#lots of scrungly
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POV you walk in on a conglomeration of Wizards
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polliwoggers · 17 days
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would you believe I sat down five days ago intending to iron out gijinka designs. and then these horrible cats appeared on my screen instead. truly deplorable behavior if you ask me
more info on these cats and their world below the cut. FYI its kind of long
Nightstar - longtime leader of DreamClan, known for his grim efficiency and penchant to orchestrate complex plans well in advance. Also, very full of himself. Has been leader for as long as anyone can remember, but is not open with the Clan about how many lives he has remaining. Does not speak to anyone of his communication with StarClan; not even his deputy or the medicine cats.
Nightmask - deputy of DreamClan and son of Nightstar, for whom he is named. It is just as confusing as it sounds, and neither the Clan at large nor Nightmask himself are all too fond of Nightstar's vain naming decisions. Nightmask is fully confident in his ability to lead the Clan when his time comes, but something about his father having funnelled him into this leadership role from kithood makes him... nervous. Not that he'd show it, of course. That would be weakness. He is a fast and nimble fighter.
Tansyclaw - technically the primary medicine cat of DreamClan, but rarely partakes in healing. Has a vast knowledge of herbs and poisons. Only took on the medicine cat position for the political power it would net for him and his suspiciously close friend, Singlesky.
Acornshine - functional medicine cat of DreamClan, only recently granted her full name as she ascended to full medicine cat status. Although less experienced than her past mentor, Tansyclaw, matters of medicine and communing with StarClan often fall upon her. Looks forward to Ripplepaw’s visits to chat with her in the medicine den.
Darkslash - senior warrior of DreamClan. Blind in one eye from a past battle, with the scar still visible. Came out of retirement to mentor the also visually-impaired Gooeypaw. A bit of a grouch.
Dandytail - warrior of DreamClan, and largest cat in the Clan. his heft and strength grant him the advantage in most every fight, but he has the tendency to get greedy for glory in the heat of battle. This often leads him to attempt and fumble fancy maneuvers that ultimately cost him the win. Not much for hunting, as he struggles to move quietly. Has a big heart, and still acts like a kit in some ways.
Singlesky - warrior of DreamClan, and a gifted speaker. She is excellent at hunting, and will sometimes collect trophies of her more interesting or well-preserved kills. Has a great appreciation for flowers. Her every suggestion is parroted by Tansyclaw at Clan meetings.
Waddlesplash - warrior of DreamClan. Fairly mild-mannered. Dislikes Dandytail. Looks up to Nightmask, who was their mentor before Waddlesplash was promoted to warrior status.
Puffypaw - Apprentice of Nightstar, but is rarely trained by him. instead, Nightmask or another warrior usually fills in for his training. if Nightstar had no intention of training him, why did he choose to make Puffypaw his apprentice in the first place? Nightstar has high expectations for the young cat, it would seem…
Gooeypaw - Apprentice of Darkslash. Is named for his eye condition, which makes his eyes appear constantly goopy and clouds his vision. His poor eyesight makes him more than a little clumsy, and often has to invent new ways of doing tasks other cats would find a breeze. Gets along splendidly with Puffypaw.
Bandedpaw - Apprentice of Dandytail, and first to find Puffypaw all alone in the woods on a windy newleaf day. Together with Gooeypaw, Bandedpaw forms the main triad of Puffypaw's friends in DreamClan. His mentor, Dandytail, is less than enthused that his apprentice is associating with someone he still sees as an outsider, smelling of the twolegplace…
Ripplepaw - Apprentice of Singlesky, and best friends with Acornshine. Conveniently, since Singlesky is always in the medicine den to converse with Tansyclaw, Rippleclaw gets to see her friend quite often! She's extremely proud of Acornshine's promotion to full medicine cat, and hopes that she will earn her full name soon, too! So long as she follows everything her mentor says, she’s sure to become a warrior in only a few moons! Has a small crush on Puffypaw.
Applewhisp - elder of DreamClan, and oldest cat in the Clan. Doesn't do much these days but laze around and huff irritatedly at younger cats who linger too long near the elders' den. Likes to tell stories, but isn’t very good at it. A bit of a pushover.
Harvest Heart - a mysterious, unpredictable cat who claims to have been cast out of the Clans thousands of moons ago -- but it would be impossible for any cat to live that long, wouldn't it? During his travels, he acquired followers from all walks of life. As it stands, he and his small following pose little threat to DreamClan, but it’s always best to stay alert.
Zap of a Passing Storm - the first of Harvest Heart's followers, hailing from a faraway tribe that she refuses to speak about. A fast and vicious fighter, she is easily the most loyal to Harvest Heart's cause -- whenever he can remember what it is, anyway. She often requests to be referred to only by her full name, as anything less than that would be an insult to her honor. No cats respect this. Poor thing.
Francisca - the second of Harvest Heart's followers, having come from the kittypet life in a distant twoleg nest. After her housefolk died, she was turned out onto the cold, unfamiliar streets of the twolegplace. She would surely have frozen to death, were it not for Harvest Heart's charity in her time of need. She travels with him now, as she has nowhere else to go. She has become close with Flamebounce.
Flamebounce - the third of Harvest Heart's followers, originating from the Clans themselves. After a wildfire ravaged her home territory, she was left with nowhere to go, and no idea if any of her Clanmates survived. She struggled to breathe through her smoke-sickness, and would have died if Harvest Heart had not stepped in to help. She greatly misses her old Clan, and often wonders if anyone else managed to escape the fire -- but, even if she were able go back to her old life, she could never leave Francisca behind.
Mags - A wandering loner who sometimes crosses paths with DreamClan. Suspiciously friendly to the Clan cats. Knows a lot about twolegs. Stays very far from Harvest Heart’s rogue group at all costs.
Mars - Never that far behind Mags. thinks it’s hilarious to leave ominous objects for Clan cats to find and catastrophize into some world-ending prophecy. Aside from this odd behavior, he seems totally disinterested in Clan life.
Ms. Susie - beloved kittypet of the CEO of Haltmann Works Land Development Company. Doesn't see why those savage forest cats would mind losing their tacky bushes and trees if it means they could live in the glorious abundance of the twolegplace; or, more likely, she just doesn't care what they think. Often sneaks into Clan territory to meet with cats unknown. Aware of Puffypaw's existence, and could potentially use that knowledge as blackmail material against certain cats in high positions…
Fluffy - a friendly, fluffy kittypet whom Puffypaw likes to chat with to see how things in the twolegplace are going. Often asks if Puffypaw would like to live with him and his housefolk. Puffypaw is hesitant to officially accept or decline the offer, but he's happy to share Fluffy's food when he offers it!
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Sometimes you just...sometimes you just gotta eat your pathetic little science man blorbos and wash them down with a cup of tea you know?
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murksou · 8 months
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Rivals of Aether art?! From Tiguerie?!?!?! No way!!!!!!!!!!
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northern-passage · 1 year
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sensitiveheartless · 2 years
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Chuuya expression practice :0
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sleepy-shinx · 1 year
Ingo gets eebied deebied and has amnesia and nothing changes in hisui except… His memories gotta go somewhere, right?
AU where Emmet gets all of Ingo’s memories when Ingo disappears and loses them
Do with this as you will-
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chronicowboy · 1 year
when buck starts talking about abstinence:
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snippetclipper · 7 months
I don't want to FIX him, I want him to realize after a series of gay sex and dramatic story scenes that he WANTS to be slightly better with NO EFFORT on my end
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designernishiki · 11 months
absolutely insane that they got rid of majima’s eye wrinkles/crows feet in the new engine games because like yeah obviously he shouldn’t be de-aging in his 50s but aside from that. he had those eye wrinkles when he was TWENTY. literally the youngest age we ever see him. he has them throughout 0 when he’s 24 as well. it’s not even an age thing he’s just LIKE that they just took away one of his fundamental age-unrelated facial features for no good reason
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batgeance · 5 months
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hiiiii paul *twirls hair and kicks feet*
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heavenbat · 1 year
Vote for Disaster Dragonborn
After much deliberation, I decided to enter my dragonborn barbarian to @the-ultimate-oc-tournament :3 so here's a bit of propaganda for her hehe
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I played her in a homebrew campaign one of my friends ran, titled The Drowned Archipelago.
She started out as a blacksmith in a small village; for the most part, she was content to just tolerate how life was, despite the Lord of the town being an absolute shitheel who constantly took advantage of the commoners. She and her family were of the opinion that if you kept your head down and didn’t get involved in things, you’d survive just fine.
But then she met Epiket (owned by @ushauz​), an air genasi gardener, who was much more opinionated and much less willing to accept things the way they were. She fell head over heels in love with him, and slowly began to agree with him. It wasn’t Fair that the Lord could sit so high and mighty on the backs of the working class. And so she began to get angry.
Eventually, she and Epiket began to conspire against the Lord. They settled on a plan to poison him at a banquet and, surprisingly, pulled it off. In the aftermath, though, they were forced to flee; Crista drew the most attention to herself, knowing that because Epiket had a lung condition she’d be able to handle any pursuers better, she tried to make the law come after her and give Epiket the best chance to escape.
Her travels took her to an area of the world known as the Drowned Archipelago, a cold, forsaken pirate-riddled series of islands in the southern sea. And that’s where she began to unlock her barbarian abilities, tapping into the sea’s storms themselves to fuel her rages. Eventually she even develops wings, a gift from a storm god:
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For the most part, she still tends to be rather laid-back, very go-with-the-flow. She tends to not get involved in things... unless the situation involves commoners getting taken advantage of. She’s quick to stand up for the little guy, because in many ways she still considers herself one. Loud, crass, and pretty straightforward, she tends to face things with humor up until the point where she starts getting angry. And though she’s not technically educated, she’s still fairly clever, and loves coming up with wacky inventions and weird solutions to problems.
also she's polyamorous and ended up in a relationship with a half-orc tailor:
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Fun Facts:
She speaks with an Australian-esque accent
She once stole a special harpoon from the Big Bad (Naga Tor) and then engraved "Naga Tor is a weenie" on it (with help from the party's bard)
Speaking of, at the very beginning of the campaign, before she'd even gotten a level of barbarian, she successfully out-rowed Naga Tor's ship, a notoriously dangerous pirate ship, on just a rowboat. She refuses to let him live it down.
She's borderline illiterate; she can read and write, but she's very very bad and slow at it
Due to her being a Storm Herald barbarian (which allows her to breathe underwater) and developing wings, she was dubbed an ATB: All Terrain Barbarian
Being a Copper dragonborn, she has the ability to spit acid; she uses this in her blacksmithing to do acid washes
She once spat acid at the head of a corrupt merchant's guild because she was tired of his bullshit
When she got a lot of gold for a reward, she immediately donated all of it to repair a city's failing sewage system (and thus pissed off the merchant guild for not going through the "proper channels" aka giving them a cut of the profit)
When the party got attacked by a giant serpent made of animated silks and ribbons, Crista's solution was to let herself get eaten by it and then cast thunderwave from an item she got, thereby exploding it from the inside. It worked :P
The party once ran into a water devil trapped in a pot of boiling water. The party put out the fire under the cauldron and then Crista, wanting to see if it could talk, stuck her head underwater. While the water was still boiling hot. Not her brightest moment XD
Her solution to fighting an ancient black dragon was to pilot an airship into it. It worked, and also the party managed to (barely) survive
yes she has a mullet
she was originally a Homestuck OC and I've just exported her to several different universes. In at least two of those universes, she invented steam-powered technology
Once she got her own forge/blacksmith shop, she named it "STOrMS FOrGE". the sign reads exactly like that, and that was after she got help spelling it; that was her third attempt, and when someone pointed out the r's were lower case she said "eh fuck it I ain't makin another one, it's close enough"
also she ended up becoming a werewolf:
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soggycowboy · 1 year
this one, *points towards the most pathetic douchebag in the show* take them to the lab with haste.
oh, and dont forget to put holes and a stick with leaves in the jar, you remember what happened last time.
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rosenfey · 9 months
as much as I love my evil scrungly pairings because they are scrumptious and all, it makes me so so so much happier to have an outright wholesome pairing for once? like don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with pairings like that (I enjoy them myself) but faerene and gale just outright. being two people who have seen unkindness in their lives discovering that they indeed are enough and they don't need to pretend and to impress others because people who care about you will never need to be impressed.. I don't know it's just the whole softness and acceptance and romance and wholesomeness of it all that makes it my fave pairing. i love me drama and moral ambiguity but at the end of the day, I love a happy and soft and gentle dynamic. comfort pairing if you will
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gingeart · 9 months
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got my guy on the brain
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prommytheus · 2 years
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good afternoon autism speaks sign i hope someone sets you alight 
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