#love star wars. hate that its star wars tho
hinderr · 4 months
Guys i love mandalorians (<- refuses to learn lore)
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fooltomery · 2 years
star trek generations is good and is the finale tng deserved (especially over all good things jesus christ). they should have just left the series there. this is proven with first contact because that movie is fucking boring and the writers do not care about the consequences of the actions in generations.
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maloosh-baloosh64 · 4 months
Random Star Wars take cuz I rewatched the prequels and OT and clone wars 2003.
Anakin fulfilled his prophecy to bring balance to the force. In phantom menace we know that the Sith have been extinct for over a thousand years. Meanwhile the galaxy swarms with Jedi, with dedicated temples raising generations of them to take up the mantle of knights of the light side of the force.
Sounds to me like by the time Anakin begins his journey to being balance, the galaxy is heavily weighted towards Jedi already. You see where I’m going with this and I’m sure I’m not the first to point this out.
Anakin by turning to the dark side and bringing about Order 66, restores balance.
Now there are very few Sith left AND very few Jedi left, far more balanced than one side overwhelming the other.
This leads me to my most galaxy-brained nonsense take ever.
The force is not inherently good. It has a light and dark side yes but I mean beyond that. I think the force guides those in tune with it to carry out its will. Not to make the best decisions for a better galaxy, but to keep it in constant conflict. The force is using the galaxy as its plaything. Igniting conflict and suffering and peace and tranquility on a whim. It tempts Jedi to turn to the dark and beckons sith to turn to the light, only to unleash the heartache of war upon everyone.
The force is not divine and benevolent but chaotic and destructive.
Obviously this probably has a lot of holes in it and is maybe kinda stupid but I choose to headcannon that there’s more to the force than all this goody-two shoes god stuff that the films depict it as.
I’m kinda just rambling tho and trying to reconcile with the fact that I kinda fucking hate the Jedi order the more I think about it. They approach everything with so much detachment and contradiction.
Slaughtering hundreds of storm troopers is fine but killing the emperor is a no-no.
Peace and harmony with all living things must be upheld, but don’t you dare fall in love or get attached to anyone or else you’re going to become dark side.
Trust your feelings but also don’t and be a stoic mind fortress who acts only in logic and rationality.
It just reminds me too much of my time growing up as a Mormon. So much self righteousness and impossible standards to be held up to.
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genadelikesships1233 · 9 months
Before i go to be some Good omens HC.
When freddy mercury passed away, Crowley was inconsolable and took a year long nap that Aziraphale had to wake him up from.
To add to the FM HC. Crowley would rant to freddy about Aziraphale and his love for him inspiring. "Somebody to love and Good old fashioned lover boy"
When Aziraphale gave Crowley the holy water, he went home and cried for hours truly thinking Crowley would kill himself.
Nina and Maggie doesnt exactly know what happened but they assume Aziraphale rejected Crowley.
Annathema and Newt broke up 2 years into dating because of infidelity.
Warlock visits Crowley sometimes.
Aziraphale asked muriel to sneak in a few books into heaven, Crowley tells muriel which to bring. Aziraphale's Favourites.
Aziraphale while in a womenly form for the first time got cat called and harrased so much that he never did again.
Crowley names his plants after demons he particurly hates.
Crowley has only killed 2 men, both tried to assualt her.
Aziraphale has killed 7 people. Most of them accidentally, one very purposefully.
When Nina met Aziraphale she assumed he was homophobic. But she didnt care so she hung up a pride flag anyway. He didnt know what a pride flag was.
Crowley has discorparated from alcohol poisening.
Crowley's snake form is a python.
Maggie knows the gavotte.
Aziraphale has had sex, in the gentlemens club.
Oscar Wilde had a crush on aziraphale that was immediatly friend zoned when Crowley called Aziraphale "Angel".
Crowley created the term of endearment "Angel"
Aziraphale knows how to tango.
Crowley is terrified of spiders.
Aziraphale has kissed Crowley on the head in his snake form before.
Maggie was bullied saverely that she gained an eating disorder. She has healed tho.
Nina has two gay dads.
Crowley tried to confess at Alexandria. But something came up. (Or went down)
He tempted Cieser's men to attack him.
Adam is a rainbow baby.
Beelzebub and Gabriel are asexual. But they arent sex repulsed.
Crowley is still technically a virgin. All tho he had lovers he never has penatrative.
Aziraphale is not a virgin anywhere.
Okay hope you are crying
Aziraphale's wings arent white anymore, they are a shade of dark yellow.
Crowley has nightmares about the wars.
Aziraphale met hitler, he told him he would be an amazing artist
Newt is trans, FTM
Warlock uses They/he
Aziraphale got a drivers licence only to drive trucks of escaped jews.
Aziraphale can paint. Really well.
Crowley invented those weird shower thoughts.
Aziraphale accidentally invented the fez.
Crowley watches Doctor Who and really likes David Tennant.
Aziraphale hates Micheal Sheen.
Neil Gaimen is in the canon universe and has met Aziraphale and Crowley then wrote a book about them.
Crowley tempted exactly 14 teens into not killing themselves.
Aziraphale has been directly responsable for Crowley not killing himself purely by being there at the right time.
Sargent is a feminist.
Maggie had an emo phase
Nina still has an MLP phase
Crowley cried while watching titanic more than being on the titanic
Aziraphale laughs at horror movies.
Crowley get geniunely scared at horror movies.
Beelzebub changed zer face because Satan scarred it to much.
God doesnt know whats gonna happen next and she loves it.
Aziraphale reconized Crowley on the wall and thought "what did they do to you?"
Crowley also did and thought "Was he always this pretty?" Now that he wasnt distracted by stars.
Hustar had a small crush on Crowley.
Kids love Crowley's eyes.
The bentley wont change back to black, its stays yellow bc ut misses Angel.
Crowley has met Marilyn Monroe, he tried to help her with her addiction but he failed.
Aziraphale and betty white were friends.
Judie Dench.
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months
good morning its askposting time!
feat. jedi survivor-ing, ventress, some luke related HCs, and other stuff
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whoops!! i got good at doing that over summer and then started forgetting. will try remember!
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GAMING LAPTOP!!! GAMING LAPTOP THAT NEARLY HITS MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS!! I AM NOT PLAYING JS ON A CHROMEBOOK!!! it is NOT worth a try!!!! unless you have an insane chromebook you will waste money buying JS bc i dont think most chromebooks can even play the sims!
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LOVE SISTER!!! but im answering this as a reminder i do NOT take requests in the askbox. i sometimes draw to answer asks but i do not take direct requests
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if the humans dont have spices, then you KNOW the tusken raiders have nandos hot sauce that could destroy the death star
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@just-prime LMAO YEAH
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@chorus-of-hell LMAO????? THATS SO FUNNY someone come get their grandma
i imagine she has a similar reaction to most the galaxy, which is a mix of fear, confusion, and weariness
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oooo i didnt know that!!! thank you for telling me!!
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@falconfeather23435 2003 clone wars is such a time and i love it. also how dare obi wan hate rain, rain & obi-wan is responsible for my brother's favourite scene in star wars, obi wan standing in the rain on kamino
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@ace-befuddlement love the idea of it being for tax benefits when both of them are revolutionary fugitives fighting the government and definitely don't pay taxes LOL. tho could
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@materassassino the government doesn't want you to know this but the kyber crystals in old men's huts are free
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@imperial-spy my predictions are more bad shit is going to happen to cal bc this dude CANNOT get a break ever. that being said im hoping the next few hours of the game are just him getting therapy and hugs but i somehow don't see that happening
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greypetrel · 2 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @melisusthewee, and at least another person. I'm sorry if I ignored the tag, I was away and it's a busy period, let me know ;_;
Tagging forward: @ndostairlyrium @shivunin @inquisimer and YOU who are reading and would like to do it!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 12, right now.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 497,183 ... I'm chatty.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Dragon Age, and a crossover with LOTR/The Silmarillion.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Home Was Never on the Ground (long fic, concluded, it's anthological and mainly me filling blanks in DAI as inspiration stroke)
She of Many Names (ongoing, a LOTR/Dragon Age crossover. A follower on Instagram asked me if Aisling was Sauron, the idea made me laugh so much that my mind took fire.)
Saturday Prompts (a collection of prompts I posted here. I never uploaded every one of them, oops)
Death and All of Its Friends (ongoing, a DA2 collection)
The Night Before First Day (Two chapters, concluded. One it's in rhyme and illustrated. Aisling taught her daughter that the Dreadwolf is Santa out of spite. Solas tries to disapprove.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, always!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I do love angst, but I don't like angsty endings all that much ahahahahah. I think the one that gets closer, in a bitter-sweet way, is One for the Road. Call me a sucker for rare-pairs, this was also prompted here and my brain took fire (LavellanxFenris)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The Night Before First Day. Listen I'm not a Christmas person, I turn into a seasonal depressed Grinch at Christmas, living in a catholic country doesn't help, and that is my way of giving myself some joy.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not that I know of.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Not any that I publish.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Yes I do. She of Many Names is a Dragon Age and LOTR crossover. I love it dearly, I'm slow to update it because I have the greatest love for Tolkien (with all his flaws, but my brain rewired when I saw the first movie, and the book has been my entire personality for two years. I wouldn't be the same person without it) and I do care of rendering it as I want.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? ... Not that I know of? I hope not, ahahahah :"D
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? If you consider that English is not my first language, all my fics are translated? xD Other than that, no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I'd love to.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? EowynxFaramir, hands down. Out of pure lenght. Maybe LeiaxHan Solo (my parents are both nerds, I think my mom made me watch Star Wars the first time... I don't remember, the vhs were always around in the house. I was very, very little.)(we don't talk about the sequel trilogy.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I tried to write a third chapter for the aforementioned One for the Road... But it ends up in a love triangle and I don't like love triangles that aren't a poly relationship. So, it's sitting in my folder and I'll never finish it. I was considering ditching the second chapter and rewrite it as a "Aisling as a companion in DA2" fic... But MEH.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think dialogue. I am trained as a comic artist, which means that the writing parts that get polished are dialogue. I have much more experience with that. ... I am also terrible at judging my own work in a positive way, tho, so you tell me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? English not being my first language and leading to mis-spellings. Other than that... I started writing fanfiction after YEARS of not writing anything in prose that wasn't screenplays for comics (which follows different rules). Since I stopped because of being hurt by it, I went on to it by not planning stuff.
I'm rusty with prose, and my retelling -the first thing I tackled- clearly had little planning ahead.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? It's a no, for me, unless you specifically wants your audience not to understand what's being said and create a sense of isolation and of not knowing what's going on. A sentence here and there with a translation is fine. But if it's something long... You want the reader to understand well. Italicized text it is.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I wouldn't call it a fandom, but: Greek Mythology. I drew a parody comic of the Iliad in my first high school year, alongside friends. It had been so fun. I also wrote, still in high school, something heavily inspired by Eragon, which only my friends had the pleasure of reading. (I'm only saying it involved my now most hated trope: THE SECRET TWIN.)
20. Favorite fic you've written? The next one.
I'm very invested in Ashes and Sparks, aka the Dreadwolf AU. I'm putting ideas in it and going fully canon divergent and writing it as I would like Inquisition to have gone. No Corypheus, more crazy tevinters, and the focus ON FUCKING TIME TRAVEL.
In a modern setting because yes.
It's also tackling something I absolutely hate in fiction when it's done wrongly, which is time travel, and I'm sweating and hoping I'll do it with logic. It's something niche and not so focused on a single ship, so probably it'll interest only me, but I'm happily writing and trying to contain myself from posting chapters of more than 10k.
Blank Form Under the Cut
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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padme-amitabha · 8 months
I just saw a post calling ahoska and obi wan anakins truest loves and uh what? It brought up the mortis arc of tcw and essentially minimizing the anidala love for one another as some form of escapism and how its poison ( even tho vader literally gets saved bc of luke - padmes son🙄) Its so strange how ahsoka fans want to make her a more prominent character than she really is. Also a recurring opinion that gets brought up is ahsoka knowing/understanding anakin better than padme and obi wan when she didn’t even know things about him (like he was a slave) and we consistently see anakin confide in padme its just so odd how alot of star wars fans diminish her
That doesn't surprise me at all since Star Wars is Ahsoka Wars at this point. And even if it wasn't, you have to give the Skywalkers at least some rest uk? The constant retconning and addition of new stuff most people didn't even ask for is tiresome. Ahsoka from the start felt very OC-ish to me because she was constantly hyped and favored in a way not even Anakin was. She felt like a self-insert jedi character so her place is canon is just weird. And forcing her to be important in places where she's not needed just shows Filoni's favoritism. At least GL wasn't ever really biased towards Anakin and Luke. Anakin mainly suffered through so much and had enough flaws and complexies which Ahsoka never had. She's constantly in a plot armor and just overpowered imo. But ofc she's a badass Jedi so she is more popular than Padme. I cant even.. I just hate the way TCW and Filoni wrote her. I don't see Anakin as being a big brother to anyone. Or being a teacher. The only other natural interaction he has except Padme and his mother is with Obi-Wan and even that took time. They didn't get along well in the first two movies and although he does joke around with Obi Wan in ROTS, he has his own slightly awkward and shy way of doing it. And I imagine he's semi reserved and shy with other Jedi. Or when we see him interacting with Padme's family. But to make him a responsible master is strange because even in ROTS he was too young and not mature enough to be level-headed and responsible all the time. And I like that because he has flaws but he was trying to learn and wanted to be a good father. And I do believe he really gained that maturity (which was stunted due to obvious trauma) and fatherly affection for Luke after ESB and not before. I think he would have had trouble connecting with Leia as well post ROTJ because he wasn't prepared to and had no experience being a role model for anyone. Meanwhile, 22 year old TCW Anakin with Ahsoka acts like a 30 year old man with anger issues...
It's also frustrating to see Padme being reduced to a love interest when she was a main character and part of the trio. She, like Han, didn't need to be a Jedi to be one of the main characters and it's boring to see a trio of Jedi only. I don't really blame Ahsoka fans - only Filoni for constantly dragging her into everything and I'm glad it's backfiring because I see fans who previously liked her are beginning to get tired of her being shoehorned into every single SW thing and acting all Mary Sue. Also, see the amount of concept arts and storylines they wrote for Padme during the prequels. She had more arts than Anakin and Obi-Wan. GL clearly wanted her to be important even more than Leia in ANH because we see much more of Padme and the first movie directly involves her and her planet with Anakin's discovery being a sideplot. It's disrespectful to reduce her to a love interest.
This video puts it really well (although he isn't a fan of the prequels as far as I can remember): "Dave Filoni's biggest problem as a writer apart from his complete inability to write interesting dialogue or craft stories that are more than just fetch quest for Magical McGuffin or create people who actually make smart decisions or his borderline fetish for the boring mediocre character he's trying so hard to insert as the driving force behind the entire Star Wars narrative is his constant [ __ ] around and reconning of past events and World building to suit the needs of his own narrow story. It's like he's staying in a hotel room for a couple of days and decided that he now has the right to completely remodel the place because he feels like it. This isn't your job Dave you're supposed to work within the rules of the world that George created not write a whole bunch of new ones just to suit yourself that now affect everyone else."
Lol applause for saying that out loud
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skz-maybe-incorrects · 5 months
Here's A Little Get-To-Know-You Tag Game!
Tagged by: de wonderfulest ppl @noonaracha @straykidsgallery and @itsstraykids thank you sm!!! (go appreciate their cool point stories!)
Name(s): juni! is what i decided. some friends on this hellsite also call me solar so wtv u prefer. atp i just have a bunch of nicknames bcs i also have a Weird Name, A Weirder (Family) Nickname in real life
Pronouns: he/she/they/it<3 when i say feel free. pls and thank u
Star Sign: libra, right when it starts (and just a day after seungmin's!)
#of Siblings And Fun Facts About Them(if u have any): one (1) younger gremlin brother, and the funnest fact abt them is that he has been a walking directory of telephone no's since he was 4 and now can be relied upon to calculate large numbers inside his head in point seconds. Still hates physics(and most things theory)> by which, he also stores insane and inane amount of stats info (abt all types of things, but mostly sports) inside his head ready to be flourished at a moments notice, which is mildly impressive when ur 6 and debating with college students the scores of a game that happened 15yrs before u were born but not now when ur 17 and ppl are more focused on your test scores rather than ones u know, so</3 also has his birthday on changbin's but he doesnt know abt that
#of Pets: there's a history there. with fishes that my ma deceived me with on my 12th birthday(when i asked for a pet, i imagined smth i could hold) and then liked too much herself that we had them for 5yrs. three times; birds, but my brother kind of freed them while singing a lullaby with only me as an unbelieving witness. a dog (belovedest of em all) my dad picked from street as a puppy and who, then, had to be given away after 3yrs bcs of Stupid Reasons im still mad abt. now i just have street cats showing up at my front door to safekeep their babies on my staircase's isolated nooks till they grow up and vanish and street dogs who believe i have endless supplies of treats and show me sad faces when i dont. i really want a pet</3 but for now im contending with pictures of kitties whose moms operate on strict 'see-dont-touch' policies and sweet sweet strays who like to befriend u too easy.
Fandoms: many, but rn im active mostly in skz and mxtx. id love to be in other stuff i read and watch but since Capitalism hates me dearly,,,
Favorite Color: darker shades of all and any colors(esp blue green and red)!!! can be relied upon immensely to look warm and pretty always
Favorite Song: picking favorites for anything is out of my capabilities. also am just listening to my favorite bollywood playlist a lot these days.
Favorite Author: have a working list of favorite poets that does not end at 1. have not read a book seriously in four years of exam/prep-locking. but even if i did, idt ill be able to pick any favorite bcs, yk. good things in many things. (tldr; its roald dahl) (and ruskin bond who i read when i was 5 and still read when im so tired bcs his stories inspire me to write always)
Hobbies: I dance(perform) sometimes? I write??(←derogatory, dubious) make stuff, mostly poems and stories and tinker with free things i can do, both online or craft. analysis of things with friends is a beloved activity. i liek yoga and stretching (rn in an ongoing war with 3° winter mornings to drag myself out of bed and go to class at 6) cooking when i have time but mostly, always, reading (or! watching) stories, poems and learning abt cool nonfiction things (does crying abt fiction count)
Favorite Holiday: none of the above its the trips and getaways u make for yourself. all my beloved memories are always mostly from when our family makes a trip to someplace my mom insists or there's a non-worrying emergency to go somewhere. just family getting together under some pretense, even tho it is stressful as fuck.
Do You Have Any Partner(s): persuading my best friend atm but sadly she's straight</3(no lmao)
Fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share!: since im having it rn- coffee doesnt keep me up or sometimes even makes me nod off, a fact i discovered after my 14yr old brain had the brilliant idea to try out the cool, forbidden drink after dinner knowing i wasnt allowed to. this is not fun to my ma but growing up in a sort of restrictive household, im also just weirdly good at sneaking and doing stuff im not supposed to without getting caught. i also do not know how to talk in lesser words. this is an absolute curse, yes i have tried. beware</3
this^ is a mess but thank u i had fun!! lemme tag: @winterfloral @syannie @hyunhomoons @quokki @chogiwow @agibbangs @rainknow @lixence @hyunebear @straykidsgallery @jerirose @ambivartence @hongjoongpresent + anyone who wishes to! apologies if tagged already!
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engagemythrusters · 3 months
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? there should be more of this type of fic/art part of canon you found tedious or boring
oh my god hi 🥺 coolest artist alert
character I began to hate
UNFORTUNATELY I have an issue with half the Coruscant Guard bc I’ve seen TOO MUCH SHIT where everyone pits the Guard against the GAR and makes the GAR a mean bunch of nasties who are sooooo mean and soooooooo rude to the poor poor innocent Coruscant Guard. Honestly it just turned me off so fast to anything relating to them. I’m healing tho. I vibe with tumblr user ddeck’s Fox. That guy’s fun. Also same with keldabekush’s Fox. Shoutout to artists who don’t secretly hate actual clones fr <3
Should be more of this fic/art
Honestly the poetic type of pieces you make? I’d KILL to see more people try to create something of the same vibe. Obviously not recreate exactly what you do, but sometimes I just wish people were less invested in Making A Plot/Scene and more invested in Making A Feeling. I love a lot of Rebels art because it does that (like beloved tobytost’s art about Lothal or about Ezra as a star). I love YOUR art because it does that (the piece about Obi-Wan talking to Anakin about the Force? UGH. Beautiful.)
It’s not that I don’t love Star Wars for its action, don’t get me wrong. But I do wish people would pull from the art side of its scifi aspects and just… go to town. The Force is so fucked up and beautiful. I want to see so much more!!!
Tedious/boring part of canon
Inner workings of the Empire. I do not CARE. I already know how fascist governments work—they’re literally all around. Im literally American. I wake up and I’m forced to know how yet again how easily a government can destroy the lives of its people. So episodes like in Andor or the Mandalorian that focus on the governing side of things… uuuuugh. Can we go back to learning about the Force?
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oh-allie · 3 months
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i'll be continuously updating this list, but fandoms i’ll write for are…. (bold = i know more about the content/characters !!)
genshin impact (although i've run out of storage lately so i might not know new characters)
honkai star rail
project sekai (includes vocaloids)
saiki k
avatar: the last airbender
gravity falls (FORD FORD FORD FORD, FIDDLEFORD FIDDLEFORD FIDDLEFORD) (play swooning over stans)
one punch man
twisted wonderland
reverse: 1999
the royal tutor (i've also read the entire manga!!!!! LOVE U 4EVER AND EVER EINS!!!!!! )
ouran highschool hostclub (my love/hate relationship with this show is so urgh)
kaguya-sama love is war
parasyte -the maxim-
food wars ! (soma's dad is SOOOOO)
march comes in like a lion
mob psycho 100
zach stone is gonna be famous (zach stone, zach stone !!!)
blue exorcist
class of '09
stardew valley
m-ma-m-m-my hero academia.. (DONT JDUGEF ME PZLXOVJX)
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you CAN send in requests but if its an idea youre passionate about, please copy it before sending it in. theres no guarantee that i'll write it, as my motivation for a prompt or just to write in general fluctuates. i have the right to not write a request just because i don't want too, little blurbs of yours are always appreciated tho!! it might inspire me!!
please be a little specific on what you want 💔 i am not the most creative so if you just write "oh can i request a ___ x reader" then i dont know CAN YOU ?
this is mainly an x reader blog (i develop crushes on characters too quickly 💔💔) BUT i will still write character x character fics !! though they might not be as good because augh ☹️
i dont write; basically just smut 😓 (non-sexual intimacy is cool tho !! {GUYS PLEASE} very very cute n sweet)
i DO write; any gender, although im more accustomed with writing for fem readers !! i’m always willing to try things tho, so request away !!, uuh angst, fluff, crackfics, basically anything thats not sexual or INCREDIBLY violent
dni: all basic DNI criteria applies !!!
i dont take my DNI list very seriously, i know many people wont look at this before they interact, but i hope if anyone who falls under these sees this- they know they aren't welcome here. fuck off bigots 🙏🙏 (this doesnt apply to radioapple LMAO)
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#allies rambles - is for any random things (answering non-request asks, me complaining, thoughts with no purpose whatsoever, etc)
#allies blurbs - is for any character rants, show rants, analysis', things like that !!
#allies fics - self explanatory, all my fics will be tagged with this !!
#allies art - again, self explanatory, my art !!
if i dont tag something properly please leave a reply !! mute anything you dont wanna see, i appreciate all of you <33
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rknchan · 5 months
i like it when precure takes more dark/serious route but imo those series praised for their darkness don't commit to their strong themes enough
spoilers below
i don't remember much about fresh and probably wasn't really attentive but i always felt that they should focuse more on labyrinth and its dystopian setting etc etc. i didnt get enough of it
heartcatch was really good at handling themes like death of loved one and trauma ... until the finale. that really left me devastated like wtf actually. yuri's father was just killed in front of her in the most brutal way possible. he fuxking exploded. he sacrificed himself to protect her just like cologne. ALL THIS HAPPENS IN THE 48TH EPISODE OUT OF 49! while sabark was only properly introduced an episode ago! and you are already killing him off! yuri grieves for like an episode and then her heart seed RECOVERED! and in the epilogue no one even cares about sabark's death (: (btw how does yuri feel about killing someone whom she found out to be a very precious person to her father?)
also the tone change is hilarious we had poop jokes in the first episodes and in the finale we have THIS
huggto has better tone balance but it really has too much characters and plotlines and cannot give them all equal spotlight. also i never really understood what happened to hana and hamster village in the future but probably its my fault
star twinkle is universally hated for being childish but imo it handles its stronger themes like colonisation and crosscultural interactions much better (tho i have issues with it too)
also no one ever talks about that fresh episode where cures helped a girl scared of her operation & about the fact honoka's grandma is a war survivor
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platypusplayhere · 1 year
Thank you @dangerliesbeforeyou for tagging me, im mentioning all kinds of media bc I love to rant, I have a lot of love in my heart and I have trouble choosing just 8: (im making this on mobile hope it's readable).
Howl's moving castle (2004)
My first experience of gender envy, gender fascination, gender emulation for Howl, at a time I didn't even know that gender was a thing because I was like idek 7 years old.
Kiss of the rabbit god (2019)
A short movie, stumbled onto it bc of Tumblr. You honour, I simply love it.
Shrek (2001)
I'm not being ironic I'm very serious about this one. My mom used to braid my hair weekly when I was little and I constantly played this one, I know it by heart and I'm not joking. I freaking love this movie. Same goes for Mulan, Beauty and the beast, Charlie and the chocolate factory, and the whole Shrek franchise up to the 3rd one. (Gotta watch Puss in boots 1 and 2 tho.)
V for vendetta (2005)
This is a shout-out to 14 years old me who might have at some point based their personality around this movie or maybe they didn't, who's to say. I'm not sorry. Kinda still like it tho.
Corpse bride (2005)
There is an independent cinema in my hometown and they did run it often over the years. Bestie I don't know how many times I went to see this movie with my mother as a child. Recently learned about the Jewish origins of this myth and im a lil upset about the stolen storyline without the context. But some will say it's a Burton movie and they're right.
Valentine's day (2011)
First movie I went to see alone with my friends, I was like 12yo. Rewatched it again like 2 years ago, yeah it ain't that great but it's the memories right.
Father and soldiers (2022)
The last movie that made me cry. I hate war movies but my friends convinced me to go because it was less than 2 hours and I've been mad at movies being more than two and a half hours lately (looking at u House of Gucci, Doctor Strange 2) yeah, I cried my eyes out. It's not a perfect movie but the message is great and very moving. I don't like the English title because the original/French title directly refers the name of a group of African soldier recruited by France in its colonies during WWI -> "Les Tirailleurs" (if I remember well, the soldiers were recruited in every colonies but they left Africa from the Senegal and so all these soldiers are referred as Senegalese regardless of their actual origins). The English title is more fitting thematically wise I'll give you that.
Fulmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009)
Knew about it, was recommended by a dear mutual of mine on this very hellsite and yeah, ppl keep saying it's good because it just is.
I told sunset about you/ I promised you the moon (2020-2021)
If you read my tags u know how I rant about this show often. Watched it 2 years ago thanks to someone i follow on Tumblr (but im not really sure who it was anyway if you're a mutual thank you sm). My first foray into BL (back when I didn't even know what it was) and I couldn't be happier that I started with this. I don't have enough words to praise it. (currently writing a post about it tho, stay tuned for whenever I get around to finish it (tell me if u wanna know when it's up), big up to Bad Buddy and To My Star too)
Honoured mentions bc I started making a list and had more than 8 and couldn't not mention them:
Other movies: O'brother, Love and Leashes, God's own country, Jackie Brown, The big lebowsky (idek if I like this movie but I needed something to base my personality around when I was 15yo)
The book The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo, I'm gonna keep my rant about how the English title is a misunderstanding of the book locked and not even start it.
Alice isn't dead and The Magnus archives (although they're podcasts and I haven't quite finished them, the first seasons are exquisite)
Welcome to Night Vale, I have a lot of episodes to catch up on (currently working on that) started listening like in 2016 then stopped around idek 2 years ago. Some of these episodes are masterpieces ( some I know by heart: Guidelines for disposal, Love is a shambling thing, What happened at the Smithwick House, If he had lived, and The Pilot ofc)
the ballet Swan Lake (1995, 2012) by Matthew Bourne. I don't have enough words. I'll just say it's on youtube.
.....and many more im not think abt rn
*acts surprised* this became a real long post, real quick
(That's why I take a lot of time to answer those lmao, shout out and thank you to the ppl who tag me in these and then I take a lot of time to answer)
Tagging these people and anyone who wants to do it can mention me: @sherlockig @dontbesoevil @lordmeowdemort @namelessbeing @hairbackc0llarup @comrademichael @johnlockdynamic @lovelywickedsoul @frenchsiren
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zaftikat · 8 months
20 Questions
This is the most 2010s tumblr thing I can recall doing on this site, and I have participated in the supernatural fandom. (Tagged by @toopunkrockforshul )
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Five, but like you know, I'm workin on it.
2. How many words?
16,320. 11.4k comes from one fic tho
Nine Worlds Series by Victoria Goddard (specifically: Greenwing & Dart and Lays of the Hearthfire)
Star Wars by way of @dangersquaremedia's Chicks with Dice
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
well, i've only got the 5 so...
1. It's just Intermundial Tax Law, how hard could it be?
2. On Escaping from Orio Prison
3. The Tanà's Daughter, or How Pinyë Got Her Groove Back (Hiatus)
4. If the Lady Wills it, Ever Onward (Ongoing)
5. The Poola Blossom
No because I'm afraid it might come across as weird? I don't read a lot of fic, so I'm not sure what the etiquette is?
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Implying I finish my fics instead of losing steam and forgetting them.
That said, when its finished, How Pinye Got Her Groove Back is going to be pretty fuckin angsty
Again, implying that I finish my fics.
The one I've gotten the most "this made me so sad" comments on is actually my happiest in my opinion. I wrote Intermundial Tax Law right as I was gearing up to move countries, and the story ends with the main character feeling confident and determined in his choice to leave home. That's the happiest ending I could have imagined at the time, because emigrating somewhere new is not a simple prospect, emotionally.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I write for very small fandoms full of predominantly very nice and supportive people. I would not change that.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I, a transfem on progesterone, have written smut, yes. The armpit licking kind. What other kinds are there?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I love a good AU, but I'm not super into crossovers. Just not my bag.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have, I apologize to the thief for the sort of mauve hue to my prose.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but damn if I wouldn't love to have a yiddish fic
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I have ideas for a cowritten fic with @toopunkrockforshul ! its a wrestling AU
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
oh, maybe HMS Agamemnon. She was a 64 gun third rate who participated in the battle of Egypt and then shortly thereafter the Nore Mutiny. Laid up in 1802 in poor condition, and then brought out of ordinary in 1804 because napoleon was going to invade and they needed all the ships they could get. She took and demasted the Spanish 112 gun Santisima Trinidad at Trafalgar which is pretty cool.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
How Pinye Got Her Groove Back probably won't ever get finished because I've lost the mindset. Its a fic about dysphoria and coming out and as I get farther away from the direct experience its harder to set in my mind.
16. What are your writing strengths?
idk. it feels odd to talk about my strengths when I'm so very green at this. I think I'm pretty alright at knowing when to kill a darling.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to get lost in the middle between where I know I'm going and where I currently am. It slows me down a lot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Like, maybe I could do Jack Aubrey quality french.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Greenwing & Dart
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
If the Lady Wills it, Ever Onward its just the most complex and well written thing I think i've ever done, and I can't wait for something else to replace it as my favourite.
I don't know enough people who write fic to tag them, so have fun if you want
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angleofmusings · 2 years
ok danger days analysis. this starts with bulletproof heart because i was super feral about it and couldn’t wait until after look alive sunshine and nanana.
bulletproof heart. “too much talking with a laser blade” it isn’t about using violence as a form of diplomacy. it’s not that at all. it’s the opposite. there’s too much talking with weapons instead of words. insert that astronaut meme “it’s all anti-war?” “always has been”
sing. “sing it till you’re not / singing out for the ones that’ll hate your guts” well fuck okay. if that ain’t something that they sure as hell r living up to now.
planetary (go!). it’s saying, let’s fucking get out of here! “this is a letter / my word / is the beretta / the sound of my vendetta / against the ones that planned it”
the only hope for me is you. well. this is just. a letter to queer youth. it’s no accident that it’s right after planetary (go!) on the album. it starts with “remember me” and invoking imagery of nostalgia and shared history, then the fucking amazing lyrics “and if we can’t find where we belong / we’ll have to make it on our own / face all the pain and take it on / because the only hope for me / is you alone”
jet star and the cobra kid / traffic report. and then jet star and the cobra kid fucking die so. hello narrative foreshadowing
party poison. anygays this one is very interesting tbh it needs a whole analysis of its own. for this purpose tho it basically is the turning point in terms of like, no longer being able to safely play along with society even if you wanted to
save yourself, i’ll hold them back. the first fucking lyric: “right now, i hope you’re ready for a firefight / ’cause the devil’s got your number tonight / they say! we’re never leaving this place alive / but if you sing these words we’ll never die”
the “they” is evidently jet star and the kobra kid, which just. ough sobbing rn. but the interesting part is the first half, basically like, yeah this is about to boil over, i hope you’re ready.
“for all of us who’ve seen the light / salute the dead and lead the fight / hail hail! / who gives a damn if we lose the war? / let the walls come down / let the engines roar!” so these lyrics are linked ofc. “salute the dead” -> “hail hail!” and then “lead the fight” -> “who gives a damn if we lose the war? / let the walls come down / let the engines roar!”
so yknow. it’s about being okay with losing the war. as long as you lived life to the fullest. who cares what happens in the end as long as you live on the way to it?
“be a burning star if it takes all night” the night in the desert is when you’re safe from the sunlight that kills you. well you gotta leave your mark somehow! be a burning star, even though you gotta spend all that safe time getting there.
“i’ll tell you all how the story ends / where the good guys die and the bad guys win / who cares!” it doesn’t fucking matter what the ending is! we’re doomed to die but that doesn’t mean the story is lost! even if they win, that isn’t the point of the story. the outcome is irrelevant, what matters is the legacy you leave behind. the graffiti they write on your grave. i’ll hold them back so you can leave a mark on the world before we go. i can give you tonight, make it count, leave behind a memory of who you really were. be broken glass when the sun rises on the empty space we fled from.
s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w. now this song is talking to a child, coaxing them into shelter before the bomb hits, knowing that when society falls it’ll be devastating no matter how terrible that society was. of course s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w is like an actual BLI thing that is a very real threat in the zones and you have to hide from it, and they come out during the day in the sunlight, but you still gotta move yourself when that sunlight of BLI’s presence is gone, because if BLI dies then that means something worse is on its way. and not even love is enough to stop that from coming. no matter how strong or defiant or queer that love is, it won’t be enough. you have to run.
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pharah-airways · 3 months
Tag people you want to get to know better game thing!
Ty @toads-treasures for the tag i will honor it with my life.
Tagging @surumarssi @creatureactivist @sodalover @pitl0ver si quieren
Last Song: Magnetic by Waterparks (i'm going to see them in a week!)
Currently Watching: Four different things lol 1) Neon Genesis Evangelion (rewatch) bc i'm gonna watch End of Evangelion w a friend over spring break. 2) Black Lagoon - kinda mid but pretty fun. I like how Revy has Gun Autism and belligerent sexual tension with every other woman in the show 3) Dungeon Meshi. very nice to chill eat dinner while watching the Monster Food Show. 4) Scavengers Reign - soooo good. What if you were marooned on the most beautiful scifi horror planet ever. Alien ecosystem that hates you is one of the most creatively designed things ive ever seen
Three Ships: hmmmm i feel like i think less abt ships now than i did a few years ago. That said,
Asa x Denji (Chainsaw Man manga) - ohhhhh my god its so good. this is mostly bc Asa is one of my favorite characters ever but their cringeboy x failgirl dynamic is peak. theres also the impending doom which totally wont happen if i look over here.
Anthy x Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena) - the blueprint. i can't talk about them here this post would reach novella length. go watch Utena legitimately the best show ive ever seen.
Shinji x Kaworu (NGE) - whenever i get sad i post this to my instagram story
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Favorite Color: her...
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Currently consuming: Priory of the Orange Tree (book, good), The Magnus Protocol (podcast, good), Kill Six Billion Demons (webcomic, goated)
First Ship: The first thing i shipped in any way relating to internet fandom was Pharah x Mercy (overwatch). The first fictional relationship that i really liked and thought about tho is probably Percy and Annabeth. PJO numero uno campeao do mundo
Place of Birth: Northeast USA
Current Location: 39.644727°N, 76.745757°W
Currently working on: I have several writing projects that are neat but are not getting finished, but primarily three things: 1) scifi project ive been working on since i was 15. I think ive managed to stay true to the original vision (star wars ripoff) while also making it somewhat good. 2) Newish high fantasy project born out of worldbuilding a four-gender system. I like how the magic system intertwines with gender i like the theme of cycles and how to break them, but ive still got a long way to go. 3) Long scifi short story about a clash of oppressive societies via toxic yuri. almost done!
Writing: I'm assuming this means completed. Several small things i don't care too much about, and one pretty good short story about a spaceship AI having a Transgender Moment (1 dead many injured)
Art: discord whiteboard akiangel. they're in love btw.
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helenprins · 1 month
//CIVIL WAR spoilers
i mean, okay, sure, i guess, on a first viewing, the film's refusal to both take a stance and expand on what happened in the us could be read as cowardice and this is what i didn't love about it. everything, especially war journalism and photojournalism, is political. so i would have liked if the film talked more about that and even was more critical
but i also think, if you look at it as a Journalism Film, the film *is* better. because, again, there is no such thing as photojournalism, war journalism, or just journalism in general tbh that is apolitical. just by pointing your camera in *a* direction, you're making a political statement. i think the film is more about how journalists react in these situations and what they’d for The Scoop than how divided the us has become. i just wish the statements made were more political/critical rather than vague because like this is feels a bit cowardly, but a part of me also thinks this might work in its favour in a weird way. by pointing the camera on the journalists, it gives them the treatment they give to their subjects. tbh the movie seems to be both critical and appreciative of journalists, which i appreciate
but i really *love* everything else about it. absolutely everything else
the quartet of actors - kirsten, cailee, wagner, and stephen - is incredible; everybody is giving a career-best performance. so many movements, line deliveries, looks, whatever are haunting me. it's an acting feast (for some reason even tho kirsten dunst gave my fave performance in the film, i've thought more of wagner moura's performance. joel mourning sammy and his final line jolt me every ten minutes or so tbh). i'm in awe
and then, on a technical level, this is a stunning horror/action film. the cinematography - the forest on fire scene is stunning and it's not even the best scene in the movie -, the score, THE SOUND EDITING AND MIXING - good god, man. haven't been this impressed since THE ZONE OF INTEREST -, the editing, everything works so well. and then the third act happens and it's magnificent. it made me so happy that i watched it in the cinema because it's electric. i'm pretty sure god showed himself, but i was too busy looking at the screen to notice him. i guess i understand why people would hate the ending - if they do -, but for me it Works So Well. it's bold and it's the exact ending a Journalism Film should have had. the last lines are So Good. i won't spoil them, but i can't stop thinking of them. i think they're the keys to unlock this film as a Journalism Film instead of the ~~political~~ film it was labeled as
basically. CIVIL WAR slaps so fucking hard, it's incredible. it's definitely not going to work for everybody and i am curious to see what i'll make of it on a rewatch - i hope knowing that i should look at it as a Journalism Film will help and i say this as someone who is raving about it, so i'm guessing i hope i'll give it more than the four stars i gave it. need to see it again immediately
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