#like i feel like the reveal should have happened 3 episodes ago
barissoffee · 2 months
If tech isn't revealed as CX-2 and he's actually been dead this whole time you'll never hear from me again
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sukibeloved · 4 months
okay so i binged the entire show and now i have thoughts.
- the set is absolutely stunning i was breath taken every time it’s as if they just pulled it straight out of the cartoon. incredible
- the castings were so good! they really are what i would have envisioned
- i think merging the earth kingdom episodes was a smart PRODUCTION decision. it was confusing as an og watcher however it makes sense for the live version cause they can’t just keep coming back to the earth kingdom (they mixed eps 5, 10, 17) and also i believe they linked it well so i’m alright with it genuinely.
- zuko’s actor perfectly nailed the acting. whenever it was a flashback scene it felt like zuko was 3 years younger despite looking the same, because zuko was more innocent sounding. and then the acting for current zuko was major sass (which was the best part)
- avatar kyoshi was 7 FOOT TALL. all i have to say
- sokkas actor ate down i fear 🫶
negatives (or just minor critics)
- azula, ty lee and mai were not supposed to be in book/season 1 and it didn’t really make sense for them. i love all 3 their my girls however it felt like a fan service and they didn’t really provide any plot development. ESPECIALLY MAI AND TY LEE i swear the girls just stood and watched azula fight and that’s all. i think what could/should have been done is feature azula at the end scene like they did and make it a whole big reveal and if they really wanted to provide fan service chuck mai and ty lee next to her. i understand the girls are fan favourites but if they wanted to make hype for the second season it would have been better to just show them at the very end to get fans excited. instead i found myself annoyed when they popped up because they weren’t needed.
- it would have been fine to have the girls for flashback scenes. also! in book 2 we start off with azula having to find mai and ty lee. they aren’t meant to just be together already. what happened to circus ty lee? that’s like a really important detail idk.
- i felt the humour was lacking. NOT BECAUSE OF THE ACTORS. it was not their fault and i loved sokkas deliveries when he had the chance to. the blame is on the writers but the issue was is the series was more dark (which is fine) but it erased the humour from the show so toward the end i found myself getting a bit bored. i think what caused this is the removal of the “filler” episodes.
- secret tunnel? that is meant to be in season 2 and i felt a bit robbed because wdym that’s all we got?
- i also feel that the found family trope wasn’t executed as well as it could have been probably also because it lacked filler episodes. we didn’t get to see them hang out and actually get to know each other so we haven’t seen them build that connection yet. obviously we assume with context they have but idk it makes it lack.
- yue my girl 😭 first of all the wig which i’m not gonna talk about. i cant exactly place what was wrong but yue’s storyline made me cry my eyes out for days and i LOVE HER. for whatever reason i did not feel this way. i want to say it might be because suki & sokka kissed like in ep2 which felt like 5 days ago idk. -> also i jumped up and down when that happened. but it just felt like not as dramatic as it was which was so upsetting cause i was getting ready to bawl.
- katara was more chill. i love her actress btw i blame the directors for this. i just feel like they swapped sokka & kataras roles sort of, sokka was shown as the more mature one and trying to be like his dad whereas katara was viewed as the “little girl” their whole dynamic was that katara was way more mature to the point sokka ONLY PICTURED KATATA when he thought of his OWN MUM? i also feel like katata didnt blow up and get angry as much as she should of idk?
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ghostofafruit · 22 days
I'm moving over to focusing on my more longform fics! But I have a bunch being planned, so I wanted to know which one had the most interest!
It's Not Really a Secret - The continuation, and completion, of the already long ago started Merlin fic. Uther discovers Merlin has magic, but Merlin discovers he's immortal. I've got a further 5k words written for it already!
Title-less Good Omens x MCU Spider-Man crossover - Post s2 Crowley needs a change of scenry, and with the help of some friends, he finds himself living in a shitty apartment owned by a shady landlord. Post NWH Peter is struggling with his new life, but at least he's not homeless anymore even if his apartment is odd and his landlord is shady to say the least. (It's a neighbours crossover basically)
The Misadventures of Rose Tyler - A series of 17 3-8 chapter fics following an immortal Rose Tyler as she tries desperately to return to her birth universe. Hijinks ensue in other universes, sometimes crossover hijinks.
Peter Parker, Totally Not a Half-Blood - Peter Parker is perfectly ordinary, he's not sure why so many people seem to think he's not. His spider-like nature is entirely because of the spider-bite. So what if he already had spider-like allergies before the bite? Or a love of high places? Or weaving? He's not, despite what so many may say, the son of Arachne
Title-less Doctor Who x MCU crossover - The Doctor and Rose find themselves stranded in an alternate universe. Despite their best efforts, the Tardis refuses to move, at all. They have no choice but to blend in. Rose get's a job at Midtown School Of Science and Technology, and gets pulled into chapheoring on the school trip to Stark Industries. Along with helping out with that, her and the Doctor have figured out that Spider-Man is young and feel the need to help him out.
Married Life - A Doctor Who Series 2 AU with the Doctor and Rose being married, featuring episode rewrites, original adventures, and plenty of hijinks
Title-less Hells Belles x MCU crossover - When the blip happened, half the entire universe ended up in the grand lobby of the after life. Several volounteers and employees of the Front Deathsk had watched parts of the blip happen. The blipped don't count as dead, and as such can't face universal judgement. Between the hellp desk, the front deathsk, and several blipped heroes, they figure out a pocket dimension for half the universe. In this pocket dimension, on it's Earth, Peter reveals his identity as Spider-man, mostly because he'd already spent days wandering around in the ruined suit helping out. When the blip gets reversed, the majority of the blipped Earth resiednts keep Peter's identity secret, those that try to reveal who he is aren't believed. When his identity is revealed, the blipped try to help him out. This one is the most convoluted and would take a lot of planning!!
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genericpuff · 1 year
I seriously need an updated LO s3 timeline now so I can decipher this monstrosity
Are H/P seriously going to raise a baby (which is 100% Zeus' kid)? A few weeks after Persephone said she wanted to take things slowly? When Hades admitted a couple days ago that he hadn't been a good father to Thanatos?
What the hell is the plan????
Honestly, I feel like the folks over at PomegraNet just gave up LMAO
But buckle up because I'm about to make you even more upset - this didn't happen a few 'weeks' after Persephone said she wanted to take things slow, it happened a WEEK, singular, not plural. Yes, read that again: A WEEK.
When you lay the events out end to end in their reasonable order, with all the fluff and flashbacks removed and using dialogue as indicators, Hades and Persephone literally talked a WEEK ago about being boyfriend and girlfriend and what that would entail.
I've gone on this rant before, but I'm so ready to go on it again knowing what we know now in the FP episodes.
Day 1: Hades and Persephone reunite with the Olympians, Zeus removes Persephone's sentencing, Hades and Persephone discuss their relationship going forward, they finish the day going to bed together where Persephone wonders if she's 'forgotten something' (i.e. Demeter).
Day 2: Hades awakens from a nightmare about Kronos, Persephone and Hades do their Steven Universe fusion dance to 'fix' the Underworld, they check out what Persephone created for Elysium and play in the river, they're interrupted by Demeter who has arrived to take her daughter back to the Mortal Realm, Persephone claims to have missed her despite forgetting she existed just the night before, Persephone tells her to eat the ziti or fuck off.
Day 3: Buckle up, because this one day takes the cake for having the longest and most pointless fetch quest in webcomic history. Hades gives Persephone 'breakfast in bed' (literally a single donut), Persephone insists she wants to go into work with him but he makes her stay home to relax, Hades meets up with Hecate to figure out what happened to cause the entire Underworld to become possessed by Kronos, Hecate talks him down from speaking to Kronos and gives him a rundown of what she believed happened, they deduce they should find Hypnos, but they don't know where to find him, so they decide to go find Thanatos, but Thanatos doesn't want to speak to Hades due to their strained relationship, so they have a buddy buddy talk which eventually gets Thanatos to give in and tell Hades where to find Hypnos. Turns out Hypnos has been living in the defunct remains of the Underworld Corp's HR department, where he tells Hades how Kronos was able to hijack his powers and reveals that Kronos has a 'child deity' being held captive down there with him. Despite Hecate saying they weren't going to go down to Tartarus that day, Hecate and Hades proceed to go down to Tartarus, but are unable to enter due to Kronos holding the place hostage (he'll only open the doors in exchange for his "golden traitor" who we can only assume is Hera). During all this, Persephone goes on an excursion to Olympus where she runs into Daphne and Eros and reconnects with them. She goes to the bank and finds out she has a shitload of money from her account gaining interest, which gives her the funds necessary to purchase her own apartment where Hades meets her for supper that night. Persephone somehow still ends up back at Hades' place (presumably to move the rest of her things from his house to her apartment) where they attempt to have sex only to be interrupted by a drunk Ares. Hades consoles him and then returns to Persephone, the two of them watch a movie from post-WW1 Germany in his personal theater, they try to be intimate again but it's revealed later on they didn't actually have sex. Ares tries to text Aphrodite but has been blocked.
Day 4: Persephone and Hades go to work, on the way they discuss a note Ares left for Persephone encouraging her to meet him to discuss her being a fertility goddess. Hades and Persephone discuss the child deity and Kronos briefly, realizing they need to bring it up with Hera. Speak of the devil, Hera is there when they arrive at work. They catch Hera up on what's going on, she wants to go speak to Kronos herself but Hades stops her for her safety. They change the subject to the coronation, Hera asks why Persephone and Hades aren't engaged yet, she encourages Persephone to invite her mother to the coronation and eventual wedding. After Hera leaves, it's revealed she's still being tormented by Kronos. Hephaestus and Psyche meet to discuss the pendrive Psyche stole off Apollo and what it contains, revealing a photo of Kassandra. After work, Persephone goes home to her own apartment and Hades works on coming up with an engagement ring for Persephone. Hades is interrupted by Persephone summoning him to her home. Persephone gets upset at herself for being jealous over Hades calling Hera 'Bunny'. Persephone decides to go meet with Ares that same day, Hades comes along disguised as a moth. Ares takes Persephone to a fresco, where she discovers an old monument of Metis which allows her to connect directly to Metis to speak with her about her fertility goddess status. It's nighttime when she awakens and Hades reminds her that she still needs to meet with her mother who she apparently already planned to meet with that day. Persephone goes to meet with Demeter who has a huge purity club intervention planned for her to pressure her into staying in the Mortal Realm. Hades proposes right then and there and Persephone leaves with him down into the Underworld.
Day 5: The next day, Persephone attempts to book venues for their wedding, but can't seem to get in touch with anyone anywhere. Zeus claims that these businesses are refusing to serve them on the basis of xenia, as they disrespected Demeter in her realm by doing an impromptu proposal. They meet up with Hera to discuss these issues, to which Hades suggests the restriction doesn't happen until tomorrow morning so they can get married that same night (despite the fact that businesses were already refusing to serve them lmao). They get married that night, and then have their honeymoon where they have sex for the first time ("deconstruction of purity culture" who?)
Day 6: Hades and Persephone both go to work the next day despite being on their honeymoon, it's revealed Morpheus has been hired by Hades to help him "file" people's dreams. Hermes gets into a fight with Apollo which ends with Hermes punching him. Persephone, meanwhile, has taken her new "judges" under her wing with the intent to have them help Hades do even less work than he already does. Hermes at this point has joined her and they talk about the Apollo situation. With Thetis' encouragement, Leuce applies to be Hades' PA and tries to seduce him under the impression that they still "had something" after Zeus tried to negotiate a marriage between them back near the end of S2. Hades rejects her, during which he reveals that he got married "yesterday" which helps us know that none of what I just said happened a few weeks after the wedding (despite Persephone implying as such with her own dialogue), it was literally the day before. Persephone is used as a test subject for dream diving with Morpheus. It's after this that Hades starts getting vibes from Persephone's texts that she doesn't want to talk to him.
Day 7: After literally a day, Hades gets nervous at Persephone icing him out ("I showed you my dick pls respond" energy) until after some pressuring, Persephone finally reveals she has a baby Dionysus in her possession.
Seven. Days. A week. A literal week ago in the story's timeline, Hades and Persephone decided they wanted to take it slow and try dating before rushing into marriage - and now they're married, restructuring the entire Underworld Corp, and already have a kid.
Rachel seriously saw Stephenie Meyer writing Bella Swan with a rushed superhuman pregnancy and went "hold my beer". I can't tell if I should be disappointed or flat out impressed that one person managed to pad out this much of a week with so much bullshit.
And some people might go "but puff, it's obvious we're not meant to read it as if it's sequential!" so what about the dialogue that tells exactly when these events are happening? or the actions that clearly lead from one event to the next in a very interlinked way that REQUIRES these things to be happening one after another?
My own OC's have literally been trapped in a non-Euclidian castle nightmare for well over an in-universe week now but MONTHS in real life and I've still managed to make that clear, with proper labelling of days that are passing and dialogue that lays it out clearly how long they've been in the castle. Sure, it can still be a strain on readers where it can make them feel like things in the comic are happening relative to real life, but there are methods to make your timeline clear that Rachel isn't employing. Even a fucking Spongebob "one week later" card would be better than the way she's outlining events right now.
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If the PomegraNet team gave up, I wouldn't blame them in the slightest. Laying out the events in their proper order is a nightmare. And frankly, I have a tinfoil hat theory (so take with mountains of salt) that they were practically asked to stop what they were doing because their timeline also just makes the comic look like what it really is - a mess of word vomit that Rachel never bothered to clean up and turn into an actual story with reasonable pacing.
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pinkandpurple360 · 6 months
I just read your reply and i apologise for my rudeness, I didn’t mean to imply that Blitz deserved sexual abuse, I meant was that he’s a horrid person as well that outside of the toxic relationship he has with Stolas, he shouldn’t get that much sympathy. I said it because, in the show, his antics and how he treats other people have either been ignored or excused by both toxic and normal fans of the show and the show itself, the main case being Verosika and Fizz
I am also sorry for making it hard to read in terms of implications and messages
Once again I did not mean to make it rude or harmful, but i understand that it did
I read back what I said, and I apologise for my own rudeness. I actually have no idea why I took it so personally there. Maybe I should only answer asks when I’m calm. Sorry anon. Not your fault.
Personally though, I feel both. Disapproval at how he is treating Moxie Millie and others with his own antics, with my sympathy for the way he’s being exploited and abused by stolas and cash. The 3 way obsessive gag is too creepy now, it has to stop.
There’s no need to be a good person for someone to deserve sympathy when being abused though. No perfect victims exist after all.
As for Fizz, I feel like their story has barely been touched yet-always being side stepped for shallow shipping fodder. I seem to be one of the few people who is happy he didn’t hurt Fizz on purpose? And I do feel horrible that he never wanted any of it to happen. But it feels excessive to have all of it happen on Fizz’s birthday, and have his mother be hinted to pass away. It’s just the recycled moxie mother death from two episodes or so ago? That parts annoying. It’s too many heartstrings at once, and the reveal got no screen time at all. Even now I feel like their episode should have been the season 2 premiere, and be just about them. Explore this more deeply.
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etherealnoir · 7 months
Thoughts on Dhan Rana (S1 E5)
One thing I LOVE about Found is that everybody starts out as kind of a broad archetype of a character, and each one has been slowly getting deconstructed with each episode. We also learn more and more about relationship dynamics with each episode. We're only on episode 5 and we've already learned so much.
TL;DR: Dhan is a wonderful character who kind of surprised me. I didn't expect to love him as much as I do. I like that Gabi and Margaret are super protective of him, and in turn, he's fiercely protective of them. I'm excited to see his character grow. I also don't really like his relationship with his husband from the little bit we've seen. It's just not sitting right with me.
More detailed thoughts below the cut.
In THIS episode we learned that baby boy CANNOT be alone. He doesn't do well. It's connected to his trauma from being held captive for 3 years. Which is such a long fucking time and I think the longest kidnapping situation we've seen from the group thus far (I don't think we don't know how long Zeke was gone, yet...please correct me if we do).
In a passing conversation around episode one or two, his husband was revealed to be a therapist (whether his husband was HIS therapist or just so happened to be a therapist is unclear, but I still have my reservations). His husband mentioned that Dhan should give Zeke grace, because Dhan was in a similar position to Zeke not too long ago. He also added that they "worked on it" together. Again, idk if his husband was HIS therapist, or if he meant they worked on it as a couple.
We've only seen Dhan's husband once, and Dhan speaks fondly of him on the rare occasion that he's mentioned. But...I think the one thing that kind of stuck out to me is how much he can't quite function without his husband in the house. Like at all. He can't sleep, he doesn't groom himself, he doesn't dress himself (not really). It took all of one day (presumably) for Dhan to unravel in his husband's absence. The team also pointed out that this happens OFTEN every time his husband leaves. If Dhan's husband is a therapist, it's just odd to me that there were no safeguards in place when there's probably a strong understanding that being alone is triggering for him. It gives me this vibe that Dhan's recovery is wholly reliant on codependency with his husband. It also proves that though Dhan may have worked on his recovery with his husband...I don't think he worked on it alone. Which is SUPER important.
I'm gonna put my shipper goggles away for like 5 seconds but I feel like Dhan is beginning to learn a lot from Zeke. More than he realized he would. On some level, I think he's beginning to understand that even though he's not necessarily in the same place he was before, mentally and emotionally, he still has a LOT of work to do. And I like that he and Zeke have found companionship over it, because they're both on different paths of recovery but still fully understand what the other person is going through.
Another thing that stuck out to me is how protective Gabi is of Dhan. I've said it before, but Dhan is clearly her ride of die. I still have the belief that he knows Hugh is in that basement. But it became even more obvious when she rushed to hug Dhan and check his injuries after the fight with Manny in the kitchen where he was almost shot. Both Margaret and Gabi seem super protective of Dhan. It makes me wonder what he was like when they first met him.
Anyway Dhan is a wonderfully written character. I like that it didn't take 3 seasons for us to finally see the sarcastic, cool guy character show GENUINE FEAR, anxiety, and vulnerability.
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ok @thatgirl4815 reminded me of its existence so now i need to revisit ray being called a burden in episode 1 for the millionth time but this time from a post episode 7 lens
(also yes i can read the room and am aware now is not the time in this tags history for a ray sympathy post but wtv) (also i already made a post about this??? i don't really remember august was years ago at this point and i have new thoughts apparently)
to start off, i think the only times ray's been called a burden is by boston and sand. in episode 1, boston is the only one to actually say it but i also think this moment could say a lot about the friend groups reaction to ray in general and how it hasn't really evolved.
boston: in general a lot of the time if boston is addressing ray its to hurt his feelings [see my other post about it here for more in-depth up to episode 5] (episode 1 see below, episode 2+7 boston provokes ray about mew, episode 3 bostonray conversation at the pool party about how much boston pities ray's shitty love life, episode 5 saying rays whole ass is owned by mew and telling sand about ray's crush after seeing them be happy, episode 6 ray confronts boston about whether he really slept with top while top and mew were dating and leaves believing he's a bad person and crying) and i wonder if we'll ever find out why.
but anyway boston calls ray a burden specifically because (in my opinion) he KNOWS it will hurt rays feelings at a time ray is already upset about top flirting with mew.
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ray upset = boston's bitchmode activated
and while we don't know how much boston knows about ray's suicide attempt, and its fair that me might not even have known it happened let alone why, the conversation afterwards implies that the friends all know feeling loved or believing he's lovable is something ray at least struggled with if not still does (in their minds they may not know how he feels in the present about it, we as the audience know these feelings remain for him)
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so that just feels like a cruel jab at ray, but like what else is the bostonray dynamic if not this.
cheum: cheum not only doesn't say anything when ray gets called a burden but she gets confused as to why he gets upset at it (i believe she specifically says "he gets so emotional when drunk"). my thoughts on whether or not she knows about ray's attempt is the same as i thought about boston, she probably knows something (she's the one that says "screw those who don't love you, i love you", but then also lists qualties that would make him desirable in a relationship and not really as a person, so she either doesn't get what ray's self-worth issues really reflect or wasn't told).
i don't want to say she's oblivious to ray but it kinda feels? that way. i think it would be interesting to look further into her relationship with april for this, the way she values having a happy relationship over an honest one, chooses lying over telling a truth that could potentially hurt.
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i don't think she's purposefully ignoring ray to keep her peace, but i think it would be interesting from a character perspective to know if she's so desperate to keep the friend group together she tries to underplay threats to it or to her friends (very different context but in episode 7 she says the group should "throw away personal issues" which lowkey makes the most sense in terms of finishing a project but still feels relevant to this) or if she doesn't look for underlying issues within the friend group while they're all pretending to be ok, and instead waits for something to blow up. like how in episode 7 she realizes ray was upset more then just being drunk and pissed off only after she knew about top and the tape, which reveals she didn't think there was a deeper reason why ray was up on that stage screaming crying and self-sabotoging in the moment it was happening. or earlier on in episode 1 when ray is saying he loves his friends as their dragging him home and boston says "i know what he's gonna say next" and cheum says "he will keep saying he loves us" but boston says "he'll say guys don't leave me", which is a small moment but i wonder if it was intentional for boston to acknowledge a sad truth about ray (especailly since he only does it when hes drunk) and cheum just repeating the much more positive thing.
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i also am thinking about her telling ray "why wouldn't you think to call us" after finding out days later he was in a car accident, when her and mew talked about ray before but they decided he wasn't responding because he was just drunk and then didn't check up on him.
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[side not im obsessed with her saying "im mad you told april about me, but i get that you were trying to tell mew about top and ton" like does she 1. not know mew already knew about the tape when ray got on that stage and 2. think that ray was airing EVERYONE'S issues just for the topboston reveal?? like is it just me or were there obviously A LOT of reasons ray started yelling everyone's dirty laundry out to the bar while crying and trying to fight people, also 3. ray never apologizes to cheum for it, which maybe they don't feel like he has to, but like cheum says im angry at you and ray responds to something else she says and then the conversation shifts, like it feels like both of them are not addressing tension within the group purposefully]
I wonder if she is naive about ray and his issues, if she's the kind of person that needs someone else to reach out before noticing someone's issues, or if she doesn't want people close to her to be in pain, or leave her and so she chooses not to acknowledge problems (hoping for a cheum arc pls pls pls)
(i am not a mew hater i don't know why i kinda come across as one here im not criticizing him im just interpereting his actions through the lens of someone predisposed to be hurt by them)
Mew: when it comes to hearing ray get called a burden by boston, he doesn't do anything, which maybe he just doesn't remember what ray said to him the night from the flashback (which fair i was in a similar situation and i've completely blocked that night out of my memory), but if he does and let's other people repeat to ray the same phrases that convinced him his life isn't worth living then… yeah… (actually i am now leaning towards mew maybe not having that night ingrained in him, like if someones final goodbye to you includes them saying their unlovable and a burden and you don't react to them being called that later on in the future then maybe he's just forgotten)
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i'd also say that maybe mew doesn't fully get ray's issues, like at the beginning of episode 6 he tells top that because of his moms, he never felt lacking in love because he always knew he had sources for it, so maybe he didn't fully process all of what ray was saying that night, or the role he holds in ray's life.
it could also explain his attitude towards ray in the entire rest of the series. like him commenting on ray bringing out the flask again (the fact the flask went away and is now coming back haunts me so much more than i think it was intended to)
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and showing concern but also saying he can't be ray's emergency staff all the time (translated into attachment issues as: you're being a burden again, i can't handle you)
or the conversation in episode 6 where he assumes ray is in the bathroom because he's drunk or getting high (translated into attachment issues as: you're letting me down like you always do or you're not good enough for anyone me) he asks ray why he doesn't love himself (translated into attachment issues as: your letting people down or theres something wrong with you or just general confused noises at a concept you can't comprehend) he tells ray he'll die before he's thirty (im not gonna really comment on this one besides, 1. if it was up to ray and not the characters that save him then yeah thats the point, and 2. he's not only seemingly inherited his mothers addiction issues but he seems to believe he's destined to follow in all of her footsteps…) [side note, but ray then saying "don't worry about me" with a smile on his face while seeming to be somewhere else entirely… kinda reminding me of him saying he won't be anyones burden anymore in the bathtub tbh. actaully in general i can't get over how tired he looks in this scene and how determined he is to paint on a smile for mew]
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[[second side note, rays face after mew tells him 'lets be friends forever" yeah….. no one talk to me about it]]
this scene in general seems to have an underlying emotion that i can't really define (if anyone knows pls tell me) but watching the scene on its own now that time has passed really does make it feel like a goodbye and i wonder if the scene feels sad because mew picks up on that too, or maybe he's just confused at ray's behaviour and ray is feeling conflicted about his own emotions, either way fucking ouch.
i guess my point with mew is that i don't think he has bad intentions but i don't think the things he thinks are helping ray actaully are, which, yeah why would mew at his big age of like 22 at the most know how to save ray. i think it shows he cares but that throughout this show so far there isn't enough communication between ray and his friends to truly get what they're dealing with here, that ray buries a lot of his feelings and that he seems to be operating on a different scale of pain. and in terms for my thoughts on how this evolves throughout the series, mew makes an effort with ray but we as the audience (especially compared to sand's scenes) see the ways he falls short, i think mew being with ray will give him the potential to learn more about ray or realize how much he doesn't know/understand. i hope it opens up communication between them, but i can't lie and say im not lowkey looking forward to them dealing emotional damage to eachother on a scale we didn't know possible.
like all my analysis posts i lost the point like 3 sentences in and just started rambling but curious on anyone elses thoughts on this now we are on episode 7
(also im not trying to be over critical of the group of 22 year olds, i was just projecting as the person in their 20s in a friendgroup who feels like a burden, i don't think any of these things make any of the characters bad ppl or anything it just creates interesting dynamics, peace and love <3)
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grepfrutmeat · 3 months
very messy and probably a little misheard notes from liquid mercury twitter space below the cut
the return of kyler and marter twitter space, later changed to liquid mercury (and possibly something else idk)
was kinda late not sure by how much. maybe 10~ minutes
martin is still blown away by something
-kyle says he cant wait for thing to happen (evil laughing)
-its one guy (..) suit
-talked about terrified fansong, martin really dug it
-felix felix you motherfuckwr (twf the musical
-we should make a really bad walten files musical
-we did that- “felix where are my kids da da da”
-joke twf musical
-fucking. imagine dragons okay martin.
-eva mentioned about the three characters holding beer bottles together how she made a joke that its norman felix and Rory and people thought it was serious
-but rory is not real..
-martin “who the fuck is that”
-”you gotta stop listening to me. i lie” -eva
-it is now revealed lily is charles daughter
-it was so hard to keep it a secret
-accidentally mentioned on space but nobody noticed until like one person
-he dies on her birthday …
-knowing what happens to this character,
-being able to talk about “bon” is weird.
-martin loves this spectre
-g man comparisons
-martin had 2 inspirations for spectre, one being calculated how hal 9000 (i have no mouth i must scream guy??) expresses emotions like batman riddler, (the batman)
-eva made it subtler
-”perhaps what i am is not as important as what i can offer you” pinnacle of bon
-handing boozoo mask to charles?
-what if bon is from the futureeeee (okay martin.)
-most of episode 4 was made a couple weeks ago lolll
-this episode is a miracle
(missed a bunch here)
-charles lines are really good
-the scene ;) the highlight of the episode
-episode 6 at his best
-progression of susan + charles va improving
-episode 6 is a turning point, traumatic event for characters one specific one.
-episode 6 gets as close as it can be to being a nightmare
-not analog horror scary, but like a chaotic nightmare that shouldn't be happen. horror movie-esque
-everything that can go wrong goes wrong, like a real nightmare.
-arin hanson nightmare. barnacles.
-episode 6 high stakes
-”bon” - fe lix (bon says felix at some point? woag maybe) , martin says he likes how bon says felix
-eva (spectre( has a monologue in 6
-episode 6 is awe some
-maritial status. divorced
-martin talks about charles divorce
-in 1974 he's divorced, recently divorced.
-his ex wife is named emily. divorced a few months before shit happens
-if Charles didn't go missing they might have resolved their relationship
-small bit talking to Emily in one episode. charles still loves ex wife but it didn't work out.
-charles close friends with ex wife but don't work as a couple
-martin says charles feels like what jack and felix could've been.
-charles is selfless,
-felix and linda split up would be better as friends cus they're not good as a couple
-charles knows this about his relationship but felix doesn't think this about his
-martin loves charles ;3
-he's already my favorite
-eva likes charles susan dynamic (i hear u)
-theyre two sillt friends having fun!!!
-dynamic war.
-(joke) “heyt guys. in the next episode. rory appears. and kills bom” “it was all a dream” “susan marries linda and Charles raises his kid and jack finds his kids. and is found” he was hiding in a box” (trumpet sounds)
-susan and charles are better friends than jack and felix
-jack and Felix don't get along as well as real friends. business relationship.
-kyle quotes jerma lolll
-felix and jack written as people that seem friendly and social but are isolated in their own ways
-jack is only entirely honest with rosemary
-felix just doesn't
-felix tries to hide addiction from jack and
-felix sees jack as someone he'd like to be, looks up to jack, affectionate to him and envious, wants to be on his good side so doesn't say anything to him. which is why jack didn't know.
-sophie jophie and jenny jophie joke…
-theyd rock paper scissors over last names
-jenny is better than sophie at rock paper scissors. lettersons.
-sophie would change to sophie Letterson like 100%
-highlight of the month was liking jelix art and everybody noticed …
-”jelix sloppy making out” “DONT SPOIL SIX” (joke)
-joke about charles looking horrified cus jelix making out in felix office lmao
-boozoos voice slightly tiny tim-ish COOL
qna part
-spectre is freakishly tall, skinny michael meyers
-spectres voice changes a lot, sometimes silly, depends on what he's saying/who he's talking to.
-spectre wont hide his motivation but he won't reveal it outright, he won't sit down and explain what he's doing, he’ll just do it.
-chris appears in photos, isn't really mentioned. Chris is someone who knows how to turn a situation in his favor, go-getter. has interesting dynamics with main characters later in series
-kyle can't wait for people to see what happens with Chris
-long way to go to show it, but chris apparently has a really cool design later on (1982)
-cant wait for people to see his role in 1982 . martin can't say why
-no correct understanding of chris but some people have very different expectations of who he is.
-chris is a silly-serious blend, similar to charles, less naive
-all they can say
-charles fact: something really fun about charles, he will always put his kid first more than anything. he brings her to work a lot (not gonna see this in series tho) everyone would play with her. dress up as pirates. :)
-felix would tell lily santa doesn't exist. LOLLL
-cant say something spoiler…
-G ROUND BREAKING REVALATION: FOR CONTEXT. Brian stells was the first human character to speak in twf. back in 2020. people would ship brian stells and sophie walten. but it was wrong angle. because yesterday. came to the realization. that brian would be into middle aged single mothers (technically rosemary…)
-brian would try to hit on rosemary??? and jack would grab his shotgun and shoot at him. okay martin. jack is a good shooter ??
-canon brian is jesse pinkman
-chris is more season 4-5 jesse pinkman.
(missed a lot)
-showstopper lore bon and banny friends but like. only cus bon wants to save face
-cybertelly would be the showstoppers lawyer
-felix fursona with glasses and suits (kyle says bon is just like felix)
-sha js rose’s fursona. rosemary is a furry.
-linda only talked to susan cus they were good friends but not rosemary. linda would've told susan she was leaving.
-felix scene on the river was hardest to animate cus it was in a lighter place, but with felix its lit up middle of day
-potential actual showstopper show ?? 11 minute episodes
-rosemarys favorite character was sha. but billy if not sha, rosemary loves clowns
-ed molly fun fact: they liked playing pong. martin thinks ed would be mischievous and do pranks, between sophie ed and molly he'd be the most rebellious. molly would be more like “ed you cant blow up the school that's not right”
-molly was very behaved. best behaved walten child.
-rosemarys sister laura in season 2. rosemary doesn't like her family and doesn't really speak to her mom or sister much.
-jacks favorite drink is ramasote or wine, rosemary likes champagne, sophie likes mojito “i think drink does not just mean alcohol”
-mollys is pepsi. eds is liquid mercury. jacks favorite drink black coffee or rumcoke. jack would have a gallon of rootbeer.
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subaerial-dweller · 1 year
ok so i know episode 1 literally just ended, but i had this thought halfway through and i need to write it down in case i'm right.
i think ranboo might face reveal at the end of episode 3? for one, they said we would be most surprised by the ending, and his fans would certainly be shocked with a face reveal. secondly, i think the ending has to do with their character taking off the mask because that's what 'showfall media' controls him with. and under the mask it might not make sense for him to have another mask, in the storyline.
ranboo seems to be a lot more comfortable now than a couple of years ago, but of course there's no pressure to do anything like that. because it's a pretty personal decision and not up to us to push him to do something he doesn't want to do. but i thought i should write it down, so on the off chance that it does happen, i can feel all nice about it. great episode, by the way! loved charlie, sneeg, and the ghouls. can't wait to see more on may 26th!
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mcsm-confessions · 18 days
(before i start, i would like to say that i am a female. i don’t think this gives me any real credibility for this context, but i’m mentioning it anyway so people aren’t as quick to write me off as an ignorant male)
i feel really bad for keeping this going, and i know the people getting mad at petra haters are not talking about me (im the person who said petra and lukas were boring), but i feel like i should say this:
yes, petra is a complex character. when you take into account everything that happened, yes, she is interesting. a character analysis on her would certainly return fruitful results and would make someone appreciate her more
but i still think she’s boring. a character can be complex and interesting on paper, but if they aren’t entertaining, i don’t think many people would care. my problem isn’t with petra’s personality or selfishness or whatever, it’s with the fact that she simply isn’t very fun to pay attention to
why do people enjoy romeo, even if he’s an incredibly bad person? he’s entertaining. why do people like cassie rose? she was fun to watch after being revealed to be the white pumpkin. even lukas was interesting to talk to during the witherstorm arc
of course, i’m not saying every petra hater only hates her because she’s boring. there’s certainly other reasons, justified or not. but for me personally, i just don’t find her whole background arc to be worth paying enough attention to to care about its climax in the cabin scene. especially not when more immediately cool things are happening, like the witherstorm or pama or the ice palace. and certainly not when other characters like lukas, ivor, jack, and radar have more interesting dialogue
though also, take this with a grain of salt since i haven’t rewatched the entirety of minecraft story mode since i first binged it months ago. ive rewatched most of the episodes once in different orders, only excluding the last 3 episodes of the witherstorm arc and 202
if it wasn’t obvious, i mean absolutely 0 hate to petra fans, y’all deserve to chill as hard as you do. i just wanted to say this for whoever might feel the same
also i’ve never seen anyone do this, but if people unironically defend romeo bro wtf are you on💀💀💀
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Netflix Daredevil star Charlie Cox reveals the real reason why he isn't on social media
Exclusive: 'I have a big feeling like if it is not broken, don’t fix it'
By Sandra Mallon   3 OCT 2022  (X)
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Kin star Charlie Cox reveals he isn’t on social media – because the superstar wouldn’t know what to say to his fans.
The Daredevil star – who returns to our screens as Michael Kinsella in the new season later this year - says that having an online presence for his millions of fans “is not really my bag”, admitting he’s a very private person.
Charlie told us: “I don't know what I would say to people I don’t know. I genuinely don’t. I’m not against it and obviously a lot of people tell me I should because it’s part of the industry, part of the world now. It’s not really my bag. I’m very private. Also, I have a big feeling like if it is not broken, don’t fix it and my life… I don’t get bothered.”
The UK star feels grateful to be working on Kin, saying “it feels like luck” that he came across the script as his TV wife producer Samantha Thomas was already working on the Rte One series.
“So much of it just feels like luck. I don’t know how… you know when you get sent a script, you’re getting sent one tiny clog in this huge mechanism and the other clogs haven’t even been developed yet.
“With filmmaking I always found that one element can completely sabotage it. I saw a cut of a movie I was in, it looked really promising and the sound design ruined it and it ended up not working so I’m very aware that we make decisions with a very limited amount of information so it was a huge amount of luck involved.
“So when something comes along that does work and there is a fanbase behind it and there is a thirst and a hunger for more of it, I think you just got to be really grateful for that. I’ve always stayed quite close to the theatre, I think that helps,” he added.
Charlie previously told us how he used to “dread” going on the Kin set because it would drain his emotions as an actor.
He told us in August: “When I read it (the script) I was so devastated by the loss of Jamie. I can tell you just from filming episodes two and three of last season. There was a period of time where I was like 'wow, I really kind of am dreading going to work'.
“I mean I loved the creative process, I was loving the storytelling and I believed in it so much. But sitting in those feelings… when you do a funeral scene and you’re doing a funeral all day, you’re sitting in that grief all day.
“You know there was a scene at the wake where Jamie is in the coffin and we filmed that scene all day and we are grieving all day, albeit it acting but you still have to draw it from somewhere.
“It lingers… It's a very uncomfortable emotion to be living in and so my feeling with this show and in particular what happens in the beginning is that if anything it shines a light on how devastating to a family and to a community that life can be.”
Charlie revealed how fortunate he feels that he no longer takes on roles for the money – but rather to fill his own creative needs as an actor.
“The last few years of my life I have been fortunate enough to be in a position where there has been work. Not all the time. There was a few years ago there was a period where I was waiting for the right thing and nothing would come along. It gets quite nerve-wracking after eight or nine months.
“I’ve never been someone who jumps into work just to work. I always wanted to curate a career as much as possible. It’s very difficult to do when you start because you have to take every job you get really.
“The last few years have been slightly different. And so, I’m not taking any jobs for the money. It’s all for creative reasons.
“Then there are other things you factor in, like keeping the family together is a big one now,” he added.
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theteapotofdoom · 1 year
Just found you talking about the ambiguity of the last ep in the Barry tag and I just need someone to scream over this with because none of my other irl or fandom friends watch this show, and I don’t see many people acknowledging the ambiguous ending online either.
Like I have appreciated the incredible craft exhibited in the last couple of episodes and also the profundity with which they have spoken to the cycle of violence, but the tone shift has been so severe I have really had difficulty accepting that they are taking place in reality. The show has always had a surreal tint to it but it has always also felt grounded in its small details. (And the clash between those two things was where most of the comedy lied as well). The last two eps felt so surreal and ungrounded (and similar to other uses of visions and dreams in the show, like when Barry is injured in season 3) that I kept waiting for them to be revealed as a dream. So I was kind of relieved when the show seemed to be snapping back to reality at the end of this ep.
But if it was a dream or hallucination, when did it start? We haven’t seen Barry that clean shaven and young looking for a long time. Were all the plot lines a part of it, or were some of them real? I don’t know what to think, or even what I want to be true. It feels rare that weekly release shows really leave you this unsure in between eps anymore. I am stressed!
Ok that’s all, I appreciate your Barry thoughts.
Aaaaaaah so excited to discuss Barry with other fans!!! I've been a massive fan of the show for years, but I don't think that many of my followers and mutuals watch it so I never truly get to discuss it with anyone.
On the one hand, I don't want the past two episodes to be dreams or hallucinations because I appreciate the bold decision of an eight-year jump. It feels like jumping into the unknown, all of our favourite characters are different people now, and we, the audience, were robbed of eight years of their lives. I don't even know how to explain it adequately, but there is a sense of finality here (and not just because this is the final season). There is no going back. Barry and Sally have a child. That child has a terrible life. Fuchs is now the Raven after spending eight years in jail. Hank has his own empire while still running away from his guilt even eight years after Cristobalt's death. Gene is only now talking to his son whom he shot eight years ago. There he a new status quo now, even if just for only a few episodes. And we didn't get to see it happen. We barely had time to adjust to it.
In a way, this is telling us that there was never any hope of a happy ending for any of these characters and it's SO BRUTAL I can't help but love it. Barry is living in a house with Sally and their kid like he always wanted? Absolutely awful and depressing. Sally writing a show where she is a good mother helping her daughter to get a better life? Well, she is a real mother now and definitely not a good one. Hank doing 50/50 with Cristobal? Nope, he is powerful and rich but on his own, and everyone thinks he fucked over Cristobal to get there.
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND: yeah, like you said and like a lot of people mentioned, there is a certain ... eerie or dreamlike vibe in those episodes that is hard to ignore. Like you just said, the show got us used to Barry's daydreams and hallucinations, so it's something that we were taught to expect from time to time. This is why the end of episode 4 got us speculating like crazy! And this is why even now, as it should be confirmed that is all very real, we still can't help but think "But is it though???"
I like that you said that felt relieved at the end of the episode when it felt like we were snapping back to reality because I kind of felt that too. I know I just said that said I want the time jump to be real because it makes for a better story, but there is something comforting in the idea that it isn't. Because it feels as if the time jump isn't real and it was all a dream, then there is still hope for all our characters. They can still get out of it. Does that make sense?
We will soon see I guess! I also think that it's quite likely that we are all just overthinking everything and we all just got confused because Bill looks younger without the glasses on XD
A last point that I want to bring up is that I feel a lot of David Lynch vibes this season and I love it. It makes a lot of sense, because Bill Hader is a massive cinephile and talks about David Lynch A LOT in interviews, and the influence has never been more present than in season 3 and especially 4 of Barry. David Lynch is the director of the dreams and the surreal. From Twin Peaks to Mulholland Drive, his movies are often about reality and dreams merging, to the point where the audience never truly knows what's real or not. Even in his seemingly more straightforward movies like Blue Velvet, Lynch has a way of filming the most mundane things like an eerie nightmare. The man will show you an empty apartment and you will have nightmares about it for weeks. I really felt the Lynch influence this season and it's super interesting to me.
Yes hi hello I love talking about Barry, Bill Hader we are getting you another Emmy ON GOD!!!!
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convenientalias · 2 years
I Rate Cdramas by Whump: Part 2
Two years ago now I made a post rating every cdrama I'd watched at the time by quality of whump. I feel I've watched enough cdramas since then that it is now time for a sequel.
(Note: If you like kdramas, I made two posts rating those by whump as well, for your reference.)
Some notes before I begin:
Yes this is entirely objective. What do you mean??
If the ratings seem a little high, it might be because whump is one of the things that convinces me to watch a show to begin with.
There will be spoilers, but vague spoilers.
I'm only listing shows I've completed and remember well enough to rate.
Addicted Heroin--8/10. This is a gay school romance between surprise stepsiblings, it's not really meant to be whumpy. Despite this, it has some drunk and angsty scenes, some sick scenes, and even a kidnapping!! I would give it a 10/10 purely for going the distance it Did Not Need to Go (although the source material is even whumpier, but that's another story) but I feel I should be honest and say it is primarily a show of comedy, not over the top whump. The whump is definitely there though.
City of Streamer--I'd probably be more into the whump here if I was more into lady whump, as a lot of bad things happen to female characters, both physically and emotionally. Men go through distress but it's usually not as physical as I'd like. Since I'm very picky about lady whump and this show mostly doesn't hit the spot for me, I'll give it a 3/10.
Granting You a Dreamlike Life--10/10, Luo Fusheng's life sucks. People in this show get beat up, threatened with guns, stabbed, arrested, kidnapped, chased by wolves, trapped by an avalanche, literally shot.... "People" here mostly meaning Luo Fusheng but Tianying and some others get a good share of whump as well. Granting You a Dreamlike Life is living the dream.
Joy of Life--I really wanted to see Fan Xian get whumped but by halfway through the show I had to accept that it was more of a power fantasy type drama about Fan Xian being Clever and Competent. If you ever see me complaining about Joy of Life, know that this is a solid part of my sour grapes. 3/10, credit given to the Teng Zjing arc and the couple times Fan Xian gets captured or arrested.
Rattan--9/10. This show has two endings and I swear they did that specifically to deliver two different brands of whump/angst. But more importantly, they put poor Qin Fang through the fucking wringer! In the first fucking episode he gets drugged, arguably kidnapped, and almost dies in a car crash. Then the rest of the show he suffers from a curse, gets kidnapped, gets hurt so bad he falls into a coma.... They really do not go easy on this poor boy. Honorable mention to Si Teng's tragic backstory and Qin Fang's business partner also getting abducted that one time.
Reset--Ehhh the leads are going through it but they're mostly just getting tired. They do get arrested/interrogated a good deal, and die a whole lot. But I'd call this a suspenseful show, not a whumpy one. 2/10, rare nonwhumpy fave for me.
Sword Dynasty--I must begrudgingly admit they whumped the prince in this show pretty good, and they whumped the MC a lot too, I just hated him. This show is bad but I will admit it is moderately whumpy. A very begrudging 5/10.
Under the Skin--Level of whump maybe a bit higher than average for a crime procedural. Police officers being menaced is pretty standard, especially when one is an ~artistic genius~. Shen Yi sure does drown a lot, though, and the flashback revealing his reaction to Lei Yi Fei's death is really angsty. I'd give it a 6/10 bc my standards for thrillers are higher than my standards, for example, for a school drama like Addicted Heroin.
Weaving a Tale of Love--I said my taste in lady whump was picky and guess what, a cheerful crossdressing female lead getting whumped is in fact my taste. I loved seeing bad things happen to Liuli/Xiao Douzi! I would have been up for seeing her get drugged or imprisoned some more!! 7/10 bc while the whump is good when it's there, the majority of the show is cheerful, shippy, or plotty, and not really all that whumpy.
Winter Begonia--Whump is not what I go to Winter Begonia for. I go to it for the slice of life vibes, the slashiness, and the Chinese opera. But, as whump goes, it's actually quite strong. There are opera performers losing their voice, losing their ability to walk, losing their reputations, some even losing their lives. And then there's Cheng Fengtai, friendly and kind of shady businessman who has his own shit going on--most notably he goes into a coma at one point and also is once kidnapped by bandits. Honestly 8/10, I don't think of it as whumpy when looking back on it but objectively there is a lot.
Word of Honor--People are slowly dying with nails in their chest. People are mourning their lost loved ones and falling apart. And sometimes getting beaten up or captured in the present as well. 9/10, I could go higher but I always get a sense of restraint from this show. Even if the leads are pushed to the breaking point, it's not quite as gleeful about it as some others on this list; there's generally a sense of "fuck it, I've been through worse, I'm used to this", which doesn't quite push my buttons but may appeal a lot to other tastes. I could be convinced to give it a 10 though? Mixed feelings.
Xiang Long--The urge is to give this a 1000/10 but I'm a principled rater and cannot break my rating system! and yet! this show breaks my brain!! every day I have to get up and remember that Long Xiang shot his own subordinate in the head in an attempt to convince Bai Lusheng to quite a hunger strike and then proceeded to get mad at him for being passive aggressive while eating!!!! every day I go on living in this world. Fuck. He threw the dude's gun down a well, damn it! I will someday find a way to transmigrate into the world of Xiang Long and murder Long Xiang, but anyways: kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome and an abundance of Lima Syndrome, torture, people getting shot and whipped and blown up etc etc etc..... 10/10 bc I'm a principled person and will adhere to my rating system. If you watched this show for a reason other than whump, I'm not sure whether to fear or admire you, but you're stronger than me.
Some final notes:
I said in my last cdrama-whump-rating post that whump and serious drama do not correlate, but I've begun to think whump even flourishes MORE in a less serious/more over the top or tropey show. Xiang Long and Granting You a Dreamlike Life are great examples of this, as they both put melodrama over realism. Rattan and Addicted Heroin have a mostly light tone but can include some extreme whump without a tonal clash bc they aren't super serious about their whump either. In contrast, Reset and City of Streamer generally have a more grounded and suspenseful tone, and their whump level is low--even if people get hurt, it's rarely focused on. Meanwhile, Winter Begonia lies in a weird intersection of melodrama and tragic melancholy, and I think it's because it's whump tends to play more to the serious side of the show that in my head I'm always thinking of it more as angsty, less as whumpy. But maybe this is all due to how I classify whump rather than the inherent characteristics of whump in general. I'd be happy to hear anyone's thoughts!
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teenmomcentral · 2 months
Cory Wharton is getting real about how past infidelity continues to play a role in his relationship with Taylor Selfridge.
“Taylor doesn’t trust me because I cheated on her five years ago and I regret it every day,” Wharton, 33, revealed on the Wednesday, March 27, episode of Teen Mom: Family Reunion. “I need to do the best I can do to make sure to rebuild that trust between me and Taylor because right now, it’s dragging us down like an anchor.”
The revelation came when the cast was participating in a couple’s exercise with relationship experts Dr. Mike Dow and Michaiah Dominguez.
When asked what was blocking their relationship progress, both Wharton and Selfridge, 29, agreed that their trust was not where it should be.
"In terms of trust, Cory just wants me to get over it because it happened so long ago,” Selfridge explained. “Yes, it happened five years ago but I’m not over it yet and I feel like it’s something we haven’t worked through yet.”
She continued, “I’m definitely still holding a grudge about it. I don’t forget. That’s the problem. I’ll always think there could be something. It’s hard when someone breaks your trust like that.”
Wharton and Selfridge have been together since meeting on Ex on the Beach in 2017. They share two daughters: Mila, 3, and Maya, 20 months. Wharton also shares daughter Ryder, 7, with ex Cheyenne Floyd.
During the exercise, Floyd, 31, was surprised by her ex’s openness about his past mistakes.
"I don’t know if everybody here knew about the cheating and I think that now that the cheating has been put on the table, it just brings up all those past emotions for Taylor,” Floyd said. “Cory has to realize that cheating can be really hard to work through and I feel like he doesn’t have the proper tools to work through it right now by himself.”
In a separate chat with costar Tyler Baltierra, Wharton expressed his belief that cheating isn’t the only issue he has to work through with his longtime girlfriend.
“Early in our relationship, I made a dumb mistake and I’m paying for it to this day,” he said. “But there’s more to me and her than just my issues.”
Selfridge appeared to agree when chatting exclusively with Us Weekly before Teen Mom: Family Reunion’s season premiere earlier this month. She also provided a status on their relationship after cameras wrapped.
“We both have our deep-rooted issues with different things that kind of play a part in our relationship,” she told Us on March 5. “I don’t want to give anything away, but we’re definitely still together, I will say. We definitely did not separate.”
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winderlylandchime · 7 months
2/3 Brian tells why he is doing the ride ‘oh shit, that’s why he’s doing it. *he is now tearing up* he can survive it. So basically this ride is his version of that bell that kids in hospitals ring when they beat cancer? Fuck. I really need him to be okay at the very end on the show because i grew really attached and I did not plan on this happening. Go finish the ride Bri Bri! You got this!’ *long pause* ‘even tho i like Mike now, this wouldve been better with Blondie’ ‘JUSTIN! Go on the plane right now! Our man needs you! Can he go home, this is killing me. Ugh Connor. Tell him Justin! You guys are together because you want to be and not because of a fucking wedding. Mhm! My blondie has come along way! Yes, go home! (Justin mentions the offer) COMING BACK? TO WHERE? Shouldnt we maybe talk to Bri Bri about this? Even though since he pretended to not do the ride so he’d go to LA, i feel like he’d do something similar but still. I hate this’ ‘i fucking love Emmett and Ted. They made it to the middle of the ride JUST LIKE ME AT THAT MARATHON! Except I wasn’t participating at all. BUT TWINS!’ ‘they came back to Pittsburgh! Where’s Brian? AHHH JUSTIN IS BACK! FINALLY! Why didnt anyone tell him about the injury! I swear I’m the only one worried about Brian’ ‘where’s Brian? Where’s my baby? It’s dark! SOMEONE FIND BRI BRI! ITS SNOWING AND DARK! (Debbie says she’s starting to get worried) IT TOOK YOU THIS FUCKING LONG?! (She says she was worried 4 hours ago) thats better.’ And the scene with Brian coming is up and he actually is on the verge of tears ‘BRIAN! HE MADE IT! HE FUCKING DID IT! HE CAN SURVIVE ANYTHING! JUST A LITTLE MORE BRI BRI! BLONDIE AND I ARE WAITING! (Brian sees Justin) AHHHH HE SEES BLONDIE! HES DOING IT FOR HIM! I JUST KNOW IT! GO BRI BRI! You got this! *he jumped up with fists up* GO BRIAN!!! YOU GOT THIS BRI BRI! GOOOOO BRIAN!!’ And the baby is shown ‘Jenny rebecca? That’s…i mean it’s..a name. Im not gonna talk shit about a baby…yet’ ‘where the fuck are Brian and Justin? No offense but I was deprived of them the whole episode and apparently unless some changes happen real fucking fast, i will be deprived of them again because of fucking LA, so put them on the TV now because Bri Bri has some news to share about his big boy feelings’ Deb turns down the engagement ‘oh shit..okay I get Debbie. It makes sense. I support it *makes a fist* ALLY! *pauses tv and looks at me* yo, did mom and dad ever talk to you about kids and marriage? (I tell him kinda) good, nice (i ask him if they ever talked to him) nope, except one time when I made a joke about having a kid, both of them at the same time screamed don’t. (Narrator note: the whole family knows that when it comes to marriage he’s very much like Brian about it but only for himself, for others he’s obsessed with it)..maybe i should surprise them and as a joke get married in vegas.’ And the hospice scene is up and they just revealed the name change and he is again teary eyed ‘Vic. I miss him so much, he has a house named after him! BRIAN DID THAT? Of course Brian did that. Why am i even surprised? God he has changed so fucking much since season 1. I mean not in the caring about friend’s department, the only change there is that he does it a bit more loudly now. But everything else? Huge change. I hate that the cancer had to happen for it but fuck it, i guess’ ‘what is he doing in the club? I thought he was broken? What? VIC! *starts tearing up again* LOOK AT BRIAN SMILING AT VIC. HE WILL HAVE A LOT MORE YEARS THAN THAT! So was Vic his ghost of the past or future?’ And Britin scene is up ‘aw Justin is looking after him. I fucking love this shit. *pauses ep, sits up and looks at me* strap in loser, its time for the big finish! The i love you is coming! I can feel it in my bones!’ *starts ep* ‘awww Blondie is laying on his arm. Fucking adorable, come on now Bri, whisper it to him. THAT ACTOR HAS TO BE A FAKE TOM CRUISE! Please tell me Blondie changed his mind because Brian fell and because Brian will now tell him he loves him. HE HAD TIME TO THINK!’
where the fuck are Brian and Justin? No offense but I was deprived of them the whole episode and apparently unless some changes happen real fucking fast, i will be deprived of them again because of fucking LA, so put them on the TV now because Bri Bri has some news to share about his big boy feelings OH MAN
I am laughing in my office right now (I had to pause responding to these because I had a meeting but I’m in between meetings now) right now about about your brother and marriage and weddings. I love that he’s Brian for himself but really on board for everyone else. That’s really sweet.
And the resolution with Vic is always so lovely. I still wish they didn’t have to kill him off. He could have, you know, talked to Brian about facing death while still being alive.
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jamiewintons · 2 years
hello my fav thomas thorne writer <3 i was wondering if you could write a fic, where f reader died at button house in this modern generation tho, she and Thomas have a really cute friendship, like she shows him how the worlds developed and she had her phone on her when she died, so goes on it together with him and he's so fascinated ect. they clearly like each other so maybe a confession? and reader is very touchy - im sorry for rambling THOMAS IS TOO PRECIOUS I LUV HIM 😭 also i love reading ur fics, ur so talented and deserve so much for the thomas content u provide , much appreciated 😞💗
Oh my gosh, anon, you are so sweet!!! I'm so happy that you enjoy my writing and that I'm your favourite Thomas writer! You have no idea what that means to me! And don't worry, rambling about Thomas is my favourite past time 💗
This was such an adorable idea, so I was more than happy to write it for you. I hope you enjoy it!!!
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You and Thomas were close, and had been ever since your death, about a year and a half ago. He had been the first ghost you met, the one who explained to you what had happened and what you were now.
He was so sweet and polite towards you, making sure you were alright and always being there when you needed somebody to talk to. It wasn’t long before you considered him a good friend, telling off anyone when they made fun of him, while he in turn would chastise Julian whenever he made an inappropriate comment towards you, Fanny when she scolded you for supposedly unladylike behaviour.
Today you were doing what you often did, sitting in the library with Thomas, watching something on your phone. You had been lucky enough to die holding your phone, which had seemed to ascend to ghosthood alongside you.
Amazingly it still worked, and so it gave you and your fellow ghosts a connection to the world of the living without having to bother Alison constantly. Thomas could use it to write his poems so he didn’t have to always remember them off the top of his head, and there was even a couple of weeks where you’d accidentally gotten Kitty and Pat addicted to Pokemon Go. Of course, you were careful to ensure that Julian was never allowed to use the phone without supervision because you didn’t need to be mentally scarred by his Google searches again.
But it was especially nice to be able to share things with Thomas. You could show him all of your favourite music, films, and television shows from when you were alive. Who knew that your Netflix subscription would continue working after your death? He’d even been able to find some new interests of his own – the week after he discovered the music of Taylor Swift was certainly an emotional time for him – and you could update him on anything he wanted to know about how the world had changed since he was alive.
The episode of the current show you’d been binging ends, and you sigh, resting your head on Thomas’ shoulder. He tries not to freeze up. You had always been very physically affectionate, and he should be been used to it by now, but he never fails to end up incredibly flustered. Of course Thomas doesn't dislike the contact, that couldn’t be further from the truth, honestly it was the thing he looked forward to the most when he woke up every morning, and the last thought on his mind as he fell asleep every night.
He had come to love you dearly since the two of you had met, and strangely it had taken him a long time to realise it. When you had died, he’d still been pining over Alison, but gradually all of his thoughts started to become about you. How he longed to tell you his feelings, but what if you did not feel the same way? Would suddenly revealing romantic feelings hurt your friendship? In any case, he wished to confess his feelings to you through his poetry, and he’d been working on a particular poem for a while now. Perhaps he would eventually work up the courage to read it for you.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Thomas asks, when the shock of you being so close to him had worn off, and he's finally able to speak again. You open your eyes and gaze up at him from where your head is resting, and he is nearly struck speechless again by your beauty,
“Hmm? Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit tired. You don’t mind, do you? You’re actually really comfortable.” You sigh contentedly, and Thomas has to stop himself from launching into some dramatic speech about how there is no place that he’d rather you’d be than by his side.
“I am always glad to be of help to you, but surely you would be more comfortable on your bed?” he suggests, despite the fact that he’d love for you to stay there forever. “And perhaps you would allow me to borrow the telephone, I have a few ideas for a poem I have been working on and I would very much like to make a note of them before I forget.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you admit, waiting a few more seconds before you stand up, yawning and stretching for a moment before placing the phone in Thomas’ hand. “Just make sure to bring it back, okay? We don’t want Julian getting his hands on it again.”
You smile sleepily at Thomas, giving him a little wave before turning to leave the library. He simply sits there for a moment, thinking about you resting against him before getting to work on his poem. You certainly had a way of inspiring him without even realising it.
You only intended to take a little nap, but you ended up sleeping for a few hours, as it's dark outside already when you open your eyes. Thomas had left your phone on your bedside table like he said he would, and you reach out to pick it up and check the time.
It’s nearly seven pm. It would probably be best for you to get up now, otherwise you were going to be awake all night and end up exhausted tomorrow. Though, if it gives you an excuse to rest your head against Thomas again, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad? Maybe if you rested your head in his lap next time he’d finally get the hint that you were in love with him.
You unlock the phone to check something, and notice that Thomas had left the notes app open again. Sure, it didn’t really matter since the phone could never run out of charge, you suppose, but you still prefer to close apps when you are no longer using them. Probably just a habit from when you were alive.
As you’re about to shut the app down, something catches your eye in the note that Thomas had left open. It was a poem, seemingly a work in progress, but there at the very top was your name. You knew it was wrong, Thomas’ work should be his own business unless he decided to share it with you, but you couldn’t stop yourself. You felt a little bit giddy, he’d written a poem about you!
Thomas’ words were the most beautiful, romantic things you had ever read in your life, or death. A lot of the poems that he’d shown you had been a little bit silly – you’d still found them adorable though – but this was truly a work of art. As he writes about how he longs to tell you how he feels for you but cannot find the courage, tears start welling up in your eyes. He’s worried that you don’t love him back and that his feelings will scare you off. All you want to do is run out and find him so you can confess that you love him too, but then he’d know that you’d been reading his private things and he might get upset.
Nevertheless, you end up reading the poem a few more times, still just as emotionally affected as the first time. You’re so distracted that you don’t even notice someone walk into the room, tears streaming down your face as you stare at your phone.
“Oh my, Y/N, is something the matter?” Thomas asks, concerned, and you’re so startled that the phone slips from your hands. You scramble to try and catch it but fail, and it ends up falling on the ground. “Allow me to apologise, I did not mean to frighten you so.”
Ever the gentleman, Thomas bends down and picks up the phone for you, but you notice his expression change as he catches a glimpse of what you had been reading.
“This is…”
You look up at him with wide eyes, frightened that he’d be angry at you, but find that his expression carries much the same emotion as your own.
“Please excuse me, I… I must go.” Thomas turns and rushes out of the room before you even have a moment to react. As quickly as you can you follow him into the hallway, but by the time you get there he’s already gone.
“Shit…” you mumble to yourself, wondering where he could have run off to. Why couldn’t you have just shut off the phone and not looked at the poem? Sure, you wouldn’t know the truth of Thomas’ feelings for you, but he also wouldn’t be so upset.
You set off to look for him, checking all of his usual spots – the library, his bedroom, the attic – though all of them were empty. You hear the voices of the other ghosts, asking you what’s wrong, but you brush them aside. You’d apologise to them later, you needed to apologise to Thomas first.
You wracked your brain for a few minutes trying to think of where else he might be, until you finally thought of something. In the poem he had spoken of the moment he first met you, just after your death, while he was on a walk by the lake…
Well, it was worth a try, wasn’t it? It’s not like he could have left the grounds, so there was only a limited amount of places he could be.
Surely enough, you went out to the lake, and saw Thomas sitting there in the grass, gazing out towards the water. His knees were drawn up against his chest, his head resting in his hands. Your phone was sitting on the ground beside him.
“Hey, Thomas,” you say quietly, not wanting to startle him, as you sit down next to him. “It took me a bit to find you, you weren’t in any of the usual places…”
“I required some time to think,” he tells you, still looking out at the lake and not at you. It’s hard to tell, with how dark it is outside, but you think that he might have been crying. Poor thing, you really hadn’t meant to upset him.
“You know, you ran off before I got to tell you what I thought about your poem.” That certainly gets his attention, and he looks over to you, you can see the fear in his eyes.
“You needn’t say anything. I know that it was foolish, amateurish work, unfit to be read by anyone’s eyes, especially yours.” Thomas buries his head in his hands again, clearly very broken up by this whole situation. “I had so much more that I needed to say, to fully convey the depth of my feelings for you, but I–”
“Thomas, you said everything that you needed to say.” You move closer to him, placing your hand on his shoulder. Thomas’ hands come away from his face, and his gaze is transfixed by your own hand. “I’ve never read anything so sweet and romantic before, and it was all for me. I kept reading it over and over, I had no idea you felt that way about me. The way I feel about you.”
Thomas squeaks, unable to form any words at this point. God, he’s so adorable.
“Will you promise to read it to me sometime? I think I would like it a thousand times more if you did.”
“I… I only wish that I had known that you felt that way, Y/N…” He finally looks you in the eye, his brows furrowed in a way that makes it seem like he might start crying again. “I am afraid it is too late. I disposed of the poem.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I know how to get it back.” You pick up your phone, press the screen a few times, and then hold it up towards Thomas. The poem he had spent so long working on only to delete on an emotional whim was back as if he had never lost it.
“Amazing,” Thomas says, looking at you in awe, like you had performed some kind of magic. You grin at him, and he can’t help but smile back. He loves you so much that at this moment, he cannot sort through all of the emotions rushing through him to put them into words. Maybe it were best to stay silent for now, so he didn't say anything foolish.
As you had earlier that day, you rest your head on Thomas’ shoulder, and to his surprise, he feels even happier than when you had done the same thing before. Knowing that you love him, and wish to be close to him as well.
“Hey Thomas? You know… it’s a bit cold out here. Maybe I’d warm up if you put your arm around me?” You suggest, after you’d spent a few moments just enjoying each other's company in comfortable silence.
Thomas tilts his head to the side so it’s resting on top of your own, and you giggle softly. “We’re ghosts, Y/N, we cannot feel the cold.”
“I know that. I’m just trying to sneakily hint that I want you to put your arm around me.” And of course, Thomas is more than happy to do so. “I love you, Thomas.”
Thomas makes that squeaking noise again, so surprised to actually hear the words coming from your mouth, even if he already knows how you feel. “I… I love you too, my dear.”
The two of you end up staying there until you’re too tired to get up and return inside, and fall asleep in each other's arms, curled up together on the grass. When the others come searching for you the next morning, they smile at the sight of you, just looking so happy and content there.
“You owe me ten,” Robin says with a smirk, elbowing an irritated Julian in the ribs.
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