#lloyd's gotta catch a break man
Lloyd: I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, I did not sign up for this shit.
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sstan-hoe · 1 year
◇ 𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑰𝒔 𝑨 𝑻𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 ◇
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — mob!andy barber × fem!reader × mob!lloyd hansen
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — they wanted you, they enjoyed the hunt just as much as you enjoyed being chased. You didn't make it easy for them but it only prepared you that life with them wouldn't be easy.
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — SMUT (at the end), violence, allusion murder, oral (f receiving) tongue fucking (at the end), heavy make out sessions, no p in v
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — reblog, comment and follow | what do we think? I'm loving those four honestly, this chapter? a fucking pain in the ass, it took so long and instead of the p in v you only get oral. Well you gotta wait till 4th chapter
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Lloyd circled the man bound to the chair, he had several cuts in his knees and a cloth stuffed into his mouth. Two broad men stood by the door, preventing the man bound with ropes from escaping.
His rage about to boil over, a glare on his face as gripped the man’s throat. “You dare to ambush my girl, you think you have the right to scare her?” Lloyd flicked his knife into the thigh of his victim who’s scream was muffled through the cloth.
“What’s your plan huh? I know there is more,” something about this man felt familiar to Lloyd but he couldn’t quite place it.
“You two, try to get something out of him while I tend to my girl,” he instructed the two men at the door who nodded. The blonde opened the door for his boss while the brunette strode over to the bounded man.
He walked back to you and Andy. As he opened the door the sight in front of him almost had him on his knees.
Your head laid on Andy’s lap, your eyes closed while his fingers threaded through your hair and Alf laid on the other side of Andy. You looked so peaceful and comfortable.
Lloyd stepped inside with a soft smile, “how’s she doing?” he asked and sat himself next to Alf who lifted his head and turned his body towards the mob boss. “Better, she cried and then fell asleep,” Andy told him with a worried expression.
“I think there is more behind this man, stalking her for weeks? There has to be more,” Lloyd said leaning back against the couch.
Andy nodded along, agreeing with him. It was weird, they had to find out if it was only him and who the man was. “I don’t want her to be alone…what if there is actually someone bigger and they send someone else?”
The worries that Andy brought up were justified, but how would they tell you? “I don’t think she would feel okay to live with us,” Lloyd had a point, however they couldn’t think of another solution at the moment.
“She won’t, but what else can we do?” Andy was just as desperate as Lloyd and all they wanted was to protect you.
“We should wake her,” he added with a sigh, wanting everything but to wake you, you looked too beautiful.
Lloyd stroked your cheek gently, whispering into your ear, “sunshine, wake up, come on….” A soft hum left your lips, and a yawn escaped you, slowly your consciousness came back, and you began noticing your surroundings.
Slowly lifting your head, you saw Andy and Lloyd looking at you, rubbing your eyes it didn’t take a second before you had a wet nose against your cheek.
“Alf,” you giggled and stroked through his fur, he wiggled his tail excitingly. Sitting up you felt a hand wrapped around your waist which belonged to Andy, “how are you feeling?” he instantly asked.
“Better, did you catch the guy?” you came right to the point. This could finally be the end of all the nights you spend in bed paranoid he would break in and do horrible things.
“We did, but it’s more guys than you might think,” Lloyd said, and your eyes widened in shock, fright washing over your face at his reveal. Behind you Andy groaned annoyed, slapping his hand against his forehead.
“Way to go Lloyd,” he muttered with a sigh. There was no easy way to tell you this, but this isn’t how it should have been done.
Fear took over your body, goosebumps running down your neck. There was more, there were more, how could this happen? Why were they after you, why you? Out of instinct you stood up and walked towards to the door, Alf immediately followed you.
Alf pushed his body in front of you to stop you from leaving, “no, no, Alf if there are more I have to go. I can’t be here, I need to leave, if they come,” your breath quickened and a tight feeling spread through your chest, “I can’t breathe, I can’t-.”
Two strong arms closed around you and a familiar scent reached your nose, Lloyd. “You’re save, I promise sunshine,” he whispered against your shaking body.
Gently and slowly, he guided you back to the sitting area, he moved you to sit first, “now lay down, on Andy’s lap with your head and feet on up,” he instructed. Your breathing became shorter as the tightening in your chest closed.
“Blacks, come here,” Lloyd patted the spot next to you, Alf followed the ask and sat in front of you. The sight of you panting and feeling bad made him sad, he didn’t want you to be in pain.
Andy followed his partners actions and realised what he was doing, like before his fingers began stroking through your hair. Alone this action had you calming down a little, not as much as you wanted, but it helped.
“Lay your head on her chest blacks,” the mob boss guided the dog’s head towards you who obeyed his wish.
With Alf’s head in your chest the breathing became easier, your hand found his head which you scratched. It calmed down your nerves and you were able to take normal breaths while the tightening slowly vanished.
It felt like magic, your body calmed, your mind calmed, everything calmed. However, the scary thoughts were still present, and you had no idea how to make them leave.
“What happened,” the past ten minutes felt like a blur. “You had small panic attack,” Andy explained, his fingers combing through your loose hair.
A panic attack? You never had one before or thought one would feel like this. Everything was too much, and you needed a break, a safe space. You tried thinking about a place however nothing came up that made sense to you.
Wanda lived with her husband together and as much as you loved her, they fucked like rabbits. Besides the red head you had no other friends which never worried you before, would have come in handy now knowing more people.
You couldn’t go back to your own flat, if Lloyd was right – which he very much could be – then they knew where you lived. Was there even a place you could go?
“Darling, we don’t think you can go back to your flat,” Andy words came right out of your mind, his tone sincere while he never stopped touching you. The feeling of his rough yet gentle hands cooling your nerves.
“Then where should I go, huh?” your voice was dry, you couldn’t understand why all of this was happening to you.
Your eyes found Lloyd’s who’s gaze was on Andy, you couldn’t see his expression however it clicked in your mind. Instantly you sat up, accidentally pushing Alf back before glaring at both men.
“No, no, no, fuck no! Who knows what you two do when you’re alone?” Was this some kind of movie? A book? Something completely fictional? This would be the most stupid idea you ever heard.
Alf put his paw on your shoulder and looked at you with his puppy dog eyes, “not you too, Alf we can’t…we barley know them,” he whimpered in response which had you shaking your head, “I know I wanted to go on a date with them but that doesn’t mean I’ll move in with them,” you explained.
Lloyd’s head snapped towards you at the last words, hope blooming in his stomach. “You wanted to say yes?” his eyes sparkled like the stars in the night sky.
The question pulled you from your conversation with Alf, at a lose of words no tone came from your lips.
Suddenly Lloyd kneeled in front of you and took your hands in his, “you wanted to accept even though the lines were complete trash?” A small smile adorned your lips, Lloyd’s reaction was adorable.
“Yeah, they were trash, but I guess it did work,” you admitted.
Internally Lloyd was beaming and when he met Andy’s eyes the bearded man wore a proud smile, they shared a silent conversation.
“It will be the best date you’ve ever had, darling,” Andy promised, his eyes meeting yours and the need to kiss him erupted in your stomach again. Now you were able to really see them, they showed you that they weren’t just assholes – well Lloyd showed it to you.
They were gentle, sweet and caring, add to that they liked Alf and he liked them. This meant the world to you.
Alf nudged your side with big eyes, you knew exactly what he wanted. “Fine, I will live with you but I want my own room, we have to get my stuff from my flat and you two don’t try any funny business. Clear?” you looked at them expectingly.
“Crystal,” they said unison, without wasting another second, they stood up and motioned you to follow them. First stop, your flat.
It was quite a lot you took from your home, Alf things overtook 40 % while the rest were all kinds of clothes, shoes and some blankets as well as a pillow. You needed something that reminded you of your home when you would be in this new environment.
Andy and Lloyd helped you with everything and even animated you to take more, but you feared that it would be too much after all it was still a mystery how big the room was.
The drive to their house from yours wasn’t a short one and had you wondering if they drove to your café this long way every Wednesday just to see you.
Lloyd was driving and stopped in front of a big ass house, your mouth fell open at the sight of the beautiful house, no scratch that. It was a fucking mansion. Then it downed on you, of course that would have such a big house.
Once inside you couldn’t stop admiring the beautiful interior design, it looked modern yet had a vintage touch.
You followed the two with Alf who wiggled his tail, both men stopped and Andy opened an oak door to reveal the bedroom in which you could sleep for now. Two different men came up behind you and brought your stuff along with Alf’s.
“You have your own bathroom and closet right here, if you need us we’re right across from you. Good night, darling,” he held your waist as he kissed your cheek. Your cheeks warming up.
Next was Lloyd, “good night, sunshine,” he went to kiss your cheek but you laid your hand on his cheek and guided him to your lips. To say Lloyd was surprised would be an understatement, however he didn’t waste a second to kiss you back.
You expected his lips to be rough, but they were as soft as a pillow. He moved his lips over yours as his tongue licked along your bottom lip asking to be invited in.
The way he kissed you made you want more of him, a burning fire lit inside your body. It took everything in you to pull away.
You panted heavily, your lips swollen and lightly red. Lloyd didn’t know what to say, he was flabbergasted, “sunshine…,” “I kissed Andy in the restaurant, I didn’t want you to feel left out and maybe I really wanted to kiss you,” your head hung low, a bit embarrassed to admit this.
“Desperatly,” he suddenly said with a smirk. Your eyes snapped up, taken back by his statement, “what?” “you wanted to kiss me desperately, you kissed me as if you were starving,” there he was again, the cocky Lloyd.
“You think so? I kissed you as if I was starving?” you stepped closer to him, “then you better feed me enough, don’t want me feeling bad…,” he still towered over you, but that didn’t stop you from teasing him.
You snaked your arms around his neck, nose to nose with him now. “You would like that wouldn’t you…feeding me with your…,” you never finished the sentence, instead you pushed him out of the room where Andy was already waiting. “Good night,” were your last words to him before closing the door in his face.
“Your dick is hard,” Andy stated as he slipped his hand into his dress pants pockets with a sigh. The sight the played out aroused him too, you and Lloyd together was something he dreamed of.
“Rock hard,” Lloyd agreed while grimacing, you would pay for that later. “Want me to help ya out?” Andy lifted his brow he could need some help himself. With a strained nod Lloyd agreed and walked towards their bedroom, Andy followed suit with a chuckle.
Inside the room you laid in bed with Alf cuddled up against you, “what did we get ourself into huh Alfi?” you whispered while leaning your forhead against his.
It didn’t take long before your eyes fell shut, too exhausted from today to keep going. It felt good finally being able to rest without having to fear anything, just laying there and relax your muscles.
The night went by faster than you’d liked, a wet nose nudged yours before a tongue licked over your face having you giggling.
You tried pushing Alf back, but he kept coming back, “okay, okay, I’m gonna get up,” at those words the black dog jumped up towards the door.
Huffing you opened the door for him knowing he would be on his way to find Lloyd and Andy. You found it truly remarkable how much he liked them, throwing on a sweatshirt along with pants your first finished your normal morning routine.
As you saw yourself in the mirror everything that happened in the 24 hours began to rewind in your mind. What were you doing here? You couldn’t stay here, what if all of this is a trap to get you to like them? You couldn’t go out there…but then they would come to you meaning there was no way out.
Taking a deep breath, you decided to go after Alf, you put on the confidence and buried the fear deep inside.
From downstairs you were able to hear a soft music drumming around the walls, you didn’t recognise the song though it did sound pleasant. You walked into the direction of the music which led you to the kitchen where you found Andy in a black apron flipping pancakes.
He looked so domestic, like a husband who made breakfast for his wife whom he loved more than she could ever imagine. It was truly a sight for sore eyes and you never wanted to look away.
You had to tear your gaze away when you heard Lloyd coming in with Alf, confused you wondered where they had been.
All three didn’t seem to notice you yet and that resulted in Lloyd sneaking Alf a stripe of bacon from the pan. Your mouth agape you couldn’t believe what he did – okay you could.
“Now, now, what do we have here,” you drawled out and leaned against the door frame.
All heads shot up your dog hid behind the counter. It clicked in your head and you slowly crept around the marble knowing Alf was right on the other side waiting for you.
“Ha! Caught you,” jumping around to surprise him, with a wiggling tail he pushed his body into you and then zoomed around you while you stroked through his fur wildly. “Did you eat bacon huh?”
As you played with Alf the mob bosses couldn’t take their eyes off you, completely starstruck. You looked beautiful, hair a little messy, the sweats you wore made the feel like you were comfortable in their home and around them, it also looked like you belonged here with them.
Standing up with a smile you saw Andy and Lloyd staring at you, with heated cheeks you sat down at the kitchen isle. Their gazes trailing after you in the process.
Andy was the first one to snap out of it and walked back to the stove where he continued making breakfast. He swiftly moved around the kitchen knowing your eyes were on him the whole time. Why did he have to look so fucking handsome while cooking? A thought running through your head without end.
“How did you sleep sunshine?” Lloyd asked while putting a plate in front of you along with a glass of apple juice.
Andy put a pancake, two stripes of bacon and placed a bowl of strawberries next to it. “We thought this could be our first date,” the handsome cook in front of you proposed as his partner placed go more plates on the counter.
The idea wasn’t bad, it actually sounded good. A cute, romantic breakfast alongside Andy and Lloyd could be fun, you also didn’t have to go out which you were thankful for as you had no nerve in your body that wanted to go out. “Yeah, I’d like that,” you agreed, smiling shyly.
Lloyd grinned and sat down opposite from you just like Andy. At first there was a awkward silence surrounding the room, you weren’t sure if it was your nervousness or theirs.
But could they be nervous? “What’s your favourite colour?” Lloyd asked out of nowhere. Yep, they were nervous too.
“Oh, well I don’t really have one I think...I do like red though,” you while munching your pancakes which were delicious. “Do you have one?” you asked back, catching Lloyd of guard, “’m not sure, maybe…,” he trailed of.
“What’s your favourite movie?” Andy went on this ask as Lloyd was still thinking what his favourite colour could be.
The questions they had confused you, it was normal small talk of course but there could be so many things to talk about other than the standard questions. It had you wondering if they’d ever been on a date before, time to ask, “have you two been on a date before?” you chuckled.
The question wasn’t one they had expected, “no, not really…I fucked a lot of women but I didn’t date them,” Lloyd admitted, the confession caused your eyes to widen.
“I was on one, however it’s been years since that,” Andy added and Lloyd snorted, “yeah the bitch was the only one,” receiving a glare from his partner Lloyd shrugged, “it’s the truth,” he had no regrets in saying this.
“I know, but we don’t have to talk about her yet. Unlike you I don’t talk about other women I slept with on the first date,” Andy bit back as he took a sip from his coffee. “Like you have slept with that many women, there was the bitch and maybe a hooker then you couldn’t get it up with any other women after you saw her,” at the ‘her’ Lloyd motioned towards you.
Wow, okay, too much information, you thought as you chewed on the bacon however the scene was quite amusing.
“Because your dick is any better? Who helped you last night after you got hard huh?”
Now you really didn’t know what to say, Andy literally implied that he at least gave Lloyd a hand job. Well, now the question was answered if they fuck each other. Not that the sexual tension you felt between them wasn’t giving it away, but you could have been wrong.
“So, neither of you really been on a date in the last few months. My favourite movie is Legally Blonde, I have a dog called Alf, I don’t talk to my parents and I had sex with three men so far,” their expressions were priceless, “your turn,” you propped your chin on the back of your hand.
To say the two were shocked would be a little understatement, suddenly Andy realised what he said and what revealed of himself. You weren’t supposed to know about his ex-wife yet – or never he wished.
Lloyd didn’t seem to realise everything he said yet because he smirked or he did that because he was proud of it, no that didn’t make sense…did it?
“Can we go back to before the talk about who we slept with?” Andy pleaded. A light wave of guilt rushed through your veins, you knew how hard it could be to talk about the past and what it could do to people.
“I’m sorry,” you took his hand squeezing it gently, it was a silent promise that you were here if he needed to talk, a promise that you wouldn’t force him to talk about. Andy looked up at you with a grateful smile.
It took Andy a long time to process what Laurie, his ex-wife had done to him. She made him depend on her while she did everything she wanted and made Andy think it was his fault if she met with other men.
He was isolated from everyone only went to work then home and cooked for Laurie who came to scold him for everything she found. Then he’d try to make it up to her, her good mood would last a few day.
Lloyd was the one who got him out of there, cursed Laurie to hell and threatened her with everything he had. She ran for the hills.
After all this it took Andy a long time to heal and trust people, until now he only trusted a handful of people. One of them being Lloyd and he desperately hoped he could trust you.
“Here try this,” Andy held up a strawberry covered in chocolate cream, “I made it myself,” he said proudly. Without hesitating you took a bite, the sweet chocolate mixed with the strawberry tasted amazing and felt like heaven to your tastebuds.
You accidentally moaned loudly, “this is amazing, god.” Both men shared a look, this could end very different from what they had planned.
“If everything you cook is that good than I’m jealous Lloyd gets that every day,” you exclaimed ditching the strawberry into the cream again, “really fucking good,” another quiet moan rolled of your lips.
“Sunshine, if you don’t stop moaning I will bend you over this table and fuck you until you’re moaning my name,” Lloyd growled and slammed his hand on the marble plate.
“What…,” you swallowed the strawberry, completely caught off guard by his words, “I, uh, really,” stumbling over your own words as Andy stood up and rounded the counter. He came to you, towering over you.
He laid his hand on your cheek letting his thumb trail down to your lips, “if I had know you’d make such sounds, I would have cooked for you a lot earlier…,” his gaze was intense, you didn’t dare to move your eyes.
With his thumb he stroked your bottom lip, “you liked it? Liked the way my cream tasted?” the last sentence was whispered against your ear, his face so close to you it had you clenching your thighs together.
You were too lost in Andy that you hadn’t noticed him stand up and walk behind you until his hands gently gripped your waist.
“If you want us to stop, say it now,” he whispered against your skin while kissing up your neck. “We know it’s early, but we can’t hold back anymore. You’re beautiful, kind, funny,” Andy explained resting his forehead on yours.
To you it felt good that the respected your choice, that they gave you a choice. Though you had to agree with them it was still early, your first date was still going but who could say no to those men? Exactly.
“Stop the sweet talk and get on with it,” you commanded leaning your head on Lloyd’s shoulder who made a tsk noise, “so, bossy.”
His hand slide beneath you sweat pants, finger tips colliding with your sensitive nub. You jerked slight at the contact.
“Mhm response little girl...,” Lloyd rasped, his tone deep and fulfilling. Two digits moved your panties to the side slipping through your wet folds. “She’s wet Andy, so wet,” he raved.
Andy chuckled before placing his lips on yours, at first it was a little peck but then he pulled away. You chased after him to catch his lips in a passionate kiss. In desperate need of his tongue, you opened your mouth for him, a satisfied moan leaving your throat as your tongues danced over dominance.
The kiss almost swallowed you, had you rocking your hips against Andy’s and if it wasn’t for Lloyd’s hand on your cunt you would have fallen of the stool.
Lloyd entered your leaking hole, his fingers already big enough to have you gasping. He curled them against your spongy walls hitting that spot in a span of a one minute. Who or what was this man? Could he be a wizard, how did he find your g-spot that quick.
A black shadow in the corner of your eye had you pushing Andy away instantly, “bedroom, we need a bedroom, dog,” was all you managed to say but both understood.
Unfortunately, Lloyd had to take his fingers away from your heat, a whimper left your mouth at the loss of contact.
Andy carried you into their bedroom, throwing gently on the soft cushions. At first his body was right above you, then he was gone...along with your pants. “Ready darling?” he asked smirking.
Confused you looked down at him, a second later you were pulled closer to the edge of the bed and Andy latched at your cunt like a starved man. A high-pitched moan slipped from your mouth. His tongue truly sinful.
Meanwhile Lloyd had discarded his polo shirt and rounded the bed. Your eyes found him, and it gave you a chance to admire his muscled chest, he looked like a Greek god. Well build and toned skin, how could you have let this man slide huh? If that was how Lloyd looked beneath his clothes than you couldn’t wait for Andy.
Lloyd’s big hand grabbed your chin to make you look at him, “does that feel good? Tell Andy how good it feels,” he commanded.
“Feels good, feels, oh so fucking good,” you arched your back as Andy dipped his tongue into your needy hole. You spread your legs further apart to grant him more access. He chuckled and slipped his hand under your thighs gripping them in a tight hold, “move and you will regret it,” he murmured.
His lips wrapped around your clit and sucked harshly. You cried out, your hands searching for hold on the bedsheets.
“Mhm, you look so beautiful falling apart on Andy’s tongue,” Lloyd told you and leaned down to capture your lips in a searing kiss. You moaned into his mouth when the man between your legs stroked over your clit with his thumb, on the finishing line to bring you to your climax.
Lloyd loosened your hand and guided it to his neck to help you get a better hold as Andy devoured you. The knot in your stomach tighten, you bit into Lloyd’s bottom lip and your hand threaded into his soft hair.
You pulled on his roots, a silent scream running through your body as your orgasm hit you. “Andy, god don’t stop,” those weren’t your words, they belonged to the man who had his nose in your neck while you gripped his hair.
They way you held onto him, he groaned it felt too good. It didn’t go unnoticed by Andy how Lloyd reacted, the sight was one he would never get tired of seeing.
His fingers dipped into you, pumping in and out quickly as he ravished your pussy, pushing you through your high. “I won’t stop, don’t worry…you don’t want me to stop do you darlin’? No, you want me to ruin you…,” god, his tongue was truly filthy.
How did you deserve this? What Andy did was the best oral you ever received and you wanted more. He slowed his movements down and your body calmed.
“Do you want to keep going?” His tone is softer and more gentle than before. Honestly? You would love to, but you felt exhausted from just this little, you needed a few minutes first, “need a minute Barber,” you told him as you head fell back. Lloyd chuckled at your words and dragged you a bit more towards the headboard.
Andy covered you with a blanket and laid down next to you just like Lloyd. You felt dizzy, still not able to comprehend how you were this spent after one orgasm.
“How long do you think you need?” Lloyd asked, stroking your hair from your forehead. “Give me five minutes buddy.”
“If I didn't wanna fuck you this bad I would teach you manners first…but you will learn them soon enough.”
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𝑻𝑯𝑬𝒀 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑫 𝑴𝑬 𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹 — @smile1318 @wintasssoldier @xcaptain-winterx @georgiapeach30513 @alina02 @rogersbarber @antisocialwritingx @jobean12-blog @buckymcu12
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | @sstanhoe-updates blog where new fics will always be reblogged in case you're not interested in the taglist as it has conditions
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galaxyhanart · 1 year
y’all gotta read this @impulsivefanwriter wroTE SOME CABINET MAN AU STUFF I LOVEEEE IT AHHHHHHHHH IT’S SO GOOD i’m gonna talk about it more at the end but first read it bc oh my First Master all the writing is by them (which btw THANK YOU SO MUCH AHHH)
The SRJ Club [Beginnings of the Cabinet Man AU]
The club is absolutely roaring with noise, from music to hooting and yelling to the pounding of bodies in a wild dance. Lloyd covers his pointed ears and tucks in their tail, the tip already bruised from one laughing player swinging right over it. 
What should reek of sweat, perfume, and fizzy pop drinks instead somehow smells of fresh rainfall and snappy mint. Bright lights strobe to the rhyme of the bouncing instruments, reflecting off clouds of grey and blue fog from the smoke machines positioned around the stage. Blue sparks crackle around the air without hurting players, one of the many quality-of-life perks of the game.
“Okay, team,” Nya has to raise her voice over the music to be heard, and Lloyd’s grateful she’s taken over for him— they can barely hear themselves think over all this noise. “Let’s keep on track. We’re here for information on the Keytan— KAI!”
Lloyd’s brother has already been swept away by the crowd, yanked into the taffy field of dancing players. Nya storms after him.
A strobe light flashes in Lloyd’s eyes and they hiss to himself, rubbing them. Cole leans down and nudges him, foot tapping to the beat. “Hey. You can lower the game volume in your settings.”
Blinking in surprise, Lloyd pulls up their player settings. Cole directs him to volume controls, and suddenly the bustling music club is more manageable for the teen(?) to handle. 
They crack a small, fanged smile. “Thanks, Cole.”
Cole shoots him a two-fingered salute before going back to vibing to the beat.
Nya drags her dizzy brother back over. “Okay. As I was saying, we’re here for information on the Keytana only. Scott said there was an NPC we could get info from. We’re looking for someone called—“
Microphone tapping catches Lloyd’s ear, the tip twitching like a cat. They turn, squinting up at one of the elevated stages. On it stands one of the club NPCs, and at once, the music cuts to a deep, quiet backing track, the strobe lights dimming. The crowd simmers, attention trained to the stage.
“Are you ready for the star of the show?” the NPC shouts into the mic. 
The crowd cheers. One player climbs onto the soda bar counter in wild excitement, others shooting blaster-like party poppers into the club’s ceiling.
The NPC on stage swings around the mic. “It’s time for the arrival of our hero, our inspiration, the reason for our very existence… Superstar Rockin’ Jay himself!”
If Lloyd thought the crowd was loud before, it simply erupts now. The four ninja are swept into the swarm, bodies jostling as everyone surges forward for a better view of the stage. Lloyd yanks their tail to one side before it can get squeezed in the dense mob, shying into the sides of his older brother and sister. 
At once, all the lights in the club cut out, leaving them in the darkness of an outage. All noise quiets in an instant. Lloyd waits for confused whispers to break out, moments from voicing their own confusion, but the horde of players all seem to hold their breath in excitement, not panic. Lloyd tilts his head, fingers twitching with anticipation.
A blue spotlight bursts to life, then a second, and a third, all pointed at one spot on the stage. The fog machines chug to life, pouring more fog around the shining stage. With a hiss, a trapdoor opens and a platform rises up.
Standing on the platform is an NPC with a glowing blue and yellow electric guitar. The spotlights reflect off glowing yellow markings on a dark blue top, open to reveal a light blue chest with glittering top surgery scars and small darker triangle patterns up one side. A white belt, tied like a ninja’s gi, hangs around his waist, the ends flapping over glowing blue rings on his pants. Heeled yellow boots tap the stage, echoing over the quiet club.
Bright orange eyes open in a jagged mask-like marking of darker blue skin with freckles, and fluffy white hair sweeps over them. Pointed ears twitch, catching the faint track of music. When the NPC grins, wide and bright, fangs glint in his mouth.
“HEY PLAYERS!” He calls, voice amplified like a microphone by the game as he snaps his fingers with the glimmer of blue sparks. “ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?”
“YEAH!” The crowd screams back.
The NPC turns his head, cupping a hand dramatically around his pointed ear as he holds the guitar neck higher with his other hand. “I couldn’t hear that. ARE YOU READY TO SUPER ROCK?”
“YEAH!!!” The crowd screams back louder.
With a pose as striking as lightning, the NPC pulls his arm over his head, poised over his guitar. “ARE YOU READY TO SUPERSTAR ROCK?!”
If this guy asks one more time, Lloyd’s sure he’s going to lose it.
The mob of players already have, breaking into wordless cheers that blend into a single untuned noise. The breakneck energy and hype in the room is choking, electrified.
With a wild cheer of his own, the NPC strikes the first chord of his guitar, and the performance begins.
So this is their NPC informant:
Superstar Rocking Jay.
I love how overstimulated Lloyd is depicted here, that definitely fits with my HC for how he’d be acting rn (that’s why he’s not really the one to engage with Jay in the comic, Cole is) and the way Jay hypes the crowd up!!!! So good!!! The descriptions of the club are so nice, I’m still trying to plan out exactly what the club’s gonna look like (we don’t see much of it in the actual show which is TRAGIC) but I love the idea that because of the game it’s a completely pleasant place to be in, eliminating many of the cons of going to a club in real life
thank you thank you thank you i love this so much :DDD
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kkusuka · 3 years
Third year songs <3
this is most of the thrid years- not all 
from my spotify liked playlist <3
comes with a side of slight character analysis 
These are my interpretations of HQ characters and these songs!!
Time-skip spoilers!! (very slight) 
Daichi Sawamura
 Waiting for Superman- Daughtry
She's waiting for Superman
To lift her up
And take her anywhere
Show her love
And climbing through the air
Save her now
Before it's too late tonight
She's waiting for Superman
Daichi seems like he makes a  lot of promises, that he just can’t physically keep. He just has so many things going on that he just can’t pay attention to all of them at once. This leads to far too many forgotten dates and even more broken promises. You know its not his fault and he does too, he just can’t leave anyone hanging. 
Koushi Sugawara
 Island- Florida Georgia Line
We might as well be on an island
Like we're the last two on this Earth
Like we're frozen here in time
Like it's empty here tonight
I feel like suga likes to put himself back into happier times. And that he tries to hold into happy moments as they are happening. He says he is a man of the moment, but when he feels down, he tries to put himself back into the more joyous times. 
Asahi Azumane 
You say- Lauren Daigle 
You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
And you say I am held when I am falling short
And when I don't belong, oh You say I am Yours
And I believe (I)
Oh, I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
I believe
Asahi is clearly very attached to how people perceive him. So when people shower him with compliments, he attaches onto them. He likes what makes him comfortable and he wants to stay comfortable for as long as he can. Words are important to him, so when he hears something bad it can ruin him for a while. He really does believe what the people he loves say to him. 
Kiyoko Shimizu
 Mothers daughter- Miley Cyrus 
Oh my gosh, she got the power
Oh, look at her, she got the power
So, so, so
Must be something in the water
Or that I'm my mother's daughter
The power this woman carries. She’s built her confidence and she’s not letting anyone ruin it for her. I truly believe that her friends all become more confident because she wants everyone around her to feel confident too. Since she doesn't speak all that much she lets her body language do most of the expression. 
Tetsurō Kuroo
 High school sweethearts- Melanie Martinez 
Could you hold me through the night?
Put your lips all over my mine
Salty face when I start cryin'
Could you be my first time?
Eat me up like apple pie
Kuroo definitely takes trust very seriously. I feel he’s also really scared of someone breaking this trust, so he does form it with a lot of people. That saying if he does, he wants it to last forever.
 (...Step twoThis is a waste if you can't walk me down the finish line…) 
He truly believes in the people he surrounds himself with. 
Nobuyuki Kai 
Kill the Lights- Set it Off
Now I am cutting ties clean off
And I can breathe at last
So we all stand enthralled by this bland curtain call
And the truth we pursue as we all, we all beg you to
 Kai seems like he wasn't really that invested in volleyball, so having all these passionate people around him was a shock.  But he really got into third year, and he wants people to feel that passion too. In the back of his mind he feels bad for not feeling it like the rest of the team, but since looking in the past means nothing now, he tries to move on. 
Morisuke Yaku
 Mama- Mcr
And when we go don't blame us, yeah
We'll let the fires just bathe us, yeah
You made us oh so famous;
We'll never let you go
And when you go don't return to me my love
I mean, he is part of the mom squad. But it's ever so slightly more deep. I’m gonna say it's momma-bird syndrome. He doesn't want people to move on without him, seeing people achieve their dreams is great but he doesn't want you to do it if that means loving him. 
Tōru Oikawa
Prom Queen- Beach Bunny
Maybe I should try harder
You should lower your expectations
I'm no quick-curl barbie
I was never cut out for prom queen
I feel like oikawa is constantly feeling like he has to catch up to everyone around him. At some point in Argentina he came to the conclusion that he was good enough and didn't need to rise to anyone's standards of him, but when he got picked for the national team everything came back. He still has all of those feelings from high-school. Never making it to nationals, feeling like he failed his team. 
Issei Matsukawa
Bubblegum Bitch- Marina and the diamonds 
Got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll
Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all
Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored
I'm the girl you'd die for
I feel like to earn Mattsun’s trust, he would put you through some ridiculous trial of sorts. I also feel that he is very comfortable with who he is, and he takes no shit about it. But that comes with the fact that he rarely takes fault in things, and that sparks arguments. He’ll use your love for him against you, he’ll be as cold as he can muster, until YOU take fault. 
Takahiro Hanamaki
 OUT THE ROOF- Chase Atlantic 
Yeah, we stay lit
We fuck bitches, pop on pillies, that is it, yeah
Holy moly, holy shit, yeah
Me and all my people are heaven sent, yeah, yup
9this is a strait vibe for Makki) 
I feel like Makki drowns his problems out with meaningless activities. Like smoking or one-night stands. He’d rather drown out his problems then have them in his  face. Or when he’s forced to face them, he’ll deflect until he has nothing else to deflect. Because when you’re high there nothing to worry about! Why stress about meaningless problems when he can be having fun!  
Hajime Iwaizumi
 Endlessly- The Cab
Yeah, your friends may think I'm crazy
Cause they can only see
I'm not perfect, but I swear, I'm perfect for you.
And there's no guarantee
That this will be easy.
It's not a miracle you need, believe me.
Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me
But I will love you endlessly.
Iwa knows that he can't be there for you all the time. Physically he tries his best, mentally he can help when he can. But you both know that you're perfect for one another. He just can't help but listen to the people around him sometimes. You deserve the world, but he doesn't know if he can give that to you. 
Kōtarō Bokuto 
Prima Donna- Andrew Lloyd Webber 
Can you bow out when they're shouting your name?
Think of how they all adore you
We’ve all seen how Bokuto gets what he’s praised for literally anything remotely impressive. So that makes him a cannon prima donna! but that also means the lows and really bad mood swings. This song just fits him so well it’s scary.  
Wakatoshi Ushijim
 More- Usher 
If you really want more, scream it out louder,
If you on the floor, bring out the fire,
And light it up, take it up higher,
Gotta push it to the limit, give it more.
This seems kinda obvious, but Ushijima never gives up. Ever since he was a kid, he set a goal for himself and he went beyond what he even set out for. And that comes with a lot of work and training for every new level of volleyball. He’s just going to get better and better until he retires, or is forced to retire. 
Eita Semi
 strawberries and cigarettes- troye sivan
Long nights, daydreams
Sugar and smoke rings, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
Headlights, on me
Racing to 60, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like
Blue eyes, black jeans
Lighters and candy, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
I feel like semi always thinks about how Shirabu replaced him on the starting line-up. But he’s mostly gotten over it, but certain things bring him back into that stage of his life. Then the cycle starts all over again. He constantly looks back on the game against Karasuno and thinks about wat would have happened if he was the setter instead. 
Reon Ōhira
 Remember when- Chris Wallace 
So can we push push push rewind,
Go go back in time,
When we were kids sneaking bottles of wine,
Take take take me back, I wanna go back,
Back to what we had! Do you remember when we started this mess,
My heart was beating out of my chest!,
Remember when we stole your dad's car,
Reon gives me the vibe that his days at Shiratorizawa were some of the best of his life. How can they not be? He made the greatest friends of his life there. And I also feel like he looks back on them a bit more than he wants to admit.
Satori Tendō
 This Side of Paradise- Coyote theory
Are you lonely?
Passion is crashing as we speak
You seem so lonely
You're the ground my feet won't reach
So if you're lonely
Darling you're glowing
If you're lonely come be lonely with me.
I get the vibe that Tendou attaches himself to whatever makes him feel wanted/safe. (ex. volleyball) he knows it isn't healthy, but he can't help it. This does lead to him completely distancing himself from you over and over because he thinks you’ll leave him. 
Hayato Yamagata- House of gold- Twenty one Pilots 
I will make you
Queen of everything you see
I'll put you on the map
I'll cure you of disease (Ooh)
And since we know that dreams are dead
And life turns plans up on their head
I will plan to be a bum
So I just might become someone
Even though we don't see a lot of him, I get the feeling he treats people really well. Like he cherishes people a lot more than some of them deserve. As you can see this leads to some unfair relationships and toxic people. He just wants to hold on until a good person comes along. 
Suguru Daishō
Mr Loverman - Ricky Montgomery 
I'm Mr. Loverman
And I miss my lover, man
I'm Mr. Loverman
Oh, and I miss my lover
I feel like this was way too obvious, but it really is his song. It’s literally cannon, every lyric in this song is what happened with Mika. but in the end he got her back and made his promise  to be a better loverman <3. 
Kazuma Numai
 Nonstop- Drake 
Future took the business and ran it for me
I let Ollie take the owl, told him brand it for me
I get two million a pop and that's standard for me
Like I went blind dog, you gotta hand it to me
He looks and acts like a guy who listens to drake. He just seems like a guy who won't stop or give up even when things take a turn. He’ll just keep fighting until nothing’s left. 
Kōji Hiroo
 At the Wheel- Colorblind 
I need something to wake me up
It's never strong enough
I'm just getting colder and starting over
Going numb is just the way I run from
All my problems when I can't solve them
Need to break away
Escape the way I'm feeling
Hate to be fake, but I'm just dealing
This one doesn't really have a true reason, i really just felt like this was his song.  Sorry just the vibe. 
Shinsuke Kita
 Oh Ms Believer- twenty one pilots 
Oh, Ms. Believer, my pretty sleeper
Your twisted mind is like snow on the road
Your shaking shoulders prove that it's colder
Inside your head than the winter of dead
I will tell you I love you
But the muffs on your ears will cater your fears
My nose and feet are running as we start
To travel through snow
Together we go
I feel like kita is unintentionally cold towards the world, like he wants to open up but can't figure out how. But in turn if you can get him to feel “warmer” (get closer to him) he’ll share everything with you, almost oversharing. Just because he can't help it, he’s kept it all in for so long. Sometimes he just needs someone to hold him and make HIM feel better, because he does it for everyone. If you can manage all of this i feel like he’ll keep you with him forever. 
Ren Ōmimi
 Armor- Landon Austin
I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you
Don't know what to say when you made me the enemy
After the war is won
There's always the next one
I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you
I feel like not a lot of people approach ren because of how intimidating he looks. This has made him weary when people are really enthused to first meet him, because he thinks it’s a joke. After getting over that hurdle i feel like he just isn't an open person so it’ll take a long time to even get to a point where he trusts you. Hence the other wars after the first. 
Aran Ojiro-
 Never really over- Katy perry
Two years, and just like that, my head still takes me back
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
Oh, we were such a mess, but wasn't it the best?
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
Just because it's over doesn't mean it's really over
And if I think it over, maybe you'll be coming over again
And I'll have to get over you all over again
After all of these years, I really don't think Aran has truly gotten over losing at nationals in third year. And now on the national team he sees Hinata and Kageyama all the time and it takes him back. It makes him re-feel all the emotions he felt after the game. It hurt him to know that he gave his everything and still lost.  Like when he’s in bed he puts himself back into that self loathing phase of his life. 
Michinari Akagi
Try Hard - 5sos
It's obvious she’s so out of reach
And I'm finding it hard 'cause
She makes me feel, makes me feel
Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard
'Cause I'm not being me
And it’s getting me down that
She makes me think, makes me think
That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again
Akagi gives off boy best friend vibes.  But like to EVERYONE, so the person he liked just thought he was making fun of them and he didn't like them back. And i feel like that kinda traumatized him a bit, so when he got a new s/o he tried really really hard to make them special, but the same thing happened. 
i may do some with the second and first years, idk this took so long :)
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cattles-bians · 3 years
damie vibecca exes au part 21
post directory
em: viola and becs love their lil hikes
em: oh actually did we already designate hiking as a damie thing
em: hmm.
em: yknow what damie and vibecca can both enjoy their weekend hikes
em: they bring isabel and she’s RUNNING up the path and tires herself out in 10 minutes and rebecca and viola swap out piggybacking her
obsetress: yeah it tracks because they both like fitness and viola likes her walks
obsetress: plus viola's like "it's good for isabel"
em: vibecca power lesbians love the challenging trails and damie just enjoy the sights
obsetress: dani venting to jamie one night: they don't even LIKE hiking, but they still had to do the blackjack loop, and WE won't even do the blackjack loop,
em: dani and her fanny packs... every time she sees isabel on a trail she like
em: stuffs her pockets w granola akdhdkfhdj
em: drives viola NUTS she’s like we packed our Own snacks
obsetress: dani gets SO excited
obsetress: man i love these lil gay bitches
obsetress: no but um
obsetress: jamie gets in some fight w rebecca early on after they've reconnected
obsetress: prob about her dating vi tbh
obsetress: and jamie's so put off by the whole thing and is ranting to dani about it and dani's all like "you just need to have better boundaries, jamie, they're her choices, aren't they? not yours"
obsetress: and jamie just stares at her like.........................................
obsetress: "dani, you literally continued hooking up with viola for weeks after you broke up"
"oh, c'mon jamie, it wasn't weeks"
"it was months"
em: dani shooting herself in the foot to like. correct jamie is so funny
em: not even ‘no that’s different’ or ‘no i’ve changed’ like ‘actually it was months’
obsetress: she says it w such a lil pleased smile on her face too
Tumblr media
obsetress: like who the FUCk gave her the right???
obsetress: a whole babe
obsetress: she didn't need to smirk like this
em: god she’s so Hot
obsetress: just think about all the times she and viola get into the banter
obsetress: and this exact face
em: i know we veered dramatically into soft territory w exes au but vi extremely stubborn lloyd and rebecca lawyer do no harm take no shit jessel truly. have some spectacular arguments
obsetress: they have absolute blowouts
obsetress: and then blowouts after the blowouts iywkim
obsetress: like dani's do no harm take no shit but she and vi also enable the SHIT out of each other
em: like dani tried but dani wasnt like. fully baked yet
obsetress: yeah! and then when she finally does and breaks up with her, she's back in her bed a few weeks later
obsetress: rebecca is the first person to not take viola's shit and to tell her no and viola can't fucking stand it
em: jamies convinced it’s a ruse for more make up sex
obsetress: dani's like "no, babe, trust me, i know what that looks like and this––"
em: dani (hushed) no she’s regular mad this isn’t fun mad
em: jamie (hushed but incredulous) FUN MAD?!
obsetress: please tell me how dani explains fun mad
em: a lil eyebrow waggle and a wink but then i like
em: thought abt her going to lift jamie up on a bench ‘well she kinda’
obsetress: the way rebecca looks at peter when he is (seemingly) (unfortunately) good w the kids has me thinking about like
obsetress: rebecca seeing vi w isabel for the first time and just
em: turns out the evil landlord shes banging is also…… soft
obsetress: rebecca and jamie on the phone and rebecca's like "i know she's... a landlord and all, but you should've seen her with isabel"
"you've gotta be fucking kidding me, becs––"
"no, maybe you're too quick to write her off. maybe people can be more than one thing"
and jamie just groans
em: poor jamie and her class traitor ex gf
em: blows kiss to rebecca
em: dani: i gotta go to the bathroom i’ll be right back
em: jamie: ok love
em: dani; (elbows jamie) ive Gotta Go To The B
obsetress: screamed
obsetress: dani trips over her own feet as she gets up to go
obsetress: then i just start thinking about dani absolutely pouncing on jamie the second they get into the bathroom and then i just start thinking about. how often that happens
obsetress: bathrooms or closets or wherever else
em: dani has this 6th sense for places to sneak off to
obsetress: god she DOES
obsetress: she's so good at it
em: she enters a new building and is taking lil notes just in case
obsetress: meanwhile rebecca and viola exchanging a look while they wait, knowing EXACTLY where they're going
em: viola leaning in like how much time do we have and becs is like vi. where’s your decorum
em: then she looks down at her watch and lists it down to the second
obsetress: she pauses
obsetress: then
obsetress: "and another six minutes if––" and vi's like "she'll want to go again"
em: viola buffing her nails on her blazer: she’ll want to go again
obsetress: rebecca rolls her eyes but she's grinning
obsetress: "you're all too smug" "me? smug?" becs just shakes her head and tugs her in by the lapels of her blazer
em: damie coming back to a fairly chaste vibecca kiss: BLEH can you guys GET A ROOM
obsetress: rebecca's just verly placidly like
obsetress: "dani, your zipper is still down, by the way"
em: dani; thanks :)
em: dani clayton voice i’m braver and severely Weirder than ppl think
obsetress: she's a bit of a weirdo
em: see now i’m thinking about dani glancing away going dang i thought i was keeping it under wraps
obsetress: ngl i think about that a lot like
obsetress: she IS a weirdo but what does jamie know
obsetress: that she's like yeah she's a fucking weirdo
obsetress: like she's anxious and jumpy but jamie wouldn't call that weird
obsetress: what did she know and when did she know it
em: i’m thinking about jamie catching dani doing something like. idk eating a burger layer by layer or w a knife and fork and going
em: what a freak. i’m gonna marry her
em: dani tells jamie no this is a normal american thing and then when they go to vermont jamie realises no this absolutely is not
obsetress: she says something about it and dani doesn't even remember saying it in the first place
obsetress: "i didn't say that"
"you literally did say that"
"why would i say that"
(jamie taylor eyebrow raise) "you tell me"
(dani clayton flush and stutter) "i–– i..."
em: dani mumbles something like i didn’t think it’d pan out like this i just wanted the cool gardener to think i was. semi normal
em: jamie waggles her eyebrows like cool gardener???
obsetress: dani bumps her shoulder into jamie's "shut up"
"don't think i will, actually"
em: jamie starts to v seriously eat her burger layer by layer. danis like ‘ur taking the mick!’ and jamies like (sheepish) naw i just. wanted to see what it’s like
em: every so often they’ll run into someone who went to school w jamie or knew her as a youth and they’re like ‘wow you’ve mellowed out heaps’
em: therapy queen
em: theyre in a pub and someone’s like ‘as i live and breathe! jamie taylor! i heard you died! someone told me you were arrested for (crime that becomes bigger and more outlandish w every new person)’ and jamies like ‘aye’ and they’re like
em: all sharing a beer at a quaint little pub n this old acquaintance from before has these v chaotic stories and danis like
em: jamie? my jamie? u must be confused. jamie goes to bed at 9:30pm watching antiques roadshow
obsetress: jamie just grins a lil
em: danis like haha jamie wow ur so mysterious and (she is already casing the joint for places to sneak off too)
em: damvibecca sittin in a circle passing a joint around
em: a nice thought
obsetress: Wholesome
obsetress: dani falls asleep first, with her head in jamie's lap and they're all just kinda vibin and rebecca gets up to get her a blanket or smth and vi's just kinda like
obsetress: "you're really good for her, you know"
obsetress: all quiet and pensive
em: jamie takes a loooooonng pause and she’s like. i was sceptical but. you’re good for becs too
em: and then even quieter she’s like
em: thanks
em: the softest thank u from one jamie taylor
obsetress: rebecca gets back and looks back n forth between the two of them
"why are you two being weird"
"we're not–- what?"
"we're just sitting here, baby"
obsetress: rebecca narrows her eyes
obsetress: jamie likes vi for becs because vi reminds her to live a little
obsetress: and can also keep up with her temperament because holy shit did jamie hate all of becca's bougie shit
em: jamie absolutely has um
em: like a repairs pile that shes gonna get around to Some Day re fixin clothes etc and
em: as much as i love 'rebecca and jamie worlds most calm and collected no drama couple' im defs toying with like
em: their ONE Big fight is beccs throws out the repairs pile
obsetress: "i was gonna––"
"no you WEREN'T, jamie!"
em: jamies like i The Tool I Needed is outta stock i had to- and becs is like? what, like you couldnt make do?
em: and even then when the heat dies down its still v calm and civil but like
em: FINALLY a lil dramatic angle to jamie rebecca
em: dani loves the repairs pile bc she loves a project
obsetress: she's also very content to let jamie have her silly little thing
obsetress: because it doesn't bother her and jamie is very good at keeping it in her space
obsetress: rebecca asks her about it one day and dani's like "oh i'm just glad she has a hobby :)"
em: couple times jamie's like. shes been tryna repair this one chair for months and eventually shes like
em: (swings axe) winters coming
obsetress: dani just watches with the dopiest grin
obsetress: jamie's all wot
obsetress: and dani's like
obsetress: :) you're hot :)
em: danis like hey i know its a brisk autumn but um
em: if u wanna
em: mimes taking shirt off
obsetress: jamie does it
obsetress: jamie rolling her eyes as she unbuttons the top couple buttons then tugs her shirt over her head
obsetress: but she's grinning
obsetress: dani sneaking up behind her as she's sorting the wood and just leaning into her bare back
obsetress: jamie jumps "oi!" and dani grins and nuzzles between her shoulders
obsetress: been having so many becca feelings in our rewatch
em: oh gosh
em: i love her she truly is a tragic character
obsetress: same
obsetress: i just want her to live happily ever after in her lil power lesbian outfits with her lil power lesbian wife
obsetress: like she needs someone who can MATCH her
obsetress: her energy and her intensity and her passion
obsetress: and like she and jamie can push each other to be better but jamie’s just kinda like “lemme chill n do my gay little tasks” yknow
em: ya and like they Worked but they worked Much better as friends than anything romantic
em: jamies the lesbian best friend that’s like girl. stop settling for mediocre men with accents
obsetress: yeah!
em: jamie ‘how soon is too soon to ask out my good friend rebecca jessel after her v messy break up w peter quint’ taylor
em: and then rebecca ends up being the one like ‘have you ever thought about us?’ while jamies agonising over it like four months later
em: rebeccas a little go getter and jamie needs a little bit of a shove sometimes
obsetress: jamie, surrounded by three shovers,
obsetress: rebecca says it so casually over dinner like she’s talking about the weather and jamie’s like !?
obsetress: i can also see like
obsetress: rebecca says that bit about "have you ever thought about us" at dinner and jamie blanches and second guesses everything they do "is....... is this a date" becca just shrugs "do you want it to be?"
em: jamies motormouthing like ok but i cannot stress enough that i was comforting you about ur break up in a friend way no ulterior motives way i am ur friend first and foremost and rebecca just like
em: lets her get it out of her system
em: ‘well what about my ulterior motives’
obsetress: she WOULD
obsetress: "did you ever consider that maybe i had ulterior motives"
em: jamie: (pursing her lips, furrowing her brow that way she does) you had a messy break up with peter quint….. to seduce me.
em: rebecca: mmhmm
obsetress: jamie: me?
obsetress: rebecca: well, maybe a couple of reasons, but... yeah. you were up there
em: after i asked out [ex] i spent ages agonising over when it would be appropriate to kiss her (i know...) and then one night at a party she’s like ‘so why haven’t u kissed me yet?’ and i’m like are u fucken. mate it takes two to tango
obsetress: oh my god?
em: drawing from that
em: jamie thinks they’re taking it slow (but not that slow) and rebecca is like girl what
em: ‘i never took you for old fashioned’
‘wot, me?’
‘old fashioned?!’
‘well, you haven’t kissed me yet-‘
‘you haven't kissed me! i figured you wanted to take it slow after p-‘ and then rebecca like full on dips jamie and kisses her
em: rebeccas like always wanted to do that at least once lol
em: jamie is speechless for a couple minutes
obsetress: rEBECCA
obsetress: thinking thoughts rebecca jamie same height but rebecca heels
obsetress: jamie looking up @ her all
obsetress: rebecca in her heels and is chilly and jamie getting up onto her tip toes to wrap her big coat around rebecca's shoulders
em: softtt
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 years
Imagine a Ninjago AU where Garmadon and Krux get married 😳
Oh my god. Yes!
I don’t imagine them getting married when they’re younger. I see it working if Garmadon and his wife basically divorced (cause Lloyd’s gotta exist somehow) and Garmadon’s heartbroken because of that but glad they did since it wasn’t working out anymore and they were having a falling out. It just wasn’t healthy to try to stay together.
Krux would just come into the picture and keep him from doing anything drastic. In doing so, they develop together, Krux brings up old feelings saying that Garmadon deserved better and Misako never stood a chance with him. Maybe they reconcile with each other, one thing leads to another, and well..
Krux: No.. we can’t.. Not like this. / Garmadon: Why not? / Krux: I know you’ve been lonely but I’m not looking to be your side piece where you rant on about your ex wife, dump your old feelings, and amuse yourself up until you drop me and move on to the next person again. / Garmadon: ... What if I don’t want to move on anymore? / Krux: That would be a problem for us. / Garmadon: ... Would you prefer us taking it slow then? / Krux: I already waited four decades for my brother, I think we can wait until we’re certain this is permanent this time. / Garmadon: Don’t have me waiting too long.
Do they have a fight/sparring session? Yeah except one time, Garmadon’s pinned and instead of being cheeky or anything, he’s laughing because it’s the most fun he’s had in a while. “What? What’re you laughing about?” “Nothing.. It’s just.. I missed you.” Krux didn’t know what to do cause he didn’t expect that from him at all and it just.. yeah the old feelings are still lingering and they show a bit.
Anyways, Krux may have had gentle moments before with him in their younger years, but.. not with Garmadon being this romantic and sweet. It just makes him wonder why Misako dropped this sweet demigod of a man. Of course he gets bitter at her for breaking the man’s heart when he didn’t deserve that.
Garmadon gets to listen to Krux rant all about his interests. It’s been a long time since he seen Krux that passionate about something he absolutely loves and even though Garm lived through some moments in history, he just finds himself adoring his passion.
Krux won’t admit it out loud, of course, but he likes it when Garm holds him and cuddles up to him. He gets to be warm and listens to the half Dragon-Oni man’s rumbling purrs against him. Sometimes he ends up falling asleep against him and Garm either naps with him or puts him in bed. (They’re tired. Let them rest.)
Whenever he could, Krux does some research on Onis and.. well he learns interesting things about them like them actually having both parts to easily transform into a person make it extremely convincing but he’ll bring that up to Garmadon later on the relationship how Oni are affectionate and maybe surprises Garmadon with a few things, but it nonetheless makes Garm happy that he’s putting in effort.
Who slips out an “I love you” first? I wanna say Krux, because it’s most unlike him to say that and Garmadon hearing that from him for the first time ever just catches him so off guard that he’s stuttering “W-.. what did you just say?”
Krux is trying not to trip over words after saying that “Now listen here Montgomery! I was just- Monty stop looking at me like that I did not- Back up- NO! No cuddling right now! Noo-.”
Krux ends up getting stuck cuddling him anyway and he’s so flustered but so happy... He even gets to hear Garmadon say “I love you too..”
Lloyd’s happy that his dad’s feeling better, even if it is oddly with Krux, but nonetheless he’s happy. Krux is even a good father figure to him and it works for the whole GarmaFam.
Krux actually, surprisingly brought up the idea of marriage to them since he still has a ring box with a pair of rings and they both clearly were happy with each other.
Garmadon: Were they for me? / Krux: No. I was moving on when I met someone twenty years after the first half of the war, but tragedy struck them at the worst time and well I never got to give these to someone so... perhaps you and I could wear them.. / Garmadon: ... Are you trying to propose to me, Kruxie? / Krux: Montgomery, don’t tease me. It’s been a while and the speech I put together wasn’t even met for you- Stop your stupid cute grin! I’m serious!
Do they get married? Maybe. Maybe not. It depends if they both want to. (Okay they definitely do. They, mostly Krux, just wanted to make sure they just didn’t want to jump too fast without knowing how high.)
And the night after the wedding? Well.. they already have experience with each other so it’s nothing they aren’t unfamiliar with even if one of them is nervous. (“I’ll be honest it’s been a long while. I might actually be rusty.” “Oh please you’re able to be flexible and energetic in a fight. I doubt you wouldn’t be the same here.” “Hehehe.. Kruxie... My Kruxie..” “Getting possessive of me now?” “Why not? You don’t like it?” “... I never said I didn’t.”)
Garmadon: So is it Krux Garmadon or Montgomery Saunders? / Krux: The Saunders name was a pseudonym for my persona. I don’t think Montgomery Saunders fits... / Garmadon: So Krux Garmadon then? I like it. It rolls off the tongue better. / Krux: Oh please you’re thinking of other things to roll off that tongue of yours. / Garmadon: Hehehe. Can you blame me? / Krux: Yes.
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How was he posseses exactly
Are you asking for a snippet? Cause that’s what I’m interpreting this as.
“They've asked for Lloyd. there’s been a break in at the museum.” 
Lloyd groaned.
“why does it have to be me?” He gripped.
“The work of the green ninja is never done.” Wu said sagely.
Lloyd pouted and kicked his foot.
“I guess.” he sighed, accepting that he wouldn’t get to hang out with his friends.
Kai stepped forward.
“But he does have friends that can pitch in. How about I go instead?” he offered.
“Are you sure? They asked for Lloyd.” Misako said
“Well, the green ninja is in high demand! They’re just gonna have to settle for the next best thing!” Kai said, flashing a cocky grin.
Lloyd smiled gratefully.
“Don’t mention it!”
“Sometimes being the green ninja is a real pain.” Lloyd whined.
“Well that’s why I’m here!” Kai said, lightly punching his brother’s arm.
“Can we go now?” Jay said impatiently.
Kai dashed up the steps and flipped over the police line.
“Wow. the red ninja! I feel safer already!” One of the officers said.
“Got a call about a break in?” Kai asked, taking his hood down.
“Night watchman over there had quite the scare, doesn’t remember a thing.”
“Hasn’t been too helpful”
“Maybe you’ll have better luck with him.”
Kai thanked them and ran over to the shell shocked man.
“So you were on guard when the break in happened?” Kai asked
The man breathed heavy and looked up at him.
“Where’s the green ninja?” he asked, almost angrily. 
“Busy. You got me instead.” Kai said shortly.
If there’s on thing he hated, it was people that felt entitled to Lloyd. Like he was some kind of community good they all had a share over. He already got a ninja to handle what was an overblown robbery, he could live with the wrong color.
The man narrowed his eyes at him, almost sizing him up. Kai just about turned around and left, writing it all off as an elaborate ploy to get Lloyd’s autograph. The man seemed to get over whatever hesitation he had and caught Kai’s hand.
“I’ll show you what was stolen.”
Kai nodded and let the man lead him to a storage room.
“I was knocked out. when I came to I found the only thing stolen was something that wasn’t even on display.” He pointed over to an opened crate “Just a worthless old armored brass they called the ‘Allied Armor of Azure’”
“Ok, so what was so special about it that whoever wasn’t interested in anything else? I mean, there’s some pretty priceless stuff in here. There’s gotta be more to it.” Kai mused, poking in the sand spilling out of the crate.
“It’s said that when you’re in trouble, it has the power to summon allies. Whether they be friends, foes, even spirits from the cursed realm.”
Kai perked up at the mention of the Cursed Realm. Maybe he could get Lloyd’s dad back with it? He was about to ask more about it, when he turned to the sight of the security guard swinging a sledge hammer at him.
Kai jumped to the side and sand was kicked up from the impact that was aimed at his head. The man’s shock blanket fell off his shoulders revealing the armor they had been talking about.
“You stole it? Why!?”
“The green ninja was supposed to be here, but I suppose you’ll do for now.”
“You’ll never get to Lloyd.” Kai vowed, jumping in to attack.
Kai was able to pin the man quickly.
“What’s your plan!?”
Something in the man’s face shifted and something flew out of him.
“My head....Someone was in my head!” He yelled in a different voice.
Kai backed up. Something was wrong.
“I saw....the whole world will be cursed! you have to stop him!” he begged.
Kai turned a quick circle, searching for whatever it was he was fighting.
“What are you?” he asked.
“A ghost from Wu’s past.”
the dots connected.
“You’re from the cursed realm, aren’t you?”
“Garmadon should’ve been a little more careful about what came through when he opened the door.”
Kai glared at thin air.
“This isn’t really a fair fight if you don’t come out.” he tried taunting.
“Of course, how rude of me.” the ghost took form behind the night guard using the excess sand all over the ground.
He snatched the armor off the man and pushed him away, Kai managed to catch him before he hit the ground.
“So you’re going to use the armor to bring your friends back form the cursed realm.” Kai reasoned.
“The armor is nice...” the ghost said, fitting it to himself “But it’s not what I’m after.”
“What are you after?”
“You’ll see. And you’ll help too.”
Kai tried to dodge when the ghost lunged at him, but he had predicted the move and was on Kai before he hit the ground. 
Kai screamed and things went black.
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
hey id like to request dewey finn for the character ship meme? preferably 3, 7, and 29? thanks!!
🤘 🤘 We love a short king 🤘 🤘 Stuff’s under the cut!
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3. Who is the most romantic?: You are, at least in the more traditional sense. You know of the ins and outs of bouquets and traditionally romantic candle-lit dinners and all that jazz. Dewey is, too, but he’s far less capable of actually pulling it off. The times he does, there’s always a hint of Dewey in them -- for better for for worse.
He runs a bath for you? Adds a little too much bubble mix and then there’s a whole thing about cleaning it up. He cooks dinner? It comes out a bit burnt. Add candles into that mix and the fire department has to have a talk with y’all about fire safety. Really, his safest bets were to stick to buying bouquets, chocolates, and stuffed animals. But after a point, you started to run out of vases and pots to put the flowers in, resorting to using old Burger King cups; and the bed was just barely big enough to hold both you and Dewey at once, never mind the assortment of plush puppies, teddy bears, and the cheaply-stuffed jumbo snake he’d miraculously won at Coney Island a while back.
The good news is, you’d honestly much prefer Dewey’s idea of romance because it’s more personal to you.
For Dewey, it’s romantic to teach you how to play an instrument. Not in the cheesy, “Come sit on my lap because I can guide you a lot easier that way” kind of way, mind you. Don’t take it the wrong way, he could also do just that if you insisted such. But he does so as though you were truly his student -- and you absolutely are. And that’s what makes it sweet: He’s sharing with you his biggest passion in life, and he takes it seriously enough to get really into it and want to sincerely pass it on to you. Dewey is an excitable man, it’s difficult to catch him in a moment where he’s particularly still; even rarer when he’s doing so and in an actually good mood.
And when he’s teaching you one of the very few things in life he knows absolutely best, he’s definitely in a good mood. Even if his expression may not directly suggest so, with his eyes completely focused on your positioning and occasional correction of your finger placement. But the moment you pull off a successful set of chords, that adorable smile of his comes shining through and beaming with absolute pride! It is, for lack of better word, a bonding experience. And that’s what makes it romantic in your humble opinion.
That, and at least Dewey’s idea of romantic can mean a nice night in where you can relax and just flop on the couch to watch crap TV instead of putting on “stiff fancy clothes” and having to leave the apartment. In your minds, very little can beat a comfy evening full of marathoning Let’s Plays in your makeshift pajamas and scarfing down food bought from the bodega two blocks down, especially after a rough week. And especially when one or the other plays with each other’s hair . . .
7. What do they get up to on a night out?: That being said, you’re still dating Dewey Finn: Eventually, you do need to go out and “taste fresh air” as Dewey dramatically puts it.
You two are gluttons for entertainment. You tried the whole gig of just going out for dinner at a fine dining establishment, followed by a bit of a walk (but not too long, this is still New York after dark after all). You both tried to enjoy it, too, but it honestly just wasn’t your scene. Besides, the portions were way too small for something costing upwards of $25 per plate.
The good news about having a boyfriend like Dewey is that he always has his fingers on the pulse of the city. If we’re going with my headcanon that everyone lives on Staten Island, then there’s no shortage of venues or events to explore! The limits are only set by the limits of your wallets! . . . Suffice to say, it’s not just a personal choice that you two usually just go to bar and grills that hold band nights.
But once every blue moon, after saving up, you both go crazy and head over to Manhattan to catch a show. You’re admittedly more into musicals than Dewey is (especially ones written and composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber), but there has been the occasional show that Dewey didn’t mind watching, and even found himself mutter-singing the lyrics to. Granted, because a night like this can be pretty pricey (especially on an extracurricular teacher’s salary mixed with your own), these sorts of nights don’t tend to happen too often.
And sometimes the urge to go out is accompanied by that grossly exhausted feeling where it’s like all your meats are essentially weighing down on your bones. But you haven’t done anything fun all week, you just gotta get out the house and get Out There! . . . To the 24hr pizzeria next door, because that’s about as far as the two of you can get.
Apparently at some point after you turn 21, just going out after 8pm can make you feel like a hell-raiser. And that’s good enough for y’all.
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?: You bring out what the other wants and needs.
When you were growing up, you were quite quiet. Being looked at by a bunch of people always made you anxious, you were constantly afraid to make sudden moves, lest there may be some backlash. You’ve gotten better since then, but even still, you struggle with being as open and forthcoming as you would like to be.
And that’s where Dewey comes in: With Dewey, you always feel like you can stand a little taller, be a little louder. There’s something about him that encourages people to break out of their shell (at the very least peek out of it) and make them want to just seize the day. As his significant other, you are absolutely no exception. Watching him confidently approach nearly every task with a can-do attitude makes you consider that maybe you can do the same thing. If you want to civilly but firmly tell somebody off, Dewey’s there to support you. If you need to ask for help with something but are too afraid to, Dewey’s got your back.
Of course, he sometimes oversteps and just does it for you himself, with him seeing any slight against you as a complete injustice that he needs to defend your honor over. In which case, you’re usually thankful, but gently tell him that you need to do this on your own. And he will respect this because it makes him remember that this is your journey towards gaining more confidence in yourself. You’re so very special to him, and far be it from him to keep you from accepting that more and more. So when he invigorates you and makes you want to be and do better, you can’t help but want to always be with him: That way, you can be better for him, yourself, and also your future together.
As for Dewey, it’s whenever you ground him and help him grow as a person and listen to him. Dewey’s never been that popular -- and he knows it. Sure, he may seem completely invincible, but the truth actually is that deep down he’s got some insecurities about himself. His brashness got him kicked out of his own band, his immaturity nearly lost him a friend and got him into legal trouble, girls have never been particularly drawn to him, and it’s quite easy to assume that he’s an imbecile because of his one-track mind with regards to music.
As a result, he’s used his dream of becoming a rock god as a means to promote himself and that swagger he gives off so much. Which then creates a cycle of him making more mistakes after overestimating his competency. The problem is that even though people may tell him to stop, they haven’t always offered him help with how to do exactly that. The truth of the matter is, yelling at somebody doesn’t exactly help the situation; maybe it brings a person to realizations over what needs to be done, but rarely does it actually offer the tools necessary to get beyond that.
The irony here is that for as chaotic as Dewey can be, he’s a surprisingly good listener to those whom he sees insecurities in, especially kids. After discovering he has a knack for it, he’s become more than willing to sit somebody down and try to help them realize their potential, even if it isn’t always intentional on his part. And that’s where you come in.
You’re more patient than he is, so your impulsivity or lack thereof is a great counter to his, making sure that he remembers that sometimes things need to be planned out. Steps need to be taken in order to follow through with certain projects or goals, we can’t always just jump to it. With you, Dewey’s become more orderly with things. Not extremely, mind you, as that would destroy the man’s personality as we know and love it. But just enough to where he’s not as risky as he used to be.
In addition to this, you’re willing to listen to him and his thoughts on things, from his obsession with music to the anxieties he usually tries to keep tucked away deep down. It doesn’t necessarily borderline being therapy, but it’s enough to where airing things out help him feel more stable. Besides, not everyone is as taken to music as he is: It’s nice to be heard, even when it’s just over one’s special interest. Finally, like you with him, Dewey likes to observe you. It’s not always obvious, given that his hyperactivity sometimes distracts him or just appears to. After all, it’s hard to imagine the guy who dances when he’s excited actually paying attention to you when you’re just sitting on the couch, sketching.
But he is. Because watching you being able to keep still and let yourself breathe makes him want to do the same. He’s spent so much of his life thinking he needs to live fast that he never considered maybe slowing down a bit might be good. But now he has. And he wants to. He wants to slow down and grow up for you -- no, with you. And ever since he realized that this was something he wanted, he couldn’t help but love you a little more every time he found that familiar, warm feeling in his chest, making goosebumps rise to his skin.
Thanks for asking and for being patient!!
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lloydskywalkers · 4 years
👀 (If you have any more?)
(got a few more but getting close to the end! unless I want to start spoiling my upcoming fics, which alas, I’m not going to do :’D)
send me a 👀 and i’ll post a snippet of art/writing that i never got around to finishing this year (r.i.p)
Lloyd knows he’s supposed to be at another ceremony right now. He knows darn well it’s where his uncle and his family expect him to be. And really, he feels bad about missing it. Some…a little bad. A tiny bit.
But it’s hard to feel too bad as the Ultradragon does another double barrel roll, Lloyd’s stomach evaporating as he shrieks in exhilaration, misty sea spray catching him in the face.
Lloyd grins breathlessly as they straighten out, whooping back at Ultra’s roar as they start to climb higher again, the puffy tips of the clouds growing closer as the dragon’s powerful wings beat loudly against Lloyd’s ears. His face splits in another wild grin as Ultra rears back, letting them free-fall as he laughs.
Man, he’s missed getting to goof off like this. Everything’s been so serious lately, even after the final battle. You’d think that defeating your Overlord-possessed father and overthrowing the centuries-old ruler of darkness would earn you a break, but nope, Lloyd gets sent off to stand straight and smile bright and generally make a good impression, just this once, Lloyd, please try.
Lloyd does try. Really, he wants to live up to what the Golden Ninja’s supposed to be, he wants to make the others proud. But it’s just…it gets exhausting sometimes, just Lloyd on his own against hundreds of smiling people, and it’s a little lonely without the others (not that he’s admitting he’s lonely, nope, he’s fine, gotta keep that smile on in case Kai calls him out over the video chat again).
And he is tired, so he’s just taking one tiny afternoon, and flying a good fifty miles off the nearest coast so Ultra can really move. Uncle Wu’s probably gonna have a conniption when he realizes the mighty Ultradragon’s run off again, but…eh, whatever. Ultra is supposed to be the Green Ninja’s dragon, right? Lloyd is well within his rights to steal his own dragon, he thinks.
Besides, if he hadn’t hijacked Ultra, no one would’ve been around to save that village from  the Serpentine, which is way more important than some dumb ceremony, in Lloyd’s opinion. And technically, Ultra hijacked him, waking up half his hotel by banging on the window this morning.
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darkhymns-fic · 4 years
And I want to be held, I want to be held by those arms
When Lloyd visits Flanoir after his mission from Martel, he remembers all that he missed - slowly, painfully, as Colette shows him more forgiveness than he deserves.
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Characters/Pairing: Lloyd Irving/Colette Brunel Rating: T Notes: Takes place during Dawn of the New World after Lloyd gets back with the group. Sometimes you just gotta write some angst in these times.
The sharp cuff to the face had been a brief spark of life to Lloyd in the last few months.
“You monster! You killed my sister!”
The man’s voice in front of him cracked. If the punch hadn’t made him stumble, the grief in that voice did. Just enough that his left foot shifted backwards in the snow, against the slate of the pathways that made up the streets of Flanoir. He hadn’t been here in so long.
“This is a mistake! That wasn’t Lloyd!” someone had shouted back in defense. Lloyd wasn’t sure who. The other’s voice still resounded in his head, still pierced his skull despite doing all he could to not let it show on his face.
But over the past few months, he had only known distance and cold nights, known dark ruins in search for the Cores, known starry skies with no one to share it with. His cheek ached, and his arms felt as if they were weighed down with lead.
I deserve this anyway.
And like that, Lloyd took in all the biting hatred and despair that was still being thrown his way, long after the man had left with tears streaming down his face.
He thought he felt something in his own eyes before he finally left the others, saying he needed to be alone.
Lloyd had felt very little for so long. At least the pain gave him something.
When she came by, it was like the soft memory of a dream that kept being on repeat, one that he wished he hadn’t had to wake up from before.
Lloyd smiled as best he could. “Hey, Colette… what are you doing out here?”
Because the last time, it had been her who had called him out to the balcony, out into the cold where her skin was feeling the brisk air. Few could have gone out into a snowstorm with a happy grin like she did. So, he had wanted to feel the cold too, placing his own hands into the snowbanks, starting a sudden snowball fight that Colette had already prepared for with a sneaky lob of snow aimed at his head.
That really had only been two years ago, hadn’t it? Time felt so still.
Colette had already reached for his hands, despite them being gloved, despite him not holding back at first. He stared at the touch with blank eyes, seemingly unable to understand what was happening to him right now.
“You’re hurt. You don’t have to hide that from us… from me.” Colette gripped his fingers tightly, the snow catching onto her hair, melting against her cheeks. “You’re not on your own, remember?”
Still, he couldn’t speak at first. He kept staring at how she held him. At her hands.
“Lloyd?” Colette repeated, following his gaze. “I’m sorry… should I not have-”
“It’s been so long since I felt you,” he said suddenly. The words came out hoarse, as if scraping against his ribs in all its pain. Hearing that from himself, he winced.
It had just been months of traveling, months of keeping his mouth shut for the sake of his mission, for his pact with Martel. And each night alone had been so cold and made his hands feel numb.
His face still ached from the punch, but the spike of pain from it had been sudden, revitalizing something in his limbs that it frightened him for a moment. And as the snow fell, as it made everything so quiet, the numbness had come back.
Colette’s fingers entwined with his, her body moving closer. The embrace felt natural suddenly, like back then.
“Is this what you need?” she asked him, murmuring into his jacket. The snow was still in her hair. He buried his face in it, giving himself to both her heat and the chill of the world surrounding them.
Telling her he loved her made him feel something again too.
It was hard letting her go – even after they both went to his room.
“S-sorry,” he stuttered, the cold finally getting to him, teeth chattering just slightly. At least it helped him with his grin. “I get cold easily now.”
“Heh, it’s okay,” she reassured, rubbing her hands against his arms. “Does this help?”
“A little, yeah,” he said, his voice lighter now. “Thanks.”
She giggled, the room a bit dark with only the lamplights from outside giving any light. “Remember when you used to do the same with me?”
“Yeah, you were freezing! I was worried that you got like, frostbite or something…”
How weirdly easy it was to fall back into this again – full of normalcy and settling into a rhythm that he realized had been gone for so long. Before, it had all just been a pull of either constant stumbling in the dark, or staying still, so still he could barely feel himself breathe.
But now, he smiled, and Colette was here, touching him so gratefully. His eyes half-shut, feeling her palms press against the sleeves of his jacket. “Need to make sure you don’t freeze too!” she said happily. Her cheeks were still red, and she flicked glances at Lloyd, shy as her own smile was shining in the dark.
He wanted to tell her how much he loved her again, but he felt his body sink against her hands. His head lowered a bit, cheek pressed against hers. He could hear the hitch in her breath, the room so quiet. “I think it’s making me sleepy…”
Colette didn’t say anything at first. Her touch moved from his arms towards his hands, then pulled him along to the bed that sat lonely within the middle of the inn’s room.
But they didn’t sit on it, not yet.
“Lloyd…tell me how long you’ve been gone.” She finally looked at him directly, her voice hushed, not wanting to disturb the falling snow.
Even after Lloyd finally met up with friends, could finally speak with them in more than half-words, time couldn’t seem to sync with him. Just movement, just the pact hanging over his head, the danger always present. “I’m not…really sure.”
“Almost 10 months,” Colette said quickly. Maybe there was a hint of something accusing in it – but not like everyone else. The accusing eyes of the grieving brother in the town square, the strained voice of Emil and… “But you know that.”
A hint of confusion. He shook his head. “What do you…”
Her hands swiftly moved away from his, and it was like being shut away in the dark. Cold and far deep into something nameless.
Back underneath the starry skies with no one.
Back into the ruins where the air was thin and monsters teemed among the stones, the pathways blending in among each other.
Back into the numbness and not remembering what day it was or how long he had been gone, how long he had away –
Lloyd instantly reached for her hands again, gripping tight. “Please don’t,” he said, his voice breaking.
Colette said nothing, but she looked at him, her fingers entwining with his. “Lloyd…”
He was shaking. Because of the cold. It was just cold. But something inside him continued to tremble. His cheek still burned, the pain still there, reminding him.
“I can’t…remember…when we…”
He watched Colette carefully, his eyes now long adjusted to the dark, always to the dark. She was biting her lip, thinking hard – and then her hands went to his left, where his Exsphere glinted from the lamplights.
“The snow made this damp,” she said, voice still so soft. She peeled away the glove, even as it stuck to his skin. “You’ll definitely get sick with this on.”
Her hand made contact with his, fingers brushing against his knuckles, his palm. Like sparks, but warm and bursting instead of suddenness overwrought by grief.
“This one too?” she asked tentatively, taking his other hand. He didn’t move, didn’t react. If he moved too much, would she stop touching him? He didn’t want her to stop touching him.
Colette drew out her movements, fingers slipping underneath the hem of his second glove. His hand lay limp in her lap, absorbing the curves of the folds in her dress, like the ocean waves caught at a standstill within the night.
His hands were cold and shaking, and she held them with hers, bubbles of warmth erupting at every patch of him that she touched. The soft rush of her skin on his, the slight tickle of her thumb against his wrist.
Why did this all feel so new to him?
“Can you…” he started, stopped, like a missed step in that darkness he had been too long used to.
“Yes, Lloyd?” she asked him, still rubbing his hands gently, so gently, the way he would start a campfire when the winds bit through his jacket, pierced through his skull.
“You’ll…stay with me?” he asked. Some other sound left him. He tried to cover it up by clearing his throat. “I mean…just for a little while. I think that guy hit me harder than I thought.”
Small jokes that he said to try to lighten the air, even as the snow gripped it tight. Colette smiled. Her eyes went to their clasped hands. “You have to promise me something though.”
The word echoed through him; the press of a necklace in his hand, her eyes like the washed-out sunset over the ocean. But those were before, long before, if he could just remember that.
“Okay,” he said, to keep himself steady.
“You have to trust me.”
The skies came back to him; to a time where his chest felt to bursting as he clung to her tight. Trust me to know of your pain.
He can’t keep being a hypocrite to her.
Many of the past months to Lloyd were a complete blank to him.
He knew that there were gaps in his memory – the last clear one he had was visiting Dirk back home, hugging his father so tightly before rushing off, laughing off any worries. This was his promise to the pact, and he would see it through. And in the end, Colette would forgive him.
Yet sometimes, he found himself in a town that he had no recollection of ever entering through its gates. Or he would see stone above him, the light of a Core just a few feet away. Martel said her power would protect him, but he had questioned, and touching the cores sometimes felt too sharp and invasive, like running his hands over something poisonous.
At some point, Colette had drawn him down to the bed. He didn’t recall how, but he didn’t feel fear over it now. She was lightly touching his hands, then to his arms, revisiting every place that she had once known as second to her own skin.
He watched, fascinated, at every motion. He could have done so for hours.
“I think I just…stopped paying attention to everything else after a while,” he finally said. Colette’s hands moved to his collar then, pressing lightly against the back of his neck. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment, fingers pressing against the knots in his skin. “I thought maybe it was the pact doing it but…I’m not so sure now.”
It was easier to do things when one was numb to everything, wasn’t it? Or was it even harder than before?
“So…you weren’t just ignoring all of us?” Colette asked. And there was the small change in her tone. He rarely heard her angry, even if it was soft and more an impression of it than reality. And yet he felt its contours, its meanings, the way it stuck inside his chest like thorns.
“I didn’t want to,” he could only excuse. Colette’s hands moved underneath his collar, then forward, reaching the top button of his jacket. “I hadn’t heard about Palmacosta until later…”
The gaps in his head had been so frequent by then. For a time, he had wondered, and tried to keep his hands away from his swords unless he absolutely needed to use them.
In the shadows, he saw the worry etched into Colette’s face, fine sand that made its mark over the course of only a few years. Had she always been this worried? It took him too long to notice. “It was hard convincing the Church to not condemn you for that.”
“…Yeah, I’d…think so.” And still, his imposter was out there. Still, that one man’s grief would never heal.
“So many didn’t want to listen to me. Zelos said I shouldn’t be trying to reason with them, that I should just say to them…um…I can’t…repeat it, heh.” A hint of a smile, lighting up the subject, making the thorns sting less. “But people were scared and so many still depend on the Church. So I promised that I would find you, and when I finally did…you just…”
Like some echo through the night. Lloyd couldn’t remember. “I don’t remember,” he said.
“You barely even looked at me.”
The thorns came back. He reached up to take her hand. “I’m sorry-”
“Wait,” she said, voice quieter again. “Your jacket is wet too, you know.”
A slow blink. He let go of her hand, felt her reach for the other buttons, unclasping them gently.
A few times she had done this for him on their own journey. When he would be so tired from all the walking, and just lay back in the grass as Colette played with his collar strips, tying them both into ribbons, or counting the buttons along his sleeves, marveling at just how many Dirk had thought to put on them. Small things that resurfaced, hidden away by something engulfing.
When Colette tugged at his sleeves, he let his arm slip through, only then noticing how his front had already opened, his suspenders pulled down. Half-asleep, half-disbelieving, he felt her hands press against his shoulders, taking everything down. The wind was chill, even inside the inn room, but her touch washed over him like warm sunshine.
Colette furrowed her brows in the dark. “You’re shaking,” she said. “Am I hurting you?”
“No…” He shook his head. “No, no, you’re not, just…” He pulled her close, cold at first, one hand against her waist. But his skin pressed against hers and it was searing and blissful and all he ever wanted. “Keep touching me.”
Colette still hesitated – unsure of whatever emptiness was still within him, even after reuniting with everyone. Something that made him fall away from everyone’s pleas for him, time and time again. Her hands tentatively slid across his arms, not quick and teasing like before, but soft and careful, like she was mapping the shapes of sharp glass.
“10 months…not just from me but… no one else at all?”
Lloyd only faintly understood, still holding onto her form, his shaking becoming less.
“You saw no one else,” she stated. “Or talked with anyone…hugged anyone…”
He blinked, the realization coming upon him in small waves. It seemed so…strange when he thought about it. “I guess I didn’t…Yuan doesn’t exactly like to give hugs,” Lloyd joked, though his laughter came off weak. “And…it’d be weird with Martel, wouldn’t it?”
But the expression on Colette remained serious, remained sad. Her hair fell against his neck as she shifted over to him. “But you’ve not even gone to see Dirk at all? Noishe?” Colette’s voice was full of regrets. “You’ve not felt anyone?”
Her hands moved from his arms to his chest, one moving underneath the hem of his shirt. He flinched slightly, but never moved away.
In the nights before with Colette, he would always be surrounded by her. In the nights after, he would be alone and cold, and the sky would be so engulfing that he’d fall away into it if he wasn’t careful.
It’s a blur, when she removes the rest of his clothes – his shirt, already upended past his head. Her hands were steadier when they reached his belts, unlatching the catch there, then gently having him lay back against the headboard.
There were nights when they had undressed each other, loved each other, when the nights felt warm instead of cold, felt reassuring instead of frightening.
Just the touch of her hand brought forth everything he had ever loved about her, in stark detail, as if he was even younger now, catching Colette within the starlight as she rushed towards her home with a wave to him.
“Remember when you’d always reach for my hand?” she was saying, sounding more at ease. Pretending for his sake? Or was she also…? “Even when we were kids… you never gave it a thought.” She giggled, still so close. It was only then he saw her unhook her overcoat, moving from her shoulders like water.
Like on the balcony from years back, she was moving towards him, but she didn’t need to ask his permission. He had already wanted her to give whatever she could. Her dress fell away, her stockings, her shoes, and then she was on top of him, the invigorating sensation of her skin all that he ever knew.
He panted, just slightly, and still Colette stayed, pressing her forehead against his chest. “And you were always still so careful when you did. Even when I felt you wanted to hold my hand harder, or hug me more…and I wanted that too.”
He could barely speak. His body was singing. His hands pressed against her naked sides. Overwhelming, drowning, when for months he only felt dirt and stone and the biting wind.
He couldn’t survive without this. He had been so close to not doing so. Dirk, who had taught him how to give the best bear hugs, Noishe who would always sidle up to him at every opportunity when they would walk outside, even Genis letting Lloyd surprise him with tackles or a friendly pat on the shoulder. And Colette, accepting his hand, gentle and waiting and eager.
Maybe if his time away from everyone had been shorter – just a month or maybe even less – he wouldn’t need this from Colette. Even after they had first started to go beyond brief touches, he had never felt this desperate, this hurting.
Colette’s chest was against his, and he took in a sharp breath. His hands went to her shoulders. “Colette…”
Her hair covered his face, shutting away the lamplight from outside. “Is this what you need?” she asked, and the tone was different, was careful. She was so, so careful with him.
“I…” He swallowed. His body arched, trying to catch every sensation, every part of her. “It’s just…Colette, it’s just been so long..”
She hushed him, and there was her smile, weathering even the worst of everything. And he wanted to apologize to her, to say he never wanted to leave her to deal with a world all alone. For he had now done the same and the loneliness was so unbearable and agonizing, and what if all that he felt, Colette did too? But she would smile and shake away those worries for him, and he couldn’t be responsible for that again-
She kissed him, her touch bringing everything back, and as he closed his eyes, he was once again a young boy seeing Colette leave the schoolhouse by herself, already rushing towards her and asking to take her hand.
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onthepyre · 4 years
the second part of this is basically what i did last night but connor is a lot braver than me. anyway.
Evan does this at least once a week.
He gets home, and for whatever reason, whether it be the smile Connor gave him during lunch that lasted a bit too long or that romantic-looking restaurant he walked by on the way home, he's feeling sappy.  And he walks straight to his room, lays down on the floor, and listens to Cavetown.
The amount of time Evan spends on the floor is directly proportional to how many times he caught Connor looking at him during science class. Sometimes he counts; the record so far is 23 times in one class period. He spent two hours on the floor that day, staring at the ceiling.  
As soon as he's home, he's settled on his carpet with the soft sounds of a guitar playing in his headphones.  It's peaceful, quiet. There are only a few things that Evan thinks about, and number one on his list is how much better it would be if Connor was here.
His heart talks about Connor a lot.  His mind objects, but Evan's heart seems to beat with his name.  Connor Murphy Connor Murphy Connor Murphy.  Evan never gets tired of it.  His heart talks about Connor's hair, his eyes, his smile, his hands-
Don't get him started on Connor's hands.
Evan has watched Connor draw before.  The style of his art matches him well.  It's sharp, fast, messy, perfect. But when he's drawing, Evan watches Connor's hands rather than the piece. 
They're fluid.  They glide.
Connor Murphy does not glide.  He stomps, he runs, he marches, but he does not glide.  But when he's drawing, his hands float. They look the same, as angular as Connor himself, but they're different.  Softer. Evan figures Connor's face is the same, but he's always been too focused to look.
Evan often considers what Connor's hands feel like.  They look strong, but Evan is certain they're lighter than they seem.  He wonders what it would be like to hold Connor's hand. Is he one of those people that would hang on too tight?  Would he barely touch Evan's hand? Would he be grossed out by Evan's sweaty palms?
Evan also, more tentatively, thinks about Connor's hands on his face.  In his hair. Looped around his waist. These thoughts, of course, are more focused on where Connor's mouth would be at the moment, but there is attention to his hands then, too.
And Connor's mouth.  Of course. His lips are always chapped and often bleeding because Connor picks at them when he gets bored and Evan knows this because he stares at Connor during French class and he knows Connor hates French.  Connor bites his lips a lot, too. It isn't meant to be nearly as swoon-worthy as it makes Evan feel, but it nearly breaks him every time Connor chews on his lip. Evan's fairly certain this is something he does when he's bored, too, although it might be a nervous habit.
Connor has a lot of nervous habits, from what Evan's seen.  He spins his pen, taps his foot, braids little strands of his hair — the list goes on.  Evan knows each and every one of them.
Connor has his own sort of ritual.  After begging Zoe to stop at Tim Hortons so they could get coffee, he sits at the window in the den and watches Law & Order SVU.  He had never seen it until Zoe showed him the John Mulaney bit about Ice-T and now he's addicted. It's a problem.
Unbeknownst to either, Connor's SVU marathons are the equivalent of Evan's Cavetown sessions.  Evan thinks about Connor and Connor thinks about Ice-T. And Evan. Mostly Evan. 
Connor has a thing for the way Evan talks.  He knows that Evan himself hates it and most of the school thinks he's annoying, but Connor thinks it's adorable.
Evan has to say exactly what he wants to say, and if he messes it up, he will start over.  He messes up a lot.  It doesn't help that sometimes his tongue catches on words and he gets stuck on a certain sound and has to go back to the beginning of the sentence.  It takes active listening to understand what he's saying but it makes Connor melt.
That's the thing that makes Connor think so hard.  He's supposed to be the mopey badass, the scary emo, the aloof rebel-without-a-cause.  He has a reputation to uphold, even if it's less punk and more school shooter (okay, less punk and more sad).  He may be openly bisexual, yes, but he shouldn't be falling for a tiny tree-obsessed nerd.  
And the fact that Evan of all people is the one his heart decided on is, well, bad.  Connor's too worried that Evan isn't into him to do anything other than stare and Evan can't take a fucking hint.  Connor may think his cluelessness is cute, but it's also really inconvenient.  Connor thinks a lot of things about Evan are cute but inconvenient.
Evan is really, really good at accidentally blocking people's paths and then moving out of the way at the same time the other person does, thus blocking them again.  Evan hates it and Connor thinks it's funny. If it goes on for long enough, Evan starts blushing, and Connor starts falling apart.
And oh my god, when Evan blushes.  It's not like it's uncommon, Evan is both awkward and incredibly aware of it, but Connor still thinks it's adorable.  It brings out his freckles and colors the tops of his ears pink. If Evan is especially embarrassed, he'll try to hide in his hands, but his fingertips are always tinged with the same rose-colored mortification. 
Connor's thoughts drift as he pulls out his phone and scrolls through instagram, but Evan is still there in the back of his mind.  He's always there, no matter what Connor is doing. He spots Evan in the shadows created by the trees in the backyard; sees Evan's worried smile on his mother's face; catches himself doodling Evan's silhouette in the background of drawings. Evan, Evan, Evan.
Connor's phone buzzes in his hand as he scrolls past a collection of Bee Movie memes.  He opens the message, noting it's from Evan.
He's still typing, but Connor replies anyway.
whats up
The typing bubble disappears for a moment, then pops back up
what r u duing
Connor takes a moment to grin at the misspelling before he responds.
watching svu
do u eanna come see cats with ne 
uhh?? no but absolutely yes im coming, what time
theres a show jn half an hour 
cool see you then
Connor tucks his phone into his pocket and pulls his hands through his hair.  He's going on a date. With Evan. But it's not a date, his mind says.  Connor ignores it.
He's out the door in no time, stopping only to grab a half-eaten bag of twix and shove it in the pocket of his hoodie.  
Evan arrives at the theater before Connor does, and sits down next to a claw machine after buying his ticket.  He thinks about texting Connor, but his energy for starting conversations is nearly gone — he barely stuttered his way through asking for a medium popcorn, so he's decided to recharge for a bit while he waits for Connor.
Connor bursts through the door a few minutes later, then stops to look around.  He breaks into a smile when he spots Evan, who lifts his hand in a tired wave. Evan watches Connor talk to the woman at the ticket booth, then the man at the concession stand.  He approaches Evan with a bag of Sprees in his hand.  
"Hey," he says.
"I know Sprees are the worst, but they're the only food that seems to last past the previews, so."  Evan nods, trying to hide the already partially eaten bag of popcorn sitting next to him. "Well, shall we?" Connor reaches down to pull Evan up from the bench.  Evan smiles as thanks, but Connor doesn't let go of his hand. His mind moves at the speed of light, even though there are only two thoughts in his head: Connor Connor Connor and hand.
Connor holds onto him all the way to the screening room, where he tugs Evan into the back row.  He drops Evan's hand as they sit. Connor drops the Sprees into the cupholder on his left and pulls out the Twix, which he starts inhaling immediately.
When the movie starts, there's only one other person in the room: an old man in the front row, who Connor insists is Andrew Lloyd Webber himself, and it's not an issue if they talk because Webber started this whole fiasco and deserves to hear their "critiques."  
The moment the first cat appears on the screen, Connor is laughing.  "Why does she have boobs?" he whispers.  
"If they're going to give her boobs, she should have six, not two."
"Connor, talk quieter!"
"Are we supposed to be attracted to the cats?"
Defeated, Evan drops his face into his hands while Connor cackles next to him.  
They make it to Rum-Tum-Tugger without any other mishaps, but as soon as the new cat starts singing, Connor loses it again.  
"Why is he wearing a fur coat?  That's terrifying!"
"You'd be scared if you saw someone wearing a coat made of skin."  Evan looks over at him with a desperate expression on his face.
"Connor, please," he begs, "let's just… let's appreciate cat Jason Derulo."
Connor nods, still wheezing, and calms down a bit.  Until cat Jason Derulo whips off his fur coat in a display of his cat muscles.
Connor drops his head onto Evan's shoulder.  "I can't do this," he says through a fit of giggles.  
But Evan is more focused on the fact that Connor's head is on his shoulder oh my god.  And Evan hears Connor's foot tap, tap, tapping on the floor.  Nervous habit. And once again, Connor's hand finds his. 
"Gotta ground myself.  Make sure we're not dead, y'know."  So Evan, with as much bravery as he can muster, squeezes Connor's hand.  And Connor squeezes back.
But Connor doesn't move.  He stays there, his head on Evan's shoulder, his hand in Evan's hand.  And Evan can't focus on the movie anymore. He eventually picks his head up to laugh at Mr. Mistoffelees, but Connor hangs onto Evan's hand for the rest of the movie.  He's soft, softer than Evan expected, and evidently doesn't mind his sweaty palms, so Evan doesn't complain.
As the credits roll, Evan gathers the bits of courage he has left and look over at Connor.  "Is, uh, was this, like a date? Or did I, um, completely misinterpret what's- did I misunderstand this? B-because-"
Connor cuts him off.  "Do you want this to be a date?" He's quiet, much quieter than normal.
Evan's voice is even smaller when he answers.  "Um. Yeah." He stares down at his free hand, trying to avoid the one Connor still has a firm grip on.
"Great.  Then it was a date."  Evan can hear the smile in Connor's voice.  He looks up, and Connor is beaming, and Evan can hear his foot tapping the floor again.  And Connor's hand is on his jaw and Evan is leaning forward and their lips are pressed together.
It's different than Evan had imagined.  Slower. Gentler. But he's kissing Connor Murphy and Connor Murphy is kissing him back.
Evan is the first to pull away.  He knows his face is a bright shade of pink, but he doesn't really care.  His phone buzzes in his pocket.
"Oh, uh, my mom's here."  He thinks he sees Connor's face fall for half a second, but he isn't sure. 
"Oh.  Alright.  See you soon."  
Evan leans over and pecks his cheek.  "Thanks."
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Season 2, Episode 3 - Double Trouble
my mouse fuCKING D IED
[21:21] let’s go on then!
[21:13] back in that asshole’s dojo and Lloyd’s learning to control his powers! This time it’s electricity and it’s being focused into a lightbulb. It’s not going too well though
[20:59] It’s gonna be that he blows the bulb up huh
[20:55] Called it!
[20:47] And…. he’s done this a lot, which means that his progress is just going to be a bit of a steep climb, huh
[20:40] Lloyd. Lloyd, Cole gave you the broom to clean up not to whack the punching bags with, Lloyd,
[20:09] I hear that some weird love triangle stuff I predict I’ll very much hate is gonna happen but the whole Jay and Nya thing right now is still very much in my good books.
[19:52] And Lloyd’s got a letter? Okay.
[19:39] I… I’ve seen the description Netflix gave for this episode. No, they haven’t turned good :pensive:
On a sidenote, there was this post about Wu’s weird 3D mouth and I literally just realised that… that’s gonna bug me until his model is updated to exclude it huh
[19:35ish] “I love ceremonies! That means there’s going to be cake!” As someone whose enjoyment of weddings is based on the food I get which makes up mostly for the … ahem, preparation, Cole continues to be a Big Mood and if what I hear about him NOT EVEN GETTING A SEASON FOR 11+ SEASONS is true, then what the hell writers get on that
[19:07] Cut to Garmadon and his minions. They’re trying to figure out how they can use a weapon of creation to destroy.
[18:44] okay but what came first: The sound effects being used in Ninjago or Minecraft
[18:18] I get you’re innately evil but you’re using up your crew, dude
[17:57] I love this show so much because where else can “one time a main character almost left a kid (a brat but still a KID) for dead and almost died himself because he was so desperate to prove himself that he was losing his grip” and “the main villain kicks a snakeman minion off the boat because the minion suggested making a giant ham sandwich with a weapon of mass creation” co-exist?
[17:51] I have had…. EXPERIENCES… with doubling up on the same character related to Lego. If these are evil I think I’m going to try and find the holy water. I mean, I don’t think I actually will, a: I was joking and b: what I Am Referring To is in a different universe entirely but like… you get my drift, right
[17:43] ? Are these their old uniforms?
[17:42] No, def. the new ones. Guess Wu bought doubles.
[17:28] I don’t think that’s going to work out well.
[17:16] Oh. The duplicates are just… not right
[17:01] ??? What the fuck
[16:47] Woo! Let’s go dragon-riding boys! (cut the real ninjas in case that wasn’t clear)
[16:29] Why’d you even trust a young kid to drive the dragon anyways?
[16:14] Aw! I know that the kids at Darkly are probably faking but it’s nice while it lasts.
[15:33] ??? why is the principal moving like THAT
[15:11] YUP they were faking it! how did the kids even take over the school
[15:03] ouch. that’s gotta hurt
[14:53] And they’ve woken up surrounded by teachers. Okaay.
[14:47] Welp, that’s where the adults are! Locked up in a classroom somewhere.
[14:31] Cole’s priorty being the cake is such a fucking Mood
[14:29] And now Lloyd’s being held hostage somewhere else in the school?
[14:11] What the fuck are wrong with these kids?
[14:01] And now the duplicate ninjas are out and about. Jesus christ, their reputation is gonna suck if this isn’t made clear they’re fakes to the city by the end of this.
[13:57] djdjd the old lady model is the same as the old lady teacher model at the school if I’m not wrong
[13:51] jdfjdfj
[13:45] (in unison making it all the more unnerving) “aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha -”
[13:40] me: what an on the nose bank name. bank of ninjago-
me: wait we have a bank of melbourne. i guess i can’t judge
[13:29] Cut to Wu, cleaning up the glass (still?). Welp, the duplicates are gonna break in, huh.
[13:25] yEah
[13:21] alright when is Wu gonna catch on. I’d be freaked out already
[13:15] is Wu being genuine with acting like nothing’s up? If he’s been handed the Idiot Ball that’s gonna be annoying
[12:56] No, no, he’s caught on.
[12:24] UH OH
[12:15] Welp.
[12:08] Cut back to the school and Zane has a battering ram mode. Why the hell not?
[11:48] This isn’t going well.
[11:46] duplicate jay: m-m-m m-m-m-MM
[11:40] this is gonna be… so awkward
[11:39] iTs A wHoLe NeW mE bAbY
[11:37] nIce woRk!
[11:29] djdjdj Nya’s too into bad boys ™ to notice somethings REALLY up
[11:26] “Darkly’s School? Is that where we were?” If that’s not a dead give away I’m losing it
[11:25] oh ho ho, that’s not consensual kissing! what the fuck man
[11:20] i mean she’s into it??? but seriously what the FUCK + he stole the damn keys >:(
[11:03] that’s also illegal! don’t run the lights
[10:48] Back at the boarding school, the ninja are still stuck in the classroom turned prison.
[10:19] Zane, thank you for drawing connections and keeping the plot moving thank youu
[9:52] djjdjd just put stuff back!!!
[9:38] wait who’s tickling him ???
[9:32] WELP
[9:20] okay but Lloyd’s probably lying out of his ass. and good for him here. can’t do much tied to a chair
[9:14] ah shit that Brad kid’s caught on too
[8:57] goddammit the duplicates are here
[8:43] alright, let’s see how this goes down
[8:34] probably not well
[8:08] (sounding like it’s from the depths of audio editing hell) “nNNNIJAAAA gOOO-”
[7:50] this is how it feels to play dodgeball
[7:45] uhhh want to chill a bit, duplicate Kai?
[7:20] break! that! lightbulb!
[7:12] (slams himself down onto broken glass to cut the rope) uhhh doesn’t that… HURT
[6:06] but like, when the duplicates were making those god awful one liners, it was like the equivalent of like… those companies trying to be One Of The Kids but like more evil
[5:44] …. Lloyd please stand up enough to help your ambiguously defined guardian figures
[5:33] poor Lloyd he keeps getting tied to chairs
[5:10] how is the chalkboard making that much dust??? why don’t you have whiteboards??? is chalkboards one of your implements of evil???
[4:45] Taunting people into being good? Fucking powermove.
[4:14] Like i’m saying! Fucking powermove.
[3:39] “Aw, my dad is gonna be so mad!” “Yeah, join the club.” djdfdjdj
[3:28] I guess they don’t do design classes in this boardin- wait is it based on American culture because I’m from a very Aussie pov?? do you have middle school wherever it’s written??? ????
[3:21] Wait, are they dressing up as the ninja to confuse the duplicates? That’s kind of a smart move here.
[3:15] yeah!
[2:50] “Hey, it really is Ninja Day!” djdjd
[2:11] fucking oof, duplicate jay
[1:43] And it’s all fine now! The duplicates are gone!
[1:20] djjddj Cole stole the entire cake
[0:39] Oh hell yeah! He got a grip on electricity! Nice one, Lloyd
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A Night Off..
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Erik x OC
Part three of “I’m Never Wrong” Series
Mini playlist: Moments Of Love x Art of Noise
It’s You x Kem
Share my Life x Kem
Night Off x Drake ft. Lloyd
You’ve been busy. Hella busy. Erik and you had Leanna September after that fateful Christmas, you married the following April, and two years later (before Leanna’s Moana Luau birthday celebration) you found out you were pregnant again. You gave birth to N’Juma That following summer and after being cleared to return to work you were swamped.  
You received the promotion for Managing Partner at your firm and you played the role of the Partner’s keepers. Even though you were glad about not having to see courtrooms unless deemed necessary, you now have to track their time at work and expenses on business cards, their vacation and sick time; Along with sitting in extraneous meetings with board members with their bottom line being the only thing they ever care about. You know you could quit at anytime. Your husband reminds you time and time again that he can take care of you, Lee, JuJu, and any other kids you plan on having single-handedly. 
Him being a prince and all, you were certain that he could. Momma just didn’t raise you to be nobody’s housewife. You love your children more than anything, and to a certain extent, you love your job, but after two months of going between Mommy and Senior Partner, F/N M/N Udaku, esq. needed a BREAK.
You came home on a Friday evening to find two ladies from the Dora Milaje on your front porch, you knew either Queen Mother, Shuri, or T’challa was behind the door. To your surprise, it was Shuri. You often used to joke to her that Leanna took a piece of Shuri’s personality because she always had a witty come back to her daddy’s sly comments, and they were as thick as thieves from the day she was born.
“Y/N! Hello!” Shuri stands up with your almost four year old in her arms. “Mommyyy!” Leanna yells out in glee. “Hey Lee Lee! Good evening Shuri! To what do we owe this pleasure your highness?” You suspiciously look at her and your daughter like they were up to no good, as you lay down your briefcase. Leanna looks around pursing her lips and says, “Mommy, I d-du-dunno what you talking about!” as she shakes her head. You grin at her adorable yet horrible attempt of lying, “Where’s Juju? Where’s daddy?” Speak of the killer prince..he shall appear. He emerges from the hallway, “Juju is knocked for the night. I gave him his bath fed him, and he went down for the count about fifteen minutes ago.” 
The first thing that catches your attention is his cologne. That Dolce & Gabana light blue for men gets you in trouble every single time. You slip out of your work shoes as you apprehensively question, “N’jadaka, What do you have up your sleeve?” Then you travel to your awake child, placing her on your hip, “What is daddy up to LeeLee?” She starts playing with her nails, “Daddy says he wants you to go with him!” Erik scoops you into his embrace, “Daddy needs you to shower up and get dressed. I got everything all laid out for you on the bed, and after we go where we go, I got a room reserved.” His cologne engulfs you into a hypnotized state as he briefly kisses you. You open your eyes to see Leanna covering hers. Shuri retrieves her, “I got some improvements I need to make on T’s suit, I need a little helper so we’re gonna go to the Stark Enterprises lab to do that..” You look back and forth between your husband, your cousin-in-law, and your child, “Well what about JuJu?” T’challa bends the corner from your guest bathroom, “It seems like I am on diaper and bottle duty tonight.”
You lay your arms lazily around Erik’s neck, “So daddy’s got it all figured out, hm?” N’jadaka nods, “Now go get dressed. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
You get to your shared master room to see this two piece outfit with a pair of white pasties, and a white thong to match your husband’s two piece linen button up and matching pants. “Where does this nigga think I’m going looking like somebody’s stripper?” before you can go back in the foyer to protest, he’s already standing at the doorway, “You going with daddy tonight. Lookin’ like daddy’s personal stripper.” He stealth-like footsteps cruises his way over to you to give you a forceful smack on the ass, which got bigger thanks to carrying Juju.
You hopped out of the shower, reluctantly put on the two piece and as you were buckling your shoes, your husband comes in to check on--sorry, rush you. “C’mon Y/N we need to get go--daaaaaammmn. Here baby, lemme help you with that.” He brushes down your calf with his fingertips, slipping on your shoe. “That’s too tight?” You shake your head, “Good.” He counts the hole in order to buckle the other shoe in the same manner, “I’m doing this for you because you need a night off.. Not being mommy, not being a lawyer, not being a home maker, nurse, none of that.” He finishes buckling the second shoe before kissing your foot, “The only thing you gotta be tonight is mine.” your breathing stops at his statement, then you nod. Letting him know you understand.
The drive to your destination was tranquil. Erik played the compilation of Moments of Love by Art of Noise, Kem’s It’s you, and Share my Life, Maxwell’s Lifetime.. it all put you in a mellow mood. He drove the entire way with his hand cascading your thigh, occasionally tapping it to whichever beat was playing. He puts the car in park in front of the club you first met at. When he ran you down, begging to take you on a date that he had to rob a museum in order to take you on.
You giggled and sank into the seat, “N’jadaka, really?” He nods, “Yeah baby. I figured i’d take you to where it all began.” This nostalgic feeling fell over you, remembering how he followed you around the lounge like a sick puppy, his dreads barely touching his neck back then. You give him a second glance, his dreads are now almost to the middle of his back, his nape; tapered. You lean into him, making out with your husband like you’re seventeen. The valet worker tapped on the window to snap you out of it.
Erik really planned that night out. He got a VIP section, got him a bottle of Hennessy prestige, and you a white bottle of Belaire Rose. The waitresses gave you both your appropriate glasses to drink your alcohol out of with a bucket of ice. Your husband kept attempting to roleplay, asking who you were with, “I’m with you, fool!” He then asked where your man was at, you pointed at him. You finally caught on when he asked for your name and number. You put on a corrupt grin, “Heaven. and I don’t think my man would like you asking for my number.” You were good and toasted by the time N’jadaka and you were playing a good game of back and forth, “Oh.. Well your man shouldn’t have left you alone.” The slow tempo of Drake’s A Night off sounds off in the club, “This is my jam!” Your man whispers to you, “See, why would your man leave you along while your song is playing? C’mon. At least dance with me.” You gulped down your fourth glass before taking the last sip out of your bottle, “Let’s go.”
Know you hate explaining how you want it done Just be quiet I'll do fine without your help girl Can you work without a second for some fun? Now you finally got a moment to yourself girl And I know what to do with it
You whine your lower half to his, your ass giggling at the end of every loop. He poured you one more drink for the night, some of his Hennessy, which you both took your glasses onto the dance floor. His free hand is alternating, between gripping your inner thigh, to grasping on both of your cheeks as your mirrored each break down of the beat. His eyes narrow as he bites down on his trembling lip, never letting his hand leave your body. As you feel his erection growing you grind against him even harder. He reaches underneath you to grip your breast, tweaking the skin underneath your pastie. You’re drunk at this point, so all you do in reaction is keep dancing and sticking your tongue out. He has you exactly how he wants you. Relaxed, drunk, and worked up.
So, baby, I'm a lock my door and disconnect my phone Cause I wanna make one thing clear 
I want you on top, so let your hair down I took the night off for you Girl, I'm gonna turn the lights off But keep your heels on They're fittin' for what we're about to do
He has a look on his face that you love to see, pure lust and astonishment. Just at you dancing for him.You look down at his hand with the vibranium wedding band you placed on it three years prior is shining even in the almost nonexistent club lighting. His thick fingers grabbing on you like you’ll dissolve at any moment.The Dj switches the song to Keith Sweat’s Nobody, N’jadaka gives you a shock, pressing his fingers against your abdomen, standing you straight up. Then he presses your lower back down so you can still arch against him, as you continue your slow whine.
I wanna tease you I wanna please you I wanna show you baby, that I need you I want your body 'til the very last drop I want you to holler when you want me to stop
N’jadaka’s hands are still roaming your frame. His lips are now brushing past and behind your ear, “So tell me baby, can I get a taste of Heaven?” His growl at the end of his statement mixed with the drinks and that damn cologne were all working against your self control. You literally leaked down your leg. You took your iced out left ring finger and placed it where your nectar was racing down and fed it to him, “Is that good enough?” He moaned as the liquid hit his tongue. He licked a strip behind your ear which makes you tremble against him, “Nah babygirl. Daddy wants more.” He presses down your back even more so you can bend back over. He gently smacks your ass, letting it jiggle back he looks to the Ancestral Plane as if he’s thanking Bast herself for that ass of yours.
You throw back what’s in your glass like it’s a shot and grab him by the collar, giving him the look that he’s been waiting on since you got out the house, “Let’s go...Now.”
Erik made a reserved a room at the Fairmont across the bay. There’s a jam on the Oakland Bay Bridge. That and the tented windows on your Cayenne which gives you the opportune moment to unbuckle your seat belt and jump on the man that’s been tempting you the entire night. His sex playlist going through the speakers didn’t make it any better.
I wanna touch you Right now, right now, right now, right now, right now, right now We ain't gotta waste time going out on dates We ain't gotta count down till you come to my place We ain't gotta, (you ain't gotta), we ain't gotta, (you ain't gotta) We ain't gotta, (you ain't gotta) we ain't gotta, (you ain't gotta) You ain't gotta waste time sending me roses They gon' die anyway, man that's just boring You ain't gotta, (you ain't gotta), you ain't gotta, (you ain't gotta) You ain't gotta, (you ain't gotta) you ain't gotta, (you ain't gotta) 'Cause I want you right now
Your lips are fighting with his for dominance as you climb over to the drivers seat to straddle him. You rip about half of the buttons off of his shirt as your liquor tasting tongues tango. His hands smack against your ass over and over and over again, making you moan into him. Between kisses, while you’re trying to unbuckle his seat belt and his pants he mumbles two octaves lower than his normal voice, “Mmm.. So it’s like that?” You moan out over the music, “Yeah daddy, it’s like that.”  He finally shimmies out of his pants and simultaneously rips your thong and the crotch area of those fishnet pants. His primal side and the air hitting your center brings a shiver to your body and it continues as your lover submerges into you. 
You cry out, slightly in pain. You and N’jadaka have only made love a handful of times since your six week appointment after having N’Juma. Partially because he went on a two month wardog mission. He’d only came home a couple days ago, and you were so busy in mom mode when you weren’t in work mode and vice versa..you only snuck in a quickie when he first came home. So your healed body is still getting used to his girth again. What feels like a overwhelming pressure eventually morphs into the pleasure you remembered oh so well. You crouch your body to tuck in between his neck and chest as you ride him in the stop and go traffic. He’s basking in the spontaneity of it all, the suburban behind him is occasionally honking their horn at his delayed movement as traffic moves up. If they only knew what was distracting him.
The first of your many orgasms of the night surprises you. You didn’t feel it coming, until it came. Your body is convulsing on his and he holds you right where you are. You screamed his name as best as you could through it. He put the car in park and hoisted his hips to meet your bottom until you could move again. You slam down on him, “Mm mm. You don’t gotta do that. Let Heaven take care of you, daddy.” He smirks while looking at the creamy mess y’all created, “You sure?” You nod, “Yeah. I gotchu. That one caught me off guard.” You laugh together as you grind on him. You love when he’s deep in you, he knows it too. N’jadaka grips your hips as he bites down on your neck, coaching your movements. You move your head back, giving him more access as you feel the second orgasm arise. The head of his phallic member collided with that spot that makes you weak every time he hits it.
He huffs, “My baby cumming again huh?” You cry out yes, “I’m cumming too baby. Daddy gon make Heaven cum to him? Hmm?!” He rotates his hips around to tap it again.. and again... as he hits it the third time, your essence falls, in a trickling waterfall motion. You shriek in bliss as his motions don’t stop, neither does your orgasm.
The car behind you beeps again. Erik being the superman that he is, he put the car back in drive and moved up while still stroking you through what’s probably the longest orgasm you’ve ever had. You rest on him as he presses on the break, his leg slightly shook as he gritted his teeth. You looked at him, “I came. That asshole ruined it. But wait till I get ‘cho ass in that room. I’m really gon get a taste of heaven.” 
@chaneajoyyy @theunsweetenedtruth @hidden-treasures21
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aweebwrites · 5 years
Fire and Lightning (Hooves and Fins AU)
“Hey Kai, I was thinking about moving the nest.” Jay spoke as he added Kai's feathers to said nest.
“What? Where?” Kai asked more than a little surprised, talons filled with the remains of their snack.
“Just higher up.” Jay says, looking across at him. “I mean, we can still keep a nest down here but I checked out the caves close to the top of the cliff and… I don't know… They seem cosier.” He shrugged.
“Hmm…” Kai hummed, considering it.
It was convenient to be honest. While he hadn't inherited all the mer genes his sister had (the scales on his legs and hands were orange red instead of yellow or black like all other harpies and appeared more aquatic than avian), he sensed enough that summer which was just a few weeks away was a time for mating and it would be best if they weren't there for it. The middle caves were all taken and reserved by Wu for Lloyd who had left for the Spirit Coves a week ago and Garmadon who was due back soon. The upper caves were smaller and with several entry and exit points but with more secluded areas that would be perfect for their nest. He's visited before and knew that much. It was ideal for harpies and all avians. Best yet, all the caves were interconnected so they didn't have to leave in order to visit the rest of their flock on the lower levels. Kai nodded.
“Sounds good actually.” He says and Jay beamed. “But as much as I love this nest, we can't move it up. We'll have to make a new one and leave this one for when we visit.” He pointed out and Jay nodded.
“We're just going to have to make an even better nest than this.” He grinned and Kai nods.
“But since it was your idea, you get to tell the others.” Kai says hopping out, taloned hands on his hips.
“Aw man…”
“Moving out?!” Nya and Zane gasped once they all gathered them by the shore.
“Jay phrased that wrong.” Kai says, interrupting. “We're not moving out. We're moving up. Higher into the caves. Close to the top of the cliff.” He clarified.
“Oh.” Both mers say in relief.
“I told you I couldn't do it.” Jay huffed, batting his winged arm at him.
“That's cool. But does that mean you'll have to build a new nest? I thought the one in the pool room was your favorite.” Cole questioned, his lower half submerged under water.
He would have looked like a mer too if it wasn't for his lack of fins and scales.
“Yeah. But we're going to build one better than that.” Jay says determinedly, hovering in the air. “We just need quality supplies.” He says, looking around.
“Perhaps we can help.” Wu suggested with a smile.
“Really? That'll be awesome!” Jay chirped and so began the quest for nesting material.
“I had these furs laying around.” Cole says, bring an arm full of deer, rabbit, moose and other mammal furs. “I was saving them for the winter for you guys since you don't fly south but if you can use them now…” He says and Jay looked them over, stroking the furs and nodded.
“They're perfect! Thanks Cole!” Jay says, allowing Kai to take them by the talons on his feet as he flew up to the cave they chose.
“So you pick the stuff and Kai builds it?” Cole asked as he watched him go.
“Yeah. He builds a mean nest. I'll help decorate but that's it. My nests never last long.” Jay says sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. “On the plus side, Kai always picked the most uncomfortable things for nests so it works out.” He shrugged.
“I found a bunch of these along the water surface a few miles away.” Nya says as she came up from the water, pushing out several long pieces of wet straw.
“Wait, you left the lake?” Kai asked as he came back.
“Yeah. So?” She asked as Jay looked them over before using the talons on his feet to filter them out. “Skylor was with me if you were worried.” She says and Skylor came up then, holding a lot of moss.
“Harpies use this stuff, right?” She asked, and Jay pulled those out too.
“Yeah but we're gonna leave these to dry.” Jay says, setting them out of the water's reach.
“Where's-” Cole was cut off by Zane's head popping up out of the water, chewing something.
“I found some Kelp. It's surprisingly tasty.” He says, coming up with a hand full.
“Ooh! Kelp! Don't mind if I do.” Nya says, swimming over and taking some.
“That looks great and all but I don't think it'll work.” Kai says with a grimace.
“I was hoping you'd say that.” Zane admits then shrugged them out of his arms to reveal several colourful seashells. “You can decorate with these, right?” He asked and Jay was already picking a few up, not minding the cold water on his exposed legs.
“These are gorgeous!” He says in awe, looking over a single large one about the size of his head. “We'll take them.” He says, tossing the big one to Kai and gathering the small ones.
“Perhaps these will help for support.” They all looked over to see Wu walking out from the woodlands towards them.
He had long lengths of plants that looked almost like vines but a little less flexible.
“These limbs are flexible now but they become firm and permanent in shape once they're dry. They'll be hard to break once they are as well.” He says and Kai was the one to look over and ponder his finding.
“Definitely. Thanks Sensei.” Kai says, taking him and Wu only nods.
“I think we have everything we need. We've never collected enough supplies for a whole nest this quickly before. Thanks guys.” Jay says and Kai echoed his thanks as well.
“Hey, it's what a family does.” Skylor says with a smirk. “Now go build your nest already. I wanna hear all about it when you're done.” She says and Kai and Jay looked at each other before nodding.
“Remember when I said the nest in the pool room was the best?” Jay asked as Kai weaved the walls of the nest with the straw, vine things and moss.
“Yeah?” Kai smirked as he continued to work.
“I change my mind. This is the best nest.” Jay sighed, snuggling into the first at the bottom.
“It's not even done yet.” Kai chuckled, making sure the area was firm before moving on.
“It goes to show!” Jay grinned, sitting up now. “The shells are really nice too. Maybe we can go out and find more things for the walls, don't you think?” He asked, looking around at where he set them all up, the biggest one that was a perfect blend of red and blue on a small shelf like ledge behind the nest.
“Once were done building the nest that is. It'll take me awhile to finish. With all the supplies the others got us, this'll be our biggest nest yet.” Kai says and Jay beamed at that.
Their previous nests were cozy indeed but more space was a thing they needed. Or at least he does. He made it a habit to lay down sleeping instead of sitting up like all avians. It was just more comfortable that way.
“Awesome! I can't wait until it's done!” Jay says excitedly.
“No lightning. You might start a fire. You know better.” Kai scolded and Jay pouted but grinned, resting his chin on his shoulder.
He couldn't wait.
It ended up taking all of that day and well into the next before Kai declared it done and he was right: it was huge! He could lay on his back and still have space all around.
“Yeah, yeah. I'm glad you like it but I'm starving. Let's go get something to eat.” Kai says, nudging him and Jay nods, flying out after him.
A dip, a turn and a twist and they were out of the caves, over the lake. Jay looked down, noting the difference to the lake. One side had chunks of ice littering about and was deep blue while the other side was a warm blue green colour. He could spot Nya easily in the water but despite being a more white than anything else mer, Zane was near impossible to spot. A spiral dive down showed a flicker of white and blue amongst the waves.
He wasn't looking for them however. Her pulled his wings close to himself, diving down and extending his talons, grabbing the large fish lingering near the surface to get away from Zane and letting his wings carry him up before he could sink. He flew towards the shore- but startled when something launched up and snatched his fish, making him squawk in surprise, fight or flight instincts telling him to get out of there quick. It was only when he heard familiar laughter did he turn around, hovering.
“Cole you jerk!” Jay yelled, watching the kelpie tread the water, still holding his fish.
“Serves you right. You gotta be more alert.” He says, swimming over and handing him his fish he took with a huff. “I take it the nest's all done?” He asked as Zane came up next to him.
“Yup. Kai just finished it up. We skipped dinner and breakfast so we need to refuel.” Jay says then looked over once he heard a splash.
He was just in time to see Nya jump over Kai only to land back in the water with an even bigger splash. Kai only hovered there, startled.
“Told you I could do it! Pay up!” Nya says to Skylor who was watching near by.
“Alright, alright. Here.” Skylor says, handing her over a large blue lobster.
“Yes!” Nya grinned and dug in, her teeth were not as sharp as Zane's but tough enough to break through the shell with ease.
“Is it give the harpies a heart attack day?” Jay questioned, flying over to his mate and passing over the fish he caught him.
“When is it not?” Skylor asked with a grin.
“Mean Sky. Mean.” Kai huffed before flying over to the cold side and landing on the closest chunk of ice.
He then took the fish in hand and began eating.
“I can catch you one of you'd like.” Zane suggested, he and Cole swimming closer.
“Nah. I've got it.” Jay says, flying up again and scanning both sides of the lake.
The cold water fish were great but sometimes it's good to get back to the classics. His keen eye caught a medium sized fish swimming along near the surface on the warm side and dove down watching it. It began to swim, spotting his shadow but it was too late. His wings weren't as big as Kai's but they were built for speed. He caught it no problem and carried it over to where Kai was, eating as well.
“You know, I've been meaning to ask Sky. Since you're part Naga, doesn't that make you cold blooded?” Cole asked her as they all lingered by the ice chunk the two harpies were eating on.
“Yes. But only when I'm not wearing my seal skin. It's complicated but it's why I hardly take it off during the winter. If I keep it off for too long, my blood will cool and I'll hibernate.” She says as Nya idly swim on her back, eating her prize much like an otter.
“That answers some questions.” Jay says around a mouth full of raw fish.
“Don't talk with your mouth full.” Kai scolded, smacking him with his wing.
Jay stuck his tongue out at him in retaliation.
“Don't worry, I'll punish that mouth the second we get back.” Kai says lowly and Jay flushed deeply, eyes wide.
“I didn't need to hear that.” Nya says as she turned over and swum away.
“Well, at least we know who's the submissive in the relationship~” Skylor cooed before swimming off as well.
“My ears Kai.” Cole says, covering them.
“I don't understand.” Zane says and Cole looked at him then at the harpy duo, torn between gushing over how innocent he was or scolding them for exposing him to things like that.
“You should tell him before Skylor does.” Kai says with a smirk and Cole grimaced at that.
He then motioned Zane closer and whispered into his finned ear. It was comical watching Zane go blue so quickly all over.
“I- I see.” He stuttered out, eyes wide. “Excuse me.” He says, ducking under the water quickly.
“Zane-” Cole says then dove after him and Kai snickered.
“You better hurry up~” Kai says, rubbing his feathers suggestively against Jays before flying off back to the nest.
Jay never ate quicker.
(This turned out longer than expected and by the time I was done, it was way too late to post. Onto the fic; things took a little suggestive turn in the end but that's ok. Jay and Kai are the only ones who are officially mates here. Zane and Cole may think of each other as mates already but it's not yet official. Not sure if I will actually write about their first coupling but if I do, I'd probably have to post it elsewhere. That's it for now! See you guys later!)
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fabrowrites · 6 years
Quick ficlet that's been running around in my head for a while. Cross posted on ffn.net.
Gene's wings blend in perfectly with the dark colors of Darkley's School for Bad Boys. "My parents are high-ranking members of a biker gang," he brags. The proof is there for everyone to see, too. Green and charcoal splatter across the top of his coverts, joined by the little patches of color from his large circle of adopted aunts and uncles and cousins.
Brad's wings have bright silver tips and when his mom brings him a care package, the same bright silver gleams from the soul-feathers mostly hidden near her back. "I never knew my father," he tells Lloyd one night, in a rare moment of vulnerability. "Haha, see? No indigo anywhere here." He unfurls his wings and spins, and the only other color on his feathers is Lloyd's own.
Even Finn, the magician's kid, has acid green feathers scattered throughout his white primaries and secondaries. They glow when he's angry; he says it's a side effect of being created from pure magic. Lloyd doesn't have a problem with that, not really. But the fact remains that even the kid magically spawned on some isolated island has a heart-color brightening his feathers.
And Lloyd? Lloyd's wings are as white as the day he was born. There's not a splotch of heart-color anywhere on them, and he's checked, too, every night before he goes to sleep. White wings are the worst kind. They announce to the whole wide world that nobody has ever loved him: no, not his mom, not his dad, not the friends he's grown up with since forever.
Oh, he remembers his mom. He remembers the wings speckled with gold and purple, folding around him in a gesture of safe. The same wings betraying him, leaving him alone and abandoned on the doorstep of Darkley's. The olive green heart-color never appearing on his own wings, no matter how many times he looked in a mirror.
He doesn't remember his dad. He knows that he left before he was born and that he was the one to paint his mom's feathers in purple. But there's no face to go along with this knowledge- only rumors, stories, and gossip.
It doesn't bother him. Really. If he just ignores the ache in his heart and the repulsed yet pitying looks of his teachers, he can get through his day just fine. Darkley's, however bad it might be, is way better than the outside world.
That's what he thinks for a while, at least. But it can't go on forever, and something inside him snaps as Finn taunts him one too many times over his lack of presents on his birthday. Who needs love when you can have fear instead? he thinks, as he seizes a cloak on his flight out of the building. He slips the fabric over his blank wings, blanketing them in the darkest color there is.
The kids at Darkley's usually have just the one or two heart-colors from their parents. Lloyd's not prepared for the sheer amount of color that almost everyone has on their wings. He wanders, wide-eyed, for several hours in the village outside his school. Then his head kicks in and he shoves his heart aside. He's out here for a reason. He's gonna be the greatest villain in Ninjago ever, and then, people will stare at him for something far better than his white wings.
The plan is perfect in his head. The execution, well, not so much. Four ninja drop from the sky and carry him off, kicking and screaming, to their flying ship. Oh, he hates it at first. But the ninja slowly win him over and he starts to think of them as not friends, not yet, but not enemies either.
Kai's flight feathers are painted in gold and blue, but most striking is the large patch of dark red feathers that cover his entire mantle and stretch out to most of his outer coverts. Lloyd doesn't know much about winglore, but Kai tells him that the mantle feathers often represent the protector. The rest of his coverts are specked with a rainbow of colors, but the largest three sections are the colors of the other ninja.
Jay's upper coverts are colored in gray and pale blue. Lloyd catches flashes of color on his inner wings when he's training, but the lightning ninja moves too fast for him to clearly see. The feathers near his left alula are tinted in a maroon that darkens with each passing day and creeps down farther and farther- the same color as the feathers on Kai's back. Cole's, Kai's, and Zane's colors tint the edge of his flight feathers, climbing higher every time Lloyd sees them.
Cole's feathers are dyed in a rich gold and a faded orange, each covering a piece of his wingtips. "The orange used to be brighter than this," Lloyd overhears him telling Jay one night, as he sneaks into the kitchen for a midnight snack. "But she, well, you know. I guess that's why it's my favorite color." Jay's heart-color- a brilliant blue- is the largest of the ninja's colors on his coverts, but the others shine brightly too.
Nya's wings are tapered, built for speed. The secondaries on each side of her back are colored in the same gold and blue on Kai's, and a burnt orange color spreads across her mantle and creeps down to blend with the others. Many spots of different colors speckle her wings, but the biggest of them is the same color as Jay's that takes up a whole four feathers on her coverts.
Like Lloyd, Zane's feathers are almost completely white. A sea green colors the secondaries of his right wing, but slowly spreading across his wingtips are the colors of the other ninja. Something about the ice ninja draws Lloyd to him. They sit together in the crow's nest for hours at end, Lloyd talking and Zane listening, and something clicks into place for him. It isn't long before Lloyd sees his own green appear on his alula.
And Lloyd checks his wings every night, when he's alone, and he doesn't have to hide. And every night he's met with the same image- blank wings meeting his blank stare that doesn't, can't understand what's so unloveable about him that he still has no heart-colors.
He looses his cloak when the serpentine capture him. It's unnerving. He been with it so long that he feels naked and vulnerable without it's weight, but the snakes seem not to know or care about the human's winglore. Cramped within the metal cage, his wings grow dusty and ragged. Broken feathers hang from their shafts, bent at odd angles where they get stuck between the bars of his cage. His skin itches much the same way it did when he had to get out of Darkley's, but this time it's much worse and worst of all, there's no escape he can see for him anytime soon.
Lloyd's not sure what to think when he sees the dark man inside the Fire Temple. The tingling in his coverts surges as they lock eyes, and Lloyd is left gasping, but the moment passes and he's tugged away as Pythor tries to flee the volcano.
The man chases after them. He throws snake after snake over the edge into the lava. He fights whole groups of them at a time, winning every match. His eyes never leave Lloyd. Lloyd's throat feels dry. Is this-?
But his thought never gets to finish. Pythor jerks the cage on its hook and the door flies open and Lloyd falls.
He screams. His wings flare, but they are too damaged, too weak from the long term of disuse to be helpful. He crashes into rock.
He's not sure how long he stays that way, only that suddenly a presence is at his side and helping him to his feet. Lloyd stands up and it's Kai, face flushed and hair spikes dropping into his face and the gold on his wings arching in a protective stance above him reflecting the glowing magma below.
They escape somehow. Lloyd doesn't know how. But they're back on the flying ship and Kai is getting congratulated by the ninja and the dark man is still watching him. Lloyd gulps. He's been waiting for this moment all his life, but now that it's here, he doesn't know what to do.
The room goes silent. The dark man still watches him. Lloyd takes a breath and starts again.
"Are you my father?"
He doesn't know what he wants the answer to be. Or, at least, he doesn't think he does. But when the dark man nods, slowly, like he isn't sure himself, something breaks inside Lloyd and he covers the distance between the two of them and flings his arms around his waist. Garmadon stiffens. Lloyd feels tears breaking at the corners of his eyes.
"Why?" he whispers, and in that one question there hide so many more. Fingers card through his hair. Lloyd chokes on his sob.
"I'm sorry, Lloyd," Garmadon says, and like the question before, it holds more words than were spoken. His voice is low and rough. It's just how Lloyd imagined it.
"Lloyd," he says again, "I've missed so much. I did not know I had a son, but now that I have you, I am never letting go." Crimson eyes stare into crimson. And Lloyd feels the same shiver from earlier crawling down his spine.
He breaks away abruptly. Is this-? He hardly dares to hope. Not caring what anyone else might think, he stretches out his wings, displaying the vulnerable inner feathers, and brings them around so he can see. Lloyd scrubs at his wing. The soot falls off, the dust and the ashes, and there.
His fingers stutter over the inner coverts of his left wing, over the deep purple coloring the unkempt feathers. His mouth opens; no words come out. Something taps his shoulder; he looks around to see Kai.
"Over here, silly. I know you must have felt it earlier, and I've gotta say, you couldn't ask for a better mantle cover." He grins, easy and cocky but there's something else in his eyes, something more vulnerable.
Lloyd twists his neck. There, just out of the corner of his eye, he sees a flash of burnt orange. His heart definitively skips a beat this time. Two heart-colors in one day, after a lifetime of no color. He keeps staring, looking back and forth between the two.
"You're acting like you've never seen a heart-color before," scoffs Kai. He's scuffing the toe of his boot against the deck floor.
Lloyd only nods dumbly.
Kai's face morphs into poorly disguised horror. "Wait a minute. What did they do to you at that bad boy's school? They don't paint your wings black, do they?" he asks, like having black wings is the worst thing he can imagine.
Lloyd laughs at that. It's kinda breathless, kinda sardonic, all around astonished.
"No," he says. "No, not black."
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yuki7900archive · 6 years
Movie!Nya x Female Reader Part 3
It’s like, past midnight, I should really go to bed.
You had tackled your mom into the biggest embrace possible upon seeing her, and she hugged back just as hard. "Oh (Y/N), thank god you're safe!" She exclaimed and pulled away, cupping  your face and stroking your cheeks. "I was so worried. Are you okay? You aren't hurt are you?"
"I'm okay, mom! A friend of Lloyd looked after me and got me to a safe spot." You told her, remembering what your friends had asked of you back at the Destiny's Bounty.
"You gotta keep this a secret. We can't have people knowing we are a part of the Secret Ninja Force. For protection reasons, ya' know?" Cole had muttered as you and Lloyd got ready to depart. "If your mom asks, Nya took you to a safe zone. Don't specify. There's a lot of safe zones in Ninjago so she'll just assume it was a different one to wherever she ended up."
You understood what he meant for protection. It wouldn't just compromise their safety but also all their loved ones. It was definitely for the best to keep this a secret. The only reason they'd told you is because, with how frequent Garmadon attacked, they couldn't keep doing this every time. It was easier just to come clean and tell you from the start and save a whole lot of drama. You'd all seen enough movies to know it never ended well when things were kept secret.
"I'm glad you're okay mom, I was so scared." Your mother had hugged you again before turning to the ginger haired woman stood nearby. She too was hugging her son. She stopped and rubbed his back, ruffling his hair briefly before. The boy had smiled tiredly at her. She looked at you both.
"Would you two like to stay for dinner tonight? I figure you are probably shaken from today." You looked up at your mom and tilted your head with a small smile, shrugging. You weren't opposed to spending the evening at Lloyd's house. Your mom nodded at Koko.
"That sounds wonderful. Thank you so much."
It wasn't much of a dinner, but dumplings were still delicious no matter what occasion. You ate them quietly as your mom and Lloyd's mom discussed general things with each other. They talked about work, the weather, anything to take your minds off the attack from earlier. It was still fresh in your mind however. You couldn't stop thinking about it. Everyone was used to this, but they shouldn't be! This shouldn't be a common occurrence and yet it was. It sickened you to your core. All those people, living in fear, fleeing for their lives. All the screaming and suffering pained your heart to even think about. And yet you were just another one of these civilians, waiting to be crushed.
"School probably won't be open tomorrow," Lloyd spoke to you, grabbing your attention. "Do you wanna hang out with us all instead?"
You thought about what Chen had said to you. You had finally found out about Lloyd's dad, the evil warlord that terrorised everyone in the city. He'd said to come see him when you'd realised the mistake you'd made but...what was the mistake? It just became clearer to you now how wrong Chen was about everything, how wrong everyone was about everything. His father was the one doing the damage, not him. He was keeping the peace!
"I'd love to Lloyd." You smiled wide at him and he smiled just as hard back.
You didn't see it, but Koko had heard the chirp in your voice and felt her heart swell up. Her son hadn't made a new friend in such a long time, it was nice to see at least one other person was on his side and not everyone else's.
"Awesome!" He grinned, showing off his little fangs before digging into his food. He had fangs? That was so cool, not to mention cute.
You really couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.
- - -
Whilst you had lied and told your mom you were just going for a walk around the city, you'd actually headed for the Destiny's Bounty again. Everyone else was there upon your arrival, all kitted out in their ninja gear and doing stretches to warm up their muscles. They greeted you and Lloyd when you approached them, and you greeted them back.
"I'm gonna go change, I'll be right back." The blonde jogged off to get his gi and change. You went and sat on the sofa, simply watching the ninja warm up and get ready for training. You observed all of them, but your eyes kept finding their way to Nya until eventually they just remained locked onto her. You felt your heart buzz when she smirked at the others, laughing with them as one of them had shared a funny joke or story. You stared long enough to noticed she had a dimple. It stood out to you in a weird way. It just...suited her. Everything about her just fit together perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle. Her hair, her clothes, her personality. Everything. You wished you could be like that. Instead you just a mess.
You couldn't do much as the Ninja did their training, left to just sit and wait for them to finish. You weren't complaining though, it was quite interesting to watch them do their thing. Wu had come over after giving them instructions to get into pairs and start sparring each other. He came and sat beside you, chatting with you.
"Are you okay Wu?" You had asked him as he grunted upon sitting down.
"Yes, I just need a little break from standing." He told you, sighing and relaxing into the sofa. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, just watching." He hummed as you turned to look back at your friends, just catching Nya slamming her brother into the floor. They had both laughed, Kai sitting up and scratching the back of his neck as his sister ran a hand through her hair. She noticed you were looking at her and smiled, giving you a small wave. You had waved back shyly, feeling your cheeks go red.
"I've been thinking about what you said yesterday." You furrowed your brows and looked back at the old man beside you. "When you felt you had to apologise to Nya."
"I..." You bit your lip and slumped into the sofa. "I just feel bad that I couldn't fight back...I felt helpless. Like I was getting in the way. Even more so when I found out Nya was a ninja, and she had to put her job on hold just so she didn't have to leave me alone."
"Why do you feel guilt about this? It is a part of her job to protect, and that is what she did."
"I dunno." You shrugged and averted your gaze to your fingers as you fiddled with them.
"Maybe it is because you feel like you can do something." He suggested. "There is something inside of you, a fight. You want to be able to do what Nya and your other friends can do, does that sound about right?"
You internally snorted at the rhyme in that sentence, but after that you thought about what he'd said. Maybe that was the case, maybe you did want to fight. But what if you weren't enough? What if you weren't cut out to be a ninja. These guys had been training for years so for you to start now...you'd be so far behind. You'd only get in the way of them. But weren't you getting in the way now? One of the ninja would have to keep staying behind to make sure you got to safety, and that put everybody else in the city at risk. That was too much guilt to hold on your shoulders. But if someone died because you failed to save them, what would be worse to deal with? You supposed if you tried to help you couldn't say you hadn't done all you could. Ugh, your head hurt just thinking about it.
"I don't know." You responded, burying your head in your arms. You had groaned a little as the thoughts ran through your mind. "Do you think I could fight?"
"Anyone can be a ninja, (Y/N). It is not an exclusive thing for elemental masters." He spoke softly to you, placing a hand on your shoulder and squeezing gently. "It is a dangerous job, and I understand if you are afraid. I am not going to force you into it. But I believe in you, and I can sense the want inside of you that wishes to protect."
You glanced back at the old man, seeing that same old, comforting smile on his face. You gave him a small smile back and lifted your head up. "I'll think about it."
He nodded and used your shoulder to help push himself up off the sofa. Without saying anything more, he headed back over to his students to observe how they were getting on. Your gaze landed back on Nya (yet again). You watched her beat up her brother and thought about what Wu had said. He seemed to want you to do it. Or perhaps he had just read your mind and decided it would be for the benefit of others. Not because you'd be helping, but because at least then you could defend yourself on the ground and your friends could get on with their job. Or maybe, just maybe, you were seriously overthinking everything, and you needed to just go for it.
For the next hour your mind flopped back and forth between what to do. You went from ready to kick butt to being on the verge of a heart attack every five minutes or so. You just couldn't make up your mind. You were still debating what to do even when you all went out to lunch together. You had just ordered your food and were were all sat in a big booth just waiting for it to arrive to your . Your friends were chatting with one another and sipping their drinks as you sat and messed with your fingers, your pupils focused on your hands as pros and cons flickered through your mind.
"(Y/N)?" You heard a distant and blurred voice call your name, which made you snap out of the trance you were in and look up at the six who were all staring at you with concerned frowns. Had they been calling your name? You hadn't even heard, you were too busy stuck in your own thoughts. "Are you alright?" Cole rested his head in the palm of his hand and raised a brow at you.
"Ah, yeah." You nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I'm just thinking 'bout stuff." You crossed your arms and rested on the table, the others still looking at you in worry. They had momentarily peered at each other, having a one of those telepathic conversations that close friends sometimes had when they needed to discuss something without others knowing what they were talking about.
"What's bothering ya' girlie?" Nya scooted closer to you and rubbed your back, which aided in soothing you, but also helped in raising your heart rate. You couldn't look her in the face for more than a few seconds, as that caring expression upon her face caused you to turn red. "You can tell us."
With a hum you sat up and focused on the table top in front of you. Your arms were still crossed, your fingers digging into your arms skin as you hugged yourself tightly.
"Wu talked to me earlier when he came and sat down with me." You began to explain. You wondered what they would think of the situation. "He thinks I want to be a ninja like you guys, and he thinks I could do it, even when I don't have any powers. I said I'd think about it but...I dunno if I have the courage to do it."
"Woah, Wu wants you to fight?" Kai muttered with slightly wide brown eyes.
"He said he won't force me to. He just said that he believes I could do it." You shrugged a little.
"Well," Lloyd inputted. "My uncle is wise. Everything he says has meaning. So if he believes in you then he must believe in you a lot."
"Like with us. And you should've seen us when Sensei first started training us." Jay laughed a little, as did everyone else.
"Yeah, we were pretty awful." Cole blew the fringe out of his face and grinned as he recalled the past. "Jay couldn't stop tripping up over his own flail."
You snorted but covered your mouth and tried to contain your giggles, apologising to Jay for being rude. He wasn't bothered too much, simply laughing along with you and the rest of the team.
"I think you could do it." You heard Nya say once the laughter had died down. You looked at her as she grinned at you, her arm around your shoulder. There was definitely a blush across your face now. She was so close to you. "It's a lot of hard work, but its fun too! And if Wu thinks you're up for the challenge then I don't have a doubt in my mind that you can do it too."
Your heart was ringing in your ears as she spoke to you, your mind becoming dizzy. You couldn't think straight in that moment, entranced by her voice and the look in her eyes. Just looking into them you could see the faith in you she had, the genuine belief that you could achieve what she and her friends had achieved. It gave you that extra bit of confidence and hope. If she believed you, then you thought you could do it too.
"Y-You really think I could be a ninja?" You had to hear her say it again. Just one more time to give you that final push.
"Yeah! Don't worry, I'll look out for ya'. I'll be like a second mentor." A second mentor? You liked the idea of Nya mentoring you. You'd get to spend even more time with her that way! You'd train together and fight together, look out for each other. Just imagining all the fun times you two could have together made you giddy.
The boys all smirked between one another and chuckled, causing Nya to huff and stare at them all with a raised brow and a grin. "Why are you all giggling? What's so funny?"
"(Y/N)'s face." Your eye's widened as the girl beside you examined your face. "She's blushing~" Cole teased you and everyone else (except Nya) said "ooh", making you blush harder. The ravenette laughed and rubbed your shoulder.
"Ha-ha, you're so cute!" She hugged you tightly, squashing your body. You didn't care, grinning like crazy. She'd just called you cute. She thought you were cute. You couldn't have been happier.
"Sis stop before she combusts! Look at how red you're making her!" The grey ninja pulled away and laughed even harder. She covered her mouth with her hand for a few moments before running a hand through her beautiful, black locks of hair.
"Aw, I'm sorry! I'll stop." She let go of you and you mentally cursed. You were enjoying that hug. And you must've made it clear to the boys because they were still piping up and making comments.
"Look at that expression!" Lloyd had picked up his drink and swirled the cup a little before sipping.
"You look so upset." The black ninja agreed with the green ninja, Jay and Kai both nodding their heads.
"My scanner also indicates an increase in sadness." You were quickly becoming a mess as the teasing continued. You hoped they cut it out soon before you exploded in embarrassment. You hadn't even thought about the possibility of you having a crush on her. Thinking about it, it was actually really obvious now that it had been pointed out to you. The constant blushing, the racing heart, the dizziness. How did you not notice sooner? Oh god it had only been two days and you had fallen for somebody. Was it possible for that to happen? Apparently so, as it had just happened.
"Come on guys!" Your crush drank her own drink as she ruffled your (H/L) (H/C) hair. "Leave her alone!"
They did (thankfully) just as your food came at the same time. A new conversation started, one between Lloyd and Jay where they discussed the latest episode of some anime that had been airing on TV recently. Meanwhile Cole and Kai were rolling their eyes and shaking their heads as they smirked at one another, having their own conversation about something entirely different. You guessed they weren't really anime fans. You, Nya and Zane were just quietly eating and enjoying the noodles you'd ordered. You had to admit, these were the best you'd had...well, ever. You could see why they came here often.
Occasionally you glanced beside you and saw Nya slurping up her noodles. She was focusing on the bowl rather than you, so you managed to get away with the odd look in her direction without her noticing you. You were pretty sure the boys spotted you though, not that you really cared. Whatever, there was no harm in taking the odd look here and there. So long as you didn't give off a creepy, stalker vibe, then everything was just dandy.
You couldn't wait to start training with her.
- - -
"Again!" You got into the same stance as before and did ten more side kicks, hitting the pad's on Nya's hands perfectly every time. "Don't forget to breathe out! Stop holding your breath!"
Dang, you forgot. You were getting so caught up in getting the kicks right and not looking stupid in front of the girl that you kept holding your breath. You began doing what she had taught you, gritting your teeth and making a small "ch-sh" sort of sound. Nya had said it made it easier to breathe as you fought. You had to agree that it did really help.
"You're a fast learner (Y/N)! Those kicks of yours could knock someone's teeth out, heh." She lowered her arms and slid her hands out of the pads, putting them to the side before she put her hands on her hips. "Got a lot of pent up anger?"
"Heh, I guess so." You shrugged and smiled at the girl ninja. "I don't really get the chance to get my anger out."
"Well, Spinjitzu is a really good outlet for it." She explained and walked to the bench a few steps away, picking up your water bottle. She quickly span around and threw it at you, making you yelp. You accidentally bat it as you went to catch it and began doing some weird water bottle juggling with your hands until you finally managed to grip it. Nya had laughed as she picked up her own water bottle and took a sip. You had done the same, raising the bottle to your lips and drinking the water inside.
The boys were taking a break, sat on the side and chatting to themselves as you two had decided to keep going for a bit longer. You knew that taking breaks was important, but since you were doing basics you felt like you needed to push yourself that little bit further. Wu certainly didn't mind, and neither did Nya. The ninja sat on the sidelines, watching the pair of you as you prepared for the next kick.
"Alright, so," The ravenette placed her bottle back on the floor. "I'm gonna show you how to do a down kick. I want you to walk as you do them, like we did with the other kicks. You do a kick, take a step forward and then do another. Yeah?" You nodded with a determined smile and she chuckled. She got into the stance before lifting her leg up high and striking down. She did ten kicks in total before turning to you and telling you it was your turn. You always hated doing things for the first time in front of people in fear of screwing up, and it was worse now that the boys were watching you and not doing their own training, but making a fool of yourself in front of Nya was not an option.
And yet, your body did it anyway.
Your foot betrayed you as it clipped the concrete whilst you walked forward, causing you to lose balance. You thought you'd be able to rectify yourself but unfortunately not and you nearly smacked into the floor. Key word, nearly. The thing stopping you from falling was Nya, as she rushed over and caught you before you ended up hurting yourself. You face had gone bright red as she had taken your hands and pulled you up. The reason for your blushing though was, not only how close you were now, and not only because she'd just saved you from a concrete face-plant, but also the fact she was still holding your hands. In fact her thumbs were rubbing your skin softly.
"You alright? Had a little trip there." She joked with you. "Wouldn't want your pretty face to smash into the floor, huh? That wouldn't be fun." You didn't utter a word and instead shook your head, averting your gaze to the ground. She'd just said you had a pretty face. Did you really look pretty? Did she think you did? Why else would she say it if she didn't think it? To be nice? Maybe she didn't really think it, she was just saying it because that's what friends did. But since when did friends just say that so casually in a conversation? Most girls you knew only brought it up if you had called yourself unattractive or they were talking about body types, or maybe when you'd go out shopping for clothes and they tell you how great you look in a certain skirt or something. But she'd just slipped it in nonchalantly, like it was a throw away comment.
"T-Thanks Nya." You stuttered and gave a nervous laugh, swallowing the lump in your throat. You could hear the small snickers coming from the benches where the boys sat. They were obviously laughing at you and your failing attempts to be calm around the girl. Damn them.
"No problem." Her hands slipped away from yours, much to your dismay. "You did some good down kicks. Let's do some more and then combine all the kicks we've learnt, yeah?"
The training continued for another ten minutes or so, and as you and Nya went to sit down for your break, the boys got up to continue their workout. They had smirked and nudged you as they walked past, Cole even giving you a wink. It was times like this you really hated them. You didn't even have to tell them you were gay, they already knew. Clearly you being gay for Nya was more obvious than Cole being gay for Jay. But that's because he could keep a poker face, stay cool and collected. People had no clue that he liked Jay, only you and Nya did. And you swore, he only told you just to irritate you at how easy he made it look to act natural whilst all you could do was get flustered and screw up. There wasn't any point in you pretending now either, as you'd made it blatantly obvious to the entire group that you liked Nya. Hell, you were pretty sure even Wu knew about your crush. And Lloyd's mom. And your mom (unfortunately).
"Come on sweetie! Just tell me who it is!" She had pleaded to you a couple of nights ago, you both seated on the sofa and watching TV together like you did every night after dinner. It was some game show your mom loved to watch, but tonight she was more focused on the new information she'd received from Koko during work earlier that day. "I promise it'll be our secret!"
"No!" You had laughed and crossed your arms, trying to deny it. You were determined not to tell her who it was, but she was slowly wearing you down the more she begged you for an answer.
"Please (Y/N)!" She hugged you tightly. "If you don't do it I'll kiss you in front of all of your friends." She tried to threaten you. You gave a singular, mocking laugh.
"Jokes on you, Koko does that to Lloyd anyway! And Edna with Jay too! You cannot shame me." You had smirked triumphantly until her face darkened. Oh no, that wasn't good.
"Then I'll show them your baby photos." You widened your eyes, your face dropping immediately.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Wouldn't I, dear daughter." She had grinned. "Wouldn't I?"
You gave in, knowing that this was a very serious threat indeed. With a sigh you had uttered Nya's name, making your mother squeal in excitement. She had shaken you as all you could do was crack a smile and roll your eyes. She was more excited then you were, going on about how cute she was and how she was already thinking of ship names (you wished Koko had never explained it to her). She had begun texting Lloyd's mom that instant and started discussing it, and you didn't know whether to laugh, be embarrassed or be creeped out. At least your mom was happy, you supposed.
"Can't believe how fast these past few weeks have gone. I feel like I've known ya' for years, but we've only known each other like, less than a month." The black haired teenager crossed her arms and closed her eyes.
"Yeah, I know what you mean." It went quiet again for a few moments as you both just sat there in silence.
"We don't hang out enough. Just us two." The girl leaned forward and looked at you. "We should hang out without the guys sometime." Yes. That sounded like heaven to you.
"Are you free this weekend?"
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