#liza x charles
huntzbergered · 11 months
I feel like I watch shows where the writers change before the last season or something (or the last season of a character’s arc) and then totally switch gears and torpedo their way through to an ending that doesn’t even jive with what was coming together ORGANICALLY in previous season(s).
I saw it with Olivia/Jake, now w Roy/Keeley, don’t get me started on Stelena, and so many others (Rogan, at least for the finale). I wasn’t lying when I say I’d ship your NOTPs out of kindness to ensure their destruction
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altman-shelby · 3 years
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best of Charles Brooks and Liza Miller || Younger 2015-2021 ❤️‍🔥
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empiriconda · 3 years
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Liza, I have been a fool. And I am sorry that it took me so long to realize that. Forget marriage. 
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younger-tv · 3 years
my god, my charles/liza heart is absolutely shattered.
disappointed is an understatement. i am feeling anger right now. (hello to me in 5 stages of grief)
i don't get why they just had to do that until the end. i guess they want to keep in with their unpredictable writing brand but this is uncalled for.
they simply just can't let it be after building it up for the past 5 years 🥺😩
but as i mentioned, i will be in this charles x liza ship until the end of time. #teamcharles #hellofanfics
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Um…okay. Full disclosure: I always wanted Liza to end up with Josh. But Jesus Christ NOT LIKE THAT.
This whole season was about her being in love with Charles. The WHOLE FUCKING THING was building up to their reunion in the previous episode. And then 30 minutes into the finale they’re just…suddenly not working? Out of literally nowhere.
And I get that the final scene was a real full circle moment. That’s cool and all. But there was ABSOLUTELY NO BUILDUP WHATSOEVER!! Josh has barely even been in this season. Him and and Liza have maybe had 2? 3? scenes together. I’m just so confused.
Ultimately it’s the ending I wanted but it’s so poorly executed and makes absolutely zero sense in the context of this whole season that I really can’t even enjoy it. Who wrote this shit? Who let this happen?
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shady-swan-jones · 3 years
Younger really did try to have it both ways and I respect their hustle
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vices-aand-virtues · 3 years
As we make our way into the final episodes of Younger, I have some Thoughts™️
1. I have seen a lot of talk about how Liza would be better off alone than with Charles because then she is right back where she started when the series begins. Though likely is part of her thought process, this is incorrect for a couple of reasons. First, Liza is in a completely different place in her life than she was when we first met her. She has a fabulous career in publishing and, even when they’re not together, the support of Charles. She doesn’t have a baby at home to take care of; Charles’s daughters are old enough to be relatively self-sufficient in terms of not needing someone to watch over them all the time. Then we have to look at all of this together and realize this, the second point: Liza didn’t think she could + wasn’t allowed to have both a career and a family most of her life. Now she has seen that she not only can do it, she’s great at it. She is extremely successful and loves her work, but still has time for her daughter and form/maintain a solid relationship with Nicole and Bianca. She still makes time for the things that are important to her outside of work. She gave up part of herself to stay at home and be just a wife and just a mom for almost two decades. Then she gave up some of herself to maintain her lie. Now she’s thriving at work and fully and openly herself for the first time in YEARS. For to have a brilliant career with more to come AND a wonderful partner/husband/whatever is a WONDERFUL resolution for her based on where she started.
2. To have this much Liza/Charles tension and back and forth and more “will they won’t they” AGAIN, after waiting 5 seasons for them to get together, just over one full season of them actually together, only for them not to end up together is absurd and makes no sense. Liza has had this entire season to accept that she and Charles are donezo and move on, but she hasn’t, and not for lack of trying. It’s more clear every episode how drawn to one another they are despite themselves. To put them through all that for a contrived “girl power” ending would be a huge disservice to the characters and the show.
3. Speaking of, I’m exhausted by “girl power” endings of late because they’re inorganic and forced. It’s supposed to come across as empowering for a woman to choose her career over love or a relationship, but it’s actually just a sexist take from the opposite end of the spectrum. Women can have both!! We are 20 years into the 21st century!! A woman can PRIORITIZE her career over romantic entanglements, but women don’t — and shouldn’t!! — have to choose at this point. We already know that Liza isn’t defined by her relationship to a man. We know she is a strong woman who isn’t afraid to ask for + take + go after what she deserves. I don’t need to see her choose her career because she is already thriving! She does not have to be alone for X number of years so she can get her career on track. It’s there. She’s on the journey. What would benefit her most would be something she hasn’t had before — a steady and fully supportive long-term partner. Imagine what it would be like for her to finally be married or lifelong committed to someone she is wildly in love with, who is wildly in love with her, who also fully supports her career, is her biggest cheerleader, who believes in her and sees her talents more clearly than anyone else. Hello!!
4. Liza is clearly still very in love with Charles and vice versa. In the past, when her relationships have ended, the desire to get back together was pretty one-sided. It wasn’t, like, super easy for her to get over, but she made peace with it and moved on. That has yet to happen. She just can’t let Charles go completely. She is trying to be supportive of his relationship and assures him she just wants him to be happy, but we have heard her say more than once that she is still in love with him, and her actions are pretty indicative of that as well.
5. Until S7, Charles has always chosen Liza. Even given the current circumstances, he still keeps choosing her in a different way. He knows she is on his side. He knows she is great at her job. He knows she supports him. No matter their relationship status, he knows those things to be true. That’s why he always takes her up on any offers she makes to him in S7 — because he knows who she is. He chooses her to be his work partner or support system or his sounding board. And she allows herself to be chosen; she ASKS to be chosen. He doesn’t have to accept and she doesn’t have to offer, but they do it anyway. It’s a conscious daily choice they continue to make.
6. Charles would never in a million years marry Quinn because she wouldn’t be a good stepmother to his daughters. We may have seen ~some~ dimension from Quinn, but ultimately she’s a ruthless, manipulative, conniving snake. She’s fake and primarily has a “what’s in it for me” attitude. There’s no way Charles would want that to be the example his daughters live with, and honestly I don’t think Pauline would even allow it. If he thought Liza’s baggage created complications for his custody, I cannot even imagine the turmoil Quinn would cause. Quinn is a loose cannon. Pauline is a little bit of a bitch when it comes to Liza, but she’s smart enough to know/see who Quinn really is, and with Liza, it’s at least “the devil you know.”
7. It would be completely nonsensical for Charles and Quinn to get married/end up together because a) we barely know her and b) he was just proposing to Liza. From both a logical and writing standpoint, it doesn’t make sense. It would be some piss poor storytelling for that to happen. On the flip side, it would make sense for Josh to end up with Clare, a late-entry side character, because we have known her longer and know they have a history. The same can’t be said about Charles and Quinn. If Quinn hadn’t become so involved with Empirical, if she had just been another author, her relationship with Charles would be about as meaningful as his relationship with Rhada. But since we see her through Liza’s eyes and we see her be an annoying presence at Empirical post-Charliza split, it seems like a bigger deal than it actually is.
8. Putting her back with Josh at this point would be a worse ending than Game of Thrones. It would be a twist that came out of nowhere that writers would justify by saying the signs were there all along. Liza more than once has made clear that she has chosen Charles over Josh. She has showed us that’s the case. For her to suddenly have an epiphany with two episodes left, especially considering how little shared screen time they have, would be total fanservice and a complete regression from all the growth they BOTH have had. It’s also, like, not fair to Josh to keep waiting on her and hoping she will come back? He deserves some reciprocity and stability too?
9. We have seen only the benefits when it comes to Charles being impulsive in matters of the heart...until now. I totally understand his heartache at her counter proposal and I, personally, think she’s being stupid. But regardless, I think for him to just walk away from their relationship at that point was a pretty knee-jerk reaction that he didn’t think through. And I think his pride is a little hurt over his perception of her not WANTING to marry him, so instead of trying to work it out or compromise, he’s digging his heels in. He jumped into a relationship with Quinn, which was clearly impulsive. Rational, level-headed Charles would not have done that. In fact, he laughs off the suggestion of it in S5 and says the iconic, “divorced moms from Jersey are more my style.” I believe cooler heads will prevail.
Anyway Team Charles 4 Lyfe. Here’s hoping these idiots in love stop being idiots and start being just IN LOVE.
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buffyfan145 · 3 years
Just watched the series finale of “Younger” and I’m so disappointed. :( I still love the show but that ending was bad. There was things I liked about it but overall I’m sad. I’m going to go more behind a cut since it still hasn’t aired on TVLand yet and also compare it to the book series’ ending as I much prefer the way they ended compared to the show.
I’m so sad Liza and Charles didn’t end up together. I had a feeling that might happen after them reuniting last week but was so hoping that wouldn’t be the case. :( I loved them together and they did end up together in the book series. I get that they still couldn’t trust each other but there’s still a way they could have made them last, and I also feel bad for Charles’ daughters as they loved Liza too and she should’ve been their step-mom. I did like though that Liza is in charge of Empirical now, as she also was in the books too. Kelsey’s story turned out great and we knew she’d end up in LA so I’m happy for her. I’m also happy with how Maggie’s story ended and Lauren’s, and even Charles going back into writing. I also always liked Josh and was surprised he and Liza ended up back together. It seemed so rushed. Also missed not getting to see Diana or Zane again.
But the books is what I prefer. The books had Liza end up with their version of Charles, Hugo who is a British actor who plays Charles on the show “Younger” based on the real Liza’s life. Charles wasn’t a character in the first book but the author added him through Hugo and he and Liza are amazing together. Liza also inherited Empirical after the original owner (who never was in the show but Diana is loosely based off of) died so that was the same. Kelsey was a co-producer in LA on the show but also started dating Josh.  They didn’t work out but Kelsey got pregnant and she and Josh decided to co-parent the baby (Claire’s story). Maggie’s also married in the book and she and her gender-neutral spouse (who was born female) are raising their 3 kids together (the professor is somewhat like them). Also Liza’s daughter Caitlin had a major storyline as she got married and had a baby girl so Liza became a grandma. Like I said I much prefer this ending as Liza was able to be with Charles, stay friends with Josh, run the company, and be a grandma so at least I got how I wanted it to end through that.
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sweetbabygoldwyn · 3 years
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Dance with me 💃🏻❤🕺🏻
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Makes me kinda sad to see that nearly all younger fic is team charles 😓, I mean come on we need a balance
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empiriconda · 3 years
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2x11 // 7x11 requested by: @dontfearthe
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flergblerg · 3 years
Just saw the series finale of younger and tbh the real reason why I wasn’t satisfied with the ending was there was no emotional payoff. The show spent SO MUCH of its energy with Liza and Charles storyline and he was clearly set as the main love interest for the majority of every season.
The implications that she is starting over with Josh and that he was the guy waiting in the wings the whole time just didn’t work because they established Charles as the main guy as they didn’t bother to give Josh a full backstory, gave him significant storylines like they did for Charles, or even a last name!?!?
Plus that doesn’t do the character is Josh any justice bc he grew so much throughout the series as he eventually got over Liza in a way by accepting her and Charles’s relationship and staying friends. He deserves better than to have waited and lined over her like the earlier love triangle seasons as the series finale implied with literally that one line stating he was there the whole time.
It’s not who Liza got together with at the end that I’m unsatisfied with, it’s just there was no satisfying emotional payoff. It was only implied that she would start over with Josh but she’s still back to where she started relationship wise in a way.
I know the whole story is not supposed to be about her relationships with these 2 men, they really emphasized female friendship and she did this all for her daughter so she could also to restart her career bc of ageism BUT we are supposed to care about these relationships and have some sort of resolution or finality and there was no payoff in either of them at the end.
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paperclipninja · 3 years
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Get your fire blankets ready 🔥🔥🔥
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hart-kinsella · 3 years
My heart is still completely shattered, I can't believe that finale was real 😩
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