#like she doesnt really understand but it doesnt matter because she loves she so deeply and cares so much!!!!
comradekatara · 7 months
How conscious do you think Katara of Sokka's pile of neurosis surrounding her safety, their father, or the tribe in general?
Basically, how well do you think Katara understands her brother?
[thinks about my own incredibly weird, callous, prodigious, neurotic brother] does anyone truly understand their brother?
just kidding. sort of. i mean, this is a really difficult question to answer, because as i've already stated, sokka doesn't actually understand himself. and katara doesn't really understand other people very well in general. she has a deep, presiding love for humanity that accords her warmth and nobility, but she also has a pretty rigid way of conceptualizing any sort of moral quandary (she is in the eighth grade) and often misinterprets people's motivations and subconscious desires. (very dorothea brooke core)
for example, in "the painted lady," when katara says, "oh, sokka, you really do have a heart!" she's only partially joking, right? like she genuinely doesn't understand how he can be so "cold" and callous." she doesn't understand his point of view at all, she thinks he just doesn't care. and sokka could probably do a better job of explaining his point of view, granted, but i also understand why he's given up trying to reason with her, because she does not listen to him unless they are in grave danger (at which point she forgets that he is her stupid annoying brother and places all her faith in him lol).
so we, as an attentive audience, know that sokka cares about the wellbeing of impoverished villages destroyed by the fire nation, because we remember the first couple episodes wherein he was prepared to die defending his impoverished village that was destroyed by the fire nation, and we also remember his promise to prioritize katara's safety over the war at large, so we are not surprised when he says, "you need me and i'll never turn my back on you" (the sokka thesis statement). but katara doesn't really understand how much she means to sokka, or how sokka thinks, or how sokka sees himself, or how sokka sees their father, or anything beyond what sokka is willing to show her regarding his psyche, which is ultimately very little.
and it's not katara's fault, to be clear. katara is not a bad sister for not attempting to plumb the depths of sokka's twisted mind. even if she wanted to (which, who would tbh. don't look at me) sokka does not let her. being vulnerable with her (truly vulnerable, not just "i can't make things fly around woe is me") would go against sokka's core programming. protecting katara doesn't just mean protecting her physically (dying for her, attacking anyone who hurts her even if it's aang and he really didn't mean to, etc.) but also emotionally – protecting her innocence, her naïveté, her idealism.
like he'll say shit like "optimism and wonder are cringe and you're a loser for having love in your heart," but it's still so flippant, it's clear that he doesn't consider "provoking/annoying her" and "protecting her" to be mutually exclusive (frankly, anyone who doesn't succumb to the urge to provoke their siblings is simply not human and cannot be trusted) and has no problem criticizing her when he thinks that she's wrong for whatever reason, but he also avoids being vulnerable with her and uses flippancy and deflection to mask his more honest feelings most of the time.
notice how he basically completely shuts down in "the southern raiders," how even though he is standing there the entire time katara and aang are arguing, he says exactly one sentence and lets aang say literally everything else. notice how in the pilot he calls her a freak for waterbending instead of communicating either jealousy that she can do something he can't or fear that her ability will get her killed (again, it's probably a combination of both, but does he even understand that? probably not. because he refuses to introspect). which is why "you need me and i'll never turn my back on you" or even his admission in "sokka's master" that he feels insecure about being a nonbender shocks her so much.
katara and sokka's codependency is mutual, and they love each other a lot. while sokka isn't katara's first priority and entire identity the way katara is for sokka, when sokka is spirited away in "the winter solstice," katara basically shuts down, clings to his boomerang with a blanket around her shoulders and refuses to move from the spot he was taken until he gets back, and when sokka is gone for the day in "sokka's master," she spends the whole day waiting for him to return. and like, both of these take place in the span of no longer than a single day. but as much as they love and need each other, they also do not really understand each other, or themselves.
i would say that sokka understands katara better than katara understands sokka, but sokka also just understands people better than katara does, so that's not really surprising. for example, he knows that she would not benefit from killing yon rha before katara realizes it (and unlike aang, he is not a pacifist). but he does have some blindspots, like how he doesn't understand why she wouldn't want to see hakoda in ba sing se (he interprets it as a purely selfless act, which it just isn't), but again, that's more of a daddy issues blindspot than a sister issues blindspot. they also just have very different worldviews. katara primarily cares about individuals whereas sokka primarily sees systems (with the necessary caveat that he still prioritizes his family), katara sees the best in people whereas sokka sees the worst in people, katara misses the forest for the trees whereas sokka misses the trees for the forest yada yada.
but what's important to understand fundamentally is that katara and sokka have both been dehumanized by the fn imperialist project (true of every atla character, btw) and so their lack of self-knowledge stems from the formative trauma of cultural genocide. those gaps in understanding originate from the roles they have been forced to inhabit, and since sokka's entire identity revolves around what he can and must sacrifice for katara, it's understandable that katara would be unable to acknowledge or even recognize that.
and then again, even beyond the inherent tragedy of their situation, no fourteen year old little sister really understands the neuroses and contradictions and lamentations of her older brother. even if he wore his heart on his sleeve she wouldn't understand him, because katara does encounter plenty of people who are far more obvious about their intentions and she doesn't really understand them either. but she means well. and that's what matters <3
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ball-of-butter · 1 year
war storm spoilers!!
controversial opinion but i actually like how maven died in war storm, it was very fmab vibes. as someone who has a phd in mareven i feel like that ending really spoke volumes about their characters.
mare and maven have always been mirrors of one another. its why mare connected so deeply with maven in the first book and why she continued to feel this twisted intimacy with him after, because she continued to see herself in him. the same goes for the other way around, even as maven was actively deceiving and lying to her, he still connected with her enough to fall in love with her.
mare is so psychologically disturbed by him because of this understanding they have of one another, and its funny bc i’ve seen people criticise mare for having “wish-washy morals” in that she will heartlessly kill people and then feel bad about the same things later, but thats the point! maven brings out the worst of her, shows her a side of herself that is so rotten and dead that it scares her shitless, so she’s due to spiral and conflict with herself and be a little bit messy. throughout the book, even though we dont get that many scenes of maven and mare being physically with each other (his presence is more psychological on purpose), he’s a representation of herself and a certain viable path for her if anything
so when mare fights maven in silent stone, it doesnt just show her overcoming him physically, but mentally as well. both of them have such complex relationships with silent stone, with maven utilising it no matter how much it harms himself to feed his own rage and pain and ambition, and mare’s fear of silent stone as a corrupting tool, which is perfect symbolism for their characters (imo). maven is using silent stone as a weapon against mare, but mare doesn’t. instead, she overcomes this psychological terrorism by facing him, and this is real portrayal that she, as a character, is stronger than maven, and has become stronger than maven. she saw the path maven offered to her, or represented for her, and she rejected it despite how easy it could’ve been to just let herself go. she snuffs out her weakness, both in the literal physical sense, but intangibly too.
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spacedlexi · 2 years
Question, what made you ship Violentine? I personally liked how Violet was rightfully suspicious of Clem and AJ but still accepted them, and grew to like them. Along with the fact, no matter what, during the Marlon confrontation, she will stand up for Clem and Aj. Also her making a pin for clem, dancing with her, and star gazing (just off the top of my memory) was really cute, she is also just really badass.
yes to all of that 🥺💕 i liked violet in the first episode and the little development we get between her and clem is nice, how they can both relate to each other about their losses and how they are seeming to find comfort in each other during their talks in the dorm and while fishing (especially if you mend her relationship with brody she really relaxes). but i think what really solidified the actual relationship for me was in the beginning of episode 2 when violet realizes everyone is about to Jump this Child and immediately without hesitation stands in the middle against her friends and community to protect this little boy who just killed their leader, because he is a Little Child and everyone needs to Calm Down, and marlons hands werent so clean either. for the rest of the episode she stands against all of her friends to defend clem and aj and she does all of this regardless of your choices up until this point so it wasnt like it was determinate based on how nice to her you were
then she falls into the open leadership position, that she doesnt even want, because no one else steps up to do so and Someones gotta do it because otherwise the group will fall apart and it is already splitting at the seams. she quickly becomes someone clem can rely on (she'll even shoot lilly if you fail to pick an option), and clem becomes someone violet can rely on as well as she helps violet with keeping the group together and trying to smooth things over after marlons death. violet goes from being a loner who has dreams of leaving the school because she just never felt like she belonged there, to becoming its leader and does her best to keep everyone safe (and beats herself up hard about it if she fails), and then ending with leading the school side by side with clem. co leader badass girlfriends
i left s3 Very Opinionated that i Did Not Want ANY romance options for clem because i didnt think theyd ever be able to pull it off. so i had the bar set Pretty High. but violet ended up being exactly what i wanted in a love interest for clem. theyre very evenly matched. similar attitudes and goals and maturity level, their ability to relate to each other and what theyve been through (vi is very s3 clem at the beginning of s4, feeling like shes lost the only people she cares about and has walled herself off to other connections), violet stands up for both clem and aj without hesitation because its the right thing to do, and shes tough as nails. she grows a lot between the beginning and end of the season she really comes into herself as a leader especially if you friend/romance her. she is also So in love with clem and cares about her so deeply. hearing her plead if you tell lilly youll join her if she lets everyone else go you can hear in her voice how much the idea of that hurts her because she Cant Lose Clem like shes lost others (props to gideon adlon for doing such a great job voicing her)
ALSO one of my favorite scenes where minnie and clem are fighting and vi shoots minnie to save clems life i love it. the Gay Drama of it all shooting your ex to save your new gf but still not having the heart to leave her (again) makes me go like this every time
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also their romance lock in scene is Incredible....Perfect...Spectacular.. their entire romance from that scene on is just so cute they are such a good match for each other. they both make the other feel like they have someone they can rely on without hesitation. AND shes so good with aj. treats him with respect, is kind patient and understanding with him, tries to make him feel less scared and more confident. like when theyre putting the walker guts on and she kneels down to be eye level with him and tell him hes doing a good job and she looks up at clem reassuringly and clem smiles back AUGH!!! thats what im TALKING ABOUT!!! clem needs someone that not only She can rely on but also someone she can trust that aj can rely on as well and vi is that person!!! AAHH
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will80sbyers · 2 years
It always seemed to me Will and Max are the only characters who truly understand and relate to El tbh.
I see people say that El and Mike are going to be besties but the thing is, they cannot be besties. Because they don't understand or relate to each other.
Do I believe that El and Mike are going to be nice friends? Yeah. That's a given. The show cannot end their dynamic in a weird way. They will always care for each other, support each other.
Do I think they are going to be besties? I don't think so. The most important thing that El and Mike lack in their relationship already is understanding. They do not understand each other. They are incompatible that way. That's one of the reasons why they have the urge to hide their own selves when they are together, they both lie and create fake identities. If they were to truly understand each other, they would be able to be themselves together. But it's the opposite way around.
People might disagree with me and find this controversial but I just don't see Mike and El's being besties. I see them caring for each other deeply. But for them to be besties they would have to understand each other tbh and it doesnt exist.
One of the many reasons why Max is special is because of her connection to El. Max is the one who encouraged El to discover herself, be herself, and find her own identity through friendship. Yeah, Mike was the one who fed El and cared for her first, but did he ever encourage El to discover herself, find herself and her likes? No.
One of the things that caught my attention is how Max showed El superhero comics and taught her Wonder Woman and Green Lantern. El had no knowledge about those characters prior to Max, which I found really strange. Mike is literally a nerd and is into comic books. Has he never showed El those comics and characters at all? It's just weird.
Like, most people just skip the important part likes these when it comes to El's relationship with other characters and how they change El's dynamic and reflection, and how it changes her character as a result in the text. Things like ''How do I know what I like?'' ''I don't know if Mike is a good kisser'' are not just throw-away lines there. It shows us El really doesn't know herself yet and what she likes. I don't know why people didn't find those moments strange.
Max will always be the best friend for El and I really think Mike and El will stay as caring friends forever, but I just do not think they will have this besties moment on the show tbh.
I don't think Mike can relate to or understand El like the way Will and Max do. Mike sees El as this superhero girl but fails to see her as just a girl who happens to have powers. He also cannot understand El's inner struggles, and El cannot understand Mike's which is fine! They are on different pages!
I respectfully disagree with this, not because you are wrong, you are not, it's true that right now they don't understand each other but I feel like the fault is of the romantic relationship, remove that and they will start by being friends again and they will finally get each other! They are not compatible romantically because they skipped the friendship part and they do have different experiences but to be friend or even best friend with someone you don't need to understand everything you're just there for them no matter what because you love them as best friends should do! I also think that once Mike has understood himself he will be less judgy and angry and by being loved by Will he will become more relaxed and will start to interact with the others in a different more kind way... I think Mike and El will be really close like siblings in the end, and Mike will always care for her exactly like he already does now but will finally trust her too... they can't be together romantically even if they learn how to put themselves in the same category as peers because romantically they need different things and also because Mike is in love with Will since his childhood and that's not going away lol
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grendelsmilf · 2 years
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EXCUSE ME??????? ??? ?? ??? bonnie did not get forcibly separated from her mother and entire family as a baby, save for her mentally disabled brother who she had to take care of in a recently post-apocalyptic wasteland, relying only on her own genius to build a safe home for both of them; and then at age thirteen when she finally had enough resources to try and find a new family, create her first attempts at sentient humanoid life only for them to betray her by trying to conversion therapy/straight up LOBOTOMIZE her because her uncle felt threatened by her genius, effectively teaching her that she should never let anyone in no matter how desperately she wants a family (the one thing she has been fundamentally longing for ever since she was ripped away from the mother gum) because they will only ever see her as someone who is “too much” (too smart, too ambitious, not gender conforming enough) and try to “fix” (reduce) her into something more palatable; so she creates a family she can more easily control, people who depend on her and love her without ever fully understanding her (but at least they won’t betray her), and pushes away anyone who does see her beyond the facade she has created, of someone sweet and feminine and non-threatening... for you to claim she DOESNT HAVE A TRAGIC BACKSTORY.
the fact that she “plays god” is actually just a consequence of the fact that she wants a family but is too afraid to reach out to others for fear of getting hurt again, so she makes her own children who rely on her so that she can be their caretaker and feel like the mother gum she’s always missed. yes she is a frankensteinian mad scientist, but that madness doesn’t actually stem from her desire to be a deity, but a mother, and the ego she does have is due to the fact that she knows no one can match her intelligence. yes she’s arrogant about it, but at the same time, she is smarter and scrappier and more resourceful and brilliant than everyone else. it’s just a fact! maybe it makes her a bit of an asshole, but considering the fact that she’s been hurt by patriarchal figures since she was a child for having the audacity to be a #WomanInSTEM, is it really such a crime that she knows her worth?? she is singlehandedly responsible for the entire kingdom/princess system in ooo (a title which she first dubbed herself ironically as a way of spiting the disrespectful, diminishing nickname her abusive uncle always referred to her by), she created an entire longstanding society by herself, she is constantly developing new revolutionary tech in her lab, again, all by herself. yes she’s cold, yes she pushes people away before they can push her away, automatically assumes that anyone smart enough to truly see her will want to exploit her, but she wasn’t always like that. she used to be a genuinely curious, loving, open-hearted kid. she just wanted a family.
but every time she did try to open herself up to love, either familial or romantic, she was betrayed (gumbald, marcy, shoko) with the exception of neddy, who simply does not possess the mental faculties to not rely on her, so what lessons would she realistically derive from that??? that’s why finn is so crucial to bonnie’s arc, because he goes from idolizing her as this beautiful paragon of femininity, to being suspicious of her flaws and actions and doubting whether to even trust her anymore at all, to realizing that yes, she’s flawed, deeply so, and she’s done a lot of fucked up things in her day, but she just wants love like anyone else, and he’s willing to give it to her with no strings attached, because he is a caring and empathetic friend. finn is the catalyst that gets bonnie and marcy back together, and allows bonnie to finally open herself up to what she always wanted most of all: unconditional love.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Hey finnie!! Congrats on 1k!!! You deserve it!!!!
I wanted to see if you'd do no 9 for me cause I'm so curious as to who you'd pick. You know me p well by this point but I'll still tell you about myself as if ya didn't >:]
So hey, I'm a mexican-american living in socal, I work full time as a post production assistant transferring every old from of audio and video you can think of to digital and im very passionate about media conservation. I have immigrant parents so the connection to my culture isent that far off- but I grew up in Southern California and it shows. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was a teen but later was rediagnosed with DID, I also have depression and believe I am on the spectrum. I love to draw and watch film when i have the time but mostly i just listen to audiobooks because i can do that at work. I've always had to work a lot, whether it's night shifts at the warehouse, 50+ hour weeks or nightclub gigs after work I'm always doing *something*. The fact that I have to work so much bums me out a Lot and I want to explode the concept of capitalism but that doesnt stop me from taking an absurd amount of pride in being a hard worker, I get it from my dad. I don't sleep very much, people always find it strange but no matter what time I fall asleep I will wake up 4-5 hours later without alarms and still feel well-rested. Like I mentioned I read a LOT cause I do it on the job, my favorite books are true crime and horror (Grady Hendrix is my all time fave author) but I also get through a ton of history books- mainly medical and historys of conflict. I watch movies whenever I get the chance, I love horror!! It's comforting to me. Most of my favorite films are from the 70s. Oh I love getting tattoos and if I had the money for it id get one everyday, I love the feeling a lot. I listen to a lot of different kinds of music, 80s pop and goth, old punk, 60s and 70s rock, oldies, 90s grunge and reggae, 2000s emo, rap and indie, modern industrial goth, old country as well as mariachi, corridos, reggaeton and Mexican rock. Really genuinely love most kinds of music, but my fave is anything I can sing or dance to. Like I said I have DID which is a pretty big part of me but simultaneously so small, after therapy I was able to get to a place where my alters don't really front unless there's an agreement to do so and it's mostly for comfort and healing reasons now but I live most of my life with one or more riding passenger seat if that makes sense? There's always someone I can talk to or ask for advice. My ideal night out is a night dancing at some alternative club or maybe karaoke at a dinky little bar. I also love to go on drives and like going to the beach at night to lay on the sand hearing the water until I get too cold.
I think I included way more than you needed but I'd love to hear who you'd pick and why :> 🖤
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ok this was... this one was difficult because i struggled to decide between two rogues (a variant of Mad Hatter being the other option) but i hope the decision i made was the right one💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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such a noble cause that you work for! and you picked a key word, because harley is deeply attracted in every sense of the word to passion. doesn't matter what it is, if you're truly passionate about it she'll follow suit
heritage and culture is so important to harley too, and her jewish heritage is often overlooked, so she understand the connection and trying to maintain it or even strengthen it. she'd be so keen to share in someone else's culture and maybe even share hers with them
harley is a trained psychologist. she's a doctor. she has a degree. so any mental health issues she's so keen to try and help, without crossing any boundaries of course. she just wants the best for the people she loves and it's in her nature to try and talk through problems and find ways to fix things or make them hurt less
i frequently headcanon harley as someone who loves drawing as a way of relaxing or as an outlet, and i think she would employ a lot of art psychotherapy tactics. most of all, sitting with you and doodling while you draw and chat about your day would make her so happy
she gets hard work. first of all, it's not easy to study to become a psycholgist. second of all, it's not easy to work in one of the more intense asylums. and third of all, wielding a hammer while looking sexy is a herculean task believe it or not. but hey, if you hate capitalism, why not join her in villainy! or better yet, leave the crime to her and you can stay at home doing nothing all day, let her spoil you!
you would get sleep with harley around. she wouldn't be above bonking you on the head to make sure you're well-rested. 4-5 hours isn't enough, she insists on it. by that point she's only just starting to feel like she's spent enough time stroking your arm and watching you snooze, she needs at least another 2 hours on top of that.
true crime and horror are such harley vibes. she seems like she would love a horror movie marathon. the gorier the better for her though, and with some amazing kill scenes! and let's be honest, some 70s horror films have amazing death scenes in them so she can get on board with that
harley has a fair few tattoos, but nothing would make her giddier with sheer excitement and love than getting a matching tattoo (or 17) with you!!
i think harley loves dancing. she's a gymnast, it's pretty close in terms of movement. she probably has immense skills, albeit untrained, in most dance styles. so any kind of music is something she can work with. and karaoke would 100% be up her street, a cheesy love ballad that you can duet on, or the classic "girls just wanna have fun", but screaming it at an insane volume while she laughs with you
it's maybe not the same thing, but harley has harleen riding sidecar with her at all times. it's not always a good thing for her, since they don't share many of the same opinions, but you'd be a good influence on her, and maybe she'd start taking advice from harleen more often
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stedebonnit · 1 year
Jfc NOBODY IS SAYING THAT STEDE'S TRAUMA EXCUSES HIS ACTIONS. Like. Why the FUCK is that always the first place you assholes go. You can't even acknowledge he HAS IT most of the time, but when you do the first thing you say about it is, "but that doesn't excuse anything!" No. One. Says. It. Does. But it would be nice to be able to fucking acknowledge it AT ALL without your asshole takes. We get it. You think Stede is the fucking worst and his trauma doesn't matter. Shut the fuck up.
Omg Stede anon is back!! Wow Im so honoured, welcome back!
I literally said in my tags that his trauma is what makes his actions so heartbreaking. Like I said, its nuanced. Someones actions can be hurtful to others and also incredibly understandable given the circumstances they're in. Which is why its so similar to his privilege, because Stede was raised in that privilege. The point is that hes a good man because he tries to learn and grow, as Im sure he'll do in this scenario as well.
Like I said, it fucking hurts to be told your self hatred hurts the people you care about. Most people who adopt self-hatred like Stedes do so for two reasons
1. To protect themselves from harm (via rejection, abuse, neglect, etc.)
2. To protect others from harm (because when you're told often enough that your existence is wrong, you start to internalize it and believe that your existence hurts others.)
That second one is so powerful, because yes, self-hate is selfish in the sense that you really have to believe that you're special or unique to believe that you, and only you, matter enough to be so deeply deserving of bad things. But the other piece is that most people who hate themselve that deeply also genuinely want to do whats best for others. Its why i see so many clients in therapy who tell me theyre afraid to be kinder to themselves because they think itll make them selfish.
Thats the stage that I see Stede at. He doesnt yet have the understanding, because of his history of trauma and chronic invalidation, to be able to contextualize how deeply selfish his self hate is. Moreover, he genuinely believes that hes doing whats best for others by acting the way he does.
This doesnt take away the hurt he caused. This doesnt negate the decisions hes made.
When I was deeply hurting, faced with a similar mindset, I made decisions that hurt people. I had a therapist tell me one session that I had hurt her by assuming the worst in her, something that I did because of how deeply I hated myself.
I resent my actions, still, to this day, and yet she showed me empathy and kindness and helped me forge a path forward so I wouldnt hurts others that way in the future.
Because of her pointing out the hurt I caused, i was able to learn and grow, and am a better, kinder person now because of it.
Thats what I mean when I say it doesnt negate the hurt he caused. Because often times seeing the hurt our self hatred causes is the ingredient thats needed to push us in the direction of healing, because we dont love ourselves enough to do it for us, but we love others enough to start that journey for them.
Anyways, its a topic Im deeply interested in, so even though you called me an asshole, Im grateful for you reaching out because it gave me the opportunity to put my thoughts into words, because as I said, I believe its an incredibly nuanced discussion, but as a Stede stan through and through it always makes me chuckle when I get these anons.
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kithtaehyung · 11 months
every time you post something new i’m absolutely blown away by how deeply you seem to understand yoongi. like everything he does in this chapter just seems so in character. the way he ran to her when she couldn’t get a word out because her heart was too heavy I SCREAMED ACTUALLY. i truly feel like yoongi would drop everything for his lover because that’s what really matters above all else. like tae said he was probably having an even harder time and i really admire the strength.
i felt physical dread in my stomach while reading the first half. i really feel like i’m there experiencing it. this chapter sucked me in to the point where i felt like i almost couldn’t hear the world around me. felt like i was going to cry for a good while but made it out without shedding a tear a real feat for me i cry about everything
so many things that had me kicking my feet and as a fic writer myself i’m going to include them bc i know i like it when people give me specific reactions
“It was just nights ago that you cradled all his moonlight in your palms.” YOUR WORDS INCREDIBLE MY HEART ACHING
“Yes my love” RYEN RIP MY HEART OUT AND STOMP ON IT IM SURE IT WOULD HURT ME LESS. i know this is a happier moment but the way i vocalized so hard i need some citrón tea
the smut was so delicious and i didn’t expect it to be THAT. it makes so much sense because of the MONTHS of frustration but the way it manifested was just perfect. the changing of positions and begging and her FUCKING SHOES !!!!!! scrumdiddlyumptious ! a full course fucking meal.
ryen you never disappoint and i’m so excited to read the other half of this chapter even if it’s going to leave me crying and damaging my vocal chords.
i’m sorry this is very long i just enjoyed it so much. anyways thank you and now i’m going to make theories with my bestie🫶🏻💜
AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH OMFGGG! i love your commentary let me bring this to under a cut so we can converse >:D
every time you post something new i’m absolutely blown away by how deeply you seem to understand yoongi. like everything he does in this chapter just seems so in character. the way he ran to her when she couldn’t get a word out because her heart was too heavy I SCREAMED ACTUALLY. i truly feel like yoongi would drop everything for his lover because that’s what really matters above all else. like tae said he was probably having an even harder time and i really admire the strength.
oh. my god. i'm blushing so hard?? not even two sentences in and i'm already hiding in my hoodie LOL you are way too kind. he really said "where are you" like that was his first reaction? the way my heart beat so damn loud😭 this man got serious quick. thank you for saying that about him.. i truly do love 3tan yoongi with all my heart and wanna protect him at all costs.
i felt physical dread in my stomach while reading the first half. i really feel like i’m there experiencing it. this chapter sucked me in to the point where i felt like i almost couldn’t hear the world around me. felt like i was going to cry for a good while but made it out without shedding a tear a real feat for me i cry about everything
whoa. that is some huge praise! it's so interesting to hear too bc when i'm working on it, sometimes i just get lost during the writing process that time goes by and i don't really remember what i wrote. so when i go back to read, it's kind of a surprise! the dialogue itself sometimes gets me immersed enough like i'm actually in it, and i'm just writing what they're all saying?? super intriguing.
so many things that had me kicking my feet and as a fic writer myself i’m going to include them bc i know i like it when people give me specific reactions
YOURE SO REAL FOR THIS THANK YOU T^T “It was just nights ago that you cradled all his moonlight in your palms.” YOUR WORDS INCREDIBLE MY HEART ACHING
i am blushing again!!
“Yes my love” RYEN RIP MY HEART OUT AND STOMP ON IT IM SURE IT WOULD HURT ME LESS. i know this is a happier moment but the way i vocalized so hard i need some citrón tea
umm no lie you made me want citron tea so much that i had it the same night you sent this LOLL. it helped a lot because my brain was so fried from posting, so thank you for that😂 BUT ALSO THIS LINE YEAH....
i really did think of him during this moment and ugh.. to be able to listen to something like that would be so.. yeah.
STOP IT x1000 IM GONNA FLIP THIS DESK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the smut was so delicious and i didn’t expect it to be THAT. it makes so much sense because of the MONTHS of frustration but the way it manifested was just perfect. the changing of positions and begging and her FUCKING SHOES !!!!!! scrumdiddlyumptious ! a full course fucking meal.
oh gosh.. this makes me so happy bc like,, i think smut is still my weakest point lol. like i really need to get better at it! but this was so intense because of the buildup and i know i needed it to be Extra Spicy, you know? THE HEEEEEEEEELS FCK.
ryen you never disappoint and i’m so excited to read the other half of this chapter even if it’s going to leave me crying and damaging my vocal chords. i’m sorry this is very long i just enjoyed it so much. anyways thank you and now i’m going to make theories with my bestie🫶🏻💜
WAIT I WANNA HEAR THE THEORIES ARE YALL GONNA GATEKEEP OR- lmfao i love yall! thank you so so much for reading and for the kind as hell words. you have know idea how happy you made me feel!
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shinraapologist · 2 years
light novel reread, vol. 1 ch. 9
this is a HUGE chapter, not necessarily length wise, but in plot and relevance and personal interest. i have a lot to say about it.
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this is the first instance in the series of narita playing with nonlinear storytelling. i have my gripes about narita, but his writing is incredible. the way he weaves narratives together to form one cohesive story is absolutely masterful. the complexity he works with amazes me. i love the amount of absurdity and fun he allows into his prose and his plots while still not being afraid to go dark with his subject matter, without ever going so dark that it ever feels too voyeuristic (altho that could be the target audience of teen/young adults) (ya disease even). narita is a huge influence to my own writing style.
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neither namie or seiji are done any justice in the anime. i love the anime dearly, but on my second more in depth read of the novels (so far) i cant help but notice how much was lost in the animation. something i think frequently, and will likely bring up again later in the series, is that i think the anime deserves a reboot. my proposed drrr reboot would be four seasons (24 or so eps each) following the 3 light novels to a season format of the 2010 release. (for anyone who hasnt read the novels, season one covers the events of volumes one to three while x2 follows volumes four to thirteen; it does break the season into three with the shou/ten/ketsu format, but theres just way too much to cover well in 36 episodes.) i absolutely love the pacing and charm of the 2010 release, to be honest.
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i love this passage about shooter and celty. its something else that doesnt quite translate to the anime. in one of the later authors notes of the series, when the 2010 release was announced, narita mentioned that either he or a fan expressed concern over the novels translating well to an animated format. while i do love the anime and think it's a decent (and even at times incredible) adaption of the source, i think drrr truly shines in its original format.
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theyre best friends, your honor.
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shizaya shippers.... you guys know they got forced to go on sushi dates right? like i dont tend to see many shizaya posts or actively seek them out so i have no idea if this is common knowledge but its driving me insane. they canonically got forced to go on sushi dates. and get threatened by simon.
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theres just so much to say. theres so little to say because it says itself. if anyone could truly understand celty besides shinra, its shizuo. two monsters, both struggling with their own desire to fit in with others. i absolutely adore shizuo, nearly as much as i love celty and shinra, and now that he's added to the story you're gonna have to hear me say a lot about him.
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(mikas in pajamas because she broke out of the yagiri lab earlier, shes barely recovered from surgery probably) this is how celtys face is described in the novel.
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seiji stabbed shizuo in the ass by the way
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theyre best friends, your honor. every time you see shizuo slap his face in the anime, hes drunk as fuck.
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shinra, about to lie blatantly to celty: im not honest, sincere, or wise. but you are! love you babe <3 celty: wait you like me?
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the only thing really stopping celty from wanting to be with shinra right now is her insecurities. something i love about their relationship is that celty knows shinras full of shit, and she doesnt tolerate it, while at the same time never genuinely seeming particularly bothered by it. the times we see her most agitated with him, its because he's either pushing a subject he knows he shouldnt or because she's overwhelmed or flustered by his abysmal flirting. she knows hes a lying morally bankrupt little asshole and shes like. but wait. i dont have a head how could you even like me
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celty, while being plagued by the deeply human emotions of anxiety and self doubt, still isn't sure whether she truly feels emotions. she's so horribly self unaware. i love her.
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celty has such a pleasing character arc coming to accept herself and her emotions. theres a scene in sh where celty has a very celty-esque little anxiety meltdown and startles a few characters, but mizuchi, the protagonist, is described as "long since having to come to terms with how truly human celty was".
i guess i had a lot to say about this chapter because i have a lot to say about shinra and celty (and shizuo) at any given moment. so far, this has been my favorite chapter of volume one.
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dballzposting · 1 year
hey i dont know if youve seen breaking bad. or know anything about it. no spoilers. i've been trying to make a tierlist of dragonball characters's thoughts on breaking bad and i put vegito in the "would think walter white being badass is the point of the show" category. now i dont know if that's true or not. i just feel like this is a really funny thing to talk about and wanted your take on it. i feel like vegeta as you see him wouldnt even like breaking bad (too vulgar) but would he like get it
I think that Trunks would cook meth with his uncle Tarble BTW.
Vegeta literally thinks it's a housewife's show. End of story. What's more I think that if he actually saw it he may feel deeply disrested and disturbed by how .. Selfish walter white is. As a husband and as a father. It hits a little too close to home, that ego and that conceit, that carelessness ... He doesnt want to be like that and he doesnt want to remember when he was like that. Vegeta is a changed man now. Thank you
Bulma wouldnt waste her time watching it but I think she has the potential to get really into it if she actually gave it a chance? She has a lot of preconceptions about it and negative first impressions but if she got past that, she may find it interesting in her middle age, you know?
The thing is Vegetto proper is actually very witty and tactful and he would understand how to look for themes and nuance in art and media .. But I dont know if he would waste his time on art. I LIKE TO THINK HE WOULD. Because he's tasteful that way. But we can meet in the middle and say that he would watch breaking bad, and then as battle-loving as he is, he may just think that it's about being badass and winning.
And I dont want to take that away from you but TBH I dont really feel that way myself. First of all Vegetto is only ever called around when the fate of everything is at hand, and he is relatively Very Careful in battle because of it; we really have no proof that he would be anything other than insightful and contemplative in other matters as well. He may immediately and flawlessly perceive the entire point of the show five minutes into a random episode. He understands themes and metaphors an the such. MAYBE.
Um Vegito is much more tactless and brash and bold in the dubs I think so I think your point stands up very well too. He thinks it's about Walter White being badass and maybe what he marvels on is the way that many people got together in order to tell the story of this one badass man ... he wonders, since they can conceive of it, what's stopping them from going out and being badass themselves.
Tarble would watch breaking bad. Please put Tarble in your post.
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
hi i know i havent done this in a while but thought this was long over due so if you still dont mind these, here are my thoughts about tb...
the last few chapters have been nothing short of incredible, i havent interacted much, fault of my own dismay but really the chapters have been an absolute marvel. the twists and the unanswered questions to many many question linger in the air. (pardon me but for some reason i turn very formal for no utter reason)
one question is what happened with the whole bruce and mummy dearest dilema.
i remember there being a loose end concerning steve and co.
but to now talk of the latest chapter if again you dont mind this annoying
i whole heartedly agree the she was being completely irrational but the fact that she knew she did something wrong shows something. and lokis thoughts are completely valid, with everything he's been through, what they've been through, the trauma of what happened last time still haunts him. he doesnt deserve that and im sorry for that darling.
and that sameera woman ughhhhh. for god bloody fucking sakes, she never deserved a space in his mind to occupy let alone his heart. the gull of that whiny idiotic girl boils my blood as she had the shit to say the shit she did after crying to her father that he took her, which caused him to get beaten to an inch of his life. FUCK OFFF you bitchy little girl (i was very tempted to call her a spoiled rich bitch then remembered y/n)
god darling, i really am just sorry. you dont deserve any of this. please wipe the tears that has had no right to cause you any distraught. your feelings are valid but it doesnt mean you deserve to feel the pain you feel. if you cant hold your tears anymore though darling, know that im here to hold you whilst you curse out the world and i will protect you no matter what (wow that got way too personal? not sure if thats the right word)
him being cold to her is albeit a bit rude, is totally understandable. the walls theyve broken down together were coming back up in the moments he thought and did lose her. only for a second though but he did lose her in those few hours and that was just enough time build back those walls up slowly. he still hasnt forgiven her fully hasnt he? but he still loves her enough to ensure that nothing will happen to her and that i believe is real true love. a bit cliché but it is. hes still very guarded now especially with what happened but god the mysteriousness of him is... i just find it rather hot is all
and also that he trusts her enough to know that she isnt like that woman, though he was desperately holding on to that thought, despite the facts, he really loves her does he. to hold on to the belief and hope that she wont leave him despite everything, god i just love him.
why does the mean side of me think that the one he called was bruce and hes taking revenge on her for leaving him in those few moments. its petty and unlikely but my mind is a labyrinth.
i deeply apologize for psycho analyzing your work but its all truly brilliant and if i may be honest hmbomt is still in my mind. im going through withdrawals and the urge to reread it again is very strong and drew to distracting myself to reading lisik.
anyway hope you have a lovely day darling and hope im not a bother
from your lovely 😊❤️ 💜💙💚💛😊
I never mind these dear, you have no idea how happy I feel to get a feedback (the current chapter literally have 0 comments..zero, I was writing the next chapter yesterday and stopped because it got no interaction for hours and it bummed me out) that's not what motivates me to keep going. This does so never be afraid to send me your thoughts, receiving a feedback on something I wrote will never not make me happy,
I like your formal tone 😂
Ohh bruce and her mum will make an appearance soon 👀
Thank you for trying to see the both sides, if I had Loki's traumas and issues and I read that message from her with her being gone, I'd think the worst too. He was just starting to learn to accept the fact that she loves him and not what he can do for her so this definitely wasn't something he needed.
She needs to learn alot about the life and she needs to learn to love herself and she's trying her best, but she got overwhelmed and instead of confining to him she chose to act out because that's what she had done all her life. That's how her life has been like :(
And yes I think he got swept up by her pain and didn't really get to know the person behind those walls, like bad people can get hurt too, they get depressed and they get Suicidal too but at the end it's all about what they can get, it's all about them.
She didn't care about loki, she cared what he was giving her and then once she realised how tough life was outside her mini palace she couldn't survive it.
He's not taking revenge I can assure you that, he's not vengeful type of guy, he did get a phonecall and had to leave but he can't tell her the truth 👀
Thank you for such high praises for HMBOMT, that fic would be the one fic id save if all my fics were dying and I could only save one 😂
Lisik was my first born so writing style isn't the best there but I put all of my ideas in there, so I hope you will enjoy it because I loved writing that baby.
You're never a bother, thank you my lovely 😍💚
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Reading The Fourth Apprentice rn and. I will not stand for this Squirrelflight and Leafpool slander 😭
Lionblaze thinking “they deserved it!” When Firestar expressed sympathy for them and said their lives were ruined and now Jayfeather’s angrily like “maybe things would’ve been better if Squirrelflight never came back” when he saw Leafpool’s memory of when she saw Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight off when they went on the journey to see Midnight. Like y’all I get it, you were lied to but like 😭😭😭 SQUIRRELFLIGHT WAS FORCED INTO IT, YOUR LOVELY LITTLE STARCLAN PRESSURED HER INTO IT TO THE POINT OF LYING TO HER JUST SO SHE’D TAKE YALL IN WHEN SHE REALLY DIDNT WANT TO Hhhnngg I know they don’t know that, I know they don’t know how it happened but it hurts to read smh 😔 and the “I was lied to” angst made a lot more sense with Hollyleaf cuz the warrior code was so important to her and she built her life around it. Like that’s great, I love Hollyleaf and I like that it actually made sense with her. But with Lionblaze and Jayfeather they’re just holding grudges cuz it’s just the “I’m adopted and I feel personally attacked because of it” trope that I’m so tired of cuz “real” parents aren’t always biological and I know, yeah, Squirrelflight and Leafpool kept secrets but you know what Jayfeather and Lionblaze are doing rn? Keeping secrets. JAYFEATHER WAS EVEN LIKE “get used to it” TO DOVEPAW WHEN SHE DESPERATELY EXPRESSED THAT SHE DOESNT WANT TO LIE TO HER CLANMATES ITS SO INCONSISTENT LIKE “oh lying is horrible and I hate those two for it but it’s different when I do it” LIKE BITCH- I guess it’s different cuz you’re part of a prophecy but like. Did it never occur to you that maybe. Just maybe. Your lives wasn’t the result of a mistake cuz you’re prophesy cats? Not saying they’re only worth being alive cuz prophecy, but I think that’s how he’d actually see it. Anyway. Did it never occur to you that perhaps StarClan has no problem with y’all being alive? Had actually lmao, let’s not forget that dumbass trial that happened in Squirrelflight’s Hope. I guess they had no problem with it until the prophecy cats were no longer useful 🤷🏻. Anyway, you can’t even bring up the argument that Jayfeather could be stressed about the prophecy cuz HE FLOURISHES IN IT, HE EVEN SNAPPED AT DOVEPAW FOR BEING RIGHTFULLY CONCERNED ABOUT BEING A PROPHECY CAT, HE WAS LIKE “HOW COULD YOU NOT LIKE BEING MORE POWERFUL THAN EVERYONE YOU KNOW”, JUST… the “I’m adopted” angst just isn’t consistent with Jayfeather lol. Maybe with Lionblaze cuz he doesn’t like his weird adrenaline powers and also he has anger issues anyway (speaking as someone who has at least minor anger issues) so a grudge still makes sense with him I guess. I mean, he held a grudge against Heathertail for. Really long lmao. Also, to get more off topic, Jayfeather’s obsession with the prophesy is so fucking funny, he was worried for Lionblaze and Hollyleaf when they were on the mission to look for Sol but like. It’s almost like he only cares cuz they’re part of a prophecy and now the same’s happening here with Lionblaze and Dovepaw when he knows they’re on the mission to see the beavers 😭 cuz he saw that memory of Leafpool’s and was like “I know what you’re trying to tell me, you’re saying you understand my worry but you don’t. Cuz you and Squirrelflight aren’t part of a prophecy” LIKE BRUH, HE’S BASICALLY SAYING HE ONLY CARES FOR THEIR WELL-BEING CUZ THEY’RE PROPHECY CATS AND NOT. IDK. ACTUALLY CARING ABOUT THEM??? LIKE HOW LEAFPOOL CARES ABOUT SQUIRRELFLIGHT??? THIS IS SO FUCKING FUNNY 😭 I love Jayfeather but SMHHHHHHHHHH
Uhhhh TLDR: The Squirrelflight and Leafpool slander hurts me emotionally and deeply smh. And the “we’re adopted” angst only makes sense with Hollyleaf and maybe Lionblaze, but mostly Hollyleaf cuz she built her life around the warrior code. But it really doesn’t work with Jayfeather cuz, no matter how I look at it, it’s just inconsistent with his character imo.
Edit: Ok. Jayfeather thinks if they’ve been truthful, they’d help with the prophecy. And there it is again. His opinions on others is completely based on this prophecy so this continues to be funny. He’s basically like “you’re useful to the prophecy? I like you. You’re not useful to the prophecy? Ew, get away from me.” But still. Hollyleaf was still the best out of the three when it comes to the adopted thing imo. Cuz to her, it was more than that, it was the fact that she’s a medicine cat’s kit and halfclan. And like I said, she built her life around the warrior code, so her feeling betrayed was more interesting in my opinion. I love Hollyleaf. I know I said that I love Squirrelflight and Leafpool and that I wouldn’t stand for the slander and Hollyleaf hated them, she even fantasized ripping Leafpool to shreds. But I just feel her character and her behavior after learning the secret is so interesting imo. I felt bad for her, not cuz I thought her being adopted was so terrible, but because everything she believed in was turned upside down, not just who she thought were her blood relatives, and sent her on a downward spiral. I love her. With Jayfeather it’s just “but prophecy tho” and with Lionblaze it’s just “I got anger issues”. I can’t help but enjoy Jayfeather tho smh. /lh
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sodascribbles · 9 months
yet more honor among thieves rambling. im watching a playthrough lol
WHAT does bentley throw at dr. m is it a sleep dart why does it explode WHY DOES HE THROW IT
"Sly, no! Hold on, Sly-- hold on!"
an elusive picture of slys mom (just her silhouette tho next to connors) and a picture of who i can only assume is connor, mcsweeney, and dr m...........
the cooky-steelin' plan (sobbing)
pls imagine something eloquent about the fact that we never see what connor really looks like in these "flashbacks"- presumably bc sly doesn't remember
slys leg pouch doesnt fully wrap around his leg ?? might just be the lighting tho.
i wonder abt their sources how DID they find out abt murray
i love that Octavio is the guy they call old. not bison. who is from the 1800s
im obsessed with just abt all the villain backstories
this playthrough doesnt have the hazard room and im deeply upset about it. as a matter of fact i might find one that DOES bc i love the banter wkfhhehd
...when DO you get to the hazard room? its before u start Opera isnt it ?? unclear
i will not find one w the hazard room unfortunately but i have switched to a 100% run out of curiosity
gotta be honest Italy is probably one of if not my favorite episode ever
you've got some FUZZY DICE to come round here
MAIN MAN MURRAY the way he says it is so good
AW WHAT THIS PLAYTHROUGH DOESNT DO ALL THE SILLY OPTIONS (i mean i understand why i just like the silly options)
i love that the captions capitalize Bro
fun fact if you take too long crawling around carmelita will just repeat the presentation bc she doesnt think they were paying attention lmao
i love the apes(?) insulting each other. "You look a lot better in the dark, Petro. Seriously, you are an ugly, ugly man."
why does dimitri have a cigarette in a jail cell
"keep your HANDS to YOURSELF leon."
in love with the way dimitri talks, as we all are.
whys he call murray a Plump Dog though that's uncalled for /j
she tells her men to grab him and Nobody Follows
theres a couple hitches that happen in between games that im incredibly curious about, e.i. murray becoming The Murray between 1 and 2 and inspector fox going from her little smile and "ill find you, cooper!" to "she grew up and stopped taking grief from guys like you" that happens between 2 and 3
"You can't keep running for the rest of your life!" WATCH ME
"Greetings, old-- iNSPECTOR FOX?!"
murray's spiritual outfit model is so fascinating to me
AUDGJAHDHS they make me feel emotions /pos
the venetian safehouse fascinates me the door opens straight to stairs and the actual safehouse part is on the top floor
"now as non-law operatives, we can take a more... head on approach. wE'RE GONNA BREAK IN--"
in love w them they're the best duo ever /hj
"hey, don't feel bad! those wall hooks were... kinda tricky!" "it was ALL supposed to be tricky!"
the ceiling of the hazard room is.... fascinating
theres always a certain level of. oh jeez what's the word. playfulness? between early game sly and bentley. it always kinda sounds like they're both smiling and joking around w each other and it warms my heart
this will not be the first time i talk about it
once more with the caption choices. on-line is hyphenated
bentley just kills a man.mp4
"Alright, smooth talker, try robbing this guy." see the above about their banter and their dynamic
though to be fair sly and bentley usually have a vague kind of playful/bantery vibe. it's just incredibly palpable during Italy, probably because they're the only two characters in the spotlight and therefore they get to be explored more
ok hold on im gonna get food b4 i continue
one food break later...
okay im back
"You're not gonna say 'I'm a lover, not a fighter,' are you?" "Well, not now." "Thought so."
in love w bentley just sending a man to murder sly
how DID they get all these guards into the hazard room. where is the hazard room
bentleys voice when he says "now give this guy the business" send post
AND HE GETS SO EXCITED WHEN HE TALKS ABOUT THE BOAT. and sly sounds just So amused with his "yeah?" hes so used to this bullshit
i hope you're ready for me to talk ceaselessly about sly and bentleys dynamic it's my favorite thing snfnebbfd
"Against sleeping guards, I'm like a Greek god! All fall before me!" hes so silly i love him
nerves of steel?? you have no nerves of steel you silly anxious goob
sly ALSO murders a man
bentleys wheelies heart emoji...
"There you go, Bentley, some wonderful pinups for our refrigerator." "They're lovely. High art!" "Seriously?" "No."
i love that murray shows up on the menu before you get him back that's so funny to me
huh. do you need all the upgrades for 100%? ill find out
"The Don is headed toward your position." "Great! Want me to take him?" "No!"
gotta be honest bentley i think killing him would also put an end to this nonsense
"Never thought we'd be helping out the cops." "Reaally? You always seem eager to aid Inspector Fox."
bentley and murray calling out slys crush on carmelita is my favorite thing wjfhwbdbwd
"I got a SHADOW, huh???"
octavio just bodychecked a dude lmao
i love how angry bentley gets about the fish tank especially he gets SO MAD i love him
"I- I can't believe it! He flooded that aquarium with tar! All those poor, dead fish! As much as I hate to see what heinous crime this fiend will do next, you should probably keep on his tail. Someday, the people will know the truth due to your pictures!"
"all those poor, dead fish!" LMAO
ok I've been on a ferris wheel exactly one (1) time but im like 95% sure the cart would tilt w/ sly hanging onto it
octavios captions are SO slow akdbhwhdbd
AND BENTLEY GETS SO MAD ABOUT THE FERRIS WHEEL. and then proceeds to call rewiring it "the dark side of electrical engineering"
bwa BWA <- the sly 3 job complete noise
i really hated Into the Depths on my first playthrough but that was mostly bc i was still bad at the game i think. it's really not so bad
what is it with the stupid 3d goggles WHY do they exist weve never seen them before and we never see them (w the exclusion of cutscenes and maybe one or two mentions) again
okay ive never messed up the doors in my life but im very glad bentley doesnt make fun of you for it i think id cry
also he does his idle animations while talking which means that sometimes he sneezes mid sentence and its really funny. bentleys idle animations are so good in general tho
bentleys and the ones from the safehouses
OKAY SO I DIDNT KNOW THIS UNTIL EARLIER TODAY BUT OCTAVIO CALLS 3 GUYS (mario, raphael, and julius) TO COME SEE HIM AND SAYS "if any of you catch these boys make a run for it [cat noise) shoot 'em in the back"
OH HE SAYS JULIUS MADE A RUN FOR IT. OKAY ("julius made a run for it, and eh... [unintelligible]") i cannot for the life of me figure out what else he says there oops. maybe ill go replay that mission later and find out for sure
i know that's not particularly groundbreaking all things considered but again i didnt know it until earlier today so
once more Bentley getting excited about murder
"Synchronize watches, and..." you fuckin nerd
"Just as long as you're enjoying yourself, that's the important thing." again w the affectionate sarcasm
sly and bentley are both very sarcastic usually as opposed to murray who's pretty heart on his sleeve straightforward kind of guy which is probably why this ep & the hazard room sticks out so much for the banter. again bc its JUST the two of them lol
"Sorry, Sly, I guess the dinosaur has teeth!"
i love knocking the pigeons into fire it's so much fun
you get to hear the same "Intruders!" line like 17 times
fuckin piano computer lookin ass
i wish bentley and murray (and the rest of the team, but bentley and murray especially) had a little bit more... idk. reasons to free roam? like with the options of them as playable characters you would assume there would be more things tailored to their unique skillsets but a lot of getting around the overworld is very sly-focused, which i guess i get, but it means theres really no reason to play as the others except for missions
bentleys such a fucking dork have i said that already i think we need to call more attention to him being a fucking dork
fun fact if you repeatedly tap □/r1 your gun will heat up slower BUT your finger WILL hurt by the end of it
haha they're cooper brother colored (blue, green, & pink/red)
though tbf most trios are if you think about it. but shh cooper brothers
"I hope you realize that by saving Carmelita, we're only making our operation here more difficult." "Maybe so, but what's the fun in stealing if there's nobody trying to catch you? Besides, she's helped us out in the past." "That, and you've got a thing for her." "...and I've got a thing for her. Look, I'll stash this boat, it might be useful for later. You stay out of trouble."
again, bentley and murray calling him out on his crush is priceless and i wish they did it more w bentley and penelope WLFJJWJDHE
okay funny story it's a few weeks later things happened anyway. going back to watching honor among thieves lol
ill probably split this post up into a few posts just so this one isnt 18 million years long
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kath-artic · 1 year
i think i figured it out.
my mom asked me what it is that i look for in people (specifically in reference to partners but i also think this broadly applies to people i enjoy most) and i talked about the intersection of caring, TRUE understanding, and fascination (those last two tend to go pretty hand in hand). i’ve had partners who have cared but could never understand and who held no mystery for me and partners who so deeply understood and fascinated me but just didnt have the space to care as much as they did (care being the quality that makes the thing last on their end while fascination is what makes things last on my end), but what it is exactly about certain people that makes them fascinating to me is hard to pin down. this is partly because i think all people are inherently interesting and have interesting things about them, but dear god do they play up the parts that are unbearably boring (and that in and of itself is kind of fascinating to me). i suppose the specific kind of fascination i look for comes from people who are distinct and who live. my friends back home are like this. my one friend is a painter and lives with her boyfriend in his mom’s apartment and his mom is a fashion designer and will let my friend add on to paintings she made when she was in design school and we’ll get together with our friend who does parkour and works in landscaping and breaks into construction zones and our friend who works in the local deli and is working on his own fashion brand and we smoke and we watch someone play re4 and then go out bowling or get ramen and play with roadkill. my friends from oregon who throw the most oregon-ish house parties and wear vintage suits and listen to prairie home invasion and do archaeology and constantly wanna go on a pilgrimage to any sort of hill and move like fucking cartoon characters and write parody beat poetry are also like this. there is something about them and their commitment to an idea and their capacity to just fucking live and be messy that i don’t find in people here at university and it is exactly what i need from people. i dont care about perfect morality or purity--i want the mess. obviously i think we should all strive to be the best we can and i have my own commitments to ideology, but i hate the need to make everything clean and simple and easy to swallow. i hate this optimized, advertiser-friendly, marketable version of living. i need someone who really fucking struggled but damn it they’re trying. my ex’s favorite book was winesburg ohio and i read it on his birthday after we broke up, but the concept of grotesque that it identifies is exactly it. people who are so fucking committed to some truth (maybe multiple) that it makes them grotesque. a desire to be distinct while still wanting to be a part of something bigger, a desire to be loved, anything. for me, my struggle is with truth itself as something that i believe both does and doesnt exist at least as we understand it. we concern ourselves so much with factual or philosophical or ideological truth, but this is inaccessible to us and maybe isnt even there. perhaps there is truth in wholly sacrificing the self and living through pure sensation, but what’s the value in that if you cant share it? for me, its the human truth that matters. communication isnt perfect and that sensory truth gets lost in translation, but the way we try to capture it and connect with one another and understand is EVERYTHING. story, metaphor, symbol. its EVERYTHING. we have gone so far down the ladder of language that we can no longer agree with one another on what even exists, but if we climb then we can find commonality and meaning in metaphor. obviously its a complicated issue in the modern identity-driven era where we’ve built a society that begs us to kill anything we may have once regarded as god, but i think its necessary to have faith in something yknow? post-structuralism has points and is totally more suited for an era where fluidity is more necessary, but i wonder if its actually attainable. we think in structure. we think in archetypes. we try to abandon or ignore them but they dont go away (and dont get me started on modern retellings of myths that ignore symbolism and turn them into character driven narratives. the death of metaphor makes me want someone dead) and really i think we need to try to understand them again and learn that they themselves are not rigid things and that subverting an existing archetype is meaningful and that they allow for a richness in fluidity. ANYWAY. point being i like people who just are. 
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chocobosdungeon2 · 2 years
Ive been doing a lot of thinking about my ~sexuality~ these days and plucked out a rather insidious cis-normative brainworm out of my head yesterday.
I had it in my head that because I am fine with/attracted to male genetalia, I am inherently also attracted to men. And its like, if you presented that to me like that I would have said "No, thats not how it works" but something about that piece of gender essentialism had wormed its way into my understanding of my own sexuality. No, my attraction to gender is not inherently tied to my attraction to genetalia. Just because I am attracted to penises, that doesnt mean I have to be attracted to men.
And Im not really sure yet, Im still working stuff out, but that felt like kinda the last bastion of my insistence on my attraction to men. I still think Im bi... I dont think its impossible for me to be attracted to men, but it feels like I might lean towards women a LOT more heavily than I previously thought.
I wanna muse more about this as I keep exploring it. I want to seriously consider my sexuality, not just write it off cause Im in a committed relationship and thats the only attraction in my life that matters to me rn. I wanna find the labels that feel right to me.
Im not really familiar with or involved in discourse, so please be gentle with me. I am just a confused bi woman deeply in love with a trans woman (my wife) and whos realized shes lived with a whole lot of Compulsive Heterosexuality and is trying to disentangle it all.
TERFs fuck off.
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