#lets send mamo our love!!!
gabapple · 1 year
Woahh, first of all thank you for answering so honestly and sharing a bit of your personal experiences, I am completely glad that you are now where you feel good and in a place that you can call home and your safe place 💖 Speaking of history and real world comparisons, I think that's why we end up with some people or other, the choices we make and the struggles each of us has. I think something I love about viktuuri is the answer to "why yuuri?" or "why viktor, why with viktor and not with other people?", and I think it's something precious. In other scenarios, as I've seen in another of your stories (or even in the NLA itself), I share the thought I had; otherwise chris might have had a real chance with viktor, he was patient, protective, he really cared for him, he really loved vitya and he saw and accepted him for who he was so why yuuri? and I think that's something that happens in the real world, Vitya wasn't ready at the time and the only one who managed to awaken all those feelings in him and help him heal was Yuuri, because they were what the other needed and that's beautiful. , because neither of them was perfect but as you say they complemented each other and it worked because they were compatible and because they WANTED to work for the good of the other when one of them was not perfect. Life just happened that way and that's where it felt right, we all have flaws and virtues.
As you say, no one is just bad or just good, and I believe that sometimes one can be good for someone and bad for someone, in the sense that we are experiencing different things that are sometimes not compatible with what the other person is experiencing , especially when you're not ready to make a change or improve or work on it, and it causes "isn't here"... things to happen in life.
That's what I love so much about NLA, that it's so simple and at the same time so wonderful, because that's life, it's not always fair, not always everything is joy or sadness, and sometimes love is not always where you thought or where "it is easier" to get to, the decisions we make and how we fight our own problems and traumas are ultimately what also builds love, and the support and compatibility that someone has with you to grow together.
I'm happy that that was the essence of what you wanted to show and that it's not just "he's bad and good by nature" or "he's better" "he's worse" (for example with characters like chris, as possible romantic interest of viktor, AND I love victuuri with all I mean..but amazing guy and totally worth it, of course! ). And I love that the victuuri is about that. Love in pure essence and the decisions we make.
I'm very happy to be able to comment more in depth on all this that I thought and of your process as a writer and co-creator of NLA.
(maybe l'll bother mamo too with the yuuri's part hahah )
Many things like that and the panic attacks helped me a lot for personal development. Tsm for sharing this
Can't wait for Mafia AU and send more
See you on twitter^^🍵🍵✨🦄🦄🦄🦄👑👑🩰🩰🩰
I'm mainly "answering" this so everyone can see your response; I REALLY appreciate your feedback, and am so grateful that you've let us know how our writing has impacted you... It's so gratifying to know; we worked really hard, and I'm!!! SO HAPPY!!!! that it came through!!!
Sometimes I look at the way I met my partner and my good friends, and how the circumstances of us all coming together were so precarious and crazy... It ended up being meant to be because we made it so with our own choices and experiences.
Like Viktor said in the 1st stage drama (the Chihoko affair): "It's because of his past that Yuuri is who he is now."
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I absolutely agree with everything you said here. @mamodewberry -- make sure to read the above for good fuzzy feelings. :)
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writing-fanics · 3 years
[ Mamoru x Fem!Reader ]
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a/n; i'm skipping when we first see sailor v, cause i'm lazy and I wanna get to when serenity is awaken so yeah.. 
[ Part IV ]
[ Time Skip ]
That night, she didn't get much sleep. She was too lost in her own thoughts, about Mamoru. She's never had these feelings before, they were all new to her. She snuggled her head, into her pillow. The broken pocket watch, close to her. 
She sat up in bed and, looked at the pocket watch. Her heart beating faster and, faster the more she looked at it. Her fingers touched it, they traced to broken pocket watch carefully. Touching it with such care, she had to give it back soon.  
As the two stood in the park, [Y/n] smiled, at Mamoru. Their eyes getting lost in each-other's gaze, she giggles happily. Until that moment was ruined,  
"Y/n is that you?" a voice said behind her and, her heart stopped taking her out of that moment between her and, Mamoru. Her heart stopped she slowly turned around and, gasped her entire body shaking. Mamoru notice this and, looked at her with concern. 
"Oh, it is you. It's been so long." 
[Y/n] backed away, from them. The person from her past the person, who abused her... Who poisoned her, almost killing her, was here standing right before her. Her adoptive mother...
"How are you doing?' She asks and, [Y/n] doesn't speak she couldn't she looks down at the ground. 
"Y/n?" Mamoru says, placing a hand on her shoulder and, she looks up at him. He noticed how frightened she looked, her eyes widened and, he took her hand. [Y/n] looked, over at her adoptive mother who was smiling, which that made her stomach turn. 
"I-I u-um I-I..." [Y/n] mumbled, she tightened her grip on Mamoru's hand and, he looked down at her. Mamoru, looked up at the woman standing there, 
"Excuse me, but we have some place to be." Mamoru says, holding [Y/n]'s hand and, them walking away from her. As they got further and, further away. [Y/n] wrapped her arms around Mamoru's arm, she was still shaking. They made their way, back to his apartment. 
 Mamoru noticed, how shaken and scared she was. When they tried to talk to her, [Y/n]'s face turns red, as she feels Mamoru's hand on hers. "Are you okay?" He asks, and she looks down, then at him. Her heart racing, pounding against her chest. "Yeah, I'm fine Mamo. Just seeing her, after all those years startled me." She says, looking up at him, smiling. 
Mamoru then pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her. She gasp, her eyes widened. "M-Mamo?" She says, softly. He places his chin, a top of her head. 
"If you need anything, I'm here for you." He says, to her and, she blushes. She looks up at him, and wraps her arms around him.
"Thank you, Mamo." She says and, she looks up at him. And he looks down at her, the to stare into each-others eyes. She looks away, blushing and, plays with her fingers. She's never felt this way, about anyone before and, this feeling theses feelings she has for Mamoru felt so strong. 
"Wanna watch a movie, to get your mind off it?" He asks and, her eyes lit up she smiles and, nods. The two sitting on the couch, watching a movie together. As time went by, it became dark outside and, the movie was over.
[Y/n] looks out and, sees the stars. She smiles, as an idea pops into her head. She takes, Mamoru by the hand and pulls him up, "Come on, let's look at the stars." She says, pulling him out onto the balcony. She giggles, as they sit down on the balcony.
"I-I don't know much about stars." Mamoru says and, she looks at him. 
"That's okay, Mamo. It's for fun." She says, smiling at him. The two look up at the stars and, [Y/n] points out the stars and, constellations. 
"You sure know a lot about stars." He says and, she looks at him and, blushes.
"Yeah, sometime my mom would take me outside to look at them." She says, to him. Looking back up at the stars and, the two look up and both point at the same time. 
"Well I know that one the big dipper." He says and, the two stare look at each-other. Under the night sky, this moment between them felt so familiar. Like they've done this before, they blush looking into each-others eyes. As the two, slowly intertwine their fingers. 
As the wind blew it seemed, as if it was pushing them closer and, closer to each-other. To the point, where their lips were, mere inches away from each-other. They haven't known each-other for very long, but already know so much about each-other. And, this moment between them at this moment, felt so right. 
They close the gap between them, their lips touching. [Y/n]'s hand places her hands, on Mamoru's chest. This kiss between them, felt magical familiar as if, out of a fairy tale. Mamoru places his hands, on her waist. She didn't want, this moment between them to stop. 
Her back presses against the floor, her fingers running through Mamoru's hair. Eventually, they parted for air. And, the two stare into each-other's eyes. Their faces bright red, they both smile at each-other. T
"Y/n! We need you now!" Atlas says, sending a transmission. She gasps and, looks u at Mamoru. 
"On my way!" She says, into her watch. She stands up and, kisses Mamoru on the cheek. 
"I-I have to go the others need me!" She says, to him. And, she quickly leaves. Running to Tokyo Tower, to meet up with the others. Everything was pitch black dark, she noticed the others and, transformed into Sailor Luna. 
"Sorry guys." She says, running next to them. [Y/n] gasps, as they begin to move up towards the tower. They they notice Kunzite, "So you've come." He says, his arms folded. 
"Sucking up energy! That's something even a god is forbidden to do! pretty guardian of love and justice, sailor moon has arrived, and in the name of the moon we'll punish you!" Sailor Moon says, then grabs her Moon Stick, along with Sailor Luna. 
'Moon Healing Escalation!' 
"Lunar Healing Escalation' 
The girls shout, but [Y/n] falls and, is caught by Tuxedo Mask. She gasps and, looks him in the eyes. She wraps her arms around him, holding him. 
"It's dangerous here! We'll defeat the enemy. You go as far away as you can!" She shouts at him, pressing her lips against his, even though the two have shared a kiss before.  She backs away and, stares into his eyes. 
"I'm not watching someone I love, get hurt." She says, as she goes back up towards Kunzite. "Sailor Luna!" the others shout, seeing her come back up. 
"Supreme thunder!" Mako shouts, sending it towards Kunzite. But it didn't work, it only gave him more energy. "More! Give me more energy! And I can give it back to you hundreds of times over! I will blow Tokyo off the map!" Kunzite shouts,
"Run! Hurry!" [Y/n] shouts, at them. She uses her star stick, to make a protective forcefield around the other scouts, 
"Sailor Luna' Minako shouted, 
"We have to protect Sailor Luna now!" She shouted. 
Kunzite then sends a powerful beam down towards Sailor Luna, time seemed to go by so fast. Cause the next thing she knew, was that Tuxedo Mask had jumped in front of her, taking the blunt of the energy blast. Her eyes widened with horror, as she caught him in her arms. 
"Tuxedo Mask!" She screams, tears running down her cheeks. 
Tears running down her face, as she cups Mamoru's face in her hands. She brings her forehead to his, her tears hitting his cheeks. "Please, Mamo!" She cries, tears running down her cheeks. As she holds him close, ,
'Tuxedo Mask! Open your eyes' Mamoru hears, Y/n cry out for him. 
'Someone is calling to me.' He says, looking at the vast empty area that surrounds him. 
'Long hair....That shimmers like the stars above. The one who calls out to me in my dreams is it you?' He asks, looking at her a apparition that looks alot like [Y/n] appears in front of him. 
'Sailor Luna?' He looks up at her.. 
'You're sad. A face such as yours should never be sad.' He says, to himself. Tears run down [Y/n]'s cheeks, as she holds him. 
'Why are you crying?' 
'Wait! Something like this has happened before.' He remembers and,.
'Endymion!'  Princess Y/n, cries looking down at him. 
'Endymion! Endymion!' She cries out, in anguish. 
Mamoru looks up, finally remembering his true name, 'Endymion? That's my name? I was reborn here on Earth as Mamoru Chiba.' He remembers,
He weakly brings his hands up, looking at [Y/n] who looked down at him worried, tears in her eyes. 'I remember now, I came back to be with you again. I found you, Y/n." He says, his hand going limp.
"My...Star." He says, and [Y/n] looks down at him in shock, tears streaming down her cheeks. [Y/n] shakes her head, and screams in anguish. As she wraps her arms around Mamoru, tears streaming down her cheeks. 
"No!"  She cries, holding him. As she screams in anguish, Her tiara shatters and, a crescent symbol appears on both her and Usagi's forehead. Their outfits turn into dresses and, their hair becomes longer. [Y/n] looks down and, sees the broken pocket watch. 
As it seems to be going backwards, everyone begins to remember their past lives. 
"I remember! I remember you" She says, placing her hand on his cheek. 
"I remember my beloved.." She says, looking down at him. 
'My memories are coming back to me one by one, he had the same eyes as you with a deep color..' 
'you could just sink into.' 
'The same deepness as the blue world in which was hidden all our possibilities and hopes.' 
'Long ago, I looked at that blue planet from the moon I loved it...' 
'And... this was my secret watching the Earth's prince and heir.' 
'that matchless That marvel Endymion!' 
'I descendant to the planet time and time again hoping to catch a glimpse of him Endymion' 
"But we mustn't meet like this anymore." Princess [Y/n] said to him, tears brimming her eyes. 
"Why?" Endymion asked, holding her close looking into her eyes, that shined like the stars. 
"Denizens of the Earth and Moon are forbidden to fraternize. That's god's law... I mustn't fall in love.. but it's too late.'" The two share a kiss, underneath the stars. 
The moon kingdom and earth kingdom, were in the middle of a war. "We will taake the Kingdom of the Moon and make it ours, the legendary silver crystal will be mine. Prince, will you be a traitor to Earth this is all for Earth's prosperity" Beryl shouted, at the prince. 
Who stood in front of [Y/n], "Stop! Lay down your arms! Stop this futile war!" Endymion shouted, at them. Beryl was possessed and, tried to attack the princess Endymion was quick and, protected his lovers life. 
'Endymion!' she cried. 
"Talk to me... Open your eyes please!" She cried, holding him. 
"We were reborn, and I finally saw you but again but.. is this to be our fate Endymion! Tuxedo Mask." She cried, holding him in her arms. 
"I love you please, come back to me!" She cried, cupping his face in her hands. As she cries, her tear crystalizes and, a bright light emits from it. 
"I can see it! This light.. us Y/n-chan's tear crystallized and shining." Ami says.. The bright light blinds, Kunzite then Beryl appears. A bright light emits from the crystal and, comes out of it. It goes into Mamoru's chest, and then the light goes out and, the crystal falls into her hands. 
Then Kunzite attacks [Y/n] who screams in pain, then the Sailor Scouts who are also protecting Usagi now Princess Serenity, jump in front protecting [Y/n]. She holds onto Mamoru, holding him close. Then feels his grip leaving hers, she looks up and, gasps. 
"Tuxedo Mask!" She screams trying, to reach out towards him. The guardians holding her back, as she cries trying to reach out for him. 
"No please! Let me go! He's taking Tuxedo Mask away!" She pleas, tears streaming down her cheeks. 
"Luna! Artemis! Atlas! Can you hear me?! We have to go transport there! Help us out!" Ami shouts, 
"Nooo! Tuxedo Mask... MAMO!" She cries, crying as she watches as they take him away.
They were at the Crown Game Center, their secret hideout. [Y/n] was crying her arms wrapped around Usagi, who was comforting her. 
"Sailor Luna, Sailor Moon... I mean, Princess Serenity and Princess Y/n, you remember don't you?" Minako asks and, [Y/n] and Usagi, both look towards her. 
"About me, Sailor Venus too? And about how Sailor Venus was actually the leader of the Sailor Guardians assigned to protect the princesses?" and About our kingdom SIlver Millennium?" She asks and, both girls nod. 
[Y/n] looks down, remembering Endymion. 'That time before we were reborn, when we were so happy. When you asked me to be your princess and, I said yes.' Back when the Earth was it's own KIngdom and the Moon was separate kingdom.' 
'then....just as now..I was unable to save you'  she says, as she begins to feel dizzy. It was all too much, losing Mamoru, the same day the two shared a kiss. And, finding out she's actually the moon princess from the story her mother told her many times as a child. 
She placed her hand, on her head. And fell to the ground, passing out. 
[Y/n] gasps, waking up from a nightmare. She brings her hands, to her face and, cries. Sobbing into her hand, she's been through so much in her life and, now this. "M-Mamo, I-I'm sorry I couldn't save you..." She cries, she looks out at the stars. 
She shakes her head and, grabs both curtains and, covers the window. She falls onto her knees, "I'm so weak..." She whimpers, wrapping her arms around herself. She looks down at the broken pocket watch and, holds it close to her chest. 
She clenches the sheets and, cries. Atlas jumps up onto her bed and, gives her a sympathetic look. He nuzzles his head into her hand and, she looks down at him. 
"Atlas, I love him so much....E-even if I am some princess, I just want to live a normal life! I just want one without some evil forces coming after us all the time. I want a life with Mamo... That's all I want.." She cries, her body shaking. Atlas nuzzles his head, once more. 
"Y/n...I promise, we will get Mamoru back. It's going to take time, but we will. I hate seeing you this upset." He says, she looks down at him. 
"We all do.." 
[Y/n] looked up at saw Rei, with the others Usagi along with them. She looks down, "We all hate seeing you cry, Y/n." Usagi says and, [Y/n] looks at her. 
"H-How can I not be sad, when the enemy stole the man I love!" She cries, sobbing into her hands. She looks up slightly, 
"In this life, I've never been in love. I was usually a loner, after the things I've been through. That changed, when I met Mamoru. There was just something about him, that- that.. Changed me, slowly yet surely I fell in love. I had already fallen in love with him before I knew he was Tuxedo Mask." She says, looking up at the others. 
"He was the first person who, I ever fell in love with. And then I lose him and, I couldn't even protect him because I'm weak!" She shouts, clenching her blankets. 
"That's not true." Ami says, with a smile on her face. 
"You're not weak." Mako said, waking over to her and, placing her hand on her shoulder. 
"You are strong, stronger than you know." She says, to her. 
"Tuxedo Mask, sacrificed himself because he loves you Y/n." Minako say and, [Y/n] looks at her. 
"He wouldn't want you to be crying, he'd want you to stay strong." Rei says, placing her hand on [Y/n]'s hand. 
"That's right and, like Atlas said. We'll help you get him back." They all said and, tears brim [Y/n]'s eyes as she cries. Tears of joy, lucky to have such great friends. They all wrap their arms around her, comforting her.
no sneak peek this chapter.. but we are almost done with season one of sailor moon be prepared get your tissues two more chapters left for season i then season ii....
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tiny012 · 4 years
Crit Post: The Break Up Arc
You know what’s hard? 
Wanting to write an essay totally dismantling the Break Up Arc and explaining not excusing Mamoru actions in a Introverted perceptive. 
I have been trying to figure out how the do it for the longest. 
Because really there are more things wrong with the break up arc than just Mamo breaking up with her, acting cold, and not telling her about the dreams. 
There are more logistics to it and how it honestly could have work with a introverted and female touch to it. 
 Because I’m introverted and some of the things Mamo did in the 90′s anime ( and the manga) makes sense to me as I got older. 
I say this 
Some Introverts have a hard time getting close to someone or telling their inter thoughts. We are honestly better listeners than actual talkers. You can vent to us for hours( even tho it can get draining) but getting something out of us if we not comfortable with you yet is like pulling teeth. 
We are private as hell and let some people see sides of us of what  want to see and we internalized a lot of shit in.
We would rather hold all in, address the problem themselves and not include no one else in it. We would rather handled things by themselves.
Is our intent to hurt some one? No It’s honestly the last thing we want to do.
Actually our intention is NOT to hurt someone which is the reason why don’t tell things. We put walls around them so order they want get hurt as well.  Honestly we can be our own worst enemy sometimes. 
So when we do find that person that we can trust and have our backs they get the flood of words and emotions that we  have. When we find someone to vent to we vent. 
So if you look back at what I said is that true to Mamo? HELL YES 
Mamoru’s intention in the break up  was never to hurt Usagi but to save her because he saw the dreams that shook the hell out of him thinking the one person that he love the most could die again. 
Read more because boy this got long!!! 
Being a reincarnated prince who had a ill fated romance with a princess which ended in tragedy and now seeing your current girlfriend who you just got with who is the reincarnated princess die again? Which it seems like it’s could be your fault that she’s in this again?
Yeah should shake anyone who sees the love of their life dies again after receiving a second chance to love.... 
With his tack record of having Dreams about SliMli and the fact he probably felt it was his fault she died as Serenity in the past makes sense he would be absolutely shook if he’s having Prophetic Dreams of Upcoming Doom ( PDUD if you watch my livebloging of SMC season 3 I’m bring this back. lol) )with a booming face saying saying “ Oh Yeah Usagi is going to die again if you don’t stay away from her. “ 
His first thought wasn’t “ Oh maybe it’s an enemy is sending me this dreams” or “ maybe I need to talk to her about this or Rei who have prophetic dreams like me” his though was “ Oh shit She may die again because of me. I have to protect her from me. Even if that means hurting myself.” 
Was he thinking rationally? No! Hell No!
How would an 17 -18 year old react to seeing his new girlfriend who he shares a tragic past with dying on their wedding day in a dream? This supposed to be the happiest day of their lives and end up being the ending of November Rain by Guns and Roses Video ( yall please look that video up. it’s a classic) I’m surprised Endy didn’t have the dream being centered on her dying as Moon. ( Oh shit yall) 
So yes the dream shook him. 
Yes he wasn’t thinking rationally and thought a break up would be the best option out of it and she would be still alive to save the world....  
Here’s where the problem comes in with the behavior.. 
Remember when I said that Mamo was Emotionally Detracted to Usagi in the first two seasons? 
 Actually he was only Emotionally Detached from her in the first season hence the teasing and borderline bullying.
Emotional Detachment -an inability or unwillingness to connect with other people on an emotional level. For some people, being emotionally detached helps protect them from unwanted drama, anxiety, or stress.
He was actually Emotionally Attached to her in second season in which this is where the problem comes in. 
Emotionally Attached -having feelings of concern and care for someone, and not wanting the friendship or relationship to end. It's an emotional connection to another person.
Mamoru Chiba trying to act emotionally detached that this doesn’t phase him or she meant nothing to him  to Usagi Tsukino but failing so bad at it that he made some decisions that where horrible and was borderline abusive. 
Because seriously some of the shit he said and did even tho he looked like he was going to break down crying everytime... (Tears on the Motorcycle Hamlet..)
Because season one he was an jerk to her that actually like get her pissed off for fun meanwhile in season two he was pretending to be an asshole to her so she stay away which is harder to do. Especially the fact he wants to be close to her and knows he can’t. 
The tactics that were used and how the narrative went about it is the problem. 
Let name the things that the narrative had Mamo do and the reason why this arc needs to be in a dumpfire.. 
1. Lying to her didn’t help at all cause it completely breaks the trust they supposed to have. Him saying cold and mean things, like he didn’t love her, that he doesn’t like weak girls, acting an ass when he passed her down the street crushed her already low self esteem  I will never forgive the narrative for letting him say “ I don’t like weak girls.” BOY
I think it could have been a way to still do the break up without him lying to her pe se but not telling her about the dreams yet due to the fact he hold things in and want to handle himself. I don’t know what it would be. Maybe he start to distance himself from her and the tell her that they got together to quickly because they barely know things about each other and should be friends first then see where this would go? Since they didn’t really have to time to really build up their friendship? That they shouldn’t be together solely because of the past and because they actually have a thing for each other?  I mean I think it would be WAY less messier than him saying that he didn’t love her or he didn’t like weak girls. Also I truly believe that she would be upset at first about that but he realized he’s right and agree.  That way he wouldn’t have to be cold to her and keep some distract but still be friends with her. 
2. Using Motoki’s  sister as a pawn to show that he moved on and hoping that Usagi would hate him  which he publicly humiliated her in front of her friends by telling Motoki ‘s sister that she was somebody that he knew was completely wrong. ( Which still hunted her cause in a episode in S he was taking Motoki’s    sister home on his bike which Usagi almost freaked out thinking about the last time she was on his bike)  Then  turn around in the same episode and humiliate her again saying that he didn’t love her after he saved her made it worst
This is where it went from unintentionally trying to hurt her to  intentionally hurt her by using his best friend sister to do it in which almost actually killed her. ( Guys we don’t talk about her binge eating in front of the fridge while crying enough. We don’t and we need too. If it wasn’t for the fact this essay is already getting long. I need to rewatch that episode again so I can do a full rant on that scene)  That honestly should have been the end because after he intentionally hurted her which cause her to almost die.. He should have said fuck those dreams.. 
3.It also make look like it was her fault since you had her friends saying that he had his reasons (which he did) instead of by supportive, Chbiusa and Rei joking that she got dumped,Luna not being supportive, and Rei telling her she have to trust him even tho he given her zero reasons to trust him 
Now let me drag the Inner senshi and Luna in this for a min.. 
The break up arc is the reason why I refuse to say that the Usagi and the Inner Senshi friendship was the best in the 90′s anime. You can’t pay me to say that shit. 
When you fail to show their friendship at it’s highest peak during one of the most reliable things that happen in the show.. When your core audience is at that age where they starting to have their first loves,boyfriends ,girlfriends and heartaches. When also that audience have friends their age and gender that they talk to help them through that situation. Who show their support and shoulder to lean on. When you fail to show it at a reliable light by showing your core audience that your friends going to tell you “he has his reasons” and sort of “bush it off” instead of being there but then at the end act like they’re bestest best friends ever ?? That act like they supported her since the beginning??
But yeah we do get a scene of Rei teasing her that she got dumped and then telling her that she have to trust him even tho he gave no reasons to trust him. In which Koan Usagi more sound advice than her bestie does but due to fact Koan is evil her advice is looked down upon by the narrative..  Fun times.. 
I would have killed for scene like this 
Where Usagi and the girls are at Rei Shine trying to cheer Usagi up while having a sleepover. They are all eating pizza, watching a movie ,and just having a good time. Just trying to take her mind off of Mamo. Then while in the midst of her laughing ,she starts to cry. She starts to cry and tell them that she have to be strong to get him to love her again. That she have to better herself. That she’s too weak for him. That she have to earn his love back. I just want them to tell her that she doesn’t. That she doesn’t have to earn his love back because she got nothing to prove. That she doesn’t have to change herself cause she’s the strongest person they know. Who have the biggest loving heart ever.To tell her that’s it’s ok ,they support and love her and everything will work at the end. They she have to stop letting it eat her up cause it’s not her fault. Cause they can’t lose their sister and friend like that to her false guilt. After that she tells them she loves them ,they have a big group hug and start laughing through their tears. After that ,they watch movies until they fall asleep. Oh Chibs is with them as well giving her encouragement too.
But nope we didn’t get that..  Don’t get me started with Luna. 
Moving on. 
Seriously, the narrative went out of its way to make him look like an asshole than he was in season one and her being like “ Even tho you are cold to me I still love you.”   
4. Endymion was just used as a scapegoat cause the writers wrote themselves into a hole and he was the only way to explain it even tho it still didn’t make any sense because he was taking a risk messing up his own happiness.  
King Endymion could have easy played the guide role in this and help him untap his power like he does in the manga. Like the dreams he sent him could have been vision about Crystal Tokyo and what’s going on. Can you imagine him sending the vison of Serenity in the glass coffin to Mamo?? Or even a dream confirming what he expected in which Chibausa is actually their daughter? Or what the Black Moon Clan is up too? Or even their wedding day without the booming voice?  That would have been way more helpful than telling him he needs to stay away from her. In matter of fact he probably tell him he needs to get his shit together because if he don’t he would lose her forever. Because believe me that vision of her in that coffin looking beautiful and regal would have fucked his ass up. He would have totally forget to tell her and their others the things he seen and only focus on that which would be reason why he distanced himself from her. 
Would Endymion be sympathy ? Hell Yes because Mamo is younger him before he learned to let go and trust.. He would understand that Mamo didn’t want to bring her into his darkness but he will he make him understand that Usagi is his light to his darkness and together they can do some powerful things. That Usagi does embrace his darkness and light and dark balance each other out. 
Or even the  dreams are really manifestations of Mamoru’s self-conscious. Meaning that his inner self still trying to keep their walls that Mamo built for so long intact which the way to do so is send dreams of the person that are tearing them down. .That the dreams scare him enough to push her away and built them back up. It will show that Mamo is still afraid of what Usagi is doing. That he’s still afraid of love and not being alone anymore. That he can’t let the six year boy who lost his parents and was alone for so long go.That whole arc could have been focus on him realizing this by looking deep in his heart and finally it letting it all go. That he have let the scared little six year boy who was alone for so many years go so the 18 teenage whose on the edge of become a man embrace something that he deserved so much. Love and companionship.
It was ways to do this without breaking Usagi low esteem worst and making him look like an asshole. 
So yes while it’s understandable why he broke up with her cause he was scared of losing her dying which broke him up instead too, the tactics behind it was horrible. The writers didn’t understand how to write for a introverted character like Mamo.. 
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tres-spades-hotel · 4 years
Becoming the Perfect Father, Part II
Hey everyone! So @lin-ful @leoamber66 and @flatsuke inspired me to start writing again! Have fun reading this and prepare yourself for the angst and action across the story... enjoy!
Part II - Kiki’s Heirship, a Backstory of Memories
Hi, my name is Kiki.
I used to be an orphan on the streets of Japan. I had to fend for myself, always dipping in and out of society for a while when I realised my family were no good to me. The scar they left me with on my eye made the famous billionaire, Eisuke Ichinomiya, the man leading Japan’s economy, curious. I saw him one day and believed in my heart I could be safe. I was only 7 years old when I followed him into his hotel one evening.
He crouched down to ask where my parents were but upon hearing the word, I was both crying and hitting him on his chest.
I hated the world for thinking that parents and family were what kept you safe because I didn’t believe it was true.
He didn’t know what to do with me.
I didn’t know what to do with me.
So he took my hand and led me to the penthouse elevator, thinking that Uncle Baba and Uncle Ota could calm me down. And they did. Throughout my time with them for the first few weeks, I was happy. Everyone played with me, they were patient with me, they were curious about me.
Dad looked after me, mostly because he was concerned about Uncle Baba’s antics. Blackmail was all it took to make his brick walls faulter. That day, talk of sending me to an orphanage arose and, apparently, Uncle Baba did not like it.
So Dad kept me, almost like a pet. He fed me, gave me shelter, clothing, and toys. After all this time, I really owe Uncle Baba for helping me even though I didn’t know it then. But there was only one thing Dad wouldn’t give me: his affection. To be honest, I don’t think he knew what it meant to give warmth and love to another person, whether it’s a woman or a child. That is, not until Mum came into our lives.
Instead I spent most of my time asking questions and receiving no answers. They were mysterious people with the world held tight in their hands. They could do anything.
I wanted that ability too.
Of course, it would be some time before I realise what responsibilities that ability entailed. I thought that if I were powerful, I could look after myself and never get hurt again. But it just wasn’t true.
‘Boss, let’s play a bit of poker.’ Uncle Baba said one day.
‘No.’ Rejected.
Uncle Soryu looked up from his book and sent a disapproving look at him.
‘Baba, there is a child here.’
‘Poker is not for children.’ Uncle Mamo muttered sleepily.
Everybody shot Uncle Baba down for the suggestion.
‘I want to play! Can I play too?’ I shot my arm up and waved it around.
‘No.’ Rejected. Again.
‘Kid, you do not want to play poker. You’ll lose instantly.’ Uncle Mamo finally got up from the couch for the first time that day.
‘Koro, he’s saying that you don’t have enough money to play.’ Uncle Ota was always a devil.
‘Now, now Ota, don’t be so mean to Kiki. She’s just curious,’ Uncle Baba crouched down onto his knee.
‘Princess, poker is an adult game but you’re more than welcome to watch!’ He was always the more kind adult in the group. But I know that they’re all kind… in their own special ways.
‘You can watch me! With you by my side, I’ll win for sure!’ Always jolly too. He slipped an arm around me and hugged me close while the other lingered in the air like a star performer.
‘Baba, you always lose.’ Uncle Ota quipped in a matter-of-fact tone.
‘I do not!’
‘Koro, come sit with me and I’ll let you play with the chips!’
‘Stop it. You’re confusing her.’ Uncle Soryu was always a firm favourite of mine after Mum and Dad. I might even be so bold as to call him a secret crush.
‘That’s enough. Kiki, sit next to me and watch what I do.’ Dad ultimately came to my rescue and the game began.
‘So Kiki, first we all put in a certain amount of chips.’ Uncle Baba held up a white chip, a red chip, and a blue chip.
‘How many chips?’
‘However many you want. Boss always insists he go first.’ There was a glare involved.
’10 million.’
‘Can’t you lower the amount?’ Uncle Mamo never did have as much money as the others. But…
‘If you don’t have enough money you can leave. Or are you so poor that you have to use our money to live in this hotel?’ It was rare to see Uncle Soryu smirk so evilly.
But Uncle Soryu always “convinced” him to continue. And Uncle Mamo always rose to the bait.
He threw another red chip into the middle. Raising the stakes.
‘Ooooohhh, Mamo is getting ready to win!’
‘Even though we all know he’s going to lose. Just like you Baba! The old men always lose.’
‘Shut up!’
‘Hey! That’s so rude Ota!’
The game was under way, with Dad and Uncle Baba giving audible instructions on how to play. I suppose this game was what shaped me into the Tres Spades Casino Queen when an international poker competition was held at the hotel.
‘Alright, time to show hands.’
I remember lifting up my hands as if it was an order. I also remember everyone laughing because of my hands.
‘Not your real hands. The cards.’
‘Ooooohhhh.’ You can imagine how red I was and how deeply I had buried my face into the pillow on my lap.
Uncle Mamo lost, Uncle Ota had a Three of a Kind and Uncle Baba had One Pair.
It was down to Uncle Soryu and Dad.
‘If you win, you can have the property you’ve been pinning for.’
‘Very funny.’
Uncle Soryu had a Full House.
Dad had a Royal Straight Flush.
‘So… who won?’
Throughout the games that afternoon, I was snuggling closer and closer to Dad’s body. And, for once, he didn’t push me away.
I was grateful for it.
‘Here you go Dad! All neatly organised in alfabetisal order.’
‘Alphabetical order.’
‘That’s what I said, alfapetical order.’
‘……….’ I knew Dad was sighing inwardly but I was content with life at the time. I didn’t know the danger that would happen hours later.
For a while, Dad decided to put me to work, to make up for the fact that I couldn’t pay to stay in the hotel. It was a bit dick-ish on his part but at least he didn’t sell me at the auctions. Eventually, he became more caring towards me as time went on. Waking me up when I had nightmares, patting me on the head, allowing me to help clean the paper work in his office. He even took me outside once on an exploration trip to see potential buyers and land to put the Ichinomiya name on.
I thought that I could finally be free from the pain I received. For a little while, I forgot why I had run away and why I was broken. But they reminded me of what my worth was.
‘Baba and Ota are taking me shopping. Should I get you something?’
‘If you want to.’
‘Like what?’
‘Whatever you think I will like. And if I don’t like it, I will tell you.’
‘Yeah, okay. Alright, I’ll be back later! Don’t work too hard!’ I waved my hands at the doorway to the purple man behind the desk. He didn’t look up.
‘Why am I here?’ Uncle Mamo whined.
‘Because you were sleeping. You need to do more than just eating and sleeping.’ Uncle Baba said behind the steering wheel.
‘I have work to do!’
‘You don’t have a job!’ Uncle Ota declared.
‘Yes I do kid!’
I couldn’t help but laugh at the scene in front of me. Uncle Baba decided that we should all hang out for dinner and try his new recipe of dumpling stew so he dragged us out to go shopping. But apparently I was too curious for my own good. It wasn’t long before I had wandered off to a different section of the shop that I felt a hand cover my mouth with a drugged napkin. I saw them pass by a corner before slipping into unconsciousness.
I hated myself for believing that I had a chance to live freely.
I remember waking up in a warehouse. I was chained to the ground with cuffs around my ankles and wrists. The stone ground was cold and miserable. I had to force myself to sit up and was instantly sick on the floor beside me.
‘She’s awake.’
‘I can see that idiot. Call the woman.’
When I was done, I looked up to see masked figures and screamed. They wore grizzly bear masks but not the fun-loving cartoon kind. They had tortured looks on their faces and blood seemed to seep out of the eye hole cut outs. A 7-year-old’s imagination can speed towards any direction but I knew better. They were symbols of the family I had left behind.
I backed into the wall behind me, hoping that the wall would open up and I could get away.
‘You’ve caused a lot of trouble young missy. You’re mum is very worried about you. Why don’t you speak with her, you little rat? Hm?’ A raspy voice floated out of the mask but I couldn’t move my hands close enough to my ears. The man reached out towards me but I took a bite into his fingers before they could touch me.
‘Ah! Damn you!’ He stood up quickly, cradling his right hand, and kicked me in my ribs. He threw down a punch on my left cheek for good measure before stomping off.
I was so used to the pain that I stopped crying out back then. But I guess staying with the bidders softened me too much. I sobbed quietly, feeling a thin stream of blood trickle down my face, and remembering the masks.
They were quite literally called The Family. I was born into it after my “father” slept with his mistress while his wife was giving birth to his third child. Illegitimate and alone, I was abused mercilessly by my half-siblings and their mother. Father didn’t care about me, he only lived for women and alcohol. But he kept an iron-fist over a torturous empire dedicated to illegal smuggling of organs. They used the bloody bear masks to practically scare their victims to death.
They were proud butchers. All of them. I was ashamed of the torture that it became a threat to my life every day.
Death was at my doorstep until I could take it no more.
‘You disgusting child, you never should have been born!’
Finally, she broke after her children accused me of attempting to steal money from their safe. They all knew it wasn’t true. She knew it was not true. She reminded me my place in this world when she drew a katana out and slashed it down my eye.
It wouldn’t be until I meet Uncle Luke Foster, who gave me a new eye and got rid of the scar, where I erase all traces of The Family.
‘The woman said to cut up her body for parts and organs. There is an auction nearby where we can sell them.’
I know now that they were talking about Dad’s auctions but luckily for me, I would never be put on that stage, dead or alive.
Before the bone-saw was even picked up from a medical cart, the screeches of car tires echoed faintly. The ground seemed to rumble like an approaching earthquake when suddenly, Uncle Soryu’s black Bentley tore through the main doors, forcing it off its hinges completely.
Dust lifted up and invaded our lungs as gravity set in and plunged the remains of the doors into the ground. The car doors opened and Dad came out in such a stylish manner that I thought I was in a movie.
‘Eisuke!’ We looked at each other for a brief moment, a brief look of anger on his face, before he turned to see the man standing by me with the saw.
Dad stepped forward with a briefcase when one of the henchmen pointed his gun at him.
‘Don’t move!’
‘Eisuke!’ Uncle Soryu had his gun on the henchmen who immediately started shaking under his intense gaze.
Dad opened the briefcase and slid it forward.
‘$30 million in cash. If you give me the girl.’
They started mumbling and whispering, wondering what to do. It was clear the money Dad offered was substantially more than what they were originally being paid. But what would a famous billionaire hotel mogul want with a battered child? Looking to their leader, many of the men waited for an answer.
He looked down at me for a moment but I didn’t dare make eye contact.
‘Fine. Take her. She’s as good as dead anyway.’ The masked man threw the saw down and slowly crept up to the briefcase. He kneeled down when a shout came from the back of the warehouse. A large group of men appeared from the shadows with guns aimed at the heads of the henchmen.
‘Don’t shoot! Drop your weapons and get down!’
‘Wha-‘ Uncle Soryu moved quickly and bashed his gun onto the man’s head. He fell unconscious.
‘Don’t be so surprised. The Ice Dragons can be very useful at times like these.’ Dad had a smug look on his face; he knew he had won.
‘The Ice Dragons?!’
‘What are they doing in Japan?!’
The henchmen struggled and muttered and whined as the Ice Dragons led them away.
‘What should I do with them?’ Uncle Soryu handcuffed the man and forced him to stand on his feet.
‘The usual.’
‘Hey princess, let’s get you out of there.’ Uncle Baba’s voice came from one of the masks and I almost screamed again.
‘Don’t worry! Look!’ He took it off and I was relieved.
‘Baba…’ He unlocked the cuffs and Dad helped me stand up.
‘How did yo-‘
‘After you went missing, we did some digging around.’ Uncle Baba said, dropping the mask onto the ground.
‘We found out about The Family and traced you to here.’ Uncle Soryu came forward after handing the unconscious leader to Uncle Inui.
‘How though?’
‘The pager Eisuke gave you.’ Uncle Ota pointed to the object in my pocket.
I looked up at the man.
‘I never lose what belongs to me.’
‘We were lucky they didn’t take the pager from you. We’re glad that you’re safe.’ Uncle Soryu smiled at me.
‘You came to save me?’ I grasped Dad’s hand and asked in a small voice.
‘What kind of owner would I be if I let you get yourself kidnapped?’ I heard groans from the others.
‘Boss, she’s not a pet.’
‘Hey, Koro belongs to all of us. Not just you Eisuke.’
‘Eisuke?’ I said.
‘Can I stay with you?’
Dad looked mildly taken aback but he regained his composure, took out his pocket handkerchief and dabbed it on my cheek.
‘Stay still.’
‘Yes, stay very still for me.’
We all turned our heads to the sound of the new voice. He stood there in front of the car. The glare of the knife against the moonlight shot into my eyes. I blinked multiple times in the hopes that I had imagined him. My birth father stood there glaring at me alone, ignoring the Ice Dragons around him.
‘Stay very still while I cut you up into thousands of little pieces you damned hell spawn.’ He spat out those words that I knew so well while I quivered. He was capable of violence in every way. There were many times when he killed servants or subordinates out of anger. He was even worse when drunk, I never forgot the day when he stumbled in intoxicated and killed my mother in front of me.
‘He’s mad.’ I heard Dad whisper as he positioned himself in front of me. Shielding me.
‘You’ll have to get through me if you want her.’ Dad stood his ground and stared the crazed man down, something no one has ever done. But all it did was enrage him further.
Everything happened so fast that day, that everything is still hazy even after 15 years. He charged at Dad while gun shots rung across the warehouse. Uncle Soryu stopped him, dodged the knife, and grabbed his wrist, pinning it behind him. But that man got free and elbowed Uncle Soryu in his stomach. Suddenly, they were grappling with a gun and, as Uncle Baba and Uncle Ota tried to get me away, a single shot hit me.
‘KIKI!’ I remember falling to the ground clutching my side and hearing the yells of everyone around me. Dad’s face was the last thing I saw before blacking out.
I thought I was dead for real; I guess he almost made good on his promise to kill me.
In the end, I never saw The Family again. While Dad was bribing the henchmen hired by my step-mother, Uncle Mamo and the police arrested The Family using proof given by Uncle Baba’s sources. Apparently, he smelled of alcohol too that night so to hear that Dad killed my birth-father gave me a sense of peace that I didn’t know I had the capacity to feel.
I spent 2 week recovering in a private hospital. I was grateful. They never left me alone, always watching over me. The bullet wound did a lot more damage than the staff thought but they patched me up really well. Later, I would ask Dad to send small gifts to them as a thank you for looking after me. One of the nurses said that I nearly died on the operating table and that it was a miracle I pulled through at all.
‘You must have a big will to live, my dear. I’m sure there is someone you are living for in this life.’
I was unconscious for a while in the hospital after the operation. But I clearly remember the things that Dad said when he thought I was asleep.
‘Getting yourself kidnapped, getting yourself shot, nearly dying during surgery, you’ve lived through so many incidents. That’s not even mentioning the abuse you suffered growing up. He was mad. Very mad. I saw it in his eyes the hate he had for you, for the world. A man like that never survives. Only people like you. People who brave through situations, no matter how horrible or tragic, get to live in this world. I should know.’
I felt my hand enclosed in his hands.
‘I lost my family when I was your age. But I was taken in by my adopted father who was a close friend of my dad’s. He raised me, gave me a home, and taught me how to take care of myself. I repaid all of his kindness for giving me a new chance at life. Now I want to do the same thing for you. You asked if you could stay with me. I don’t intend to let you go, not after all this. I promise I will raise you the same way Akira raised me so that you can say that you made it through your trauma. That you deserve a new chance at life. Besides, Baba would have my head if I let you go now. You’ve really wiggled your way into our hearts Kiki. And it’s not a bad thing.’
‘Eisuke? I’ll look after her, you can go back to the hotel.’ Uncle Mamo walked into the private suite, so I couldn’t answer him. But in my heart, I already did.
‘You alright?’
‘I’m fine.’
‘She’s a tough kid. She’ll wake up soon.’
‘Oh I know. I doubt after all this, she would give up that easily.’ The door closed as Dad left the hospital.
I never forgot his words but I also didn’t ever tell him I knew. Maybe he sensed that I was awake but didn’t say. Dad never mentioned it and I was too shy to bring it up.
Eventually, the wounds healed but my body was still scarred. I went back to the hotel after what felt like forever. They held a little party to celebrate my return but I think they just wanted an excuse to drink. The way they drunk alcohol was very different to what I was originally used to. For a moment, I thought they would become like my birth-father, but it turns out maybe he was just a violent drunk.
Hours later, Uncle Mamo started sobbing and Uncle Baba reflected on the meaning of life, often asking me if I knew the theory of evolution. I was 7 years old.
Uncle Ota went to sleep and Uncle Soryu only shook his head disapprovingly at the mess in front of him. Dad gave me orange juice and snacks until I started feeling sleepy. He carried me upstairs in his arms. I woke up cuddling Dad in his room the next morning.
I finally found the home that I had always wanted.
After Dad and I got ready in the morning, Mr Kenzaki came to the penthouse.
‘It is good to see you’re back in high spirits again Kiki.’
‘Thank you!’ I said while eating an apple.
‘Here sir, the documents you requested has arrived.’ He handed over a black folder and Dad opened it.
‘Good. You can leave.’
Mr Kenzaki bowed and I waved goodbye.
‘Kiki. Come here.’
I got off my seat on the couch and stood in front of him. Dad un-crossed his legs, turned me around and lifted me up onto his lap.
‘Pfft, are you comfortable?’
‘Oh, yes!’ I replied, looking up at his face. He placed his hand on my head and turned it towards the black folder.
‘Do you know what this is?’
‘Important documents?’
‘Yes. Do you know what of?’
‘For new property?’
‘A contract with another company?’
‘A restraining order on Uncle Baba?’
‘Pfft, if only.’ Dad chuckled.
‘Then what is it?’
Dad put the folder on the couch and adjusted me around so that I could see him.
‘They are adoption papers.’
At the time, my brain blanked out for a second. I had absolutely no idea what it meant. Then it clicked.
‘Who are you adopting?’
‘You know the answer to this, dummy.’ Dad laughed at my dumb question and I asked another.
‘You’ll let me stay?’
‘You don’t need to live in fear anymore Kiki. I will raise you to become my heir to the Ichinomiya Group and the Tres Spades Hotel. There will be hardships but I’m not about to allow you to go.’ He smiled a rare smile at me. I cried horribly ugly kid tears. All the tension in my life suddenly melted away when Dad held me tight to his chest. He patted my head as I sobbed my heart out.
‘You don’t have a choice in the matter.’
You have no idea how many times he says this exact line, or maybe you do. It is indescribable the feelings and emotions I had that day. Somehow, I found myself a new family and a new father who would look after me and love me like a real father. I believed that the idea of a family didn’t exist but the truth is that it does. You just have to know where to look.
Mum was added into my family a year later. A year after that, Uncle Luke, Uncle Shu, and Uncle Hikaru completed my family.
Hi, my name is Kiki Ichinomiya, President of the Ichinomiya Group.
And I am the heir to the Hotel King’s legacy.
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ackersoul · 4 years
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes :^)
aaaaaah cuuute!! Ok, let’s go!
@tatakaeeren Tori is absolutely the best the best the best!!💕 i love her so much hehe she’s so sweet and funny and i love talking to her about anything and crying over snk and fangirling over our perfect man, our lord and savior, the love of our life levi ackerman❤️she always makes my day whenever she sends me funny video (especially videos of mamo-chan dhasjhdakj 💕) her blog is amazing and one of my favorites on here and her gifs are sooo so good and cool and i thank her for giving me my daily dose of snk👌🏼 te quiero un montón torichi♡ gracias por ser una amiga tan bacán y aguantarme todos estos años djaskdj
@nitsumii Vero is one of the sweetest people i’ve ever met here💕 we’ve been talking a lot lately and i always enjoy our conversations😄 it has been a pleasure to get to know her better :) Her colorings are masterpieces i mean, they always look so beautiful and clean and stunning, her style is so unique👌🏼 i love her colorings and edits so much❤️ and her blog is sooooo lovely!! Thank you vero for always blessing my dash!! ily!♡ miles de gracias!!
@ohreigen Maaaaary!!! She’s so cool and cute hdjsahdk we became mutuals when i was using my old blog (looong time ago haha) and it has been a pleasure to follow her all these years. Her blog and edits are out of this world honestly, she’s so creative. Her edits always look so good and amazing (enseñame mary enseñameeeee jaajhsadaj) and i’m so glad she came back after her hiatus, i missed mary so much😥 mucho love para ti!
@rubydragon16 Amina is such a cute angel who deserves all the beautiful things in the world omggg she’s always so kind to me♡ and her gifs are sooo pretty!! I always recognize her works every time i see them on my dash, they’re unique!! I’m so glad to be mutuals with her, she’s very very special! 💕
And of course you @zuura! You’re a very very sweet person :D  thank you so much for supporting content creators!!💖 Thank you for always leaving super lovely comments in our works :’) that means a lot♡ i love your blog and your colorings are so gorgeous! I love seeing them on my dash! 💕 de verdad eres muy tierna! Muchas gracias por los tags que dejas en mis edits!! Me ponen muy feliz :)
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taka-oneokrock · 3 years
💋 - for Mamoru from Haruka
Send  💋  for our muses to meet under a mistletoe!
Mamoru had managed to decorate his little apartment for Christmas and he was pretty happy with the end result. The last thing he wanted to do was hanging a mistletoe up in his hallway and just as he was done with it he heard a knock on his front door. He made two steps before opening the door and his lips curled up into a sheepish grin as he saw his girlfriend standing there. The dancer’s heart was making a happy jump in his chest, thinking fate surely wanted him to use the mistletoe to his advantage right away. And truth to be told this would be the very first time he would kiss someone under a mistletoe, it was something he had always wanted to try out.
“You have the perfect timing, treasure.” Mamo said with a soft chuckle and as he saw confusion wash over the young woman’s face he gently took her hand in his and pulled her inside his apartment. He gave her a playful wink after the door had closed behind them and he pointed up. “Looks like I have caught you right under the mistletoe so you better get ready to be kissed.” He said in a playful tone, his his shining with genuine excitement and didn’t even mind that his cheeks were turning slightly red at the same time as Haruka’s cheeks flushed as well. He smiled warmly at her before pulling her close and then cupping her cheeks before leaning in.
He was looking at her full of adoration for a few heartbeats before closing his eyes and letting his tips touch hers. The kiss was soft in the beginning but soon he let his feelings for Haruka take the upper hand and he poured all his feelings for her into the kiss. To him it felt like it lasted an eternity after he felt her kissing him back, but at the same time it came to fast they had to break the kiss in order to breathe. He opened his and and smiled happily at the woman he loved.
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chiyamabunny · 5 years
Fan *Note* Translation for Miyano Mamoru ~BLAZING!~
Hi Everyone! As you probably know, Mamo has been on a super long unscheduled break from his blog, and this is...really, really unlike him. He’s not updated his blog since the incident at Kyoto Animation that occurred back on Thursday, July 18, 2019 and this is much, much, MUCH longer than any other unscheduled break he’s had due to natural disasters and/ other unexpected situations.  I know that we are all super concerned and worried and miss him a ton...which is why... I am going to Mamo’s BLAZING! Live on August 18th and I would love to send everyone’s love and supportive thoughts to him.  Because this date is coming up extremely soon and it’s a sporadic thought that came to me just a few minutes ago, if anyone would like to write something to Mamo, please keep it rather short (around index card length) because I will need a bit of time to translate and hand write everyone’s notes. Especially since I’m deciding to do this so close to the Live date, I don’t really have the luxury to translate everyone’s letter length messages (sorry! T^T), so please write a short and sweet note! (Hence the Fan *Note* title) If anyone would like to write a note to Mamo, please message me or reblog this post with a message to let me know! If you’d like to give him a handwritten note, fanart, etc., please message them to me and I’ll print them out and put it together for you. Languages: - English: I’ll translate it into Japanese for you. Your original text will also be included with the translated note. - Japanese (I can double check for you if you’re not sure!)
Deadline: August 16, 2019
Because I will be traveling and since this is on a short time limit, I will most likely be handwriting everyone’s notes onto note cards to give to Mamo. I will look for Mamo related note cards to write on and update everyone with what they look like as we get closer to the deadline date.  P.S.  Please include what country you are from as well because I’m sure Mamo will be super happy seeing notes from people all over the world ^^
Let’s send Mamo all our love and support, Thank you so much, Everyone♡
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elaera23 · 5 years
A Messy Surprise - Part 2 (NSFW)
Fandom: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Character: Mamoru x Reader
Warnings: Smut 18+ (Contains Squirting)
Summary: MC has a secret crush on Mamoru and Baba wants to set both of them up so they finally take the next step.
Catch up with Part 1 before you continue 😄
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Not looking where he is going Mamoru runs someone over in the corridor in front of his office.
“Damn, sorry! I wasn’t expecting someone-“ His eyes go wide in surprise. “___ what the hell are ya doin’ here?!”
“I could ask you the same question, someone has his head in the clouds, huh?”
Still rubbing my elbow which I’ve hit on the hard floor I fix my disheveled dress. Mamoru knocked me off my high heels and I landed on my butt.
“Geez, kid. What are ya standin’ in front of my office anyway? Ain’t you goin’ to your date with Ayase?”
“I was looking for him but he didn’t show up… I was just about to call him when you ran me over.” I try to get up as Mamoru holds out his hand.
“Oh, are you pulling off the gentleman now, Detective Kishi?” I tease him as I gratefully take his hand. Just as I put my feet on the ground I feel a pain down in my ankle.
“Argh, damn!”
“What is it? Did I hurt ya somehow?” he asks me now with a worried look.
“I think I slightly twisted my ankle when I lost the balance in those damn shoes.” I hold my other leg towards him where I’m still wearing the stiletto.
“They suit you, kid. Lets you look like an actually lady with that nice dress of yours.” Before I can retort something he crouches down and lifts me up in his arms.
“Hey! What are you doing?!”
“Tryin’ to help, stupid. Now don’t wiggle ‘round and let me bring ya to my office so I can check your ankle.”
I catch myself blushing as I’m pressed against his firm chest, that pleasant scent of his wavering over to me. He places me on a free spot on his desk and kneels in front of me so he can inspect my ankle. Realizing what he is able to see from that position I quickly straighten my dress. “No peeping, Mister Kishi!”
Throwing me an offended look he replies “I ain’t the pervy thief, kid. One wouldn’t think he is older than me by the way he acts ‘round women.”
“Oh, and you do?” I challenge him.
Unbuckling my stiletto a smirk appears on his face. “Just ‘cause I ain’t braggin’ round like Baba doesn’t mean I didn’t have my fair share of women too, sweetheart.”
Mamoru a womanizer? Well that is a surprise. Thought he is really handsome and he can be quite a sweet talker too if he wants to…
“So you mess around without the others knowing? What a bad boy you are, Detective Kishi.” I chuckle as I answer him.
“Pffh. They ain’t have to know everthin’ ‘bout me, ya know.”
“Sounds like you are seeing someone right now.” Of course I try to sound carefree but inside me there is a storm raging, as my heart hopes that his answer will be ‘no’.
He fidgets around with my stiletto which he is still holding in his hands. The mood changes and there seems to be a tension in the air which wasn’t there before.  “There is someone but it’s kinda complicated.” he mumbles more to himself then to me.
Is he talking about me? Nah, that can’t be. I gulp twice and look at the man I have fallen for, kneeling in front of me. 
“Talkin’ bout datin’, why the hell are you seeing Ayase for god’s sake?” He asks me in an incredulous tone and I look at him in surprise. His brow is furrowed and there is kind of a disgusted look on his features.
I am so surprised by his question that I don’t even give it another thought on how he phrased it. “Are you…. Are you jealous of Ayase, Mamoru?
He snorts as he hears my question. “Me? Jealous of Ayase? As if he could be a threat.” Head-shaking he takes a closer look at my foot while I eye him quizzically.
Well that was a strange answer. If he says ‘threat’ it seems that there is more than he wants to admit right now. Let’s see what I can get out of him. I mean… I could pretend that my ‘date’ with Ayase tonight is more than just about the Mission Mamoru wants me to participate it. I smirk as my brain starts making plans on how I can get the information I want from Mamoru.
“I mean for the mission I would just need to ‘pretend’ to be his girlfriend, but I actually feel a special connection with Ayase.”
A boisterous laugh lets Mamoru’s chest tremble as he listens to me talking. “You? A special connection with Ayase? You are jokin’ kid. Bad enough that he is a stubborn git, chasing that stupid thief as if his life depends on it. And the way he always creeps around you, I ain’t a fan of it.”
“Oh, you mean when he is being a gentlemen, giving me flowers, making me compliments, and actually treating me like a la- OUCH!” A bolt of pain rushes through my ankle and I throw Mamoru a taunting glare. “What the hell, Mamoru! Can’t you be a little more gentle?!”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I need to check if ya havin’ any serious injuries.” He answers nonchalantly as he continues to inspect my foot.
“Well if you keep treating my ankle like this, I will have!”
Grumbling I cross my arms as I throw him an angry look. “Ayase would have been way gentler checking out my- OUCH!”
My jaw drops as I look at him incredulously. “Seriously, Mamoru?”
“Dammit, so sorry. kid.” He replies not sounding sorry at all.
“Are you doing this on purpose?!”
“Nah, I just couldn’t listen to you babbling about damn Ayase anymore” Mamoru grimaces as he speaks out his colleagues name before his head moves up and our eyes meet. “You deserve better, kid.”
Mamoru looking now strangely serious catches me off-guard and my eyebrows rise in astonishment. “Oh, you mean a great man like yourself, Mister Kishi? I couldn’t hold back my sarcastic tone at the last two words.
Suddenly blushing he lowers his head “I know I ain’t as cheesy as Baba or as rich as Eisuke, but I’d take good care of my girl.” He harrumphs, “… and I actually hoped this girl might be you.”
My heart starts to race as I hear those words and the heat which I felt as he was carrying me into his office, burns up again inside me. This is where I realize that he has let go of my ankle, his features lowered so I’m just able to see Mamo’s messy dark hair.
My hand reaches down for his cheek, guiding his head up so I can look him in the eyes. My thumb slowly caresses the heated skin of his face - he was clearly embarrassed – but I just tilt my head and tenderly smile at him.
“I’d love to be your girl, if you truly want me.” I sheepishly reply.
“Stupid question.” That’s all he answers before he gets up, his strong hands cupping my face as his lips seal mine in a passionate kiss.  
My body temperature skyrockets when I finally get to taste the man I’m craving for so long. His lips are soft and he doesn’t even smell like cigarettes, but my mind is too busy with other stuff to think about that fact much longer. We kiss over and over as we change the angle and I open my mouth so we can lose each other in a passionate fight of lips, teeth and tongues.
While one hand disappears in my hair his other roams along my back, pushing me closer to him so my legs straddle his hips. His lust is already noticeable and I have to hold back to not just rip those trousers off his body. As I playfully bite his bottom lip he lets out a groan.
He pulls back and we both gasp for air, licking our lips where the taste of the other one is still lingering.
“Dammit, woman…. You truly know how to drive a guy crazy. But I need to make sure your ankle is alright.”
Still completely blown away by the kisses we shared and the sexual tension which has built up between us, I simply nod.
Mamoru knees down in front of me again, his manly hands gliding down my calf. He turns my foot a few times into different directions asking me if it hurts. While my heart is beating like crazy in my chest and I close my eyes to gather myself as Mamoru continues to check my foot.
“Sweetheart, are you alright?” He breaks through my thoughts and I take a last deep breath before I open my eyes and smile at him.
“I couldn’t feel better.”
Mamo just smiles wrily at me and starts massaging the muscles around my ankle.
“Mhh… yes that feels really good.... I didn’t know you were so skilled with your fingers, Mamoru…” Realizing what I just implied I look down with wide eyes and see Mamo with a sexy smirk watching every one of my moves.
“You would be surprised what else they are capable of.”
His words send a flood of endorphins through my system which lets my crotch throb in need and in the end my bold side gets the better of me.
“Oh-oh…. Big words Mister Kishi, not sure if I’m fully convinced of your ‘talents’… maybe you need to give me another taste of them?” I reply in an innocent tone, throwing the man I want so badly a seductive smile.
“Hm… such a demanding little thing you are tonight. But as I’m in a generous mood I’ll fulfill your wish, milady.” His warm hands start to glide up my legs as he places the first kiss on my calf. I sigh as he continues and I feel him smirking while he travels along my skin, letting my desire for him just grow with every touch of his lips until he reaches the seam of my dress.
He carefully lifts it up and his head disappears under the soft material as he works his way up to my underwear. Slightly spreading my legs I give him better access to my clearly visible arousal and I feel his breath graze the delicate material.
“Damn, sweetheart…. you feel amazing….” His voice is muffled because of the dress and I catch myself grinning at his words. His nose continues moving along my inner thighs, still leaving kisses all over my exposed skin and I let my head fall back in pleasure. Just before he reaches my sweet spot Mamoru suddenly stops, leaving me there in throbbing need.
I let out a frustrated groan and lift my head in surprise as he still doesn’t seem to continue. Looking down I see him appear from under the rose colored fabric, grinning at me.
“As much as I want to taste you, I want to be able to look at your beautiful face when I touch you the first time.” He stands up and comes closer, locking eyes with me before his thumb glides over my cheek and his face draws closer again.
“Sweetheart, you look breathtakin’ today.” He whispers into my ear as his palm caresses the side of my arm.
As I get swept away by his kisses the delicate fabric of my lacy underwear carefully gets moved aside by his other hand and his digits start to caress my swollen lips.
My skin erupts in goosebumps and another moan fills the room as he starts trailing up and down my wetness while his lips take care of my shoulders which are free of fabric.
“You smell sooo good….“ Mamoru takes a deep breath while leaving light kisses on my neck.
His hand leaves my throbbing crotch and I groan out as they find their way back to the seam of my dress. Leaning forward I take in his scent again and my delicate fingers start to roam over his broad chest, slowly opening one button after the other of his wrinkled shirt.
For a moment he pulls back and loosens his tie so I can finally free him of his shirt and get a perfect view at his toned body. I have never seen him naked and I’m more then surprised what I find under his normally disheveled clothes.
Where the hell does he get those abs from?! It’s not like he would move more than absolutely necessary… That’s just one of the thoughts that crosses my mind when I let my fingertips run over his mostly smooth skin. He does have some hair on his upper chest but way more interesting is the small trail of dark hair which leads into his pants. Unconsciously I bite my lip and with a smirk I let my fingertips slowly travel down the hairline until I graze the seam of his shorts.
“Your scent is surprisingly pleasant too when it doesn’t smell like an ashtray.”
“Mhh… glad you noticed.” He smirks as his hands move to the back of my dress. Unbuttoning it the upper part falls down and leaves me sitting there in my strapless rose colored bra. Mamoru pulls back so he can take in what is presented in front of him right now. His pupils widen and I can see how the lust takes over his senses.
“You have no idea whaddya doin’ to  me, woman. I even quit smokin’ cuz of ya.” He whispers while he leans in again to steal a passionate kiss from me, his fingers running over my bare back.
I pull back and eye him carefully. “What, really? That’s… surprising.”
A blush blooms on his face and he bashfully looks down. “I like ya, kid. And I saw how much the smoking bothers you, so I did some hypnosis to get rid of that nasty habit.”
“Awww really? God, Mamoru that’s so sweet of you!” I cup his face and his eyes widen in surprise as kiss him fiercely.  
“Don’t call me sweet again.” he grumbles after our lips part again. “Especially when I’m standin’ half naked in front of ya.”
“Fine, then I’ll move my attention to other... parts of you.” My mood switches from playful to sensual in an instant and I move my hand down to the huge bulge which is now clearly visible through his grey pants. Gazing at him seductively he lets out a groan as I start to move along his hard manhood. “There truly seems to be a lot to have fun with.” I let out a dark chuckle and he grins back at me wickedly.
“It’s all yours, sweetheart.” That’s all I need to give myself the last push. My hands eagerly reach out for the button of his trousers. They fall down and pool around his ankles and he takes a step back to kick them away with his foot, throwing me a sexy smirk.
In one slow motion I glide down from the desk and my dress slides down my body, leaving me just in my lingerie. Thought I’m still slightly limping I push him back to the couch which is standing on the other side of the room. His knees give away as we reach the sofa and he falls onto the cool leather.
Getting on top of him I straddle his hips and position myself on his bulge which is already pushing hard against the stretchy fabric of his shorts. Biting my lower lip my pelvis starts to move a long his hardness rewarding me with a sexy groan from him.
His strong hands find their way up to my exposed hips, grabbing them hard as we move in a steady rhythm along his dick. Now it is my turn to let out a groan, the pain from his hard grip mingled with the amazing feeling of his arousal between my legs sends me right to the next level. A loud moan fills the air, my muscles clench and I the knot that has built up inside me the past few minutes gets released. The feeling is so freeing that I let myself fall so the lust erases every thought that might have crossed my mind in that moment. In a tiny corner of my consciousness I do notice how the thin panties I’m wearing are soaked now, but I honestly don’t give a shit. I want more.
“Fuck… Mamo…” My head has fallen back in pleasure while my hands forcefully grab onto his chest.
“Woah, babe… I didn’t know you are this needy for my touch.” He smirks at me. “Did you already cum?”
“Haha…. not really, my dear. Actually I’m just getting started.” I reply with a grin. “Hope you are prepared.”
“As if anything could’ve prepared me for ya.” He smirks at me I watch how one of Mamo’s hands finds his way between my legs, pushing the drenched fabric aside as his digits move back and forth along my swollen folds.
“Ugh….. shit…” My mind goes blank as I get to feel his fingers on my throbbing womanhood once more. I push my hips into his touch and add with a throaty voice “This will get really messy if you continue touching me that way.”
“You must know-“ he leans forward to caress my cleavage with his lips, “-I love messy.” In that moment his fingers pick up a quicker pace. He moves from my clit down my drenched folds and up again, giving me exactly the friction I need to reach my next peak.
“Ok, mhhh…. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you… ngh…” My lips form a silent ‘O’ as my second gush now also ruins his boxers.
“Fuck, ___ , if this ain’t the sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed, I dunno… So gimme more of those lovely sounds and let’s ruin this damn sofa together.” I chuckle and he bites his lip before he continues.
“C’mon sweetheart, show me how much you want me-“ he strokes my folds painfully slow, “-on and especially in your body.” He grins mischievously as his long digits push right into my hot core, eliciting a loud gasp from me.
Beckoning them in his direction I moan out in pleasure, my eyes shut as my hands forcefully grab his shoulders. As if I still would need to be called over… I’m already all his, I think to myself as I catch myself grinning.
“Shit, Mamo… nnngh…. work your magic on me,” I press out between clenched teeth while I dig my nails hard into his flesh.
“Damn, sweetheart, you have no idea how long I was imagining doing this… and so much more.”
“My body is ready, Dete-” My smirk quickly fades and I stop mid-sentence as he flexes his fingers inside me, directly hitting my sweet spot and releasing another stream of liquid lust into his crotch. Thought my head feels dizzy I haven’t forgotten about him and I reach down to give him some attention back. I get a catch of the waistband of his shorts, giving it a pull to finally free his rock hard dick from its drenched confines.
Geez, who would have guessed Mamoru is so well equipped.
“Whaddya grinnin’, kid – Like what ya see?” His fingers move out of me, pushing the fabric of his shorts further down to give himself more room. His cock springs free, hard and throbbing and I’m mesmerized for a moment. You have no idea how badly I want you.
“Mhh…. More than like, my dear. What ‘bout you?” I lift an eyebrow as I playfully smile at him.
“To much fabric for my taste.” His right arm moves around my body to my bra while the other one glides up my thigh further to my waist. With one smooth move he opens the bra hook and it falls into his lap.
I gaze at him in surprise. “How did you-?“
“A slacker needs to know how to get undressed quickly.”
I giggle and slowly lean forward so I can kiss the side of his neck, which he willingly puts aside to give me a better access. As my core is screaming for attention I let his cock slide along my swollen folds while my lips travel along his ear.
“Fuck… this feels amazing.” He grunts as my pelvis moves forth and back, up and down his manhood. “Who would’ve thought you are such naughty little thing,” he grins, “-not that I wouldn’t have hoped for it.”
His hands move to my back, as he forcefully grabs my ass and pushes me onto his hard dick which is pressed against his lower belly. Gasping for air I try to swallow down my need which his move has prompted.
“Just because I’m a maid doesn’t mean I don’t like it dirty in certain… fields,” I manage to whisper to him in a seductive tone. Now it’s his turn to chuckle while I continue to devour the sensitive skin below his ear, playfully biting into his warm flesh as my fingers trail through his messy hair. Sliding up and down his manhood I realize that I won’t be able to hold back for much longer, so I’ll go with one last tease.
My lips leaving his neck and my folds moving away from his crotch I sit up on his lap and look at him with an innocent expression. “Do you still want me?”
“Sometimes you truly are a kid, ____” Mamoru grins at me.
Without me noticing he had positioned his cock right below my drenched pussy and with one pull he burrows him deep inside me, filling me up completely. With my mouth wide open, my brow furrows and I fall forward.
“Goddammit… you are so tight, babe…” he grunts as I regain my senses and we start to move in a steady rhythm with each other. One hand finds my nipple while the other draws circles around my clit and I feel the knot in my lower belly tightening again as he continues to fuck me from below, my hips moving in sync with his thrusts. His breaths are going heavy and his expression is lust driven as he maneuvers me right into my next height.
“Fuck…” We both cuss simultaneously as he grabs my hips and pushes me down hard, his cock hitting all the right spots inside me. He groans out loud and I swear, those sounds are everything I need to send me right over the next edge. With my lips parted and eyes shut the knot goes undone and I feel how the small space between us gets drenched once more.
Mamoru pulls me to him so our bodies are flush and his tongue begins to devour my nipple while his fingers scrape along my lower back.
“So babe, I guess there is still something which can top those liquid explosions you had so far, huh?” I silently nod and unconsciously bite my lower lip as he looks at me from below. Satisfied with my answer his lips travel along my torso leaving small hickeys all over my sweaty skin. “Then let us both reach it together.”
His words send another wave of excitement through my body and I feel how my muscles tense around his cock. Just imagining Mamoru unleash his primeval side as he comes undone inside me brings me a huge step closer to my own orgasm. I will make him cum so hard he will forget about everything else.
Increasing the speed he supports my moves while he pushes and pulls my hips along his cock. My nails dig deep into his flesh and leave red marks all over his back as we fuck each other harder, deeper, faster. His grunts and groans paired with the raw expression of sexual pleasure which is written all over his features make me cry out louder.
“Jesus, fuck me, Mamo!” A wish which he just too willingly fulfills. His brow furrows as we continue to relentlessly drive us towards the edge. Our moves start to get sloppy and I feel how his grip gets harder around my hips while my muscles start to tense, too. Reading my expression his fingers find their way back to my clit and just the mere touch lets my nerves explode and I finally reach my ultimate climax. Wave after wave a flood of liquid is spilled into his lap as my muscles clench hard around his cock and with one last trust Mamoru comes too, and I milk his dick for every drop of cum. Groaning and cussing his head falls back while his hips still push in and out a few more times as we both ride out our orgasms.
My body relaxes and I fall onto him, our bodies shimmering of sweat. Resting my head in the nape of his neck his forehead is leaned against my shoulder as we both try to catch our breath after this mind blowing orgasm.
I sit up and give him a kiss as I gently smile at him.
Mamoru gazes at me with a dreamy expression as he speaks up with in a raspy voice. “You look beautiful, ____ .”
“Repeat that again when you are not under the spell of your afterglow,” I mock him playfully while our muscles are still contracting because of our strong orgasm.
“Well then you gonna need to be patient, cuz I ain’t done with ya for tonight.” he replies before he steals another kiss from me.
“Big words, Detective Kishi. I think I need more proof for such a bold statement.”
“Oh I will interrogate your body thoroughly and I’m sure to present you some ‘hard facts’ in return, sweetheart.” He grins at me as he cups my cheeks as he kisses me passionately and we lose each other again in the pleasure.
He kept his word, his interrogation was literally very…. in-depth.
Meanwhile the phone in Mamoru’s jacket vibrates as he receives a text from Baba: “Oh btw, Ayase never asked her out so don’t worry about him. Have fun you two ;)”
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did writing it 😅 (yes I had A LOT OF FUN if you know what I mean 😈😂)
Tagging: @iluvsexyvoltageguys (I know you wanted to read the squirting story 😜) @rougepetale @hifftn @jovanna-shewolf @voltage-my2dlove
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Over and Over Again (Soryu Fanfiction/Request)
rose-of-yonezawa said to empty-aesthetic-princess: Hello! I stumbled upon your blog and loved your piece on Mamo 😂 May I please request a prompt for Soryu with Numbers 12 and 88
Anonymous said to empty-aesthetic-princess: Hi I love your writing!! Can you do a fluff head cannon for Soryu. Whatever you want just need some happiness and Soryu is my favorite. Thanks :)
I’m gonna put these two together and hope it turns out okay! Not gonna lie, there’s some angst in the middle but it’s fluffy at the end, I swear! (:
Prompt selections taken from here:
12: "I'm pregnant." 88: "After everything...I'd still choose you."
I tapped my spatula on the side of the frying pan anxiously as I waited for Soryu's omelette to finish cooking. I had thought long and hard for three days about how to tell him I was expecting our first child but every time I planned to do it, something got in the way. Soryu and I had discussed having a family before we got married and I knew he'd be ecstatic about it. I just wanted to tell him in the perfect way and in the perfect moment but as the days quickly passed by, I knew the only thing that mattered was that I stop worrying about everything else and just tell him. 
I plated Soryu's omelette and set it down in front of him. I watched him enjoy his breakfast in silence for a moment as I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. 
"Soryu, I have something to tell you."
My husband raised his head and stared at me with intense gray eyes, his expression becoming more and more concerned with each second. 
"What's wrong?", he asked and I smiled slightly. 
"Why do you always assume something's wrong?", I asked gently and he raised an eyebrow at me curiously. 
"Force of habit", he muttered, preparing to take another big bite of his omelette.
"I'm pregnant", I said quickly and time seemed to stop. Soryu's forkfull of fluffy eggs hung in mid-air as his eyes searched my face, perhaps to see if I was kidding or not. 
You...you're pregnant?", he asked in disbelief and I slowly nodded my head. In a flash, Soryu's fork clanged against the ceramic dish and his lips were crushed against mine. I giggled against the kiss, caught off-guard by his enthusiastic reaction. I wrapped my arms around his neck and twined my fingers in his un-gelled hair. 
"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?", he asked once we pulled away from each other.
"Soryu, it's way too early for that! I just found out about it", I said, laughing. I could see his eyes calculating things way too far into the future and I knew he was starting to worry about anything and everything. I took his face in my hands, glancing at the beautiful wedding ring he placed on my finger two years ago. 
"We'll take everything one day at a time, okay?" My words brought a slight blush to his cheeks and he smiled softly at me. 
"You've made me the happiest man in the world, _____"
Soryu pressed his lips to mine again, his hands travelling down to my stomach to rest them there protectively. 
"I'm not going to ask you again, bitch! You're gonna give me the information I want or you and that bastard inside you are going to die in this room!", the man screams at me as he slaps me across the face again, harder this time. Tears are welling in my eyes but I refuse to give into him, sitting up as straight as I can in the chair I'm handcuffed to. Thankfully, he hasn't aimed his frustration at my swollen belly yet. I don't think he has the heart to hurt my baby. Yet, at least. I silently send my thoughts to my precious little man. Don't worry, sweetheart. Your Daddy will be here soon. He won't let anything happen to you. 
Another hand slap rains down on my face and a sharp yelp escapes my lips. The man grins down in sadistic satisfaction as he finally breaks the silent treatment I was giving him. I try to remain focused on happier things: my wedding day, that morning nine months ago when I told Soryu I was carrying our child, but those memories are pushed further and further away with every loud, resounding slap that echoes in the darkened room. 
The man raises his hand to hit me again and I close my eyes to try to brace myself for it, but the sound of the door being kicked down makes them fly open again. 
"Touch my woman again and I'll make you wish you were never born", Soryu's menacing voice comes from the doorway. My shoulders slump in relief and I smile at the irony: the sound of Soryu threatening someone's life is all I need to hear to make me feel safe from harm. 
The Ice Dragons file into the room and tackle my kidnapper to the ground as Soryu makes quick work of my handcuffs to release me. I fall forward into his arms and he pulls me tight to his chest, his heartbeat pounding against my ear. 
"Are you okay, baby?", he murmurs and strokes my hair soothingly.
"Yes, Soryu. We're both okay", I say and pull back to look at him. His eyes darken as he looks at my face, his fingertips grazing over where the man hit me. The skin around my right eye and cheek are tender, and I know there's probably going to be a bruise there. I flinch slightly at the contact and he curses sharply under his breath. 
"I'm so sorry, _____", he whispers to me. I'm about to tell him he has nothing to apologize for, when a strange sensation pulls deep inside my abdomen. The adrenaline I felt earlier was now gone, and it must've have brought on my labor unexpectedly. I look up at Soryu with wide eyes and let out a sharp breath.
"I think my water just broke", I murmur to my husband, who looks down at my stomach with a frantic look on his face. 
"Samejima! Bring the car around!" he yells behind him and he carefully helps me up from the chair. 
Ten hours of labor later, Soryu is holding a beautiful baby boy tightly in his arms as I lovingly look up at them from my hospital bed. Ryusei's tiny fingers are in a fist around Soryu's finger and the sight brings joyful tears to my eyes. He's the spitting image of his handsome father and I can't believe how lucky I am to have both of them in my life. 
"You did so well back there", Soryu says after a moment. He carefully sits down at my bedside the large armchair and meets my exhausted gaze.
"For a moment, I was worried he wasn't ever going to come out", I say with a breathless laugh. 
"I meant before that", he whispers. A sad expression forms on his face as his unfocused eyes remember the ordeal I went through before delivering our child. 
"I'm so sorry, baby. I hate that you're constantly put in danger, but now I put our son in that same position." I gingerly place my hand on his arm and I can see all of his emotions reflected back at me in his eyes: regret, guilt, anguish. My heart lurches in my chest. He shouldn’t be feeling any of those things, especially not now.
"Please don't blame yourself. It's not your fault", I say to him as I reach over to carress my newborn son's tiny face as he dozes in Soryu's arms. 
"We're both safe and happy because of you, Soryu. You saved us, and I know you'll always be there to do that. I love you so much and I've never felt so happy in my entire life. It doesn't matter what I've been through because I'd do it all again just to be with you. After everything...I'd still choose you."
Soryu blushes a little and smiles at me. 
"I'd choose you too, _____. Over and over again.”
He reaches over slowly to meet my lips in a kiss, but Ryusei stirs in his sleep and coos loudly in protest at the sudden movement. 
We both chuckle at our baby boy and Soryu leans into kiss my forehead sweetly.
"I guess that'll have to do for now," he says and sighs, slowly rocking our bundle of joy back and forth in his arms.
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otomeonfleek · 6 years
Imagine: If Voltage guys were Life-Hack College Students
No one asks for these wonderful shit pieces, but they tickle my fancy and I deliver unlike Digiorno. It’s also in honor of how I start uni again tmrw. Sup junior yr. 
The following is based off of likely real events in being horrifically innovative as a poor college student.
Shusei Hayakawa from Our Two Bedroom Story
1. Unplug everything when leaving the house
After an exhausting week of midterms, you and Shusei were due for a well-deserved date. You eagerly wait in front of his apartment door and faintly hear him clambering on the other side. Within seconds, the door slams open and he sends a sheepish smile. “(Y/N)!! You’re here!” 
You suppress a laugh at how frazzled he seems with his light tresses sticking up in random directions and the stain on his favorite gray hoodie. Sometimes he could be a complete ditz and forget to get ready on time. “Hey! Are you ready to go?” 
He nods with a bright smile and says, “Just give me a minute! You can step inside for now.” Stepping to the side, he lets you enter and starts to flit around the room. 
Curious, you slip off your shoes and lean against the arm of his beat-up leather sofa. 
The blonde starts to chatter mindlessly as he wrestles his arm into every nook and cranny of the room, casually pulling out electrical cords. From the TV to the toaster and AC, he unplugs every single power outlet without batting a lash. Even dangling his long legs above the back of the couch and his voice is muffled, likely from the blood rushing to his head, he’s still speaking to you normally as he seeks out the final plug. 
He slides back and jumps to his feet, “Ah. We should get going now or we’ll be late for the lunch special.” Without missing a beat, he strides to the front door and slips on his worn converse. 
“...Shusei...Why’d you unplug everything??” You can’t help, but ask. 
Since arriving at his apartment, his then chipper mood dips a bit. “O-Oh that. It’s just a habit, I guess! My electric bill is never over $50 ahah.” Chuckling awkwardly, he opens the door with an embarrassed flush on his face. 
Noting his drop in mood, you try, “Whoaa!! That’s amazing. You’ll have to teach me more, Master Shusei!” You joke and loop your arm in his. 
A fond look takes over and he grins, “Oh, I don’t know if a pupil like you could keep up in the way of the frugal!!” 
Shintaro Ando from When Destiny Comes Knocking: 
2. Steal from the rich and give to the poor
One of the best ways to get out and not spend money was taking evening walks. Both you and Shintaro made it a habit to explore nice neighborhoods and judge the houses. It sounded silly, but when you’re scrounging for every penny and dreaming off the high life, it wasn’t too horrid of a date idea. The areas were safe, pleasant to look at, and you weren’t spending a dime. 
You often would end the evening in giggles as you pretended to envision the affairs that Margaret would take part in with her husband, Richard, away on business in Madrid. 
“Poor Richard. He never saw it coming-with the gardener, nonetheless.” You mumble with faux sympathy as you and your bespectacled beau pass the gated, three-storied mansion with a gaudy outdoor fountain and cobble walkway. 
Playing along, he chokes back a laugh and comments, “Well, Richard’s a moron! He should’ve known better. The peonies have been dying for weeks, so he should have known that gardener wasn’t doing no gardening!” His thick Kansai accent comes out to play as he exchanges jokes. 
Doubling over in guffaws at the storyline, you are soon joined by your partner in crime as you hold onto another for support. “You’re not wrong-the peonies are shit.” You concur and then stop to admire the next house. 
Momentarily mystified at his sudden silence and gaping mouth, you follow his line of vision and pause at the sight of an orange tree. This particular house does not have a gate and you can already hear him thinking. 
“No. We can’t.” You state, stiffly. 
Ignoring your reasoning, he spares you a blank look and asks, “Do you know how expensive produce is?” Without waiting for your answer, he steps forward with his suddenly beady eyes flitting around for any obvious security cameras. 
From your still place, you hiss at him, “I said no!! What if we get caught?” Now paranoid, you similarly start to glance around with worry. Despite being incredibly competent in school as a Dean’s List student, he’s a complete idiot in other life aspects and will likely go to jail for orange theft, you note. 
“This guy drives a Lexus!! I think he could stand to lose a few oranges. Besides I haven’t had real fruit in months!” He half-whispers to you as he starts to shamelessly pick off desired oranges from the tree and rest them in the pockets of his sweater. 
Before you can argue, the light from that same house flickers on and you both scramble away in the direction of your parked Toyota. 
You don’t bother to glance back to see if he’s close behind as you shout, “If we go to jail because you can’t spend $5 on fruit, I’ll kill you!!” 
There’s a thump behind you and you can only hear him cry in anguish, “C-Crap, my oranges!!” 
Shohei Aiba from In Your Arms Tonight 
3. Use your bathtub for laundry when you run out of spare change
After a fun day at Aiba’s neighborhood pool, you both trod into his apartment with intentions of changing. As students, it’s difficult to go out of your way or pay for a gym membership for exercise, and so his pool is heaven sent.
Despite your earlier enjoyment, you now are both miserably dripping with chlorine in your swimwear and holding uselessly saturated towels. 
Being a gentleman of sorts, he insists you use the shower first. Taking his offer, you head into the single bathroom and are about to slip off your curve-hugging one piece when you halt in your tracks. 
Sliding the glass shower doors open, you nearly lose your shit. “Shohei...” You call out weakly. 
Footsteps approach and he knocks from the other side, baritone slightly concerned, “Is something wrong??” 
You turn the knob and see him blush, likely expecting you to be nude or clad in a towel. His face loosens and he cocks his head at your still garment-clad appearance, “What’s up?” 
Stepping aside, you gesture at the tub filled with laundry soaked in detergent and color-catcher sheets. “Is that what I think it is?” 
His instantly blanches and trips over his on words, “A-AH, that is...! I-I... I kind of ran out of change for the laundry mat hahah.” 
The earnest brunette groans as he covers his face in shame, collapsing to sit on the closed lid of his toilet seat, “Ugh, you probably think I’m some loser now...” 
Yes, the fact that he’s using his bathtub as a makeshift laundry machine due to his shortage of change is slightly off-putting and clearly indicates a life struggle. On top of how comically defeated he looks while pouting on his toilet, you can see how he might think that. 
However, you could never think so poorly of your own boyfriend. You fell for him because of how selfless, genuine, and awkwardly goofy he was. 
You shake your head and deny him, “No way!” 
He perks up at how sure you sound only to hunch over when you follow up with, “I already knew you were a loser!” 
Smirking lightly at his groan, you sink to your knees beside the tub and suggest, “Well, we should probably start scrubbing and wringing them dry or your clothes will get ruined.” 
His warm caramel irises comically water and he launches himself at you in a tight embrace. “I love you so much!!” 
Kishi Mamoru from Kissed By the Baddest Bidder
4. Make sure people Venmo you back
You were far from the type to automatically expect for your partner to pay for everything. In fact, you typically did half and half for the check. However, there were some times that truly grated on your nerves when it came to your slacker boyfriend and money. 
At a rather pivotal turning point in the film, Mamoru leans over to complain, “I’m hungry.” 
You suppress an eye roll at how only he would have the audacity to ignore such an engaging storyline in favor of his stomach. This is a horror film where one of the most beloved protagonists just got strangled by a ghost and he couldn’t care less. Sighing, you suggest, “Go get some popcorn or something then.” 
He hums thoughtfully, “Do you want some too?” 
“Huh? Yeah, sure...Go away now.” Throwing a hand up to simultaneously shut him up and shoo him, you jolt in your seat at the sudden jumpscare. 
“AHH!” The entire movie theater sans Mamoru screams with a follow-up in delighted laughter at how admittedly obvious the scene was. 
Your boyfriend sighs and slinks out of the seat to the refreshments stand.
When the movie is long over and you are both lazing around on his apartment couch, you do a double-take at what he says next. 
With his battered iPhone 4 in his hand, he mumbles, “So when are you going to venmo me for the popcorn?” 
Your (e/c) flit to him in shock and he shamelessly meets your stare. “W-Wait, what? That was your popcorn! I hardly ate any of it,” you protest. 
Lazily, he cocks his head with a smirk and says, “So you admit you ate some of it. That will be $2.50 please.” He turns his phone and the cracked screen is pulled up to his venmo account. 
For a tiny moment, you are impressed with how he managed to get a confession from you. Damn, maybe Mamoru really could be a detective. He could be sharp when he wanted. You glance at the old Apple model in his hands and mentally snicker at how the Criminal Justice major ironically doesn’t look as sharp. 
Switching to reality, you sit up on the couch to fix him with a glare. “Mamo, you really want me to pay you back for $2.50 and for food that I barely ate?”
He shrugs his shoulders and there is just a hint of a grin tugging at his lips, “Every penny counts.” 
Huffing, you pull out your phone and start to work on transferring the money. You ignore the victorious expression on his visage and practically feel his excitement at being paid. 
Suddenly recalling a recent outing, you pull up the billing information on your bank account and turn to him with a chilling grin. “If it’s going to be like that, then, you owe me for that time I paid for KBBQ! With tip, that’s $27.13 please!” Sarcastically, you open your palm towards him and flex your fingertips in a lecherous way. 
At once, the older junior pales and practically starts to sweat with his stormy-hued eyes darting side to side. Rubbing the back of his head, he coughs awkwardly. “I’ll tell you what, babe. You don’t have to pay me back anymore. I’ll take it out of what you owe me.” A sheepish expression takes over his face and you laugh, bumping shoulders with him at how silly worrying over every penny the other owes is. 
Nozomu Fuse from True Love, Sweet Lies
5. Use flashlights when the lights are broken
Deciding to stay the night at his house to study for an upcoming exam, you excuse yourself to use the bathroom. Your cheery partner only nods, promising to finish the next problem by the time you return. Sometimes statistics was hard, but having a secret genius like Nozomu helps. 
You pad over to the toilet and flip on the switch. Pulling your leggings and panties down, you shriek when the lights suddenly flicker off. Left in the dark and in distress, you call out for your boyfriend whose footsteps you can already hear clambering up the steps. 
“(Y/N)!! Are you okay?? I’m coming in!” The door knob turns and you shut your legs for decency’s sake. 
There is a short second before the sudden glare of his Samsung smartphone’s light momentarily blinds you. 
You cover your eyes and demand, “What the hell?? Is there a blackout or something? Why are the lights out?” 
Nozomu places his phone down on the flat of the sink counter with the light better helping than blinding you. He starts to chuckle with a slight nervous edge in his voice as he explains, “A-Ah, well...There’s no blackout. The bathroom light’s just kind of broken.” 
“...Well, why don’t you fix it?” The solution to his issues is so obvious, you note while trying to ignore how ridiculous you feel sitting on his toilet with your garments wrapped against your ankles. 
He doubles over in awkward giggles that sound worriedly stressed before admitting, “Ahah, I don’t have any money for that...yet!” 
With his face nearly twitching at how desperately he’s trying to convince you and himself that finances aren’t ruining him, he reaches into a drawer and fishes an emergency light. “In the meantime, you can use this flashlight! It’s more powerful than any phone light and waaay more peaceful than having all these blaring ceiling lights everywhere! Yup, this is fine!” He turns it on and positions it vertically so the beam is shining across the ceiling. 
Shooting you a final smile with a pained edge, he exits the room with his smartphone in hand and carefully shuts the door. 
After a few moments, you feel your face fall again in noticing the lack of toilet paper. Your memory wanders to his kitchen and the stack of Starbucks napkins you saw earlier. 
You need to help this man. 
Toma Kiriya from Irresistable Mistakes
6. Use cafe wifi when your internet’s down
You were walking to your dorm after a late-night gym session when you noticed Toma standing in front of your campus Starbucks with an employee. The brunette with a notorious attitude problem was clutching his laptop case in one hand and in the other holding a water cup. 
As you got closer, you could hear what was being exchanged and felt your soul leaving its body. 
“Sir, I told you that we’re going to have to ask you to leave.” The barista in the infamous green apron states calmly, an exhausted expression apparent on their face from working hectic shifts with lunatics like your boyfriend as clientele.  
Accordingly, the accounting major huffs and strikes a defiant pose. His chin juts up and his eyes steel, “I already told you that I bought something! Why can’t I stay??” He raises his drink as if it will automatically save him from this argument. 
The other college student’s visage turns blank as they state, “...Sir, you only bought a water cup. Second, I told you that it’s already closing time.” With frustrating wavering through, the employee glances down at their smartwatch for emphasis. 
“Listen buddy, my internet’s been down this whole week. I need just fifteen more minutes of wifi to finish my essay on microeconomic theory and I know that the modem is too far to connect when I’m sitting out here! So for the love of all that is caffeinated, please let me stay!!” Toma’s cold attitude is suddenly overshadowed by his clear desperation as he pleads. 
Sighing, the worker asks with a slightly bored look, “How long have you been awake?” 
“Thirty-two hours, but who’s counting?” Your boyfriend rubs at his eyes blearily, the typical flannel of his whipping around him as the air outside grows colder. 
Budging with sudden empathy for his fellow university student, the barista stands aside and props the door open. “Fine, you can stay...Some of us wanted to finish some assignments anyway and the internet in the library is shit.” 
Before the hopeful swimmer/accounting major can enter, you decide to finally jog up to them. “Wait!! I’ll take him. This is my boyfriend and I can worry about him from here! Thank you!” You wrap your hands around his arm and gently tug him away from the somewhat relieved coffee-worker. 
In a confused and exhausted stupor, the male groans, “(Y-N), how the hell did you get here? I almost got in and you ruined it!” 
Rolling your eyes, you explain, “Sweetie, don’t bother the nice Starbucks employees. They want to go home too.” 
With his arm in yours, you steer him towards your dorm building. He teeters a bit from the lack of sleep and screeches to a halt, “But my essay!” From yourself to the earlier horrified baristas, it is clear to all that Toma takes his studies seriously to the point of forgoing his shame and health. 
Observing the dark blotches underneath his eyes and his heavily wrinkled garments, you say, “I think you should eat properly first. I made some soup...And there’s internet at my dorm.” 
When his fatigued orbs lighten and he leans more towards you with his laptop case in tow, you know that he’ll be fine. 
Kenzo Yasukawa from After School Affairs
7. Use all forms of payment 
With midterms finally over, you and your boyfriend decide to visit the mall to celebrate. Walking hand-in-hand, you air out your grievances over how one of your professors grade when Kenzo abruptly starts walking faster. 
In his towering height, he manages to tug you with ease towards a nearby gamestore. His breathing is suddenly irregular as he presses his free hand against the business’s glass, amber optics locked on a particular ninja and robot-themed poster. 
“I can’t believe it released today. I have to get it.” He’s practically talking to himself as he marches into the store, you trailing behind in slight bewilderment. 
Making a bee-line to the wall of feudal Japan and mecha-accented items, his hand darts out to snatch a game off the shelve. As if suddenly remembering your presence and ongoing date, the blonde grins sheepishly. “Aww sorry, I’ve been waiting for Robot Ninjas 3 forever!” 
The game title makes you cringe, but you only nod in understanding. As his partner, you accept his peculiar tastes. 
After a brief wait in line, he steps up to pay with you at his side. Exchanging cordial pleasantries with the cashier, the aspiring pre-medical student fishes out his wallet and starts to produce various forms of payment. He places a random stack of dollar bills on the counter, then slides out his cards. 
Without missing a beat, he shoots a cheery smile with closed eyes and asks, “Is it okay if I pay $16 in cash, do $30 on debit, and pay the rest from my credit card?” 
You feel your heart hammer in your chest for your boyfriend and want to help him pay, but know that he wouldn’t want that. Suppressing your urge to pay, you force yourself to watch what happens next. 
When the employee hesitates, Kenzo’s eyes flutter open and seem strained as he explains in a low voice, “I’m sorry, but I’m dirt poor right now because I just bought a $150 MCAT prep book and have been waiting for this game for years.” The normal liveliness and peace in his amber stare dies out and his mouth twitches. 
You nearly lose it when the cashier suddenly nods and says, “Dude, same. I got you.” Then, he proceeds to enter in the different payments into the POS system before seeing you off warmly as you both leave. 
Turning to your boyfriend, you peck him on the cheek and say, “Why don’t we go back to the apartment so you can play and I’ll order us some pizza?” You casually include your offer of getting dinner. 
His eyes crinkle with joy and he wraps his arm around your shoulder to press a kiss against your forehead, “I’ll go easy on you for one round then.” 
42 notes · View notes
Sailor Moon Sailor Moon Z A survivor of the Dark Kingdom gets revenge by means of a Zombie Apocalypse. Merging of Classic Anime and Manga canons.
When Metaria's dark cloud swarmed over the world, Indicolite was undercover in the CDC, trying to find a way to use her favourite bacterial agents as agents for the Dark Kingdom.
While the bodies started dropping around her, drained and overwhelmed by Materia's presence, Indicolite sat at her desk sipping tea, revelling in the feel of the great ruler's dark energy.
When the purifying essence of the Silver Crystal swept over the world, the origin point too far to hurt her, but erasing Metaria, Indicolite shrieked and screamed, and destroyed her teacup, her computer, her chair, and the face of an assistant.
She erased the footage from the cameras and claimed they'd been attacked during the darkness.
After everything had settled down, almost a week later, Indicolite made her way the Dark Kingdom's headquarters at D-point in the North Pole. There was no trace of any other denizen of the Kingdom, the entire area felt almost Holy in its cleanliness. It made her sick to her stomach.
What she did find however, was equipment left of from the various schemes of the four generals, tools and schematics.
Indicolite wasn't one for sentimentality, but any excuse for vengeance would do.
First, she'd need energy.
Unlike the generals, she didn't go to Japan, went everywhere else in fact, and didn't drain people to unconsciousness. She set up small drains in the metropolitan cities of the world, skimming off the millions of people who walked around unaware.
Unlike Beryl, Indicolite didn't need all the energy in an instant, she was happy to wait for the big haul; after all, she still had work to do. Using the resources of the CDC and their various contacts Indicolite set about creating her masterpiece, augmented by the relics of the Dark Kingdom, but something was missing, some piece that would allow her creation to not only work, but defend against the power of the Senshi.
She needed more data on them.
With that in mind, she did what she'd told herself she wouldn't do until it was too late to be stopped: Indicolite went to Tokyo.
She stayed out of sight, didn't take any energy, didn't attack anyone, she merely tracked down the interesting energy sources until she found the five girls who matched the Senshi's description. She followed them, studied them, scanned them for days. But she couldn't figure out how to take one without alerting the others.
Then her scanning equipment blipped.
It turned out, their were eight Senshi in the Tokyo area. Of the other three, two of them seemed to be dating, but the third was almost always alone. The little dark haired girl was sickly, rarely left the house, and it appeared the other Senshi knew nothing about her.
Indicolite killed the girl's guardian, made it look like an accident, and took off with the child, days before anyone knew anything had happened.
The child was to scared to fight back, didn't even know what was happening most of the time. When Indicolite realised which Senshi she'd grabbed, and what her powers were, the Dark Kingdom witch decided it was Fate.
With the Power of the Senshi of Saturn, not only could Indicolite protect her creation from Sailor Moon's healing spells, she could infuse it with so much more magic, an endless cycle of it.
Her laughter was manic, as she imagined the soon to come death, destruction and panic.
Only after vaccinating herself and Saturn did she release the virus, in aerosol canisters through the major cities of the world, including Japan. She waited four days before activating it. Then she sat back and watched the world burn.
Ami was the first Senshi to know about the attack. Her mother called in the early hours of the morning panicked.
“Ami? Oh God, Ami, are you safe!?”
“I'm fine, why are you whispering?”
“They're everywhere, Ami I want you to stay inside, lock the door and stay inside. I'm safe for now but I need you to promise me! I need you to be safe”
“I- Mum, what's going on, who is everywhere?”
“I don't know, they won't die, they're eating people! It's not like before, they're actually eating people! MH!”
“They're outside the room.”
“Hang on mum, I'll come get you.”
“NO!” The stage whisper was followed but a gasp and silence.
“I think they heard me. Please just be safe. I love you so much.”
The line went dead. Ami dropped the phone.
Rei was the second to find out. She woke early for morning prayer, to find Yuiichiro had become a flesh eating monster. An early morning jogger who stopped by on their way home every morning was dead in front of him, throat gone and blood still cooling as he ate.
She and her grandpa tried exorcism for an hour. When Yuiichiro's meal woke up and tried to eat them, Rei put an arrow through its eye, followed by Yuiichiro's.
The Police never arrived.
Usagi, Minako and Makoto found out at about the same time. Minako was receiving a call from Rei, Makoto was getting one from Ami, and Usagi's dad was leaving the house.
“Ah, mister Tanaka, good morning, you're looking a little unwell, rough night?” Ikuko, standing at the door watching her husband leave, shrieked when their friendly neighbour Mr Tanaka attacked. Her children where behind her in an instant.
“Get back inside!” She didn't know if she was screaming to the children or to her husband. From further up the street, more of their neighbours came walking along the road, a few of them even looked like they'd been mauled by something. Her husband was managing to fend of Mr Tanaka, who looked like he was trying to eat Kenji, until the deranged neighbour wrenched his briefcase from his grip. Her husband fell backwards, a flash of blonde streaked past her, and before she knew what she was seeing, Usagi used their Burglar-Bat to smack Mr Tanaka in the face so hard he was struck to the ground, his head hitting with a loud crack.
“Daddy, you need to get up.” With his daughter's help he managed to get to his feet and back inside. They locked the door and added a chair to wedge it shut. The table went on its side against the glass sliding doors as the other neighbours began converging on the house.
Their phone rang, Usagi was beside it, answering before the second ring.
“Usako! Are you alright? Have you been bitten? Are they even there yet?”
“Yes, no, yes. Mamo-chan, what's going on?”
“I don't know, I went for a jog-” a grunt of exertion came over the phone, “and they were just everywhere, I saw the police trying to fight them earlier, they only seemed to stay dead when they got shot in the head.”
Usagi called for her brother.
“Shingo, talk to Mamo-chan a sec I need to check something.”
“Hi, Shingo ri-” another short shout of exertion, Shingo thought he heard something heavy hit the ground.
“Sorry about that, the way back to my apartment is swarming with these things, I'm going to try to make it to your place. I noticed they're attracted to sound; and don't let them bite you, I saw someone die from a bite earlier. It was only a small one. Just stay inside and stay safe. Tell Usako I love her.”
Before Shingo could say anything, there came the sound of fighting from the speaker, it moved away. This 'Mamo-chan' must have been calling from a pay phone, Shingo realised, hanging up.
“Shingo! Why'd you hang up?”
“Sorry sis, guy said he had to move, he's going to try to make it here, the way to his apartment is swarmed.” Shingo related the massage he'd been left. Then took a second look at his now devastated sister.
“You went upstairs to put on a new brooch?” Their parents sidled up to them.
“What's going on, who was on the phone?”
“Mamo-chan called, he said the police were fighting those people, but they only died when they got shot in the head. Mr Tanaka hasn't gotten up yet.”
“He said people died from a single bite too,” Shingo added, “and they're attracted to sound. He's on his way here. And Usagi decided to take a break from protecting our home from crazy people to put on a new brooch!”
The glass doors broke, the horde of - whatever the heck they were – toppling over the table and into the house.
“You three get upstairs!” The command in Usagi's voice shocked her family. “Now!” They moved, about halfway up the stairs they heard her call out again.
“Moon Crystal Power, Make up!” They turned just in time to see Usagi covered in a bright light for an instant before Sailor Moon was suddenly standing where Usagi had been.
“Moon Healing Escalation!” The wand that had appeared in her hand let of a burst of energy, it washed over the pile of infected trying to stand, but did nothing.
With her free hand Sailor moon tugged off her tiara.
“Moon Tiara Stardust! Moon Healing Escalation!”
While the Tiara doused the group, the wand sent another wave of energy over them.
“Sailor Moon!” The trio on the stairs turned to the new intruder, but found only their cat. Which began talking. “Sailor Moon, I'm sorry but you can't help these people, the Crescent Moon Wand would have healed them if it could. The only thing you can do now is grant them a merciful send off.”
Sailor Moon looked ready to cry, or throw up and she caught her tiara.
“Moon Tiara Activation!” Her hand waved through the air, directing the flying weapon in the compact space of the house.
The phone rang a second time as the last body dropped.
Sailor Moon answered.
“Usagi! Usagi they are strange people attacking the store, but they don't seem to be interested in the jewellery. They keep coming after Mama and me.”
“Did either of you get bit?”
“Okay, lock yourselves in somewhere, I'm going to come get you. Don't get bitten and stay quiet, if you can, aim for the head, it's the only way we know to stop them so far. I'm coming to get you Naru, just hold on.”
“I will. Usagi, they're coming, I have to go.”
“Be safe.” Usagi's last words were answered by the dial tone.
“You're Sailor Moon?” Shingo asked incredulous, their parents still hadn't recovered from the shock.
“Yeah, surprised me too when I first found out. Look, from the sounds of things, this is happening all over Tokyo, possibly all over Japan, and right now, I'm the only Sailor Senshi with powers that will be of any use against these things.
“Just when I thought we were done fighting... right focus. Luna, I need the wands for the others, and communicators for more than just the five of us. Mum, dad, Shingo: get what food you can, we're going to barricade upstairs until we come up with a better plan.”
The family of four collected what they could and hauled it upstairs, Luna disappeared back into Usagi's room.
Once the barricade was in place Ikuko asked her daughter “What now?” Sailor Moon looked at her.
“I don't...”
“You said 'we're going to barricade upstairs,' but I heard you promise Naru you'd go get her. How will we defend ourselves without you?”
“I've managed to summon some old Moon Kingdom guns, they should work, and they're quiet compared to modern firearms.” The family flinched, they'd been trying to repress the memory of the cat talking.
“Thanks Luna, you four take care of yourselves, I'll call in an hour to let you know I'm okay.”
“Be safe.”
“No! I forbid you to leave this house young lady, it's not safe out there!”
“I know daddy, that's why I have to go. I love you all so much.”
Sailor Moon ducked into her bedroom with Luna, scooping the new wands and communicators into a backpack.
“Luna's going to stay, to show us how to use the guns right?” Shingo asked from the door.
“I am,” the mautian replied.
“So who's going to watch your back? You said the other Senshi didn't have the power right now.”
“That's what the wands are for, I'm going to give them their powers back. I know it's complicated-”
“You should pin your hair up.”
“The... zombies, or whatever they are, might grab it. You should out it up like you do for the bath.”
“Ah you're right, I guess I never thought about it like that, the monsters we used to fight never really grabbed my hair before.”
Sailor Moon landed on Makoto's balcony, tapping the glass quietly. The curtain didn't even rustle. She tried opening the sliding door. It wasn't locked. There was a note on the table, boxed lunches in the fridge and cupboard.
'Gone to get Motoki.'
She ran into Sailor V half way to the arcade.
“Usagi, I'm so glad you're alright, how are you transformed though?”
“How are you transformed? I've got new gear from Luna, I have a pen and wand for you.” Sailor moon rummaged through the bag until she found the pen for Venus and her new communicator. “Here.”
“Thanks, I wasn't sure how much longer the V compact was going to last, hold Artemis a sec?” The white mautian looked put out at being handled like luggage.
“Oh! The new wand has a new phrase, it's 'star power' now.”
“Got it, Venus Star Power, Make Up!” An instant later Sailor Venus was there.
“I need to find the others, I have gear for them too.”
“I've already spoken to Rei... she had to kill Yuiichiro this morning, he was eating someone and exorcism didn't work and his victim woke up from the dead. I knew I'd have to fight monsters, but these are full on zombies.”
“It gets worse, my Crescent Moon wand can't heal them.”
“Oh Usagi.”
“Do you think Rei can hold out a little longer?”
“Yeah, she said she and her grandpa are just standing at the top of the stairs and shooting anyone who comes up. Any one who is a zombie anyway. They've had a few survivors so far, but this thing is all over Tokyo.”
“Makoto went to find Motoki, if he was already at work he may have headed down to the control room.”
“I can head over there and check, that's where we were going, Artemis wanted to see if he could figure out what's going on. The Dark Kingdom is gone, and this happened way to sudden to be natural.”
“Then I'll get Ami, and we'll head over to Rei. Here, take these to Makoto.”
“Be careful princess.”
“You too Venus.”
Ami was waiting on the Balcony, watching the hordes move about, when Sailor Moon landed.
“My mother was at the hospital when this broke out, she managed to call me a few hours ago.”
“We'll look for her, but not yet. I have new gear for you, but we need to get to the temple to help Rei, she has a group of survivors. Venus is dropping Artemis off at the Control room and heading out to find Makoto, who went looking for Motoki.”
“What? I told her not too! It's too dangerous without our powers!”
“I know, but if anyone could, it's Makoto, and when we find her, you can give her a stern talking to.”
“Let me get the medical supplies and some food, and I want to leave a note for my mother just in case.”
Rei whirled and fired an arrow into the walking dead-thing that had managed to sneak through the forest around the shrine. She cursed all the zombie movies who'd said zombies were slow, these things moved at normal human speeds, some of them even moved faster.
She turned back to the stairs, grasping at her quiver, only to meet empty air.
“Grandpa, I need more arrows.”
The man was silent, she glanced over, he shook his head, they were out of arrows. She'd have to make another trip down the stairs to pull arrows from corpses. One of the survivors screamed, Rei spun, alarmed, more zombies were emerging from the forest.
“Moon Tiara Activation!”
A golden disk of light swept through the undead, cutting their heads in half.
“Sorry we're late, I had to pack supplies,” Sailor mercury explained, dropping down beside the priestess.
“Just in time,” Rei waved off her apology, “that was my last arrow,” she pointed to the corpse she'd downed a moment ago.
Then she gave a pointed look at Mercury's outfit and her own.
“Sailor Moon bought new wands and communicators from Luna, we just heard from Artemis in the Control Room, he and Venus have found Makoto and Motoki. Mamoru showed up at Usagi's a few minutes ago. Venus and Jupiter are on their way over to us, the boys are going to ready the Control Room for guests. Once we have your survivors safe we're going to the hospital for my mother, then Osa-P for Naru and her mother.”
“What about Usagi and Minako's families?”
“The Tsukinos are barricaded in with Mamoru and Luna, they have weapons and food, Minako said her parents were locked in their panic room when she left, so they're all safe for now.”
Sailor Moon, who'd been talking to survivors, appeared by Rei's side.
“Didn't want to try the Crescent Moon Wand?” Rei asked, cranky from the horrific morning she'd had, the memory of Yuiichiro's dead face, with her arrow sticking out, swimming behind her eyes.
“I did,” the princess defended, “twice. It doesn't work on this. Luna and Artemis said it might be because it's a virus and not magical in origin.”
“Oh, I'm sorry.”
“No, Ami told me what happened to...” The pair silently looked away from each other, before wrapping one another in a tight hug.
“Whatever this is, we'll get through it, together.”
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uglygreenjacket · 6 years
Hahaha that line in "Let Me See It" is maybe my favorite too! (Although my favorite of yours is O&D!) Loved your answers on that ask! Do you have favorite lines/scenes in other people's fan fiction too?
Hey, anon!! It makes my tiny, little, writer’s heart happy to hear that you enjoyed that scene. I’m still pretty proud of that silly one-shot
And YES I have lots of favorites from other stories! Shall we venture in to a few of them?!
From Senshi’sBard’s amazing fic, Hunches:
“He would never tell her why he needed her so badly. He could never really describe the way the hollow in his chest stopped aching whenever she was near; how his mind could clear again in her presence; how the fog lifted, how the stupor vanished, and how he felt invigorated, revitalized, energized, restored. How the constant edge of creeping destruction that hovered nebulously around him seemed to dissipate at her touch. How deeply, madly, horrifically in love he was.
No, he wouldn’t tell her, because he was a proud sort of boy with a vanity that led to standoffishness. He wasn’t used to opening up and spilling his guts and this particular subject didn’t exactly his image of his own masculinity. Being a man and being head-over-heels for some beautiful girl – that meant he was either profoundly lucky or profoundly whipped, depending on what sort of male you asked. Not that he really cared, much; his closest acquaintances were men many years his senior or very sensible, studious young women, and how could he, Mamoru-kun, a very dedicated, very reserved, very down-to-earth sort of fellow, skip into class one day and start singing about love, of all things? He chuckled at the thought of his professors’ faces when they saw Chiba-kun dancing around the desks and clicking his heels together. They’d think he lost it for sure.
But he was far from going crazy; he’d never felt more sane.”
From @wishwars stunning fic Companion Preference: Blonde:
“He looked at her for a moment and then, in an instant, he understood. She was being his someone – as she had so aptly termed it. She was acting as if they were together – had been together – for a while now. At first, he wanted to push her away. To tell her he couldn’t do this – not with her – not if it wasn’t real, but then he realized he didn’t care. For a little while, just a little while, he wanted so badly to pretend it was.
And so when she pushed on his shoulders again, he let her guide him down until his head was in her lap, his legs stretched out over the rest of the couch, as she brushed small fingers through his hair.
As she pet him, he allowed his body to relax into the couch – melting under the soft butterfly touches of her hands along his brows, his ears, his temples – and he told her about his day. About the young man who had finally gotten out of his wheelchair and started to walk, about the small girl who he had found crying next to her mother’s bed because she still hadn’t woken up, about the elderly man who had proposed to his nurse because he liked her smile, about the woman who had decided she did not want to undergo surgery even when he told her it was her only chance. Every monumental moment and tiny detail.
And she listened. Sometimes she laughed, sometimes she moaned, and sometimes she would simply increase the pressure of her fingers for a moment, as if to say, I’m here. I’m here.
And Mamoru soaked it all in – the feeling of her fingers in his hair, the warmth of her legs under his head, the sound of her voice in his ears – knowing that for now, for tonight, he was not alone.”
From Quid Pro Quo by Adamina:
Confused, he held up a hand. “You said I owed you.”
“And I still say that,” she said. Her back straightened, as she stood not a foot’s length away from him. “I came with you, I helped you, and I’ve given you all that I am. You must know that.” What was this sensation she felt surrounding her, she wondered honestly, and where was it coming from? “In all my life I haven’t felt more selfish than I do right now, when I tell you that you’ve given me nothing in return.”
“I’ve told you-”
“It’s not enough.” Her eyes were swiftly brutal as they stared upon him. She took another step back, and the moon dimmed. “You’ve told me I’m beautiful. You said you’ve wanted me. That you care. And I’ve given-I’m giving right now.” Her stance was challenging though the quakes in her were full of foreboding and potential weep. “Give me something back.”
“Usa…” That single thread of emotion was fighting free and past his defences. The area stipulated it, alarm discarded it. It was a war struggling to an only one way victory. “What do you want?”
Her voice was so unexpectedly sad, full of melancholy and misery. If he still couldn’t love her… “If you can’t figure that out, Mamoru-san, then we shouldn’t even be here in the first place.”
She was pulling away. Even though she didn’t move, he could feel her pulling away from him. No, she wouldn’t. He wouldn’t let her. He reached out blindly for her hand, caught it. “I would do anything for you, Usa. Now, forever. I would kill for you, die for you, do anything just to see you smile for me. Anything.”
He was saying all the right words, she thought sorrowfully, except one. Bitterness rose in her throat as the sky’s luminosity seemed to weaken out, and the wind seemed to stop dancing, and the grass stopped swaying for it. “Why?” she demanded, tugging away, ready to stalk away from him, and the pain he was throwing at her. “Because you ‘care’?” The word, unlike before, just wasn’t enough anymore.
“No.” He didn’t move after her. “Because I love you.”
From Pearl Prynne’s Repercussions:
“My name is Serenity,” she said. “And I’m really just here on borrowed time.”
Mamoru swallowed, glanced at the sleeping girls one more time, debating. Something wasn’t right, and he knew the sensible thing was to wake the senshi and explain that Usagi wasn’t making sense, that Serenity was speaking through her lips. But, her hand on his, gently, stilled his thoughts.
“No, Mamo-chan, don’t wake them,” she said. “This isn’t anything to do with them. This is about you and me.”
“There is no you and me,” he insisted and Serenity almost laughed at the absurdity of such a statement. As if he’d said there was no moon, just because he could not see it in the sky.
“Let me tell you some truths, Mamoru Chiba,” she said. “If I do, will you believe me?”
He just looked at her, confusion in his gaze.
“You’ll understand,” she said, “soon enough.” She paused. “Or maybe… maybe it will take something more than a heart to heart talk through a millennia.” She met his eyes and sighed. “We all have our demons, Mamo-chan. We all have our chains.” She wound her fingers through his and sighed. “Some are more beautiful than others.” She smiled. “I have the most beautiful of them all.”
And, because she wanted to, because she could, she leaned forward and kissed him again. She felt his turmoil, his will power pushing against his mind, telling him to stop, that this was dangerous, that somehow the mere act of brushing his lips against hers could somehow send her careening toward an early grave. “I’m so sorry,” she said. “But you see, I can’t let you do this, Mamo-chan. I told Endymion the same thing. There is no me without you.”
Smiling at the slightly foggy expression in his eyes, she ran her thumb across his lips, sending a silent apology to her past self for hijacking her body in such a way, but knowing that Usagi needed the curse to be lifted as much as the time stream did. “She needs you, you stupid boy,” Serenity said. “We have a future. It’s beautiful.”
From The Serenity Case by @idesofnovember:
He looked at her for a long moment. “Understand that whatever dramatic confessions you were making about eating, sleeping, dying,” he smirked for a second, shaking his head.“It’s barely half of what you’ve done to me, princess.”
“Do you mean… you…,” she said, her open mouth pulling into an amazed smile. “You… love me back?”
“Does it matter?” He ran a hand through his hair, resting the other on his hip - the very picture of frustration. “You know, cute nicknames aside, you are Serenity Von Mond,” he looked at her- a warning, wary look. “You are so far out of my reach you might as well be on the moon.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m well within your reach,” she countered, taking a step toward him in the small room. Mirroring what she’d seen that other woman do, she ran her hand down his chest - and this time he responded, swallowing hard and tensing his jaw. “Please,” she said, looking up at him in dizzying awe, “I want this more than I’ve ever wanted anything.”
His lip pulled up a bit and he gave the smallest shake of his head. “A girl like you don’t know the first thing about wanting.”
She tugged on his shirt. “Then show me.”
She’d never been kissed like this. She never knew you could be kissed like this, his hand on the back of her neck, thumb sliding down behind her ear, mouth over hers - hot and slick and desperate. She hadn’t realized that she’d taste him - spicy and warm like chocolate. She hadn’t anticipated the brush of his hair against her own forehead, or the tickle of his breath against her skin, or the almost-moan he made when her tongue hesitantly responded to his. This was perfection. This was heaven.
She curled her fingers together at the nape of his neck, his other hand steadying her around her waist as he tilted her back, her thighs pressed against the edge of the table, her hips angled up to his.
“You love me,” she clarified, breathing the words out once her mouth was free to talk, when his lips were on her jaw, tracing down her neck.
“Yes,” he murmured confirmation.
“Even if I were poor?” she continued. “A nobody?”
He smirked at her, pulled back so their noses were barely touching. “Money or not, someone like you could never be ‘nobody’.”
She wrinkled her nose, made a face at him. “Will you ever stop making fun of me?” And the smirk turned to a grin.
“When I’m dead,” he said. “Maybe.”
Unable to think of a retort, she settled for kissing him again, and he didn’t seem to mind that one bit.
Andddd last but CERTAINLY not least, a snippet from Ikigai by @floraone:
“You might want to duck,” she said and he looked at her bewildered, ripping his gaze away from dimpled, slender knees.
“What?” he breathed.
“I can see Natsumi pass over there, she might see you. Just a fair warning,” she smiled at him.
He furrowed his brow. “Who?”
“Natsumi?” she asked, an amused look on her face. “The red-head in my class who follows you around?”
Oh! His eyes widened, and he ducked quickly. She giggled.
Face in his lap he mumbled upward, “Is she gone?”
“Yeah, I think so,” she smiled, then leaned down towards him a bit further. “But don’t worry, I will save your sorry ass if she does see you, I’m Superman after all.” She smiled cheekily, pointing her finger towards the “S” on her T-shirt, the hand at her hip.
He raised an amused eyebrow at her. Most common expression on his face when around her. “Ah, right,” he started. “Because everyone knows Superman is a woman.”
“Well,” she grinned. “It’s my clever disguise, so no one suspects me.”
“Ah, right, yes,” he twinkled at her. “Clever. No one would suspect the man of steel under such long eyelashes, I see your point.”
She puffed up a bit, spluttering. “You’re one to talk with your girly eyelashes.”
He laughed at her and she smiled, then, his heart realized with a start, she was leaning her face down towards his, peering into his eyes, studying his eyelashes closely.
His pulse sped up, her face was so close to his. He’d only need to lean forward just so much in order to…. He could smell her; the clean and flowery scent of her hair, that unique musky and sweet scent of a light sheen of sweat mixed with sunshine. He had to close his eyes for a second.
Her head was still level with his, the way she was peering into his eyes, bending slightly and putting her hands on her dimply, naked knees which touched his legs and he swore inwardly at his black denims between them.
He felt the need to kiss her so acutely, but held it in, he couldn’t pull her into his world further, but then he noticed her lean in slightly more, her breath now tickling his skin.
And she asked him in the quietest and most breathy voice he’d ever heard her use, “Is it ok if I … May I kiss you?”
And all thoughts flew out of his head, and although it’s she who had asked it’s his hands that fly up and bury themselves into her hair, pulling her face towards his and touching his lips to hers; for once, letting go on his constraints of the pull he feels towards her daily and kisses her like he’s wanted from day one.
It’s desperate, but soft, he’s pouring all the emotion he feels into it. Yet when she opens her mouth he doesn’t let his tongue sneak into it, trying to keep it innocent, tender, the lightest brushing of their lipss, brushing both her lower and upper lips with his with tender strokes, pulling one slightly into his mouth for just a moment.
It was perfect.
And was this what kisses were always supposed to be like? But it didn’t feel like a first kiss - it felt like this is what they’ve always been doing, and it felt so right—
And those are just a few of the amazing passages that have inspired me to start writing
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miitzwrites · 7 years
Hey y’all, it’s me again, with a new Prompt, sent by Raxius on FF.net.
The prompt is: “ChibiUsa’s daughter gave birth to a daughter who looked exactly like Usagi, who died after her granddaughter turned 100. ChibiUsa thought it was strange that her granddaughter was like Usagi in every way, until she saw her walk home with a boy with ebony black hair and dark blue eyes. Then she realized her mother and father had been reborn.”
I had a fun time with this prompt, because, as you can read, I took certain liberties regarding the story and Sailor Cosmos, who is briefly mentioned. I hope you guys like this!
Remember to send me your prompts on Tumblr, where you can find me as miitzwrites .
As always, English isn’t my first language and this piece was unbeta’ed.
“Baba, can you tell me another story about Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion?” The young girl asked, with her eyes full of life and wonder, proper of a five years old. Usagi brushed the soft, blonde hair off her chubby face, and took a moment to appreciate how much she looked like her own mother. “Of course my little girl. Have I told you about that time when they defeated a big enemy named Nemesis?”
The girl gasped in awe, and shook her head. “Okay, let me see if I remember the story….”
“Baba, how do I look” The teenager stormed into Usagi’s studio. She twirled around, and waited for her Baba’s approbation. “You look beautiful as always,” Usagi said, “Are you going to see this boy….”
“His name is Izumi, Baba, and yes, he finally asked me out.” A soft blush adorned the girl’s cheeks, and Usagi laughed softly. She could remember the nervousness and excitement of her first formal date with Helios, and the not so subtle looks from her father.
“Just be careful, alright?”
“Don’t worry, Baba, I’ve been practicing with Vesta, and trust me, even the Legendary Sailor Moon would be impressed!”
The girl kissed her Baba’s cheek, and then she left her studio, with a grin plastered on her face. Usagi was about to return to her lecture, when a noise startled her. “I’m okay,” Mitsuki, her granddaughter, yell from the bottom of the stairs, and this time, Usagi laughed loudly. There was no doubt that her granddaughter was just a clumsy as…
She stopped her train of thought, and shook her head. “No, no it is impossible,” she muttered to herself, and the words echoed in her studio.
“What is troubling you, My Lady?” Helios asked from the threshold, noticing the lost look on his wife’s face. “It’s Mitsuki.”
“Her parents know she’s going to a date, don’t they?” Helios asked, stepping into the office. His knowing smile was enough sign that she couldn’t lie to him. “Well… Yes. I mean, they know she’s going out…”
“… but not with a guy. Why didn’t you tell them?”
“Because they’re busy overseas. It’s of not use to bother them with such simplicity.” Helios hummed, accepting her answer. When he granddaughter was born, she decided to step down the throne in favor of her daughter. The life of a Queen wasn’t as fulfilling as her life as a Senshi, so she quit using her royal title Lady Serenity, and only took the title of Neo Sailor Moon, and let her daughter rule Crystal Tokyo. And now, years later, she couldn’t be happier with her decision.
“Helios, what do you think about Mitsuki?”
“Well, she’s a bright child. Her heart is pure, a true heir of the Moon Kingdom.” Helios replied with no hesitation, but Usagi shook her head, “No, that’s not what I mean. Doesn’t she remind you of someone?” The answer was obvious to Usagi, but not to him. Helios took a photograph of his grandchild, and took a moment to observe it carefully.
“She has your smile,” he said, “and our daughter’s nose,” he brushed the photograph with his thumb, starting to notice certain similarity with the original Usagi Tsukino. “But she has baby blue eyes and blonde hair. She even does her hair like…” he trailed off, looking at his wife for a clue as to where they were going with this.
“You don’t think she somehow reincarnated, do you?”
“Why not? After centuries, Princess Serenity returned as Usagi Tsukino, and you know the rest of the story. Why would it be different now?”
Helios took one of Usagi’s hands in his, and rubbed circles in her palm, “Because you know that technically, she hasn’t died.”
When King Endymion and the last of the original Senshi died, Neo Queen Serenity adopted her last form. More powerful than Eternal Sailor Moon. She was now Sailor Cosmos, protector of the Universe. She had remembered the last words of her beloved Mamoru ‘One day, we will vanish. New Senshi and new stars will come. But you, Sailor Moon, you will forever be immortal. You will be the most beautiful star shining in the sky for eternity,’ and in her sorrow, her soul ascended to the skies, and merged with the stars, in the beautiful form of the most powerful Senshi. From above, she swore to protect the Cosmos, and so love and justice could prevail.
But legend said that Sailor Cosmos took a part of her star seed, and, together with the star seeds of Mamoru and the Senshi, she placed them back in the Galaxy Cauldron, hoping to return to this world in the distant future.
“It has to be her, Helios,” Usagi insisted, but her husband wasn’t entirely convinced. “Then, why doesn’t she remember her past lives?”
“The first time she regained her memories, she had broken free the Silver Crystal. If she needs it to remember, then it’s only a matter of time.” Usagi stated as a matter of fact, and Helios, with a hint of concern, questioned her, “I know we’re talking about your parents, but why is this so important to you?”
Usagi sighed deeply, and stared at the picture of her family that she had in her studio. She remembered that day perfectly. Mamoru had taken her and Usagi to the amusement park. She was holding a big teddy bear, and her mother was eating a candy apple. It was the first day after she returned from the past that she could spend the whole day with them. Without a doubt, it had been one of the happiest days of her life.
“We aren’t getting any younger, Helios. One day, she will become Sailor Moon. Her guardians will be awaken, too, and I don’t think I will have enough energy to see it happening. I want to see her growing up. I want to see her happy with a man of her choosing. But most of all, I want her to know that, no matter the past, she’s her own person now. And I want to be there for her, just like my mother was for me.”
Helios could understand the sentiment, so he wrapped his arms around Usagi’s slim figure, who in return, rested her head on his chest. “Don’t think about it now. We still have time, don’t we?”
“Yeah, we do.”
“Baba, I’m home!” Mitsuki announced as he entered the main hall. It was absurdly fun how the teenager acted around the house, as if she wasn’t living in the Crystal Palace. After hearing her grandchild’s voice, Usagi took Helios’ hand, and walked out the studio to greet their kid. Huge was their surprise when they saw her in company.
“I hope you don’t mind if he stays for dinner,” Mitsuki said, and Helios only managed to weakly shook his head. Usagi, instead, couldn’t tear her eyes from the young man that accompanied Mitsuki. His deep blue eyes, his black hair, and that serene smile, reminded her of one of the most important people in her life. “Mamo-chan,” she whispered, and took a tentative step towards the young couple. All the doubts that could linger in her mind, faded, and with a watery smile, she threw her arms around the two of them and hugged them tightly.
After a moment, she pulled away, and met the curious gaze of the girl and the boy, and finding her voice again, Usagi welcomed Izumi into their home.
Usagi passed away when Mitsuki became eighteen. In the same day, she got the Legendary Silver Crystal, as a gift from her Baba. When she touched it, memories from her previous lives invaded her head. The good and the bad, everything came crashing into her mind, that she hardly had the time to comprehend what was happening to her.
When the frog cleared from her mind, Mitsuki took the Crystal with her, and went to the gardens, where she could watch the night sky and its stars. The moon seemed brighter than ever, and she smiled. She placed the Crystal against her chest, and then lifted up her eyes to the sky.
“Thank you for everything, Baba.”
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new2otomelol · 7 years
Dracula - A KBTBB Fanfiction
Again, totally not a writer, just doing this for fun! Voltage owns the rights to its characters and games. This is a fan fiction. I seriously thought it would be fun to combine an old story with a new one, re-invent a little, since we’re close to October. Soooooooooo I figured I'd give it a shot to write a vampire story 😉 here's my fantasy, LOL! The story begins the day MC is sold to the bidders. Her name is Elizabetha and she has just been introduced to all of them.
ELIZABETHA'S POV I'm so nervous right now, but I won't be scared, I have bigger problems than the men before me. "Choose who will buy you!" they said... ugh, I need to get this over with, but before I have a chance to really think things through, I am taken by Eisuke to his suite. Ignoring the conversations from the other bidders as I am being thrown over his shoulder, I let myself fall limply and I let out a sigh as if I'm bored.
Once inside he drops me on top of one of his designer couches. "You will be staying here in the penthouse in the empty suite across the hall from mine. Baba will take you to your dorm to pick up some necessities. Here's a key card and a pager. Always respond to my pages immediately... you are now the maid for the penthouse." I stare at him and don't say a word, what good would it do? He sighs as if annoyed "do you speak much?" I smile wryly, "only when I need to." And with those words he disappears to his office.
THE FOLLOWING DAY – ELIZABETHA POV: I collect my things from my locker and begin to head back to the penthouse as my shift just ended. Today was insanely busy, especially with Eisuke paging me constantly for little things... "I need coffee, bring me juice, clean this, clean that, yadda, yadda..." uggh... But I appreciate the busywork, it helps me keep my mind off from what has been happening to me. I only hope that tonight will be just as crazy so that I don't hear that strange voice again in my head, "come to me Elizabetha, you belong only to me.” That voice and those words, who is doing this to me?  And why does this man’s voice sound so familiar.  I walk forward and almost lose my balance from feeling lightheaded. What is going on?
EISUKE'S POV: That maid is a strange woman; I've read her file, nothing out of the ordinary, but something about her is mysterious, she didn't even flinch when she was bought from the auction. I enjoy watching her defiant stare, her long wavy black hair that she always wears in a ponytail, her beautiful light blue eyes, curves in all the right places... she looks like she's of European descent. I think I'll use her as my girlfriend to get Mr. Bucci's daughter off my back.
ELIZABETHA’s POV: I reach the penthouse and as soon as I set foot inside, I'm greeted by all the bidders who are sitting around the lounge area without a care in the world. "Princess! Come on over here and join us!!..." yells Baba as I begin to make my way to my suite. "Another time perhaps?" I smile and continue to make my way to my desired site, but alas, King Jerk pipes up "you're coming with me... I found use for you and you're getting ready for a party tonight." I stop dead in my tracks and sigh, I turn around and face him. I kneel on the ground, just like one of my all-time favorite movie characters "what is thy bidding, my master?" and with that I see Soryu and Mamo chuckle a little, Ota gets way too excited "Oooh, ooh, Koro has a sense of humor"
I look up at him, roll my eyes and stand back up. Eisuke, looking not all too pleased, makes his way over to me, slides his arm around my waist and pulls me to him. "You're my fake girlfriend and if you do your job right, I'll set you free." My eyes widen and I look up at him. "Not like I have a choice, right?" he smiles and lets me go... "So you're looking to make a deal with Mr. Bucci?" asks Soryu. I can't help but feel my inner geek scream inside and I take my opportunity and seize the moment. I kneel again, just as I had done earlier and deliver my line "he will join us or die master!" I raise myself again and with that Mamoru and Ota laugh hysterically, Soryu looks away to hide his laugh and Baba looks confused... sigh, a non-believer. Eisuke takes a hold of my arm and takes me with him to the elevator "you're starting as of right now comedian! Don't underestimate me!" I decide to keep my mouth shut.
A new outfit and makeover later I am at a party with my supposed boyfriend. As soon as we enter I notice a group of women begin to crowd Eisuke and I'm pushed away from him. Crap, if I'm to keep up appearances I need to do something. I push a couple of the "ladies" out of the way and slide my arm around his. I pull him close and kiss him as passionately as I can... I include a little tongue action for good measure... ewwww, but I have to sell it. I let go of him after a minute and glare at the ladies, "he's taken dearies, now run along!" Man, if looks could kill, but I did my job. Eisuke looks at me with a confused look, so I lean into his ear and whisper "you wanted me to act as your girlfriend, I'm doing it" and with that I kiss his cheek and smile to our audience. He smiles and holds my hand and then whispers in my ear, "honey, don't mess this up for me!" We met with Mr. Bucci right after and things went smoothly.
EISUKE'S POV I need to get this deal with Mr. Bucci, I hope she can act her part accordingly; this is going to be fun. We walk in to the party and the usual crowd of girls begins to form around me, sigh, fake smile on and deal with it, that's all I ever do. I then feel and arm slide around mine and Elizabetha pulls me in for a very passionate kiss... I was lost in it, almost entranced by it, by the gods, I've been kissed passionately before, but this was different. She suddenly pulls away and sends all the other women away with great confidence. She whispers something in my ear about acting the part, but I'm just trying to calm myself to get ready for the meeting. I whisper into her ear to not mess things up for me... I'm the one in command. In the end, Mr. Bucci's daughter will be coming for a visit and we'll have to keep up this charade for a while longer. Can't say that I mind, but I will take charge next time.
TWO WEEKS LATER – ELIZABETHA'S POV I'm so tired. This Carolina girl has been a hassle to deal with, but I've done my part and have acted like a saint around her, even after she tried to make it look like I was cheating on my "boyfriend." I just know she's up to no good. But no time to think about that, I need to come up with new security measures for myself. The more I'm with Eisuke, the more I feel a connection with him; however, that seems to make the voice that calls to me stronger... it's as if something is coming for me. It doesn't call me just at night anymore, it slowly creeps up during the day sometimes... it feels as if my soul is being pulled and an immense sorrow grabs a hold of my heart. All the strength that I have is quickly used to keep me from crying. At night sometimes I wake up to find myself standing by the door as if I'm trying to go somewhere, but where? One night as I am finishing my shift and I decide to take a quick brake outside in the back of the hotel. Before heading back to the penthouse, a couple of men come up to me, spray something in my face and seconds after, everything fades to black. I wake up to find that I'm tied up, in a warehouse and Carolina is the one behind it all. "Leave my Eisuke! You're not good enough for him." She yells at my face and slaps me a couple of times. I know she's trying to scare me, but it's not going to work. "Carolina sweetie, you have so many good qualities about you, you'll find the right man that will worship you. I love Eisuke, with all my heart and can't leave him!" As soon as I said those words, I realized that maybe there might be some truth to them. However, at that precise moment I notice a mist form all around the warehouse and I begin to feel dizzy. An immense pain shoots from the space between my neck and collar bone "unghh.." so many feelings rush through my body... love, pain, sorrow, joy, fear, an overpowering fear... "What's going on?! Um... Elizabetha?" As soon as Carolina speaks, the mist dissipates and I begin to regain my composure. I look down to my chest and notice that the front of my uniform is soaked in blood, then a loud bang is heard around the room and Eisuke and Soryu both step in. Carolina shrieks and begins to apologize for having kidnapped me. Eisuke pacifies her and tells her that everything will be alright... good, he hasn't seen the right side of my uniform yet. I try to angle my body further to keep the sight of my blood away from them, at least temporarily, until I stumble and Eisuke's eyes widen in horror.
EISUKE'S POV I can't believe it when I see Elizabetha stumble forward and as she looks up I see a trail of blood that has soaked through the front of her uniform, nobody touches what is mine! "Carolina, what happened to her?" I try to keep my cool, but it takes everything in me to do so. I run to Elizabetha and begin to undo her restraints... "Eisuke, she didn't do this to me, trust me... it feels like a bite of some sort, but I'm alright." I help her up and look at Carolina "I, I don't know what happened to her, one minute she was okay then she was bleeding the next; I swear I didn't do that!" I smile back and calmly reply "It's okay, I believe you Carolina, but I have to take her to a doctor now... we'll see you off tomorrow before you head back home, okay?" Carolina smiles and says "yes! Hope you feel better Elizabetha, sorry for what I did, but I know that you really love Sukee here and will leave him in your hands!" Elizabetha looks up and smiles at Carolina.
We rush to the penthouse were Luke is waiting for us. Elizabetha will not remove her hand from her collar bone. "Sexy bones, let me see, you're still bleeding out a little." Elizabetha finally removes her hand and reveals a very large wound. It looks like an animal bit her and tore her skin apart. Luke sighs and says he'll have to stitch it up, but forgot to bring anesthesia with him. "Luke, I can take it, just do it now before I bleed out any more." Elizabetha looks at Luke straight on and urges him to continue. "Kid, 'ya got balls." Mamoru says as he settles himself on the couch to take a nap. Ota and Baba are just standing there looking at her with their mouths agape. What the hell happened?
ELIZABETHA'S POV Luke is working on stitching me up... honestly, I don't feel much pain anymore. Eisuke is looking at me with worry in his eyes... could he care about me? Ughh.. no, focus... that fog had something to do with all of this. "Elizabetha, what happened?" Eisuke can't stand my silence much longer. "I don't know, but maybe a rat did this while I was unconscious?" I lie, but I can't explain the unexplainable right now. Luke sighs "I'm done sexy bones. You will have a small scar, nothing major, but something did take a bite out of you." Baba kneels down in front of me and holds my hand "I'm sure it must have been an animal from the warehouse pretty lady, but don't worry, you're safe now!" I smile at all them. "I'm fine guys, really, just tired and need some rest." I stand up and head to my suite, but Eisuke catches me at the stairs and carries me ... "don't make a big deal out of this, just making sure you don't make a mess of my stairs." Yep, still a jerk. Finally alone in my suite and I try to process it all. That fog wasn't natural. I've heard from my aunt before, when she used to read my cards, that I seem to have been reborn a few lifetimes. The woman was a gipsy extraordinaire and loved to read fortunes. Before she died, she told me that a man, almost creature-like, was looking for me, that he would find me. As part of my inheritance, she left me a box that I was told I could not open until it was needed. I just took it as her leaving me one final riddle to solve. Maybe I should open it tomorrow? As I continue to think things through in an attempt to relax, the voice calls out to me again... "Elizabetha, my love, I found you."
THE NEXT NIGHT – ELIZABETHA'S POV Eisuke, Soryu and I see Carolina off in the morning. Mr. Bucci is extremely satisfied with Eisuke and instantly strikes a deal with him. In honor of our success, we all gather around to celebrate at the penthouse pool with a little bit of alcohol and snacks. After a couple of drinks, I depart from the guys and head to my room with the excuse that I still need to recover a bit more from the night before.
As I turn on the lights to my room, I notice a beautiful white night gown laid out on my bed. It had a very revealing neckline (one that would require the assistance of my lacey push-up bra) and long flowing material with intricate lace designs, simply stunning. I thought that maybe one of the guys bought it for me as a gift. I took a bath, blow dried my hair and put it on. As I looked in the mirror, I felt regal, different... my muscles started to relax and I felt entranced. I felt a pair of arms encircle me from behind, but couldn't see anything in the mirror. I tried to move my head to look up, but felt frozen in place, I couldn't move. "My lovely Elizabetha, my second gift to you..." I then feel a sharp pain on my neck followed by a feeling of heat radiating from the spot. I begin to pant and feel my blood draining away... two minutes later, it stops... "I'll return for you my love, don't try to fight me... you know that we are meant to be together for eternity." My eyes widen and finally regain the feeling of my limbs and turn around... I see a man with incredible features, truly a site to behold, but his smile was wicked and blood was dripping from his chin; his eyes were yellow and animalistic in nature... He seemed familiar. Before I could utter a word, he disappears. I feel a flood of memories pouring in and I can't control the feeling of despair that follows. I look at myself in the mirror and see blood that has trickled from my neck down to my chest, beginning to soak my gown, but this time, it wasn't as bad as the night before. I feel light headed, but I try to speak... it seems so hard, but I finally muster enough strength to whisper a name... "Dracula" ... The visions I see are memories of a distant past... I was his and he was a tyrant. I begin to walk out of my room as I continue to process it all, I feel hypnotized as I stare straight ahead at nothing "I need you my darling, my one true love." Someone, please make him stop talking to me! I can still feel his arms around me. I walk down the stairs not noticing anything or anyone, I'm in my own world.
EISUKE'S POV The guys decide to go back to the Lounge after we clean up from the pool. I kept thinking about Elizabetha and how I want her to stay with me. I can never admit this to anyone, but I've fallen for her. These past couple of weeks with her have been amazing. She's kind, hard-working, so different to all the women I have ever met. I feel like we've become closer... I always get what I want and she will be mine.
I turn around and notice something coming down the stairs out of the corner of my eye. "ELIZABETHA!!!" I yell as I see her walking aimlessly in a beautiful night gown, but my eyes go directly to the blood coming from her neck. "BABA, CALL LUKE, NOW!!" I run to her and try to get her attention, but she doesn't move her eyes. She looks pale and frail, she keeps walking forward and I grab her from behind to try and hold her in place. "What the..." Ota doesn't even know what he's witnessing either. "Yo! Kid! Wakeup!" Mamoru tries to clap his hands in her face, but she doesn't even blink. Baba runs back to us as he hangs up the phone "Luke is on his way Boss, he's downstairs in the casino, so it shouldn't be long...... Princess, what's wrong?!" But Elizabetha does not respond to any of us. I get frustrated with worry "DAMN IT ALL, wake up woman!" She begins to move forward and drags me behind her.. Soryu and Baba help me hold on to her arms to pull her back, but she continues to move with all of us in tow. "What the hell?!" Luke yells and runs towards us. He flashes a flashlight into Elizabetha's eyes and checks her neck wound. He finally takes out a syringe with liquid and injects it into her arm. She begins to lose strength and falls back into my arms. I lay Elizabetha down on my bed and Luke tends to her wound. "Luke, what the hell is that on her neck." Luke looks frazzled and lost "I.. I don't know Eisuke, I've never seen this before. She's lost so much blood, I need to make a blood transfusion..." Luke leaves to call a colleague to get the equipment he needs and some blood for her. "mmmnhh..." Elizabetha seems to be trying to wake up. "nnngghh... Vlad... Dragoste eternă.. " "Elizabetha, speak in Japanese, what are you saying?" Soryu looks to her in confusion. In fact, I notice that all of us seem to be quiet for once, unsure as to what is going on. "I can't do thisss... Vlad... you killed them all... all..." Elizabetha is talking in her sleep. I reach out to her and touch her cheek... "you're safe, you're with us. Wake up Elizabetha!" she begins to move as if she's stuck in a nightmare and begins to reach out with her hands. Soryu and I try to restrain her arms as she begins to panic. "Hang in there pretty lady, doc will be right back..." Ota and Baba take a hold of her legs to keep her from kicking. Elizabetha continued "nnngh... you did... I... I threw myself into the ravine... the water... my grave... you became a demon..." At this point, tears begin to stream from her eyes "let me die... I will take you with me..." right at that moment, Luke walks in with blood bags and begins to inject her with an IV... she immediately settles down. In a few minutes time, she begins to regain some color in her face. But what the hell is going on? Who is Vlad? Why was she saying such weird things?
ELIZABETHA'S POV My eye lids feel heavy, but I need to wake up. I need to warn them all. Soon, a room comes into view and I notice Eisuke, Soryu, Baba, Ota, Mamoru and Luke all sitting around the room. "Wha, what are you all doing here?" I slowly speak. "koro! You're awake!!" Ota yells ... "Kid, ya took a couple of years out of all of our lives"... "princess, what happened?" ... "who the hell did that to you?" So many voices and questions all at once. I slowly sit up and notice that it was still nightfall. "Guys, please listen to me carefully. Baba, can you bring a box that's under my bed to me? It's heavy... Mamoru, I know you have at least one set of handcuffs on you, handcuff me to the bed, NOW!... Soryu, take out your gun and keep it aimed at me..." Baba runs out of the room immediately. Mamoru hesitates as he takes out his handcuffs "kid, what 'ya doin'?" I sigh and look at him "Mamo, I don't have much time, do it quickly" he cuffs one hand against the bed post. Ota and Eisuke are staring at me looking bewildered. "Elizabetha, what happened? Explain woman!" Eisuke yells at me with worry in his voice... I sigh... "I will in a minute... just need to save you all, from me."
"Koro, you're not making sense..." Ota chimed in. "Sexy bones, you've already taken two pints of blood into your system, don't strain yourself." Luke takes out the IV from my arm and places a bandage on it. Soryu remains seated with his gun in his hands, he doesn't want to point it at me. "Soryu, it's okay. If I get loose from this bed, don't hesitate to shoot me, understand?" Baba walks in right in as I finish speaking to Sor.
Good, you're all here. "I may not have much time before I begin to lose my senses. Keep your minds open to what I'm about to say. Do you all know about the Impaler?" Ota's eyes widen... "yes! He impaled thousands of people...he was a fierce ruler." I smile "that's right Ota, his name was Vlad, but others called him Dracula... he was, I was... his wife" I hear gasps and then I hear Baba laugh "but that was several hundred years ago." I smile sadly. "Yes Baba, it was and he is no longer human... he's a ..." Luke interrupts me and finishes my sentence as if he had a sudden realization "vampire!" Eisuke looks at me as if he's in disbelief "vampires are just made up stories, they're not real" I glare at him "well, you'll soon find out the truth... Vlad was my world, my soulmate, until I could not take the bloodshed any longer." I cry as if the memories of it all were occurrences that had transpired just yesterday... "you don't know what it is like to live in a castle that has a garden filled with impaled corpses, some people still alive, slowly and agonizingly dying...the smell of blood, the flies and my husband sitting there watching them... smiling, drinking their blood as if it were champagne and eating parts of their bodies in front of them... his intent was to strike fear to ward off enemies, but his bloodlust new no end and he became something else.." they all look at me with shocked faces. "I killed myself because I couldn't bear to live with the screams, the pain, knowing that I would bring a child, his child into this world... I couldn't and I selfishly threw myself and my unborn child into a ravine." I bite my lip and cry hard, so much sorrow is filling me up right now.
"But princess, that was not you, that may have been another you a long time ago, but..." I look at Baba and realize that time is slipping by. "Sorry gentlemen, we need to move this show on the road." I dry my tears and with my free hand I take out the contents of the box that my aunt had left for me. She left some wooden stakes, long silver chains, a weapon made of silver that looked like a long flute, but once you pressed a button on the center of it, a long blade would emerge with force; she also left a pendant, some sacred water and finally a beautiful silver sword. "Woah, it's like an armory!" Baba was shocked. "I still don't know if to believe all of this. I mean this is pretty insane." Eisuke looks baffled and I feel so incredibly sad because I would like to believe that someday, I can get to know him better. At this rate though, I'm no longer sure I have long to live. "I'm sorry, all of you, if I would have known all of this was going to happen... I would have run away a long time ago... but I can feel a change in me, we need to speed this up... Luke, tie those silver chains around my arms and bind me to the headboard; be sure to lock the chains in place so that I don't get loose..." oh no...I'm getting dizzy and can hear everyone's heart beating... Luke finishes tying me up and I look at Baba "please, hmmm....put the weapons in the box and take the sacred..nngghh....water...throw some at me....ahhhhh...if I get ... loose...whatever I say, DON'T BELIEVE ME!!... "Princess?"
EISUKE'S POV I still can't believe any of this is real. But she looks like she' in so much pain, as if she's lived the life she mentioned before. I don't know what to believe. I'm lost in my own thoughts as I notice Elizabetha's eye color begin to change from blue to red. We all stare at each other and everyone backs away from her in fear. This is becoming real. The silver chains that bind her begin to burn her skin a little and she writhes in pain. I begin to move to take the chains off her, but Luke stops me. "No Eisuke, she's no longer herself... we all have to be patient and take turns guarding her for a few hours... it's 1:00 a.m., sunrise is at 6:00 a.m. we have to do this." Elizabetha pushes herself against the chains... a seductive smile forms on her lips as she watches me "come on baby, don't you want me? Ha, ha, ha.... I picked this outfit just for you..." as sexy as she looked, she wouldn't normally talk like that. I back away. "Tsk, tsk, tsk... looks like the King doesn't enjoy the show..." she turns to Luke "hmm.... Doc! I think I have a fever, want to check me? Come a little closer..." she smiles and big canine fangs emerge from her mouth. I thought I've seen everything in life, holy crap, this is real.
"Come on Luke... don't you want to see my collar bones up close?" Luke turns around and sits in one of the chairs. "Boooring...are British men always this dead when it comes to the sack? Hmmm... Baba, I know you want to touch them, come and get your fill of my breasts" Baba swallows hard and sits next to Ota, turning away from Elizabetha. "Ota, don't you want to put a leash on me... I can be a good Koro and get on all fours for you..." She tries to move on the bed, but remains restrained. She growls angrily and looks at her next target "Mamo, I know you have a big one, let me get a feel for it... maybe you and Soryu together... ha, ha, ha, ha...." The guys all look flushed and can't even look at her straight in the eye.
"STOP THIS NOW!" I yell at her. She twists her head my way in such a weird manner. "Why?! All I want is to have FUN!" she yells back at me and then she slams herself backwards on the headboard creating a loud crashing noise. "I can smell it..." She arches her back as far as she can, tilting her head up as she stares at the ceiling... "I can hear your heartbeats, smell your blood, I want it, let me have a taste." I can tell that this is going to go on for a good while. "We have to remain strong tonight, don't let her get to you!" Soryu addresses all of us. Elizabetha looks at him and laughs wickedly. "The good little mobster, what do you know? You think you've seen it all?... let me show you what darkness is like... the sheer and wonderful feeling that pain can give you!" with that she bites her tongue and a drop of blood comes down her chin. Hours pass on like this. Sunrise finally comes and we are all drained from this experience. Elizabetha passes out as soon as the first rays of the sun fill the room. All of the burns from her chains are gone from her skin. Luke sedates her just in case and everyone leaves to get some rest. I stay in my room and fall asleep on the couch. I don't want to leave her side.
I wake up in the early afternoon and make my way over to Elizabetha. I touch her cheeks and she begins to move. "Ei.. Eeisuke?" I smile at her "It's alright, we're all okay." She begins to cry "I'm so sorry, I know I said such horrible things last night... I ...I..." I don't want to see her cry. "It's not your fault, you warned us it would happen. What do we do now?" She stops crying and tries to recompose herself. "Now I kill him. Let me do this alone, he can kill all of you with just a thought if he wanted to... I don't want any of you to die" I admire her strength in all of this.
"We're not going anywhere." I begin to undo the lock and release her from her chains as well as Mamoru's handcuffs. She smiles and hugs me tight. "Eisuke, I know it's only been a short amount of time... but I feel like... I know that... I, I love you. My past memories, every lifetime that I have lived, I haven't met someone like you... for the first time in a few centuries, I feel alive again and I can't lose you." She loves me... this is... "I love you too Elizabetha, I'm not letting you go, I own you remember? You're mine." She laughs and I kiss her as deeply and as passionately as I can. Soon I have her gasping for air. We stop after a few minutes. "Eisuke, I have a plan to get him. He's coming back for me tonight."
LATER THAT NIGHT – ELIZABETHA'S POV Darkness falls over the city of Tokyo. The guys are all ready with weapons in hand, waiting for Vlad to show. The plan I made with them was for me to be in the lounge area and to stall Dracula while Soryu shoots silver bullets to incapacitate him so that one of us plunges a steak through his heart and cuts off his head. I didn't mention to them that Dracula is much more quick-witted than that. That's why I hide the projectile weapon under my jacket. The clock strikes 8 and a mist begins to form in the lounge. I straighten up as I wait for my former love to solidify. "Elizabetha my love... you know I won't let anyone get in our way..." with a wave of a hand, Dracula manages to pull all the bidders together in the lounge area and drops them on the floor. They remain there, unable to move. To the bidders, their plan is failing, but my real plan is going along smoothly.
"Vlad, you want me, I'm here you bastard..." he smiles wickedly, by the gods, the man is so incredibly handsome, but been there and done that. "Your mind betrays you my dear, your heart wants me, you can feel it." My anger knows no bounds right now "Really? I want you? after all the pain and suffering you've put me through, no, not just me, all the innocent people you have killed over the centuries!" he smiles "they never mattered, just things that paved the way for me to live forever... don't you see my love?" he points to the bidders... Luke is not here; he should still be upstairs according to my plan... "they are but cattle, mere playthings that give us life." I smile and the guys stare at me mortified, they think I'm beginning to turn.
I stand in front of Vlad with my back to him, I raise my arm behind me and pull his head down towards my neck. "If you love me, make me yours." I feel bad for the bidders as they look on in terror as Dracula takes out his canines and begins to bite my neck. I need him to drink a little and begin to move myself into a certain position... he's so tall, this should be easy. I grab a hold of his neck tighter as if to urge him on and I arch my back as if he was filling me with pleasure. I reach under my jacket as he looks down on me.... I make it look like I am trying to cup my breast underneath, I can feel a smile form on his lips as he slowly drinks my blood. With one hand, he holds my head up high, his other continues to hover over the area of the bidders to keep them still. I then shift the weapon underneath me, press myself hard against chest and aim the weapon towards his heart... I press the button and the silver blade plunges through an area under my ribcage all the way through, straight to his heart. We both fall backwards as I make sure the blade stays in place a bit longer.
"Nooooooo..." I hear a scream coming from Vlad... "why? My love, why?!!!" I try to keep myself conscious and yell out... "Luke, now!" Luke comes running down the stairs with the sword in hand. I pull myself off Dracula holding the impaled weapon against my abdomen, keeping it in place as Luke instructed. The fire in Vlad's eyes begins to fade as Luke comes into view and slashes his head off in one clean strike. "Goodbye forever my love." I whisper as I lay sideways on the floor. The bidders now loose from their constraint begin to move... Eisuke rushes over me along with Luke "Elizabetha, no, no.... I won't let you leave me, I won't allow you to..." Luke yells at Eisuke "pull yourself together man, we planned for this! Help me get her to Baba's suite, now...all my stuff is there so that I can operate on her now!" those are the last words I hear before passing out from the pain.
TWO DAYS LATER – EISUKE'S POV Elizabetha knew that Dracula would know what we were up to, so, she came up with the only plan she knew would work. She risked her life to end his, to save all of us. But she made sure that she would be okay. She's been asleep for two days... but her body went through a lot. She had angled the weapon perfectly to where she would have no organ damage, however, her body still took quite a beating, especially with the lack of blood. Some of us had to donate blood that night to keep her from dying.
I sit here and look at her as she sleeps peacefully when suddenly she stirs. "Mnnnhh... Eisuke?" I lean down and kiss her as she continues to try to wake up. Her eyes widen as she looks at me with a smile, then begins to panic "is he? Did we get him?..." I stroke her hair to calm her down "yes, he's gone and all of us are safe, thanks to you." She begins to cry in relief and I hold her gently. "Finally my soul can rest" she whispers in my ear "I didn't think I could ever be happy again, not with this vicious cycle... he tried many times before to get me... each time a chance at a new life just thrown away." To her, her previous lifetimes seem to be fused together, it is incredibly sad to think of all the pain she has carried. "Eisuke, I want to be with you, with the guys, I want us all to be happy" I smile back at her "I'm never letting you go, not even if you try to make me, I own you, all of you." With those words she pulls me to her and kisses me deeply like before... this woman drives me crazy. I know that from here on out, things can only get more interesting.
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
Lose To Win Chapter 17: Left In The Past
Title: Lose To Win Chapter 17 Fandom: Kiss By The Baddest Bidder & Her Love In The Force Rated: Drama, Thriller, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mystery? MPD’s MC: Mika HIJIKATA KBTBB’s MC: Mia SAKATA Characters: Goto, Kaga, Shuichi, Eisuke, Soryu, Mamoru, Baba, Ota
Summary: More Revance- Kyohei & Iori with Mika & Mamo (Ota) on a case, rather short. This originally was two parts of 1 solving case 2 Revance reader character fluff with Mamo but meh … the story leads me to this so here it is Background: Mika went to the Tres Spades Hotel under Eisuke’s request. (Order) and led to seeing her ex- Hyogo Kaga. With Namba’s persuasion, Eisuke agrees to work with Public Safety, going on an eight days cruise trip with Kaga, Goto and Mika. What kind of mystery and danger await? You have no idea!
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★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Chapter 1: The Reunion Chapter 2: RSVP Chapter 3: Recharge Chapter 4: Welcome Back Chapter 5: Decision Of A Lifetime Chapter 6: Our Story Chapter 7: Stress Release Chapter 8: Play Thing Chapter 9: What The Three Words Mean Chapter 10: A Real Man Chapter 11: The CEO Chapter 12: Boarding Chapter 13: What Did You Wish For? Chapter 14: Don’t Tease Me Chapter 15: One Hell Of A Night Chapter 16: Feeling Lucky?
Chapter 17: Left In The Past
“Why am I here, Mamo?!” Glaring at the slacker with his unlit cigarette bobbing up and down as he casually suggests it’d be a good idea to work this case with you. “What case?!” Now you avert your gazes to the left and see the one particular smirk that you hate more than The Great Eisuke’s.
The man walks down from the stairs nonchalantly to join the rest of his team. “Oh, why are you invited on this cruise?”
“Oh trust me, I would never come if I knew you’re gonna be here.” Just seeing a glimpse of his annoying face is enough to set the fire inside you, let alone his arrogant attitude.
“Please, dummy. Like you’d ever have another chance to experience such luxury.”
“Don’t call me dummy, you dick head.”
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“Enough!” Another slender figure with his hot pink sweater interrupts, “When will you two ever quit?”
“When dummy grows up?”
“When dick head stops being an ass!”
“Okay, seriously, stop already.”
Mamoru’s surprised at your “friendly” conversation with the pop stars but at least he’s right to drag you along.
“Why am I here, Kyohei?”
The producer gives a quick glance at Mamoru then Iori before turning around and heads to the open kitchen. “We believe some fans must have stolen our phones last night.” The way he averts his gaze is screaming that there’s much more to the story.
“Last night? How is that even possible?” You figure they probably don’t want Mamoru to hear but you couldn’t care, you’d just walk out the door if they choose to protect whatever secret over your help.
“They’re invited here,” Kyohei begins as he slowly opens a can of energy drink and with the sunglasses, while he’s indoor is enough hit that they must have had a crazy party. “as part of the exclusive tour. We signed the contract with Saji Cooperation when we accepted the deal, it was really good money AND they pulled some string for us to meet with a Hollywood director.”
Mamoru remains at the lounge, finally lighting his cigarette while Iori joins you and Kyohei in the kitchen. “Why don’t we cut to the chase! Whose phone did they steal?”
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There are only two possible trouble makers in the group who’d be stupid enough to have their phones stolen and the fact that Nagito isn’t around only confirms your suspicion.
Kyohei looks Iori’s way and lets out a long sigh, “Could you just find his phone please?” The Prince hasn’t got a chance to cut in as Kyohei uses his charm on you, “You are the one I trust, Mika. We need this done discretely.”
You’d sense there’s something more but you’d rather not know, you send Iori the evil while you receive the details of the target guest from Kyohei and gesture Mamoru to leave.
“Room 708.” You state and hand Mamo the small piece of paper, “They asked for me, didn’t they?”
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Mamoru shrugs and puts out the rest of his cigarette, “Something like that. You can solve this all by yourself if you like but you are here as Eisuke’s personal assistant.” Instead of knocking on the door and accuse a guest of theft, the two of you head back to Eisuke’s suite and do a little homework- The female guest is no other than the same overexcited lady who almost had an organsm when Kyohei greeted her Happy Birthday at the concert.
It could be a lot worse than you imagined, given the previous celebrities parties you’ve had the “luck” to attend, they almost always get out of hand. She has something on them or else Kyohei wouldn’t get you personally to retrieve Iori’s phone. You groan in annoyance, the mission itself is hard enough and now a side task from an ex-fling isn’t exactly romantic either.
As much as you hate dealing with Ota, he does comes in handy though you now officially owe him one. Fortunately, the lady’s alone and it’s a piece of cake to have Ota distract her while you play the housekeeper and search for phones. You and Ota agree it’d be way easier to drug the rich and lonesome woman than to have Ota keeps her occupied the whole time.
You’ve copied all the content on her phone and wiped it clean during her beauty sleep. To your surprise, Iori’s phone is simply lying around on her nightstand though it’s probably a risk without the chance to handle her husband’s phone.
You return to Kyohei after parting with Ota, “Here, dick head’s phone.”
“Thank you.” The producer sighs in relief, you look around and realize how quiet the place is. “They’re at the gym, have it privately booked for another two hours.”
Here you are, finally alone with a man who you once shared such intimacy and you couldn’t even remember how long it last and how long it’s been but it sure doesn’t feel like a happy reunion.
“Thank you again, honestly, you save us, big time.”
You couldn’t determine whether smile or nod as response since you don’t even know why you agree to help them in the first place. The very person who should be thanking you isn’t even here although you never like seeing Iori, not up on stage and certainly not off stage.
“He’ll always do something like this, you know that right, Kyohei?”
The producer takes off his sunglasses and reveals his tiring eyes to you, “Yeah, I know.”
You gently shake your head and get ready to leave when he asks you the obvious question, “You aren’t going to ask what he’s done?”
Shrugging with your brows raised, you steal a glance at Iori’s phone that’s now lying on the coffee table. “He fucked her, didn’t he? Got pictures taken and she’s blackmailing him or you’re scared she’s going to SHARE with her friends?”
Kyohei’s eyes widen for a second at how close you’re to the truth, “The husband is blackmailing us.” You tilt your head sideways in confusion while he continues the ridiculous situation. “The husband was watching the entire time, Iori had no idea he was being filmed.”
The both of you let out a long sigh and Kyohei closes the distance, yeah you really don’t want to know. From the moment you stepped into their share house and you knew, it would never work out with Kyohei. The band was above all, his career was above all and you- the girl he went on few dates and slept with stood no chance though he did introduce you to them. You knew back then, it wouldn’t go anywhere. You didn’t want to hide in the dark, only be able to hold hands and watch a movie at his place and sneaked out like a burglar so you stopped returning his calls and out of each other lives fairly quickly like it never happened.
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“Mika,” Kyohei’s warm hand on your waist bring you back to reality, “It’s good to see you.” He says softly and pulls you into a familiar embrace with his sweet scent that you once adored.
Planting a light peck on his cheek as you pull away, you smile and wish him luck. “Bye, Kyohei. Take care.”
Some people are best left in the past, Kyohei Rikudoh is one of them.
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rnufharose · 5 years
Love Yourself (Bangtan and EXO fanfiction/SehunxOC)
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Chapter 16
My dear Halmeoni, our first night in Japan has come to an end, and a group that has recently debuted will be attending the next award shows to determine who will end the war between fans. You should also know that I have fallen in love with an amazing man. He's everything you'd expect your granddaughter to be with—tall and handsome with a kind heart. The only downside is that he's very whiny and clingy, but I don't mind, because I like that about him. He's very cute and sweet, and I'm sure you'll love him too.
However, the leader of that new group may be after me. He seems so fixated on me and I'm not sure what to do. Halmeoni, I wish you were here to give me advice, but sadly, I must keep my relationship with Sehun a secret. Although dating is alright now, my relationship is still forbidden, and the only people who know are Sehun's hyungs in EXO. I don't want to lie to my brothers in Bangtan so... I've decided that one of these days, I will tell them about my relationship.
I was seated at the table on the patio, staring at the water as the calm waves met the shore, the warm sea breeze in my hair and blowing my white dress. The girls in Red Velvet were already asleep and I couldn't seem to drift off. I tilted my head, reaching out toward the stars and sighing, recalling the bonfire where Il-sung had approached me, and from his actions, he made it perfectly clear that he was interested in me as well. He laid eyes on me once and he is so certain.
Does love at first sight truly exist?
Come to think of it, Sehun and I also fell at first sight. Maybe it does exist after all. I leaned back in my chair, my hands in my lap as I closed my eyes, beginning to sing the chorus of Yoongi's Seesaw, a smile playing on my lips as I took in the sea breeze.
"I'll never get tired of hearing you sing," I heard that familiar voice from the end of the wooden staircase, opening my eyes and finding Sehun, who was dressed in a black buttondown and skinny jeans, his bangs covering his forehead.
"Oppa," I stood up from the chair and carefully walked down the steps, meeting him halfway. "You couldn't sleep either, huh?"
He puckered his lips cutely and shook his head, "Nope. The hyungs are up playing mafia. I wasn't a citizen this time so it wasn't fun. Bangtan is asleep though, so you don't have to worry about them."
"Oh, good," I sighed with relief.
"What was that song?" He asked.
"Seesaw," I answered. "Yoongi oppa wrote it. He said he had me in mind when it came it came to him."
"It sounds sad," he frowned a bit.
"It is," I agreed. "but maybe he'll change his mind when things are different."
"I hope so, for his sake," he chuckled. "How about a walk? I... want to stay close to you while it's still dark."
"Ne," I replied. I wanted the same thing. I grabbed his hand and we began to walk along the sand in comfortable silence until we found a stone path that led into a secluded area, where fireflies danced along the blades of grass. I inhaled and let go of his hand, crouching before the grass and admiring the little bugs as they let up. "Hotaru..."
"Ho...taru?" Sehun parroted, bending over, his hands on his knees as he too watched the fireflies.
"The Kanji for firefly," I said. "That was the first word I learned when Halmeoni taught me Japanese. She said that here, they are a symbol of good luck, unexpected visitors, and... impending love." I spoke the last part quietly. "She opened the doors to the courtyard one summer night and the two of us watched as they flew along the grass, and she sang a song to me..."
Ho, ho, Hotaru koi! Over there the water impure Over here the water is pure Ho, ho, Hotaru koi! Ho, ho, come by the mountain road!
I heard him laugh quietly, kneeling beside me and smiling gently, "What a nice song... you lived with her ever since you were a child, right? Why?"
I exhaled softly, wrapping my arms around legs, resting my chin on my knees, "I used to be very frail as a child. I couldn't handle living in a city like Seoul at the time, so my parents sent me to live with Halmeoni," nostalgia had begun to swell in my chest. "the countryside is a quiet place with good people, and everyone knows each other. Halmeoni moved there for a quieter life after I was born. Her house is rustic but beautiful, and whenever I came across the front gates, I was always happy to be home. She had a piano in the living room and the two of us would always play, and she would sing me songs from when she was an idol. When spring and summer came around, we would leave the house for a spell and walk beside the apple blossom trees. Being with her, feeling her warmth and watching as her songs brought the townsfolk together inspired me to become an idol as well." I giggled to myself. "I remember when Girls' Generation first debuted and she thought they were so cute. When I told her I wanted to sing and dance just like that, she prayed every night that I would be just like those girls."
"So your Halmeoni was an idol," Sehun responded with intrigue. "You must have received your talents from her."
"She went to a music college here in Japan and traveled between here, Korea, and America," I said. "I've never met my Hal-abeoji, but I know him from pictures. From what it looked like, he loved her very much. He was a writer too, and some of his poetry became songs that she would sing to me," I adjusted my seated position, allowing myself to lean back against a tree trunk, stretching my legs. "and you, Oppa? What's your story?"
Sehun laughed a bit before taking a seat beside me, opening his palm and allowing a firefly to land on his skin, "I used to be an ulzzang. SM scouted me when I was still a kid, and that's how it all began. My parents were proud and my older brother was already in high school, thinking about his future. I've always wanted to entertain people, and now I can do just that whether it's on stage or in a drama, I do miss them from time to time, especially my brother and my nephew, but I promised them I would come home once the final comeback is finished. But even so, I'll have to serve in the military for two years so... I may have to leave them again..."
"They'll still be waiting for you when you get home," I assured him. "it may not seem like it but two years isn't a long time."
"To me it is," he sighed, his expression turning solemn as he looked at me. "because that means I would be away from you too, jagi..."
"Oppa," I furrowed my brows, taking in the sadness in his dark eyes. "You know I'll wait. It won't be so bad... by then, I may have become a composer or a soloist. You never know, right?"
"Or the government may not send us to serve since we are helping the economy," he added. "But is it true what you said?" He asked with hope in his eyes. "Will you wait for me if I ever leave?"
"Of course," I replied without hesitation. "I'll always wait for you... Oh Sehun, you are very important to me and I never want to part with you. I thank God every day that Vivi came running to me. If he hadn't, I wouldn't have met you."
"I thank God too," he smiled genuinely. "I pray for you and my hyungs before bed every night..."
"You little puppy," I poked his cheek playfully before resting my head on his shoulder. "What else? What do you like?" Fatigue made my eyelids grow heavy, causing me to snuggle against him.
"I like bubble tea," Sehun wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer until our bodies were touching, and I could feel his heart racing, his body warm. "listening to hip hop, acting, dancing, singing, rapping... and you?"
"Playing piano, singing, dancing," I listed off. "I love eating bibimbap, drinking green tea, watching Disney moves--The Little Mermaid, especially--Sailor Moon, Anpanman, and cherry flavored sweets."
"Sailor Moon?" He laughed. "You mean with that girl who punished people in the name of the moon? You used to watch that?"
"Yes!" I giggled tiredly. "don't underestimate Usagi. She may be a crybaby but she's very strong. She's saved Mamoru plenty of times!" I looked up at him, narrowing my eyes and humming. "You know... you kind of look like Mamo..."
"If that's the case then you're my tokki," he teased me. "and you'll have to save me whenever some evil queen comes to kidnap me and control me."
"Don't joke like that!" I said with horror and he broke into uncontrollable laughter.
It didn't take long until the two of us drifted off to sleep, holding each other close as the fireflies flickered in the comforting darkness.
tokki*- Bunny or rabbit in Korean. It's a reference to Usagi
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