#literally my favorite game. ever.
homkamiro · 8 months
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Can I make it any more obvious?
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nothatsmi · 8 months
I did it guys
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So... I'm back-
I was talking about how well Undisclosed Desires fit to these characters, and how sad I was not to have enough free time to make an animatic about them on this song?
Well, it's not an animatic but it'll be four illustrations on the chorus (maybe more, if i feel like it) so this is [1/4]. That long frame is supposed to be for a future Intagram reel once I'll be finished, hope I'll find the determination to finish it...
Btw! This is an andreil scenary, and this verse would be Neil's POV. It will switch. Hehe I'm so happy to do this
Unrelated reading update below: If you followed my reading update you'll know that I'm done reading aftg, and tho it's been a few weeks I haven't started anyting else for a bit (cause of WORK, seriously, who invented that).. But I have finally taken the dangerous step of entering the Percy Jackson universe. I don't know how I - as a queer 20yo guy - managed to escape it for so long but,, Anyway I'll probably post some Percy Jackson stuff soon as well.
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bandi-fundi · 2 months
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my og scrunkly! ˙ᵕ˙
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ghostlypanda · 2 years
reasons to watch rise: "agreed, and mikey, you did the right thing not telling dad. in the end, a lifetime of guilt and regret will be its own reward."
please support rise of the tmnt by watching the show and movie over on netflix!! 🙏💙
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cosmicdogmoon · 10 months
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I love Okami so much 😭😭😭😭
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qwakque · 1 year
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this is actually a two part piece!! u can find the second part on @/ktii-oo on insta go check them out theyre awesome
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
hajime hinata is the funniest character ever because he has absolutely 0 swag and even less sex appeal yet literally 90% of his classmates desire him carnally. he does NOT deserve that many bitches what the fuck do they all see in him
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spookberry · 7 months
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Lore and Jorgie doodles (ft Penny)
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puppysynonym · 9 months
happy 8th anniversary to the game of all time!!
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oohbuggypie · 3 months
special detail i noticed while watching all Soda Pop quotes + animations last night :: Soda purses his lips before he punches, and in specific he juts his bottom lip out a lot 🩷 srry this is completely irrelevant and the most miniscule detail ever but i gaf
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i know he looks super scary in these screenshots but he's sooo cutesie i love him
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malmagmafr · 3 months
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Finally got pink for my Rain World dragon collection I’m starting
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gamebunny-advance · 6 months
I Gotta Say...
I love that the mamuta has essentially become a secondary character in the Pikmin comic.
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yourlocallygrowngay · 20 days
My rdr2 friends, I want to know which mission in the game was your favorite and why. Mine is "A Fine Night for Debauchery" (the riverboat heist in chapter 4) because I loved the dialogue and the way it's built... also Arthur looks mighty fine in a suit
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mytyldotwav · 2 days
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Freesia is a song from Guilty Gear XRD. But it could have been released in Strive and still hit just as fucking hard. Because it is applicable to multiple aspects of the story.
Sol Badguy is one of the most powerful characters in the GG universe. At least, he's in the top 10 (probably??). Despite that, he's a grown man who is a grief-stricken mess and has questionable direction to his life.
In my opinion, this song is best interpreted as coming from Frederick. Not Sol, the Badass god-like gear that has saved the world on several occasions. Frederick Bulsara, the man that lost everything important to him.
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The start of Freesia is someone reaching out to Frederick. Because really? Frederick does a lot of brooding and self-isolation. He wouldn't reach out to someone otherwise. His head isn't in the clouds, it's in space, drifting aimlessly amongst the stars.
But everything is fine, Frederick says. There's enough air for at least 2 people where he's at, and he's alone. So everything is ok. Frederick, or more accurately, Sol, has everything he needs. He's achieved great feats normal humans only could dream of achieving. He's reached greater heights than anyone ever has, and yet? Something is still missing.
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There's enough air for 2 people up there. Boundless information. Wisdom beyond that of any normal human. But there's enough air for 2 people. And he knows why, but he can't bring himself to say it.
"The whole world is kind to me"
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Yes, Sol has reason to be happy. Everyone has rewarded him for saving the world. Everyone appreciates what he has done in some way, and every day brings fresh start. The world has been ushered into a new era of peace; but there's someone missing. But Frederick can't bring himself to tell anyone what it is.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry..."
It'd be ungrateful for him to imply something was missing, or that something could be wrong. Sol apologizes, but laments his cowardice.
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This next portion feels more like Frederick reaching out, or at least telling someone in passing about how miserable he is:
"The world may crumble down with just one piece missing"
Now, he is (to the best of his ability) trying to be genuine and honest about how life's trials have affected him. Frederick is saying that if he can't get that one thing back, if he can't reach his goals, why continue? Without this thing he's been pursuing for DECADES, actually being obtainable, his life has no purpose. He's just a shell of a man looking for comfort in the past.
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This is where the dam breaks. This is where Frederick and Sol's lives converge into one. Frederick Bulsara is Sol Badguy and vice versa. He can't pretend that his reasons for fighting and living don't come from a place of loss and pain. He's not just bounty hunting for money, not just traveling the world because he can. His emotional strength isn't there because he's fixed all of his problems. His experiences have made him physically stronger, but mentally? He's exhausted and desperate for rest. Everything he has done up to this point has been for Aria Hale. But if she's gone, everything falls apart. There is no point.
That's why the song is named Freesia. A Freesia is a flower from South Africa that is commonly seen at weddings. They typically convey deep trust, friendship, thoughtfulness and sometimes purity.
And then the line hits. You know the one.
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This moment in the song is an outburst of love, both platonic and romantic. This is the moment where Sol can't hide that he's still Frederick. He's still human. And damn it, he still loves that woman-- as Aria or Jack-O.
"Here I am" is a resignation. He tried ignoring the emotions building up inside of him for so long, neglected his humanity, acted as nothing but a weapon for so long, and he is tired. The mask falls off. He is finally allowing himself to be vulnerable and honest with the world.
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Sol isn't proud of it.
He shouldn't have isolated himself for so long.
He shouldn't have lied about his emotions.
He shouldn't have pushed so many kind people away.
If he had done those things, maybe there would be less blood on his hands. Maybe he would have lived a more normal life.
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But he knows that's not true. Aria meant too much to him. Sol would still miss her as desperately, even if he continued down a different path.
Yes, he had reasons to feel the things he felt. But at the same time, there were also so many people willing to help him start again. and he sees it now, as clear as day. Aria had been his world for so long. But he was missing so many beautiful things because of it. Frederick had spent so much time trying to save Aria that he became single minded in his endeavor. It led him to become isolated. It kept him from living his own life and that's what Aria wanted for him so badly. She didn't want to weigh on his mind, she wanted the happy memories of them to help Frederick continue living.
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So the apologies tumble out again for the last time.
Frederick was surrounded by, and floating through galaxies. Worlds of people surrounded him and yet everything was touch and go. A passing greeting. A quick handshake. Knowing glances. He had recognition, respect, power, and yet, when the fight was over? Sol would leave it all behind again and move back to Aria. But that isn't what she would have wanted.
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Reading through the lyrics, I initially thought Frederick was saying that he couldn't protect or save Aria, and that was what the final line meant. But I believe that's not the whole message. Frederick wasn't able to prove himself to Aria: Sol didn't keep living on like she wanted him to. He forgot her final wishes in his grief, and for the first time, he sees that. Now, finally, Frederick is ready to fulfill them.
• ○ ● Thanks for reading! ● ○ ●
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spaceiis0daz · 2 years
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victory speeches
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timothylawrence · 7 months
borderlands may be the worst franchise I’ve ever become obsessed with but it gave me Sasha and by god am I not grateful
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👆💕 baby girl
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