#lockwood finally lets someone new into his life
bubbl3zdaseaotter37 · 3 months
Sure, George is the third wheel.
If by third wheel you mean the front wheel of a tricycle friendship, which falls apart immediately if you remove even one of said wheels, and the little toddler riding it ends up with a face-full of pavement and disappointment. The whole of 35 Portland Row would probably be reduced to ashes without him, at this point.
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why-what-no · 1 year
Dating Anthony Lockwood Would Include
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Pairing: Anthony Lockwood x Reader
Warnings: None
Notes: Lockwood and co requests are open
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You had applied to a bunch of agency’s once you became a full agent, and while you had gotten accepted to a bunch of big ones, you didn’t really trust them.
All those big organizations. The ones who didn’t care about their agents’ lives and were all about rules rules rules.
So when you went into an interview for Lockwood and co - a tiny little agency that has just as much bad news coverage as good - it was perfect
It was also the first time you had met Anthony lockwood. Clever and compassionate, as well as exactly what you needed in a boss and associate.
As well as everything you wanted in a partner. It didn’t hurt that he was ridiculously handsome and charming.
Joining Lockwood and co was the best decision that you had ever made, although it was difficult to ignore your growing feelings for Lockwood
Unbeknownst to you at the time, however, Lockwood was thinking the exact same things. Quickly growing infatuated with you
The two of you avoided your feelings for a while, although they were obvious to everyone who knew you two
It was only when Lockwood got hurt on a mission one time that you finally confessed how you felt. It was in the heat of the moment, and you regretted it the moment that you did.
You thought he would reject you. You were absolutely sure someone as perfect as him wouldn’t bother with someone like you.
But instead, he kissed you. Shocking and exhilarating you. It felt like the best moment of your life.
He was an amazing kisser. Gentle and passionate, holding your face and pulling you as close to him as possible. When he finally separated from you, you were almost dizzy with awe.
When it came to relationships, Lockwood had avoided his feelings before your confession. But once you both knew how the other felt, he was immediately invested in being your boyfriend.
Making you breakfast in the mornings, taking you out on little dates, sharing his favourite books or songs with you.
He want to know everything about you. Every thought, every opinion. Your mind was fascinating and beautiful to him.
Lockwood would be very protective of you, always wanting to keep you close. You were the best thing in his life, he’d be an idiot if he lost you
Eventually his problems letting people in began to take a toll, and you argued a bit. It got to the point where you gave him a choice. “Either trust me, or let me go.”
He chose you. He’d always choose you.
Things got even better after you guys solved that. No secrets. And because he trusted you, you felt like you could trust him completely as well.
He was everything to you. The world you lived in was dark and dangerous, and he was your anchor. Keeping your from being drags into the depths of hopelessness
The rest of Lockwood and co were your biggest supporters. They were amazed at how you were able to get Lockwood to open up, to both yourself and the whole team. And they were just glad that you had someone who treated you as well as you deserved.
You and Lockwood would lie in bed at night, talking about your future, about your dreams. Every situation you planned out had you both, together forever.
Neither of you could imagine a world where you two weren’t together.
He was your love, your partner, your best friend. And you were his.
Taglist: @dark-academia-slut @silverhart93 @witchthewriter
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arcturusreads · 1 year
hold me closer
pairing: lucy carlyle x anthony lockwood word count: 1265 words request: yes/no prompt/summary: Lockwood couldn't heal Lucy's wounds from her life before Lockwood & Co. but he was going to do everything he could now to make sure that she felt safe and happy in her new home. Because you look after those you love. a/n: crossposted on my ao3 account: saiwriteswords
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“Luce?” Lockwood tentatively called her name as he walked up the stairs to her attic room. “Do you mind if I come up?”
His ears strained to hear a muffled grunt from her before he carried on making his way to her room.
“Luce,” he stopped when he saw Lucy curled up in in ball on her bed. Her eyes were shut tight, and concern ran through Lockwood’s body. He placed the tray of food down on her dresser and sat next to her on the bed. His hand began to stroke her hair, like a reflex. Neurons firing, wanting to comfort her before his brain was able to compute what was happening.
The crease on her forehead faded away as Lucy shuffled herself closer to him. She took a deep breath of Lockwood’s woodsy scent and wished she could bury herself in it.
“Is everything okay? I came up with some food for you, you barely touched dinner tonight.”
Lucy just shook her head, not wanting to talk or open her eyes. She just wanted Lockwood to stay there with her. It was taking all her self-restraint not to hold onto his shirt to make sure he wouldn’t move.
“Luce, you’re worrying me a bit. Is everything alright?” Anxiety laced Lockwood’s voice and it was enough to get Lucy to look up at him.
“I just- there’s this buzzing in my ears Lockwood and I can’t get it to go away.” Her voice broke, “I feel like I’m going to go crazy.”
Lockwood felt an ache in his chest, he could tell how much Lucy was suffering and he knew this wasn’t the first time it had happened. They’d had a tough case last night and it had been overwhelming for her. He should have kept a closer eye, should have made sure that she was okay.
He went to stand up, but Lucy caught the sleeve of his shirt, halting him. “Please, don’t go.” Her voice was quieter than what he was used to. None of the usual strength or authority in her request.
“I’m just going to grab that glass of water for you,” he nodded his head towards the tray he’d put down. “And then I’m going to be right back, I promise.”
Lucy kept biting her lip for a moment before finally nodding and letting his sleeve go. Lockwood moved with all of his usual grace he had when he was fighting with his rapier, before helping Lucy sit up and take a sip of water.
“Wait a second,” he stopped her before she could lay back down.
“Lockwood, please. I just want to curl up again, I don’t have the strength for this right now.”
If Lockwood could, he would wrap Lucy up for everything that was hurting her in this world. Everything that caused her the smallest amount of sadness and pain. Every time he saw her in any kind of discomfort, it was like a clamp formed around his chest and the only thing that would loosen its vice was finding a way to fix things for her. But that wasn’t always possible. There were things about Lucy’s past that he didn’t know about, that she wasn’t quite comfortable to share with him but he saw her sometimes space out when someone would mention her family or her life before coming to Lockwood & Co. and there was nothing he could do to change what she had been through. No way that he was able to take away years of pain from her. So, he worked on making her life here with him and George as happy as possible but that was easier said than done for an agent.
“Two seconds, Luce. I promise, just give me two seconds.”
Lucy didn’t have it in her to even argue with him. The sound of her own voice had begun to grate on her ears when it was mixed with all the buzzing. It wasn’t often that she would let Lockwood get his own way, at least not without some kind of fight but today was his lucky day it seemed. So, Lucy just nodded, closing her eyes again in the hopes that somehow that might dull the sound that wouldn’t leave her alone.
She felt the mattress dip beside her and thought that Lockwood had just sat down again but she could feel him shift around. Curiosity got the better of her and Lucy opened her eyes to see Lockwood leaning against her headboard with his legs on the bed.
“Come on,” he eventually said when Lucy just furrowed her brow. Any cockiness and certainty he usually spoke with was gone. Instead, he was shy and unsure and Lockwood wasn’t quite able to meet her gaze. When Lucy didn’t move, Lockwood shifted slightly and finally looked at her face.
“Just come here, Luce. Lean back against me.” He held out a hand for her and when Lucy just stared and didn’t make a move, Lockwood wanted to die of embarrassment. What did he think he was doing? Who did he think he was? Anthony Lockwood, prize idiot.
Lucy finally took his hand and shuffled herself over to him, sat between his legs with her chest resting against his back but Lockwood knew that she wasn’t relaxed. This was the most physical contact they’d ever had. There were the sleepy heads on shoulders in the library, hands clasped together as they ran when they were on a job, his hand brushing against her back as he moved past her in the kitchen. All subconscious movements, contact that came naturally to them, that they never thought twice about. But this was different, this was purposeful and that was a line that neither of them had crossed.
“I’ve got you,” Lockwood wrapped his arms around her waist and Lucy’s hand automatically drifted to cover his. And slowly she felt herself relax against him. The tension in her shoulders slowly eased and she shut her eyes again.
“Any better?” The whisper made a shiver run through her body and she slowly nodded.
“A little, the buzzing though-“ whilst it had eased, and hadn’t completely disappeared.
Lockwood began to gently hum a lullaby he remembered him mum used to sing to him when he was having a nightmare. The song had always managed to lull him back into a deep sleep, forgetting about whatever was chasing him in the dark and he hoped that maybe it could do the same for Lucy. Even if it only gave her two minutes of relief for the incessant noise that she couldn’t get away from. He just hoped he wouldn’t make it worse.
Lucy could feel his chest vibrate as he continued to hum, and as she focussed on every note, she was able to stop paying attention to the humming as it began to quieten down. When the lullaby eventually came to an end she frowned. She wasn’t ready for it to end yet, she wasn’t ready to leave the embrace that Lockwood had her in. Just a few minutes more. That was all.
“Lockwood, can you sing that again please?” She asked in a quiet voice. She couldn’t see the smile on Lockwood’s face when she uttered those words. It was gentle and warm and everything that she made him feel.
“Of course, Luce.” He wrapped his arms around her just that little bit tighter and began the lullaby all over again. And he didn’t care how many times he would have to repeat it, as long as Lucy Carlyle felt safe with him.
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dangerously-human · 4 months
for the fic writer game: 3, 4 for take his hand, 8, 20 for merry metamorphosis (am I trying to make you write pregnancy fic... maybe), 27 for ch2 of here's a safe place, 37, 49
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
I write a lot of family life for traumatized characters, stuff that requires a lot of intentional growth but also leaves space for tenderness. Love me some literal sleeping together, too. I mostly write post-canon, and a lot of introspection. And I think I'm always working off of an assumption of redeeming the narrative, in a sense - not that things will always go well, but they will always have meaning. It's the Christian worldview, I suppose.
4. What detail in [Take His Hand] are you really proud of?
Honestlyyyy, I could wax rhapsodic talking about this fic and how it came to be. Lucy's chapter may be killing me a little bit, but there were parts of Lockwood's that truly feel like they came from outside of me (we've talked before about the Holy Spirit influence on this one). I know I already mentioned this in my reply to your comment, but the fact that Lockwood was praying with his old rosary beads from when he was a kid when the call from Penelope Fittes comes in says a lot. It's a nod to (part of) what Lockwood chose to pray about, after all those years of distance - the right opportunity to invite Lucy to come home - and it also ties the success of the company to a lasting legacy for the Lockwood family, which is such a key aspect of understanding Lockwood himself and just what he's trying to include Lucy in. It also says that he unpacked the literal box of memories, however painful, even if he's not 100% ready to unpack the metaphorical one - except he has started to, he's praying and acknowledging the God he feels let him down (or maybe the other way around, depending on the day), and he's doing this thing that reminds him so strongly of Jessica and their shared grief. It's not "solved," Lockwood still has a long way to go and a lot of Jacob-like wrestling with the Lord to do, but at least he's stopped running in the opposite direction and actually let himself feel something - which is what the Black Winter is all about, in his arc. I could go on about this for ages, truly.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
Captives Come Home by Run Kid Run is just BEGGING for Other Side fic, - please, the number of times the lyrics repeat stuff about creeping shadows and the other side! - and maybe I'll write it eventually but I'd be equally happy to read it if someone else did. Would love to see it start with Lockwood and Lucy's first crossing ("There's hope inside that box you close/That only opens when your life explodes/On the other side, come home"), then tackle when the whole crew is there ("Don't you know you gotta get up/Get up and find a way back home?/So hold on tight, let's go/Leave behind false sense of hope/Where creeping shadows call your name") and then focus on post-canon efforts to clear the fences so the captive spirits can finally reach their final destinations ("As I'm waiting for the world to end/I'm clinging on to oxygen/I'm pulling captives by the hand/Come home, come home"). I have not shut up since my first read through TCS about the Harrowing of Hell imagery and, yeah, I just think I deserve this one, as a treat.
20. If you wrote a prequel to [A Merry Metamorphosis], what would it involve?
I know I already said this to you the other day, but bestie, do I have good news for you! Next (new) project on the list is literally this. 😆 To be fair, it doesn't exactly take a lot to encourage me to write pregnancy/kidfic, lol. But yeah, been thinking a lot about protectiveness and what that would look like for Lucy and Lockwood as they prepare for a baby, and how that would interact with their work (logistically and emotionally), considering they're still pretty young when they have Ivy.
27. How long did it take to write [Here's a Safe Place to Lay Your Heart Down ch. 2]? Describe the process.
FKlejgklaegl well. According to the date I created that Scrivener file, parts of that chapter were written in early September, and I just published it to AO3 last weekend, so you can do the math. Here's the thing about Lay Your Heart Down: while the core themes/message remained the same throughout, it went through several iterations in how I conceptualized it, and that made the writing process AGONIZING, because it was a constant repetition of knit/purl steps and untangling and reworking. (I don't knit, so take my metaphor with a grain of salt.) Honestly, this mostly came about because I kept asking myself if The Necklace counted as an engagement ring in Lockwood's mind, which obviously I kind of answered in Woke Up in a Safe House Singing, and that pivoted to a very vivid idea of how Lockwood would think about picking out a ring for Lucy and what it would look like and why. So. That could have been a drabble, but I also have a lot of feelings about the Touch/possession scene in the second episode, and that had to go somewhere!! And overlapped a lot, thematically. So a lot of the Lockwood having a self-isolating freakout stuff from ch. 2 was written first, plus the bit immediately after THB with the broken headphones and remembering watching Lucy dancing. All that used to be together in one chapter, which was going to be sandwiched between Lockwood picking out the ring and a sweet future scene that featured the ring somehow - the narrative started out even less linear than it ended up. (That final scene is now its own WIP.) Then I ended up with all the canon-era relationship development in the first chapter and the second could focus on that core conflict, Lockwood panicking about those lines from the show - "he gave me the ring, he wouldn't hurt me" - but in the context of all the various ways he could get Lucy hurt, because old conflicts (internal and interpersonal) tend to reemerge at transition points like the engagement period. A couple things that got me unstuck with this chapter were actually writing out more of what happened on the job that went wrong, letting Lucy be more upset (while still understanding), working out that Lockwood's fear this time was less about Lucy getting hurt and more about being the reason for that happening, and drawing direct parallels to Fairfax and Annabel (which in turn let me work in that good stuff about devotion and mutual belonging).
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I'm not shocked Onward, Ontologically has gotten very few eyes on it - if nothing else, Continuum is a tiny fandom, even less active now than when I was originally writing for it, plus Kiera and Alec are a complicated ship (I'm often curious if they would still be a rarepair if the fandom were larger, though - I could see it going either way). It worked for my Yuletide recipient, though, and that's all that really matters. I really like the quiet domesticity of it, and that it leaves space for the S3 conflict between Alec and Kiera to remain somewhat unresolved - I like complicated, and I don't think an easy resolution would have been realistic after everything these two went through and did to each other, and the tangled doppelganger web.
Within this fandom, one I wish got a little more love was Smoke & Shield. Gen is usually a bit, idk the right word, quieter? So I wasn't expecting as much excitement as with my Locklyle works, but I do think it's a really good character study of Jessica and her relationship with her little brother. I got some truly lovely comments on it that tell me it still found an audience to resonate with, though!
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Well, since you attacked us all with baby fever, here's a snippet from the "Lucy learns she's pregnant with #4 via George's powers of observation" fic. (I don't think I've posted this bit before? Idk, this is the problem with lingering WIPs!) I've been WIP-hopping a lot, but this is one that's gotten a bit more focus lately:
With arms outstretched to take one twin off my husband’s hands, I explained, “I’m not even sure yet myself. It honestly hadn’t occurred to me until George said something, but…” My voice got smaller as I finished, “I think he might be right.” Transfer completed, Lockwood let his hand linger, then drop to hover just over my belly. At the open wonder on his face, I blushed. It wasn’t as though we hadn’t done this part before - twice, in fact - yet it seemed even at the mere possibility, he couldn’t help looking at me like I was made of something magic. To be fair, that wasn’t all that far off from Lockwood’s normal.
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medusapelagia · 10 months
10 AU-gust: Exile
Rating: Teen and up Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson. Eddie Munson/Original Character WT: open ending WC: 1970
“What do you mean when you talk about exile?” 
“Exactly what you think, Eddie. You have to leave Hawkins and never come back.”
Eddie shakes his head “I can’t! I have a family! And friends! My entire life is in Hawkins! I can’t  leave just like that!”
The woman in a suit gives a sad smile “Eddie, there is nothing for you in Hawkins. The majority thinks that you are a murderer and your friends and family think that you are dead.”
Eddie was always restless, he has always had that kind of energy that doesn’t let you stop even when you need to, but now he is so still he can hardly breathe.
“What… what did you say?”
The woman takes a yellow envelope “Edward Munson has died on the 27th of March. He was a victim of the earthquake.”
“You are joking. You can’t really…”
“This is your new identity.” she concludes, offering him the envelope.
“My friends will search for me!” He rebukes angrily.
“They did. Some of them were particularly insistent. I think that the boy’s name was Harrington? He refused to leave the hospital.”
They almost didn’t know each other and now he was searching for him?
“He will never believe that I’m dead and…”
“You are right. He didn’t. We had to sedate him, for his own good. We gave him something Brenner was working on. When he wakes up he will not remember what happened, so he will not search for you.”
“But the others…”
“He was the only one in the hospital when you were brought in and your injuries were pretty bad. Everyone else believed us when we said that you died.” the woman puts a hand on Eddie’s shoulder “I know that this must be hard for you, you're just a child after all, but this could be a good thing for you. A new life. A new opportunity to be happy. You can move wherever you want, the government will pay for everything, and you will even have a monthly paycheck. It is not so bad, no?”
It’s not bad but he is going to lose the few things that he has.
The few friends that he has.
Ok, he doesn’t have to panic. The last time that someone from the government got into his life he ended up at Wayne’s place, which wasn’t a bad thing, maybe this could be a good thing too.
No, no, no! It’s not a fucking good thing! It’s horrible! Dreadful! But there is nothing he can do.
“George Lockwood?”
“Born in San Francisco, an orphan. Now you choose: where do you want to move?”
There are many places he would like to live in. New York, Los Angeles, and maybe even somewhere in Mexico.
But if he is going to have another chance at living there is only one place where he would like to start his new life.
“Las Vegas.”
Ok, maybe Las Vegas was better as an idea than an actual town.
Two months in the middle of the desert and he is already deeply regretting it.
It’s so hot that he feels like melting almost all day long. Luckily for him, he had to change his clothes too. 
Now he is a receptionist at the Flamingo Hotel. He wears a fucking suit all day long, and he plays at the fake weddings at the chapels by night.
He sees all the concerts that he can and finally starts to get used to his life.
After a couple of years, he almost doesn’t remember how his life was before.
He has many new tattoos on his skin, drawings that mean nothing to the boy in the tattoo parlor but that tell Eddie’s story.
He has a Garfield cup on the inside of his left elbow, a twenty faced dice on the back of his shoulder, a little walkie, a thinking cap and a little pony on his right arm, a pair of pom poms, a basketball and a nailed bat on his left arm, and a pair of gruesome bloody bat wings on his back.
He has a boyfriend, Raphael, who keeps telling him that he should stop getting new tattoos, but Eddie can’t stop. When he sees the horrible scars on his body in the mirror he looks at his tattoos, asking himself how is everyone, if they defeated the fucking demon or not.
It’s so strange being in love with a boy who knows nothing about him.
Raphael knows George. He knows that he was born in San Francisco and that he moved to Las Vegas for a dare with an old friend. That he stopped there because he lost everything he owned on the green tables and then he started work as a dishwasher and ended up as a receptionist.
He knows the scars on Eddie’s body but he thinks that a rabid dog attacked him when he was a kid.
He knows that he is an orphan and he has no idea that somewhere in Indiana there is an old man who is probably still mourning his death.
Raphael knows everything and nothing at the same time.
They never sleep together because Eddie can’t explain to him why he keeps sleeping with the lights on or why he wakes up in the middle of the night screaming for nightmares.
Last night, when he was playing while Elvis was officiating the wedding between a very drunk couple, for a moment his heart faltered when he thought that the groom was Steve.
He wasn’t, of course, but still, his stomach clenched when he saw a chestnut boy.
Sometimes he wonders what happened to him, to the boys, to Wayne. 
But he can’t go back to his life so he keeps going on with his routine: wake up, go to work, play at the wedding or fuck Raphael somewhere, then back to bed ready for another day.
A nice red-haired girl is doing the check-in, and Eddie’s hands stop for a moment when the girl tells him “We have a reservation, the name is Harrington. Steve Harrington.”
“Sorry? I didn’t catch the name.”
“Oh, maybe under Stephen Harrington?”
Eddie searches through the reservation and finally finds Stephen James Harrington.
What the fuck.
“Ok, I just need your IDs and…”
And he is there.
This time he is sure it’s him.
He’s older than he remembered, but the smile is still the same.
“Steve.” he murmurs, and the girl smiles at him.
“It’s him. Do you know each other?” she asks gently, while Steve gets closer.
Steve’s smile falters when he sees him.
“Do I know you? You look… familiar.”
“I just have a very familiar face.” Eddie says sternly “If you give me a moment I’ll give you your room card and you’ll be free to enjoy your holiday with your beautiful wife.”
“She is not my wife. We reserved a room with two single beds. Is there something wrong with our reservation?”
The red-haired girl looks at him with a look of conspiracy “My girlfriend is going to play tonight in this hotel, it’s her first important gig so we booked a room but she doesn’t know. Can you tell me if Robin Buckley has already arrived?”
Robin Buckley?! Holy shit! Maybe Steve doesn’t remember him, but Buckley will!
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
He quickly checks, and she has. an hour before his shift started.
“She is already here but I can’t give you the room number for privacy reasons, I’m sorry.”
The girl pouts but Steve comforts her “We will find her. You know how clumsy she is. I’m sure she will break at least one statue during her stay, Vicky.”
The girl nods and they leave the counter, but before disappearing in an elevator Steve gives him a last look.
Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley are in his fucking hotel!
“Did something happen?” Raphael asks him when they see each other that night.
“No. Why?” He lies through his teeth.
“I don’t know but you seem off.”
Ok, maybe being naked in Raphael’s bed after they had sex it’s not the right place to think about Harrington.
He gets up, takes a cigarette from the nightstand, and lights it up, looking at the glowing red of the lighter for a moment.
“I saw someone at work.”
“Someone famous?”
He shakes his head “An old friend.”
“This should be a nice thing, right?”
“He doesn’t remember me.”
Raphael sits on the bed, his lower half covered by the sheets “You told me you changed quite a bit.”
He nods.
“Maybe he didn’t recognize you.”
“I don’t know if I want him to recognize me or not.”
“Why?” A simple word without a simple answer.
He keeps smoking in silence.
“You need to tell me something?” Raphael asks worried.
“I was in love with him since high school. He never knew. There was a moment when I thought we could have been something more. But it passed and now I’m here and he didn’t recognize me.”
“I feel that there is more to this story. Are you still in love with him?”
He should lie. Tell him no, that he loves him and… “I think I am. I’m sorry.”
Raphael nods. He says nothing but Eddie can see that he is hurting.
“I’m really sorry.”
Raphael takes Eddie’s cigarette and starts smoking it “You should talk to him.” He says “See if he loves you back or if it’s just a figment of your imagination.” He puts out the cigarette “I will not judge you for being in love with another guy, even if it fucking hurts, but I deserve better than a secondhand lover.”
Eddie nods, gets dressed in silence and before leaving he says one more time “I’m sorry.”
“Me too.”
Great. He has fucked up the only relationship he has ever had. What now? Is he going to lose his fucking job?
He finds himself in front of the Flamingo. There are tourists everywhere.
It wasn’t bad while it lasted. What should he do now? Call the woman in a suit and ask her to move him again or…
“Are you ok?”
Jesus H Christ! How is this possible? Why on earth the man that he hasn’t seen in two years is standing behind right now?
“I’m fine thanks.”
“You don’t seem fine…”
“Why do you care in any case?”
Steve stops a few feet away from him “I don’t know why but I’m almost sure that I know you.”
“How could you? I was born in San Fransisco and I lived there until I transferred to Las Vegas a couple of years ago.”
“Have you ever been to Hawkins?”
“I don’t know why but you feel familiar.”
“What does it mean?”
“It means that my heart beats faster when you are close to me.”
“Bullshit. We have seen each other for a couple of minutes and…”
“Would you like to have a drink with me?”
No. He shouldn’t. It’s against all the rules the woman in a suit gave him years ago. Still…
“Why not? I’m George by the way.”
“Steve.” he stares at him “George, uh?”
Eddie stills, is it possible that he recognized him?
“You know what? You really look like a friend of mine. A metalhead. He died in an earthquake.”
Eddie takes a deep breath.
It’s just a drink with an old friend. Or a new friend.
“It seems an interesting story. Why don’t you tell me about him?” he asks, taking Steve’s hand with easiness and dragging him toward a bar in a little alley a few feet away.
It doesn’t matter if it’s like Cindarella's story and at midnight he will disappear, right now he wants to enjoy his night with the crowned prince.
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udaberriwrites · 6 months
AO3 Masterlist
This has been long in coming, but I am finally making a proper masterlist! I'm a fanfic writer with a ridiculously long list of fandoms, genres and characters; most of my works are one-shots, though I want to try writing something a bit longer in the future!
📚 This is my main profile, for general chaos and various wordcounts and genres:
😈 If you prefer darker themes and stories, you can also check out my AO3 pseud:
Midnight Rambles
🍃 For drabbles and lists of prompted fics:
Kiss Prompts (multifandom)
Trektober (Star Trek)
Femslash February (Baldur's Gate 3)
✨️ And if you want a recommendation for my personal favourites, I have added a more detailed list below!
All That Matters
G | Asterix the Gaul | Asterix & Obelix | Friendship, Asexuality, Queerplatonic relationships
Asterix has always felt different, but he has Obelix, and that is usually enough. Everybody else has questions, however, and he grows tired of answering.
"He wants to shout, even if he still doesn't know what he wants to say, even if he knows that if he lets his frustration take hold of his tongue, he will regret the harm he will cause."
Bésame Mucho
G | Singin' in the Rain | Cosmo Brown/Don Lockwood/Kathy Shelden | Romance, First Kiss, Getting Together | 1.6k
Life is a stage, but they are the stars of their own story. Don, Cosmo and Kathy will embrace their love. No one gets to tell them that they are wrong.
Life is a Rollercoaster; or Tao Xu's Fight against the Big Butterfly of Doom
G | Heartstopper | Nick Nelson/Charlie Spring | Fluff, Romance, Friendship, Time Travel | 11.1k
Tao got the chance to go back in time and undo his worst mistake. Tao prevented Charlie from being outed or bullied. Tao changed things enough that, the second time around, Charlie didn't get assigned the seat next to Nick Nelson in form.
Or: the Butterfly Effect sucks, and if Tao has to take desperate measures to ensure his friend's happiness, he will. He draws the line at Iron Man 2 though, someone has to keep some standards around here.
Shifting Tides
T | Temeraire | William Laurence & Lady Allendale | Family Feels, Empath characther, Trans William Laurence | 1.5k
The soirée was in full swing when Lady Allendale saw the ghost of her regrets, dancing across the clearing.
Fifteen years ago, Lady Helen Allendale had chosen to put her child's happiness above everything else, even if it would mean losing him. Tonight she finds him again, not unchanged.
When You Speak (I hear silence)
T | Deep Space Nine | Nog & Jake Sisko | Friendship, Canon Divergence, First Meetings | 1.8k
Terok Nor is no more, and strange new aliens are coming to the newly named Deep Space Nine. Nog doesn't expect life to change; but then he finds a friend, who gives him the greatest gift he will ever receive.
Wingless Bird, Won't You Fly?
E | Baldur's Gate 3 | Astarion/Cazador | Angst and Whump, DD: DNE | 2.4k
In preparation for the Ascension ritual, seven vampire spawn have to be marked with the words of an infernal contract.
Tonight, it's Astarion's turn.
"I know I ask much from you," he murmurs. His hand finds its way to his hair again, ruffling and tugging at the silver strands. When he fails to respond, Cazador cups his cheek until he at last meets his eyes. "My dear, it's only because I know you can take it."
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OCs as Horror Tropes Tag Game
I’m getting popular with these :) got tagged by @valentineenjoyer  link to quiz! gonna do this with Sawyer, but I am seeing my cowriter next week so maybe I’ll force her to help me with Baron also :) Sawyer J. Lockwood, General of the Minutemen, ex-mech pilot and a post-war gay with all the associated trauma with it:
Question 1: Pick a time of day. 
Sawyer is actually an early bird thanks to having been raised on a farm. His day starts right when the sun goes up and he starts crashing when it goes down. This drives his husband, who used to live in Alaska, absolutely insane.  Question 2: Introvert or Extrovert? Sawyer’s a mix- he’s got a really good charismatic face and cares deeply about the people he’s in charge of keeping safe but also gets grumpy often and wants his alone time. Preston is the same so the two tag-team when it comes to managing people. Question 3: How do you respond to feeling lonely? Man’s been lonely for most of his life. Father passed away when he was young and shortly after he’d grown apart from his mother while trying to find himself in a baptist community. During the war, he struggled to make friends as he preferred to spend his time studying or training so a lot of his loneliness was fought off with Baron- his lover in the USAF. As Sawyer was in the navy’s experimental branch, it wasn’t often they saw each other but when they did they were attached at the hip. During the time post-war when Sawyer thought Baron was dead, he was lonely as all hell and didn’t deal with it the best- largely internalizing it as justification for being the sole survivor. Thankfully Preston helped pry him out of his depression hole and finding a new lover in Danse helped as he blossomed as the General. When Baron surprised everyone by arriving with the second wave of the BoS to check in with Maxson’s sudden silence- the two quickly became inseparable (which is probably why Sawyer didn’t nuke the BoS off the face of the earth the moment they appeared over the horizon.)  Question 4: Pick a deadly sin.    Pride. He’s spent a lot of time rebuilding himself as well as the world around him to be a better place- and he’s learned over and over again he has to be protective of it or else others will want to change it to their liking. He always accounts for others and tries to help the greater good, but also is painfully aware how important appearances are in a leadership position. He’s super smart, but mostly in pre-war era things and often forgets things have changed- resulting in his plans often running straight into walls if his friends aren’t there to help him course correct.  Question 5: Pick a van gogh painting. Starry Night. He doesn’t get to enjoy night anymore with how busy he is and longs for a summer night under the stars in fucking peace.  Question 6: song lyric question “Oh lets get old fashioned / Back to how things used to be / if I get old, old fashioned / would you get old, old fashioned with me?”  He’s significantly happier post-war in a world where things make more sense to him (community building, being self sustaining, returning to a trade system, everyone helping each other with no expected repayment in return) and of course loves the minutemen but.... often mourns the pre-war era. Less the technology and society back then, more the fact that he hadn’t been in any shape to ever make the most of it.  When Baron returns, he almost gets a second chance at it- and it certainly helps now that he finally as someone who relates to him concerning the sudden time skip.  Question 7: Warm or cool colors? Cool! Man loves his blues and foresty colors :) Question 8: Early bird or night owl? See question 1 lol Question 9: Pick an excerpt. “A heart’s a heavy burden.” - Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle Post-war, man would it be easy for him to snap and not bother to help anyone. His unique skills make it easy for him to never have to rely on a community and he could’ve lived for decades without ever seeing anyone just out in the woods but alas- his heart is too big for his own good.  Question 10: Pick another painting. Hamlet, Alphonse Mucha. Neat style and Sawyer loves his classics (and relates to Hamlet a lot).  Question 11: Choose a tarot card.  The Lovers. A lot of Sawyer’s story is motivated by love: love for the Minutemen and all their people, love for Danse, love for his son, love for Baron, and of course love for all his other friends and companions.  Question 12: Why are you tired? “I have never known anything else. The exhaustion, the fatigue- it is as much apart of me as my bones and blood. I cannot imagine myself without it.” Question 13: What is worship? “It is destructive, and it is a weapon.”  Sawyer’s seen what’s happened with past politicians and leaders, and wants nothing to do with it. Also ~trauma~ makes bringing anything remotely religious into the same room as him immediately makes him not trust you. He believes firmly in that everyone should help everyone and no man is above another- everyone is equal and should be viewed as such and if not, deserve to be knocked down. Question 14: Choose something to take from my pockets. “a bracelet of multicolored beads”. As long as its established that the quiz creator is chill with him taking it- yea he’d like a pride bracelet :) Question 15: Feel free to tell me something! Did this for a tag game and really wish I noticed there was 15 questions before writing long answers to everything but oh well lmao Answer: 
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Thank for for the tag Valentineenjoyer!  People imma tag: @kyngsnake @wastelandhell and if anyone else wants to join they can :) (yall don’t need to go as crazy as me on the answers, most just put the result of this I’m just insane)
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mssleepy876b · 2 years
To Flourish- Chapter 6
Summary: Carina Andrews had the outward appearance of a charmed New York Socialite life but the truth of her family was hidden from the public. Studying for a history degree in Richmond, a personal mystery leads her to the small town of Mystic Falls. That mystery connects her to the unknown world of the supernatural and later to the Original Family. How will this all change this young woman who is in uncharted waters?
Requested? No. Thanks though to @sleepmusicland for the encouragement to post.
Word count: 2070
Warnings: Eventual smut scene and violence. Starts TVD Season 2, switches to TO as story progresses.
A/n: Unedited Sorry for any mistakes. Feedback PLEASE!!!
To Flourish Chapter 6
                Cari sat outside in front of the Salvatore boarding house as she continued to recover.  She felt less pain from when Damon and Stefan had hurt Elijah, but her body still ached, and she felt weaker than normal.  Her mind filled with the vivid dream that she remembered from when she was hurt.  She felt a breeze blow past her cheek, and she whispered into the wind.  “Elijah, I feel so lost without you, so alone.  I am so confused.  I will be patient as you asked but I feel as if a part of me is now missing.”  A familiar scent across the breeze filled her nose.  The scent she connected with Elijah; it gave her small piece of comfort.  She then stood and returned inside the boarding house.
                Elena helped Cari the next night to move from the boarding house to Elena’s house.  Cari could not stand being with Damon and Stefan knowing they just tried to kill Elijah and left him for dead.  Her health improved and she spent the next few days working on her college work and completed her final project for her degree.  An email from the professor let her know she passed the course, and her graduation requirements were now complete.  It made her smile, but it felt empty, lonely.  She would have called her grandfather before this but now was alone.  Her mother and father had cut off all contact and would only speak to the lawyers or financial advisors.  The ache to have someone close grew and brought tears to her eyes.
                She was resting on the couch watching the fire in the fireplace when she saw Jenna digging boxes out of the closet.  Cari moved to help her and heard her explanation to Elena about digging out the files from Elena’s mother’s time at the City Historical Society.  Cari felt a surge in her energy and strength as there was a knock on the door.  Elena moved to answer it and Cari heard her gasp.  Cari turned quickly and felt tears come to her eyes coming face to face with Elijah.  He placed his finger to his lips before she could speak, Cari nodded slightly.  Jenna spoke to Elena, introducing Elijah, and about how Elijah was working on research about the area and that Mrs. Lockwood was helping Elijah learn more.  She watched as Elena took off up the stairs and knocked on Jeremy’s door.
                Later, she moved to her room and looked out the window feeling unsure of Elijah’s steps but trying to trust him.  She moved to open the window to gain the fresh air and she felt his presence again.  She turned quickly and saw him standing near her door.  She smiled and rushed to his opened arms.  He held her against him and placed a hand behind her head.  “Elijah.” She whispered as she felt a tear moved down her face.
                “I’m here, my little bird.”  He whispered into her ear as he felt her relax against him.
                “I was scared you wouldn’t come.  I know what this feels like to me, but you have been around for centuries.  I couldn’t expect the connection to have the same meaning to you.” She said as he moved to look in her eyes.
                He helped her sit on her bed and moved to sit next to her resting against the headboard.  He pulled her against his chest again, he smiled as she snuggled closer to him.  “This connection is different to anything else, my dear.  I have loved before I met you, but nothing has felt this strong this quick.  You never seem to leave my thoughts.  I have seemed to know the last few days have been hard for you, my little bird.  Your pain has been sharp, and I have felt the dull ache of it.  What or who has upset you?” he asked rubbing his hand over her arm has she rested her head on his chest curled into his side.
                She sighed and then spoke, “First, recovering has been harder this time from the fight back at the abandoned house.  My body seemed slower to heal this time.  I am still a little weaker than I normally feel.  Then add being in the house with Damon and Stefan as they seemed to celebrate your death made my heart bleed.  Their success was at your expense and seeing their celebrations hurt so much.  I tried to refocus and remember your request to be patient, so I focused and successfully completed my final project for my degree which meant I could successfully graduate with my degree.  I wanted to celebrate it with someone, and it reminded me of the divide between my parents and I and the lack of the presence of my grandfather who loved me so much.  I felt alone thinking about all of this and it hurt.” She said as a tear slipped from her eye.  She felt him hold her tighter to his chest for a moment.
                “Just remember, my beloved.  You are no longer alone.  We are together now.  I am happy you completed your work as a college student.  I know how important learning has been for me.  I can only imagine it is the same for you.  Your degree was due to your hard work and perseverance before I was even near.  Your success is to be celebrated and we will, I promise.  Where did you earn your degree, love?”
                “The University of Richmond.  They were willing to accept an early high school graduate like me and allowed me an accelerated pace of study.  The professors have been supportive, and I feel like I have learned so much about History I did not know before.  Your perspective could probably change much of it.” She said with a slight smile.    
                “My little bird is a scholar of history, how appropriate.” He said smiling placing a kiss on the top of her head.  He felt her body begin to relax at his side.  “Rest now, love.  I am here and I will do everything to keep you safe, I promise you.” He said rubbing her arm as she slipped off to sleep feeling safe in his arms.
                The next morning, after sleeping the best she had in a few days, Cari awoke in her bed alone.  She remembered the quiet moments last night when Elijah held her close.  She remembered his words that she was no longer alone anymore.  It made her smile.  She looked over to her nightstand and found a blue box with a note.  She immediately opened the note to read it.
My Little Bird,
Keep this bird with you.  It will watch over and guard you while we are apart.  Remember, my thoughts are always with you.  I will see you soon, my beloved.
                Cari smiled and ran her fingers over his signature several times before turning to the box.  Inside she found a Raven pin.  The black color was pearlized and displayed purples, greens, and blues depending on the light.  She moved to her phone and sent a text message to Elijah’s number that he had entered in her phone last night before he left.  ‘Thank you for the gift.’ She texted to him.  Her phone chimed a moment later with his response, ‘He will look out for you while we are apart, my little bird.  I will be busy today due to Elena and the curse, but I will be in touch as I can.  Be safe, my dear.’ He sent back to her.
                A few days later, Cari was dressed appropriately as she was invited to attend the tea the Historical Society was hosting at the Lockwood Mansion.  Her grey suit with a blue shirt was offset by Elijah’s pin and her diamond jewelry from New York.  Her look impressed Mrs. Lockwood, as well as her society manners, who reintroduced Elijah to Cari.  Her history degree made their conversations easy to cover.  She was mingling in the crowd when she saw Damon get Elijah alone in a separate room from the others.  She felt no pain or injury so when Elijah emerged fine, she smiled and completed her day at the tea.
                Later that night of the tea, Elijah visited Carina in her room alone again.  They sat and talked quietly and learned more about each other.  Carina’s feeling of safety near him grew more as they spent time together.  Their conversations focused on his past and hers.  The connection became much stronger in Carina’s mind and heart, but she was unsure of Elijah’s thoughts.  Her concerns and questions about the bond and his past were eased the more they talked and connected.
                Elijah and Jenna had Cari go with them as they explored the older areas of the city of Mystic Falls several days later.  The stories and hidden meanings between Jenna and Elijah and Alaric was tense but simply being with Elijah was relaxing and felt safe for Cari.  The meeting and conversation about the dinner party at the Grill with Damon scared Cari.  She and Elijah spoke in the quiet of her room at Elena’s home before he left to go to the dinner with Damon and the others.
                “I’m worried, Elijah.  I don’t trust Damon.  He is up to something.” She said as she curled closer to him as they sat on her bed.
                “I know, my love.  I don’t trust him either.  But as I promised Elena, I will not hurt him.  But I will not let anyone harm you.  You are safer here than elsewhere.  Plus, Dr. Martin spelled your little bird friend here.  He will watch over you, my dear, should I not be able to.” Elijah said.
                “It is time, isn’t it?” she said as he looked at his watch.
                “Yes, unfortunately.” He said moving from the bed.  “I will be back soon, my beloved.” He said to her pulling her to his chest.
                “Be safe.  Elijah, I will miss you.” She said quietly squeezing him closer.
                He moved to look her in her eyes.  His smile caused her eyes to brighten.  “I know what I am doing, my dear.  I have dealt with people like the Salvatores for centuries.  Stay here though.  I will return to you, I give you my word.” He said as he moved quickly and left the house.
                Later that night, Cari felt a horrible pain in her chest, and she collapsed onto the floor of her room at the house.  Due to the carpeting, her fall was hidden from Jeremy and Bonnie who were downstairs.  When she awoke later, she was in an unfamiliar room and felt extremely weak.  A male voice filled her ear.  “Please rest, Ms. Andrews.  Elijah gave me instructions to find you and keep you safe.  He wants me to help you recover since Damon Salvatore and his friends tried to hurt him.  Your safety and survival is very important to him.  So, rest and know you are safe.”  She tried to respond but felt her body draw her back to sleep again.
                Carina awoke in a dream state again but felt Elijah with her.  “Elijah, my love.” She whispered as he touched her face.
                “I’m here, my little bird.”
                “I’m so weak.” She whispered as he helped her rest against his chest.
                “I know, I am sorry, Carina.  Damon attacked me again when I went to find Elena.  The dagger is still in me, so I am weak myself.  I wish I could take away your pain.  Dr. Martin has placed your body in stasis.  I gave him instructions to do this when I left him.  I could sense your weakness, my love and I promised to keep you safe.  Your body is at rest and out of pain.” He said to her running his hands up and down her arms.
                “Can we just stay here awhile and be safe?” she whispered.
                “Of course, my beloved.  Rest and I will be here with you.” He said as she slipped off into sleep.  They spent their time resting together, getting to know each other more, and increasing their bond to each other.  Carina felt her connection and feelings for Elijah grow as they spent time together and knew her heart was his for as long as they had together.   She hoped that he felt the same as they waited for his dagger to be removed.
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A hybrids bite
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Pairing : Pre - Klaus Mikaelson x Male reader , Tyler lockwood x male reader
Tags: angst, hurt, pre relationship, based on s3 ep11 , breaking up
Word count : 1,010
Day 21 writing challenge
It was official Y/N hated his birthdays now and it was for many reason , For one being turned at 17 sucked because now he was forever stuck at that age frozen in time while everyone else got to move on with . The second reason was Tyler had just broken up with him in the of the schools parking lot leaving him single. The final reason was now he was having a weird funeral/ Birthday celebration in a creepy crypt with his friends. Which was a sweet gesture in itself, it gave him the opportunity to morn his human life and celebrate his new life as a vampire. But all he really wanted was to see Tyler. SO, he may or may not have texted him whilst Elena, matt and bonnie were distracted which somehow caused an argument between bonnie and Elena causing bonnie to leave early.
It took some time for the awkwardness to leave the remaining group, but it eventually left allowing them to continue drinking and having fun.
Y/N lay with his head in Elena's lap as they passed around the tequila Bottle trading funny memories, they had of each other. That’s when Tyler finally enters the crypt Causing the laughter to stop.
“ Sorry , I didn’t mean to crash the party” Tyler tried to play off as a joke but it just pissed Matt off
“ Then don’t”
Y/N quickly gets up from Elena’s lap to stop matt “ No , Its- its okay” he turns to Tyler “Hi”
“Can I talk to you for a sec? it's important”
Y/N sighs before nodding and follows Tyler out of the crypt and into the woods. As they walk Tyler begins talking
“I take it all back. Everything I said this morning, Klaus can't control me not when it come to you, I won't let him”
“Tyler, it's okay. Maybe we just weren't meant to be together. Maybe we just have accept that and move on” Y/N argues moving his hands around to emphasize his point.
“I’m not Moving on from anything, I love you”
Y/N stops and stares eyes growing wide “What?”
Tyler gives a small nod before leaning in, Y/N lets him close the remaining distant between them sealing their lips together in a searing kiss. The hybrid wrapped one arm around the vampire's waist to hold his body close against his own. The kiss deepens with teeth and tongue. Y/N bares his neck and lets out a moan as Tyler begins kissing it. Y/N wraps his arms around Tyler enjoying it when suddenly he feels pain,  he pushes Tyler away.
“ ouch!, What the hell was that?” Y/N brings his hand up to his neck touch it. He pulls his hand back and see blood.
“ oh no!” Tyler exclaims as realizes what he did
“ Did you just bite me ?”
“ oh my god , I'm sorry, I'm so sorry “ Tyler say apologizing through his panic he tries to get close to his boyfriend but Y/N pushes him away.
“ oh my god! , Just get away from! , Go ”
Tyler runs leaving Y/N to slump to the ground
Y/N doesn’t remember anything after that , he know he’s being carried  but he can't tell who. He feels as they place in down on to some soft and cover him with something. He hears his mom talking to him
“ I'm sorry mom”
As Y/N drifts He feels someone stroke his face and he leans into it
Y/N lays awake finally on his side he watches as Klaus enters his room. He tries to speak but it come out weak “ are you going to kill me ?”
If possible Klaus soften as he makes his way toward the dying vampire “ On your birthday ? , Do you really think so low of me?”
“ Yes”
Klaus leans closer to examine the bite on his neck “That looks bad. My apologies, you're what's known as collateral damage. It's nothing personal”
The Original notices the bracelet Tyler had given him hanging from the vampires wrist and touches it “ I Love birthdays”
“ Yeah aren't you like … A billion or something ?”
Klaus must not of taken offence because he laughs “ Well you have to adjust your perception of time when you become a vampire, Y/N Celebrate the fact that you're no longer bound by trivial human conventions. You're free.
The young vampire frowns “ No I'm Dying”
Klaus takes a seat on the bed next to him and begins whispering “ And I could let you die, if that's what you want. If you really believe your existence has no meaning. I thought about it myself, once or twice over the centuries, truth will be told. But I'll let you in on a little secret. There is a whole world out there, waiting for you. Great cities and art and music, genuine beauty. And you can have all of it. You can have a thousand more birthdays. All you have to do is ask.”
“ I don’t wanna die”
Klaus moves closer and lifts Y/N head whilst offering his wrist
“There you go sweetheart, have at it”
Y/N flicks his gaze to the original looking for another signs of trick but finds none, so he bites down.
“ Happy birthday Y/N”
When Y/N wakes later on he touches his neck and realizes its healed Klaus had healed him. He looks around his room and finds a rectangular blue box on his desk. He goes toward it and picks it up. He notices the note “From Klaus” He opens the box and find an expensive looking bracelet.
Klaus had healed him but he was also the reason he was bitten in the first place and now he was giving Y/N gifts and confusing him, No Y/N wouldn’t feel anything Klaus he refused too. The young vampire slammed the box closed and put in a draw out of sight out of mind. He would not think about Klaus.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Woof Woof
Pairing | Tyler Lockwood x reader
Summary | you were the last person alive that Tyler ever saw himself confiding in. But when the pair of you were the only sober ones at an outdoor party, he has no other choice. Though, he finds himself to be surprised to find out how serious you can really be in the moment.
Warnings | angst, mentions of death, tiny smidge of violence, swearing, implied smut
Requested ☑️
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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A football rolled at Tyler’s feet, him being unimpressed by the insulting sentiment. The brown and white seamed material became the affections of his prying glare, and if he were a witch, it was undoubtable that he’d have burned the item right on the spot, reducing it to nothing more than ashes encrusted in the encrusted and dead green leaves.
It was summer, which meant, before the new year at school began, there would be woodsy bonfires, and a bunch of teens drinking despite the legal age limit. Matt was tending to the kegs, of which he had bargained with the owner of the grill to sell to him, illegally of course. It seemed that deal had worked out fine, considering that many had drinks in their hands. But today, he didn’t need the mockery meddling with his mind,one day of peace was all he wanted, though seemingly, he was never permitted such a luxury.
With his intent full eyes, he found a you staring at him, a mischievous taint to your irises, you was messing with him; nothing dissimilar to the normal. It was the natural of order of things, and he had rather grown used to your ever so laughable shadow prowling behind him, making up all those stupid jokes, having the heart to return the comments in one way or the other.
The weight of returning to school was already upon his shoulders, adjoined with the priority to keep himself controlled and not kill anyone. That meant, he particularly was not in the mood for your mind games, even if they were not supposed to have that
That part, was what you inclined your humour towards, brashly and bluntly making copious amounts of jokes directed towards his animalistic nature, reminding him that he could never live the life of a normal boy again.
“Maybe I should throw it back far enough so that you’ll be searching for it all night.” The Lockwood sneered lightly towards you, softly kicking the ball away from himself, heading to turn away from where you were trudging over, not wanting to pull an expression that would set off your terrible puns.
“We could get out of here, away from all the noise. I get how much it must be hurting your head, with all the new canine tricks you’ve learnt.” Gulping, Tyler watched as you bent down to pick up the sporting item, twirling it in your hands, as you awaited an answer out of him.
The werewolf nodded, walking ahead of you, as he abandoned the scene that he had once thrived in, now feeling like he no longer belonged around normal people, who were oblivious to the truth, and free of his curse. Not to mention, the truth that you were nothing more than a human, that despite knowing the realism that ran on through the town, killing many people, whether they were passers by, or long term citizens.
And as per usual, they were regarded as animal attacks; and because he killed someone, he had to live in the paws of a wolf. “Good boy.” You snickered at his competence to lean obediently into your words, going to ruffle his brown locks, though his fast and vigilant hand caught yours before you could proceed with the action.
Your other hand released the kick ball, as you focused on how his grip tightened, pulling you closer as his angered expression moved closer to your face. There was no point in trying to pull away, he was far too strong, as all the other lurking supernatural creatures were, and you were not sure whether you should be relieved or not that he was not a vampire.
These woods had a history for disappearances, and deadly attacks, but this time, you felt safe moving away from the grand population of your school, because Tyler was with you. Tyler was strong, and protected the people he cared about, despite what others may think. He was gullible to the premises of relationships, he saw someone caring as him as nothing more sexual intent.
And that was a chore you carried, and another reason that you happened to tease him so. Not only was he an easy target with all these new changes making his bones crack, but he, deep down was a sweet and lost boy, that you were falling for, but you’d never admit that. Not even to Bonnie, who said she was able to see the future or some witchy psychic shit like that.
But perhaps, he was the one that you were supposed to be scared of. A wolf was deceiving, they prowled among the sheep, picking out the weaker ones of the flock, dragging their limbs away to satisfy the contents of their supper.
“You’re hurting me Lockwood, let go.” You winced, feeling how the bone shifted beneath the rough, human skin, and the inability that you had to heal made you fear the pain furthermore. As your eyes flickered up to his, you saw a wrenching gold splinter his irises, their black outlines painting lines around his waterline, making your body tremble. “Tyler, it’s me.”
Still, he seemed mute to what he was doing. You knew he wasn’t meaning to bring pain upon you, but that fact didn’t make it hurt any less. As you huffed your breath out in whimpers through your nose, your eyes filled with tears. And then you did something you’d deny ever dreaming of, you kissed him, suffocating your noises of displeasure upon his lips.
Soon, you felt his hold on your wrist loosen, dropping it suddenly, trying to pull away, scared that he would hurt you again. But with your unharmed arm, you reached up with your hand, tugging him back, as you extended the kiss for a few more seconds, finally disengaging, to your relief, seeing his usual brown hues.
“I hurt you.” He whimpered, feeling guilty. Moving your wrist around, you rotating it, grimacing at the feeling for a moment, but relaxing him a little as he heard no broken bones. “Y/n...”
“I’m fine, it’s just a little sore. Now shut up and kiss me Fido, or I’ll find some other guy that isn’t as pathetic as a castrated dog, and will-“ before you could finish your sentence, Tyler suffocated your mouth with his own, sinking his tongue through the parting of your lips, as he walked you backwards, pinning you up against the trunk of a tree, peeling your jacket from your arms, and discarding it upon the ground.
“You know I’m up against a tree right?” You snickered, earning an annoyed glare from the werewolf, who sighed, knowing that he had to ask the importance of such a thing.
“Bark bark.” He shut you up with his mouth, unamused by your constant puns, instead wanting to fathom the dancing of your tongue rather than the words that actually fell from it.
Your hands raked down the back of his head, your nails pinching into his skin, as you mumbled his own name into his mouth, losing speech as he began to suck at your tongue. “Is this what wolves do, fuck in the woods?” Tyler rolled his eyes at you, raising his arms to slip his shirt off, the sight silencing you, as you ran your palms over his exposed chest.
“Shut the fuck up.” He growled, mushing his lips back onto your own, biting your lip, and pulling at it, leaving you certain that you’d have a bruise left upon it later on. Your hands began to tug at his belt, multitasking with the suffocation of his mouth, as you slightly opened your eyes so that you could find the buckle.
“I don’t think I’m going to do that, all things considered.” You smiled, dipping your hand into his pants, plucking at the material of your boxers, licking your lips, as you earned a reprised moan out of the dog boy.
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arctickat2400 · 3 years
Grace - Part 2 <> Damon Salvatore
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Ten years later
Grace looks so much like her mother. So beautiful and she turned into her mother each and every day as she grew.
And today is her 16th birthday. She’s been waiting for today for so long, and all these years she hasn’t asked about her mother once. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but she’s been so happy.
Our friends are coming today for her birthday. Caroline, Elena, Matt, Bonnie, Stefan, Alaric, and Jeremy.
Grace never liked to make a big deal of her birthday. It may have been ‘cause Y/N died on her birthday, but I never told her that. I never told her how her mom died or that Bonnie had to save her life.
We decorated the dining room in red and black, her favorite colors, and Caroline had set the cupcakes in the center of the table when she got here. Grace didn’t like having a big cake for her birthday. Always something small.
It was almost 12 in the afternoon and Grace should be waking up soon. Everyone was here and everything was ready.
I walked upstairs to Grace’s bedroom. When she was about ten, when she decided she wanted to redecorate, we painted her walls red, put a few posters up, she had a black leather bed and her room was mostly just made of red and black.
I knocked on her door, but received no answer.
I walked in, looking around. Her room was as clean as it always was, her bed was made with her bear set on it, yet she wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
She wasn’t in her bathroom and she wasn’t at her desk, where she would usually be writing in her diary.
Just then, I almost fell to the ground in surprise as Grace fell from above and onto my back. She always did that, surprising me whenever and wherever she could.
“Hey, Dad.” She smiled at me as I looked back at her with a smile of my own.
She jumped off of me, walking in front of me as I took her hand in mine and spun her around. I always did that. She was my princess and I was her king.
I spun her towards me as I held her in my arms, kissing the top of her head.
“How is my stunning princess this fine morning?” I questioned her with a smile.
The weird thing is that whoever didn’t know that I was a vampire, which mostly every knows, they would think Grace is my age, or close to my age.
“I’m pretty good. I’m clean and energized and ready for the day.” She smiled.
Grace’s POV
Today was my 16th birthday and even though dad didn’t say anything, I know that he and our friends are planning a party for me.
I couldn’t hear anything downstairs, since I was human and I didn’t have vampire hearing, but I knew our friends were down there. It was always like I could read minds. Everyone believed I could.
Wearing a red and black sweatshirt with black jeggings, I slid on my glasses and some rings. I, then, picked up my bracelet with a music note on it and slid it on my wrist. But I noticed something.
There was a charm bracelet laying next to it. I don’t remember having this.
I looked to dad as he smiled at me.
“Oh, yeah. Happy Birthday.” Dad smiled, and I let out a little laugh. “It was your mother’s and she wanted me to give it to you for your 16th birthday.” He told me. I smiled at the thought of my mother. I’ve never met her or seen her, but from how dad described her, she seems incredible.
“Thanks, Dad.” I told him as he brought me into a hug.
I slid the bracelet along with my other, adding my red heart necklace on my neck. Dad had given it to me when I was old enough, maybe three years old, and he told me to never take it off. I never have.
“You ready?” Dad asked me. I nodded as he held out his arm for me to take.
Intertwining my arm with his, we walked out of my room, walking down the stairs and towards the living room.
We walking into the living room, but no one wa there. But, within the second, everyone jumped out and yelled, “Surprise!” Even though I hated surprises. I just smiled.
“Hey, guys. Thanks so much.” I told them, hugging them all. Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, Matt, Alaric, Stefan, Jeremy, they were all here.
“Happy Birthday, Grace.” Dad said, pulling me into a side hug as I set my hand on his chest and stared at all our friends.
We started with presents, everyone sitting in the living room. Gifts were piled up on the coffee table. I don’t see how anyone knew what to get me. I mean, I didn’t even know what I wanted myself.
I opened my first gift as everyone stared at me. Never liked to be stared at either, but no one cared.
This one was from dad. It was a new journal with a dark sky lit up with stars and mountains on it.
“I saw that you didn’t have many pages left in your other journal and I know I get you a journal every year, but I knew you needed it.” Dad confessed.
“Thanks, Dad. And I do need it.” I told him, leaning over and giving him another hug. Hugging was always our thing. There were always things that dad and my mom did to show their love for each other and dad did some of those things with me. It was our thing.
After maybe 10 minutes, I had opened every gift and most of them were small but there were also some big ones. Lots of jewelry, a sketchbook, pens and colored pencils and a new iPhone. And my favorite, a new laptop. Dad knew I needed a new one. My old one had lost one of its screws and was all broken and beat up. I kept telling him how much I needed a new one.
After I had hugged and thanked everyone for their very appreciated gifts, Elena passed out the cupcakes and after we ate, everyone just hung out in the living room.
“So, what should we do? Maybe go to the grill for some pool and burgers? My treat for Grace’s birthday.” Matt suggests as he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.
“Thanks, Matt. That actually sounds great. But, I need to go do something first. I’ll meet you all at the grill in a few, okay?” I told our friends. They all agreed, heading out the door and to the grill. I headed upstairs as it was only dad, Stefan and I left at the house.
I snuck up to Dad’s room, hoping he wouldn’t find me.
I’ve been thinking a lot about my mom lately. I never mentioned her to dad since the night after the incident, but I’ve always thought about her. I’ve always wondered what she looked like and who she was.
Dad must have a photo of here somewhere in his room, and it’s today that I’d like to see and know about her.
I looked through his bookshelves, looking in books that he always seems to have out and a few that he seems to never even touch. I looked inside his dresser and in his closet. I couldn’t find anything. Did he even have a photo of her?
Just then, I remember that one night I saw a box on the mantle of dad’s fireplace. It looked special. I didn’t want to go through his private stuff, but I just had to see mom.
I walked to his fireplace, taking the box down and walking to his bed. I sat down opening the box. There was so much in there. There was jewelry and then there was a note and a picture. I looked at the jewelry. There was a ring in there that had an engraving in it.
I love you. Always and Forever. Is what it said. I guess that was her wedding ring that dad gave her.
I, then, saw a necklace in there. It was a silver chain with a diamond heart. It was beautiful. I took out the note. It read:
My beautiful Y/N,
I love you so much. Nothing can describe the love I have for you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You make me a better person and I can’t thank you enough for the love you have for me. I will never stop loving you for as long as I live.
I love you, baby girl.
Always and Forever.
I wonder what the note was for. It’s sweet.
I, then, took out the photo and I couldn’t believe my eyes. She was so young. It was a photo of her and dad together. They looked so amazing together, with his arms wrapped around her as he placed a kiss on her cheek.
I ran into dad’s bathroom with the picture. I stood in front of his mirror and held up the photo. I look exactly like her.
I walk back to dad’s bed, sitting down as I stare down at the photo. A few tears come from my eyes as I hear someone coming up the stairs.
Dad steps through his doorway, staring at me with wide eyes.
I look up at him as we stare at each other.
“I look just like her.” Is all I could say. Dad sped towards me, sitting next to me and taking the picture from my hand.
He set it back in the box along with the note and the jewelry.
Out of nowhere, “What happened to her?” I went right out and asked.
He just looked up at me with sad, but sympathetic eyes.
“I guess it’s time to tell you now.” Dad admitted. He closed the box, setting it back on the mantle and walked back to me. He sat down next me and began telling me the whole story.
“So, her name was Y/N. She was the most amazing person in the whole world. One day, she had come home from Caroline’s house and it was a full moon that night. I was at the bar and when I came home, she was lying on the driveway… dead.” I could tell he didn’t want to say that, but he did. He went on.
“She was covered in blood and she had gotten bit by a wolf. By Tyler Lockwood. At that time, she was still pregnant with you, and we were able to save you, but we couldn’t save her.” He was almost crying now. I already had tears streaming down my cheeks as I stared at him in sadness and terror.
“We were able to get you out and Bonnie was able to use her power to bring you back. You were okay, but your mother wasn’t. When she died, and I wasn’t there for her, I could barely keep it together. I didn’t even want to live. But then, there was you. I couldn’t leave you. Your mom would’ve wanted me to stay for you. And I did and I made it my responsibility to protect you and keep you safe.” I could barely keep it together. I stared down at my hands as I was so close to breaking down.
“Grace, I’m so sorry.” He said to me, taking my hand in his.
Tears streamed from my eyes as I finally broke down. I cried my eyes out, bawling, as Dad brought me into his arms, holding me close as I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my head in his chest.
“I’m so sorry, princess.” He repeated. “She loved you. Even when she hadn’t met you yet, she loved you and she wanted so much to see you. And I know she can.” Dad added.
Damon’s POV
Grace has been upstairs for awhile. Stefan and I were waiting for her so we could leave.
I walked upstairs, going to check on her to see if she was okay. I didn’t hear anything except a steady heartbeat.
“Grace?” I called out. She wasn’t in her room, and the only other room up her other than Stefan’s was mine. I walked through my doorway only to see her sitting on my bed with Y/N’s box beside her.
I stared at Grace with sadness and sympathy.
I can’t believe she found it. She found the picture and now she knew. She looks exactly like Y/N.
Grace looked up at me and said, “I look just like her.”
I walked to her, gathering Y/N’s picture, jewelry and my note to her and putting them back in the box.
Just as I set Y/Ne’s necklace back in the box, Grace spoke.
“What happened to her?” I knew this time would come at some point. I knew Grace would ask about Y/N. She saw her and now she needs to know.
“I guess it’s time to tell you.” I told her. I set Y/N’s box back on the mantle and sat back down beside my daughter.
“So, her name was Y/N and she was the most amazing person in the whole world. One day, she had come home from Caroline’s house and it was a full moon that night. I was the bar and when I came home she was lying on the driveway… dead.” It pained me to say that. But, I continued.
“She was covered in blood and she had gotten bit by a wolf. By Tyler Lockwood. At that time, she was still pregnant with you and we were able to save you, but we couldn’t save her.” I almost couldn’t hold in my tears . It was so hard for me to talk about Y/N, but i had to be strong for Grace. She needs to know. Grace was already crying, tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes filled with sadness and terror.
“We were able to get you out and Bonnie was able to use her power to bring you back. You were okay, but your mother wasn’t. When she died, and I wasn’t there for her, I could barely keep it together. I didn’t even want to live. But, then there was you. I couldn’t leave you. Your mom would’ve wanted me to stay for you. And I did and I made it my responsibility in life to protect you and keep you safe.” I told her. She looked so heartbroken and sad. I could understand that. She stared down at her hands, tears streaming from her eyes.
“Grace, I’m so sorry.” I told her, taking her hand in mine.
She finally broke. She was bawling now as I took her in my arms, holding her close as she wrapped her arms around my neck, her head buried in my chest.
“I’m so sorry, princess.” I repeated. “She loved you, so much. Even though she hadn’t met you yet, she loved you and she wanted to much to see you. And I know she can.” I added.
I held her in my arms as she cried.
After a minute or so, she sat up. I set my hands on her cheeks, wiping away her tears.
She put on a small smile as I did as well. She let out a small laugh.
“Thanks, Dad. I love you.” She told me and I loved hearing her say that.
“I love you, too, princess.” I told her, bringing her back into another hug and kissing her head.
“Now, let’s get to the grill. Everyone’s probably getting worried.” I told her.
We walked downstairs, meeting with Stefan by my car.
“Before we go, I have one more gift for you.” I told my daughter. I want Grace to have Y/N’s car. I had never taken it out of the garage and I’ve never shown Grace before.
I led her and Stefan to the garage, revealing Y/N’s 2014 Chevrolet Camaro.
“Oh my god! This is amazing!” Grace screamed in excitement.
“It was mom’s car. She would’ve wanted you to have it.” I mentioned.
“Mom had amazing taste.” Grace laughed. I smiled.
She hugged me once more before we got into her car, driving to the grill.
Grace’s POV
We arrived, answering everyone’s question to where we were and why we took so long.
For the rest of the night, we hung out at the grill, eating burgers for dinner and Dad even compelled the bartender to let me have a couple drinks. Not enough to get me drunk, but he let me have a drink or two.
I played a game of pool with each of our friends, the best game being with Dad.
He was my favorite person in the world. He’s always kept me safe, as he has wanted to for my whole life. He’s loved and cared for me and I couldn’t ask for more.
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New Life Pt.8
Word Count: 2,146
Characters: Derek Hale, Carol Lockwood (mentioned), Laura Hale (mentioned), Stefan Salvatore (mentioned), Zach Salvatore (mentioned), OC Characters, Reader
Pairings: Eventual Derek Hale x Reader
Warnings: angst, cliffhanger, insecurities, violence but nothing too graphic
A/N: ---
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You wrapped your arms around yourself, laying down on your bed as you buried your head in your lap, taking deep breaths. Derek was back from the hospital, it had been a week. There was still no word from Jay. Your anxiety had come back, worse than before. Your heart was constantly racing, it was harder to control it. 
There was a full moon tonight, you could tell Derek was slightly worried as well. Once again, you two were the only ones home, you refrained from telling anyone else that Jay was back in town. 
You still had no idea what supernatural creature he was. 
Your head shot up, hearing someone arguing in Derek’s room.
You tried to ignore it, before finding yourself leaning against Derek’s door.
“What happened?” you asked.
“I told Emily I couldn’t go out with her tonight and now she’s upset,” Derek sighed.
“Yeah, that’ll happen a lot,” you shrugged.
“I can’t think about that. I have to find some new chains or something. The last ones broke,” you nodded your head as Derek grabbed his wallet.
“Wait,” he frowned slightly.
“I’ll come with you,” you replied.
“Why? You do know Damon’s gone, right?”
“Yeah, I know. I’m still coming with you. I know exactly where to go too,” he sighed, before nodding his head.
You were scared to let him out of your sight again. If he was home, you were home. If he wasn’t, you weren’t. 
You grabbed your keys, getting into the car as he followed you.
“Can I drive?” he asked.
“In your dreams, Hale,” you rolled your eyes, before driving off.
You retrieved some chains among other things from the Lockwoods, the two of you made your way to the Grill. You sat at a table, looking around through the mirrors.
“Okay, seriously. What’s up?” Derek sat across from you, while you shrugged.
“Nothing,” you replied.
“You’re acting really weird.”
“I’m not acting weird.”
“Yes, you are. You haven’t insulted me for almost a week, you haven’t done anything that doesn’t involve me. You’re barely even paying attention to this conversation!” you turned to him, running your fingers through your hair.
“Look-” you froze, seeing something past your eye as you tensed.
You looked out the window, seeing Jay standing in the park.
“I gotta go,” you heard him yell in protest as you got up, running out of the restaurant.
“What are you planning?” you immediately asked him.
“Really? No hello, or how are you?” he raised an eyebrow.
“I have a gun and I’m not afraid to use it. Tell me what the hell you’re doing,” you spat.
“Walk with me,” he began to walk away, while you stuck your hand in your pocket, reaching for your gun.
“Oh, come on! Don’t you just want to catch up?” you could see the smirk on your face as you shook your head.
“Last time we saw each other, you killed my mom. Sorry if I’m not in a talkative mood.”
He scoffed, shaking his head.
“Who’s the raven-haired kid you’re with? Friend? Boyfriend?” 
You stayed silent, clenching your jaw.
“Wonder which way he swings. Would he go out with me if I asked him?” you froze in your steps, shaking your head.
“You go near him, I’ll empty this clip into your brain,” you threatened.
“That almost sounded believable, you know. Do you intimidate people like that?” he asked.
“Jay, what are you doing here?” you asked again.
“Spent the last year trying to figure out what I want to do with life. I got the revenge I wanted my entire life. It’s kind of like I have no purpose now,” he shrugged.
You tensed as he put his arm around your shoulder.
You have a gun, why are you scared?
“I finally figured it out. You see, when the supernatural kill innocent humans, all these hunters kill them. But, when innocent supernaturals die, hunters are praised. How is that fair?” 
“I got the locations of some hunters from your phone. Kinda freaked the first time, a group of them against one. I still killed them all. You saw it, right? It was in the paper,” he put his hand on your waist, pulling you in slightly.
“Why are you telling me this? I could kill you now. End it here,” your voice wavered slightly as you mentally scolded yourself.
“You could, but we both know you’re not strong enough to do it. Aim your gun, take your best shot at me,” his eyes flashed grey as he winked.
“What are you?” you asked.
“Why would I tell you? So you can figure out how to kill me? I’d rather not,” he scoffed.
“Look, your parents were not innocent. My mother believed that all innocent supernatural creatures should live their lives freely,” you saw his face fall into a glare as his grip on you tightened.
“Shouldn’t you be on my side? I mean, you’re all for equality, aren’t you?” 
“Those hunters you killed last week never killed a supernatural who didn’t deserve it,” you shook your head softly.
“They had it coming. If hunters didn’t exist, everything would be peaceful.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it. Supernaturals would kill off the entire human race.”
He put his hands on your waist, stopping in front of you.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. Humans are the worst. This stupid, degenerate species… they all deserve to die. Not everyone is like you, you know. You always saw the good in everyone and everything. Well, at least you used to,” you could hear him laugh as you dug your nails into your palm.
“I’m assuming you didn’t come back here just to bother me.”
“I want you to come with me. You’re sort of a hunter, you can get around. People knew your mother. It’ll be fun,” you could feel his breath on your face as you looked up, frowning.
“You’re disgusting. You’re a monster. You killed my mother right in front of me and expect me to be okay with you waltzing back into town, and then you ask me to come with you? To murder all these-”
“Not murder. I’d call it evening out the playing field. Why should the supernatural cower and be afraid for their lives while hunters and humans walk freely?” 
You opened your mouth to speak, before hearing someone walking up to you two.
“Dean,” you saw a smile on Jay’s face as you turned around, feeling his hand on your waist.
“Jay! I didn’t know you were back. It’s good to see you, man,” your heart was racing, as you looked at Dean.
“Are you okay, (Y/N)? You look-” Dean started.
“I’m fine. Just tired,” you lied. You didn’t need to cause panic.
“So, are you guys back together or something?” Dean asked.
“Looks like it, yeah?” Jay smirked, pressing a small kiss to your cheek as you stiffened.
“Well, I’m happy for you guys. I’m running late for my shift. We should plan a hang or something while you’re in town. I’m sure Derek would love to meet you,” Dean replied.
“Yeah, definitely. We’ll see you,” Dean gave you two a small smile before walking off. 
You pulled away from Jay, taking a few steps back. You held your gun out, pointing it at Jay, feeling your heart beating in the back of your head.
“You know what? I’ll see you tonight. Make sure your bags are packed,” you cocked the gun, pointing it at him.
“Incensa,” you winced softly, dropping the gun as it burst into flames.
“How did you-”
“I’m going to be stronger than you, no matter what. You’re coming with me tonight, whether you want to or not. I suggest you say your goodbyes,” he disappeared from in front of you as tears rushed to your eyes, dialing Zach’s number.
It went straight to voicemail as your heart dropped.
“Zach, please call me back,” you sniffled softly, ending the call as you ran your fingers through your hair.
No matter how much you tried to convince yourself, you were weak. You couldn’t stop Jay when you had the chance, you barely stopped Damon. 
Stupid and useless
Your hands were shaking as you rushed to your car, driving off. You forgot about Derek, leaving him at the Grill before he ran out, yelling for you.
“(Y/N)!” he groaned, taking his phone out, about to dial your number.
“Hey, you’re Derek, right?” Derek frowned, turning around to see another boy standing behind him.
“Oh, I’m an old friend of (Y/N)’s. We used to be close, but then I moved away for some time,” Jay explained.
“I’ve never heard of you,” Derek tensed slightly.
“Yeah, it has been a while. I can give you a ride to the Salvatore House. I was gonna head there anyway to see (Y/N),” Derek softened slightly, nodding his head.
“Great,” the two of them walked to his car, before taking off. 
“Derek, this isn’t funny. Dean said he saw you driving off with someone. Call me back,” it was nearly sundown, only a few hours until the full moon and Derek was nowhere to be found. Zach hadn’t replied to your call, neither had Stefan or Laura.
You paced around the house anxiously. You made a barrier of wolfsbane and salt around the entire house, keeping your weapons ready.
You dialed Laura’s number once again.
“Laura, please call me back. I-I can’t find Derek. The full moon…” your voice broke slightly as you stopped yourself.
“None of you are answering your fucking phones, what's the point of having them?!” you hung up the call, rubbing the back of your neck.
Fuck this
You walked outside of the house, met with Jay on the doorstep.
“Oh, hey,” he smiled softly, while you aimed your gun at him.
“Where’s Derek?” you yelled.
“Passed out. Don’t worry about him, he’ll sleep through the full moon. Are you ready to go?” he asked.
“I’m not going with you. Where is Derek,” you asked again.
“If you come with me, maybe I’ll let him live,” you felt a chill up your spine as your face dropped.
“What do you mean… Where is he?” you yelled.
“You keep asking me that, like I’m gonna give you an answer,” he crossed his arms.
You cocked your gun, about to fire before he muttered something under his breath. Your gun was knocked out of your hands, before you grabbed your knife from your pocket, aiming for his chest. 
He pulled it from you, twisting your arm back before you kicked his stomach, causing him to stumble back.
“You know, you’re getting better at this,” he smirked.
You clenched your fist, aiming for this jaw as he moved slightly, while your fist met with his head.
His eyes glew a light grey, as he looked at you with rage.
“We don’t have time for this,” he used his powers, putting his hand around your neck, pushing you back as you felt your head hit the wall behind you. 
He pulled you off your feet, pulling you higher up. Tears filled your eyes as you felt the air leaving your body.
“Let Derek go,” you cried softly.
He dropped you to the floor, as you gasped for air.
“You’re still the same weak girl that I had the displeasure of knowing,” you looked up at him, your vision blurry as he kicked your stomach. You coughed loudly, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“You couldn’t beat me if I let you,” he yelled.
“Jay…” your voice drifted as you laid on your back, blood dripping from your lips as you gasped for air.
“Come on. Get in the car,” he pulled you up, you couldn’t escape his grip.
He put handcuffs on you, pulling your arms behind the seat as you winced.
He put your seatbelt on you, before stroking your cheek.
“Was that so hard for you to do?” he smirked slightly.
“Derek…” you cried.
“Oh, he’s fine!” Jay opened up his trunk, while you saw him pull Derek’s unconscious body to the doorstep of the house.
“You can’t leave him like that,” you cried softly.
“Oh, he’ll be fine,” he closed your door, before walking to the driver’s seat, sitting next to you.
“Are you ready to go?” he asked.
You cried softly, shaking your head.
“Shhh, I can’t have you crying. I’ll patch you up once we’re out of here. Can’t have Zach or Stefan catching up with us,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead as you felt a small tear rush down your face.
You looked back at Derek’s body, as your heart began to ache. 
“I hate you,” you cried softly.
Jay wiped away your tear, pulling your head up.
“No, you don’t. Let’s get out of here, shall we?”
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tcm · 3 years
‘The Pollack Rule’ By Donald Liebenson
It’s Valentine’s Day, and TCM’s fancy turns to love in all its many splendored-ness, from the fantasy THE ENCHANTED COTTAGE (‘ 45) to the tearjerker THE WAY WE WERE (’73). I was present when the latter film’s director, Sydney Pollack, made a provocative observation during a press junket while promoting his remake of SABRINA. He said that you could have a good romantic movie about two people who fall in love or fall out of love, but you couldn’t have a good romantic movie about two people already in love. On Valentine’s Day, and throughout the rest of the month, TCM is offering several classic film romances that bear him out and a few that may be exceptions to Pollack’s rule.
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“Do you love her?”
“YES! But don’t hold that against me, I’m a little screwy myself.”
Frank Capra’s 1934 screwball romance (one of the few comedies to win the Academy Award for Best Picture, along with the other top four categories) is all about conflict: Clark Gable is a disgraced newspaper man who needs a big story. Claudette Colbert is a woman who provides it for him when she runs away to reunite with the fiancée of whom her father disapproves. He’s a man of the people; she’s a spoiled heiress who for all her millions doesn’t know how to dunk (her donut in coffee, that is). Thrown together on the road, they bicker and banter until finally love emerges triumphant.
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“You certainly are a funny girl for anybody to meet who`s just been up the Amazon for a year.''
Fleecing Charles Pike (Henry Fonda), “the tall, backward boy who's always toying with toads and things” is easy enough for card shark Jean (Barbara Stanwyck). The hard part is falling in love with her mark. But that’s only the beginning of Preston Sturges’ breakneck farce that seamlessly combines high wit and low (albeit expertly timed) pratfalls.
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“Yes, I can see now.”
Perhaps the main conflict here is Charlie Chaplin opting to make a silent film three years after sound came in. But this rapturous love story makes for his lovely swan song to the silent era. If you can keep a dry eye in the iconic climactic moment when the formerly blind flower seller realizes that the tramp standing before her was her benefactor who helped restore her sight, you are made of sterner stuff than I am.
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“When we like someone, we smile. But when we want to do something about it, we wink.”
Greater minds than mine (I guess that takes up most of you) have tried to convey the unbearable lightness of being that is the Lubitsch Touch. The last seven minutes of this charming pre-Code Lubitsch gem should do the trick as Maurice Chevalier is flabbergasted by the “jazz up your lingerie” transformation of the heretofore sheltered princess (Miriam Hopkins) he was forced to marry.
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“You sure look lovely in the moonlight, Kathy.”
Stanley Donen’s glorious musical in which Debbie Reynolds’ aspiring actress Kathy Selden was meant for Gene Kelly’s silent screen star Don Lockwood. But can their love survive the machinations of Don’s screen partner, Lina Lamont, who can’t act, can’t sing and can’t dance but who is determined to remain hitched to his star?
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“You're two wonderful people who happened to fall in love and happen to have a pigmentation problem.
Dr. John Prentice (Sidney Poitier) and Christina Drayton (Katharine Houghton) are an interracial couple in love when the film opens, and they are Switzerland-bound to be married. In this groundbreaking 1967 Oscar-winner, the conflict comes from expected places (“There'll be 100 million people right here in this country who will be shocked and offended and appalled”), but also unexpected: Christina’s own father (Spencer Tracy), who up to this point had considered himself a liberal.
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“Sex always has something to do with it, dear.”
Although not as transgressive as a pregnant Betty Hutton in THE MIRACLE OF MORGAN’S CREEK, Preston Sturges’ screwiest comedy hits the ground running with a potent censor-baiting conflict, namely that Claudette Colbert schemes to divorce the struggling architect husband she loves (Joel McCrea) to marry a multi-millionaire who can finance one of her husband’s radical projects. As the besotted millionaire, Rudy Vallee gets the lion’s share of the film’s best lines (“That’s one of the tragedies of this life - that the men who are most in need of a beating up are always enormous.”)
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“Chemically, we're already quite sympathetic.”
Lovers don’t get more star-crossed than a Communist Russian envoy (Greta Garbo) and a capitalist Parisian playboy (Melvyn Douglas). But like Paris at night, this comedy deftly directed by Lubitch sparkles and glitters. The script, co-written by Billy Wilder, nimbly navigates grim reality and romantic fantasy, as witness a drunken Ninotchka’s pleas to the “people of the world”: “I know, wars will wash over us, bombs will fall, all civilization will crumble, but not yet, please. Wait, wait; what's the hurry? Let us be happy. Give us our moment.”
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“In the spring, a young man's fancy lightly turns to what he's been thinking about all winter.”
Married couple Cary Grant and Irene Dunne love each other, so much so that they are willing to go to hilarious lengths to sabotage each other’s new romances after they get divorced over suspicions of infidelity. THE AWFUL TRUTH anticipates by one year Howard Hawks’ BRINGING UP BABY, in which Katharine Hepburn’s character indelibly defines the ethos of screwball comedy: “All that happened, happened because I was trying to keep you near me. I just did anything that came into my head.”
And that’s what love is all about; at least in the movies.
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cupcakemolotov · 3 years
At Horizon’s Edge
I promised @lalainajanes​ a space fic sometime before Covid, so that could have been two years ago or three, who can remember anymore, but here it is. I hope you enjoy it!
You can read the story at A03 here if you prefer!
Synopsis: Sometimes when a girl goes on a shopping trip to pick up a new pair of boots at the local, and somewhat hostile, human space station, she accidentally aids and abets a prison break instead. What happens in the black really doesn't stay in the black.
Warnings: Alternate Universe; Alternate Universe - Space; Alternate Universe - Fantasy; Alternate Universe - Soulmates; Alien Cultural Differences; Alien Technology;  Werewolves; Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known; Werewolves in Space; Werewolf!Klaus; Alien!Caroline; Mostly Alien at Least; prison break; Accidental Rescue; Some Gore; Non-OTP Charachter Death; Found Family
Caroline slid into her pilot’s chair just as the comm on her dash beeped for an incoming transmission. Glancing over at the seat where her co-pilot sat, Enzo gave her a grim look. He didn’t agree to her plan, and she didn’t blame him. She wasn’t usually given to bouts of insanity but every day in space was a new one, and sometimes life tossed surprises at you with the impact of live grenades.  
“Five minutes until gate clearance.” He paused and then sighed, rolling his shoulders with a reluctant acceptance. “I hope you know what you are doing.”
So did she. 
Five minutes was an eternity when facing the guns of the space station they had just left. Named after a moon in the humanities home solar system, Titan was one of the few remaining stations that still traded directly with Earth. They were also very proud that they maintained the largest population of pure blooded humans outside of Earth Solar System, even by Earth’s exacting standards of what was considered human these days. 
If she’d cared to check, the history logs on her computer would tell her all about the wars that had nearly decimated Earth and its colonized planets, of the laws that banned anyone who carried alien DNA in their veins. The justifications of a world terrified by how humanity could change in the cold void of space and their desperate, grasping fingers trying to avoid change. 
Caroline had long since stopped caring about earth’s collective opinions, and the stars cared not all about the blood in your veins. Not all of humanity bent to fear, the far flung colonies that still lingered though they’d been abandoned by their home world. They’d learned to adapt, to change. There were wonders and nightmares in space that Earth could never imagine, but right then, none of that was particularly helpful. 
What she cared about was getting out of Titan’s airspace as quickly as possible without getting blown to bits. The conversation she needed to have to do that would require her to be very, very careful. Blowing out a breath, Caroline hit accept. 
Half a heart beat later, and the familiar eyes of Marshal Tyler Lockwood popped up on her screen. He looked worn, older than the last time she had seen him. The thick black of his hair had faded to more gray than the salt and pepper she remembered from their last conversation, and the creases in his forehead, and at the corner of his eyes, were a sign of his human heritage more than any of the military patches on his uniform. 
Old. He had started to look so old. 
“Marshall Lockwood,” Caroline said, tucking away any hint of sorrow. “This is a surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
He grimaced, his face telling her exactly what he thought of either of them enjoying this call. Her ex-lover did not enjoy being reminded of their past, which was why she made a point to do it every time he initiated one of these little catch ups. A little pettiness always did wonders for her mood. 
“Forbes. You’re leaving early.” He looked down, the line between his brows deepening as he clearly checked something on his tablet. “We had expected your stay at the station to last for another 48 standard hours.”
Brows arched, Caroline tipped her head to the side and studied him. “I wasn’t aware that you were watching my flight plans so closely.”
A hint of derision entered his eyes. “You are dangerous, Forbes. I keep an eye on dangerous things.”
She was dangerous. But not in ways that Tyler could plan against, and they both knew to target her specifically because of her heritage went against a dozen interstellar laws. His team could enforce station laws while she was standing on it, but here, on her ship, minutes from making a FTL jump, what she did should have been of no concern to them. This wasn’t space owned strictly by humanity, where it could control its population down to its DNA. 
Tyler was walking a fine line. 
Smiling, she settled a bit more comfortably in her chair. “Awe, that’s so sweet of you. Being so concerned about your people. I think you’d be more relieved to see the back of my ship than making demands to justify why I would leave when we both know you're not entitled to that information.”
His mouth tightened at her jab. “Generally that would be the case but you’re predictable. This breaks your usual pattern, and that gives me cause for suspicion.”
She shook her head in false exasperation, deliberately misunderstanding him. “My personal life is none of your business, remember? You made that choice decades ago, no reason to get sentimental now in your final few years.” 
Her words were below the belt, but Caroline had never really been able to help herself where he was concerned. Walking away from her, walking away from the future they had been building together had hurt. Decades had softened the sting, but some scars still bled. 
“I wasn’t asking for personal reasons.” His words were clipped, the edges sharp and cutting. 
She laughed. “Such lies you tell. But there isn’t anything dramatic about my departure, Tyler. Your collection of goods suck right now. Did someone piss off High Command again? Would it honestly kill you to announce it when you have trade-shortfalls? Manifests exist for a reason, you know, and it’s such a waste that your ‘council’ won’t let anyone bring in additional goods. Seriously, I could have avoided this whole trip and it would have saved me some time and docking fees.”
Absently, she wondered if his jaw got stuck like that these days, clenched down on a brutal line that left the muscle jumping tautly. “You expect me to believe you couldn’t find the correct dress size so you decided to ignore two days of your itinerary? I know you better than that.”
Caroline scoffed. “Actually, you don’t know me, Tyler. It’s been fifty years since we last had a conversation that didn’t involve us insulting each other. Your personal opinions about my love of a well organized schedule are outdated.” The lie slipped easily from her tongue, and next to her Enzo rolled his eyes. She flipped him off, just outside of view of the camera. “My irritation at the lack of proper boot sizes available aside, you’re not usually this pushy. You want to tell me what’s really going on? And why you need a scapegoat?”
Tyler’s jaw turned to stone for a long moment, and she forced herself to appear bored. Every moment he delayed was another that they crept closer to their escape. He finally unlocked it enough to speak, words harsh. “We had a prison break.”
She didn’t have to fake her surprise, brows arching high at both his reluctant admittance and what it meant. Very, very few people knew that Titan had an advanced and secure prison system. Dear Old Earth had always enjoyed making its problems vanish, and Titan was one such place they used to keep their hands clean. Those shipments from Earth of goods and perishables that made Titan so popular as a trade station came with a dirty secret: in the belly of those ships were people. Political prisoners, murders, terrorists, inconvenient witnesses who needed to disappear. Titan housed them all. Some would be kept in the cold bowls of the station and others shipped off to one of the max-prisons deep in the black of space. 
None of them ever escaped. 
That Titan was a prison was a dirty little secret and not one that could be allowed to get out. But such secrets, buried in metal and technology, were very hard to hide from her. Tyler knew it, though he was bound to keep some of her secrets. As she was bound to keep the worst of his.
“You don’t lose people.” Caroline said slowly. “What happened?”
“He had help.”
Brows coming together at the word ‘he’, she frowned. “And now you want me to find him.”
Tyler’s face could have been carved from stone. “No, Caroline. I want to know if he is aboard your ship.”
Next to her, Enzo lifted three fingers in her peripheral vision. They’d only been talking for two minutes and it’d felt like twenty. 
“Tyler, that’s far fetched even for you. I don’t let random people on my ship. You know that.” She didn’t have to fake the bitterness in the curve of her lips. “If I remember correctly, it was a major point of contention in our relationship.”
He ignored her, only the flex of his jawline a sign that her words had hit home. “I want to board your ship.”
“Absolutely not,” Caroline said flatly. “You have no grounds.”
“I have more than enough circumstantial evidence.” He spread his hand in her view, eyes like flint, shoulders square. “We scanned your ship, and while there are only three bodies registering onboard, we both know you have the capability to hide someone.”
She arched a brow. “That’s a violation of at least three treaties, Tyler.”
Marshall Lockwood didn't seem bothered by that. “I also know that there are at least two smuggling compartments on your ship that are capable of housing a human for short periods of time without them suffering from asphyxiation.”
There were now four compartments, and all of them could hide people for up to four hours without risking asphyxiation but were rarely used for such purposes. Smuggling people was difficult, goods were safer. Goods didn’t talk about ships and captains and give people ideas. But there were some things she couldn’t stomach, and sometimes a girl needed to be prepared. 
But Tyler didn’t know that. 
It’d been fifty years since she’d let him step foot on her ship. And unfortunately for him, she was hardly the only crew member with secrets. Smuggling had brought such interesting bedfellows into her life, and she’d violate more than three treaties to keep them safe. But her ex didn’t need to know that, and none of it would save her, if he opened fire at her. The point blank range of those canons would destroy her and everyone who would be caught in the crossfire. 
Right then, Tyler was a problem and she could show no weakness. 
“Circumstantial evidence of what exactly? “ she tilted her head and let scorn drip along her words. “That your super secret prison had an escapee and I am conveniently close to blame? That is ridiculous and we both know it.”
“You’re a Tech Witch.” 
Next to her, Enzo tensed at the derogatory term and Caroline let her smile sharpen. Her mother’s blood wasn’t an unknown quality of hers, but saying so here, on this channel with who knows how many witnesses, put him perilously close to breaking the agreements that bound them both. 
“Marshall, my ship cleared your security systems ten minutes ago. We accepted the standard cargo check before we left the docking bay, and I am told they were very thorough. Other than requiring a scapegoat in the form of my non-human DNA for whatever inside job you're attempting to cover up, you have nothing.” She nodded when he remained silent. “You have nothing.”
Something beeped, and he glanced down. When he glanced up, nothing had shifted on his face. “I could request you return to the docking bay or face the canons, Forbes.”
Caroline shook her head. It was a threat, but here, for now, she had the upper hand. This kind of PR move for humanity would be costly, but Tyler didn’t worry about those decisions. But him, personally, and the blackmail she had?
“We both know why you won’t.”
The skin near his eyes visibly tightened and she let her smile dimple. They both knew her death would act as a trigger for a number of unpleasant consequences for Tyler. What bound them was contractual, but she had never trusted him to do more than keep the letter of the law, and today had proved she’d been correct in her assessment. If he could have violated the spirit of their contract, he would have. Lucky for her, he couldn’t. Tyler’s secrets could destroy everything he had worked to build in his life, and even now, less than a decade or two from his death, he wouldn’t risk her ruining him. 
Her previous lover had always been a coward when it counted. Earth had its enemies, and so did Titan, and she knew almost all of them. Today might cost her, but it could cost him far more. 
Letting her knowledge show on her face, she showed her teeth. “Do you even want to tell me who it is that you lost that has you so desperate?” 
There was a long, long silence as he stared at her and she just waited. Time was on her side now, the clock burning down. In the back of her head, she counted down. 
Sixty seconds. Fifty-five. So close. 
The gleam behind Tyler’s eyes turned calculating, and he dropped the name as if it was supposed to mean something, as if it was supposed to bring the weight of her guilt crashing down on her shoulders. “Klaus Mikaelson.”
Caroline just stared at him in surprise; she hadn’t expected him to tell her. The ghosts between her and Tyler faded a little more every year. Humanity might have extended their lifespans as far as they could be stretched, but they would never match those whose DNA held the remnants of long lived, non-human races. Soon Tyler would be one of the few living memories left from the single year of her life she had spent planetside. 
Klaus Mikaelson was another. 
Gathering her thoughts, Caroline shook her head, forcing herself to focus. “If he is alive, he should be nearing a century on a planet with less medical knowledge than your Station. He should be either senile or dead.” She pushed back a loose strand of hair that slid into her face, the pale gold as much as her mother’s blood as her fathers. “Out of all of us, I’m the only one cursed, remember?”
Next to her, Enzo made a grunting noise of disagreement, his disapproval clear. She waved a hand at him. Her hidden clenched fist relaxed as Enzo bared his teeth but started the sequence to activate the first of what was going to be several jumps. Right then, she didn’t care how much he hated Tyler. They’d be harder to trace once they arrived at the major traffic lanes, but first they had to make it. She didn’t dare take her eyes away from her screen. 
Tyler sighed, the sound deep and an echo that caught in her chest. His dark eyes creased, and for the first time the Tyler she’d once known peaked at her from behind the Marshall. “You’ve never been gifted at lying, Caroline.”
She laughed at him, the sound bitter. “No, Tyler. You’ve just never believed me when I spoke truly. I was never your enemy.”
His face told her that he didn't believe her. He never had. “I won’t forget this, Caroline. When we prove that you helped, and we will prove it, not even your precious interstellar laws will be able to protect you.”
The call ended just as their clearance to enter the gate came through. Caroline cut the open line, and immediately started backtracking through her systems to make sure that Tyler hadn’t tried to leave her a present. It wouldn’t have been the first time. Earth, and it’s subjects, tended to see laws as flexible when it suited them. 
The initial scrub didn’t take long, she’d never skimped on security and her ship did not endure itself to strangers programs, and the surface diagnosis came back clean. Jaw set, she triggered the deeper scrub that would erase the identifiers that they had used to dock at Titan. 
She’d known she’d have to burn the remaining dregs of that life soon, but hadn’t expected it today. Better to make a clean cut, erase her existence here in Pure Human Space now than end up in the darkness of its prison, driven mad by the hum of machines she could hear but not touch. 
“Ten seconds until FTL.”
Switching to her main screen, Caroline pulled up the screens to monitor their progress. Closing her eyes as the universe started to blur with the faster than light speed jump, she inhaled slowly and didn’t breathe again until the sound of space tearing around them drowned out the anxious rush of her heartbeat. 
It took twenty minutes after they passed through the gate to clear enough space to make the first jump. They didn’t quite dare engage their cloaking device until they left the jump points. It took another precious half hour before they finally winked out of existence as far as radars were concerned. But the muscles along her spine didn't relax until Enzo finally gave her a nod.
“We’re clear. No one followed us, which means they didn’t have enough time to scramble a ship. We’ve got a sixty minute window before this airspace becomes too hot for us.”
Caroline laughed. “Good thing we won’t be here that long. Go ahead and start planning our next jump.”
Enzo tipped his head. “Are we sticking to our plan then?”
“For now. I don’t want to risk picking up a tail, and they won’t be able to follow us from here. As long as we stay out of Federation space, we should be okay for the short term.”
For now. If they were going to stay that way was entirely dependent on what exactly she had gotten them into. Grimacing a little, she hit the comm button. “Bonnie? Everything alright down there?”
There was a pause and then the droll voice of her closest friend came back over the mic. “So far everything is holding up. I did a fast scan once we cleared the gate, and I didn’t find any extra tech that might have been dropped in the ship.”
“Thanks, but we’re clean.” She pressed her hand against the panel, listening to the hum of engines and the computers that were as familiar to her as the back of her hands. The curious hum of its voice. “I’ll be down shortly to deal with our pickup.”
“Better you than me.”
Enzo leaned back, watching her with dark eyes as he waited for her to finish her conversation. “You sure this is what you want?”
Caroline snorted and unbuckled herself. “I think it's a little late for second guessing, don’t you?”
A shrug. “We could space him.”
She laughed, this one far more genuine. “If he threatens you or Bonnie, I promise, he’ll find himself ejected. But until then…”
Enzo crossed his arms, gaze dark. “You think he might know something about your mom.”
Eyes sliding shut, Caroline sighed. She wished she could have given him that as the reason, but it hadn’t been. Not then. Now… “I don’t know if anyone knows what happened to my mom.”
“Be careful, Gorgeous.” Enzo’s mouth tightened at the corners. “The past can make you bleed.”
She knew that far better than anyone should, but arguing with Enzo about unnecessary reminders wouldn’t get her anywhere. “Yeah.”
Tipping back into his chair, Enzo studied her. “I’ve still got a friend or two on that station. I could arrange it so Lockwood stops being such a problem.”
She shot him a look and he shrugged unrepentant. “He has no teeth.”
“Gorgeous, we both know that’s hardly the truth. He’s going to do his damndest to make your life difficult. Even if he sticks to your bargain until he dies, you’ve got nothing to protect you after his death.”
Caroline shook her head. “Legacy means everything to Tyler. I don’t think he’ll so easily let me ruin it.”
Enzo snorted but turned back to his computer. “I’ll make the next jump.”
Understanding it for the grumpy acceptance but not an approval that it was, Caroline lifted hand to acknowledge she heard him, and left the bridge. The door closed behind her, leaving her in the quiet corridors, only the sounds of her boots loud over the hum of the ship as she walked. 
She wished she could explain her impulsive reaction to Enzo, wished she could find the words that gave her actions any kind of logic. Particularly since she couldn’t explain to herself. 
Walking around the corner, she found Bonnie waiting on her. There was grease smeared on one cheek and her mouth was pulled into a frown. Sighing, Caroline rubbed her forehead. “Are you going to yell too?”
Bonnie seemed to consider that, the data pad she held tapping against her thigh before she sighed. “I’d like to. But would it do any good?”
“Probably not.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” She held out the data pad with a sigh. “I still have a bottle of that shit you call liquor in my room. When this is over, you’re going to owe me an explanation.”
Caroline’s fingers curled around the peace offering. “It’s a pretty long story.”
“You noticed I said an entire bottle?”
There wasn’t much she could say to that. “Deal.”
Bonnie nodded and tipped her head towards their small medbay. “Good luck.”
Taking a deep breath, she nodded and pressed her palm to the door, unlocking it so she could step inside. He was waiting for her, the familiarity of him the same punch to her system as it had been before. He’d lost the horrible prison uniform, Bonnie must have felt far more charitable than she’d wanted Caroline to know. But then, her friend had spent her own time in the prison uniforms herself and still avoided the color orange. 
But that meant he was now shirtless, his bandaged ribs on display, his expression guarded. 
Caroline gave herself a moment to absorb that change in perspective, to take him in. The tumble of curls still touched the tops of his ears, but he’d cleaned up his beard so that only a short stubble remained, leaving behind a man’s face, thin from his time beneath Titan but hardly weak. His eyes were gold touched blue, and awareness brushed down her spine. The decades since she had last seen him were stacked behind his eyes, visible in the way he had grown into his skin.
But the impact of him, the jolting rush of recognition from earlier still lingered beneath her skin. The sudden awareness of who he was and the bone deep hello she couldn’t explain. Which made no sense, had made no sense when she was hauling his ass through Titan. If the boy who had once been kind to her was buried beneath lean muscle and a hardness she recognized from her own mirror, she didn’t see him. This man, with his steady gaze and roughened features was a stranger.
She didn’t know what to think of the way he watched her. He brought so many complications with him. Tipping her head, she arched a brow with more casualness than she felt. 
“Werewolf, huh?” Caroline kept her voice even, and the edge of his mouth curled. “I’d have remembered that if you’d mentioned that little detail before.”
He took his time responding, gaze dragging down her body in a thorough perusal that left her skin tingling as if he’d touched her. “Caroline Forbes. I must say, you were not who I was expecting.”
She snorted. “Yeah, well, me either. I wasn’t there to rescue you.”
His gaze narrowed. “Then why were you there?”
Caroline kept her voice bland, shifting her weight to tap one boot against the floor. “New boots.”
And Klaus Mikaelson blinked at her as if the words that were coming out of her mouth were in a dialect he had never heard before. She felt a perverse amount of satisfaction from that. The Klaus she had known had been a few years older and nearly unflappable, outside of the mercurial moodiness of his temperament.
“New boots.”
“Yup. And lucky for you that I decided I needed them. There are reasons that Titan has never lost a prisoner before.” She tossed the data pad in front of him. “I don’t know who or what you were expecting when you made it onto the surface level, but if I hadn’t found you and decided to help, you’d have been collared and sent right back into the depths of the station.”
Caroline wasn’t certain she’d ever shake the shock of it: turning the corner, and finding Klaus standing there. Klaus, who she had thought of only in the safety in the dark of space, when she allowed herself to remember that tumultuous year she’d spent with her feet on solid earth. She had hoped for him to have married, to have had a batch of sarcastic moody children, to have grown old having survived the machinations of his mother. 
Another quiet piece of her past disappearing before she’d gained even so much as a hint of a wrinkle. 
But he hadn’t, and now she didn’t know what to think. 
When she’d seen him, his beard had been too long, the shackles from his cell had still been curved around the bones of his wrists. He’d been slightly hunched, the blood on his uniform not just from whoever had gotten between him and his escape, and the way he stood said something had hurt but he was on his feet. 
Somehow, she hadn’t gotten any of that blood on her. Right then, she was regretting that a little. A single touch of his skin against her own, and she’d have managed to avoid some of this conversation as she’d been given the answers. For the first time, she cursed the prison uniform for more than its obnoxious color and terrible material.
And now here she was , struggling to understand the certainty she hadn't felt in decades when she’d seen him. Her mother’s blood never forgot an enemy, but it also never forgot a friend, and once, a very, very long time ago, she’d thought of him as such. The punch of that knowledge had been staggering as they’d stared at each other, too much between them, and she’d heard the alarms blaring from beneath the soles of her feet. 
She hadn’t been able to turn, to leave him like she should have. Swearing at him, at herself, she’d moved forward and slid her arm beneath his and gritted out an order to stay quiet and to follow her. 
And he had. Now here they were. On her ship, trying to outrun the long reach of Titan. His gaze finally left her face and lowered to the datapad before returning to hers in a silent question.
“Bonnie is med-trained,” Caroline lied easily. “She did a data scan before I came in when she was tapping up your ribs. I know earth uses the prisoners below Titan for experimentation, but did you ever hear them mention what they were putting into your blood?”
“Bonnie,” Klaus said softly. “Is a witch.”
She didn’t lower her eyes. Esther had been a witch. “Is that going to be a problem for you?”
Not even a flicker of a lash. “No.”
“Because if it is,” Caroline said, “I will toss you into the airlock myself. Werewolves can last for a few minutes in the black, you know. Not long enough to live, but long enough to fight for it.”
The yellow in his gaze spread in a wash of power. “Threats already?”
“Duh,” she replied. “This is my ship, my crew. I might have saved you, but you try to harm them, and you’re going to see what it’s like trying to breathe in a vacuum.”
Klaus laughed, low and rich, and it ran across her senses like a touch. “Your threats have gotten better, love. I approve.”
Caroline snorted. “I’m touched. Really.”
He didn’t move towards her, but the sudden intensity to the way he watched her, the wolf clear in his gaze, left her very aware of the careful distance and one table between them. “I think you’ll find that even here, on this ship you’ve claimed and marked as your own, that I am not so easy to destroy.”
She didn’t doubt he believed that, that he was capable of horrible things, even injured, but she refused to give him an inch. Not here, not now. Not yet. Not when her ship would tear itself apart to protect its heart. “So says the werewolf that had to be rescued from humans.”
Klaus’ gaze narrowed, a flicker of deep seated rage there and gone again. “The result of an unfortunate betrayal, one I plan to deal with as soon as I am off this ship.”
There was something dangerous there, something terrible that kept her from asking the questions that lingered on her tongue. “Are you going to be a danger to my crew, Klaus?”
His head angled to the side, and there was nothing soft about his expression. “Will you believe my answer?”
“You’ve never lied to me before,” Caroline said slowly, feeling her way through the strange sense of knowing she hadn’t been able to shake. The buzzing of her mother’s blood. She wanted to believe him. “I don’t have a reason to think you’d start now, though you were apparently keeping some pretty big secrets.”
Klaus went motionless in front of her, the flex of his jaw unexpected as he stared at her. The wolf slowly faded from his eyes as he clearly weighed her words. “I intend no harm to your people, Caroline. Witches or no. But I cannot say the same for my enemies.”
She shoved her fingers through her bangs. “And just who are they?”
“Why did you rescue me, Caroline?”
She blinked. “Does that matter?”
A hint of a dimple curved along his cheek, and Klaus crossed his arms, leaning against the table. She tried very hard to ignore the shift and flex of muscle, the bare skin still on display. The fascinating movement of his tattoo. “Very much, I’m afraid.”
She mirrored his stance, arms crossing across her chest. “And why is that, exactly?”
“I’ve answered a number of your questions,” he pointed out in a reasonable tone that made her teeth clench. “It's only fair that you do the same, don’t you think?”
“I wasn’t the one rescued.”
His teeth gleamed in the lighting. “A man has reasons to be concerned when a near stranger offers him his freedom. Particularly in such… serendipitous circumstances, don’t you think? The black is full of terrible things. Slavers. Blood Witches. Those influential human scientists who wish to unlock the immortality of magic without the cost. We knew each other a long time ago, love.”
Her eye roll was automatic. “Oh yes, I’ve risked my reputation and my neck to drag you off to a backwater moon so you can become someone’s wolf bitch. How did you guess?”
The hint of amusement that had tugged at his lips disappeared, and something hard entered his eyes. “The truth, if you please.”
It was a velvet threat said in a voice lined in steel. She hadn’t liked that tone from him when she’d been seventeen, and she liked it even less now, knowing of the wolf that lived under his skin. She forcibly reminded herself that she’d have questions if he’s just up and rescued her too. Locking him in the med bag until he was reminded of his manners wasn’t a smart decision. Yet, at least. 
She lifted her chin and held that inhuman gaze, unblinking. “You were something of a friend, once. I hadn’t forgotten that and I have no love for cages. Though I suppose I should worry why humanity decided to bury you in their favorite graveyard. There are some things even I won’t look past. Are we going to be enemies, Klaus?”
Truth and lies, they tangled together and she wondered if he saw them. None of that had been in her mind when she’d seen him, none of that had mattered. Her reaction had been inexplicable and confusing, and it wasn’t something she was willing to discuss. Not now, preferably never. 
“You don’t want me as your enemy, love.”
Caroline scoffed. “I’m not sure I want you as my friend. The last werewolf I made an acquaintance of was a real dick, and this conversation isn’t shaping up to prove you’re much different.”
“And would that werewolf happen to be the esteemed Marshall Lockwood?” His words were casual, as if that information actually existed outside her head. As if he knew. But Klaus had known Tyler once, and that made her wonder. 
“Marshall Lockwood is not up for discussion .”
Klaus brow arched with intrigue. “So the rumors are true.”
“That would depend on the rumors.” It was a strain, to hold that slightly bored expression. To keep her pulse steady. 
“Lockwood should have been promoted past Marshall decades ago.” Klaus dragged his gaze down her face, and for a heartbeat she imagined those eyes lingered on her lips. “The why’s have always generated a great deal of speculation. He passes as human, you see. He is also loyal even when that loyalty is detrimental. The rumors of blackmail, of alien involvement have been rampant for years.”
She’d made a point not to follow those rumors, and it was a struggle not to wince. No wonder Tyler hated her. But she remembered the way he’d spat Tech Witch, the way he’d made it clear to anyone around him, and that wince turned to anger. He’d made his choices. 
“You’re pretty knowledgeable for a man who was locked away in the depths of Titan.” Caroline said slowly. “Why exactly did they toss you into their comfy retirement home? Werewolves take resources to hold.”
His smile was slow and sharp. “Humanity considers me a threat.”
“That hardly makes you special.” She waved a hand towards the walls of her ship. “Earth considers everyone not fully human a threat. It’s a long, extensive list.”
“True. Let’s say then, that I have made an effort to be noticed.” His eyes glittered. “They are well aware of who I am.”
“How wonderful for you. How?”
Klaus studied her for a long moment. “When you said you couldn’t return, you meant it, didn’t you?”
Her breath caught in her throat at those softly voiced words, the memories they dragged violently to the surface. The way she could almost smell the smoke, feel the splash of her mother’s blood against her face. 
“I never lied to you.” Caroline said. “Even then.”
Especially then. 
Not when she had a choice.
He gave a nod, the wolf back in his eyes, as if he had come to some internal decision. “Esther didn’t survive you leaving the planet.”
She blinked, frowned. “Esther was amassing a cult following, how did anyone get through that? And how does this answer my question?”
A sharp slash of a smile. “I killed her.”
Caroline stared at him. Esther had been his mother. “I don’t understand.”
He lowered his arms, shifting his weight carefully. “My mother… Esther was a monster. And so was Mikael.”
“They did try to sacrifice my mom, so no arguments there.” She let the bite of her nails into her palm ground her. “But they were also powerful, which is why we ran.”
And why she’d been willing to barter with Tyler’s mother to get him off that world, the one family with limited permission to leave the planet without the terrible protocols. Not that it’s done her any good, in the long run. Tyler had chosen to bury what he was and to become something he wasn’t. And she...
She’d woken to the cold berth of her ship alone, the only clue the blood that had stained the walls, the floors, of what had been her mother’s room. That ship had been destroyed in the heart of a sun, the blood too potent and the horror of it too binding. The ship sang too mournful song, a song of rage and sadness even as she watched it disappear in an explosion that erased it down to the last molecule.
“Yes,” Klaus agreed. “But by rescuing Liz, you allowed the rest of us to find our freedom.” A lowering of his lashes, charm in every word. “I suppose that means you’ve saved me twice.”
For a long moment their gaze held, and the room felt several degrees too warm. It had been Klaus’ hands who had caught her when she had staggered at the weight of her mother. Klaus who had told her to go, as the screams around them had grown in fever pitch as the fires Kol had set to burn began to consume houses. 
Clearing her throat, Caroline shook her head. “If you killed Ester that debt is even. But what does any of this have to do with you escaping that planet and pissing off enough people you got tossed into Titan? Stop avoiding my questions.”
Another flash of teeth, a deliberate god behind his eyes. “And where have you been all these years, Caroline?”
Hand sliding to her hip, Caroline glared. “What do you mean? Space is a big place.”
“You’re not an easy woman to find,” Klaus said casually. “Even when one knows what to look for.”
Unexpectedly, her heart jolted into her throat. “You shouldn’t have been looking for me at all.”
The dip of the crease of his cheeks, the curve of his smile were all predatory. “No?”
“My mother paid her debts,” Caroline said bitterly, chin lifting. “I owe you nothing.”
“No,” he repeated, voice softening. “You do not. I believe if anything, if what you say is true, I owe you.”
Her gaze narrowed, but his eyes didn’t waver from hers. Motioning towards the pad on the table in front of him, she firmed her words. She was done discussing her mom. “I bet Titan’s food sucked. I’ll find you an energy bar while you read that report.”
She turned her back to him, and it itched along her spine. But even a werewolf couldn’t get a clean jump on her in her own ship and to flinch now would be to lose ground. Digging through the supplies they kept for emergencies, she found a shirt that would probably fit with something like regret. Another drawer for one of Bonnie’s stashed meal replacements, and she walked over and set them both in front of him. 
For a moment, she imagined she could feel the heat radiating from his skin, even with the table between them. She shook the thought off, ignoring the way she could almost pick out the scent of his skin beneath the sterility of the prison smell. Klaus, for his part, had done as she said and was looking at the data pad, the full line of his mouth pressed into a thin line. 
“You’re sure this is accurate?”
“Bonnie doesn’t make mistakes,” Caroline said. “Not about this. And neither do I.”
“Why show this to me?”
She tipped her head and studied him. Considered the words she wanted to say. “Titan is full of the echoes of old ghosts. The kind humans cannot see, even in the black. The kind that skitter along nerves, that flicker with the hum of an engine, that race across a tablet screen in the shape of quick anomalies and distortions. What that station swallows, it keeps.”
There was no judgement in Klaus’ eyes at her reminder of her alien blood, the gifts that left her far more integrated into technology that should be possible. Tech Witch. If only it was so simple. 
“So you’ve said.”
“So I did.”
Those brilliant eyes narrowed. “Tell me, love. Your people avoid human space. Yet, here you are. Why?”
Her lips twisted. What few of them were left. “We avoid humanity for good reason. We… the best way to put it is we leave behind our own echoes, and too many… well, this ship would swallow its enemies too. Titan would never allow that sort of integration, but they fear it. What it could become.”
“Titan has no consciousness, no knowing.” Klaus said, as if he’d been prepared for what she would admit. “It’s halls are lined with human nightmares, not the kind your people give shape to.”
“Humanity has never been so simple.” Caroline returned. “The remnants of my people… they litter empty colonies like broken alters. What humanity tries to do with those bits and pieces could never be allowed on earth, could never be allowed to be seen as anything but human invention.”
“Nanotechnology is not new.” He pointed out, referencing the report she’d given him to read, the details Bonnie had included for him. So he could understand. “Humanity has been experimenting with improving vaccinations and healing for more generations than have passed since your people’s first contact. Even in the black, the science of it has trickled out into space. Improved healing, improved health, longer life spans as organs stop failing quite so quickly.”
“What we suspect that they have injected you with is not so simple.” She gave him a brief smile, barely more than the bitter curve of her lips. “Over the last twenty years, we’ve discovered that the scientists on Titan have been less than satisfied with the dozens of prisoners that earth sends them each year as experiments. They’ve turned their eyes towards slavers, towards their own people when it suits them. I can’t imagine how delighted they’d have been, to have found themselves in the position of having a werewolf in their grip. Whatever they injected you with, it’s going to be dangerous.”
Klaus ran his finger thoughtfully down the screen of the pad. “Experiments with what technology survived the fall of your people seems like a bit of an extreme jump in logic. Earth would never sanction such things as the fallout should it be proven would be terrible.”
She’d once thought the same. That had changed. Caroline held out her palm, nudged her chin towards the pad. “There is an easy way to tell. If Bonnie was right. If we’re wrong.”
A simple touch, and she would know just what part her people’s cast off ruins were being used in the torture of those Titan claimed as its own. To see what they had shoved in his veins, this man-made monster who might now carry worse sins in his blood than he knew.
In front of her, the line of his throat went taut, the cords of his throat in sudden, sharp relief. What blue had returned to his eyes disappeared under a wash of gold so potent, she felt it sizzle across her nerves. 
“Ah,” he murmured, voice dipping low and deep. “That might be more complicated than you know.”
She frowned. “Why? If they managed to inject you with their bastardized nanonites, touching you will let me confirm. Removing them is the complicated part.”
And would require help. Not something she thought the wolf would enjoy. Not when he was injured. 
“Tell me, Caroline, do you know why Earth, why the Federation, put such a strict quarantine on my home world?”
The sudden switch of topics sent warning fingers dragging down her spine. “You mean other than it being infested with witches and apparently the occasional werewolf, the two things they like to pretend don’t exist?” She wrinkled her nose. “I always assumed it was one hell of a prison planet.”
There were a few of those, scattered around the galaxies. Klaus’ homeworld had been unique in that it was beautiful, and it inhabited more than just a prison carved into an otherwise uninhabitable chunk of rock. But it was also full of horrors, and not all of them had been man made. 
He laughed softly, but there was no amusement in his eyes. “You’re not entirely wrong. But what they wished to trap there is more complicated than blood and magic.”
“Very few things are more complicated than either of those,” Caroline said carefully. “And all of them are alien in nature.”
The flicker of approval on his face shouldn’t have mattered. “Earth has mostly forsaken its children spread among the stars, but not all survivors consider themselves lost. My mother certainly didn’t.”
“Your mother was a fanatic.”
A tip of his head in casual agreement. “My grandmother called it an artifact, my mother thought it was a map. My father knew it for the danger it was, and it cost him his life.” He gave a careful shrug of his shoulder. “The werewolf homeworlds have long since been thought to be lost, though most people believe their Armadas must disappear to somewhere. Esther sought to change that.”
“The werewolf homeworlds?” Caroline repeated incredulously. “No one even knows if they truly exist, or if they do, how they came to be.”
A thoughtful glance from beneath his lashes. “So you do know the stories.”
“Yes, because they are stories.” She crossed her arms with a scoff. “It’s everyone’s favorite boogeyman bedtime tale. Particularly once their ships started to have more frequent sightings.”
“Enlighten me.”
Caroline rolled her eyes. “Of what, rumor? Urban legend? Seriously, Klaus. What could you possibly have not heard? The stories that blame witches for your existence, the gift that the black pulled from your blood? The ones that blame earth's scientists who went deep into the heart of a solar system that no longer has a name. Or my personal favorite, the ones that blame my mother’s people, though how they came to those conclusions I don’t know. They left behind experimenting on flesh and blood eons before they were destroyed. There is no fact behind any hint of a rumor that currently exists.”
“The werewolf gene is an interesting one,” Klaus murmured. “It breeds true but not always in strength. Ansel thought it had to do with our longevity, that when born on planets where it was peaceful, we didn’t need that strength.”
“My father.”
“Your…” staring at him, she struggled to find a coherent thought. It hadn’t occurred to her that Mikael couldn’t have been Klaus’ father. But perhaps it should have. Esther had been a witch, as were her children. All except one. 
“What are you saying?”
“Esther’s ambition knew no bounds,” Klaus said. “She planned to use your mother’s blood to find the werewolf homeworld, to activate the map she suspected your people had left behind. And then she hoped to conquer it. But to conquer, she needed a weapon, one she could bind with the familial bond.” Another careful movement as he rolled his shoulder. “Ansel wanted to know if having a son under the horrors of our moon would grant strength back into his line. For a while, they’re politics aligned. It was short lived, as was with most things my mother touched.”
Caroline swallowed hard at the implications of his words. That he was that weapon. That her mom was a key to finishing worlds long lost. “That’s insane.”
“Perhaps. My mother was certainly many things, and sane was not one of them. But my father.” A slow tilt of his lips, the blunt edge of his teeth barely visible. “My father was not wrong. Though he was not entirely right, based on Tyler’s pathetic existence.”
“This,” Caroline said slowly, straightening her shoulders. “Is not your home world.”
The I am not your prey, hung between them. 
His smile widened. “Esther did not expect you or your strength to defend your mother.” His wolf glimmered in jagged shards behind his eyes. “That seems to be a weakness in my family, as twice now, you have surprised me, when I know better. I’m very aware of where I stand, love.”
Strength that had eventually failed her. That had left her with nothing but the smeared remains of her family. “Why tell me this? Why bring up any of this?”
“I looked for you,” Klaus said, voice dipping into a caress that was almost a touch. “All these long years that I’ve spent among the stars. Hunted for a mention of your ship, chased every glance of gold from the corner of my gaze. And yet, when I looked for you naught, when my only thought was survival, there you were.”
Caroline’s stomach flipped at his words and she forced herself to hold his gaze. “I didn’t want to be found.” 
“So I’ve gathered.” The dryness in his tone almost wrangled a smile from her. “But finding you has never been about just want, Caroline, but need.”
She bared her teeth. “So I am just an alien to you.”
Klaus moved, a slow deliberate shift of his body to remove the barrier of the table between them. Caroline had to sink her heels into the floor to hold her position, and while he didn’t touch her, he was close enough that when he dipped his head, his breath brushed along her chin. 
“If only it was that simple.” He tipped his head, the movement strangely wolffish. “If only. You know what I am.”
Her fingernails dug into her palm as she wondered when she’d started to lose control of this conversation. “Yup. Werewolf, asshole, planet born. Big deal.”
An exhaled noise of amusement. “Alpha.”
She blinked. Blinked again. “Alpha of what? A backwater planet that eats its people regularly as it’s own wonderful world of sacrifice? Sounds awesome. Big congrats.”
A dimple creased his cheek. “You wanted to know who my enemies are, love? They are many, and varied. Earth, certainly. A number of werewolf tribes. The families of those whose son’s I left broken in my path to ruling. My inheritance from my father came with a heavy price, but it did not come without its gifts. Thankfully, the Armada did eventually see my value.”
“Armada,” she rasped. Swallowing, she tried again. “The werewolf armada. You are seriously trying to tell me you escaped your homeworld, and… what. You challenged your way right to the top of leadership? In the werewolf armada. The ships that are nearly impossible to find, that are made up of mercenary bands and other wonderful, loving people and they just let you stroll in and start killing people?”
He sounded so unbelievably satisfied. “Well, clearly that didn’t stick since you ended up in the bowels of Titan.”
“Careful,” he murmured.
“Or what?” She wiggled her fingers, careful to not touch him. “You’re still on my ship, presumed alpha or not, and I can still space you. I probably should.”
An arch of his brow, though nothing about his body said he was worried about her threat. “Oh?”
Caroline gave him an annoyed look. “Have you not listened to a single thing I’ve said? Nanobites, Klaus. My people’s technology that’s been fucked about by humans into who knows what, swimming around in your bloodstream. Do you know what else they put in those things? Trackers.”
“Yes, ah.” She lifted her chin. “Which brings us full circle to the original problem. I need to see exactly what they injected into you, and then Enzo and I might have to remove them, which is going to be a bitch for everyone. Otherwise dumping you on a planet to apparently contact your armada to come pick you up will mean absolutely shit. You’ll be cooling your heels on Titan in a matter of hours.”
“Enzo.” His voice turned cool, the line of his shoulders stiffening. “Who is Enzo?”
“My co-pilot,” Caroline said. “And someone I trust.”
Klaus moved, a quick shift of his weight that put his nose and mouth excruciatingly close to the skin beneath her ear. His breath was hot and damp, and she froze as he breathed deeply. “You don’t smell of him. So not lovers. Good.”
Caroline spluttered and took two steps back, cheeks hot. “That is none of your damn business.”
“I think you’ll find that is not entirely the case the moment you put your hands on me, Caroline.” His eyes met hers, and there was nothing human in the expression behind them. “You marked me decades ago.”
She straightened her spine, denial on her tongue, even as beneath her feet, her ship hummed with attention. “I did no such thing.”
His laugh echoed harshly between them and he prowled towards her, the line of his jaw set. “No? I disagree. So does my wolf. You’ve been in my blood so long, what does a mere echo of your people compare? Even the other wolves, the ones who sought my favor, who wished for my benevolence never quite dared ask for more than what I offered. They too, saw the claim you’d etched into me.”
“That’s impossible.”
An amused, indulgent glance that spoke of too many things that left her so very aware of how close he was standing to her. “Is it? You know the stories of your people as well as I do. My kind have a similar belief, though it is rare away from our worlds. Of claiming, of mating.”
Her fingertips tingled with the need to feel that uncompromising edge of his jaw and she swallowed. Tried not to think of the way her blood reacted to him, the impulsive need to help him. Mate. Impossible. “Klaus…”
His head lowered, lips lingering so close to her own. “Why did you save me?”
Caroline gave a tiny shake of her head, terrified that she’d give into the need to lean just a little forward. “I told you.”
“New boots,” Klaus murmured. “I suppose it doesn’t matter.” He straightened, and smiled, dimples on full display, cutting deep. “There is an easy way to tell. If I am right. If I am wrong.”
Her throat ran dry. 
Klaus spread his arms slowly, moving to lean back against the table. “Do your worst. Go ahead, tell me what runs beneath my skin. All of it. But, Caroline.”
She took in a deep breath, lifting her chin to meet those moon glow eyes, that daunting smile. 
“Don’t say that I didn’t warn you, love.”
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thebookreader12345 · 4 years
Back Home for Christmas
Pairing: Will and Jay Halstead x Sibling! reader
Summary: Y/N Halstead, the youngest of the three siblings, surprises her brothers when she comes home from duty early
Requested: No
Warnings: mentions of being in the army
Word Count: 1,283 Words
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“Um, excuse me? I’m looking for Dr. Halstead,” I tell a nurse, whose scrubs read Maggie Lockwood. 
“He’s upstairs in cardiology right now. Can I deliver a message for you?” Maggie asked.
“It’s actually kind of important.” I say and take off my hat, stuffing it in my coat pocket. “Could you just get him down here, please?”
Maggie sighed. “All right. Take a seat in the waiting room. I’ll page him down here in a minute.”
“Great. Thank you,” I state and turn around, heading back into the waiting room. I took a seat in one of the chairs, and my fingers tapped away at the arm rest. My feet also couldn’t sit still, drumming up and down on the floor. It was a habit I had picked up overseas. Never sit still. My eyes darted around the room, glancing at the people sitting in the chairs. To my right, there was a mother and her daughter. To my left, an older man with a cane resting against his leg. And right in front of me, two young men who looked very similar. Brothers, perhaps. That made me smile, seeing as it was the reason I was here in the first place.
“Y/N? Is that you?” someone asked. I looked up from my lap and saw that the person who spoke was the man I had come looking for. It was the oldest of my 2 older brothers, Will.
“Will,” I greet and stand up. Will smiled and rushed over, bring me in for a hug. The feeling of being in his arms brought back memories from the past few years, giving me comfort. For a few seconds, we just stood there, enjoying each other’s embrace. It had been too long since I’d seen or even hugged Will. The last time I saw him was 2 years ago, when I had re-deployed to Iraq.
“I thought you weren’t getting back until next month?” Will questioned when we finally pulled away from each other.
“Yeah, well, my boss decided to let everyone go home early this year,” I reply. “Besides, I didn’t want to miss spending Christmas with you and Jay again.”
“Speaking of Jay, have you seen him yet?” Will asked.
“No. Not yet. That’s why I’m here. I was hoping you could help me surprise him,” I say to Will. Out of my 2 brothers, I was closer to Jay. Growing up, Jay and I were always found together. When people saw us, they assumed we were twins because of how we acted around each other. But we’re really 2 years apart. He was the one who inspired me to join the U.S. Army. I wanted to be a hero just like him. And while he had decided to come back and become a police officer, I chose to stay and serve.
“Uh, sure,” Will spoke. “What were you thinking?”
“Something small, maybe with Adam and Hailey and everyone else he works with at the district,” I respond. I was very familiar with the people Jay worked with. I had met them countless times, and had even befriended them. Will’s co-workers, however, were new to me since Will was relatively new to the job, but I was certain I would get to know them soon. “Do you think Molly’s would be a good place?”
“Yeah. Definitely. I’ll contact the district and make sure everyone is there,” Will said.
“Great. Look, I promised dad I would go have lunch with him, so I’ll see you later,” I announce.
Will grinned. “All right. Oh, and Y/N? Welcome back.” 
Will had planned out everything just like he said he would. He invited the Intelligence Unit to Molly’s, and currently, all of us were here except for Jay and Will. I had just gotten a beer from Herrmann, and now I was heading over to Adam and Hailey.
“Y/N!” Adam shouted and side hugged me. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too. Thanks for coming,” I say.
“We wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Hailey noted and took a swig of her beer. “When’s Jay supposed to be here?”
“Uh, Will is getting him now. They should be here in a few minutes,” I reply.
“So, how’s the job been?” Adam asked.
“Good. I enjoy it. I’ve earned myself a nickname,” I confess.
“Yeah? A good one, I hope,” Adam said.
I laughed. “Well, that depends on how you view it. According to my unit, I’m Bullseye. I guess I’ve got near perfect aim.”
“Maybe it runs in the Halstead genes. Jay’s our resident sniper,” Hailey disclosed.
“I believe it,” I murmur and take a gulp of beer, the bitter liquid burning the back of my throat. Just then, the door to Molly’s opened, and in walked my 2 older brothers, who were arguing playfully, probably about something stupid. As soon as Jay looked up, and his eyes met mine, a huge grin spread across his face. I set my beer down on the table and ran over to him, throwing myself into his arms. Jay held onto me tightly and spun me around, keeping his grip on me firm.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” Jay mumbled into my hair as he set my feet back down onto the ground.
“I wanted to be back home for Christmas this year,” I exclaim. “And I didn’t want to go another second without seeing my brothers. Get in here Will.” Will didn’t hesitate and joined the hug, wrapping his arms around Jay and I. When I was younger, I didn’t really like being the youngest Halstead, and it didn’t help that I was the only girl. It always felt like my brothers were trying to control my life. But now, as I’ve grown up, I’ve realized that they were just trying to look out for me.
“Where are you staying while you’re home?” Jay asked me.
“I was thinking dad’s,” I answer.
“How about you stay with me?” Jay suggested. “Unless you don’t want to, of course.”
I smiled. “I’d love to. Now, go get yourself a beer. We’re celebrating tonight.”
It had been a few days since I got home, and I was having a great time with my brothers. We had a tradition for Christmas where every year, we set up a Christmas tree at one of our apartments. Since I had been gone for 2 years and hadn’t had the chance to get a new place yet, and because I was staying at Jay’s, we decided to put the tree up at his place. Christmas music was playing throughout the apartment with Will and I singing loudly, much to Jay’s dismay, and Will and I were currently placing ornaments on the tree’s branches.
“All right. I’ve got the eggnog out,” Jay called from the kitchen. Both Will and I stopped what we were doing almost immediately and rushed into the next room. Jay had 3 mugs set on the counter, and each of us grabbed one.
“Here’s to Y/N being home for Christmas this year,” Jay chimed and held up his mug.
I smiled. “Here’s to a successful Halstead Christmas.” We all cheered and clinked glasses before taking a big gulp of our drinks. “So, who’s picking the Christmas movie we watch tonight?”
“I’m sorry, but if I have to watch Rudolph one more time,” Jay said.
“Hey! It’s a classic, and we’re going to watch it,” Will argued.
“Not if I get to the remote first,” Jay challenged and took off into the living room with Will following closely behind him. Right here, in this moment, something hit me. I had the best brothers ever, and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13 @king-crockett​ @dreamingmanip @campingmonkey @winterberryfox @nevertoofarfromivar @anotherfan07 @giagma @mrspeacem1nusone @i-like-sparkly-things
345 notes · View notes
Fandom: Chicago Med / One Chicago
Character/s: Will Halstead x Reader
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 1,481
Request:  Hi there, can I get a Will Halstead x reader imagine, please? Where the reader is a childhood friend and he used to only see her as his little brother's friend, nothing more despite the reader having a crush on him. When he transfers to Med, he bumps into this gorgeous doctor who looks familiar but he doesn't know who she is as she refuses to tell him her name and he keeps flirting with her. Until one night at Molly's when Jay finally tells his brother who she really is. Ending up to you. TQ x
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Moving away from Chicago had been one of the most difficult decisions of your life, but it’d been worth it. You loved your home, but forging a path for your self in a new city had been rewarding, and it’d turned you into the person you were today.
Even so, stepping through the doors of Chicago Med, now an attending physician, you felt a sense of pride and... relief. You may have come a long way, but there was no place like home. 
You spotted a doctor on the other side of the room, red hair making him stand out as he mulled over something on a tablet. It’d been years since you’d seen Will Halstead,; you and Jay had been close friends in school and you’d had a not so subtle crush on his older brother, not that he’d ever recipricated those feelings of course. Still, it was good to see him again, and he had no idea that you were even a doctor now, let alone that you were back in Chicago. 
You’d drifted from the Halstead’s when you moved away, something you’d always regretted, and you’d reached out to Jay when you knew you were coming home to try and reconnect, but you’d wanted to surprise Will your first day at Med.
“Everybody listen up!” A woman’s voice yelled, bringing you back to reality as she got everyone’s attention, “there’s been a bus crash on the freeway, ambulances will be arriving any minute, it’s going to be a busy day,” she explained and you saw everyone rush around as you quickly threw your stuff in the doctor’s lounge and gloved up.
So much for any introductions on your first day, straight in the deep end it was. “Newby, sorry I can’t remember you name,” that same nurse who’d just spoken, her name tag told you she was Maggie Lockwood, came over to you quickly, “I want you to take cases with Doctor Halstead today, he’ll show you the ropes,” she gestured to Will, who was on his way over just as the first paramedics burst through the doors. “Treatment one!” Maggie told you both as you made your way to the first victim.
“I’m Doctor Will Halstead-” he began to introduce himself, did he not know who you were? You were just about to respond when your patient began coding, you had more important things to worry about. 
And so began one of the longest days of your life. 
You and Will had spoken a lot through out the day, but it had all been medical, you’d been far too busy for proper introductions or breaks of any kind, and by the time you made your way into the doctor’s lounge you took a seat on the sofa and had a long drink of water, wiggling your toes and rolling your ankles as your feet throbbed.
“Hell of a day, but you handled it like a pro,” Will commented, wandering in and going to his locker, “welcome to Chicago,” he laughed and you smiled, realising that he really did have no idea who you were.
“I’m actually from Chicago originally,” you told him, standing up and putting your things away as he looked back at you.
“Oh yeah, where abouts?” He asked curiously.
“Canaryville,” you replied, having way too much fun teasing him about this. Did he seriously not remember you at all? 
“Me too!” He said excitedly, “what a coincidence,” you could barely contain yourself at this point but you held it together, letting him finish up at his locker. “Oh, sorry, I actually never got your name,” he continued, looking back at you apologetically as you laughed.
“You know what? That one I’m going to let you figure out,” you told him, finding his puzzled expression amusing.
“So you’re not going to just tell me?” He asked and you shook your head, he mulled it over for a second before grinning, “would you tell me if I took you out for a drink?” You blinked, taken back by his response, your old crush on his flaring up at the way he was regarding you.
“You don’t even know my name and you’re asking me out?” You definitely hadn’t expected this, but you were curious to see where it was going.
“Kind of feels like I already know you,” he answered honestly, looking you over again like he just couldn’t quite place you. Good, you thought, deciding to keep messing with him.
“Uh huh, you use that line on all the girls?” You teased, grabbing your coat as he kept staring at you.
“Molly’s, it’s a bar we all go to, great atmosphere and good drinks if you’re interested,” he suggested. 
Were you really being asked out by Will Halstead? “...well I could a drink after the day we’ve had,” you decided, wanting to play this out as long as you could.
“Great, I’ll see you there,” Will grinned, another doctor coming in and requesting his help with something before he went home.
You waved him off and walked out the hospital smiling, unable to believe what had just happened. Maybe not telling him who you were was unfair, but he was the one who’d forgotten you, so you didn’t feel all that bad as you headed home to get ready.
You’d applied a little more make up than usual, and your top was a little lower than the kind you would have usually worn in this situation, but as you stepped into Molly’s and saw Will at the bar, and the way he was looking at you as he took in your outfit, you knew you’d made the right decision.
“Hey Will,” you greeted him as you took the seat he’d saved for you.
“Hey... I’ll greet you with your name but I still don’t know it,” he hinted and you laughed, shaking your head. “Okay, I get it, drink first,” he surrendered, letting you order whatever drink you wanted and you settled in to chat.
“You always ask out women you don’t know?” You inquired as you received your drink.
“Do I need to know a beautiful woman’s name to ask her out?” He flirted, continuing as you took a slow slip of your drink, trying not to get too flustered, “especially when I’ve spent the day watching her take care of patients left, right and centre, you were practically superwoman in there,” he finished, clearly enjoying the red that had crept into your cheeks. Damn your awkward teen self for still letting Will Halstead have this affect on you.
“Oh so your plan is to flatter me into telling you my name huh?” You challenged and he shrugged.
“Is it working?” He tried.
“Maybe a little,” you admitted, looking away from his intense gaze and into your drink.
Will looked about to say more when he was distracted by someone coming in behind you, looking back a little to see Jay entering and walking over. Well, it was fun while it lasted, you thought, realising Jay was definitely going to blow your cover.
“Hey, I didn’t think you’d be here tonight,” Will greeted his younger brother.
“Yeah well it was Y/N’s first day at Med and I heard it was a busy one so I thought I’d come see how she did,” he explained, and you couldn’t help but watch Will’s confused face as the gears in his head slowly started turning.
“Y/N?” Will repeated.
“Yeah, Y/N Y/L/N, remember?” Jay replied slower, clearly unsure why Will was confused at all.
“Oh, Y/N, of course,” Will clicked, at least remembering you as a child, “I didn’t realise she was back in Chicago.” Now Jay was definitely puzzled, looking between his brother and your very amused self before turning back to Will.
“...you do know she’s sat right in front of you, right?” He told him, laughing as the shock crossed his face as he looked at you again like it was the first time, actual recognition finally dawning.
“No way, Y/N... I didn’t recognise you,” he admitted as you burst out laughing.
“Oh yeah, I kind of noticed that,” you said as Jay clapped his brother on the back, shaking his head in disbelief.
“I’ll be back in a bit then, looks like the two of you have more catching up to do,” Jay laughed, heading off in the other direction to a booth. You still couldn’t quite believe how long it had taken for Will to realise it was you.
“My bad,” he apologised, rubbing the back of his neck, “should we start again?” He offered and you nodded.
“I think that’s a good idea,” you agreed.
“Get you another?” He gestured to the drink you’d nearly finished, still looking at you in a way he certainly never used to.
“I’d like that.” If only your teenage self could see you now.
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