#like no it would probably traumatize him bad if he found out how she revived him
odysseys-blood · 1 year
been thinking about the endings of harue's route and i just think so what if she was being selfish? being in a loveless marriage it makes sense she would give anything just to have her son back. what id give for a mother who would burn away anything, as long as at the end of the day I was back in her arms
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
AITA for trying to make my best friend and girlfriend's lives better?
I (16M) have extremely powerful magical abilities that allows me to do almost anything. I often use this to do nice things for my best friend (17M) and girlfriend (15F), but as of late I've felt bad about how me using my powers for only minor things like giving them nice gifts have lead to them suffering horribly emotionally when I could help them, especially after an incident where I let someone I love probably get killed because of my girlfriend telling me not to use my powers to save her.
So my best friend also has the same powers I have, but he's been told his whole life, as I was told, that using the powers will make him "lose his soul" and turn into a violent killer. Unfortunately, a relative of his with the same powers did actually snap and kill most of his family, and because of this he is horribly traumatized and afraid to use his powers. But this is all not necessary because I've figured out a loophole where I put all my powers into a scroll so it's not me actually using it and it doesn't affect me, and with this ability I've been using the magic freely without being affected. He doesn't listen to my reassurances and stays miserable and afraid of himself, not doing all the good he could do for himself with his powers, and up until now I've respected that because I understand how traumatized he is. But I've also realized that his girlfriend (17F) is really unhealthy for him and contributing to his self-hatred. When we first met, she tried to kill me just for having powers, and she's hated and been suspicious of me ever since. It must be horrible for his self-esteem to be with someone who is so bigoted she would want to kill people just like him when he already has so many issues with his self-worth, even if she tries to tell him that he's "one of the good ones".
Then there's my girlfriend, who doesn't have the same powers but can see the future. In particular, multiple futures, all of which have a possibility of happening. She's also pretty miserable and anxious all the time because of all the horrors she sees, and trying to fix it all from such a young age. But a lot of the bad futures involve me becoming evil and doing bad things, so she's always watching and criticizing me to make sure I don't do that. Although I sympathize with her, I find it tiring because I wish she would trust me and understand that I have free will, that I shouldn't be punished for things I haven't done yet and I wish we could just live in the moment and be happy together. Plus I feel I've already sufficiently proved that I'm not going to be evil, because I deliberately sacrificed my own powers to put them in the scroll just so I wouldn't lose my soul, even though it meant the powers would no longer be mine and I would be vulnerable. Why isn't that act of love for her enough?
So, the things I tried to do to fix their problems: first of all, I sealed my friend's girlfriend inside a wooden doll, while faking a letter from her to make my friend thing she just left. No, she's not conscious in here, and I didn't kill her (reviving the dead is not allowed with my powers), so I can bring her back any time I want without issue after I figure out how to make sure she stops being a bad influence on him, so this is not the same as murder, it's just trying to make my friend finally happy! And secondly, I gave my girlfriend earrings that would make her only see happy futures, so she would be happy and not miserable with worry for once. I thought what she doesn't know wouldn't hurt her and she really did seem so much happier, but now they've found out about the earrings (they don't know about the wooden doll thing) and they are all telling me that I am evil now and this is the bad future, and I don't get it! I'm not killing anybody, I'm just trying to help them and I've succeeded in making their lives a lot better! But since they are insisting I decided to post here to ask if I was being the asshole.
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sir-phillip-crane · 1 year
do you have any headcanons about Cassandra's relationship with each member of vox machina?
oh MAN do I
scanlan - she LOVES scanlan. honestly, absolutely adores him. it was just like, right away, he knew what to do and how to help her. she had a little crush on him if she’s being honest, but wont say shit about it. why? because when VM visits, he’ll sing to her, he’ll sit with her after she has nightmares, and he will, with her permission, lay in bed with her. he treats her just like he would anyone else - inappropriate, flirty jokes - and it makes her feel not as messed up
vax - one of the other members she crushed on. they're both rogues and spent time teaching each other their preferred fighting methods, so she bonded with him quick. she enjoys his company and *spoiler* misses him after his deal with the raven queen results in his death
vex - she really loves vex. vex ends up extremely protective of her, especially *spoiler* after she loses vax. she teaches her how to do her hair when it finally starts getting long.
percy - surprisingly... i think she has a lot of bad feelings towards him. because when she looks at it, he left her. he could have, should have come to check if she was alive. or even try to save her. but he just left her, bleeding out in the snow. it was severly traumatic and i think it makes her hate him a bit. further, she resents that he is constantly off galavanting with friends while shes stuck trying to revive whitestone.
keyleth - she has Many feelings about keyleth. mostly, at first, confusion and sort of fear. she wasnt comfortable waking up to see a stranger with antlers who, when she screamed in fear, immediately reacting by screaming back then hugging her. after thr dust settles, though, she is incredibly fond of her and harbors a crush for a while. I do wanna emphasize that Cassandra develops crushes very easily after years of unhealthy "affection" from the briarwoods and probably not as much affection as she needed with the de Rolos (she was one of, like, 7 kids and her parents obviously still had to run the city). once she sees keyleth give vex an excited hug and is like wow if keyleth did that to me I'd probably fall in love with her. rhen keyleth does and Cassandra's like by the Dawnfather this cannot be happening.
grog - besties, basically. they're training partners so Cassandra can practice combatting bigger targets and grog can practice combatting small/quick moving targets. also, after seeing a post about it, I hc Cassandra with dyslexia, so they bond quick over the struggle to read/write. Cassandra still has more trouble with it as running whitestone involves lots of paperwork, but being with him reminds her that shes not an idiot.
pike - probably spends the least amount of time with her tbh, sorry pike. she does like pike, she just doesnt exactly have any common ground with her to bond over. percy also probably tries to make cass tell someone (*cough* pike *cough*) about her trauma and she doesnt like doing anything like that.
trinket - best boy. best best best boy. she loves him so so so much. every now and then when vm is in whitestone (or post canon) she can be found snuggling with him and her cat as she talks through whatever problem she cant figure out.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Good morning/night! I love your recent post! I love how Maggie sympathize with our newly revived villain. All though I hate him in other shows/movies, you write him to be more likeable (≧▽≦)
I also loved your post about Basil, I love that the family is growing 💗
So... I was wondering if we could add another member? I wanna give Maggie a traumatized sibling 😀
One of y/n's underdogs from the mafia? And she and y/n have an Akutagawa and Dazai from bsd relationship? If you're not busy ofc ☺️
Omg I’m so glad you like my version of Grodd. I to don’t really enjoy his on screen adaptations, I think they did him dirty in the Flash. I mean hello, telepathic gorilla! He’s baby. Similar to Ivy, his motives makes sense, his execution is just what’s bad. But I wanted to bring in some more outside characters, maybe an excuse to have the Gotham characters interact with some people from Flash. They already have a branch out to Arrow.
I’m also really glad you’re enjoying Basil! I’m loving him so much so far. I feel like he’s way smarter than he lets off. He likes to seem nonchalant and I feel like he’s more on the emotionless side like Y/N and Victor. Considering he himself isn’t a human, he probably doesn’t care as deeply about human life as Maggie does.
I’m not quite sure about adding anyone else just yet. Of course I do love the idea, so thank you for suggesting it. But I don’t think now is the right time. There’s a lot to write already if that makes sense. But don’t worry, Maggie does have traumatised siblings. Have you seen Oliver and Thea? They are both messes. I mean Oliver has 8 seasons worth of trauma 😂 plus Thea after she comes back to life and half of her soul is gone because of thre Lazarus pit. And then she learns that’s her father isn’t even her father and has to be trained by Malcom Merlyn. So not against new characters, maybe let’s just flesh out these ones a little more first. Maybe you could ask Flay if they have any ideas for someone new?
So how about if I have her interact with her siblings a little more. Maybe Thea comes to her confessing she found out the truth about who her father is. I feel like Maggie would feel like an ass for not being there for her little sister. Not that she knew this revelation would happen, but she’d certainly blame herself for not checking in more. And it could be fun to have Oliver find out just how deep his little sister has gotten tangled in this villain web. I feel like he would try to “ground” her, and this would probably result in a verbal fight with Y/N and a physical fight with Victor.
I don’t think I’ve written much of Maggie just interacting with Victor yet. So maybe I’ll have them bond a bit more. But I feel like although he’s only a yandre for Y/N (and by association her “kids”) he doesn’t like when people try to control his “play things” so if Oliver came to town demanding Maggie come back home, or is Kara did the same for Basil, he would flip. Nobody takes them away from him, he wants to see their potential, and would be bored if they became goody two shoes hero’s.
But if it’s more trauma you want over all, I can do that! I like being a mean writer and torturing my Oc’s. Also if you’re interested and you have Wattpad, I have another Gotham series on there. There’s not as much written for that because I’ve been busy, but it’s in collaboration with one of my IRL friends Oc’s (I can link their AO3 account if you’re interested in that too, they have over a hundred chapters so you won’t get bored lol)
It’s closer to the comic book portrayal of the characters. And it focuses more on the hero side of things instead of the villains. The main focus is on the bat fam. My oc is Morrigan and his oc is Harley. So if you want more to read in the meantime while I get to writing, you could check those out!
Thanks for the ask Anon, love you <3
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thefirsthogokage · 1 year
Criminal Minds 16x06:
'True Conviction'
Spoilers: Yes.
Reactions/Commentary Below The Cut
The plane! Feels like a returning character.
No consequence to that bomb. So realistic 🙄
Oh a quote. I hadn't clocked that before on the revival
Oh damn, with a dead animal. He WANTED to create a sociopath of a son, putting him through all that trauma.
It's so odd because Silas is wearing Monroe clothes. Well, the coat (Grimm reference)
More child actor traumatizing.
Aisha's hairstyle this season is so bad. Makes her neck look short and her head too big.
Like he's still going to be there, ffs. If he is, he's an idiot. But it's been hours, what the fuck, they weren't already searching?
I'm starting to see why the later seasons were not as well liked, if this is the direction the writers took.
This mastermind serial killer actor is way too good at being creepy.
Adam Rodriguez does NOT age. He looks the exact same he did on CSI: Miami. Vampire.
This hair is better for Aisha, but completely behind her head and a low pony is such a gross look in that is doesn't do her beauty justice. But also it makes me feel like she's hunched at the neck. Probably because of, like I said, how short it makes it feel. It's just visually off-putting in an aesthetic way.
Oh, Jonathan Del Arco! (Hugh from Picard.)
This show always needed to be allowed to say fuck. Rossi always needed to be allowed to say fuck. The introduction to that was perfect.
Is the infiltrator a love interest for Penelope? Not that I'm complaining. But I STILL want to know how he found out about her.
Is he faking drunk to be in her place for some reason?
Oh, not faking it (probably). Ha @ the 3 second and bucket.
She looks (well with that make up) and sounds so much like, I gotta look this up ... Ok not Francia Raisa.
He was going to let her go, interesting. That shows was too much guilt for him to do the kind of horrible things he's done. So, that's not making much sense to me. He should have been evil by now.
God I don't like Rebecca. Like, I get her being angry, but she's being fucking dramatic and Not. Fucking. Listening. The evidence don't point to him doing it, only the confession does, but that's contradicted by said evidence.
Just get Prentiss and Tara together or something, damn.
So far this episode, Will and JJ are doing better. Not even by comparison, they're just better.
That's not the sole purpose of a forensic psychologist. Oh, that sounds like Aisha's own story. They used that for Tara.
How'd she clock him as his lover? And the logical conclusion I would make, or an option I would have suspected was that his lover was being threatened.
More than a Sliver.
Oh god, is Rebecca going to be a bitch here.
You save an innocent man, that's what happens when you make that call.
He IS innocent!
Oh, another person is going to be called her murderer who's also innocent. The gun runner. That the fall guy that the serial killer uncle talked about?
Weird turn in their relationship. Penelope and the guy.
"You couldn't be honest with me about what you needed." About WHAT?! She was honest with her, what the fuck was Rebecca talking about???
Tara, you fucking dodged a bullet.
Wait how is it transference? What? How are they making these conclusions?????
Is he really still alive?
Fell in love? The psychology here is ... Not.
Naproxen? Did he say naproxen?
Yeah, no, they'll find him through the uncle.
0 notes
annonmaly · 3 years
Ok, It's Not Red. So What?
"Oh, It's Not Red" continuation
Welcome to the third part of my posts regarding Mochijun-sensei's official VnC artworks. This is just a continuation of the 2nd part (there will be no artworks to be discussed). I will just share some absurd ideas that I came up with after my realization (some may already be out there). If there's any chance that you stumbled to the prior post and decided to continue. I salute you brave warriors that assume I would mention anything that makes any sense. To those who have no time to read a post that only talked about Murr's eye color. Here's a summary: I realized Murr's right eye is not red.
Curious as to how did I come to this conclusion? Check it out here: Oh, It's Not Red (You may not read the first part as it isn't related to this. But if you want to, it's here: Regarding some of VnC Artwork this title is so uncreative)
As usual, a friendly reminder that best in writing is an award I never received. I'm not the person who could analyze, explain, or theorize things clearly. Please bear that in mind while reading. Photos are not mine, of course. Also, spoiler alert to be safe
Now that it's all said and done. Let's go ahead and talk about Murr.
By this time, we already know who is Murr. And I think we all agree that the cat is not just a cute mascot of the series. I bet that he would be a game-changer (yes, I'm putting Murr on a high pedestal). The question is: What do you think of Murr's role in the story?
After spending hours and hours of reading here and there, the common theories I found are:
1. Murr is Sensei (The Shapeless One)
Sensei is an observer. And where is the best place to observe? It's beside your subject of interest. Also, as his title suggests, he is shapeless, so maybe he could shapeshift into anything he wants. This sounds probable but, I do not lean on this much for two reasons.
Personal preference. If this is true, Sensei is weird, not terrifying. I mean, instead of doing scary and shady affairs during his free time, he decided to be a cat just to watch Noé.
Look at the image below closely.
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Did you found Murr? No? Take a closer look at Louis. At first, I thought he was just reading, but his book has a weird shape. Where did I see that again? Oh, right.
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Not yet satisfied? See this panel from the manga. This is after the first image's scene.
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(Grandpa obviously has his favorites)
I think the cat Louis' holding is Murr. Thus, there's a panel where Sensei and Murr are together. That's the second reason I'm skeptical about this theory, folks.
Well, we also don't know. Maybe grandpa killed the cat so he could disguise himself as one.
2. Murr is a spy camera of Grandpa De Sade
It's a simple one. The theory goes like this: Murr's right eye connects to Sensei in whatever way. This panel is what inspires this theory:
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(This cat really is suspicious, I bet he is one of the puppet masters of this arc along with Sensei)
This theory is what I'm more inclined to believe. I suppose the cat is working under/with Grandpa for their grand schemes. So, of course, he would report to Sensei the events that took place. Whether he is using his right eye or whatever means it is.
Going to my personal thoughts...
I guess that Murr was a kin of the vampire of the blue moon. He used the power too much, and thus he was rewritten from the inside. Alas, Murr became a cat! Why is he heterochromatic, tho?
Ok, kidding aside, there are two ideas I want to share.
1. Possibly Twins
Mochijun-sensei dropped the bomb in chapter 46. She gave us the idea that the theme of twins would be relevant in the story. Here is the page where Veronica mentioned the thing about twins:
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Then three chapters later when Misha forced Noé to drink his blood and reveal his memory. Mochijun-Sensei dropped another bomb.
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After seeing this, we speculated that Faustina and Luna are twins. I love that thought. Just imagine how complex the relationship it would be between the two. But if we think about it. What if this is just a misdirection? First, Mochijun-sensei makes us aware that the subject of twins is somewhat important. And while that information is still fresh in our memory, she dropped another bomb and told us that the blue vampire and the queen looked alike. Mochijun-sensei set this up so that we could connect the two easily.
All we know is that: Vampire twins are a symbol of bad luck, and Luna looks like Faustina. This is just me overthinking things, but what's life without competition. So, let's add three more names to the list that could be a set of twins.
Murr and Luna: Because why not? His left eye is blue. Also, Luna's left eye was never shown in the series. It's always hidden by her hair, maybe it's a different color.
Noé and Luna: Let's just say he is older than the series claimed him to be. Noé's memory started on the day that it snowed. I believe that Mochijun-sensei is keeping the timeline vague since it would reveal too much information. I mean, we don't know how long time passed from the day Noé was found by the old couple to the day Sensei brought him to the castle in the forest. Keep in mind that the vampire's growth differs for each person, as well.
Also, is the story the Noé and Sensei told trustworthy?
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(How kind are this kidnappers that the kid was not traumatized? Also what's with the injuries. I don't much about slave trading in VnC world. But, if you're going to sell something you don't want it to have visible damage right. Sorry if the comparison sounds offending)
As far as I could tell, Sensei is shady, like really. Noé's memory is also not reliable. After all, someone out there may have the ability to manipulate memories. What if Noé was was born ages ago and was induced to sleep for a long time for whatever reasons?
Going back to Noé and Luna. Mochijun-sensei is giving us subtle hints of his association with Luna. I only saw Luna from one chapter, but I could say they are somewhat similar aside from the hair and skin(?) color (I will make a list later if I still have of time on hand).
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(Child Noé and Luna both have similar haistyle, they have the "lid" as Mochijun-sensei called it. Their eyes are different tho')
Go on, read chapter 49, you'll see what I mean. Also, take note that at some panels (especially the ones where Noé is feeling extreme emotions), Noé's left eye was hidden by his hair or something. Who else out there that we don't see her left eye? Yup, the vampire of the blue moon (I have a weird feeling about Noe's left eye that I will share later) To conclude this, I think that Noé was not from this era. He is actually from the past and preserved in whatever way from whatever reason. And maybe he is actually the twin brother of Luna, seeing that they have a resemblance.
For now, I won't say that he's a reincarnation of Luna (I may change my mind later) as the timeline doesn't coincide. Besides, human Vani's reaction when Misha told him that there's a way to revive Luna is intense. Meaning he wants Luna to stay dead. I also believe that human Vani is hiding "something" he knows about Noé. So if Noé's a reincarnated Luna, there's no way human Vani would stay with him.
Murr and Noé
If you saw my previous post. I convinced myself that Murr's right eye's color is violet (the same shade as Noé's). That's why I decided to include them here. I have no definitive reasoning aside from their eye color and how Murr treated Noé in the series.
In the meantime, I'll write the scenario in my head. What if Murr and Noé are twins. Something happened when they were young, and so they were separated. Noé was somewhere we don't know yet, while Murr encountered Vampire Vanitas and Grandpa DeSade. Then the rest is history.
I swear I didn't expect it to be this long, at any rate, this would be to be continued here: Ok, It's Not Red. So What? (continuation)
Note: This is just a random theory, thoughts, assumptions, and/or head-canons. I wrote this to indulge my over-thinking self. Thank you for taking the time to read and understanding if I made any mistakes or post whatever it is you don’t agree on.
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rpd-rookie · 4 years
I’ll Make An Agent Out Of You - Leon S. Kennedy x Reader (Part 1)
Summary: From cute rookie to badass agent who can supplex the s*** out of you, there's sometimes only one step, or one woman. But what a woman.
Author’s Notes: This is  the first chapter from my new fanfic. It is about Post RE2 Leon and the beginning of his training in the US.STRAT.COM because we clearly don't know enough about it. Expect SMUT at some point (probably in the last chapter) and deep sexual tension. Hope you will like it. Again don't forget to reblog, like and give me your opinion. PS: if you end up singing ‘I'll make a man out of you’ after reading the title, it's not my fault.
Warning: For now, just language because the first chapter is merely an “introduction” 
Also available on AO3
Leon had been left with no choice. Alone and locked in an interrogation room, the man who had introduced himself as Adam Benford had made sure that he would face down the ultimatum with no possibility of refusal or negotiation and he had made the terms very simple. Sherry’s safety against years serving the US government in the fight against Umbrella. A blackmail more than an offer, in Leon’s opinion.
And so here he was, a couple of weeks later or so, barely recovered from a gunshot wound and from the trauma he had experienced in Raccoon City, waiting in a meeting room of US.STRAT.COM headquarters, surrounded by a variety of highly qualified military men who were giving him the undeniable impression he didn’t belong here. After all, just a few days ago, he was still a rookie ready to start his first day in the force while now … well, he wasn’t sure who he was. Was he still a cop? Nothing at all? Or just some regular guy who had luckily survived a zombie apocalypse?  
“So, you’re the rookie from Raccoon.” Leon looked at the man sitting in the row in front of his who had just called him out. He was older that him, with a stern square face and scrutinizing narrow brown eyes, and judging by his uniform and the way he was proudly displaying the insignias on his chest, a seasoned Marine. “Is it true what the rumors say? You’ve seen those things?” You could tell there was a permanent condescendence in his deep husky voice that fitted his Alpha male persona. Leon didn’t like it at all. He had spent enough time at the academy being bossed around by that kind of asshole. But out of respect, and because he was a very patient and wise man despite his young age, he chose to remain polite. “That depends on what the rumor say, I guess”     The man unsurprisingly scoffed and looked up and down at Leon, clearly not impressed. “If a rookie like you survived, they must not be that terrible then.” He added before turning his back on Leon whose teeth were so clenched right now he could have broken them. “Asshole” He soundlessly mumbled.
“Are you lost, angel? Because heaven is a long way from here.” Leon looked up at Marine guy again; eyes furrowed and already tired of his presence. Then he looked at the victim of his terrible pickup line. And it was you, the only woman that had been invited to this meeting.         You had been searching for the seat that had been assigned to you at the entrance of the meeting room when Marine guy had called you out. And ignorance not being you thing, you had stopped to stare at him with a hypocrite smile.       “No, I think I’m at the right place. Thank you very much. However, I do believe the ‘Flirting for Dummies’ course is at the end of the corridor. You should hurry.” Marine Guy’s square jaw dropped in astonishment and he found himself unable to retort. Guess, he wasn’t used to sarcasm or rejection, especially from a woman.         “Damn, man. She burned you.” Another man - who certainly knew Marine Guy – mocked him, a hearty laugh coming out of his wide opened mouth. And that was certainly a bit too much to handle for Marine guy since he gritted his teeth and glared at you as you sat at your place.
Still like a marble statue, you decided to patiently wait for the meeting to start, trying to ignore Marine guy’s brown eyes looking daggers at you. But they weren’t the only eyes on you right now, as you could also feel Leon’s impressed sparkling blue eyes gazing at you. You chose not to glimpse at him, however. After all, you were here for work, not to socialize. Too bad, because Leon would have loved to congratulate you on your sharp sarcasm and thank you for shutting Marine guy up.
Suddenly, Adam Benford entered the room. Everyone stood up to salute him as he took place behind his reading desk with a grave look on his lined face, still looking incredibly charismatic nevertheless.   He waved everyone in the assembly to sit down and waited for an absolute silence to speak.
“I know what most of you must think right now. Why are you here? Why gathering members from so many military corps and agencies? What does an Air Force pilot have in common with an FBI agent? What does a Police Rookie have in common with a CIA officer?” Benford glanced at both Leon and you, one after the other. And that’s how your eyes met for the first time. But it surprised Leon because he had expected you to give him the same condescending look everyone had been giving him since he had entered this building, not a respectful admiring little smile and nod. But you were not like everyone else in room. You knew things. You had heard of him in ways others hadn’t.           “Why gathering the best men America ever trained in a same room? Well, here’s why.”
A video started playing on the screen of the meeting, showing images recorded during the Raccoon City incident, images from the CCTVs, tapes Leon had brought back from his nightmarish ordeal, tapes about Umbrella, about the Nest, about the Birkins. And he could not watch this footage anymore. He couldn’t watch it without feeling a knot in his stomach or the irrepressible will to puke and scream of rage. He couldn’t even hear it, the mere zombie growl reviving memories from the RPD station crowded with undead policemen and citizens, giving him the oppressive impression he was still in there with them, smelling their rotting flesh and skin flooding in the ambient air with an atrocious reek and seeing their skulls crack and burst with a thick splash of boiling blood after each gunshot. A traumatic bloodbath he knew he would never be able to forget and that would haunt him for the rest of his life.    
When the screen went white again, a heavy silence took possession of the room. No one dared to speak. No one dared to look at each other. Except you who were watching at the young man sitting few chairs away from you, still like a marble statue, haunted blue eyes looking down at his shoes. Poor Leon.
“Once you leave this room, whatever your decision may be, you’ll carry the secret behind the Raccoon City incident on your shoulder. No one can know about what truly happened there. No one. Not even your family. And I want you to think about your family. Will you allow them to live in a world like this, threatened by deadly viruses and bio-organic weapons? Or will you join us and fight the responsible behind this so that your loved ones may live a happy safe life?”        
You slowly yet assuredly raised your hands and all eyes set on you, Leon’s included. Adam Benford nodded to allow you to ask your question. “Where shall we sign?”  The old man smiled at you, far from being surprised by your bravery and your devotion. After all, he was the one who had trained you, few years ago.             “Sign?” Marine Guy harrumphed. “Sign for what? Umbrella is doomed to be bygone, right? And if that kid survived,” He pointed at Leon who immediately furrowed his brows. “then I’m sure anyone can.” You shook your head, glaring at him exasperated by his behaviour until Leon chose to stand up.       “Umbrella is still there, standing and operating in facilities all around the world as we speak. And they won’t disappear soon. Who knows how many samples of the t-virus or worse can be found in their lab, each of them having the potential to wipe out entire populations. We can’t let what happened in Raccoon City happen again. That’s why we need to sign. Because the fight has just begun and it is our duty to stop it, whatever it takes.”
He had made an impression. You could tell by the way everyone even Benford was looking at him right now. And with good reasons. He had charisma, determination and a thirst for justice who hadn’t seen much in your years of service. He had potential. Maybe Leon Scott Kennedy was merely a rookie but you were sure as hell he’d become one hell of an agent, one day.
That’s why you were not surprised when, at the end of the meeting, some men went to shake his hand and congratulate him on his words. “They’re right you know. You’ve got a thing with words.” You declared as you extended your hand. “I’m Y/N Y/LN.”       “ Leon S. Kennedy.” He said as he shook your hand. “I know. I guess we’ll see each other again pretty soon then, as well as other people.” You nodded towards Marine Guy who was talking with Adam Benford. Of course that piece of shit would join the team, not out of conviction but more out of pride and selfish ambition. “Well, I guess the STRATCOM needs to hire a certain percentage of men like him.”         “ You can say the word ‘asshole’. We’re not in the academy anymore and I won’t tell.” He chuckled and scratched his head as if he was a bit embarrassed. “I’m serious, Kennedy. You’re playing in the big league now with people that are way above your punches. You need to stop acting like a rookie and establish yourself as one of them. Be bold. Show them you’re not just a lucky survivor or they will always treat you like that, despite the few handshakes they give you at the end of the day.”           “But I was lucky.” Leon corrected you, not really knowing what to say to your advice. “There’s no such thing as luck. You survived because you had skills. And do you know what you have that Marine Guy doesn’t despite the stripes on his shoulders?”       “Modesty?” He joked and you smiled, finding him rather cute and sweet. “Experience.” You said. “You’re the only one who faced those BOWs here. Use that at your advantage.” “You seem to know what you’re talking about.”   “ I’m a woman in man’s world, doomed to be forever treated like a rookie if I don’t show my strength. So yeah, I know what I’m talking about.” Leon stared at you in silence, definitely impressed and bewitched by your attitude. You had spunk, audacity, confidence and you seemed to know what you wanted. And Leon couldn’t deny he was finding this extremely attractive in a woman. Gosh, it certainly was one of the reason Ada had got to him so easily. “ Anyway, see you soon… Kennedy”
The way you pronounced his name left him rooted to the spot and unable to speak. And so, he watched you leave with a self-assured gait, smirking like an idiot. “Women.”
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hamliet · 4 years
How would you have fixed Tokyo Ghoul (Re)'s ending?
I started answering this with a lot of trepidation and ended answering it extremely enthusiastically. I had a ton of fun writing this. Thank you. 
I would have extended the manga by a few more volumes, and started from chapter 147, which is where I felt things went really off the rails. 
I would have had the basic structure stay the same for a bit, but with a few changes. Kanou would not have committed suicide. Touka’s conversation with Shuu and Nishiki, as well as her conversation with Hide, Akira, and Amon, would have been painful, in which Touka expressed to Akira that she was struggling with her earlier words about how even if her father/someone she loves did something wrong, she would still tell them they were wrong. Akira and Touka bond for real, and Akira is able to help Touka declare, boldly, that Kaneki is worth saving (which Touka believes, but she is scared). Hinami listens, but doesn’t join in on the conversation.
Hide leads Akira and Amon to the CCG, along with Hirako and Yusa. Amon reveals that he is part ghoul, endangering himself, and Akira tells them that if they don’t work with ghouls, they have no chance. Most of the CCG refuses. Saiko, on the other hand, joins Akira, Amon, and Hide as they break away. Hsiao goes with her. Urie is alone and feels lost. 
Saiko, Hsiao, Akira, Amon, Hide et al meet with the ghouls and agree to use the chaos to help search for Kaneki’s body (probably also found via the ring). Touka wants to go, but because she is pregnant, she chooses not to, telling Ayato, Hinami, and Shuu to bring Kaneki back to her. Touka is then left to take care of the kids from underground. 
Since Touka is vulnerable, Mutsuki would appear then to challenge Touka. They fight, and Urie, who has been dealing with the desertion of Saiko and Hsiao, finally goes to find the ghouls. Higemaru joins him. They stumble upon the Mutsutou fight and have a similar confrontation to canon–except it ends with Touka being told to leave by Urie, but returning to tell Mutsuki she understands being abandoned, but hurting others isn’t going to help. Urie comforts Mutsuki in the same way Mucchan once comforted him. Ends with a Mutsurie hug with Mama Touka. 
Kanou shows up, having found where Goat is hiding from tailing Kurona, who came back not knowing where else to go. He overhears that Touka is pregnant and gets greedy. Kimi appears and stops Kanou, giving everyone enough time to escape. She takes the ghouls to the CCG with Mutsuki, Aura, and Urie’s help; Yoriko decides to be brave and refuses to allow anyone to hurt them, which means both Mutsuki and Touka. Takeomi would, of course, protect his wife. 
Meanwhile, Ayato, Nishiki, Shuu, et al are searching for Kaneki. Shuu gets increasingly distraught at the destruction Kaneki has wreaked and remembers Karren. Amon is the one who digs Kaneki up, but with help from Takizawa, who returns the cross, and Hakatori. They bring Kaneki to the CCG as well. Nishiki and Kimi reunite. 
At the CCG, Hsiao has had Enough and she tells everyone at the CCG the truth of what happens in the Sunlit Garden. Aura, who went along with Mutsuki but is still nursing a grudge against ghouls, is particularly challenged by this, and Ui is angry and upset. Touka is terrified for Kaneki, and she and Hide talk, as do she and Yoriko in which she worries that Yoriko will blame her, but Yoriko doesn’t. Kaneki has the Torii Gate scene and wakes up, much like canon, and speaks to Hide, who is quiet and unwilling to be forthcoming. Kaneki goes for a walk with the Quinx and finds that people are turning into ghouls, again like canon. Saiko has a similar reaction to canon. 
The kids from underground are the ones who work out a plan to get to dragon!Rize with Kaneki, as he is immune like in canon. Meanwhile, everyone unites to fight V, who appear with Eto-Owl like in canon. Yusa is told to stay behind by Hirako because he’s a kid, and he and Touka stay with an ailing Saiko.
While fighting, Ui encounters a resurrected Hairu, Tsukiyama a resurrected Karren, Arima for Akira, etc. The Quinx encounter revived Shirazu, and it’s traumatic for everyone. Shuu’s father is killed by zombie Karren. Kaneki and Ayato penetrate deeper into the underground with the kids. They’re attacked by clones, and Kaneki protects the underground kids, thereby partially earning his redemption. Meanwhile, Yoriko begins to turn into a ghoul. 
V reveals again that they’ve been eating the corpses of investigators. Akira is using Fueguchi as her quinque and regrets it when she sees Hinami’s face, and they both realize that this is what V wants: to destroy their tenuous alliance.  Akira hesitates using Fueguchi, and Takizawa saves her from the attack she left herself vulnerable to. Kurona appears, telling Takizawa they have to stop Kanou, who shows up with a barely-alive Hajime. Amon is horrified by what’s happened to Hajime and angry at Kaneki, before remembering that he has been willing to do similar things to Hinami. Donato and the clowns appear, and Amon fights Donato in a rage, until he remembers what Akira said earlier about good and bad being a part of parents, and Touka’s words about loving someone yet hating their actions. He tells Donato he loved him. Donato saves Amon from a V agent even though it costs him his own life.
Yomo and Uta fight much like in canon, with the same metaphorical imagery, and Yomo and Uta end it by coming to a genuine understanding and empathy even if they don’t see eye to eye. Kurona, Hakatori, and Takizawa fight Kanou while Amon takes Hajime to safety with Kimi, who redeems herself by helping saving Hajime, and Nishiki helps her. Akira saves Takizawa. Juuzou, terrified by whatever Kanou might have done to Shinohara, stops Kanou in the end, saving Kurona… only to begin to turn into a ghoul himself. His squad stay with him. 
Kaneki finds Furuta. Ayato falls behind again like in canon. Kaneki and Furuta fight. Kaneki says something along the lines of how his life isn’t stylish, how he’s done terrible things and even has the blood of children on him, but he has a child on the way, a child with his blood too, and that he is alive, and he is not going to waste this life no matter how long or short it might be. Furuta reveals again that he wants everything, imagining a good life with Rize. He is defeated, but not killed, and asks if he, who has done so much evil and is dying anyways, has anything good to offer the world. Kaneki thinks of Touka and tells Furuta if he has someone he loves, he does. They then proceed to the Sunlit Garden. 
Touka is terrified for Yoriko and works with Takeomi and Hide to venture into the lab for some kind of cure… where she finds Arata and Yoshimura. Distraught by her two father figures and hearing reports of Eto attacking people out there, she vows to do better for her child, and she and Hide free both Arata and Yoshimura… who recognize them and, without life support, don’t have long to live. Yoshimura leaves with Hide; Arata and Touka have a difficult conversation.
Rize is located in the Sunlit Garden. Kaneki and Rize fight, with the easy answer being killing everyone in the Sunlit Garden–including Rize, but also the children. He refuses. Shirazu and Urie have a particularly brutal fight, in which Urie’s insecurity issues come out and he starts to go kakuja again. Mutsuki kicks his ass and Urie tells Mutsuki that he loves him, and Mutsuki tells Urie he doesn’t need to earn his care, and realizes that all of what Urie has said is because he loves him but sucks at expressing it. They kiss. Meanwhile, Ayato’s fight is not going well, but just when it looks like all is lost, someone else saves him: Arata! Led there by Hinami, who found him with Touka and went to save him. Ayato and Hinami kiss. 
Seeing Kaneki fighting to help save the kids angers Furuta, who shouts at him about hurting the Oggai, remembers his own sins towards children and those against him as a child, and in the end, he gives the last bit he has to give Rize back her consciousness, to heal her (yes she eats part of him). She remembers who she is while he is still alive, and he tells her she has to live, and he makes Kaneki promise to let her live. He dies thinking that, in those moments at least, he lived, and that perhaps if he had been able to think better, he could have lived all along. Kaneki realizes that it doesn’t matter if you have someone you love: either way, your life is valuable. Scarred lives are beautiful, too, and he thinks of Hide. 
Rize getting her consciousness back wakes up all the other puppets of Kanou’s. Yoshimura ventures to the battlefield, led by Hide, and finds Eto, whom Hide had been working for. Yoshimura helps Eto turn on and kill Kaiko before they both die, at peace with one another. Ui assures Hairu that she is loved, kissing her before she dies in his arms. Karren recognizes Shuu and tells him she’s sorry for what happened to his father, but Shuu is the one who apologizes to her. Arima sees Hirako again and apologizes to him and to Ui. Shirazu is able to say a proper goodbye to Mutsuki and Urie, and asks for them to say goodbye to Saiko and Haru. The resurrected die. 
Kaneki gives Rize his shirt to cover her, and they lead the children of the Sunlit Garden out into the light, encountering Ayato and Hinami and leading them (as children) out of the dark too. 
Epilogue: Shikorae is tracked down post-battle, as is canon, but while he thinks of himself as an eldritch horror abomination, Kimi and the rest are able to help him, so that he is able to return to being Rio. Akira gives Hinami Fueguchi to bury. 
Touka gives birth to Ichika, Shinohara wakes up and accepts Juuzou even as a ghoul, the large mass of humanity who are now ghouls provoke change so that the gov’t and CCG are actively working on treatment plans with Kimi leading them. Yoriko is accepted as a ghoul as well.
Edits for clarity: Urie tells Mutsuki he loves him at their first fight; Mutsuki decides to love Urie in the fight with Shirazu. Touka accepting Yoriko as a ghoul and that it’s not something for her to feel terribly about is part of Touka accepting herself as a ghoul. 
Other edits: Oh, and Furuta? Maybe leave it ambiguous as to whether he died or asked Kaneki to let him escape. 
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tropicalfreckles · 4 years
Friends Again CH 1
Hey guys, decided I’d post this here, too! An obvious Disclaimer beforehand, B**TLEB*BES DNI MASTER LIST found here
Now then. I started writing this about two months or so ago, had the idea in my head from the first time I watched the musical. The first two chapters didn’t have anyone beta reading it, and my writing is super rusty since I haven’t posted fanfiction online in 10 years until now. Here’s the quick summary from AO3! Rating: M (for body horror mentions. other than that the content would be T for the cursing)
Warnings: Body Horror, Blood, they talk about how Lydia impaled Beej, some violence, at some point they will brush up on Beej’s child abuse from Juno (though it won’t be detailed), Bug eating, Beej pervs on the Maitlands just a little, Lot of cursing. (i’ll add more warning tags if you guys give me a heads up about anything I missed!)
Characters: Lydia Deetz, Charles Deetz, Delia Deetz, Adam Maitland, Barbara Maitland, Beetlejuice & a few OCs made for the fic along with the introduction of my demon BJ oc, Antares!
Summary:  It had been months since her face off against the ghost with the most, it ending on a very mixed note for Lydia. But, the events won't leave her dreams, and she is slowly coming to terms with her suffering from trauma because of her actions. Would it lead to her confronting them, and in turn, seeing the source of it all once more?
(fic in read more)
 Eight long months had passed since Lydia finally decided to open herself up more to her father again. Along with accepting Delia as being apart of their new, weird, happier family. Lydia definitely saw the Maitlands as part of that family with how much they've done to help her, her father and her recently made step-mother. She would've been surprised with how fast those two had gotten married after the engagement if it wasn't for the whole near death experience by angry demon thing. They figured after that life was short, especially compared to the Maitlands and got married only a few months after they finally were settled in. Unfortunately for poor Lydia, the nightmares she had after her clash with her demon ex-friend still clung to her. They started about two weeks after everything happened. It was enough time for Lydia to let things sink in about what they did and even if he deserved it, how she killed a person. They happened almost every night, then every other night, and by month four had stopped. Then the month after they started up again and even though Delia tried her hardest, she just couldn't help with Lydia's mental health deteriorating again. So she began to see a family therapist. She had to leave out some details for obvious reasons and changed the story a little, but it was only helping so much. Every time she would recount the nightmare in vivid detail to her therapist.
 'Everything around her was distorted, like it was the inside of a funhouse mirror. The colors around her varied from a mix of eerie, bright and ghoulish colors to more monotone colors blending into each other. Her heart was thumping into her chest as everyone played the part that she had given them. I'm doing the right thing, he won't stop. He's a demon so it's okay! That's all she was able to think about to justify her actions. The joy of being alive after their 'green card' marriage soon came crashing down onto the dirty recently revived Beetlejuice as he went off on one of his tangents. Going on about the mixed emotions of humans that were overwhelming him all at once. He started getting a look in his eyes, going straight to murderous thoughts just as she knew he would. Her breathing picks up as she grabs onto the broken piece of rebar from the poor taste of art that her father hands to her. She fixes her footing and screams as she plunges the make-shift weapon through the back of the demon, screaming as she used all the force she could muster. Everything becomes distorted around her after that; everyone else becoming shapeless blobs. Except for the dying Beetlejuice who stares off like he's gazing at an unknown force. In typical fashion he cracks a joke with his dying breathe. The blobs were all shocked at the action until Lydia told them why she did it. They started to move in an off-putting way to get ready to be rid of him when he would rise as the recently deceased.
Before it could play out just as it did in reality everything went black around her. Terrifying mouths appeared into the view everywhere she looked. The adrenaline that spiked when she stabbed him now was replaced from anxiety to dread as blood poured out from the mouths. Their laughter echoed with twisted and distorted voices. The blood swallowed up the demon before her. She tried to wade through the blood in vain trying to reach him as fear engulfied her.
"No... NO! Beetlejuice-!"
It's not supposed to be like this; he's supposed to go back to the netherworld, he's supposed to be okay! Everyone is supposed to be okay! She reached out, crying out his name in an attempt to save him,
"Beetlejuice!" She saw his body surface in the sea of crimson. It was carrying him further and further from her as her dress became heavier with every passing second. Blood coated her face as she kept an outstretched arm to try and grab onto him.
A cackle echoes from the darkness as a giant hand pulled him out of the blood, belonging to a woman she only was briefly introduced to. It was his mother, the head demon in charge of the more bureaucratic side of the Netherworld. Juno. His body is still, lifeless now, his hair color changed to a purpleish-blue.
" BEETLEJUICE !" She screams one last time. A giant sand worm jumps out of Juno's mouth and eats both the demon she cried out for, and herself. Then she wakes up.'
 Well, at least she would partly tell the truth. She left out a lot of key details from her nightmare when talking about it, such as marrying a centuries or millennia old demon as a green card thing to bring him back to life. About ghosts in general. Lydia had to switch many things around, along with the murder. The story changed to her having a horrible fight with an old friend who she 'stabbed him in the back'. More metaphorically than in actuality being physically. Talking about her trauma to anyone outside of the family was really difficult. Which is why she didn't see the point to seeing a therapist in the first place. Thankfully most of the facts could be turned into metaphors with some hoop jumping. She finally got the story 'straight' with her family prior to opening up. What she would tell the therapist is she betrayed a friend who had mental health problems and was threatening her family. She told them she called the cops on him and made it out that his abusive mother beat the shit out of him. Then shipped him off to military school instead of him going to juvey. The therapist took the strange nightmares she would have as a vivid imagination of her guilt of betraying someone she thought as her friend before. She wasn't even that close to him, they only spent a few days together and she was more focused on seeing her mother again. Yet killing the man is something that made her stomach turn when she thought about it again. It was different than the thrill of scaring people with him from before. Sure he was 'fine' in the sense of he was just back to square one of being a ghost and a demon again. However she still took something away from him that was bigger than she thought before. Life. Even if it did make him go crazy after being alive for less than five minutes.
 He didn't seem too bothered by it when he left following his melodramatic farewells. After feeding his scary mother to a giant sandworm of course. He seemed a little happier, even. Unfortunately she never really got true closure. Sure she gave him a small hug, even though that was a little hard because he smelled so bad. It was probably his clothes since the man looked like he never washed a thing in his life. After a two months of seeing them, her therapist suggested that maybe all she wants is closure to her traumatic experience. The therapist didn't recommend actually going to visit her 'friend' in case it would be too overwhelming for her. A phone call or something was suggested if she thought she wanted to talk to him. Tell him how much of a jerk he was before and how he took things too far. Tell him how she felt bad about the way she ended things. That was going to be complicated though for a number of reasons.
One, even if she did want to go back to the Netherworld which she definitely didn't. It was just like when she had her realization it would take possibly eternity to find her mother. What luck would she have finding Beetlejuice? Two, even though she saw him comically swing his mother's torn leg around after he took her out. What's to say she still wasn't 'existing' and back running the netherworld's social services for the dead. Or whatever it was she did. She didn't want to come face to face with that horrid woman again. She wasn't even sure if demons could die still and she had to have been a demon just like Beetlejuice. Sure she got eaten but once again she could've somehow came back. Three, her family would NEVER let her go back in there. Four was the most important though; did she even want to see him again? Could she even see him again? He certainly wouldn't want to after what happened. Even if they left on neutral terms he might be feeling a bit miffed that she stabbed him in the back. He was still a demon.
 "Feelings are stupid." Lydia groaned, flopping on top of her bed dramatically as she gave a deep sigh. She had just gotten back from another appointment and curled up on the bed.
  "I can't believe I miss when Delia would be the one 'life coaching' me. I shouldn't feel guilty for what happened; he deserved it. He was going to kill dad, possibly everyone. He tricked me into almost exorcising Barbara!" Lydia wrinkled her nose, kicking at the air with her legs as she grabbed onto her pillow then tore at it a little."That big, smelly jerk."
 She sniffled a little then buried her face into the pillow. Why should she care. He only ever cared about his powers and about himself. Even if he stood up for her and saved her from his crappy mom. Who only was there because she ran into the Netherworld and abandoned everyone. In hopes of seeing her mom again. She wasn't at fault, though; it was just a big mess.
  "Lydia sweetie, are you okay?" A concerned voice came from behind her door with a gentle knock following it.
  "Is it okay if I come in?" Lydia lifted her head from the pillow then looked to the door. She gave a one shoulder shrug.
 "Only if you want to, Barbara." She shifted, rolling onto her back as she stared up at the ceiling. Barbara phased through the door deciding she would practice on her ghostly abilities some more. Even if she still felt it a bit rude to not use the door. She walked over to the bed, then sat down on the edge of it while reaching out to gently stroke Lydia's head.
  "How was your appointment honey?" She gave the sweetest, caring smile she could muster for the young girl as Lydia blew one of her bangs out of her face.
 "Was okay, I guess; I don't know why I still have to go to these.." The goth teen closed her eyes, finding it soothing in a way to feel the cold fingers of her friend comforting her. Barbra quirked a brow at her, then stopped for a moment as she gently patted Lydia's head in response.
  "Are you still having those nightmares?" Lydia inhaled deeply before sitting up as she swung her legs around.
 "...yes." She spoke softly, just barely above a whisper as her gaze cast downwards. Barbara inched closer to her then wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders.
  "Oh, Lydia. I know that man was awful. Yet, I understand if you feel bad for him. I still.. really do not like him. Although I hope he's found peace in whatever he is doing now, in the Netherworld. Even if I will never forgive him." A frown creased the lips of the ghostly woman as she knit her brows. "I'm just glad he left on his own at least. Only good thing he did while he was here. Besides saving you." She sighed then gave a shake of her head. Lydia looked up at her while playing with the ends of her lacy black dress.
 "I know.. he. I mean, he wasn't.. I don't know. He's a jerk, yeah, a real asshole. But, I think he did care about us, even if it was a little. Scaring people with him was fun, I just didn't.. want him to kill my dad. Even if I was mad at him. Upset. I know now dad acted the way he did because he was hurting as much as I was. He just masked his grief differently than I did. But, I hated the tantrum Beetlejuice made. I didn't want him to hurt you or Adam." Lydia gently moved her hand over Barbara's hand, eyes softening a bit. Barbara moved her hand away from Lydia, opting to gently grab her cheek.
  "You put too much on your shoulders, sweetie. You're a good kid. You were so brave.. we should've been the ones to protect you, though. Not the other way around. You know I don't hold anything against you for what happened. Adam and I should've not put our trust in Beetlejuice in the first place. What we should've done was shooed him away. But we were just so desperate. Losing everything in such a short amount of time." She moved her hand away, resting both of them now in her lap as she stared down at the floor. "Gosh. I wish I became more assertive sooner. At least now if anything like that happens again, we'll be better about it." She looked back to Lydia, giving her a comforting smile. Lydia nodded to her in response.
 "Well, you don't have to worry about me. I'm not gonna make any more deals with demons I barely know again." Lydia snorted. Barbara gave a small chuckle as she bumped her shoulder.
  "I hope you mean any deals ever again."
 "Eh, we'll see." Lydia snickered, Barbara giving her a small scowl of disapproval.
  "Lydia." Lydia laughed, then gave Barbara a hug.
 "Okay, okay. I really need a nap now." She let go then smiled up at Barbara. The woman took the hint, getting up after giving a small wave. She turned around then phased through the door once more. Lydia kicked her combat boots off her feet, then got up and walked over to the door. She locked it just for some privacy and moved back over to the bed, jumping on it. A nap.. another nightmare? Her expression soured as she stared out to the window of her bedroom. The sky was cloudy, dark grays and purples covering every bit of the bright blue endless sky. She shifted her gaze to the mirror that was on the other side of her room. Reason number four. It would be crazy. She shouldn't even try. How could she be so sure that she could even summon him if he was in the Netherworld. It would be safer to try that than going back into it. Wrapping her arms around herself, her mind was battling all the possibilities of things that could go wrong. A thought occurred to her as she remembered the handbook for the recently deceased. She still had the copy Beetlejuice gave her. Maybe there was a chapter about how to deal with a demon besides marrying them and killing them. Hopping off the bed, she ran to her dresser, digging around in the bottom one. Just as she left it; under her old clothes she never wore anymore. Taking it out, she sat on the ground then began sifting through the pages. A faint glow coming from each one.
 'This is crazy, what am I doing.' Lydia thought to herself after looking through a couple of chapters, sighing as she began to close the book. She couldn't endanger everyone. She didn't want to put them through.. hm. Hold on. Her eyes flickered as she noticed a color change in a page, big red letters spelling out the name of a new chapter. DEMONS, and how to handle them. Her fingers smoothed over the page as he brought the book into her lap once more.
  "You can summon special demons by chanting their name three times, without breaking the pattern. If your demon guide however is unhelpful, and causing more problems than you need. You can send them back by chanting their name once more. Three times, unbroken..."
 Her eyes widen as she bit her lip. If it was in this book, then it had to work, right? This was given to the recently deceased to help them after all. She thought back to after everything happened with Beetlejuice, remembering her dad now having crosses around the house even if that didn't really work when he used it before. However he had also acquired holy water and given Lydia some as a precaution. She thought it was silly, since back then she had no reason to believe Beetlejuice would come back. Now that she was faced with a new option, however. She slid the dresser drawer back in place, keeping the book tucked under her arm. She walked over to her bookshelf and pulled down a squirt gun that her dad had poured the holy water in. Would this actually work? If it didn't it probably would either piss Beetlejuice off or make him laugh at her. Or both. Either way she still liked the security of it. Maybe he'll be too entertained by her squirting him with holy water to hurt her or the others. Holding this in her hand meant that this was real. She was really going to do this. Walking over to her curtains, she closed them quickly. Lydia then went to her phone on the nightstand then picked it up. She turned the Bluetooth on, changing the volume of her music to the max. It wasn't uncommon for Lydia to listen to her music loudly some times. A good excuse to cover up whatever noise the demon would bring; the others wouldn't question it. Her dad wouldn't be home for a little while longer so she didn't need to worry about him. He was the only person who was ever bothered by her listening too loud.
 "Alright.. you can do this, Lydia. Just. Just one quick conversation can work for closure, right? Right. This isn't the dumbest thing you ever did at all. Besides summoning him the first time.." She tossed the book on the bed, then held up her squirt gun. It might not even work, so that would be good. Right? This is just an empty attempt. Whatever it took to reassure herself she wasn't going to get killed. Sitting down on the end of her bed, she stared out at the mirror. Okay. You can do this, Lydia Deetz.
 "Beetlejuice.." Everything seemed normal so far. Just the sound of her music, nothing eerie whatsoever. There was a chill however she felt against her neck, though she figured it was just her nerves.
 "Beetlejuice." A gust of wind started knocking hard at her window. It had to have been the oncoming storm. Just another coincidence. Or so she thought. Her music started to change songs at a frequent pace. Shit. This was really happening. Was he really going to come? She gripped her squirt gun, gritting her teeth. She couldn't show fear. Lydia refused to let him have the upper-hand.
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revengerevisited · 4 years
I wanna do something a little fun and just share some of the KH fanfic ideas I’ve had for a while, which are mostly about Vanitas because of course they are. XD But yeah, here are my ideas:
1. A Shadow of Two - a sequel to A Heart and a Half, kinda a fix-it for KH3 but not really since it’s an AU to begin with. Vanitas Aqua and Ventus would be the main trio, but Sora Riku and Kairi are also POV characters, with each of them having their own trio and goals: Sora (with Donald and Goofy) looking for a way to revive Roxas while struggling with his own inner darkness, Kairi training with Axel and getting help from Ienzo in discovering her past, Riku Mickey and an unrevealed character on a secret Realm of Darkness mission and also finding a way to revive Naminé, and Vanitas Aqua and Ventus searching for the new Princesses of Heart while dealing with their own problems: Vanitas still dealing with his trauma while adjusting to normal society, Aqua dealing with something I can’t reveal yet, and Ventus... honestly I don’t know what to do with Ventus. The most obvious answer would be recovering his lost memories, but... well, introducing an egregiously convoluted backstory wherein Ventus and/or Vanitas might be a murderer isn’t exactly appealing to me, to say the least. I really wish Ven’s backstory could’ve been something I was allowed to make up myself. Other than that, the story would generally follow KH3 but with way more Disney worlds and hopefully fewer plot holes. ;P
2. Broken Hearts (Take Time to Mend) - a post-KH3 fic that ignores Re:Mind and the time-traveling Vanitas retcon. This fic is about the REAL Vanitas who was in KH3 and resurrected via scream energy who has returned once again, this time in the Land of Departure but is too weak to leave and is quickly discovered by the Wayfinder Trio. Tensions are high but he’s ultimately allowed to stay, with the focus of the story being on the four of them helping each other recover from their respective traumas: Vanitas’s years of abuse by Xehanort, Terra’s decade of possession by Xehanort (which according to the post-Re:Mind character files was a lot more traumatic than I’d realized), Aqua’s decade spent in the Realm of Darkness and subsequent corruption by darkness, and Ven’s... almost being killed by Eraqus, I guess. While pretty bad, that’s probably not as traumatizing as years of torture and torment, and the more obvious trauma to use would be Ventus committing/witnessing Strelitzia’s murder, but as I’ve established I just really don’t want to deal with KHUX at all. Anyway, this could work as a gen fic but since I love Vanqua so much I might as well make it one, maybe throw a little Terrella in there too 'cause why not.
3. This fic idea focuses on the aftermath of KH3, NOT Re:Mind, where Riku Kairi and Naminé are trying to adjust back to a normal life at Destiny Islands while also dealing with their grief over Sora’s disappearance. Kairi deals with blaming herself for Sora’s ‘death’, Naminé deals with being adopted as Kairi’s sister and learning how to be a normal person, and Riku deals with his growing feelings for Naminé, but the real star of the show is... Sora’s mom! Oh and Vanitas too, of course. Sora’s mom (who really needs a name) has finally been told about everything that’s happened these past two-ish years, and a month after Sora’s disappearance she finds a comatose Vanitas washed up on the beach. She assumes it’s Sora, although Riku and Kairi are quick to correct her. Despite their warnings, Sora’s mom nurses Vanitas back to health and basically adopts him, although he isn’t exactly happy with the situation. Still weak and recovering, Vanitas is unable to leave, and Sora’s mom won’t stop in her efforts to help him adjust to a normal life. This one could be merged into Broken Hearts, since I could imagine Riku informing the Wayfinder Trio about Vanitas’s return and an angry and distrustful post-KH3 Aqua wouldn’t want to let him out of her sight, but it might be better to keep them as separate fics seeing as they’re set in two different locations.
4. My next idea hinges on my theory of what the next KH game could’ve been like... or at least before Re:Mind pretty much shot it down. My theory was that Vanitas, the real Vanitas not the time-traveler, was still inside Sora’s heart and therefore went along with him to TWEWY. I haven’t played TWEWY but I know that Sora would need a partner to defeat the Noise, and what better partner than a former enemy? This would be similar to A Heart and a Half but instead of romance it’s a sibling team-up with them trying to escape Shibuya. This fic could also be combined with the previous idea as well... Maybe Sora allows Vanitas to win the Reaper’s Game and he ends up on Destiny Islands unable to remember what happened in TWEWY. Vanitas would be the key to getting Sora back but only if Naminé can unlock his lost memories. My only problem is that I would have to erase all that character development Vanitas gained with Sora to reset him back to have character development with the Destiny Islands characters instead, at least until he regains all his memories.
5. A different Vanitas and Sora team-up fic. Once again this is the real Vanitas who used scream energy to revive himself, but that made his heart rather unstable. He tries to fight Sora Donald and Goofy in Monstropolis but is too weak and sick and loses. Upon discovering that Vanitas looks just like him, Sora decides to take him back to Yen Sid for healing and answers. But Vanitas’s negativity is too much for the Gummiship to handle and it ends up stalling. Sora Donald and Goofy slowly nurse a very reluctant Vanitas back to health with the power of friendship, which would reduce the amount of negativity so the Gummiship can fly again. Vanitas and the trio travel to a few different Disney worlds and eventually rescue Aqua and Ven. I don’t know what would happen after that though, since I don’t want to just rehash exactly what happened in the Keyblade Graveyard.
6. A pre-BBS Vanqua AU. Only a few months after being created, Vanitas runs away from Xehanort to the Land of Departure, hoping to merge with Ven early. Unfortunately for him Ven is still in a coma, so Vanitas tries to merge with Aqua instead. This doesn’t quite work, but does end up linking their hearts in such a way that neither can go too far away from each other without feeling sick or even dying. Now stuck at the Land of departure, Vanitas is found by Xehanort who is enraged that Vanitas has basically ruined all his plans. Fearing for his life, Vanitas convinces Xehanort that the plan can still be salvaged: Vanitas will become Eraqus’s apprentice under the guise of Ven’s ‘brother’ and is tasked with encouraging Terra’s darkness while making sure Ventus and/or Aqua are trained to their fullest, depending on which one would be better to merge with. Xehanort, not wanting to start this entire endeavor over, agrees to the plan and introduces Vanitas to Eraqus and the others. Since Vanitas is now wearing normal clothing, Aqua has no idea that he is the masked boy who attacked her earlier, but feels strangely drawn to him due to their connected hearts. The rest of the fic would basically be about the four apprentices’ life at the Land of Departure, with Vanitas struggling with his loyalty to Xehanort vs his slowly burgeoning friendship with Terra Ven and Aqua, all while trying not to blow his cover with the Unversed.
I also have a few smaller ideas that I haven’t really thought through yet or might work better as oneshots or fanart: 1. A Lion King Vanqua AU with lion Aqua and black leopard Vanitas, Terra Eraqus and Xehanort also as lions, Ven as a regular leopard, and Braig as a hyena. 2. A KH1 retelling/reimagining with Vanitas reincarnated as Sora’s younger brother. 3. A Nier Automata AU with resistance android Terra, scanner Ventus, attacker Aqua, and Vanitas as a scanner with executioner chips installed by Xehanort sent to infiltrate Yorha. 4. A post-KH3 fic dealing with Sora’s restlessness after attempting to return to a normal life on Destiny Islands, feeling like he doesn’t belong after everything he’s been through. 5. Something about Aqua taking care of Ven when he first arrives at the Land of Departure, possibly Venqua. 6. A Vanqua-ish KH3 fic with Vanitas kidnapping Aqua to be used as a Guardian or Seeker back-up for Org13, but he eventually befriends her and lets her go. 7. And finally, a Namiku fic set between CoM and KH2. I kinda feel like this should be part of the A Heart and a Half ‘canon’, but I’m not actually sure whether it should be its own fic or just flashback scenes in A Shadow of Two.
You’ll notice that I really love stories about villain redemption, abuse/mental illness recovery, and former enemies becoming friends/lovers, which is why I’ve grown so disappointed with mainstream works nowadays rarely exploring those topics (at least not that I’ve seen). I guess that’s where that old saying comes in, “if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself”. But yeah, that’s just a quick list of my KH fic ideas so far!
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sureivy · 4 years
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is that HALSEY? no, that’s just IVY CALDER. SHE is TWENTY-FOUR years old and is an EMPLOYEE AT DON’T FRET & PAWS 4 LOVE. rumor has it they’ve been in town for FOUR MONTHS / TEN YEARS. on a good day, they’re CREATIVE & VERSATILE. but watch out! they can also be IRRESPONSIBLE & VOLATILE. TRIGGER BANG BY LILY ALLEN (FT. GIGGS) plays in my head whenever i think of them. can’t wait to see them around springhill!
hello my pals ! i’m amy ( 20 // est // she/her ) and i am super excited to be here! we also over here bringing back a fairly old muse (i,, apparently,, play her during election years,,) with a couple of tweaks, so we love that for me! also! pls forgive me if this is lowkey disorganized, we’ve been in and out of airports all day! can’t wait to contract that sexy corona!
full name: ivy rose calder
date of birth: may 2, 1995
*does not perfectly reflect the below big three zodiac chart because that’s too much math
zodiac big three: taurus sun, pisces moon, aquarius rising
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual ( preference for women bc we luv that for her but we also luv leaving things open to chemistry )
education: high school diploma
enneagram: 7w8?
mbti: enfp
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
positive traits: creative, versatile, passionate, compassionate
negative traits: irresponsible, volatile, impressionable, hedonistic
triggers: brief implied sexual abuse, suicide, a lot of death talk?, drug abuse ( desoxyn ), overdose
ivy lived the first eight years of her life in newark, nj. she had a mere family of three – her mother, a model-turned-stay-at-home-mom, her father, a politician, and herself. she was much closer to her mother, but she and her father were close at night.
when her mother finally found out about this, she wasted no time in taking ivy’s father’s side. what a good mom! instead, ya girl was already getting in touch with cps herself... but wow... it was gonna ruin his career in politics :\
“Now, one thing I lerned from Storys is, when something big is about to okur, a riter will go: Then it hapened! This tells the reeder: Get Reddy. Here I go: Then it hapened!” - fox 8
then it happened!
humiliated, clearly never getting a platform back, and absolutely bitter, ivy’s father killed himself before being sent to prison. 
Very Tragique™
ok. so. to distance themselves from the poor memories, but to save money, ivy and her mother moved to springhill, temporarily sharing ivy’s aunt’s apartment while her mother began collecting enough money to buy an apartment of their own and keep it.
during this time, ivy was seeing a lot of people and she didn’t know why! they asked questions about her mental health, but she didn’t know why! i mean, totally not traumatic, right?
yes. instead of managing communication well, she became very fascinated by the concept of death. she had many questions about it, she, a youth, had some extended conversations with clergymen about it –– she never killed any animals, god forbid, but she was absolutely fascinated when she ran across them.
ok, i’m gonna skip ahead a little. now in teen years and still fascinated by death, but in a healthier way!, and no longer in therapy because... like... that costs a lot of money!
she dealt with it the best she could. became enamored with music... because why wouldn’t she? some covers here and there, some originals here and there, living that youtube lyf, but not expecting anything to come of it. just liked validation! mood!
she also dealt with it the worst she could! became enamored with drugs! naturally, it started out small. some weed, some lsd, some molly –– you know, just drugs that you don’t typically think of as addictive. although her grades suffered, it was harmless enough...
upon graduating high school, she figured... no college. instead, with barely any money to her name, she was like “i... will go to new york... and i will become famous.”
and she did! she did go to new york! she found a few sketchy places that didn’t charge much for a few nights as she began networking - both socially and “i would like to be known for music” (i literally just forgot the word for networking like..... employment wise.... y’all i’m so dumb). when she’d made some friends, she began crashing on couches that were not quite as sketchy! 
but :\ she did meet these friends in sketchy places :\ and they were like “ok here r some new and more addictive drugs for u to try!”
what she wound up abusing using the most was desoxyn. it kept her awake, it kept her focused, it even shed a few pounds to create an excellent figure! what wasn’t to love! 
i mean it’s literally a prescription methamphetamine,,, when abused,,, literally almost exact same effects as meth,,, but when meth mouth, skin lesions, acne, etc aren’t occurring as a side effect? who was she to care!
20, she released an actual ep with the help of a super cool friend who made everyone call him puppy mills! wow! things were excellent! it wasn’t necessarily seeing mainstream traction, but there was a decent enough following! enough to release an album at 22!
perfect timing, btw! desoxyn was starting to become too expensive for puppy to afford and trying to fake having such a severe form of adhd that desoxyn would be prescribed as opposed to something like ritalin or adderal when it’s literally illegal to prescribe in some countries now?? too hard :\ but the money from the album helped her and puppy!
*olaf vc* puppy died. *end vc*
she was there for it too. she thought it was just a freak-out, took a LITTLE too much, but not OVERDOSE worthy... then he l i t e r a l l y died. and it was a painful death!
“oh wow! maybe prescription meth isn’t super cool after all! shucks!” but that was also an opening?? to visit death herself?? like... she didn’t necessarily want to die (sort of), but she wanted... an answer to the question that had plagued her her entire life... so she was like “ok hope i die then someone revives me but if i die then :\ i guess i die!”
did not die. but also did not get a satisfying answer to her question. the only way it would’ve been truly satisfying? if she had been dead for longer than a minute - then it would’ve given a definite answer! because the answer she received was just nothingness which, while peaceful... is it true?
she tried to detox alone, what because rehab is a business, and it... only... sort of worked. she would be clean for a few weeks, then fall back in, then clean for a few weeks, then fall back in. whenever she wasn’t just naturally focused and awake, or whenever what she was focused on was the past, she would fall back in.
i mean, a side effect is memory loss, so win/win!
she made the semi-wise decision to move back to springhill. wisest would’ve been to just move to a town/city she had absolutely no memories in, but better than moving back to newark!
so... without much to show, and with an unreliable streak, she knew she wouldn’t be able to start looking for much of an occupation – but she still needed money! so she began working at don’t fret out of a love for music, then began working at the animal shelter after completing training.
the main training was, of course, for putting animals to sleep.
ah yes. how she pretends it’s healthy... even tho there are studies and statistics relating suicide to veterinarians and shelter workers who euthanize animals... ah yes.
has been back for four months now. love that. do not know how to finish this.
TL ; DR:
born in newark. moved to springhill at 8. childhood trauma that she is still carrying causes fascination with death. “i love music.” moved to ny at 18 because realistic. childhood trauma also causes dependency on desoxyn. releases an ep and an album. does not become famous, but they both have decent traction. moves back after an overdose. relapses... often. now sells records and puts animals to sleep. miss american dream since she was 17, amirite?
one person one week, a totally different person the next.
wants to please people, but also wants to be her own person? it’s a whole deal!
in spite of her slight icarian incident, she still hopes to maybe one day become a real musician and performer. until then, we selling records and saying ‘goodbye’ to sweet animals!
can truly flip like a switch in interactions! does love ruining things for herself! almost always feels bad after bc :\ damn :\ alright :\
i’m very bad at these sections i really hate that i always include them!
is still avoiding healthy coping mechanisms. love that for her.
favorite movie is, unironically, the bee movie. favorite horror movie is cats.
SO GOOD at memorizing random lines or trivia. could probably recite literally all of who’s afraid of virginia woolf? other than that?? her memory is so bad. hate drugs for that :\
she uses her hair to express herself! (that sounds really boring.) ...she uses her hair to express herself!
but no. seriously. wears the black shag weave the most, followed by the blue/yellow combo ( we stan the badlands aesthetic ). occasionally forays into other colors and styles when money permits, but it’s usually gonna be one of those two!!
was an envy on the coast stan in high school which makes an inappropriate amount of sense.
will go out and steal the dumbest shit when she’s drunk. has a history of stealing chickens.
once again: hate that i always include these!! feel free 2 j consult the personality parts in the quick facts!!
ok we gonna list some general ones for right now! all are open to multiple people unless there’s an asterisk by it!
close friends –– moonie, teagan,
ride or die
childhood friends –– moonie,
bad influence ( mutual or her on them ) –– veronica ( mutual ),
good influence ( them on her ) –– presley, hayden, gabrielle,
exes ( can be from high school or something like that if based in springhill, can be from 20s in new york if based in new york )
fwb –– trent,
will they, won’t they –– presley,
someone who knew her music ( can be neutral, a fan of it, or hate it afhkjsl ) –– presley, moonie, teagan, indiana, 
will also possibly be sending in some wanted connections for things that are! more specific!
truly anything!! also up to brainstorm and/or look at yours if you have them!!
UPDATE: i have created a wc page so we luv that for me.
OK. like this or hmu if you’d like to plot!
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whitetigerdemoness · 4 years
Taking a break from Marc and Nathaniel to see how the Agrestes are holding up. They'll be back next chapter!
The more massive a star, the shorter its lifespan. A very massive star may live only tens of millions of years, while a cool dwarf will shine on for billions of years. At an age of about 4.5 billion years, our Sun is considered middle-aged
Master Post
Ladybug mentally groaned as she swung around the corner to see the press outside of the Agreste mansion gates. While this was to be expected, it would be nice if they could give the family more than an hour or so to grieve before swarming. Landing on the pillars supporting the front gates she surveyed the crowd, who became excited at her appearance, thinking she should go ahead and get this out of the way before Adrien or Emile had to deal with them. Standing at the head of the crowd preaching to the cameras was...sigh.
“Mr. Berger. Shouldn’t you be in post processing still from your court verdict?” Ladybug asked from her perch on the gate. No way she was going down to their level to get clawed at.
“Ladybug.” Sneered Berger. “Back from setting up your next plot? Or were you just paying off your latest actors?” The Office of Akuma Affairs (OAA for short) stubbornly claimed that all akuma attacks were done by paid actors, paid for by the city’s heroes as publicity stunts. They also ardently ignored the fact that their own leader had been akumatized at one point, something Berger himself denied ever happening.
“Mr. Berger, please. The Agreste family would like some peace to grieve before you start throwing conspiracy theories at them again.” Behind the man, the crowded had gone silent, cameras and reporters eagerly watching the exchange.
“Conspiracy theories? I think you mean exposing the truth. After all, are we supposed to believe that little stunt earlier was real? That some woman just, what, walked into a maximum security prison with an elaborate costume on and killed two prisoners without anyone noticing?” Berger folded his arms smugly, looking condescending.
Turning to the cameras, Ladybug addressed the press “We’re still uncertain to the extent of what happened at the prison today. Any information will go through the police before it reaches my team.”
“Ladybug!” A reporter cut in “What do you have to say about this new Hawkmoth?”
Berger opened his mouth to giver his own two cents but Ladybug cut him off “The appearance of this new Hawkmoth is as shocking to us as it is to you. I know that her more….aggressive approach has frightened many of you but I promise that my team and I will-”
“Aggressive?!” Berger interjected. “She beheaded two people on public television! Think of how many children were watching, now permanently traumatized by what they saw! When are you people going to take real responsibility for these attacks and how they affect the public?” The man screamed, waving his hands theatrically. Ladybug squared her shoulders to fire back at him, when the doors of the mansion swung open.
Emile Agreste, Dusuu zipping around her head in concern, stepped onto the walk and made her way to the gate. She looked pale and drawn, grim. Samson followed a step behind her, looking just as grim but more intimidating. Ladybug jumped down from the gate to meet her.
“Mrs. Agreste-” Emile held up a hand for silence as she continued to approach the gate.
“You ask when we will take responsibility for how Hawkmoth has affected this city? Mr. Berger, I have tried to do nothing but ever since my revival. I thought that as Paon, I could give back to the city where my husband has taken so much. And in thanks, that city has taken my husband from me. From my son.”
“This city hasn’t done anything to you-” Emile cut the man off.
“This city.” She said firmly “Has done nothing but hound and harass my family for MONTHS.  We are only two weeks into this month and already I have had to call the police to deal with armed trespassers on my property twelve times. Twelve Mr. Berger. Last month it was more than sixty times. You and your group especially have hounded me, my son, and anyone even vaguely connected to us for months . I fear for his safety Mr. Berger. I may be a superhero but I am a mother first. Ladybug,” She said grimly, turning to face the heroine, “My public connection to you and the miraculous has brought nothing but ruin to my family. I thank you for all your support, but I am here and now resigning from my role as the holder of the Peacock Miraculous.” Emile unpinned the brooch from her shirt and placed it into the hands of a stunned Ladybug.
“I think it would be better if me or my son were never seen with you again, Ladybug .” Emile stressed. With that she turned her back on the now calmoring reporters and returned to her home. The muffled ‘thud’ of the doors closing echoed in Ladybug’s head as she stared at the miraculous in her hand.
Ladybug might have been banned from the Agreste mansion, but Marinette hoped she had read Emilie’s tone correctly that her civilian self was still welcome. Swinging a few blocks away, she had found an out of the way sewer entrance and detransformed. Emilie had thought it wise to keep the subterranean room she had been held in secret from the public, as it provided another entrance into the house that was easy to exploit. When superhero fans and hate groups alike had promptly proceeded to spend nearly every waking (and some they should have been sleeping) hour harassing the Agrestes after Gabriel’s arrest and Emilie coming out to the public as Paon, that turned out to be a wise decision. The secret entrance was an easy way for those in the know to drop by without being harassed by fans or the media. People like Adrien’s girlfriend. Or his boyfriend.
Approaching the secure door that led into the Agreste property, Marinette spotted Luka pacing nervously in front of it.
“Luka!” She said, jogging the last few steps.
“Marinette. Hey.” He said, looking uncertain. Warning flags immediately went off. Luka was almost never indecisive.
“What’s wrong?” Marinette asked, taking his hands.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” He chuckled slightly. “Or at least if you’re okay. I saw...well, I think all of Paris did.”
“So you rushed over to see Adrien?”
“Without a thought. Now I’m having second ones. What if he wants to be alone right now? I mean, his father just died and I saw that circus outside the gates. He probably just wants some quiet right now.” Luka stroked the back of Marinette’s hand with his thumb, thinking.
“We left him with Chloe, he’s probably not getting much quiet right now anyway.” Tiki giggled slightly, flying out of Marinette’s purse where she had been consoling a dejected Dusu. The blue kwami trailed after her, his usual zip subdued.
“Hey Tiki...and Dusu? What’s he doing with you, Marinette?” Luke questioned.
“You said you saw the media outside. Guessing you didn’t stay around long enough to hear me, Ladybug, address them.” Luka shook his head, looking worried. Marinette continued on with a sigh. “That idiot Berger was there stirring the pot, and I guess the broadcast was live because near the end Emilie came out and gave him a piece of her mind. Then she publicly resigned as Paon.” She laid her head against Luka’s chest as he hugged her, feeling some of her stress melt away. Some of it.
“Hey. You, me, Adrien. Spa day.” Luka murmured into her hair, stroking her back. Marinette laughed dryly.
“I think we’ll have to invite Marc and Nathaniel this time. They’ve got a bigger headache to deal with than me for once. Though he’s kind of my headache too…” Luka gave her a quizzical look. “Penknight is back. In the akuma battle Paon tried to make a Sentimonster ally and got him instead.”  When Luka’s face scrunched up in distaste, Marinette had to laugh.
“Oh come on. He’s not that bad.” She giggled, feeling even more stress flow away. Luka was good at that.
“Penknight is that bad. If he’s the same as he was last time, someone needs to put him over their knee and spank him, and not in a sexy way.” Luka grumbled. Marinette held her stomach, trying to fight the giggles at that mental image.
“He is a bit of a brat, isn’t he?” She said, trying to control her breathing.
“Say that after you have to babysit him for twelve hours straight. His devotion to Marc was adorable, but he treated everyone else like un-favored playmates that kept trying to steal his favorite toy. Speaking of babysitting, please tell me someone is watching him right now?” Luka said, looking like he hoped that person wouldn’t end up being him.
“Marc, and technically Nathaniel, are keeping an eye on him. We had some...words, to put it lightly that made me think. Marc has his amok and can wrangle him if he gets unruly. Hopefully. Why did I leave him alone again?” Marinette groaned into her hands.
“Because Adrien and Emilie need you right now.” Tiki gently reminded her. “They’ll be happy to see you both, I’m sure.”
“I don’t want to see her.” Marinette almost didn’t hear Dusu, he spoke so low.
“Dusu?” She asked.
“Things got hard and she just abandoned me. I don’t want to see her. I don’t want to see anyone.” Dusu sniffled as Tiki lay a comforting paw on him. “My wielders all either end up dead or wishing they were, and I’m so tired of losing people. I just want to rest.” He cried, full out bawling by the end. Marinette gathered him up in her hands and hugged him to her chest as best she could. Luka layed a comforting hand over hers as the little kwami cried.
“You don’t have to see her if you don’t want to Dusu. I can leave your miraculous downstairs if you like, and when we get home I’ll put you straight in the miracle box so you can see the other kwami.” Marinette soothed.
“I think I’d like that. We’ve all been separated for so long, and I just want to rest.” Dusu sniffled.
“Well...the sooner we go in, the sooner you can go home.” Luka inhaled, keying in the code to open the door. Marinette followed him inside, leaving her purse with the peacock miraculous and Dusu hanging near the elevator. Tiki decided to stay with him and watch the miraculous. Bracing for more tears, Marinette and Luka headed upstairs.
Chloe thought she was being remarkably patient, for her, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t relieved to see Marinette and dumpster boy when they came up. At Emilie’s urging, they were all in the sitting room. Emilie and Marinette exchanged a tense stare, before the older woman nodded subtly and the younger woman flew at Adrien with a hug. Luka followed at a more sedate pace. Emilie had turned off the TV after she had come back inside, and Chloe thought that was for the best. Her heart ached for Adrien and his mother, Emilie had honestly been more of a mother to her than her own over the years, but Chloe had always been bad at the touchy feely part. She tended to react to people being upset by putting her back up and lashing out, and she knew that isn’t what either of them needed right now. She had done her very best to be silent up until now, but that time was over.
“So what’s the plan?” Chloe asked, interjecting over the whispered conversation between the trio.
“Plan?” Marinette asked, looking stupid as usual. Chloe still had trouble believing she was actually Ladybug.
“Yes, plan! That new Hawkmoth- Hawk bitch just declared war. You cannot let that go unanswered. Miraculous holders are NOT to be messed with, and the new kid on the block needs to learn that.” Chloe said firmly.
She had spent years watching her father handle political rivals and no matter what people thought, she HAD learned a thing or two. If someone made a threat and you rolled over, you were as good as done for. She stared firmly at the trio across from her so her eyes didn’t stray to Emilie. The younger blond absolutely thought the elder was making a huge mistake giving up her miraculous, especially when Chloe herself had had to fight tooth and nail every step of the way just to hold hers for more than a moment. She hoped that once Emilie had had some time to think, she would realize what a mistake she had made in giving away her power. If this new Hawkmoth was dead set on attacking them, someone without a miraculous would be as good as defenseless against her.
“Chloe, there’s nothing we can do at this point. All we can do is wait for her next akuma and go from there. Not that that matters. We won't defeat her for several years, if ever.” Adrien said glumly.
“What do you mean?” Emilie asked, zeroing in on how certain he sounded.
“A hero from the future visited us once. Bunnix. Hawkmoth was still active in her time, and that was at least three years from now. I thought maybe history had changed somehow when we...defeated Father, but of course it can’t be that easy.” Adrien delivered in a monotone, resting his head on Luka’s chest while Marinette stroked his hair.
“Who knows, kid? The future isn’t as set in stone as people like to believe. If you’ve ever heard Fluff go off an a tangent, which I do NOT recommend by the way, you’d hear about how something as tiny as deciding to wear a green sock instead of a blue sock can spawn hundreds of different alternate realities that can be so alike you wouldn’t notice if you accidentally fell into one, or so different the world has ended or something. Just because of socks!” Plagg cried buzzing around in distress. “Cheese is so much more simple than time!”
“Plagg is right. I told you about the future Bunnix took me to with Chat Blanc. The only thing I changed here to prevent that was not signing my name on your present.” Marinette chimed in. “We haven’t heard from Bunnix in quite some time. We have no way of knowing if her future is going to be ours anymore. Heck, if we really wanted to be sure I could just never give her her miraculous.”
“Wouldn’t work baby bug. Miraculous are funny like that. Fu shoulda told you some of this stuff, but every generation that we’re active in, the miraculous inevitably find their way to the best person to wield them.” Plagg shook his head, crossing his arms.
“What about me?” Chloe asked. “I found my miraculous by accident.”
“There are no accidents when the miraculous are involved. It’s why they’re miraculous and not just...magic rocks.” Plagg said.
“No coincidences...like the first Sentimonster Paon made when akuma attacks started again being Penknight, and not just one of the blob looking ones?” Luka asked thoughtfully. Plagg shrugged.
“That would be more Dusu’s department, but from what I hear? One’s that can pass for people and think for themselves are really rare. I’m shocked you’ve seen two of them in one lifetime.” Plagg said.
“Two?” Emilie asked. “And you have both had dealings with time travel? When was all this?” She asked, looking overwhelmed.
“Nathalie made a Ladybug sentimonster when she was still Mayura. She killed her though by removing her amok.” Marinette said, looking sad.
“As for time travel, short term Luka probably has the most experience. It’s what the snake miraculous does, sends you back in time five minutes. The rabbit can go as far as the wielder wants though.” Adrien explained while Emilie rubbed her temples.
“Why haven’t I ever heard of any of this?” She asked.
“Honestly mom? You never asked. We went through tons of crazy stuff before you were revived due to akumas.”
“And you’re going to go through all that again?” Emilie asked, a stubborn look forming on her face.
“Adrien is the best cat for the job, and if you take it away from him you might be dooming all of Paris.” Plagg cut in, uncharacteristically serious.
“...We may have to do that anyway.” Marinette said softly. “Too many people know our identities. I don’t want to just dump this job on someone else but…” She sighed.
“But nothing! Our friends won't tell anyone!” Adrien argued.
“And if they get akumatized?” Marinette calmly shot back. There was a stretch of uncomfortable silence.
“Oh for heaven's sake! You’re both over thinking this! Plagg JUST said there were no coincidences with the Miraculous. It’s fate or something right?” The destruction kwami made an ‘eh’ motion, and Chloe ploughed on. “If you’re still meant to be Ladybug and Chatnoir no one will find out who you are. The miraculous won’t let them.”
“Chloe it’s not that simple-”
“Could be.” Plagg said, lazily floating on his back. “or you could just erase everyone’s memories of you being Ladybug and Chatnoir.”
“What?!” The entire room, except Samson who was silently watching the exchange, shouted.
“Yesh, don’t yell! My ears are delicate.” Plagg simpered. “The miraculous cure works by fixing what YOU think is wrong.” he waved a paw at Marinette “So if you think it’s wrong for your friends to know your secret identities, they won't. Wouldn’t be the first time you brain blasted them with the cure. Heck, you’ve blasted yourself a few times.” Marinette looked conflicted.
“It can’t be that easy, and is that even morally sound? Altering their memories without their permission?” She worried.
“You should do it.” Emilie said. “Erase my memory too. It’s safer if no one knows but you two.” Emilie’s eyes strayed to Luka.
“I understand.” He told her, over Adrien and Marinette’s protests. “I knew both your identities from the first day you gave me the snake miraculous, but I was also never akumatized again. If this is the best way to keep you both safe…” He trailed off.
“No.” Marinette said firmly. “I won’t lie to my partner, either of you, ever again. Master Fu forced Adrien and I to hide our identities for so long, and it caused so many problems between us...I won’t do that to you, Luka.” Adrien echoed her thoughts.
“But you should do it to me, and your friends.” Emilie cut in.
“Ugh. Utterly ridiculous that I have to let you mess with my head. But,” Chloe sighed dramatically “Anything for Adrikins. Just know that I am not responsible for any schemes I come up with to break you up with him after I forget you’re Ladybug.”
Marinette and Adrien exchanged looks, having a silent conversation. In the end Marinette hung her head and sighed.
“Damn Ladybugs.” Penknight growled, swatting at the magical swarm as they tried to approach where he, Marc, and Nathaniel were stiffly sitting on the Anciel’s couch halfway across the city. Sitting across from them in the lounge chair was their biggest obstacle yet: Marc’s overprotective, older sister.
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nadziejastar · 5 years
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I think it was TOTALLY bastardized. Like, to the point where it was a joke. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. The fact that a large portion of people didn’t even know what the power of waking was after they beat KH3, shows how poorly it was handled. This had a devastating effect on the story because unlocking and using the power of waking was the foundation of each character’s arc. The characters are all Guardians of Light, but it didn’t really seem to mean very much in KH3. Therefore, they had most of their important character development taken away from them. 
The power of waking was supposed to be the most important aspect of the plot. I suspect there are two major reasons that the power of waking was ruined. The first reason is that after KH0.5 was cancelled, it was very hard to incorporate. Ansem’s research was supposed to be a major focus of KH0.5. The second reason is that from a gameplay perspective, it is unconventional. Nomura said that he wasn’t even allowed to have each of the characters fight their OWN boss fights at the Keyblade Graveyard because that would be “too much story”. He had to keep it to the minimum necessary to move Sora forward. So, the demands of AAA gaming seem to be a big factor in why we weren’t allowed many “dive into the heart” segments.
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Kairi’s Grandma: The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people's hearts. It covered everything, and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light survived, in the hearts of children.
Sora was supposed to be the key. He’d use the power of waking on everybody at the end, because he was special. He has the pure heart of a child and the ability to easily connect with the hearts of others. He still rescues everyone when their hearts are captured by the Lich, but we probably were supposed to get a lot more story segments of him diving into each character’s heart one by one, and bringing them back. Sora’s relationship with them would receive individual attention.
Ansem the Wise: Surely we remember as children the way our hearts made everything seem so shiny, and perfect. Sora has a heart like that--uncorrupted, willing to see the good before the bad. When he sees the heart in something, it then becomes real. When a connection seems broken, he may have the power to mend it.
Sora actually did use the power of waking; he collected the fragments of someone and put them back together. But he uses this power on...himself? Um, it made no sense for him to be collecting the pieces of himself. The whole point of the power of waking is that when you are fractured, someone else has to help you return to the Realm of Light. I obviously can’t know this for sure, but I suspect that Nomura wasn’t allowed to have you play as anyone else during this segment. Just like at the Keyblade Graveyard, he had to keep everything to the minimum necessary to move the plot forward. Cutting the story up like this made it so that nothing really made sense.
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Sora: I was lost in the darkness. I couldn’t find my way. As I stumbled through the dark, I started forgetting things—my friends, who I was. The darkness almost swallowed me. But then I heard a voice—your voice. You brought me back.
Kairi: I didn’t want to just forget about you, Sora. I couldn’t.
Sora: That’s it! Our hearts are connected. And the light from our hearts broke through the darkness. I saw that light. I think that’s what saved me. No matter how deep the darkness, a light shines within. I guess it’s more than just a fairy tale.
Kairi was Sora’s light within the darkness, both in KH1 and CoM. I am quite confident that we were actually supposed to play as KAIRI while collecting the fragments of Sora in the Final World. And it was supposed to happen after Terra and Isa were defeated. There was no need to have time rewind. The Demon Tide doesn’t kill you. 
I mean, all it did to Riku physically was give him a stylish haircut. No, it exists to usher your heart to the deepest abyss. Kairi’s arc was set up so she could finally NOT be the damsel in distress. She is a natural at using the power of waking because she’s a Princess of Heart. She’s the only one Sora didn’t need to rescue. That should have been how her arc ended. Not with getting kidnapped and killed...
Riku and Mickey
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Mickey: Listen, Riku. Just because darkness holds you, don't let go of who you are. You've got to fight the darkness inside you! It won't be easy to do, I know. But please don't forget. Even in the darkest darkness, there's always a little bit of light.
Riku: Light within darkness...
Mickey: You and I have seen it. The far welcoming light inside the door to darkness... The light of Kingdom Hearts---it will show you the way. Please don't give up. Believe in the light. That's a request from my heart.
Riku: Okay... I'll do my best.
Mickey: Trust me. I'll try to find a way to reach you. I'll get there, I promise.
I am sure that Riku and Mickey were supposed to use the power of waking on each other. Early on when they first arrive in the Realm of Darkness, Riku is swallowed up by the Demon Tide, and he was knocked unconscious. Well, getting swallowed up by the Demon Tide should do a LOT more to a person than that. At the Keyblade Graveyard, Aqua was terrified of the Demon Tide. She lost the will to fight when she saw it. It traumatized her that badly. 
Riku: There's no point in doing this if I can't do it on my own. But I do need a favor. If Ansem is the victor, he's going to enslave me. If that happens, use your powers to destr---
Mickey: O'course! I'll be right there to save ya!
Riku: Huh? No that's not it. I want you to destr---
Mickey: No way! No matter what happens, I'm gonna be right there to help ya. I promise ya that. Unless...you don't believe I'll come through for ya...
Riku: I choose to believe in you---always, Your Majesty.
Mickey: And I in you. You're not gonna lose, I know it.
Riku should have gotten a lot more than a new haircut after that ordeal. I bet that Mickey was supposed to use the power of waking on Riku after he was swallowed up by the Demon Tide. This should have been when Riku finished his arc with “Ansem”. After all, Riku gets a new Keyblade afterwards, one without the gazing eye on it. 
Mickey: Your darkness belongs to you. Just the same way your light does. Up till now, I thought darkness was something that should never exist. Then I spent time with you and changed my mind. The road you chose---I didn't know. Light and dark, back to back. With you, I think they might meet in a way nobody's seen before. Wonder where that road leads. I'd like to see myself.
Riku: Hm?
Mickey: I'd like to walk the road with ya.
Mickey was randomly knocked unconscious during the battle with Anti-Aqua. He carried a lot of personal guilt over her fate. I think that would have been Riku’s turn to use the power of waking on Mickey.
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Eraqus: Forgive me…but you must exist no more.
Nomura originally said Roxas was born with Ventus’s heart. So, he would be very difficult to wake up because he’s gone through his worst nightmare multiple times. His heart almost collapsed, and he lost all his memories. Sora gave him a second chance, then Eraqus, Terra, and Aqua helped him recover. But then he was told he was a weapon that wasn’t supposed to exist. He would rather sacrifice himself than lose Terra or Aqua, so he accepts his fate to disappear. He loses everything, then goes back to sleep inside of Sora. When Sora became a Heartless, Ventus became separated from him and he was found by Xemnas. He became Roxas.
Roxas: I mean, when I think of losing you and Xion, or my memories of you...to forget what it’s like to be with my friends… it is scary.
Roxas has no memories of his past, but becomes close to Axel and Xion. But he’s a Nobody who is constantly told that he’s not supposed to exist. His greatest fear was losing his friends or forgetting about them. Xion disappears and he forgets her, and he loses his trust that Axel was ever his friend in the first place. Then Riku defeats him, he has all of his memories wiped, and is put into the data Twilight Town. There he becomes close to Hayner, Pence, and Olette.
Naminé: You…you were never supposed to exist, Roxas.
Roxas: What…? How could you even say such a thing…even if it were true?
Naminé: I’m sorry. I guess some things really are better left unsaid.
Then he’s told he was never supposed to exist, so he’ll never get to see those friends again. They were just fake anyways. He has to disappear so Sora can live. The third time is just too much for him and that’s when he went to the Realm of Sleep and didn’t want to come back. He endured a lot before he reached his absolute breaking point. At that point, he would be far too fractured to be brought back like before, where Terra and Axel just needed to reach out and show him friendship. Xemnas thought his heart might awaken when Axel sacrificed himself for Sora. But even that wasn’t enough. There’s no reason he should have returned as easily as he did in KH3. 
Terra and Aqua
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Terra: Yep, hard to believe there are so many worlds out there besides our own. The light is their hearts, and it's shining down on us like a million lanterns.
Ven: What? I don't get it.
Terra: In other words, they're just like you, Ven.
The Wayfinder Trio was obviously supposed to use the power of waking on each other. Sora was supposed to awaken the sleeping memories inside of him. Since he would have access to Ven’s memories and feelings, he’d be able to use the power of waking to rescue Aqua. When Aqua was revived, they went to wake Ventus. Vanitas arrives and there’s a boss fight. Whaddya know, Aqua gets randomly knocked unconscious. This is right after she says she doesn’t want to be seen as weak, too. This is no doubt when she was supposed to use the power of waking on Ventus. 
Yen Sid: I will tell you what your friend needs right now. It is not your protection. He needs you to believe. You see, Ventus's heart hangs in the balance. It sleeps in the place between light and darkness. From all I can perceive, that means he will be looking for a friend--one who believes in him, to show him the way home. Just as long as you love him...then Ventus will be able to find you when he wakes. He can follow that love back to where he belongs--the realm of light.
Just as Vanitas was going to stab Aqua like he almost did in BBS, Ventus intervenes. That was the right stimulus to awaken his heart. Hayner, Pence, and Olette may have helped, too. They would get their memories of Roxas back, and them believing would contribute to Ventus being led back to the Realm of Light. Then of course, Ventus would be the one to use the power of waking on Terra. Ven was randomly knocked unconscious at the Keyblade Graveyard. Well, I doubt that was a coincidence. He was supposed to be inside of Terra’s heart, where he’d find him in the darkness. Terra was crying when he said Ven found him. I’m sure the search for Terra’s heart was going to be a lot more in-depth than what we saw, which was very rushed. Lea and Isa’s subplot with the power of waking was so horrendous, it needs it own post. So that will be Part 2.
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alonely-dreamer · 5 years
Dangerous Creatures | Chapter 7: Undead
Summary: Mackenzie Alemaund is an unlucky 18 year old teenager whose life changes drastically after she gets kidnapped by two vampires and learns, in the same day, that she is not human.
Pairing: Elijah x OC
Words: 6108
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there + I’m not sure when I’ll be posting chapter 8 as it hasn’t been edited and I don’t know when my friend will have time to look at it
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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When Mackenzie woke up, she felt lazy. She didn’t want to get out of bed. It was the first time in two years since she felt like sleeping late was a possible option for her. There was nothing to worry about. For the second time this week she didn’t have to hurry to make Robert’s breakfast. She didn’t even have to worry about him. Elijah had compelled him to ignore her completely. It’s not that he wasn’t allowed to talk to her, he just couldn’t do it anymore. He couldn’t even look at her.
She was exhausted. Practicing magic was the hardest thing she ever had to do. It was so easy and yet so hard. It was like learning how to walk all over again, and she was just a baby at this stage. Within the last two days she had met with Jonas twice. Twice now the warlock had forced her to stare at a dead plant for hours, asking her to revive it. But to no end. It was frustrating.
As much as she would have loved to stay in her bed, she knew she couldn’t. Elijah was picking her up early this morning. They were going to look for a witch burial ground where witches had been massacred centuries ago. Elijah said Jonas would need the power if he would be the one who were to face Klaus, and that they would probably need the extra power anyways. He also said they might find it faster as she would be able to feel the magic from the site. Moreover, it had been over 24h now. She needed Elijah’s blood again to cover the strong smell of her own.
She got up and took a shower. She made sure Robert was gone before she walked down the stairs. Even though she knew he couldn’t hurt her anymore, she couldn’t help but be uncomfortable in his presence. Scared, even. It was Saturday, which meant he would either stay home all day or go meet his friends and/or colleagues somewhere. Seeing as his car wasn’t there when she looked out the window of her room, she guessed it was the second option.
She had just finished cleaning up the kitchen when Elijah knocked on her door. He was wearing a suit, as always. Mackenzie never dared ask why, she liked the mystery. She liked to believe he was just that old-fashioned.
“Hey,” she said as she gave him a small smile. “Come in.”
“Good morning, Ms. Alemaund,” he smiled back at her as he stepped inside her home.
“So, how is it?” she asked, a little bit nervous, as she closed the door.
“Not bad,” he said. “But still strong.”
“Can I leave my house like this?”
“Yes,” he nodded. “But I’m afraid you won’t be able to on Monday.”
“So, you’re coming back on Monday, then?”
“Yes. I have to take you to Jonas anyway” he told her. “Are you ready? We don’t want to make Ms. Sommers wait.”
Jenna was a little surprised by Mackenzie’s presence. Elijah explained to her that Mackenzie was curious about his research and he agreed that she accompany them.
“I hope that’s not an issue,” Elijah said.
“Oh, not at all!” the redhead replied. “The more the merrier,” she chuckled, a little bit nervously.
Mackenzie’s presence didn’t change her plans. She had the maps Elijah had asked for and she happily told him everything he wanted to know as they walked through the property lines.
“The old Fell property actually starts just beyond that fence,” she said as she pointed towards what she was mentioning.
“Ah, the Fells,” Elijah chuckled. “One of the founding families.”
“Why do you say it like that?”
“My research showed me that this area was actually settled almost two centuries earlier. There was a migration of towns folks from the Northeast. Salem to be precise.”
“Massachusetts? As in the witch trials?” Jenna asked.
Elijah nodded. “Which means the ever-lauded founding families didn’t actually found anything.”
Mackenzie couldn’t help but let out a discreet laugh only Elijah heard, which made him smile, though she didn’t see it as she was looking at the ground.
It also made Jenna chuckle: “Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders back in 1860. Men are very territorial.”
“Yes, they are,” he sighed.
His tone made Mackenzie look up out of curiosity. She followed their gaze and saw Alaric Saltzman coming their way. He was walking with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face. Both Mackenzie and Elijah knew he was probably here because he was worried about Jenna. As for Elena’s aunt, she was clearly surprised.
“Uh… Elijah, this is my, uh, friend, Alaric Saltzman.”
“Yeah, I got your message about walking Elijah through the property lines. I thought I would tag along. You know, being a history buff and all,” he chuckled. He gave a weird look to Mackenzie. He had no idea what she was doing there. He was surprised to see her standing so close to Elijah. He would have thought she would have preferred to be anywhere else but near the Original vampire. “What about you, Mackenzie, are you helping Jenna?”
“She’s with me,” Elijah cut her off. “She’s interested in my research,” he said with an amused smile.
Alaric frowned, obviously confused.
“Well, you do like history,” he said, unconvinced. He couldn’t be fooled. Something strange was happening, but he couldn’t figure out what. He knew he hadn’t compelled her as Elena had mentioned she couldn’t be compelled for some reason. Whatever the reason she had to spend time with Elijah, he imagined it couldn’t be anything good. “Well,” he cleared his throat, “where to next?”
“I’m pretty curious about the freed slave property owners,” Elijah replied. “Some say the descendants of the slaves are the true keepers of American history.”
“Well, I only brought the surveys. I’ve got that list in my car, just give me a sec,” Jenna said before she walked away, leaving the three “history buffs” alone.
Alaric watched her walk away and Elijah made sure she was far enough for her not to hear them before he spoke up.
“Alaric Saltzman. You’re one of those people on Elena’s list of loved ones to protect.”
“Yeah, so is Jenna,” he reminded him, “and Mackenzie.”
“You don’t have to be worried, Ms. Alemaund is in no danger with me,” he assured the vampire hunter.
Alaric frowned as he held Elijah’s gaze for a few seconds before his eyes fell on his student.
“Are you okay, Mackenzie?”
“I’m fine,” she quickly replied with a smile she wanted to be reassuring.
“What are you doing here?”
“I…” she started but stopped as she had no idea what to tell him. Elijah was looking at her with an amused smile, curious of what she was going to say. “I’m just… helping.”
“Helping who do what?”
“Helping… Elijah with his research…” she said in a whisper her professor almost couldn’t hear.
He looked at her with a weird look on his face, confused as to why she would say such an obvious and terrible lie.
“Are you okay?” he asked, not bothering to hide his concern.
“I’m fine, Professor Saltzman,” she told him again, “I really am.”
He frowned again, trying to figure out what was going on. Maybe, because Elijah was an Original he could compel other supernatural creatures normal vampires couldn’t. He would have to keep a very close eye on her.
“Ric!” Jenna called from the car, “could you give me a hand?”
“Yeah!” he waved at her to reply. He gave one last look to Mackenzie, then another one to Elijah, before he turned around and left.
“You’re a terrible liar,” Elijah mocked.
“Hey,” she complained as she playfully pushed him.
Alaric was even more confused when he turned around and saw both of them laughing.
Sitting at a table in the crowded and loud Mystic Grill, Alaric, Damon and his girlfriend, Andie Star, were talking about the weird encounter the history professor had had that morning.
“Other than your lecture on Mystic Falls, did you get anything out of Elijah?” Damon asked.
“No, it was boring,” Alaric sighed, “Though I suspect he’s able to compel supernatural creatures, unlike you.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Remember Mackenzie?”
“Mackenzie? The girl that Rose kidnapped with Elena?”
“Oh yeah, the kid that smells like candy, what about her?”
“She was there.”
“What do you mean ‘She was there’?”
“She was there, this morning,” Alaric repeated, “with Elijah.”
Damon frowned. “What was she doing there?”
“I have no idea. When I asked her she said she was helping him with his research.”
“Oh yeah, she’s definitely compelled,” Damon agreed. “The kid was traumatized, she passed out when we found her.”
“Didn’t you say Elijah compelled Katherine to stay in the tomb?” Andie asked her “boyfriend”.
“Yeah, he did.”
“So, if he can compel vampires…”
“He can compel other supernatural creatures,” Damon sighed. “Which means it’s time for Bon-Bon to drink that vervain tea we’ve all been on.”
“It also means he broke the deal,” Alaric added before he stopped. “Maybe we shouldn’t… talk about this here?” he said, eyeing Andie.
“Don’t worry about Andie. She’s been compelled not to divulge my secrets, haven’t you?” he said as he put his arm around her shoulders.
“Mmhmm, my lips are sealed,” she said before she kissed him.
“This is too weird,” Alaric sighed with slight disgust as he looked away.
“I just need the right opportunity,” Damon thought out loud.
The vampire looked up from the table as Jenna, Elijah and Mackenzie entered the Grill.
“Ah. There’s Jenna with her new boyfriend,” he joked to tease his friend.
Alaric took a look and rolled his eyes as he saw them approach.
“Hi,” Damon waved at them.
“Hey, guys,” Jenna waved back with a big smile.
Elijah politely smiled at them as he approached the table with Mackenzie. She knew this could end very badly considering Damon wasn’t a fan of Elijah.
“So, I hear you all had quite a meeting of historical minds,” Damon said.
Mackenzie shivered when his eyes landed on her. He gave her a weird smile as he looked her up and down, which made her feel self-conscious. She quickly looked up at Elijah who was staring at the vampire with an amused smile.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” Jenna smiled at the eldest Salvatore brother.
“Well,” Alaric sighed as he got up, “As much as I’d like to continue this, I’ve got papers to grade.”
“Well, you know what,” Andie said, stopping him from leaving, “We should continue this. Let’s have a dinner party.”
“Ooh, my girl! Full of good ideas! I’ll be happy to host,” Damon said with a smirk. “Say, tonight, maybe?”
“Yeah, tonight works for me,” Andie agreed.
“Well, you know what, tonight’s not gonna wo…”
“I’ll be there,” Jenna stopped Alaric, who rolled his eyes again, now forced into going to a dinner party he had no wish to attend.
Damon was holding Elijah’s gaze with a proud smirk. The Original vampire wasn’t impressed by the staged invitation of the vampire’s compelled girlfriend. It wasn’t a very original tactic.
“It would be a pleasure,” Elijah shrugged and smiled. “What do you say Mackenzie?”
“Uh, um, I don’t think I was invited,” she chuckled nervously, taken by surprise by the invitation. It was obviously “adults only”.
“I’m sure she has better things to do on a Saturday night than hang out with her history professor,” Alaric said, hoping Mackenzie wouldn’t be present at the dinner. He didn’t know what Damon was plotting but it was nothing good.
“Actually, I promised her I’d walk her through some details of my research and I feel bad for cancelling our plans,” Elijah said. “So, if you don’t mind…” he asked Damon.
The vampire forced a smile on his face. “Not at all! The more the merrier.”
“Great,” Elijah smiled. “We will see you tonight.”
“Why do you want me there tonight?” Mackenzie asked the Original vampire as they walked up the stairs to Jonas’ apartment.
“Because Damon doesn’t.”
“You think he’s planning something?”
“Oh, he most definitely is,” he said. “And I’ll feel better with you there,” he joked.
“Don’t make fun of me,” she rolled her eyes which made him chuckle. “I have a bad feeling about tonight, do I really have to go?”
“You don’t have to, no…” he replied, but he really wanted her to come. He wanted her to see what Damon could do. Maybe it was because he wanted her to stop seeing him as “the bad guy” and see that the world wasn’t black or white, that there was no “good guy” in this story, that Damon and his brother weren’t better than him.
“But you’d like me to…” Mackenzie guessed.
“I would.”
She sighed. They stopped in front of Jonas’ front door and Elijah was about to knock when she stopped him.
“I’ll come under one condition,” she told him. She saw he was surprised she was negotiating with him. He nodded. “No one is getting hurt tonight, no matter what happens.”
She could see he was annoyed by her request.
“That might not be up to me,” he said. “If Damon does anything…”
“Then you’ll stop him,” she cut him off, “but you won’t…” she stopped. “You won’t hurt him.”
Elijah stayed silent as he considered it. He wondered for a second why Damon mattered to her, but it occurred to him she probably would have asked the exact same thing for anyone else. Mackenzie stared at him expectedly.
“Fine,” he finally agreed.
“You promise?”
He sighed. “I promise.”
Practice had been as awful as the day before and the day before that. Nothing happened, which made Mackenzie feel even more useless than usual. She was angry at herself for not making it work. “It’s in you” is what Jonas said. So why couldn’t she make it work? Why couldn’t she revive that dead plant whose dead power she could still feel? It was right in front of her, the tools were in her, they were in the air, they were in the plant itself and yet, she hadn’t been able to do anything. Nothing at all.
Elijah could see she was beating herself up about it. She was sitting on the passenger seat of his car, in her dark red dress and black ballerina shoes, staring at her hands, lost deep in her dark thoughts.
“You’ll get it soon,” he said, getting her attention. “Nobody said it was going to be easy.”
“True… But nobody said it was going to be this hard.”
Even though Elijah had agreed to answer all her questions, Mackenzie couldn’t bring herself to ask them. At first, he wondered if it were because she was still wary of him, but then he started to think that she wasn’t probably used to talking to someone, to anyone, about anything. He tried to start a conversation a few times, but she always replied with short answers, killing the conversation mercilessly, though he knew she wasn’t doing it on purpose. So they drove in silence to the Salvatore’s house, or as Mackenzie saw it, to the big obvious trap.
Mackenzie took a deep breath as Elijah knocked on the door of the Salvatore’s boarding house. She was convinced this wasn’t going to end well. For anyone.
The door opened to a smiling Damon. He seemed to be in a good mood, he didn’t look worried or scared at all. Elijah took this as arrogance, but it scared Mackenzie. She still had that bad feeling from earlier, and Damon had the look of someone who knew something his “enemy” didn’t.
“Good evening,” Elijah smiled back.
“Thank you for coming. Please, come in.”
“Just one moment,” Elijah said, putting his hand on the frame of the door. “Can I just say that if you have less-than-honorable intentions about how this evening is going to proceed, I suggest you reconsider.”
Mackenzie looked up at him, then at Damon, curious to see his reaction.
Damon nodded. “No, nothing dishonorable. Just, uh, getting to know you,” he said with a smile. And not a sincere one. It’s like he wasn’t even trying to be convincing.
Mackenzie’s bad feeling wasn’t going away, it was actually getting stronger and it almost hurt her stomach.
“Mm, that’s good,” Elijah replied as he stepped inside the house, followed by Mackenzie.
“Elijah, Mackenzie!” Jenna called as she saw them enter. “It’s good to see you,” she smiled at them.
“You too Jenna, you look incredible,” Elijah smiled back.
“Why, thank you,” she grinned. “Damon, I need help with the oven, I have no idea how to make it work.”
“What makes you think I do?” Damon joked.
“I’ll help,” Mackenzie volunteered, eager to be in human company.
“You know how to cook?” Jenna asked.
Elijah watched Mackenzie walk away as Damon closed the front door. When they were finally alone in the hall, Elijah took the opportunity to make himself clearer.
“You know, although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me I’ll kill you and I’ll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?”
Damon frowned. “Crystal,” the vampire said after a few seconds, as seriously as the Original vampire had ever seen him. “Speaking of deal…” he continued, “Mackenzie is on Elena’s list of people you’re supposed to protect. I think compelling the kid to be your little pet isn’t exactly ‘protecting’ her.”
Elijah raised an eyebrow then let out a small laugh.
“And what do you care about Ms. Alemaund?”
“Oh, I don’t,” Damon shrugged. “But Elena does.”
“Ah yes, I’m sure she does,” Elijah said sarcastically. “But see, I am a man of my word. I make a deal, I keep a deal. I haven’t compelled her, I can’t. She’s not human.”
“You think I’m gonna believe that?”
“You believe whatever you want to believe, Damon.”
“You can compel vampires, I’m sure a witch is no problem to you.”
“I am an Original vampire. I can compel vampires, I could compel you if I wanted to, but witches, I’m afraid, are out of my reach.”
Damon stared at him in silence, trying to figure out if he could believe him or not.
“So, I’m supposed to believe the kid is willingly following you everywhere for no reason?”
“Her reasons are her own,” Elijah said in a tone which made it clear to the eldest Salvatore that he was getting annoyed by his interrogation, “if you want to know them I suggest you ask her, not me.”
“Will do,” Damon nodded. “Will do.”
Mackenzie felt out of place sitting at the dinner table among the adults. The adults who were composed of two vampires, one vampire hunter, a compelled fake girlfriend, an oblivious human and whatever John Gilbert was. Luckily for the elemental, nobody was paying attention to her, and it was easy for her to make herself invisible. She helped Jenna in the kitchen as Elena’s aunt was a terrible cook.
Dinner went well. As well as it could have. Mackenzie assumed that creepy conversations were bound to happen while having dinner with hundreds of year old vampires. She enjoyed the break before dessert during which Damon and Elijah had left to another room to have a drink. When they came back, Jenna was serving coffee, but dessert wasn’t on the table.
“Sorry, guys,” she said. “Dessert is taking longer than I thought. I usually just unwrap food,” she chuckled.
“I’ll help you.”
“Oh, no, Mackenzie stay, it’s fine! You’ve done enough, you deserve a break,” Jenna told her before she left the room.
So, there she was again, sitting at the table with Elijah and John. She was sitting at the vampire’s left and the empty seat next to her belonged to her history professor who hadn’t come back yet. When she looked around, she noticed Damon was not in the room either.
“So,” Andie said as she sat across Elijah. “I know this is a social thing, but I’d really love to ask you some questions about the work you’re doing.”
“I’d love to answer,” Elijah nodded.
“Great. Oh, that’s so great! Ric!” she called as the professor stepped in the room with Damon, “would you do me a favor and grab the notebook out of my bag?”
“Elijah,” Damon started as he sat back down, “did John tell you he’s Elena’s uncle slash father?” Damon asked with an amused smirk.
“Yes, I’m well aware of that.”
“What?” Mackenzie breathed out. She thought she had heard it all but that one was new to her.
“Of course, she hates him,” Damon continued, completely ignoring the elemental. “So, there’s absolutely no need to keep him on the endangered species list.”
Mackenzie looked at Damon, then at John, who didn’t look too reassured.
“Ric, it’s in the front pocket, on the… You know what? Excuse me, guys, sorry,” Andie said as she got up to find her notebook herself.
“Now, Mackenzie, is it?” Damon asked the teenager. She was taken by surprise as she had been ignored by the vampire the entire evening. She shyly nodded. “What I would like to know is why you’re following the big bad vampire who scared you to death two weeks ago like a loyal little puppy?”
Mackenzie was speechless. She stared at the vampire with big eyes, incapable of answering him. She would have happily told him it was none of his business if she hadn’t been certain he’d kill her for it.
“Unless, you can’t tell me?” he continued.
“That’s enough,” Elijah stopped him.
“You’re the one who told me to ask her,” Damon defended himself. “So, I’m asking. If he didn’t compel you, what are you doing here?”
“I… I…” she stuttered, but she didn’t even have time to think of an answer as Andie came back with her notebook and her own questions.
“Okay. My first question is, when you got to Mystic Falls…”
But the journalist didn’t have time to finish as Elijah suddenly screamed in pain. It startled Mackenzie who shrieked and jumped on her chair before she saw her history professor had stabbed Elijah in the back. Damon and John got up, neither of them startled by the not so sudden scream of agony coming from the Original vampire. Andie was taken by surprise though, and watched with horror as the thousand year old immortal turned grey.
“What are you doing?!” Mackenzie shouted.
She watched helplessly as Elijah took his last breaths. As he struggled to breathe, so did she. Her eyes grew big as his skin slowly lost its lively colors. Seconds turned to hours as his pain never seemed to come to an end. When he was finally dead, Alaric pulled the dagger out of the vampire’s back and his lifeless body fell to the ground.
“What did you do?” Mackenzie repeated in a whisper as she slowly slid off her chair to kneel by her friend’s body.
Her heart was beating fast in her chest, her body was shaking, still in shock of what had just happened. She didn’t notice the lights flickering in the room. She looked at Elijah’s now grey skin for a few seconds, getting used to the idea that her immortal friend was now dead. She then looked up at her history professor who was holding a silver dagger in his hand. She frowned as she remembered Elijah’s words from a few days before: “The witches created silver daggers. Once stabbed in the heart with them, we will die. Once the dagger is removed, we will come back.” She unknowingly let out a breath of relief when it hit her. Elijah might be dead for now, but he would come back. Just like he came back after Damon killed him the first time in the old house, because he couldn’t be killed. Because he couldn’t die.
A wave of anger took over her. The fact that he stabbed him in the back is what made her so angry. As she stared at the dagger in silence, the light bulbs in the room all exploded, leaving the few candles around as only source of light. She felt it in her even though she didn’t do it on purpose.
“What the hell?” Damon said as he looked around.
She closed her eyes, trying to catch her breath and focus as to not break any more objects. But she could still feel the magic. She could always feel it. It was everywhere. She could feel it in the air, in Damon’s body, in Alaric’s ring and even in Elijah. Just like she could feel the magic from the dead plant at Jonas’, she could feel it from Elijah’s dead body.
Alaric put the dagger down on the table before he said: “Now get rid of him before Jenna comes back with dessert.”
Mackenzie let out a shaky breath. What should she do? She had to do something, but what? There was no way she could stop them from taking Elijah and she had no idea when he would come back to life. She didn’t know what they were planning to do with him while he was unconscious, and she couldn’t take the risk of letting them take him. He needed to come back now.
Jonas’ words echoed in her head: “Time killed that plant, but magic can revive it. Use your magic. You have it in you.”
Mackenzie quickly seized Elijah’s wrist and transferred her magic to him. She had no idea what she was doing but she hoped that she was doing it right.
“What are you doing?” she heard John Gilbert ask.
She had no intention to reply, she just hoped she could finish whatever she was doing before they stopped her.
“Mackenzie?” she heard Alaric call her name, but she didn’t reply, she kept focusing. Because even though she didn’t know what was happening, she knew she needed to do something.
She knew all along this was a trap. She thought Elijah knew too, but he obviously underestimated them, just like she underestimated her professor. She expected something like this from Damon but not from Alaric. Elijah had explained to her that Damon was a troublemaker that would make their task more difficult than it needed to be. But she hadn’t expected this. Elijah had made it clear he couldn’t die nor could he be hurt. Mackenzie knew Damon was going to try something but she had no idea he actually had the means to succeed. Luckily for her, and for Elijah, he didn’t have all the information.
“That’s enough,” Damon mumbled.
He moved, vampire speed, to where Mackenzie was. He seized her and trapped her in his arms, making sure to cover her mouth so that her screams wouldn’t alert Jenna. But as he did so, Elijah gasped his way back to consciousness and got up from the ground, with the same supernatural speed.
He took a painful deep breath before he said in a threatening tone: “Let her go.”
“How are you alive?” was Damon’s only answer.
Elijah then proceeded to seize the vampire hunter by the hair and pushed his face on the dinner table.
“I said, let – her – go.”
“You first,” Damon said, eyeing Alaric.
Mackenzie was trying to free herself from the vampire’s arms, but he was too strong, and the more she moved, the more it hurt. She decided, in a last attempt, to follow her instinct and trust that she could use her powers to defend herself. She put both of her hands on Damon’s arm and decided to use the element of fire against him. It was the power she felt was the strongest at that moment, probably because of the candles burning in the room. The vampire screamed in pain as he let her go. The elemental fell to the ground. As soon as she was free, Elijah let go of Alaric and pushed Damon against the wall.
“I should kill all of you,” he growled, pressing his arm against Damon’s throat.
“What’s stopping you?” the vampire choked.
“Elijah stop!” Mackenzie begged.
The Original vampire scowled as he looked up at the ceiling, trying to calm himself.
“You promised!” she reminded him.
“They broke the deal,” he growled.
“Elena didn’t! You made the deal with her!”
Elijah didn’t reply but he didn’t let go of Damon either.
“You promised,” she repeated in a whisper as she took a step towards him.
He sighed, closed his eyes then took a deep breath, in an attempt to compose himself.
“Yeah, buddy… you promised,” Damon managed to say despite the lack of air in his lungs.
Elijah was about to snap the vampire’s neck when he saw Mackenzie collapse in the corner of his eye.
“Mackenzie!” Alaric called as he saw her pass out.
But the elemental didn’t have time to reach the ground as Elijah caught her in time before he disappeared, running out of the house, vampire speed.
When Mackenzie woke up she knew she wasn’t at home. She could tell exactly where she was and who was there. She could feel it.
“She’s waking up,” Luka said.
She was lying on the Martins’ couch, in their apartment. She slowly sat up and brought a hand to her head as she did so.
“Does your head hurt?” she heard Elijah ask.
She nodded. He was sitting in the armchair in front of her, with the silver dagger in his hands.
“What happened?” she asked in a weak voice.
“You gave him too much of your magic, you passed out,” Jonas replied.
“I did it,” she breathed out. “I used my powers.”
“Yes, you did,” Elijah nodded. “But which one?”
She frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You brought him back to life,” Jonas told her. “How did you do that?”
“I did what you said,” she replied. “I used my magic. Just like you wanted me to do with the plant.”
“No,” Jonas shook his head with a severe look on his face, “you can revive a plant because you can control the element of nature. But Elijah? He was dead. The spell that turned him into a vampire a thousand years ago makes it so he can’t stay dead, but he was dead. An elemental cannot bring people back to life.”
“So, you’re saying she used witchcraft?” Elijah asked.
“I don’t know what she used. I have no idea what she did or how she did it.”
“Could it be the element of light?” Luka asked.
“The element of light is witchcraft,” Jonas reminded him.
“Maybe not,” Elijah said. “Maybe that’s not all it is.”
“What do you want me to say, Elijah? I’m not an expert in ultimates. Hell, I thought they were all dead. Whatever she did, she’s the one who can tell you how she did it because I have no clue.”
Elijah sighed. “How are you feeling?” he asked.
“I’m… I’m okay.”
“Come on, I will drive you home,” he said as he got up. “Jonas, thank you for the help.”
“Like I had a choice,” the warlock mumbled.
Mackenzie stayed quiet in the car. She was thinking about what had happened at Damon’s house and what Jonas said. It was easy enough for her to know what element she’s using at a particular moment, she can feel it distinctively. As clear as the cold of the snow. As clear as the heat from a flame. But she couldn’t tell what element she used to bring Elijah back. It was just magic. It wasn’t an element like nature, or air. It was different. That was the part that wasn’t written in any of Jonas’ books simply because no one had ever taken the time to write about it. Ultimates were rare. Ultimates were extinct.
“Why did you help me earlier?”
Mackenzie looked up at Elijah, surprised by his question. Surprised she had no answer to give him.
“I… Why wouldn’t I help you?”
“Why would you? It was the three of them against you.”
“I didn’t know what they were going to do with you. When Alaric put the dagger on the table I… I remembered what you said about… how the dagger needs to stay in your heart. I knew you were going to come back but… I didn’t know when. I didn’t know what they were going to do next.”
“If you knew I was going to come back then why did you help me?” he asked again.
“Because….” she started to say. She thought long and hard about her answer and it was so obvious she almost couldn’t see it. “Because I could.”
Elijah didn’t reply, he didn’t know what to reply. He stopped the car in front of Mackenzie’s house and looked out the window looking for Robert’s car.
“Looks like your stepfather isn’t home yet,” he said. “Because I died the compulsion went away. I’ll come back in the morning to compel him again.”
Mackenzie gulped. She was nervous to think she might encounter Robert before Elijah compelled him again.
“Okay… thank you for driving me back,” she said. “Good night, Elijah.”
“Good night, Mackenzie.”
She closed the car door and walked to her house without turning back. She heard Elijah drive away and saw he was indeed gone when she closed her front door. She hadn’t noticed the lights in the kitchen when she came in. If she had, she probably wouldn’t have been surprised to see she wasn’t alone in the house.
“What the fuck did you do to me?” she heard Robert growl behind her.
He pushed her hard and she let out a cry of pain when her head met with the wall. He seized her by the arm and turned her around to face her. Mackenzie blinked several times as she understood what was about to happen. As his fist approached her face dangerously fast, she closed her eyes and raised her hands in an attempt to protect herself.
Robert went flying to the other end of the room and she only realized what she had done when she opened her eyes, confused as to why her face wasn’t already all broken and bloody.
She breathed out, still confused about what had just happened. She stared at the motionless body of her stepfather lying in the middle of the kitchen floor, at the foot of the counter. She stared for what seemed like hours, waiting for him to get back up, but he never did. It didn’t hit her right away. It was only when she saw red liquid around Robert’s head that she realized; he was dead.
“No,” she let out in a shaky breath.
She took one step but then stopped, still afraid he would get up and finish what he had started. Finally, after a few seconds, she rushed towards him. She knelt near him and hesitantly approached her shaky right hand towards his throat, trying to find a pulse. She pressed her fingers on his vein, waiting to feel something, but she never did. She waited and waited, but she felt nothing. After what seemed like an eternity, she let out a cry of horror as tears fell down her cheeks. She felt herself falling backwards and did not realize she had pushed herself away from him.
“Oh my God,” she breathed out in a whisper she could barely hear herself. “Oh my God…”
She covered her mouth with her shaky hands as if she wanted to stop herself from screaming. She started sobbing uncontrollably as her eyes couldn’t move away from the dead man lying in front of her.
After a while of sitting there, on the cold kitchen floor in dead silence, she reached for her phone in her jacket’s pocket and dialed the only number she could at that moment. The only person she could ask help from. The only one who could give her what she needed.
It didn’t take him long to answer, in fact, it took her longer to speak up.
“Mackenzie?” she heard his voice coming from her iPhone.
She didn’t reply right away. She felt like her voice was gone.
“Elijah…” she breathed out shakily.
“What happened?” he asked with a serious tone that didn’t hide his concern.
She sniffed then let out another shaky breath.
“… Help me.”
Tags: @thepoet1975 @nerdysandwichqueen @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @raegan-hale @captainam-erika-trash @silver424 @monetfatalia @vaniileiinkeks @valeria-winchester @favimag @colie87 @hamiltonmadesomemistakes @s0nh4dorasblog @poemfreak306 @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @thegingerthatwaited @therealwatermelon @dark-night-sky-99 @aubri1313 @jardinsecos @gymnastgal1997-blog @thearaviagrace77blog -
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aquitainequeen · 6 years
What with the whole Twilight Renaissance that’s been going on recently, I cast my mind back to the only time I watched a Twilight film, Breaking Dawn Part I:
I've never seen a Twilight film all the way through, though I have seen quite a few reviews taking the piss out of them. I have read the books - or more accurately skimmed the books - and I know exactly what I've been missing out on. However, this one, based on the book that pretty much broke the fan base, I felt I simply couldn't pass out on. So I went to see it, armed with a friend, who was in turn armed with beer; no way, she said, was she facing this sober. I'm a teetotaller, but about forty minutes in I actually asked her for a swig of the stuff in the hope it would make the experience more bearable. To my woe, it did not. All right, pros first. I liked Charlie, especially during his wedding speech and his implication of chasing Ed with a shotgun. I wish the story could have been about him instead, as he tried to find his daughter. Imagine Taken, with Charlie instead of Liam Neeson's character! I found the whole bit where Bella was panicking over sleeping with Edward for the first time funny, but also surprisingly effective. To me at least it does portray the insecurity and fears of a young woman about to have sex for the first time, and I think it was handled quite well. It was nice to see Jacob and Leah call their respective tormentors out on their crap, even if it was nowhere near the level of the book. So glad Leah got more screen time, I love her actress and Leah herself; even if they did cut out possibly her best moment in the whole series, namely tearing Bella a new one verbally. Sigh. Maybe in a deleted scene. Bella's friends, what little we saw of them, were again funny. I latched onto the rare genuine humor in this film. I have to say the depiction of Bella's worsening condition was quite well done, even if I know it was all probably CGI; the birth scene (which I'd been looking forward to immensely, if only out of the morbid curiosity of how precisely they were going to shoot this scene for a film geared towards teenage girls, when it frankly belonged in a horror film instead) was suitably traumatizing. And apparently all women, when they turn into vampires, get instant permanent eye shadow; helpful, that! Also the ending scene, which I'd heard about but thought for a few minutes wouldn't be there, though do the Volturi really just sit around on their thrones all day until some mook brings them a message? Oh never mind; look, Michael Sheen is a spelling Nazi! Cons:... Ugh. God. The wedding. Dear sweet heaven, the wedding. Half a f**king hour. So many shoes. So much white. Such a tacky backless dress. Then the honeymoon. Beautifully shot, but oh lord, the meaningful pauses. The circling shots. The imagine spots. Breaking the headboard, which looked just as stupid as I imagined it would. More circling shots. Yes, Bella, you're pregnant, WE GET IT. Back at the Cullens' house; more melodrama that I just can't be arsed to go into. Oh god, they're not going to - oh yes they are, ARGUMENTS WITH WEREWOLVES, with the actors' voices going over all the snarling and howling, and it's meant to be bad ass and epic and it's not, it's really not, and all the wolves look so FAKE. Are you seriously telling me that the oh so important research the Cullens are doing on Bella's demon sprog is looking up images on Yahoo??? Bella drinking blood and I'm thinking how the hell does drinking the blood get to the demon baby any quicker than if you gave her a blood transfusion, Meyer YOU FAIL. Renesmee; as stupid now as it was in 2008. Mr Director, I did not want to spend about ten minutes staring up the nose of Kristen Stewart's emaciated blood soaked corpse, thanks. And shouldn't Edward, I don't know, have completely smashed her rib cage to pieces while trying to revive her? Even normal humans with normal strength can break ribs while doing the pumping motions. I also did not need to see Robert Pattinson biting Kristen Stewart all over the place, thanks again, I don't care if it was in the books. Ugh, Renesmee is so creepy and all she's done is look at the camera. At least in baby form. And yes, we really needed to see exactly how plain old dead human Bella becomes a super special beautiful vampire, complete with 'life flashing before eyes' bit. She doesn't look any different to me, except for the eyes of course. Maybe now she's a vampire she'll learn how to actually keep her mouth closed for a change. There's a lot more to this - the stupid lines, the meaningful pauses (which I've mentioned twice because there were so bloody many of them) and the sheer pretentiousness of it all, but I just can't go on, I can't. All I can say is, I'm REALLY itching to know how they can possibly fill the last film up to basic running time, since this one contained most of the plot of the book and I can still only describe it as 'Nothing happened, while taking far too f**king long'.
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riverlovesyou1 · 5 years
Voltron: An evaluation(spoilers) pt. 1
Written: December 15th 2018 4:18 AM
Can I just say a few things?
This season was unbelievably bad. I’m not even sure how I’m supposed to feel. But there were so many good things that came out of this show. this season had good moments. We should not avoid those good things.
They really did us in huh? Endgame Allurance wasn’t real. Allura died. OUR Princess, our Empress, is dead. Can you really believe that?  I can’t. Klance that was given hints at and parallels for ALL 8 seasons. Lance is basically not allowed to e happy. He really went through Voltron with no arc. He really went through all of that for nothing. He got what? a romance that ended as soon as it started? Lotoura couldn’t even e redeemed. They could have done something. They really ended it in the worst possible way. Fuck the ships though.
Shiro, Kuro, Narti, Lotor, Ezor, Adam, Lance, Keith, Honerva, Zarkon, and Allura all either died, was willing to sacrifice themselves, or was brought back to life.
Shiro was tortured, mangled, traumatized. He had PTSD.  He was fucking cloned. I don’t get it. He already went through so much. Why did he have to DIE? And not only that! His soul was fucking captured by black and he probably had to watch the paladins suffer and he couldn’t do anything. His soul was transferred into a body that was his clone and IT STILL TRIED TO REJECT HIM. I’m sorry that the only openly gay main character couldn’t be fucking happy. He was gay. He was engaged to a man. He married a man(even if we know NOTHING about him). He was done so wrong. Shiro is such a good character but after his arc, after him leaving his position of the black lion, his character felt forced and didn’t really have a point to be there at all.
Kuro is a clone. There are so many Shiro clones but he got to live with the paladins. He got to grow as a true Shiro in his own way. Yes, he was never quite Shiro but he was apart of him. He loved the paladins. I truly believe this. He got to see them as a family. They were his family. And in his last moments, as he struggled to control himself, you could see him fight. He didn’t want to hurt them. He wanted to keep them safe. Hell black let him pilot her. I don’t get it. They killed him. He’s dead. He had to fight Keith. And that hurt the most. He tried so hard to connect to Lance but Honerva/Hagger stopped it. (refer to lance’s paragraph) His body was stolen to contain the real Shiro's soul. It’s devastating.
Narti is Lotor’s blind general that could only see through a cats eyes, not her own. Narti did nothing wrong. She was loyal to Lotor. She hadn’t rebelled against him, the cat did. It holds a deep sadness that she was killed. It wasn’t her fault, Lotor shouldn’t have killed her.
Lotor was put through the most crap(alongside Shiro). He was neglected by his parents as a child. He was abused by his parents. That’s hard to live with. He’s biracial and that made him struggle so very hard to try to find love. His Altean side leads him to his mother's things, lead him to find the altean’s and make a colony for them. Yes, he took them and used them for quintessence but he could have been redeemed. He could have been taught what true love was. And he was. That's the worst part. He had changed. He changed. The only reason he went into the quintessence and went mad was that the paladins began to distrust him. If Keith had never shown up and told them about the colony, would he have gone mad in the first place?
Ezor is not proven to be a lesbian but it’s quite obvious that she and Zethrid are together. The thing about her is that its confusing. We all thought she died. The way Zethrid began to talk about Ezor in season 8 made it seem like she died, but then moments later she comes out. She’s alive. I can not express my relief at seeing her. But she should have never been thought to have been dead. 
Adam. He is Shiro’s ex-fiance and had no significance in the series at all other then he was Shiro’s lover. It didn’t change Shiro’s character at all. All it did was make queer baiting happen and gave the LGBT+ false rep. This isn’t the first time that the #BuryYourGays trope has been shown but it is one of the first times that a fandom has taken it by stand and Stood their ground because it was unjustified. He wasn’t even in the series for a full minute. It’s just sad that they did this to a character that should have significance but doesn't.
Lance is such a sad character. I’m not just talking about how his girlfriend of less then a week died. I’m talking about his character as a whole. He starts off with a one-sided rivalry with this guy that barely acknowledges him and as he proves himself to Keith they begin to get close. They grow into being the closest friends. They have a bond so similar to one that would be romantically coded and yet, their friendship ends there. That's it. No advancements. Lance died for the team and was revived by Allura. I found this so odd. Why would they make him die all of a sudden just to have allura revive him and then never address it? He’s insecure. I love lance. He's relatable and he worries just as much as Hunk does but in a different way. He shows concern about allura throughout the series, talks to the mice about how he loves allura but when allura finds out, it's obvious she doesn’t feel the same way. She chose Lotor. She loved Lotor, not Lance. What worse is that other than the first season, the lions switch, and season 8, they never really seemed to communicate other than in battle. They never joked around. Nothing. The only reason he died was so that allura could save him and then they could have at least one thing that point to romance. But there is no chemistry there.
Keith is my favorite character. But I’m not gonna lie he was an asshole in certain parts of the show. I know he was going through a lot with finding himself and finding his mom, but that's no excuse for the way he spoke to the other characters. But his near death scene was stupid. You might be thinking “no it wasn’t” but it was. It was vital that he take the shot, sacrificing his life. But he didn’t get the chance. Someone else shot at Zarkons ship and he was let go. Keith tried to die. And then what? Nothing. Lance and Keith both nearly died. Both never got a chance to talk about it. It's really sad. 
Honerva is such an important character. Are you shocked she’s on this list? Well don’t be She was redeemed. She had a redemption arc. Her arc was bigger than Lance’s! Common now. In the beginning all she does is cast some spells and work with quintessence but then you meet Lotor and you can tell she slowly growing her memories back, slowly becoming Honerva and not Hagger any more. She’s the villain we all wanted Lotor to be. The only thing was: It was too late. she had already caused too much damage. Honerva wasn’t a bad person. She went insane. It wasn’t her fault. Yes, she ruined the realities but there should have been a spell to change everything back. Even if that spell required her to die in the end. It should have been her alone and not allura as well.
You might be even more surprised that I put Zarkon on this list. Zarkon was a very important villain as well. But honestly, in the end, he wasn’t the villain. In the end, it was Hagger. Zarkon was once good. He loved Honerva so much, wanted Lotor to live so much, that he took her to the quintessence. He knew it would save her. He never knew the price for it would be. They all died from quintessence. Zarkon, Honerva, Allura, and Lotor. They all died in quintessence. They died the moment they stepped in there. Zarkon was good and he went bad quickly. He was power hungry. He didn’t even know how he was meant to live anymore.
Allura is the one that hurt the most. She’s a beloved character. She did nothing wrong. She tried to keep her life on track and she did an okay job at being the Empress/Princess of a planet and race that(at the time)  no longer existed. It’s crazy to think that she died for no reason. She died for a reason, but she wasn’t meant to die. Not yet. Not now of all times. Why did they kill her? I asked this probably a million times after I watched it. I looked in the mirror after crying for hours over this and I’m asking myself, “why?” But its pretty simple as to why. They needed a reason to end it. They needed a way that made sense to make all the realities come back and to not have it all ruined, but at the cost of her life? It just made no sense to me why Allura had to die of all people.
Idk guys this series has kept me in high spirits till now, but Right at this moment, I feel dead. They killed me and I’m not sure how I’ll recover from this one. And don’t tell me it was “just a show” because it was more than that. This was a cartoon made for 7-year-olds and up and they’re going to watch this and they’re gonna think that most of that are healthy. They’re going to watch Lotor kill Narti and think stabbing your friends in the back is okay. They’re going to watch Lotor and Zarkon and see how Zarkon doesn’t acknowledge him for the good he’s done. There’s not going to be a good memory with this show. I wish I could remember the good in these moments, but it’s all numb. I’m sorry for everyone who suffered as they watched this show. I thought I was ready. I thought I could handle it. I was wrong. We were all wrong. Nobody got a happy ending.
I’m glad Zethrid and Ezor worked things out though. They’re the only ones I feel happy for with the last season.
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