#link loves lo mein
link-sans-specs · 8 months
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I'll be going to Urgent Care and you will be billed.
Frozen vs. Fast vs. Fancy Food Taste Test
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ceceliawrites · 1 month
Greys anatomy request- Can you do one, please, where covid is non-existent and Link gets sick with the flu (fever, swollen glands, sore throat , nausea etc) or something and Meredith takes care of him please until better (check temp, comfort, meds , soup etc) , or if u don't do ships Yn or oc is OK please.
Loved this. Kind short compared to my other two but I didn’t know how to go on.
Warnings : n/a (I think??)
“Honey I’m home!” I called to my boyfriend. Link had the day off, which was good. He had been working himself to death, I was surprised the stress hadn’t manifested itself into the flu. “Dude, where are you?”
“I’m not your ‘dude’.” He complained, shuffling into the entry of the apartment. “I’m your baby. You’ve been spending too much time with Karev.”
I glanced at him, giving him the side eye as I put my keys and bag away. He was acting strange. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he denied quickly, which had me raising an eyebrow at him. “Okay,” he relented. “I’m just stressed. I just got over this big case with Jackson and now I’ve already got another one lined up with Amelia. I can’t seem to catch a break.”
“It’s clearly more than stress.” I countered. “Your voice is all scratchy. You’re sick.”
“I don’t get sick.” I rolled my eyes. Idiot. “I don’t!”
“Whatever, I’m ordering take out. What do you want?”
After finishing our Chinese, egg dumpling soup for him, lo mein for me, we were watching Young Sheldon on Netflix when coughing started.
“Do you want a cough drop, baby? I have those Vitamin C ones we like.” I offered, knowing it would be declined.
“Sure.” I was stunned. I stared for a second before going to the kitchen to grab the bag. I also got him a glass of water. “Thanks baby.”
I pressed a hand to his head. “You’re burning up,” I scolded Link. “I told you that being this stressed would make you sick.”
“It’s not a big deal.” He countered. “People get the flu all the time.”
I gave him a wary look before marching back to the kitchen. I grabbed the chamomile tea from the cupboard and put the kettle of water on to boil. I also rummaged around to find a cough suppressant.
“I don’t need all this,” Link complained, coming into the kitchen. I glared at him, making him relent at the look.
“Take this.” I ordered, handing him the bottle of cough suppressant. I turned back to make his tea.
“It’s orange!” He complained. “It’s gross!”
“Suck it up buttercup.”
After he finished his tea, I made him take a cool shower before bed. Once he climbed in next to me, I rolled to feel his forehead again. It was still warm, but not as alarming.
“You should get some sleep. I texted Bailey to let her know you won’t be in tomorrow.”
“No, I can go. Just need some rest.” Link tried to protest.
“Nah, you can take a day off. Besides, I have the next 36 hours off.” He was asleep before I finished my sentence. “Not sick my ass.” I muttered to myself, turning the light off and going to sleep myself.
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krillin-fanfic · 2 years
Chestnut Fest 2022 Week 1: For A Friend
Hello again, friends! It's that magical time of year again, and much like Shenron, I have been summoned from my slumber to grant your wishes for new story content once again.
The theme for this story? Comfort Food. Wasn't sure how I could translate that into a written work, but I think I found a way. This entry is set before Krillin and 18 are a couple, while their friendship is still budding. It's more platonic than shippy, but I think it's important to explore the planting of the seeds too! So without further ado, here we go! LINKS: FF.net AO3
It was another lovely day at Kame House. The seas were especially calm today, only light fluffy clouds on the horizon. A gentle breeze blew through, providing just enough respite from the heat of the now-setting sun.
Two figures sat at a table on the strip of beach separating the pink house from the water's edge. A woman, blonde, impossibly attractive, baggy shirt and a pair of shorts, looked at her short, bald companion with some amusement as their conversation had taken a rather unexpected turn.
"Comfort... food? I don't get it."
Krillin's cocked his head slightly. "Huh? What's not to get?"
18 tilted her head. "How is food comfortable? You eat it, you don't use it like furniture or clothing."
He chuckled. "No, not comfortable, comforting. It means foods that give off a sort of comforting or nostalgic vibe." He held up his index finger. "Now some people like to try to put it in a box and say "comfort foods" can only be certain kinds of food, usually fatty or decadent things," he smiled and closed his eyes. "But I happen to be in the camp that thinks that any food that really takes you back to a happy place in life qualifies."
She leaned back in her chair and sighed. "Sounds weird to me."
"Eh, it's just all tied to memories, I suppose." He looked up at the blue sky. "I still remember the day I found mine. It was after the 21st Budokai. Me and Goku had both lost to this weird Jackie Chun guy that somehow knew all our moves, but Master Roshi still bought us a big ol' meal afterwards for doing so well. A whole buffet right at our table!"
18's brows raised a bit. "...You mean Goku had that much himself, right?"
Krillin scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Well... I wish I could say that but, uh... I kinda ate almost as much as he did, being honest." He giggled. "We'd been fighting all day, I got stupid hungry, and the food was so good!" She saw his eyes light up as he remembered. "There was roast pork, lo mein, baozi, duck... I'd never eaten that well in my entire life. They never really gave us more than unseasoned rice and vegetables at Orin, and I didn't have any money when I was on my own, so getting to experience that..." he smiled. "And now, that's sorta become my own comfort food, I guess."
18 fiddled with a loose strand of hair. "Ah. Sounds... nice."
Krillin tapped lightly on the tabletop next to his baseball cap. "So you're saying you don't have any food-related memo-" her eyes shot in his direction and he stopped himself. "Oh. Yeah. I'm sorry, I shouldn't pry..."
"I guess..." she spoke, her voice barely audible over the waves lapping at the beach. "I guess maybe I have... one."
Krillin sat forward in his seat, hands folded on the table in front of him. It was rare to see 18 this quiet. Almost... vulnerable. The least he could do is give her his full attention.
"Yeah? Do you mind sharing, or...?"
"It was when I was with 17 and 16. When we were..." she paused to consider her choice of words. "...traveling together. You know..."
Krillin nodded. That topic was still a bit of an elephant in the room for them, neither entirely sure how to address it yet. "Yeah, I get you."
She twirled the strand of hair a bit harder. "We took a truck then. 17's boneheaded idea. 'Make it fun', he said, 'go on a road trip, see the sights'..." she smiled. "He was always chasing being human again, even as he insisted we were above them now. After 16 cleared it out, we took off on the road and after a while, the raido? Monotonous." She glared. "I swear, if I ever wind up in a place that plays nothing but that annoying guitar twanging all day, I'm ending it right there and then."
He chuckled. "I can relate. Being stuck with only one sort of music can be grating."
"Yeah... anyways... we thought everything had been cleared out, right? All the food? But it turned out 16 found a few loose items that had gotten out and rolled around back there behind the seats. Fruits. Not many, but a couple. Two of them were common enough. An orange and a banana. 17 snatched those up himself. But there was another that 16 gave me." Her brow wrinkled a bit. "It must have been fiarly uncommon, given we had no information about it. It was colorful. Like a deep pink on the outside, with these... leaves almost, coming off the skin. The fruit inside was white, with seeds. I remember it having a very light sort of taste, almost barely there." She smiled. "I remember 17 sitting there with a big wedge of that orange in his mouth, pulling faces at me... 16 smiling in the back..." 18 thinned her lips for a moment. When she next spoke, Krillin could hear the shakiness in her voice. "It... it was the last time it felt like things were almost 'normal' for me. Like we were almost... family." She let go of her hair and covered her face with her palm. "God, that sounds so dumb..."
Krillin shook his head and waved his hands nervously in front of himself. "No, not at all! Believe me. I may not, y'know... 'get it', but I do get it." He sighed. "I'm such a wordsmith. I just mean that... I may not get that exact scenario. I know I haven't been through what you guys have, and I'm not trying to suggest that... but I do know that feeling. It's actually... a lot like the one I felt at that table that day at the Budokai."
18 turned toward him again. "Really now?"
"Yeah. It was like... Like I had friends now. Like a sort of a family. I had people who cared, who were happy for me, proud of me for a change." He put a hand up. "Again, not saying it's the same as your sitch at all. But the feeling is the same. That stays with you."
18 pursed her lips and gazed up at the sky for a bit before letting her head fall back with a groan. "Well, it's not like I'll be experiencing that 'nostalgia' thing any time soon anyways. Even if I bought into the idea." She stood up and pointed at him. "Which, to be clear, I still don't." She brushed stray sand off her legs quickly and started back inside the small house. " Don't even know what that stuff was called anyways..."
Krillin sat at the table, hands folded on its top, deep in thought. When she'd first come here, seeking shelter and answers, he'd promised her he'd help her adjust to human life. Said that he'd help her get back what that sick old man had stolen from her. This? This was part of that. He nodded to himself. 'Right. Let's get it done.'
He stood, put on his cap, took a deep breath, and without a word floated off into the air, headed due north.     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To say Krillin was exhausted was an understatement. He landed a bit hard, panting, next to one of the only 24-hour groceries he could find. For the last six hours, he'd flown around, desperately trying to find a fruit that had matched 18's description, starting up north where that truck had been... acquired. Every stop had been the same answer. "Never heard of a fruit like that." "You sure your friend didn't dream it up?" "That sounds wild, man. Let me know if you find it."
He'd gotten halfway to Satan City before a farmer in one of the shops proved helpful. "Oh, I've heard of that stuff, friend! You're in the wrong place. It grows in more tropical areas down south!"
The tropics. Where he'd started. The irony wasn't lost on Krillin as he caught his breath near the shop entrance. 'I just hope this one actually has what I'm looking for,' he thought to himself. 'I've been all over the region and so far no luck.'
He pushed the door open and was greeted by a portly older man in overalls. "Welcome! How can I help you tonight?"
Krillin gestured back toward the fairly large produce section. "Can you tell me if you carry a certain fruit? It's about the size of my fist, has a deep pink color, what looks like leaves growing out of the skin?"
The shopkeeper blinked a few times before smiling. "Ah, yes! I know the fruit you mean. I believe we sold the last of that on the shelves earlier today." He saw Krillin's face drop and he frowned. "I'm terribly sorry, sir. I can check our stock in the back if you like. It's very popular in the area but we may still have some."
He looked up, hopeful. "Please! It would mean a lot!"
"Very well, hold on." The man strolled from behind the register toward the doors in the back. "Shouldn't take more than a moment!"
It wasn't long before he returned with a small crate and a large smile. "Good news, sir! I believe we do indeed still have five in stock here!"
Krillin beamed. "Oh, thank you so much! How much are they?"
The shopkeeper plopped the crate onto the counter and tapped away at the register. "Hmmm... says here we're looking at 600 Zeni apiece."
Krillin blanched. "D-did you say 600?"
"Yes sir." He smiled. "Each. Dragon fruit don't grow too often and given the popularity..."
"Yeah, yeah. I get-wait..." Krillin raised an eyebrow. "They're called dragon fruit? Seriously?"
"Yessir!" The shopkeeper looked confused. "Is that surprising to you?"
"No... no at this point I almost expect everything in my life to be connected to dragons somehow." He fished the cash out of his wallet. "So... 3000 Zeni, huh?"     ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"18! Can you... come down here for... a sec... hooo boy..."
A groggy 18 made her way down the dark stairs at Kame House and found a rather disheveled (and tired Krillin sprawled on the couch, barely visible in the light of the desk lamp. "Hey there... so... don't wanna get your hopes up but-"
"What happened to you?"
"I'm... getting there... hoo." He sat up and held up a bag. "I decided that you needed to catch a rather integral part of the human experience so... I tried to track down that fruit you were talking about."
18 hesitantly reached forward and took the bag. She peered inside it and froze. There it was. That same fruit. The very same one 16 had given her on their trip.
"I'm not... super sure it's the right one... but the guy at the store said it matched the description... so I got some." He smiled, his breath finally evening out. "Would you believe they were actually native to near here after all? Boy, did I ever get off on the wrong track... I think I need... a nap."
She slowly took one from the bag and split it with little effort. There it was, the white flesh dotted with so many seeds, sharply contrasted against the pink skin. She tentatively took a bite.
In that instant, those memories came flooding back, vivid as ever. That feeling she'd felt... it was back, if only for a moment. And suddenly, 18 understood.
"Oh... wow." She looked over at Krillin. "I guess I was-" she was halted by a deep snore. Krillin had passed out there on the couch, out like a light, hat dangling from his foot off the end of it. She smiled and grabbed a coat, using it to cover him up. "You really are a weird little man," she noted, gently rubbing his shoulder. "But I guess you're a really good friend, too."
18 reached over and switched off the lamp before heading upstairs to bed. She'd have to remember to thank him in the morning. But for now... she had a lot to think about.
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thelumei · 2 years
Ateez as my favorite Rammstein songs, p.1
Part 2
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(you can click on a song name and it'll link on the YT Music (hopefully))
Hongjoong - Ich Tu Dir Weh
“You are the ship, I'm the captain
What's the destination of the journey?
I see your face in the mirror
You love me, because I don't love you”
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Seonghwa - Sonne
“The sun shines out of my hands
Can burn, can blind you”
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Yunho - Gib mir deine Augen
“Give me your eyes
Give me your light
Donate me your tears”
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Yeosang - Diamant
“Like a gem, so clear and pure
your delicate light was my whole being”
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San - Mein Herz Brennt
“I sing til the day wakes up
A bright light in the heaven's sky”
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Mingi - Frühling in Paris
“A whispering fell into my lap
and what a subtle sound it had
talked a lot but said nothing
and felt good”
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Wooyoung - Mein Land
“There he comes running
With the flag in his hands”
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Jongho - Los
“We were nameless
We have a name
Were wordless
The words came”
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spacesurfing · 2 years
I HEARD RAMMSTEIN AND SUGGESTIONS AND SPRINTED Mein Teil, Ich Tu Dir Weh, Angst, Adieu, Feuer Frei, Links 2 3 4, Engel, Tier, Eifersucht, Kuss Mich, Deutschland, Radio, Auslander, Los, Amerika, Moskau, Ohne Dich, Waidmanns Heil, and Haifisch are my personal favorites and ones I'd recommend!! Sorry, that's a lot- I just really like Rammstein
It's alright, me and my mom have loved them for the longest time - thank you sweetheart <3 i love you!!!
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clubw71 · 6 months
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"Bethlehem des Now Jazz"
w71: Trevor Watts / John Edwards / Tollef Østvang
Rigobert Dittmann / bad alchemy
Teil 2
Gestärkt mit Elsbeths Schockoladenkuchen – John und Trevor – und dem von Felix empfohlenen Weihnachtsbier – ich – geht's um Halbsieben los, und Østvang entpuppt sich als Drummer der perkussiven Sorte, der hingebungsvoll mit Klangfarben spielt, mit Metallschalen, Muscheln, Glöckchen, Ketten, Rasseln, Flexaton, Beats schlägt er gerade mal mit Besen, von denen er auch ein Paar rote federt. Links vor ihm, aus meiner Sicht im gut gefüllten Club, agiert Edwards, und wie! Wie er da, mit dem Temperament von Joe Fonda und der Groovepower von Håker Flaten, die Saiten rupft, knurpst, patscht, wetzt, schnalzen lässt, mit Bögen sägt, harkt, knurrt, flageolettisiert, wie er sie plonken, murren und pfeifen lässt, wie er sich summend und mit sichtbarer Begeisterung reinkniet in seine Amour Fou, das ist, wie er hinterher sagt, dennoch das Gegenteil von Arbeit. Auch wenn es Schweiß kostet, ist es die pure Lust, dem Instrument alles zu entlocken, was in und an ihm steckt. Und einiges, das nur er entdeckt hat! Rechts wechselt Watts souverän und ohne Schweißperlen zwischen Alto und Soprano, feuriger als man es bei britischem Plinkplonk erwartet, mit selbstverständlichstem Spaß an Kakophonie und spitzestem Altissimo und zugleich erfreulichster Vogeligkeit. So wechseln in einem langen Set mit nur einer Beifallspause turbulente Verdichtungen mit nuancenreichem Klingklang, grooviger, von Edwards angestoßener Drive – daher meine Assoziation zum Bass bei The Thing – und Krach as Krach can mit detailverliebtem Gepfriemel und das gleich wieder mit sanglichem Tirili. Die heftig erklatschte Zugabe in ihrem nochmal gewagtem Auf und Ab gelingt ihnen so gefühlvoll und innig, dass ich sie in mir dem Andenken an Brötzmann und Mars Williams widmen kann. Edwards bringt sogar so was wie das 'A Love Supreme'-Motiv, Østvang lässt die Filzbeats rollen und Watts beschert raukehlige Melodik, die, wie er, noch aus den 1930ern herrühren könnte. Das letzte i-Tüpfelchen zu setzen, ist dann auch beim dritten Mal ein Kunststück für sich. Auch danach zeigt sich der 84-jährige nochmal als entspannter und redseliger Zeitgenosse, der gut lachen hat, wenn Edwards erzählt, wie der Zahn der Zeit Schlippenbach den Rücken krümmt, dass Paul Lovens keine Hand mehr rühren kann und andere das Schicksal des in Alkohol eingelegten und schon mit 67 abgegangenen Paul Rutherford teilen. Denn nach einem kleinen Hitech-Eingriff am Herzen ist er so fit wie's nur geht. Die Seeluft in Hastings, wo er seit über 40 Jahren lebt, und der 'Jazz'n'Roll' mit Edwards & Østvang, mit Veryan Weston, Liam Genockey oder Jamie Harris halten ihn jung. Und unsere Heimfahrt über Nassau und die B19 ist erfüllt vom einhelligen Eindruck, dass uns ein erstaunliches und fesselndes Konzert vergönnt war. [Rigobert Dittmann, bad alchemy 122]
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the-goth-catte · 8 months
Switchblade Symphony - Dissolve Castlevania - Dance of Illusions (Nemix Remix) SITD - God's Blessing Perturbator - Venger (ft Greta Link) Siouxsie & The Banshees - Cities in Dust (Soulbotz Remix) LaRoux - Bulletproof (Midnight Kids Mix) Tove Lo - Pineapple Slice Carpenter Brut - Turbo Killer†† UnterART - Ugly VNV Nation - Beloved Rotersand - Merging Oceans (Neuroticfish Remix) Icon of Coil - Access & Amplify (Club Mix) Corlyx - Lace and Latex Assemblage 23 - Document (Endanger Mix) Necessary Response - Spilling Blood (Cognitive Dissonance Mix) William Control - The Monster Combichrist - Happy Fcuking Birthday Faderhead - Dirtygrrrls Dirtybois (Modulate Remix) TaTu - Not Gonna Get Us (Handz-Up Remix) SPOCK - Never Trust a Klingon (Verfluchte Remix) Switchblade Symphony - Dollhouse (Razed in Black Remix) KMFDM - Juke Joint Jezebel And One - Steine Sind Steine NIN - Sin Muscle & Hate - Let Your Body Learn Rogue VHS & Tima - Dust + Stars†† NightStop - Human Love (ft Kaster the Disaster) Depeche Mode - Alone (Djedjotronic Remix) Ghost Data - Full Bodied (ft Alice) Pixel Grip - ALPHAPUSSY Wumpscut - Hang Him Higher Tove Lo - 2 Die 4 Lana del Rey - Summertime Sadness (Dominatrix Remix) NIN vs Faderhead - 69 Freaks Closer HEALTH - Excess Rammstein - Mein Herz Brennt (Boys Noize Remix) William Control - Strangers Oscillian - In The Company of Robots Linkin Park - In The End (Fury Weekend Remix) VNV Nation vs Daft Punk - When Will We Get Lucky in the Future? Night Club - Vampires Helium Vola - Omnis Mundi Creatura Wumpscut - Christfuck Apoptygma Berzerk - Backdraft (Sarpsborg Synth Version) Kanga - Going Red Scandroid - The Force Theme And One - Wet Spot Castlevania - Bloody Tears (Kamex Remix) Absurd Minds - Master Builder London After Midnight - The Bondage Song (Unchained Mix) Love Ecstasy Terror - Get Back to Her (ft Dita Von Teese)
†† - Requests
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hits1000 · 11 months
Top Songs of 1965 - Hits of 1965
Top Songs of 1965 - Hits of 1965 Top Songs of 1965 including: Barry McGuire - Eve Of Destruction, Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone, Bob Lind - Elusive Butterfly, Charles Aznavour - La Bohème, Chris Andrews - Yesterday Man, Del Shannon - Keep Searchin', Diana Ross & The Supremes – Stop! In The Name Of Love and many more! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. Barry McGuire - Eve Of Destruction 2. Bernd Spier - Das War Mein Schönster Tanz 3. Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone 4. Bob Lind - Elusive Butterfly 5. Charles Aznavour - La Bohème 6. Chris Andrews - Yesterday Man 7. Christophe – Aline 8. Conchita Velasco – Una Chica Ye-Yé 9. Del Shannon - Keep Searchin' 10. Diana Ross & The Supremes – Stop! In The Name Of Love 11. Donovan – Catch The Wind 12. Drafi Deutscher - Marmor, Stein Und Eisen Bricht 13. Dúo Dinámico - Esos Ojitos Negros 14. Elvis Presley - Crying In the Chapel 15. Fontella Bass – Rescue Me 16. Four Tops - I Can't Help Myself 17. France Gall – Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son 18. Gary Lewis & The Playboys - Save Your Heart For Me 19. Gerry & The Pacemakers - Ferry Cross The Mersey 20. Gianni Morandi - Si Fa Sera 21. Herman's Hermits - Can't You Hear My Heartbeat 22. Herve Vilard – Capri C’Est Fini 23. Jackie DeShannon – What The World Needs Now Is Love 24. James Brown - Papa's Got A Brand New Bag 25. Jay & The Americans - Cara Mia 26. Jewel Akens - The Birds & The Bees 27. Jimmy Fontana – Il Mondo 28. Johnny Hallyday - Quand Revient La Nuit 29. Julie Andrews - Do-Re-Mi 30. Julie Andrews - The Lonely Goatherd 31. Julie Andrews & Christopher Plummer - Edelweiss 32. Los Sirex - La Escoba 33. Marianne Faithfull - This Little Bird 34. Mariema - O Fado Mora em Lisboa 35. Martha & The Vandellas - Nowhere To Run 36. Paul Revere & The Raiders - Just Like Me 37. Peggy March - Mit 17 hat man noch Träume 38. Roberto Carlos - O Calhambeque 39. Roger Miller – King Of The Road 40. Ronny - Kenn ein Land 41. Salvatore Adamo - Mes Mains Sur Tes Hanches 42. Sam The Sham And The Pharaohs – Wooly Bully 43. Sandie Shaw - Long Live Love 44. Sonny & Cher – I Got You Babe 45. The Animals – Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood 46. The Beach Boys - Help Me Rhonda 47. The Beach Boys – Barbara Ann 48. The Beatles - Help! 49. The Beatles – Yesterday 50. The Beau Brummels - Just A Little 51. The Byrds – Turn! Turn! Turn! 52. The Dave Clark Five - Catch Us If You Can 53. The Hollies - I'm Alive 54. The Hollies - Look Through Any Window 55. The Kinks - Till The End Of The Day 56. The Lovin’ Spoonful – Do You Believe In Magic 57. The McCoys - Fever 58. The McCoys ~ Hang On Sloopy 59. The Righteous Brothers – Unchained Melody 60. The Rolling Stones - Get Off Of My Cloud 61. The Rolling Stones – (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction 62. The Seekers - The Carnival Is Over 63. The Sonics – Psycho 64. The Temptations - It's Growing 65. The Who – My Generation 66. The Yardbirds – For Your Love 67. Tom Jones - It's Not Unusual 68. Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders – The Game Of Love 69. We Five - You Were on My Mind 70. Wilson Pickett – In The Midnight Hour Related Searches: Greatest Hits of 1965, Best Jukebox 1965 Playlist, Late 1965 Non Stop , Top 1965 Non Stop, Mix 1965 Compilation, Best 1965 List, Late 1965 UK, Best 1965 Playlist, Best 1965 Non Stop, Best 1965 Video, Greatest 1965 Non Stop, Mix 1965 Playlist, Best Jukebox 1965 List, List of 1965 Mix, Top 1965 USA, Best Songs of 1965, Top Music 1965, Hits of 1965 Relate Hashtags: #songsof1965 #hits1965 #songs1965 #listof1965mix #hits1965 #bestsongs1965 #classic1965playlist #greatest1965nonstop #best1965list #best1965video #top1965mix #greatest1965video #mix1965playlist #top1965nonstop #mix1965compilation This Youtube channel does not receive any advertising income, we are very grateful for any Paypal donation, no matter how small, to continue making videos about the history of music. Link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HEHMNQ4E3T3ML https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrAIMeeeWgo
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indiesole · 1 year
Indies (Lifetime) Playlist Tributes to Music Legends ! -PART 14
SURESH WADKAR’S TOP 360 (HINDI FILM) SONGS ! (Contd from 186)-
Yt Link:
Jara Pyar Ke Safar Mein - Apna Bhi Koi Hota
Pareshan Ho Tum –Janam Se Pehle
Kabhie Ajnabi The -Kabhie Ajnabi The
Jadugar ka jadu -Jadugar
Gaon Mein Mach Gaya Shor -Dacait
Nasha Husn Ka Utar Jayega -Mardon Wali Baat
Har Ek Se Milna Hans Hans Ke -Ayee Milan Ki Raat
Parbat Ki Unchai Par Thehar Gayi Hai Shaam -Naagmani
Saawan Nahi Bhadon Nahi - Kudrat
Amir Se Hoga Ya Garib Se Hoga -Insaniyat Ke Dushman
Hum Naujawan - Hum Naujawan
Kaisan shaadi rachayi ho - Naram Garam
Tum Jo Haseen Itni -Raaz
Zindagi Ashk Sahi – Path Bhrashta
Baje Badhai More Angana - Maa Beti
Maine Apna Sanam Tujhe - Maa Beti
Samay Ke Darpan Mein - Jeevan Dhara
(Humming)- Ghar Ek Mandir
Kaisa Hai Tere Ishq Mein –Parbat ke us paar
Jhoom jhoom ke megha chaaye -Indra the tiger(dubbed)
Mujhse shaadi karogi – Dulhan hum le jayenge
Mai Tera Deevana –Bond 303
Yaar Pe Hai Dil Mera Qurbaan - Patthar Ke Phool
Tum Bhi Hanso Hum Bhi Hanse -Achha Bura
Ek Aas Liye, Vishwaas Liye - Khwab
Ram Dulari Mayke Gayi -Meri Biwi Ki Shaadi
Meri Yaad Aayegi Aati Rahegi - Sunny
Sheron Wali Mata Ka Jab Naam - Amba
Dil Mere Lehra Le - Jhoothi Shaan
Maine Kaha Tumne Suna - Dacait
Kamra Tha Mera Bandh –Zakhmee Insaan
Zamane Ke Malik Teri Meharbani – Zara si bhool
Aao raas rache garba raat hai -Toofan
Chai aiyo radhe rani - Sangeet
Man Ki Baat Jab Hotho Pe -Raadha Aur Seeta
Mere Man Baaja Mirdang Manjira Best Audio Video - Utsav
Mammy Aisi Pappa Aise - Hum Rahe Na Hum
Duniya Mein Nahin Hogi –Ladke baap se badke
Gao Gao Gate Jao - Udhar Ki Zindagi
“ (duet)
Gaadi aati hai
“ (duet)
Yeh Teri Meri Yaari -Daata
Baba Sai Baba -Dozakh
Maiya Mera Muqaddar - Mera Muqaddar
Ek Nahin Hum Do -Tajurba
Har Mod Pe Mud Ti Jaye Motor Mitran Di -Raahee
Mere Dil Ne Tujhe Chaha -Shiva Shakti
Tu Hai Kamal Maula Teri Kudrat Kamal -Sultanat
Aasmaan Chhat Ho Meri - Thikana
Muqabla Muqabla Tere Bhakt Jano Ka - Marte Dam Tak
Yaaro Humko Dekh Ke - Dosti Dushmani
O Aayee Baisakhi - Agnee
I Love You - Kaun Kare Kurbanie
Sheesha E Dil Men Teri Hi Tasveer – Gehra Zakhm
Sehre Mein Dulha Hoga - Parinda
Taaqat Hai Jiske Paas - Bepanaah
Main Door Chala Jaoonga - Kalaakaar
Bahut Khubsoorat Hai - Kaun Jeeta Kaun Haara
Kurta Malmal Ka – Jeeo..Jeene Do
Kiss Me - Shiva
Is Zindagi Ka Talabgar – Bad aur badnam
Yeh Hawa Yeh Fiza - Sadma
Main Aaj Bahut Khush Hoon - Sansar
Sapne Mein Milti Hai - Satya
Na Hoti Dosti Tumse – Awara Baap
Mere Sawal Ka Tum Do Jawab - Saazish
Jai Jai Ram Siyaram - Lav Kush
Hamein Aasman Ne Bheja – Sheshnaag
Woh Mera Mehboob –Divorce
Sangmarmar Sa Tha – Purani Haveli
Main Tera Pagal Premi – Abhi Abhi
Suraj Mukhi Mukhda Tera – Kalaakaar
Gale Lag Ja -Tan-Badan
Ek Swarg Hai Aasman Par – Amba
Saheli Ho – Paheli
Kitne din - Sati naag kanya
Pyar mein pyar se – College Girl
Sang Sang Rah Kar - Sati naag kanya
Akkad Bakkad Dono Phakkad – Tajurba
Apni Gadi Chalti Hai – Laalach
Ramji Ne Dhanush Toda – Eeshwar
Kabhi bole haan - Kali Basti
Hum Gharibon Ne Tera – Loha
Tera Mera Pyar Amar – Rukhsat
Inhi Mulaqaton Mein - Maan Abhiman
Chaudhvin Raat Hai - Yaadon Ka Mausam
Milte The Kabhi Hum Dar Dar Ke –Raahee
Zinda Hain Jo Log Mohabbat -Aao Pyaar Karen
Tanaatan Baj Gai Ghanti Sajan - Watan Ke Rakhwale
Main Balam Wahi Lungi – Diruba Tangewali
Hai Mohabbat – Hero
Hamka Isak Huwa Hai Yaaro – Coolie
Na Idher Ke Rahe Na Udher Rahe - Kaanch Ki Deewar
Baju Bandh Baju Bandh - Prem Granth
Calcutta Ho Ya Kashi -Jawani Zindabad
Chhod Ke Tujhko -Maha Sangram
Yehi Hai Dosti – Bad aur badnam
Dil Ko Zara Sambhalo – Farz aur kanoon
Banna Mera Aaya Hariyala - Radha Ka Sangam
Jag Ja – Omkara
Dua Samajh Lo Ya Isko Gaali – Thikana
Sagar Mein Tarang Hai - Lahoo Ke Do Rang
Kiska Kusur Hai - Lahu Ke Do Rang
Hum Jitne Baar Jiyenge – Khilaf
Raat Ke Dhai Baje – Kaminey
“ (remix)
Foot Pathon Ke Hum – Mashaal
Peele Peele Sharab Hai Peele – Ghulami
Sang Sang Rahenge Janam Janam - Ek Vivaah Aisa Bhi
Jab Tak Hai Jee Jee Bhar Ke Pee – John Jani Janardhan
Shalok – Bhai ka dushman bhai
Ganga jamuna saraswati -Ganga jamuna saraswati
Allah Ka Naam Le -Palay Khan
Main Jis Mehfil Mein - Badle Ki Aag
Dil Kahe Har Dum – Guddu
Hum Paanch Pandav -Hum Paanch
Goli Chacha Ko Salam Karo -Mera Dost Mera Dushman
Paani – Iqbal
Jahan Kabhi Dil Ne Khai Thokar – Veergati
Aaye Hain Woh Mazaar - Saajan Ki Saheli
Hoga Na Hoga Pyar Kabhi Kum -Kaun Kare Kurbanie
Hum To Banjaare Hain – Nishanebaaz
Paanch Ungliyon Ki - All Rounder
Chal Kahi Chale Sajna – Muqaddar
Sona Kare Jhilmil Jhilmil – Paheli
Yeh Janmabhoomi Janma Devi Maa -Zakhmi Sher
Do-Do-Do-Do – Ramji Londonwaley
Dekho pyare rut kaisi ayi – Muqabla
Sundari Yeh Jeevan Tera – Dalpati
Madine Ki Galiyon Se Awaz Aai – Bambai ka maharaja
Chhod Aaye Hum Woh Galiyan –Maachis
Tum Mere Ho – Betaabi
Na Tum Ne Kiya – Nache Mayuri
Kaise Kahan Kab Ho – Bhagmati
Hum Dono Hain -Karishma Kudrat Kaa
Ae Kaash Dil-E-Nada Aisa Na Kiya Hota – Imandaar
Dil Aakhir Dil Hai – Dil Aakhir Dil Hai
Wafa Mere Dil Ki – Rukhsat
Chehera Kamal Hai Aapka - Maine Jeena Seekh Liya
Hamein Aasman Ne Bheja (Sad) – Sheshnaag
Ek Dil Ki Diwani –Ghatak
Mubarak Ho Mubarak Ho – Angaaray
Mere Dil Ki Galiyon – Banjaran
Jab Prem Aggan Lag Jaye - Dil-E-Nadaan
Dhamak Dhamak Dhaiya Dhaiya – Karamdaata
Aaj Ki Duniya Mein – Paapi pet ka sawaal hai
Babul de do dua aaj to pyar se - Saajan Ka Ghar
Chaar Din Ka Safar –Zaalim
Meri Qadar Jani –Shiva
Badal Ghumad Badh Aaye – Saaz
Kaaton Se - Rakht Charitra
Yaar Mera Chikna Ghada -Badle Ki Aag
Bheega Bheega Mausam Tadpaye - Bandh Darwaza
Mere Zindagi Meri Jaan - Sar Utha Ke Jiyo
Sadion Mein Ek Baar Milen -Ye Rishta Na Tootay
Mangti Hai Pyasi Dharti – Parampara
Hum Aashiq Hai – Sunny
Dono Nibhayein Apna Dharam - Ek Vivaah Aisa Bhi
Sunne Wale Sunlete Hain – Saaz
Na Tir Se Maro – Mohabbat ke dushman
Chaar Din Ka Safar (Sad) – Zaalim
Ang Jale Gora Rang Jale - Daku Hasina
Kitne Ajeeb Rishte Hain Yahaan Par – Page 3
Apni Hai Unchi Uraan -Unchi Uraan
Holi Ke Din – Chatpati
Aaj Matki Utaroonga - Paapi Farishte
Kudi Pat Jaayegi – Grahasthi
Rocky Aur Johny – Zakhmee Insaan
Chal Padi - Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar
Yt Link:
Simply the greatest 'classical singer' in the history of music! Supreme commander of raag, taal, bhav, khayal, & sur. Viewed as sole revolutionary bringing popular interest & mass appeal to raag music! Direct or indirect guru, of most legend of legends of Indian music! A man beyond profl art,who famously never sang for cinema,except once,upon persistent request of long-time super fan Naushad, that too upon receiving what will be regd in record books as by far the highest profl fee ever recd for any art performance, 70 times more than highest paid performer of the times, Lata & Rafi, a imaginary price he'd only quoted to somehow get rid of prod -dir K.Asif, that much to his shock was instantly agreed upon! Ustad Amir Khan, a classical legend himself, hearing HIM, in ecstasy remarked, "They should ban public performances of the ragas Bade sahab touches.Will forever be a let down". Quotes: "If people of our region were trained in classical tehzeeb/manner,would've been no partition!" " I don't know nor care for place of origin, of the raga or it's ppl.All I seek is it's purity." "A true lover of tune,won't be cruel,but wary of hurting,also necessarily God loving & dedicated personality."
Ready reckoner on diff terms,raags,styles etc,for lay listeners:
1.Raag-A array of melodious swars,with musical motifs,to color mind & affect emotions 2.Vadi-Root swar 3.Samvadi-Significant " 4.Nyas-Most used " 5.7 shadja(swar)-sa(Shadaj),re(Rishabh),ga(Gandhar),ma(Madhyam),pa(Pancham),dha(Dhaivat),ni(Nishad) 6.Komal-Soft swar(For 4/7-re,ga,dha,ni) 7.Teevra-Sharp "(ma) 8.Shudh-Natural " 9.Achal-2 Swar with no variants(pa,sa) 10.Thaat-Parent scale,used to classify raags 11.Aroh-Ascending scale 12.Avroh-Descending " 13.Vakr-11&12 above,not in same order 14.Drut(laya)-Conc'g fast tempo of raag.Gen'y 160-320 beat/min.Many base full recitals on drut mode(Teentaal) 15.Khyal-Style allowing unltd imagination to embelish ragas,requ'g more technicality than intellect 16.Bandish-'Fixed verse'.On relg-spiritual or royal panegyrics,or musicology,or romance.Strict on form+style. 17.Thumri-Radha-Krishna recitals,that arouse 'thumakna'(& dance of ghungru) 18.Dhrupad-Bandishes on Krishn 19.Tarana-Persian-Arabic words & phonemes in raags,medium to fast tempo RAAGS: 1.Todi/Bhairavi-Bhakti of female divine 2.Khamaj-Lite,sedate,husky;in thumris 3.Kafi-1or2,Bhimplasi,Pahadi,used in nt folk eg Thappa(fast,bouncy),Dadra(ghazal,slow),Holi,Kirtan,Bhajan 4.Gavti/Bheem-1+Khyal 5.Bhinn Shadj/Kaushik Dhwani-5 sur.No re-pa 6.Shankara-5 aroh 6 avroh,mostly higher notes 7.Multani-Noon 8.Malhar-Combo o'Raag Kafi & Raag Durga(sweet soothing mild),sung in patient seriousness. 9.Bahar-Malhar adapted 10.Malkauns-Oldest raags,sung 2-4am,for soothing & intoxicating effect. Derived from Mal and Kaushik, ie he who wears serpents like garlands–God Shiva.Created by Goddess Parvati to calm lord Shiva,post Tandav in rage of Sati's sacrifice. Also by Jain Tirthankaras when Lecturing Samavasarana. Ragini-Dhanashri. Most 'em pentatonic raags'r of Shaivait musical school. 11.Bageshri/~Raageshri- Popular late night raag,to depict emo of woman waiting for reunion with lover.1st by Tansen 12.Malgunji/Lankeshwari-Khamaj+B(R)ageshri 13.Chhayanat-Late eve,3hrs till midnt,reflecting high exuberance with mild pathos 14.Bihag-Loving raag,shudh saptak 15.Behagda-Bihag+Khamaj 16.Sohini-Passive sensuous 17.Kedar-Fav raag played lots by Krishna.Known to've thermal energy,& raagini of Raag Deepak,that conveys honesty, integrity & truthfulness,making mind aware of soul's true character. 18.Basant,also Hindol-hope in new spring onset,to start unseflishly afresh 19.Megh-When Govardhan Parvat was on Lord Krishna's short finger,Lord Shiva generated a Damru sound to protect Lord Krishna from the high energy release-Raga MEGH!Tansen's physical agony after singing Raag Deepak also pacified by it 20.Bhoopali-Bhakti ras,like Rag Shudh Kalyan & Yaman,abt evoking non-attachment 21.Marwa-Bhakti ras,sunset 22.Puriya-" in highr octave 23.Gunkali-Soft " 24.Sorath-Strong belief 25.Hameer-Nocturnal,gen'ly in upper octaves,on all natural notes 26.Kamod-Tough combo of Malhar,Hameer,Kedar,Chhayanat 27.Shyam Kalyan-Kamod+Kalyan 28.Lalit-Serene dev'l,at dawn 29.Tilang-V.sweet raag 30.Darbari(Kanada)-Grave,lot in lower octave(lower than most Kanada family raags),deeply emo,no frivolos decors 31.Asavari/Jaunpuri-To depict cold 32.Nayaki Kanada-Dynamic,enthu & full of vitality 33Sarang(family)-Of melodic history 34.Adana-Slow Darbari b4 Sarang drut(Ascetic on tiger skin) 35.Jaijaiwanti-Happiness & satisfaction of King winning battle+sadness of lost son 36.Tilak Kamod-Like Raag Des.V.melodious raag,of rains 37.Madhmad Sarang-Sarang mid 38.Pilu-In thumri etc 39.Sohini-Moist tranquil nt,high octaves 40.Kalingda/~Raag Bhairav-Peaceful morng contmplatv devtl 41.Paraj-Basant b4 Kalingda 42.Andolika-Caps shudh;Small komal/tivr 43.Hemant-Deep,soothing,aroh5 avroh7
Pictorial depiction of playlist: https://tooter.in/IndieSpace/posts/107715271386256227
Yt Link:
Itni Shakti hamein dena data - Ankush
Kaisi rahungi tere bina – Album
Teri Hai Zameen Tera Aasman - The Burning Train
Tumsa Koi Nahi – Poornima
Palkon Mein Sapne - Raja Ki Aayegi Baraat
Aayi Savan Ki Ritu Matvali - Awara Zindagi
Chod Mohe Gayile - Goriya
Rehte Nashe Mein - Papi Gudia
Ek Baar Ek Baar Pyar Se Toh Dekh - Sanam Teri Kasam
Chin China China - Aunty No. 1
Kya huva kuch huva - Rampur ka raja
Udhar Ki Zindagi - Dadaji Ki Chhadi Hu Main
Jab Tak Rahega Samose Mein Aaloo - Mr And Mrs Khiladi
Hungama Ho Gaya - Deewana Mastana
Choona Na Mera Ghungta – Agniputra
Yeh aalam yeh mausam -Jai kishen
Bharatpur Lut Gaya - English Babu Desi Mem
San Sana Nana Sai Sai - Banarasi Babu
Sona Kitna Sona Hai - Hero No 1
Mr. Lova Lova – Ishq
Har Waqt Mujh Mein Masti Masti – Krishna
Illa Loo Illa Loo – Mrityudaata
Har Janam Mera - Aaj Ka Samson
Lau Kaha Se Mai Wo Jubaa - Jaane Jigar
Inteqaam Ki Aag - Hum Nahin Bhoolenge
Mere Rabba - Sarhad Paar
Kahin Rut Badal Na Jaaye - Awara Zindagi
O My Sweetheart Dil Ko Dil Se Jod De
Kiss Me Come Quick
Tukur Tukur Dekhte Ho Kya – Masoom
Main No 1 Hoon – Vaade Iraade
Tum Tana Na Tana – Baharon ke Manzil
Channe Ke Khet Mein – Anjaam
Tu Tu Tu Tu Tara - Bol Radha Bol
Shaam Hai Dhuan Dhuan – Diljale
Behke behke kadam – Himmat
Saiyan Ke Saath Madhaiya Mein - Eena Meena Deeka
Cham Cham Chandni -Janam Kundli
Haye Hukku Haye Hukku Haaye Haaye - Gopi Kishan
Pinjre main popat bole
Barsaat main jab ayega sawan ka mahina – Maa
Jawani Diwani – Chamatkar
Kuch Hua Re Hua Re – Shastra
Dil Tera Deewana – Raghuveer
Hun Huna Re – Taaqat
Main Paidal Se Jaa - Hero No 1
Mera Mehboob Aayega - Gopi Kishan
Teri Kismat Mein – Kismat
A Aa E Ee Mera Dil Na Todo - Raja Babu
Mera Daaman - Haryanvi Pop
Ho Gaya Hai Mujhko Pyar Pyar – Dil Bole PIya piya
Chanda Ki Chori - Raja Ki Aayegi Baraat
Batti Na Bujha - Gopi Kishan
Chori Se Chupke – Dharam Yoddha
Dil Mein Hai Tu – Daata
Teesra Kaun – Teesra Kaun
Chudiyan Bajaungi - Betaaj Badshah
Main Hoon Gaon Ki Gori - Bol Radha Bol
Bichhuaa - Haryanvi Pop
Mera Lehenga Gher Ghumer - Hum Hain Bemisal
Chori Pakdi Gayi – Dil bole piya piya
Sarkai Lo Khatiya Jada Lage - Raja Babu
Saawan Mahina Lagi Hai Jhadi - Pehla Pehla Pyar
Kudi Tu Kudi Kamal Ki Tu - Sikandar Sadak Ka
Kuku Kuru Kuku Kuru – Himmat
Chhatri Na Khol Barsaat Mein - Gopi Kishan
Sana Sana Sannana – Barood
Eena Ko Mil Gayi Meena – Eena Meena Deeka
Ui Amma Ui Amma - Raja Babu
Aa Tujhe Main Pyar Doon – Bandish
Love Rap - Maine Dekha Jab – Krantiveer
Ban Gae Ban Gae Ban Gae yaar mere saiyya ki Sarkar
Chudiya Bajau Ki Bajau Kangna – Muqaddar
Yeh Dil Deewana - Vaade Iraade
Sajna teri bena -Ram Aur Shyam
Piya piya - Ram Aur Shyam
Yun to nazar baaz toone - Naam kya hai
Padhna Likhna Chhodo – Angrakshak
Kis Ladki Ne Dil Mera Chhina – Mafia
Turu Ru Turu Ru – Elaan
Panga Na Le Mere Naal -Haseena Maan Jaayegi
Jumme ke Jumme Ghar Aaya Karo – Mr & Mrs Khiladi
Janu Mai Jane Tu – Gangster
Looshe Wai Wai - Jai Kishen
Tera naam likh diya - Baharon ki manzil
Mera Dil Bola – Elaan
Meri Jaan Dua Karna – Baharon ki manzil
Godna God Mohe – Vinashak
Log Aate Hai – Pehchaan
Dheere Dheere Nazar Ladne De – Pehchaan
Mujhko Ek Pappi Chahiye – Vijeta
Ek Ladki Pataka - Apne Dam Par
Sama Hai Mastana – Dil Bole Piya Piya
Mantar Maar Gaya – “
Yaar Mera Chikna Ghada - Badle Ki Aag
Tukur Tukur Dekhte Ho Kya – Masoom
Munna Main Chunna Tu - Khoon Ka Sindoor
Nazro Se Aaj Nazre – Tahkhana
Godanwa Godo Mori Baiyaan Ji – Mudda The Issue
Tu Mere Dil Mein Bas Ja – Judwaa
Biwi No.1 - Biwi No.1
Sirf Sunday Ko – Ansh
Taana Tandana –Insaaf
Laddu Motichur Ka - Hote Hote Pyaar Ho Gaya
Teetar Teetar – Bandish
Chu Chu Chu - Kyun Sharmaye Kyu Ghabraye
Gore Gore Gaal Meri Jaan Ke - Jai Vikranta
Parody Song- Mehendi
Pari Kahan Se Aai - Khoon Ka Sindoor
Dilwala Dil Legaya - Dil bole piya piya
Ankhon Mein Mohabbat Hai – Gair
Dil Deewana Mane Na- Janam Kundli
Haye Ram Buddhe Me Bada Dum Hai – Zahreela
Choli Ke Andar Kya Hai – Khalnaaika
Gajab Siti Maare Saiyan Pichware - Lahoo Ke Do Rang
Ittefaq raaton ko
O Jaanu O Mere Jaanu -Pehla Pehla Pyar
Gali Gali Tere Husn Ki - Miya Biwi Aur Saali
Aiya Aiya Aiya Masti Cha Gayi –
Mama Miya Mama Miya –
Jeth Ki Dopahri Mein - Coolie No. 1
Dhik Ta Na Na (Female) – Laadla
Dhik Ta Na Na – Laadla
Chal Kar Le Thoda Pyar - Tu Chor Main Sipahi
Tak Jhoom – Mrityudaata
Aadhi Si Raat - Haryanvi Pop
Gore Rang Pe Itraye – Suhag
Love Me Love Me – Taaqat
Nadhin Dhinna - Mr. Bechara
Suno Miya Suno Miya - Kyo Kii Main Jhuth Nahin Bolta
Mujhe Hero Ban Jaane Dee - Mr & Mrs Khiladi
Ab Tak Hai Puri – Kudrat
Aao Chalo Hum Kare Nain Mataka – Loafer
Sasuji – Rajaji
Gora Pareshaan Hai – Shikari
Ab Tu Meri – Prince No 1
Lut Gayee – Hulchul
Love Love - Hindustan Ki Kasam
Darwaja Khula Tha - Sar Uthake Jiyo
Dil Mera Udaas Hai –Angrakshak
Kuch Kuch Kuch Ho Raha Hai – Loafer
Ek Chadar Do Sone Wale - Betaaj Badshah
Gora Gora Rang – Dil bole piya piya
Sabse Badi Dosti – Baharon ke manzil
Goriya pyar mujhe - Mere Humsafar
Maine Kya Julm Kiya - Eena Meena Deeka
Chaadar Bichhayi Diyo Na - Aakhri Dacait
Tan Tana Tan Tan Taara – Judwaa
Oonchi Hai Building – Judwaa
Ooperwale neeli chhatri – Lalchee
Soorat Hai Meri Bholi – Jai Kishen
Roop Salona Tera Dekh Ke - Jaani Dushman
Chhod De Janeman Apni Zid Chhod De – Chandaal
Kashmakash Badhi Toh – Cheetah
Tum Tum Ho Ke Nahin - Saatwan Aasman
Ooyee Ooyee Meri Amma - Bewafa Sanam
Agar Barsaat Na Hoti To Dil Ki Bat – Janam Kundli
Ladke Aaj Ke Ladke – Vijaypath
Mera Dil Bole Piya Piya
More Piya Ke Sang – Goriya
Dil Tera Badmaash Hey karta hai –
Dil Dhadak Mera – Mard
Jaane Jaana Tune Chua
Angoorwali Bagiyan - Maa Kasam
Ek Ladki Nache Raaste Mein – Suraj
Mujhe Ekraar Karna De Zara Izhar –Bhai
Neend Aati Nahin – Vijeta
Pyaar Ki Rail Gadi - Sabse Badhkar Hum
Sawan Ki Raat Suhani – Rangbaaz
Mach Gaya Shor – Barood
Galiyan Da Munda - Do Numbri
Chhan Chhana Chhan
Chum Le Mere Balon Ko – Shapath
Dekho Jo Palat Ke – Zameer
Yeh Dil Ka Dhadkana - Sikandar Sadak Ka
Chikne Chikne Gaal - Sher E Hindustan
Doob Ke Dariya Mein · Saajan Chale Sasural
Oee maa ye kya ho gaya - Aao Pyaar Karen
Towel Mein Baahar Jaaogi - Eena Meena Deeka (Contd)
0 notes
simonefugger · 1 year
Schau dir "Gebet 115 inspiriert von Ein Kurs in Wundern Greuthof Verlag Simone Fugger 2023 kursvergebung.com" auf YouTube an
Erlösung ist die einzige Funktion, die ich hier habe.
Lasst uns gemeinsam beten!🙏🏻
Liebe, lerne still zu sein und einfach nur zu lieben. Komm zurück in Dein authentisches SEIN, in Dein wahres SELBST.
Schau liebevoll auf Dich im GEWAHRSEIN des VATERS. GOTT liebt Dich und ist ohne Dich unvollständig.
GOTT ist Deine URSACHE und Du bist SEINE Wirkung. Du bist SEINE immerwährende LIEBE, die Ausdehnung SEINES Friedens.
Das ist Deine Erlösung. Du bist gerufen, Dich als Bringer der Erlösung Jetzt zu befreien. Die Liebe ist stets mit Dir.
Du Liebe, fühle Dich geliebt, geistig berührt und so sanft getragen. Amen🙏🏻
Mein Teil ist wesentlich für GOTTES Heilsplan.
Ein Kurs in Wundern LEKTION 115 & TB K13 III. Greuthof Verlag
Tägliches Geben
Simone Fugger www.kursvergebung.com
HEUTE Di.25.4.23!
8 Uhr GOTTESdienst zur Tageslektion
13 Uhr Mittagssession zur Tageslektion
Link siehe Homepage.
Auf Kurs Tour!
Heute geht es los Richtung Schwäbisch Hall...
29.4. Karlsruhe
13.5. Arnstadt/Erfurt
20.5. Dahlenburg
24.-25.6. Hamburg mit Hubert Schlaucher
Wenn Du in der Nähe bist, dann lass uns begegnen. Ich freue mich so sehr und bin ewig dankbar. Licht- und Liebesgruß Simone 💓🙏🏻🌹
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robertawilliams · 1 year
Chicken Lo Mein | The Recipe Critic
Another Great #RECIPE Post from #FTHM Please Consider Sponsoring us on #Patreon http://bit.ly/FTHMuK
This website may contain affiliate links and advertising so that we can provide recipes to you. Read my privacy policy. Homemade Chicken Lo Mein is a classic Chinese noodle dish that tastes so much better than takeout! Noodles drenched in a delicious savory sauce paired with perfectly cooked chicken and tender peppers and carrots makes for a yummy and satisfying meal. I love Asian food in…
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A/N: This may or may not be based on real events. I didn't know how to vent and then I wrote this. So I don't know if it makes any ounce of sense. Also I have linked all the songs so you can enjoy them as well. Enjoy!
Y/N stared outside the window observing the occasional cars speeding past their own. She let out a sigh and took a drag out of her cigarette as the song playing on the stereo of the car changed. It was a beautiful playlist, she would give it that, if only a little unfamiliar. And sad.
 She should’ve called dibs on the aux cord as soon as she entered the car but she was too occupied with other, much more important things back then. 
That had led to this moment, here, sitting inside a car, pulled over on the side of this road that led to nowhere, surrounded by trees as she blew out clouds of smoke, listening to songs that made her feel things she decidedly did not want to feel. 
She turned her head around a little to look at him and found that he was already looking at her, a strange look on his face. 
She lifted her eyebrows- Kya dekh raha hai? What are you looking at? 
He shrugged in response- Tujhe nahi dikh raha? Figure it out for yourself.
She rolled her eyes.
He started humming along to the song. 
Jaane woh kaise log the jinke pyaar ko pyaar mila
Humne toh jab kaliyan maangi kaaton ka haar mila.
(I wonder at the people who find their love reciprocated
When I prayed for flowers, I was dealt a garland of thorns.)
She scoffed, he stopped singing and closed his eyes. She took another drag just to quell the little twinge of guilt that pricked her heart.
“This is peaceful, pehle kabhi kyu nahi kiya humne ye?” He turned towards her, questioning why they hadn’t done this before. His eyes were still closed, coward and stretched his fingers, asking for the cigarette. 
She wanted to scream.
She handed him the cigarette regardless. 
‘Pehle kab? When in the past should we have done this? When you were busy being an arse? Or when you were being a bitch? Or when you were out there making stupid decisions even after I warned you about them? Or was it when you were breaking my heart?’ she wanted to say. 
But she didn’t. She closed her eyes as well. They were stinging. 
‘Must be the smoke’, she thought. Smoke. Yeah, it has to be.
Hothon se chhu lo tum, mera geet amar kar do
Ban jao meet mere, mera preet amar kar do
(Let my song touch your lips and immortalise it
Please become my lover and immortalise my love)
They sat there silently, music washing over them accompanied by the chirping of birds overhead. It all made her feel drowsy. She did not want to sleep. Really.
“I am sorry.” He said suddenly, his tone held the intensity of a thousand suns.
‘Yeah that’ll do it’, she thought before opening her eyes. 
He was looking at her again, the same weird expression from before adorned his face, maybe mixed in with a little bit of pain and something. She didn't want to dissect it. It won’t do her any good.
“Don’t. Just-” she sighed.
He looked like he was about to cry.
She leaned over the console, closer to him and placed her hand on his arm in hopes of comforting him somehow. 
“Purani baat hai woh, it's in the past, I have forgiven you, isliye idhar tere saath car mai baithi hu. Wouldn't be in the car with you if I hadn't.” 
“I miss you. I miss us.”
She had nothing to say to this. Just rubbed her hand down his arm. She hoped he understood that she couldn't give him more even if she wanted to.
They sat there for god knows how long, just him looking at her from his place in the driver’s seat and her staring out of the windshield at nothing. 
Dhanak ghata kaliyan aur tare sab hain tera roop
Ghazalen hon ya geet hon mere sub mein tera roop
Yunhi chamakti rahe hamesha tere husn ki dhoop
(All these lush valleys, colourful flowers and the twinkling stars are comparable to your looks
Whether it be my poems or my songs, they are meant to pay ode to your beauty
May the sun of your beauty be everlasting.)
“We should get going now.” She broke the silence this time round.
The sun was about to set and it was getting slightly darker. 
He nodded, shook himself out of his stupor and turned the key in the ignition. His eyes always aimed at the street as he drove through them. 
It was her turn to look at him now. And look at him, she did. She stared at how the sun hit the curves and edges of his face, how effortlessly the wind swept his hair upwards in the front, how carelessly his glasses sat on the bridge of his face. 
She looked at the lines of his arm and how his muscles rippled under the skin as his hands moved over the steering wheel. How his watch, the one he inherited from his grandfather, the one which was according to her slightly too big for him but ‘it is exactly how it is supposed to be, Y/N’ according to a very annoyed him dangled from his wrist. 
She missed him too. She really did, whether she wants to accept it or not is an argument she’ll have with herself later.
He turned to look at her and oh. Hopefully she didn't have the same look on her face that he had had earlier in the day.
He lifted his eyebrows- Kya dekh rahi hai? What are you looking at?  
She shrugged in response- Tujhe nahi dikh raha? Figure it out for yourself.
He smiled. 
Abhi na jao chhod kar ke dil abhi bhara nahi
Abhi abhi to aayi ho, abhi abhi to
Abhi abhi to aayi ho, bahar banke chhayi ho
Hawa zara mehak to le, nazar zara behak to le
Yeh shaam dhal to le zara
Yeh shaam dhal to le zara
Yeh dil sambhal to le zara
(Please don’t leave just yet, my heart hasn’t had its fill.
You have just arrived, have just bloomed in like spring.
At least let the air gain your fragrance, at least let my eyes take you in.
At least let the evening set in
At least let my heart have its fill.)
“We are here.” he said and reached across the stereo to turn the music down.
“That was eerily poetic, wasn’t it.” He looked at her, a weird glint in his eyes.
She chuckled. It really was creepily perfect. 
“Wait for a couple more minutes? Dil abhi bhara nahi.” He asked, dramatically grabbing her hands. 
She couldn’t bring herself to deny him this, she had already been too rude to him. So she leaned back in the seat again and turned to look at him while he did the same, her hand closest to him still held in his hand. They just sat there looking at each other and for those couple of moments, everything apart from them and the present faded away. 
He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, almost too reverently for her to bear. She closed her eyes and sighed. 
“I should leave now.” 
He let out a shaky sigh. 
“Yeah. Yeah.”
He moved to open his side of the door and she stopped him. She got out of the car on her own and came round to his side. 
“We should do this again sometime.” he said, tentatively, a little hopefully.
“Yeah, maybe. Our little sutta escapade.”
“You should bring chai in a little thermos next time. Then it can be a chai-sutta escapade.”
She stood there for a moment more. 
“Bye.” she said and turned around to walk home. Bye and not her usual see ya.
“Bye,” he hollered. “See ya” he whispered into the car as he reignited the engine. 
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ceealaina · 3 years
Title: Is This Love? Collaborator Name: ceealaina Card: TSB - 4008 IHB - 2007 Link: AO3 Square Filled: TSB A2 - Pining IHB G2 - Mutual Pining Ship: IronHusbands, Pre-SteveSam Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mutual Pining, Fluff and Humor Summary: 'Tony wasn’t looking at him though, or at the speaker. His gaze was fixed through the glass windows and into the hallway beyond where the military delegation had just arrived, among them Colonel Rhodes. “Oh my god,” Tony breathed, staring at him. “He’s so hot.”'
Steve's stuck in the world's longest debrief and, to make matters worse, he's stuck beside Tony who won't stop waxing poetic about his husband. Word Count: 1531
Steve fidgeted slightly, doing his best to at least pretend he was paying attention as the pencil pusher from SHIELD droned on, and on, and on. Normally their debriefs were, well, brief. Or at least as much as he could manage to make them; he’d learned from experience what happened if they ran too long. 
But this time some important government official or another had been in the group of near victims, and apparently he’d gotten a bit of a scare and now had some Thoughts on how the Avengers could work more efficiently. So following their regular debrief, there was a secondary SHIELD debrief, and then a military debrief, and then probably some other government debrief. Sitting through them was more lip service than anything, and Steve had been assured that nobody actually expected them to change anything, but despite his attempts at setting a good example, and for all that he gave Tony shit about debriefs being important, he couldn’t help feeling this was a giant waste of time. 
He was running over his to-do list in his head in an attempt to stay awake when Tony made a low whining noise beside him. Steve glanced over briefly, doing a quick scan for any visible injuries. He wasn’t even in the Iron Man suit anymore, and there were no signs of bleeding or breaks, but Tony was notoriously good at hiding injuries. Ignoring the speaker, Steve turned to face him. 
“Hey, you alright?” 
Tony wasn’t looking at him though, or at the speaker. His gaze was fixed through the glass windows and into the hallway beyond where the military delegation had just arrived, among them Colonel Rhodes. 
“Oh my god,” Tony breathed, staring at him. “He’s so hot.” 
It was through sheer force of will that Steve resisted the urge to smack himself in the face, focusing his gaze on the speaker again. “Jesus Christ, Tony.” 
“Are you looking at him?” Tony hissed, not even trying to pretend he wasn’t ogling Rhodes. “That uniform does things to me, Steve. And that ass?” 
“I hate you so much.” Steve regretted even asking. Next time he was just going to let Tony suffer, even if he did have hidden injuries. 
“He’s just so gorgeous, oh my god. Do you think he likes me?” 
Briefly forgetting they were in a meeting, Steve turned to stare at him incredulously. “Tony, he’s your husband.” 
Tony was smirking and gave Steve a wink. “I know,” he told him before he gaze slid back over to Colonel Rhodes and his expression softened. “I just want him so bad.” 
Steve rolled his eyes and turned to face front again, but apparently while he’d been distracted with Tony the SHIELD portion had finally come to an end because their speaker was packing up. A minute later Colonel Rhodes was entering the room, along with the other military officials. Tony reached out and clutched Steve’s arm like a teenage girl. 
“God, the way he walks,” he breathed, scooting his chair in closer when Steve tried to pull away. “He’s so commanding, gives me the fucking shivers.” He elbowed Steve. “I’d follow his orders, know what I mean?” 
“Tony!” Steve hissed.
“Oh please,” Tony whispered back. “I’ve seen the way you look at the non-hawk bird member of our team. Wait, are falcons a type of hawk too?” He shrugged, apparently deciding it didn’t matter. “Anyway, I know you know what I’m talking about.” 
Steve felt his cheeks heat when his gaze automatically moved over to Sam, only to find him watching them curiously with an amused look on his face. There was no way he could hear their conversation from the other end of the table, but it wouldn’t take super hearing to know that Tony was giving him a hard time about something. 
“You’re the worst,” Steve told Tony, fixing his eyes on the table before he turned bright red and gave the game away entirely. “I don’t know why I’m friends with you.” 
“Because my wealth is only matched by my charisma?” Tony offered before immediately getting distracted when Rhodey took the seat directly across the table from them. He grinned at Tony, giving him a wink, and Tony made a sound like he’d been punched in the gut, the fingers that he still had around Steve’s arms tightening even more. “Oh my god, he’s so hot.”
Tony tuned the meeting out entirely, instead spending the entire thing making soppy, lovestruck expressions at Rhodey. Apparently the colonel wasn’t actually speaking today, and Steve wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. On the one hand, he was pretty sure that Tony would have spontaneously exploded if Rhodes did something as ‘commanding’ as lead an entire meeting, so at least he didn’t have to deal with that. On the other hand, he did have to deal with Tony whining every time Rhodes would look at him, followed by a forlorn sigh when he’d look away again. That was on top of the way he’d constantly remind Steve of just how hot his husband was, how much he loved how capable he was, how turned on he was by the way the man talked or walked or breathed. 
He knew that Tony was partly doing it to drive him crazy, but also because he was just genuinely that in love with his husband. Steve would never tell him this, but it was actually really sweet. Not that that didn’t mean he wasn’t ready to set something on fire by the time they got out of there. 
Rhodey had slipped out first, talking with one of the other military guys, but he lingered and pulled away when Tony and Steve came through the door, moving to join them instead. “Hey, baby,” he hummed, not even hesitating to give Tony a soft kiss in front of everyone. “Nightmare of meeting,” he added, giving him a suspicious look. “On your best behaviour?” 
“Always,” Tony scoffed, like he hadn’t spent the entire time trying to drive Steve crazy. 
Rhodey caught a look at Steve’s expression. “Yeah, I bet,” he said, twining his fingers with Tony’s. “So I’ve got a couple things to finish up, but I should be home by seven.” 
“Barring any more end of the world scenarios, of course,” Tony pointed out.
“Of course,” he agreed. “Chinese for dinner? I’ve got the worst craving for that lo mein.” 
“From that place on 47th?” Tony asked, grinning at Rhodey’s enthusiastic nod. “You’ve got it, baby. I’ll have it ready and waiting for seven.” 
“Such a good little husband,” Rhodey teased, before their voices dropped as they wandered a little further down the hall, probably declaring their undying love a few more times for good measure. 
“Hey, you alright?” 
It was only the super reflexes that kept Steve from jumping when Sam suddenly spoke from beside him, and he was sure that the look he gave Sam was a little manic. He didn’t comment on it though, just gave Steve that same amused look. 
“You were looking a little frazzled during the meeting.” 
“Oh, yeah.” Steve gestured over to where Tony and Rhodey were still talking, giving each other heart eyes. “It was just, you know… Tony.” 
“I do know Tony,” Sam agreed. He paused a moment and then shrugged. “Anyway, I’m gonna go take a shower, have a beer. Maybe zone out in front of the TV for a couple hours.” He winked at Steve. “Catch you later, Cap.” 
Steve watched him go, giving Rhodey and Tony a wave as he passed them, and Steve felt something flutter in his stomach. Tony may have been a pain in the ass, but Steve wanted what he had with Rhodey, wanted that kind of relationship for himself. And, well, he was many things, but a coward wasn’t one of them. 
“Hey, Sam!” he called, jogging the few feet to catch up to him. He hesitated for an instant, acutely aware of Tony and Rhodey standing right there. “Uh… You wanna grab dinner later? You know, after your shower and beer?” 
It wasn’t that unordinary of a request; the two of them had grabbed dinner together any number of times before. But if the grin on Sam’s face was any indication, he knew what Steve was really asking. 
“Yeah, Steve,” he said, clapping him on the arm and holding his grip for a few beats longer than he normally would. “Sounds great. Pick me up around eight?” 
Steve could feel the blush creeping up the back of his neck as he watched him go, more from the fact that he could practically feel Tony and Rhodey staring at him than the interaction with Sam. He was expecting the teasing to start at any moment, but when he finally looked over, Tony was grinning at him. 
“Aw yeah, Cap,” he said, eyes twinkling. “Get it.” He leaned over to give Rhodey another quick kiss. “See you later, handsome,” he purred before following Sam’s path, giving Steve a proud smack on the back on his way by. 
“Oh my god,” Rhodey sighed as the two of them watched him head off down the hall. “He’s so hot.”
@tonystarkbingo @ironhusbandsbingo
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bookclub4m · 3 years
Episode 124 - Media (and Noodles) We’ve Recently Enjoyed
This episode we’re discussing Media (and Noodles) We’ve Recently Enjoyed! We talk about spicy noodles, which Dakota is our least favourite state, fictional planets that totally suck, tenuous connections, flexing over signed books, vaccine envy, podcast synergy, and why you should mail us an envelope filled with five dollar bills! Plus: We reveal how deeply uncool we really are!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | RJ Edwards
Media We Mentioned
Hitman 3 Dubai!: 3 Ways to Play (just one of many videos)
Hitman Elusive Target 14 The Chef: MIKE'S FINEST HOUR - Let's Play Hitman (featuring the explosive rubber duck)
Hitman 3 THE MOST ELUSIVE TARGET YET: 3 Ways to Play Hitman 3 Elusive Target The Collector (this one came out the same day as this episode of the podcast!)
Hitman (franchise) (Wikipedia)
Nicola Traveling Around the Demons' World, vol. 1 by Asaya Miyanaga
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
DefunctTV: The History of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
MAGFest 2019: True Weird Stories from Video Game History
Where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego? (Wikipedia)
Mais où se Cache Carmen Sandiego ? (French theme song)
À la poursuite de Carmen Sandiego (French theme song for Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?)
Finish It! Podcast
Ep. 153. The Dragon’s Den: Week One Enter The Inkeeper
Later Alligator
Launch Trailer
To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers
Mice and Murder
Game Changer
Breaking News
Natural Causes by James Oswald
Lucky Me (noodles) (Wikipedia)
“Pancit canton – Filipino adaptation of lo mein and chow mein. Either in instant or stir-fried versions” (Wikipedia)
‘Pag No Drain, No Pain with Lucky Me! Pancit Canton (commercial)
Lucky Me! Pancit Canton "Happy Merienda" (commercial)
Theodore Roosevelt National Park
Sofi Tukker - Drinkee
Mahalia - Sober
H.E.R - Carried Away
triple j - Like a Version 2021
The Wiggles cover Tame Impala 'Elephant' for Like A Version
Chvrches cover Kendrick Lamar ‘LOVE’
Gang of Youths cover The Middle East 'Blood' 
Hermitude cover Nirvana 'Heart-Shaped Box'
Tash Sultana covers MGMT 'Electric Feel'
essaying by Tressie McMillan Cottom
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends by Caitlin Dewey
Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee
Maintenance Phase
Episode about Olestra
You're Wrong About… by Michael Hobbes and Sarah Marshall
Your Fat Friend by Aubrey Gordon
case/lang/veirs - Full Performance | opbmusic Live Sessions
Links, Articles, and Things
Hark! Podcast - Episode 283: O Christmas Weed
Baman Piderman - Find Da Sandwich (Ep #1)
Neil Cicierega (Wikipedia)
Episode 114 - Hot Cocoa & Book Recommendations
The episode in which RJ recommended To Be Taught, If Fortunate
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe by Alex White
meatsuit maintenance (Twitter)
Episode 116 - Best Books We Read in 2020
The episode in which RJ recommended Game Changer
Tommy the Turtle (the world’s largest snowmobiling turtle)
Tame Impala (Wikipedia)
Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (Wikipedia)
15 Space Opera Books by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) Authors
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
The Moons of Palmares by Zainab Amadahy
The Tea Master and the Detective by Aliette de Bodard
Nova by Samuel R. Delany
Escaping Exodus by Nicky Drayden
The Vanished Birds by Simon Jimenez
Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi
Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee
A Spark of White Fire by Sangu Mandanna
Ignite the Stars by Maura Milan
Binti by Nnedi Okorafor
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
Chilling Effect by Valerie Valdes
Prime Deceptions by Valerie Valdes
The Black Ship by Gerry William
Red Dust by Yoss
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, May 4th when we’ll be discussing the genre of Literary Theory!
Then on Tuesday, May 18th, we’ll be talking about Books We Did Not Finish!
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nyarisu · 4 years
Völkerball liveblogging
Dear lord this took me so long to edit you better appreciate it
Reise reise
Oooo~ but I still like the Hellfest version more :)) (Till’s face during the Hellfest chorus will always be my sexuality)
Schneider’s costume is fabulous but I’ll never trust those curls
Also vampire Reesh that’s a good look
Asdfghjklthe vagina entrance XDDD they really had to
Hello nice legs
I’ve watched this only once because i don’t like the sound. Someone said Till was sick and I don’t know what actually happened but his voice kinda sounds like it, especially more towards the middle of the live.
But the chorus is still so nice~
The tongue via Till’s fucked up slut face
Olli’s really serious
"Ist kein Licht am Horizont" REESH DO YOU WANNA KILL ME?? That was one sexy face
I really love Till’s expressions i want to kiss his face
The eyes! And then looking up to the sky<3 (was there even a sky or was inside I didn’t even notice XD)
I really don’t like Paul and Flake’s costumes
Fucking god that entrance is craking me up
Links 234
Hei hei hei!
I love how they all march on the stage
Bwhbwbwhwbhwbwhw XD
That’s a nice middle to wrap your hands around, mr Lindemann
I love when he’s hittig his chest on “links”
Paul means business XD
You can’t not sing with them during links
Oh the solo<3 sounds so nice live
Thank god my favourite person from this stupid band is also the one most filmes otherwise I would’ve been in trouble
Dem boobs XD
Keine lust
I thought it was Sonne for one sec
He kicked the mic stand XD
Now you can hear he’s a little raspy
Yes Till we know the lyrics’ meaning and also that you’re horny
The chorus sounds nice again, it sounds better when he’s actually siniging vs talking
Who’s foamning at the mouth over that patch of skin under his pants, I’ve seen people talk about that (unfortunately it’s doing nothing for me)
"kaaaalt. Soo kaaaalt" I’ll keep you warm bby just don’t be sad T_T
Ok but Flake’s headpiece is actually hilariuous gotta admit
I really want to kiss Till *opening his mouth like a retarded owl* I don’t think I want anymore
Feuer frei
That was his I’m ready to slut pose XD
Ooooooh Olli got shirtless (what were they calling this?)
I really like RZK’s top
Of course he’s gotta bully Flake
I’m really trying to focus more on image but the voice is such a big thing for me and it’s clear he has something
The masks!! I love those so much
Wow Schneider’s drumsticks went out with a literal bang
Asche zu Asche
4 lines later I finally realised what song is >.< and only because Till began to sing...
DID YOU SEE WHAT HE WAS DOING WITH THOSE DRUMSTICKS?!? I knew why I had a thing for hands/fingers
Asdfghjkl Richard strutting down the stage with his little red stripe<3
He’s a moody goth and I love his look did he just put his hands on his hips? XD
Till’s cheeks! I want to pinch his face
Everyone’s favourite part and THE NECK TILT ok wow now that was hot
Tho I usually preffer the “In zehn Tagen” to RZK’s “Ich komm wieder” now it was the opposite (probably because I couldn’t see Till that well) and Reesh acting all sexy was definitely improving it
Go Flake go XD he’s so serious and by the end he’s having the time of his life meanwhile Till is having an existential crisis (another)
Olli’s abs are heeeeella nice
Till with his hand over his heart didn’t help his case
Yeah Richard ok you’re sexy i get it holly fuck I’ve never been more attracted to him
And now i’ll never be able to unsee the neck tilt
That ich kom wieder just unmade me
Bath time XD
I really like when Till slicks his hair back
Dear lord the chorus thank you for your voice sir and congrats on it
I really like the general image of a bassist playing their bass (other verb I could’ve used was fingering XD that’s literally what he’s doing!!)
Ooooh the keyboards sound so nice<3
DON’T pluck your eyes out!
The fire part is really impressive
I love then Richard is doign his gay boy pose XD and then the closeup on him while bobbing his head
I need to say once again the chorus sounds wundershon
Mein Teil
The first 2 seconds I thought it was MHB
Paul and Richard walking towards each other<3
Aaaand the epicness begins!
Schneider is fabulous behind his drums, can’t forget about him
The tongue’s is at it again
People are rocking the hell out this song
“durch Engelsscharen” Till’s expression<3
And the maddnes begins. Wow it was shorter than usual... obviously, it was at the beginning
Flake has such a special style of running I can’t XD
Stein um Stein
And everyone is gonna talk about him drawing a house xD it was cute (considering what the song is about)
You’re being a slut again
Aaaaah I want to complain about the playback but I really can’t I rather prefer him with vocal cords. At least the rest of the song sounded excelent!
The little sound at the end of „sein” and his face: childish enjoyment while talking about fucked up shit. If this doesn’t perfectly summarize Till then I don’t know what does
Schenider’s smile
No but really beside the screeching parts he sung it so well!
Were they trying to film Richards crotch? Whatever he’s sexy
Another reason why I watch this only once before was me being kind of meh regarding Till’s look he’s my favourite after all I gotta act the part
My fucking god Scheider’s legs! I fucking love thighs. And he has a nice ass too
Richard’s smile!! Don’t kill me
Is it me or does Till start to stare into space and look generally Not Ok (tm)?
„fucking mickey mouse” XDDD
Los is among the last 10 songs on my list I usually just skip it
I died when I saw him with a harmonica the first time
Flake and Olli XD
Don’t manhandle poor Flake (I really want to say I wish that were me but knowing myself I would probably just deck Till in the face XD)
The sunglasses are sick
RZK and Till headbaning<3
Rip (rest in pieces) to keyboard
Du riechts so gut
THE BOW! The cute flamingo pose aside, that bow is one of my favourite pyro effects ever
And then the synchronised bodybanging<3
That „pang” never sounded so good?
The deepest he sings the lees you hear the raspiness
Lord! The whole audience just fucking went for it
Schneider’s muscles, Richard’s little smirk and Till zombie 2.0
Even more bodybanging. Flake is enjoying himself
Flake casually going back to his keyboards uthgjkhfzc that looked so cool and smooth
I promise I still drool over Till just... Richard is so prettily standing there! I cant ignore him!
The firesleeves are so cool and it looks so good, especially with them facing different ways
And freeze! Nice and dramatic
Till hammer time
That one guy really feeling the „DRSG” in the audience XD
3 consecutive thought: it is Benzine fuck yeah, I can never tell if it’s Benzine or Keine Lust, Till’s terrified face
The most Rammstein song to ever Rammstein
Paul going wild XD but I still don’t like his hat
Flake is spazzing again
Du hast
Thank god I’m actually enjoying this song now, I skipped it for half a year
The drums and the beginning and the keyboards are <3
The tongue >w<
People are going wild
I like Richard’s dramatic gesturing. Pretty rockstar boy
The chorus sounds so good
Flake what is that on your head? XD is he a One Piece character?
Did he just casually shoved the mic into his pocket? XD
I much more preffer the newest effect from Paris onwards (which is also my top favourite)
This song has a very special and unique feel to it probably because it screams Live aus Berlin more than any other (and now I feel like watching LAB again)
It’s the chanting in the background probably
He’s sounding sick again :(
You have muscles in the arms (and probably legs too) and chumby in the belly it’s perfect
Lol @ Paul trying to look scary
Ok Richard honey you can stop with the sexy neck tilt
He’s slapping the hell out of his guitar
Please stop pulling your hair out
@Flake on that thing: wierd flex but ok
Sexy fishnet legs
Wow that’s a really soft and nice opening, pretty unexpected
LOL Flake taking off his hat like „sorry for your loss” but considering the song it’s expected from him XD
Beauatiful eyes<3
He’s just nyooming from one side of the stage to the other? XD
That eyeliner looks so fucking good on Till
Flake is suffering :)) (what the fuck was I talking about I can’t remember now that I’m editing)
Even Richard’s hair looks pretty! What the fuck??
The last scene with Schneider (and then his legs)
Those are some fucking guns he has right there
This is the most badass intrumental intro ever
Oooooh so this is where that gif was coming from for some reason it thought it was Engel from MSG. Does this live even has Engel on it?
I love when drummers throw their sticks in the air and then catch them again
Ok the image of Till slowly backing off between Paul and Richard who were both vibing in their own way was really nice
Schneider is enjoiying this isn’t he XD
For some reason this song doesn’t seem as energic as it usually is?
Was Till humping the mic stand? (more likely than you’d think)
Seing Flake and Till doing the hammer side by side is really funny, that’s some size difference
Ich will
Bye bye mic stand again
Till baby what did you do with your throat to make your voice sound like that?
Richard looking to the side during „ich will” hhhhhHhh
Let me slap that ass Till
I want to lick your face
Ohne dich
Ollie what are you doing
Asdfhjkl Flake comforting Till and the way he just rests his head on Flake’s shoulder is breaking my heart
Poor baby come here and let me love you
You can clearly see he’s trerrified
Lsnhxkvj his eyes<3
Nawwww they are kissing
I am silently thristing over Till don’t mind me
Please don’t cry T_T and then him looking over his bangs sfdghjkl
„is he... ya know” pose with a hand in the air Heirate mich style (aka Till Lehmann is a sub)
Look I know he’s suffering and all but I really can’t focus on that with all the water dripping off him
No wonder I didn’t recognised the song it doensn’t even exist to me XD
Till pointing like „you. drop your panties. now” XD
I had half a mind to skip it but then I would have missed Till’s wonderful tongue performance
Was he flicking it to the rythm??
Hearing him sing in english is always so weird (I only recently rediscovered the gem the Children of the Sun is)
Richard what was that sexy face?
Ollie is braving the human seas, telepathy at its finest XD
Hmm that is a really nice lower back
Gangsta XD „how do you do fellow kids”
Paul is enjoying the show
Schneider has killer looks. Literally XD
Half of it went really slow and then the other half went really fast? I don’t understand what happened
So this is the setting for Mit Dir Bin Ich Auch Allein... ok, good to know ;)
You sure this was a good idea 4 songs in and I already wrote 2 pages, now the total is at 6.
I’m not particulary fond of the looks and Till sounds sick so I usually avoid this live. Also some songs are weird with the energy so yeah
Richard is so pretty I can’t (and fucking hot how come I don’t remeber this??)
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fermentedhistorian · 5 years
Another Rammstein ask meme
Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen; a Rammstein song you relate to? Der Meister; What are your beliefs? Weisses Fleisch; tell a funny story Asche zu Asche; favorite Rammstein member Seemann; Do you have any superstitions?  Du reicht so gut; tell an interesting fact Das Alte Leid; Something you want to try Heirate mich; Your thoughts on marriage Herzeleid; your least favorite Rammstein song Leichzeit; Favorite era in history Rammstein; Your ‘creature comforts’ Tier; Your Spirit Animal Engel; Your theory on death Sehnsucht; A big disappointment in your life Bestrafe mich; Are you into BDSM? Du hast; favorite historical moment Bück dich; Have you ever been arrested? Spiel mit mir; Something you wish you could change Klavier; Have you ever left someone? Alter Mann; Are you afraid of getting old? Eifersucht; Are you a jealous person? Küss mich; Something you can't tolerate Mein Herz brennt; Tell about your most recent nightmare Links 2,3,4; Would you do a bad thing for the right reasons? Sonne; Have you ever been addicted to anything? Ich Will; Do you trust people easily? Feuer Frei!; Do you bottle up your emotions? Mutter; Have you ever destroyed something you created? Spieluhr; Do you prefer being alone or with people? Zwitter; Your kink Rein Raus; The craziest thing you've ever done Adios; Something/Someone you desire Nebel; Describe your favorite fantasy Reise, Reise; List of places you've visited Mein Teil; A random fact about yourself Dalai Lama; Your favorite fairytale  Keine Lust; Have you ever lied to make money? Los; What is the purpose of life? Amerika; Do you believe in any conspiracies? Moskau; If you met a member of Rammstein, what would you do? Morgernstern; A fear/phobia Stein um Stein; Favorite mythological god/goddess; Ohne dich; Something you can't live without Amour; Are you a romantic? Benzin; What drugs have you tried? Mann gegen Mann; An experience that changed you Rosenrot; Current obsession Spring; Your favorite classical piece Wo bist du?; Have you ever lost someone you loved? Stirb nicht vor mir; Is there anyone you'd give up your life to save? Zerstören; Worst thing you've ever done to someone Hilf mir; Something you regret Te quiero puta!; Sluttiest thing you've done Feuer und Wasser; Which element do you like most? Ein Lied; Someone you idolize and why Rammlied; carefree or cautious?  Ich tu Dir Weh; Describe your best concert memory Waidmanns Heil; Your favorite quote  Haifisch; Have you ever wanted someone dead? B********; Your favorite personal item Frühling in Paris; tell us about your favorite memory Weiner Blut; Your favorite book Pussy; Would you ever do porn? Liebe ist für alle da; Have you ever pretended to love someone? Mehr; Do you have a personal motto? Roter Sand; Your favorite era of music Feuerräder; top three inspiring people? Wilder Wein; top 3 favorite movies Das Modell; a party or movie night? Kokain; favorite video game Stripped; a flaw that you love Halleluja; favorite historical person Führe mich; is your world black & white or grey? Donaukinder; What is your relationship like with your parents? Halt; how many books do you own? Leise; favorite Disney character Mein Land; describe your average day Vergiss uns nicht; a song that changed you Gib mir deine Augen; Something you want to give back Deutschland; your home country Radio; Have you ever protested? Zeig Dich; Something you disagree with Ausländer; name something you relate to Sex; last time you got laid Puppe; scariest moment of your life Was Ich leibe; Two things you love Diamant; weirdest thing about you Weit weg; Something you’re proud of Tattoo; Do you have any scars? Hallomann; What would you change about the world?
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