magus-echoes · 6 months
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airu27 · 2 years
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A redraw from Yamazaki-sensei’s illustration with bonus Lindolf on my pixiv~(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*:・゚✧
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magomo · 8 months
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Oh don't let Charlie, Nina, Felix Rosier, and all dragon-lovers (including my HPHL MC) hear that Ivy! You're in for an ear-shattering lecture lolz
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Bet your ass Imelda wrote that 🤭
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hphm-jeniferltheman · 2 years
Very late gift for the Birthday of two Slytherin hphm MCs
( Thank God, I thought I'll never gonna have the time)
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OC of ♡ @magomo ♡ ft. Curly-haired Charlie
Sorryyyy na late, ngayon lang ako nagka time dahil nagsimula na ang f2f.... sa ISCP Sun Campus BA International Relations major in pagpapakasal ng AFAM
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OC of ✨ @risobox ✨
I missed a day but will never not do anything for the birthday of dear Leo~
~~~ hope ya'll like it~~~
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witchembrace · 5 months
Tagged: Stole it from @valorheroics !! Tagging: @hxlyknight (for tsumugi + tomomi + vanitas <3) ; @soulsbetrayed (for netzach + aude) ; @pompedia (for ruby + anya + mei) ; @kaizokugaris ; @prodigiousvisions (for keqing) ; and anyone else who wants to !!
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whether it’s the way you bare your teeth when backed in a corner, your loyalty, or your tendency to act on instinct, your reoccurring theme is the dog. like mitski said “i get mean when im nervous, like a bad dog” or how halsey said “i won’t smile but i’ll show you my teeth” even when migos said “dance with my dogs in the night time” the essence of the dog runs through you. you’re tough and a quick draw on the outside, but if we got down to it we’d see you’re acting the only way you’ve ever known how. it doesn’t make you bad, survival is natural, your loyalty and determination is commendable. i don’t blame you for the way you act when your back is against a wall, but please remember to not bite the hand that feeds.
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yoselin-uyu · 2 years
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@magomo Hope you like it 💚💚
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heartofstanding · 1 year
Thinking going back to university to get a degree in medieval history or literature so I can yell at people academically about Eleanor Cobham.
See, like, I feel like there’s massive problems with the ways historians have talked about her. To start with, the author of definitive article about the accusations against her never actually stops calling her a snobby bitch. But generally, they treat her either as an unfortunate connection Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester had or as a mindless extension of Gloucester’s evil. Add into that the weird sexualisation her penance walk have been given - we’re told she was dressed in her underwear (she wasn’t) or punished “like a prostitute”, or the way that her punishment is dismissed as the luxury treatment of an over-privileged woman who escaped the punishment she actually deserved. And I’m not just talking about old or conservative historians here. There’s loudly progressive and feminist historians who do this. I just feel like there’s room for a treatment for Eleanor’s historiography along the same lines that Samantha Katz Seal has done for Philippa Chaucer and Cecily Chaumpaigne (I mean, Eleanor is hardly unique in the need of this approach but y’know I’m more exposed to it).
But also thinking about how I could probably write a whole book about reading narratives about Eleanor Cobham through the lens of abjection and female monstrosity.
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ninaemsaopaulo · 3 months
Cada dia mais interessada na ideia de fechar minhas redes sociais só para mulheres. Impressionante como homens não se preocupam em emitir opinião não solicitada, criticando meus gostos no processo. Acontece até com os mais próximos. Não satisfeitos em arruinar a autoestima das mulheres, vocês gostam de provar que são bons nisso. Prazer mesquinho. É um teste diário de paciência da minha parte pela falta de semancol do s3x0 oposto.
Aqui está o melhor exemplo:
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t0rschlusspan1k · 4 months
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atlantidekids · 1 year
Else-Marie e i suoi sette piccoli papà
Else-Marie ha sette piccoli papà, alti quanto un vaso da fiori, coi loro cappelli e le loro valigette da ufficio, le loro abitudini, e bravi lettori di storie prima di andare a letto. Fin qui nulla di strano, non fosse che la mamma di Else-Marie è alta almeno un metro e settanta. Else-Marie e i suoi sette piccoli papà, di Pija Lindenbaum – 2018, Il Barbagianni Sembra che quello di Else-Marie sia…
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magus-echoes · 6 months
Adolf couldn’t exactly say he rarely felt defeated in life. He was the kind of guy that people walked over without much worry for those whom they trampled underfoot. In this instance, however, he’d forgive the wrongdoing, because the little dragon hatchlings currently huddled up around him in concern were far cuter than any human.
The little Uil who’d bowled into him was poking at his face he lay there in the grass, catching his breath. Their game of chase had gotten a little rowdy, and it was always the Uil chicks who would zoom about, practically taking off into the sky without much awareness of where their wings were going. A slight lapse in awareness in them both had sent Adolf rolling across the ground and every hatchling bowling into each other to create a messy pile of wings and limbs. The culprit, a young chick named Eva, was not new to such incidents; she’d thwacked their Master Lindel hard over the head with a wing just the other day, making it clear she was not quite used to their growing size yet. Head spinning and lungs wheezing, Adolf went to pull himself to his feet, only for a sharp pain to shoot up his wrist, causing him to stagger forward and nearly land back on it. There was a collective squeal from the dragons at this, and three of them rushed away, shouting to each other. 
‘Are you okay?’ Eva fussed, ‘I didn’t mean to… But you really should have run faster!’ 
Shaking his head as the adrenaline died down, Adolf chuckled at the chick’s protests. He was no old man like Lindel was, but he was hardly as spry as he’d used to be. It was both himself and the hatchlings that overestimated his athletic ability.
‘It’s alright,’ he lowered to his knees again, nursing the wrist that was starting to throb, ‘you’ll have to go easier on me next time.’ 
He let go of his wrist to gingerly pat the head of the (at least somewhat) apologetic dragon, before returning to cradle it with a hiss. As he did this, he heard a commotion as several dragons came running back over, their master in tow, but smartly staying a metre or so from the overexcited younglings as they raced each other. 
‘Alright, alright! What’s happened?’ Lindel consoled the protesting Eva, but even as he did so his concerned eyes were looking over Adolf for injuries. Adolf couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia for his youth, where he’d been far more reckless with the dragons and gotten into far worse states. 
‘He just slowed down and before I knew it- WHAM! I ran into him! But I’m very sorry, Master Lindel…’ The Uil hung her head in a little more shame now as Lindel knelt down next to his former apprentice, gently prying his hands from cradling his sore wrist, and taking a look at the damage.
‘Now Eva, I don’t think I’m the one you ought to be apologising to… hm?’ Lindel’s tone was gentle, but stern, and the little dragon’s head drooped even further as she mumbled genuine apologies to Adolf. He couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at that, although the way his master’s eyebrows had shot up upon inspecting his wrist didn’t help his nerves. By this point, even Merituuli had jumped out of the lake to investigate the commotion, and they had a small audience. Given this, Adolf was glad when his master stood up and ushered the young hatchlings away, urging them to play with each other a little more safely. Merituuli inspected the situation with a rather unbothered expression, before promptly walking off and hopping back into the water.
Adolf clambered back up to his feet, wrist held protectively in his other arm as he tried, but failed, not to look at his master with a sheepish expression. The older man was at his side already, and guiding him, by his good elbow, back to where the campfire gently flickered. His legs were a little shaky and his wrist had moved from the throbbing stage to a persistent pain that ran from his hand to his elbow. As he seated himself by the fire, a thick cloak was set around his shoulders, indicating his master had, in fact, noticed his shivers. The warmth and smell was calming, but again, Adolf felt like he was a little past the age to need such babying. 
‘It wasn’t really Eva’s fault - you know how she is with those wings,’ the grimace that graced Lindel’s face told him he knew all too well. The man instinctively rubbed the back of his head.
‘I’m fairly certain I still have a bruise. And she practically sent Merituuli across the mountains!’ Yes indeed, Adolf remembered, it had been a multi-casualty incident. ‘But no bones broken. At least in our case.’ The older man’s blue eyes flickered once again to Adolf’s wrist.
‘It’s broken?!’ It was half with a groan that Adolf asked this, even though he supposed the feeling was familiar. When he was a teenager, long before he’d met Lindel, he’d once broken a bone. He’d injured his foot jumping from a tree, and he was loath to admit that it was this occasion that had come to mind when he’d first hurt his wrist. Lindel tutted,
‘You’re hardly young enough to get away with such injuries anymore. Somehow I manage to escape playing with the hatchlings unscathed, don't I?’ Even though he knew his master was playing around, Adolf’s face reddened a little.
‘This coming from the man who narrowly escaped a concussion from the same culprit!’
‘Childish excuses. You should admit you just want your old master to fuss over you a bit, hm?’ Adolf’s face reddened a lot. He was hardly about to try and insist that Lindel's attention wasn’t welcome, because it was! To admit that, however, was a harder task than it first appeared. His recent ‘vacation’ to the Aerie had been the most relaxed he’d been in such a long time, and this was largely because he’d had his master there with him, both to live alongside and also care for him, somewhat. Was he ready to admit this, however? Absolutely not. He’d decided instead to start fiddling with the edge of the cloak he was snuggled into, coughing rather obviously as he searched for a change of topic. 
‘Meri didn’t seem impressed.’
‘Very little impresses Meri, you know this,’ Suddenly, Lindel’s voice came from directly above Adolf, and he had to crane his neck up rather stupidly to meet his eyes. His gaze followed as the older man knelt down in front of him, his back to the fire, which cast orange light round his silhouette in the dimming day. 
‘Let me look?’ He didn’t even need to ask. Gingerly, Adolf uncovered his wrist, and grimaced at how swollen it now looked. He really didn’t need a broken right wrist right now; there were forms and papers calling his name back at the college. A flick to the forehead distracted him from this thought, but he couldn’t quite voice his protests.
‘Could you stop stressing, and let this master look after you for once?’ Beyond his cool exterior, Adolf could almost see Lindel looking a little frazzled, a tinge of red on his cheeks. As soon as the two pairs of blue eyes met, the blonde directed his gaze downwards instead, and the other was briefly allowed to admire the shadow that long blonde lashes cast over his cheeks. Lindel’s hold on the wrist was gentle as he examined it, but he still placated Adolf with soothing hums at every wince and bite to his lip. Then, the pain melted away as a different kind of warmth spread like warm, rippling water through the bone. The prodding and fixing deftly executed by Lindel wasn’t as easily noticed through the waves of magic flowing from one pair of hands to another.
This was very nostalgic. Whilst he didn’t have a tendency to break bones, younger Adolf had procured his fair share of bruises, bites, scratches and the like. Sometimes Lindel was left incredulous as to how his apprentice had managed, in such a safe environment, to get hurt. Yet, this incredulity never took precedent over his dutiful care for Adolf. Despite his teasing demeanour, he really could be a fusspot at times, and he’d never allow his apprentice to be in pain for very long.
‘I’m spoiled.’ Adolf stated as Lindel’s hands drew reluctantly away. It was meant to have been a dry, sarcastic statement to fend off the tension that had settled low over the two of them. As they met eyes, however, the truth of the statement made it more of a confession than a tease. He missed the warmth of Lindel’s hands on his wrists, and it was something neither the cloak, nor the fire, could compensate for. He leaned imperceptibly forwards, eyes still fixated on those long, blonde eyelashes. His master stayed still, calmly watching the other approach attentively. Adolf kept leaning closer. Perhaps he could get that warmth back if he-
‘Master Lindel! Adolf!’ A blue blur of furs and limbs went pitching into Adolf enough to wind him and send him careening to the floor, clutching his wrist as he landed. 
‘Merituuli!’ Lindel’s voice was more scolding than before, but the selkie was even less apologetic than the little dragon. He got up from where he sat, atop Adolf, and procured three large fish from his bag, holding them up like a prize for the others to inspect.
‘Look what I caught!’ Lindel leant over to pick Adolf up, brushing him off and eyeing his wrist in concern. It was then that Adolf noticed it didn’t hurt anymore, but he hadn’t really expected any less.
They cooked the fish for dinner, and Adolf said nothing about the cloak that had been placed, once again, around his shoulders. Merituuli sat on his lap, making many a joke at his expense about the incident with the dragons. Adolf knew not to take him seriously, and he barely hid a grin when the Selkie handed the larger of the fish to him before Lindel had the chance to distribute them himself. Meri knew how to be a fusspot too, in his own way. He was very like his master in that regard. When Adolf met his master’s watchful eyes over the selkie’s head, however, he got the feeling that his fussing wasn’t over.
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olliexwrites · 7 months
Hello, everyone!! I meant to do this sooner, but I'm finally making my writeblr sideblog!
Ollie | 20 | he/xe/they | demifluid transmasc
Favorite genres are dark fantasy, romance, fantasy in general, mystery, etc.
I tend to make most if not all of my characters LGBTQ+ in some way just because I am. Same with giving them disabilities lol.
current wips under cut...
a grove of silver leaves ->
genres: fantasy, adventure
themes: the struggle for independence, learning to live without someone, overcoming and/or living with disability, etc.
cws: death, possession, suicide, general violence, ableism, cults, abuse, etc.
wip description:
lindenbaum has always been different from her fellow witch; always falling ill, constantly being taken care of, and feeling weaker than the rest. however, when tragedy strikes her home and her body can no longer support her as it once had, she discovers a dark secret that her entire clan had kept out of sight, and learns that everything she was taught as a child isn't as black and white as she thinks it is.
main characters:
lindenbaum -- protagonist. she/her. aroace + bi. disabled from the waist down partway into the story. has a temper and is tired of being lied to.
lector -- deuteragonist. he/him. exiled doctor who's willing to help lindenbaum on her journey. scary when angered. rumored to be evil, but is actually sweet.
stella -- she/her. russian. sought out lector alongside her partner wistaria for an unknown reason. reluctantly travels alongside the others.
wistaria -- agender. they/them. blind in one eye and eventually gains a prosthetic arm. stella's partner (both romantically and in crime). very pessimistic but a softie on the inside.
raymond -- trans. he/him. a blind medic who has a security cat. leaves his home behind so he can be free from its bindings and joins the main group partway through their journey.
vividium ->
genres: fantasy, adventure
themes: tba
cws: tba
wip description:
vampire albain discovers that the seven realms need his help when he's accidentally sucked through a mirror portal. more tba.
main characters:
albain miriam -- protagonist. vampire. 23. gay. selfish and easily angered. learns to be nicer later.
sycamore -- eventual romantic partner of albain. human. 25. bisexual. nice and friendly. got sucked through a mirror portal on accident like albain did.
life / cynthia -- ageless. she/her. other self of death / dahlia. blind and mute. in exchange, can hear and smell just fine.
death / dahlia -- ageless. she/her. other self of life / cynthia. deaf and can't smell. in exchange, can see and speak just fine.
black / kuro -- he/him. 16. other self / brother of white / shiro.
white / shiro -- he/him. 16. other self / brother of black / kuro.
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magomo · 8 months
Egon Lindenbaum
Jacob and Nina Lindenbaum's Papa
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"Egon Lindenbaum is said to look almost identical to his grandfather, who took his wife's surname and married into the Lindenbaum family."
👀 Who does he look like? Who's Egon's grandfather, Jacob and Nina's great-grandfather?
If you don't know, yes you do. 😌
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hphm-jeniferltheman · 2 years
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[ Also for reader's convenience, I translate her thoughts in English but in fact she was thinking in Tagalog~]
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New HPHM OC....(but not for long): Kapoya Uy
Kapoya was a Gryffindor student who attended Hogwarts shortly before being expelled. Rumor has it that it was because of Jeniferl's "curse" that turned Kapoya into a "monster" for being her friend.
However, Kapoya insists that she is solely to blame for what happened because she was so tired of her bullies casting spells on her. She was merely attempting to frighten them a little, but because her amulet had broken, she was unable to restrain her demonic abilities. She was glad that no one was badly hurt and apologizes to them, however she was expelled. Though she wasn't particularly unhappy but rather excited because she will be transferring to a secret magical school for her kind. She promised jeniferl that she will give her a letter of invitation to her new school in the future....
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[To be continued]
Finally introduced Kapoya for that Filipino version of Hogwarts! Howeverrr that will be for next time✨✨✨Jeniferl is accompanied by Nina and Yang~~
HPHM mc(owned by fellow Filipino) :
Nina by @magomo
Yang by @piyangg
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witchembrace · 5 months
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Thinking of Lin again ....... I should write her more
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