#like 'you can come to my lakehouse and swim any time you want but you gotta wear a bikini'
accihoe · 7 months
Meeting The Family
Pairing: 40s!Bucky x fem!reader
Summary: Turn of events, and Bucky is home after the war. He gets to meet Y/N's family, which happens to be his healing.
Warnings: none? Idk Lmk if there's any upsetting stuff that I didn't mention.
A/n: As always, please don't steal my work. Y'all have a nice day now. God bless.
"Honey, I'm just popping down to the store for extra candles before my family arrives." Y/N tells her husband. Oh, right, her family is going to be in their home for two. Weeks. James remembers. And not even a small fraction of them.
"Alright, dollface. I'll be here." Bucky answers. Y/N kisses his cheek before leaving. Once she's back, Bucky is stuck between wearing the brown or the green tie. Y/N stands in the bedroom doorframe with a smile, watching her husband get frustrated at the ties. "The brown one is lovely. But green is my father's favorite color." She says.
Bucky decides on the green one with a smile. "You're positive they'll like me?" He asks, going to her. "Buck, I'm positive. Besides, if they want to stay here they'll have to like you." She says. Bucky chuckles. "I still don't know where everyone's going to sleep." Bucky says. "We'll figure that out when they arrive.".
Low and behold, when the family arrives, they're even more than what he expected. Kids, babies, teenagers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and parents. He stands shyly in the corner as they pile into him and his wife's newly bought lakehouse. Y/N decided that James needed a spot to recover after the war. He didn't mind living on the streets as long as she was by his side.
"Alright everybody gather round then you can go pick your rooms." Y/N claps her hands. Bucky's own hands get sweaty, and his stomach churns as all the people turn towards him. He takes ahold of Y/N's skirt and fiddles with it. "This," she takes ahold of Bucky, "is my husband. James.". Bucky's cheeks flush as they clap hands, and some males wolf whistle.
The people then scurry off to find a sleeping place. "And? By the way, this isn't even half, or a quarter of them." Y/N grins, hugging her husband tightly. "There's so many of them. Very loud. But I like them." Y/N laughs at her husband and kisses his cheek. In half an hour's time, the sleeping arrangements are sorted, and lots of the family have gone down to the lake.
"Think we should join them at some point, love." Y/N says as she finishes cutting the last slice of carrot for the copper penny salad. "I uh.. what about my scars, honey? Won't they upset the children?" Bucky asks. Y/N turns to him, and her heart aches for him. "Jamie," she takes his hands into hers, "no. They will not. They might ask questions, especially the adults, so be prepared. But I'll be there all the way.". Bucky smiles in relief and leans down to give his wife a sweet kiss.
After a while, Y/N and James join the members at the dam, giving James a chance to meet and greet those who aren't in the water. He looks dashing in his swim trunks and his terry cloth shirt (long sleeved to cover the arm). Once he's greeted all those on land, he stands on one side as Y/N chats to someone he assumes is her cousin.
"Hey, what you waiting for, my love? Go swim." Y/N startles James slightly, which makes her giggle, but her heart aches at the same time for him. "I don't feel like it sweets." He tries to lie, but Y/N gives him a pointed look. "Come on, my darling. Join me, please? I promise I'll make it worth your while." Y/N pleads, batting her lashes at Bucky.
Bucky put chuckles and nods, taking her hand. "Alright. Let's go.". At dinner time, after James said Grace, the family is all together (those who are there) and asking him questions. Bucky finds himself happier with each question asked. Although the war topic stings, their genuine care and respect, especially for those lost at war, soothes the sting when they ask questions related.
At the end of the night, as Bucky lays next to his wife in a spot he'd never thought he'd sleep in his own house, he feels contentment. "I like your family a lot." He whispers. "That's great, because they love you." She whispers back. "Perhaps we should have waited a while before marryin'. We could have had the fam there too." Bucky whispers. "We have them here now." Y/N says, kissing her husband's nose, that is tinted red from the sun.
"Would you do that thing you do, doll, where you tickle me a bear or something?" Bucky asks. Y/N giggles quietly, and to James's surprise, reaches for his left arm instead. Y/N traces her finger around his palm, saying some things Bucky can't hear over the pounding of his heart.
Y/N notices his discomfort and gets his attention by bringing the silver knuckles to her lips and kissing each one of them. Bucky's lips part in surprise. "When I say that I love you, I mean that about every inch of you." Y/N whispers. Before she knows it, her husband is pulling her into a tight hug and kissing feather light kisses all over her face.
Once they pull apart, Y/N cups James's cheek, swiping away a wet trail with her thumb. "Welcome to the family, honey.".
Fin. As literally every other BB works, I want to make this a series. Should I?
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mbrainspaz · 10 months
Well there was only a little unpleasantness at the lakehouse, mostly in the form of thoughtless misgendering. Maybe one or two belligerent ones, but everybody was at least pleasant to me even though I was masc most of the time. Things like my gruncle saying 'you look lovely in that hat—I think hats look so nice on women,' I'm still willing to chalk up to cluelessness. I got to chill with the guys while we admired the McLaren and talked shop and then swim over and chill with the ladies while they talked about cousin drama. Maybe it had something to do with the queer to straight ratio being a little more in my favor than usual, given it's my gay uncles' house and one of my young gay cousins was there too. He was being an obnoxious anti-vaxx kiddo online so we hadn't talked in over a year but he seems to have matured a lot in that time.
My conservative gay uncle does have a point when it comes to the divisiveness of the social media environment. There are a lot of people I can't stand online who are tolerable in person. Is it because they're stripped of the dark power of beaming their most bigoted thoughts at me while I'm drinking my morning coffee? Yeah. Is it because they suddenly can't summon infinite minions to cyberbully me? Probably. Is it because face to face I have the power of being a visibly compassionate and friendly person with an understanding of lots of topical issues that I've studied while they can barely hold a coherent conversation that goes beyond mentioning a post they saw once? Mmhmm. Will anything I explained to them in these conversations actually make them think and change their minds? ....most likely still no, but more likely than when I talked to any of them online, I bet.
I ended up having some surprising conversations with my grandparents and others. My grandpa asked me what I meant by 'queer' so I explained that and then he asked me about being bisexual and 'if there was a website for bisexuals'—honestly not sure if he was hoping for a link or what lol. I explained that I'm actually ace and, you know, explained it all in a grandparent appropriate way. I was shocked that he actually seemed interested. Later my gran started telling me a story about one of her friends having an encounter with a trans woman in a grocery store. She wanted to use it as an example of trans people being unreasonable and angry but I spent the whole story patiently correcting her pronoun use until at the very end she actually started getting it right. Then we had an interesting chat about the prison industrial complex of all things.
It's such an experience talking to conservatives one on one while you're sipping margaritas in a pool. They'll repeat an earworm they got directly from fox news 10-20 years ago and then you just get to go 'that's not true though and here's what's actually going on.' Ad infinitum.
My gruncle asked me what my name means and seemed to appreciate the explanation. "I never even thought about changing my name," he said. "I never liked mine," I said, "and a few years ago I just decided life is too short, you know? To live with discomfort for no reason."
One older cousin got emotional when we talked about how I don't really have a relationship with my parents anymore after coming out. I wonder if she might have been gnc or queer in a different life. She hugged me goodbye after other people in the fam assured me that she wasn't a hugger. Idk, sometimes you just need the right person to hug?
Overall it was a lot easier to spend time with everyone than it has been for me in times past. I didn't feel the urge to flee and hide out in the attic so often. Nobody bullied me. I felt more comfortable taking up space as myself than I used to. They might not believe or understand I'm also a man but that didn't stop me from being one.
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bluejayhaze · 2 years
hey actually ive changed my opinion on old white men and tbh if you're a creep you should fucking die. i don't care anymore. fucking choke.
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peachycheol · 3 years
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| dive in — teaser |
➸ summary: after a long semester of fleeting glances and teasing touches, you and chan are looking forward to your friend group’s weekend trip to the lakehouse, where both of you plan to finally let off some steam. ➸ genre: pwp, college!au, friends to lovers ➸ pairing: college student!chan x reader ➸ teaser warning: heavy make out, dry humping in bathing suits, slight nipple play, they’re really horny :p ➸ teaser w.c: 804 ➸ estimated w.c: ~6k  ➸ release date: may 2021 ➸ taglist: @simpforscoups​ (send an ask to me or @haechanblr​ if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
➸ author’s note: after a long wait, the first entry of the summer lovin’ collab with my love @haechanblr will soon be here! to thank you guys for being patient, i decided to give you guys a little sneak peek into the fic. i hope you enjoy!! love you peaches 🥰✨
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“Where are you going?” Jeonghan calls you from where he is wading in the lake, just as you are about to slip away after Chan. The curious lilt in his voice does nothing to hide the knowing smile on his lips. “We were about to play some beach volleyball, and Seungkwan said he wanted you on our team!” 
“Oh, I uh—” You mentally curse yourself for stammering, which only makes Jeonghan’s eyes shine with even more mischievous delight. He knows damn well where you’re going. “I’m just going to use the bathroom real quick. I’ll be right back, but feel free to start without me!” 
“But we need even teams to play,” Seungkwan whines. He’s already taking out the net he had packed. You nearly want to look up to the sky and ask the higher powers why they go through so much effort to prevent you from getting some dick. That is before Jeonghan finally offers a sliver of hope to you. 
“I’m sure they won’t make us wait too long,” Jeonghan says. “They’ll be back in 10? 15 minutes?” 
You gape at the senior. Months of waiting to get laid by Lee Chan and you will only have enough time for a quickie. That’s not nearly enough time to fulfill all the filthy promises you had made to him--  but then you imagine the relief of finally feeling Chan’s hands on you, ridding you of your swimsuit and taking you fast and hard against the kitchen counter, and the way you clench around nothing has you quickly relenting. “Yup, I’ll come back in 15 minutes!” 
“We also need a referee, so can you make sure that Chan comes too?” Seungkwan asks as he sets up. 
“Oh, I think they can definitely make sure Chan comes.” You hate that you’re the only one who catches Jeonghan’s eyebrow wiggle when he locks eyes with you. 
Thankfully you’re also the only one who catches his meaning, saving you from feeling any more heat and humiliation. “Sure thing!” you chirp, but your eyes are shooting daggers at Jeonghan who only lets out a delighted cackle. The sound echoes after you as you turn to finally run up the hill to the lake house.  
15 minutes, your ass. You’re going to take your sweet time. 
Once you reach the sliding glass doors, you spot Chan, who is very obviously not retrieving more sunscreen as he had stated. Instead, he is sitting on the couch of the downstairs lounge. Waiting. For you. You bite your lip in an attempt to contain your excitement, which is now bubbling pleasantly at the pit of your stomach, as you slowly slide the door open. 
“Took you long enough,” Chan says once your eyes meet, though his gaze quickly slides down, properly drinking in the sight of you in your bathing suit, which still clings to you from your dip in the lake. When his eyes return to yours, you see how his eyes have gone dark with the same want you have been bearing for months now. 
“I didn’t mean to keep you waiting.” You stride up to where he’s sitting, and he takes hold of your hips with impatient hands, pulling you into him as your lips finally, finally meet. 
Immediately, you move to straddle him, and settle on top of his lap with a small whine. The kiss is as desperate as it is indulgent as you both take the time to savor the feeling of lips and tongue and teeth with little breaths in between. Chan’s fingers feel warm as they slide over your torso in search of bare skin, pressing his hands into your ribcage and back down to your waist where he squeezes and pulls you closer.
“Fuck,” he grits out against your lips, guiding you to grind your hips over him again. Both your bathing suits leave little up to the imagination, and you let out a shaky moan when you  feel how he is already half hard in his swim shorts. Your own flimsy suit rubs against your clit deliciously, and you grab onto Chan’s shoulders for some sort of support as you quickly lose yourself in the small taste of pleasure. And unsurprisingly, you only feel hungry for more.
You reach down to take hold of one of Chan’s wandering hands and guide it to cup over your breast, nipples already pebbled and sensitive underneath the damp fabric. A shiver runs up your spine, a quiet whine slipping past your lips, once he runs his thumb over the nubs teasingly. “Ch-chan,” you plead, and he knows exactly what you’re begging for, but he just continues lightly grazing over your breast and pressing hot kisses to your throat. “We need to—mmh— w-we need to hurry.”
“Hurry? Baby, I’m just getting started with you.” 
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spencers-dria · 3 years
Maybe, Just Maybe
Someone To Stay Ch. 5
Spencer x Fem reader
Content/Trigger warnings: a little bit of body image issues
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Spencer POV:
It's been a few days since I hung out with Y/N. I'm truly glad she was the one I got to go with. I feel like we might have a lot in common, and she's easy to be around. For a little while, I almost forgot about everything that happened...about her. The next day the thoughts came sinking slowly back in, but they don't feel as debilitating as they used to. Maybe Derek was right, getting out, being around people, it may not be easy for me but it may be what's best. Maybe I should try to get out of my comfort zone a little. I want to get better, I do. But being social, well it's never been my strong suit, and to try to do it now, when I feel so emotionally vulnerable, it's particularly difficult.
Other than the dinner at Rossi's, my friends haven't been inviting me out as much as they used to. I'm pretty sure they got tired of the inevitable rejection. I want them to see that I'm trying, that I want to do better, to get better. Maybe if I reach out first...
I grab my phone to call JJ. She's like a sister to me, and she's been the best at trying to understand what I've been going through.
"Hey, Spence!" She sounds surprised but glad to hear from me.
"Hey, I was uhh.. well I was just wondering..." my words trail off as I find myself suddenly losing confidence in my endeavor.
"Yeah, what's up?" Her voice has a calming effect on me.
"Well...I was wondering if the team had any plans this weekend? To hang out or...I don't know."
"Actually we don't. But we should! I think I have an idea. There's something I've been wanting us all to do. There's a Lakehouse up for rent, and I think it would be fun if we all went up for a weekend. What do you think?"
I'm not very into outdoor activities, but the idea of reading on a porch by the lake sounds incredibly calming and therapeutic. It also sounds like a good time for me to start hanging out with the team again.
"You know, that actually sounds perfect." I smile at the thought of the much needed weekend getaway.
"Perfect! I'll text the group! Thanks for giving me the nudge to set this up, Spence. It'll be fun."
I hang up and shortly after I hear the familiar ding from the group message chat.
BAU Baddies😎
JJ💖: Hey guys! Who would be down for renting a Lakehouse this next weekend?
DM🍫⚡️: Hell yeah! @ahotchner you know what that means?? Jet Skis baby!! 😜🤙🏻
AB🌹: How fun! Count me in.
DR🇮🇹: I'll cook! I have a new recipe we can try out. I think you'll all love it👌🏻
PG🦄👸🏼: @jjereau @ablake We HAVE to go swimsuit shopping first, ladies! This is a non-negotiable.
AH: Sounds fun, are we bringing the kids this time?
JJ💖: Actually, Will is staying home and he'll be watching Henry. Jack can spend the weekend there, if you'd like. @ahotchner
AH: Thanks. I think I'll take you up on that offer.
DM🍫⚡️: @sreid you better be coming pretty boy, just bring a couple dozen books and you'll be set.
SR♟: Yep, already packing.
I smile to myself, thinking of how for once, I'm the reason we have plans. But if anyone else knew that, I'd never hear the end of it. I knew JJ was being intentional when she didn't mention that to the group. I hear another group chat alert and glance at my phone.
BAU Baddies😎
JJ💖: Hey, is it alright if I invite Y/N again?
AB🌹: Oh I thought that was a given! You definitely need to! She fits in with us so well.
PG🦄👸🏼: You better! Or I won't let you hear the end of it 😂
JJ💖: Great! Thanks you guys, it means a lot that you've been so welcoming to her.
Y/N will be there. Maybe I'll have a friend who will hang back and read with me. It would be nice to not be the only one. Then I remember what she said about moving here because she loves the outdoors. That means she'll probably be hanging out with Derek, JJ, and whoever else. Oh well. At least maybe I'll get to talk to her more. I decide to text her. I never really text anyone, but she doesn't know that.
Hey, it's Spencer. I heard JJ
wanted to invite you to the lake.
Do you think you'll go?
Yeah! I just got off the phone
with her. I can't wait! Are you
Surprisingly...yes. I'll be bringing
some books along to pass the time
but it'll be nice to have a change
of scenery.
Books??? We'll see about that😉
I love a good book as much as the
next bibliophile...but this is a
weekend for things you CANT
do at home. Anyways, would you
want to carpool? We can take turns
driving if one of us gets tired.
Passenger is in control of snacks
and music! 🎶🍿
Haha, ok deal. We'll work out
the details later. And...thanks :)
Anytime Spencer, can't wait! 👍🏻
I lean back into the couch and smile. Even if we spend the weekend doing different things, at least we'll get to talk on the way there. I feel like she could become a good friend, but I don't want to make any assumptions...I don't do this often.
You run around your room, packing for a trip that's days away. You're too excited, it can't wait. Just as you're trying to decide on a swimsuit you get a text from Penelope, saying that the girls are going swimsuit shopping this evening. They want you to come. You can't hide the smile growing on your face. How long has it been since you've been on a girls shopping trip? You can't even remember. It's spontaneous, so you assume no one will be too dressed up. You throw on a black sleeveless t shirt dress and some strappy sandals. Easy enough to get in and out of for trying on clothes. After brushing through your hair and applying some quick, light makeup, you're ready to go. The girls had decided to meet at the mall, for the most options.
You meet up with Aunt JJ, Penelope, and Alex outside of a nice department store.
"I figured we could start here. It has the most options and it's at the end of the mall. So we can work our way down, until we all find something."
Aunt JJ tends to take charge. She's such a mom, but that's part of what you love about her. Always prepared, caring for everyone. Alex found a cute one piece with a wrap to wear as a skirt. Penelope picked out a cute pink and purple polka-dotted swim dress. JJ ended up with a sports-bra fitting bikini top and some athletic looking swim shorts. Still such a typical mom. The only one left is you. You haven't tried on very many things, and what you did try on, never made it out of the dressing room.
"Y/N, why don't you let us pick you out some things to try on, and this time, you have to at least let us see. Deal?" Penelope gives you a look of encouragement.
"Sure" you shrug. "I'll try anything at this point."
Alex stays with you while JJ and Penny go to pick out some swimsuits for you. They return with a few handfuls of options. You try on the first option, picked out by Penny. It's a cute two piece, frilly and pink. You come out and are greeted with a few giggles.
"As cute as this is, I think it's more your style than mine, Penny" you let out a small laugh.
"Oh I know. I just wanted to see you in it! I couldn't pull it off in a thousand years!" She laughs.
"Alright alright, let's keep going." JJ ushers me back into the dressing room.
I come back out in a black two piece. It doesn't show too much skin to make me uncomfortable, but it's really flattering on my curves.
I hear a chorus of "ooooo" and one "yes queen!" that I'm sure came from Penny.
"Really, you guys? It's not too...ya know."
JJ shakes her head at me. "No definitely not. Girl, you're single, you're in your twenties, your body hasn't had a child yet. If you got it, flaunt it. If not now, then when?"
The girls all nod in agreement. You blush. You didn't know you could look this good in a swimsuit. You usually avoided bikinis. You found it hard to feel comfortable in your own skin. Whenever you tried to dress sexy, you just ended up feeling awkward and uncomfortable. It helps to have some friends to encourage you. You look at yourself in the mirror one last time. Okay, even you had to admit, you look hot.
The four of you end the day with lunch, chatting about your plans for the lake.
JJ turns to you. "Y/N, I almost forgot, do you need a ride down there? I can pick you up, if you'd like."
"Ohh uh, no actually. I'm carpooling with Spencer." I give her a shy smile. I know what this looks like. "We're just friends" I quickly interject.
"That's great" she says, giving me her warm smile. "Spence really needs a friend right now. And I bet you do too." There's understanding in her eyes. You're grateful that she didn't try to make more out of it. Aunt JJ knows you, though. She knows you make guy friends much more easily. That aside, you were still so grateful for the day with the girls. They were all so genuine, and easy to get along with. They didn't make you feel like an outsider intruding on their day.
Later that evening, you lay in bed as you try to quiet your mind. Your head is swimming with too many thoughts to fall asleep: anxieties about this weekend, but also excitement and ideas of what you'll do. Not to mention, more time to get to know Spencer better. You wonder what JJ meant when she said Spencer really needed a friend right now. Maybe, just maybe, you'd break through his walls a little more this weekend.
A/N: sorry this one is short-ish. It's kind of a transition chapter so there's not as much content! Building a base, building friendships, hang with me, we're getting there 😁💖✌🏻
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dindjarindiaries · 4 years
Thunder - Chapter 7: Lightning
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gif via @pascalplease
summary: The group goes on a weekend getaway before they ship themselves off for training and service, completely unaware of the storm that still brews over Frankie and Luciana—which only grows stronger.
warnings: some angst, fluff, soft smut (*gasp*)
rating: M
word count: 6.793k
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chapter 7: lightning
Frankie never imagined he could have a life so full of sweet torture.
The weeks following graduation and the beginning of his and Luciana’s romantic relationship were full of nothing but close calls, stolen kisses, and lots of secret dates. Frankie came to realize how much more beautiful the view of the stars was from the roof when the silhouette of Luciana on top of him contrasted against them, and Luciana came to appreciate the fact that Frankie’s truck had a continuous seat that allowed for her to be laid back completely against it in the heat of any moment. The day they snuck off to the dive and were caught sharing shakes with their hands folded together over the table, Frankie thought Marlena was going to have a heart attack.
“Are my contacts messed up, or am I seeing this right?” she’d asked when she came over to the table, nearly spilling the drinks in her shock.
Frankie and Luciana had both laughed with pink cheeks. “No, your vision’s alright,” Frankie had assured her, giving his confidante a warm smile that only grew once he met Luciana’s gaze again. He’d also given her hand a squeeze that caused a bright light to flicker in her dark eyes.
“But it’s, you know…” Luciana had trailed off and used her free hand to place a finger over her lips, informing Marlena that things were being kept low-key. She’d nodded in understanding and flashed the couple a wink, simply setting down the drinks and smiling before she’d left them alone again.
But the honeymoon phase is now quickly coming to a close. Frankie can sense it when he and Luciana are alone, a tension growing between them that’s full of unspoken desperation. Frankie’s due to leave for training as a pilot with the Delta Force in a week, which means months upon months of never getting to see Luciana. In the meantime, she’ll be starting a temp job to save up for opening her own business someday. The reality of life is harsh and unrelenting, leaving the couple uncertain as to how they’ll maintain the beautiful relationship they’ve started to nurture and have yearned much too long for.
This doesn’t include how exhausting it is to keep everything a secret. Thankfully, the boys haven’t suspected a thing—even Santiago, which is the biggest relief—but Frankie and Luciana being trapped in the same house with rooms just down the hall from each other has been so torturous that Frankie finds himself tossing and turning more often at night than he’d like, dreaming of the moment when they can be together in all the ways they want to.
Going on a weekend trip with everyone only makes Frankie dread this feeling more.
The group decided to venture on the true last hoorah before they all would leave for the Delta Force, renting out a large space for the weekend at the local lake. The plot of land included a two-story main house with enough room for everyone, but also a guesthouse that followed down a trail into the nearby woods. The boys figured it could be of use in case Will and Benny threatened to kill each other—though Frankie had other thoughts for it. But even he knew he wouldn’t risk it while being so close to the guys and Santiago.
Frankie thinks of this while he looks upon the site from the house’s back porch, letting out a soft breath as his forearms lean against the wooden railing. From here, he can see that trail leading into the woods, along with the lake that spreads out wide ahead of him. A gentle breeze tugs at the curls of hair around his ears and on the back of his neck, and he readjusts his hat in hopes of refocusing himself. He knows the day ahead will be full of good quality time with the group, which—though it makes him extremely happy—also means he’ll have to act as normal as possible around his girlfriend. Frankie wouldn’t be so worried if swimming wasn’t on the list.
The simple thought of seeing Luciana in a bathing suit was enough to make him want to spiral out of control.
Frankie blinks a few times and gives his head a shake, standing back up from where he’s been leaning as he hears footsteps behind him. He sees Will carrying a cooler and pausing to look at Frankie with a gesture of his hand towards a similar-looking one off to the side. “Hey Fish, mind bringing that one down with you to the dock?” Will asks. Frankie nods without hesitation, grateful for the distraction as he picks up the cooler loaded with drinks and follows Will down the stone-filled path to the dock. Thankfully, Frankie’s already fit himself in his essentials for a day spent down by the lake, one of his usual t-shirts paired simply with his swim shorts as his sunglasses help his hat in shielding his eyes from the sun.
Down at the dock, there’s a few Adirondack-style chairs along with a table. There’s a part of the dock that extends further into the lake, making it ideal for anyone crazy enough to jump off it. Frankie smiles a bit at the sight, always having been a fan of lakesides and the fun that comes with it. It’s slightly nostalgic, since he fondly remembers him and his parents traveling up to a lakehouse his uncle had owned, but it only makes him happier to be sharing this weekend with his newer family.
Frankie puts the cooler down next to where Will’s dropped his by the table. When Will already helps himself to a beer from inside, he offers one up to Frankie, who doesn’t decline as he settles into one of the chairs and takes a sip. He thinks, as he looks out at the lake and draws another sip from his bottle, that he might just be able to clear his mind and relax. But then the rest of the group joins them, arriving in a four-person clump that Frankie tries to resist staring at. Once they come into sight, though, he’s temporarily relieved of the view that could give something away, as Luciana’s hidden it within one of her favorite large t-shirts. Still, he takes another sip of his beer to hide anything he might be displaying unknowingly on his expression, trying to ignore the way he can practically feel Luciana’s gaze burning through him.
“Damn, it’s hot out here,” Benny comments, already sliding off his t-shirt and looking as if he’s about to jump headfirst into the water.
“Hold on, hot shit,” Luciana stops him, chuckling a bit as she presses a hand against his chest. She takes a bottle of sunscreen out of the bag that hangs from her shoulder. “Safety first.”
Benny sighs, taking the bottle from Luciana while trying hard to hide a smile. “Alright, alright.” He laughs to himself as he starts to apply it. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think it was Fish trying to parent me, not you.”
Luciana shrugs, looking over at Frankie with a sly smile. “Maybe I’ve picked up a few things.”
“Jesus,” Santiago mutters playfully. “We need to stop letting you two spend so much time together. We can’t have two parents around here.”
Frankie chuckles nervously and tips his hat, hoping he can hide his face for a moment as he looks down at the beer resting against his thigh. “It’ll make you safer,” Luciana insists. “All of you. You’re too chaotic for your own goods.”
“And we’ve made it this far, haven’t we?” Benny jokes as he finishes with the sunscreen, tossing it back to Luciana who’s since placed her bag down by another one of the chairs. She catches it swiftly, resting it on the arm of the chair as she shakes her head with a soft laugh. Frankie looks back up at her and feels thankful for the sunglasses that hide his admiring gaze. He can’t stop studying the way her brown eyes sparkle into a golden color in the sun’s lighting, the freckles on her cheeks that he adores so much becoming as prominent as ever. Her dark, wavy hair falls around her shoulders and flows gently with the wind. It looks so soft and Frankie knows it feels even softer. He wishes for nothing more than to run his fingers through it like he loves to.
Frankie can’t believe she’s his—but he also can’t believe that he doesn’t even get to show it.
He thinks he can deal with it at the moment, though he knows that’s bound to change very soon. As the boys prepare themselves to join Benny in the lake, they take their rounds with the sunscreen, but Frankie remains glued to his chair and sips his beer. He watches more closely when Santiago becomes the next one to possess it, reaching everywhere he can before turning to his sister. “Luci,” he calls for her, shaking the bottle in his hand once he catches her attention. “Can you get my back?”
“Yeah,” Luciana agrees, walking over to her brother and taking the bottle from him. Frankie’s distracted for a moment as he hears a splashing sound from further down the dock, and he watches as the two brothers dive in followed by Tom. Frankie tuts to himself, knowing they hadn’t let their sunscreen soak in for nearly half the time they’re supposed to.
“What about you, Fish?” Benny calls to him from the water.
Frankie shakes his head and holds up his bottle. “Can’t let this get warm!” Frankie exclaims back to him. “Plus, I gotta soak in the sun some more. I’m not hot enough yet.”
“It’s like fuckin’ ninety degrees out here!” Benny retorts. “That’s not hot enough for you?” Frankie laughs and simply shrugs in response.
“Relax, Benny,” Will scolds his brother. “He’s Cat-fish. He’ll come in on his own time.”
Frankie lifts his beer to his lips again. “Roger that,” he calls out to them, finally easing Benny for the moment.
His attention draws back to his girlfriend when he hears her brother go on. “Let me help you,” Santiago’s saying, and Frankie looks back to them just in time to see Luciana nod. She crosses her arms to grab the hem of her t-shirt with both hands at once, pulling it over her head in one swift movement. She’s wearing a two-piece suit that’s salmon-colored—which contrasts perfectly with her tanned skin—and is styled with a classic string top and cheeky bottoms. It’s displaying those same assets Frankie had gotten to see that night at the bar, but so much more of them.
Frankie swallows hard. Damn.
It’s not like he hasn’t seen Luciana in a swimsuit before; it’s just different now that Frankie’s with her, knowing that in any other circumstance, he could have the honor of running his hands or even his lips over every curve he’s seeing. Frankie had always wanted to respect her before, and he still does—but now that he has the knowledge of Luciana particularly liking when his gaze admires her in such a way, Frankie’s not afraid to do so anymore.
At least, whenever her brother isn’t watching over her like a goddamn hawk.
Frankie makes himself look away while Santiago applies the sunscreen to his sister’s back, not really wanting to witness the sight and knowing he’ll just wish he could’ve done it himself. He finishes off the rest of his beer but pretends there’s still some in it for the sake of avoiding jumping into the lake just yet. He only looks away from his bottle when he hears Santiago running to jump off the dock—also seeming to forget that his sunscreen’s freshly applied—and sees Luciana finishing the rest just a few steps away from his chair.
Frankie’s gaze studies each movement of her hand upon her skin, rubbing at her arms, and then her legs, and then her stomach, and then her neck and chest. He watches as her fingers take their time rubbing it in, making sure it gets into every necessary nook of her collarbones and then closer to her cleavage. His fingers subconsciously grip the edge of the chair’s arm tighter. Frankie sees her gaze meet his as it flickers with amusement and shared desire.
“Something wrong, Flyboy?” Luciana prompts, making a point to slowly run her fingers back up from the middle of her chest to her neck.
Frankie clenches his jaw before he releases a curt sigh. “Nope,” he answers, clearing his throat as he catches the singular drop of beer that’s left in his bottle. “Everything’s fine over here.”
“Looks like it.”
Frankie watches Luciana’s gaze observe him quickly yet pleasantly, and he shakes his head with a playful roll of his eyes. He looks to the water to see the boys thoroughly distracted with trying to dunk each other under the water and see who can last the longest, and so he drops his voice low as he speaks to her again. “You know, you’re not making this any easier.”
Luciana shrugs nonchalantly, tossing the sunscreen bottle between her hands as she stares him down. “Maybe I’m not trying to.” She smiles slyly as Frankie’s fingers grip the arm of the chair again, both in nervousness and in frustration. He knows that if she acts up any more than this, he’ll break. “Need some help with your sunscreen?” She shakes the bottle at him.
Frankie knows this is a bad idea. He knows that the moment he feels her hands on him, he could absolutely lose his cool—but he also knows that he’s always been a calm man, and he can maintain that if he fights hard enough. He won’t let Luciana win this little game of hers. So, he nods, standing up and setting his hat and sunglasses on the chair as his shirt joins them next. When he faces Luciana again, he sees her eyeing him with her teeth grazing her lower lip. He nearly growls and pulls her to him on the spot, but once again, he reminds himself to have self-control. She meets his gaze and continues to attempt biting back a smile.
“What a hottie,” Luciana comments playfully yet truthfully, walking around him to work on his back. Her voice comes from next to his ear when she continues. “Whoever gets to date you must be pretty damn lucky.”
“Yeah, she is,” Frankie remarks, attempting to keep a smirk off his face as he now faces the boys who are still playing further off in the water. When he feels Luciana’s hands on him, he can tell she’s moving them in a manner that’s unnecessary to the actual application of the sunscreen, and he grits his teeth before he adds something else. “And she’s about to get me in trouble.”
A light scoff comes from behind him. “Trouble?” Luciana’s hand that’s been rubbing into his shoulder quickly drifts off to give his upper arm a squeeze. “I think she likes trouble.”
Frankie swallows hard, attempting to compose himself until she’s finished her work. Once he’s sure that she’s done, he allows himself to get out a proper response. “Good—because now she’s about to get herself into trouble.” He turns around to face Luciana, seeing her staring up at him with a darkened gaze and a raised eyebrow.
“How so?” Her voice is soft as velvet and it makes Frankie wish more than anything that he could just whisk her away.
Instead, he takes the bottle from her hands and tosses it near her bag, grinning when he sees her shocked expression. “You’ll see.” He throws his arm around her waist to hoist her body over his shoulder, laughing as he hears her gasp in shock. She lets out a laugh with him once he starts to walk further down the dock, and her hands lightly beat against his back.
“Frankie! You asshole!” Luciana continues to laugh in sync with Frankie. “Put me down!”
Frankie doesn’t say anything as he walks closer and closer to the edge of the dock. “I thought you said you liked trouble.”
“Morales, I swear to God, if you’re throwing me in the water—.”
“You were being bad, García.” Frankie keeps his voice low enough for only them to hear, despite the fact that the boys are closer now—though still not in hearing range. “And you know what happens to girls when they haven’t been good?” Frankie moves his hands to grip both sides of her bare waist. “They get punished.”
Frankie gives the skin there a subtle squeeze that causes a breathless gasp to fall from Luciana’s lips, especially as he lifts her from his shoulder and tosses her off the dock in front of them. She disappears under the water a moment later, and Frankie laughs when the cheers of the boys ring out upon the sight. As soon as she surfaces, Frankie jumps in right beside her, hoping to catch her off guard with the larger splash as he surfaces with more laughter.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Frankie asks her when he catches his breath.
“Motherfucker!” Luciana curses, splashing Frankie with some of the lakewater despite the laughter that falls from her lips. She swims closer to him and lowers her voice so that she’s sure he’s the only one who hears the words she says next. “Say anything like that again, and I swear I’ll jump your bones right here, Morales.”
Frankie raises an eyebrow at her. “Is that a challenge?”
Luciana smirks at him. “It’s a promise.”
Frankie gives her a nod. “In that case, I’ll hold you to your word, ma’am.”
Luciana smiles and shakes her head before they both swim over to where the boys are still fooling around.
The group then continues to swim until they’ve exhausted themselves, engaging in random games of making the biggest splashes from the dock and intense chicken fights along the way. It’s dinnertime when the group finally hikes back up to the lakehouse, and after taking the time to wash themselves up, they have a cookout and eat upon paper plates at the table on the porch. The sun starts to set while they eat, not sinking too low at all but just enough to make the sky glow with stunning colors. They follow up dinner with a campfire and s’mores, but end up getting sent inside when a rumble of thunder sounds in the distance. They make it inside just in time when it starts to pour, finishing off the night with card games and beer before their exhaustion starts to get the best of them. Everyone heads to bed and decides to call it a night.
Except for Frankie. He’s in his room, sitting on the edge of his bed restlessly—his thoughts laying with the woman whose own room is right down the hall.
He keeps replaying the scene from today over and over in his head. Being around Luciana for so long today, watching her laugh and admiring her various looks and seeing the warmth and love she holds for him in her eyes without being able to say anything or touch her or kiss her drove him absolutely insane. Now, all he can think about is having that opportunity back. He fantasizes about his fingers gliding over her smooth, tanned skin, his lips following them as he proves just how much she means to him.
They haven’t gotten to engage in an activity like that just yet. Frankie’s always put a stop to it whenever they’ve come close. He knows that once they cross that line, it’s truly over for them—they’ll be completely tied to one another, and while that’s all Frankie could ever want, he’s afraid on her behalf. He doesn’t want to share something so beautiful with her and then abandon her a few days later. Frankie would never want to break her heart like that. At the same time, he’s yearning so badly for it that he’s not sure he can handle holding himself back anymore. But he doesn’t want it to happen somewhere quick and uncomfortable, like in his truck on one of their secretive dates. Frankie wants it to be on their own time with their own terms, where he can fully gaze upon her and she on him as they fully reveal just how deep their love goes.
Luciana must be thinking all the same things, because a few moments later, he hears his door open slowly. Frankie meets Luciana’s brown gaze that somehow glitters even in the darkness of the room. She looks to be just as restless as himself.
“Frankie,” Luciana whispers, keeping her voice extremely hushed in fear of waking anyone else up. She gestures with her head to the hallway. “Let’s go.”
Frankie furrows his brow. “Go?” he echoes her. “Where?”
Luciana points with her hand to the window beside Frankie’s bed. “The guesthouse.”
Frankie looks out the window and notices that it’s still storming—badly. He turns back to her with slight concern. “Luci, it’s pouring, and it’s a far walk. And what if someone wakes up?”
Luciana shakes her head. “No one will hear us above the storm.” As if on cue, a loud roll of thunder sounds, proving her point about the volume. “Plus, I’m sure there’s an umbrella somewhere around here.”
Frankie sighs, knowing this is his one opportunity to finally be alone with his girlfriend and maybe even get to talk over everything that’s on his mind. He gives in with a nod, slipping on the nearest pair of shoes and quietly following her out of his room. He closes it behind him in hopes of the boys thinking he’s still in there. Together, they tiptoe past the other bedrooms and down the stairs, relieved to go near the front door and spot a ceramic bucket full of umbrellas. Frankie takes one and readies it, letting Luciana open the door as he unfolds it and holds her close to him underneath it. They close the door behind him and try to hold in their chuckles as they hurry through the rain, following the path down to the guesthouse without causing a lot of noise.
Soon, they’re pushing into the front door of the guesthouse, releasing their laughs there as Frankie folds up the umbrella and closes the door behind them. He rests the now-soaked umbrella against the wall, taking a quick glance over the house. It has a log-cabin feel, fully furnished with a couch, tables, decorations, and a separate bedroom. There’s not much else Frankie’s able to observe before he feels Luciana’s hands on his face, desperately pulling it towards her as her mouth practically devours his own. Frankie returns her kiss with just as much passion, his hands gliding down to her waist and pulling her tight against him. They don’t dare to separate until they’re out of air, breathing in the same space as they pull apart yet remain close. Luciana’s gaze searches Frankie’s with nothing but sheer affection and desire.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that,” Luciana confesses, pressing another kiss upon his lips and pulling away to brush her nose against his.
Frankie hums in agreement. “You were making it real fuckin’ difficult to keep my hands off you,” he informs her, seeing her smirk before he hides his face in her neck. He places a series of open-mouthed kisses there that leave Luciana sighing with pleasure, hands burying into his thick hair as he licks and sucks at all the right spots. “Wearing that pretty little suit of yours…” Frankie trails off to tend more to one of her sweet spots, smiling against her heated skin when he draws a soft moan out from her, “... flaunting that beautiful body that drives me crazy. You knew what you were doing.” Frankie continues his work on her neck until he’s on the brink of leaving a mark, knowing it’s too risky to go through with it as badly as he wants to.
When Frankie rises back up to meet her face again, he receives a series of kisses along his jaw, making him swallow hard as Luciana begins to respond. “I would’ve let you take me right then and there, Frankie.” Her words ghost softly over the skin of his face, and Frankie never breaks his gaze with her as she faces him seriously. “I still would.” Luciana’s tone is gentle, as if she’s afraid that something louder will break the precious moment they’re in. She searches his gaze for a moment, and Frankie feels his chest tighten in anticipation as she goes on. “Frankie, is that something you’re okay with, or is there a reason you’ve been stopping whenever we’ve come close?”
Frankie releases a soft sigh, brushing a hand over the side of Luciana’s face continuously as he answers her. “I’d love that more than anything, Luce.” His tone matches her, hushed as if someone could overhear it. “I just… I was worried because, y’know, I’m leaving soon, and I didn’t want to make you feel as if I was just using you for a quick fuck before I went.”
Luciana’s brow furrows immediately as she holds his face between her hands. “I know you’d never do that, Frankie. Don’t worry.” She kisses him quickly, pressing her forehead against his afterwards. “I know that this is real. That’s why…” Luciana pauses, and Frankie feels one of her hands travel from his face down his chest and closer to his waistband, “... I want to do this. I want to be able to fully express it—with you. I want to feel this connection and hold on to the memory of it while you’re gone.” Her hand continues to go lower as her lips press against his ear. “I can’t hold back anymore. I need you, Frankie Morales.”
Frankie lets out a shaky breath at her words, wondering how he could’ve possibly been honored with being the man who gets to hear them uttered from her lips. Once her hand hooks on his waistband, Frankie grabs her wrist to stop her, pulling her mouth to his in a heated kiss. Luciana’s hands start digging into his hair and over his back while his drift over her ass, giving it a light squeeze just to feel her moan against him. He wastes no time picking her up so that she wraps her legs around his waist, easily navigating them to the bedroom he’d seen before. Though there’s no one else around, Frankie still closes the door behind them, letting only the pale moonlight hidden behind storm clouds light the room as he sets her back down against the bed. Luciana pulls his body against hers by grabbing the material of his shirt in her fists, instantly tugging at it to try to get it off. That becomes the first thing to go, and the next few minutes are a blur of things getting thrown around and kisses being left on lips, jaws, necks, and whatever else can be reached in the heat of the moment.
Once they’re skin-on-skin, Frankie feels the fire in him blazing brighter than ever before, the warmth spreading from his stomach to his chest as his heart thuds against the skin there. He practically loses his breath when Luciana rolls them over so that she’s straddling him, separating her face from his to take a look at his body. Frankie’s thankful for the darkness of the room as his cheeks redden in sudden embarrassment and insecurity. For a quick moment, he starts to wonder if she’s regretting this, regretting him. His mouth goes dry, and the longer Luciana stays silent with her gaze and fingertips brushing over his body, the more nervous he becomes. All he can hear is the soft panting of their breath and the rain that pours over the house.
“Frankie,” Luciana finally speaks, her tone breathless and thick with genuine emotion. She pauses to look in his eyes again, and even in the darkness of the room, Frankie can read her look perfectly. He sees all the admiration, love, and deep desire she has for him—and it melts his heart. Luciana’s hand brushes over his cheek as she smiles at him. “You’re so handsome. I’ve always thought that, but now that I really get to see it… I just can’t believe it. I’m so lucky.”
Frankie feels speechless for a moment, unable to believe that such an ethereal creature as Luciana would ever say something like that about him. He swallows hard, hands grabbing her waist as he flips them over again so that he’s hovering over her. Frankie’s hands trace over her curves, forming to them as if he’s known them forever. He bites back a smile at the sigh it draws from her lips. “You… You’re a masterpiece,” Frankie confesses honestly, his gaze meeting hers and drowning it with pure affection. “I noticed that from the day I met you. I always—well, I always thought you’d end up with someone who’s just as perfect as you are.”
Luciana reaches for one of Frankie’s hands, leaving a kiss on his palm. “I did.”
Frankie’s heart warms just as much as his stomach, now, and he can’t help smiling before he presses his lips to hers in another heated yet passionate kiss. Their hands can’t stop exploring each other and neither one of them could ever complain about it. They’re taking in each other’s forms, memorizing them, wanting to grab at them and feel them while they can—before it’s too late, when they’ll have to try to imagine them.
After a few moments of exploration, Frankie lets one of his hands go lower, hesitating to wordlessly ask for permission. Luciana’s hand pushes his further, and that becomes Frankie’s cue to go ahead with it. Frankie works her body like he’s always known it, hitting all the right spots that have her gasping and moaning and pleading into the heated skin of his neck. He can tell, though, that she’s trying to hold these sounds back—and that’s something he won’t have.
“Let it out,” Frankie murmurs into his ear, using his free hand to lift her face from his neck. “Let me hear you.” With his words, Frankie adds a new pressure that draws a soft cry from her lips, and he smirks pleasantly at the sound of it. “There you go, baby girl, that’s it. It’s just us out here. Be as loud as you can.”
And Luciana takes him up on that. That fire within Frankie continues to grow more and more as she pleads his name and writhes beneath his touch, and he realizes that even without his own contact—just by making the woman he loves feel so pleasured—he’s feeling something he never has before. He continually mumbles praises when she reaches her first high, stroking her cheek with his free hand as he does so. Her hands grip onto him for dear life and Frankie wouldn’t exchange her touch for anything. Frankie can tell she wants to return the favor for him somehow, but he shakes his head.
“Another time,” Frankie insists, his words breathless as he finds himself unable to wait any longer than he already has to feel her. “Right now, I need you.”
Luciana’s gaze sparkles up at him, and she nods as she brushes an admiring hand over his cheek. “Please, Frankie—,” she pauses as she pulls his lips to his, leaving a quick yet passionate kiss there, “—make love to me.”
Frankie doesn’t need anymore convincing. He entwines one of his hands with hers and keeps the other tight on her waist, pressing his forehead against her own as they finally start to make the connection that brings their love to a physical manifestation. As Frankie slowly eases into his first move, he draws a long, pleasured whimper from Luciana’s lips, causing him to hum as he presses a kiss upon the tip of her nose. “It’s alright, Luce,” Frankie whispers to her, his voice soft even as he grits his teeth to try to keep his own grunt hidden. “You’re alright. Just feel me—feel us.”
“I do,” Luciana breathes, her eyelids fluttering as she stares up at him. “I fucking feel you, Frankie.”
Frankie lets out a light chuckle that’s cut off by his own hiss when he moves again. He earns a similar sound from Luciana, only fueling him further as he moves in a steadier rhythm. Frankie squeezes her hand as they go on, his other hand steadying her as they continue moving together. It’s a feeling so heavenly yet so natural, as if they were made to be together like this. Frankie feels more confident than he ever has before and he swears he’s never felt so complete. His mind, his heart, and his body are all finally finding their matches in a single person, someone whose heart seems to beat to the same rhythm as his own. These thoughts hit Frankie all at once and he’s surprised he’s even able to conceive of them as his body rejoices in what he’s experiencing.
It’s when Frankie hears Luciana’s voice call for him that he finds himself losing any self-control he’d maintained before. “Frankie,” she pleads, as if asking for more. He doesn’t hesitate to give it to her—after all, he’d give her the world if he could.
As he complies with her request, Frankie speaks to her, having to swallow back any other sounds as he absorbs hers. “I love the way you say my name,” Frankie tells her behind gritted teeth, though his voice is full of nothing but admiration. “I love the way you sound. I love—,” Frankie cuts himself off with a groan that he releases into her neck, “—fuck, I love the way you feel. I love you. Shit, I love you so much, Luciana.”
Frankie has to stop himself because he’s coming too dangerously close to that point they can’t return from and there’s no more coherence left for either one of them. He earns a returned proclamation of love from Luciana along with his name when her moment comes, perfectly in time with a roll of thunder from outside as a flash of lightning shows Frankie a quick sight of them joining together, finally becoming one not just in mind and heart but also in body. It’s enough to bring him to a place he’s never gone before, a feeling higher than he could ever go in one of his planes or helicopters, and he swears he’s finally been able to take a star as he lets go and starts to relax in time with the love of his life.
They remain where they are for a few moments as their chests heave in the same, simultaneous rhythm, gazes never separating as they wordlessly appreciate everything they’ve just experienced. Frankie swears that Luciana’s eyes start to tear up, but he isn’t sure if it’s from pain or pleasure. He hopes that it’s the latter and that it’ll dissipate with time—but just in case, he lavishes her face with breathless and air-light kisses, hoping to earn a smile from her as he silently praises her for how she’d taken him.
Once they’ve recovered, Frankie lets himself rest beside her, burying them in the sheets as he pulls her body to his. Their legs tangle together in a desperate need to maintain some kind of contact, and Frankie runs one hand continuously through Luciana’s hair as she buries her face in his neck. He tries not to feel nervous at her silence, hoping it’s just her absorbing the intimate moment they’ve just shared. Frankie swears he’s never felt so connected to another person in his life, and he knows he’d give anything to make sure he never loses it—never loses her.
Suddenly, Frankie hears Luciana heaving a large breath, and he realizes what’s happening. He pulls her away from him so that she’s facing him again, and his heart shatters in his chest when he sees tears falling down her cheeks. Frankie grimaces as he holds her face delicately in his hands, thumbs attempting to brush the tears away as he searches her gaze. “Hey, baby, don’t cry,” Frankie coos gently, resting his forehead against hers. “What is it?” He prays he didn’t hurt her. He knows he wouldn’t forgive himself for it.
Luciana looks as if she can’t speak for a moment, and it makes a pit grow in Frankie’s stomach. He’s rarely ever seen her cry and so he knows that it takes a lot for that to happen. When her lip only trembles more and her eyes cloud with more tears, Frankie’s heart nearly flies through his chest with panic. Her hands thread delicately through his hair as she swallows back a sob. “Don’t leave me, Frankie,” Luciana finally manages, her voice unrecognizably broken and desperate as her eyes finally fall closed. A cry breaks through, and Frankie feels his entire body practically go numb with heartbreak as he pulls her to him again. She hides her face in his chest as he coos sweet nothings into her ear, stroking her hair and willing himself not to have a similar reaction as he works to comfort her.
“Shh,” Frankie mumbles, lips brushing against the shell of her ear as he continues to comfort her. “It’ll be alright, Luci. Take a deep breath.” Frankie feels her chest rise and fall against his own, and he smiles slightly at her effort as he presses a kiss into her hair. “There you go, baby. Just relax. I’m here.” Frankie only relaxes himself once he feels Luciana do the same, and when he’s certain that she’s calmed back down, he pulls her away to rest his forehead against hers again. His thumb strokes over her cheek as he goes on. “I know it’s gonna be hard, Luci, but we can do this. Alright? Think about it. We’ve waited a long fuckin’ time just to get to this point. We can do it again.”
Frankie earns a small smile and giggle from Luciana at that, and he smiles wider himself as he presses a gentle kiss upon her lips. When they break apart, Luciana nods, placing her hand over the one Frankie still has on her cheek. “I know. I just…” she pauses, gripping his hand tight as she looks longingly into his eyes, “... I love you so much, Frankie. I don’t know what I’m gonna do without you.”
“You won’t be without me.” Frankie says the reassurance softly yet with confidence. “You’ll have these memories and the reassurance that I’ll be coming back to you later to finish this life and love of ours. And I wouldn’t be opposed to going old-school and getting some letters.”
Luciana chuckles. “I can write letters. I’ll address them to Flyboy.”
Frankie laughs, brushing his free hand through her hair as he keeps her close. “Perfect.” He then presses a kiss to her forehead. “Just like you.”
Luciana scoffs playfully and rolls her eyes. “How charming.” She presses another kiss to his lips. “By the way… I like it when you use ‘baby girl.’ Keep that habit up.”
Frankie smiles at her. “Noted.” He then invites her to relax into him again, leaving a kiss on her head once she’s nestled her head back into his neck. “Now rest, baby girl. Can’t let anybody know that we weren’t sleeping during these hours.”
Luciana giggles against the skin of his neck. “I’ve never had someone tire me out like this after just one round, Morales. Add that to your confidence checklist.” She presses a kiss to his neck when she hears him laugh in response. “Goodnight, babe. I love you.”
Frankie can’t help smiling yet again upon hearing the words, and he pulls her as close as possible as he closes his eyes in contentment. “I love you, too.”
In this moment, Frankie doesn’t give a damn who knows anymore. He would shout it to the whole world if he could. All he knows is that he’s found his other half in the woman who’s curled up into his side, and even though he’d tried to reassure her that everything would be okay, he knows his heart’s going to be ripped in half the moment he has to leave her.
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next part: chapter 8: hail
thunder tag list: @youhavereachedtheendofpie @charmantbarnes @theindiealto @fangirl-and-stuff @phoenixhalliwell @maybege @housekenobi​ @seawhisperer @mrsparknuts @saltywintersoldat @softpedropascal @i-hide-inside-my-head @sunshinepascal @domino-oh-damn @thirsty-flygirl 
permanent tag list: @mikahid @bestintheparsec @stilllivindue2spite @givemethatgold @xbrujita @mandalorianspace @blushingwueen @sevvysaurus @myakai13 @thisis-theway @beskars @rachelloveseveryone @theindiealto @hiscyarika @burningsoulbloodyheart @wickedfrsgrl @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @bookwafflefangirl @charliepeaceout @cable-kenobi @ezraslittleblondestreak @hdlynn @your-pixels-are-showing @b0n-chann
81 notes · View notes
valhallanrose · 3 years
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Rolling up to @arcana-echoes​ a week late with Starbucks in hand
Anyway, have a glimpse at Zelda and Tamryn’s relationship with one another pre-canon - it started as the Friends prompt but it might be a looser interpretation of it. 
1.1k words. No CWs apply. 
As soon as the carriage stopped at the cottage on the edge of the Sea of Persephia, Zelpha had thrown the door open, barrelling out of it with a squeal of delight that made her mother sigh heavily and chuckle to herself. At thirteen, Zelpha was a veritable ball of energy, and the Olenevs knew that at this point, it was better to just let her get it all out rather than get her to settle down.
“You got her, Tamryn?”
Tamryn was only halfway through climbing out of the carriage, their mother already halfway toward her husband to help him down from the carriage seat after the journey from port to the cottage itself. 
“Yeah, but I’m not promising I’m not dunking her head first into the ocean when she settles down.”
He snickered to himself as Zelpha stuck her tongue out at him, the nineteen year old sending her a rather rude gesture in return as soon as both of their parents’ backs were turned. Zelpha gasped, but she was grinning all the while as she bounded up to him and tugged on the edge of his shirt to get him to look at her. 
“Hey, Tam, come on - let’s go swimming!”
He pretended to mull it over, casually draping his arm atop her head and leaning into it as she grumbled. “I don’t know, It’s going to be sundown soon...you know mom has plans for tonight, and she didn’t want us swimming after dark.”
“Well yeah, stupid, but the sun isn’t down now.” Zelpha shoved his arm off her head, smacking at his hand when he tried to ruffle her hair. “Just admit it, you’re a chicken because you can’t swim.”
Tamryn’s brow quirked up, and as the smirk pulled across his face, the younger girl realized she was about to eat her words. 
“A chicken, am I?” Tamryn mused, taking a single step forward as Zelpha took about four backwards. “Would a chicken do...this?”
He lunged for her, and Zelpha screeched in indignation, bolting toward the beach and away from Tamryn as he made another grab when he got within range. But given the difference in speed between them both - Tamryn making good use of his much longer stride to grab her around the backs of her legs and throw her over his shoulder. Despite her flailing, he kept a firm grip around her thighs, only loosening it slightly to push her further over his shoulder and closer to the tide with every step he took into the surf.
If he’d thought for a moment that she was actually upset with him, or actually wanted him to put her down, he’d have stopped - but Zelpha was laughing as her hair got more and more soaked, head dipping dangerously close to the water as she continued to squirm. He paused when he was about thigh deep in the water, the crown of Zelpha’s head barely skating the water’s surface when a voice cut through the sound of the waves. 
His head snapped back toward the beach, where Galen stood with arms folded across his chest, but his face betrayed nothing but amusement as he watched the two of them. When Tamryn tilted his head, confused as Galen only gestured to the beach and grinned at them both. 
“Don’t track sand into the house.”
Zelpha let out a shout of playful dismay as Galen walked away, their father’s shoulders shaking with laughter as he returned to unload the bags from the back of the carriage with Evalina. Tamryn snickered to himself as he glanced over his shoulder toward Zelpha, who was trying to pout with arms folded across her chest despite the ridiculousness of being upside down. 
“Want me to put you down?” He asked, and Zelpha snorted, smacking his side with one hand, which made him grunt slightly at the impact. 
“Pretty please? With a cherry on top?” She asked sweetly, and Tamryn shrugged, releasing his grip on her legs. 
What Zelpha hadn’t accounted for was the fact that he was barely hanging onto her in the first place - at that point he’d been holding her by the backs of her knees over the water - which meant she dropped into the sea with a massive splash. She came up spluttering, wiping saltwater out of her eyes and glaring at her brother as he barely stifled laughter behind his hand. 
So, Zelpha did what any thirteen year old with magical powers would do as payback - she reached out with it to the sand beneath his feet, yanking it out from under him and sending him crashing down into the water with a shout of his own. She laughed and bolted as fast as she could - not fast at all, in water that deep - before Tamryn could get upright and chuck her into the surf again. 
They didn’t know how long they’d been out there, but by the time their mother called out to them from the shore, they were soaked from head to toe and starting to shiver as the warm summer air turned cool and the sky darkened slowly overhead. 
“Zelpha! Tamryn! Come back and dry off - I want to go into town to pick up dinner for us.” Evalina called, tugging her shawl a little tighter around her shoulders and smiled at them both. “We can pop by the bakery you both like if you hurry up.”
In the exact same moment, Zelpha and Tamryn looked at each other, identical grins spreading across their faces as they realized exactly what bakery Evalina was talking about. 
“Cheesecake.” The both said, and Tamryn grinned, crouching down to let Zelpha climb up on his back to bring her back to shore. Once she settled, she playfully smacked his shoulder, then pointed ahead toward the beach with a delighted shout of “Mush!”
Tamryn stopped dead in his tracks, turning his head back to give Zelpha an unimpressed look before she smiled sheepishly and kissed his cheek. “I’ll give you the whipped cream off my slice of cheesecake?” She offered, and Tamryn laughed, shaking his head and starting off toward the beach.
“It’s always food with you.” He mused, feeling her set her chin on his head and yawn as the exhaustion of their water fight hit her full force. “You fall asleep on me and you owe me three bites of your cheesecake.”
“Two, but I’ll give you the strawberries off mine.”
Tamryn chuckled softly as he hiked the short walk from the beach back to the seaside cottage, listening to Zelpha chat with their mother about the kinds of things they’d have for dinner that week - body cold, but heart warm as their father greeted them all at the door with warm cups of tea to ward of off the chill and towels to try off with. 
And, thankfully, ignored the sand they tracked into the house for the time being. 
6 notes · View notes
I wish you would write a fic where peter has some trouble sleeping and he goes to tony for help (irondad is best and I love how you write them)
A/N: I added a Read More break in this; I’m so sorry if it isn’t working on your Dash or in mobile. 
((WOW as per usual this took forever; I’m so sorry, and thank you for your patience!!!))
I can do that. As many of my IronDad fics are these days, this is set in a Post-Endgame Universe that ends the way we deserved it to. (Also thank you?? So much????) As per usual, I don’t know if this is what you envisioned, but here it is anyway. I hope you like it!
A Week in the Life of an Overly Anxious Insomniac (a.k.a. Post-Finals Week)
Peter Parker crawls in through his bedroom window after the fullest week of his whole life. He’s just finished his Junior year of high school, meaning that his end-of-year finals are the roughest and toughest, and he’s barely made it through them unscathed. Peter’s an above average student for above average students, much less the general population, so he keeps up with his studies well, especially after Tony and May teamed up to implement some Big Brother-level safe guards to make sure he was held accountable for his allotted homework and Spider-Man hours. 
The teenager pulls himself upright and runs a hand through his hair, a deep sigh emanating from his chest as he pulls off his Spider-Man suit. He glances at the clock; 1:30AM shines back silently at him, the one-time extended patrol hours Tony and May had allowed him in light of the end of the school year and successful exams.
Once he’s free of his enhanced spandex, Peter pulls on a t-shirt and sweatpants and collapses onto his bed, his nose buried in his covers, but his eyes remain open. He stares languidly at a spot on his wall, likely food from his and Ned’s last sleepover. 
The seconds tick past, soon turning into minutes, and then an hour has gone by, and somehow he’s still wide awake. He’s tried to drop off multiple times, but a prickling sensation across his back, like’s he’s being watched, keeps him from relaxing into sleep.
Peter sighs in frustration and takes out his phone, scrolling through countless ridiculous news articles until his body shuts itself off around 5AM.
Peter awakes at 9:30AM and groans. At least it’s Saturday, so he can sleep more. He rolls over just in time for his phone to go wild where he’d discarded it beneath his bed earlier that morning. He gropes blindly for the device and clicks it on, sleepily scrolling through the barrage of messages in his group chat with Ned and MJ. 
Ned: Expo day!
MJ: Expo day.
Ned: Peter!! EXPO DAY!
Ned: P
Ned: E
Ned: T
Ned: E
Ned: R
Peter rolls his eyes but can’t suppress a grin as he types out his response.
Peter: I’m awake geez
It’s not even until 4PM
Ned: Yeah, but still. We have to make sure we have our itinerary down and the layout of the place just in case something ya know crazy happens.
Peter: Right yeah sure
MJ: I’m not wearing the matching t-shirts
Ned: Pleeeeeaaassse MJ!!!!!!!!
MJ: …..without something else over it
Ned: *peace fingers emoji*
MJ: why didn’t you just send the actual emoji
Ned: You have an IPhone. The emojis always show up differently.
MJ: Not that one, idiot
Ned: Oh whatEVER
Peter nearly drops his phone on his face, so he rolls to his side and types out a final message.
Peter: I’m hitting snooze. See you guys this afternoon.
Peter switches his phone to silent mode and lays an arm over his face. After a week of multiple all-nighters on top of a full patrol and 4 ½ hours of sleep last night (this morning, he corrects himself with a grunt), he just wants to sleep until he absolutely has to be up. He sends a quick wake-up call request to May before pulling his covers back over his head.  
Peter, Ned, and MJ crash at Ned’s apartment around 12:30AM. The Expo (an invitation courtesy of Tony Stark, of course) had been incredible, showcasing the latest and greatest technology on the market and coming to the market, from Stark Industries to OsCorp and everything in between. 
The trio reclines on the Leeds’ comfy sectional, Ned passing out as soon as his body hits the cushions. MJ is curled in a half doze in the crook of the couch, and Peter spreads along the unoccupied middle section, propped sidelong against the back. He stares at his crossed ankles as the TV plays quietly in the background. His vision swims in and out of focus, trying to let him fall into sleep, but something keeps pulling him back just as he’s on the brink, like fingers trailing across his back. 
Peter knows no one else is in the room with him. He hears Ned and MJ’s separate, steady breathing on either side of him, but something about their presences, how strongly he can sense them, keeps him from falling out of consciousness. Their presence should be a comforting tether, but he finds it more restrictive now. He shakes his head minutely at the thought.
After about fifteen minutes, Peter sighs in defeat and positions himself to watch Nickelodeon’s late night programming, finally dropping off around 4AM.
Sadly for Peter, Ned and MJ are both early risers; they stir around 7:30 but lay poking at their phones until 8. Peter tries to fall back to sleep, but MJ’s accusatory “faker” has him popping his eyes open to defend himself. 
“I think I deserve it.” Peter grumbles while rubbing an eye. “My longest night of sleep all week was like 5 ½ hours. Maybe.”
“That’s unhealthy.”
“That’s finals week.”
“I wish you’d told us, Peter.” Ned chimes in with a yawn. “We could have come home way earlier last night.” 
“It’s fine.” Peter sighs and pushes himself up. “It was totally worth it. I’ll probably pass out tonight, so it’s fine.”
As if the universe loves proving him wrong, that evening once again finds Peter restless. He can’t seem to get comfortable in any position.
Left side.
Right side.
He even swaps his head to the foot of the bed and tries a diagonal position.
No dice.
He tenses up every muscle in his body and releases.
He keeps his eyes open for as long as he can without blinking.
He tries to force his breathing to become heavy and even.
His mind and body are exhausted, he can feel it, but they just refuse to shut off.
Peter pulls his pillow over his face and groans loudly.
Peter gets about 3 hours of sleep before May pokes her head in to ask for his help; she’s been on a minimalist kick lately and wants Peter to help her carry her donations to her car.
He smiles bitterly when he sees the black Sharpie scribbles on the outsides of the boxes:
Ben’s Clothes
Peter’s Toys
Wedding Pictures
Labels marked over and re-named Donations. 
Peter’s eyes are suddenly watery, and he quickly deposits the boxes in May’s car before running a hand over his face. 
May shoots him an inquisitive look but drops the issue, giving him a quick squeeze of a hug before thanking him and getting in her car. Peter waves as she leaves and sighs.
He could text Ned or MJ to go get coffee, but the walking distance just seems to far today.
He goes back upstairs and spends the day watching lame TV on the couch.
He doesn’t sleep at all that night.
Peter spends the whole day keeping busy. He organizes and cleans the apartment. He volunteers to walk his neighbors’ dogs. He goes for lunch with MJ and Ned and even sets out early as Spider-Man. 
The evening hours come around, and he settles in with May on the couch watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. They keep score, Peter easily beating all of the contestants, and he begs May to stay with him and play with his hair as he puts on the most boring documentary he can find.
May acquiesces after studying him briefly, but she nods off after about half an hour, her hand resting in his hair. 
Peter puts his hands over his face and swallows a sob, painfully, fully awake.
It’s starting to get to him, the lack of sleep.
He ignores May that morning when she calls to him to join her for french toast and fruit.
He tells Ned and MJ he can’t swing lunch that day though he has nothing planned.
He nearly cries when his phone lights up with his reminder that Tony Stark is back from his business trip, and again when said man sends him a message.
Tony: Hey, squirt. I’m back stateside. You free to come to the Lakehouse for a few days? Mo misses you.
Peter actually takes a few moments to consider before he catches himself. Not a good sign.
Peter: Yeah, I’m free. I’ll come tomorrow.
Peter kisses May goodbye that morning with a promise of letting her know when he gets to the Cabin. 
Happy comes for him around 10:30, and it’s after noon by the time they pull up to Tony Stark’s home away from home. 
Morgan is on the porch the moment their car doors slam and is tackling Peter nearly to the ground before he can reach the trunk to get his bag. She squeezes the air from his lungs as she babbles excitedly about how they’re going to spend the next few days, her first days of summer vacation, together. 
“Let him breathe, Monkey.” 
Peter looks up to find Tony on the porch, metal arm on a post and flesh arm waving lightly. Peter ushers up a smile and a small wave in return before hoisting Morgan up into his arms. The teenager crosses to the porch stops before his mentor. 
“Made it through another finals week, huh?”
“Barely.” Peter’s tone is more biting than he wants, and he hopes Tony didn’t notice. He’s definitely giving Peter a once-over now.
“Hap? Take Morgan inside, please?”
“Sure. Come here, Princess.”
“Uncle Happy, can I have cookies?”
“Don’t let her fool you, Hap; she’s already had her post-lunch snack.”
Morgan folds her arms and pouts as Happy chuckles and takes her inside. 
“He didn’t say anything about juice pops-” 
“Traitor.” Tony mumbles as Happy shuts the door behind them.
It’s quiet for a moment, the lake lapping at the shoreline barely audible as they look out and then at each other. Tony’s gaze stays on Peter, and the boy can’t help but look away.
“What’s up, kid?”
“What do you mean?”
“Your eyes are bloodshot. And last time I checked, Pep didn’t pop out a ten ton toddler, so Morgan shouldn’t be able to knock you over like that.”
“I was just playing with her.”
“Uh huh. Well,” Tony is clearly a bit peeved with Peter, but he drops the issue. “I assume you haven’t had lunch yet, so maybe some food in you will make you more talkative.”
Peter passes the afternoon between Tony and Morgan, the former occupying him with projects in his small workshop and the latter demanding to be occupied by him all over the property.
For all intents and purposes, he should be exhausted. 
And yet 2:30AM finds him wide awake and near to breaking.
He’s laying on his side facing his clock, the red letters displaying “2:31AM.” He stares and stares and stares until he feels like the letters are bored into his brain. He closes his eyes, and they pop back open again like they’re on a spring.  
Peter rolls into his back and stares at the dark patches on his ceiling, remnants of the knotholes that used to be, tensing and relaxing his gaze, squinting and releasing, rolling his eyes around in vain hopes of exhausting his eyes to closing with no luck.
He flips onto his left side with a huff and curls into the fetal position, hoping somehow he can trick his anxiety-ridden brain into believing he is safe and can sleep soundly. He’s in the middle of the woods of New York in what is likely the safest cabin in the entire world, and yet his body refuses to relax and let him sleep. 
Peter slaps his comforter in frustration and bolts upright, his heartbeat drumming painfully in his chest and blood pumping in his ears. He swings his feet over the side of the bed, grabs his Midtown hoodie, and slides open the window; he sits on the edge for a moment or two before dropping silently to the ground. Slipping his hands into his hoodie pocket, Peter quietly follows the moonlit path to the dock; he stands there for a little while, tracing every shape and shadow the reflected glow will let him see, listening to every scuttle and shuffle in the trees and on the ground. 
He wouldn’t pick out the light footsteps in any other circumstance, but their contrast to those he’s more familiar with sets him at ease.
“I’m sorry if I woke you up.” Peter chokes out as Pepper comes to stand beside him.
The woman is hugging her bathrobe to herself despite the warmth of the season, but she doesn’t seem agitated from what Peter can tell. 
“You didn’t.” There’s an undercurrent of a scoff in her tone. “Overseas conference call. We had to meet on their terms.”
“That’s not fair.”
“We trade off.” 
They stand in silence for a few beats before Pepper sighs.
“He struggles with insomnia, too, you know.”
“Of course. Afghanistan. His heart. New York. That crazy Russian. Hammer. Ultron. Thanos. St-….Everything. I’d be amazed if he went through everything he has while maintaining a decent sleep schedule.” Pepper’s tone is a little hard, but Peter knows she doesn’t mean ill will toward him. She’s been with Tony through far longer than he has. She’s quiet for a few seconds before quietly adding, her tone lighter, “He called an Iron Man suit on me once.”
Peter sucks in a breath. 
“I don’t think he meant to, but he had so much going on that he wasn’t dealing with already, and…we were going through a rough patch…The anxiety was eating him alive. Don’t tell him I told you all of that.” Her tone is more conspiratorial than regretful. “He’s never forgiven himself for it, but you should know. He deals with it, too. The anxiety. Feeling unsettled all the time.”
“There’s just…always something. I feel like can’t really rest.”
Pepper nods. “I don’t know the full scope of your abilities, but May’s told me about your…Peter Tingle?”
Peter cringes. “Spider Sense is what I prefer, but yeah. Maybe that’s related to all of this.”
“Probably.” Pepper is quiet for a moment. “You know…he would do whatever he needs to help. All you have to do is ask.”
“Okay.” Peter turns just a bit and gives her a tired smile. “Thanks, Pepper.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” Pepper holds out an arm for him, and he gladly steps in to it. 
Peter will always be secretly, selfishly thankful for how Morgan softened the Starks while he was gone, allowing him to fall in their never-ending streams of comfort that didn’t exist before he disappeared. 
Peter feels a pull where Pepper’s hand rests on his shoulder, and he allows her to guide them back inside. He falls asleep an hour later.
Tony has multiple business calls the next day, so it’s mid-afternoon when Peter finally gets some alone time with his mentor-turned-father-figure. They’re sitting on a small pier Tony built over the lake, swinging on a bench swing Morgan insisted they needed after Pepper had one installed on the front porch months earlier. They’re seated on opposite ends of the swing, Peter’s feet propped between them as they gaze out over the water, each lost in their respective thoughts. 
Peter taps Tony’s arm with his toes after a while, and the man scrunches up his nose in false disgust. 
“The last thing I want on my arm, even lower on the totem pole than Morgan’s boogers, is stinky teenager feet.”
“I will have you know that I clean my feet quite well and quite regularly, my good sir.” Peter falls into a vaguely British accent, accentuating each of the last three words with its own individual toe tap to Tony’s arm. 
“Disgusting. I’m tainted.” Tony rests his arm over the back of the swing. “So, I hear you and Pepper had a little late night stroll to the dock.”
“She told you?”
“FRIDAY did. She’s a bit of a tattletale.”
“She really is.”
“Woke me up and everything, and I was finally getting a good night’s sleep.”
Peter feels heat rise to his cheeks. “Sorry. Uh, and sorry you haven’t been sleeping well.”
Tony shrugs. “It happens. Especially when I go from being in the city, as we were in Bangladesh, to being back out here in the quiet. Hard to adjust sometimes. To relax fully.”
“Yeah.” Peter stares resolutely out at the lake.
“So, what were you and my wife chatting about at such an hour?”
“So you got up and took Pepper out to the dock to ask her about her business call?”
“Not exactly. I mean, it came up, but…I was out there first.”
“Oh, really? So she came out as a recon. mission, then?”
“I guess so.”
“Why were you out there in the middle of the night, if you don’t mind my asking?”
“….I couldn’t sleep.”
“Yeah? Why not?”
Peter inhales through his nose. “Not sure. But it’s not a big deal.”
“If you say so.” 
Peter looks through the corners of his eyes and finds Tony studying him before the man decides to stand, stretching and popping his back as he does so. 
“Care for a walk around the lake?”
Peter collapses onto the couch when they return, staring through the windows to the side porch and watching Tony and Pepper prepare dinner together on the outside grill. 
Morgan is hunched over at his feet, scribbling furiously in her current favorite coloring book. 
“Whatchya doodling, Moomoo?”
“A cat.” Morgan holds up a good-sized image of what is now an orange tabby.
“Looks good.”
“Thanks.” The little one goes back to her coloring, more quietly this time, and Peter settles back against the arm of the couch. He stares at the ceiling, willing himself to relax if it means he can even get a nap in before dinner, but his body just won’t have it. He can hear his heartbeat. Morgan’s heartbeat. Every mechanical and electrical noise in the house goes in and out of focus as he just lays there, trying not to show his frustration and upset Morgan.
“Hey, Pete.” Tony pokes his head in and nearly makes the teen jump. “Can you grab the meat out of the fridge?”
“Yeah.” Peter sits up slowly and stands, feeling Tony’s eyes on him as he crosses to the kitchen. “Sh-oot.” Peter catches himself just in time after his toe has a gnarly collision with a dining table leg. “Missed that somehow…” He grumbles as he pulls the food out of the freezer and brings it back to Tony. Peter just catches the man’s critical gaze before it snaps into easy speculation.
“Thanks, bud.” Tony claps a hand on Peter’s shoulder, and they go out together, Peter’s hopes of relief forgotten as the afternoon melts into evening.
It’s the same old story, and one he is so tired of re-living.
Peter full on glares at the ceiling as his heart pounds in his chest, refusing to slow down no matter how he tries to force out slow, even breaths. He clenches his eyes shut but the frustrated tears have already bloomed there and spilled over his cheeks, drawing twin lines down over his temples and pooling on his pillow. He swipes a hand over his face and sniffs hard, rolling onto his side to glare at the clock now. 
The witching hour. Or at least that’s what MJ calls it. It definitely feels like he’s being hexed right now as his eyes seem to remain open of their own accord, in spite of all of his efforts to get them to comply with the exhaustion in his limbs, his bones. 
“Why the hell can’t I sleep?” He mouths silently at the glowing numbers, the frustration spilling over again, but he doesn’t bother to wipe them away this time. He doesn’t cry all that often, really, not when he’s mad, at least, but night after night of not sleeping enough, especially after exerting himself so much, has worn him thin, and crying is all he can do to keep from screaming, stomping, hurling and throwing things. He’s past the point of being upset with his insomnia and reached the point of searing anger, at himself for not being able to overcome this obstacle and whatever power has placed this plague on him. He grits his teeth until his jaw aches, and he nearly cracks a tooth when an owl sees fit to chime in on his thoughts from outside his window.
Peter pushes himself up and gazes toward his window, the scene from last night playing through his mind in a strange 3rd person point-of-view, as if he is FRIDAY watching him from the house instead of himself experiencing it. Something Pepper said pokes at his consciousness, and he frowns.
You know…he would do whatever he needs to help. All you have to do is ask.
All you have to do is ask. 
Peter stares intently at the window for a moment, contemplating before he finally sighs deeply and throws his covers off. As much as he hates to put anything else on the man’s plate, Peter knows that Tony will understand his plight; plus, he’s been eyeing Peter ever since he arrived, so the teen figures it’s more merciful to put the man out of his miserable curiosity.
Peter stops outside of Tony and Pepper’s door, listening for a moment and frowning when he only hears one person breathing and snoring softly. Definitely not Tony. He quietly pads to Morgan’s door and listens, only hearing the even lighter breathing of the little girl, and his brows crease. 
Peter heads toward the stairs and picks up the faint light shining from downstairs; he quietly mounts them and steps down to the ground floor, absorbing Tony sitting on the couch with a book in one hand, a cup of tea in the other. It’s so domestic that it brings the tears back to Peter’s eyes, the idea of Tony finally being this relaxed and at home somewhere pulling at something deep in Peter’s core. 
“I was wondering when you’d show up.”
Tony’s voice startles Peter, the silence Peter hadn’t realized he’d settled in to shattered, and now the air holds an expectation of being filled with vibrating waves that Peter isn’t sure he’s ready to relinquish. The idea of finally confiding in Tony had seemed palpable when he was upstairs, alone and breaking anyway, but now that he’s here and sees Tony, thinks back to everything he’s been through, Peter suddenly feels selfish and silly.
“Quit overthinking. Come sit with me.” 
Peter’s gaze snaps from the window to which it’s wandered and back to his mentor. Tony has put down the book and tea by now and is watching him intently but not oppressively; there’s no scrutiny in his eyes or demand in his body language, just an open invitation.
Peter crosses the room stiffly and sits beside Tony, staring ahead and body refusing to relax right away. 
“Geez, you’re wound up tight. Come here.” Tony beckons Peter toward him, and the teen stares. 
“I’m gonna rub your shoulders, kid. Don’t make it weird.” Tony rolls his eyes. “Unless you’re genuinely uncomfortable with it, then I won’t.”
“No, it’s okay….I’m just….getting used to it.”
“To what?”
“To you being all…”
Tony snorts.
“That’s like, the one benefit of disappearing for five years.”
Tony clenches his jaw, and Peter sighs through his nose. It’s always too soon for Tony.
“Sorry…I just mean…You had a kid while I was gone. You got all paternal and stuff, and now I get to reap the benefits of that, I guess.”
“Yeah, we’re definitely more touchy feely than before, huh?”
“I just figured that was because you missed me.” Peter smiles a bit, mischief tugging at the corners of his lips. 
“I did, kid. So much.”
Peter’s smile falls to neutrality. “I know. I….I guess I missed you, too. I don’t remember much.”
“Hopefully we’ll keep it that way.” Tony mumbles. “So, shoulder rub?”
Peter considers for a moment. “Sure, why not.” He scoots closer to Tony, and the man’s warm hand on his tense neck and shoulder muscles immediately help him relax just a fraction.
“Geez, kid; you been working out these muscle groups or have you been that tense over finals?” 
Peter blinks. “You know, now that you mention it, I guess I have been pretty tense over the last couple of weeks.”
“Yeah? You think that’s causing your sleeping problems?”
“How did you know about that?”
“This is the second night in a row that you’re awake with a Stark parent in the dead of night in one of the safest places in the world. Call it a hunch.” 
Peter lets out an involuntary snort. “Yeah…It’s been a solid two weeks since I got a good night of sleep.”
“Two Fridays ago?”
“Why? Did you procrastinate? Too many Spidey hours?”
“No, no, I was ready just…nervous I guess. Not sure why. I guess because I had a lot of tough academic classes this semester. There’s just kind of an air of tension, you know? Even if I feel okay, if everyone else is stressed out, I just kind of pick up on that. I guess it’s my senses.”
“That makes sense.”
“And sometimes I tend to just….hang on to that tension even after the school year is over, you know? After I took my first AP Exam, I had three separate dreams that I was taking the exam over again. It’s like a high that I can’t come down from or something.”
“Mmm.” Tony hums his attention while giving special care to a particularly tough knot near the base of Peter’s neck. “Geez, kid, we really have to work on your posture. No more studying in bed.”
“Oh, yeah, May told me not to do that.”
“Wait, did you actually study in bed?”
“Pete. Kid. You’re too smart for this. Seriously, you should only sleep in your bed. Anything else encourages you to be awake in that space.”
“When did you become an expert on this stuff?”
“When I became a workaholic and was doing work in the comfort of my bed that I couldn’t ever sleep in because my mind was always buzzing with work to be done.”
“Oh….ah!” Peter flinches as Tony pushes his metal thumb against the aforementioned knot. 
“Sorry, bud. This one’s a booger.”
Peter squirms uncomfortably as Tony presses on the tough spot in his back, sucking in a harsh breath when the man ups the pressure but sagging in relief when he eases off. 
“Anything else bothering you?” Tony prompts quietly as he places his flesh hand over the base of Peter’s neck to massage the top of his spine. 
Peter nearly groans as Tony works at the new spot of tension he’s found. “….No, not really.”
“You hesitated.”
“So?” There’s more discomfort than bite in Peter’s tone.
“You’re not exactly one to choose your words carefully, Pete.” Tony’s lowers his voice and evens out his tone as much as he can. “You speed through every conversation like that ugly blue hedgehog thing.”
“Sure,” Tony shrugs. “But we were talking about you hesitating.”
“You were, really.” 
“Sure, I was, but it really is one of your tells for when you’re not being totally honest with me.”
“Since when do you pay so much attention to me?” Peter’s nostrils flare just a bit after the fact.
“Ooo so that’s it, then? Feeling neglected by your mentor-slash-idol?” Tony has laced jest into his tone to compensate for the pinched brows Peter cannot see. He knows Peter looks up to him as a father figure, especially considering all they’ve been through together, and icy guilt stabs through him as he thinks of Peter missing him and longing for his re-assurance in these last days of the semester. “You know I’m always a video call away, buddy.”
“I know….” Peter winces, and Tony apologizes quietly. “…but you’re busy.”
“I’m retired, kid. Not a superhero anymore, remember? And Pepper and her people run Stark Industries.”
“You were just in Wakanda for two weeks.”
“That was…a friendly visit, we’ll call it.” Tony pats Peter’s back lightly and reclines against the couch cushions. “That’s all I can do for now, kiddo. Hand’s too tired.”
“Thanks.” Peter rolls his shoulders and settles back, too, distanced from Tony at the other end of the couch. 
“Seriously, though.” Tony levels Peter with a gaze, and the teen can’t look away. “Anything you need, any time, Peter. I’m here for you. I didn’t invent time travel to get you back and pawn you off on May again.” 
Peter nods, his face unreadable as he continues to stare at Tony like an animal deciding if he’s trustworthy or not.
“C’mere, squirt.” Tony holds out an arm and blinks when Peter hesitates before crawling into his partial embrace. The man sighs and leans his head back, tracing the barely visible grooves in the wood paneled ceiling. “Do you remember the last time we sat like this?”
“Yes, smartass, but I was thinking more about the hour. The last time we were both up at 3am.”
Peter considers for a moment, following Tony’s gaze before realization seems to strike him; his eyes widen a fraction before falling to the coffee table. 
“Oh, yeah.” 
Tony squeezes Peter’s shoulder.
“We didn’t do a lot this year. We were both too busy on the day of to go to his grave.”
“Does that bother you?”
“A little…but it’s not like he knows. And…I don’t know if we really wanted to this year, you know? With everything that’s happened, death is just such a weird thing to think about right now.”
“That makes sense.”
Peter’s breath catches just a bit. “She gave some of his stuff away the other day. She asked me to help her carry it out to her car, and she didn’t even…acknowledge it or whatever.”
Tony is quiet for a moment. “I’m sorry, buddy.”
Peter is lost in thought for a few moments. “Well, I think so, anyway. She had donation boxes, and they were taped up, but the side was marked, ‘Ben’s Clothes’ and ‘Wedding Pictures.’ I never saw inside, so I don’t know for sure. And like I said, she didn’t say anything, which is weird for her, honestly, so maybe she was just using the boxes.”
“You could ask her.”
“I don’t think so. That would probably upset her…Besides, I doubt she actually did get rid of them, but something about loading all of that stuff into her car just…it felt like the day I first came to them, or when we moved after the blip. So much transition, and the thought of transitioning past Ben on top of how much I haven’t been sleeping was just…”
“The straw that broke the camel’s back.”
“Exactly.” Peter’s voice is thin and quiet, wispy like a passing breeze, strained like a taut muscle, and weighted with meaning like a fierce whisper. 
Tony is rubbing his hand over Peter’s shoulder and pretends not to notice when Peter rubs his hand over his eyes. He does notice the second time, though, and laughs a bit when Peter lets out a loud yawn. “You sleepy now?”
“Yeah. I could sleep for days.”
“Do that. I’ll keep Momo occupied tomorrow-” Tony snorts. “Today. Sleep as long as you need to.” 
“Thanks, Tony.” Peter smiles tiredly and leans his head against Tony’s shoulder; he stares blankly at the fireplace until his eyelids begin to droop. 
“Oh, no. I can’t sleep here tonight; my back is too bad for that.” Tony roughly rubs Peter’s shoulder before shifting to get up. 
Peter grunts and pouts, slouching into the couch. 
“You can’t, either. Morgan won’t let you sleep if you’re down here.”
“True…” Peter rises with him.
“Hey, if this sleepless stuff persists, I’ll get some of the stuff we gave Steve when he was fighting insomnia after-….some stuff happened.”
“Yeah, okay. Thank you.”
“No problem at all, bud.”
They climb the stairs in silence, pad down the hall and turn to face each other when they reach their respective doors.
“Night, Pete.” Tony whispers, hand on his doorknob.
“Night, Tony.” Peter lingers for just a moment as Tony goes into his room. 
The man turns to close his door but stops when he catches Peter still waiting. His brows crease, and he moves to come back out, but Peter shakes his head and looks at the floor shyly, before waving for Tony to go. Tony considers Peter for a moment, squinting at the kid before he sighs silently and nods, closing the door all the way. 
Peter sighs and goes into his own room, closing the door silently behind him before he crawls into bed and falls into a dead sleep until that afternoon.  
(Tony only slightly regrets promising to entertain Morgan on 4 hours of sleep.) 
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snelbz · 5 years
The Arrival {ACOTAR 2nd Gen - Part 1}
A/N: Surprise! @tacmc and I didn’t even tell you this one was in the works. The idea popped into our heads and we both fell head over heels in love with it! It will be based around a long weekend away from Velaris. Each “chapter” will cover a day. We hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions about the kids, please feel free to drop an ask in either of our boxes!
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Cassian climbed out of the truck and slammed the door, taking a deep breath as he looked out over the lake.
This long weekend away from the hustle and bustle of Velaris was exactly what Nesta needed and he heard his very pregnant wife groan as she lowered herself from the passenger side cab.
“Uncle Cass!”
He turned just in time to catch the little girl that jumped at him, hoisting her up and propping her on his hip. “Luna-Bug!”
“Hi!” She tossed an arm around his neck, squeezing as tightly as she said. “Uncle Rhys told me to tell you he needs your help on the dock when you get here.”
“Well since I have the boat, I guess I need to do that, don’t I?”
Luna nodded, excitedly. “Can I come with you?”
“Of course,” he laughed, kissing her forehead before setting her down. He looked back to where Nesta was fanning herself next to the truck. “Doing okay, sweetheart?”
Nesta gave him a glare that could destroy cities. “Thorn? Can you and John take our bags inside, please? I’m going to go find your aunts.”
Thorn nodded, taking a duffle bag out of the bed and throwing it at John, who fell down from the impact. Nesta couldn’t even take a step toward him before he was on his little feet, charging for his big brother.
Cassian just chuckled and looked back to Luna. “Boys.”
Luna rolled her eyes as if to say, Tell me about it.
“John!” His youngest son paused, looking back over his shoulder. “Don’t even think about it. Thorn,” he pointed at his eldest son, the spitting image of himself. Mischief danced in the blue-gray eyes he’d inherited from his mother. “Don’t be an ass.”
Luna gasped and covered her mouth. “Uncle Cass, that’s a bad word!”
He laughed and started heading for the lakehouse, the front door swung open wide to let the heat in. “Don’t tell your mommy I said it and I’ll give you an extra one of Aunt Nesta’s brownies after dinner.”
Luna’s eyes went wide. “Ooooh yummy.”
Azriel was standing in the kitchen, taking everything out of the fridge that he would need to start grilling. A 6-month-old Lannan was strapped to his chest in a carrier, little feet kicking wildly. Luna began squirming until Cassian put her down.
“Daddy! Uncle Cass is here!”
Azriel turned around, only to have Luna run into his leg with a big hug. She reached up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to baby Lannan. “Hi, baby brother.”
Lannan giggled and tangled his fingers into Luna’s dark hair.
“OW!” she screamed.
Azriel sighed, untangling his infant’s fingers from his eldest child’s hair.
“Hi,” he laughed, meeting Cassian’s gaze. “You’re needed-.”
“Dock? Yeah, so I’m told,” he said, narrowing his eyes at Luna, who stuck out her tongue and ran out the back door, toward the lake.
He ruffled his hand through his brother’s hair (much to Azriel’s dismay as he whispered “Prick,” under his breath) and pressed a kiss to the top of his nephew’s head and headed for the door. “Cass?”
He turned and looked back towards the kitchen. Azriel tossed him a beer. “Here’s to a good, long weekend. You’re going to need that.”
He saluted him and cracked the top, following the sound of giggles onto the back porch.
Feyre and Elain were sitting down by the dock in their swimsuits, Nesta waddling toward them — Thorn gripped by the wrist in one hand, John in the other.
Feyre and Rhysand’s twins were running around in the grass through the sprinklers.
“Party’s here!” Cassian announced, descending the back porch stairs.
Feyre rolled her eyes as Nesta let go of Thorn and John and plopped down in one of the other lawn chairs.
“Control your boys,” Feyre chastised. “Your wife is a whale.”
“Bitch,” Nesta muttered but didn’t correct her. Cassian didn’t want to know what it took to create human life.
“She’s beautiful,” Cassian winked, pressing his mouth to his wife’s before strutting out on the dock, to an impatient Rhys.
“About time you got here,” he said, tying the jet skis off.
Cassian raised an eyebrow. “In case you somehow forgot, my wife is 8 months pregnant. If you want to be the one tell her to hurry up, that’s your balls, not mine.”
Rhys glanced over to where Nesta was resting, her shirt raised over her belly, letting the sun warm her skin. He shuddered at the idea of asking an irritable Nesta to do anything she didn’t want to do. “Fair enough. I’ve got the ramps ready. You want to help me get them into the water so all you have to do is back down?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Rhys lifted his beer towards Cass and the two clinked their bottles against each other. “Happy Solstice, brother.”
Cass grinned. “Happy Solstice.”
Nesta groaned as she felt another sharp kick to her ribs. “I swear, if she wants to come early, I’m completely fine with it.”
Feyre drank from her wine glass and looked at both of her sisters. One pregnant and one breastfeeding, she would be the only one drinking. Nesta eyed her wine glass. “Have one for me, please.”
“Same,” Elain said, eyes closed, an arm tossed over her face to block out the sun.
“It would be my pleasure, but if-.”
All three women were instantly turning, Feyre and Elain on their feet, but it was Lily who was crying as she sat in the grass. Thorn had her Barbie in his hand, held high in the air out of her reach, and he looked as if he’d be caught red-handed. Nesta tried to get up from the chair, but her swollen belly wouldn’t allow her. She decided to yell instead.
“Thorn Stormwind Nazari, you give your cousin back her doll right now or I swear-.”
Feyre and Rhys’ son pushed him from behind and he landed in the grass. “Leave my sister alone!”
“Let them fight it out.”
The three women looked behind them to see Azriel. They hadn’t even heard him approach.
“Sounds like a bloodbath waiting to happen,” Elain mumbled, as Azriel took Lannan out of his chest carrier and handed him to Elain.
“It’s good for them to settle their own conflicts,” Azriel said, not unkindly, as he unstrapped the carrier and tossed it in the grass.
Elain watched the scene play out, worry coating her eyes.
But, Thorn got up, dropped the doll, and ran to the tire swing that hung on a large oak tree.
“What are we eating today, chef man?”
Azriel gave Feyre a small smile as he pulled off his shirt, the sun catching his tanned skin. “Burgers, hotdogs, I’ve got a few steaks.”
Nesta took a deep breath and cursed. “I’m so hungry, that sounds amazing.”
“Still not able to eat red meat?” He asked. “I’ve got chicken breasts for you, just in case.”
Nesta ran a loving hand over her stomach. About 3 months into her pregnancy, Nesta discovered she wasn’t able to keep red meat down, but craved it almost 24/7. There were many nights that Cassian was down on their porch at 2:30 in the morning, grilling a burger that would go uneaten, just so she could huff the smell of it out of his shirt as she laid in bed.
“No, I believe we’re finally past that, but I’ll probably still have them. That sounds so good right now.”
“She’ll change her mind in 30 minutes,” Cassian yelled as he went around to the drive to get the boat. “She’ll decide she wants Indian food or a pickle smoothie.”
“You did this to me, remember?”
He smirked. “Oh, I remember well.”
“Little ears, Cassian!” Elain cried, covering Lannan’s ears, even though there’s no way the small infant could have any idea what was being said around him. He cooed as she gazed down at him. Azriel dropped a kiss to his wife’s head.
Cassian just grinned. “Oh, you’d hate the things we say around our kids at home-“
“Cassian,” Nesta interrupted, shaking her head.
Cassian just laughed as he continued his walk to the driveway.
“Mommy?” A dark-haired, tanned skin boy tapped Feyre’s shoulder. “I want to go swimming. Thorn does, too.”
“I’ll go with you,” Azriel said, smiling softly. “Get your suits on. I’ll be waiting by your dad, okay?”
Bennett nodded excitedly and hurried inside to change.
Azriel asked, “You're giving this one a normal name, right?”
Nesta laughed. “Like you’re one to talk?” She heard Elain giggle from her seat. “Yes, Cassian lost his child naming privileges when I woke up and ‘Thorn Stormwind’ was our son’s official birth certificate. This little one will be Scarlett Rosemarie Nazari.”
“Thank goodness,” she heard Feyre breathe.
A little voice sounded behind them. “Mama.”
They turned to find Olive, one of Rhys and Feyre’s twins on the dock. She reached for her and Feyre lifted her and sat her on her lap. “What is it, sweet girl?” She didn’t say anything, just nestled her head against Feyre’s chest and closed her eyes.
“Looks like someone is ready for her nap,” Rhys said, taking his daughter from his wife’s lap. “Are you sleepy, Livy?” She shook her head ‘no’, but her thumb was in her mouth and her eyes were slipping closed. “Let’s go get your sister. Nes, want me to to put John down, too?”
“Please,” she said, taking a sip of her water. “He didn’t close his eyes once on the trip up here and if we don’t put him down now, we’ll be due for a meltdown right about dinner time.”
Rhysand chuckled and nodded. Soon enough, he had a line of toddlers behind him, holding hands, like ducks in a row.
Azriel had Bennett on his shoulders, Cassian holding Thorn on his.
“Alright, the first kid to hit the water has to set the table tonight,” Rhys announced from his swan floatie by the dock. “Go!”
The two boys wrestled atop Azriel and Cassian’s shoulders, until Bennett fell back, hitting the water. He came back up a second later, lavender eyes furious. “That’s not fair! Thorn’s older.”
“Don’t worry, kid,” Cassian winked, throwing his son into the water, off his shoulders. “Thorn would love to help you set the table for supper.”
Now it was Thorn’s turn to come up looking pissed.
“But I won!”
Before Cassian could respond, Bennett tackled him into the water and the two began to fight.
“Careful,” Rhys called, sunglasses on, eyes shut. He glanced over at the boys, and saw that they were wrestling, but weren’t too deep in the water, so they’d be fine.
His brothers, however, were nowhere in sight.
“Oh, shi-.”
Before he could finish swearing, the float was lifted from the water and tipped from underneath.
Cassian and Azriel emerged from the water, laughing, water dripping from their hair.
Rhys came up, his sunglasses floating next to him and glanced at his beer floating in the water now. He sighed. “I just opened that, you pricks.”
Elain called from the house. “Dinner’s almost ready! Start getting dried off, please!”
Cassian hauled himself up onto the dock and grabbed Thorn’s outstretched hands, lifting him up, too. Bennett, Azriel, and Rhys used the stairs and the boys all grabbed towels from the trunk under the upper deck.
As he ran a towel over his shoulder-length hair, Thorn asked, “Is Aunt Elain going to have her boobs out again?”
“Dude,” Cassian said, grabbing his son’s shoulder as Azriel choked on nothing and Rhys began to laugh. “We’ve been over this. She’s breastfeeding, Lannan has to eat, too. And you know not to stare.”
“But they’re boobs,” he said, making a disgusted face.
“You won’t feel that way for long, buddy,” Rhys said, clapping a hand onto Cass’ shoulder, trying to salvage the conversation.
Bennett looked up at his dad and asked, “Is Lannan always going to eat from her boobs?”
“No, just until he can eat real food,” Rhys answered.
“Can we stop talking about my wife’s boobs?” Azriel mumbled, holding his towel in front of him, rather than tying it around his waist like the rest of the boys.
Rhys and Cassian just laughed loudly as they led their sons up to the house.
Azriel followed them up the grassy hill and into the house, where Elain was waiting for him by the sliding door.
“You look amused.”
“Just talked with an eight-year-old about your breasts,” he mumbled, kissing her quickly.
She huffed out a laugh before shaking her head. “I don’t want to know.”
“You don’t,” he said, taking the plate of burgers and hot dogs from her and making his way over to the grill.
She went back into the kitchen, where Feyre, holding Lannan, was sending Bennett and Thorn to their room to change and get washed up. Elain returned to her place at the counter, tossing the salad and adding things in here and there.
“Where’s Nes?” Cass asked, grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge.
“She’s laying down,” Elain replied, not looking up from where she had begun cutting up vegetables for the kids. “Said she was having really bad heartburn from lunch.”
He laughed. “She’s the one who wanted ‘authentic Mexican’.” He tossed air quotes around the words and said he’d go get her up. No one else dared to wake the very pregnant, sleeping woman, for fear of bodily harm.
Feyre bumped Elain’s hip. “Want me to go wake up the littles? They’ve been down for, what? Almost two hours?”
Elain looked at the clock. She hadn’t realized it had been that long. “Please do.” She took her youngest from her sister. “And it’s time for you to eat, isn’t it?” She lifted him in the air and kissed his cherub cheeks as he giggled. “Yes, it is.”
Feyre just smiled as she headed down the hall and cracked open the door at the end. All three toddlers were out, the movie that was playing on the tv in the corner had ended long ago.
She brushed a soft hand over John’s curly hair. His face twisted in annoyance at being woken and the expression was so much like Nesta that Feyre had to stop a chuckle from leaving her lips. “Time to get up, Jonathan David.” His little eyes opened, hazel staring back at her and he yawned. “Are you hungry?” He nodded as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Uncle Az is outside grilling up your hot dogs. Wanna go help him?”
He nodded again, but another yawn wracked his little body as he scooted off the bed. He looked to where Livy and Lily were still asleep. He whispered, “Are they still sleeping?”
“I’m about to get them up, baby.” She brushed his light brown hair off his face again. It seemed it was time for a much-needed haircut, but if she had to guess, based off of both Cassian and Thorn’s hair, it would take a miracle for John to let anyone near him with a pair of shears.
“They’re still babies, they need more sleep than me.”
She chuckled. John wasn’t even 4 months older than her girls, but he was always so adamant that they were babies while he was a big boy. No doubt something he’d picked up from his own big brother. “Exactly, bud. Now, go help Uncle Azriel while I get them up.”
“Okay.” He yawned one more time before leaving the room.
“Livy,” Feyre sang. “Lily. Time to wake up.”
Olive was the first to open her eyes. The two looked so much alike, both like their father, although Olive had Feyre’s eyes. “Sleepy, mama.”
“But it’s dinner time, then we get to go for a boat ride,” Feyre said, kissing Olive’s forehead. “Wake up sissy and go wash your hands really good. Okay? I’m going to go help Uncle Az.”
Olive nodded, sleepily, as Feyre left the room.
She stopped at Nesta and Cassian’s door, raising her hand to knock when she heard a quiet moan that had her covering her mouth to stifle a laugh.
She was still chuckling when she made her way back into the kitchen.
Rhys, Azriel, and Elain all looked at her and she shook her head. “I think we’ll be eating without Nesta and Cass.”
Rhys began to laugh while Azriel rolled his eyes and Elain blushed from where she was nursing Lannan in the corner. The kids were all in the living room, Livy and Lily having joined them, even if Lily had curled right back up on the couch and fallen back asleep.
“I don’t understand how she still has such a strong sex drive,” Elain said, quietly. She inclined her head towards Azriel. “I didn’t even want to look at his dick by the time I was 8 months with Lannan.”
The look on his face said that she was absolutely right and that her last pregnancy had been the longest 9 months of his life.
Rhys wrapped his arms around his wife, pressing a kiss to the back of her head. “Definitely didn’t stop us.”
Thorn and Luna came into the kitchen and she asked, “Didn’t stop you from what, Uncle Rhysie?”
Rhysand blinked as everyone looked to him. “From...playing together.”
“Oh,” Luna said, shrugging. “Come on, Thorn. I’ll teach you how to properly set the table.”
They went onto the back porch, where a giant picnic table sat, and Azriel laughed. “So neat and proper, just like her mother.”
Elain was watching her, fondly, through the window as Luna scolded Thorn about silverware placement.
“Playing together?” Feyre asked, leaning into Rhysand’s chest.
“Fucking is frowned upon,” he mumbled, licking the back of her neck, earning a swat in the chest.
“Now's not time to play,” she scolded, but her arms went around his neck anyway.
“Alright,” Azriel said, standing and effectively cutting the conversation off. “Dinner’s ready. Everyone grab a plate and a kid or two and let's eat.”
They called everyone in, helping the little ones make their plates and get settled before making their own and sitting around a large table with an umbrella. Lannan was once again strapped to Azriel’s chest while he helped the other kids and Elain couldn’t help but gaze at him longingly while he talked to their son and he giggled back.
She sighed and Feyre looked at her. “I want another one.”
Rhys choked on his burger. “Didn’t you just say you didn’t want his dick anywhere near you while you were pregnant?”
“Yes,” she blushed. “But I’m not pregnant anymore.”
Azriel caught her gaze from across the porch. “What?”
She just shook her head and continued to eat her hot dog.
Cassian and Nesta stepped onto the back porch and grabbed their plates.
“Have fun?” Feyre asked as Nesta plopped down next to her.
Nesta groaned. “The more it goes into me, the faster this baby gets out of me.”
Rhysand chuckled, taking a giant bite from his burger. Cassian looked quite smug as he stood by Azriel to eat, speaking to his brother.
“Daddy?” Lily asked from the kid’s table.
“Yes, Princess?”
“Can I have a posicle?” Her little voice stumbled over the word.
A multitude of voices repeated the question.
“Did you eat all of your vegetables?”
Silence answered him.
“I did!” John cried, raising his hand.
“Good job, buddy, you get whatever color you want,” Rhys said, picking him up and carrying him in the house.
“He’s totally lying,” Cassian said, mouthful, but Rhys and John were already inside.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “A quality he’s gotten from his father.”
Cassian winked before shoving another bite into his mouth. “Popsicles for everyone!”
The kids all dropped their food and ran inside after Rhys and John.
“Cassian,” Elain scolded, shaking her head.
Cassian just shrugged, finishing the last of his burger in one bite.
“We’re on vacation, babe,” Azriel said, sitting in Rhys’ vacant seat next to his wife. “A little extra sugar won’t kill them.”
“No,” she said, taking Lannan out of his carrier on Azriel’s chest and cradling him as he dozed. “But it may kill all of us.”
Nesta inhaled sharply and Cassian was on his knees in front of her before any of the others had time to react.
He pressed soft kisses to her belly and quietly spoke to it. Nesta sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“The only way she’ll calm down and stop kicking me in the ribs,” she said, a glare to her round stomach, “is Cassian’s voice. It’s the sweetest thing, but damn it, if I don’t hate it.”
“I want another baby,” Elain said, for the second time that evening.
“Really?” Nesta blinked. “Me dying makes you want to be pregnant?”
Elain shrugged, rocking a sleeping Lannan.
Azriel was just staring at his wife, mouth hanging open. “He’s only 6 months old, El.”
She shrugged again. “And? Feyre had two at one time and they survived.”
She interjected and asked, “Hi, a friendly reminder that you both carry the twin gene, too. Do you want to tempt fate and end up with four kids instead of two?”
“I wouldn’t hate the idea.” She smiled at Azriel, who was gazing fondly at his wife and sleeping son.
“Okay,” he said, his mouth quirking to the side in a secret smile.
“Lock your door if you plan on starting tonight,” Cass said. “You’re in a house full of kids who barely know how to knock.”
Azriel huffed a laugh. “Noted.”
“Uncle Cass!” Bennett ran out of the house, popsicle in hand. “Can we go on the boat? Please please please?” Three little heads were peeking out through the screen door, waiting for his answer.
Rhys sauntered his way out behind his son and leaned against the door frame.
Cass looked up at the setting sun. “No swimming tonight, it’s too late and everyone just ate, but we can definitely go out for a bit.” He hollered into the house. “Thorn! You done with your popsicle?” He stuck his head out and nodded, curls bouncing. He tossed his keys to him. “Go make sure we have ten life jackets on the boat, please. You know which cubbies they’re in?”
Thorn jogged past him and said, “Little kids are in the front, and ours are in the back!” The fact that he continued to try and lump himself in with the adults always made Cass smile. John tried to run past his father and follow Thorn. “Nuh-uh,” Cass said, scooping him up and throwing him over his shoulder. “You know the rules. You can't be on the boat without mommy or daddy.”
“But Thorn-!”
“Is four years older than you.” Nesta cut in. “He wasn’t allowed on the boat without us until last year.”
Regardless of his nap earlier, almost as if he knew what Nesta had claimed about a meltdown earlier, he started to cry.
“You need to go to bed?” Nesta asked, brow raised.
With an angry look, John shook his head, arms crossed.
“So we're going to have a good attitude on the boat?” Nesta asked.
John nodded.
He kept that look on his face the entire time they waited for everyone to gather, and as they walked down to the dock.
Nesta stayed with Elain and Lannan at the house. Feyre helped Bennett, Lily, and Livy into their life jackets, while Azriel helped Luna and John. Thorn, already in his, was helping Cassian get the boat ready to go out. Rhys was on the dock, ready to push them when Az said, “Hey, I think I’m actually going to hang back. Need to make sure Elain is, uh,” he cleared his throat. “Well, taken care of.”
Cass threw his head back and laughed. “No time like the present, is there?”
He stepped out of the boat, much to Luna’s dismay. “Daddy, noooo.” She began to cry and reach for him.
Before he could even turn around, Cassian had scooped her up, promising she could sit in his lap while he drove the boat. This began a litany if requests to drive.
With the attention off of him, Azriel threw a grateful look and clapped Rhys on the shoulder before running up to the house.
Elain was sitting on the couch, a sleeping Lannan against her chest as Nesta stared lovingly at a bottle of wine.
When Azriel opened the door, both of their heads snapped in his direction.
“What are you doing?” Elain whispered. “Don’t want to go for a ride?”
Azriel cleared his throat. When he didn’t say anything more, Nesta slowly rose to her swollen feet. “I know when to take a hint.”
She waddled over to Elain and reached for the baby. “Gimme.”
Elain was rubbing a gentle hand along his back. “He just fell back asleep and it’s been a while since he’s been changed. I don’t want you to have to-.”
“Okay, I had babies before you, not to mention the one that literally refuses to vacate the premises of my uterus right now. I know how to be a good auntie,” she said, taking Lannan and resting him on her belly. “I promise, I can handle changing him and putting him back to sleep while you two make another niece or nephew. I’m pregnant, not an invalid.”
And with that, Nesta was down the hall and shutting her door.
Az sat down on the couch next to her and put his arm around his wife. “You’re sure?” He asked. “Lannan is just now sleeping through the night.”
“I’m sure,” she said, leaning up to press a kiss to his stubbled cheek. “We Archeron girls like to keep everything in neat threes.” She winked at him.
With that, he kissed her and rolled on top of her.
They forgot all about the boat ride out on the lake.
Thorn hopped onto the dock and caught the rope that Cassian tossed to him before expertly tying up the boat.
“He’s getting pretty good at that,” Feyre said, impressed.
“Sure is,” Cassian said, proudly.
“What do we get to do now, daddy?” Lillian asked, jumping into Rhysands arms.
“You get to go night night with your cousins,” Rhysand said, as if it was the most exciting thing on earth.
All the kids groaned and he put Lily down.
“Not me! I’m oldest,” Thorn beamed.
“Even you, bud,” Cassian said, turning off the boat engine.
Thorn pursed his lips, turned around, and stomped down the dock, heading for the house, while the rest of the kids played in the grass.
With a chuckle, Rhysand hopped onto the dock to tie up the front of the boat. “He certainly takes after his mother, doesn’t he?”
Cassian grinned. “He’ll be asleep first, too.”
Thorn ran back down the dock. “I thought you said Lannan would only eat from Aunt Elain until he could eat real food?”
Cass groaned. Of course, they were back to this. “He will, buddy. Then it’ll be solid food like you guys eat.”
“Oh okay.” He looked back towards the house. “So why is Uncle Az breastfeeding, too?”
Both Rhys and Cass froze and then Rhys took off down the dock and passed the kids. They took one look at him running and got up to chase him.
Cassian, taking advantage of one of their favorite games, yelled, “Uncle Cassian says, ‘Freeze, right now’!”
All but John stopped. “Jonathon David, I said ‘Freeze’!”
He stood absolutely still. Cassian looked at Thorn who still stood by him on the dock. “Don’t tell anyone what you just saw and you get to stay up for an extra 30 minutes and play Xbox when we get home. Especially not mom.”
He grinned, looking exactly like Cassian, when he said, “Deal.”
Rhys reached the porch and made a show of stomping up the wooden stairs. When the two figures on the couch didn’t stop, he cracked the sliding door, keeping his eyes wrenched shut and said, “Little eyes, Az! Little eyes!”
He heard them both curse, hurried steps, and then a door in the hallway slammed shut.
He looked back at the dock and gave Cassian a thumbs up.
Feyre, on the other hand, was howling.
Thorn went back to looking confused, and the other kids were still frozen on the lawn.
“Oh, UNFREEZE!” Cassian yelled. “Pajamas, teeth brushed, in your bedrooms!”
They all did as they were told, laughing hysterically from the joyous feeling of a boat ride and a game of “Uncle Cassian Says”.
“And Az is the smartest one in our group,” Cassian muttered, tightening the ropes before helping Feyre out of the boat.
“Are we partying after the kids go to bed?” She asked.
Cassian just grinned.
Azriel and Elain were in a sweaty heap in their bed, slowly kissing, just enjoying their time together. They’d heard the kids run in, Cauldron bless Rhys for giving them enough time to run into their own bedroom, and had listened as the house fell into a comfortable quiet, the only sound the hushed voices of their siblings in the living room and the occasional rumble of Cassian’s deep laughter.
“We didn’t tell Luna goodnight,” Elain murmured, Azriel pulling his lips away from hers only to trail them down her neck.
“I think she’ll be fine for one night, love,” he dragged his lips back up to hers, brushing his tongue against her lips.
There was a banging on their door. “Alright, you two, you’ve had enough playtime.”
“Go away, you prick,” Azriel called.
Cassian jiggled the doorknob in his hand and shook the door. “You’ve got 10 more minutes before I come in there and pull your naked ass out of there. And you, too, Azriel.”
They heard Nesta, Rhys, and Feyre laughing in the living room.
“You know he’s serious, right?” Azriel breathed in her ear.
“Oh, I have no doubt,” she said, kissing his cheek. “Go, I’ll be out in just a few minutes.” He raised his eyebrows and looked at her, a question on his face. She glanced down at her legs squeezed together tightly.
“Have you been doing that since I-?”
“Yes, yes, I have. I’m not wasting any of it. I want a baby, and I want it in exactly 9 months.”
Azriel gave her a fond smile before kissing her cheek and hopping out of bed. He tossed on a pair of shorts and a shirt before walking out into the hallway.
He made a stop at the end of the hallway, where the big kids were huddled together in sleeping bags on the floor, watching a movie.
“Daddy!” Luna whispered, smiling brightly. “I thought you weren’t going to say goodnight.”
“I’ll always say goodnight,” he promised, kissing her forehead. “Goodnight, my love.”
“Goodnight, daddy.”
“Goodnight, Uncle Az,” Bennett yawned.
Thorn was already snoring.
“Goodnight,” Azriel winked, ruffling Bennett’s dark hair.
He closed the door quietly behind him as he joined the others in the living room.
Feyre was smirking and Cassian raised his hand in a high five without even looking at him, keeping his eyes on the puzzle in front of him. Az chuckled as he slapped his hand and sat down next to Rhys. He handed him a shot of tequila and Azriel braced himself as he tossed it back.
“Did you knock my baby sister up again?”
He coughed and almost had to endure it coming out his nose as he looked over at Nesta, who hadn’t looked up from her book. “Excuse me?” He laughed.
“I just want to know if it was a success since I had to listen to ‘Fuck, Az, yes, Daddy, please!’ for 45 minutes.”
Her impression of Elain was spot on and the house erupted into laughter as Azriel’s face burned.
“What are we laughing about?” Elain asked as she tied her long hair up in a messy bun. She had put on a pair of leggings and one of Azriel’s t-shirts.
The laughter stopped abruptly before Feyre mumbled, “I didn’t know you called Az daddy.”
Elain’s cheeks were on fire as she turned on her heels and hurried into the kitchen. “I….need a drink.”
Rhysand chuckled, nipping at Feyre’s ear.
“Let’s play a game,” she suggested.
“What game?” Cassian asked, still not looking up from his puzzle.
Feyre shrugged. “I’ll go see what we have in the game cabinet.”
The second she opened the double doors, her eyes landed on the box and it was decided.
She dropped Twister on the coffee table, right on top of Cassian’s puzzle. He glanced up at her.
“If I wasn’t absolutely positive I’m about to kick your ass at this game, I’d be mad at you.”
“Gimme the spinner,” Nesta said, snapping her book shut and holding out her hand. Feyre handed it to her and stood up, spreading the mat out over the carpet.
Elain came out of the kitchen with a stack of shot glasses and a chilled bottle from the freezer. “Who wants a shot of Fireball?”
Rhys took the glass from her and narrowed his eyes at it. “Gods, what, are we in college again?”
He tossed it back and blew out a harsh breath. “Yep, tastes like regret!”
Elain threw a vulgar gesture his way which had Cassian howling. “Az, baby, will you go get the can of formula out of my bag? I want to make Lannan a bottle since I’m drinking tonight.”
Cassian muttered, “Don’t you mean, daddy?”
“Gods above,” he groaned, but made his way down the hall to their room.
“I’m gonna start calling you daddy,” Feyre said, winking at Rhys.
Rhysand lifted a brow that said he wouldn’t hate that idea.
“Nesta already calls me daddy,” Cassian said, grinning. The way he said ‘daddy’ was far too confident and provocative.
Nesta scoffed. “I do not. I call him many things in the bedroom, but never daddy.”
Elain sat down next to Nesta and she mumbled, “Don’t knock it til you try it.”
Rhys brought Elain two shot glasses full of tequila. “Drink up, Lainy. You’re about 6 drinks behind and we need to even the playing field for Twister.
She rolled her eyes, but did as she was told, shaking her head and laughing.
Cassian turned on some music quietly in the background and Azriel came back down the hall, shaking two full bottles.
“Thank you, daddy,” Elain giggled and he just sighed and shook his head as he made his way into the kitchen.
“Who got my wife drunk?” He called from the other room.
“That’d be me,” Rhys said, tossing a hand in the air.
He brought her a bottle of water and gave it to her, pressing a kiss to her head. “Thanks for that.” He poured himself another shot of Fireball before pointing at Nesta. “Let’s do this.”
She spun the dial and chaos ensued.
They didn’t hear the door as it squeaked open down the hall, didn’t hear the little footsteps as they snuck down the hall. He stood there, with his thumb in his mouth, clutching his blankie and said tearfully, “Da-daddyyyy.”
Cassian’s face was far too close to Azriel’s ass when he looked toward the doorway to see John standing there.
“What’s wrong, buddy?”
“I had a ba-bad dream,” he said, a tear sliding down his cheek.
Cassian stood, losing his place on the mat as he went to his 4-year-old and picked him up. “I’m sorry, bud. I’ll tuck you back in, okay?”
John nodded, lying his head on Cassian’s shoulder.
He took a detour, stopping in him and Nesta’s room to grab a stuffed animal out of the overnight bag they’d packed for the boys. John held onto it and Cassian tightly and he paused before leaving again, sitting on the edge of the bed and running a soothing hand over the back of his son’s head.
“I wanna sleep with you and mommy,” he said, voice already getting heavy with sleep again.
“Mommy and I aren’t going to bed yet, bud. Plus you’re getting to camp out with Bennett and Luna and have a sleepover. You love your Luna-Bug, don’t you?”
He only sniffled and nodded.
“You wanna tell daddy about your bad dream?”
He shrugged, gripping Cassian’s t-shirt tightly in his little fist.
Cassian took his blankie and tucked it around him.
“I think there’s a monster under Livy and Lily’s bed.”
He mock gasped. “A monster? I guess I better go tell it to hit the road, shouldn’t I?”
A quick nod and Cassian had John propped on his hip as he quietly slipped into the Little’s room. He could see that Olive and Lillian were fast asleep so he sat John on his bed and put his finger over his lips, telling him to be quiet. John nodded and watched as Cassian bent down by the girl’s bed. “Be careful, daddy,” he whispered, and Cassian’s heart felt like it would burst as he noted the true fear in his son’s voice. He trusted his daddy completely and he hoped he always would.
Cassian peeked under the bed and saw nothing but spare socks, long-forgotten toys, and dust bunnies, but he made a show out of whispering, “Listen here, Mr. Monster, I don’t know where you came from and I don’t care where you go, but you can’t stay here.” He heard John gasp and he tried his best not to chuckle. “What’s that? Oh, you were just passing through and didn’t plan on staying anyways? Well, that’s good. I appreciate you being so understanding. Have a good night.”
He turned and faced John again, who was staring wide-eyed. “See? It was just a misunderstanding. All gone now.”
He looked around the room. “All gone?”
He pressed a kiss to his curly head and tucked him in as he laid back down. “All gone, buddy. I love you.”
“Love you, daddy,” he yawned, clutching his blankie as tightly as he could.
Before Cassian was out the door, John was already sleeping soundly. He tiptoed back down the hall, peeking in on the other kids before he made his way back to the living room.
Azriel’s ass was straight in the air, his head nearly touching his knees as he stood between a howling Feyre and a giggling Elain.
Rhys was lying on the floor, apparently already having gotten out, and Nesta was still holding the spinner with her feet propped up on a footstool.
“Right hand, blue,” Nesta announced, catching sight of Cassian as he entered. “He okay?”
“Oh, yeah,” Cassian said, sitting on the armrest of the chair she was in. “Just needed his daddy to scare the monsters away.”
Nesta grinned as she spun again. “Good thing he has such a good daddy.”
“Elain has a good daddy, too,” Rhysand noted, words beginning to slur.
“Shut up,” Azriel laughed, head still in an awkward position.
“We’re never going to live that down, are we?” Elain asked with a heavy sigh, walking her right hand to the closest blue space. It just happened to be the same spot Feyre’s foot was on.
“Of course not,” she laughed. “You two gave me and Rhys shit for so long, it feels good to finally have something to make fun of you for.”
Elain scoffed and dug her finger into the arch of Feyre’s foot. She squealed in laughter and knocked the three of them down, into a sprawling heap on the mat. Azriel rolled away, sitting next to Rhys. They admired their wives, tangled in a giggling heap on the floor.
Rhys nudged him, his words becoming harder and harder to understand. “That’s a god damn Archeron sister wet dream right there.”
Feyre barked out a laugh and said, “Pig,” before she crawled away from her sister and straddled his waist, pushing him to lie back onto the floor.
Cassian lifted a brow. “I know the kids are asleep, but my eyes burn, too, watching the two of you make out, so-.”
Feyre pressed her lips to Rhys’.
“Apparently my words mean nothing,” Cassian finished.
Nesta chuckled. “It’s getting late, I’m pregnantly exhausted, and we have a big day of chasing kids tomorrow. I’m ready for bed.”
Cassian kissed her forehead. “All in bed before midnight. Not as young as we used to be, huh?”
“Kids add a few years,” Azriel mumbled, pulling Elain onto his lap on the floor. She nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.
“If your canoodling worked this afternoon, you’ll have to add a few more years onto your life in nine months,” Rhys grinned, back still against the rug.
“Canoodling?” Nesta asked.
“Kids also expand your vocabulary of substitute words for fuck,” Feyre winked.
“We tell Luna we have to go do laundry,” Elain said, eyes already closed as she drew small circles on Azriel’s collarbone. She traced the swirling tattoo sticking out from his shirt.
“Luna hates laundry day,” Azriel smirked, rubbing a soothing hand up and down her back. “She has to stay in her room until we finish ‘folding clothes’.”
They all looked at Nesta and Cass, sitting on the arm of her chair. They glanced at each other. He shrugged. “We just tell them we’re having adult time and to go play Xbox. Boys are easy.”
Nesta smirked. “We’ve never been interrupted once.”
“Wish we could say that,” Feyre groaned.
Rhys just laughed and said, “When he was five, Bennett caught us fucking at, like, 4 in the morning once. We figured we were safe, so we were just going at it. No covers, nothing to hide under, absolutely nothing.”
Feyre covered her face and leaned down, burying it in Rhys’ chest. “He asked us why daddy was poking mommy with his pee pee for MONTHS.”
Everyone laughed at that, but no one harder than Cassian.
“What about you two?” Rhys asked, and smirked. “This afternoon notwithstanding.”
Elain blushed again and buried her face harder against Azriel’s neck.
“Yes, we’ve been caught before,” he laughed. “A few times actually.”
“Once by dad and then by Luna, too,” she said, her voice muffled.
“No!” Nesta yelled, laughing. “I need both stories. Now.”
“Well, your dad caught us before we were even married,” Azriel began, and Elain was already blushing. “He came over to bring Elain a box of her old things after we had just moved in together. Apparently, he doesn’t believe in knocking, because he opened the front door while I had Elain bent over the kitchen table.”
“Oh my god!” Feyre howled. “Why didn’t you ever tell us that?!”
“Because it’s horrible,” Elain said, face still buried in her husband’s neck.
“So that’s why you and dad didn’t talk for months,” Nesta said, nodding. “Huh.”
“I’d never seen him move so quickly. He dropped the box and hauled ass,” Azriel said, unable to control his own laughter as he took another shot that Cassian had handed him.
“Please tell me Luna caught you in a less compromising position,” Rhys said, humor in his violet eyes. “Or, at least in the dark.”
Before she answered, Elain reached for the tiny glass Cassian was holding for her and tossed it back. “It was in the hot tub. I still had my top on, so she couldn’t see anything through the bubbles from the jets but- Gods, I can't believe we’re talking about this.” She blushed and covered her face.
Azriel has a smug look on his face when he said, “She was riding me pretty hard and we were pretty focused on what we were doing. We didn’t even hear her come outside until she asked if she could have a pony ride on my knees next.”
The house erupted into laughter.
“She had been asleep for three hours and we didn’t have Lannan yet!” Elain cried, her head thrown back as she laughed. “We thought it was safe!”
Their laughter faded away into a joyful, comfortable silence. They had all grown up. Gotten married, had kids, but even so, they had all remained close. Friends. Family.
When Nesta began to doze off, Cassian rose to his feet, lifting her up in his arms. “I’m taking mama to bed.”
“Looks like Scarlett won’t be making her appearance tonight,” Rhys mumbled.
Cassian chuckled. “We’ll speed up the pregnancy again tomorrow,” he promised with a wink. “Goodnight.”
A chorus of goodnights rang throughout the room. When they heard Nesta and Cassian’s door click shut, Azriel ran a finger up Elain’s arm. “Ready for bed, baby?”
She was already half asleep on his chest but still managed to smirk as she whispered, “You put baby number 3 in the oven already. Don’t want to try for number 4?”
He chuckled and stood, pulling her with him. She looped her arms around his neck and hopped up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He huffed a laugh as his hands cupped her rear and held her up. There was nothing sexual in the way he held her, just love and support, as pure exhaustion was written on every inch of her.
“Goodnight,” she called, face buried in Azriel’s neck.
Feyre and Rhys laughed and told her goodnight.
“Night, guys,” Az said, carrying her down the back hall.
When it was just the two of them in the living room, Rhysand rolled his wife onto her back and hovered over her. “Seems we’re the only ones who didn’t get to engage in any canoodling today.”
She laughed, brushing his hair off of his forehead. “You seem to be forgetting about the hour-long shower we took before the kids got up this morning.”
“Oh, I could never forget anything that wicked mouth does to me.” He bit her bottom lip and tugged lightly. “I just meant out here. This is the first place we ever had sex.”
Feyre blushed at the memory. “You sure you aren’t just trying to get me to call you daddy?”
Rhys tipped his head back and laughed. He leaned his lips down and dragged them up the long column of her neck, pausing to suck and lick the tender skin. “I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t be opposed to you trying it out.”
She rolled her eyes. “Cocky bastard.”
She kissed him, long and slow, as the rest of the house grew completely silent.
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blood: plasma pak: a level-by-level breakdown
the last official episode of blood, crafted by monolith software themselves. similar to how duke nukem 3D's atomic edition eventually became the default version of the game on subsequent releases, the updates to blood that plasma pak bring are now standard to all digital re-releases.  in keeping with a trend among official expansions -- DLC or otherwise -- to reuse previously cut content, "post-mortem" is largely built on discarded levels present in the alpha, nearly all of it by james wilson with input from other monolith staff. as such, this episode could fairly be considered james wilson: the episode. (fun fact: in the game files this game is referred to as "civilian life." both names have their merits in my opinion.)
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E6M1: welcome to your life (james wilson) starting things off similar to E3M1 (also by james) with an urban level, albeit a small one. zombies roam the street and back alley while the small department store is crowded with cultists and bloated butchers. a visit to the cash registers wins you a prize, which you may want to help clear out the bullshit. climbing to the roof triggers an air raid by some gargoyles. blood needs more urban levels and this is a nice little morsel.
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E6M2: they are here (craig hubbard) craig hubbard returns for his only map for this episode, a sort of bland little corporate complex that doesn't really seem to have any businesses in it, save for a tiny little bar tucked away in a back hallway. most of the old alpha levels were fairly abstract, similar to doom; this isn't that bad, but it does have a banal vibe to it that feels like a precursor to the endless office complex in F.E.A.R. overall not a bad map, with some fun moments like an army of darkness reference in the bathroom, but otherwise not very memorable.
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E6M3: public storage (james wilson) the last urban level for the episode, james has brought us the ever-popular crate maze. split across four main areas with multiple paths between, it's as straightforward as levels like these ever tend to get. kill things, get keys, use crates for cover, do some acrobatics, the whole bit. it finally culminates in a battle against a stone gargoyle who, with your relatively limited arsenal, will prove to be a real pain in the ass to put down. not the most exciting level.
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E6M4: aqueducts (james wilson & nick newhard) if there's a level that exemplifies the featureless abstraction that is the old alpha levels, it's this one. ostensibly some kind of water/power facility (complete with turbines) it's largely a featureless maze with some underwater sections. the downstairs has been completely flooded (reminiscent of the flooded control rooms of duke nukem 3D's water treatment plant) but other than that there's nothing here to suggest that this is an actual place that people might exist in, until towards the very end when you come upon an old fashioned sailing ship (and sink it.) surprise mother spider ambush right before the exit is a lot less painful than the stone gargoyle. bit of a dull enterprise.
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E6M5: the ruined temple (kevin kilstrom & james wilson) you start off underwater as per the end of the previous level. a frantic swim to a boardwalk lands you in the middle of an ambush around a small lake. if you can manage to clear it out and leave through a door upstairs in the little lakehouse you'll come upon a crumbling temple grounds. split into two parts, you'll largely be spending time in the region of a yawning chasm, lava boiling away at the bottom. not much to see here except for tons and tons of explosive barrels for no real reason, and a frantic ambush towards the end when hellhounds are sicced on you and you have to clear a safe space before a pair of gargoyle faces fill the chamber with fireballs. reminiscent of some of the later levels in episode 4, only not as fun.
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E6M6: forbidden rituals (kevin kilstrom & james wilson) while obviously frankensteined together out of an alpha map, this is still an entertaining romp through a temple complex that's a little more detailed than some of the other maps in this set. a stone gargoyle jumps you again right off the bat but with luck you're better prepared for him this time. dynamite-tossing acolytes are out in force in this level, but they're almost as dangerous to themselves and each other as they are to you! the carnage culminates in you interrupting a creepy ritual and slaughtering all the participants, but even then you still have to make a quick excursion to get the key to the exit. they don't even bother to make you work for the secret exit anymore, though you'd be hard-pressed to actually find it if you don't know to shoot the symbol above the moon key door.
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E6M9: forgotten catacombs (nick newhard & james wilson) catacombs so forgotten they're still full of cultists! this is one of the better levels in this particular set, despite the name and positioning as a secret level calling back to one of the main game's worse ones. a quick, twisty little map that won't eat up a lot of time, but you'll be faced with hordes of enemies. aesthetically it's pretty nice as well. a comparatively short map, but a bit of a breather after so much blanditude.
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E6M7: the dungeon (james wilson & nick newhard) the last real level before the finale, "the dungeon" is a lengthy gothic nightmare modeled after the temple levels in the first episode. looking and playing a lot like a quake map, enemies come out of the woodwork as you try to clear out three distinct areas, each sealed off by a series of doors you unlock by matching symbols. it's a great-looking level that manages to be visually arresting despite its entirely subterranean setting.
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E6M8: beauty and the beast (nick newhard & james wilson) the very last level in blood (if you did cryptic passage first.) you'd expect there to be a big, bombastic finale, right? hell, at least a lengthy ending level before a mediocre boss? not so much, no. the final level is essentially an arena map where you fight the cabal's newest chosen ones, who after taking a bit of damage turn into the werewolf-like "beasts" that serve as the game's final boss. provided you keep your distance and keep the pressure on, they're a pushover. all in all, a disappointing end.
final thoughts: much like today's DLC is typically geared towards maintaining engagement well after the game's release, so too does the plasma pak have the dual purpose of being an important patch to the game but also adding a fifth episode to justify charging for the update. given how much of the level design and aesthetic is left intact from the blood alpha, it's obvious that these levels were banged out in a hurry to pay the bills during the development of "claw" and "get medieval" -- neither of which anyone really remembers today. so while i can't say the episode really justifies its existence in spite of a few decent maps, it's the updates that the plasma pak brings that really make it shine.
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dork-empress · 5 years
Beach Trip
part of my ‘modern tdp aus’ oneshot collection 
Read on Ao3
It's the beach episode of the fic!
“No!” Rayla said, “nononono, 1000 times no, Absolutely not, no.”
“You’re not even going to bring a bathing suit?” Callum said, “It’s a BEACH trip.”
“I will be perfectly fine sitting on the nice, dry sand, thank you,” Rayla said, “I have an umbrella, a towel and a book. I see no reason for me to dress to be in the water, as that is 100% not going to happen.”
Ezran and Callum exchanged a look and shrugged.
It was the annual Katolis-Dark beach trip, at the lakehouse the two families had under a timeshare. They had gotten it when Harrow and Sarai had first moved in next door. Now they just shared it between them.
This year, with a lot of begging (both of their parents and Rayla), the kids convinced their Dads to bring Rayla along, as she was essentially adopted into their family.
They had invited Runaan as well. Everyone kinda put their foot down on that, though.
“So you’re just going to sit and read the whole time?” Ezran said, “But isn’t going swimming like, the whole point?”
“You can do other things on the beach.” Claudia spoke up, “I’m going to be looking for fish skeletons!”
Claudia never really hid her creepier habits or tendencies, but they were always somehow a surprise.
“Alright!” Harrow said, pulling his minivan up to the parking lot, “We’re here!”
Soren was near the front and purst the doors open, preparing to take off like a shot, “Woohoo! Beach time!”
“Wait!” Viren called, stopping him in his place. “Sunscreen, everyone.”
Soren slumped, waiting as Claudia came up with the bottle to help.
Ezran was finally released from the vehicle, and nearly took off like Soren, but Viren grabbed him by the back of the shirt, “Uh-uh. You too, young man.”
Ezran whined, “But I’m black, it’s fine!”
“That’s a myth,” Viren said, “It’s still better to take care of your skin. You too, Harrow.”
Harrow froze, dragging the beach equipment out of the trunk. “But I--” Viren stared him down, then glanced down to Ezran to silently say ‘set a goddamn example for your son.’ Harrow groaned, and took the sunscreen Claudia offered.
True to her word, Rayla set up her towel, umbrella and book and set down. Ezran and Soren were already in the ocean, Soren throwing him into the deep as he laughed, and then he’d swim back, shouting “DO IT AGAIN!”
Viren enjoyed the excuse Rayla had provided, setting up next to her to read while everyone else was doing other things. He at least wore a swimsuit, as though he was GOING to go in, but he had no more intentions than Rayla.
Claudia at least got her feet wet, scouring the tide for objects that had been dregged up by the water. She was less interested in pretty shells as she was weird fossils or dead animals she could later dissect. Her recent interest in biology was vaguely concerning, but Viren had decided to encourage any academic interests his kids had, after having fought with Soren for 12 years to have any academic interest at all.
Harrow and Callum took a slower approach. The water was still cold from winter months, and so they took a few steps at a time, allowed themselves to adjust, and then continued in. “You know, it’s less painful if you just dive in headfirst,” Soren told them.
“Your lips are literally blue already,” Callum chided him. Soren shrugged as Ezran swam up to him. He lifted him out of the water and tossed him into the deep.
By the time the tide came in, Claudia had joined them in the water, and Harrow and Callum had been fully submerged. Soren started a game of toss with a beach ball. Ezran had started surfing on some of the little waves, tumbling into the tide and letting them take them where they wanted.
So engrossed in their reading, though, Viren and Rayla had missed the encroaching tide that was coming up to their toes. A boat passed in the distance, stirring up a wave big enough for Harrow to pick Ezran up so he didn’t drown….but forgot to warn their friends on land.
Viren and Rayla looked up just in time to see the wave come up over them, which splashed over their heads. Rayla barely managed a squeak before it hit her.
Rayla sat shaking as the wave retreated, eye twitching, still holding her drenched book. Callum winced. “Well, I did warn her to wear a swimsuit.”
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fckgraysan-blog · 5 years
katherine langford + cis female + she/her + force field manipulation.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear ( the chain by fleetwood mac ) playing in the distance ? oh, that’s just ( graysan connell ), a ( eighteen ) year old ( student ). according to my sources, i heard ( she ) can be ( true neutral ) and is ( prudent ), but also ( headstrong ). that’s probably why they remind everyone of ( picking flowers, pink lipstick, purple sunsets ) so much ! anyway, whether or not they’re ( neutral towards ) the supers, crystalline city is keeping a close eye on them !
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hello friends! my name is allie and this is my bby graysan! i’m so excited to join you guys and start writing!! i did make this a little long, so there will be a tl;dr at the end, along with some wanted connections/plots. please feel free to hit me up with any questions/plots, and i look forward to hearing from you!!
our story begins beneath hazy, purple skies, scattered with threatening gray clouds. thunder rumbled in the distance as tires screeched to a halt in front of the emergency room. hours later, graysan stephanie connell was born.
fathered by a criminal, and mothered by one of the first syndicate members, graysan was pinned to be another leather-clad super villain. throughout the early years of her life, her parents eagerly waited to find out what powers she would develop, constantly trying to push the boundaries to somehow force her powers into manifestation.
things got a little awkward for them when a four year old graysan asked, “mommy, can i join ballet class?” although skeptical, her mother agreed, because her father would never deny his little girl of anything - even if it meant she wouldn’t be the shining example of their legacy.
from what she can recollect, graysan had what seemed to be a “normal” childhood. her father left for work every morning with a cup of coffee in one hand and a briefcase in the other, and her mother stayed home with her until she was old enough to be in school. little did she know, but her father was a white collar criminal, putting the odds in his favor every so often to commit fraud and put more money into their pockets. her mother, on the other hand, snuck out into the night, without a trace, to wreak havoc in the city.
her parents finally got some sign of her powers when they brought graysan to the family lakehouse. she was terrified of swimming in lakes, and absolutely refused to do any of the family activities that would’ve meant her falling in, or being forced near the water. when her mother got frustrated with her, she went to take her daughter’s hand to try and pull her toward the water, but she couldn’t go near graysan, let alone touch her.
it only happened a few times growing up, so her parents tried their best to pin an exact power to it (spoiler alert: it’s force field manipulation). her mother had a slightly traumatic approach for a while, trying to scare the powers into working, but after heated debate between her parents, graysan was left alone until she could use her powers at will.
as she got older, she started to pick up on the fact that her mother was a super villain, and had solid evidence that her mother was rampage, known for telekinetic abilities. from that point on, graysan convinced herself that she wanted nothing to do with her powers.
other than the blaring issues in her family, graysan lived a pretty normal life. she was known to have a group of close-knit friends, and participated in dancing, cheerleading, and piano as extracurriculars. her high school career has moved along smoothly, she’s not the top of her class, but she has been doing pretty well so far.
but, she has entered this weird stage where she feels like she doesn’t know who she is anymore. without much knowledge about her powers, and not having a good idea of what she wants to do next, she has been starting to question everything.
in attempts to start seeking out the full abilities of her powers, she has started to go out and seek danger to somehow jumpstart her powers, learning that they only seem to work when she is scared.
TL;DR : graysan is an eighteen year old girl about to graduate high school. her father is a criminal, and her mother is rampage, one of the first members of the syndicate. she is an obvious “ugly duckling” because of her polar opposite differences from them, and is trying to figure out her stance and how to use her force field powers.
quick headcannons/fun facts:
graysan is a total daddy’s girl. she’s been spoiled by him, and he could do no wrong in her eyes. she still doesn’t know that he’s a criminal, soon she may found out when she starts to do some digging. also, he adorably calls her “graycie,” a nickname he gave her when she was a child. 
her and her parents currently reside in a townhouse in midtown, close to enough to the university of crystalline for her father to begin pushing the idea of her attending there after graduation.
her aesthetic (and personality) is completely opposite of her mother’s - graysan can be seen wearing cute dresses, bright pastels and constantly has her hair and makeup done to a glowy perfection. her mother oftentimes offers to bring her shopping, trying to sway her daughter into buying leather jackets and black jeans. this causes plenty of awkward tension between them.
her favorite place to eat is patsy’s comfort diner, you can usually find her there with a spread of cheese fries, a hamburger, and textbooks sprawled out on the table. whenever someone asks her where she wants to go to eat, without fail, it will always be patsy’s. her parents often tease her about it (and sometimes groan in response) when she insists they go there after dance recitals. 
wanted connections:
friends: all kinds of them. best friends, friends that are like her siblings, awkward school friends, neighborhood friends. anything, really! i’d love to plot backgrounds - how they met, inside jokes, where they prefer to hang out. GIVE ME ALL THE FRIENDSHIPS.
mentor: this would be a fun one! maybe it’s another member of the syndicate, who is trying a different approach than her mother. or maybe it’s a super that is convinced that they can sway her to use her powers for good. (she is currently neutral toward both groups, and is kind of trying to figure out which way to go). or this could be another civilian with powers, that is just trying to help her explore how to utilize them.
enemies: whether or not this is in a literal sense, due to her being daughter of rampage, i’m sure that there are plenty of people that can put two and two together and cast her off because of her bloodline. this could also work for some petty, angsty regular enemies - type drama.
i would love to plot some sort of long term, slow burn friends turned lovers, unrequited crush, or something along those lines. honestly, i feel like this one is going to come about with more writing though, so this would probably be something down the road!!
bad apple: a friend that her mother would certainly approve of. this person is the unlikeliest of friends for graysan, and constantly tries to pull her along to get into trouble. (although graysan isn’t fighting back much anymore- she wants to know more about her powers)
dude if someone wanted to bring her mom to the group, i’d be so down! it would be so much fun to write about this!!
either way I NEED TO STOP. this is turning into a novel, oh my god. i hope you enjoyed this ESSAY of information, lmao. i’m very excited to write with all of you!!
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derevosky · 7 years
jearmin roadtrip au
this is just a throwback of tinkerlu. she deactivated her tumblr wherein her tumblr is full of treasures especially jearmin like gosh i really miss her.
anyway here’s her fic:
ok so armin’s senior year of high school has just ended and holy fuck is that exciting. he’s so exCITED WOAH. he’s so excited. so. so like the plan is that hanji and levi are gonna be coming to pick armin up in about a week so he’s super pumped because idk he’s like. DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL? WOAH. and he gets to hang out with his dorky but cool cousin and her scary fiancé and his BEST BRO EREN RIGHT? WRONG.
So eren is a really loyal dude right like. he’d do anything for armin ok. and it’s not his fault that like. his mom didn’t tell him she had signed him and mikasa up for some cooking classes man idk. (ANNIE WOULD SOMEHOW ALSO BE INVOLVED SO THEN EREN COULD HAVE A SUMMER ROMANCE TOO OK) carla is somehow involved in this whole “eren can’t come with u and hanji on ur trip this year” thing and armin is like. oh. fuck. so he’s like. well shit. cause he needs a new friend to bring and armin has lots of friends but. not really. ones that he’d necessarily want to spend like. 2 weeks with. in a car. with his nutty cousin yo. so him and eren have a sleep over every night that week to make up for the fact that they won’t be spending 2 weeks of a roadtrip together and armin’s like “EREN WHO THE FUCKLE DO I BRING?” and eren’s like. “shit idk reiner?” and armin’s like “reiner’s at his lakehouse with bert” and eren does the eyebrow thing and armin does the eyebrow thing back cause everyone knows reiner and bert are doing the do. so then eren’s like “YO I GOT IT. CONNIE” and armin’s like. HOLY SHIT YEAH THAT COULD WORK CONNIE’S RAD. BUT HEY. GUESS WHAT. TURNS OUT. CONNIE IS ON HIS UNCLE’S RANCH IN THE COUNTRY. LIKE. CONNIE WHAT THE FUCK. and connie’s like “sorry y’all” and armin’s like. fUCK EVERYTHING. and eren’s like. shit son at this rate you’re gonna be alone with levi and hanji that’s gonna suck. armin does NOT. i repeat. does NOT want to go alone at all because levi and hanji alone in the car together are bad enough cause they bicker like they’re already married and then they make out and argue and hanji’s laugh is cute but can get obnoxious and levi is so SCARY AND ARMIN LOVES LOVES LOVES THEM TO BITS. I MEAN THEY’RE FAMILY BUT. FAMILY CAN GET. VERY ANNOYING. but he also doesn’t NOT want to go on the road trip because??? ROAD TRIP. SEEINGS THINGS. SEEING. THE. WORLD. EXCUSE ME??? ARMIN ISn’T GONNA GIVE THAT SHIT UP EVER. NEVER EVER. and then suddenly armin feels so fucking dumb and he’s like. marco. and eren like snaps his fingers and he’s like POLO! and armin’s like. don’t do that. so armin calls marco and marco’s like. “sorry bud but my sister just had her first baby so next week is family time, i’m gonna go see the new babe, sorry sorry” and armin’s like “it’s ok freckled jesus, i know babies are important” and then marco’s like “one sec” and armin can hear jean in the background. and suddenly everything clicks together in his mind and he feels so LAME. BECAUSE JEAN. so armin can hear like marco say “jean do u want mac n cheese” and jean is like “helll YEAH” and armin’s like “MARCO. PUT. JEAN ON THE PHONE.” and marco’s like. lol ok. so then it’s like: "y-yo" "JEAN!" armin yells into the reciever causing jean to cringe cause WOAH NOW BOY UR VOICE IS LOUD "jeez, didn’t anyone ever tell u to use your inside voice? god my ears are ringing." and like armin ignores jean’s obvious annoyance. (annoyance that helped get them over the awkward greetings hell yea) "sorry i just. i can’t believe i didn’t think of this sooner!" "think of what?" jean and armin are not NOT friends but that’s not to go and say they’re GOOD friends either. at least. well. it’s more of a. they get along well and there’s a slice of sexual tension between the two that neither really understood so they both always just dismissed it as something weird "would you like to join me on a road trip with my cousin and her fiance?" armin can hear marco laughing (laughing at how jean’s mouth drops because what) "w-what?? is this some. dumb joke or?" "no jean it’s-" and then jean hears like. struggling and then he hears eren’s voice saying something like "NO. I’D RATHER U GO ALONE THAN WITH JEAN" and armin’s saying something like "EREN YOU DON’T EVEN DISLIKE JEAN AS MUCH AS YOU THINK YOU DO" and jean is like. "Armin. yes. whatever the thing you asked? yes." and he realizes too late that he let his competitive impulses take over and like. now he’s just agreed to go on a road trip with a (very very cute holy fuck armin is so cute and nice u don’t understand) acquaintance  right after he’s finally just graduated from high school. but jean is not a man to go back on his word and he did already agree so. he decides he’s not going to back out. no matter what. so then armin like. legit fuckin…sQUEALS and he’s like “THANK U THANK U THANK U THANK U THANK U OH MY GOD JEAN WE’RE GONNA HAVE A LOT OF FUN I PROMISE I PROMISE OMFGMFGOMFGOM THANK THANK” and he like hangs up (he doesn’t even tell jean the details omf) and then marco is smiling at jean like, marco has a fricken apron on that says something really lame cause marco’s the type to wear a lame apron (and still look so kawaii) and he like and he’s like "looks like ur summer isn’t gonna be as boring as you thought huh?" cause jean really didn’t have any summer plans and jean’s like "omf ur so lame pls stop" and then him and marco eat mac n cheese and watch something like icarly because why the fuck not ————————————————————————————————- ok boom, fast forward to the day before the trip, so armin texts jean a list of the things he’ll probs want to bring and jean is like woah hello but he’s like “nah it’s cool” so jean is actually kind of excited about this trip because it’s either this or being bored so?? but anyways so hanji and levi arrive that night and they’re in armin’s house hanging out and hanji’s like “yo wheres eren?” cause usually he also stays there over night the day before they leave cause they leave at like 5 am to beat traffic idk levi’s weird about timing and driving and whatever. and armin’s like "oh no eren can’t actually come" and hanji like. does a double take and even levi is like. woah there cause he knows HE wouldn’t want to be a third wheel to his and hanji’s lovefest. and armin smiles and is like "don’t worry yo i got another boy lined up" and hanji is just. so smart she leans in and raises a brow and she’s like "ooh is he cute?" and armin blushes because "HANJI WHAT" because he never thought of jean that way? (liar) sure he might have stared a bit too long when in gym jean would take off his shirt after running for a long time or during the swimming unit he MAY or MAY not have stared at jean’s abs for longer than would classify it as a glance but. BUT HEY NOW. so hanji like. ruffles armin’s hair and she’s like “omf he IS cute isn’t he lemme see a picture!!!” and armin’s lIKE HANJI. but she gives him a noogie until he shows her pictures and jean has REALLY lame facebook pictures so armin’s blushing and all like “i swear he looks better in person ok” and hanji is like. laugh snorting because oh my god his selfies. but then there’s a picture of him and marco at the beach and she’s like “oh hey, he actually is hot, hello handsome” (then she does like a cat call or something) and levi’s like grinding his teeth because he gets jealous so easily but him and hanji already had a long talk about it (after he tried to punch a dude for trying to buy hanji a drink omg and hanji was like LEVI U LITTLE IDIOT but they still had wild sex that night cause they’re weird about stuff BUT THEN THE NEXT MORNING THEY HAD THE TALK U KNOW) and she’s like if u try and be a dick again like that i’ll punch ur dick and not in a sexual way so he’s like. oh shit no thanks. so anyways then. armin can’t even sleep that night because now he’s. having second thoughts because hanji reminded him that he kind. of. likes jean? not really! but. like he could. see himself kissing him. and liking it. a lot. like. ARMIN REALLY DOESN”T THINK ABOUT BOYS THAT MUCH BUT (LIAR) he came out of the closet a while back like. he didn’t really have doubts about his sexuality ok like. he remembers that he told eren and eren was like “what’s gay” (and armin had to explain it to eren i guess cause eren never pays attention to things idk he’s probaby always thinking about hot wheels cause that’s what boys think about) and mikasa was like “cool” so everyone was cool with it like. hell yea so armin’s real chill about it all. but he doesn’t usually like…fantasizing about his friends/classmates but he may or may not have had a few fantasies that starred one horsefaced fellow. so he’s blushing and like. OH FUCK HOW COULD I. FORGET. OH SHIT THIS WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA. CURSE U CONNIE FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO GO GOD CONNIE THIS IS ALL UR FAULT A PLAUGE ON UR FAMILY CONNIE A PLAGUE MEANWHILE jean is cuddling up to go to sleep and he’s like. thinking about spending 2 weeks with armin and he doesn’t hate the idea at all. he starts thinking about all his conversations with armin and he’s like. i actually really like this kid, he’s smart and sweet and kinda like marco but i don’t see him as a brother??? so anyways, jean then thinks about armin’s lips and he’s like. he also has nice lips. and then he’s like WOAH THERE COWBOY HOLD UR HORSES HAHA LOL THAT’S ARMIN WE’RE TALKING ABOUT HE’S A BOY YEAH LIKE WOAH CALM DOWN THERE JEAN JR. and jean’s like. woah there calm down. and so he has trouble sleeping too so he goes and sleeps in his ma’s bedroom (yeah he’s like 18 so fricken what) and he cuddles with her and she’s like “jean ur 18 u dumb shit get outta my bed” but then she strokes his hair and kisses his forehead cause she honest to god loves the kid even if he’s a dumb butt sometimes SO ANYWAYS. BOOM BAM SUN IS UP THE DAY HAS BEGUN so it’s the morning now. and armin is blushing and tired and hanji is loud and hairy and levi is like. everyone be quiet i’m trying to loudly pack up the van while mumbling to myself. and jean’s mom drops him off and she’s like “be a good kid ok” and jean’s like “yo i’ll try ma” and she smacks the back of his head and stares at him and he’s like “OMF OK CALM DOWN” and she drives away and then jean is kind of awkwardly standing by levi’s van and levi just. YANKS jean’s stuff outta his arms and is grumbling to himself and he packs it in the car. and hanji runs over and is like. “WOAH JEAN UR TALLER IN PERSON HUH?” and jean’s like “do i know you?” and hanji is like “no but armin showed me ur facebook pics last night” and armin LIKE. BODY SLAMS INTO HANJI AND HE’SLIKE “NO I DIDN’T HANJI STOP WHAT THE HECK HANJI LOL VER FUNNY” and jean can’t help but laugh because. maybe this won’t be as awkward as he thought and armin is so extra cute today oh. what is this. so they all finally get in the car and hanji is sitting with levi in the front and armin and jean are sitting in the roomy back and levi is like. “so jean, since you’re new to all this, i’m going to tell you the rules” and hanji like. turns around and in her best levi impression she’s like “there are no rules” and armin laughs cause hanji has the best levi impression like omf hanji. and levi groans and is like "YES THERE ARE RULES." and hanji is like. "omf ur such a baby" so then levi lists this HUGE jumble of rules like "no touching the car, no dirt in the car, no anything in the car, ur now allowed in the car" and jean is just so fuckin confused and hanji is like, just zoning out and then jean feels a hand on his arm and he looks at armin and armin’s like "just ignore him, he always does this, i think he’s just nervous about the trip so it helps him to pretend he has control over things he kind of really doesn’t." and jean nods because hey he can understand that kind of thing. so then they let levi talk himself out and then the car ride is pretty silent actually until they make their first stop to rest for the night it’s this nice little place and armin and jean share a room and levi and hanji share a room and like. jean and armin are about to go into their room and they see hanji grab levi’s ass as they’re closing the door to their own room and jean blushes so hard and armin just sighs because this is so normal for him. so he gets the door open and they awkwardly stand in their room and thank god there are 2 separate beds. so they get ready for bed and jean tries not to think about how kawaii armin looks in his baggy pjs and the fact that “ARMIN U. WEAR. GLASSES?” and armin’s like “usually i wear contacts” and jean’s like WOWOWOWOWOOW cause jean sure does like glasses. anyways. they go to sleep and it’s a rather uneventful night for them both (not for levi and hanji though ;) ;) ;) ) so then they set out on the road again but this day is much less awkward so hanji starts talking about the scenery and then levi makes a poop joke, like a real ass joke about shitting, and usually the car is silent after he makes them but JEAN. JEAN. FUCKING. LAUGHS. LIKE. SNORTS LIKE. AND. LEVI GASPS AND IS LIKE “FINALLY SOMEONE WHO. KNOWS REAL COMEDY UP IN HERE” and armin and hanji groan and jean is like “OMFG POOP” and then they laugh about bad jokes like. jean fuckin loses it and armin wants to be annoyed but jean’s laugh is actually really cute. so anyways then they’re just driving and it all looks so pretty and jean starts asking dumb questions like. “would u rather be a short man who looks like a man, or a tall guy who still looks like a kid” and THEN HE REALIZES HE. SHOULDn’T HAVE SAID THAT CAUSE. LEVI AND. THEN. HANJI STARTS. LOSING IT. SHE LAUGHS SO HARD SHE’S LIKE “I”M GONNA PEE MY PANTS OH MY GOD” and levi is like “fuck u jean” and jean’s lke NO I SWEAR. I SWEAR I DIDN’T MEAN U. and he just keeps digging a deeper hole for himself and he’s like motherfuck me and my big mouth and armin is laughing too though and that’s cute. and then they all settle down and jean’s like omf and then they get some fries and they sing or something idk. then they sleep in the car that night. ————— IDK SO. LOTS OF THINGS HAPPEN. YOU KNOW LOTS CAN HAPPEN IN THE DAYS THAT HAVE APPARENTLY HAPPENED ALREADY. but like. the next few days are really rad. jean already feels so comfortable with hanji and armin and levi and him and levi are actually like. bonding. and hanji and armin are talking and they’re watching levi show jean some huge-ass trees and hanji leans over to armin and is like "oh my gosh they’re actually getting along" and she’s smiling and armin’s like "who knew what laughing at levi’s poop joke could do for ur relationship with him" and then hanji tickles armin and his loud ass squeaks get levi and jean’s attention and then jean stares too long and levi punches his shoulder and he’s like "hey jean, you got a boner for armin?" and jean splutters and is like "WHAT NO?" and levi is like "lol yeah right, you sound like me when i kept sayin i didn’t like hanji." and then levi leans against a tree and is just watching hanji kiss armin’s forehead and tickle him and jean is standing there awkwardly and levi’s like "my future wife" and jean like. rubs the back of his head and he’s like "hah cool." and levi’s like "yo jsyk ur coming to the wedding. i’ve already decided." and he gives jean this. super serious look and jean like. is like. WOAH??? and he smiles a dumb jean smile and is like "hell yea bro" and then levi starts walking towards the other two and jean follows and is like  i think he likes me woah that’s awesome (yo cause everyone has heard stories about levi from armin and eren and the dude does not sound easy to get along with but hey. jean’s special) so then that night they’re all sitting on the end of levi’s van looking at the stars and hanji and armin keep talking about the constellations and then jean and levi keep inturrupting with like “oh u know what that one is? my ASS” and they’re such CHILDREN and then hanji smacks levi and he pulls her closer into his arms and it’s cute and then armin looks at jean and he’s like "hey jean? thanks for coming i’m really glad you’re here honestly." and jean’s like. "y-yeah…" and it’s like the right mood for a kiss and it’s very emotional but they don’t kiss (not yet) and then. suddenly. it’s saturday. and it’s almost been a whole week and they can’t believe it and it’s crazy. and they’re all. so. like. it’s like. they are all close lik.e after you have a sleepover with someone and you’re suddenly like best friends? that’s what it’s like for jean and them like. they’re like. like JEAN IS ANNOYING AND WHATEVER BUT WHEN. HE’S KIND OF. put into an environment like this he chills out and hanji and levi love him ok they’re like “omf i hope him and armin kiss” and they’re like, shipping them so hard and ANYWAS SO. SO OK. so then they make another stop for the night. they don’t stop at a hotel/bed and breakfast EVERY night, just when it’s possible. but this night it’s possible but. it’s like. some place meant for honeymooning couples. so levi and hanji are like yes pls but armin and jean are like ????? Ohouegh so anyways. levi checks them all in and the person at the front desk looks at armin and winks and armin’s like NONONONO U DON’T UNDERSTAND AND jean like. stumbles and he’s like “WE’RE NOT TOGETHER” really loud and the lady just laughs and she’s like “yeah right” and they’re so blushy and like. this is SO DUMB. LIKE. the place itself isn’t even like. that romantic it’s just like a small place idk. it has a hot tub outside. so anyways. armin and jean go into their room and it’s really embarrassing cause it’s obviously meant for a recently married couple cause like. the bed is the cheesy heart shaped shit and it all looks really crappy but it’s just. meant to be romantic or something like everything’s red and there’s a pack of condom’s on the bed or something like. it’s fuckin weird. and armin starts blushing and jean’s like WHAT THE HECK IS THIS. and they’re both so AWKWARD and jean’s like “i guess i’ll take a shower” and armin’s like “OH OK I’m GONNA CHECK OUT THE HOT TUB” cause he just??? but then jean is like "OH YEAH ME TOO ACTUALLY" cause jean loves hot tubs man. and armin’s like fuck no. but he can’t say he doesn’t wanna go check it out now cause then jean would know somethings up but there isn’t anything up!!!!??? AND SO THEY. AWKWARDLY CHANGE INTO THEIR SWIM SUITS AND WALK DOWN TO THE HOT TUB AND. armin just. GETS IN THE HOT TUB AS FAST AS POSSIBLE AND WOAH THAT’S REALLLY HOT. and he’s suddenly really excited about the temperature cause it feels so FUCKING. GOOD ON HIS SORE MUSCLES so he looks at jean smiling to tell him that but jean’s like. jean wore his shirt on the walk down to the hot tub right so he’s taking it off and armin’s like oh no abs oh no pecs oh no body oh no look oh no oh no oh no. and he looks down and jean gets in and is like. WOAH THAT’S SO HOT OHOAHOAHHeouYESSS. and armin’s like. blushing but he gets over it and they relax finally and have a little splash fight and it’s kind of dark outside but it’s so nice and there’s a small breeze and the water is so warm and they’re both relaxing and armin notices that there are like. smell good candles and he uses the lighter to have those and it’s like. so relaxing and they’re just. so. it’s so chill. and then. and then things get deep. cause you know hot tubs are where you talk about all that deep shit. that’s where like. they’re both just a little overheated so they’re not ENTIRELY in their full focused mind and they’re tired enough already to just. spill about everything in their life and they DO. so jean talks about his embarrassing childhood moments and his mom being really weird and annoying and how she caught him masturbating once and then armin asks him what he was masturbating to because he’s armin and then jean is like “OH MY GOD WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT TO ASK” and armin’s like “SORRY I WAS JUST CURIOUS OMF” and jean splashes him and moves closer to armin and like. leans in to whisper and he’s like “i was jerkin it to…weiners” and aRMIN. LAUGHS SO HARD. CAUSE JEAN WHAT HTE FUCK AND JEAN’S LAUGHING SO HARD AND He’S LIKE OMFG DUDE UR FACE AND ARMIn’S LIKE HAHAhahaaaaa OMFGgg and jean’s like. “nah nah don’t worry like, i was jerking it to like some hot chick i don’t remember” and armin’s like "lol why would i worry?" and jean’s like "um. like…idk? i’m not gay is what i mean." and armin’s like "Oh oh. oh. yeah yes." and jean’s like. does this awkward laugh and just. MAKES THIS WORSE AND He’S LIKE "cause. cause only gay dudes. uh. jerk it to dicks right hahaha" and armin’s like "yeah man i ONLY dingle my dangle to dicks like, that’s the ONLY thing, there is NOTHING else." and jean’s like. "haha. WHAT? ur gay?" and armin’s like "yeah man" and jean’s like OH. OH OH oH oH OH. and then it’s awkward for a second like. armin’s like. oh wait jean isn’t a dick about this stuff is he? and armin has a small internal freakout cause this could mess up the rest of the entire TRIP???? AND jEAN is like "no i’m. that’s good." and armin’ slike. THAT’S GOOD? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. GOOD FOR WHAT DOES JEAN LIKE ME??? WAIT ARMIN DOn"T THINK THAT HE LITEARLLY JUST SAID HE’S NOT GAY ARMIND DON’T BE DUmb and they’re just LAME BOYS IN A HOT TUB AND THEY’VE BEEN IN FOR TOO LONG AND. SO. JEAn’s LIKE. hey now. and jean just. kind  of. looks forward and is like. "i lied. i was jerkin it to dicks" and armin’s like. "oh. cool." and then iT’S JUST REALLY AWKwARD CAUSE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO EVEN SAY LIKE. WAS JEAN JUST. TELLING HIM THAT OR WAS HE MAKING FUN OF HIM OR WAS HE TRYING TO TELL ARMIN HE ACTUALLY LIKED DUDES OR?????? ARMIN IS LIKE. GOING OVER THE CONVERSATION IN HIS HEAD TO TRY AND FIGURE OUT WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON ARMIN’S LIKE “ok jean told me he wasn’t gay because he didn’t crank his lever to dingles but then i told him i was gay and then he told me he does doongle the dongle to dickies? what the fuck” and jean is like "i wanna kiss him i wanna kiss him i wanna kiss him oh god what the fuck" and armin’s like "hey wanna get out now?" cause his skin is feeling gross and like. wrinkly and pruney and stuff  and jean like. jumps cause he was lost in thought and he looks at armin and he has no idea what he just said so he’s like. "ok" but neither of them. like. move to get out. and they’re both just kind of staring at each other and. AND. AND THEN. JEAN LEANS IN AND. AND. AAANNNNNNDD. THEIR lIPS TOUCH. JUSt. A TOUCH. AND THEY’RE BOTH. FROZEN WITH THEIR LIPS JUST. TOUCHING TOGETHER. JUST A CHASTE KISS U KNOW. and. it’s like. time stops like. woah there. and like. armin suddenly just. feels SO hOt LIKE. HE”S IN A HOT TUB BUT IT JUST FEELS HOTTER THAN THAT ANd HE JUST. KIND OF. STARTS LIKE. REALLY KISSING JEAN AND JEAN’S LKE OH. and THEY THEN THEY’RE JUST. LIKE. sloppily making out kind of (THIS IS LIKE. AN ENTIRE HIGHSCHOOL CAREER OF AWKWARD SEXUAL TENSION BEING LET OUT OK LIKE. DO U UNDERSTAND LIKE, THEY WEREN’T REALLY FRIENDS BUT THEY WERE LAB PARTNERS OR SOMETHING AND HAVE TALKED AND LAUGHED WITH EACH OTHER AND FOR YEARS HAVE TRIED TO DENY THE ATTRACTION THEY HAVE FOR EACH OTHER BUT HEY HEY THEY DIDN”T TRY HARD ENOUGH APPARENTLY HAHA) but they both don’t REALLY know what they’re doing to be honest like. they’re just. emOTIONAL AND TEENAGERS. And THEn they like break for air and armin’s like “OK WE SHOULD .UH LEt’S GET OUT NOW.” aND HE LIKE. IS GIGGLING AND FEELS DRUNK and just of slips while he’s getting out of the hot tub and jean tries to catch him but they both kind of slip BUT THEY’rE OK. and then they kind of like. run back up to their room like. omfg. and just. they get back into their room and are having like. a giggle fit thing going on like. a serious giggle attack and they both kind of fall on the bed and they’re laughing so hard and just. then you know like jean looks at armin and his cheeks are all flushed and he doesn’t have a shirt on and he just wow and jean’s like. “armin i think i’m gay 4 u” and armin’s like “jean i think that’s the gayest thing you’ve ever said” and then like. armin pulls him back in for another kiss and it’s really intense again right like. they get REALLY into it and. idk it’s just. very intense like. armin rolls on top of jean right and they’re kissing like woah there. LIKE YOU KNOW. WITH THE TONGUES. THEY’RE KISSING LIKE. WITH THE TONGUES WOAAAAH. and armin jUST SUDDENLY JUST. STARTS TALKING LIKE. ARMIN HAS THIS HABIT OF TALKING A LOT WHEN HE’S NERVOUS BUT HE ISN’T REALLY NERVOUS HE JUST. CAN’T STOP TALKING FOR SOME REASON (hanji has the same problem like when her and levi are making out she just. starts talking about science and stuff and levi’s like STOP OH MY GOD OR I’LL MAKE U STOP and then it’s like a fun challenge like, he knows he’s done good when he can make hanji shut the fuck up hell ya man ;) ) OK BUT YEAH. SO ARMIN JUST SUDDENLY STARTS. TALKING LIKE. he breaks the kiss and is like "jean i really really like your abs, do you work out a lot? what’s your workout plan do you eat a lot of vegetables? you’re a good runner i know that you seem like the athletic type too and i’ve always found that really attractive about you. gosh when i think about it jean i’ve always found you REALLY attractive you know like. I never SAID anything or THOUGHT much about it but. you’re just. very VERY much my type did you know that Jean?" and jean’s like. WHY IS HE TALKING SO MUCH HE’S SO CUTE?? and just armin is so embarrassed cause he doesn’t know how to stop talking and he’s just like. touching jean’s sides or something idk and jean laughs cause HEY THAT TICKLES. AND THEN ARMIN CAN”T HELP IT HE STARTS TICKLING HIM AND JUST. THEN JEAN IS LIKE (IDK WHAT’S WITH THIS AU AND TICKLING MAN IDK) "STOP STOP STOP STOP" BUT ARMIN WON’T STOP SO JEAN JUST. SUDDENLY FLIPS THEM SO NOW JEAN’S ON TOP AND HE’S HOLDING ARMIN’S WRISTS DOWN AND BOTH  OF THEM ARE SURPRISED AND JEAN’S LIKE. "oh. sorry hah" and armin just. is silent. and wide eyed and. jean thinks he must’ve just really messed up and then armin just. idk lets out some desperate breath that kind of squeaks at the end but like, a sexy squeak (I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SEXY THINGS I’m SORRY) and jean just can’t fucking handle it and he just. attacks armin’s lips and armin’s like. OFMOMGOFngn and jean doesn’t let go of his wrists and armin’s like OMF THIS IS SO HOT and jean’s like THIS IS SO HOT. and neither of them are actually like. that good at kissing but it’s just REALLY GReAT AND THEY’RE JUST. AND jean let’s go of armin’s arm’s SO HE can lower his body right so he can get his face closer and armin like digs his hands into jean’s hair and it’s just gettin real hot and heavy and JeaN’s LIKe HOT DAMN AND THEN AND THEN THERE”s A KNOOCK ON THE DOOR AND ARMIN LIKE ACCIDENTALLY HEADBUTTS JEAN CAUSE HE’S SO SURPRISED BY THE NOISE AND THEN THEY”RE BOTH LIKE. IN SO MUCH PAIN CAUSE ARMIN HIT THEIR HEADS REALLY HARD TOGETHER LIKE OUCH JESUS CHRIST. AND THE KNOCKING HAPPENS AGAIN AND ARMIn’S LIKE OWwwwww and he like. armin like goes to the door and. opens it just a crack and there’s some dude standing there. and he’s like. “your friend left this at the hot tub” and he holds up jean’s shirt and armin’s like. “oh uh. thanks” and then the guy leaves and armin closes the door and just. kind of stands there and holds up jean’s shirt and jean face palms because UGH. and then. jean is sitting on the bed and armin is leaning on the door and they’re both breahting really hard and looking anywhere but each other but finally they look into eachothers eyes and they blush and armin’s like. "uh. so…that just happened." and jean’s like. he like scratches the back of his head and he’s like "yeah. yes yeah. yes that. yeah…" and they’re both really quiet and then armin’s like. "so…" and jean’s like "soo…." and they just. armin like. walks over to jean and just. kind of sits next to him and then he notices the time and he’s like "OH SHIT. IT’s LIKE. 2 AM AND WE NEED TO GET UP AT 5 WE HAVE TO SLEEP" and jean’s like. yeah. so they like. get ready for bed and it’s really awkward but also not? but it is? like. they’re both brushing their teeth next to each other and jean like flicks armin with some water and armin laughs but then they both look at each other and blush and it’s AWKWARD BUT CUTE. and armin puts his glasses on and jean’s like “damn him and his cute glasses”  so then they’re ready for bed and. they remember that they have to share the bed so jean’s like. oh uh. shit. and armin kind of crawls into bed and looks at jean and jean’s like “you. you want me to sleep on the floor or something i mean like-” and armin like. grabs jean’s arm (HE WAs standing close to the bed) and just pulls him onto the bed and jean gets under the covers and armin like kind of just. idk. snuggles into him. and jean’s like. OH OUGMROFMIgm and armin’s BLUSHING SO HARD AND ARMIN’S THINKING AND HE’S LIKE “HOLY SHIT DID I JUST. CUDLE HIM WOW OH WOW I CAN’T BACK OUT NOW OMF WHaT I JUST TOTALLY DID THAT ON IMPULSE FUCMAOIGFGj” but then jean puts his arm around armin and. they both just. cuddle and fall asleep that way. mmmm. ——————————- YO BAM IT’S 5 AM NOW SO LEVI BANGS THE DOOR OPEN (he used the spare key to jean and armin’s room actually but levi’s the type that likes to make an entrance) SO HE’S LIKE. RISE AND SHINE U LITTLE SHITS. and armin sits up and he’s like, squinting, and his hair is all crazy and levi  HAS TO HOLD BACK A SMILE CAUSE EVEN HE CAN’T DENY THAT ARMIN’S MAJORLY KAWAII ANd THEN LIKE HE SEES JEAN GET UP AND HE REALIZES THEY WERE LIKE. CUDDLED TOGETHER AND LEVI LIKE. Smirks and he’s thinking like “oooh i can’t wait to tell hanji omf” and WOAH speak of the devil hanji walks past levi and into jean and armin’s room and she’s IN HER UNDERWEAR HANJI WHAT THE FUCK. AND SHE’S WEARING HER LIKE. SEXY UNDIES (sexy to levi at least idk how sexy they actually are he just thinks she’s sexy in general and he doesn’t even know why) aND HE ACTUALLY IS LIKE “HANJI WHAT” and she;s like "they’re just underwear levi don’t freak out. I wear bikinis like. it’s the same basically kind of" and LEVI IS LIKE. NONONOONONONOONONONONONNONONONONONO and he like. GRABS HER ARM AND PULLS HER BACK TO THEIR ROOM AND THEN. HE LKE. CLoess the door and he’s like "ARE YOU. WHAT THE. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" and hanji’s like "TAKE A CHILL PILL BUD" and she’s about to walk away but levi like. grabs her face and pulls her close and he’s like "hanji. even if. you think it’s fine to walk around in ur sexy undies. eVEN IF YOU THINK THAT’S FINE. THINK ABOUT ME TOO OK LIKE??? I DON’T WANT OTHER PEOPLE SEEING HOW SEXY U ARE LIKE. I MEAN. I. I WANT TO BE THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES UR UNDIES HANJI" and hanji blushes (they’re really weird) and she’s like "omf i didn’t even think about taht" and levi’s like. "just don’t do it again" and hanji’s like. hey now. and she like. jumps him and he catches her and they make out and do sexy things. SO BACK TO THE BOYS. so they get up and get ready and are all set and they close the door behind them at the same time that levi and hanji open their door and like. it’s so obvious that they were just up to something cause levi’s face is flushed and hanji’s hair is messier than usual and they’re both just. a total mess. and jean is like. woahmg HOLY SHIT OK SO. THEY GET BACK IN THE CAR AND THEY”RE DRIVING AND THAT DAY IS PRETTY UNEVENTFUL HONESTLY. (armin and jean almost kind of act like their little make out thing never happened but like, not really cause they’re both really extra awkward around each other but it’s not terrible) BUT THEN. THEY SLEEP IN THE CAR THAT NIGHT AND THEN. THEY FINALLY. GET TO THE BEACH. OH YES. THE BEACh THAT’S RIGHT. THE BEACh YO YOOYOOYOYOOY BEACH BEACH BEACH AND ARMIN IS LIKE FUCK YES THE OCEAN FUCK ME AND HE LIKE RUNS AND GOES TO THE LITTLE CHANGING AREA AT THIS PARTICULAR BEACH AND HE PUTS HIS SUIT ON AND JUST SLAM BAM THANK YA MAM he jUMpS in the water and god armin fucking loves the ocean wow. and jean is just like. “what.” and hanji is like “I’m GONNA LOOK AT ROCKS” and then levi’s like “they really like the ocean this is like the highlight of the trip” and he like. slaps jean’s back and he’s like “good luck” and jean’s like “GOOD LUCK WITH WHAT LEVI. WITH WHAT????” but anyways so they all change into their suits and shit and armin’s like. enjoying himself so much just swimming in the goddamn ocean and then hanji joins him and OMF IT’S AN ANIME BEACH EPISODE. like. jean doesn’t konw if he wants to get in and LEVI. PICKS HIM UP AND THROWS HIM IN THE WATER AND JEAN’S LIKE “NEIGH” and levi like. GETS in the water and they’re all splashing around and having fun like. they’re having real ass fun man like. the fun that you like. just don’t even have like. THEY’RE HAVING SO MUCH FUN THAT LEVI. IS LIKE. SUPER CLOSE TO SMILING OK. THAT’S LIKE. THAT NEVER HAPPENS. and jean loosens up again and he puts armin on his shoulders and hanji sits on levi’s shoulders and they do a chicken fight thing u know the thing they do in the pools in those movies and whatever and then they get out and are laying in the sun and they brought towels and then levi and hanji are like “we gonna go get some hot dogs yo u want some” and the boys are like “hell yeah” so levi and hanji go and then it’s just armin and jean. and. armin is like. “do u ever imagine being a plant and just. using photosynthesis” and jean is like "i think i really like you" and they both. freeze and like. armin’s like omfg and jean’s actually turning red and it ain’t from sunburn honey. and he’s like "i. idk why i uh. wow" and armin’s like. "do u mean like. what. what kind of like" and jean’s like "WHY DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN? ISN’T IT OBVIOUS" and then hanji’s like "WHAT’S OBVIOUS?" AND JEAN SCREAMS and then hanji gives them their hot dogs and armin still hasn’t said anything back armin’s just kind of. sitting there staring at the ocean and it’s real dramatic ok and like.   AND SO THEN LIKE LEVI’s LKE. i’m gonna get a thing from the car and jean’s like I’LL HELP and levi’s like. yeah ok whatever loser and so hanji’s like "so did u and jean kiss yet" and she’s totally joking but armin blushes and she’s like "OMFG U TOTALLY DID" AND ARMIN’S LIKE HANJI PLS and then she’s like "omf armin ur so cute" and armin’s like. HANJI no you don’t uNDERSATND. and she’s like. "yo then help me understand kiddo." and he’s like URHG and if he had a pillow he would stuff his face in the pillow and he’s like. "jean just told me he likes me" and hanji is like "oh? what kind of like?" and armin’s like IDK THAT’S WHAT I ASKED HIM AND HE SAID "ISN"T IT OBVIOUS" BUT I DON"T WANT TO GET MY HOPES UP YA KNOW? and hanji’s like but. you kissed right? isn’t that like. proof enough that it’s the kind of like you want it to be? and armin’s like “WELL I DON’T KNOW WHAT JEAN THOUGHT OF THE KISSING OK” and hanji’s like. omf armin just be happy things are how you want them to be for once jesus christmas. and armin’s like. “but…i’m gonna be i mean. we’re. COLLEGE HANJI. IS IT REALLY A GOOD IDEA TO. EVEN THINK ABOUT GETTING INTO A RELATIONSHIP WHEN. WE DON”T HAVE THAT LONG TOGETHER?” and hanji’s looks at him and laughs her fuckin ass off and she’s like "ARMIN WHAT? if anyone can handle that kind of thing it’s you! I mean heck, you know levi and i didn’t go to the same college! I WAS IN A DIFF COUNTRY KID, but we made it work!" and armin groans and he’s like "yeah well you and levi have known each other since you were kids or something so it was easier for you." and hanji sighs and she’s like "armin hon, sometimes you have to just, i dunno, have fun? take things for what they are and enjoy them as they come and even if you lose them later you can still be happy you at least got to experience them right? i mean you just kissed the dude it’s not like you have to get married right? but if you want to go out with him and kiss him more and he likes you i don’t see why not?" and armin sighs and he’s like. IDK IDK IDK IDK and jean is talking to levi and levi’s like “what the fuck is wrong with your face it looks like you painted it red or something what’s up?” and jean is like “have you. ever liked someone?” and levi just. stares at him. and is like. "no i’ve never had a crush on someone that’s why i’m fuckin engaged. jesus you’re an idiot." and jean is like "NO i"M NOT. I WAS JUST. I MEANT. JUST. WHAT. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU HAVE A CRUSH?" and levi is like "are you sure you’re 18? i don’t think you’re actually 18." but jean is totally serious and then levi’s like "oh my god you’re actually serious? you’re asking me for relationship advice oh my god." and jean just. stands there buT STAYS STRONG and levi’s just like "ok ok, what do you want to know you can ask me 2 things." and jean’s like OH FUCK THAT’S A LOT OF PRESSURE DUDE. but he decides to ask "how did you first ask hanji out?" and levi kind of. looks away and is like. "i didn’t. she asked me out” and jean is like…”oh” and levi IS LIKE “BUT I WAS THE ONE THAT PROPOSED TO HER OK.” and jean is like. “oh ok.” and then levi kind of. flicks his hair a bit and he’s like. "she. we. hanji and i have known each other since. i dunno, we were like, dumb 10 year olds or something, it’s been a long time. then when we were like 16 i realized i had a STUPID crush on her when my friend asked me about it and it was fucking ridiculous and. apparently she liked me too. so it worked out. cause she. showed up at my house at like. 2 am one night and threw a rock at my window and fucking BROKE the goddamn thing and. jesus christ she’s fuckin nuts. she broke my window and then said something awful like ‘DON’T BREAK MY HEART LIKE I BROKE YOUR WINDOW LEVI I MEAN IT’ like i was supposed to know what that meant. but whatever that’s how she asked me out and then by the second date when she kissed me it clicked and i realized we were dating." AND THEN JEAN LAUGHS BECAUSE OMF. HE CAN’T REALLY IMAGINE SUCH A LIKE. IDK. NORMAL TEENAGE LEVI BEING CUTE AND DUMB BUT WHATEVER and levi’s like. "kid honestly from what i’ve seen of you, you don’t think a lot before you do shit. so i don’t know why you’re thinking so much about this." and jean’s like "well. cause…ugh" and levi’s like. "just…follow your heart or some dumb shit." and levi gets the thing he needed from the car like. an umbrella or something and they walk back to hanji and armin and like. they sit down and armin and jean kind of joke around but it’s pretty awkward and then it’s getting late. so they go back and drive to some cabin near by and it’s awkward but there are separate beds this time. so both armin and jean are having internal battles with themselves to just get over their fears of what the fuck ever and kiss again because kissing was nice and why aren’t they kissing? SO LIKE. 2 MORE AWKWARD DAYS PASS and they’re like, already kind of taking the trip that will take them back home right? so like. everythings pretty calm and quiet and whatever and then like. then OH SHIT. FLAT TIRE. So THEY GET A FLAT TIRE OH NO. and so then levi’s like, what the fuck and hanji’s like what the fuck and then so basically hanji and levi leave to go walk to the nearest gas station (which is fairly close luckily) and they leave armin and jean in charge of the car. so the 2 boys don’t want to waste like. the car’s battery or whatever and it’s pretty nice out so they’re standing outside leaning against the car and like. finally armin’s like. "hey. jean so. i mean like. you. uh. so." and jean’s like. "yeah." and then it’s quiet again and finally armin just gets so frustrated with himself that he’s just like "JEAN JUST. GO OUT WITH ME." and. and then they’re both quiet again save for like, armin’s heavy breathing cause he basically just shouted that and jean’s like. gonna die because omf. and just. armin just. is like. "SO WILL YOU?" and jean’s like. "will. will i what??" and armin’s like "GO OUT WITH ME WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME JEAN." and JEAN LIKE. SNAPS OUT OF HIS DUMB LIKE. ZONE OUT aND HE’S LIKE "AYEN" and armin’s like "WHAT???" and jean’s like "I MEANT YES SORRY I. I MEANT. YES. UH. YES. YEAH. UH. LEt’S GO OUT YEAH SOUNDS GOOD YES." and then THEY’RE QUIET AGaIN AND facing each other and like. then armin’s just like. "ok. good. GOOD." and he leans against the car again and jean leans against the car and they’re both standing there and. just. and. then like. another tense moment passes and then THYE"RE KISSING. LIKE THEY JUST START. KISSING LIKE. IT’S LIKE THE HOT KISSES MAN LIKE. WOAH THERE BOYS SLOW DOWN THERE LIKE, THOSE KINDS OF KISSES U KNOW LIKE THE ONES FROM THE WEIRD HONEYMOON PLACE AND jUST. armin’s like. thank the lord and jean’s like omf this is so gay and i love it and they’re KISSING and it’s GREAT and then like. then jean starts kissing armin’s neck and armin’s like “fuck yes” BUT THEN. JEAN LOOKS UP AND. LEVI AND HANJI ARE. STNADING JUST. LIKE. STANDING THERE AND. ARMIN is like “JEAN WHY. DID YOU STOP I’M GONNA RIP UR CLOTHES OFF ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, WHY’D U STOP” and then levi coughs and armin squeals and is like.  he is suddenly like. 10 feet away from jean and he’s trying to act innocent and he’s like "H-HELLO" and levi just sighs and starts fixing the tire and hanji just kind of winks really weirdly at them and she walks up to levi and is like "u owe me 20 bucks mister" and levi just like. gives her the money and groans and jean and armin are confused and hanji’s like "levi was betting that you guys wouldn’t be kissing but i was like, OH YES THEY WILL BE" and armin and jean blush and feel so DUMB but are so happy and they get back in the car and the tires all fixed and they’re all ready to go and like. armin and jean are holding hands and it’s really cute AND SO THEN YOU KNOW LIKE. TIME PASSES AND THEy”RE ALMOST HOME and like jean and armin have kissed a few more times but they haven’t had anymore like ravenous makeouts and they’ve cuddled and shit and it’s CUTE as FUCK and anyways then. they’re home. and the road trip is over. and like. levi and hanji like. drop jean and armin at armin’s house and then drive away back to their place that’s like an hour away or something. and so then like. armin and jean just kind of go hang out at armin’s house and armin’s gpa isn’t home and so. hey. they like go and kiss but then jean’s mom comes and jean has to leave and he’s like. “thank u for inviting me” and armin’s like “anytime” and jean leaves and armin just. DOESn”T KNOW WHAT TO DO HE DOES A HAPPY DANCE AND JEAN IMMEDIATELY CALLS MARCO AND IS LIKE “MARCO MARCO MARCO MARCO MARCO MARCO” and marco’s like “OH jEEEEZ” and then idk. i’m just gonna end it there but then the sequel that i wanna type up too would be hanji and levi’s wedding ;) and also like. college and what the fuck would happen with that shit idk man this is lame and long already i spent too long on this i should be embarrassed but i’m like. not at all. OK. OK THANKS FOR. READING THAT LIKE. IF YOU READ THAT WHOLE THING WOAH. I’m LIKE WOW MAN. GOOD FOR YOU LIKE HOLY SHIT. I didn’t even read the whole thing and i wrote it like what. ok. omfok. I’m DONE NOW
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spencers-dria · 3 years
Someone To Stay
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An original story by fairytales1896
Spencer Reid x fem reader
5. Maybe, Just Maybe
Spencer POV:
It's been a few days since I hung out with Y/N. I'm truly glad she was the one I got to go with. I feel like we might have a lot in common, and she's easy to be around. For a little while, I almost forgot about everything that happened...about her. The next day the thoughts came sinking slowly back in, but they don't feel as debilitating as they used to. Maybe Derek was right, getting out, being around people, it may not be easy for me but it may be what's best. Maybe I should try to get out of my comfort zone a little. I want to get better, I do. But being social, well it's never been my strong suit, and to try to do it now, when I feel so emotionally vulnerable, it's particularly difficult.
Other than the dinner at Rossi's, my friends haven't been inviting me out as much as they used to. I'm pretty sure they got tired of the inevitable rejection. I want them to see that I'm trying, that I want to do better, to get better. Maybe if I reach out first...
I grab my phone to call JJ. She's like a sister to me, and she's been the best at trying to understand what I've been going through.
"Hey, Spence!" She sounds surprised but glad to hear from me.
"Hey, I was uhh.. well I was just wondering..." my words trail off as I find myself suddenly losing confidence in my endeavor.
"Yeah, what's up?" Her voice has a calming effect on me.
"Well...I was wondering if the team had any plans this weekend? To hang out or...I don't know."
"Actually we don't. But we should! I think I have an idea. There's something I've been wanting us all to do. There's a Lakehouse up for rent, and I think it would be fun if we all went up for a weekend. What do you think?"
I'm not very into outdoor activities, but the idea of reading on a porch by the lake sounds incredibly calming and therapeutic. It also sounds like a good time for me to start hanging out with the team again.
"You know, that actually sounds perfect." I smile at the thought of the much needed weekend getaway.
"Perfect! I'll text the group! Thanks for giving me the nudge to set this up, Spence. It'll be fun."
I hang up and shortly after I hear the familiar ding from the group message chat.
BAU Baddies😎
JJ💖: Hey guys! Who would be down for renting a Lakehouse this next weekend?
DM🍫⚡️: Hell yeah! @ahotchner you know what that means?? Jet Skis baby!! 😜🤙🏻
AB🌹: How fun! Count me in.
DR🇮🇹: I'll cook! I have a new recipe we can try out. I think you'll all love it👌🏻
PG🦄👸🏼: @jjereau @ablake We HAVE to go swimsuit shopping first, ladies! This is a non-negotiable.
AH: Sounds fun, are we bringing the kids this time?
JJ💖: Actually, Will is staying home and he'll be watching Henry. Jack can spend the weekend there, if you'd like. @ahotchner
AH: Thanks. I think I'll take you up on that offer.
DM🍫⚡️: @sreid you better be coming pretty boy, just bring a couple dozen books and you'll be set.
SR♟: Yep, already packing.
I smile to myself, thinking of how for once, I'm the reason we have plans. But if anyone else knew that, I'd never hear the end of it. I knew JJ was being intentional when she didn't mention that to the group. I hear another group chat alert and glance at my phone.
BAU Baddies😎
JJ💖: Hey, is it alright if I invite Y/N again?
AB🌹: Oh I thought that was a given! You definitely need to! She fits in with us so well.
PG🦄👸🏼: You better! Or I won't let you hear the end of it 😂
JJ💖: Great! Thanks you guys, it means a lot that you've been so welcoming to her.
Y/N will be there. Maybe I'll have a friend who will hang back and read with me. It would be nice to not be the only one. Then I remember what she said about moving here because she loves the outdoors. That means she'll probably be hanging out with Derek, JJ, and whoever else. Oh well. At least maybe I'll get to talk to her more. I decide to text her. I never really text anyone, but she doesn't know that.
Hey, it's Spencer. I heard JJ wanted to invite you to the lake. Do you think you'll go?
Y/N 📱
Yeah! I just got off the phone with her. I can't wait! Are you going?
Surprisingly...yes. I'll be bringing some books along to pass the time but it'll be nice to have a change of scenery.
Books??? We'll see about that😉 I love a good book as much as the next bibliophile...but this is a weekend for things you CANT do at home. Anyways, would you want to carpool? We can take turns driving if one of us gets tired. Passenger is in control of snacks and music! 🎶🍿
Haha, ok deal. We'll work out the details later. And...thanks :)
Anytime Spencer, can't wait! 👍🏻
I lean back into the couch and smile. Even if we spend the weekend doing different things, at least we'll get to talk on the way there. I feel like she could become a good friend, but I don't want to make any assumptions...I don't do this often.
You run around your room, packing for a trip that's days away. You're too excited, it can't wait. Just as you're trying to decide on a swimsuit you get a text from Penelope, saying that the girls are going swimsuit shopping this evening. They want you to come. You can't hide the smile growing on your face. How long has it been since you've been on a girls shopping trip? You can't even remember. It's spontaneous, so you assume no one will be too dressed up. You throw on a black sleeveless t shirt dress and some strappy sandals. Easy enough to get in and out of for trying on clothes. After brushing through your hair and applying some quick, light makeup, you're ready to go. The girls had decided to meet at the mall, for the most options.
You meet up with Aunt JJ, Penelope, and Alex outside of a nice department store.
"I figured we could start here. It has the most options and it's at the end of the mall. So we can work our way down, until we all find something."
Aunt JJ tends to take charge. She's such a mom, but that's part of what you love about her. Always prepared, caring for everyone. Alex found a cute one piece with a wrap to wear as a skirt. Penelope picked out a cute pink and purple polka-dotted swim dress. JJ ended up with a sports-bra fitting bikini top and some athletic looking swim shorts. Still such a typical mom. The only one left is you. You haven't tried on very many things, and what you did try on, never made it out of the dressing room.
"Y/N, why don't you let us pick you out some things to try on, and this time, you have to at least let us see. Deal?" Penelope gives you a look of encouragement.
"Sure" you shrug. "I'll try anything at this point."
Alex stays with you while JJ and Penny go to pick out some swimsuits for you. They return with a few handfuls of options. You try on the first option, picked out by Penny. It's a cute two piece, frilly and pink. You come out and are greeted with a few giggles.
"As cute as this is, I think it's more your style than mine, Penny" you let out a small laugh.
"Oh I know. I just wanted to see you in it! I couldn't pull it off in a thousand years!" She laughs.
"Alright alright, let's keep going." JJ ushers me back into the dressing room.
I come back out in a black two piece. It doesn't show too much skin to make me uncomfortable, but it's really flattering on my curves.
I hear a chorus of "ooooo" and one "yes queen!" that I'm sure came from Penny.
"Really, you guys? It's not too...ya know."
JJ shakes her head at me. "No definitely not. Girl, you're single, you're in your twenties, your body hasn't had a child yet. If you got it, flaunt it. If not now, then when?"
The girls all nod in agreement. You blush. You didn't know you could look this good in a swimsuit. You usually avoided bikinis. You found it hard to feel comfortable in your own skin. Whenever you tried to dress sexy, you just ended up feeling awkward and uncomfortable. It helps to have some friends to encourage you. You look at yourself in the mirror one last time. Okay, even you had to admit, you look hot.
The four of you end the day with lunch, chatting about your plans for the lake.
JJ turns to you. "Y/N, I almost forgot, do you need a ride down there? I can pick you up, if you'd like."
"Ohh uh, no actually. I'm carpooling with Spencer." I give her a shy smile. I know what this looks like. "We're just friends" I quickly interject.
"That's great" she says, giving me her warm smile. "Spence really needs a friend right now. And I bet you do too." There's understanding in her eyes. You're grateful that she didn't try to make more out of it. Aunt JJ knows you, though. She knows you make guy friends much more easily. That aside, you were still so grateful for the day with the girls. They were all so genuine, and easy to get along with. They didn't make you feel like an outsider intruding on their day.
Later that evening, you lay in bed as you try to quiet your mind. Your head is swimming with too many thoughts to fall asleep: anxieties about this weekend, but also excitement and ideas of what you'll do. Not to mention, more time to get to know Spencer better. You wonder what JJ meant when she said Spencer really needed a friend right now. Maybe, just maybe, you'd break through his walls a little more this weekend.
A/N: sorry this one is short-ish. It's kind of a transition chapter so there's not as much content! Building a base, building friendships, hang with me, we're getting there 😁💖✌🏻
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