#like i lowkey feel bad for saying this since he was so unwell during this tour but.
thegroovywitch · 1 year
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Alameda County Coliseum, Oakland, July 23, 1977.
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
I know you’re on team renruki all the way (I am too!) but I was curious if you had other characters in mind who you’d think would match up well with renji romantically. Kind of like a backup ship? :)
I used to have a lowkey fondness of Renji/Orihime, primarily because they are both people who put everyone before themselves, and that's a ship dynamic that's very appealing to me. I sometimes think that if Renruki had not been canon, I might have gone deeper down this rabbithole, altho I think it more likely that I probably just wouldn't have ended up writing any Bleach fanfic at all. (I did write one, ages ago). Since that time, however, I have written so much Renruki fanfic that focuses on the depth and breadth of their relationship to the point where nothing else comes close for me. I have also enjoyed the occasional RenIchi content (not so much b/c I'm into it, but because the RenIchi people are really talented), but I always get the same hang-up of it's just not Renruki. I used to have more tolerance for non-Rukia Renji ships, but I've gotten less flexible about it over time, I guess.
That being said, I often enjoy seeing Renji get paired up with other people in non-endgame ways. He's an easygoing guy and fun to be around and also really good looking, so I don't think he lacked for companionship during his separation from Rukia. (Note: I don't think either of them were celibate during that time, and I don't regard this as being "unfaithful." It was 40 years, Renji had no idea if his plans were ever going to pay off, and they are both pragmatists.) At the same time, I think there's this level at which he is just not emotionally available, because he's still hung up on her. I actually think that it is the nature of Soul Society that relationships are ephemeral by default. Shinigami live until they get killed, which could be a really, really, really long time, and marriage and children aren't necessarily the goal unless you're in the succession line of a noble family. It's funny to think about, to me, the idea of dating someone for a couple of hundred years, but not really be serious about it. It lasts while it lasts, y'know?
Anyway, here are some Renji-hookup scenarios I enjoy, in order of how much I enjoy them. (if you're wondering why there are no captains on this list, it's because power-imbalances in relationships are a huge turn-off to me)
Shuuhei. Extremely Renji's type. Also very easy-going and a good friend. Shuuhei has baggage, sure, but the Rukia-thing doesn't particularly intersect with any of his own baggage. Just two hot guys, drinking, smooching, writing copy for the Seireitei Comm and tooling around on the motorbike.
Nanao. I think he would be really into the sexy librarian thing she has going on. I think she would appreciate that he has more going on in the brains department than it would appear. The fact that he's hung up on an old flame is fine, since she's cursed to kill anyone she marries. They have incredibly hot sex. Truly spectacular.
Rangiku, but strictly friends-with-benefits. The benefits are really good tho.
I am not immune to a really angsty fanfic where he hooks up with Momo.
I think that in his Squad 11 baby days, he had the most gruesome crush one person has ever had on another on Ikkaku (who is 1000% taken, which might be Part of It). I hope you just full-body shuddered. I'm obsessed with this, though, sorry, not sorry.
I read a fanfic once that was really pre-relationship IkkaYumi, but there was an extended period of Yumichika and Renji hooking up and I think about this more than I should??
Akon. Why not? His horns are cute.
Because it feels like an omission, I want to say for the record that I wish all the love to the Izuru/Renji shippers, but I am not for it, because I think their mental unwellnesses intersect in a way that makes them really great and supportive as friends but would turn bad quick in an intimate relationship. (I realize one could spin this for the angst, but this is not the kind of angst I enjoy)
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In relations to my last ask, how would you write Danny revealing his ghost identity to Sam and Tucker? Set somewhere in the month between Danny being vaporized by the ghost portal and the opening episode.
sorry for sitting on this one for a couple days, I didn't have the spoons to go into the answer I felt it deserved
I know there have been fics and aus about Sam and Tucker not being there during the accident, but it's been so long since I read one so I guess it's time for my take on it!
Danny would have been Freaking Out after it happened, like he sees his reflection and realises that something fuckin' weird absolutely just happened to him, he might not twig at first exactly what it was because he figures he could be hallucinating or his vision could have been fucked up by the light in the portal, it isn't anything serious right?
the power surge from the portal would have alerted his parents who come down into the lab and they go absolutely buck wild with joy that the portal finally worked!! and oh my god Danny you weren't standing too close to it right?
Danny's thinking 'why the fuck aren't they saying anything about the white hair and glowing eyes' but he glimpses back at his reflection and it's totally normal again, okay so maybe it was a hallucination okay that's good
his dad is pretty much doing a victory dance while his mum is scanning him for any contamination, she says his readings are abnormally high and they should keep an eye on him and run some decontamination procedures
boy goes back to his room feeling pretty shaken up, he probably calls Sam and Tucker immediately to tell them what happened, he might mention that he was seeing things after coming out of the portal but everything seemed to be fine now, he feels really cold tho
his parents pull him out of school for a few days to keep an eye on him but nothing especially unusual happens, he mentions to his parents that he feels cold all the time and they keep checking his temperature and ectoplasmic readings
it's an unpleasant few days, he has to scrub his skin almost raw in the shower and wash his hair three times in a row every night, as well as drink a fuckton of water and take a diuretic to flush out his system, they make him take some kinda medication they developed that's supposed to keep him from absorbing any more radiation than he already has, it makes him really sick but they keep making him take it
but in the end despite feeling incredibly unwell his readings DO go down and his temp DOES climb back up so the Fentons breath a sigh of relief and just tell Danny to make sure he tells them if he feels sick again or if anything unusual happens
what they DON'T realise, is the treatments worked to flush what was currently in his system and on his skin, but it didn't do anything for the fact that he was now producing his own ectoplasm, which very readily began to replenish itself after the initial purge
he goes back to school and tells his friends all about his terrible last few days, and suddenly Sam is looking at him in alarm and whispers 'dude your eyes are glowing'
Tucker looks over like 'what do you mean? they look fine'
'they were absolutely glowing! like just for a second they were-'
'bright green?' Danny asks, mildly panicking
he tells them exactly what he saw in the mirror when he came out of the portal, and they finally start wondering if maybe it wasn't a hallucination
they go hide in some empty classroom somewhere and discuss what should happen next, Tucker thinks Danny should tell his parents, Danny does not want to go through another few days of decontamination procedures, Sam sides with Danny, mostly because she's generally anti-parent in general but also because she thinks that the Fentons' methods sound dodgy as hell because of how sick the medication made him
'I mean have they even tested those meds properly? how do they know it won't make him worse?'
it's at this point that the school-bell rings and Danny falls through the desk he was leaning on
Sam and Tuck think he just slipped, Danny also thinks he just slipped, but Danny also noticed that he felt really weird and tingly for a moment there
in class his pen keeps slipping out of his hand, in science he drops two beakers and is barred from handling anything fragile for the rest of class, he finds himself feeling weirdly lightheaded and motion sick at random moments, his stomach flipping and his feet feeling almost like they aren't completely touching the floor
he doesn't know that it's his body very momentarily ignoring gravity, not enough to make him float completely but just enough to make him feel weirdly unanchored to the ground
Tucker is very much convinced that Danny should tell his parents about this, Sam thinks he should probably go to a hospital instead, Danny thinks telling his parents is probably a good idea, but he's highkey terrified of them making him take that medication again, they kept assuring him that it's harmless to humans and the sickness is just a reaction to the ectoplasm in his body, but he knew that each time they made him take it he felt more and more like whatever was in it shouldn't be in him
so in the end he decides that he'll wait to see if the side effects go away on their own, so far they don't seem to be hurting him, and he'll take being lightheaded and dropping stuff constantly over taking those meds and feeling like he's got pins sticking into every nerve in his body
(like it was Bad, kid's lowkey traumatised)
and then in class he falls right through his chair, nobody sees what happened, he was at his desk and now he's on the floor, everyone laughs it off but after school Danny drags his friends around behind the gym to tell them what happened
he is freaking out, totally panicking and that's when Sam and Tucker notice his appearance change, it's wonky at first, flashes of light keep sparking off him and his eyes are glowing on and off, his hair is flashing streaks of white and his clothes keep shifting into something black
Sam snaps him out of it with a slap, but instead of going back to normal his whole body flashes and suddenly he's in his ghost form
he is SUPER confused about why he's in his hazmat suit again and why the colours are all wrong and Sam and Tuck have to tell him 'uh dude, that hallucination definitely wasn't a hallucination'
then a football comes flying past and some jock chases it behind the gym and see them standing there and is like 'what are you two losers doing back here'
and Sam and Tuck are like 'two?' and they realise that Danny isn't there anymore, the jock grabs the ball and runs off again
then Danny reappears
cue all three of them freaking out
the fact that he's fighting ghosts without hesitation in the beginning of the first ep probably means it isn't the first time it's happened, he's probably down in the lab with his friends, showing them the portal and telling them exactly how his accident happened, when something comes flying out
it immediately attacks them and Danny probably goes instinctively into protective mode, he transforms and lobs a punch at one of the fuckers, and it hurts it, a lot, he grabs it and hauls it around, throwing it back into the portal
Sam and Tuck are just like 'holy shit dude you kicked ass' and Danny's just like 'uhhhh I dunno what happened guys but that felt really super cool'
he turns back to normal as his dad comes downstairs and gets all excited about the three kids being interested in the ghost portal, cue opening of the first episode
at this point Danny is pretty convinced he's going to tell his dad, but Jack doesn't give him a chance to say much before going off on his monologue
and then the portal opens up again and the ghost comes back, this time with friends, Danny barely thinks before he's throwing himself at the ghosts, kicking their asses and lobbing them back into the portal, he turns around completely expecting to have to explain himself and finds his dad SOMEHOW hadn't turned around even once during the whole fight and by a miracle didn't notice anything unusual
Danny loses his nerve and transforms back without telling his dad anything, and then we have the events of Mystery Meat where he's still struggling to control his powers and whether or not to tell his parents
soooo yeah that's my take ~ hope you enjoyed
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connieslover · 4 years
headcanon: when you cut your hair
 ✧˖*°࿐headcanons of midoriya, todoroki and bakugou reacting to seeing their crushes new hair cut 
princess QUEEN yona 
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*ೃ☼ izuku midoriya 
ෆ you and the other members of class 1-A were currently having your interships
ෆ you so happened to bumped into todoroki who had a slight panic look on his face
ෆ and so you decided to follow him
ෆ and now, you, midoriya, iida and todoroki were against the known hero killer, stain 
ෆ iida was on the ground, badly wounded from the knife that went through his shoulder blades 
ෆ midoriya was slumped against the wall as his body had been paralysed for a while due to the villains quirk 
ෆ todoroki and you were trying to get hold of the villain who had been running around the narrow hallway, trying to get a cut on either of you
ෆ your eyes had spotted midoriya who had been clutching onto his leg, which you presumed had been injured
ෆ seeing the pained expression on his face, your feet started moving
ෆ the only thing in your vision was the look of midoriya biting his lips and his brows furrowing 
ෆ  you didn’t notice the villain making his way towards you and grabbing a fistful of your luscious long hair
ෆ you gave a small wince at his hard tug
ෆ “y-y/n!” shrieked midoriya, eyes widening at the sight of stain’s rough hold on your hair which enabled you to move
ෆ "so what will it be? the life of this girl, or yours?” he snarled to todoroki who had immediately stopped producing ice
ෆ your eyes met todoroki and you mouthed to him to stall the villain
ෆ you spotted a knife hanging from stain’s waist and you immediately had an idea
ෆ todoroki decided to create an ice sculpture of some sort, earning the attention of the villain
ෆ your hand reached for the knife and in one swift moment, you felt free of his grasp 
ෆ you pulled a mulan 
ෆ stain diverted his attention to you and todoroki immediately started attacking him with ice blocks
ෆ meanwhile, you ran to midoriya, kneeling beside him 
ෆ “midoriya? are you all right?”
ෆ the male gave a small groan and pushed himself up from the ground
ෆ “y-yeah, i think it’s wearing off but he hasn’t noticed yet,”
ෆ and so, iida took the courage to push himself off the ground
ෆ you, midoriya, iida and todoroki had started attacking the hero villain until he was knocked out in todoroki’s ice 
ෆ endeavor came to the rescue
ෆ but so did a nomu 
ෆ a few other heroes gathered to the street where you were located and helped put nomu to rest
ෆ once the whole chaos was over, you gave a tiring sigh and your legs gave up
ෆ you were on the ground, relieved that you weren’t badly injured
ෆ “y/n...your hair,”
ෆ you looked up, eyes meeting midoriya’s large green ones 
ෆ remembering that you had sliced off your hair to get out of stain’s grasp, you ran your fingers through your now short hair which barely went past your collarbones
ෆ it was DEFINITELY uneven 
ෆ “does it look bad?”
ෆ from the illuminated light of the lamppost, you were definitely sure that you saw a faint blush on his cheeks
ෆ “it looks great! like really great! but also uneven....”
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*ೃ☼ shoto todoroki
ෆ during the weekends your mother suggested that you should get a hair cut as your hair was really damn long
ෆ  you lowkey had an emotional attachment to your long hair so it was hard for your mother to convince you
ෆ that was until you read a twitter post on ways to get your crush’s attention
ෆ and one of the ways listed was to get a hair cut
ෆ that day, you went to the salon with your mother
ෆ however, things didn’t go as planned
ෆ when you arrived in front of class 1-A, you hesitated to go in 
ෆ you were actually debating on whether you should run back home
ෆ you gave a small curse and entered the classroom, tugging the strings of your hoodie tight
ෆ “y/n! good morning!” uraraka greeted you
ෆ you smiled at her and sat at your seat, trying to avert the gazes from the females 
ෆ   “y/n-chan, why are you wearing a hoodie?” asui asked, tilting her head to the side
ෆ “you normally don’t wear hoodies,” chimed in ashido with a raised brow 
ෆ “o-oh, it’s a bit chilly today,” you lied playing with the sleeves of your hoodie
ෆ “but its summer,” it was jiro’s turn to raise a brow 
ෆ “don’t tell me you’re feeling unwell? we should bring you to the recovery girl!” fretted yaoyoruzu
ෆ “n-no! it’s fine!”
ෆ todoroki who had been listening to your conversation secretly started worrying
ෆ “y/n’s sick?” 
ෆ unluckily, you had forgotten that you had rescue training class today
ෆ which meant that you had to wear your hero costume
ෆ and that there was no way that aizawa would allow you to wear your hoodie on top of it
ෆ whilst you were changing into your hero costumes, you prayed that no one would notice your hairstyle
ෆ but. you were in a room filled with women. 
ෆ and they notice everything.
ෆ “y/n-chan where did your long hair go?” shrieked ashido, instantly running towards you with gleaming eyes
ෆ soon you found yourself surrounded by the girls
ෆ “your short hair looks so cute!”
ෆ “is that why you were wearing a hoodie?”
ෆ “why did you cut your hair?”
ෆ you felt taken aback by the sudden rush of questions and you took a step back
ෆ “i-uh...my mother suggested that i should cut my hair since it was really long,” you answered, playing with a strand of your hair
ෆ the girls continued to pester and compliment you in the changing rooms 
ෆ when you and the girls stepped into the grounds of where the rescue mission would be held, you spotted todoroki immediately and you found yourself hiding in between asui and uraraka
ෆ you weren’t well hidden as the two of them were smol
ෆ after thirteen had explained the tasks, you and the rest of class 1-A immediately split up to find survivors and aid them
ෆ whilst you were running in the streets, shouting and looking for citizens who were ‘injured’ you saw todoroki who was a feet away from you 
ෆ you immediately hid behind the closest thing to you
ෆ “y/n-san? why are you hiding behind a pole?”
ෆ you awkwardly laughed before moving from the pole
ෆ “oh me? i was just uh making sure this pole was sturdy. it wouldn’t be a good situation if it fell on a citizen right?”
ෆ being the dense person he was, he believed you
ෆ todoroki advanced towards you, his eyes never leaving yours
ෆ you felt your heart beat pulsing quickly
ෆ “oh shit is he going to say that my hair cut is ugly? damn it i should have ran back home while i had the chance!”
ෆ instead of commenting about your hair, todoroki placed his palm against your forehead, making you blush a deep red 
ෆ “t-todoroki?”
ෆ “that’s good. you’re not sick,” 
ෆ you gave a small head tilt, slightly perplexed
ෆ once he removed his palms from your forehead, his eyes moved to your hair
ෆ you felt his fingers gently holding your short hair
ෆ you were internally scREAMING
ෆ “your hair is really pretty,”
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*ೃ☼ katsuki bakugou
ෆ you and bakugou were paired up together for a class where you had to defeat the robots and escape through the gates of ground omega 
ෆ and being the person he was, as soon as the timer started, he used his quirk to make him travel in the air 
ෆ “are you really just leaving me behind?” you shouted at him
ෆ “just catch up dumbass!” 
ෆ you gave a scoff before running off 
ෆ bakugou was in the air, shooting at every robots in sight with his explosion 
ෆ while you were on the ground, shooting at the robots with your quirk
ෆ from the sound of bakugou’s explosion, it wasn’t loud
ෆ meaning that he was pretty damn far away from you 
ෆ suddenly, out of nowhere came a herd of robots
ෆ knowing that you weren't able to defeat all of them at once, you ran into the forest with the robots following behind you
ෆ “if they follow me, i'll lead them to where bakugou is and we can defeat them together,” you mumbled to yourself
ෆ you looked behind you to see the robots following you, but at a slow pace as it was slightly difficult for them to manoeuvre in between trees 
ෆ you heard the sound of bakugou’s explosions growing louder, meaning that you were getting closer to him
ෆ “baku-” 
ෆ you felt your legs halt to a stop
ෆ your long hair had been caught between a few branches
ෆ you gave a curse before trying to untangle your hair from the branches 
ෆ but, you realised that the robots were getting dangerously closer to you
ෆ panicking, you tried taking steps forwards in attempt to run but it was no use as the branches were basically dragging you back
ෆ you saw the group of robots a few meters away from you
ෆ “welp, this is how i’lll die,”
ෆ you covered your face with your arms, waiting for the attacks from the robot
ෆ  but instead, you heard a thump on the ground in front of you and loud explosions
ෆ once the sound of the explosions had stopped, you moved your arms away from your face
ෆ you were greeted with an angry looking bakugou
ෆ “you idiot what the hell were you doing? are you making me do all the work?”
ෆ you gave him an eye roll
ෆ before you could bark back at him, he started laughing
ෆ you were flabbergasted
ෆ this was the first time you had seen him laugh up close
ෆ and it was delightful
ෆ “what are you laughing at asshole?” 
ෆ “d-dumbass how did you get your hair caught between these branches?”
ෆ “just shut up and help me,”
ෆ once bakugou was done laughing at you, he walked to the branches and gently untangled your hair from the tree
ෆ you felt the last of your lock of hair drop to your back and you twirled around in glee
ෆ “yes! im free!,”
ෆ bakugou snickered, “you should cut that ugly long hair of yours,”
ෆ “what? no way! i feel prettier with long hair,”
ෆ “you look ugly with long hair to me,”
ෆ “soooo if i cut my hair, would i look pretty to you?”
ෆ “w-what? no! i never said that dumbass,”
ෆ the next day, you were skipping in the hallways, your hair, which was now short, bouncing as you did so
ෆ you entered the classroom with a wide grin
ෆ “morning!”
ෆ “y/n-chan, you’ve cut your hair!” gasped uraraka
ෆ “yup!” 
ෆ the girls of class 1-A swarmed around your desk to compliment your new hair cut
ෆ bakugou, on the other hand, had just arrived
ෆ his eyes then moved to the cluster of girls at your desk and he gave a small ‘ttch’ before he sat in his seat 
ෆ you had finally noticed that bakugou had arrived and you stood up from your seat with a confident look
ෆ “y/n, where are you going?”
ෆ “what the hell do you want?”
ෆ bakugou’s sharp bright red eyes darted to you who was standing in front of his desk
ෆ “am i pretty to you yet?”
ෆ that’s when bakugou noticed your new hair cut
ෆ you had a light-hearted grin on your face while you tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear
ෆ you looked stunning
ෆ but he didn’t want to admit it
ෆ he gave a snicker and looked down at his textbook
ෆ unsatisfied by his answer, you gave a huff before turning your heels away from him
ෆ “you’re prettier with short hair,”
ෆ you turned around with a surprised face
ෆ and what made you even more surprised was the light shade of pink on his cheeks 
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ranvwoop · 3 years
Hi :DDD. Thank u for asking,,,, I have many thoughts. I am sorry in advance. This is one of those things I will put under a readmore because I am into rambling. IT GOT A LOT LONGER THAN ANTICIPATED IM SORRY. Like. a lot. It was 4 pages in google docs because i dont trust tumblr to save my drafts
Okay a lot of my Ranboo thoughts are about the syndicate / boreal trio / peerpressure duo. But you’re probably aware I am a Them enthusiast first and both a dsmp enjoyer and person second. Because. I really like the syndicate. I also don’t have too too many thoughts on the more recent lore past the experiments. Once the in character monologues stopped, so did my brain. I communicate through monologue to monologue communication.
American Healthcare is actually gonna be the main reason why this is so long bc it works Very Much for like three different reasons. One sorta niche and abstracter reason is a stream that was basically never elaborated on back in March, either the day after or very close to the peerpressure Egg confrontation stream. The egg called him a coward (for some reason my brain can Only come up with the “stop saying i look like chicken little. he’s dumb, and a coward, and i am NOT a coward” vine), and he is not a coward, so he decided to make an action plan to bring the server together by acting as a mediator for all parties and try to make sure that everyone is happy, because he’s the only one that can see all sides, or something. This was where he said the big happy family™ line but other than Ranboo Become Dream?? analysis nothing else really happened and everything went along as normal.
(I also always held a little bit of suspicion on this stream actually and thought it might be the influence of the egg, because it says it can give one whatever they want, and ranboo wants to make everyone happy and this was a totally foolproof way of doing that. Sort of in a similar way that BBH is convinced that his plan will totally make Skeppy happy. But also Ranboo is just like that, but this felt a little more on the nose than usual and he did fall into the egg and made his decisions after being egged on by it, buT WE’LL NEVER KNOW, WILL WE?
… also I really wanted to see more egg conflict at the time. Peerpressure rlly got involved in the egg plot for cameos at the banquet and nothing else. I do not blame anyone and respect the ccs for all of their attempts to weave plots together but also. also…. we.. we coulda had so much…)
That was a little off topic from the point, but… he really just thinks he can save the sick… he can see that everyone on the server is unwell and is wrong but, y’know, look inwardly, the unwell is coming from inside the house. And an inherent problem of the way that the server runs. And if this is still lowkey in effect or not (idk man a) ranboo has monologued a lot I simply chose a one off from march to grow emotionally attached to and b) i think that my brain has shut off once ranboo stopped solo lore streams), it would probably go the way that most choosing to change the system from the inside goes. Which is the point of the song and stuff! He will inevitably decide what’s too far, whether he will either admit it’s a choice or just feel that it’s what he has to do. The, uh, dealing with the devil, to be polite.
in conclusion (but we are not close to done here i’m holding you for a bit longer), i think a lot about that stream and i think that shows what he wants to be, at the very least, and continuing down that path would definitely go into being far more trouble than just a noble goal of wanting to help people, from negotiating with corruption (The lobbyists, the Congressmen and lies bit) and that the server can’t really be brought together and saved like that (When things are more and more this way / Sometimes it's like they'd rather die)
THE LESS. vwoop why have you written an unnecessarily long post about one stream in your playlist character analysis reason is both more literal and piece by piece and also Syndicate, My Beloved, you know the drill. We are going line by line because I have a lot of feelings about American Healthcare, apparently.
This also comes back to that everyone on the server is doing Really Badly, all of the time, but mostly his time in L’Manburg. For one, he is pretty complacent in everything and doesn’t really accomplish much in terms of actual change, so like Well people die every day / I wouldn't have it any other way / I just think they should feel good while they are alive. An example of this is Exiled Tommy — who I’d also metaphorically put as the dead man just for funsies, since Tommy’s whole exile thing was one of the first things Ranboo experienced on the server—as he did try to be friends with Tommy and keep him company with his letters, but he still has no power over the actual issue at hand. Just trying to make it a bit more bearable. Similarly is Techno, while Ranboo still participated in the butcher army that was trying to kill him, he helped in the meantime until he “died”.
And then it’s the Realization that participating in the system doesn’t really help much, and the subsequent Everything. It could be getting mad at the whole government system and that he didn’t mean to contribute to the harm, or how he fought with Fundy using hs ideology but not in the way that Ranboo thought. It could also be standing up to his hallucination Dream, in that he doesn’t try this hard to be a good person just to be accused of helping with all of the things that he may or may not have helped with. (That is… a discussion for not right now, I don’t know.) And I think this sort of area is also where it’s like they’d rather die is also relevant, cause Doomsday. Nobody could just set aside their governments and just get along, though Ranboo had his own solution to fighting and things.
And then he joins the Syndicate! And the lyrics of the song are directly Government Bad, because government bad. Canon anarchist, has done things that he’s not proud of as a part of the government. The lines it was the government / … It got louder over the years / Until all that I could hear was flies and all.
But honestly I think in the Syndicate he’s still trying to “save the sick”! Because the Syndicate don’t All fit eye to eye either. He’s the token pacifist, and a vote against violence whenever it comes down to it. Not all anarchists are violent but Techno and Phil will probably react strongly when provoked, due to All the past events, and I live in a world where their trauma and issues get talked about as much as everyone else’s. Since everything is decided by vote it’d probably be split between them and Ranboo + Niki, who is in her healing/no longer resorting to murder arc. He’ll help them negotiate and then everything will Be Okay, ideally.
(Also I just like the idea of Ranboo believing that he is helping the people he’s living with because canonically cc!Ranboo has said he just really cares about his family and the syndicate are included in his family shut up but they also just believe they’re helping him and yes it’s self indulgent. I care them. Particularly Endduo, actually, or whatever they're called, I am not bold enough to think Ranboo looks at Techno and thinks I Can Fix Him, but. Philza Minecraft will one day talk about his feelings. One day.)
There’s also radioduo and beeduo as of recent— really I’m just saying I think that Ranboo constantly has a Need To Help People, believes he can do it, and it will come back to hurt him in the end (except for the Syndicate because I’m in denial. The Syndicate can’t fall out if they never stream together :) ).
The Only House That’s Not on Fire Yet !! I like this one. This is also blatantly there cause Syndicate. They are the only faction that is not actively falling apart, and this could absolutely be because they never stream together. But I do not care. However we are also going to go through this one piece by piece because we’re nearing 1500 words here and I might as well embarrass myself more. I am writing an incredibly informal essay about Ranboo My _Beloved (i assume his middle name is My, and he’s just one of those people who write his full full name) and this is the third page. If you’re still reading this, I’m sorry. Here we go.
There are lines that just seem like an unwell but recovering person, and I like to sort of think that way about Ranboo in the arctic during the down time. “I feel knotted up today / But in a most exquisite way” and “I feel strangely regular / But honestly I prefer it to / The usual bizarre” are just! He’s just hanging out. He’s doing good. There is the acknowledgement that he’s usually not doing well, and all of the episodes that he’s had in the past, and it’s probably strange to be doing well in the midst of everything, and there’s probably something impending, but now? He’s doing good!
The verses directly after both of those ones are about uncertainty and trust and such, and I feel like that’s not necessarily about just One relationship but all of them. Will cause problems as long as he has an accomplice. He is not confident but he trusts and loves people.
“This suit doesn’t fit me / I made it conterfeitly” I just like to think about Ranboo in his fancy suit, but it’s just a little wrong because he actually has no idea what he’s doing. I also like to think about Ranboo in a cape to fit in with boreal trio and later the syndicate, and emerald duo had matchy blue outfits from the Antarctic Empire… and trying to fit in with them…. or maybe They make him something.. You know. Much to think about.
“Killing me with déjà vu” I think is like. A little less fun, because despite how well things are going, the enderwalk is still not resolved and he had even less answers when I started thinking “this is a ranboo song”. Just as it relates to having a strange sense of reality and stuff, which goes into specifics of enderwalk headcanons, which would make this far longer. Even though I’ve framed it as a negative, there is also the more positive note of “Oh! I just thought of how to change all the hate / Into love with the old switcheroo / Dancing in my déjà vu / You'll be dancing too” which I’d rather explain broken up but I feel like as it’s a full verse it should be together. The first part is connected to my general thoughts of him explained earlier tbh, he’s trying Very Hard to make everyone happy and fix things. And adding the second part to it is just like! He is trying to make sense of everything, and it’s not so scary as time goes by. Since the experiments where he’s been (questionably) trying to be more comfortable and get more answers.
This was very long. I am sorry. I am ending it here and probably not going to do much formatting to make it readable because it is very late o’clock and also this is four pages and 2000 words I am so sorry. But if you read this far then. Uhhh thank. ^v^.
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polygamyff · 4 years
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My heart goes out to Maurice, it hurts my heart so much. If it isn’t his disease then it’s him catching a viral infection, my poor baby has a fever now which then the doctor had to come out and see him because sickle cell and fever is not good but the tablets he’s having causes his immune system to weaken with it so now he has another tablet alongside the tablet he has now, it’s been a mess. I have been so worried about him, but he is pulling through, he does not want to see a single person. Shawn comes every day, he refuses. It’s been a week and it upsets me because he doesn’t really eat, he doesn’t touch his food that much. Reign doesn’t see him because of the fever, and me I have been sleeping in a different room but I do go to see him, he seems better than he has previous days but let’s just say god is really teaching him a lesson but it’s hurting me to see. Hearing the elevator ping, turning around, resting against the kitchen unit looking to see who it is. Well it is someone with heels on anyways, can hear those clicking away “oh” Ally jumped holding her chest, what does she even want rolling her ass up here like she own the place. Just staring at her, she slowly walked closer to the kitchen “is Maurice here?” she asked, she looked at me and then Reign and then let out a giggle “sorry, you both pulling the same face. She is really your daughter” looking to the side of me, Reign is sat in her booster seat on the kitchen unit. Reign looked up at me, my smile grew and so did hers “you mean mugging like me?” she is my love “uhm yeah, he is in the room but is he expecting you or what?” I feel like Maurice’ security questioning people “well he called me, he said he needed to speak to me, or I wouldn’t have come. I have to go to Tokyo with his dad, so I just made time to come here, for him” nodding my head “that is fine, he is in his room. I think he is actually expecting you to come too” I pointed down the hall “thanks” she walked off, I don’t like the bitch but she really does go out of her way for him, she does all of his work. His dad is going Tokyo on his behalf with Ally, he can’t even be bothered to do any work if we being real, I feel he is getting depressed and I hate it, I hate being in separate rooms but I don’t want to be ill for Reign or him “what are we like Reign, apparently we both mean mugging her. We out here protecting your daddy” she has really been my rock; I love her so much.
Furrowing my eyebrows seeing a withheld number calling me, let me pick up anyways “hello?” I answered, “hi it’s King’s County hospital, it’s Melanie?” letting out an oh “oh yeah, sorry. I just didn’t see no number, so I was not sure who, hope you’re well?” I hope it’s good news “it’s ok, well I have some good news for you as well as maybe not so good news for you, we were very happy with you. We are amazed how young you are, we spoke on that didn’t we. Well we want to offer you the position of being the associate specialist surgeon, working alongside the consultant, how do you feel about this?” I don’t want to cheer right now “wow, I honestly thought I wasn’t that good at interviews, I am shocked. Wow, thank you!” I giggled, I am so happy “we contacted the hospital in California, they had nothing but praise for you” my face dropped, I never said anything to them “we are most happy to have you here, we are happy to have you part time, in terms of shifts but we do need you to be on call during the week. As we have someone on call during the weekend, that is the bad news, about the on-call situation, what do you think to that?” least I will get weekends off, weekdays working maybe on-call “I am fine with that, that is brilliant, oh my god. I am emotional right now but thank you! When do I exactly start?” flicking the tear that fell “next month, is that ok for you? We will sort out the paperwork then, we have some things we need to send out to you, where do we send them? Is the Anaheim address fine?” I am stuck here, I won’t be home “uhm no, do you know where Davenport hotel is? The address?” I didn’t want to really expose that who I am with “oh yes I do, I can send it there?” I laughed nervously “yes, could you put it to the attention of Maurice Davenport, that is the only way I know I will get it?” the phone line went silent “oh, uhm. But it’s for you?” she questioned “I know, that is how it will get to me in his suite. I am living here until I get an actual home” she let out a big oh “right, ok. You’re living with the Maurice Davenport? Oh ok, ok. I see, ok. Sure. I will get that sent to you; I should have known. I thought I seen your face before, well I will get that sent to you. See you soon” this is what I didn’t want but it’s happened “it’s ok, see you soon. Bye” disconnecting the “yess!!!!” I shouted “baby girl, I got the job. Mommy will be working again; she will be saving lives again! I am so happy” clapping my hands, Reign is not amused at all “bye Robyn!” I stopped mid-clap seeing Ally “oh yeah, bye” she probably thinks I am crazy now.
I made Maurice some soup, I try with him everyday and the bear minimum I am giving him now is soup “is Reign asleep?” he asked “she is, now I am all yours” placing the tray on his lap “we going to try and eat yes? I did this all from scratch, it’s chicken soup for you. Then you can have your medication and sleep” walking to the corner and grabbing the chair “it does smell nice” I grinned at him “anything for you, what did she want anyways? I mean Ally” sitting down “just work-related stuff, she is doing me so proud. She said I look like shit” Maurice looked over at me laughing “you do, she is right. Your beard, hair, your face. You just won’t eat, but you’re smiling still. Makes me happy, so eat now” I have to sit here and watch him, like a child “I am feeling better, the fever that is. You can sleep with me again?” poking my lips out “you miss me in bed huh?” he nodded his head as he poked his lips out, and bought the spoon up to his lips “you do look better, than you did. I will sleep in bed with you but if you are lying and I catch it. I won’t be happy” he shook his head “I’m not” he placed the spoon back as he started to sob out “hey, stop it. Maurice don’t cry” getting up from the chair “every day you are crying now, stop it” wrapping my arms around his head, bringing his head close to my chest “stop, baby it will get better. Don’t worry, I will always be here for you” I don’t’ like him crying, he does this every day.
Lowkey I am not wanting to get ill so if he is not well and he is lying, I will be annoyed but I did check his temperature and it has gone down so I think all should be well “feeling sleepy? I got something to tell you before you sleep” Maurice’ eyes are half closed; he is about ready to go to sleep. He cleared his throat “I am awake yeah, I am listening” I grinned at him, he is so cute “well” crawling onto the bed “I got a phone call from, guess who?” shuffling closer to him “mhmm your mom?” shaking my head “nope, why did I come New York for? The real reason before this?” getting under the covers “me?” shaking my head “this is not working, baby you got memory loss too?” Maurice snorted laughing “probably, what is it?” he is so useless “Kings County hospital, baby they gave me the job. I got the job!” I yelped out “oh wow, really? I am so happy for you Bonita, you got it. So, you going to be saving people again?” nodding my head “I will be saving lives again, I start next month so I need to prepare but the terms are. I must be on-call on weekdays, I am part time, but I get weekends off, perfect right? I am not sure with the on-call part, may be difficult with Reign but I will work it out, won’t we?” Maurice nodded his head “we will, somehow. I am very happy for you; I mean I don’t sound it but I am. I’m proud of you, what you have become. I am lucky” I cooed out “thank you, I know you are proud of me” pressing a kiss to his shoulder “how are you feeling anyways?” his hair and beard are a overgrown mess, pushing down his beard with the back of my hand “tired, I am glad I’m not needing the injections, tablets are kicking in but I just feel like it’s one thing to another. You are looking after me like a baby, it’s not right. You know?” I shushed “It’s ok, the doctor said that the feeling in your dick should be back soon. You really been unwell, and it doesn’t help. Let me say it, it doesn’t help you don’t eat. Is it the tablets? What is it? You have lost so much weight, you look like the times you were on drugs” he shook his head “I want to sleep now, hug me. I missed you” smiling at him lightly “fine” kissing his cheek.
Side eyeing Maurice, there is a reason why I slept in a different room also. Since his fever, and all the issues. He fucking snores, and it’s really fucking bad. It’s like four in the morning and I am awake, it’s ok for him but for me no. I groaned out shuffling out of bed, I am going to another room and sleeping in peace. I huffed out walking around the bed, I am annoyed but he’s still my baby. Walking over to him, placing my index finger and middle fingers just under his neck at the side of his windpipe, let me check his pulse if he is ok. I must check this; I just don’t want to leave the bed, but I can’t stand the snoring. Trust him to stop snoring while I am doing this “mhmm perfect” I said to myself, let me go and take my ass to the other bedroom. Dragging open the door, I abruptly stopped walking after seeing rose petals on the floor “huh” looking at a sleeping Maurice and then the floor, I had to double take because he is in bed with me and then this “mhmm” slowly creeping out of the bedroom, ok this is creepy because he has been asleep and he couldn’t have done this. Following the rose petals slowly, do I have a secret admirer that has broke in and done this, I kid but this is cute and I am walking way too slow because I am lowkey scared. Peaking around the corner “oh wow” looking up at the ceiling, there is a dozen red and white balloons and then Robyn balloons in the corner, one of the balloons has the remote hanging from it. Walking into the room “oh my god” is this really mine, the rows upon rows of bags and shoes to match “oh my god” placing my hand over mouth “I love bags, oh my god!” placing my hands over my mouth “this is amazing” I am so emotional, walking backwards fully trying to take this in and gasped, my head hitting the remote.
I don’t even want to sit on the couch because the petals spelling out Happy Valentines day, I don’t want it but I am going to do it, sitting down on the couch. A sticky note to tell me the button to press too “Ok then” I said to myself sitting back, I am actually shook about the bags like what the hell, and the matching fucking heels, good grief this has turned me on so much. Pressing the button indicating on the remote, the TV switched on and then Michael Jackson – Remember the Time started playing “oh my” placing my hand over my mouth, he really pulled up the video of us at the wedding, like I have never seen this. I saw the pictures but the video, it actually caught us talking, I wasn’t even interested, not even a lie because he was so miserable “oh no” those Facebook messages, I thought he was calling me fat in Spanish “not the selfie, of course he did” shaking my head laughing “I hate him” I cooed out, we finally met in Texas, by mistake that is and I still didn’t understand but the Maurice I met in Texas I liked him straight off, we actually took group pictures. I didn’t think he would ever keep those things; he has.
Placing my hand over my chest, it’s really got me in my feelings “and then Reign came along, I looked a right mess there” look how tiny she was, I was going through it with Maurice but we was such happy parents “did I do good?” Maurice said, I gasped getting up from the couch and rushing to him “I love it” hugging him, he’s got me in my feelings “I love it so much, oh my god. Sorry” he’s out here on one foot, and I am attacking him like this “come, let’s sit. I love it, when did you do this? What the hell? And you’re awake?” I swear he was asleep “well I woke up when your fingers were on my neck, I was waiting for you to wake up, I had time on my hands Robyn” sitting down on the couch  as he sat down next to me, he sighed out “yeah so, I have been messaging Ally, I contacted Kellen, and also Leon. I just gathered everything and did it. Ally came earlier to just finalize, she really helped with me all. She also set it out, that was it. So while we slept, she did it because I couldn’t and now she has gone to Tokyo. But I am happy you like it, I thought about it. Trying to be romantic” grabbing his face, turning his face to me and pressing a kiss to his lips “thank you, I love it. Thank you so much, my pootie face, I love you so much” wrapping my arms around his neck “did you see my card?” I stopped attacking him and moving back “no, where?” he moved to the side a little “it’s in the beige Hermes bag, I think anyways” I am so in love with the fact he got me different colour Hermes bags but the same style “is this really all mines, I can use this on nights out” picking up the little bag “oh no that is Reign’ I have to show her love too” I snorted laughing “I think not, it’s mine. Thank you for that” grabbing the card “no, you let her have it. Sit next to me and open the card” he patted the couch; I will not give her anything.
Sitting next to Maurice on the couch “it better be cute” ripping open the envelope “also give Ally a raise or something, she didn’t need to do this at all for you. That is sweet” pulling out the card “noooo, Maurice! You didn’t!” I laughed out holding the card close to my chest “do you like it?” I can’t stop laughing “nooo, how!?” looking back at the card front cover, he has my surgeon picture they have at California “I really hate you, did Leon give you this? I actually look younger here, god. My cheeks, I hate him so much. Oh my god!” looking at Maurice trying to be angry with him “like look at me in this” holding the card up “you look beautiful, look at your smile. It’s so professional, you do look younger there” opening the card “you’re so annoying, seriously” I huffed out, like he really did this to me “read it, read it aloud too” side eyeing him, looking down at the card “oh god, I hate you so much. With your stupid bilingual ass. You really wrote half of this in Spanish. You want me to read it?” looking up at him, he nodded his head “fine” clearing my throat “Para Robyn mi guap?” looking up at him “guapa” he said correcting me “te, no I can’t do it. You read it” passing him the card “you need to learn; I don’t need the card. I know what I put. Para Robyn, mi guapa. Te quiero mucho. Desearía que te casaras conmigo? And I put, to Robyn my pretty baby, I love you so much, I wish you would marry me. Now you can read the rest” I can’t stop smiling, I swear I love him so much. He rested his arm over my lap “It is not your conversation that keeps me entertained but rather the way you look at me, it’s all the little things you do that make me stop and stare. The way you smile at me, that soft smile you give me to show me it’s ok” looking up at him as I stopped reading and we both giggled “you’re so cute Maurice” taking in a deep breath “with what you have done for me, I could never repay you. When I am looking into your eyes, I see all the love you have for me. I see in your eyes you care for me a lot. And you will do whatever it takes to have me in your life. These are the reasons you have seen me cry every night when you come to me” my voice broke, placing the card down looking up at him “don’t cry” he said “you made me cry, you know how much I love you. I will do anything for you” flicking the tear away “stop” I laughed as he tried to wipe my tears away “you want me to read the rest, I will do it” he took the card from me “I am so proud to call you my wife, you have given me a new lease of life and I thank you for that, you have given me a beautiful daughter. I am proud of what you have become, a surgeon. I tell everyone about it, whenever I get the chance, I am super duper proud of you Robyn, I hope I made your Valentines Day. Love Maurice” he closed the card slowly and looked over at me, I just remained with my hands over my mouth. Moving my hands back “I love it” I strained out “I love you so much, thank you” snatching the card from out of his hand and hugged him “you really shocked me, I didn’t expect it at all. I didn’t want to pester you about it either, but you been planning without me even knowing. I feel bad now” moving back “about what?” sitting back “I gave Ally such evil looks, I was looking like bitch leave, and she was helping you do this. Make sure you give her an extra bonus, or something. She does too much. I am so happy” he has really made my day.
I am so freaking happy, I am skipping with Maurice’ gifts in hand “you all happy now huh, I bet if I didn’t you would be bullying me with that stale soup” I gasped stopping midway “my stale what? Say that again?” Maurice laughed “I am joking, come. I want to see what you got me” he is such an ass, he called my soup stale when it’s not, I made it with love “well it’s hard buying for man that has everything, you know that right?” Maurice shook his head “don’t ever say that, it’s different, because it’s from you” placing the bag on the couch as I sat down “you like the bag, it’s all cute with bears” Maurice was so quick to start digging into the bag “aww you got me a bear with a heart on it, aww Bonita, I will put this on my desk when go back. I like this, she will give better hugs. I will name her little miss boo thang” he is so silly “thank god it’s not some foreign word, she is lucky” Maurice got out the next thing “I didn’t think your gifts would be this small? Wow!” side eyeing him, I hate it because it’s like am I doing enough. Look at the bags compared to this “what is this? Robyn, this looks expensive” peaking over the bag “it’s your ring, I mean as seeing as you want us to get married on my birthday. I got you the ring. I mean I should have given it you then but I want you to wear it now so bitches know you’re taken” Maurice looks amazed “Robyn, this looks very expensive, how much was it” he got it out of the box “you shouldn’t ask that, I got it for you ok?” he doesn’t need to know “this looks in the region of three or even four grand, please tell you didn’t? I mean it’s beautiful but still” I shrugged “I also get paid a lot, so there is that. Put it on, I mean it should fit fine. I stole one of your other rings” Maurice grinned “you do it for me” he held the ring out “fine” grabbing the ring, he held out his left hand “you’re such a diva, also I need to do your hand nails” I am always fussing “what if I am not well for your birthday?” placing the ring on his finger “then we wait, but I don’t want you to push yourself either. I also got you cufflinks, I know you like wearing them. They both have R and R on them in diamond, real diamonds. Open the card, but I don’t think it’s as nice as yours. You outdid me” that is annoying “not really, I like this ring and also you accepted to marry me on your birthday, that has really made my day” I love that he is smiling so much “come on boo thang, let’s read this card she got me” he placed the bear on his lap “I am kind of glad your snoring woke me, even though I hated you so much for it” he pulled out the card laughing “I’m sorry, it will get better. Aww look boo thang, your parents on the card. It’s momma bear and papa bear, I like this. It’s cute, I mean the surgeon picture is the best” he opened the card, I need to destroy that picture, I hate Leon so much “to my little pootie” Maurice looked over at me “you forever calling me that, how am I pootie? It’s just not logical” I giggled “you mad because I’m right, you forever pouting or being all moody, just read it” he is always stopping “ok, so to my little pootie. You have turned my life upside down, literally have done that and I write this with a smile on my face. You have loved me at my lowest, supported me when I needed it. When I look at the downfalls it doesn’t amount to the good times we have had, you have swept me off my feet and have never asked for nothing back. The only thing you want is my love, you are the most caring man and father I know. To see our daughter, get so happy to hear your voice, to know she will have a first love that is all I can ask. Thank you, Maurice,” Maurice chuckled “well she liked it, she put a ring on it” he held his hand up “thank you baby, I love it. And I do it because I love you” hugging Maurice.
I did have like some real sexy lingerie to wear but I need to keep that for next time, I am not about to upset him if it don’t happen even though he has not had the injections in a few days because he’s off it but I don’t want to upset him, I am not doing that today “the video is the sweetest thing, can I watch it again. Is it mine?” he nodded his head “all for you baby” Maurice has skinny legs anyways, but they are extra skinny “you want to go back to bed? You must be tired; I am so happy though. Thank you, thank you for waking up for me” I know he is tired “yeah, my doctor is coming today. Guess what though, I can put some weight on my foot now. Good right?” nodding my head “that is very good baby, come” getting up from the couch, he is wearing his robe and boxers, I just want him to start eating right again “do you like the beard?” he knows damn well I don’t, watching him get up. He stood up and he did put weight on his foot without flinching “it’s getting better, thank you god!” looking down at his body and then back up to his face, it does make me sad. When he’s having these crises, they take so long to come out of it and I hate it “you want to hold me while we walk slowly? Forget the stick” walking to the side of him, Maurice placed his arm around me “Just as long as you stand, stand by me So darling, darling, stand by me” Maurice sang, he is so cute.
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