#leo wont leave him alone
fuzzysocksstuff · 1 year
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thetimelordbatgirl · 26 days
Ngl, while I do mock Eastenders at times for how it goes about character exits, Leo Taylor's death hit pretty hard.
#like the way they had him decide to sadly take all the drugs thinking his gf had died from a overdose#only for her to be revealed to be alive leaving her panicky calling for help#her parents and leo's mom thankfully arriving then as they had been lookng for the three after they left their baby with#a family friend not wanting to return home themselves due to how their families wont let them be together#(yeah its very romeo and juliet)#and despite leo's mom standing up to his shitty dad and saying shes leaving and taking her son with her once hes out of hospital#and making all these plans to take leo to the sea side so he can recover from the drugs and such#we left sadly seeing the doctor's unable to revive leo and even say 'fourteen what a waste'#and leo's last moments for us the viewer is him seeing in his mind a memory of his gf with their baby happily looking at him#before he sadly passes#just#that already hit hard but then they showed the doctor having to tell his mom and dad and just#credit to leo's mom's actress as the scream of horror and devistation is real#let alone the gf's mom comforting her as she breaks down into tears#while the shitty dad is just frozen in shock before he flees the room at the gf's dad trying to offer comfort#and of course the episode ending on the gf being told in her hospital room and turning away from her family in response#the camera showing her beginning to cry as the episode ends#like jesus when eastenders actually knew how to handle deaths and make them devistating
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fluffytriceratops · 9 months
Hi, I’m not sure if you’re still doing requests or not but if it’s okay, could I request a headcanon of maybe 2k12 and Rise!Leo x reader having a cuddle time? I don’t mind you choosing one of them, I totally understand. I love Leo so much he’s such a dork and needs to be protected at all costs 🥰 Thanks!
𝐆𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬 - 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 [𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟐 & 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐞]
notes: yes, of course! i would love to write this for you!! i'll do them both since you asked so nicely hehe, but this is my first time doing a headcannon of rise leo so i apologize if it's a little ooc. ^^ i hope you enjoy! <3 [also photo is not mine fyi-] 
warnings: mature language/swearing, tooth rotting fluff,
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @drowninghell @lec743 @raphielover  @raphslovemuffin80 @squirrelfurs @bibiz82 @pheradream-15 @kikithedreamerwriter @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @moonsua1
(if you would like to be tagged in my future tmnt x reader related work, feel free to let me know and i'll happily add you!)
i love you all sm! i'm sending all the virtual hugs and well wishes to you!! <33
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2012 Leonardo:
- as a cuddle bug, you love a good cuddle session. and honestly, leo wont oppose to this as he too loves to cuddle with you. 
- plus how can he say no when you waddle up to him with a cute pout on your face? wondering why he had left you in the bed all alone?? 
- "you fell asleep and i wanted to make myself a cup of tea." he hummed, extending an arm and watching with a warm smile as you curled into his side and nuzzled against him. 
- "and? i don't see your point in leaving me. is tea more important than your beloved?" 
- leo fights the urge to roll his eyes and bites back a grin. "well..." 
- he lets out a laugh when you scowl and pull away from him, he catches you by the waist before you get too far. 
- "i'm kidding, nothing is more important than you." he hums, planting a sweet kiss to your temple. 
- you huff, puffing out your cheeks in agitation. "doesn't feel like it, leonardo." 
-  leo winces. "pulling out the full name, huh? that's a low blow, baby." 
- "you shouldn't of left me for a sack of crusty leaves, dickhole." 
- leo chuckles at this, shaking his head to himself. "i'll make it up to you, promise. shall we go back to cuddling?" 
- you glance up at him, taking in the way he gazes at you adoringly. his ocean eyes are so full of love it makes your heart ache. 
- with a soft smile and a nod of your head, you wait for him to grab his tea before making your way back to his bedroom. 
- he places his mug on his bedside table before climbing into his bed. you wait for him to get comfy before climbing in as well. planting yourself on top of his chest. 
- leo runs his hand up and down your back in a comforting manner. watching as you trace invisible patterns into his skin with your index finger. 
- he loves laying with you like this. the rest of world falls silent when the two of you get to cuddle. 
- it's like the only person in the world is you. you're all that matters. 
- leo see's you getting sleepy again, eyelids falling heavy. he lets out a breath of content when you nuzzle yourself further into him. pressing your face in the crook of his neck. 
- "i love you." you mumble, breath tickling him. 
- "i love you, too." he whispers, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. 
- cuddle sessions with you were the best. there was no place he'd rather be than here. with you safe in his arms. 
2018/Rise Leonardo:
- leo's a clingy mother fucker. he loves a good cuddle. and honestly, he can be a tad clingy.
- but you can't complain, because you love cuddles too. and leo's good at cuddling. 
- sometimes, however, it can catch you off guard. 
- you're laying on the couch, scrolling through random tiktoks on your phone when out of nowhere a body practically launches itself on top of yours. 
- your breath leaves you and you grunt at the sudden weight. "holy fucking shit-" 
- you can't see leo's face, it's buried in your chest and your face heats at the sight. "what the fuck are you on?" 
- "cocaine." comes his muffled reply and it makes you snort and roll your eyes. 
- he tilts his head up, resting his chin against you as he stares up at you cheekily. 
- "you're such a shit." 
- "but i'm your shit. and you love me." he purrs, smirking at the way your face heats even more. 
- "shut up. you didn't have to launch yourself onto me like that. if you wanted cuddles so damn bad you could have asked, asshole." 
- your hand finds his shell and you begin to trace the grooves, knowing how much he likes it. leonardo practically melts in your arms. 
- "you would've said no-" 
- "that's a fat fucking lie and you know it." 
- leo pouts dramatically. "you've got such a potty mouth today." 
- "that's what happens whenever you're around." 
- it's leo's turn to roll his eyes. "not my fault i take your breath away~" 
- "only when you yeet your entire body mass onto mine without warning-" 
- "don't be so dramatic." he nuzzles further into you, wiggling to try and get more comfortable. 
- you sigh, "you're lucky i love you." 
- he beams at this. "see, what did i say-" 
- "i will throw your ass onto the floor." 
- leo shuts up at that. but you don't miss the massive shit eating smirk on his face. the sight makes you smile. 
- "i love you too." he says after a moment, pressing his face into the crook of your neck to plant a few tender kisses to your skin. 
- it's your turn to melt against him. "you better.." 
- tossing your phone onto the floor, you wrap your arms around him to the best of your ability. your legs are tangled together and your breathing evens out. hearts beating in perfect sync. 
- cuddling with leo felt like heaven. and while you'd never say it out loud, cuz he'd never let you live it down, you honestly adored every second of it. 
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httpslvr · 10 months
more headcanons idk
connor can js like always land on his feet. but only when like falling or sliding or smth, he can and will bump into a table n fall on his face. makes for some super cool superhero moves tho
markus loves the color orange. everyone finds him weird.
NO CLUE if ive said this before (probs have sorry), but markus can go from respected leader to leo manfred’s annoying little brother (can we PLEASE get more sibling relationship w these two? maybe? idk bug ask ig) with zero transition. like, “look out! the man who js have androids rights has js put a fake bug on ur pillow!” kinda shit idk
markus LOVES to push hank’s buttons. like, dude leave the poor grandpa alone!! thats ur bf’s dad (or bf/ex idfk u can decide that one)
jericrew has fallen asleep in a pile on top of eachother more than once!!!!!!!!!!
connor n simon were super awkward around each other at first lmao. simon was terrified that connor was gonna snap n kill everyone n connor was terrified that simon was gonna snap n take random children hostage. they, QUICKLY, realized that both of these thoughts were irrational. they r now v close
connor, the two tracis u see at the eden club, n rupert r all some weird little friend group. idk where i got this thought but i did!! n it wont leave!! please help!!
sometimes markus’ replacement parts will pop out random. android doctors i forgot the word, connor, simon, n KAMSKI have all tried n figure out whats wrong w him. absolutely nothing. it js happens. it has (more than once) happened in the middle of a v important meeting, n he scared the shit out of politicians
kara uses mom emojis if that makes sense
yes, im aware that hank’s technically a millennial, but looking at his birth yr hes so close to gen x he would have some of the same.. tendencies. “connor! how do u work this thing!” is probably top five most used phrases in the anderson household
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uyuforu · 7 months
Oh i almost forgot. If you have many theories about Jk's chart of fs you should also consider opening your own blog about it :) Don't take it personally, but it would be a shame that all of your theories only gets credits on my blog rather than yours :/ Think about it ^
I would've done that but i like to be anonymous and I dont have any problem with your blog getting credits because I'm here just to learn and have fun.This isn't my main focus in life but I'm free for some months because of maternity leave(I'm 7 months in yayyyyy!!)I'm probably the oldest person on this blog too ig because i dont think anyone on this blogs a 92liner.
I came up with something more and this is something i'd REALLY like for you to give your more than two cents on.
So I started this study like a year ago and its about the possible placements your fs can have.i kept doing it for a while and then i thought about how juno,bride,groom,dsc PC's would be much better to guess the fs chart.
By studying his bpc and his NC I have a few guesses about his fs' possible placements/dominants.
1.she IS definitely having strong cancer placements.(no explanation needed)
2.it can also be that she may have strong 4h placements OR can be moon dominant.(if not the 1st guess then this)
3.mars in 10h or cap mars or mars in a cap degree.(guaranteed success)
4.leo placements or degrees or prominent 5h placements.(creativity,childlike,fame,etc)
5.sun in 10h or sun at leo/cap degree.(same as 3 and 4 guess)
6.pluto-venus aspects,Venus/lilith/pluto in 8h/1h.(magnetism,envy,jealousy,obsession,inference,rich spouse)
7.virgo rising or its degrees on asc.(she's blunt and a bit sharp)
8.gemini Venus or venus in Gemini degrees.(this venus sign is compatible with libra venus and he has geminivenusin bpc too also talking about her having venus-pluto aspects this sign kinda suits it)
9.Sun/moon/saturn aspects.(daddy issues)
10.jupiter in 2h,4h or 11h.(rich family background,big communities, finances and luxuries)
11.this one is random but i see her with a leo mc or an Aries mc OR mc in those degrees.the possible risings with these mc's could be cancer,leo,Libra,scorpio.
12.the above 4 rising signs make the most sense to me.when it comes to his fs I imagine someone soft but sharp.she MAY have these rising signs with virgo degrees.
I have more guesses but they're random.
Talking about the age gap thing,my husband has two stelliums of scorpio and virgo with Libra Moon and I'm 7 years younger than him so ig we wont have to worry too much about Jk's age gap choice because i dont think he'll go for someone MORE younger than 5-7 years of age gap.
Uyu your more than two cents juseyo.
Oh by the way i just wanted to tell you that you don't have to post everyday or keep researching on it daily because it takes up alot of time and energy,it is very draining too so take care of yourself and I hope you and your bf's fight has been resolved yet or will be soon.
Congrats on your pregnancy! I hope it's going very well for you! Yeah Im a 99liner lol! You're not alone, Seokjin's in your team lol!
-> Cancer placement is big to me as it's literally his DSC and the Sun in the BPC! So the spouse will def have cancer placement in her big 6! Otherwise it can't be her lol! And it has to be something that Is very significant in her chart, something you can see on her easily. Like "you give me cancer vibes" stuff like that lol
-> She def has placements in her own chart about success and fame, she literally is destined for that
-> Leo placements are crazy lmao, that's why I always sensed some Leo vibes from JK, now I know why lmao
-> Yep, Leo sun, or sun being in the 10H I agree, it's one of the first factor when it comes to fame or success without using asteroids. North node in Leo can be a thing too, it's also part of it.
-> For the virgo, def on her big six, idk about ascendant because she gives me the vibe of being so beautiful, and I'm not saying virgo asc aren't pretty but asc Virgos have that cold and stoic beauty. They look pretty distant. To me she maybe has that mysterious beauty like scorpio rising, or charming beauty like libra rising. Could also be cancer or pisces rising! Virgo rising can be a thing but it wouldn't be my first guess. but don't mark my words on it, I wasn't very successful at guessing people's asc lmao
-> For the Venus, it would either be an air one (libra, gemini, Aquarius) or it would be something that aspect his sun (either conjunct so virgo Venus, or another one that aspects his sun). Or also libra Venus for the conjunction or another that aspect. JK will def have that sense that she is the one for him, so anything aspecting his Venus or sun will work out. (a good aspect too so conjunct, sextile or trine)
-> For the age gap, I don"t wanna assume things but it doesn't seem like jk will marry that late and I saw some readers say they'll have 10 years of difference of something but in I absolutely don't see it?? On his chart, I saw placements that indicates 1-2 to 5 years of difference max? She is not that young compared to him. She LOOKS very young, but she isn't, this is what I see! The cancer placements are always very tricky lmao! And if people keep saying they'll be together in 2027 (JK's Saturn return, he will be 29) so 19 if ten years of difference???? idk that seems odd to me, I don't sense it. I feel like she'll be working and be in her successful time at the time!
Thank you for your analysis! And sorry for taking so long to reply, it takes me time to concentrate and give proper answers :)
- uyu
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
I kinda wanna hear their father's day plans now
OK SO I was mostly just thinking of future Leo cause it's. complicated. Leo's the only one who stays in contact with their dad cuz she has trouble not feeling guilty about leaving him behind. like how sad would it be if splinter was all alone on fathers day :((((
so she goes to visit and obviously its awful and miserable but she feels obligated to do it. and idk what they'd do tbh, it'd be stressful and awkward, and i mostly just imagine her bringing him some gifts, or like takeout or something and watching a movie. and then him ranting at her, and ranting about his shitty kids and how hurt he is that Leo wont tell him where they're all staying. and its just not a good time.
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rednleafff · 10 months
Casey J in G?F
More info dump? Yes sir – but this time I'm gonna talk mainly about our beloved Casey j. We all know and love our future boy and wish him the very best life that he can have after all that he went through – BUT – I can't stop thinking about the fact that – he will need probably a looong time to actually settle in, even if he will learn the way of "the simple life of a teenager" – this boy still lost – literally everyone but he also gained them all back – but different – they wont be the same people he once knew because they wont go through the same things – even if their key thing will stay – they still wont be the people he once knew – but they will probably look like them the more they grow up and how difficult is to let go of something when that very something is right Infront of your eyes but  different ? or the survival guilt he must be dealing with? I personally think – he would want to love the simple – less stressful life – but wont be able to – even if he would try to work through his trauma and all – it not something he will ever be able to shake completely - sure he might leave to see the world one day, alone or with someone, and he will get the chance to see thew world he fought tooth and nail to save – and slowly but surely he would learn to love this place, even with it bitter moments. now here it's where I come with Yummi eheh their relationship is actually my favorite – (sorry Leo <3 I love you with all my heart) because – as I see it – When Baby Yummi first joins their family, Casey gets to witness a very familiar behavior from the fam, the parental behavior from Leo, the uncley vibes from the turtles, this baby is basically plays a similar role that was belongs to him back in his time line – he will be a little bit distance from her in the beginning, not on purpose it will just happen- they will share their sweet moments here and there but very few in her first couple of years – until she learns to walk and talk enough that when she gets really clingy to his specifically so he plays along, he really do cares for her, its just – hard- after everything , but then – they share a small moment when she asks him if he's going to join them to some place, he says no cause of reasons, so she claims she won't go either and when asking her why – cause she was so excited to go she will say she wants to go with him cause its always much more fun when he's around – she doesn’t even gives to it much attention, she probably draws or something, but Casey – he think about it a little bit more, Yummi wasn’t present in his time line – she can't because she was created as a result of the Kraang invasion and defeat, and although he saw the world met people that nowadays are alive instead of dead or surviving, saw kids that got the chance to grow up and be born at all – he wasn’t really closed to all that – and maybe that why he didn’t felt a connection to this reality yet? He's always around the people who sometimes he sees the ghost of their past? Other? Self? And he loved them to death don’t get me wrong, but Yummi specifically (up to this point of the story) is the only very closed person to him who doesn’t have "another version of". Casey had to learn to love the world his whole family knew and tried to fight back to save it – but he never had that connection to that world, he was a little bit to stuck in the past, to focus on the ghost of people that wont ever be that it was hard for him to love the present that they all gave him. So – this kid – that little gremlin is one of his first connections to this reality that doesn’t rely on something from his timeline – if that makes sense? It makes sense to me lol. Casey's 20's are ups and down, but from this point forward – I think he will find it much easier to breathe and be present in this timeline. maybe part 2 someday – cause their relationship get's a serious twist when its revealed  and Yummi is part Kraang lol (here are scracps of a comic i worked on but will never finish - it takes place after Yummi's whole - Kraang arc)  
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
footballers reacting to their best friend and/or boyfriend crying
requested by anon!!! ty for requesting <3
leo: if leo were to see, lets say for simplicitys sake, a certain brazillian teammate of his in tears, he would immediately be like 😳 n jus kinda,,, stand there. if it were literally anyone else he'd walk away, but this is ney so he might pat him on the head (while being an arms length away) n awkwardly say some shit like "there there :|"
ney: his immediate reaction is "WHO DID THIS >:(" n hed immediately ditch leos ass to find out who (if anyone) made him this sad. he wont realize till a while later that maybe leaving leo alone while hes like this ISNT the best idea, so he'd find him again n try to distract him by talking nonstop n telling funny stories :))
milly: hes an empathetic king. he considers literally lfc player his best friend, so if any of em were crying hed ask if they wanna talk abt it, n even if they dont he'll jus sit with em, unless they say they wanna be left alone.
luka: if it were anyone else crying, hed go all mother hen n ask whats wrong n if they want anything, but the sight of sergio in tears is something he never thought he'd see. he honestly doesnt know what to say so he jus kinda,,, sits w him. honestly? he'd probly be pretty upset n sergio would end up comforting him instead.
virgil: when he sees ali in tears he doesnt rlly know what to do tbh, so he gets klopp or milly, whoever he finds first n hes like "yeahh alisson looks pretty upset you should probly check up on him :/" n the whole lfc family gets involved.
haaland: walks into a room, sees jude or kevin or whoever crying, leaves. not cause hes cold or uncaring or anything he jus has no idea how tf to deal with that.
sergio: similar to ney, takes the "who did this i am going to find whoever made lukita cry n make them wish they were never born" approach. goes through with it, and ends up committing several geneva convention violations.
luis: oh hes such a big brother. if leo or ney is crying he'll be there for them in the moment until theyre better, THEN he'll go ham on whoever he has to.
kdb: hes a tough love guy. if he catches haaland crying during training, he'll tell him to toughen up n finish training, even tho hes his friend. after training he can talk abt his feelings or whatever
klopp: easily the best in this situation. like milly, everyone in lfc is his best friend, n he knows how to comfort each of them individually. he knows whether or not every player wants space, whether they want a pep talk, or a distraction, or a shoulder to cry on, n every one of his players comfort snacks. n you bet your ASS everyones getting Klopp Hugs
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barikinbear · 2 years
Short story inspired by fan art from @happyfoxx-art
Spoilers for the movie 🎥
Warning: mentions of severe injuries and nightmares
Donnie dragged his hand down his face. This was the fifth time tonight.
What didn’t Leo understand about ‘stay put and let your injuries heal or else?’
Apparently all of it.
“But Don, I’m losing my mind laying in bed all the time! It’s soooo boring!” Leo complained. Never mind the fact that he couldn’t even walk in a straight line without Donnie’s help. No, he was bored and so that meant he could walk around with several bruised ribs, a slightly cracked shell and a severely sprained ankle.
“I didn’t ask if it was boring. I said to stay in bed and I meant it,” Donnie said, slowly guiding his aggravating twin back to his room.
Leo muttered something under his breath that Donnie chose to ignore. Times like these, he had to pick his battles.
Though it seemed like it was just one continuous battle of keeping Leo resting in his room. It had only been a little over a week since everything happened. Leo needed time to recover.
“Once the swelling in your ankle goes down, maybe I’ll let you come out to the living room for a little while. But you’re never going to get better if you keep doing stuff like this.”
“I know, I know. I just hate being alone.” Leo’s gaze was cast downward as Donnie gently lowered him to his bed.
Donnie held back a sigh. Too many times Donnie had come to check on Leo, only to find him a shaking, crying mess because of nightmares. They were lucky Leo hadn’t hurt himself further yet. A nagging fear told Donnie it was only a matter of time before Leo flung himself to the floor or smacked his head against the wall.
If the hours Donnie spent calming his twin down were any indication, it could get that bad.
Donnie sat down near the head of Leo’s bed and arranged his pillows against the wall so he could lean against them. Leo watched him with squinted, bloodshot eyes.
“If this is the only way to keep you where you’re supposed to be, then so be it,” Donnie declared, holding his arms out to his tired brother.
A smile broke out on Leo’s face, the first Donnie had seen since they yanked him from the prison dimension.
“Thanks, D.” Leo draped himself over Donnie’s torso, the side of his face pressed against Donnie’s plastron. Just like he used to do when they were little.
Donnie pulled Leo’s comforter up to cover the bandages on Leo’s shell. He still couldn’t look at them too long without his anger boiling over. Sometimes he fantasized about throwing something worse than a giant drill at that monster who dared hurt Leo.
But he didn’t dwell on those thoughts for long. Forget the past, as they say. Look forward to what’s ahead.
He wrapped his arms around his lovingly difficult twin, holding him as tightly as he could without hurting him.
Leo shifted slightly, moving his arms so they were wrapped around Donnie’s waist. He mumbled something under his breath again, but this time Donnie heard it.
He laid his hand on the back of Leo’s head, gently rubbing with his thumb.
“I love you, too, dum dum.”
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matrixxsystem · 16 days
Luck Runs Out Part 4
Leo pulled back the curtain to Donnie's lab with April following behind him and was immediately met with Casey's uh, interesting, music playlist. It was no wonder him and Donnie got along so well, they both liked the kind of mechanical dubstep Donnie always played when he was working on something. Casey was sitting at Donnie's work bench with a pair of goggles on as small sparks flew. He was doing something with the tech inside the mask it seemed.. Leo gave April a look like he wasn't sure if he should bug him or try and wait till he was done. 
"Hey guys. What's up?" Casey called from his seat, causing both April and Leo to look a bit surprised. He turned the music off and lifted the goggles off his head, swiveling in the chair to see them with an awkward smile. "Okay-" Leo started as he took a step forward, "How in the would did you hear us over that?? You were across the room with loud ass music and you were fiddling with your mask thing-"
"I think you forget I grew up in a bunker during the apocalypse Leo-"
"....Fair 'nough- Anyway, we're all going out to get lunch and I'm dragging you with us cause we need more humans to make it look less weird"
"Less weird..? Please tell me you aren't going into town for lunch.. I don't- I mean I just- Y'know-? I'm the last guy you want in your group to make you look normal-" Leo rolled his eyes and threw his arm over Casey's shoulder, "Yes we're going into the city, and you are coming cause we can all use some fresh air. And me and Usagi kinda have this idea.. We want to use the cloaking pins Donnie made and we know my brothers have been kinda weird about using them.. And since you haven't disappeared yet like in those Back from the Future movies we can only assume you're just, here now.. So you have to learn how to be a human in the 2020s" 
"Well, I guess" Casey sighed a little, "I mean Donnie feels pretty bad about sending you alone and then.. You kinda snapped in the government facility and... y'know, killed two people, and wont talk to them about it- And you lost your arm and almost died, like, I helped stich you up after the.. Invasion, and I mean I've seen blood before but that.. It was just a lot for everyone." 
"But I feel bad too-! Like it sucks and I get that, I really do, I'm literally forced to look at my mistakes in the mirror everyday- But those pins don't represent what happened to me and I mean.. If anything, shouldn't the pins represent that I made it out alive, and that we did it? I guess.. I dunno... I just don't want them to feel stuck in the lair like we failed when we didn't. Donnie wanted to go to school and he still hasn't even applied to places around here! Mikey was looking at art schools. It's just.. It's not fair." Casey gave Leos hand a sympathetic pat and pulled away, starting to clean up his space, "I get it, I really do.. It's hard watching the people you care about struggle, or hold themselves back because they don't want to hurt you. Sensei was like that a lot when I was young, I think cause I was really little he kind of, held back when he was around me for some reason, I think he didn't wanna scare me or he thought I was fragile or something? I don't really remember the reason, and I guess it doesn't really matter now.. But the only real things that fixed it between us was time and communication."
"...I don't like how smart you are sometimes haha, but yeah I'm sure part of it is my fault too, maybe that's something we can talk about before we leave, cause I'm sure by now they're onto my plan-" Casey nodded, setting his mask aside, "Yeah, that might be good, I am kind of excited to try some more food from around here, even if that means having to deal with people I guess.. Where are we going again?"
"So.. Where are we going exactly?" Donnie asked, tilting his head at Usagi. "It's a surprise, but you will need your cloaking pins." The air was suddenly a lot more tense when he mentioned the pins, Mikey hesitantly glanced down to the pouch on his hip where his pin was kept. "I uh... Well uh..." Usagi went over at sat on Leos beanbag chair, "It was Leo's idea" He said with a little shrug, "He said he felt bad you guys never use the pins you all worked so hard to get. So we were gonna go have lunch in the city, our treat."
"..He does?" Raph asked, giving his brothers a little glance before sitting in his own beanbag chair, "What... Did he say exactly?" Usagi sat up more and thought for a moment, "Just that, since his little accident and the near invasion where he got hurt again, it feels like you guys tip toe around the pins and he feels bad that you feel like you can't use them, he mentioned that Mikey was looking at studios for various hobbies and Donnie was looking at colleges, even that you Raph might've wanted to get out of the house too but that no ones really done it. And it makes him feel a little sad, since he uses his pin to hang out with me and it doesn't bother him so much." Raph sighed a little, "I-I mean... Yeah we've looked around- Of course it'd be nice to y'know, go do stuff and make friends outside of the hidden city.. But it's dangerous, even if.. I just mean like... Oh- Have you ever seen the Spider-Man movies? Peter Parker is the main character and he has these powers to stop bad things and bad people, so he starts wearing a mask and fighting crime. But because he's always off saving the day he never has time for a normal life, his family, his girlfriend, his school, his job.. He's always ditching without an excuse and messing up his normal life because he's trying to do the right thing and protect everyone.. We can't have both normal lives and ninja lives. We know that.." 
"Did this Peter Parker also have three brothers and a sister and one of their siblings partners able to support him?" 
"Well no.. He was always kind of alone, that's part of what made it so hard. He did have a friend helping him eventually and like being on the computer for him while he was out so the friend could hack stuff and find things for him. But besides that one person no one else knew"
"-Till the second Spider-Man Miles came into the story! Then they fought together for a while!" Mikey chimed in. Raph nodded. "Right. But even then Miles was always avoiding his family and making them worry and Peter didn't have much family left after his uncle was killed-" Mikey pouted a little, "I mean yeah I guess, but in the newest installment Miles finally comes clean to his family after this big battle with the other spider people who disagree with him and they all accept him and he gets the girl and his friends who understand him! It's not about pretending to be normal, it's about finding people who accept you for you! And there's no weirder place than New York, I mean April is a human raised by humans, and she's super chill and is even dating a mutant, there's no way she's the only one" Usagi nodded a little, "All things take time, but just as April understands you, others can too. This is merely a step towards that, you all deserve lives outside of this, and no matter what happens, or where you go, you'll always be family and you'll always be there for each other. You can worry about being Spider-Man when the time comes, but today it's just lunch. And I think a big tough guy like you can handle that without too much overthinking right? If anything, do it for Leo. He's been putting a lot of thought into asking you all to wear the pins more often. He wants to see you all being happy and doing the things you talked about wanting to do before all this happened.."
"I know you're right but.. Raph just has a bad feeling- I don't want to stop anyone or myself from doing stuff, and I don't want them to feel bad either. I just, I can't stop seeing it when I think about the pins." Usagi reached over gently patting his shoulder, "Well, lets face it together then. Okay? I've known you for what, three years now? There's nothing that you, or this family, can't do. What do you see?" Raph let out a small defeated sigh and rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah.. I've heard that before.. But you're right. I can't over think things that haven't even happened yet." He paused for a moment giving another glance to his brothers before talking again, "When you brought Leo home. His arm had been torn apart, there was so much blood and.." He paused again, thinking back to Usagi stepping into the room with Leo in his arms, tear streaks staining Leos face that was masked with blood.. His arm broken to nothing and bleeding out the whole way into the medbay. There was bits of.. someone, stuck in his teeth and he couldn't stop throwing up till Donnie gave him a sedative.. Usagi gave him another sympathetic pat on his shoulder, Breaking Raph out of his thoughts, "It was hard." Usagi spoke quietly, "I understand, really. I know we don't always see eye to eye but Leo is... He's my everything. I have never cared for someone so deeply, he makes me want to be more than I am, and makes me feel so.. Seen. I wanna protect him with everything I have as long as he'll have me, probably as much as you do. And seeing him there in that hallway, bloody and weak.. And all scared and beaten up. It was jarring to see, and I can only imagine how you felt when I brought him back and you had to clean him up. And even now, two years later, it's hard not to get a little panicked when he insists he can go off alone somewhere. But the one thing I've learned about Leo is that he's so much more capable than anyone realizes, and sometimes even when you're unsure you just have to trust him, even when he doesn't have a plan, or doesn't know if he can win, even when he gets caught. You just have to trust him." 
"I do-" Raph said as he stood up, "And.. I don't hate you or nothin' y'know, I could never. You're a good guy, and I know Leo would've been in real trouble without you around to help him out with all the stuff he had goin' on. And we're real lucky he has you. " He paused a little and took his pin out, "Alright, I think we've had enough mushy stuff for the week, let's go have lunch" 
Leo, April and Casey walked into the room a moment later, seeing Usagi help fasten Mikey's pin on his hoodie. Casey gently pushed past the two to get a good look at how they all looked. "Oh wow, you guys look so.."
"Different?" Raph asked, tilting his head with a little smile. "I'm really not used to having hair-" Leo said as he put his pin on, "No no, I mean you look.. Like you. Its not bad, its just so weird to see you guys as human." Leo nodded a little, "Yeah I didn't think Donnie's hair would be in locs- It suits him though, less day to day maintenance and all." Donnie rolled his eyes and pointed back to Leo, "And you having those long bleached dead end dreads certainly fits your aesthetic dear brother." Leo rolled his eyes and decided just this once he'd let Donnie's comments slide, they didn't have time to wrestle right now. "You're just jealous I'm the hotter twin~" He said with a little laugh, "Are we all ready then?" 
Everyone nodded and followed Leo and Usagi outside, everyone looked a bit nervous, which was to be expected. No one wanted to get caught, or mess up on any first impressions on their first group outing topside since they all almost died. Usagi took Leo's hand with a little smile, "We aren't going far. Just up the block, figured a pizza place might suit you guys" 
"Pizza?!" Mikey repeated, pushing past April and Donnie to look at Usagi with stars in his eyes, "Ohmigosh you read my mind!!" Usagi chuckled a little as they walked, "Well you have said before how much you all love pizza, and I think a place with options might be good for Casey who doesn't have a lot of experience with the food of our time." Casey nodded a little, "Heheh.. Yeah, we didn't have very much there, and definitely not this kind of variety. I recently got to try something called ramen though- It was amazing!! Michelangelo was always a pretty good cook, even when we didn't have much he always found a way to make it enjoyable, or at the least, easy to get down." Raph tilted his head a little, wondering what kind of food they had in the future. He knew it was hard for stuff to grow, but was it really that bad? "No wonder you're so thin," Raph said with a little chuckle, Donnie raised his hand to pull the attention towards himself, "We should have a night where we all make our favorite foods and share them. I'm kind of interested now to try some of the food Casey was subject to- I mean, grew up with." April and Mikey both nodded, "Yes yes yes! I wanna try the pasta April's mom always makes for holidays! It sounds sooooo gooooood!!" Usagi slowed down for a second turning to Donnie, "Everyone's favorite..?" He asked in a quiet but serious tone. Leo stopped too, looking between the two. "Because, I wouldn't want to be invited to something like that only to make you all uncomfortable. Or well, most of you at least." Donnie hesitated for a moment but then nodded, "It's been about three years, I'm sure well be fine- And I mean, even if we don't eat it I know Leo and Casey will." Casey nodded, "I'm all for it" He said with a little shrug, "I don't know how well you're gonna like my cooking though-" 
"What's the main stuff you guys had to eat?" Mikey asked, ready with his phone to look up what sort of meals they could've made with whatever ingredients they had available. "Well.. When we had the mass greenhouse in the abandoned buildings we had a lot of vegetables, mostly tomato's, potatoes, and carrots I think. So we had a lot of soups, things that were easy to take with us in any container and could be had hot or cold. That kinda stuff. Oh but, we did have these crunchy like, candied flowers that Draxx always brought when he came to visit. But he never let just anyone eat them, it was special, he brought them when someone died, or when someone was born. But on a normal day we had cold soup left overs and Autolyse, which is kinda like bread?"
"I'm sorry, auto what?" April asked, more confused than ever. Donnie raised a finger, "It's flower and water, it's the most basic and bland version of bread, commonly made when people are lacking supplies. But as a side to other foods or when packed with things like protein it can be a pretty good survival food." Casey nodded, "I wouldn't call it my favorite food but if you really wanna know what food was like that's a pretty good start."
"So we're really gonna do Donnie's idea?" Leo asked, "Cause I mean, I'm all for it I just.." Raph gently patted Leo's back as a reassuring gesture, "I'm down, how bad could it be? Look Leo, I know you've been trying really hard lately to keep your side of things out of the house in trying not to freak us out and we've been really weird about all this but we're all grown ups here, I think it'd be good to do something fun like this. I mean Usagi's like family now, and I wanna get to know that side of him." Leo blushed a little as he looked back to Usagi, then smiled more and nodded, "Heh, since when did you get mature huh- Fair enough. Think tomorrow would be too soon? The new JJ movie is hitting the internet and Donnie said he could put it up on the projector for us to watch, might be a good activity to warrant having so much food."
"That's a great idea, I don't know how easily it'll be to get pops out of his chair though.."
"Eh, we can burn that bridge when we come to it."
"...Uh, Leo? Don't you mean.. Cross that bridge when we get to it?"
"Hm? Oh- No, no I did not."
"Oh look-" Usagi chimed in, pointing across the street to a fairly decent looking restaurant. "We're here." And now look, when I say decent, I really just mean decent by New York's standards, which in this case really just means there's no bugs in or on the food, there's still people inside who haven't choked or ran out screaming, and all of their lights work. You can't really ask for a better place in this of corner of the town when you're looking for cheap food and a table of 7.to just be ready when you walk in.  LRO Part 1 Part 5
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luvlaw · 2 years
OMG I THOT I LOST THIS DRAFT TOO I ALMOST DIED . if i had a nickel for every time i thot i lost a rottmnt headcannon draft, i’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice!
n e ways, here’s miguel headcanons ! he just like me fr !!
in charge of planning allll birthday parties (and all parties they have in general)
is terrified of balloons popping tho
makes the best handmade cards
had a horse girl phase, which bled into a my little pony phase
on a mission to try every specialty pizza at every pizza place in the city so he can properly rank them
actively wakes up for breakfast with splinter (raph usually wakes up second to do some morning training)
it’s already canon but mf can COOK like actually throw down in the kitchen (he a good baker too but his cooking is more his forte)
stuck tonsss of stickers when he was little so the lair is full of randomly placed stickers EVERYWHERE
(in the time of the movie, he’s planning on buying and sticking even MORE stickers in their new lair)
even tho he gets really scared, he likes watching horror movies with his brothers bc leo n donnie can’t help but point out all the ways the movie is bad/corny/goofy which breaks the scary tension and immersion!
like april, he also had a few tik toks of his go viral ! they were art transition videos showing bare walls and then his graffiti art on them
he appreciates all art but loves when art is super expressive and messy the most
loves to cosplay
has a crazy squishmellow collection like he gets one as a gift for every gift giving holiday
his friendship bracelet to april looks like a traditionally braided friendship bracelet that’s orange with alternating white and yellow hearts
he was the first to give april a friendship bracelet and the rest hopped on the bandwagon
types in all lowercase and uses (* ^ ω ^), ٩(◕‿◕。)۶, (⌒‿⌒) emoticons interchangeably with 😂,😎, 😡 emojis and it agitates donnie to no end
has always kept a diary of some sort for as long as he could express feelings <3
CRAZY superstitious, especially when he was younger and his brothers would make up random things to mess with him till it got really bad and they stopped bc they don’t like seeing him so distraught all the time
aka he REFUSES to let anyone split the pole
he can also rap ((this is just an indulgent reference to the VA and Let It Shine muah))
knows how to say a few phrases in a variety of languages (not really fluent in any of them) bc he wants to communicate with the many different yokai in the hidden city!
i take that back, he knows sign language very well !
human headcanon
he’s black, darkskin :D (spolier alert they r all black obvi)
fully the best dressed, don’t play with him bc he keeps up with current trends + experiments constantly, streetwear mixed with maximalism
often stopped in the streets of nyc for those “describe what ur wearing” tik toks
he’s got locs n leo wont leave him alone with “u need a retwist bitch”
raph does his hair but mikey adds the beads n clips n hair cuffs
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gyubby99 · 11 months
Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
All ur kids pls
Song ocs:
Lily - she wished she could have her bestfriend but she's miles away.
Alex - her older sister
Zach - his best friend (that he's also inlove with)
Jane - her dad. But now that we know her story, it's now a teddy bear that her dad gave her.
Melody - a person? She's utterly alone in this world and the only thing she wanted was someone else's (i kinda wanna make a melody redemption arc)
Charlotte - Edward.
Edward - Charlotte
Rosella - Lily
Emmy - her father
Story draft ocs:
Adam - Victor and Adira
Adira - Adam. She loves her brother more than anything.
Valerie - Leo, or if not a person, her snake Raven
Leo - Valerie
Alexandra - Victor. The only thing she lives for is her brother.
Victor - his sister he would admit. What he wouldn't admit, Adam.
Ill-fated reality:
*cracks knuckles*
Marianne - Noah. 100%. Like, I would say Damian, and he would want to be by her side if she's scared, but Noah.. he's been there longer than him. So I'm going with Noah.
Damian - Anne. Not even Jake is an option. Jake IS the one that scares him. 100% Anne. He wouldn't allow himself to be vulnerable around Marianne because he wants to protect her. He wants to be her bravest soldier.
Jake - he has no one to have when he's scared.. he wants someone, but he can't have anyone. He keeps his fears to himself and puts on a brave face.
Selene - Elizabeth. I wanna say something but I'm saving it. For.. purposes.
Elizabeth - Marianne. She feels like with her she can take on anything. As long as she's there. As long as her big sister was there for her.
Frederic - uhhh... his son? He can just manipulate damian to be on his side. His only fear is failing so-
Catherine - surprising, but Marianne. I think she loves her daughter but.. in a REALLY fucked up way. Like how maleficent's love for mal in descendants shrinked into the size of a lizard.. idk. It's so little a microscope wouldnt be enough to see that she cares but she does.
Mary - Damian. She bravely faced her death because she knew Damian would be okay. And that she was never going to leave him. She'll be there. The thought of him alone gives her comfort.
Anne - she wont admit that she was scared, but Damian.
Noah - He also won't admit that he's scared, but Marianne would want to be at his side.
Ava - hmmmmm idk she wasnt that developed much but.. probably not a person.. but a pet. A pet gives her comfort.
Like- Vox hates it when she's upset. Like the only ray of sunshine in his life? Upset? A crime to humanity.
Like he's a big douche 24/7 but he's HER big douche and she loves him.
Ivy - I'd like to say her brother.
Ethan: his family.
Philippine folklore:
Dalia and Amelia want each other idk what to tell you.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
“They hurt you, didn’t they?” ( Hmmm. Leo & Raph, but which verse - I'll let you surprise me uwu )
| Muse interactions Hot Head!
Big jerk! Cry baby! The water was nice and cool over his skin, as he was resting in the more shallow area of the pool of water of their lair. It was his favorite place to brood when anger brunt out but hadn't made him feel better. Sometimes when he cooled off he just sit around with the rest of them but, he wanted to be alone. Just to much on his mind..sometimes he missed Spike. Well slash he guesses. He used to talk to his pet turtle when he got like this. So it hurt that he lost that now someone he could confined everything to. Some who would listen to him, with out judgement. He had gotten into a bit of fight with Mikey and Donnie. Splinter didn't help with the issue much once again being talked down to about how quick he was to snap and yell out in anger. He knew it was an issue of course he knew it was an issue!
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Eyes opened to find Leo stand just over him looking down at him, he fixed his beak in to a fine line. Speaking of judgement. That wasn't fair he knew that Leo didn't..judge him. Not really. He could hear them say his name from under the water and moved to sit up now, scooting over to the side to make room for Leo to take a spot next to him.
"Hey." He had well not much energy to try and pick a fight with them or even snark out that he wanted to be alone. Nah it was clear he didn't want to be alone right now. Despite the fighting Leo was also the brother Raph could just sit around this like, their presence was nice. When they weren't fighting or when Leo wasn't being a total teachers pet.
“They hurt you, didn’t they?”
"uh wha?" Raph asked turning to look at his brother now a bit shocked they seemed to figure it out. "Pftt what me course not never I.." words start to die in the air as he tried to defend and keep up appearances just now. He got it all the time how he was just so sensitive or emotional. God he fucking hated it sometimes the teasing was just.
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Raph twisted a bit so his shell was against Leo's now slightly leaning back to rest against them. It was an odd habit of Raphael's but a sigh of him being willing to talk. It was just easier to open up when they couldn't see him like this. Least that why Raph assumed he did it. Drawing his knees in to his chest now lowering his chin to rest on his knee pads. "I guess. I dunno Leo I think aye do it ta my self if anythin' I just." man words were hard, it was so hard to set words to how he felt because they tend to fail him. He tipped his head back to rest it against the lip of Leo's shell. Seeking out comfort from them right now but this was as far and willing he was to express that. "I'm trying Leo I really am tryin, but..never seems like I make an ounce of progress." Raph tried to express to his brother. Leo was bad as the rest of them calling him out on being a big baby and reducing his moment of anger as nothing more then a cry for attention.
Which okay maybe they were at times.
"I think somethin's wrong with me." He finally words it out, trusting Leo for once with this and just fucking hoping it was okay for him to do so. "nah I know there somethin' wrong with me I feel it so deep but whenever I think I got a handle on this all?" recalling how he has lashed out and nearly hurt even Leo cause of this. He chews on his bottom beak a little bit starting to pull away away from Leo "Never- never mind I'm fine. I'm just sulkin' cause Splinter got on my case again thats all. Ya don't gotta check on me, I won't take off okay." Raph reduced it too because that was usually what he did. Took off and got into trouble, figured that was the only reason Leo was here after all. "I wont cause trouble for you with Splinter so ya know go on leave me alone...better that way."
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Chapters 1-15 here~
So, this one is pretty brutal, and where it starts to get dark 
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- "So. They have a serum that can basically make us feral in our other forms?" I needed a second to process this. 
- "Sorry, I need to finish getting ready for our patrol, just wanted you guys to know"
- "Don't let that stop you from using your alternate forms. Especially for self defense though" Vicky and I now looked up at him with an exasperated expression. 
"And what if we are used against you?" Came my immediate response. 
"Again" The veteran added.
"We'll just deal with it"
- "Fall back!" Leo ordered his brothers, as he desperately thrashed in the net, trying to find a weak point and get free. 
"We ain't leaving you!" Raph snapped angrily.
- "Project 1171 of TCRI, and project 5521 of Silver. If you're watching this, you can get the turtle back, but not for free. In exchange for yourselves. We are feeling generous enough to even let him out alive, too. But the longer you take to meet us at the rendezvous point? The more damage he will sustain" The last part was a voice over as the monitor showed the meet up point in the park.
-"You guys can plan something with Leo after we get him back" Vicky snapped.
- "Right out there!" I said, and Vicky nodded, determination and fear flooded both our eyes as we got closer to losing our cover, sure enough. A large group was there at the bottom of the grassy hill. And with them, a VERY chained up turtle, they where shocking him, and beating him with some strange high tech melee weapons.
- "You're not fucking going down there at all" the scent hit me too late, I quickly craned my head as Raph, Don, and Mikey hurriedly landed closest to me. "I'm not losing you too!" I don't think I've ever seen Raph more mad in his life, I frowned, why did he have to make it on time! He was about to make this very difficult.
wheeeew long recap, lots of DRAMA. So yes, with this chapter being called “Torture” Its pretty self explanatory, if you’re squeamish, don’t read, 18+... still... 
WARNINGS: shock, burning, blood and beating will make a scene, I think that’s it. dark enough for yall? enjoy friends 
"Raph. We have to" I frowned, trying to hold back my emotions in a desperate attempt, I backed up a little bit, getting a bit closer to break the tree line, I couldn't let him stop me.
"No. You don't. We'll find a way to get him back" he stomped up to me, my eyes were gentle as he got mere inches to me, so much for my resolve. His green eyes staring me down, there was so much fear behind them, I felt so guilty having to do this.
"Raph. They're hurting him and they're hurting him badly. We don't have time. We'll get him back now, and you guys can get us back later" Vicky stepped forward a bit. But she kept a gentle tone as well, her own eyes were sympathetic.
"You know he would refuse and not agree with this" Raph pointed at her.
"He doesn't have say in it. This is our decision and our decision alone" Vicky argued.
"No. It isn't this doesn't just involve you guys alone, you're not going down there" Raph growled at us.
"Raph. They'll kill him." Vicky now had tears in her eyes as she looked back down at where the leader was being held.
"Look at him. They're beating the shit out of him" she swallowed, her body shaking.
"They'll kill him but they wont kill us" Vicky told him.
"You don't know that" Raph hissed. The brothers behind him just looked pleading at us to not go, but seemed stunned into silence, even Mikey.
"I do. They've spent too much time, effort, and money into us, to kill us now? We'll be ok" Raph was staring a hole down into the two of us, giving a shaky breath, and looked like he was about to cry even.
I walked up to him, placing my hands on his face ever so gently, and tugged him down for a kiss. Holding it for several seconds before I released, swallowing my sadness down.
"No matter what happens. I love you. I love you all. Thank you for being an incredible family to me"
"Don't talk like that. We'll see you soon" Raph rasped. I didn't say good byes to everyone, because this wouldn't be goodbye, I was convinced they'd see me again, Vicky too.
"You will" Vicky assured, as I backed up to her, stepping on dead twigs and crispy leaves.
"You ready?"
We turned and started to walk out of the treeline, we were walking with purpose, but being very cautious too. Last thing we wanted was for this to be a trap that could just get all 3 of us captured.
We trotted down the grassy hill carefully, and walked up to the group that quickly held guns up at us. Some looked like legitimate weapons, but the ones that really got my attention were the specially designed ones that looked like they shot darts. I had a pretty good guess on what was in the darts.
"What are you guys doing?!" Leo got to his feet, looking at us, but someone hit him back down to his knees. I winced, starting to move towards him to get them to stop or at least help him but had to stop when I was yelled at by them and they poked the air with their guns at me threateningly.
"Stop FUCKING hitting him! Or I will fucking gut you!" Vicky warned them, even moving towards them to intimidate them, which worked, she looked SO pissed, she messed them up on the serum last time, they couldn't control her, so they took her more seriously. Some guys started to walk up to Vicky and myself with collars, I recognized those! The cutthroat used one on me!
"Hold on! That wasn't the deal" I snapped angrily, tears pooling in my blue eyes, trying not to get distracted by my prisoner brother. They did stop, especially when some gold came to my eyes, they knew Alopex was right around the corner, so they stopped in their tracks. I never want to hurt or kill, but I will to protect my family.
"You shoot us up with red, we're still going to go ape shit on you too. Guaranteed? Even injured, the ninja will get away" I looked at the guys with the dart guns.
"You let him go, and we'll come quietly. That's the deal" Vicky glared at them.
"Don't you dare" Leo warned, he groaned with all the fresh damage done to him, they had a foot on his head and forced the side of his face into the grass and dirt.
"Hush boy scout" Vicky said without so much as looking at him. Her glare and concentration was on the obvious leader of the two groups.
A couple men went from the back of the large, heavily armed group, and made their way to the turtle, one held a gun to him, the other worked on unshackling him and removing the clearly specially made for large, strong mutants like him: Chains. One by one they fell with loud thuds to the ground, Vicky couldn't bring herself to look at him when he was finally free, his eyes would be the end of her.
I knew she was just as scared as me, she literally just got free 3 weeks ago, we didn't know what they'd do to us for escaping, or what they'd do to us, in order to do their bidding. She didn't need someone she cared about so much to ruin her resolve, we were both doing this for him, we agreed, and consented.
"Go Leo"
"I'm not leaving you two" Leo snapped at us, staggering to his feet, even standing he was wobbly and I was getting nervous that maybe my previous statement wouldn’t be true.
"You have to. And you know it. Now go" He was in no condition to fight, and when the man that freed him held up his weapon and got closer, Leo looked down at him with a glare, looking at the TCRI/Cutthroat leader.
"I'll make you regret not killing me" he said darkly. His usually calm blue eyes were a ravaging storm as he stared down these men.
"Don't you dare hurt them" he warned them.
"Move it" one of the armed men snapped, tapping him with the barrel of his gun. I knew he wanted to rip the gun out of his hands and start going ham. But he was weak, and outnumbered. Even with the other turtles, he wouldn't be able to help us, they were all still heavily outnumbered and gunned, didn't know if there was a trap set to get all of us either.
"Go Leo. We'll be ok" I couldn't help some tears that came to my eyes.
"We'll come back for you" He promised, the anger leaving his eyes for a brief moment to look at Vicky who returned the favor finally, and then myself.
"We know you will" we forgot to pay attention to the assailants behind us, two agents worked in unison to snap the collars around our throats, we quickly grabbed them but they were very solid. Their immediate reaction afterwards was to inject us in the neck with something. I couldn't see what mine was, but it was pretty obvious, especially when I saw them give Vicky a dose of something red.
"Kill him"
"Carson wants him alive" a second in command reminded.
"We have what we need. Kill him" A nearby truck opened up, and two mutated porcupines like the one Vicky turned into came out, their eyes full of nothingness as they zeroed in on Leo and began to chase him. The ninja held his arm, and retreated to the woods, almost stumbling at one point.
"Noo!" Vicky and I both screamed as they gave him chase.
"You fuckers!" Vicky snapped. Someone pulled hard on both our chains, and we fell to our knees as I watched Leo make it to the tree line, the porcupines weren't fast, Leo was injured, but clearly his adrenaline was working in his favor. He could lose them, especially with the help of his brothers.
"He'll be ok" I was still worried as hell for him, but the logical part of my mind knew he'd easily outsmart and escaped those creatures. They weren't thinkers, and in an enclosed space they had an advantage, but out in the woods and open spaces? Not so much, the boys could escape.
"Oh. He'll be the least of your worries. Now transform" the snobby leader of the group had a thick English accent.
"I won't if you won't" Vicky snarled.
"If you don't we will have no purpose for you. You'll be disposed of"
"Sounds good to me" Vicky snapped.
"You're going to have to kill me then" I choked out. No, I didn't want to die, but I would much rather die any day than ever be used against my family. Because I knew for a fact that would be the next move of these ass holes.
"We'll see about that. See how long it takes for you to break" the cutthroat that held the chain to my collar, wrapped it around his hand once and gave a rough yank, I felt my body get roughly thrown towards him. There they began to put shackles on my wrists and ankles, more chain was used to link the collar, wrist, and ankle shackles together, with locks. Vicky was given the same exact treatment, and then I was yanked by the neck again, hard enough to make me see spots from the sheer force. My nerves weren't fond of this.
We were both back up on our feet, and getting dragged towards the truck, but not without a fight, both of us were digging our heels in, trying to yank on the chain but whatever beings were controlling us. They weren't just standard men, they had to of been altered like Rasputia, because they were incredibly strong as they hauled us along.
We got thrown into an aftermarket, reinforced bread truck, we were chained to some d rings that were installed into the floor of the vehicle, more locks were used to secure the chain to the d ring, the two handlers sat on the bench inside, and the doors shut behind us. Loud enough to shake the truck.
I don't know how long it's been, at the very minimum a week, I was afraid of this, they must've had a secure lab that the boys were having trouble finding. The room I was locked in by myself was all white, no windows, harsh leds blasting on me constantly, making it difficult to sleep (obviously not the only reason for lack of sleep though).
I was chained to the wall, my wrists, neck and ankles rubbed raw, it hurt so bad to move, I was getting blood every where from it. They gave me just enough food and water to survive, which I ate to get my strength up, but to escape here without any of my powerful new forms? I didn't even trust myself as a turtle even.
I was able to sit on the ground, which is what I typically did, the lowest my shackled hands could go was near my face, they put me in white clothing (which got bloody quickly) but I wore long white stretchy pants that hugged my legs, and a matching long sleeved shirt.
Anytime someone came in through that door, I always flinched, they tried everything to break me, including beatings, electroshock, and even burning me, like the cutthroats.
But they would change out my clothing when it got dirty, and they would clean me up (which was never a nice experience) it was like they were trying to keep me clean for a presentation minus the injuries to my face.
They were completely relentless in my doses of red, and even more relentless in harvesting my blood, I dreaded the fact that I knew what they were using it for. They were making more monsters like Vicky and I.
They were giving me up to 7 doses of red a day, and my body was not taking it well at all, like it wasn't compatible with this form and it was making me incredibly sick. Though I don't think this much would be compatible for any of my forms, sure more body mass but that would only go so far.
I knew Vicky was alive, she was in a cell next to me, I know this because I could hear her screams when they went to torture her too. I knew she hadn't changed, because I heard it many times a day, and then after her screams stopped, I knew I was next, it was mental warfare.
They were definitely doing it on purpose. But they made sure to switch it between which of us went first, it was very sporadic, so we were living in constant suspense.
As for the boys, I always kept them in the back of my mind, especially Raph. Instead of focusing on them coming for me, I focused on all the good memories I've had with them, how much I loved them and my sister.
I didn't really expect to make it out alive at this rate, it is what it is, I was ready for it, wish they didn't make it as slow and painful as they did, oh well. I'm dying for my family and I was ready for that.
I simply stared ahead at the wall on the other side of the roughly 5000 square foot room, don't know why it needed to be so big, even my fox or porcupine form didn't need that. I feel like if I escaped I could use it to my advantage.
But they kept me locked up so tightly, I knew it wasn't an option for me. Not like I was going to get bored, I had people randomly torture me throughout the day, so my anxiety ridden day consisted of the same questions:
What were they going to do today? Shock me? Kill me with the radiation red gave me in massive doses? Burn me again? Beat me? Were they going to find a new torture method? Thankfully, never once in my mind did I think about giving in. it wasn't an option, and it's like my body and mind knew that and just ran with it.
The door opened and I covered my head, closing my eyes, and got myself ready. They always went for my head first, it was the only correlation I had, no matter the torture, and I flinched when the foot steps got close enough.
Sure enough, I felt barbs stab into my skin, going clean through my clothes, and my body completely tightened up, I couldn't even whimper or scream.
Whatever they were getting me with, it was powerful, and extremely painful. They continued this over and over, sometimes letting me recover, I know it wasn't for my benefit. I had no sense of time, but it felt like they proceeded for hours.
A bunch of holes were in my clothes, they were nearly completely shredded up by this point, my body heaved, and I couldn't move for a little longer than normal, like it was completely locking up. The holes that peppered my clothing were charred from the fingers of electricity, and singed. I could smell burning flesh and even hair, which would've made me cough.
I couldn't scream, my lungs like everything else was spasming and locked up tight within every inch of muscle I had. My muscles were insanely sore from the constant constricting, I couldn't even shake at this point.
They finally stopped with the shocks, knelt down, I knew what was next, sure enough, the specialist in torture knelt down, and stabbed a needle in my neck, stuffing me with red. My neck was so tender from getting the same 7 injections a day, in the same spot, 7 days a week.
A winded gasp escaped me. I have no idea how my nerve endings weren't completely fried, my body must be desperately fighting to heal. I heard the man get on whatever comm he had, and demand someone come in and feed me and reclothe me. Why was this their system?
He got up from his kneeling position, and I watched him leave, it took several more minutes before my body could even think about getting back up in a sitting position. I could finally breath properly again, not tiny, panicked gasps that made me light headed.
I began to examine myself, my hands had a sickly dark gray color to my skin, I pulled up my sleeve a bit, realizing that the entirety of my skin looked like that probably. I looked down at where all the holes were left in my clothes, and my legs matched.
Red veins and arteries gave off a slight glow, they pumped me full of so much of this stuff, it was unreal. I put a hand to my head, and gasped when I ran my hand over my hair. Massive clumps of hair began to slide off, delicately hitting the ground.
The radiation was eating me up from the inside out, all my hair was falling out, I choked, it was a bit silly, but I didn't have much left, and this was a "straw that broke the camel's back' type situation.  I felt so weak I was surprised I could even sit up, as my breathing was labored.
Another person came in through the door, I knew they were here to feed me and cloth me, but I still couldn't help the flinch and covering my head. Just in case I was wrong, the blows to the head were excruciating and I wasn't about to take the risk.
My body jolted in fear when he slapped the new clothes that were sealed in plastic wrap down next to me. I just remained in my position until the TCRI agent forced my arm out straight, which was excruciating from the punctures and burns, the agent opened the Velcro up that ran along my arm. These clothes were specially made with Velcro strips so they could change me without unshackling me.
It was along both arms, my torso and both legs. Shocking wasn't as messy as burning, so he wasn't about to be cleaning me up at least, since I wasn't bleeding, the wounds were cauterized. I kind of relaxed my body, the quicker he got me dressed, the quicker he'd leave, and less I'd get hit. He finished changing me, and then started forcing me to eat. It was a small peace of bread, and 8 oz of water.
I should be starving, but I think the radiation in my body was making it harder for food to go down, on top of my stomach shrinking a lot from eating so little. The bread was dry to the point of almost ashy in my mouth, it was really hard to swallow, but I managed to get it down.
He made me drink the water so fast, half of it went down my shirt, and I began to choke on the offered sustenance. I was coughing for several minutes, it was to the point where the guy even got up and left, I was still coughing up a storm.
The coughing got worse, and I felt liquid in my mouth, I spit, it was blood, the radiation must be doing more and much more quickly than I thought. But that at least meant I was going to die soon, I wouldn’t have to keep suffering like this, I could finally just let my body rest permanently.
I have to say though, I would absolutely love to cuddle with Raph one last time before I finally left this world behind, but it's ok, I was so happy from all the memories we already made together. They kept me going through this whole mess, I got to tell him I loved him, too, so it's safe to say, I had no loose ends.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Wait so Leo keeps in contact with Splinter even post-revelation? I'm wondering now if Leo avoids givinh any blame to Splinter, at all, and only blames himself for everything? (Better than only blaming Splinter but still)
Sooo yeah i mean, it’s kind of a situation where Leo heavily blames himself because he knows that Splinter WONT change. It’d almost be like being mad at a child at this point, like they simply just don’t understand and they don’t want to. (not REALLY because Splinter is an adult, but that's how it feels to Leo. Like, Splinter is almost a kind of force of nature in their lives who can only be appeased or dealt with but not necessarily changed)
And Leo now knows that he didn’t have to go along with it all. He also feels bad about abandoning Splinter since he had the closest relationship with him. He knows Splinters a Shit Dad but like… its not as easy to let go. That causes some friction tho.
anyway, I've been saving this ask cause I wanted to do a comic about it but i don't think I'll get to it any time soon so I'll just tell you what I've got planned:
This happens at Aprils farm house, where the brothers are staying for the time being. One night, Leo tries to sneak out and gets caught by Donnie, who's up late in the kitchen getting something to eat.
Donnie: Leo? Where are you going? 
Leo, nervously: uhh, just out. Don't worry about me, I’ll be back tomorrow.
Donnie, timidly: Oh, ok. But, you didn’t answer my question.
Mikey, coming downstairs: That's cause he doesn’t wanna tell you he’s visiting Splinter.
Donnie, panicked: What, why?! A-are you-
Leo, defensively: I’m not gonna tell him anything! I just- I can’t just leave him alone! He’s probably worried about us!
Mikey: He’s probably worried about you.
there's a tense pause in the conversation. Leo wants to respond, but he can't force himself to argue, he knows Mikey is right. Finally, he manages to choke out-
Leo: I’m sorry.
Leo closes the door behind him, leaving Mikey fuming and Donnie disappointed.
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astroandstuff · 2 years
✽ Placements as Avery Lynch Songs ✽
Hey there! I'm back with another placements as songs post! I love doing these and I love Avery lynch so I hope you enjoy this!
Earth Venuses: Wont Even Know it -
"And I still know what it felt like the first time you looked at me I remember the whole thing like what I was wearing Hoped you thought I looked pretty And I've been falling deeper in and you have no idea And I'm too scared of saying it 'cause I know That those feelings aren't there So I'm gonna keep on falling in And I'm gonna keep on hoping one day I'll get over it"
Cancer Dominance: I Put You First, And You Did Too (as written) -
"Acting like you love me just to leave me Nothing could prepare me for what I thought you'd never do But you know it made you look so crazy Saying that you wanted to protect me From all of the people that hurt me like you do Cause I put you first, and you did too And all of our fights about who loved who most, I won At least I'll sleep tonight knowing I never loved you wrong"
Leo Moon: All I Need (the distance song) -
"And I'm sick of kissing you in my head Oh baby, tell me, when can it be real instead? 'Cause I would do anything to be close to you again And it's hard being here half empty When somewhere different is my favorite part of me If I could just hold you for real That's the only thing I'll need"
Air Dominance: Holding My Own Hand -
"Guess you only want me when I'm there to fix you And the part that kills me is that I'd still love to But I just want to thank you for not being there for me And I think you should know just what your selfishness has taught me And even though it hurts like hell to feel alone again Because of you, I got a chance at holding my own hand"
Pisces Placements: Love Me Nicely -
"'Cause we both know you make me cry and it hurts you Then I'll stay and comfort you saying I'm fine And we both know I deserve better than all of this But I'll still be there to kiss every night And no it's not fair to me But I don't want anyone else 'Cause I know that you love me but could you love me nicely"
Capricorn Placements: I Lied -
"'Cause I don't usually get caught up in stupid love But here I am completely broken up over someone I said like seven times to your eyes, "I'll be fine" I know I said goodbye, but what if I lied? I don't wanna be without you, swear I tried to I told myself there's more than you But I'm so unconvincing Can't fake it for a second, I take it all back I want you more than I'd like to I tried, but I lied"
Gemini Moon: Out of Love With You -
"Something switched in me you know A change I never thought would come And I don't know what went wrong With me and you But I didn't mean to fall out of love with you No I didn't dream in a million years this is what I'd do"
Fire Dominance: Over It -
"Honestly I don't care really what you're doing You might need somebody to hold onto Thinking all of the songs I write are for you Truth is I don't know how you came up with this But I'm over it I think you hate it, that I'm not hating life without you And the things that I do for myself they were never about you "
Water Moons: To Love Someone Else -
"'You're perfectly good Probably better But please don't waste your pretty time on me 'Cause I could fall for you if I wanted to And I could get attached and love the hell out of you Yeah I could fall for you if I let myself But I don't think I'm ready to love someone else And I hate him for not letting me feel like I can finally breathe I hate it"
Taurus Venus: Not Ready Yet -
"Maybe I don't wanna forget, no And i've been real tired of pretending That there's someone better just waiting And I don't think i want that Yeah I don't think i'm ready yet And maybe I'll move on when I've felt it's long gone But I don't think we're there yet, no"
Sagittarius Placements: All I Wanna Know -
"I'm dying to ask you 'bout everything Even though knowing your answer might hurt me If what we had was real love And there's no denying it Then you knew when you ended us What we would be losing And I know it wasn't easy But all I wanna know is baby When was the moment you felt it When you knew you wouldn't regret it"
Libra Dominance: Sh*t People -
"I finally found it so exhausting it’s been so long That I’ve been who everybody takes it out on Yeah I’m stuck with some shit people in my life Don’t get me wrong good ones make it fine But it still gets hard sometimes And I always internalize And I hate that I’m never on my side I got these shit people in my mind And they never treat me right And I’m so tired of justifying"
Scorpio Venus: Round & Round -
"You're the prettiest mistake I'll ever let myself make Yeah you're the person I most hate but I can't let get away You take me Round & round & round And I don't think I wanna get down You take me Round & round Round & round But please don't let me down"
Saturn Dominant: The Closest to That -
"And all you do is love me I have no reason to worry But I'm convinced that someone's gonna want you And I'm scared that then she'll be the better other half of you Oh what if she's been the one for you And I'm just the closest to that That you have ever had"
- S 🤍
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