#leon shrine
bioh4zards · 9 months
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pray to me or die
i always thought it would be fun if saddler got the holy bodyguard he wanted out of leon
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
The Shrine of Emrys: An Additional factor for Merlin's Migraines
The day began like any other which is what Merlin blames for why he felt so relaxed and not as vigilant. Maybe if he was, the warlock could have been able to convince his friends that he spied deer in the opposite direction of what will now be the reason for Merlin’s anxiety. Unfortunately, hindsight always works better after an incident occurs never before, the little fucker.
“At least it’s not a well this time,” Gwaine chimes in, interrupting the tense silence that enveloped their party the moment the shrine came into their sights.
“How does that make this one better?” Leon sighed.
“Well, none of us will feel compelled to drink it!”
In Merlin’s periphery, he saw Elyan wince, the memory of when he was possessed still haunting him. No one blames the knight though. After that whole mess, Percival and Leon made sure to keep their group’s supplies always stocked with the right amount for missions or hunting parties. They even made sure to teach their own squires how to properly ration food and water, the best places to find drinkable water, and what berries were considered safe to eat. 
Arthur moved closer to the little shrine that sat near an old oak tree. He squatted and examined how the thin rocks were piled on top of one another, how the inside of it seemed to glow (was it from magic? A trick of the light? Or maybe there were diamonds inside, Merlin couldn’t tell and Arthur didn’t say.) and how the curved roof of the shrine sprouted thick branches, harvesting some kind of fruit. Merlin watched carefully as his king looked the shrine up and down, as his lips curved into a pensive frown, as he brought his fingers to his lips, contemplating.
“What do you suppose this one’s for?” he finally asked. “This one seems…less somber.”
And it is, unless, a shrine that held sweetmeats and honeycomb inside it was one of malevolent intent. But what a strange shrine that would be. Merlin couldn’t help but ponder what kind of evil sweetmeats and honeycomb could cause. The evil of too much sugar? The evil of glorious temptation? Frankly, Merlin wouldn’t mind if he were to fall for such a temptation. In fact, these offerings almost seem to…call to him. Like they were there for him.
“Because it is less somber, sire.”
Everyone turns to Percival. The knight lets out a cough like he surprised himself with that answer, or maybe he didn’t expect everyone’s immediate attention on him. Eyes curious and surprised that he held such knowledge.
“How so, Percival?” their king asks him.
And Percival answers his king, but it’s an answer Merlin was not expecting. Honestly, he never expected such an answer to even be one Percival had previous knowledge of. 
“Because this shrine is to Emrys,” the knight says with no hesitation, “and the Druids wish to keep him pleased.”
“Who is he?”
“Will he be a threat to us?”
And so, there went Merlin’s peaceful day with nothing magic related. He wished the earth could just consume him, take him away from what’s about to transpire, but the earth stays quiet.
“No, no, Emrys is not a threat,” Percival answers, quick to reassure his friends. “Well…” the knight makes a face. “He isn’t…meant to be a threat.”
Merlin tries his best to not feel offended by such a description. It’s not like Percival knows he’s talking about the knights’ beloved manservant. Merlin shouldn’t feel the slight of betrayal as his dear friend describes him as some cryptid Fae folk. Merlin is not a part of the Fae! As far as he’s aware, anyway.
“Explain,” Arthur ordered.
So, Percival did. Percival explained to his friends all he knew about the infamous Emrys. He explained why the Druids revered him. 
(“Are we even sure this Emrys is a him?” Merlin couldn’t help but ask. Maybe if he did, then it would derail the topic and Merlin would be safe.
“I mean, that’s how the Druids refer to Emrys, but,” Percival hesitates as he considers how to answer it, “they could be wrong. Sometimes their prophecies are very vague to the point that any person could fit them, and sometimes they’re not. But Emrys has not struck them down yet, so maybe?”
And so Percival continued his tales about Emrys, with Merlin’s plan foiled.)
Merlin did note how the knight made sure to steer clear of ever explicitly mentioning the cause of the Druids’ reverence for Emrys (Uther’s Purge), but that didn’t stop Arthur from picking up on it. Percival also explained certain details Merlin wasn’t even aware of. Details like Emrys being immortal for one.
“So you mean…” Merlin bit his lip. “This Emrys can’t die?”
“Not by a mortal’s hand.”
“Ah.” He could feel his throat closing in on itself, flashes of past moments flooded his head. Past moments where Merlin felt himself cose to death or moments where others gazed at him with unbridled terror because some poison didn’t work. Merlin’s head pounds, this is too much for him to process.
Something flickered across Percival’s face. Confusion, curiosity, then something else, but his face switched to neutral before Merlin could decipher it. The knight looked back to the rest of their party as he wrapped an arm around Merlin. It almost felt like comfort. Like a reassurance. Merlin had a brief moment of panic. Did he know? Will he tell? Is this just because Percival is a very tactile person? Did he notice that Merlin was no longer feeling well?
“You said he’s born to heal the wounds of the Old Religion,” Arthur says, snapping Merlin from the downward spiral. “That he was born as the Druids’ protector and healer.”
“Not just the Druids, sire. There are more than just the Druids who practice the Old Religion.”
Arthur nodded, his eyes looking back at the shrine, but, strangely, it was like he was looking at something further away. Something only he could see. A past memory? Or maybe old words he once ignored that have new meaning to them with this context.
“If he’s here to be their avenger, why do they have to keep him pleased?��� 
It was Gwaine who asked, mouth full of food. Somehow, the handsome man had found an apple whilst their friend told them all about this revered sorcerer. Probably one of the items Leon had packed for them.
(“So he’s a god?” Gwaine had asked.
“Wait, why’d you answer that like a question?”
“It’s really complicated–”
“So they worship him.”
“Yes but—”
“They hold a festival for when his power was first felt by everyone.” This one was Elyan. Both he and Gwaine exchange a look of understanding.
“And they say he is the chosen champion of the Triple Goddess.”
Percival sighed at his friends as they continued on with their, admittedly well-thought out, theory. It was times like these where he missed Lancelot, who he knew would have also brought up some interesting points that would have most likely fueled the flames to his friends’ assumptions. Although, Lancelot always seemed to know more than Percival despite him being the one raised by the Druids.
“Ok, fine, he’s a new god for them”
“But what is he the god of then? Say, Elyan do you still have those scrolls on that pantheon in the Mediterra—”)
Percival winces as he prepares himself to answer Gwaine’s question. Merlin couldn’t help but frown at that reaction. The Druids don’t see him as unpredictable do they? They view him as benevolent, right? Maybe they believe him to be wrathful like Morgana? He’ll need to meet with Taliesin soon just to make sure.
“About eight years ago, someone decided to challenge Emrys. She even went as far as to harm the Once and Future King–”
“The who?”
“There’s a prophesied king?!”
“Yes, he’s called the Once and Future King, their destinies are intertwined, he is said to bring in an age of peace and unity between those with magic and without—will you let me finish!”
The knights kept their mouths shut as Percival unveiled more about this sorceress. How she was the previous Priestess of Avalon (Merlin felt himself freeze, and he silently prayed that maybe Percival meant someone else), and that after attempting to force Emrys into joining her revenge plot against Camelot, he struck her with a lightning bolt.
“–So you see, the Druids felt that they needed to make sure Emrys knew they weren’t seeking to go against him. And while he is said to be their savior, there are Seers who have cautioned that Emrys can very well be their end if pushed too far. Nimueh’s demise was proof of that.”
Their circle of knights was quiet after that. Neither spoke nor asked Percival for more clarification, everyone too deep in their thoughts. Merlin, however, was an internal screeching mess. He had no idea that his battle with Nimueh caused such a reaction from the Druids. Honestly, with how much people continued to harm Arthur and the kingdom, he didn’t think anyone would have buckled down and built him shrines because of what he did. It was both strange and comforting, like his actions were truly being seen and appreciated, but also he felt something ugly curl into his gut. They didn’t build the shrine until he hurt one of their own.
They feared him.
Merlin wanted to sigh. He’s so tired of them solely viewing him like he was the Triple Goddess incarnate. He looked back at the shrine and how its offerings laid there to appease him. To keep him on their good side. Well, Merlin always was partial to some honeycomb. It wouldn’t hurt if he just…took the offerings, show them that he does want to see a future of peace between magic users and regular humans.
It’s not like Merlin wants to go against the Druids, but if these offerings will make them believe he is pleased with them, Merlin might as well. He wonders if someone overheard him admit to liking honey. Did they ask his mother about the sweetmeats? 
“Merlin!” It’s Elyan who grabs his wrist as it was closing in on one of the berry tarts (he hoped it was raspberry). “Do you want to get smited by Emrys?!”
It took every fiber in Merlin's body to keep a straight face. It took even more to not reply with a quip outing himself.
By the Goddess, how should he answer that question?
“No,” he said, eyes wide like a stunned deer.
“Then why did you reach for the offerings!”
What a silly question! These offerings are for Merlin, thereby he should have them, yes?
“I was hungry.”
“Merlin, we have plenty of food packed in our supplies,” Leon placated. It seemed he was trying to calm down Elyan, who became quite panicked when Merlin reached for the desired tart. Understandable though, Merlin knows Elyan meant well, but how can he explain why him taking the sweets won’t place Emrys’s wrath upon him without revealing that he is said wrathful Emrys (although he wouldn’t be very wrathful if they just let him take the tart).
“My bag is too far away though,” he said, like he was that six year old boy who followed his mother around the castle while she worked. He never wished to leave his mother’s side, so he would always complain if she asked him to fetch something a few feet away. Leon even gave Merlin the same look the boy’s mother gave him. This felt unfair. Merlin wasn’t some six year old with attachment issues. He was Emrys and this was his shrine, but he can’t tell Leon that.
“I’ll go fetch it for you, Merls!”
Bless Gwaine. Always after his own heart, that man. Not to mention, he also brought the knights’ attention to himself, granting Merlin the opportunity to swipe the tart from the shrine and shove it into his mouth. It tasted heavenly. 
Yes, this shrine thing was a great idea on the Druids part.
“What’s in your mouth, Merlin?”
Shit, he forgot to count Arthur. Arthur who only glanced over at Gwaine for a couple of seconds, and most likely saw Merlin shove the tart in his mouth. Merlin swallowed the rest of the  tart.
“Nothing, sire.”
Yes, good start, Merlin. He can play this game.
“So I didn't see you eat one of the offerings to Emrys.”
“That’s correct, sire.”
“And was it good?”
“Very, like a taste from–” shit!
“Do you have a death wish!” Elyan hissed at him. Merlin refrained from answering that question. It seemed rhetorical, and his friend probably wasn’t seeking for Merlin’s honesty right then. “Emrys killed a priestess, what do you think he’ll do to you?”
“Well, she was being rude. I just ate a tart.”
“A tart not meant for you!”
Typically, in moments like these, the party is interrupted by either bandits or rogue sorcerers. This is mostly because moments like these escalate and people get loud, alerting enemies to their location. Then, when the dust settles, they are able to end disputes more amicably (this is because all the frustration is let out during the fighting, leaving the gang tired with no need nor desire to fight their friends right after). Unfortunately for Merlin, there is no spontaneous appearance from rogue sorcerers or bandits that aid Merlin in avoiding this conversation. What there is, however, is a well placed beehive hanging just above their camp. Maybe if Merlin faked a cough he could—
A distant roar is heard, coming from the west. It pauses everyone’s movement for a quick moment until Arthur makes the order to seek out the roar, claiming that such a beast is too close to Camelot for his own comfort. Elyan gives Merlin a stern look to mean that this conversation wasn't over as he made his way to the horses. Merlin breathes out a sigh in relief before joining the knights with their preparations. Whatever creature they find, Merlin will find a way to spare it as thanks (not that it’d know what the thanks is for, but that’s not important).
my contribution to this post here and a special thank you to @bellamyblakru for beta-ing this ilysm <3 and read this fic by @0hheytherebigbadwolf that's inspired by the same post (it's very good btw)
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rufinator · 8 months
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My brother bought me this for my birthday and I can't stop laughing 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
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b-movie-scream-king · 17 days
Leon shrine
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angel-of-filth333 · 10 months
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Lil Leon collage ♡♡♡
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pastelchad · 9 months
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Ada Wong moodboard
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Merlin in the modern day Moodboards Part 1;
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Character: George the servant.
Modern name: George Brass.
Age: 37 years old.
Modern job: Butler who doubles as a body guard.
Short rundown of their modern life: George lives with his wife, Sefa, in a cheap apartment along with his brother, Tyr.
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Character: Sir Gwaine.
Modern name: Gwaine Jones.
Age: 39 years old.
Modern job: Fleamarkert sales person and boxer/wrestler.
Short rundown of their modern life: He is a vagabond who boxs and wrestles people for money while living out of his Rv, he's in a relatively new relationship with Percival, and has a couple of kids. Just for the chaos of it.
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Character: Sir Leon.
Modern name: Leonard 'Leon' Grant.
Age: 43 years old.
Modern job: Detective.
Short rundown of their modern life: He is a detective who shares an apartment with his coworker, Lancelot, and his wife, Vivian. He volunteers at the community youth center with the others. He's not reincarnated. He's just immortal and has helped Merlin find the others.
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Character: Sir Elyan.
Modern name: Elyan Smith.
Age: 40 years old.
Modern job: Photographer and travel blogger.
Short rundown of their modern life: He is a traveling photographer and blogger who promotes not only his sister's business but his childhood friend's business as well. He also makes swords and knifes for fun and has adopted a child named 'Salem Shrine' who eventually took on his last name. He volunteers at the community youth center with the others, which is actually how he found Salem to begin with. He is also married to Mithian.
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Character: Shrine/druid boy.
Modern name: Salem Smith.
Age: 11 years old.
Modern job: None. He's a student.
Short rundown of their modern life: Born Salem Shrine, he grew up an orphan and met Elyan Smith (his future Adoptive father) at the community youth center when he saved him from drowning. He was adopted not long later and changed his last name to Smith.
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Character: Merlin.
Modern name: Merlin Everstone.
Age: 36 years old (physically at least).
Modern job: Physician/doctor.
Short rundown of their modern life: Merlin has slowly been finding the reincarnations of people he knew and had become a doctor. He is married to Freya and owns a strawberry farm near some mountains and a lake with a couple of farm animals. He is trying to take care and make peace with the reincarnations of his friends and one off allies. Including some that had become his enemies in his old life.
And he's still trying to keep them alive while hoping that Arthur rises before more of their enemies do and before the world gets worse. And he really hopes that there is a way for his friends to remember the old days and for his old enemies who have good in them to forgive him.
He is tried of all the fighting and really hopes that he doesn't outlive all of them again because waiting for one of them to pop up sucked. You know, since being immortal and trying not to grow attached to other people is not easy.
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Character: Kara.
Modern name: Kara Galdur.
Age: 28 years old.
Modern job: Waitress.
Short rundown of their modern life: She is a waitress at a dual club-restaurant called 'Morgana's' and she is engaged to her live in boyfriend, Mordred.
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Character: Sir Lancelot Du Lac.
Modern name: Lancelot 'Lance' Griffin.
Age: 39 years old.
Modern job: Detective.
Short rundown of their modern life: Lance is a single detective who lives with his coworker/partner, Leon, in an apartment with Leon's wife and volunteers at the community youth center with the others.
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Character: Sir Mordred the druid boy.
Modern name: Mordred Barlow Le Fay.
Age: 28 years old.
Modern job: Med Student.
Short rundown of their modern life: Mordred lives with his fiancée, Kara Galdu, in a flat above Morgana's restaurant & gay bar/club. He is Morgana's adoptive brother and changed his last name, Barrow, to his middle name so he could change his last name to Le Fay.
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Character: Lady Morgana Pendragon.
Modern name: Morgana 'Morgan' Le Fay.
Age: 41 years old.
Modern job: Owner of Morgana's restaurant and gay club/bar.
Short rundown of their modern life: Morgan Le Fay is the daughter of a stay at home mom socialite—who had an affair with a now deceased business man (who is her real father)—and a soldier. Her mom went missing and her father died, leaving her and her older (by two years) sister, Morgause, orphans.
Eventually she found a young orphan named Mordred not long after his father died and took him in, treating him like a brother.
She is estranged from her older sister and is helping put Mordred through school and her restaurant/club is located right next to her childhood friend, Gwen Smith's, Boutique.
She is also a former lawyer.
(What would you guys call Gwen's Boutique/flower shop).
Big thanks to @hufflepuffpirate20 , @gwaine-lover , @genderfunky-lesbian , @everything-but-the-not-natural , @witchmd13 , @sautedonions , and @purpleblobfrompluto for the help.
(I don't care much for Kara but thought I'd include her anyway because I care about Mordred. Plus she could maybe change in the future after realizing she done fucked up).
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vaugarde · 4 months
its kinda crazy to think about, but i think the anime version of the darkest day arc was the most faithful adaptation to the original game arc? which is crazy because otherwise jn is allergic to doing anything with galar.
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hemlockmystery · 8 months
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Pookie found the shrine I made of him.
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naivesilver · 2 years
I saw you published a few prompts, SO: for the soft and sweet sentence starters, could you one with Leone JB and Yuuya please? I couldn’t pick one so you get free reign ;)))))
Soft&Sweet Sentence Starters
Don’t be a stranger, okay?
"You've graduated, then," Leone comments, drily. "It seems that congratulations are in order."
Yuuya chuckles lightly, then flashes him a big grin, bright and broad and blinding. "Ah, don't sound so surprised, mon amie. Had you so little faith in me, then?"
"On the contrary. It just feels as though you'd only started high school yesterday."
"That's a sure sign of getting on with your years, Leone."
Leone mutters something under his breath that may or may not contain a few choice words in multiple languages, then cups the boy's head with his hand and tousles his hair, the way he would do when the boy was just thirteen and desperate for any comfort that wasn't feigned.
"Now, just because you'll be assigned to a different branch of this case, that doesn't mean you need to disappear off the face of Earth. Don't be a stranger, okay?"
The younger agent stares at him for a moment, blinking, clearly taken aback, but when his smile returns it looks ever wider, if at all possible. "Well, if you're afraid of missing me, you could have said so."
"I wouldn't go that far, Sakazaki. I would just like to hear from you through other means than case reports, from time to time."
"Does this mean I can visit you, then?"
"Absolutely not. That would be too suspicious- I've put too much effort into keeping you alive to watch you get killed for coming back to your old school, understood?"
The boy laughs aloud, like the cheeky fiend that he is, and Leone shoves at him with the mop in his hands, with an outrage that is completely deserved and a fondness so genuine he can't stop it from spilling out.
"Now, scram, kid. I have floors to clean, and you have graduation ceremonies to attend. I'll see you soon, alright?"
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aesterixart · 2 months
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more traditional sketches of leon, luis, v, adam and johnny! I've been practising guitar for this whole week and haven't really had time to do anything else besides it 😅
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bioh4zards · 1 year
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leon broke out of the house and wildlife cam enthusiasts everywhere losing their minds
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peronasghosts · 5 months
happy new year!!
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Merlin characters as shit me and my friends have said
(Requested Part 2)
Gwaine: It tastes like if gay was a flavour. But an artificial one, like strawberry that doesn’t taste like strawberry. … I don’t know, I drank too much gay. Wine. Shit. What?
Percival seeing Arthur throw money at a problem for the first time: Rich people are bloody terrifying, what the fuck?!
Merlin: That’s not angst, that’s just a random Tuesday. … oh, yeah okay. Point taken.
Leon: Huh. That is… surprisingly sound logic for you. Are you feeling okay?
Morgana: I’ve both given and received death threats for less.
Gwen, after becoming a deer: Well that wasn’t on my bucket list but at least it’s checked off.
Leon to Gwaine: Empty your pockets and give back the pickles. … why aren’t they in the fucking jar?!
Merlin to the knights at the shrine: I know logic isn’t exactly your strongest suit but I’m gonna need you arse wipes to take the two brain cells you have collectively and attempt to rub them together to get one singular coherent thought here.
Gwaine to Arthur: The risk was calculated, I just never specified that I am notoriously shit at math.
Merlin after doing something nice for Mordred: Don’t mention it. No seriously, don’t fucking mention it. Ever.
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tongjaitongjai · 1 year
Cryptic God!Merlin & Number1Worshipper!Mordred au - part 2
(Kinda an escalation of this post ) the Magic ban was lifted for a while now and they definitely has encountered a few weird sorcerers/Druids who is in Emrys cult.
So, when Arthur first meets calm and collected Mordred, a druid who asks to be knighted instead of licking Merlin he is very relieved like OH GOD YES FINALLY A NORMAL ONE
Arthur: I am so happy you are not one of those who starts hyperventilating and mentally screaming straight into Merlin’s head the moment you see him.
Mordred, offended: Why would I do that
Later, when Leon and Lancelot are giving him a tour:
Mordred: I understand why some people will get excited at the sight of Emrys, he is a god to us after all, but seriously, only immature fans get over excited like that; a real and veteran worshipper like me have a private hyperventilating session while praying to a personal Emrys shrine at night
Leon: You have a what in at what in what now
Merlin doesn’t like it when people treated him like a god and also not quite aware of the extent of his godly power himself, so, at first he avoids Mordred because even though Mordred appears calm, he can FEEL Mordred praying to him EVERY NIGHT.
Mordred: why do you fear me Emrys? I pray to you everyday. You are my idol.
Mordred: It works?
Mordred: does that mean if I pray hard enough, you will be able to shoot fire beams from your eyes like you do in those bedtime stories druid elders used to tell me?
Three days later, the knights encounter wild magical beasts in the forest during a patrol, as they are so sure they are kicking the bucket tonight, Merlin appears and shoots fire beams from his eyes, annihilating all the threats in 0.3 seconds. Mordred is overjoyed.
And at that point, Merlin has no choice but to adopt Mordred now because have you seen how the kid’s eyes lit up when he saw fire beams? This boy's puppy eyes will be his doom. If the kid asks him to shoot electric bolts out of his mouth, he will fucking do it. Merlin’s mom instinct kicks in yet again.
Arthur, while finally is relieved to see them getting along, soon realises that his hope to have Mordred as a Calm and Collected Magic user who will help his ex-manservant, current-Court Sorcerer, permanent-his idiot make less stupid decisions has flown out of the window, THE KID IS AN ENABLER.
Merlin: Imma punch that castle-size wyvern with my bare hands
Mordred: Yes. you can do it #king. This is going to be the best day of my life.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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chirp-a-chirp · 7 months
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Clavis Lelouch • Clavis x Emma • Tags: Fluff; Crack; Pranks; Mischief; Cat-puns • Word Count: ~1900 • Triggers: None • Brief appearances by Chevalier, Cyran, and Sariel
Title: Cat-astrophe
Description: It’s Clavis. Of course there’s chaos! This time, in feline form 😸
For @katriniac as a part of the Ikemen Prince Exchange hosted by @ikemenlibrary and @saeyoungs-sunflower 😊
Cat-inspired Clavis drawing (aka Catvis) done by @aide-falls
“This doesn’t look like a good idea.”
“You’re right, my dear. It’s a perfectly wicked one!” Clavis flicked a finger at the glass bottle he was holding. The bottle contained a light purple liquid that bubbled and fizzled like champagne. It appeared benign, even pleasant looking, until one looked directly above at the ceiling and the soot that covered it. Emma opened a window to let out the plumes of smoke that lingered.
“Most liquids don’t spontaneously burst into flames.” Emma coughed pointedly, moving her hands in a fanning motion to push the smoke outside.
“Unless Licht is cooking, haha!”
“Will you tell me what it is you’re trying to make at least?”
Clavis put down the bottle. “And where would the fun in that be?” He smirked, a look of utter delight on his face. “I DO have the antidote to this—well, most of it.” Clavis gestured to a second glass bottle with a light bluish tint to it. Emma’s eyes widened.
“Could it be that my lovely lover is worried for me?” Clavis tweaked Emma’s nose playfully. “It’s not as if this liquid will make me disappear or anything!” His eyes flashed, with a hint of challenge to them. “And even if it did, I’m sure you’d find me.”
The next day, Clavis was gone.
His disappearance had not been noticed until late morning, when a terrified palace butler was forced to wake up Chevalier instead of Clavis. None of the princes seemed particularly bothered at this development. As Emma made inquiries, their reactions were varied—relief from Yves (Licht and I can have a tea party uninterrupted!); mockery laced with pity from Nokto (you’re getting a day off from him; isn’t that a good thing?); and the equivalent of a princely shrug from Leon (I haven’t seen smoke since yesterday, so I’m sure he’s fine.). But, they all agreed on one thing—they hadn’t seen Clavis.
Emma entered Chevalier’s private library hoping he’d know what was going on. She placed a rare romance book from Jade on a side table near where Chevalier sat reading. There was an approving nod as elegant fingers picked up the book. He offered a rather unusual hint.
“My fool of a brother lost one of his nine lives today.”
Emma tilted her head. “Can you elaborate on that?”
“Do you have the next installment of this book?”
“It won’t be published until next month!”
“Then our conversation ends now, Simpleton.” The corner of Chevalier’s mouth lifted as he placed the book in his lap. As Emma left the room, she heard Chevalier say one more thing.
“He’s not complicated. He needs something from you, but cannot bring himself to admit it.”
Chevalier’s words echoed in Emma’s head as she headed toward Clavis’ bedroom. She took out a key from her dress pocket, heart lurching at the breach of privacy.
The room was virtually the same as it was when she was with Clavis yesterday. Emma knew he saw this place as a shrine to his failures, a testament to mediocrity. But, she saw much more—it was a place of studiousness, ingenuity, and childish delight. Books on law, pharmacology, science, and philosophy were neatly arranged on his bookshelf. One of the middle shelves held a cup with the phrase #1 worst emblazoned on it—a gag gift Emma had bought Clavis when they first became a couple. She grabbed a book at random and noted with a smile that the book was highlighted in numerous colors, with notes in the margins about various herbs that could be used for different smoke traps.
Emma placed the book back on the shelf and glanced at various pieces of paper attached to the wall above his writing desk. The papers contained lists with the number of traps discovered by other people. Various palace staff and princes had tick marks next to their names, each tick mark indicating a trap they had fallen into. Yves encompassed one entire sheet of paper by himself, and to Emma’s surprise, Chevalier had one mark next to his name. She’d have to ask Clavis about THAT story.
But Emma had to find him first. She sat at his desk chair, feeling lonely. She looked down at her hands—Clavis had held her hand so often in their adventures; she now felt empty without it.
I know you feel like you’re not enough Clavis. But you are. Where are you?
Emma turned her head at the sound. A beautiful long-haired cat emerged from behind Clavis’ couch. Its paws, the tip of its tail, and its chest were light grey while the rest of its body was purple. The cat’s eyes were golden and sparkling with mischief.
“Are you lost little one?” The cat jumped in Emma’s lap, nesting between her thighs as if it thought it belonged there. “You’re not the only one who likes that spot. Though your touch is gentler.” Emma chuckled, scratching the cat behind its ears. She then noticed the cat wore a dark purple necktie that looked remarkably familiar. Embedded in the center of the necktie was a tag containing a name—Catvis.
Catvis leaped onto the desk, its tail bristling (Emma corrected herself…the cat was decidedly male). He pushed a drawer open with a paw and fished out a gold-chained necklace with his teeth. The necklace held two golden medallions—one reading “Catvis” and the other “Accomplice”. Emma swore she saw the cat smirk as he dropped the necklace in her lap.
A notion so absurd it bordered on ludicrous flitted into Emma’s head. She reached out her hand and patted the cat on his head. “Clavis, is that you?”
The cat practically pranced with joy. He head butted Emma’s hand, leaning into her touch, before jumping deftly onto her lap again, exposing his belly.
Emma shook her head in disbelief. “The things you do for attention are ridiculous Clavis.” The cat nipped Emma’s finger, causing her to pull her hand away. “Oh, excuse me. Do you prefer to be called Catvis while in this form?” Emma’s words were dripping in sarcasm, but the cat purred contently and licked the finger he bit.
Emma recalled the pharmacology book she glanced at earlier. “You were working on a polymorph potion, weren’t you?” Catvis beamed and extended his body so that he was standing on Emma’s lap, his front paws on her shoulders. He rubbed both sides of her cheeks affectionately.
“You really are ridiculous. Ridiculously amazing.” Catvis blinked, not expecting to hear that. “A polymorph potion has never been successfully made until now. A mere Chevalier would not—could not—think to do this.” Emma blushed at her words—expressing her honest feelings was easier with him in this form.
Catvis nuzzled against Emma’s face. He craved this attention, this affirmation. Needed it. Emma’s heart trembled at the realization. She held him in that standing pose in her lap for a while, letting her guard down. After a while, her eyes drifted to the bottle of blue liquid Clavis mentioned yesterday on a table. “We have to change you back eventually, you know. What ingredient is missing from your antidote?”
Catvis jumped back on the desk, finding a pen and fitting it into his mouth. With his head at an incredibly awkward angle, he wrote out two words on a piece of paper: Black rawhide.
“Wow, I can READ this!” Apparently, Clavis’ eighth wonder was legible handwriting without opposable thumbs. “There’s no rawhide here, so we’ll have to look for it. Come here, let me carry you as we search for some.”
Catvis went back to Emma’s lap, his head pushing the necklace into her hand. “I am NOT wearing a cat collar.” Catvis pouted. Emma felt a pang of guilt at his expression. “Well, maybe just this ONCE.”
A few moments later, Emma came out of the bedroom, with Catvis perched on her shoulders. As Emma walked down the palace stairs, she spied a familiar plume of fiery red hair.
“My Lady!” Cyran ran to Emma. “What news of our missing charge?”
“You’re not going to believe this.”
“Try me. Nothing about him surprises me anyone.”
“You MAY want to reconsider that statement.” Emma turned her shoulder and gestured to Catvis.
“I didn’t know you owned a cat.” Cyran sniffed loudly.
“WE own a cat. A very naughty one at that.” Emma smirked and bopped Catvis on his nose.
“I’m highly allergic to cats. Especially naughty ones.” Cyran’s eyes watered. “So, no, I do NOT own a cat.”
Emma gestured to the “Catvis” button on her feline companion. “Actually, we do. Clavis created a polymorph potion and here are the results of THAT.” Catvis grinned broadly—it was a grin Cyran knew all too well.
Catvis’ ears twitched at a sound down a nearby hallway. He jumped off of Emma’s shoulders and sprinted away.
“Catvis, wait!” Emma began running after him, but Cyran erupted into a violent coughing fit, one so strong it made his cheeks blaze as red as his hair. A maid was tasked with fetching him a glass of water as Emma slapped his back.
“I-I’m fine!” Cyran collected his breath. “Were you serious when you said that cat was—“ A shriek from the maid carrying Cyran’s water interrupted the conversation. A furry purple and grey blur darted past her. Catvis ran up the stairs, carrying a black rawhide whip in his mouth. The whip crackled in the air as Catvis flew past Emma and Cyran. Sariel came bounding from the hallway, violet eyes narrowed with rage. “It is enough to have one Hellcat among us. I did not think we had a second living in the palace.”
Emma looked apologetically at Cyran, her hand pointing at Sariel. “Cyran, can you handle this?”
“I…do not get paid enough for these shenanigans, My Lady.” AAAAAAA-CHO!
“At least you get paid.”
With a piece of Sariel’s whip, the antidote was now complete and consumed by Catvis (he lapped the potion from Emma’s #1 worst cup). The antidote would take a few hours to be effective, so Emma laid down on Clavis’ couch, a blanket covering her legs and Catvis perched in his proper spot—between Emma’s thighs.
Emma couldn’t remember falling asleep, but she must have done so, for she woke up to the pre-dawn hours to a heavier weight on her body and something touching her face. Emma’s eyes slowly opened as she felt an arm—a human arm!—encircle her waist, and roaming hands caressing over her clothes.
“Ah, you’re awake my lovely lover. How wonderful.” Alluring golden eyes shone brightly in the darkened room as Clavis’ lips traced a trail down Emma’s neck.
“Hmmm,” Emma’s fingers carded through Clavis’ hair.
“Are you so delighted you’re at a loss for words? Cat got your tongue?” There was a purr to his voice as Clavis leaned forward and presented a cheek to be kissed.
A cheek was not enough. Emma pulled Clavis down for a kiss, her lips capturing his. “You’re an absolute cat-astrophe, darling.” As she pulled away, Emma’s quiet laughter tickled Clavis’ ear.
“But you’re my cat-astrophe. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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