#lee jeong-beom
skeletonfumes · 1 year
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The Man from Nowhere (2010) Lee Jeong-beom
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nine-frames · 2 years
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“’Pawnshop ghost’ and ‘garbage.’ Sounds like a rock band.”
아저씨 (Ajeossi - The Man from Nowhere), 2010.
Dir. & Writ. Lee Jeong-beom | DOP Lee Tae-yoon
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billornot · 4 months
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joanyio · 2 years
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“you’re mean. but i don’t hate you. because if i do, i won’t have anyone i like.”
the man from nowhere (2010) dir. lee jeong beom
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bedabodee · 1 year
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𝙈𝙚𝙩 you when my 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 was bleeding
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I'm 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙡𝙮 feeling
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racewingz · 2 years
In Depth Kdrama Review and Recap: While You Were Sleeping (Spoilers)
Rating: 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Thriller, Fantasy, Legal
Starring: Bae Suzy (Nam Hong Joo), Lee Jong-Suk (Jeong Jae Chan), Jung Hae-In (Han Woo Tak), Lee Sang-Yeob (Lee Yoo-Beom)
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This is a masterpiece in my eyes. I love the plot, all of it. I think all of the events fit together perfectly, and there’s not one point that doesn’t make sense in the whole drama. Its hilarious seeing Hong Joo and Jae Chan’s relationship initially, with Hong Joo absolutely convinced that Jae Chan is in love with her from the beginning, which confuses and frustrates him a lot when she talks to him about it initially. It is one of few romantic comedies that are truly comedic, and its one of those dramas that you can have a good laugh watching.
Bae Suzy As Nam Hong Joo
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Suzy did such an amazing job as Hong Joo. She really does represent Suzy as a very intelligent character that has her weird side (especially at the beginning) but at the same time has many charms about her. It’s great to see the progression of her character, from a very strange individual who everyone sees as crazy, to a slightly less crazy and a lot more normal. After the initial craziness with Jae Chan, she definitely started acting more human, which could partially be because she finally has someone that understands her, so feels less of an outcast. Again, Suzy does such a great job in displaying how Hong Joo develops into the confident, content woman she finishes as, who never loses her charm. She shows all of her human side, especially in difficult times, like when Jae Chan gets injured and when her testimony in the court case is completely discounted. I think this is a great thing because there are certain dramas that do this poorly, but Suzy does it perfectly, all actors do in fact.
Lee Jong- Suk As Jeong Jae Chan
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Lee Jong-Suk also did an excellent job. His acting in general is incredible! I’ve seen him in quite a few dramas now he really pulls off a great performance each time. Jae Chan is such an interesting character. He is very serious about the stuff that he does, but still has a heart, though he seems to hide it a lot. When his heart does come out (to Hong Joo) its incredibly sweet, and shows his personal development. He is really shown to be a strong and collected individual, which is only changed when he’s in the most dire of situations, like when Hong Joo was seriously ill from the poison and also the incident with investigator Choi (Kim Won-Hae). Jong-Suk shows off Jae Chan’s human side very well, which I love. The acting is just impeccable around the board.
Cases Dealt With By Jae Chan
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Jae Chan deals with a number of very interesting cases. I think they are all well planned out, have a great amount of detail within them, and also love how they show the true fight to get the true verdict heard. The first case was one about a domestic abuse case of defendant Park Joon Mo (Um Hyo-Soop). I think this was a great starting case, as it opened up many places for relationships to open up between different characters. For example, having So Hoon being good friends with Seung Won (and therefore getting Jae Chan involved in more ways than one) was a great way to add twists to the storyline. His second case was the case of the cat serial killer who killed his brother and tried to disguise it as a car accident for insurance money. The third case was the case of the ex-Olympian who mysteriously died. I like this case for a few reasons. When they got to the ending point of the case, they started getting suspicious about Yoo Beom (always a positive). It also led to some great character development, a lot for both male leads. The fourth case he had to deal with was that of a teacher and author who killed one of his students who tried to expose him for using them as near slaves. That was also a very interesting case, as it really showed the shear lengths that Yoo Beom is prepared to go to, but also the determination Jae Chan has for getting the job done right and the true culprit caught, even to the point of putting on a baby voice to make a kid feel comfortable and confess
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The last case is by far the most complex. Initially there were investigations over someone who stole phones to make a living. They caught the guy selling one of the phones back for 10 million and caught both him and the guy buying the phone, knowing there could be suspicious stuff on it to need to pay so much to get it back. On the memory card of the phone retrieved by the guy that stole them were the pictures of the victims of the IV serial killer and more victims that died after the falsely accused killer got sent to jail. Hong Joo and Jae Chan then got caught up in an arson attack in the bunker house of the guy buying the phone back and were then trying to find the true IV serial killer. Most of their questions were answered when she very nearly killed Hong Joo, and then was pushed to her death by Yoo Beom but Jae Chan had to fight to get him indicted of his crimes
Love Triangle
There is a definite love triangle in this drama, though it does seem to be pretty subtle most of the time. Nonetheless a triangle does exist between Hong Joo, Jae Chan and Woo Tak. It’s definitely more subtle though, as Woo Tak hides his feelings for Hong Joo, knowing that she’s already very happy with Jae Chan and as they’re all good friends, wouldn’t want to get in the way. He never outwardly says this, only that Hong Joo is the person he likes in the ending scene of episode 15
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Injuries and different outcomes
I actually think they did something really clever with these different injuries, whether that was intentional or not In the show a number of people get hurt for different reasons but the main ones I’m referencing is the chopstick incident with Hong Joo and So Hoon (Kim So-Hyeon), Woo Tak getting stabbed by Kang Dae Hee (Kang Ki-Young), Jae Chan getting shot by Yoo Man Ho (Jeon Gook-Hwan) and Hong Joo being poisoned by Ha Joo An (Lee Eun-Woo). 
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The reason I think they’ve done something clever here, is that they’ve almost portrayed the different kind of future changes that can occur. In the chopstick incident, Woo Tak dreams that after her mum got essentially threatened by Yoo Beom, So Hoon attempted to stab herself in the hand with a chopstick (in the restaurant) so she wouldn’t be able to continue piano and her mum wouldn’t have to worry about money. In that dream, Hong Joo saw what So Hoon was up to and put her hand in the way, getting stabbed herself and ending up in a bloody mess on the floor. By bringing Jae Chan to the restaurant instead of his colleague, Woo Tak managed to completely change what happened within his dream, so instead the situation ran smoothly and nobody was hurt. In this situation, the scenario of the dream completely changed for the better, as instead of a scenario where Hong Joo got badly hurt, the situation was resolved
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In the incident with Woo Tak, Jae Chan had a dream about Hong Joo and Kang Cho Hee (Kim Da-Ye) being in danger from Kang Dae Hee on the roof of a water tower building, about to be attacked for what they know about him murdering his younger brother. Knowing this, when Jae Chan bumps into Woo Tak in the morning, he asks him to make sure that at the time Hong Joo had said in the dream that she wasn’t alone, thinking that if Woo Tak was with her, the whole thing could be prevented. Instead, it led to Woo Tak getting stabbed, allowing Cho Hee to escape with Hong Joo. They were hiding but found by Dae Hee, who swung to hit them before being startled by Jae Chan. In this case, the dream itself didn’t change (as the blood dreamt on Dae Hee’s hands makes sense to be Woo Tak’s, but he may not have known that before) but he managed to affect the outcome, so the girls didn’t get hurt. So in this case, the dream didn’t change, but the outcome got better, as Cho Hee and Hong Joo weren’t attacked as he got there just in time. 
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In the incident with Jae Chan, Yoo Man Ho was feeling angry at the prosecuting team (specifically Jae Chan) for releasing Do Hak Young (Baek Seong-Hyeon) of the crime of killing his daughter, though he was already proven innocent of that crime. Man Ho then proceeded to shoot Jae Chan as he waited to cross the road to meet Hong Joo in a revenge filled fury (after Yoo Beom had given him pictures of Hak Young with Woo Tak and Woo Tak with Jae Chan to make him suspicious that there was an agenda behind releasing him). In this situation, Jae Chan came moments away from death before reviving, which completely devastated Hong Joo. In a previous dream she saw him crossing to her completely safely without any incidents. In this case, it shows a dream changing completely, but ending up with a worse outcome, as it changed from Jae Chan being perfectly fine and healthy to him almost losing his life after being shot.
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In the incident with Hong Joo, a long time dream of Hong Joo’s nearly came true. This was a dream that she’d dreaded for over a year and even disappeared from her job to prevent that dream evening before coming back with the hope that if it were to happen, Jae Chan and Woo Tak would be able to save her. She had originally dreamt that on the day, she would be lying in a grassy area surrounded by trees dying quietly in the pouring rain. 15 minutes before it happens, Jae Chan wakes from dreaming about it and calls Woo Tak, so they can all make their way there to save her. Yoo Beom proceeded to add a tablet to Hong Joo’s coffee and once she was knocked out, he proceeded to take her up to the roof of the law building he worked at and left her in a wooded area, on the grass. Ha Joo An then proceeded to inject her with a paralysing poison before leaving her to die. She then got rescued by Woo Tak and Jae Chan took over once she’d got to the hospital, giving her rescue breaths to help her paralysed lungs. In this case, it shows a dream that didn’t really change but the outcome was a lot better than it would have been. Before, Hong Joo would have definitely died on the roof of the law firm but since the change this time, although the dream itself didn’t change, Hong Joo’s life was saved and although there was no change from the dream to really, the outcome was significantly better.
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The reason I think that these have been done in a clever way is the fact that all of the cases are different, whether the dream or the outcome has changed is unique in each case. It definitely reminds me of the conversation Jae Chan and Hong Joo had in the very first episode after the car accident while they were in the hospital. In that episode they were discussing what direction the dreams that they have could go if they try and change them. The way that these incidents have occurred (and how they’re all different in their ways) to me are like representations of each of the directions that the path has steered off to. They originally described it as water flowing in other directions and I see it as they’re representing all the different directions it can flow in.
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Hatred for Lee Yoo Beom
I don’t think I will ever be able to describe my true feelings in this case. At the very start, it just seems like he is a kind individual, who was dating Hong Joo and wanted to take her on a nice Valentines date and protect her if anything was to happen. That very quickly turns around. That was something I definitely did not see coming but as soon as it happened, his true character really came out. 
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You can see, firstly from the first episode and the pain he would have caused if the car accident had occurred, and from then on it only gets worse. The fact that he’s more than happy to throw people under the bus for himself is just tragic and shows what a sly snake he really is. I didn’t think that Yoo Beom hated Hong Joo enough to tell Ha Joo An (a freaking serial killer!!) that she was suspicious of him sending her fabricated evidence (as she is a reporter for the press). To then aid in what could have been the death of Hong Joo. It’s hard to think that these two individuals were DATING at one point!! I think regardless of whether the accident would have happened or not, Jae Chan really saved Hong Joo from misery if she had stayed with Yoo Beom.
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I don’t think there is enough space to list all of the things he’s done for me to see him as a trash person. I think what he did on the final  episode was really cruel. He already knew he was in the wrong, knew that he probably wouldn’t get the non-guilty verdict he was hoping for, as there was too much evidence against him but in rage decides to run over and kill his ex-employee and good friend. Forgiveness isn’t something he will ever deserve after that, and he’s once again left us broken and swimming in tears
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I’ll try and list some of the trashiest stuff he’s done. 
-> although it didn’t really occur, framing Hong Joo for crashing and killing Woo Tak
-> making excuse after excuse to make others think that Jae Chan is discriminative again him because of their history
-> giving Man Ho the photos of  both Hak Young with Woo Tak and Woo Tak with Jae Chan
-> aided a serial killer
-> tried to kill Hong Joo
-> killed his ex-employee and old time friend
-> literally everything he has ever done
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There’s a couple of things that made me very happy: when the female judge slated him for considering that a female judging panel may mean that the ruling could be unfair, his reaction when he found out that Hong Joo had survived, but also also when he found out that she’d woken up
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Tragic backstory
The backstory for this show is truly tragic. A rogue soldier escaped with a rifle and grenades because he was struggling. He went to find his brother Choi Dam Dong, but before his brother could get back to him, he went rogue. The police chief saw him as he was in the shop with his son (Jae Chan). He sent his son away to safety before confronting the soldier and getting shot to death. The soldier then ran away and boarded the bus that Hong Joo was riding (with her father driving). Hong Joo had seen this soldier in her dream previously and warned her father that if they don’t do something, they’ll all die. He tells everyone the bus has broken down and puts Hong Joo in charge of getting everyone away. He eventually tackles the soldier before both of them blow up with the bus. Later, they save Dam Dong from trying to drown in a lake because he felt so guilty about the results of his brothers actions.
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The backstory is truly tragic, as a lot of the stories in kdramas are these days. I love how the backstory really plays such a big part in the dynamic of how they do things in the present. 
Slight Disappointments
-> I still feel robbed of that original kiss scene, it would have been so cute if it had actually happened like that for their first kiss. Their first kiss was very cute regardless but we were still robbed of the dream version. Their kiss was very awkward, very funny but awkward 
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-> They were very quiet about the rest of Jae Chan’s backstory. For example, we are introduced to Jae Chan’s mum but other than the memory of him being told off by her after the motorcycle accident and them all mourning at their father’s funeral, we have no idea what the dynamic was around them. We also have no idea what happened to her after the period around the funeral, because all we know is that he has passed away (as Seung Won told his friend), so Jae Chan and Seung Won moved together by themselves. Obviously this is just a guess as we are not given any solid answers.
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-> I think it would also be good to know how Hong Joo got her dreams in the first place. They figured out why Jae Chan, Woo Tak, and then Inspector Choi have their visions but no insight in to why Hong Joo was the first
Favourite Scenes
-> church choir scene. The fact that they actually filmed a scene like that. Such a great laugh
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-> every time they refer to each other by their nicknames. I like how ‘Youngduk Giant Crab’ is used because of Jae Chan’s long limbs. Very original on Hong Joo’s part. I love it even more when Cho Hee calls him the nickname too. I also think the name dog poopie is immature but still smart on Jae Chan’s part. She really does disappear whenever he looks for her, so the name makes sense. It’s very sweet that they gave each other these nicknames
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-> Jae Chan figuring out that Hong Joo is Chestnut. So so sweet. Though this confuses me a little, as supposedly he knew from the very beginning when he first saw her at the bus stop?
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-> This scene. Do I even need to explain. The reaction of both Jae Chan and Hong Joo are so funny
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-> Hong Joo and Jae Chan being saved by inspector Choi, also inspector Choi looking out for Jae Chan when Hong Joo’s condition was so uncertain. I just thought it was very heartwarming to see the relationship betweent these two at its peak
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-> the ending scenes. I just think its so sweet. The scene at prosecutor Lee and prosecutor Son’s is hilarious, she clearly kept aiming for prosecutor Sin but the first time Jae Chan caught it, then Hong Joo did. Definitely sweet, and then to show us the big photo from what was their wedding, very sweet. from then we can assume they live a long and happy life together
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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Decision to Leave (Heojil kyolshim), Park Chan-wook (2022)
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rye-views · 4 months
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The Man from Nowhere (2010) dir. Lee Jeong Beom. 아저씨 (2010) dir. 이정범. 7.9/10
I would recommend this movie to my friends. I would rewatch this movie.
Kim Sung Oh's characters are always kinda vile to me. This whole childhood kidnapping and slavery business makes me vomit. Oh Sang Man disgusts me.
Wonbin and the Thai man are both hot. I love their dynamic together. This movie is just to show that Wonbin is hot. That window breakthrough? We love vigilante savior behavior. Cutie doggies. This hair cut scene is just legendary.
The car accident like stopped my heart. The let me hug you once kills me. I'm crying.
The wrist slices are brutal.
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minyo129 · 8 months
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Minho's movie 'New Normal' first poster released (HQ photos)
'Gidam' and 'Gonjiam' director Jeong Beom-sik's new film 'New Normal' has released two types of first posters with its release confirmed in November.
The first two types of posters released this time first grab attention with their intense colors and impactful titles. First, the pink poster, with its striking pop color, captured the colorful expressions of actors including Choi Ji-woo, Lee Yu-mi, 𝗖𝗵𝗼𝗶 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗼, Pyo Ji-hoon, Ha Da-in, and Jeong Dong-won between the titles.
The black and white stills of the actors placed between the titles in the released white poster give a glimpse of their eyes and expressions, which are different from those on the pink poster.
"...to the face of actor 𝗖𝗵𝗼𝗶 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗼, who looks at something as if filled with melancholy and stimulates curiosity..."
'New Normal’ will be available in theaters this November.
Source: link Trans ©AFlamer5299
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papaya2000s · 20 days
The History of Korean male groups’ evolution over time -> Part 3.5
Before i start, i will be mentioning other Male Groups' that come after the Yeonhee Professional Orchestra (연희전문사중창단) and briefly mention the ‘Youth Member’ again, as they are similar in a way and are important in the timeline of Male Groups' weather they were the 'First' or 'Not First' Male Group to appear in Korea.
Before Liberation - 1930s
The phonographic album under discussion features the Yeonhee Professional Orchestra, recognized as Korea's pioneering male vocal ensemble, transitioning from performing hymns, cheer songs, and school songs to popular tunes. Dating back to the 1930s, a period marked by Japanese colonial rule, the sound albums produced by the Yeonhee Professional Orchestra are regarded as exceptional and scarce collectibles, adding to their allure and historical significance.
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I am carried / Ha.ha.ha Album front - 나는실혀 / 하.하.하 앨범 앞면
Yonhee College Choir, formed by Yonhee College students
The 1960s saw a surge in male quartets in Korea, with groups like the Bluebells, Mellotone Quartet, Johnny Brothers, Bongbongsa Quartet, and Arirang Brothers gaining popularity. The Bluebells, known as 'Korea's first male vocal group', were a pioneer in the genre. However, the Yeonhee Professional Orchestra, a group from Yonhee College, had already made significant contributions to the music scene during the Japanese colonial period. The Bluebells played a crucial role in shaping the male quartet landscape in Korea, but it is essential to acknowledge the contributions of earlier groups like the Yeonhee Professional Orchestra in paving the way for male vocal harmony groups in the country.
Yeonhee Professional Orchestra, featuring tenor Lee In-beom, Choi Seong-du, bass Hwang Jae-kyung, and second bass Shin Young-gyun, debuted in 1932 with the release of Yeonhee College's and they released folk songs, original and adapted songs, and appeared on Gyeongseong Broadcasting Station (JODK) with Hyun Je-myeong. In April 1935, the team changed to 'Yeonjeonsa Intertwine', and their last album was composed by Hyun Je-myeong in December 1936.
Songs that they released: 1. September 1932 with the release of Yeonhee College's <Cheering Song> (응원가) and <School Song> (교가) 2. Folk songs, they also released original and adapted songs such as <I Am Carried> (나는실혀) and <Hahaha> (하하하) 3. December 1936, their last album <Lamb> (절늠발이), composed by Hyun Je-myeong.
History of domestic male vocal teams
The traces of male vocal teams in the history of Korean popular music begin with youth members singing the first song, “Hakdoga,” (학도가) released by ‘Youth Member’ in 1923. It is difficult to consider the ‘Youth Member’ specified in the album as a team name. The exact names of the members still cannot be confirmed.
In November 1925, Choi Dong-jun, Kim In-jae, Ahn Ki-young, and Jeong Seong-tae released <Let's Go for a Safe Delivery> (순산을 향해 갑시다) as a gramophone Album (SP) (Album number k579 on Nibbonohong). The names of the members were written here, but only ‘male master’ (남성 사부) was recorded without the team name. The first male vocal team to officially decide on a team name and release an album was the Yeonhee Professional Ensemble, formed by four college students from Yeonhee College.
At first, sung Hymns, School songs, and Cheer songs.
This is where it might become a bit confusing for some as it mentions other songs and Album Numbers that might not make sense to how its apart of the History Korean Male Groups, but it does is some way.
The official debut song of the Yeonhee College Choir was the Yeonhee College cheer song and school song recorded on the Columbia SP Album (Album number 40358) in September 1932 . In other words, they were not a male vocal team singing popular songs from the beginning. So, at first, the team name was written on the album as Yonhee College's quartet.
Those who sang hymns and school songs on campus released <Watermill> and <Farmer's Song> in September 1932, following <Idiot Tour of Seoul>, an adaptation of a song by foreign composer Smith, and <Let's Play>, a black folk song (Columbia Records, Album Number 40359). The folk song SP (Colombia Records, Album Number 40361) containing , was released under the same team name.
Korea’s 'First' Male Vocal Group, Yeonhee Professional Orchestra.
In April 1933, the Yeonhee Professional Orchestra released <Hahaha>, an adaptation of a song by foreign composer Crown, and <I am Silheo>, composed by Sherbone, as a sound record on Columbia Records. It is unusual that the name of the arranger, Ji Gong-bo, who is presumed to be a foreigner, is specified on the album.
I couldn't find a picture of the album only the record, as show at the top of this post.
This album is the first male vocal group in Korea, the Yeonhee Professional Singers' Intertwine, which began singing popular songs of various genres in earnest. This album tells us that they left school and began their full-fledged activities as a male vocal team. In fact, after the release of the album, there remains a photo of the Yeonhee Professional Orchestra appearing on Gyeongseong Broadcasting Radio with Professor Hyeon Je-myeong, who played the piano.
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Yeonhee Professional Orchestra (1932) Members - In-beom Lee, Seong-du Choi, Jae-kyung Hwang, Young-gyun Shin (Piano Hyun Hyun-myeong) In Korean - 이인범, 최성두, 황재경, 신영균(피아노현재명)
Afterwards, in August 1933, <Song of the Wanderer> and the song <Song of Joseon> (Album Number 40450) were released, and in September 1934, the Manyo-style popular songs <Dream Janggayo> and <Goodbye> (Columbia Records, Album Number 40450) were released. 40536), and in January 1935, <My Wife Who Sleeps Not> and <Sapsalgae> were released in succession. Until this album, the team name was written as Yeonhee Professional Orchestra.
Afterwards, in April 1935, the team name was changed again to the Yeonjeonsa Orchestra, and in December 1936, they released <Lambly>, composed by Hyun Je-myeong, which cannot be found and the phonograph albums they released are evaluated as rare albums, as mentioned further up in this post.
Included Songs:
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The two song that were sung by the Yeonhee Professional Orchestra.
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skeletonfumes · 1 year
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The Man from Nowhere (2010) Lee Jeong-beom
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no-where-new-hero · 6 months
Since we seem to be the Lee Rang/ Yi Jeong / Kim Beom fan club leaders, I have to ask:
Have you ever read the classic "Heart of Porcelain"? I wept buckets over it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/24380932/chapters/58805542
LOL very glad to find another Kim Beom fan club leader (I am embarrassingly fond of making sure everyone knows he's my Blorbo of All Time)!!! I actually haven't read that yet because the idea of 141k words lowkey terrified me, but I've been enjoying other Yi Jeong fics, so I think that soon I will need to bite the bullet. That show really is made for fanfiction though because the canon is SO bizarre but also so ripe for imaginings. I can't say I'm the biggest SoEul (is that their fan name?) shipper but after making my tour around everything Kim Beom has ever been in, Yi Jeong is a bit of an iconic character.
If you have any other fics to recommend, I'd love to see them! The BOF fandom is a sprawling and unwieldy place lol.
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youtifulkrp · 2 months
Most wanted?
Hello !
After polling our community, we were able to produce this list:
Loona... Cho Ha-seul , Wong Kahei ; Vivi , Jeong Jin-sol , Kim Jung-eun ; Kim Lip , Jeon Hee-jin , Kim Hyun-jin , Park Chae-won ; Go Won , Choi Ye-rim ; Choerry , Son Hye-ju , Im Yeo-jin
Vixx... Cha Hak Yeon ; N , Jung Taek Woon ; Leo , Lee Jae Hwan ; Ken , Han Sang Hyuk 
Dreamcatcher...  Kim Min Ji ; JiU , Kim Bo Ra ; SuA ,  Lee Si Yeon , Han Dong , Kim Yoo Hyeon ,  Lee Yu Bin ; Dami , Lee Ga Hyeon
BTS... Kim Nam Joon ; RM , Kim Seok Jin ; Jin , Min Yoon Gi ; Suga , Jung Ho Seok ; J-Hope , Park Ji Min
Mamamoo... Kim Yong Sun ; Solar , Moon Byul-Yi  ; Moonbyul , Jung Whee In ; Wheein , Ahn Hye Jin ; Hwasa
Girls’ Generation / SNSD... Kim Tae Yeon ,  Lee Soon Kyu ; Sunny , Stephanie Young Hwang  ;  Tiffany Young ,  Kim Hyo Yeon  , Kwon Yu Ri  , Choi Soo Young ,  Im Yoon-A ,  Seo Joo Hyun ; Seohyun
Soloists... Kim Hyo-jung ; Hyolyn , Lee Chae-rin ; CL , Kim Hanbin ; B.I. , Bang Yongguk , Jessica Ho ; Jessi
BTOB... Seo Eun Kwang , Lee Min Hyuk , Lee Chang Sub , Lim Hyun Sik , Peniel Dong Shin ; Peniel , Yook Sung Jae
iKon... Song Yunhyeong ; Song , Kim Donghyuk ; DK , Koo Junhoe  ; June , Jung Chanwoo
Winner... Kang Seung Yoon ; Yoon , Kim Jin Woo ; Jinu , Lee Seung Hoon  ; Hoony , Song Min Ho ; Mino
Kard...  Kim Tae Hyung ; J.Seph , Matthew Kim ; BM , Jeon So Min , Jeon Ji Woo 
GOT7... Lim Jae Beom ; Jay B , Mark Yi En Tuan ; Mark , Wang Jackson ,  Park Jin Young , Choi Young Jae , Kunpimook Bhuwakul Bambam ; BamBam , Kim Yu Gyeom
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⤷ ⋆⭒˚.⋆ 𝑨𝑫𝑴𝑰𝑵 𝑵𝒀𝑿𝑿 & 𝑬𝑹𝑶𝑺
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kiss4chuu · 1 year
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ general rules ୧ ‧₊˚
↳ we only write romantic, platonic, age regression, fluff, angst, and semi-nsfw. no full nsfw content.
↳ we write in oneshot, headcanon, social media, and multi-character form. for multi-characters, the limit is 4-6.
↳ lgbtq+ relationships are fully allowed and encouraged, this includes polyamory.
↳ cross-fandom and au’s are allowed.
↳ we won’t write ships, unless it’s in a polyamorous pairing.
↳ mental abuse, physical abuse, and abuse in general within a pairing is not allowed. topics of it, however, are allowed.
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ fandoms ୧ ‧₊˚
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— new jersey devils
— edmonton oilers
— seattle kraken
— florida panthers
— toronto maple leafs
— anaheim ducks
— boston bruins
— chicago blackhawks
— calgary flames
— ottawa senators
— los angeles kings
— winnipeg jets
— tampa bay lightning
— washington capitals
— philidelphia flyers
— columbus blue jackets
— nashville predators
— san jose sharks
— arizona coyotes
— st louis blues
— buffalo sabres
— pittsburgh penquins
— montreal canadiens
— vancouver canucks
— minnesota wild
— colorado avalanche
— vegas golden knights
— detriot red wings
— new york islanders
— dallas stars
— carolina hurricanes
— umich (not nhl, but i also don’t care)
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— twice
↳ nayeon
↳ jeongyeon
↳ momo
↳ mina
↳ dahyun
↳ chaeyoung
↳ tzuyu
↳ sana
↳ jihyo
— blackpink
↳ lisa
↳ jennie
↳ jisoo
↳ rosé
— (g)i-dle
↳ soyeon
↳ miyeon
↳ soojin
↳ yuqi
↳ shuhua
↳ minnie
— red velvet
↳ irene
↳ seulgi
↳ wendy
↳ joy
↳ yeri
— itzy
↳ yeji
↳ ryujin
↳ lia
↳ yuna
↳ chaeryeong
— le sserafim
↳ yunjin / jennifer
↳ chaewon
↳ sakura
↳ kazuha
↳ eunchae
— ive
↳ wonyoung
↳ yujin
↳ gaeul
↳ liz
↳ leeseo
↳ rei
— loona
↳ heejin
↳ hyunjin
↳ haseul
↳ yeojin
↳ vivi
↳ kim lip
↳ choerry
↳ jinsoul
↳ yves
↳ chuu
↳ gowon
↳ olivia hye
— new jeans
↳ danielle
↳ haerin
↳ hanni
↳ minji
— aespa
↳ karina
↳ winter
↳ giselle
↳ ning ning
— bts
↳ namjoon
↳ yoongi
↳ hoseok
↳ jin
↳ jungkook
↳ jimin
↳ taehyung
— enhypen
↳ ni-ki
↳ jungwon
↳ sunoo
↳ sunghoon
↳ heeseung
↳ jay
↳ jake
— stray kids
↳ bang chan
↳ hyunjin
↳ felix
↳ lee know
↳ i.n
↳ han
↳ changbin
↳ seungmin
— txt
↳ soobin
↳ kai
↳ yeonjun
↳ beomgyu
↳ taehyun
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— crash landing on you
↳ ri jeong-hyeok
↳ yoon se-ri
↳ gu seung-joon
↳ seo dan
↳ park kwang-beom
↳ kim jumeok
— all of us are dead
↳ lee su-hyeok
↳ choi nam-ra
↳ lee cheong-san
↳ nam on-jo
↳ yoon gwi-nam
↳ lee na-yeon
↳ jang ha-ri
↳ park mi-jin
↳ jang woo-jin
↳ min eun-ji
↳ kim chul-soo
— sweet home
↳ cha hyun-soo
↳ lee eun-hyuk
↳ lee eun-yoo
↳ seo yi-kyeong
↳ jung jae-heon
↳ pyeon sang-wook
↳ yoon ji-soo
— squid game
↳ kang sae-byeok
↳ seong gi-hu
↳ salesman
↳ hwang jun-ho
↳ ji-yeong
↳ cho sang-wo
↳ front man
↳ abdul ali
↳ circle, triangle, and square guards
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© kiss4chuu | no reposts
32 notes · View notes
jinxedmuse · 10 months
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fluff: ღ | suggestive: ✮ | smut: 𖤐 | angst: ☾ | fem: ❀ | gender neutral: ⟡ | male: ✰
works for: RIIZE (라이즈)
Osaki Shotaro (大崎将太郎)
— none so far
Song Eunseok (송은석)
— none so far
Jung Sungchan (정성찬)
— none so far
Park Wonbin (박원빈)
— none so far
Hong Seunghan (홍승한)
— none so far
Lee Sohee (이소희)
— best friend: your best friend sohee offers a "no strings attached" relief from the stress of your relationship but finds himself falling in too deep. 𖤐 | ❀ | ☾ (?)
Lee Chanyoung (이찬영)
— none so far
ot7 reactions + head cannons + scenarios + mtl
works for: bangtan sonyeondan 방탄소년단
Kim Seok-Jin
— none so far
Min Yoon-Gi
— none so far
Jung Ho-Seok
— none so far
Kim Nam-Joon
— none so far
Park Ji-Min
— none so far
Kim Tae-Hyung
— none so far
Jeon Jeong-Guk
— none so far
ot7 reactions + head cannons + scenarios + mtl
works for: seventeen 세븐틴
Choi Seung Cheol
— none so far
Yoon Jeong Han
— purple rose: you find out that your cranky boss at your bartending job turns out to be quite the mischievous co-host of an exclusive bdsm club. not wanting to back down, you try to ignore this new found info when at work. but once blurred lines are already crossed, can they really be forgotten? ☾ | 𖤐 | ❀
Joshua Hong
— let it happen: reader and joshua are in a confusing relationship. a constant tug of war over who can get each other more in love, and more heart broken. (based on gracie abrams “mess it up”) ☾ | ✮ | ❀
Wen Junhui (文俊辉)
— none so far
Kwon Soon Young
— none so far
Jeon Won Woo
— none so far
Lee Ji Hoon
— none so far
Lee Seok Min
— none so far
Kim Min Gyu
— none so far
Xu Ming Hao (徐明浩)
— none so far
Boo Seung Kwan
— new romantics: the “goody-two-shoes”, university athlete boo seungkwan encounters a “rebel against-all-odds”, biker!reader and truly learns what it means to have fun while living life for himself alongside new found, and utterly careless love. part 1 | ❀ | ✮
Hansol Vernon Chwe
— just wanna ease ya mind: based on jhene aiko’s “bed peace” ft childish gambino. (in other words, high sex with bf!vernon) ❀ | 𖤐
Lee Chan
— none so far
ot13 reactions + head cannons + scenarios + mtl
— if they had a black cat personality type s/o that showed affection (not so) subtly ღ | ⟡
— secret dating idol!svt — 95z line, & if you guys would get caught ⟡ | ღ
works for: t x t 투모로우바이투게더
Choi Soo Bin
— none so far
Choi Yeon Jun
— none so far
Choi Beom Gyu
— none so far
Kang Tae Hyun
— none so far
Kai Kamal Huening 정하원 休宁凯
— none so far
ot5 reactions + head cannons + scenarios + mtl
18 notes · View notes
K-pop Boy Bands Stations
Choi Seung-Cheol (S. Coups)
Yoon Jeong- Han (Jeonghan)
Joshua Hong (Joshua)
Wen Jun-Hui (Jun)
Kwon Soon-Yeung (Hoshi)
Jeon Won-Woo (Wonwoo)
Lee Ji-Hoon (Woozi)
Lee Seok-Min (DK)
Kim Ming-Gyu (Mingyu)
Xu Ming Hao (The8)
Boo Seung-Kwan (Seungkwan)
Hansol Vernon Chwe (Vernon)
Lee Chan (Dino)
Choi Soo-Bin (Soobin)
Choi Yeon-Jun (Yeonjun)
Choi Beom-Gyu (Beomgyu)
Kang Tae-Hyun (Taehyun)
Kai Kamal Huenging (Huening Kai)
Monsta X
Sohn Hyun-Woo (Shownu)
Lee Min-Hyuk (Minhyuk)
Yoo Ki-Hyun (Kihyun)
Chae Hyung-Won (Hyung-won)
Lee Joo-Heon (Jooheon)
Im Chang-Kyun (I.M)
Kim Jun-Myeon (Suho)
Kim Min Seok (Xiumin)
Byun Baek-Hyun (Baekhyun)
Kim Jong-Dae (Chen)
Park Chan-Yeol (Chanyeol)
Do Kyung-Soo (D.O)
Kim Jong-In (Kai)
Oh Se-Hun (Sehun)
Zhang Jiashuni (Lay)
Li Jiasheng (Kris)
Lu Han (Luhan)
Huang Zitao (Tao)
Stray Kids
Christopher Chan (Bang Chan)
Lee Min-Ho (Lee Know)
Seo Chang-Bin (Changbin)
Hwang Hyun-Jin (HyunJin)
Han Ji-Sang (Han)
Felix Lee (Felix)
Kim Seung-Min (Seungmin)
Yang Jeong-In (I.N)
Kim Woo-Jin (Woojin)
Lee Tae-Yong (Taeyong)
Moon Tae-Il (Taeil)
Seo Young-Ho (Johnny)
Nakamoto Yuta (Yuta)
Qian Kun (Kun)
Kim Dong-Young (Doyoung)
(Korean Name) Lee Young-Heum (Ten)
Jeong Yoon-Oh (Jaehyun)
Dong Si-Cheng (Winwin)
Kim Jung-Woo (Jungwoo)
Huang Xuxi (Lucas)
Mark Lee (Mark)
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun)
Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Huang Ren Jun (Renjun)
Lee Je-No (Jeno)
Lee Dong-Hyuck (Haechan)
Na Jae-Min (Jaemin)
Liu YangYang (Yangyang)
Osaki Shotaro (Shotaro)
Jung Sung-Chan (Sungchan)
Zhong Chen-Le (Chenie)
Park Ji-Sung (Jisung)
Yang Jung-Won (Jungwon)
Lee Hee-Seung (Heeseung)
Jay Park (Jay)
Jake Sim (Jake)
Park Sung-Hoon (Sunghoon)
Kim Seon-Woo (Sunoo)
Kim Nam-Joon
Kim Seok-Jin
Min Yoongi
Jung Ho-Seok
Park Ji-Min
Kim Tae-Hyung
Jeon Jung-kook
Solo Artists
Lee Ho-Seok (Wonho)
Kang Dong-Ho (Baekho.)
Cho Seung-Youn (Woodz.)
50 notes · View notes