#lol got lazy on the last panel
loafofbreadd · 10 months
him thoughts
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endrimer · 1 year
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captainmera · 6 months
The death of Caleb..! :)
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
cw: death and blood!
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Aaannd look at the time! it's late'o'clock, lol. I'm ending it there.
You know what happens anyway:
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zapity zap.
Admittedly the last panel I used a toh storyboard as a help reference for the pose, I couldn't get it right. T-T I got lazy. Sorry... ;-;
Hey have you read my fanfics?
[The golden brother] and [The tales of Caleb Wittebane]
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seirindono · 3 months
How do you happen to do your shading id you don't mind sharing? Its so subtle and soft that you can't tell its there but it really helps highlight the characters
Phew, finally got some time on my hand to answer this one! It's a fairly simple/fast process so I figured I'd make a tuto once I'd get started on the shading for the next part, and here we are!
Alright so, we've got the panel (lazy screenshots cuz I'll never finish this if I have to export everytime ahah)
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The advantage of digital art is that I don't have to think about color harmonies right from the start, I can always add filters and fiddle with the hues at any stage, so I just apply base colors at first and draw the background (it will help me build up a palette for the shadows later).
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Okay, now the fun really begins. First I need to know which direction my shadows are likely to go and what atmosphere I want for the panel (which element I want to highlight? palette idea? etc). A sketch is enough to establish your intentions. Sometimes I'll mess up the lighting but it's okay to cheat if it looks coherent enough xD
(Patreons exclusive, shhh)
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Now to create palette and apply the said shadows. I have a hand made one for TMS, but I had to make a special one for Ebott since there's a lot bg and kinda heavier atmosphere (I'll prbly have to make one for each part frow now on too hm). It's mostly made up of blues and greens (no black or greys here, but it can be fun to use in other styles! Purple too, so have fun!)
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(My configuration - Produit=multiply?)
There, cast shadows (clothes, faces, folds, etc.) are roughly in place and looking sharp! Maybe a little bit too sharp actually... Let's smooth all that up
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I use an airbrush eraser to soften a few shadows. Not necessarily all of them or the whole shape, you have to find the right balance of soft/sharp.
Now to spice things up a bit-
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On a layer linked to the shadow layer, I add a lighter color that matches my light source or the environnement. Here it's a light blue, but in part VII I used a lot of orange (sun)! It makes the shadow much richer and the whole palette more vibrant!
(Again, you don't have to do it on all of them)
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(not sure if you can see it lol but there's orange!)
And last but not least: Global shadow and filters (? never had to name or translate it bwahaha)
It's a lot of fiddling to achieve a result where the character looks more or less rooted in the background (=blue layers and filters to harmonize colors) and where I draw the last shadows. They're often the biggest ones (=on Axe's body+ leaf/tree shadows etc.).
You can use the techniques I've described above, or just go for it, it's completely freewheeling from here, ahem. Just make sure to step back regularly to see where you're at and stop.
(You can also add lights layers and spots if it's too dark but in this example, I use the base color as a light layer + their skulls are such a bright white already xD )
A bit of blur and ta-da~
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Pretty easy, right?
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carigm · 1 year
Today Millie had a fan panel in which she answered that her ideal ending would be Mike and El getting married and Will being happy and confessing to Mike (lol) and ofc the Stranger Things fandom kicked up the old Byler vs Mlvn war once again, regardless of the fact she doesn’t write the show. But I want to break down some points here about things I’ve been noticing today, but also for a while and that I think need to be discussed. Keep reading if you want.
I’ve seen a lot of hostility towards Byler and Bylers on Twitter lately, saying we’re delusional and don’t know what we’re talking about. This always seems to be the go to argument even tho it’s all in the narrative. Today it got really bad after Millie’s comments and even people that were merely disagreeing with her opinions got called everything from delusional to misogynistic.
IF the Duffers suddenly decided to ignore everything they’ve carefully crafted and put into their narrative that doesn’t make anyone delusional, it just makes them terrible writers. Who would be doing a great disservice to all three characters involved in the love triangle.
There’s been an insurgence (on Twitter) of so called “Will stans” who seem to be completely fine with the idea of mlvn being endgame because “Will can just get another boyfriend” Not only is this insulting to what the writers have already established for Will’s character but it’s also a defense and endorsement of the worst kind of lazy/bad writing that could graze our screens.
The Duffers CHOSE to tie Will’s character arc to Mike’s and El’s.
How do you expect them to undo that and create a well fleshed out character that’s deserving of Will, in 8 episodes that we know are not just gonna be dedicated to Will’s supposed love interest, because there’s a shit ton of stuff to resolve?
If this was the route the Duffers were going for, they could’ve clearly given Will a love interest last season (like with Robin) or two seasons ago (like with Dustin) And yet somehow, people think it would be totally okay for Will to get the most meaningless romance of all time as the writers ignore the same story they’ve created.
Another point I’ve been seeing a lot from these people is “Mike won’t come out. Let it go. He’s just a very unlikable character” What does that say about the quality of the writing and content you’re willing to consume then? You’re okay with characters being poorly written? And please someone explain to me how Mike’s actions, especially in S4, make any sense unless he likes Will.
The more people try to simplify this story the more plot holes and inconsistencies it creates.
The funny thing is that a lot of these “Will stans” used to be Bylers themselves but are so deathly afraid it won’t be endgame that they’ve started to use the same rhetoric mlvns use every day to justify what would be atrocious writing.
And this next thing might be controversial but I think it needs to be said.
So many people on Twitter have hit those who disagree with Millie’s opinion today with “y’all are misinterpreting Millie’s words” and let me tell you, no one has. She’s been saying the same stuff for forever and quite frankly she’s never had a coherent thought about Will. Which is fine, at the end of the day that’s not the character she plays. However, I haven’t forgotten how last year (at another panel) she was asked about Byler and said it was just a reflection of Finn and Noah’s friendship and that was what people were seeing…
Whatever the fuck that means, I guess.
Again, I’m not taking her answer today too seriously cause truth be told she’s been saying some version of this since she was around twelve, and has even at times said she was joking about it. If a wedding were actually happening she wouldn’t be able to say it cause I’d literally be a spoiler, even if she doesn’t have the scripts yet or doesn’t know I’m sure there’s things that would be off limits for any actor to say at this point.
But this defense squad that formed today begging for us to not misconstrue her words because “she really cares about Will’s character” is laughable.
Her answers regarding the topic of the love triangle have been anything but nuanced. If she doesn’t want to get into it or address it, that’s fine. It’s her choice.
But of course, mlvn stans are gonna take her answers seriously, as well as those who are now “Will stans” who basically ship mlvn too.
And to me there’s a fundamental flaw regarding the ship wars in this fandom, which these people don’t seem to grasp. At this point, it isn’t so much about “which ship is better” but “which outcome isn’t violently homophobic”
That’s it.
I don’t care how much you ship mlvn, this is the undisputed truth here.
But when your lead actors act like it’s not a big deal, it’s no surprise the fandom doesn’t give a shit.
I can only hope the Duffers were smart enough to see reason and were able to write the only outcome that won’t set television back around 10 years or so.
And hopefully one day, when S5 is out, we can get a more in depth and honest conversation with the actors about all of this.
As for me, I’m gonna lay low and not give much of a fuck until we start getting those Reddit leaks, which were very much accurate for last season. I’ll take a peak at those, and depending on what they look like, I’ll stay around or dip completely.
If you read all of this, thank you.
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hecateisalesbian · 1 year
Comics I forgot to post lol
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Gustholomule my bbgs ^
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^ I forgot who suggested this but I think it was @bloodied-dagger but I’m too lazy to go back and check and I need to get these out of my photo gallery cuz my storage is SUFFERING. Also artblock got real halfway through this one, tho I do like how Camila turned out in the last panel
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cowboyskittens · 20 days
MY VERY FIRST COMIC ft nutcrackers i made up for this comic n this comic only they r not ocs n will not appear again i think more after keep reading!!!!!!
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and here are da full vers or something idk
im too lazy to fix da typo btw sorry about dat
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i hope yall like it :3 i got the idea for this right after my best friend @starbyworld showed me a lore doodle about their nutcracker ocs n i right after dat i basically had an epiphany lol
fun fact most panels look da way i saw them in my head except da last 4.
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heres more context about them n i think dats all
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happy almost 5th month of nutcracker hyperfixation to me n my bestie yaaa
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
have some jayroy crumbs across two volumes of red hood/arsenal
not comprehensive bc i got too lazy to screencap everything. all panels are from red hood/arsenal (2015-2016) unless labelled otherwise
anyway here are some of my fave tidbits:
enemies think they're always together
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(y'all a little married roy, just accept it lol)
they have a joint bank account together
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they understand each other without words
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jason respects roy immensely for his strength, especially when it comes to his addiction
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jason refers to roy as his best friend + he fully understands the deep trust roy has in him and never wants to betray that trust
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jason also refers to roy as his partner
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
jason refers to their partnership as "our lives" (affectionate) (literally)
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and this scene, where jason admits that he believes roy is a good hero with so much compassion, and would be better off without jason—
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—not only looks like a break up but is canonically called a break up by roy
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red hood and the outlaws annual vol.1 #2
in conclusion:
red arse
(ETA: updated source for last image bc i was mistaken. rhato annuals are still on vol.1 as of aug 2022)
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chickenoptyrx · 1 year
Ok so here's the run down since I'm too lazy to ever draw everything out :U
goin off this comic
⬇️and down here cause I ramble too much 🙄⤵️
Ok so first the next few pages I had sketched out
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Ok so things to note:
• trunks is sad and like very much thinkin bout gohan and his death.
• bulma has the control device thing for brolys headband, but can't figure out how to make it work
• this thing is basically a ki battery. And what imma ramble about.. The whole sub plot here being that 1 of the big drawbacks in the future is theres just not enough power for bulma to accomplish much. Ki as an energy source should work but it doesn't interact well w earths tech, its nearly impossible to store, and even when stored it doesn't then 'power up' in a predictable/usable way like electricity.
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(As a side note I stopped at this page cause I kept wanting to redesign it to have 7 obvious apatures or idk something to coincide w the 7 Chakras cause like brolys jewelry stuff also has 7 gems. But. I did none of that :U )
So anyway we see in dbz that non-earthlings have tech that utilizes ki, and paragus' control device for broly obviously uses ki, but while this battery that her and gohan were able to sorta get to work can store ki, they never found a method for converting or using it. But now it can be used and the control device gives her something to reverse engineer from, which is 1 of the reasons for wanting broly around despite him being.. the way he is.
This was another panel I intended to use once 17 starts attacking broly, who at this point is still very zonked out and not reacting.
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So. From trunks pov. Hes already A. thinkin bout what happened w gohan and B. primed to see 'saiyans' as good guys or heros or whatever. Even if hes heard every story about saiyans as a race being bad, hes grown up hearing about goku, seeing gohan, and yknow no ones really talkin too much heavy shit about his dead dad- and his mom loved him so like he was probably good too.. right??
Lol dumbass kid.
So yeah my poor dumb stupid baby boy here is gonna jump into a fight that he does not needta be involved in to protect someone who does not need his help and won't be grateful :D cause ⭐ Le Trauma ⭐
Meanwhile, bulmas testing out her new theory(s) about the control device A. being built to send out some kinda signal and B. Being powered by ki. She's got it set up to expand the reach of that signal so she can pick up that it is reaching something without using too much power and without necessarily alerting whatever its reaching. But broly was already in a weird spot w the headbands control so this lil ping along w everything else goin on is what like awakens him to the fight or whatever. As you can see I'm not a writer.
Big cool epic no holds fight scene that im not drawing starts up. Broly terrorizes the androids but also attacks trunks cause like tf does he care? He's havin fun :>
Bulma realizes how late for dinner she is, decides not to waste the energy in the battery since its all they have of it (also she doesn't wanna admit it but she knows its like the last thing they have of gohan) and now that she knows it won't blow up she can just ask trunks to help her run more tests on the control device later. Then she realizes her kids not home any more and 3 guesses where he went :U she planning on goin out after him guns blazing, realizes she has no idea where he actually is, YadaYada, if she increases the power and range, she can pin point what this devices signal is bouncing off of and thats probably where this new alien and therefore her kid are.
By this point in the fight the androids are aware this is not goin their way, and trunks, poor dumb baby that he is, has finally managed to draw his stupid sword thats way too big for him rn. This creates an opportunity for the androids to get tf outta dodge cause see. Here's the bit. Broly was stabbed by trunks grandad as a baby. So seeing someone pointing a big knife at his probably gets his undivided attention :D anyway, luckily bulma uses the last of gohans ki from the battery thing to send out another stronger signal that zonks broly right tf back out before he can kill trunks. He runs and meets his mom on her way to save him and uh.. yeah, they go home. Soooo gohan saved trunks again even after he's dead :U im sure that'll be fine. Maybe they have a sad fight about it, idk.
Anyway. Middle middle middle.
Paragus used broly for his power to fight his battles for him, so I dont see how this situation w the androids looks very different to broly. They have the control device for their own safety sure, but I mean that was paragus's reason at first too
Then too, broly doesn't know or really care to know how to actually apply any self control w his powers so ya kinda don't want him 'helping' destroy anything- dudes just gonna nuke the planet as collateral damage and move on.
So yeah, more middle middle middle and he's training trunks to fight and trunks is tryin to get him to learn basic self control and like.. morals. And uh theyre friends or whatever. Idk man I just wanted to draw them hanging out and hadta do a convoluted back story about it that I then never actually did :D
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luescris · 1 year
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Aight so last part (considering if y'all want a short fic thing I have in mind for this lol) and this time I decided to redo these panels but please don't comment on how the line art looks I know it needs work big time augh 😭 I need to line things more I may have ruined it just by the lines waaa
Either way I still hope y'all enjoy anyway lol
Here's the previous part:
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pancake-breakfast · 11 months
It's late and I'm tired, but I want to at least try to get ahead of some of the chapter spoilers now that we're really getting past what I know (save a couple Big Important Moments).
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 5, Chapters 1-2 below.
TriMax Volume 5 Covers
Oooh, electric feather Vash! On the one hand, I'm excited because I love the way he looks when he goes all uncanny. On the other hand, I hate what it will likely take for him to get there. I mean, the last time something like this happened was Fifth Moon, so....
Hahahahaha, baseball AU! I'm just gonna note it looks like Vash is pitching here.
LOLLLL Legato is such a little gremlin on the back cover!
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"Just when you thought this series had reached its most feverish pitch...." Joke's on you; I know there are nine more volumes so we're nowhere near the "most feverish pitch."
More baseball AU for the back cover, which shows us that while Vash might be a pitcher, he's apparently not a very good one. (Or maybe he's actually excellent since he got headshots on everyone, but maybe he's not playing the game the way everyone wants him to, which TBF is a very Vash thing to do.)
Chapter 1: The City, And Then The Feast Of The Hounds
CW: Suicide
Ugh, that cover shot with Vash with his arms crossed. Just... Ugh. It's so beautiful.
LOL, the shop vendor thinking Vash is in showbusiness because of his flashy coat. And Vash is just like, "Yep, that's right!"
WAIT A SECOND. How did we get here? Where is "here"? Why isn't everyone shooting at them? Where did Midvalley go? Wait. WAIT. Is this... JULY?!?!?!
Awww, he's so happy! Also, bonus cats!
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WTF, did Vash join a kids' street gang? He totally did, didn't he? And he's trying to feed them healthy food to take care of them in his particular Vash way.
Ah, stolen away to be someone else's lackey....
Dammit, it is July. I was kinda hoping it was gonna be a happier memory. For Vash's sake.
Then he remembers all of them. All of them. And knows that, on some level, they're dead because of him.
Count Vasquez? That's a name we haven't heard since, like, Volume 1, Chapter 1, page 1, yeah? The guy Vash is wanted for apparently killing?
Hang on, I'm just gonna revel in his fully blond hair for a moment. (Note to Self: Color this panel when it's not an ungodly hour.)
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Vash is an unusual name.
Oh, my babygirl....
Oof, in the middle of his breakdown, he remembers Meryl. For now, he's got to keep going for Meryl. This is actually a very good technique for getting through suicidal ideation. I don't know that Vash currently has the strength and vision to keep his goal of Knives in sight, but Meryl is immediate. She was just here, and now she's not, but she's very, very close. He can worry about what comes next after she's safe. But first he has to get her safe. Small goals first.
Meryl... probably has a lot on her mind right now, TBF.
You know, I'm impressed. That's probably the least traumatic way Zazie could have spit thousands of worms. Hooray for Nightow feeling lazy?
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Zazie's worm sense is tingling again.
Oop, someone brought the Raid.
WTF how did Zazie lose a hand here??!
Ok, I really don't know what's going on with Zazie. Did they... overtax themself a bit?? Are they injured because worms were injured? Are their senses just too disjointed???
Ohhhh, it was Midvalley. He's not so keen on whatever Zazie's trying to do.
Is Hoppered just... wearing Zazie's other hand around his throat for now? Zazie might need that. Might.
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Midvalley has the magic of the music.
Aww, Meryl! You can do it, girl!
Chapter 2: Breakout
Ah, this must be proto-Hoppered. He's just a little guy....
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They're being so rude to him, too!
Oof, the barkeep wants to help, but doesn't know how to balance this. And, of course, Hoppered is the one who pays for it.
Good for Hoppered. And for once, we get the tiniest glimpse of his actual face.
Looks like the guy's alright, after all. And maybe didn't even mean harm?
Dude, you don't know what their relationship is. Don't be so quick to judge just because Hoppered isn't like other people.
He wants to touch her, but doesn't.
Uhhhh, what's he getting injected into him??
Midvalley sure has a lot of faith in his partner here.
Eyyyyy, our boi is back!
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I dunno, he might be able to see. But Midvalley's definitely raising a legitimate question. How did Wolfwood make it this far?
Midvalley: "Don't make a sound." Wolfwood: *immediately crunches something under his foot*
You're almost there, Vash! Be careful!
Meryl warns him. I wonder if he knew. Then again, babygirl is very prone to rushing headlong into things to save people, so I'm pretty sure the warning was important.
There are no sound effects on this panel and yet I can still hear it.
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I dunno if it's safe to be that close to Midvalley, especially when he's got his weapon primed.
Boy's seriously gonna bust a vein here.
AAAAAAAHHHHH MILLY!!!! And Wolfwood wanted to leave her behind....
Hoppered unmasked!
LOL, I know the floor's at an angle, but Wolfwood and Midvalley look like ballet dancers here.
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Goshdarnit, now I have to leave it on a cliffhanger!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10 || Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Volume 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Volume 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7
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ivettel · 1 year
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been a while since the last behind the curtain! also probably bc i haven't done anything too crazy edit-wise as of late. anyway this was a fun one! been wanting to edit the style ever since yrs dropped this mep, but i just never got around to it lol.
my ingredients: - after effects cc 2022 - red giant universe - sapphire distort - video copilot twitch
so the first step was figure out how to do the melty text effect--i knew how to do it in photoshop, but it's a little different in motion! i figured there were a few ways to do it, so i narrowed the most likely down methods to:
scale wipe + wave warp effects
text to shapes + crazy keyframing action
shape layers + linear fades or something along those lines
photoshop + liquify
and i am so sick of animating shape layers i feel like it's all i do. it literally is like 70% of what we do in motion graphics. i'm sick. i went with the scale wipe + wave warp method because fuck this LMAO. the process was like type > precompose > slap effects on > keyframe. to an exaggerated extent, this is what you get:
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you could probably achieve a similar wave warp effect with ae's plugin btw! but i liked that sapphire gave me a bit more customization. once i had the movement i liked, it was a simple keyframe job.
then because i am LAZY and cannot be arsed to deal with manually separating colour channels or triplicating multiple text layers just to get a chromatic aberration effect, i stuck uni.Chromatic Aberration and uni.RGB Separation onto the precomp and fiddled with those settings until i thought it was appropriately eyestrain-y.
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for the edit itself, i finally put my money where my mouth is and Thought About Form And Content. shoutout to my students for their relentless teasing. i set my comps at 12 fps to enhance the somewhat disjointed editing, and then i actually planned out the composition of my gifs instead of just throwing things at the wall and hoping something stuck. the background is black ice + a halftone overlay for the comic-y aesthetic. font is arial black (cheated with geller sans ultrabold for the "7" and "1") because #typography history and #cheeky references to the genre.
panels 2 + 3 basically employed the scale wipe + wave warp method in addition to my usual mograph bullshit (rotation, text animation, fake 3d using gaussian blur instead of adding a camera), but i changed minor things around. panel 3 especially, i gave the liquify tool a shot--and i don't like, hate it, but it was harder to map.
everything else seems pretty self-explanatory--stretch + center keyframes for the scale wipes in panel 1 (for the text effect), but aside from that, basic movement animations, basic glitches. i didn't reinvent the wheel! just added seb to it and spun.
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silvermoon424 · 2 years
Thank you for all the PMMM scans! I was wondering if you managed to snag either version of the 10th anniversary exhibition book (as opposed to the 3-part regular anni books), or if that's something you might be interested in getting in the future?
You're welcome! I love sharing my scans.
And actually, I was unaware this book existed! I wasn't able to find any sample pictures online, but a couple of people on eBay provided a translated description of the book and it sounds rather text-heavy (mostly interviews and episode descriptions). When I buy Japanese artbooks I try to buy picture-heavy ones because I and the majority of the audience who view these scans don't speak/read (at least fluent) Japanese. So having an artbook be mostly Japanese text is just kinda... not useful, lol. Even though I'm sure the contents would be very interesting if we could actually read them.
So I will probably pass on this one. However, I still have the Ultimate Art Works by Ume Aoki artbook I've been meaning to scan (I've been being really lazy about it lol)! Someone provided digital scans but by scanning the physical artbook I can get much higher-quality scans. There's also a Magia Record artbook coming out on Tuesday that I preordered and will be scanning as soon as it arrives.
I also have one other Magia Record artbook that consists of animation cells from various transformations from the game; I've been holding off on scanning it because it's kind of an unwieldy book to scan, but I can probably find a workaround. Oh, and I'm scanning panels from all 6 available volumes of the Magia Record manga. I finished volume 5 last week, I'll get started on volume 6 soon. Then once I'm finished cleaning and sorting everything I'll upload those scans so people can use them for icons, edits, colorings, and whatever. I also have a quite a few PMMM/Magia Record doujinshi that I scanned and got translated a while ago, just need to typeset them.
So yeah, lots of PMMM scans still on their way! My ADHD/executive dysfunction's gotten pretty bad so unfortunately a lot of my projects have fallen off, but I'm trying to recommit by focusing on them one at a time instead of trying to do a dozen things at once.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
That hit was PERSONAL
I'm going to go with illegal discharge of the weapon and misappropriation of the assets and in use to attract harm until oneself when it's not recommended and not necessary
Zues hahaha yeah like we were born somewhere else like you people were you're so damn dumb I understand you been shot in the head and you're stupid and I studied it and a lot of people don't become that stupid but you're dumb Trump Hera
And really she's calling me a fat ass but that was a mistake but still I told him why I said you can't just do that and fart and take stuff and say you're going to win something you're a bunch of losers and this is s*** he needs someone to do the job and none of you want to do it and you're all admitting it and the empire is going to do it you're a bunch of lazy s**** who can't do it you can't you're incapable and we're supposed to say with the empire but we're not but holy s*** what the hell are you supposed to do like everybody's in the way even our people he says what are we in the way of as true extortion won't happen with us around you just keep on doing it and doing it and he said oh you actually right and yeah the fleet gets destroyed this we don't have any choice this is what area you guys really have any since we have some do you have any Pontiac factories and you know that those frappes had like each car represents a s*** and we supposed to have tons of them but the empire is building new ones with way better cloaks. So I guess the idea is very simple you have an area and there's a company tons of equipment tons of factories and you have a few so in each area where the factory is you start up your division and you call it the Lang Hill Southwest USA division in your area in the Southwest wherever it would be like this Orange county LA county so be laying Hill Orange county LA county Southwest division and that's it that's what you're going to do you can have different tires and rims and some different accents or fairings or even a little different body panel here and there in the car and have different versions of the same car all in the same car and then you have a division where Ken is and he may expand it to include his group which would be pretty good and they would have several divisions and but they could call it several divisions and he said that's great how do we do it in a sense of I don't know we have to have a bunch of meetings and the code is intense and it's how we got back at the empire last time and he said oh yeah and this time they say that we're contenders but that's what they're saying so it's a lot harder than it looks and that's why we have to break out the weapon no I didn't have anything to do with it but it's kind of affected and they play rough like a lion or a tiger or a bear they let you know hey that wasn't right of course they don't want it back but that's how they play instead of shooting each other so he got up and said I get the s*** I owe you one it's out of line you don't have to do that he said I don't think you're right and it's still going on it's not bad and today our son said a game of pool for money and we'll see who's right and his shop right now so they went ahead and play the game of pool no but they're going to and that begins Trump eagles and plays Paul Newman and his ass but we are having a decent night and this concept is correct
Thor Freya
We need to get this out Olympus and right now Hera
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otakween · 1 year
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I'm Standing on a Million Lives - Volume 14
Woohoo! New character and a new arc. I like new girl's shaggy hair and her black and white outfit is cute too.
Ch. 65
A nice, strong start to this volume. Very surprised to see COVID incorporated, but I guess it's set in present day after all. Interesting that the mangaka decided to use the 2020 situation for commentary/character development.
The idea of sorcerers being unable to produce viable offspring is super interesting. It's always good to give big debuffs to OP characters (unless they're child free and don't care lol).
Malita moment with Yuusuke was nice, but I feel uncomfy seeing him so wholesome all of the sudden. He's definitely developed as a character, but he still spews stupid, self-righteous BS so it's like...has he changed though??
Hakozaki confronting Yuusuke about his weirdo misanthropy was satisfying, especially the "you're no better than those who commit genocide" bit. You tell him! His "I'm just doing what seems right from my perspective" seems like a weak excuse...
Kinda yikes for a manga character to be "on the side of COVID," but at least he says "but the innocent lives being taken thing isn't cool" lol. Edgy, but not "get the mangaka cancelled levels of edgy."
Glenda based as always with her "teenagers say dumb shit because their brains aren't fully developed" observations (paraphrased haha).
Kinda hilarious how Glenda was like "Oh, by the way feminism is a thing" to Jangani and he was like "that will never catch on." Cue it immediately catching on a panel later LOL. I was surprised to see Yuusuke say "Japan is pretty behind" when talking about gender equality in the US vs. Japan. Love that a Japanese writer acknowledged that. (Not to be all rah-rah USA though).
The goblins IRL being labelled "Chupacabra" is genius.
Ch. 66
Yuusuke helps Keita rehabilitate his dad who just got out of prison. Good to see some more 1 on 1 character time.
Yuusuke's such a smartass. It's a good thing he was taken down a peg last chapter because in this one you'd think he was smarter than everyone (although I guess the bar is low with Keita's dad and his goons)
The revelation about how dragon bishops are created was interesting. I'm a little confused about the dead fetus thing. Does that mean the younger dragon bishops were that way from birth and then just grew normally?? That would be an interesting story to follow. Are they evil as little kids or does that come about during puberty? lol
Keita's dad just conveniently doesn't notice Keita and Yuusuke using magic right in front of him. Also isn't surprised by two teenagers easily beating up 3 grown men.
I was relieved that Yuusuke acknowledged that Keita's dad isn't "healed" and that he'll most likely relapse again. We don't need anymore talk-no-jutsu insta redemption
Ch. 67
Hmmm that chapter was kinda weird. All over the place in tone. Excited to have a new character and a new arc though!
New girl is Taiwanese, I like her design and air-headedness, but like a lot of the other characters, I was kinda annoyed by how quickly she got used to the idea of being in another world. Also, I rolled my eyes when she brought up feng shui (like: "geddit?? She's from Taiwan!")
Not sure if it's clever or lazy to have the fantasy world mirror the politics of ours. I guess for me it makes things more interesting because it's more relatable and cool to hear the differing perspectives the characters have on things like dictatorships and imperialism. (We get another nod to America in this chapter). Interesting to think about Japanese people keeping up with American politics (although I guess that's only natural considering America's place in the world).
Yuusuke has an existential crisis because they've time-skipped another 85 years. I feel like a big jump like that makes things less interesting because they won't be able to do as many callbacks to older characters. Will we get a resolution to Malita's story?
I liked that Hakozaki called out the fact that the Master only reaches out to Yuusuke and no one else. I really hope they continue to develop her skeptical side. It'd be cool to see her take on Yuusuke in a fight one day.
That Chinese dragon design was so cool! I hope we get to see more of that monster.
Ch. 68
The corruption of the local government and strategies for solving this arc's goal are discussed. In other words, mainly a world building/team work heavy chapter, which I always enjoy the most.
I feel like this writer is actually pretty good at explaining politics/government in easy-to-digest ways. Could they help me understand IRL stuff too, please? lol
Interesting use of the revival mechanic here where they use Hakozaki as live bait. I like that their "immortality" has a lot of clear cut rules so they can't really abuse it too often, but it's still a nice advantage to have.
Yuka getting abruptly eaten by a sea serpent was pretty funny. Hope she's not just absent for the rest of the chapter now.
I found it weird that the refugees were like "oh that money? Worthless." but then they say "it will keep the 8 of you fed for a month." So...not worthless? That still sounds like a good chunk of change to me!
Ch. 69 (nice)
Holy shit! This chapter was so, so good. First of all, Iu finally gets some long-awaited focus and second, there was just so much intrigue jam packed into this between the revelations of how the new city's religion/culture works, the different characters reactions to that, and that cliffhanger ending with Iu being suddenly acknowledged as a messiah! Only problem is...the next volume isn't out yet so I gotta sit here in suspense ;-;
The oppressive theocracy being portrayed here is clearly supposed to mirrored after the Taliban. Pretty heavy stuff for an isekai manga, but a fair target I would say. I thought it was interesting how Iu and Keita went back and forth between "well, it's a different culture we need to respect that" and "fuck that! This is inexcusable." Obviously, when it comes to the Taliban, the "fuck this" attitude is probably the "correct" one, but sometimes other cultures/religions skirt that line and you need to judge on a person-by-person basis...if that makes sense. Like how there's a difference between women who wear head coverings because of an oppressive regime (fuck that!) and those who wear them as a personal choice (different culture, let's respect it). I feel like philosophy fans would like this manga...a lot to discuss.
Iu stepping into the leader role but being insecure about it ("what would Hakozaki do?") was interesting. I kind of thought she was more confident than that, but she has so little screen time I guess I didn't really know her after all lol
Iu being like "lol kay, ready to die now" when she gets sentenced to death but knows she'll just revive was great. Imagine facing a firing squad with that kinda swagger. Kinda badass.
I've never seen Dr. Stone, but the kind of old timey engineering Yuusuke and Kusue did in this chapter (fashioning rope out of sea serpent scales to build a rope/pulley system) reminded me of that series (based on what I've heard). Fun seeing Survivor stuff like that.
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chilled-ice-cubes · 2 years
legend of basara ch 1
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okay i didn’t read the mal summary so i got blindsided when they said it takes place after the 21st c 💀 i thought this was a medieval manga like kingdom lol
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oh my god chill tf out npc dad
- okay i was too lazy to screenshot anything else but for some reason basara reminds me of nausicaa of the valley of the wind, yknow, girl fighting against imperialism with a running theme of respecting nature etc
- a climactic hair chopping scene!! im in love
- the last panel where she tells the villagers to follow her 👌
- also hmm i do NOT know anything about alchemy but i do think there is some colour theory symbolism going on with the first prince we meet being the red king - rubedo is the first step in the alchemical process (i think lol) and sarasa is gold-coded with her light hair. this is going somewhere....probably....
(@stackslip i started it 🎉)
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