#like black tar
yewstronaut · 1 year
*insert bat emoji here*
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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hahaha wheee haha
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indelicateink · 2 months
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watching the s2 trailers i'm just so loving the 1790s glimpses so far. it could be totally misleading, but i kind of get the sense that (for now, in these clips), armand is kind of painting a picture of how initially(?) lestat impressed him as a sexy badass when he came into his life? bc these memories, sir. damn.
which is a hilarious contrast to a season of louis's condemnation of him mostly as a manipulative, insensitive, selfish partner who was a crap mentor and a terrible parent, who nonetheless had a compelling "way about him" (and a vampire bond). (BUT! ofc if we read between the lines it's clear these aren't louis's only feelings on the matter. just the framing he currently has for daniel.)
i'm really curious whether louis or armand (both?) is portraying lestat looking glamorous and villainous at the trial:
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and not to break your dash, but of course claudia's recounting of him that we're allowed to know is mostly lestat as anywhere from a negligent to cold to monstrous maker/uncle/brother/tormentor.
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so curious to meet lestat from lestat's POV?
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
When you discover your friend is practically a giant wooden puppet after a battle
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This is @phoenixcatch7 's Possessed Doll Au and I highly recommend yall check it out
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sesamenom · 2 months
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Ar-Pharazon from the Reverse Gondolin AU and as Witch-King of Numenor - thanks to @who-needs-words for helping develop this idea!
#silm#silmarillion#second age#ar pharazon#reverse gondolin au#(well more like the aftermath of gondolin reversal)#this au has consumed my life#on the plus side inspiration for feanor is finally reemerging from under the metaphorical couch so i might get something finwion-y done soo#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so much to draw so little time#seriously though golden nazgul is such a cool idea#whatever the mordor equivalent for the angband trio is (sauron pharazon and shelob maybe?) is going to look so cool in black and gold#black/gold black hole shelob!!#and prince elrond is super finwiony looking#also he has his wings & glowiness out a lot more so that'll be fun#but yeah basically in the au Prince Elrond realized via foresight what was happening/going to happen in numenor#so he went there and disowned ar pharazon (by extension removing him from the throne) and crowned tar miriel rightful Ruling Queen#then later when sauron showed up he came back kicked sauron out and outlawed the death cult#but between that time sauron secretly recruited ar pharazon by promising him kingship in exchange for his support#and anyways ar pharazon survived all the way to the TA as the Witch King#(mr. angmar here gets to be second in command of the nazgul sorry)#-imagine this guy showing up to be all 'bagginssss' though#the witch king of numenor is somehow even more dramatic#also the whole 'no living man can kill me' is. a bit different coming from a guy who has many enemies in the form of#a) his cousin the Ruling Queen of Numenor#b) his uncle the choice-of-elves-peredhel#c) a bunch of Faithful in the Halls#the dead guys aren't too much of a problem#but i wonder if he heard that prophecy and worried a whole lot more about the Ruling Queens#or Prince Elrond who in the au has very definitely embraced his maia-ness#and then imagine his surprise hearing 'but no living man am i' and it coming from. a random human lady.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
Holy hell spiders collecting dads like Pokémon…but shit imagine the papa bear rage Tsutey would feel when Quaritch came back and learning he TOOK Spider…his child was taken and I think he would scorch earth to get him back
if spider hadn't begged him on his hands and knees not to kill quaritch, he would have slit his throat; at that point, it wasn't because of who he was, who he worked for, none of that important stuff, it was because of the fact he put his hands on his kid, aggressively, and he got hurt.
the second he realized spider had been taken he was hunting down quaritch, he doesn't give two fucks what jake says, he's looking for that little shit. (context for the next part, I HC within this concept that tsu'tey was injured in the battle, but didn't die, so he's like disabled, and not in the best shape for a whole rescue mission, especially against the RDA). jakes trying of et him to stay home, offering to go out himself and tsu'teys like "oh, so now you care, know that you have to worry about me? why weren't you that willing to volunteer when a child was being held by those demons. I am going jake, I am getting me boy, and you will not be stopping me."
he almost cuts jakes throat out when he hears him worry more about spider giving up information then he is about spider's safety.
and then when he does track down spider (when the recoms are out in the field) he is wrapped up in both his relief and anger that he just scoops the boy up, baring his teeth to the team. he needs to hug his boy (and ease his own heart) before he can go about slaughtering them like animals.
though, I think if spider aked him to spare the team, to give them a chance to prove themselves as redeemed, to give them a chance to fight for The People, tsu-tey would, only cause he trusts and has a soft spot for the boy. does not quell his rage though ("I don't care if they changed, jake changed, and I still haven't stopped giving him shit. they hurt you, I get to be angry, skawng.")
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thelien-art · 1 year
Day 6 of @angbangweek
Temples | Sacrifice
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Mairon getting ready to sacrafise people for his husband... oh the devotion.
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efingcod · 10 months
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Just a reminder that Woods isn't an unfeeling asshole. If you write him that way, uh, fine I guess, I'm not gonna read it. But it's in the damn games that he's not. And ok, I get this is only one scene, but given how brief CoD campaigns are, they pack in quite a lot. Why include this line unless they're trying to say something about Woods' character? Why have him run up to the kid to check if he's all right? (spoilers he's not - RIP kid who's name changes every game)
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Watch it here I even started it at the beginning of the mission for you ⬆️
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onlineviolence · 8 months
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helmetless gam scrible
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This fandom isn’t cringey enough
Warrior cats AU where Ashley and Andrew are the only survivors of a sickness that made a lot of the prey inedible/cats sick and now they’re on the run after eating a clanmate and killing the rest.
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lively-run-away · 3 months
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ah these are some art i made of the red side pieces from Alice through the looking glass. not all of them but ones that i was able to think of a design. they were kinda rushed since they were made for a sticker set design for a friend group stall for a local art mart. it was always my dream to make stickers of these. the final versions weren't perfect but there is always next time. might even add more characters to the next version and clean up some of the designs. characters are in right to left: red queen, red king, talking flowers, the crow, the lion, humpty dumpty, the walrus and the carpenter!
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ufolvr · 16 days
You guys need to look me in the eye and tell me not to go too deep into quicksilver.exe or I swear it'll take control of my brain again
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pure bliss straight from hell🖤
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stealthrockdamage · 7 months
i have to emulate xenoblade x one day if only so i can hear black tar
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kujo1597 · 29 days
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So I was out of town for a few days. In Saskatoon visiting friend and family. My main shopping goal was to get those Yu-Gi-Oh model kits but I found a couple other cool things. Like Tyranitar! :D What's funny is that the employee at GameStop is a really big Tyranitar fan. He even showed me that he has a Tyranitar sticker on his employee nametag.
And that K9 reissue was a very fun and exciting find for me. I had that toy as a child and miss it. Well, the reissue was on sale for half-price at Toys "R" Us. Welcome back K9!
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And I brought home the Terry Bogard Amiibo. My friend picked it up for me when he saw it a few months ago.
My friend also gave me ginger snap cookies. He packs some up for me every time I visit. And I appreciate that. They're very yummy.
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outpost-31 · 4 months
Hey just a reminder that anybody who believes in " reverse racism " or who reblogs any of that same white supremacy shit is not welcome on my blog ! At all ! I dont want you anywhere near me, I will immediately block and report you
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