#like you too!!! YOU TOO LOVE VERY VERY MUCH volo
volostogekiss · 1 year
five moments when he realized how much he’s in love with you:
Warnings: Mention of suicide/death, very depressed Volo (with bad thoughts), suggested/mild violence.
GN!reader, strong reader ngl, hurt/comfort, the whole thing with Volo.. y’know. This got away from me (it’s long), and I really can’t say much about this besides I wanted to see what Volo was thinking when it came to the one he loves. :’)
1 | when you showed him the new plates you’d gathered
To put it mildly, you were fond of Volo.
To put it truthfully… you were terribly captivated by him.
It couldn’t be helped, you tried persuading yourself, since he was a rather lovely man. He’d been kind to you during all of your encounters, or perhaps it was that the majority of other villagers and Hisuian people had made it easy for you to commend any decently sympathetic behavior, really.
Either way, it was hard to repress your growing feelings for the beautiful, bright, silly little merchant.
You didn’t believe that he was just a trader, not with his ability to appear without warning like a swift spring downpour, drenching you before you had a chance to locate shelter. That was quite like him too, in how he could flood you with knowledge of all the history Hisui had to share, and yet, you still felt as if he knew something you didn’t.
Unfortunately, that only fascinated you even more.
He wasn’t like anyone else in Hisui who you knew.
True, you didn’t know many people here, but there was just something about him which complicated forgetting about him like all the rest.
Maybe it was because Volo treated you gently—like a friend, that dreamy mess of your mind suggested—and after months of being downtrodden and judged without reprieve, that was what you needed to feel alive again.
To feel cared for, to feel loved.
The beginning of your budding attraction had sprouted from his understanding advice, his surely unfounded concern for a stranger like you, and admittedly—although somewhat exaggerated in your opinion—his startling praise.
You liked to think the two of you were friends. To be fair, you knew a bit about him, that he enjoyed exploring ruins and historical sites and poring over ancient artifacts and manuscripts. When you decided on finding him for once, rather than the other way around, you told yourself as much.
You told yourself as much, so that you wouldn’t have to concede that there was another reason, concealed by your practical need for a translator, behind wanting to find him.
The past few weeks, you’d been searching for him between survey tasks to no avail, and you’d had a feeling that perhaps the man was just unwilling to be found.
If only you had known how true that had been, and that Volo enjoyed being the one to seek, rather than be sought.
On your way back to the village after a grueling expedition, it had crossed your mind that he might be craftier than you’d first suspected, and that the certain guile about him wasn’t just for wheedling a customer into buying his guild’s latest stock.
And of course, while you were pondering him, that was when he had found you.
Of course, it was when you weren’t out looking for him any longer, did he show up.
Though despite that, and despite how tired you were… you still felt yourself perking up when you saw him.
Volo was the same as always, carrying that massive pack and meandering about without a care in the world. And as he crested one of the slopes leading up to Aspiration Hill, he chirped your name, waved with a flourish like he typically did, and caused your heart to thud a bit more loudly in your chest.
You were glad to see him.
Yet you were oblivious to how painfully glad he was to see you.
He looked forward to finding you whenever he could, and he wasn’t sure when exactly it had happened. Maybe it was because you were the one who fell from the sky, maybe it was because you humored him, or maybe it was because you had a habit of keenly listening to his theories for hours. Cogita didn’t appreciate how he often prattled on—actually, he wasn’t sure anyone else did—but you…
You’d said you liked his voice, and Volo had paused, unable to say anything until you laughed.
From then on, Volo couldn’t fathom it, but every time he saw you, he had found it more and more difficult to lock away those feelings.
They welled up in his chest when he called your name again.
However, instead of returning his greeting, the first thing you did was to charge right over the hill and yell at him.
At your unwarranted outburst, Volo was caught between utter shock and hiding his blatant amusement at how ruffled you were, a sight he didn’t often witness. As though confirming that you’d really been addressing him though, he merely aimed an index finger at himself.
“Yeah, you! Why are you so hard to find!?”
The merchant swore that you’d mumbled something else underneath your breath, but he was too absorbed in the fact that you’d been searching for him. Ah. A knowing grin was already curling onto his lips.
Despite how busy you were, you were looking for him. What did that say about what you thought of him?
Never one to miss an opportunity to tease you, Volo cocked his head to the side with a mischievous chuckle. “If I had known you were looking for me, my dearest friend, I would’ve surely shown up sooner!”
You did your best to remain unfazed by his pleasant words; with righteous indignation, you crossed your arms, attempting to keep up the act. Stupid, pretty merchant, too damn handsome for his own good.
…This was bad, and you needed to wake up.
“Might I know why you were so diligently looking for me?”
Volo now wiggled that pointer finger at you, and even as you fought against the urge, you wondered what it would be like to hold his hand in yours.
Warm, probably.
You pushed aside the thought, however, and averted your eyes to your satchel. You needed to compose yourself.
“Well, I remembered you’d wanted to see the plate I’d gotten from Lord Kleavor.” Fumbling in your bag for all the others you’d obtained since last running into Volo, you leveled your breathing and collected yourself. “You told me how excited you were about them, and that you were searching for a few yourself in the coastlands.”
You risked a sideways glance at him.
He hadn’t said anything, but his grin had widened, the dimple deepening beside the right of lips.
It was as if he’d been prompting you to go on, that he was interested, that he was raptly hanging onto each of your words.
So, even with your wobbling, smitten heart, you took a breath to ground yourself, then went on, “I figured since you really liked taking a look at them before, and I’m curious about them, why not show you the new ones I found so far…?”
While you withdrew a first pair of pink and brown plates from your bag, you trailed off, thankfully, for Volo was astounded, if only for a second.
You… remembered that about him. You’d come to him because you’d remembered he’d liked them.
When was the last time someone else had done that?
Almost instinctively, he was wading through a familiar melancholy at the realization, but it receded quickly when he saw how eager you appeared, how you really wanted to be around him.
“Oh, how generous of you!” laughed Volo, his tone lively as he tried to distract you from his temporary shock. “It seems you already know me, don’t you?”
He wasn’t prepared for your response, however.
You simply smiled at him.
But this smile was different than any of yours he’d seen before.
This one…
This one reached your eyes.
It brought a distinct joy to your face that was never present when you were around anyone else, almost private in how you’d guarded such an expression so vigilantly, and he suddenly, irrationally wished he could keep it for himself. He wished you would always turn to him with that smile, instead of wearing that unreadable, neutral look you’d been coerced into adopting everywhere you went in Hisui.
Oh. Against his prudent sense for what he would one day need to accomplish, Volo’s heart trembled at the thought, and that smile seemed to seal his fate.
It was then that he knew that things wouldn’t be as easy as he’d thought they’d be.
“Well, apparently not well enough to find you when I’ve been trying for weeks,” you confessed with a cheeky hum, “but that just means I’ll have to get to know you really well now, doesn’t it Volo?”
He blinked once, twice.
“You were looking for me for weeks?”
“Of course, I was!” That smile was still on your face. “You’re the only one who I could talk to about these things!”
When he’d taken in your words and seen your beaming face, all just for him, a blooming sensation of warmth and contentment flooded his heart—his poor, stony heart, having spent an eternity in isolation.
Volo wouldn’t let you know that, however, as he tipped the lid of his hat toward you and announced cheerily, “Then, the pleasure is all mine.”
You laughed, handed him the two plates, and winked at him.
“I think it’s all mine, actually.”
And Volo was sure, at that moment, even though he really should have tried to stop himself,
he loved you more than he should have. 
2 | when you appeared out of snow and ice
Volo knew that you were strong.
While that should’ve posed a problem for him and his future plans, the ridiculous empathy—yes, just empathy, he told himself—he had for you was overriding every clear thought he had about marching off across the snowy expanse and ignoring you.
It wasn’t as though you were fighting a colossus of ice, capable of ending your very life with just a snort of his glacial breath or a toss of his enormous head, rigid and unable to be tempered by anything other than brutal nature itself.
It wasn’t as though his heart jolted and splintered just a bit more every time he heard the thundering echo of the noble’s roar, felt its sinister tremor quaking beneath the earth.
He was as worried as anyone else was, he told himself again. That was why he was waiting like the others, albeit from a more distant and secure vantage.
Although, Volo supposed he wouldn’t be very safe if you were defeated and Lord Avalugg’s rampage turned deadly, so he thought it best you subdue it.
Yes, that was all.
He stamped his feet once, rubbed at his arms with his frozen fingers, and sighed again, a great puff of chalky mist rising into the frosty air.
But still, his heart betrayed his true feelings.
Regardless of how he tried to tint it, it was that ingratiating worry which gradually began to chill him more than the arctic weather, and he probably wouldn’t be able to hide how cold it had made him for long.
You were strong.
So why couldn’t he stop worrying?
No, Volo couldn’t cease his pitiful worrying. He couldn’t at all when with a somber cry, the icelands then fell silent, the snow once more lying in innocent clouds, and everything dulled to its lifeless shade of pale gray.
Despite his inability to see into the mire of white settling above him, his heart was brimming with hope before he could dampen it. He didn’t know how long it’d been since you’d gone to fight. Though with every minute he’d spent pacing tiny circles at the base of the mountain and imagining what could’ve gone horrendously wrong, he knew he couldn’t convince himself there was nothing personal about the way he was concerned for you.
No, he couldn’t. And he couldn’t hide his worry, melting away into unbridled relief, when finally, finally you emerged from the haze of snow and ice that had been leisurely walking its way down the slope, committed to concealing you from him for far too long.
Volo wasn’t sure when he had started running. He had heard the starchy snow crunching beneath his boots, but then he heard nothing else when you cried his name.
And then he was smiling. He was shouting your name. He was still running toward you.
The way you lit up and hobbled toward him as quickly as you could, despite how you were bruised and winded and exhausted, made the worry all worth it.
Volo knew everything was worth it, for you. 
3 | when no one else wanted you—
He saw you.
He saw you, crouching atop the grassy stones high above the fieldlands waterfall.
Every muscle in his body commanded him to rush forward, but he didn’t want to frighten you. It was a first, considering how often he liked to see you jump and whirl around to face him. You didn’t this time though, your hunched figure instead sluggishly rocking back and forth as your Decidueye huddled against you.
…because you were hurt.
Volo had seen you smattered with cuts, he had seen you worn from your battles, and he had seen you doubt yourself when you thought no one else was looking.
However, he had never seen you like this before.
You were devastated.
They had really hurt you more than they ever had before.
Volo almost wanted to curse aloud. Why would they do this to you? You had done nothing to them to warrant this—if he thought about it, he was the one to be indirectly guilty—and yet…!
…Was he really any better than them, though? He wasn’t supposed to love you, but here he was, his allegiances like dead branches clinging miserably to the tree, swaying whichever direction the wind decided it fancied, and waiting for the day they inevitably fell to uselessness.
Shaking his head, Volo dismissed the thought. No, he was better than those villagers, those people from the clans. He didn’t betray you like they had.
Yet, hissed that infernal voice in his head.
Volo didn’t want to think about it.
And he didn’t have to then, for Decidueye had straightened immediately, poised for an attack.
It was to be expected, wasn’t it? He hadn’t thought you the careless type to forgo cautiousness, especially after everything you’d just gone through, so it didn’t surprise him to see you abruptly still when your Pokémon growled.
Justifiably, your partner was wary of any more humans who might approach you.
Lifting his hands to show that he wanted no trouble, Volo held Decidueye’s gaze for a long, scrutinizing second.
It took another few before the Pokémon eventually dropped his wings to his sides.
Still, Decidueye seemed to be warning him as his sharp eyes flicked from Volo to the water racing under the ledge they were perched upon: I will not hesitate to remove you if you bring more harm to us.
Volo knew better than to antagonize your Pokémon. Silently, he nodded in acknowledgement, which appeared to satisfy Decidueye, and he then lowered his arms.
He looked at you again.
You still hadn’t moved, but you definitely knew he was there.
…He should say something, shouldn’t he?
His voice was hushed when he finally found something to say to you—not what he truly wished to say, but what he could manage from everything you knew of him.
Something that wouldn’t sound odd, coming from him. Something that would reassure you that he was still the same, even if everyone else you knew had changed. Even as Volo had thought it, he wasn’t sure he believed it, but he wasn’t about to question himself now.
You needed him to be the person you’d always known him as—the merchant, the historian, the friend you could rely on.
And so he would be.
“Strange events seem to follow you wherever you go, don’t they?”
You said nothing, but Volo didn’t press you. He knew you had heard him over the churning water.
Slowly, instead, he found his place beside you. He moved tentatively under Decidueye’s apprehensive supervision, reminding him of what would happen if he faltered.
Nonetheless, it was promising that you hadn’t pushed him away.
You permitted him to come closer, in fact, and as he shifted slightly so that his shoulder was practically touching yours, he swore you almost leaned into him.
He could feel how warm you were, even as a light breeze streaked past, but he remained where he was.
He would wait for as long as you needed.
While Volo had trekked up the cliffside, the ominous, crimson sun had been burning lowly, descending toward the charred horizon. Now, as he squinted at the warped and discolored sky, he could see it was nearly touching the mountains.
He didn’t mind that you hadn’t said anything, though it was worrying you had probably sequestered yourself here for quite a while. Volo knew when you had been banished—the miscreants hadn’t even allowed you to wake with the stretch of unnatural dawn—and given the supposed time of day now, it was certainly alarming.
“I think I should still be mad.”
Your voice was so muffled and tired and unlike anything Volo had ever known from you, that even as the noise of the surging waterfall rang in the air, he only heard you.
He was fixated only on you.
“Shouldn’t I be mad?” Your hands were curling over your arms; thankfully, Volo noticed no injuries on them. “I did everything—I fucking did everything for them, and then they threw me away when it was convenient for them.”
You sighed, flattened a leg against the ground, and slapped a hand down in frustration.
“If I stayed angry, it would help me forget about everything else, wouldn’t it? I could be so lost in how angry I was that I wouldn’t even know what I should be mad at anymore… But now I just feel empty. I don’t even know where I should go. Where I can go.”
Something stirred in Volo’s heart. He understood what that hollowness, that void felt like, but he didn’t want to imagine your suffering, screaming at nothing, tearing at yourself.
How pathetic that they couldn’t appreciate you.
They didn’t deserve you.
“If you’ll trust me,” Volo offered, and he was then aware of how you had finally raised your head, “I know of somewhere safe for you.”
You were staring at him now, though Volo had turned away from you.
He had asked you to trust him, but a shard of guilt was steadily wedging itself into the cracks of his heart.
Maybe he didn’t deserve you either.
But when his name fell from your lips so reverently, he forgot that guilt. It was too easy to forget when it came to you, until it wasn’t. He needed to be here for you, and what that meant for his future, he would deal with then.
“I trust you.”
He turned back to you, saw your face for the first time since he’d arrived, and then he was pulling you close.
He wouldn’t ever forget that look upon your face.
“I will always appreciate you, even if they won’t.”
“…Thank you. It means a lot that you decided to look for me, even if that would put you in danger of their judgment, too.”
Their judgment means nothing when I will always love you.
He only tugged you closer.
You were fully leaning into him now, languishing for comfort in your vulnerable state, and Volo would give you exactly that.
It seemed you thought the same, for when Volo covered your hand with his, he finally felt you relax against him, enough so that you could speak again.
“You said that strange events seem to follow me wherever I go.”
“But I think even stranger people seem to follow me, you know,” you said meaningfully, your fingers curling between his, “people who want me for who I am, unlike all the others.”
His heart fluttered. He squeezed your hand in his own answer.
Oh, you had no idea how much Volo wanted you, and no one else wanted you like he did. 
4 | the fated day on mount coronet
He wanted to apologize for being the reason you had such a look on your face. He was the one who had hurt you. He wanted to tell you that he had never meant it, but in some malevolent fold of his mind he had. He couldn’t stand it. He wanted to forget about everything. He wanted to start over, and if you had just let him—given him exactly what he wanted (but what had he truly wanted?)—then you could’ve begun again together, in a new world.
So he could have told you honestly that he loved you.
But he couldn’t.
Volo didn’t know what he could say, as you trapped him beneath you, your hands shackles around his wrists. Painted with fiery wrath as the setting sun outlined you in vivid gold, you were truly a sight to behold when you snarled his name and demanded why he had done this.
There had to be something else wrong in his mind for him to still think you were stunning amid your ire.
“Tell me.”
Your knees dug into his sides, the flexing of your hips on his distracting him for a disgraceful moment. He had let his guard down after Giratina had fled, and then here he was, pinned and at the mercy of your questioning. It was ironic he had intended to subject Arceus to the same, to wring answers from it as you were with him. He laughed. He laughed again when your grip tightened and your nails pinched his skin. Though as the creator always remained silent, he would say nothing you wanted to hear. Volo was sure his violent sneer said plenty, but when he forced himself to say something—anything, anything to pretend this had all been a farce—he knew he shouldn’t have said it.
“I hate you.”
He shouldn’t have said it. Not when your expression had then broken like a sheet of river ice, shattered by the unfortunate soul of his words that meant to drown your heart in the frigid water below. Yes, I should have. Volo wanted to convince himself that he was right to have said it. After all, you were the Chosen One, weren’t you?
You had stolen everything from him—his place before Arceus, his dreams, his world. And in it all, as foolish as he had known it was, for you were never once truly his, you had stolen even yourself from him.
It was unsurprising how much he had wanted you, and yet, he should have known how absurd those feelings were.
You should have stayed far from him; he should have made sure of it. But throughout the time you had spent with one another, months after months, you had somehow become a part of that everything he had worked for, yearned for, and so impossibly devoted himself to.
And then, you had almost become his everything too—his reason, his muse, threatening to change his mind about the plan he had set in motion long before your arrival in Hisui.
Why couldn’t you have just agreed with him?
He had shoved you off himself in your weakness, watched you fall back before springing to your feet and shouting words he told himself he couldn’t hear.
You could’ve made this easy, but you… Volo had snapped again. You just had to get in my way, with your infuriating heroism, your disgusting perseverance, your impeccable talent in battle, your delightful smile, your heart so full of love for—!
Perhaps that was why he had said he hated you. To blame you, even though Volo knew the fault was only in himself. Because he had allowed you to get in his way. Because he loved you too much to just let you go without hurting you, because he had known that you would never acquiesce to his ambitions, because he had been too stubborn to stop himself when the plates were so close, and you were so close.
But he had forced you away with his fury, tossed the final plate to you, and wished he would never see you again.
Volo had told you that too, when he abandoned you on the temple summit. Because I hate you. Because I’ve failed. Because I’m ashamed. Because I don’t deserve you. Because I—
…if he really hated you, why, then, as his feet took him farther and farther from you with every step, did his heart wish to wrench from his chest just to be with you?
No, it never could’ve been easy.
He knew why.
Because I love you.
And he always would, no matter how many times he lied to himself.
5 | when you’d found one another again, after everything
Volo should’ve known that despite his vicious words, spiked with poison and disdain and bitterness, you wouldn’t give up on him.
After all, your tenacity was one of the things he loved about you. He just hadn’t expected you to waste the entirety of it on him, so that you could cut away the thorns protecting his heart.
They were ugly spires of tarred anger and hatred, meant to seal the cracks in his heart, but never meant to heal the wounds inflicted upon him from all the awful things he could not easily let go.
All this time, he had hardly been living, fueled only by his warped sense of selfishness and selflessness between which he could no longer differentiate.
But every day, you snipped at another barb. Some days, you wrestled it off harshly. Other days, he tolerated your gentleness in prying it free. Even when you allowed those thorns to snag at you with no concern for your own safety, when you still stayed despite how he pushed you away, Volo didn’t want to admit that you were giving life back to him, one breath at a time.
If he did, he knew he would break.
And there would be no turning back for him.
“You just wish to see me break,” he’d spat at you, “so that it can be your retribution.”
Volo knew it wasn’t true. I was the one who wanted to see you break. You knew as well. He didn’t want to say that he was only lashing out, but you knew anyway.
On those days when you had to fight to twist the thorns from his heart, he would insist on wielding his insults, once more build his inadequate defenses in a futile effort to weather your assault of compassion, and scoff at how you wouldn’t just let him be.
“I forgive you, you know.”
That was always your response. If he offended you, you never said anything about it. You would only smile at him afterwards.
But the smile never reached your eyes.
And it was his fault.
He sometimes wished you would be angry with him instead, as you had been on Mount Coronet.
It had been months since his betrayal, or at least, that was how long Volo had thought it had been. Certain there were people hunting him for what he’d done, he had been wandering ever since, with no place to go but wherever his body next gave up on him. He knew he was disappointing his Pokémon. He had resorted to leaving them in their capsules, for he couldn’t bear to see their sorrow and claim responsibility for it. Every day had seemed too long for him. He had no purpose anymore, and he wouldn’t deny that he often considered if it would’ve been better for him to dwindle away without a trace.
He wouldn’t be missed, anyway.
…So why was he here?
Volo wasn’t sure if it had been weeks he’d spent in your secluded alcove, a series of rising caves carved over centuries by the highest tides of new moons. He didn’t ask when you had learned of this place, beyond the flats and by the West Sea, but you knew he was curious. It was obvious to you; most people knew he was curious about many things.
He was surprised you indulged him still: You told him that Wyrdeer had wanted to take you here when you’d called upon him after your exile.
You didn’t say why you hadn’t been able to reach the caves, though.
Volo knew why. Having seen you that day above the waterfall, he needed no more explanation. He didn’t deserve an explanation either, not when he had hurt you the same way.
No, he had hurt you more than they had.
So why hadn’t he left you yet?
He could’ve left whenever he had threatened to do so. When he had initially declared it with such vehemence, you had just agreed, shrugged, and moved on with your chores.
Somehow, your passive reply had only encouraged him to remain where he was. It was another challenge from you, wasn’t it?
Volo knew it wasn’t a challenge from you, but one from his own heart—to test himself, to tempt himself into deserting you again.
Even when he said he would, he never could leave.
He often watched you go, however. If he was awake when you departed, his eyes would follow you until he could see you no longer. It had been mortifying for him to realize that they would seek your figure the second you returned, too.
“You can leave if you’d like,” you had proposed plainly, assuming his fleeting glances were indicative of a wish for freedom. “I didn’t tell everybody about you. None of them are looking for you.”
He hadn’t been able to ask why.
Skeptical of your claim, Volo hadn’t understood why you had spared him from their judgment, until he saw the harrowing question on your face.
“Why would I want you banished like I had been?”
You ripped a handful of thorns out of his heart that day.
Despite that, sometimes he thought that eventually you would have enough of him, you would be the one to leave, and you wouldn’t come back. He never said it aloud, but he was grateful you were here. When you had disappeared for the first time, he had panicked, even with your note of courtesy—courtesy his behavior hadn’t merited—describing where you were traveling. He couldn’t help it. Volo feared losing you again. Even if he never told you, he looked forward to your return; he felt his heart leap against his ribs when he spotted your straw hat in the broad grassland below, when he heard your sandals scuff the cave floor with that familiar shuffle.
He had grown too used to your presence.
Or was it that he was giving in, reminded by how things had once been between you two?
He liked to think you cared, for why else would you still visit the caves, even after you had been toiling away without him? You didn’t need him, but he didn’t want to believe it was only haughty optimism inspiring such a vain question.
Then why had you bothered to take him in after discovering him, sprawled out in the mirelands, unconscious in a pool of mud, and on the precipice of crumbling to nothing? You hadn’t even informed the villagers or the clans about his foiled plot, grandiose in its failure, and about the danger that he could pose.
Because of you, he was free to wander. He never went far though, only down to the beach or to the grove ideal for his Pokémon’s sunlit naps, but he had one less worry because of you.  
Perhaps you felt you had a favor to repay, when he had done the same for you. You just didn’t want any debts to him.
Of course, then, it had to be when he was at his lowest that you found him for the first time, when he had always been the one to find you.
Of course, out of all people, you had to be the one who found him, too.
Arceus was a cruel god.
…Then why did its Chosen save him?
No. Volo knew it was wrong to think of you that way. Why did you save him?
It was shame that kept him from asking anything of you, rather than the abyssal rage that had for too long seeped into every fracture in his heart.
Volo didn’t know when he’d let that brand of his anger die out. Maybe it was the moment you had found him again. Maybe it was when you’d brushed the tangles from his hair, and he had let you, because it made him feel like this was how things should have been. Maybe it was with each barb you removed, a thread of his anger went, too.
In place of the fury that had devastated his heart, shame mourned every one of his mistakes instead, and he couldn’t bear to expel it, not when he really should regret how he’d treated you.
He was tired of it, too. He was tired of trying to convince himself that he hated you. He was tired of being alone, but he couldn’t find it in himself to admit that to you. His Pokémon enjoyed your company along with your companions’, and for that, he was glad, but even when they tried to urge him into accepting the happiness he could find with you, he couldn’t.
Why did he deserve your forgiveness?
Volo watched you sweep the dust from the cave, a laugh bubbling from you when your Hippowdon snorted in her sleep and sent the debris straight back inside.
His throat clenched.
He didn’t deserve it.
Whether you’d misconstrued his shame for the spite he’d harbored for you upon the Temple of Sinnoh or not, you revealed nothing to him. If not for the way you were more subdued, your words more measured than he’d remembered, he would’ve thought you were acting as if nothing was wrong.
Volo wasn’t sure he preferred it that way.
He knew, however, that things were indeed wrong, and it was up to him to mend, rather than destroy.
Though even as he knew so, another three days had passed before he gathered the courage necessary to broach the subject.
Like most other nights, as Togekiss slept in her nest beside him, Volo observed you dabbling in arranging flowers or inking notes into your journal before heading off to rest in a lower cavern. Tonight, under the moonlight, you were preening an assortment of pink wildflowers, white Oran blossoms, and yellow King’s Leaves in a stout clay pot when he finally spoke up.
“Why are you doing this?”
From the opposite side of the small cave, he thought he saw you flinch. Strange, that it was no insult he had hurled at you so far that elicited such a reaction from you.
“You must have other tasks to see to than to waste your time on me.”
You were plucking at the golden leaves now, adjusting them this way and that, but still, you were silent.
“So why… why are you still doing this?”
Volo wasn’t sure why he was talking so much.
Maybe it was that he really was healing, and his curiosity had returned, or that he didn’t want you to think he still hated you.
Your hands stopped moving. The stalks of the flowers sagged.
He saw you take a breath, then turn to him.
And for the first time since you had brought him here, your eyes met, and he couldn’t look away.
“I may have been a core member of the Galaxy Team, but I have my own life to live. And even if I lived how the villagers wanted me to, it would never be enough for them, would it?”
The implication of your question, one that neither of you had any predilection for answering, caused Volo to tense.
He didn’t miss the way that you stiffened as well.
“And,” you continued, your eyes never once leaving his, “if I decide that I want you in my life, I think that’s up to me, and up to you, but no one else.”
Why would you?
Volo couldn’t move.
He could only watch as you stood, the pearly moonlight dappling your figure with an array of stars, gleaming with every step you took toward him.
Before he could protest at how close you were, you had seated yourself before him, and Volo was humiliated by the pain in your eyes.
That was his fault.
He was shaking. He had thought he could do this. He still could, couldn’t he? He had to.
And then, before he had a chance to run, the words escaped him.
“How can you forgive me?”
A thousand ways Volo had envisioned asking you what had weighed on his conscience ever since you’d found him, and a thousand ways he’d imagined your response. He would ask you, shouting or crying or pleading, but even in his better dreams, you would only nod. You would nod, tell him you understood, and then you would leave before you could say you’d always truly meant that you’d forgiven him. He didn’t like to think of the nightmares, when you boasted that he’d fallen for your lie, and then you would echo his own words back to him: “I wish to see you suffer and agonize as I do.”
But here you were, smiling at him.
“I remember you once said something to me.”
How many sleepless nights did you have?
He didn’t know what he had told you that had kept you so at peace in front of him, but he couldn’t believe the words of a traitor had provided you the wisdom to forgive him.
Folding your hands across your lap, you stared off toward where the moonlight filtered in. He may have thought you were calm, but inside, you were struggling to continue.
I had many. Too many, without you.
“It was only a few months after I had met you,” you started quietly, “and I had helped return the Wall Fragment to Warden Calaba.”
Still, he wasn’t sure where you were going with this.
“You spoke of her faults that people often mentioned, that she was too stubborn, too old-fashioned.”
The cave was silent, save for the distant melodies of the retreating waves. Volo waited for them to return, heard their soaring notes as they rolled in, and his anticipation for what you would say next swelled along with them.
“But you didn’t think she really hated the Diamond Clan or the Galaxy Team—rather, you thought she simply loved the Pearl Clan very, very much.”
You turned back to him, and Volo saw only grief in your eyes.
He looked away.
“I think that you’re the same, in a way. You simply love what’s important to you very, very much.”
His breath caught in his throat.
“You love history, the ruins, myths, and the questions no one else could answer but you. You love your Pokémon. I know you love many things in Hisui. And when you love something, I think it’s natural you want to protect it.”
Volo felt your fingers on his. He was still looking away.
Nothing you were saying was like that of his dreams or his nightmares. He had a feeling you had been preparing for this very moment longer than he had.
“When I thought of that, I couldn’t hate you.”
His heart was quivering, just as his hand was in yours. Your palm was warm. He realized how cold he was then. You were warm. Your words were everything he needed to hear.
You were everything he needed.
“I couldn’t stay angry with you.”
Volo couldn’t hold on anymore. Was he hanging on, about to tumble into the chasm of his own folly, or was he waiting to finally be pulled to safety by his hope, by your salvation?
The lull of your comfort was too inviting to disregard. You were breathing into him that last breath he needed—
“I could forgive you, Volo, because I knew how much you could love, and how much you still love.”
—and then he let you pull him in.
He cried as you took him in your arms, embraced him like he meant the world to you, and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
The guilt, the sorrow, the days he thought of ending it all—
he didn’t know if he could forget them, but with you, he wanted to try.
“I’m sorry.”
His apology was unending, perhaps worthless with how he repeated it as if you hadn’t heard him.
But you had. He knew you had, but he couldn’t stop the doubt.
“I know,” you said faintly.
“I didn’t hate you. I didn’t. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“I know. I forgive you.”
“I’m sorry.”
Volo wasn’t sure he could stop.
Were hours passing as you held him, let his tears wet your clothes, and listened without judgment?
You were too good for him.
He didn’t know when he’d finally fallen silent, but he felt you tilt his head back, and then your lips were smoothing the wrinkle between his brows.
They touched his cheeks, his nose. His lashes fluttered over his eyes. His heart was reaching for yours, and he couldn’t fight it. He didn’t want to fight it anymore.
I love you.
You kissed his forehead, brought your warm fingers to his cheeks. Your hands smelled of flowers.
He shuddered.
“I love you, Volo,” you whispered against his lips.
And then, he knew nothing else but you.
He said your name like a word of immaculate praise, and you replied with his, a faithful murmur on the sea breeze.
I love you.
He felt your breath hitch—were you as nervous as he was?
Volo knew he was. He couldn’t go back anymore. You were his fate from the day he’d met you, and as if he had been searching his whole life for this moment, he kissed you.
A torrent of emotions crashed over him when his lips met yours completely; affection and pleasure and bliss coursed through him in wonderful harmony. It had been so long since Volo had last succumbed to such feelings that he was nearly overwhelmed. And they were because of you. You, you, you. Your lips were soft, perfect. How many times had he dreamed of kissing them? He didn’t know. His mind was fuzzy with desire, and he didn’t think he could let you go. Not when an aching heat fanned at his heart, and a pleasing tension knotted inside him, craving your touch.
I love you.
He didn’t know when his hands had found your waist, but when you gasped as he drew you closer, he was almost viscerally aware of how gravely he wanted you, needed you.
You were the same, however. Grasping fingers tugged at his hair, at his clothes. As if you couldn’t contain yourself any longer, you were pushing against him, your hips sinking into his, and when his tongue traced your lips, you moaned so splendidly.
It sent a wash of giddy ecstasy careening over him, and Volo knew he had already been hopelessly swept away by you.
Roaming across his jaw, his arms, his chest, your touch was a welcome caress, defying his qualms for as long as he held you. Subconsciously, Volo mirrored you, desperate to feel all of you against him. He tucked a leg around your waist, angled himself away for an inconvenient moment of respite, but then he dove in again, nipping at your lips between kisses, sweeping a hand over your chest—
and then he felt it.
He stopped. He drew back from you to stare at your flushed face, your brilliant eyes, as if to tell himself that yes, it was you.
Beneath his fingertips, your frantic pulse thrummed just like the intense pounding of his own heart.
Your heart. You were alive. You were here with him now.
You had shown it all to him, allowed your heart to sit in his hands, and he was blessed to feel its beat rippling with a sweet warmth through him.
And as your heart sang only for him, his heart would only ever sing for you, the one who would never let him go.
You were smiling at him, and this time, that smile reached your eyes.
He would never let you go again.
Volo would never let you go again, so that he could show you how much he still loved, without a doubt in his heart at all.
He leaned in. His lips found yours as he smiled, and finally, he could honestly tell you,
“I love you.”
Sometime much later…
“You know, Volo, I don’t know if it was lucky or not that I found you when I did.”
“And why is that?”
“Because while it was good to at least find you, if I found you any earlier, I might have punched you.”
“I was really mad at you, you know.”
“…I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not angry with you now, and if I was, I’d still be more inclined to do this.”
You laughed, pulled him close, and kissed him.
Grinning, Volo deepened the kiss. He was sure he could live with this instead.
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vixstarria · 4 months
Seeing stars
Welp, I wrote more porn.
Astarion x F!Tav/F!Reader
18+, smut, porn with plot, porn with feelings, jealous Astarion, soft dom Astarion, dirty talk, fingering, PIV, elf ears and more! Humour, banter and fluff mixed in per usual. Tav failing several insight checks in the process.
I also poke fun at the in-game romance mechanics, and Wyll's Act 2 scene in particular.
This is the last time they have sex before the "I want us to be something real" conversation.
Approx. 2,900 words
“You won’t believe the ludicrous encounter I just had with Wyll.” 
You burst into Astarion’s tent. Well, it was ‘Astarion’s’ tent only notionally at this point. Yours still stood, but it now served solely as storage space for your assorted junk. You had effectively moved in with Astarion, having first coerced him into replacing the wooden plank and bloodstained rags he slept on with some sensible rugs and blankets. 
Astarion lounged half-naked on one of the bedrolls, reading something by candlelight. 
“Oh?” he looked up at you. “Do tell.” 
“First the massage you promised earlier,” you said sinking down onto the floor of the tent and stripping off most of your clothes. “My back is killing me after carrying everyone all day.” 
“Oh please...” he rolled his eyes. “I recall you nearly walked into your own cloud of daggers, again, and would have if I hadn’t pulled you away in time. And then you blasted Lae’zel off a cliff. It’s a wonder we haven’t kicked you out yet.” He shook his head. “And if you’re carrying anyone, I’m the one carrying you.” 
Still, he sat up as you laid down on your stomach.  
“Who do you think you’re fooling with this modesty, darling?” he murmured, noticing that you’d kept your underwear on. “Just lose it now,” he added, as he slid it off, leaving you completely naked, before he settled over you, his fingers commencing work on your shoulders. “So what happened with Wyll?” 
“I was making my way back here, and found him... performing some kind of jig by the campfire, pretending like he didn’t know I was there.” 
“The ‘Blade of Frontiers’, dancing alone in the middle of camp?” Astarion snickered. “Did you mock him? Please tell me you mocked him.”  
“Well... I was going to, but then he asked me to dance with him, very earnestly.” 
“That scoundrel...” he mused. “And let me guess - you agreed, didn’t you?” 
“Oh trust me, at that point it would have been more awkward not to dance with him, I had to play along.” 
Astarion scoffed, with a chuckle. 
“Do you always go along with whatever people want from you just because it would be too awkward to say no?” 
"I try not to – last time I did, I ended up with a vampire who won’t stop sucking me dry,” you deflected. “I figured there was no harm in indulging him. Besides, I don’t see you dancing with me. It was kind of nice,” you teased. 
“I hate dancing,” he said. 
“Right,” you said. “I’m sure you hate dancing just as much as you hate poetry, flowers, art, cats... What else?” 
“Children,” he answered. “I also can’t stand children.” 
“No, that one I could see being true,” you grinned. 
“So anyway, you two dolts pranced around the fire to the sound of crickets, then what?” 
“And then he tried to kiss me,” you admitted, with a sigh. 
Astarion’s hands paused for a moment before resuming their work, slightly harder than before. 
“Well look at you, receiving the Duke Ravengard’s heir’s attention. Moving up in the world, hmm?” 
“I didn’t let him.” 
He laughed. 
“Is there even a single person left in camp that hasn’t tried to get into your pants, darling?” 
You had to think for a moment.  
“Are we counting Volo?” 
“Then just Karlach and Withers.” 
“Gods, I fucking love Karlach,” he murmured. “Don’t tell her I said that.” 
“Why? Getting jealous all of a sudden?” 
Astarion was silent for a few moments. 
“I just don’t understand it,” he said. “You’re with me every night. I’m at your side every day. They see us. They hear us. Still, they don’t take me – or you and me – seriously. Tell me, is there something about me that screams: ‘Please, go ahead and take my lover for yourself. Come on in and snatch her right out from under me, I don’t mind’?”  
Perhaps you’d made a bad judgment call when you thought Astarion would find the absurdity of the situation humorous rather than offensive. Still, you had to bite your cheek to keep from laughing at the dramatics he added to the delivery of the last few lines that left his mouth. 
“Stop laughing,” he said.  
“I’m not laughing,” you laughed.  
“I can feel your back muscles twitching in your efforts.” 
“Well, they’re aware this all started as a joke. Perhaps they never realised that it’s long stopped being one?” you offered. 
Astarion’s hands had been moving lower and lower along your back. They had now reached your ass and continued to rub, stroke and squeeze, as you let out a soft groan. 
“That’s not my back, Astarion.” 
One of his hands kept squeezing an ass cheek, while the other dipped to stroke you between your legs. He gave a satisfied hum when two of his fingers entered you effortlessly. 
“Maybe if they could see how wet I can make you just by rubbing your back they’d reconsider how much of a joke this is,” he said, his voice low. He continued to pump his fingers in and out – you were almost embarrassed by the loud squelching sounds that came out of you. You moaned and tried to lift your hips higher, but your legs were encased between his thighs, pinned down on the bedroll. “Do you think you’d be reacting this way to young Ravengard, darling?” 
“Stop it,” you hissed. “You know I don’t want anyone but you.” 
“Stop?” he pulled his fingers out, to your dissatisfied whine. You looked back to see him studying your slick on his fingers. “I should go smear this on his face right now... The audacity to try to get his hands on what is not his.” He licked his fingers clean instead. He turned his attention back to you.  
“Maybe if you were more vocal about your devotion to me the others wouldn’t make these mistakes.” 
His hand returned between your legs, spreading your wetness and slipping lower to tease your clit.  
“I could be... encouraged... to be more vocal about it,” you breathed, trying to grind against his hand.  
“Yes... I should make you scream my name, so they all know who you belong to.” 
His fingers returned inside you, teasing you with shallow strokes.  
“You can try,” you taunted him. 
Astarion let out an indignant huff and shifted to spread your legs open with his knees, simultaneously placing a hand on your back to firmly hold you down. You expect to feel his cock enter you, but he continued to stroke you with his fingers, turning his hand to curl them downwards.  
“Is that a challenge, darling?” he asked, his voice dangerously low. “You should know better by now than to bet against me,” he said, continuing to flex his fingers inside you. 
It started off pleasant enough, but rapidly grew into... more. And more. You weren’t sure what he was doing but whatever it was, it was just about making you see stars. 
You sputtered as the new sensation started to take hold of your whole being.  
“Ast… what..”  
You couldn't manage anything coherent, as his fingers continued to dig into you, gradually picking up speed and pressure. You started to squirm to try to get away despite yourself, but he simply put more weight against the hand on your back, securely pinning you to the bedroll. 
“Always getting yourself into situations you're not prepared for…" he murmured. "You're not talking your way out of this one.”
His fingers were relentless. You were worried you really would scream and wake everyone in camp. All you could do was bite down on the pillow, hoping that it would muffle your drawn-out moans. 
“Let go, darling... I know you want to.” 
It's not so much that you let go – rather, all your decorum was ripped from you, as your muscles convulsed, the orgasm rolling through your entire body. You panted and shuddered, trying to keep quiet, your hands clutching desperately at the covers beneath you, trying to hold on to anything like your life depended on it. 
Once the feeling subsided, you came back to your senses to find Astarion hovering over you, kissing the back of your neck and shoulders, grazing them with his fangs, almost but not quite hard enough to draw blood. You felt his erection rubbing against your hip. 
“Has anyone fucked you like this before?” he whispered hoarsely into your ear, his breath ragged from his own arousal. “Tell me.” 
“No,” you gasped, trying to catch your own breath.  
“I thought so,” he whispered with a smile, kissing your neck before he sat back up. 
You turned back to look at him over your shoulder. He watched you with a self-satisfied grin, his fingers returning to stroke you lightly between your legs once more. 
“Do you want me to do it again?” he purred. 
A part of you wanted to wipe that smug grin off his face after what he just put you through. Another, much larger part, wanted nothing more than to submit yourself to whatever he would do to you.  
“Yes,” you admitted sheepishly. 
“Turn around...” he narrowed his eyes mischievously. “I want to see your face this time.” 
You flipped around onto your back, under his watchful gaze. His eyes never left yours as he stroked your slit, teasing your engorged clit with his thumb, before his fingers slipped back inside you. 
You found yourself mewling in anticipation before he really even started doing anything.  
“So eager,” he smirked. “So wanton...” 
He curled his fingers again, moving his whole hand to mercilessly claw into a sweet spot you didn’t even know existed inside you.  
You tried to relax into and accept this sensation, now that you were familiar with it. A growing pressure kept building at the bottom of your stomach. It was too much. It was entirely too much. You couldn’t take more of it. You couldn’t- 
“Let go, I’ve got you...” His whisper sounded so tender in sharp contrast to the depraved way he was handling your body. 
You sobbed as what you hoped was cum gushed out of you, your legs quivering.  
“Good girl”, Astarion laughed with glee, bending down to place a kiss on your lips, continuing to stroke you lightly, “Your body reacts so perfectly to me... Do you want more?” 
“You... I want you...” you groaned, biting his lip. 
“If that’s what my good girl wants,” he purred, discarding what was left of his clothes.  
You groaned as his cock entered you, rocking your hips against his, trying to find that feeling again. 
“So wet and needy for me...” he goaded you. “I’ve completely ruined you for anyone else, haven’t I?” 
He held absolutely nothing back as he fucked you, lewd insistent sounds of skin slapping on skin combined with your shared grunts and moans disturbing what was likely otherwise a silent night. 
“Anyone awake knows exactly what I’m doing to you right now,” he rasped, voice thick.  
Your walls clenched at the thought, making him shudder and sigh as well. 
“You like that thought, don’t you..? I know you do,” he continued. “So shameless...” 
Despite yourself, you whimpered, clenching again as another orgasm started threatening to overtake you. 
“That’s it... Come for me again,” he groaned. “Come for me, my love.” 
‘My love’..? Just a figure of speech, you thought. You’d thrown that phrase around, jokingly, but it’s never sounded so... raw. You wanted to hear it again. You wanted to keep hearing it.  
“Your what?” you gasped.  
He didn’t answer. Instead he caught your lips in a deep, devouring kiss, pinning your arms over your head.  
Your body gave in and you trembled under him, caught up in waves of pleasure again.  
He released your arms and eased his movements once you rode out your high, but kept kissing you, hungrily, unwilling to release your lips from his.  
Clearly, no further words of love would follow, you thought to yourself with a tinge of both relief and disappointment, deciding to let it go. 
“You’re so good to me,” you managed, breaking your lips from his. 
“Aren’t I just?” he groaned, speeding up again to chase his own release.  
You kissed your way up his jaw to his ear, pausing to nibble on his earlobe.  
You couldn’t see it, but a ditsy, open-mouthed smile started to play on his face. 
Astarion gasped with a sharp intake of breath as you continued further, running your tongue over the inside of the shell of his ear. 
“Oh sweet hells,” he sighed with pleasure, immediately grinding into your harder. 
You smiled as he tilted his head, just about pressing his ear against your lips. 
“Do you like that?” you whispered in his ear, running your tongue over it again, lifting your hands to run your fingers through his hair. You knew he did. You just wanted to hear him say it.  
“Yes... Don’t stop...” His words sounded like a desperate plea. 
You continued to gently nibble on the edge of his ear, soft moans escaping you from his movements. 
“That’s it, take what’s yours” you groaned, as his hips crashed into yours harder. 
His breathing and movements were becoming more and more frantic.  
“Astarion...” you whispered, grazing the shell of his ear with your lips. 
He let out an uncharacteristic whimper, all his usual composure slipping from him, as he bucked his hips, fucking you with quick, shallow thrusts.  
“My sweet...” you breathed against his ear. 
He came completely undone, spilling into you with forceful, jagged thrusts, before finally stilling. His whole body seemed to melt into yours as he stayed on top of you, trying to regain his breath. 
You wrapped your legs around his hips, not wanting to let go of him yet, but he didn’t seem to be in a hurry to lift himself from you either. Instead he trailed light, tender kisses from your neck up to your lips.  
You delicately traced the contours of Astarion’s face with your fingertips, running them from his cheekbone down to his jaw, as he leaned into your caress, gazing into your eyes.  
Astarion parted his lips slightly, as though to say something, only to seal them again. He tilted his head to kiss your knuckles as your fingers gradually made their way back up, to run through his hair. Eventually he spoke. 
“You would really choose me over the more... blatantly obvious options you have at your disposal here?” he asked quietly.  
“Haven’t I made that abundantly clear already..?” 
“Well of course you have – no one else is this good,” he said with a tired smirk. 
“I’m not talking about the...” you blinked. “You know I’m not with you just for the sex, right..?” you frowned, looking into his eyes. 
He looked away, slipping out of you and moving to lie down next to you.  
“Is that so?” he said softly.  
You found yourself suddenly feeling rattled. Was he simply fishing for compliments again, or had you been utterly oblivious to just how deep his insecurities ran this whole time..? 
“You have a wealth of other qualities that I... enjoy and appreciate,” you said, somewhat lamely.  
Astarion propped his head up on his hand and raised an eyebrow at you quizzically. There was a hint of vulnerability in his eyes despite his outward nonchalance.  
Oh for fuck’s sake, you thought. I’m not ready for any serious conversations now, especially not with cum running down my thighs.  
You turned away to grab something to wipe yourself down with. 
“A gentleman would clean up his own mess, by the way. Not one of your strong points. But you do have some virtues that make up for it. For instance... I can leave cheese unattended around you, knowing you won’t eat it.” 
Astarion went to pinch the bridge of his nose, sighing.  
“You’re a treasure trove of useless information,” you continued. “But unlike some of our companions you usually keep it to yourself.” A hint of a smile played on his lips at that.  
“Your hand feels nice and cold on my forehead when I have a headache.” You laid back down next to him, mirroring the way he was lying. 
“You always smell nice, especially for a dead guy. You never hog the mirror.”   
“What about my hair, won’t you mention that?” he smiled. 
“No, fuck your hair, it makes mine look awful in comparison.”  
He chuckled at that. 
“I do rather adore the garnet puppy eyes though,” you murmured. “What else... You make me laugh, and, more importantly, I make you laugh – which is great for my ego,” you continued.  
“As long as you understand that I’m usually laughing at you,” he countered. 
“Prick... Then there’s the fact you’ve saved my life four times.”  
“Seven,” he said quietly, looking into your eyes.  
“It’s seven, dear, I counted.” 
“Whatever. When it comes to battle, you’re silent but deadly,” you said. “Like a-” 
Astarion’s hand covered your mouth.  
“Do not finish that thought, darling.” 
You grinned from behind his palm.  
“I think we can be done with this conversation,” he said.  
“Wait, wait, one more...” you laughed. “You’re eccentric, unpredictable, often irrational. I never know what’s going to come out of your mouth.”  
You smiled as Astarion groaned dramatically, covering his face with one hand.  
“Knowing I’ll get to spend another day in your mad company gives me a reason to get up in the morning,” you added, softly. 
“Come here, you sweet fool,” he whispered, drawing you against him.  
You hugged him tightly. It took so long for him to start initiating these embraces that wouldn’t lead to sex... You relished each one.  
Tomorrow, Astarion thought to himself, unbeknown to you. I have to tell her tomorrow.  
Follow up bonus scene
This work is part of a series - here is the master list
Next in series - Confession
Tags: @littleenglishfangirl @something-pithy @darlingxdragon @tallymonster @tragedybunny @spunky-89
@spacebarbarianweird @kittenintheden - hey, I heard you like elf ears
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galedekarios · 2 months
gale, waterdeep & coinage
just musings on gale's means as well as waterdeep lore bc i love waterdeep:
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Gale: Believe it or not, but I witnessed a similar standoff back at the Yawning Portal. Of course, an establishment like that invites all sorts of outlandish entertainments. Player: What's the Yawning Portal Gale: An inn in Waterdeep. Never a dull moment there. Adventurers come from all over Faerûn to try their luck down the well: Leads into the Undermountain, you see - full of death, danger, and vast amounts of treasure. Hard to resist. Player: What was the standoff about? Gale: Oh, a drow, a dragonborn, and a cleric of Cyric walk into a bar. Your standard fare. Maybe someone was cheating at cards, maybe it was some weird lovers' quarrel. In any case, out came the crossbow, and a hush fell over the entire room.devnote Player: What happened next? Gale: I stood up and yelled: 'Shadowdark ale for everyone!' The crowd cheered, the tension drained into five dozen tankards, and soon all was well again. Gale: In a place like the Yawning Portal, the most powerful magic is calling for a round of drinks. Gale: Mind you, all I did was call for ale, but you went and stood in front of that crossbow. I'd drink to that.
i will definitely take a look at the yawning portal itself at a later date (as well as other points of interest within the city) bc it's very interesting as a focal point in waterdhavian history and society.
while we can only speculate about what gale's background in terms of means, wealth and standing looked like since things like tutors and even maids were not uncommon in waterdhavian society, it is interesting to note that he - whatever his personal means at the time this event took place - felt the need to defuse the brewing fight with 'five dozen tankards'.
we do actually know how much one such tankard costs at the yawning portal:
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17cp x 60 = 1020cp
this was interesting to me in terms of this meant in actual terms of coinage and wealth and money spent.
here's an overview of waterdeep's various coins:
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source: volo's waterdeep enchiridion
gale spent over a 1000 nibs/copper pieces that evening (or more than one sun/platinum coin) to de-escalate a potentially lethal fight.
to put that into perspective, i'm adding this reference of prices here:
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source: volo's waterdeep enchiridion
gale also attended blackstaff academy, with elminster as his mentor. the academy had costs attached with it:
Acceptance to the Academy was predicated on either demonstrating extraordinary magical aptitude (those who could not cast arcane spells were very rarely admitted) or having a particularly compelling personal history. Joining the Academy was free, however monthly dues were required to continue attendance. These fees started at 10 gp per month and increased as a student gained seniority and required more advanced tutelage. In addition, it was a requirement that any new spell that was discovered or researched by an apprentice had to be added to Blackstaff Tower's library. [source]
ten gold pieces per month as fees, although with gale being elminster's mentee, he may have chosen to assist gale and morena partially or fully with any costs that blackstaff academy may have charged.
it does sound, however his childhood may have looked like with a presumably absent father and a mother with her hands full with a young genius, able to conjure rabbits as a babe, summoning a tressym, a magma mephit who set a room on fire, as well as casting a level 3 spell (fireball) at age 8 or younger, that gale at least during the height of his career as a wizard, lived comfortably.
ending this with more food for thought and a banter between gale and karlach:
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Gale: They say wealth offers a form of magic. Alas, it's one I've rarely dabbled in. Karlach: Nor I. Never had more than a few coppers in the city, and any soul coins in Avernus went straight to Zariel. Gale: Make no mistake. Souls are sold for coins up here as well. All too cheaply, in most cases.
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leggerefiore · 3 months
How would Poke villains react to their s/o asking if they'd kill for them? Just as a hypothetical, but I imagine some of them would take it seriously haha
cw: consideration of murder(?)
characters: Lysandre, Maxie, Archie, Cyrus, Guzma, Volo
The moment the words leave your mouth during what would have otherwise been a quiet evening in, he turned to look at you. His face was clearly twisted in minor confusion, which prompted you to repeat the statement. "Would you kill for me?" It almost sounded partly like a tease. What could have brought up such a statement? He thought on it for a moment...
☕️ Lysandre becomes stuck between it being a joke and you truly having someone you must want dead. The Flare Boss understands. He understands very well. His connections could easily see most people dead, should that truly be what you desired. Though, it likely would be easier to simply wait until after he completed his plans. Though, of course, you could just as easily be joking. He blinked a few times. You never spoke a name, however.
☕️ “Perhaps,” Lysandre eventually replied, “Though, I doubt you have anyone in particular you wish dead, do you?” You let out a laugh and shook your head. He joined you in laughing, fully able to play along. Of course not. You were much too kind. That was a trait in you that he deeply admired. He leaned down to press a kiss to your temple. “All you would need to do is ask, however,” he whispered quietly, “I would do anything to make you happy, my love.” Though, whether you realised how honest his words were would remain unknown. Either way, it was just pleasant to have his reassurance.
🪨 He freezes for a moment. Kill for you? His glasses almost fall off his face from how he angles his head. What? The Magma Leader was quite a few things, but a killer he was not. Most of the time, he refused to even resort to violence. Your words almost made him recoil before he recalled that exaggeration was quite common these days. Yes. You must have meant that as a question of how deep and strong his love for you was. Not as an actual request. If you had, his answer would have been a firm “no.” Maxie was no killer.
🪨 “Figuratively, yes,” he agreed with a nod, “Literally? No. I'd be happy to help you find other options, however.” You sighed. That was the expected answer from Maxie. He seemed to catch on to your mild disappointment and leaned forward to peck your cheek. “Dear, I'm not going to lie and say I will do something like that,” he felt his cheeks grow warm as he looked away nervously, “I do love you greatly despite that.” You laughed and hugged him tightly. Then, you teased him by saying the Great Maxie is a pacifist. He just grumbled.
💧 Archie blinked a few times. Kill? Would he kill for you? Objective situations entered his head of what might warrant such a reaction, but none of them seemed like places you would be. Especially not with him nearby. Archie then remembered Shelly's complaint that he was killing her with work and chuckled. Ah, you must have meant like that. An exaggeration of love. A guffaw left him as he pulled you close to him. The Aqua Leader would do a lot for you, but killing, sadly, would not be one of them. He would throw down with someone for you, though.
💧 “Nah,” he said simply, then spoke again, “Well maybe. Depends. But I'm gonna say no.” You rolled your eyes. Archie seemed a bit scattered on his reply. He pressed a sudden sweet kiss to your cheek. “Now, I might fight a guy for ya, Luvdisc,” he grinned, “Like that time I chased off that Gorebyss that was after you.” You laughed. Well, that was about what you had expected from Archie. He was not exactly the violent sort. You tugged his bandana lightly to make him look up at you. He got the hint and kissed you again. Well, the pirate man was good at expressing his love in other ways, at least.
☄️ Cyrus blinked. Kill? As in murder? He almost scrunched up his face at your words. Naturally, he knew you were not serious. There was no one reasonably that you would want dead, nor would he seem like a reasonable candidate to get rid of someone. Well… He believed that anyway. The tablet was turned off as he moved to face you. What was going through your head? Why say such a thing? The Galactic Boss was aware that he was being far too analytical for such a basic statement. He supposed he had heard Mars tease that she would kill someone for him. (At least, he hoped it was spoken in exaggeration, but…)
☄️ “Beloved, I would rather simply make you a world where that feeling needn't exist,” he replied, “There is no need for such grizzly actions to be taken.” His hand came to cup your cheek unconsciously as he gazed into your eyes. You blinked, unsure of his words. “I dream of a world where such vile emotions don't cause these kinds of situations,” he continued, “I only wish to bring you and I to some kind of peace.” Cyrus's lips lightly pressed against your temple got a moment before he pulled away to return to what work he was doing on his tablet. You blinked again. What was that? It felt more intense than if he had just said yes and proceeded to describe a form of murder. Well, you certainly felt assured in his love towards you, at least.
□ Not even missing a beat, he laughed. Kill? Well, maybe. Probably not ever, but why not? Guzma was more than ready to throw hands for you usually, so why not just lie and say he would kill, too. Granted, he most likely would not ever, no. Killing seemed far too intense. He got what you meant, though. Some situations did cross his mind that might warrant it. Very few seemed even partially likely to ever happen. Alola was simply too peaceful for any of that shit.
□ “Sure,” he said plainly, “Why not.” His arm pulled you closer to him as he grinned at you. The hypothetical was pretty common, he thought. No different from being asked if he would still love you if you were a bug. (In which you had asked him a few times. Him of all people. Like he would ever say no.) You leaned closer to him and laughed lightly. “I mean, I love you,” Guzma continued, “Now, would you kill for me?” You thought on it for a moment. He nearly jumped out of his skin at your reply. A deadpan, yes.
⭐️ The merchant was stricken by your words. Kill? Him? Well… He was not going to pretend that he was some upstanding moral type, but he was not exactly the type to handle things directly. Even when it came to his plans, he figured actually killing someone would be a do-or-die situation. Though he supposed that as a merchant, he was quite ready to defend himself should the situation arise. He did have a knife on him, just for a situation in which bandits dared threaten his life. For you… He closed his eyes. Well, certainly, he would not say no.
⭐️ “If the situation called for it,” Volo spoke with a playful tone despite his words, “You never know what may be required in the wilds of Hisui.” You smiled at him so sweetly. He could not help but lean over and press a kiss to your head. “Though, I do expect the same from you,” his voice seemed to take on a different cadence, “Should I ever be in danger, I hope you would act to protect me as well?” His hand held yours delicately as you went quiet. It was all too easy to assume these were just common requests for the time period. You nodded in reply, and Volo's grin seemed a bit more intense than usual.
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critterbitter · 5 months
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More asks under cut! Yippee!
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@scarftale-bryan Trip for trio right? If so, I'm working on a comic for that ;0 But to help answer, I've head cannoned Elesa to originally be from Sinnoh. She and the twins didn't have the greatest first meeting, but, well, you see how they turn out later in the future so all that starts subpar ends pretty well. @bat-in-disguise NICE NAME. VERY WOOBAT THEMED. Second of all AYYYY this is where I resurrect the shambling corpse of this fandom. Please. I desperately want to have more on the train men. @mynamesaplant AH,,, YOU READ MY ONE SHOT,,, Okay look. Look. I love drawing comics as much as the next person. But if there's an interest towards fanfiction maybe I'll write a bit more... HMMM. HMMMMMMMM. (But anyways THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS! They keep the hearth cozy.) @dracally3 Don't worry about the rambles! If you wander through my ask box, you'd see I ramble. A lot. That out the way-- I'm sorry to hear about the drama! Man. I got into submas towards the tail end, which I'm a bit sad about (wish I got to interact with some of the bigger creators, but they moved on to other hyperfixations and I respect that). Drama's scary though, so maybe it's for the best I dodged the entire canonball. I'm glad my silly little characterizations of found family are healing! And I wish you the best too-- here's to happy futures ahead free of drama and full of shenanigans. @saffalilac AYYY Togekiss is so cool! I (heh) also only drew volo's togekiss once but the fact you're the second person to talk about how much you love them makes me chuckle. That in mind, here's a doodle.
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@chime-of-bells Hello! I remember your ask about saying how much you liked togekiss in my style. Drew some togekisses and thought you'd like them too :) @impossiblynoisyrebel AYYYY I LOVE drawing the eel dog lamprey dragon thing. Just. A tube with teeth. And giant eyes. and lovely fins. And bioluminescence!! Who doesn't love that? @onimusha095 Look look your local floating nightlight has SOME manners. (But also, Ingo and Litwick do come to an agreement at somepoint on who the ghost type can actively chew on. Emmet's fine with it. Elesa, who has less experience with Litwick's everything, probably would not be less fine with it, and Ingo really doesn't want to loose a friend.)
@magicfeatherbean4 Hello I see you're back! (I'm fine with this. I like snail mail from folks hhehe.) That out the way-- oh yeah they're DEFINITELY getting into fisticuffs when the mood strikes. And uhh Emmet starting battles only for Ingo to finish them off? Mercilessly? Without pause? Yes. YES. I am EATING this headcannon rn. Shuffling this into the comic ideas as we speak.
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Open up your loving arms - Chapter 2: Ridding stagnation
Astarion asks Gale about cleaning out the unused spaces of their tower house to give Tav and Shadowheart some personal space. The wizard agrees and the vampire spawn sets to work. Shenanigans occur and plans are made.
(Trigger warning (18+): character study, the feels, author's self-indulgent domestic fluff, graphic description of sex, smut, anilingus, anal sex, body worship, coitus a tergo, dirty talking (sort of), fingering, gentle sex, hand job, missionary, smidge of praise kink, vaginal sex)
This is self-indulgent domestic fluff. I want this little bunch of weirdos to be happy. They deserve it. This fic mostly drives my post-canon headcanon forwards regarding character study/development.
Two other fics (The sight of spring & Of demons and monsters) are mentioned.
To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfics, Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.)
My OC Monty first appeared in Gale's origin fanfic.
Also, long story short; Tav’s married to Astarion, Gale and Shadowheart. Astarion and Gale are married. Halsin’s Tav’s and Shadowheart’s additional lover. They’re in a closed polyamorous relationship, except for Halsin who apparently sleeps his way through all of Faerûn.
"Darling, why is that insufferable, utterly annoying man in our living room again?" asked Astarion when he'd caught Tav in the kitchen as she was brewing more tea.
"Because we're colleagues," the bard replied. "And he helps me."
The vampire spawn made a face.
"How can someone who's much less talented than you be of help?"
His wife shot him an amused look.
"First of all, thank you for the compliment, love. Secondly, I might be more talented than Volo, but he's the one who's famous and is in contact with publishers and printing companies."
"Oh, you sly dog," Astarion grinned and Tav snickered. "I just fell a little harder for you."
He kissed her passionately, turned on by her competence and cunning.
"Now, let me entertain our guest a bit more," she whispered teasingly, and with one last kiss, she vanished into the living room where Volo kept bragging about his newest work about owlbears.
Astarion didn't listen very long, too annoyed about all the incorrect statements. Tav, on the other hand, was far too kind-hearted, as always, and tried to gently correct and educate the insufferable artist. Meanwhile, Astarion went back to decluttering the upper floors.
Tav moaned blissfully as she made love with Gale. The wizard leisurely rolled his hips into her while kissing her and holding her hand. The bard had her legs wrapped around his waist and now, she placed a foot under her husband's buttcheek to push him closer. Gale panted against her shoulder, thrusting harder to comply to her wishes, and snaked a hand between them to get her off.
"Mmh, yes!" mewled Tav, arching up into him.
Gale spilled into her with a low moan, his fingers continued to rub circles over her clitoris. The bard whined and came with a sob. Panting, they kissed lazily and the bard stroke the wizard's chest-length hair.
"You're so beautiful," she told him sincerely. "I love you."
"I love you too," smiled Gale, still floating in post-orgasmic bliss. He rested on top of her, knowing that Tav didn't mind it and didn't get squished under his weight. Her strength and width were rather impressive.
Gale knew that Astarion liked being manhandled and held up by her, and he wondered if he'd like it too. Most probably, the wizard concluded. He liked everything his wife did. He adored her, nay, worshipped her.
Gale lifted his head to look at Tav and ran his hand through her very short hair. At least, she didn't sport the ugliest haircut in all of Faerûn anymore since Shadowheart helped her cut it evenly. But even before, when they'd met after the nautiloid crash, the bard had been beautiful. – Well, at least in his eyes. It was no secret that Tav had a type of unconventional beauty that wasn't desired by the masses, but she wasn't meant to be adored by the masses anyway.
Smiling, Gale leaned down to kiss her broad, freckled shoulder and she hummed approvingly. They finally moved apart and the wizard lay down on his stomach with his head on his arms to let the bard work her other kind of magic. Tav was a rather talented masseuse. Gale groaned in appreciation when his wife started to work on an especially stubborn knot on his shoulder. Her hands were always so clever, no matter if with instruments, pickpocketing, or otherwise.
"You're way too tense, love," she told him. "You work too much."
Gale hummed non-committally.
"I know you love teaching, but you tend to spread yourself too thin. We admire that you can achieve anything when you put your mind to it, but your weakness is to be too ambitious. You don't have to prove that you're worthy all the time, we know you are."
Tav moved further down, rubbing circles into the skin on both sides of Gale's spine. The latter hissed at the pain.
"You're so stressed that you've stopped eating again, and don't deny it, love, I'm not dense."
The wizard grunted, but kept silent otherwise.
"You're working on too many projects at once," Tav continued. "You have a full-time job at the academy, at the same time, we're finishing the book about our travels, and you're writing your own research papers on the side. You must slow down or otherwise you'll burn out."
"But there's so much I want to do," Gale defended his actions. "It feels like I'm running out of time."
At that, the bard barked a laugh.
"You're a wizard, love. I'm sure you'll find plenty of ways to prolong your lifespan. You'll definitely live longer than me."
Gale wanted to protest, but Tav scooted further down to press her thumbs into his buttcheeks, and he yelped. He turned his head to glare at his wife, but she nonchalantly shrugged, explaining: "You're terribly tense. That's what you get from sitting and standing around all day."
The wizard sighed deeply and pillowed his forehead onto his arms again. It was fruitless to argue with her. Tav moved on to his legs, relentlessly massaging his muscles.
"How's the knee?" she asked caringly.
"It's fine," answered Gale.
Back when they'd fought in the goblin camp, one of the little creatures had snuck up on him when he'd been distracted by casting a spell, and had shattered his kneecap with the iron handle of a broken axe. After the battle, Shadowheart and Halsin had done their best to heal the damage. With the help of his mother's potent salve recipe, Gale had nursed his knee further. Nonetheless, it still troubled him sometimes, especially after kneeling for a while.
"Maybe, you need a change," Tav told him now. "You talk about becoming a private tutor often enough and I think it'll do you good. That way, you'd have more free time for all your other projects."
Gale pondered about it silently.
It was true that he complained about his students on a weekly basis. Especially dear old Tara had to listen to his rants.
"Maybe, you're right," he muttered.
"Of course I'm right, I'm your wife," snickered Tav.
She took his foot into her hands and pressed her thumbs into the sole, making Gale groan. He appreciated her pampering.
At the beginning of their relationship, he'd always felt bad for being taken care of. Mystra had taught him to always serve instead of take, and for a long time, Gale had felt guilty when he'd received affection without doing anything in return. But he'd gotten better about it over the past six years. It helped that Tav loved to shower her lovers with affection and that she happily pleased them without expecting a quid pro quo.
Finally, the bard seemed to be satisfied with her work and let go of her husband's foot. She placed a gentle kiss on each of his buttcheeks.
"At least, promise me to eat regularly. You've gotten awfully skinny again and it just doesn't suit you."
"I promise," Gale answered with a sigh.
"Good," she smiled.
A shiver ran down the wizard's spine at the praise and he blushed slightly. Tav noticed it with a grin and kissed his spine.
"You're so good for me, Gale," she whispered and goosebumps spread over the addressed's skin.
Tav licked a stripe up his crack, making him gasp.
"Get on your knees for me, love."
A bit anxiously, Gale looked over his shoulder. He knew she wouldn't be mad if he'd say no. But, as it was so often the case, curiosity and academic studiousness got the better of him. Thus, the wizard brought his knees under him with his head and shoulders still on the mattress, ass in the air. Gale felt embarrassed and turned his face into the pillow. Tav spread his cheeks apart and started to eat him out enthusiastically, pushing her talented tongue into him. Gale couldn't hold back a guttural moan. The bard kissed his rim before carefully sliding two well-oiled fingers into him and stroking his prostate. Her husband mewled, eyes rolling back in his head.
"That's it love. Let loose, enjoy it. You're doing so well," praised Tav and went back to licking into him between her fingers.
Trembling, Gale wrapped a hand around himself and started to stroke. He came with a high-pitched moan, vision whitening due to the intensity, and spilling over his hand and abdomen. The wizard collapsed onto the mattress, panting elaborately. The bard placed one last kiss on his buttcheek before kissing Gale's shoulder.
"You're wonderful," she murmured, lay down next to him, and pulled him into her arms.
Gale sighed happily, placing his head on her broad shoulder, and linked their fingers together. She had surprisingly small hands for such a strong frame, but since she was shorter than him, it probably made sense.
"Did you enjoy it?" Tav wanted to know.
"Yes," muttered Gale, hiding his face in the crook of her neck, and she smiled amused.
"Good. I wasn't sure if you would. Astarion told me about your little... hm... 'discord'. But he was also the one to encourage me to try it. He said you might prefer it if I eat you out instead of him. He's still a bit scared, you see. He thinks he'll lose control again as soon as he buries his tongue in you."
Gale blushed even harder and wanted to hide somewhere. Why must his spouses always be so blunt when it came to bedroom activities? He doubted that he'd ever get used to it.
"I trust Astarion's judgement," the wizard replied then. "He's come a long way."
Tav nodded.
"He's such a sweetheart, isn't he? Even though he often hides his true self behind his mask of sass and sarcasm. But he'd opened up around us and I'm very proud of him."
"Mhm, me too," muttered Gale smiling.
Now, the bard turned a bit to look at him.
"I'm proud of you too, Gale. You also went through so much and you do well."
The addressed blushed again.
"Thank you. You can't imagine how much your words mean to me."
"I do," said his wife and attempted to kiss him.
But Gale held her back to mutter a spell first, cleaning her mouth, before leaning over. Happily, Gale sighed into the kiss and deepened it while caressing Tav's cheek. Somehow, it was so easy to be with her, she was always understanding, caring, and a ride or die. He loved her for it. Gale wrapped a hand around the bard's shoulder to pull her closer.
On Friday afternoon, Gale was visited by his childhood friend Monty who'd been (and still sometimes was) Elminster's assistant. Together, they'd gotten into loads of shenanigans in Shadowdale during the time Gale had been tutored by Elminster as a teenager.
Now, they were both in their thirties, and sitting in the cozy living room of Gale's tower house, a purring Tara on their lap, a snoring Scratch and Naïlo at their feet, a cup of tea in hand and a piece of vanilla cake balanced on their knees. They chatted about all kinds of topics, talked shop, and reminisced about the past.
"I'm relieved that everything turned out alright," said Monty with a sigh. "So many unfortunate things happened to you; Mystra, the Orb, the Mind Flayer parasite... I'm glad you found happiness and people you love. Your spouses and Shadowheart are lovely. I was so excited to finally meet them at the wedding. You've told me so much about them and I couldn't wait to meet the saviours of Baldur's Gate and all of Faerûn. You're basically famous, legendary almost."
Chuckling, Gale replied: "Now, you're exaggerating. We saved the world, sure, but most of our deeds are already forgotten. There are always new horrors waiting on the horizon one has to worry about. And to be completely honest with you, I'm relieved people don't treat us like heroes. It would be incredibly awkward."
At that, the tiefling laughed.
"You're probably right. If you'd be famous, we couldn't meet up on a random Friday, but must schedule it at least three months beforehand."
Gale joined in his laughter.
"You should visit me and Linard in Shadowdale," Monty told him now. "We built a house with an attached smithy and a laboratory. I'm trying out some new distilled fruit brandy at the moment and Linard's working on some handy daggers."
"I'll swing by," Gale promised, smiling. "Your partner made a lovely first impression at the wedding and the kitchen knives were a very thoughtful gift."
Monty chuckled.
"Linard prefers to make knives and daggers instead of swords and other weapons. That's why some people say he's a useless smith, but I disagree. Knives and tableware as well as shovels and axes are way more important on a daily basis than weapons."
Gale nodded agreeingly with a hum.
Monty stayed for dinner and he thoroughly enjoyed the passionate discussions with Gale and his family. It warmed his heart that his old friend had finally found a place where he belonged, with people who loved him and cared about him.
Around midnight, they said their goodbyes and Monty opened a portal to Shadowdale. As soon as he stepped through, the tiefling was surrounded by the sound of the nightly woods, his hometown quiet and asleep. Monty unlocked the front door of his home as quietly as possible, shutting the heavy oak wood behind him, and toeing of his boots. The smell of metal, fire, and herbal concoctions hung in the air. They complimented each other perfectly, the alchemist-wizard and the smith. The only light source was the low-burning fireplace.
"Ah, you're back."
Linard's deep, husky voice came from the rocking chair in the corner as the tall, broad, blond human stood up and made himself known. Monty smiled.
"Hello, love."
He sighed happily when his partner kissed him. The latter stroke the tiefling's cheek.
"It seems like you had a lot of fun with Gale," Linard remarked, smiling softly. "You must tell me all about it tomorrow. I'd love to hear the newest gossip regarding the saviours of Baldur's Gate and your first crush."
With a heated face, Monty snorted a laugh, grateful that his red skin prevented him from blushing.
"You're an idiot."
"You love me."
"Never said I don't."
They kissed again and things got heated quickly. They hurried upstairs, leaving a trail of clothes behind them. Linard pressed Monty up against the windowsill, kissing him breathless.
"I missed you, sweetling," said the smith. "Now, turn around and let me greet you properly. "
Grinning widely, the addressed complied, leaned forward, and put his hands up against the windowsill. Linard grabbed the oil and started to open his partner up with his thick fingers. Monty squirmed and moaned, widening his stand. He gazed out the window while Linard started to rim him and the tiefling cried out into the silent night in pleasure. When Linard finally deemed him ready and stood up, the tiefling asked teasingly: "Are you jealous for some reason?"
The human snorted a laugh.
He pressed himself closer to his partner, rubbing his erection against his buttcheeks.
"There's no need for jealousy," replied Linard, grinning, "because I know I'm the one who wakes up next to you every day, makes love to you, and knows exactly what you like."
And with the last sentence, the smith grabbed the base of Monty's tail and tucked it upwards. The tiefling moaned, eyes rolling back in his head, cock drooling precum onto the wooden floor. He arched his back more and tightened his hold on the windowsill.
"Gods, Lin, fuck me already!"
"Today's youth has no patience," tut-tutted the smith teasingly, but he finally pushed in and bottomed out.
Monty threw his head back with a cry, loving the way he was stuffed full by his partner. Linard set a fast pace, almost pulling all the way out before slamming back into the tiefling and hitting his prostate with every thrust. The smith revelled in his lover's cries of pleasure. He ran a hand down Monty's front, caressing the ridges along his sides. Finally, he wrapped his hand around the tiefling's dick and rubbed his fingers along the ridges at the base of it.
"I'm not jealous because we fucked so many times that I know your body better than anyone else."
He flicked a finger against his partner's straining erection, making him moan gutturally.
"I'm not jealous because I know you love me and you are mine."
Linard sheathed himself deep in his lover and came, filling him, while he kept stroking him. With a loud moan, Monty climax too, spilling all over himself, the hand around him, and the floor. His ass flexed, trying to milk his lover dry. Linard leaned over him and placed a tender kiss on Monty's shoulder.
"You're right," panted the latter. "I love you and I'm yours."
At that, the smith hummed pleased and kissed his neck.
"Let's clean up and go to bed, hm?"
"Yeah," said Monty and chuckled.
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gingerbloof · 5 months
Glimpse of Us (An Ascended!Astarion x Spawn Fem!Tav Ongoing Series)
summary: When Tav helps Astarion complete the Rite of Profane Ascension, she realizes that he is no longer the man she had fallen in love with. However, she does her best to make her true love happy. But will the cost of her self worth and identity prove too much to pay for the price of love? contents: 18+, blood/blood drinking, hurt/no comfort, tragedy, manipulation, abusive relationship, anxiety, panic attacks, eventual smut, major character death chapter word count: 1,019
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chapter 1: The Day of the Ascension
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“Ecce dominus, Has animas offero in sacrificio, Nunc volo protestatum quam pollicitus es mihi!”
Tav listened to the foreign, dark words that left Astarion’s lips as the blinding red light surrounded him. His arms thrown out and his eyes glowing a terrifying hue. She watched as all his siblings’ bodies burst apart, their blood pooling down towards him.
Her eyes were wide with bewilderment. She was so proud of him… Everything he ever wished for was coming true, and that’s all she ever wanted for her love. So why did she feel like something terrible was happening?
She briefly heard Shadowheart shout, trying to stop him. A low growl left him as he stared at her angrily. “Don’t you dare,” He said, his eyes glowing ever brighter. “I can feel their power flowing into me!”
Cazador was the last one to burst. He let out a deafening scream as he did, his blood flowing to the sigil that Astarion stood upon. Soon enough, the light dimmed down and Astarion let out a sigh of relief. “I… I can’t feel it,” He muttered breathlessly. “The hunger, it’s gone! I’m free!” The smile on his face could bring light to the darkest day. Tav had never seen him so happy, and she was happy for him.
“You did it! You really did it!” She smiled wide and ran to give Astarion a big hug. He smirked devilishly as she did, wrapping his arms around her tightly. “I did… We did.” He said, placing a soft kiss on her head. As she let go and turned around, she saw all the disapproving faces on her other companion’s faces. Shadowheart looked undeniably hurt, and Gale shook his head as he looked at her with furrowed brows. But she didn’t care what they thought. As long as her love was safe and happy, she would do anything for him.
Astarion holds his hands in front of him, that devilish smirk still pinned to his face. “This is it…” He said triumphantly. “The hopeless dream dreamt by all my kind… I am the greatest vampire to ever walk this land!” He grinned a fang filled grin. Tav smiled back at him, getting ever so lost in his happiness. “You are magnificent,” Tav said in a whisper. It was true, though he looked the same there was something very different about his stature, the way he held himself. He had more confidence than she had ever seen in anyone. He deserved to feel this way, he always had.
“I felt so very little, for so long…” He said, his voice starting to twinge with sadness. “My edges dulled over the numb years rotting in the boudoir and kennels,” It was true. For so long, too long, Astarion was only ever made to be consumed and to consume. He never had any ounce of self worth these last 200 years, and now he was finally, truly free from it. 
“Now…” He began, a growl in his voice. “I can hear it at last… See it at least. How all the lowly creatures of this plane are begging to serve. How to call upon them.” These words made Tav’s heart drop. Lowly creatures? Serve? Maybe he was still chasing the adrenaline high from achieving his goal… This wasn’t Astarion at all. 
“Scurrying footpads in their safe-houses, rats below our feet in their filthy holes, the crows in the night above! They will… Obey.”
Tav’s face began to grow with worry. What in the hells was Astarion talking about?
His eyes met hers for the first time since the Rite began. His eyes grew with hunger and demand. “In you, too,” He said, pointing at her. “I can tell… Your heartbeat races. You go quiet when I speak… You await my command… The world will stir with fear.”
Tav started to slowly back away from her love, her heart aching at his words. He was so different… Too different.
Her breath hitched in her throat as she spoke, slow and wary. “Star… You’re starting to scare me…” She expected him to stop this dramatic, power hungry speech when she said this. She expected him to realize what he was saying, but unfortunately he didn’t. He continued, not even batting an eye to the fact that he was striking fear into the one he loved most. “Our lives will never be the same again. Everything will be our’s. Everything. I can already hear the world whispering in sweet surrender. And I feel alive!” He chuckled darkly, closing his eyes and basking in his new found power. It was as if he was the only one in the room. He paid no mind to show concern when Tav began to shake with fear at the sight of her lover, completely reborn. He was unrecognizable.
She let out a nervous chuckle, trying her best to not overthink about what her love was saying. “I’m just happy you’re happy, Star…” She said with a sad smile on her face. “You deserve nothing more than to be free.” Astarion smiled and walked toward her, placing a searing kiss on her lips. She kissed back reluctantly, getting lost in him. He pulled her in by her waist with one hand and cupped her face gently with the other. He broke the kiss quickly, staring into her eyes hungrily. “My treasure,” He said, the new pet name surprising Tav. “You are going to be wonderfully obedient.” 
He let her go and started to leave the palace, leaving Tav and his other companions behind, still acting like he was the only one who was there. The way he let her go was almost like batting a fly away. Dismissive, and crude. Tav felt her heart crack and splinter a bit at his words and the way he let her go. It felt as if he only acknowledged her when it benefited him.
As the rest of the party slowly left Cazador’s palace,Tav stood there silently, looking back at the gruesome scene behind her. There was only one thought drifting through Tav’s mind…
What have I done?
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authors note: trying out a chapter by chapter series :') it's my first one and i'm so excited to see how it turns out! i have also decided to make a special playlist for this fic series! each chapter is going to have a song from the play list associated with it, and i will link it with each chapter that i post! i am planning on releasing a new chapter every friday, but if that falters i do apologize. i hope you all enjoy! reblogs and comments are much appreciated
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onestepbackwards · 8 months
Ohh, imagine what might occur if, instead of horror games, the player enjoys dating sims, or games with a strong romance in the plot. What would Jubilife Village think?
Just imagine Volo sulking a bit... the "true god" surely must be lonely. He is too. Maybe... you would be less lonely together? He'd like that a lot, very much in fact.
He'd love nothing more, really! He can be a good lover! Just give him a chance to prove it! Won't you please?
I imagine people would be a bit confused, though curious.
Not to mention, at the end of the day, it could look a bit more favorly for you for random civilians. If they think you to be a god, perhaps you are a god of love? It makes sense if you are a god of creation, you would also love things you have created or control. ...Though some may see it as twisted too. If you play shorter romance games, and reset time to romance someone else... It doesn't always look good for some. Other simply wonder why you don't pursue all of them if the game doesn't allow it. If they think you are a god, would you not have multiple lovers, or care not for regular romance norms? Then again, they are simply mortals compared to you. What do they know? Why should they question you? Were you not happy with that one person? Do you just reset time when things don't go your way? Those guys don't seem to notice it... But Volo probably does sulk if he is deep in his delusion of you being the 'True' god. He wants your favor, your affection. The love you have for those others in different universes. Especially if you romance an antagonistic character. You don't mind flawed individuals!! Surely, you'd let him be a consort?
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sataara · 6 months
Fanfic Recs! pt. 1
Hello hello! For yall that don't know me, I'm Billy or Sataara, either is fine, and I read a lot of submas fics so I decided to make a list of some recommendations that I have! A few things about me is that I can't deal with unhappy endings, heavy angst and/or any pairings where both brothers are with someone else (also no bl/nkship), so if you're looking for any of these types of fics, I'm sorry but you won't find it here :/
That aside, I'll make more than one post since this was getting kind of long, this first one are just multi-chapter fics! Most of these are either reunion fics or Ingo living after getting back from Hisui, with some exceptions! Gonna leave the actual description under the link with small personal notes on my opinion about them!
edit: added a few more!
Combūrere by Anonymous
Emmet doesn’t appreciate hearing his brother is dead. But if it takes everyone treating him like glass to let him fistfight a god, so be it. He’s an over-pressured steam boiler, waiting to explode. He’s already set up all the pieces, lined all his matchsticks one by one. The only thing left to do is set himself ablaze. In which Emmet becomes a vengeful spirit, reunites with Ingo, travels to an alternate universe, and fights a god. Just. Not in that order.
Words: 140,000 Chapters: 28/28
This fic got me hooked from start to finish, I was up until 5am at one point because I just couldn't put it down. Reunion with a lot of bumps in the road that only make the story more interesting and flashbacks that only add context making the fic more robust.
Last Train Home by StellarCoachman
Ingo arrived in Hisui far too early, settling in and making a life for himself there. Akari, his daughter, grows up alongside him and Lady Sneasler in the Highlands, developing a strong bond with Pokemon that serves her well when she decides to join the Galaxy Team Survey Corp. There, she meets an odd boy named Rei and takes part in the events that shape the history of the region itself. An unexpected encounter leaves her lost in an unfamiliar world. Meanwhile, Emmet has long since grown to accept his brother's presumed death, but still struggles on occasion. When he gets proof that his brother may actually be alive, he rushes off to see for himself, but he's not prepared for what he finds instead.
Words: 90,307 Chapters: 12/12
One of the many fics I'll share from this author, love their works very much and I really enjoy their different takes on their reunion! As a warning, though, this one can be very sad and it made me cry a few times too </3
Legends, ponderances, and then some. by An_Ephemeral_Walk
Of all the lands, all the regions, all the timelines, it was Unova that was chosen. It was Unova that was the first to lose someone to a mythical being outside the domain of Truth and Ideals. It was Unova that fell victim to the being already tormenting both the Sinnoh of now, and the Hisui of then. While it wouldn't be Truth or Ideals that would ultimately lead Giratina to regretting going along with Volo, it would learn the taste of regret and defeat all the same in many flavors. Stealing the partner of a fiery ghost is a lesson not learned yet, but it will be. Oh, it will be.
Words: 85,049 Chapters: 10/10
This one is a very interesting and enjoyable read, a lot of introspection, different hcs for how the characters met, just, really nice all around.
Elevated Railways by FluentInFangirl12
I'm a sucker for wingfics and I'm surprised that in all my submas fics, I haven't written one yet. This was inspired by @manchasma's wing au on tumble dot com and this specific post by @fang-tasmal (https://fang-tasmal.tumblr.com/post/682901862855426048/wing-au-time-i-like-the-traditional-wings-on-back) but im changing the lore and stuff a bit.
Words: 71,987 Chapters: 28/28
Wingfic! This one has a lot of uncle Ingo content, it's a really fun read and nice exploration of the setting with the "but what if wings?" trope added to that <3 Also, another author that has a bunch of fics I enjoy!
Ingo in Wonderland by PerpetuallySleepy
Falling for the second time, Ingo finds himself in a strange land… a strange wonderland. Well, it appears that there’s quite an adventure ahead of him. A weird and wacky one! All aboard!
Words: 71,058 Chapters: 30/30
This one I actually avoided for sometime thinking it wouldn't be something I enjoyed, but oh, I'm so glad I gave it a chance! What a fascinating and fun story! Its heart wrenching and different, I loved it all the way through!
Give Not In To Sorrow by Hare_Brained_Scheme
Something strange is going on in Hisui. There are reports of a man in white roaming the wildlands while leading a pack of Pokemon . Some say they're a mix of Pokemon, some claim they're a pack of zoroarks. Some swear that the man is none other than the amnesiac warden of the Pearl Clan. One thing is certain. Those who meet the man in white all report the same thing: He is looking for his brother. And he will not rest until he finds him.
Words: 70,551 Chapters: 12/12
This one I can not recommend enough, beautifully crafted story, completely gut wrenching, I've read it twice not counting the times I reread my favorite parts and cried a lot, mind the tags but do read it if you haven't already.
We Are Derailing by william_pkmn
Lucas is sent on a mission to investigate a sacred site to the Diamond clan. As added backup, he takes Ingo with and inadvertently unlocks his memories, deepening the mystery they have to solve together.
Words: 49,451 Chapters: 10/10
Another really interesting one! Following Ingo and Lucas as they look for clues about Ingo's past, the promise that things will work out by the end, the road to get there, it's worth the read!
A Rather Dramatic Displacement by NanixErka
Arceus grants the wish of the two heroes displaced in time However, perhaps they should have consulted Dialga with the time portion of this 10 years isn't too far off for humans, right? the scowling 5 year old didn't think so.
Words: 44,258 Chapters: 12/12
Really fun fic with Ingo and Akari being de aged and sent to the wrong time! Tons of shenanigans and also cute moments with dad Ingo <3
Autistic Elopement (if it sucks, hit the bricks) by Alienea, Juan_Pujol_Garcia
Stuck in the past? Textures suck? Tastes bad? Horribly understimulated? Just walk out! Hit the bricks! Leave through a portal with a kid you met a few months ago! What could go wrong?
Words: 42,008 Chapters: 6/6
Loooooove this one! Ingo relearning and slowly remembering his present time, while Emmet has to deal with everything that comes with Ingo being back but with no memories.
to the rift that tore us apart (and brought us together again) by Gibberish_Sorcerer
A distortion appears at a certain Unovan subway station, taking away Ingo to a different land. Emmet sees everything firsthand. (Emmet goes through a rift to Hisui, keeps his memories, and just sorta hangs out with Ingo. Also the entire plot of PLA happens with the twins going along for the ride.)
Words: 31,911 Chapters: 15/15
This one is really good! Such an interesting idea to explore with Emmet also in Hisui and now everyone has to deal with the fact that there's two of them kjdbsjakbvkjb
I Came Back For You by Elithesia_Autem_Danguarde
Upon experiencing a mysterious connection to another time and space, Warden Ingo regains his memories and makes the choice to return home to Unova where he belongs. However, he has to deal with not only his own emotions about being in Hisui for over a year, but how his absence impacted those that loved him. Settling back home isn't easy, but there are always people who stand behind him, particularly his precious little brother who missed him so dearly.
Words: 30,295 Chapters: 5/5
The care and love in this fic is so heartwarming but also a bit sad at times, I really enjoyed the concept and how the different conflicts were worked through!
A Change in Conductors by CuzReasons
Warden Ingo wakes up in a place he doesn't recognize. Subway Boss Ingo wakes up in a place he's only read about. Neither are where they should be.
Words: 23,654 Chapters: 9/9
This author is currently my favorite and I love their concepts and how they work through their stories and ideas, I recommend looking through their entire pokemon tag if you're looking for reunions and sibling antics! But talking about this fic in specific, the concept uses a common trope but the way it's used is fresh and so intriguing! I kept reading each chapter as soon as I got the notification, I cried happy tears reading it.
I am not there, I do not sleep. by digitalpen
How does it feel to be a dead man walking? The Pearl Clan found the body of a man in the icelands. His lips were blue and he had no pulse. When no one else in Hisui could identify him, his body was given to a blessed pokemon in lieu of a funeral. And yet, his spirit is seen walking about days later. Ingo haunts the highlands as a ghost. He has no home, no family, no memories, no life. What comes next?
Words: 20,249 Chapters: 5/5
This one messed me up and made me happy all over again, mind the tags and don't forget the promised happy ending!
The Warden, The Girl, & The Fox by Elithesia_Autem_Danguarde
While freely roaming Hisui, Akari stumbles upon a mysterious man in the Alabaster Icelands with a familiar face. As the two begin to form a friendship, Akari begins to realize there might be much more to this new man's presence than what it initially seems, as well as being the key to unlocking the lost memories of her friend, Warden Ingo.
Words: 68,621 Chapters: 15/15
Another one by Elithesia! I do love this one and their reunion is bittersweet at first but so comforting as it goes! The focus on this one is way more on Akari, but the brothers are the main point of the story!
Let It Simmer by EVTrainingUniversity
Having returned to the future, Ingo finds himself stumped on just who he was before Hisui as his memories still haven't returned. As such, until he can find his way back to his home station he must spend some time in the modern-day Sinnoh. Left sitting around for the most part while the investigators do their work, he decides to put a gift given to him by his friends in the past to good use by making a food recipe blog of traditional Hisuian dishes. It's by complete happenstance that Emmet stumbles upon his blog, having taken on cooking as a hobby during Ingo's absence.
Words: 6,538 Chapters: 4/4
This one is very special to me, food as a love language, as a healing tool, as a bonding experience, it's everything to me
Fear Not the Descent by ImpossibleJedi4
Some coping mechanisms formed in wake of a tragedy are healthy, some are unhealthy, and some are a mixture of the two. Emmet finds peace when he travels far below the surface of the earth, but then, at long last, someone finds him in return.
Words: 2,316 Chapters: 2/2
Very short one but it's so touching... Please do mind the tags if any of those concepts might make you uncomfortable, better safe than sorry
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volostogekiss · 7 months
hello… do you have any thoughts on adorably clingy Volo? Wanting so much attention and love he can’t get enough of it?
ohh that’s a good one! yes, i have some thoughts :3c
I think when you initially start showing him affection, even the smallest things, like just holding his hand or reaching up to brush some leaves out of his hair, that makes his heart warm in a way he can’t quite understand at first. I think it’s because he’s so touch-starved that he doesn’t realize how much he’d missed being comforted with the warmth of someone else’s love, so tangible and real, that he subconsciously latches onto it so so sincerely. It’s as if that will make up for all the years he’d spent alone. Oh, and I’m sure you can make up for all those years.
❥ When he’s more aware of how he feels about you, Volo eases himself into it. I think how quickly he begins truly enjoying your attention and little acts of love depends on how often you show him that affection, but once you start, he knows what it’s like, and he’ll slowly want more. It’s the small things with him at first, too: He takes your hand before you have a chance to grab his, or he straightens out the overcoat that’d bunched up near your shoulders, or he takes it upon himself to sweep away the dust on your pants. When you realize that he’s reciprocating because he wants you to give him that same attention, you really should, or the subtlest pout might show up on his lips. (And that pout becomes more obvious the longer you’re around him.)
❥ Once he’s very comfortable with your affection, he’ll just start asking you to indulge him, though. He’s kind of dramatic but only because he realizes how much you’re affecting him, and that he needs you. “My love, why don’t you kiss me? I’ve been dreadfully lonely.” Meaningful winks and wandering hands. If you tell him that you’ve literally been by his side all day, he’ll just ignore you and play silly. “Oh, it’s been so long since I’ve last hugged you!” Volo’s not asking anymore, he’ll just start doing. Sweeping you up into a hug, nuzzling into your neck, kissing your cheeks and then your lips in a surprise you won’t see coming until it happens. He really doesn’t want to let you go, and it’s a fight to get him to do anything else besides that. But who wants Volo to let them go?
❥ If you’re not paying him enough attention, and he just can’t get enough of you, Volo is certainly the type of man to not quite show or tell you directly that he’s impatient or fed up, minus the little hints you’ve probably picked up on—that slight pursing of his lips, huffing beneath his breath, or even a few mild complaints here and there. But he’ll definitely go and show you once he’s reached his limit, pressing you up somewhere and showering you in his affection. Preferably away from prying eyes, unless he’s trying to make someone jealous.
❥ Though Volo turns to mush when you treat him the same, and especially when you’re gentle with him. It’s when he least expects you to turn to him with such kindness and love that he always falls apart beneath your touch, even if he’s still standing. You know, however, the effect that you have on him. His eye is slightly glazed over, there’s that meaningful pink on his cheeks, and he’s silent for just a little too long. (It’s cute.) It happens often when you spend a quiet moment together, as if he can’t believe that you’re giving him your love. You might have to wake him up from his blissful disbelief with a reminder of how real you are—he’ll certainly appreciate that! Volo loves you a lot, and after all, he’s just terrible at letting you go.
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roxannarambles · 1 month
Rambling about Volo and emotional repression
Volo's interesting because while he pretended to be protagonist's friend, his act actually wasn't perfect in some respects. He often said he was being friendly or helpful because it was good business for him. This continues in Masters, where he seems to constantly remind people that's why he's being friendly. Indeed one of his items to use on team-mates is called "This Is An Investment," something he probably constantly says to himself whenever he does something nice. "This isn't because I'm a good person or because I like this person, this isn't for the sake of being nice, it's just an investment to benefit me later" He also insists he is nice to his pokemon because he wishes to study them and you need to take care of them in order to do that
I think the reason he so often reminded people he was 'being nice' merely for the sake of good business was because he was reminding himself that. Because he didn't dare to fall into the trap of actually caring about anybody. So every time he instictively was kind, he had to tell himself, no no, it was just because it will benefit me, it's not because I care. Same for his pokemon. He told N that no no, I am nice to my pokemon because I wish to study them. Volo was saying that because he didn't dare to let himself to even think about his true feelings. Crush them down. Deny them. There's no way I truly love my pokemon deep down.
It suggests he used to be a deeply caring person and he now is constantly crushing that good nature down so that he cannot see or feel it
I don't think this is merely "wishful thinking" to find some good in him because scenes from Masters suggest he has some hidden, genuine affection for a protagonist (very sentimentally wants a photograph with them as a memento and wants them to 'remember him' as just friendly, harmless merchant Volo) and that he genuinely cares about his pokemon (the friendship evos which again, require you to go above and beyond when caring for your pokemon and spending time with them-- and likely friendship evos were not understood back then! so he didn't even know this was needed to get them to evolve and yet he did it anyway-- but also the true love and trust N heard from Togepi) Also, he wants to make a world free of pain and strife which is not exactly an evil goal, he just has a very twisted way of going about it.
This is an investment
This is just a business investment
That's all it is
He spends so much time trying not to get too close to the people and pokemon around him, keeping things strictly business, but whoops, still accidentally ended up emotionally invested.
anyway, "emotional investment" is the name of the volo fic I'll never write since I'm on writing hiatus, lol
Sidebar, the line he has when he uses that 'This is an investment' item is a very sassy "Pay me later," but delivered in such a way that to me expresses roughly "I am doing you a big favor here and I am a total baller for doing it/I am going to save your ass, and also, I don't actually care if you pay me back for it later." Whether or not he doesn't care because he wants us in his debt, or because he genuinely does not care, is up to you
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legacyshenanigans · 10 months
character sheet in the undercut 😊
(Might do one for Rowan later)
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Character Chart
Character’s full name:
Marvolo Aleister Gaunt.
Reason or meaning of name:
The name Marvolo actually means "inflict injury" and Aleister is his father's name.
Character’s nickname:
Aside from "pet names" Its mainly Volo, to people who are close enough to shorten his name.
Birth date: 8th of December 1864
Physical appearance
How old does he appear:
Could probably pass for like 30.
Around 210lbs
Body build:
Toned/ Muscular.
Shape of face:
Diamond face shape.
Eye color:
Golden Hazel.
Glasses or contacts:
Skin tone:
Distinguishing marks:
Predominant features:
Large front teeth.
Hair color:
Type of hair:
Somewhere between wavy and straight. Can be kinda flicky.
Overall attractiveness:
Very (my personal opinion obviously🤣)
Physical disabilities:
Usual fashion of dress:
Favorite outfit:
Black suits.
Good personality traits:
Loves hard (those he cares about).
Funny (when he wants to be)
Bad personality traits:
Litteral Murderer 😅
Can be very Arrogant and cocky
Generally nasty and sarcastic.
Mood character is most often in:
Sense of humor:
Dark (but can be goofy)
Character’s greatest joy in life:
Having power and strength is a huge thing to him.
Character’s greatest fear:
Losing someone he cares about.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?
*See above*
Character is most at ease when:
With his partner/ Reading.
Most not at ease when:
On enemy ground.
Enraged when:
Depressed or sad when:
Thinking too deep about certain things.
Character’s soft spot:
Romance with Partner and Bunnies
Is this soft spot obvious to others?:
To his partner yeah, and the bunny loving he keeps on the down low to most people.
Greatest strengths:
Confidence, Cunning, Power.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness:
Short fused, doesn't handle overwhelming feelings very well.
Biggest regret:
Using crucio on Ominis when they were kids
Character’s darkest secret:
There's a reason secrets are secrets👀
Does anyone else know?
Only Rerek.
Type of childhood:
He holds both good memories, but with certain trauma thrown in there.
Rerek (companion)
First memory:
Playing in the garden with rabbits.
Most important childhood memory:
Ominis coming home.
Education: Hogwarts.
Current home location:
Gaunt Manor.
Currently living with:
Rereks still going🐍
Den boss / "butcher"
Ophelia Belladonna Gaunt.
Relationship with her:
Good relationship.
Aleister Morfin Gaunt.
Relationship with him:
Rocky to say the least.
Ominis Matthias Gaunt.
Relationship with them:
Very typical brother relationship, sometimes they hate each other, but they care for one another.
Aurora Winters.
Relationship with her:
Grounded, caring, loving relationship.
Hobbies: Reading, Murder...You know? the usual 🤣
Plays a musical instrument?:
How he/she would spend a rainy day:
In bed with Aurora 😏
Spending habits:
Doesn't worry about money, spends it frivolously.
Yes (but isn't an alcoholic or anything, he just likes a drink every now and again)
Other drugs:
Depends on what kinda mood he's in
What does he do too much of?
What does he do too little of?
Self care mainly.
Extremely skilled at:
Dark magic and other unsavoury things.
Optimist or pessimist?
Dark Optimist.
Introvert or extrovert?
Extrovert with introverted tendencies.
Daredevil or cautious?
A calculated Daredevil.
Logical or emotional?
Depends on the situation and who's invovled.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Methodical and neat mainly.
Prefers working or relaxing?
Confident or unsure of himself
VERY confident.
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general:
Doesn't TEND to like people.
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others?:
If he doesn't like you you'll know about it, and if he DOES like you, you'll see that. So no.
Best friend(s):
Rerek and Rowan.
Love interest(s):
Aurora Winters.
Person character goes to for advice:
Aurora, and Ominis if he NEEDS advice, he's usually pretty sure of himself.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
Aurora and Ominis.
Person character feels shy or awkward around:
Most important person in character’s life before story starts:
After story starts:
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leggerefiore · 3 months
How do the Poké-Villains behave when drunk? Do they get whiny or talkative or...? (Do some of them even get drunk or are they like... unable to get drunk at all? Lmao)
Maybe with Maxie, Archie, Cyrus and others of your choice, if you want to?
cw: mentions of alcohol, drunkenness,
characters: Maxie, Archie, Cyrus, Volo, Guzma
🪨 Maxie is not really the type to drink, truthfully. He feels that it interferes with his overall function and that it usually has no benefit to him that he could not find elsewhere. Though there are occasions which he drinks. Celebrations are one. Social gatherings are another. It is just rare that he chooses to on his own. He does not really have much of a preference towards anything, but he does naturally drift towards sake for celebrations or beer for more social events.
🪨 Of course, this does mean his tolerance is quite low. It is very easy for him to overdo it and get drunk, which he dislikes immensely. Though, when he is drunk, he becomes much more emotional. He might start crying at a moment's notice over something completely inane or because he thought of something. One time, he started crying because he thought about how much he loved his partner and simply could not handle his feelings. Or he thought about what he almost did with Groudon... He becomes quite a mess easily. The redhead has to be tucked into bed and made to sleep off the rest of his stupor.
🪨 He cannot handle the following hangover and has to remain in bed all the next day. This is a reminder of why he usually refuses to drink. The Magma Leader is also flustered by any and all things he said after he recalls them. His shame is overwhelming, and he cannot face anyone for at least twenty-four hours. Crying about Groudon will haunt him for a while.
💧 Archie sometimes drinks but not too much. Definitely a social drinker type. He does not see much of a reason to do it alone, and thinks it is something that you do with friends to either have a good time or celebrate. Rarely, though, he will have a drink on his own. Mostly to unwind after something particularly intense or stressful. It really is not common, though. He skews towards beers typically, but he has been known to have rum, too. He has a pirate theme to keep up, after all.
💧 He has a pretty good tolerance for drinking. It is rare that he overdo it and ends up in a heavily inebriated state. Archie is good about cutting himself off before he has an issue arise. When that fails, however, he quickly becomes a mess. Just like Maxie, he gets emotional. Usually, it skews more towards happiness, but he can start to cry at the drop of a hat. Any mention about the Kyogre incident is known to send him into hysterics, but bringing up his partner makes him go on and on about how much he loves them and how perfect they are. At some point, he gets sent off to bed to sleep away the remainder of the alcohol.
💧 He handles his hangover pretty well. Despite the pounding in his head, he still gets up and does his usual tasks. Archie is not even embarrassed by his behaviour from the night previous, and just shrugs it off. His entire team does not even think twice about it with him.
☄️ Not too big on drinking. Cyrus does it to keep up appearances, but he personally does not like how alcohol affects him. There are likely some memories attached to the activity that he deems unpleasant to recall. Yet, he still will drink in the company of those who do. Usually, this means he simply consumes whatever is offered to him, so his preferences are a bit of a mystery. Though he does know that he prefers whiskies when asked, but he still does not exactly like it. No alcohol is one he truly does.
☄️ Despite his overall lack of drinking, his tolerance appears, at least, to be quite high. It seems almost impossible for him to be phased either mentally or physically by alcohol. Cyrus also seems to be very aware of his limits and stops himself before passing them. Should he get drunk, however, he becomes more withdrawn and unsociable. All he wants is to be left alone suddenly and has to excuse himself. The only person who might be able to comfort him in such a state is his romantic partner. Though, even then, it might be too much for them. It would be best to just let him fall asleep and get everything out of his system that way.
☄️ He handles hangovers badly. This is precisely why he hates drinking. Now, he is losing an entire workday and having to hide away in his bed and hope the pounding in his head eventually fades. Cyrus hates how he acted and feels like emotions have once again got ahead of him. In bed, he will continue to pretend that he does not exist.
⭐️ There is only so much alcohol in Hisui, and Volo is usually not able to partake due to his work. Whether it be his actual duties as a merchant or simply those he chooses to do as a wannabe archaeologist. Though, he does often enjoy a drink when he finds the time to have one. Albeit, that is truly rare. The blond has fully dedicated himself to his work. If he should somehow find the time, say at a celebration or festival in the village, he does enjoy the refreshments. He does not have much of a preference for any specific drink, but he does not exactly have many options available to him anyway.
⭐️ He is surprisingly hard to get drunk. Volo is careful not to overdo it, having a certain mask that he fully intends to up-keep. His limits are acknowledged and kept under. Should that fail for whatever reason, he becomes oddly manic. He becomes even friendlier to an almost terrifying degree and just will not stop talking no matter what. Somehow, he never once reveals his plans, but he just keeps going on and on about random Hisuian folklore and history. Eventually, someone (his partner) has to go lay him down, but he tries to stop them.
⭐️ With a hangover, leave him alone. He is cursing Arceus for daring and gives him such a bodily system that causes him such great pain. His main worry is that he might have said something to break his character's veneer, but he luckily did not. Now, instead, he has a pounding headache and feels like he has to throw up. (Please bring him a cool rag and sit by his side. He is like a frail Victorian woman.)
□ Guzma drinks. Truly an unexpected phenomenon, of course, but he drinks. He knows it is a quick way to get a semi-decent high, and it can really add to a mood when you are out with friends. Though, he honestly hates doing it alone, despite doing it at least somewhat regularly when he is in a bad mood. He usually leans towards cheaper beers because he does not truly have money to toss around. Though, a few times, he has had a drink with Lusamine, and he gets to have some nice wine and champagne. They are not exactly his favourite.
□ His alcohol tolerance is pretty average. Guzma does not get drunk too easily, nor is it nearly impossible. His limit is somewhat acknowledged, but he often ignores it. He is pretty hard to tell if he is drunk, truthfully. The punk might get a bit more inclined and loud, but hardly anyone thinks it is related to alcohol, since it also happens when he is just upset. So, basically, he barely changes but becomes a more pronounced version of himself. Before he really gets mad, however, it is a good idea to get him to go lay down. He tends to be pretty bad about knowing when he should stop and rest.
□ Both good and a baby about hangovers. He hates everything about it, but he tries to force himself through it. Definitely has to be told that he is allowed to lay down and rest. Guzma will ignore those words, but he does consider them at least. There is nothing for him to fret over about his behaviour, so he just shrugs it off. A part of life, he thinks. Then, he has to run to throw up. He probably does stop for a while just to not experience that again.
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esprei · 2 years
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VOLO TIME *cue piano* OK SO... I’ve been meaning to write this up for a while now - my thoughts, observations and general musings on Volo (and maybe a headcanon or two?) (please keep in mind this will be very jumbled - literally just me trying to talk about why this character has grown on me and why I love him so much now so without further ado, let’s go! also, big shoutout to @sunnyluma for helping grab most of these screenshots tyyyyyy ;-;)
((under a cut because this will be loooong))
Ah, Volo... where do I even start?  I was pretty indifferent towards him at first and the same can be said as I played through the game. I honestly thought that he was just a Legends Arceus version of Cynthia, nothing more nothing less (since, y’know he had similar looks, mannerisms and things, not to mention the whole various characters as ancestors bit). For some reason gen 4 is the gen that resonates with me the least (I’ve uh... never actually finished a gen 4 game or fought Cynthia 😬), and while I do think Cynthia is a really cool champion and character in general, I definitely don’t feel a lot of the same hype for her that others do. So that, in turn, applied to Volo for me as well. It was like a... he’s just there kind of situation. But fast forward from finishing the game to hyperfixation on submas to maybe... two months ago? Three now? I dunno, can’t remember the timeline, but what I DO remember is looking at Volo one day and being like... wow. He’s cool. I like him. More specifically, I was looking at his character design sheet at the time. And in that moment it really sank in that, wow this guy is freaking tall. 190cm? equivalent to 6′3″? What in the world. And just... something about that cocky smirk of his in his artwork, coupled with the fact that it’s right next to his goofy Arceus cosplay with that hair... He hooked me. Seriously. Look at him:
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(This outfit has also grown on me btw I unironically love it because look at him he’s in his Arceus cosplay and he confidently rocks it like i can’t-) Anyway part of it is probably because I love characters who have crazy or sinister expressions. They can be fun! So then I rewatched the cutscene that happens after you win against him and Giratina because I couldn’t quite recall the sequence of events that happened there and I was curious. And MAN I was shocked... I did not really remember ANY of this?? Seriously, there’s so much packed into these last few lines before he walks away (forever... sobs...). I feel like I really see a glimpse into Volo’s complexity during this whole cutscene. Or, at the very least, his insecurities. Just take the following for example:
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HE LOOKS SO SAD... SERIOUSLY, this particular little scene always gets to me. Like... ok. Yeah, he not too long before this ordered Giratina to strike you down to get the plates because he said he wasn’t above using force to get them from you, but it’s here where I really see a guy who’s questioning himself in this moment. It’s like he’s putting so much worth into Arceus’s view of him, he’s so convinced that he’s the chosen one because of his bloodline that when Arceus doesn’t choose him he’s lost. Confused. Surprised Pikachu face even. 
I dunno... we unfortunately don’t have a lot of backstory on him, but I feel like this guy has (or feels like he has) a lot of pressure on his shoulders due to the nature of belonging to a bloodline that has pretty much since died out, save for himself and Cogita. Or maybe even that he put that pressure on himself? Which brings me to this... a scene that REALLY caught my attention when watched it again because I actually read what he says???
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If you follow me over on twitter, you might have seen me talk about this scene a while back - more specifically what he says in the first two screenshots. It’s honestly one of the ones that led me to look into Volo even more because seriously... Volo. Who or what hurt you. What happened. Talk to me. PLEASE...
In all seriousness though, the lack of backstory kills me because I like to imagine something tragic happened to him in the past for him to have this viewpoint. And to not only have this viewpoint but to be driven enough to make a change in the world... err... rather, just make a new one!
But. Back to the lines after you defeat him and Giratina... what stands out to me here as well is Volo’s admission and acceptance of defeat. Watching it back the first time I was honestly a little caught off guard. He really kinda humbles himself and gives you the last plate, the Spooky Plate, admitting that his journey ended when lost to you. I don’t really focus too much on the other Pokemon villains admittedly so I’m not sure if others did this, but this sequence just stuck out to me because he gives it up after being so aggressive right before this. Like before he was confident, smug, hellbent on doing everything that he could to get you out of his way, you outsider, then when he Giratina ran off he was at first angry, then confused, questioning Arceus about it all, left with burning questions that he can’t bear not knowing the answer to... It’s like this man goes through the five stages in grief all in the span of like... 30 seconds.
Seriously, this man looks tired here. Done. Defeated. He knows it’s over.
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He accepts it all, even if it’s just for a moment. ...Then right after that the Azure Flute forms for you and he’s right back to being an angry, petulant brat about it all... But that’s why I love him! He’s morally gray. He fights with himself, he fights with the internal emotional turmoil that he’s feeling about you being the one Arceus wants to see rather than him, about him not being good enough for Arceus to spare him even a second of its time, him thinking that he was doing something that needed to be done, rebuilding a new world free from pain and strife and other horrible things he’s had to experience, that others have no doubt experienced... (at least, this is what I see asfkldfj) And all of that, at least to me, makes him more interesting than the Volo I had first impressions of. Makes him feel more human to me. More than just “oh shoot, he’s the Cynthia ancestor who’s actually the villain instead of Cyllene!” Like... yeah. He made bad choices. He tried to use Giratina to strike you down. He wanted to subjugate Arceus and force it to create a brand new world, erasing the current one. Not a good look. I’m not trying to excuse any of that, and I’m not the best at organizing these thoughts probably, and I will admit that I also saw Volo as the manipulative, conniving guy early on because for me it was such a twist that he was the villain, so that’s what I focused on. And why he was such a great twist villain for me was because of the setup. By that, I mean you already had a well established character in Cynthia right - an all good, helpful, friendly and strong person - then you apply that to Volo and... boom. HE’S NOT THAT?? I was thinking at a certain point it was just going to be Kamado as the big bad because of the events that unfold, which is why with Volo it was EVEN BETTER because you had that sort of fake out I guess (for lack of a better term)? Kamado banishes you from Jubilife, Volo finds you in Obsidian Fieldlands and helps you, takes you to Cogita to help with the lake spirits and the Red Chain and all, you eventually hear that Kamado is going up to the temple to deal with the rift, then after those events Volo gets kinda sus at the Giratina statue riiiiight before you go up to the temple and then when you get up there... JACKET COMES OFF, OUTFIT CHANGE, etc etc. And like... I get why some people just do not like Volo and never will. I respect that. Trust me, I did NOT like Melli during the main game at all, I’ll tell you what. The little bit of background we get on him in the daybreak update was what changed my view on him, though. And for me what changed my general view on Volo were these scenes. I dunno, maybe I’m a broken record at this point, and maybe I’m a little biased now because I adore him, but I now see him as someone who maybe in the beginnings had noble intentions and just ended up going down the wrong path unfortunately.
Like... look. Right after he questions Arceus about what he’s lacking he asks this:
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To me, he’s doubting it all now. And like the moments I mentioned above, him questioning the grand ol’ creator what it is he’s lacking, what makes him not good enough, we see a bit of his human side. Scenes like these and scenes like when he gives you the Spooky Plate lead me to think he has a lot of insecurities hidden underneath that confident (and other times cheery and playful) demeanor. Whether it’s a burden, an expectation, his own self-imposed pressures... there’s just a smidge that we can see and so much more that could be possible if he had more story elements focused on him. (WHICH IS WHY I WANT PLA DLC SO BAD I KNOW IT’S WISHFUL THINKING BUT PLEASE) I’d also like to mention that I think it’s very very interesting that his trainer class for his last battle is “Pokemon Wielder” rather than the “Ginkgo Guild Member” class he has for his other battles. I don’t feel like “Pokemon Wielder” is negative in its connotation - rather, I’d like to think that it derives from his bloodline, the Celestica people, and the thought that perhaps they were the first tamers of Pokemon in the land of Hisui. This thought is due to the fact that he’s excited to see another person (you) who uses Pokeballs for their Pokemon (rather than the Diamond and Pearl clans whose leaders and wardens do not use Pokeballs at all - with Ingo being the (other) exception to that rule of course). That coupled with the fact that he looks genuinely disappointed that more people don’t use them (this line here):
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And, of course, how can I fail to mention his Pokemon team itself? Look. Really. If you know anything about me lately it is that I ADORE the idea of Volo adoring his Togepi. Which then would evolve into a Togetic through high friendship. And then into a Togekiss through use of Shiny Stone, but you get my point right? Budew into Roselia, Riolu into Lucario... Yes, I know, I know, Volo is Hisuian Cynthia so the team matches for the most part outside of H. Arcanine, and the joke about him gaslighting his Pokemon into evolving is funny on the surface, but in reality I think he genuinely loves his Pokemon. For goodness sake, there’s a photo of him and Togepi outside of the photo booth! And and and the standee that was recently announced as merch?!
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LOOK AT HOW HE HOLDS LITTLE TOGEPI. YOU CANNOT TELL ME THIS MAN DOESN’T LOVE HIS EGG. LOOK AT HOW HE HOLDS EGG. EGG DAD. ...Sorry. Got a little carried away there. But yes! I think he loves his Pokemon, genuinely. Which is why it kills me when he says this:
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Like bro. Your Pokemon were right there in that battle. VOLO PLEASE- (ALSO JUST A QUICK MENTION ABOUT THIS LINE, it also leads me to think that he’s kinda... always been alone for the most part, outside of his Pokemon team maybe 🥺 probably more of a headcanon than anything but that’s just how I feel sdflkjsdlfkj) Alright... I think I’ve said enough at this point and it’s a mess and I’m not too sure I can ever put quite how I feel about Volo into proper words because I’m not the best at this kind of thing but... I just want to say that he’s a character that I have accelerated in love and appreciation for because he’s just... I dunno, he’s got a lot going on. And I think maybe some of that gets missed because of his ties to Cynthia and his betrayal. But I’m reaaaaaally hoping to see him again in the near future. A random house in one of the cities either in the new region or in Unova (if we get B/W remakes) will suffice 🥲 So uh... YEAH. tl;dr I think Volo is a great character with a little more under the surface than just the villain reveal twist at the end of the game and I’m rooting for him all the way. Him and Togepi (Togekiss?). 
Alright. That’s all I got! Byeeeee y’all 👋
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whathebeep · 6 months
Can I just say like,,, obviously my brain is always thinking about Baldur's Gate 3 and narratively how it could continue for a BG4 (I know I'm getting ahead of myself here) BUT
There's so many characters that could make comebacks in the game and I am so here for it. In my mind, under the cut, here's the top contenders for returning characters (other than obviously Volo, Jaheira and Minsc) (Late game Spoilers included!!)
So first and foremost our fav Archdruid Halsin! The fact that he goes back and rebuilds the shadowlands village and builds it up as a community means so much. It means you could go there in BG4 and meet Halsin, the community leader, the wise Archdruid who runs the orphanage. Whether or not he is actually the leader directly or just a respected community member and advisor to the leader of the town/village (depending on how big it grows) would both be good narrative choices. You could listen in on him tell stories of the adventures he has with the PC from BG3 to the kids. Hell you could probably meet Thaniel while in the area if you're a druid/have a high enough nature skill. There's so many possibilities for this and I adore it so much.
There's a lot of the characters you could also meet there too, who so happened to either have settled down there or are only passing through, visiting an old friend.
Astarion of course you could meet either ending route for him! Either as an adventurer (maybe travelling with Shadowheart?) Or as a vampire lord ruling in Baldur's Gate, out of Cazador's old estate. He would probably keep the vampire secret from you as he's a spawn l, but perhaps if he comes to trust you he'll let you know. Perhaps he'll even direct you to a safe spot in the Underdark to rest your head. Whether or not he tells you it's all spawn would be up to choice. If he's a vampire lord I imagine he'll be very Strahd/Cazador like, and will either want you to be a spawn for him or will want to kill/manipulate you into doing his bidding. Either way he'd probably be a boss fight
Shadowheart as an adventurer as well (again potentially travelling with Astarion, or having settled down) but HEAR ME OUT. I love LOVE the idea of A Selune worshipper Shadowheart eventually returning to revitalize the Selune temple you see early game and starting up a village there. Hells.or even Isobel and Dame Aylin doing that and Shadowheart eventually making a home there.. I'M HERE FOR IT
Lae'zel ofc, but they'd have to have a strong reason for her to return to the material plane. Maybe she would, after defeating the bitch I MEAN Lich Queen.
Gale maybe as an Elminster type character? Like it would be different depending on what ending for him is considered "canon", but either god of ambition or teacher will work super super well for this. He could offer the position of his chosen to the PC cause let's be real that's basically your thing no matter if you're good or evil, or he could be a wise wizard who can give safe advice to you or just bump into you on your travels.
UGH there's just so many options and I love it
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fcgoretzka · 1 year
Za roko te držim | Bojan Cvjetićanin
Pairing : Bojan Cvjetićanin x y/n (she/her)
Author's note : Well yeah, this is my very first Bojan fanfic, it came out shorter than what I anticipated but yeah, a first is a first. Hopefully I'll have the time and inspiration to write many many more 🦋 Infinite thanks to @rottingsun for giving me this idea and saving me (also saving you from another sad angst if you remember me from the old il volo imagines days).
Warnings: Sexual tension, slight foul language (I think?). No proofread cause we die like men.
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With the way the music was blasting through the nightclub, the strobing lights electrifying the atmosphere and the excessive alcohol making everyone a little too flirty, Bojan decided to put down his gin tonic and take y/n 's hand, motioning her the way to the dance floor. She could never resist him, especially now, with the way the black fabric was hugging his body and his arms that were oh-so-protective of her were in clear sight after tearing the sleeves of his silk shirt. His hands quickly found their way to her lower back, bringing her as closer to him as he could, while she played with Bojan's hair with the tips of her fingers. Her eyes never leaving his, they were entagled into this sexual tension, but none of them wanting the night to end. The dj was playing the perfect songs, the bartender served the perfect drinks and the outcome of the night could wait until the first morning hours. Bojan kept averting his gaze between her eyes and lips, teasing his girlfriend whose lust could be spotted miles away. He moved his lips closer to hers, barely touching her, their breaths entagled. She decided to give in, hungrily tasting the sweet and bitter lips of his. Bojan never turned down the opportunity to kiss her, their lips moving in sync and their hands exploring each other's bodies.
"You know how much you have turned me on right now?" Bojan whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "I don't think we should leave yet, one drink is too little, and the way those lights glow on your face, I want to look at that a bit longer" she replied and Bojan gave her a smile, a type of smile that he keeps only for her. A smile full of adoration. "Can I buy you another drink then?" he said, trying to hide the small smirk that was forming on his lips. She nodded smiling and led him back to the bar, only to see that one of the the two stools that they were sitting was occupied by a pretty blonde woman who was overly excited to talk to the bartender, so Bojan motioned y/n to sit on the empty seat, his hand never leaving hers. "A Strawberry Daquiri baby?" he asked her and she gave him a bright smile.
She never knew two strawberry daquiris could make her so tipsy, but she was giggling like a high schooler every time Bojan told her she was pretty. So he took this as the perfect opportunity to tell her that standing for so long made his feet hurt and the only solution he could think of is sitting on her lap. Her eyes immediately sobered up and whispered "You fucking tease, you know having you this close turns me on" she said completely serious, as Bojan made himself comfortable on her lap. She leaned on his back, the intoxicating smell of his shampoo, his perfume, his aftershave among with the bitterness of the cocktails he chose making her dizzy. "You love holding me closer" he said as she simply nodded, sinking deeper into his silk shirt, holding him tighter and tighter. Bojan sensed that the sexual tension wasn't so palpable anymore and turned his head back, trying to get a better view of her face. "Hey, hey ljubezen, what's wrong?" he said as y/n looked at him dead in the eye and said "Having you on my lap reminded me of how lucky I am to have you Bojan".
Hearing his name only meant two things. Either they were making love, or she was dead serious about what she was saying. He gave her a sweet smile and gave her a soothing kiss on the top of her head. "I am also super lucky to have you in my life y/n. And I am even luckier to know that I have you in my life for good." she told her, the strobing lights lighting up his face not causing her knees to turn weak anymore, but giving her a sense of protection, of security, of warmth. There was no sexual tension, no teasing whatsoever. Just pure love. Pure, plain love.
"But that doesn't mean that the night won't end the way we imagined at the beginning ljubezen"
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