is a war going on and –” she cut him off with a quick kiss pressed to his lips and he remembered just how close they were. He let one hand caress her cheek while the other settled on her hip, holding her firmly in place.
“I told Moody," she gasped as they parted, "that I’d never managed to get the drop on you, no matter how stealthy I was. He said I needed to block my pheromones and create a diversion. Said it’d still be an uphill battle, but that he’d buy lunch if I managed to do it.” She grinned up at him. “I’d say I did, how about you?”
“You went through all that trouble to…spook me?” he asked curious, finally stepping back and heading for the kitchen.
“I just wanted to prove I could do it,” she explained as she followed him, stumbling over the table leg as she sat at the small dining nook. “And see what you looked like spooked,” she added, a more devious grin on her face.
“Well, how did I look?” he asked with his own grin as he leaned against the counter and dried the dishes.
“Well, when you had me pinned up against the wall, you looked rather hot.” Remus felt his ears burn at her words. 
Remus cleared his throat. “And to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Well, first, I had to prove I could do it,” she said, “but more importantly, I’m off tomorrow and I know that you don't have any Order Obligations, so…”
He looked at her as he rounded the table. “So, now that you’ve done it, what is your plan?” he asked lowly.
She stood up, pressing into his space, and grinned up at him. “Figure you might need a cuddle after that spook. Settle your nerves, you know?”
He laughed as he wrapped her in his arms. “Might need a cuddle?” he repeated.
“It probably got your heart racing,” she said with a resolute nod. She pressed a hand to his chest before reaching up on her tiptoes and pressing her lips to his pulse point.
He sighed and let his head tip back. She pressed up the column of his throat, nipping gently. Remus waited until she pulled him into a deep kiss before he suddenly grabbed her around the waist, hefting her up. She gasped as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Remus drew back and whispered, “Did I spook you?”
She smirked at him as she threaded her fingers into his hair and pressed their foreheads together. “Never,” she said defiantly.
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autumncottageattic · 9 months
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St. Matthew's Chapel, New England
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anticomedygarden · 1 year
Sirius listened bemusedly to the sound of his husband cursing at the garden. It wasn’t the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last, but each time, Sirius was pleasantly surprised at Remus’ dogged determination to turn his house of horrors into something resembling the cottage they had shared before the first war had gone bad. 
He poked his head out the back door. “You got this, babe!”
Remus just glared at him. 
“Love you, too!” Sirius raised his tea cup. 
Remus returned to his tomatoes, but Sirius was sure he heard a, “Love you,” amidst the grumbling. 
word count: 98 @wolfstarmicrofic
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☕️ wolfstar vs prongsfoot!! thoughts 🎤
omg thank you so much :D what a tasty topic to talk about!
(it got so long im putting it under the cut 😅)
[important note: this is how i feel about those ships, not a meta which ship is better/more canon]
i need to preface with saying that im a wolfstar shipper, first and foremost. I wasnt shipping prongsfoot from the beginning (I wasnt shipping any non-canonical couples while reading / right after finishing the books tbh. shortly after entering the fandom I encountered wolfstar and that might be a major reason why I still ship them). but I do see the appeal of prongsfoot, and I am a proud wolfstarbucks enjoyer. (also note that I imagine them by default in their 20s, so before Azkaban, but after Sirius runs away, but i will talk about book canon too). But enough personal lore. 
prongsfoot is an amazing ship and in a different universe it would be The Ship of The Marauders / MWPP fandom - have some things happened differently (if we got more actual James content earlier than the 5th book). They are joined at the hip, they invented the two-way mirrors to talk during detentions, Sirius runs away and the Potters take him in, Sirius is bored and James tries to lighten him up by bullying Snape, James trusts Sirius with his literal life. They are each other's favorite person, they would fight for each other, stand up for each other, give their life for the other. They are soulmates, two sides of the same coin, and they do love each other, there is no denying that. Also they are both attractive, capable and competent, so I 100% get the appeal of this ship. However most of the time (not always, just, usually) i see their love as unrequired, romantically speaking. (they love each other and sirius is in love with james - that is true, for me, in every universe - i.e. in canon and in wolfstar concepts/scenarios. however james being in love with sirius romantically is true in prongsfoot-aligned universes) 
Narratively (canonically) speaking, both ships are extremely tragic (and thats what makes both of them interesting*). James dies at 21 and Sirius blames himself for it for the rest of his life, gets locked up in torture prison, and cannot even make up for it by fulfilling his role as a godfather. // Sirius and Remus lose trust in each other during the war, believe the other is the traitor, and even after they miraculously reunite their time together is cut short with Sirius being on a run and then dying. 
But there's one thing that makes wolfstar so compelling to me - they get each other, on some level that nobody else gets access to. 
[note: we are entering headcanon and projection territory, from the pov of a r/s shipper]
I'm not saying James doesn't understand or support Sirius - of course he does. James would be on Sirius’s side no matter what - even if everyone else thinks Sirius is wrong, even if he knows he is wrong. They are ride or die. They also understand each other on a, lets say, intellectual level - they are both exceptionally intelligent, they always agree with each other and they do everything together (bullied Snape, made the map (yeah, remus and peter helped), became animagi (peter was there too i guess), joined the order at the same time etc). 
But there is some part of Sirius that I think James never truly grasps and Sirius never feels truly understood even though he knows james loves and supports him. And thats what makes wolfstar so special to me, bc I think that Remus does get Sirius. 
Wolfstar get each other in a way that they recognize some part - ugly, twisted, buried deeply and hidden from everyone - in the other. They are both deeply misunderstood, traumatized by their childhoods and oppressed by society - just in different ways - and there is no one else who truly gets them on this level. 
While Remus had a relatively happy childhood and caring parents, he was turned when he was five and then later learned it was partially his father’s fault, and was virtually isolated from his peers until he went to Hogwarts; he has a much lower social status than J & S, he is poor and can't find a job (especially after POA) and is generally having a bad time because of his lycanthropy. 
Sirius was emotionally and psychologically abused by his parents that expected him to be the perfect pureblood heir and then, after making his life so miserable he run away, cut him off; also if I remember correctly artemisia-black wrote a meta about Sirius being a victim of the society he was born to “rule”. At the same time, while he is a pureblood, when he runs away he loses the heir status and for a bit (a year? i think?) he has no money to his name. And obviously he is tortured during Azkaban, and then later he is an ex-con on a run with a bounty on his head. 
I also think they both carry some self-loathing in their hearts (just, again, different kinds). Sirius hates himself in a “I was born wrong and deep down I’m evil (and I have to work my whole life to make up for this” way (partially bc he was born in a bigoted abusive family. partially bc he is a scorpio i guess). Remus hates himself in a “I am unworthy of love and I don't deserve nice things” way. 
They are so different - probably couldn't be more different - their personalities and worldviews and even values don't match - and yet there is no one else now who understands the other better.
And then, after POA, turns out they are the only ones left – moreover, they did not only go through the same war, they went through the exact same loss. 
And I do think its evident in canon, to some extent. They reunite after Azkaban and immediately forgive each other – to me it speaks volumes about their relationship pre-Azkaban. How they almost seem like they are reading each others minds in the shack scene, the way they are so ready to murder Peter, and to do it together, how they fall back into a familiar rhythm. They forgive each other 12 years of heartbreak and loneliness and in Sirius’s case torture and knowing the other thought they were a traitor in one short conversation. Would Sirius ask for forgiveness for believing Remus was the traitor if he didnt care about him? Would he accept Remus’s own apology? 
It turned into a meta about wolfstar. Im. so sorry. 
I'm not saying wolfstar is more “canon” - bc it isn't, especially from the doylist perspective (jkr didnt intend for them to be read as a couple). But I did read the metas proving that wolfstar is canon written while the books where coming out and my heart breaks for those people who still had hope back then. It also doesnt really matter which is more canon (its prongsfoot) (but again, not from the doylist perspective). 
In conclusion, I like prongsfoot and I do think its a very good ship I ship them in a more passive way - i reblog metas and fanarts, I have one fic idea that technically starts with prongsfoot and sometimes I read fics, but i dont think about them enough to call myself a prongsfoot shipper per se. But I do think Sirius is in love with James, even while shipping him with Remus. I know I sound like a broken record, but Im once again bringing up wolfstarbucks - I do ship prongsfoot in the wolfstarbucks context, but not so much on their own, if that makes sense - and not bc I dont get the appeal, bc I do. But Im also delusional and Ive been shipping wolfstar for way too long to abandon this ship now, even if shipping them is very impractical (for various reasons). 
*also i think it interesting that i mostly engage with domestic fluff, hurt/Comfort, angst-with-a-happy-ending, fix-it type of fics. its not bc i wish things happened differently in canon (maybe besides sirius dying but thats a separate, not shipping, issue). wolfstar is tragic, in a way, but i very rarely engage in canon-compliant type of content. however I wouldnt be interested in wolfstar if it wasnt tragic. i know many people have different approaches to shipping, and it might be weird to see someone talk about how tragic wolfstar is and the turn around and talk about how happy they are in a seaside cottage or whatever. tragedy of wolfstar makes it interesting for me and a seaside cottage makes me happy bc i get sad when i think about canon. also did i mention im a delusional person. 
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