#legacy: cullen
halsingf · 4 months
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alex i’ll take “things we totally didn’t see coming” for 500
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scoobhead · 1 month
twilight's writing is almost universally bad EXCEPT for at the end of the second movie when edward is about to show himself to the humans and bella knocks him backwards and as he's holding her he says "heaven"..... like what do you want me to say. he thinks he's damned. he does not believe he has a soul. he truly does not believe that he can reach heaven. but for just a moment before he understands what's happening, he thinks against hope that he has died and received salvation. because she is there. am i not supposed to think that fucks?? am i not supposed to say that they genuinely popped off with that???? be so serious
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my greatest achievement in DA2 is maxing out Carver's friendship
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and all it took was begrudgingly kissing a little templar ass in act 1 because Carver didn't want to plan a prison break if my Hawke got his ass arrested for being stupid.
#carver hawke#dragon age#dragon age 2#da2#well that and he didn't want leandra gamlen and himself to also get arrested for harboring an apostate but you get me#carver hawke loves his sibling and doesn't want them to get taken away that's why he's such an ass and approves of 'pro-templar' choices#in act 1 he's not pro-templar himself but kissing a little templar ass is how you avoid being arrested#'why yes cullen you are so right the templars are so cool and sexy' my hawke says through gritted teeth for that +5 friendship#look i love him okay he's my favorite and i will go the extra mile to make him happy and it's worth it for how much softer can be later on#honestly maxing out his friendship isn't hard if you're aware of what quests you're bringing him on and make him a grey warden#oh but you do need the legacy dlc otherwise you can't fully max friendship out... you can still get enough to change his dialogue/attitude#also like... we the player know hawke won't be arrested like they're not in any actual dangers from the templars as the playable character#but carver doesn't know that and neither does hawke so the templars *are* a real threat to them#and it's incredibly reckless to purposely piss off templars AND selfish because it's not just hawke that'll be arrested it's their family#for harboring them like we witness templars going after people hiding apostates soooo.....#i'm just saying that carver isn't irrational or just being an ass to personally annoy you okay he has cause#also once carver's a warden and ed has money and the estate THEN he's way more open about telling the templars to piss off#sigh one day i'll sit down and write an essay about carver.... one day
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fuckmeyer · 6 months
timewarp!twilight: a time travel au
[throughout the series, Bella Swan has prophetic dreams that reveal her future (or present predicament) in cryptic ways. but tho Bella can peek forward in time, her true power lies in the past.]
time first unzips when James sinks his teeth into Bella at the ballet studio.
the burning in her veins overwhelms her. for a delirious moment she seizes from venom & bleeds out on a hospital room's tile floor where her mother is giving birth. to her.
the Cullens barge into the studio. Bella's writhing on the ground. they never see the warp. a stunned James is defeated.
Bella says nothing, chalking it up to a near-death experience. ofc she can't unravel the fabric of time lol like what?? who does that???
over summer, night terrors haunt her when Edward is away.
the "good" dreams give her flashes of the future. wolves. light. cliffs. a stone antechamber. red hair. a casket.
it's the nightmares she fears the most.
her PTSD-fueled flashbacks feel so real, she unzips time to escape James's attack & wakes up in random places as if sleepwalking.
at first they're tiny jumps. a few minutes back. then several months before she meets Edward. then the day Renee leaves Charlie with Bella in tow.
the night after her disastrous birthday party, her nightmare dumps her in the back alley of a neon-lit diner.
this isn't home. not 2006, not 1996, not 1986, even...
disoriented, she stumbles in and sits at the counter. the folded newspaper by the napkin dispenser, the Philadelphia Herald, reads March 3rd, 1950.
oh god.
when she looks up, a familiar pixie-haired vampire stares back at her with moony gold eyes.
"you've kept me waiting a long time," says Alice, pushing a plate of pancakes toward her.
time zips. back in bed. morning. 2006. Bella scrambles to school to tell Edward about the time skips.
ofc, it's hard to speak when you're being sucker-punched in the gut by your first love's painful breakup monologue.
instead of confessing, Bella says goodbye.
October. November. December. January.
as the wolves shift and Laurent stops in for a visit snack, Forks gets all gunked up with paranormal vibes. Bella warps further back for longer periods. 1935. 1933. 1911. 1863.
luckily, she often crosses paths with the Cullens. as humans, she knows, they won't remember her. it's cathartic to see them, if only for a few moments...but it's never enough.
she pulls increasingly dangerous stunts to keep traveling. motorcycling. chasing wolves. stalking vampires. on & on.
Bella dives off a cliff to chase the visions.
she smacks the water & warps to 1918.
human Edward Masen immediately falls in love with a drenched & shivering Bella Swan. over the evening, she falls in love with him. again. ugh.
but was it a time skip, or a near-death experience? she wakes up coughing water, Jake breathing life into her on the beach.
Alice returns. with a renewed love for Edward (ugh), Bella jets off to Italy to save him & meet the Volturi.
back in forks, the vote ignites a fiery rage she'd buried for months.
how could they do this to her? how could they break her heart & leave her behind when she needed them?? did they even stop to think about Laurent??? the wolves?! VICTORIA?!!
just as she lunges for Edward to rip his stupid face off, time unzips in front of them & she vanishes.
further back than she's ever gone.
London. 1640s.
human Carlisle tries using a silver cross to defend himself against a starving vampire while Bella looks on.
when the vampire's eyes find hers, the horror of what Bella has been doing settles in like a dense fog.
with each time skip, Bella seals their fate.
not only is Bella the thread that ties the Cullens together in time, but Bella aligns the stars for every member to become a vampire.
in the 1640s, she is the scent that pulls the starving vampire away from Carlisle.
in 1863, María sees Bella's warp & pursues her until she finds confederate Jasper Hale on his way to Galveston.
in 1911, her time skip startles 16 y.o. Esme out of a tree, breaking the girl's leg. she is treated by Dr. Cullen.
in 1918, a cold & wet Bella gives Edward the flu.
in 1933, Carlisle spots Bella on his way home from the hospital & finds her so eerily familiar he calls out & rushes to catch up. frightened by the commotion, Royce et al leave a dying Rosalie in the street.
in 1935, warping into a forest pisses off a huge black bear. Emmett saves her & subsequently gets mauled.
in 1950, she listens to Alice tell the story of her only human memory: prophesizing as a little girl about the "lady in the blue jeans" who comes to visit, to the horror & disgust of her superstitious parents. they throw her in an insane asylum.
now, in 2006, she reappears & falls at the Cullens' feet. her face reflects their looks of shock.
it was her. it was always her.
& all because she ditched Alice & Jasper to confront James at the ballet studio.
"oh god," she whispers from the floor in a broken voice. tears blur her vision. Bella looks up at the family of vampires. "i think i've made a terrible mistake."
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thatskyrimchick · 1 year
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Sims just low key added Dragonage tattoos!!!!💕 ♥️ 💜 💙
I wonder what they know? 🤔 😏
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silvkey · 1 year
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some sketches i forgot to post
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fanfictionlibrary · 1 year
Here you can find all the content I post. I will keep this list updated. Feel free to send me requests/asks. I write one-shots, imagines, drabbles, and headcanons. I write for any of the characters that belong to the fandoms I listed. It can be a Character x Reader story or a Character x Character story. Whatever you prefer. I only write smut about characters that are of age in canon.
Twilight 🧛🏻‍♀️
Spider Lilies and the Sun (Alec x Reader)
Stardust (Demetri x Reader)
Respectful Humming (Felix x fem!Reader) - Requested (feel the creative juice)
Startling Nightmare (Alec Volturi x gn!Reader)
Hogwarts Legacy 🧙🏻‍♀️
After Hogwarts (Sebastian x Reader)
Hogwarts Legacy Headcanons: How the Companions Behave in an Established Relationship (Sebastian, Ominis, Natsai, Amit, Poppy)
In the Shadow of Comfort (Sebastian x Reader x Ominis) (poly)
A Daring Prefect (Amit Thakkar x Reader) - Part One
A Daring Prefect (Amit Thakkar x Reader) - Part Two
A Self-Loathing Gaunt (Ominis x Reader x Sebastian) - Requested (I loved writing it!)
Harry Potter 🐍
Demon Slayer 🌊🌄🎋
Wind and Stars (Sanemi Shinazugawa x OC) - Part One
Meeting the Gang (Demon Slayer x gn!Reader) - Requested (Let's gooo! Writing this was awesome.)
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alice-in-adventureland · 11 months
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Both the mom and the baby survived their death rolls, so say hello to our adorable firstborn and hopefully future heir, Elys Cullen! 💗 His traits are Excitable and Workaholic. (Interestingly, Marion Hooley also gave birth to a baby boy named Stuart)
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lonvely · 6 months
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welcome to the world, basil fields!
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tribridlvr · 5 months
Hiii!!! so i will be writing for these people:
Hope Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Cami O’Connell
Nora Hildegard
Lizzie Saltzman
Keelin Malraux
Esme Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen
Bella Swan
- i wont write anything romantic for males, hence why the people i write for are women
-i wont write nsfw at all, i will do hints at that that’s all, maybe down the line i will but at the moment no
-i write wlw/nblw as im a lesbian and this is all i’m comfortable writing
-i will write angst, fluff anything just not smut
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halsingf · 4 months
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trhor · 1 year
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Previous | Beginning | Next
Then - 17th July, 2042
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stinkrascal · 1 year
i’ll probably never do this but ive really wanted to make a sim story based on the events of my dragon age inquisition gameplay in the pov of my inquisitor’s little sister who followed her to haven. like that specific story has infected my brain for weeks and it will not leave now
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
Edward: hey so thanks for marrying me, sex w/ u was the best night of my existence etc., but i think we should stick to holding hands until ur a vampire 😇 ok good talk! let’s go snorkeling
a newly married Bella Cullen:
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fereldanwench · 11 months
might be having the urge to revisit da2 with my other bb, rhiannon hawke
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thebookworm0001 · 1 year
I thought the name of the far-right asshat that headed development on the antisemitic, transphobic wizard game looked familiar
and it is
because he’s the same asshole that decided to do a whole monologue as the character he voiced in da:i peddling his shitty-ass far-right bullshit
not that I needed more reasons to not play the game but there you go
Different dude but Ellis still voiced multiple characters so hey they knowingly hired at least two giant pieces of shit
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