#lmk not mayor x reader
duckwithablog · 2 years
Hello! Can I request this?? The mayor really likes s/o (he's literally a Simp) and although Sun Wukong knows that s/o is completely loyal and trusts them, he doesn't like that the man tries to flirt with s/o or gives compliments even though the mayor knows that s/o is not single
ok so first of all, Wukong is NOT happy
he tries to pretend to be all chill about it, saying that he knows you won't leave him for some mayor because you literally have the Handsome Monkey King as your boyfriend
but internally he's super irritated that the Mayor is trying to woo you, since you're CLEARLY already in a relationship
he trusts you, of course he does! it's that creepy ass mayor he doesn't trust
he can't really go out in public since, you know... he's been MIA for the past 500 years? But the moment he hears about the mayor's 'admiration' for you, he's suddenly SO insistent on going with you whenever you leave the mountain
"Are you sure you wanna go? I know you aren't that good with crowds-"
"Pfft, it's fine! I can handle a few people, no biggie."
sticks to your side 24/7 when yall go out + he's always somehow touching you
mans has his arm around either your waist or shoulders. he'd wrap his tail around you if he could
one part of him hopes that you guys wont run into your admirer and just have fun, while another part wants to get a peek at the mortal that's trying so hard to court his s/o
but since life is never easy and that mayor is a hardcore simp, the Mayor just appears out of nowhere and comes up to you guys to talk
you casually greet the mayor while Wukong just eyes him up and down, not impressed
Wukong's first thought was 'Huh, he doesn't look that bad'
but then when the Mayor opens his mouth and his words were to FLIRT WITH YOU
Wukong immediately goes 'OH WHAT THE HELL?!'
Wukong is so surprised at this mans audacity. which is saying something because Wukong used to be the most audacious guy ever when he was younger
literally when the mayor decides to flirt with you, he gives him the most deadliest stink eye ever and pulls you in closer to him
mayor is not fazed and continues flirting
the way he flirts is.... questionable
"Hello, my dear! You smell delightful tonight!"
"What the fu-"
Wukong then chooses that that was the PERFECT time for him to introduce himself
"Hey there, buddy! Sorry, we didn't really notice you. You know, since we were so focused on our DATE. Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n's BOYFRIEND."
he says this all so passive aggressively while he shakes the Mayor's hand with an intense grip
he is not subtle at all, you gotta nudge him with your elbow so he can tone down his boldness
the Mayor just laughs, as if this random guy just didn't try to break all of his fingers with a handshake
he continues on conversing with you guys, saying things like "I didn't realise you two were together!" and Wukong is thinking "OH REALLY??"
Wukong keeps on interrupting Mayor whenever he speaks during the convo, FULLY intent on annoying him
he goes full asshole to the Mayor. Wukong is channeling his inner JTTW younger self to deal with him
of course, he tries to act mature but sometimes he just slips and says something so rude that you gotta remind him that he's talking to the LITERAL MAYOR OF THE CITY
Wukong doesn't care. he does not give a shit, he's the Monkey King! Why should he be worried about some mortal mayor?
if only he knew who the mayor worked for, maybe he'd be more worried
he also turns up the PDA to 100. Leaning into you so much he's practically cuddling your side, calling you various petnames, gives you random kisses here and there
He keeps on hammering in the idea that 'THEYRE MY PARTNER BACK OFF' to the Mayor the entire conversation
but somehow, the Mayor just doesn't get the hint??? either that, or he KNOWS and just chooses to ignore it
eventually, the Mayor has to leave to do his duties and Wukong is so relieved
"Aww, pssh, no worries man. You should totally go do your mayorly work, you know, since you're such an important figure. Okay, bye bye now!!"
Wukong is shooing this guy away, no shame at all
but apparently, the Mayor REALLY just wanted to piss him off today
so before he left, he takes your hand, kisses it, smiles and leaves. leaving you and Wukong gaping and staring off after him
Wukong is FUMING from next to you. you can see the steam coming out of his ears. he's restraining the urge to clobber the guy right now
"The nerve! Can you believe him?? I was literally right there!"
he then goes on to trash talk the mayor the entire day, insulting him for following you around like a puppy and his terrible flirting skills
"I can flirt so much better than him. You agree with me, right?" "Of course I do, you're my boyfriend after all."
The ego boost he gets after hearing that
"Yeah. Yeah, I am your boyfriend! That guy should really back off before I show him who I really am!"
he jokingly says that he might actually reveal his identity to the mayor just to scare him off, but you convince him not to since he'll get into so much trouble if he does
he won't actually do it, but he just thinks about it sometimes. kind of like a late night thought he thinks about at 3am
you gotta talk to him about the whole situation, because Sun "I have communication issues" Wukong would definitely try to act as if it doesn't bother him when it clearly does
he doesn't really need it, since he knows that you won't leave him, but... reassure him that you won't ditch him. he appreciates it a LOT
you also gotta let him know if he gets too suffocating with his affection, or if he gets a bit too hissy at the Mayor (or else his lawyer is gonna have to send another angry email)
ok being fr though, the Mayor is LUCKY that Wukong has more self control than he had during his journey. if he wasn't as mature as he was, the Mayor would've probably DIED
it's ON SIGHT, mf. not even the lady bone demon can save his ass
he tells you to tell him if any of the mayor's advances make you uncomfy. because if so, he'll hit up his lawyer and file a lawsuit
sometimes he groans about the Mayor being such a simp and makes fun of him for it
"Aren't you technically a simp as well?" "I'm your boyfriend, I'm your #1 simp! That guy is just some rookie compared to me."
anyways, you got 2 powerful beings simping for your ass and they're starting a cat fight with one another. please stop them before the decimate the entire city
This was such a fun request to do- Wukong seeing the mayor simp for his s/o and going "the lion the witch and the AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH" is hilarious to me
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broke-art · 1 year
So I was browsing Insta what I noticed this.
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And has anyone else ever noticed that Macaque is almost ALWAYS smiling?
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Especially when its obvious he's nervous? Just a thought.
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respawn-juicebox · 1 month
"I want a baby" prank
— Featuring Lego Monkie Kid characters!
(Macaque, Wukong, Sandy, MK, Tang, Pigsy, Mei, Redson, Spider Queen, & Mayor)
╰⪼ Six-Eared Macaque
(I headcanon he's broke af)
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╰⪼ Sun Wukong
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╰⪼ Sandy
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╰⪼ MK
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╰⪼ Mei
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╰⪼ Redson
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╰⪼ Tang Sangzang
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╰⪼ Pigsy
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╰⪼ Spider Queen
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╰⪼ Mayor
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luxthestrange · 9 months
LMK Incorrect quotes#74 Punch was personal-
In the middle of the Fight to save the realms from LBD
Mayor*Just as he was about to swing a hit to Monkey king he was pulled back and punched on the stomach making him land on his butt and look up to see you cracking your knuckles*...Woooohooo~hoo!~Look at you, girl! You're as fine looking as a creme brulee!~
F!Y/n*Freezes with a frown at Braindwashed creeper*Excuse me?... -Am I being flirted with by a psychotic rat?
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sublieu · 11 months
How each different demon/god would react to you touching a sensitive spot on their back.
Immediately perks up when your fingers reach their tail/patella/lower backside
Azure, Wukong, Pigsy, Kui Mulang, Redson, Mk Yin, Syntax, Sandy, Tang, Ao Lie, Scorpion Queen
"Hey! We're in front of people...."
"I don't care :)"
"Can't this wait till we get home?"
Tries to ignore it but fails miserably
Dbk, Jin, Peng, Macaque, Nezha, Spider Queen, Huntsman, Mayor, Wukong
"Y/n..leave it alone"
"But why? :("
"You already know why"
"I said no"
No response (is trying to hard not to fuck you in front of a massive crowd)
Mei, Yellowtusk, Pif, Lbd, Dbk, Pigsy, Ao Bing
"Aren't you gonna respond?"
"... Fuckin tease"
"Did you say something?"
"Your saving grace is because a crowd is watching us"
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yandere-red-son · 3 months
Pif: What is Y/N doing here
Red Son: W-well umm you s-see m-mother i (gets cut off by Y/N)
Y/N: He kidnapped me
Red Son: Shut your mouth Y/N
Y/N: I thought you liked it wide open~
Red Son: blushes I’m going to put Y/N back where I found them
Pif: I think you should
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lotusarchon · 12 days
headcanon macaque knows how to make dolls. maybe not the extravagant, fancy looking ones but definitely daruma dolls, paper dolls, straw dolls, etc. since he seems really, really good at shadow plays or whatever you call it, i can't help but imagine at one point in their friendship, wukong must've found out about macaque's talent and while most people would've laughed and mocked him, wukong genuinely encouraged his friend at the time to pursue his dream so that when he becomes emperor finally, he'd decorate his new palace with beautiful dolls.
obviously, that dream didn't work out, but macaque still continued his hobby into the modern era. me thinks he'd keep them hidden though rather than selling them or showing them off, because macaque before s4 doesn't strike me as the type to give his dolls to anyone, even a child. they're made in secret, some of wukong, some of mk and friends, some from the people he's met from his past, etc.
some though, like the lady bone demon and the mayor are more puppet like...
(psa; do NOT tag this as shadowpeach. not a fan of the ship, and personally i like them to be more platonic than romantic, since you guys ruined this ship for me too smh)
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Memery and Schemery
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nilolol30 · 4 months
Hello! Could you write Mayor being freinds with a reader who has uncontrollable time travel powers? Like, they just randomly travel through time every week and keep running into him.
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At first he would think you just don't run into eachother much.
But as your meetings slowly happens often he comes to like you a little and wants to 'bump' into you more.
It takes a bit but he realizes what's happening and honestly.
He finds it hilarious.
A poor little mortal unwillingly pops back or forward in time and pops back to theirs, this certainly will entertain him until his lady arrives.
Whenever he sees you he likes to poke a little fun (insults) about your inability to control this power.
But as most things it got boring and he gets very bored whenever you're not around much.
So he decided to help you out of the goodness of his heart! What kind of Mayor would he be to allow someone to suffer in his city?
Thanks to his lady he holds some power to help you and depending on what timeline you're from he might ask or demand information specifically if you're from the future.
Perhaps if he's lucky you still have your ability and can just travel at your own will won't that be useful!
Pushing aside his destiny talk he can be a considerate friend.
After all he's the Mayor who would he be if he made his friends pay for him!
And creepily he remembers everything you say, you mention your favorite foods? Oh look at that stall it's on sale! Favorite genre? There's a movie at the theater that looks to be in your taste!
Unfortunately his habit of popping up out of nowhere is still something you'll have to get used to.
As long as you're on his lady's side or remain neutral you have a decent semi loyal friend.
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glitcheslikeslego · 1 month
Show Me Your Moves! (Chapter 15)
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Chapter 15 : Agility
Agility increases the user's speed by two stages.
When Sandy offered you to take his old motorbike to drive around in the Great Wall Race, you were on the fence about it.
On one hand, he wants you to advertise the restaurant. On the other hand, he wants you to start being more social in public.
But ‘A’ you don’t know how to drive a motorbike.
And ‘B’ you don’t want to add yourself into canon any more than you already have.
You realised that, in your skirmish with the Spider Queen, you drew more attention to yourself than you had hoped for, and the universe was slowly adding you to the main cast instead of sticking you as a support/background character like you wanted.
So you told Sandy you'd think about it.
Screw you universe, why do you do this to me?
You cursed in your head as you watched the rest of the racers line up to race alongside you.
Mei was obviously there, looking incredibly peeved that MK was participating. Red Son popped up behind them, and Jin and Yin showed up before eventually taking over the commentators box and introducing PIF and DBK before announcing the track switch.
You’re really about to do this.
You took a deep breath, getting onto the bike just like Sandy taught you to.
So long as you don’t participate in the key fight, you’re fine…
Jin and Yin did the countdown with as much fanfare as they could before sounding the horn to begin the race. 
Red Son and Mei were the fastest to react, zooming off with incredible speed. 
However, DBK and PIF were fast to react and managed to get a starting boost to surpass the two, yelling something after Red Son as they passed him. 
MK did the same, yelling in a mocking tone as he raced just behind the villainous couple. 
You were, obviously, I’m dead last. 
While the motorbike was fast, you still weren’t a full fledged professional like Mei or even Red Son, so you went at your own pace. 
You couldn't see anyone ahead of you, meaning that they were already way more farther ahead than you. 
You didn’t mind, you were content at just going at your own pace. 
It was pretty nice, being dead last. Jin and Yin mainly focused on the racers ahead of you. 
At this point, DBK and PIF were driving through a mountain after she had teasingly provoked him a bit, and you had yet to hear of Mei’s bike being destroyed yet. 
Deciding to take a bit of a risk, you tried to speed up. Sandy had told you to not go too out of your comfort zone, out of fear you might get hurt, but the back of your mind screamed at you to catch up. 
They’re too far ahead. You’ll be too late. 
You shook the weird thoughts from your head and sped up. 
Speed up!
You felt a rush of adrenaline in your veins, and your breath hitched a bit as you unconsciously sped up the motorbike. 
Go, go, go!!!
You slammed your foot down and the bike took off with incredible speed. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, and the only thing that you could focus on was the street ahead of you, with everything else blurring from the tunnel vision. 
You heard a distant crash, and maniacal laugh, then you passed a blur of green and gold. 
Mei and MK. 
You remembered what happened mid-way through. And you vaguely recall how they end up winning the race. 
Narrowing your eyes, your vision blurred as you took deep breaths. 
You heard something explode and rebuild itself, then another something bursting out from something. 
At that point, you had lost all comprehension of the things around you, everything was blurry, you couldn’t hear anything more than muffled cheering, and you were moving fast. 
W I N!
You were snapped out of it when the queen of the bike caught into something, launching you over the steering handles and onto the floor, making you face plant. 
You groaned, holding your head as you sat up. 
“And that’s the end! Random tea person wins!”
It too a second, but as soon as those words reached your brain, your heart stopped. 
You didn’t… did you really? 
In a blur, you were placed onto the 1st place pedestal and handed the trophy, still shell shocked and panting like you ran the race instead of driving. 
Like in canon, MK tries to eat the trophy, and Mei laughs at him and Red Son over believing that the trophy was actually a peach of immortality.
“You were awesome! When did you get so good at racing?” Mei asked, getting you into a side hug, which snapped you out of your stupor. 
“Uhh, beginner's luck?” You responded sheepishly, and Mei laughed. 
“We need to celebrate your first win, maybe Pigsy will make some noodles! Leggo!” MK, ever the ball of energy, takes you by the wrist and runs off to take you to Pigsy’s, with Mei following behind, laughing all the while. 
And as this was happening, there was only one thing in your head. 
A plea. 
Please don’t let this break canon…
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beauleifu · 8 months
i caved, made Mayor pumpkin, HAPPY EARLY HALLOWEEN FOOLS- <3
this was made super quick so quality is bad BUT IM LITERALLY GONNA BUY A BABY PUMKIN TOMORROW AND CARVE
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sugarwbread · 2 years
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broke-art · 1 year
Can they dance?!
M.k - can do the macarena
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Macaque - probably can but would die first.
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Monkey king - knows a few dances but will only do it in private intimate times. (Other than this time because he was NOOOT himself)
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Red son- Oh absolutely. He knows allll the classical dances. Even some forgotten to mortals.
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Sandy - he knows a couple. But is pretty shy about it.
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Tang - yeah he knows a few, and he might dance here and there if he felt like it.
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Pigsy - yes he can dance but only does it on special occasions.
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The mayor -,yes. Infact he's very good.
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Nezha - he knows all the customary dances and is even rather talented but he prefers not to unless it's important.
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Mei ,- oh yes she can dance has been learning since she was little but she likes freestyle more than the stuffy more regulated dances.
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Is there anyone else you're curious about? Let me know with a comment. I like chatting with you guys.
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lotus02lavish · 1 year
some angst of breakup Headcanons with SWK, MK and Mayor from LMK? GN Reader btw. i just need some angst.
[Pain shall be fed into the beating heart] 💥
【If we ever broke up, I'd be sad. 💔】
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{Sun Wukong, Mk, and Mayor breakup with GN! Reader}
➳ Lego Monkie kid (LMK) // Headcanons // Seperated // Angst! ✍🏻
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them ... but still move on without them." - Mandy Hale.
Sun Wukong
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The realization about a mortal human being and the immortal monkey king put into a loving relationship would not work.
Sun Wukong could give you his peaches of immortality to accompany him until the end of time. Except the horror that if you live forever, everyone and everything around you will move on. Somethings will die and forgotten without you. No peaches for you, hun.
Sun Wukong does not allowed to let anyone notice you as his lover, he just want to protect you from anyone that cause harm. Which makes you believe he is embarrassed to have you.
Sun Wukong is lacking the ability to explain of how he truly feeling towards you. From time to time again to have communication problems and abuse that cannot be solved.
In Sun Wukong's opinion, love is just another useless emotion to express that lead to heartbreak and disappointment. He is not ready to handle any of those qualities.
In conclusion, Sun Wukong is unexpectedly certain to break up with you, just to save you from himself. He is arrogant and a trickster is known to everyone who has heard of or had the chance to meet the legendary Monkey King.
"Eternal life can bring eternal suffering, I don't want you to feel the same way as me."
The fact that Sun Wukong has said his goodbyes to you and gone from your sight, the good thing is glad to know that you have great life and bright future ahead from destiny than his. The bad thing is, he will miss you deeply more than you ever know.
────・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe.
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At first, Mk does not understand why you would choose someone like him to be your boyfriend, and he felt that not asking about it was better. He always thinking that he does not deserve your love.
Mk ponders about you cherish them because they are a powerful hero, and everything else within them has no importance. That is why the noodle boy worried that one day they would accidentally use their unnatural monkey magic skills to hurting you, and afraid they might fail to save you from danger.
Mk is often excusing himself with his training, delivering noodles, saving the world/universe, and joining his friends to avoid you.
Mk repeatedly forgets the important events, such as your birthday, the dating anniversary day, the national holidays, and meeting with your friends or family. Heis busy to handle with the fate of being heroic rest on his shoulders, and gaining more trauma through the rest of his journey.
One time, Mk send one of their clone to accompany you in the entire day. Later, the copy of them bluntly told you that they (Original self) actually felt forced in love and does not feel the same way as you anymore.
You have grown tired of him and finally choose to breakup for the best, which Mk had expected and planned this all along.
"I'm very sorry! You deserve someone else better than me."
Though still feeling awkward, you and Mk agree to became friends once again. Furthermore, both of you always ignoring the questions of "That's your ex?"
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"Sometimes the only way to let go is to love someone enough to want the best for him or her, even if that means not being together." - Anonymous
The Mayor
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After years of dating, there is nothing special happening between the two of you. No happiness and no pleasure, just empty.
Oh, how unfortunate you do not know so much about him, even his real name is remain unknown. The Mayor is most likely to kept horrifying secrets and plans to himself from you.
Sadly, whenever the Mayor is near you, he did not have a smile on his face. Only emotionless can be seen in your eyes. Revealing his true colors.
The Mayor would rather focus on granting his Lady's requests than to spend all of his time with you.
It is a ridiculous suspicion that the Mayor is cheating on you simply because he worships The Lady Bone Demon as his only goddess until the bitter end.
At long last, you decided to breakup with the cold-hearted and odd man, his response is none other than a giggle and does not mind.
"You see, dear?" Mayor spoke up as he turn around, "letting someone go is actually easier than we thought."
At that exact moment, the Mayor show his silly toothy smile to you for one last time before he disappeared. Leaving you heartbroken and wish him for the best to accomplish his duty.
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
True Colors - SLAVES
"Wait, did you ever take a moment just to think
About anyone, anyone other than yourself?!
Give me back the love I wasted now
Cold, one day it's gonna hit you, you're alone
I won't be there, won't be there
It's cruel to turn around
Give me back the love I wasted now."
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olinblogin · 7 months
Sorry if I make another request you don't have to do this one if you don't want to of course ♡ can I ask for a Yan LBD x Fem reader x Yan Mayor? I don't see many content of them here in Tumblr unfortunately ;-;
I was thinking of an scenario when they want Reader to be part of them since LBD wants to destroy the planet for "perfection" She maybe can se Reader as someone who has the destiny to be by her side along with the Mayor of course, Thank you so much! 💖
Btw: I love your profile picture (╯✧▽✧)╯
Absolutely! I’m so glad you enjoy my stories so much to request from me again, Chipi! I really hope you enjoy this one as well, thank you again so much for your support I really appreciate it! :3
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(Disclaimer; Lady Bone Demon is NOT possessing Bai He in this story!)
CW/TW FOR THE CHAPTER; kidnapping, chaining/bondage(not sexual), slight Stockholm syndrome(?), the mayor has his own TW.
The cold air nipped at your skin as you clutched at your windbreaker, which did little to end your shivering as you trudged up the peaks of the mountain. You peered back momentarily, watching the flashes a blue and gold strike the sky…
You had to focus on the task at hand. The ice you passed by that was made by the Lady Bone Demon whispered and beckoned for you… grazing yourself hands across the rings of samadhi you grimaced at the piercing heat they seemed to emit the closer you came to the center of the area where the ritual was first held…
A breeze of air bit your already flushed cheeks; sniveling to yourself you shoveled the rings back under your coat… at least that gave some warmth.
You tried to focus in on what everyone was talking about; but your hearing was overcome with a ringing noise that made you dizzy. Stumbling, the rings tumbled out of your jacket… you tried to pick them up, but you fumbled clumsily and fell to your side.
“[Y/N]?! Are you okay?!” MK screamed out, rushing to your side with everyone else in suit. You could barely hear his voice until the feeling of a familiar cold wrapped around your neck; yanking you back.
You choked out a yelp when you were tugged again, clawing at the cold clasp around your neck. You managed to crane your neck back a little to be met with the cold, undead eyes of the man who called himself the Mayor…
The same man you knew was working under the Lady Bone Demon.
He said nothing, just stared forward with that emotionless grin that split his face in two. MK was the first to spring into action; trying to summon the staff but fumbling when he remembers it wasn’t in his possession. “Let go of my friend you-.. you— you weirdo!” MK snarled, hoping to put on a threatening facade to hide how scared shitless he was.
The chain held to your throat threatened to strangle you, eliciting a groan from you.
“No need for name-calling, now. My Lady and I have come to an agreement… we wish to have your friend here as our own,” The Mayor said with far too much glee. Those words dawned on you and you snapped your gaze to his, his stone blue eyes slowly moving to your own. “What?! You can’t just..- I’m not yours! I’m not going with you, either!” You wobbled to your feet, trying to tug back the chain, thrashing and pulling like a rabid dog.
“You wish to act like a dog, then?” He mused; but he didn’t seem gleeful about it… for once he wasn’t smiling. A shiver ran up your spine.
“Well then. I suppose you do bark like one… I wonder if you’d bite. No matter.” The Mayor tugged back the chain and pulled you forward against him… he just happened to keep the hand holding the chain on your waist; and the other intertwined with yours.
It almost seemed like he was ready to waltz you around a lavish ballroom.
You heard a short, collective scream from your friends as you felt as if you momentarily blipped out of existence; only to be met with your knees to the floor and more chains now keeping you bound, your wrists behind your back, cuff still on your throat too.
The Mayor’s shoes clicked behind you, shivering when his cold hand ran up the back of your neck and through your hair; only for him to yank your head by your hair to force you to make eye contact with the Lady Bone Demon herself.
The more you stared into her eyes the more your ears rung, and the more whispers clawed at the back of your head… it felt as if ghostly hands were grabbing at any part of you that was possible… “How peculiar… what was such a gem as yourself doing with those miscreants who wish to sabotage my plans to bring destiny upon this world.” The Lady Bone Demon’s Hand went to your neck; and up under your jaw to lift your gaze to hers.
Despite the aching migraine forming in your brain, and her cold hand against your jaw; you couldn’t help but melt into the woman’s touch. The Lady Bone Demon’s eyes looked down at the chains bounding you, and glared back at the Mayor. “And why is she bound by ball and chain like a wild animal? Do you not forget why she is with us?!” Her usually calm voice formed into a shout; one that seemed to equally scare both you, and the Mayor. “Yes, my lady… but I couldn’t get her here without a struggle. I’ll remove her chains now,”
The Mayor kneeled by your side and undid the ghastly blue chains; which dropped to the ground and dissipated like fog. 
“Now, my dear… let us shape this world anew. You are far too precious to lose in our reshaping if this wrong world.” The Lady Bone Demon raised the back of her hand and ran her knuckles across your cheek. “You’ll see fit with immortality, as well. We must bind you to us in every way possible.” The Mayor lurked behind you, still having that jarring grin that most didn’t seem real.
You wanted to scream… you wanted to yell and tell them to leave you alone; you wanted so horribly to run away and cry.
But it was like your mouth had a mind of its own.
“Yes, my lady.”
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Alrighty, I’m here for some angst. How would the following characters: Macaque, Wukong, Syntax, Mayor and Red Son react to you dying in front of them? Like possibly from LBD or you took a hit for them?
I'm really sorry but I refuse to write character/reader deaths :( it just upsets me a great deal. However. I will write these characters reacting to you taking a hit bc I still wanna write their reactions
Macaque, Wukong, Syntax, Mayor, and Redson x GN Reader who took a hit from LBD (angsty Scenarios!)
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Macaque - oh he feels terrible. Not only did he kinda let this happen, it’s you who got hurt instead of himself. He was fully prepared to take that hit but you jumped in before it got to him and he hates the sound it makes as it impacts you. He swears to himself that he’ll make it up to you somehow, he’ll be the one to get you to safety, he will heal you. Expect a lot of affection once it’s all over. A lot of “I’m sorry”’s and “does it hurt”’s. You are his top priority.
SWK - he let himself down by letting you get remotely close to the fight, but it’s like you don’t think twice before jumping in between him and LBD. No matter how hurt you get—even if it ends up just being a flesh wound—he puts even more passion into finishing the fight and defeating her. After it’s over he doesn’t let you leave his sight for a while so you can recover. It’ll take a lot of reassurance from you for him to stop feeling so guilty.
Syntax - I imagine this would take place towards the end of season 2. He doesn’t trust this weird girl and her even weirder assistant. So when you get hit instead of him when they betray the Queen, his suspicions are only confirmed. He knows he can’t defeat them, but he does his absolute best to get you to a safer place where he can apply his medical knowledge and help you. He brings you everything you need and insists that you stay here so you don’t get hurt again. More angry than anything else.
Mayor - this is bad for him because he is fighting an inside battle—does he side with his lady, or his lover? He can’t fully break away from her influence until she abandons him to get to SWK. Then, even though he’s weakened substantially, he helps to get you to safety. You have to make it, even if he doesn’t. After it’s all over, he stays with you as you both recover together and get back on your feet.
Redson - this demon is FURIOUS. He can scold you for doing something so stupidly selfless later on—for now he needs to get you out of danger. Puts up as much of a fight as he can and then rushes you back to his domain, where he puts magic seals around you that will help you to heal and keep you safe while he’s away helping the others. Comes back often to check on you and apologize that he let this happen. After it’s over he encourages you to stay with him at his home until you’re fully healed.
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