The Most Awkward Hamilton Interview Ever
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skippyv20 · 2 years
She interned at the US embassy. 10 weeks is how long the summer interns last. She allegedly quit after 2 weeks. In some interviews she claims she quit cause an attack on a cavalcade upset up. She's also claims in other linterviews she left for better opportunity. She went to Spain.
When truth is she ran off with some guy to Spain….😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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just like me to forget to share the link 😅 but this was that interview ✨ en français ✨
ANON you have done the lord's work, it's been so hard for me to find footage of mikel speaking in a language that isn't english or spanish! this is amazing! and his french is really good (say i, someone whose french is pretty basic) thank you for this gem!!!
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aurevoirmonty · 2 months
Les Etats-Unis «inquiets» de la rhétorique nucléaire russe… mais ne voient «rien» qui devrait les faire changer de posture
«Il faut prendre cela au sérieux avec une nation dotée d'une telle capacité», a lancé le porte-parole de la Maison Blanche, en se référant à des propos de Lavrov et Peskov…
…sans jamais citer les-dits propos.
«Nous suivons la situation de très près», a poursuivi John Kirby, avant de calmer sérieusement le jeu:
Nous n'avons rien vu qui nous incite à penser que nous devons modifier notre propre posture de dissuasion stratégique
Tout ça pour concéder que la situation n’a donc pas changé d’un pouce, ce qui est évidemment normal, puisque la doctrine nucléaire russe n'a pas évolué d'un iota (https://t.me/kompromatmedia/5130), comme l'a récemment rappelé Vladimir Poutine.
Le seul qui met de l'huile sur le feu est Emmanuel Macron, qui d'un côté laisse entendre que la dissuasion nucléaire française pourrait devenir européenne (https://t.me/kompromatmedia/4881).
Et de l'autre explique qu'il n'y a «aucune limite» et «plus de lignes rouges» au soutien de la France à l'Ukraine, qu'il souhaite voir intégrer l'UE.
Le tout en hurlant (https://www.msn.com/fr-fr/actualite/monde/menace-nucl%C3%A9aire-envoie-des-troupes-ce-quil-faut-retenir-de-linterview-demmanuel-macron-sur-la-guerre-en-ukraine/ar-BB1jUp9g) à la menace nucléaire quand le président russe lui répond que la Russie n'aura pas de ligne rouge contre ceux qui n'en ont pas contre Moscou.
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suis-nous · 1 year
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dannykronstrom · 2 years
Comment mettre son site en conformité RGPD : L’interview exclusive de Maître Lapôtre, avocate experte RGPD
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scopitonearchive · 2 years
Dani, actress and singer of the song “Scopitone,” died at 77 on July 18, 2022.
For more information, see:
“Dani: 1944-2022″, Rolling Stone, July 19, 2022, https://www.rollingstone.fr/dani-linterview-hommage/
“Avec le décès de la chanteuse Dani, la nuit parisienne perd une de ses étoiles,” Le Soleil, July 19, 2022, https://www.lesoleil.com/2022/07/19/avec-le-deces-de-la-chanteuse-dani-la-nuit-parisienne-perd-une-de-ses-etoiles-7ea4217611cbf0b52389959a24a17b4a
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the-queer-look · 5 years
Write your way free
For many of us, especially the transgender members of our community, we’re in a constant state of flux about our identities. Our sense of self is heavily impacted by the media that we consume, and by those that we surround ourselves with. Our sense of what it means to be in the LGBTQIA+ community also changes along with us. We absorb stereotypes from media, we absorb the identities of our friends, we find that there is no one set expression of our community, but a multi facetted, ever changing riot of colours as vivid as our flag.
- K
Name: Jesse
Age: 28
Occupation: Copywriter
Area of Study: Bachelor of Arts, Partway through a Masters of Writing
Location: Petersham
Gender: Transgender Male
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I am Transgender, which took a bit of coming to terms with after having identified as a lesbian for so much of my life. Initially I knew that I was attracted to women, and I struggled a bit with realising that that was different to everyone else. When I was little I thought that everyone felt the same way, but it was a secret that no one spoke about.
One of the things that I struggled with a little bit in my mid twenties to now was the idea that I was no longer Gay, and I was actually straight, due to the transgender thing, because being gay had been a part of my identity for so long. The loss of community that I’ve felt since then has been more and more present in my life because I know that I fit into a very basic idea of gender presentation, so once I do get to a point where I start passing, I feel like I’ll be intruding upon the queer community, because I’m just some straight guy.
Which is one of the reasons I’ve been feeling better about moving towards more open communities, such as Unicorns, rather than stuff that’s just targeted towards gay women, I feel less comfortable in those spaces now.
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I always remember identifying more with guys, and feeling that I had been put together wrong, even before I had heard about concepts of being transgender. It got hammered out of me through childhood, and I learnt to put those feelings away for a long time, until sometime in my mid twenties, when I became more aware about transgender people, and had a serious think about where all of these feelings were rooted inside me.
The difficult thing was that when I became aware of my dysphoria, it made me more aware of the limitations of what I could wear that would look good with my body. I’d always dressed quite masculine, but I was now dealing with the fact that if I wanted to wear mens clothes, clothes that I actually liked and enjoyed, they just wouldn’t fit with my body and the way that my body is built.
Binding was never something that I loved because if anything it just felt like a more intense bra and I couldn’t breathe as well, which would give me anxiety because… well I couldn’t breathe… even while binding, it didn’t feel good enough to make clothes fit naturally, so getting top surgery really helped with that, and even just being able to put on a shirt and have it sit properly feels right.
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Queerness and partying are all so tied up so heavily in sexual liberation that there’s a sense, when being at an lgbtqia+ party to just… wear less clothing. Not a promiscuity thing, but a nod to the fact that queer rights are inherently tied up in sexual liberation – persecution of the community has always been because of an individual’s sexual preference. You can’t escape that link to sexuality, which is why when we’re in party mode, which the CisHet community would see at pride parades and stuff, there’s that idea that we’re all promiscuous and sexually charged, when it’s more about recognising that freedom to express our sexuality.
The need to dress that way of course doesn’t reflect what we would feel comfortable wearing day to day, for me especially. it’s a costume that we put on to recognise that sort of cultural heritage.
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A lot of inter LGBT fashion stereotypes, I feel, have been perpetuated as a sort of uniform that we can adhere to. Especially for younger lgbt people who arent properly a part of the community yet. I remember being younger and looking up all of the things that were stereotypically gay, like Shane in the L word always wearing converse. So I bought converse, and all of the stereotypical gay stuff, so that I could flag to other people what my identity was, without straight people being as aware of, but queer people might click onto and recognise me.
As I’ve gotten older, I feel that I’ve moved away from those stereotypes. I feel that It happens with everybody who’s been in the community for a while. Your only ideas of queerness dont come from the media, they come from the people around you, making it easier to find yourself and be yourself, rather than following the two dimensional characters that they give us.
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Please contact us if you would like to be involved.
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leseumlesite · 3 years
Seth Gueko & Stos : le père et le fils testent les liens du sang dans l'Interview BFF l Konbini
Seth Gueko & Stos : le père et le fils testent les liens du sang dans l’Interview BFF l Konbini
Cette vidéo vous a plu , télécharger là ! Quand un fils suit le même chemin professionnel que son père. Seth Gueko et son fils Stos répondent à nos questions à l’occasion de la sortie de leur mini-album “Tel père, tel fils”. Alors regarde moi ça mon barlou. Retrouve les news et interview Konbini ! ► Konbini : https://www.konbini.com ► Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/konbinifr ► Instagram :…
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Entre AA: je suis très athée dans la vraie vie mais je suis très biblique quand j'écris
Et Arthur " je suis le Bon Pasteur du psaume", Arthur "tous les suicidés sont le Christ"...
De plus en plus convaincue que le Graal de Kaamelott ça va être la mort sacrificielle d'Arthur.
Après tout on a déjà eu la révélation de la nature du Graal dans le livre VI, et à Perceval en plus.
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Marx: you quote this part of a letter written by Franz Kafka: "The books we need are the kind that act upon us like a misfortune, that makes us suffer like the death of someone we love more than ourselves....a book should serve as the axe for the frozen sea within us" Is this the purpose you want your poetry to serve? Sexton: Absolutely. I feel it should do that. I think it should be a shock to the senses. It should almost hurt.
Anne Sexton, from an interview with Patricia Marx featured in No Evil Star
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myashtraygirl · 7 years
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Matty’s full interview // Beats 1
Zane Lowe talks to The 1975 about their upcoming album 'Music for Cars', what the next era is for the band and their process making pop music.
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croquignolesque · 3 years
isn't that #BFF gif you posted from that interview where they asked manu about porn and he got quite embarrassed lol?
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brancowitz · 4 years
interview with branco that touches the topics of the phoenix book, early days, merchandising, darlin, daft punk, style, future music, etc etc.
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ajacciobasketclub · 6 years
Nicolas Batum - L'interview
Nicolas Batum – L’interview
Portrait : Nicolas Batum Nicolas Batum – L’interview
Durée : 40:9 TAG :
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osezleslivres · 7 years
Ce soir chez François Busnel ne manquez pas l'interview de James ... Sur France ...
Ce soir chez François Busnel ne manquez pas l’interview de James … Sur France …
[ad_1] Ce soir chez François Busnel ne manquez pas l’interview de James … Sur France 5 à 20 h 35… [ad_2] Source de l’article :
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