#leftists are… a species
boy-girl-ism · 3 months
“is she crying because they didn’t rape her” no she’s crying because she was held hostage by violent men for weeks on end dumbass
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corvidist · 1 year
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Based Tokoyami & DS, accompanied by leftist slogans Google Translated into horrifically inaccurate Japanese.
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I don't understand why people hate your lore opinions so much, you are literally the one of the only based people on this app.
thanks i love being a toxic cclingyolo <3
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daemonhxckergrrl · 2 years
there's a couple things common to all movements - specifically the reactions to said movements:
"in an ideal world that'd be lovely, I'm sure"
intentionally picking the least palatable examples of activists as a stereotype
intentionally picking activists whose arguments are awful, and often wrong, as a stereotype
justifying the status quo by pointing out the current proposed solutions are imperfect (aka the "checkmate, liberals" argument)
that's just what happens when people react to something that forces them to question the status quo. some come round, some develop better ideas, some stay out of it. others double down, or hide behind fake smiles and care about looking supportive more than being so.
that's fine. that's how it goes. the thing that actually bothers me is when the call's from inside the house. socialists who still have racist and antisemitic beliefs. queers who think capitalism is their friend and more trans CEOs is the answer to our rights literally being stripped from us. environment and climate change activists who ignore the effect of animal agriculture or think turning a light switch off is more effective than boycotting the big companies responsible for most of our emissions.
there's more bit you get the picture.
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vamptastic · 4 months
possibly the only time my communist leanings have helped rather than gotten me into trouble academically was my SAT where one of the essays was an essay written by an early 20th century former socialist explaining why she'd become an anarchist. no doubt that shit was incomprehensible to everybody else at my florida public school.
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cistematicchaos · 11 months
If you don't know anything about eugenics beyond forced sterilization, or only define eugenics by forced sterilization, or by any one version of it, you're not only never going to understand eugenics, but you'll never be able to fight that ideology or keep it out of your spaces or unlearn it yourself. Saying you think disabled people just shouldn't exist in an "ideal" society is eugenics too, just like genetic engineering us out of existence, just like saying you wouldn't have a disabled child, or promoting the idea of us being completely separated from "abled society" in some sort of "separate but equal" supposed compromise.
Eugenics can be born simply out of believing our lives are nothing but suffering and that makes them less worth living, thus we shouldn't exist. But that's not true. I do suffer horribly in this ableist society, and I also suffer solely from certain aspects of my disabilities, but that doesn't mean disabled people shouldn't exist. Suffering doesn't mean I shouldn't exist. It means you should be working to eradicate ableism and people should continue working on science to help disabled people live with our disabilities. It means you should listen to us, ask us "how can we help", not eradicate us and the fact people move so quickly to that idea is scary as fuck.
And yet, today I had to talk with a trans person who told me people like me shouldn't be born, that mental illness' were "diversities" but cripples were disabled and lived their lives in suffering, so they should be engineered out of existence. This was all very leftist, mind you-No forced anything, just a dream of a mass program to genetically engineer cripples away until no disabilities were left at all, for "the better of our species".
It just makes me sad, things like that. I wish it made me angrier but no, people who should be my community telling me my people shouldn't exist is just sad, especially when it comes with the determined stance that it's not, in fact, eugenics. I mean, if you're going to be a dick, at least call your bullshit what it is. At least know what eugenics are! That's basic as hell!
So lesson of the day: learn your eugenics, listen to disabled folks, fuck ableism and never tell disabled people you don't believe people with their disabilities should exist.
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headspace-hotel · 3 months
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joe biden makes me want to throw up but the USA's actions under his admin have much less to do with him personally and more to do with the entire putrefying mass of USA policy and its entire history and the situation of a compromise-based government system half dominated by the most rabid, hateful fascists imaginable.
every day I see a hundred posts on here saying "look at how bad Biden is, the two sides are the same and he is no better than a republican would be" and the revulsion in my heart at my country's actions agrees, yet the Republicans are frothing over Biden being marginally less bloodthirsty and furiously demanding far more violence and repression.
Honest to God I don't even know what to do with this. I'm not telling y'all, because I don't know. This country is a suicide bomb and the whole globe is strapped to it.
Like, on a lot of policies, it seems like both parties are further right than the majority of Americans. I don't think I even know anyone IRL who is pro- helping Israel bomb Palestine, and a lot of these people would probably consider themselves "moderate conservatives" or "centrists." The government makes no pretense of representing us at all.
It's the exact same with the climate; majorities in EVERY state, even red states, support taking action to mitigate climate change, and even the moderate liberal folks support policies more radical than anything the government manages to do. Republicans are attacking the Endangered Species Act, one of the most popular laws Congress ever passed! How do we even BEGIN to get out of this mess?
I looked up this Tom Cotton's Facebook and it is just as the article says and worse
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I can't even begin to describe how monstrously Fox News has just straight up lied about the genocide in Palestine, calling any and all protests in support of Palestinians "Pro-Hamas." And there is a substantial minority of Americans whose whole grasp of the world is framed by Fox News, which turns their brains into a disgusting slurry like a racist plasmodial slime mold whose primitive network of neuron-like impulses responds to no other stimuli apart from fear and paranoia
When Ron Desantis was still running for presidential nomination one of his campaign promises was that we would stop sending humanitarian aid to Gaza and that we would not allow Gazan refugees into the country. It was on his Instagram back in November. How would Gazan refugees make it all the way over here??? Like sure we should take them if they wanna come but I think they just want their home back! That fucker had to INVENT a hypothetical opportunity for a compassionate act so he could demonstrate that he would choose the cruel option. He was widely despised, but still, it's terrifying.
And before you say "violently overthrow the government," the small percentage of Americans who are straight up openly Neo-Nazis own a LARGE percentage of the guns, and they love to organize into stupid little militias about it. You bet cops and ex-military overlap with this category a lot. A "leftist revolution" is a wet dream for these guys.
I know, I know, it's not unsolvable, I know the hateful folks are in the minority, I know a future is possible, I know violence and oppression cannot continue forever, but AAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGHHHHHH
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triple-mayday · 1 year
So recently I spoke with my little brother who lives in Russia. We started talking politics, and then he dropped a bombshell - apparently, putin’s pet pigs translate and broadcast Fox News and Daily Wire to the already mindfucked public. I nearly had a heart attack when I heard him drop Ben Shapiro’s name
And, like a good big brother, I took immediate action to inoculate my baby sibling against this particular strain of brain rot (just in case, healthcare is important). Any chance at establishing decorum that Benny had was demolished the moment I brought up the endless amount of cringe he delivered throughout his unfortunate career. That WAP incident works as good as PrEP in terms of preventative measures
On a more serious note, keep in mind that both Fox and DW have such a great, flourishing relationship with a literal genocidal dictator that their content is translated and distributed through Russian networks. They snuck their way into an already polluted environment like that species of brain eating bacteria that folks had found in Texan lake
As a sweet cherry on top of this shit sundae, when my brother was talking about Carlson he said that:
1) his perpetually confused face was funny as fuck, just like his boner for the green M&M’s candy
2) his (and Ben’s) obsession with trans people is absolutely unhinged
3) he was creeped out by republican hyperfixation on guns
Kind of soothing to know that republican cringe is so off putting to non-Americans that propaganda becomes literally indigestible. Though to be fair, it’s not like any of these animated Madame Tussaud’s wax figures are capable of winning over my Marxist brother. Boy’s been reading leftist literature since he was in middle school
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doberbutts · 5 months
Yeah people acting like trans people are just automatically seen as our gender pre everything is very... dismissive of transphobia. There was that one article a while back of a southern black trans man who was a real estate agent who after a long time of being stealth was outed and went from being loved to hated at work if I recall treatment so bad he had to quit plus loss of clientele. I've also heard more casual transphobia after passing/going stealth, since people think they can be bigoted around me. If they think doesn't weigh on our minds how people hate us but don't know it... I'm very cautious with new friendships cause it's like will this person later on admit they dislike me without even being aware of it? Being post everything I understand the whole not being alone but being lonely.
Well like I said I think it all goes back to the fact that a lot of people have a very specific image in their mind of a trans man and that image often doesn't align with reality. For the record I think that happens with all transgender journeys- people have very specific images about what trans people look like and are mad when faced with someone who doesn't match that at all.
And, well. People are weirder about gender than they want to admit. Like my coworker who deliberately calls people she knows are men by feminine terms (girls, ladies, women, etc) and was so confused and needed it explained to her when the two queer men she was doing it to (myself, and our gay boss) said "hey that's uhhhhhh not a great thing to be doing......."
Or all the people who think men and women are inherently, biologically, completely distinct and practically seperate species. They get real mad if there's any or any overlap and that can range from the way bigots talk about their own homophobia to the way leftist praxis has gotten entirely out of hand with the way they treat transgender individuals.
I'm unfortunately used to having to be cautious with new friendships due to being mixed race- a lot of people feel emboldened to say some nasty shit to my face like I'm going to sympathize or agree with them, including a roommate's sibling sitting in my room looking me dead in the eyes saying she doesn't like black people and doesn't think that makes her racist like she thinks I'm going to agree and poor-baby her. I don't really have much advice outside of sticking to your boundaries and not tolerating bullshit once you find it.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
so many people have the most bizarre relationship to digital technology where they use it advantageously and with a frequency rivalled only by that of their public self-flagellation for using it. and tools certainly have the capacity to be designed poorly, to be manufactured exploitatively, and to erode privacy, like for instance when made and sold by corporations. but even nominal leftists will rapidly swerve away from the implications of this line of critique and instead angst over what basically amounts to a narrative of devolution, wherein humans are 'supposed to' live one way and are now instead living in an inferior way that the speaker positions as 'unhealthy' for both the individual and the species. it's like peak evolutionary psychology conservatism: you can just appeal to an idealised pre-history to moan about whatever you find personally dislikable in the present, as though this narrative about digital tech is not just an incredibly reactionary fear of 'mental degeneration' with concurrent multi-system social breakdown. and then if you're lucky these takes will tack on "i guess social media might be important for disabled people or lgbt people" uh, ya think?
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cimerran-714 · 5 months
I figured that it would be helpful to call out ten of the most common pro-choice arguments that you might notice online. I'll preface it by saying that I am not a philosopher (or at least not yet), but I am a person with common sense, and you can see through these "arguments" if you have two brain-cells left.
Also, I understand that there are good PC arguments out there (although they are of course not successful, for a strong argument doesn't necessarily have to succeed). I am only arguing some of the most insane and ridiculous ones you'd spot.
If you want to go through some really good claims made by pro-choice/pro-abortion advocates, I'd recommend David Boonin's 'A Defense of Abortion'. It'd help you instead of you having to regurgitate whatever you are spoon-fed by the leftist cult. Go check out that book even if you're pro-life, because it's a great one.
Let's get started, shall we?
A human embryo/fetus is not human:
Yes, it's both human and alive. Biologists agree with this (including pro-choice biologists), and even pro-choice philosophers acknowledge this. This is basic empirical reality. And you only have to open an embryology textbook to know how wrong you are. Also, these people can never explain what species the fetus belongs to if not "Homo Sapiens".
2. It's just a "clump of cells".
All of us are made up of cells. Some are "clumpier" than others. And plus, it's not merely a clump of cells: the embryo is a human organism in its earlier stages of development, and very soon is also differentiated as it grows. That's like saying that it's okay to destroy a car because it's just "a bunch of metal thrown together".
3. It's not a person/sentient, yadda yadda:
Irrelevant and it's the same logic that slave-owners used to own people. Human rights is species-based, and the embryo/fetus is human. That's all that matters. These people love to make up ridiculous, arbitrary criteria to justify their bigotry.
4. You cannot force people to donate their organs...
Not the same thing at all. You cannot be forced to save people, but that doesn't mean you can actively kill them. This is the difference between killing someone and letting them die. There is a significant moral difference between deliberately pushing someone off a cliff and not saving someone who's hanging off a branch at a cliff. Abortion is the former.
5. Women would die...
All states have life-threat exceptions built into it, so this is just deflection. And yes, there are doctors who refuse to perform entirely legal abortions, but that is their fault. It IS legal. They're just cowards, and you can't blame the law for this because they already make this exception.
6. You cannot force your views onto others:
If you support democracy (and, you know, voting) you're forcing your views onto others. That's how law works.
7. The child would grow up in poverty, yadda yadda yadda...:
We don't kill born children because of these reasons, so it's a ridiculous claim. You don't solve poverty by killing the poor.
8. They are just pro-birth:
Statistics show that Republicans donate more to charity than Democrats. Also, just because they don't agree with your method of helping people doesn't mean that they don't care about born people. You see, it's like saying "A fire-fighter rescued someone from a fire, but they don't want to pay out of their pockets to look after them throughout their lives. They don't actually care!"
9. Showing pics of fetuses belonging to other species as a gotcha:
Yes, mammals of different species look the same in their earlier stages, but that doesn't mean there isn't a difference between them. This is, once again, bigoted slaver logic (to want to kill people based on their looks).
10. Men cannot have a say because:
As men are directly affected by this, they absolutely have a say. They are fathers too, and remember that they're the ones who have to pay child support.
There you go. I am not expecting you to be pro-life yet if you are not, but I hope that I have cleared your head up somewhat.
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typhlonectes · 9 months
Ecuadorians reject oil drilling in the Amazon, ending operations in a protected area
Ecuadorians voted against drilling for oil in a protected area of the Amazon, an important decision that will require the state oil company to end its operations in a region that’s home to isolated tribes and is a hotspot of biodiversity. With over 90% of the ballots counted by early Monday, around six in 10 Ecuadorians rejected the oil exploration in Block 43, situated within Yasuni National Park. The referendum took place along with the presidential election, which will be decided in a runoff between leftist candidate Luisa González and right-wing contender Daniel Noboa. The country is experiencing political turmoil following the assassination of one of the candidates, Fernando Villavicencio. Yasuni National Park is inhabited by the Tagaeri and Taromenani, who live in voluntary isolation, and other Indigenous groups. In 1989, it was designated, along with neighboring areas, a world biosphere reserve by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, also known as UNESCO. Encompassing a surface area of around 1 million hectares (2.5 million acres), the area boasts 610 species of birds, 139 species of amphibians and 121 species of reptiles. At least three species are endemic.
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dyke-on · 5 months
(Pinned post)
Leftist dyke who talks politics and reblogs horny things sometimes too, transsexuals are a protected species here, cishet men will probably be blocked idk depends, asks and DMs open (doesn't mean I will reply)
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left unity? why do you support hierarchy and authoritarianism while you yourself are an anarchist?/genuine question
basically, while i don't support those things, nor do i think that anarchist and non-anarchist leftists should just ignore all ideological differences, i do believe that, on issues where both of our goals are aligned, we should work to form a united front in order to achieve these goals.
imo, right now, considering the social, political, economic and ecological crises we are facing as a species, its just not productive for the left to be focusing on infighting instead of fighting the causes of said crises.
that's not to say that we shouldn't critique leftist theoretical standpoints, provided its in good faith of course, just that even if said unity is only applicable for single issues (e.g. anti-fascist direct action), having more people working in unison to achieve a goal would be a far better way to do so than having 10-20 different organisations constantly at eachothers throats.
idk if i explained that well i literally just woke up lmao
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above: a few screenshots of similar perspectives i found.
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redshoes-blues · 9 months
I’m rewatching Doctor Who at the moment and just watched the Bad Wolf ep, and I fully forgot how leftist / anti capitalist this show is at times???
(probably because I first watched it as a very dense teenager lmao)
Like. Okay. The overarching big bad in season one is a corporation who has a monopoly on the media, including the wipeout of news organizations and its replacement with violent reality tv shows. People’s lives become a part of the corporation’s production of goods. Aka the shows they are making. In this dystopia, the only worth human life has is in direct relation to their mandatory work for Bad Wolf, a corporation who controls every aspect of their life. And then we learn that Bad Wolf are actually run by the alien equivalent of Nazis. The Daleks who caused the genocide of the Time Lords — an alien species whose primary characteristic is their hatred.
And instead of having the typical collaborator sympathy plot we often see in media (fascist collaborators being written as sympathetic because they “had no other choice”), The Doctor criticizes the people who are working for Bad Wolf. Because even though it puts their lives at risk to do so, resistance is always an option. There is a choice there, and some of them are choosing to routinely kill people in game shows. And instead of writing it off as “they have no choice, they’ll be killed otherwise,” The Doctor calls them out on it. Because the right choice is always standing up against fascism, even when it makes you uncomfortable or puts you in danger.
That’s not even delving into the anti-war messaging through the series, the fact that the companions are typically working class people, and the villains are usually the corrupt people in power who continue to perpetuate harmful systems and institutions (e.g. the corporate capitalism of Bad Wolf).
God, I love this show.
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aloeverawrites · 3 months
I’m vegan in part because of my leftist philosophy.
As for the ethical side, my philosophy is to give others basic rights and not treat them any less deserving then myself. I need the right to life, so I’m not taking that away from others. The best life we can give animals doesn’t include using their bodies for our gain or killing them.
So I can’t imagine an ethical future where we treat other species as products for us to use. If it’s immoral to do to a human then why is it okay to do to a non human? I don’t see a difference between that makes this different treatment okay.
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