pagankingfinn · 4 years
I love @moonpaw but her/their art is so eye-bleedingly bright that I can't look at it without taking damage.
I wish to absorb the art but at what cost to my health bar????
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cryptidwriterdotcom · 4 years
Feral Child/Naga Izuku
From the day of his birth, he had been cast out by his family for something he had no control over. He had been born half human and half snake, the die he had been cast weren't in his favor but weren't out of his favor.
Inko had always been terrified of snakes, and with her heart condition, Hisashi knew that they wouldn't be able to keep their son. They never even named the child, not wanting to get attached, and left him in the woods. They would both turn out to be amazing parents, they weren't bad people by any means, Hisashi was just misguided in his attempts to keep his wife's heart from giving out.
The couple would have a second child a year later, forgetting all about the kin they left in the woods. This child had been wanted, had been blessed with a name, it was a boy. The moment the "Hokaido" tumbled from the mouths of the parents, the second child's dice were rerolled in their favor.
The moment the first child had been left in that forest his instincts awoke. A pack of stray dogs came across him pathetically trying to slither across the leaf mulch, one of the dogs immediately taking to him. He was raised by them until he could hunt on his own, in which he parted ways with them.
From ages one day old to five years old he lived in the forest, he would never know his true kin. Not that he gave them any thought, blood was nothing more than the leaves to him. He was found at age five when a family discovered him hibernating in a cellar next to the boiler. They decided to grace the unnamed child with open arms.
The family that found him was made of two parents with a son. The kanji that was supposed to read Deku had been read by the parents as Izuku, who decided to not curse the half snake half human child with a name that would forever haunt him. It was the son who chose the name, for Izuku had been in hibernation and thus "useless".
Izuku found himself in unfamiliar surroundings when he woke back up, a boy about his age sharing the comfort of his vibrant green coils with him. Despite his panic and fear, the warmth of his companion was intoxicating to the cold blooded boy.
The first thing Mitsuki taught Izuku was "Welcome Home, Izuku." He picked up reading and writing fairly quickly, but was homeschooled by Mitsuki because of his fear of people.
It's only by the chance that Mitsuki knew about Inko having a miscarriage, she had marked the date, and she found it strange that instead of giving her body a rest Inko decided to conceive almost immediately after.
Izuku looked suspiciously like Hisashi and Inko, and that's when she connected the dots. Mitsuki decided the moment she saw him that he was her son, so she never told them about Izuku or let them ever have the chance of coming into contact with him.
Mitsuki tells Izuku about how his birth parents abandoned him and had a replacement child a year younger than him. Izuku takes the time to tell her that they might've brought him into this world, but his real family is the one that took him in and cared for him.
Even though Izuku was born July 15th, he and Katsuki celebrate their birthdays on April 20th. Izuku and Katsuki are practically inseparable, especially when Izuku was enrolled into middle school with Katsuki.
When Izuku wasn't in lessons with Mitsuki, he would save up bags of bottle caps before selling them. He would also do yard work for the neighbors, or help keep any unwanted vermin out of their houses.
With his money he buys several reptiles, mostly lizards and snakes. They go with him to UA.
Even at UA Izuku and Katsuki still sleep together, as Izuku can't make his own heat, he depends on Katsuki or heating blankets to stay warm. He prefers the comfort of having a companion, but he'll take both.
Izuku refuses to go anywhere near Todoroki, because of his quirk and his body temp. When he fought Todoroki in the sports festival he nearly died from freezing to death. His brother was the one to wrestle through the stands and avoid the teachers to blast through the ice and get Izuku.
Katsuki is stopped by Midnight, who holds him back. She tells him that he can't interfere with the fight when he explains that the cold will kill Izuku because he doesn't produce his own body heat.
It's then that Todoroki realizes that he might kill a classmate because of his power, but he can also save them, so Todoroki uses his flames to melt the ice and bring Izuku back from the brink of death. It's only then that he drags Izuku out of bounds.
It's then that Izuku is transported to the hospital for treatment of his wounds and frostbite/frost burns. Both Bakugou boys, and Iida, drop out of the festival. Iida decides to ride to the hospital in the ambulance with his classmates, telling his mom that it'll be faster if she doesn't grab him from the school.
Hokaido, Hisashi, and Inko end up watching the UA sports festival. Inko had been put on medications and had sessions with therapists and psychologists to help her with her fear, so when they see Izuku on the TV they all pause. Hokaido had been told that he had an older brother who they had to get rid of because he was part snake.
They immediately turned off the TV after hearing that he was a Bakugou, and they called Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou. They hadn't known that Izuku was being transported to the hospital, and with Mitsuki being worried out of her mind, she became livid when they called asking about Izuku.
Izuku was so cold, the ice he had been encased in dropped his body temperature. Hypothermia set in almost immediately, his body going into shock as his heart pumped the ice cold blood through his veins. All this succeeded in doing was making his heart slow down rapidly.
He lost consciousness almost immediately as his heart began to beat slower and slower. His blood froze in his veins, causing painful frostbite all over his body. Where he was in direct contact with the ice he developed frost burns.
"My ice is so cold that only my fire can melt it." Todoroki had stated matter of factly to his classmates after the "battle" he had with Ojirou and Hagakure. Izuku hadn't been present for that, he and Katsuki had been pitted against each other and Izuku ended up in the infirmary after he lost consciousness. Katsuki went with his brother to make sure he was okay.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was nearly sobbing as he fought against Midnight, trying to get to his brother. The buttercup yellow backpack that Izuku always kept emergency heat packs in was on his back.
"Katsuki, you can't get involved in other people's fights." Midnight chided him, not understanding the situation.
"SHUT UP! IZUKU IS COLD BLOODED, THE ICE WILL KILL HIM. WE HAVE TO WARM HIM UP, I NEED TO GET TO HIM! LET ME GO, TODOROKI IS GOING TO KILL MY BROTHER IF I DON'T DO ANYTHING!" Katsuki yelled, tears beginning to run down his face. Midnight froze just long enough for Katsuki to dash forward.
He didn't notice the rest of the world as he used his explosions to propel himself towards the ball of ice encasing his brother. It didn't take much for him to break through the thick wall of ice and get to Izuku.
The sight of his brother nearly made him shatter, he fell to his knees and scooped his brother into his arms. It takes a lot of effort but he manages to get Izuku out of the ice dome of death.
The words that Katsuki yelled impacted Todoroki immensely. Never had it occurred to him that his ice could kill, he had only ever seen his fire as a means to end.
When he saw Katsuki pulling Izuku out of the dome, his entire world had come crashing down on him. If Izuku were to die because of his ice, then he'd be worse than his father ever was. Izuku was injured because of his power, not his mother's, and only his power, not his father's, could save the reptilian boy.
Todoroki rushed forward and pulled Katsuki to an open area directly in the sun. "Put him down here." He directed, not giving Katsuki an option.
As soon as Izuku was laid down on the concrete, Todoroki used his fire with care to help warm up Izuku. Katsuki tore the backpack open as he rapidly cracked the disk in the hot packs and laid them on his brother.
As his blood became warmer, Izuku's heart began to beat stronger. His blood dethawed quickly and color returned to his skin as warmth was pumped through his body, his eyes fluttered weakly as he regained consciousness.
Izuku was whisked away on a stretcher afterwards. Katsuki thanked Todoroki before he went with his brother, the school called Mitsuki to tell her that Izuku would be transferred to the E.R. or I.C.U. immediately for his injuries.
Recovery Girl couldn't do anything, Izuku was barely stable and all of his stamina was being used towards keeping himself alive. Then Iida came bursting into the room, he was on the phone with his mom.
"Mom, it'll be faster if you go directly to see Tensei. One of my classmates is heading to the hospital now for treatment on his injuries so I'll ride in the ambulance with him and his brother. Just go see Tensei with dad." He spoke into the phone, Izuku stirred at the sound of the new voice. His eyelids blinked as he tried to focus on where the voice was coming from.
"Kat… who's that? It's hard to see." Izuku croaked out, his eyes struggling to focus as his eyelids fluttered. His eyes luckily weren't damaged in any way, but the sedative he was put under to help with the pain made him feel fuzzy, and he was finding it hard to be aware of what was around him.
"That's Iida, he's gonna ride with us to the hospital." Katsuki explained, his usual angry and arrogant attitude gone. Izuku nodded in response as he began to zone out.
The trio of boys each zoned out for a while, their bodies and brains on autopilot. It wasn't until they arrived at the hospital that Iida was shaken from his daze. Iida split ways with the Bakugou siblings, his mother was waiting for him in the lobby.
Katsuki went in after Izuku, where he found his parents waiting in the lobby. He went and sat with them and as soon as he sat down he began to explain what happened.
"Our classmate, Todoroki, was pitted against Izuku. The moment the match started, Izuku was encased in a ball of ice. He didn't know that Izuku was cold blooded because most people assume that he's warm blooded just because he's human.
The teachers tried to stop me from getting to him, saying that it would interrupt the match even though it says in his file that exposure to cold without proper equipment will be fatal.
Finally I got to him just barely in time after the teacher that was holding me froze. I was able to blast through the ice and get him out.
He was so cold when I got to him, his skin was blue and he was literally freezing to death, he had burns from where his skin was directly in contact with the ice. I got him out into the sun where Todoroki helped me warm him back up.
Recovery Girl said that he had severe frostbite and that his heart nearly stopped because of the cold. She couldn't use her quirk on him because all of his stamina was going towards keeping himself alive."
Katsuki sat in silence after he was finished explaining, the family was still in shock. Hours went by before they were able to go see Izuku in the I.C.U.
Izuku ended up in the same room as the Iida family, Katsuki and Tenya only figured this out because they recognized each other's voices. They ended up pulling the diving curtain back so that they could all interact.
Then Mitsuki's phone rang. She picked it up and put it on speaker when she recognized the phone number.
"Hello, this is Mitsuki Bakugou." She spoke politely into the phone.
"Mitsuki, this is Hisashi! Inko, Hokaido, and I would love to meet Izuku so that we can catch up as a family and bring our son back home. Inko is on new medication and taking therapy sessions to deal with her fear." The response came, the voice clearly belonged to a male. Mitsuki became livid after she heard his words.
"Izuku is MY son, he stopped being yours when you left him to die in the woods! I've told him all about the Midoriya family, how you and your wife decided to execute him and have a replacement child just because you couldn't handle the idea of alternatives.
To him he's been abandoned because his blood wasn't thick enough. He became mine the day that I named a five year old who never had the chance to know what his birth parents were like.
I know you Hisashi, you never named the boy. The only proof you have is his DNA, but there's no paper trail saying he's yours. You know what it does say? He's mine, legally." Mitsuki snapped at Hisashi as she practically growled. Katsuki and the Iida boys fell silent as they awkwardly waited for his mother to stop yelling.
"Alright, alright. I get the idea, but we'd still like to get more in touch with you." Hisashi responded. The entire room could practically hear his sweat drop through the phone.
"No, I don't even have to think about it. What do you not get about the fact that he is in the hospital. Next time message me first before I shove my foot up your ass for calling when I made it very clear that you are not to have contact with him." Mitsuki stated, before hanging up and turning her phone off. Izuku stirred as the drugs wore off.
Izuku moved his arm, feeling the I.V. pull on his skin, "Ma… there's a weird snake stuck to me, I don't think it's mine." He mumbles.
The moment those words left the drugged naga's mouth, Tenya had a gay crisis. Never did he think that Izuku being drugged up after surgery and barely lucid would make him want to marry the man on the spot.
"Well yeah dumbass, it's an I.V. tube not a snake." Mitsuki responded to Izuku, getting a very astounded look from her son.
"Hey ma… how did I wind up with an I.V. tube in my arm? I… I don't remember anything about today. Besides being really really cold, like I was stuck in a freezer, but worse. I think… I think my heart almost stopped beating, like I was being frozen from the inside by my own blood." Izuku mumbled, looking for reassurance. Nobody said anything and he paled considerably, he pulled as much of himself into a tight bundle as he could without ripping the IV from his arm.
Shinsou and Izuku became friends the moment they both realized the other had been rejected by society for something they couldn't control. It was the second they were matched up against each other that they became good friends.
Izuku is good friends with Iida and Shoji, as they're willing to let him absorb their body heat while he's in scarf mode, and he's helpful for carrying things. His enhanced scenting ability comes in handy during combat when pursuing a target.
Izuku prefers to be a scarf for Iida though, the two keep having gay crisis' every time they see each other, so it's natural that Izuku likes to be a scarf for his crush more.
Tensei was never injured by Stain, the Stain incident doesn't happen until Hokaido gets into UA and goes after the hero killer himself with some friends.
(stay tuned, more to come)
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moonpaw · 4 years
Just a quick question, do you play anch? I'm legit just looking for people to yeet fruit and random objects I craft at. I provide my chaos for free, but no garuntee that I won't come in and run around for a bit before I leave.
i do but i havent touched it in a month or so hjfds
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spoon-gremlin · 4 years
@leftsharkwitch pigeons
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wittyjinx · 4 years
Despite my mom’s antics tonight, today was a much better day.
I kinda wedged myself back into the friendgroup, and we had a “friend rhombus” today. We all sat together and joked around, and later threw a snap around.
I had a bit of trouble sleeping last night, but I do every night, so no real change, but I’m still grateful to those who stuck with me.
Thank you. (And it’s a longer list 😂)
You’re all so unbelievably kind and helped me so much more than you know and that I could possibly express.
So... thank you :D (here’s a picture of my babey boy)
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spoon-gremlin-ideas · 4 years
The Beginning of Activist Bakugou
So uh @leftsharkwitch I may have gone a little overboard. It’s pretty long so imma put it under the cut.
It all starts with a simple question, “Why do you want to be a hero?” Mina’s the one who asked. It’s the first week of school, and Class 1-A is on a bus going to some mysterious location that Aizawa refuses to tell them about. They’ve been on the bus for about an hour, and it doesn’t seem like they’ll be arriving any time soon. “I know it’s super generic, but I just really want to help people!” Most of the class agrees with Mina that helping people is their main motivation to become heroes. Notably different answers include Mineta’s “I want to be popular with the girls!” delusion, Iida being inspired by his brother, and Uraraka wanting to earn enough money to give her parents a comfortable life. Predictably Todoroki opts out of answering. Finally, Bakugou is the only one who hasn’t answered. With pretty much the entire class looking at him, he takes a deep breath and says, “I want to make up for the fucked up shit I did when I was younger and fight quirk discrimination.”
The whole class stares at him in shock. “DUDE THATS SO MANLY!” Kirishima yells. “Kinda unexpected, though, given his personality,” Kaminari adds. “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY PIKACHU!!” While Kirishima does his best to prevent Kaminari’s murder, Iida says, “That is a very admirable motive, Bakugou! Fighting discrimination is one of the heroic things a person can do!” He gestures wildly with his hand, just barely missing Aoyoma’s face. “I agree with Kaminari. It is kind of unexpected, kero.” Tsuyu chimes in. “HAH!” Bakugou turns toward her. “WHY THE FUCK IS IT UNEXPECTED?!” 
“You have the perfect quirk for heroics. You don’t have a ‘villainess’ quirk or a mutant type quirk. What motivation could you have to fight discrimination?” Tsuyu states bluntly. Bakugou flinches, then whispers, “I knew someone, we used to be friends. We’d basically known each other since birth, then I got my quirk, and he was diagnosed as quirkless. Ha! Diagnosed like it’s a disease, even just the phrasing pisses me off. I was constantly praised for every little thing I did, and in my cruel little mind, I decided that if I was the best because of my quirk, he was the worst because he didn’t have one.” Bakugou pauses, unsure if he should continue.
On the one hand, they’re going to find out anyway, on the other hand, he really doesn’t want them to hate him. He hates himself enough already. Steeling himself, he continues his explanation. “It started with jokes. No one said a thing. Not the teachers, not the other students, hell, not even my own parents. I was five years old, and what this behavior was telling me was that I wasn’t doing anything wrong. It progressively got worse by junior high he had no friends, no self-esteem, and was covered in cuts and bruises. All he had left was his dream. I was pissed. I’d been trying for years to break his spirit; I realize now that it wasn’t that I hated him; I was scared. I knew how dangerous hero work can be, and he didn’t have a quirk, so he was just going to die. I didn’t want to lose my first, and only, friend. However, I wasn’t exactly good at expressing emotion. Believe it or not, I was worse than I am now. So I bullied him. I tossed cruel words his way, beat him up, broke his stuff, yet he still didn’t break. Then one day, I went too far. I took his notebook, blew it up, and threw it out the window. Then I told him to kill himself.” The whole bus gasps, even Aizawa, who was supposedly asleep, tensed after hearing those words. Before anyone could yell at him, Bakugou kept going. “I’ve never regretted anything more in my life. If I could, I’d change everything. After that, I left and started to head home. However, on my way home, I got caught up in a villain attack. I was being suffocated. I was going to die, and there were at least four heroes just standing there and watching because their quirks didn’t fit the situation. Then who busts out of the crowd, the guy I told to kill himself. He rushes at the villain and throws his backpack, hitting them in the eye. He then tries his best to claw the villain off of me. After that, it’s kind of a blur. I remember All Might showed up and saved the day. I remember being praised while my ex-friend was scolded. I remember seeing the look in his eyes and being shocked because I’d never seen them so dull. Not even immediately after I told him to kill himself. I went home. The next day when I got to school, I heard gasps. I looked up, and there he was on the roof, shoes off, and ready to jump. I ran forward, I even used my quirk, but I was too slow. He crashed into the ground in front of me. I know it’s at least partially my fault, but something else happened that day. I might have cracked his spirit, but something else broke it. Doesn’t mean I’m not responsible, though.” As soon as he finishes his story a loud thwack echoes through the silent bus. Uraraka slapped him. “YOU MONSTER! YOU DON’T DESERVE TO BE A HERO YOU’RE A VILLAIN!” Tears stream down her cheeks as she screams at him. “YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW THAT?! THERE IS NOTHING I REGRET MORE THAN WHAT I DID TO HIM! YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT I DON’T DESERVE TO BE A HERO, BUT THERE’S NO OTHER WAY TO MAKE THIS UP TO HIM! HE’S DEAD, SO I CAN’T GET ON MY KNEES AND BEG HIS FORGIVENESS! ALL I CAN DO IS FULFILL HIS DREAM FOR HIM AND SAVE AS MANY PEOPLE AS I CAN!” Bakugou is breathing heavily, tears falling to the ground with a broken expression. “I knew this would happen if I told you, but I knew you’d find out anyway. I decided to just tell you. Get it out of the way before I get attached.” Still crying, he rummages through his bag and finds his earbuds. He pops them in and drowns out the argument his class is having. Exhausted from the emotional strain he put upon himself, he is eventually lulled to sleep by a familiar kind presence.
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pagankingfinn · 4 years
Me and @spoon-gremlin screaming about IiDeku
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pagankingfinn · 4 years
People need to stop waking me up so that I can finish solving murder mysteries in my dreams.
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pagankingfinn · 4 years
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Out of context deliquent Izuku.
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cryptidwriterdotcom · 4 years
Heartbreak AU
Note: this was inspired by @cyber-phobia 's Lovetap au, but ultimately shares very few similarities. Also, this is angsty as fuck, Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Izuku Midoriya has a quirk called Heartbreak. Whoever comes into contact with him via skin to skin will find out who their soulmate is.
Izuku doesn't like to be touched because of this, as people often touch him just so that they can find their soulmate. The only reason he has a father figure actually in his life is because of his quirk, and All Might felt obligated to pass on OFA to Izuku because he's the reason he met Inko in the first place.
Inko was lucky enough to find Toshinori while Izuku was still young, and Toshinori "trains" Izuku until he's about 10. But it's entirely just stuff that kids need to develop.
At age 10 Izuku begins the actual training to receive OFA, in which he doesn't gain it until the 10 month period before UA entrance exams. He isn't super beefy or even has much of a handle on his quirk because he can't use it be very often due to the laws in place preventing quirk usage without a license.
Izuku always wears gloves and tries to cover up as much as possible, he can't control his original quirk as it's constantly activated. He also doesn't particularly trust people or fully let the friends he does make inside his walls. To him, every person he's ever fallen in love with and let touch him immediately broke up with him and every friend who has touched him has left him behind.
Unlike cannon, Izuku doesn't become friends with his classmates. He'll support them, but he doesn't trust anyone at all, and they don't exactly mean anything to him. He only steps in to save them because it's the right thing to do.
Before Izuku even considers going to UA he's extremely jaded. More so than Todoroki. He knows that he was only given OFA out of feelings of obligation, he knows that his quirk is the reason he's always been left behind by his peers.
He doesn't like his classmates, when they find out about Heartbreak most of them take advantage of his forgiving personality and touch him on "accident" when they can. At first it's only the prankster students who do it, but eventually the entire class gets curious and a trend starts where everyone does it, he also gets a lot of hate for breaking up friendships and romantic relationships when he can't control it.
When he fights Todoroki, he does so after being really wound up with trying to not disappoint his father and vent his spite in the direction of Endeavor by kicking Shouto's ass. Inadvertently Todoroki mistakes Izuku's spite for a hand of friendship.
The internships entirely terrify Izuku.
When Iida tries to fist fight stain, Izuku jumps in and tries to save both Iida and Native. He only sends his location because it's logical, but he sends it with instructions to send pros.
He panics when the Nomu grabs him, and out of reflex he becomes a slippery boy and falls out of the talons because he said "no thank you, not today."
During the Muscular fight, he's convinced that this is the end. The dangerous thing about humans is that you never corner them. He goes entirely feral thinking that he's not gonna make it out of this.
When Katsuki is kidnapped Izuku votes to let the pros handle it, but ends up being dragged along before he can tell Aizawa about the plans anyways.
After being threatened with expulsion, Izuku becomes more closed off. He doesn't trust or talk to any of his classmates unless required for training, this also means that he avoids all his teachers beyond the one who yote him into the dorm system in the first place. But that's only because Yagi Toshinori is pretty much his father.
Izuku at this point is paranoid of everyone. At the license exams he leaves everyone high and dry simply because of paranoia. He nearly yeets Inasa when he first greets the UA students, and during the second half of the test he steps in to break up Inasa and Todoroki.
And then Izuku and Inasa have a conversation congratulating eachother for passing the exam, then Inasa shakes his hand, and Heartbreak falls into effect.
They match.
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pagankingfinn · 4 years
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The flaming crack dumpster wanted nothing to do with his first three children because they didn't have both fire and ice. Touya had a flame quirk, Natsuo had an ice quirk, and Fuyumi is quirkless or has an unconfirmed quirk
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pagankingfinn · 4 years
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Diablo III got some Lovecraftian horror type shit going on. And yes I named my Necromancer Tokoyami, so sue me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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cryptidwriterdotcom · 4 years
New Theory:
All for One created Nezu.
Nezu states in the Anime and Manga that nobody knows what he is, so it's natural to assume that he's an amalgamation of sorts. Where else have we found amalgamations in My Hero Academia? The nomus.
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Originally the origin of the nomus isn't known, until Hikoroshi reveals that the flying nomu had been one of Izuku's childhood bullies. At the time we see him during the stain arc he unrecognizable.
Now there are a multitude of theories on how nomus are made, during my observations they seem to be a mixture of animal-like and human traits. The process of creating nomu's could likely be taking a human and drastically modifying them with bio engineering, something that's generally looked down upon in the medical and animal ethnics world.
But AFO didn't just start from humans, he had to be sure of his processes and do multiple tests before the perfection of the nomu creating process. It's already be theorized and possibly confirmed that Kurogiri is a nomu, just not as far in the mutation process.
We've seen several instances of mutation processes all throughout multiple fandoms. One such instance, that is one of my favorites, is the Witcher series.
It's explained that Witchers are powerful because of the mutations they go through, Witchers are made specifically to be able to take down monsters and beasts that most of the human population cannot successfully do without manpower and knowledge.
Nomu's are created for a purpose, which is similar to the Witchers. However, Nomu's are more similar to the Kett from the Mass Effect series in the fact that the Kett are created for combat purposes. Once you reach a certain point in game, the Kett become more powerful, this showing that the game lore means that the Kett evolve.
For those who aren't aware, the Kett are created via mutations made to them. Sounds familiar.
So what does this have to do with Nezu?
What if Nezu was one of the original experiments, it makes sense to start with animals before moving to humans, and mice and rats are fairly easy to obtain.
All that's required is to try and put a quirk in one and modify their composition. All for One could've had several IQ quirks, it's possible that he could've been trying to create a nomu with the ability to think and act on its own.
This would've likely been before Tenko Shimura was ever even born, All For One needed a loyal pupil and what better way than to make one.
Obviously it reached the point where All for One could've thought Nezu was loyal to him, and Nezu used this to escape.
Nezu is also suspiciously close to Nomu, isn't it? The first and last letters stay the same, something that isn't common in Japanese names, now it's revealed that ultimately Nezu is a play of the Japanese word for rat(Nezumi) but Nezu can directly translate to Not Sleeping.
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cryptidwriterdotcom · 4 years
Master of Death
Tw: suicide attempts, recklessness, deku trying to fist fight the universe
When Katsuki first told Izuku to jump off the roof, he tried it, and failed, but much thought wasn't given to it by anyone because he was quirkless.
Izuku tried to hang himself, that didn't work either, and his weight actually pulled the plant hook he had been using to hang himself broke.
He tried to drown himself, but forgot to lock the door, and Mama Inko heard frantic splashing and flailing around in the bathroom and pulled him out.
Eventually, because the Universe was determined that he wouldn't die yet, he started trying to do it out of spite in an attempt to fist fight the universe.
By the time he's in UA he's a reckless little shit and every time he's got one foot in the grave someone pulls him back out and he's like that clip of the squeaking frog.
The entire plot is that he's like: LET ME DIE I'M LATE FOR MY FIST FIGHT WITH THE UNIVERSE
And everyone is just like: NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!
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Thanks to @ebony-wolf for coming up with the name of the au that has had me cackling for awhile because our humor is terrible and we're the embodiment of Cards Against Humanity
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cryptidwriterdotcom · 4 years
Heatwave AU
Izuku has a quirk that allows him to absorb heat, and thus also minimize the damage from sunburns and other fresh burns. He can also sap the heat from people and ultimately kill them by lowering their body heat low enough.
Endeavor had managed to contact AFO, and have Izuku kidnapped as a toddler and forcibly given the heat absorption quirk. Afterwards he picked up Izuku so that his eldest, Touya, can train longer without burns or overheating.
When Izuku and Touya are older, Touya finds out that Endeavor planned to have someone use their quirk to allow Izuku to have child and get a child with both Touya's quirk and Izuku's quirk.
Touya decides that he has to protect the same person who did so much for him and protected him as much as he could, so that night he wakes up Izuku and they grab a bag of clothing each and escape. On the way out they grab as much yen as they can carry.
Once out on the streets they change their appearances in a hotel bathroom. The two then turn to the streets, which is rough on them, but they prefer it over living with Enji Todoroki.
After a few months on the street, they run into Inko Midoriya. She immediately recognizes her child who had been missing for years, there was no way she could mistake those freckles, bright green eyes, curly hair with black and green peeking through the poor, faded, dye job.
The two are thankful and move far away from Endeavor with her. Izuku ends up going to UA, and is a third year when Shouto Todoroki gets into UA. Izuku is terrified, but the UA staff is already aware of his situation. He ends up being in the top four students, and everything goes awry when he finds himself standing in front of class 1-A.
The moment he sees Todoroki he goes blank and stumbles out of the classroom into the hall, saying something to Aizawa about visiting RG. He ends up staying with his mentor for the rest of the week.
This couldn't get worse could it?
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pagankingfinn · 4 years
In Sickness and Prosecution For Crimes. Or: Villain Professor AU
Izuku Midoriya is aged up in this AU, between the ages of 21-25, and is serving time in jail for one of the following multiple choice answers:
(a.) я̶̷̲̅Ξ̶̷̲̅Ð̶̷̲̅@̶̷̲̅ς̶̷̲̅‡̶̷̲̅Ξ̶̷̲̅Ð̶̷̲̅
(b.) Insulting the vault lord who is also a tree
(c.) Plot
(d.) †̶̷̲̅Ħ̶̷̲̅ξ̶̷̲̅ ̶̷̲̅∫̶̷̲̅Ħ̶̷̲̅Д̶̷̲̅Я̶̷̲̅Қ̶̷̲̅ ̶̷̲̅Ψ̶̷̲̅ł̶̷̲̅†̶̷̲̅Ċ̶̷̲̅Ħ̶̷̲̅ ̶̷̲̅Ð̶̷̲̅ξ̶̷̲̅Ċ̶̷̲̅Я̶̷̲̅ξ̶̷̲̅ξ̶̷̲̅Ð̶̷̲̅ ̶̷̲̅ł̶̷̲̅†̶̷̲̅
And is approached by Nezu who has an offer, nobody except for Nezu knows why Nezu does what he does, which would allow him to teach at U.A. until his sentence is served(and probably even further after that).
Izuku used to babysit Katsuki, so Izuku is very much Katsuki's favorite teacher. Even if Izuku is more of a parental or older brother figure to Katsuki and definitely isn't going to let his students try shit with him. He's already got one sentence he doesn't need a second, also he just isn't interested in dumbass teens.
Izuku stays in the class 1-A dorms to keep them out of trouble. Because he's a (former) villain everyone tries to not be suspicious around him, but after witnessing what happens when someone interrupts his science class they decided to not intentionally get on his bad side for fear he might yeet.
Katsuki designed Izuku's costume when he was still fairly young. He didn't actually expect Izuku to use it, so imagine his surprise when Izuku walks in to start teaching them quirkless combat techniques and is wearing the suit Katsuki designed for him.
Izuku's suit is heavily themed off of the Oni, his mask is actually made to act like a second pair of jaws that he can actually use to tear through stuff if he so pleased. It's utterly impractical but Izuku likes the outwards curving tusks and natural snarl of the mask.
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