rrainbowmagnet · 1 year
How the Murderbot characters would participate in a group project
Murderbot: If the project is on something it cares about, it writes a 20 page essay all by itself. If the project is on something it doesn’t care about, it watches everyone else work while not contributing, possibly trying to balance a pencil on its nose. Regardless of subject matter, the end result will be in plain black Arial font with no decorations.
Mensah: Leads the project and assigns everyone a role. Probably still ends up doing more than her own share of work. Probably stresses out over the project. Pin-Lee: Impatient and doesn’t accept anyone else’s ideas for the project. Constantly telling everyone to stop fooling around and work.
Ratthi: Asks 50 questions and never knows where his notes are. The group constantly questions his tactics the entire time they’re working, but his finished product is quite good.
Gurathin: Works quietly and does research for the project. Leaves the decorating part to everyone else. Questions things that other people put in the presentation.
Arada: Helps to divide up the tasks. Very patient with people’s questions and work. Probably lets people procrastinate, assuming that they’re going to get the work done later, and ends up having to do it herself.
Overse: Works seriously. Does more research than decoration, probably insisting she can’t draw. Gets invested in the research topic.
Bharadwaj: Works at a calm pace and doesn’t let herself get stressed about the assignment. Contributes on a good, reliable schedule. Is willing to pick up work if people are tired or have obligations, but doesn’t let anyone make excuses.
Volescu: Shows up to work on the first day and does a good job, then gets sick and ends up being out for the remainder of the work period.
ART: Completes the whole project by itself and only puts its own name on it. Makes it extremely grand and elaborate, with massive troves of information and fancy decorations, including ribbons, rhinestones, and pop-ups. Promptly creates three more projects on the same topic and insists on receiving extra credit for them.
Three: Follows the project guidelines to a T. Doesn’t know what to do if they’re not specific enough and asks a lot of questions. Eager to contribute. Lets itself get walked on and tries to do everyone’s parts at once.
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reveriescope · 2 years
Floating Magnolia
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Trigger Warnings: mention of sexual abuse
Seungcheol as Clinton Zhāo. Kiku as Yara Zhāo. Jeonghan as Arial. Seokmin as Kala. Wonwoo as Silas.
Special mention: Lee Chan as Micah, Xiaoting as Naradia Zhāo.
Begitu membuka mata, Clinton adalah orang pertama yang dilihat Natyara. Adik laki-laki yang hanya berjarak satu tahun di bawahnya itu merebahkan diri di sofa bed tak nyaman sibuk dengan ponsel di tangan.
Clinton, pasti sengaja membawanya ke rumah sakit di mana keluarga Zhāo bukan menjadi naratama. Syukur dirasa kala menyadari adiknya itu mengindahkan ucapan Yara sebelum ia hilang sadar. 
"Didi," panggil Yara sambil mengangkat tubuhnya untuk duduk.
"Ce, should I call the doctor?" Clinton bangkit untuk menghampiri ranjangnya. 
Yara menggeleng. Bibirnya yang masih pucat melafalkan kalimat dengan lirih, "Air aja, please?" 
Dengan cekatan Clinton membuka botol air mineral dan meletakkan sedotan agar kakaknya itu bisa minum dengan lebih mudah. Begitu botol air sudah berpindah tangan, Clinton mengamati orang yang sudah dikenalnya seumur hidup itu. 
Yara melirik ke lengan kiri Clinton yang terbuka. Ada plester bekas donor menempel di sana. Golongan darah mereka sama, sehingga Yara masih terselamatkan.
"Thanks, Didi. I owe you world." Yara merebahkan dirinya lagi usai menelan beberapa teguk air.
Clinton terdiam sejenak sebelum akhirnya bertanya, "Whose baby? That Wang guy?" 
"Padahal kamu bisa nebak itu Xavier." Yara terkekeh pelan. 
Yang lebih muda mendengus seraya menempelkan punggung pada sandaran kursi. "Dilihat dari karakternya, nope. Tell me it's the older Wang?"
Perempuan itu tidak menjawab, hanya memamerkan ekspresi tidak terbaca. Yara seolah sibuk dengan pemikirannya sendiri sekaligus diselimuti emosi tak terkatakan. 
Diamnya Yara mengundang frustrasi bersarang di benak Clinton. Lelaki itu melipat tangan di depan dada, mencoba menerka apa yang ada di pikiran kakak perempuannya.
"Ce," kata Clinton pada akhirnya. "That's your body, your choice and your temple. Tapi kalau sampai buat kamu hampir mati seperti ini rasanya gue berhak tahu." 
Yara menoleh ke arah Clinton lalu tersenyum penuh arti. "I can't afford bad publicity for our family's sake," tuturnya. 
Citra sebagai pemain violin dan anak konglomerat otomatis membuatnya bak selebriti. Semua orang seolah ingin tahu kegiatan apa hari ini, produk perawatan mana lagi yang dipakai. Kabar Natyara Zhāo alias Natyara Oetomo sekarat akibat aborsi akan menghebohkan banyak pihak.
"Do you have to play that perfect first born all the time while it costs your life, Sister?" 
"Clinton, katamu Cece hampir mati. And now you're in a heated debate with a dying person."
Ketika Yara memanggil nama depannya alih-alih Didi, saatnya Clinton menutup mulut. Percuma saja membuatnya jujur jika kakaknya itu memilih untuk bersikap kepala batu. 
"Naik darah aku lama-lama, Ce." Clinton beranjak dari kursinya, "I'll send someone here. Jangan dikerjain."
Yara mengangkat tangannya yang dipasangi infus, sebuah bahasa tubuh yang menandakan ia tidak berencana bermain-main dengan suruhan Clinton.
Belum juga Clinton mencapai pintu, suara Yara kembali terdengar.
"If you're really curious why can't I tell you who's the father it's just because I'm not sure..." ucapan Yara terpotong sejenak sebelum ia melanjutkan, "...which one."
"What kind of life you live, actually?" Clinton, kali ini benar-benar naik darah dan hampir meledak saat mendengar pengakuan kakaknya berikutnya. 
"It wasn't consensual, Didi. History repeats. You'll end up killed if you touch them."
"You know, Ce. All I do is to protect you and Meimei. So I can't let this pass." 
Bagaimana kakak perempuannya itu bisa tetap tenang ketika memberitahu hak mengerikan telah terjadi? Clinton tidak habis pikir. 
"Kupikir Cece tidak waras." Clinton mengusap wajahnya sebelum 
Arial yang semula bermaksud membiarkan Clinton mondar-mandir kini meminta pemuda itu duduk usai menuang Crown Royal untuknya. Mereka ada di di Arctic Lounge, tempat pertemuan yang letaknya lantai rahasia Tranquiloft Hotel Jakarta milik Zen Point Group yang dipimpin keluarga Clinton.
"Mereka pikir mengakui pelecehan itu memalukan. Apalagi Cece kena dua kali. Dan lebih dari sekadar pelecehan." Arial berusaha lebih hati-hati dalam pemilihan kalimatnya untuk didengar Clinton.
"Dia bukan orang yang nggak bisa melawan,” sergah Clinton. Meski masih gusar, kini Clinton terlihat lebih relaks usai meneguk wiski.
"Biar begitu, dia korban. Kita nggak pernah tau apa yang ada di pikiran dia dan perasaan dia. Aksi dia atau perasaan dia nggak ada urusan sama penilaian lo."
Rupanya ucapan Arial terlalu tajam untuk dicerna Clinton, sehingga ia hanya menanggapinya dengan tawa sarkastik. "Jadi ini yang lo dapet dari peliharaan sebanyak itu," komentarnya.
Arial hanya mengangkat bahu sebelum mengusulkan, "Lebih baik lo kirim Silas."
"Udah sinting ya kalian? Buat apa bikin dia ke-trigger cuma gara-gara Cece-nya Clinton. Nggak!" Kala yang sepanjang waktu terdiam di kursi dekat jendela mendadak terdengar suaranya.
"Tapi yang paling bisa berempati ke masalah ini cuma dia, dan cuma dia yang bisa jaga sikap."
Terkadang Clinton lupa, Arial selalu punya jalan keluar dari segala situasi. Terlepas dari seberapa peliknya yang mereka lalui. 
Natyara memandang Silas sebelum mulai menyendok bubur. Sedari tadi suasana tenang, Silas tidak banyak berbicara jika tidak ditanya. Sosoknya memancarkan energi tenang, lain halnya dengan anak-anak buah Clinton lain.
"Kamu pasti tahu aku di sini karena keguguran." Gumam Yara usai menelan makanannya. 
Silas tidak merespons apapun, melainkan hanya memandangi Yara penuh tanya. Melihat pemuda itu, Yara tersenyum tipis menyadari apa yang mungkin diketahui Silas. 
"Iya, I killed my baby." Sambil mengaduk-aduk bubur tak beraturan. 
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Menurut lo, dia akan berterima kasih that I don’t have to send them here or that they will despise my act?" 
Hening setelahnya. Beberapa menit berikutnya, Yara meletakkan sendok tanda ia sudah selesai makan. Setelah perempuan itu menggunakan sapu tangan, Silas menyingkirkan alat makan dari hadapan Yara. 
"Yara atau Cece, samain aja sama Micah," potongnya. 
Micah yang dimaksud Yara adalah pengawal pribadi adik bungsunya, Naradia. Atas kedekatan mereka, Micah juga memanggil Yara dengan sebutan "Cece" sama seperti siapapun yang lebih muda daripada dirinya di keluarga.
"Apapun yang bawa Cece ke keputusan ini, itu semua bukan salah Cece," ujar Silas. "Or else, Cece akan bawa trauma dan sulit menyayangi anak itu."
Yara diam seribu bahasa, tatapannya lurus ke depan. Sejurus kemudian perempuan itu menghembuskan napas panjang lalu menyandarkan punggung di bantal yang sudah disusun. 
"Silas... kamu bisa main catur? Tolong besok temani aku main itu."
( to be continued? )
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you reblogged that ask game and i love to ask questions so theres like 15 of these but: 1, 7, 9, 25, 32 (or, alternatively, 40)?
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
Usually Calibri, because that's the default for Word, or Arial, because that's the default for Google Docs. On a second-time edit, I tend to switch the font to something random - either Comic Sans or the first one that I find while scrolling down the list - to make my brain more aware of the words and help me find mistakes. I don't, like, care-care. I could write in Papyrus if I needed to.
7 - answered here!
9 - answered here!
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
not strictly completely irrelevant, but I know that Lee slipped up half a million times in front of Thomas re: the whole hollow thing in Syzygy, and every time he was like 'holy shit, this is how I get found out, is this the time Thomas is going to realize I am a paper mache man' and evey. fucking. time without fail. Thomas just did not notice. legendarily unobservant.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
The one that's been ringing in my head lately is from Anne Carson's avante-garde translation of Antigone, Antigonick. (It's a hell of a read; I very much recommend it although some familiarity with the story before you go in is probably necessary. It's extemely referential.) There's a lot of bits I could share because it's all just, very good and my brain loves to chew on it, but honestly, it's the conversations between Antigone and her sister that really get me. 'you go as one beloved although you go without your mind' keeps haunting me.
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40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
I have never been Good at writing haikus but I tried, just for you.
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cerebrobullet · 1 year
Tagged by @phoenixflames12 <33 Favourite book series: Sci-fi: Machineries of Empire by Yoon Ha Lee Fantasy: The Black Company series by Glen Cook Fiction: The Sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell (this is slightly a cheat. I almost never read just Regular Fiction so there's not competition, but I'm confident it would win anyway lol)
Favourite stand alone book: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
Which movie did it better than the book: Despite my brain's best efforts, I cannot think of a single example. At least for books I've read myself. Not because I don't think there are, but just because i'm dumb.
Pick: times new roman or arial font: Arial for everyday use, but if a word doc isn't using times new roman i struggle emotionally. calibri can suck my dick.
Florence and the machine or Hozier: Florence + the Machine, who usually ends up in every character playlist I've ever made
Do you prefer handwritten or typed: Typed because it's so hard for my handwriting to keep up with the speed of my brain. But I love getting handwritten letters <3
Favourite month of the year?: June because it's summer, contains my birthday, and i'm gay
Song on repeat this week: Queen of Peace by Florence + the Machine lol. It just has a great beat I can't get enough of, and it's now on my Sharpe playlist for... fanfic reasons. Don't judge me.
Pick one: dogs or cats: I refuse I love both. I loved dogs first, but I love my lil kitty so much. Dogs are really solid and you just can't quite pick them up, fold them in half, and squeeze them tight like you can a kitty.
Bonus: Favourite books as a child (0-12): Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer, Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis, The Legend of Drizzt series by R. A. Salvatore (don't hold it against me i was 11)
extra bonus: when was the last time you went to your local library? (digitally or in person?): I use Libby constantly for audiobooks at work, but since they only have the Bad Narrator for the Sharpe books and I'm binge listening to them, I have not used my library for... about 2 months.
This also reminded me I got tagged by @seaglassandeelgrass forever ago for another question thingy and i completely forgot to do it ;A;. So I'll tag you to do the first one!
5 drinks to get to know me:
pulp free orange juice
hot chocolate with whole milk and too many marshmallows
rootbeer out of a glass bottle
strawberry kiwi lemonade
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reveriemoon · 2 years
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Rrrrr more drawings of Guys rrrrr....
Arial Romans is the fiancee of Rhys' brother who never had much contact with them. In fact rhys and his mom didn't know said brother even had a fiancee. Arial is a burnt out ex chosen one of a fantasy world who is pathetic (affectionate) and haunted. She is keeping a lot of secrets
Coreyopsys is a runaway fairy princess of said fantasy world Arial, Thane (dead guy) and Lee (other party member I may post eventually) were in before something terrible happened (like someone dying haha) that caused them to give up the quest. Anyway Corey has nothing really to do with the original quest, but she befriends Rhys when he ends up in the same world. Also she's a lesbian, and a chaotic mess
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kayvanh123 · 7 months
College students frequently experience depression and anxiety.
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Depression and anxiety are increasingly prevalent among college students, and recent research from the University of Georgia indicates that this issue may be more pronounced for students who belong to a racial minority compared to their white peers.
The study revealed that non-white students at a predominantly white college reported significantly higher rates of depression compared to their white counterparts. At this institution, over half of non-white students reported experiencing mild depression, and an additional 17% reported experiencing moderate to severe depression.
In terms of anxiety levels, students at the predominantly white university, regardless of race, reported similar levels. More than three in five students reported experiencing mild to severe levels of anxiety.
At a historically Black college, non-Black students also experienced higher rates of anxiety and depression.
Janani Rajbhandari-Thapa, an associate professor in UGA’s College of Public Health, emphasized the importance of inclusivity and mental health efforts on college campuses, emphasizing that not all students come from the same background and thus require tailored support.
The study, conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic with over 3,100 participants, assessed various aspects including feelings of hopelessness, sleep disturbances, and fatigue. The findings highlighted that first-generation students were significantly more likely to experience depression compared to their peers who were not first-generation college attendees.
All first-generation students expressed some level of depression, regardless of the institution. The majority reported mild symptoms, but over half at the predominantly white university reported experiencing moderate to severe levels of depression.
Rajbhandari-Thapa, who herself was an international student, stressed the unique challenges faced by first-generation students and the need for universities to provide additional support.
The pandemic brought about disruptions in daily life, particularly affecting college students who were deprived of their usual social interactions and group activities. This, in turn, likely contributed to heightened stress and anxiety levels. The study revealed that female students experienced higher levels of depression and anxiety compared to their male peers, aligning with broader societal trends in mental health.
The researchers advocate for investments in diversity, equity, and inclusion resources to help all students, regardless of their racial background or first-generation status, feel more comfortable and supported on campus.
Published in the Journal of American College Health, the study was co-authored by Kathryn Chiang, Mitchell Chen Lee, Arial Treankler, and Heather Padilla from the University of Georgia, along with Drs. Emily Anne Vall at Resilient Georgia and Marion Ross Fedrick at Albany State University.
Remember, if you need further guidance or support, don’t hesitate to reach out to your mental health professional or contact us for assistance.
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fernando-arciniega · 1 year
Agenda de citas médicas - 2. Crear el formulario de registro del paciente en HTML, CSS y PHP
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Continuaremos con el tutorial para la Agenda de citas médicas, el código presentado es una estructura básica de una página web HTML que contiene: - La declaración del tipo de documento , que indica que se trata de una página web HTML5. - La etiqueta que indica el inicio del documento HTML y el idioma que se está utilizando en la página (lang="es" para español). - El elemento que contiene la información de metadatos de la página, incluyendo la declaración de codificación de caracteres meta charset="UTF-8", la referencia a una hoja de estilos externa y el título de la página Agenda de citas médicas. - El elemento que contiene el contenido visible de la página, en este caso un encabezado
Bienvenido a la agenda de citas médicas
y un formulario con campos de entrada para registrar información del paciente (nombre, apellido, fecha de nacimiento y teléfono), así como un botón de envío . Hasta el momento la vista previa sería así: Agenda de citas médicas
Bienvenido a la agenda de citas médicas
Nombre: Apellido: Email Teléfono:
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Hay varios editores de HTML que son populares entre los estudiantes y que son adecuados para aprender y practicar la creación de páginas web. Aquí te presento algunos: - Visual Studio Code: Es uno de los editores de código más populares y es gratuito. Tiene una interfaz fácil de usar, una gran cantidad de características y plugins útiles para la edición de código HTML y otros lenguajes de programación. - Sublime Text: Este editor de texto es otro favorito entre los estudiantes y profesionales. Tiene una interfaz simple y elegante, y una amplia gama de características que lo hacen ideal para la edición de HTML. - Atom: Este es otro editor de código abierto y gratuito que ha ganado mucha popularidad en los últimos años. Atom es altamente personalizable y viene con una gran cantidad de complementos que lo hacen útil para la creación y edición de páginas web. - Brackets: Este editor de código abierto fue creado específicamente para la edición de HTML, CSS y JavaScript. Tiene una interfaz intuitiva y muchas características útiles para la creación de sitios web. Todos estos editores son adecuados para estudiantes que están aprendiendo HTML y otros lenguajes de programación relacionados con la creación de páginas web. La elección del mejor editor dependerá de tus preferencias personales y de las características específicas que necesites para tu proyecto. Para estos ejercicios utilizaré Sublime Text. Recuerda, debes guardar todos tus archivos, dentro del servidor local instalado, en mi caso la ruta es:
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La carpeta "htdocs" es la que se lee al teclear en el navegador "localhost" por lo tanto al carpeta "agenda" podrá accederse desde: "localhost/agenda"
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El código que se presenta a continuación es una serie de reglas de estilo CSS que se aplican a elementos específicos en una página web. En primer lugar, se establece un fondo de color gris claro para el elemento y se define la fuente utilizada en todo el documento, en este caso, la fuente Arial o una fuente sans-serif. Luego, se establecen estilos específicos para el elemento
, como el color del texto y la alineación del texto en el centro. Se define también el estilo del formulario , que se muestra en un fondo blanco con un espacio de relleno (padding) y un margen (margin) para separarlo del resto del contenido de la página. Se aplica también una sombra (box-shadow) alrededor del formulario para resaltarlo. Además, se especifica un ancho del 50% para que el formulario ocupe la mitad del ancho de la ventana del navegador. Para las etiquetas de entrada en el formulario (elementos ), se establecen estilos específicos para los tipos de texto y fecha, como el relleno, el borde y la anchura, para asegurarse de que las entradas de los usuarios sean uniformes y estéticamente atractivas. Por último, se definen los estilos para el botón de envío (elemento ), que tiene un fondo de color azul, un texto blanco y bordes redondeados. Cuando se pasa el cursor sobre el botón, el color de fondo cambia para dar un efecto visual más atractivo. body { background-color: #F5F5F5; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } h1 { color: #333333; text-align: center; } form { background-color: #FFFFFF; padding: 20px; margin: 20px auto; width: 50%; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #AAAAAA; } label { display: block; margin-bottom: 10px; color: #333333; font-weight: bold; } input, input { padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #AAAAAA; border-radius: 5px; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; margin-bottom: 20px; } input { background-color: #0070C0; color: #FFFFFF; padding: 10px 20px; border: none; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; transition: background-color 0.3s; } input:hover { background-color: #003F7F; }
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El código PHP proporciona una funcionalidad dinámica al formulario HTML anterior. Cuando el usuario completa y envía el formulario, los datos son enviados mediante el método "post" a una página PHP denominada "registrar_paciente.php". El código PHP comienza recogiendo los valores de los campos de formulario que han sido enviados mediante el método "post" y los almacena en variables. Luego se conecta a una base de datos MySQL utilizando la función mysqli_connect() que recibe como parámetros el servidor de base de datos, el nombre de usuario, la contraseña y el nombre de la base de datos. A continuación, se construye una sentencia SQL para insertar los datos del paciente en la tabla "pacientes". La función mysqli_query() ejecuta la sentencia SQL en la base de datos. Después de insertar los datos, se cierra la conexión a la base de datos con la función mysqli_close(). Finalmente, se utiliza la función header() para redirigir al usuario a una página de confirmación, confirmacion.php, que indica que los datos han sido registrados correctamente. Es importante destacar que el código PHP es vulnerable a ataques de inyección SQL. Para prevenir este tipo de ataques, se recomienda utilizar sentencias preparadas o funciones de escape de datos.
Read the full article
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prue84 · 2 years
Summer '22 goals review: 👍👍👍/👍👍
In depth analysis under the cut.
Wordcount on WIPs: 13.500~/20.000
- TOS headcanon/ficlet about Tarsus (1700~ words / complete). - Warren ascension headcanon/draft (1690~ words written / WIP). - Warren/Betsy canon fix (2500~ words written / WIP). - Betsy/Warren Fantasy AU (7.600~ words written / WIP).
Developing detailed drafts: 20~ ≥ 20 pages
Subdom Spirk AU (worked on different chapters, count ext.)
Working on headcanons
Discovery/SNW headcanon, Warren’s powers.
Graphic artworks: 12/3 (7 published)
Genis-Vell, Genis-Vell (variant), Trek/SW OT #1(x2), Trek/SW OT #2(x2), Trek/SW Prequels(x4), SNW’s Enterprise seal,Arthur’s IG on Queen Elizabeth.
Revisiting NCIS/Trek Crew
Written 12 bios out of the 19 missing at the start of the season.
Revisiting Merlin/Trek Crew
Manipped 0 characters out of the 11 missing at the start of the season. Written 0 bios out of the 19 missing at the start of the season.
Manga editing: 0 (100 = project complete)
Season 1-per-Month post goal: 4/4
- Do and/or finish one fanwork per month [✔]
June: - By June 20 I got some of my mojo back and managed to give the Subdom AU big monster draft a go. By the end of the month I had churned out 7 pages (this draft is written in dense Arial 8, long paragraphs that end only with a change of scene).
July: - Revamped the very old manip of Genis-Vell/Cap.Marvel, and managed to make a (more satisfying) variant while at it. - Finished the old movies!era female!Kirk wip that had been on hold since ages (can’t share without completing Spock). - Continued the Subdom AU draft with uncounted pages on open chapters (as I count the pages only when I finish a chapter).
August: - Written 11 characters bio for the NCIS crew (Keates, Cassidy, Grady, Burley, Wolf, Cranston, Yates, Langer, Lee, Hart, Mann). - Started and finished 7 insignia for Star trek/Star Wars. - Started the TOS Mirror and SNW crews edits. - Continued the Subdom AU draft with 12 page in finished chapters plus some other pages on open chapters. - Written the Discovery/SNW headcanon. - Started the SNW Enterprise badges. - Written a TOS headcanon/ficlet about Tarsus (1700~ words).
September: - Written 1 characters bio for the NCIS crew (Shepard). - Finished the SNW Enterprise badge (seal version) - Published an heacanon for Archangel. - Started to the big arch/idea of Warren ascension. - Started the Warren/Betsy canon fix. - Started to develop a big idea for a Warren/Betsy medieval AU and, a couple of days later, actually started to write the actual fanfiction from it, churning down 13 pages (times 10) in four days. - Rushed an Arthur Pendragon’s IG for Queen Elizabeth’s death.
- Finish & post some old graphic WIP ❌
- Post some finished graphic that was held back [✔] [ 1]
It was actually revamped, but it's still something I was stuck with since 2013 or even before
- Finish Chronicles of Camelot’s retouch ❌ I actually added more to this series. *facepalm*
- Finish that 90% done 2015 Spirk one shot ❌
- Finish the Royal Eagle fic that’s 90% done ❌
- Return to write actual fics ✔ Although I didn’t return to already existing WIPs, but started new things.
- Finish with all Kirk’s headcanons series ❌ Actually added more.
- Complete the Trek characters headcanon two series ❌ - Post that Le-matya headcanon ❌
- Finish to develop the “Modern Times Merlin” AU and made this AU edit ❌
- Work on some Merlin / Star Wars AU content. ❌ - Finish and post the Sea Patrol Trek crew ❌
- Post some other Trek crew AU ❌
- Five Genis Vell manips, one for each of the five issues of the miniseries, in the date of the issue release (July to November). ❌ Reached the target for the July and August releases. Failed for September.
- Rush a BBC’s Merlin post on Queen Elizabeth’s dead. ✔ Not that it was worth it, apparently...
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lisablasstudio · 2 years
Monday's image: September 5, 2022
China, Jingdezhen, Jianxi province, Qing dynasty (1644-1911), Reign of the Kangxi emperor (1662-1722), A standing figure, Porcelain with green, black, yellow, aubergine, and blue enamels, 12.5 x 4.5 inches, Asian Art Museum Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture, San Francisco, California
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trashyswitch · 3 years
How Does a Skeleton Work Exactly?
The Sequel to 'Can a Skeleton be Ticklish?'.
Arial had been tickled by some of the sides a couple weeks back, and was now playing a casual card game. But things quickly get competitive and unfair. Virgil eagerly decides to use his new knowledge on Arial and her love for tickling to tease her. Janus and Remus quickly join in and ticklish chaos breaks loose.
This sequel was suggested by @smileheart110. Here you go! And of course, please let me know if I got your character wrong or inaccurate. I will happily fix it for you.
I hope you enjoy!
Arial was sitting at the table with the dark sides and playing Spoons. Remus was being a bit of an evil cheater, and Arial was growing determined to catch him red-handed. Not literally though...That would be awkward…
“Look at how fast I’m going…So speedy...” Janus said with no expression. Arial looked over at Janus, and bursted out laughing: Janus was desperately trying to move a bunch of the cards over to Remus, while more cards piled up on top of the pile he was sorting through. It was an endless pile and you could tell, Janus was having none of it.
Arial was so close to getting all four Jacks in her hand. She was quickly shuffling through to find the last one. 5 heart, 10 spade, 7 spade, King diamond, Ace heart, 2 club-
Janus quickly grabbed a spoon first. Virgil, who immediately noticed him, grabbed a spoon next. Arial looked up, and grabbed the last spoon by the handle. But Remus had grabbed the end of the same spoon!
“No! It’s mine!” Remus yelled.
“I grabbed it first!” Arial shot back. “Let go!”
“Only if you let go~” Remus teased.
Virgil summoned himself some popcorn. “Let’s see how long this goes for.”
“12 seconds? Or 12 years?” Janus asked.
Virgil chuckled at that. “How about 5 minutes?”
“Remus you’re being ridiculous!” Arial yelled.
Janus wheezed. “And Arial’s not being ridiculous whatsoever.”
“Yeah Re- HEY!” Arial shouted. “How dare! Why don’t you fix this instead of making fun of us.”
Janus threw his hands up in the air. One of his hands had his own spoon in it. “Hey now...It’s not like I grabbed the spoon first and started this cycle or anything…”
“Yeah, you started it. So finish it.” Arial shot back at Janus.
“Fine.” Janus leaned back and took a handful of Virgil’s popcorn. Then, he started to obnoxiously chew.
Arial groaned. “You’re not doing anything!” She reacted.
Janus lifted up his hand full of popcorn. “Yes I am. I’m eating popcorn.” Janus replied, his mouth somewhat full.
Arial growled and kicked Janus’s foot under the table.
Virgil looked up and crossed his arms. “One of you could easily resolve this by letting go of the spoon. It’s just a game.” Virgil mentioned.
“Yeah! A game I’m determined to win!” Arial shot back.
Remus chuckled and smirked at her. “A little reminder that you’re only made of bone.” Remus mentioned as he poked her forearm. “I could easily break it.” Remus told her.
Arial widened her eyes. “You would’t...” She warned.
Virgil widened his eyes and frowned. “Remus, no.”
“Oooooh, but Remus yes!” Remus replied.
“If you so much as crack my arm, I am going to kick my bony toes right into your crotch.” Arial threatened.
Virgil and Janus both made pain-filled reactions. Virgil made a cringe-filled hiss, while Janus squished his face and muttered a low “Ooooooh...Yikes.”
Janus crossed his arms and cleared his throat. “Remus, breaking her arm would not benefit anyone. It’s an unnecessarily painful thing to intentionally do to someone, especially because of a card game. You would hurt her greatly, and she’ll hate you throughout the healing process.” Janus warned.
Remus shrugged his shoulders. “I guess you’re right.”
“On top of that, we would be down a player for the rest of the afternoon...and the rest of the month.” Janus added. “And we totally DeSpIsE when Arial is over for game night.” Janus mentioned.
Arial smiled and covered her face. “Awww!”
“Alright alright! I get it. No breaking her bone.” Remus said back. “I wasn’t actually gonna do it. It was just a threat. Just like how Arial threatened to turn my balls into smushed meatballs with her foot.” Remus added.
“Alright Remus we get it.” Virgil muttered.
Then, Virgil looked at Arial and smirked a little. “Breaking her bones is off the table. But you do bring up a good point, Janus…” Virgil stood up and walked behind Arial. “She does feel many things despite looking like she doesn’t have nerves.” Virgil added with a hint of evil mischief showing up in his voice.
Arial widened her eyes and grew worried. “Whaaat are you planning…” Arial warned.
“Nothing, I swear.” Virgil replied. “I’m just-”
“Liar! You’re gonna sabotage my victory!” Arial yelled.
Virgil shook his head and lifted her up by the armpits. “I’m just picking you up.”
Arial blinked and looked down a little, confused and tense. “Why are you-”
Arial suddenly squeaked and lifted her knees up to her chest. Virgil’s smirk grew wider. “What? A little ticklish?” He asked as he skittered his pinkies on her bony armpit. Arial laid her head against her left shoulder and started to grow a lopsided smile. “Vihihirge- NOHO!”
“Ooooh...What an unexpected turn of events…” Janus reacted softly.
“Whaaat? I’m just holding you, I swear.” Virgil reacted calmly.
“Nohoho yohohohou’re nahahat! Yohohohou’re tihihicklihihing mehehe with yohohour nihimble fihihihingehehers!” Arial reacted.
Virgil hummed in almost a hurt kind of tone, and looked at his pinky. “Are they really that nimble?” Virgil asked.
Arial nodded her head.
Remus laughed at that. “Have you seen your own fingers, sweet pea? You’ve got the most nimble fingers out of all of us!” Remus reacted as he grabbed Arial’s ring finger. “Just look at these! They have no meat on-”
Remus ended up pulling a bit too hard, causing Arial’s full finger to fall right off the joint. Arial widened her eyes as she saw only her ring finger’s knuckle left on her hand. “You pulled-”
Virgil let out a loud shout and dropped Arial onto the ground. He fled backwards as quickly as he could, and covered his mouth. “REMUS YOU IDIOT!”
Remus yelped and dropped the finger and the spoon. The moment her finger smacked on the ground, Arial grunted and closed an eye. “Ow…” Arial knelt down and picked up her finger and the spoon. “Guys it’s-”
“Why did you do that?! SHE CAN’T REATTACH THAT NOW!” Virgil shouted. “NOT WITHOUT A DOCTOR!”
Remus put his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry! I didn’t know her nimble fingers were capable of falling off that easily!” Remus reacted back.
“She’s a skeleton. It’s not like she has muscles or skin on her fingers. If she did, her fingers wouldn’t pop off as easily from a light pull.” Janus added.
“You think I don’t know that?!” Remus yelled back at Janus.
“We need to call 911 now!” Virgil shouted as he whipped out his phone.
Everyone stopped yelling and turned to the source of the overpowering voice. Arial had her finger flipped up at them. But...it wasn’t the middle finger. It was the ring finger!
Wait...How did the ring finger get back onto her hand?!
Virgil was the first to point at the finger. “How-”
Arial smiled. “It’s okay. Removing the joint doesn’t hurt me.” Arial demonstrated by removing the finger from her knuckle again. It didn’t even make a pop sound like bone joints normally do when they separate slightly. Arial showed them every angle of her separated digit. “Not only that:” Arial curled her finger in as well, and uncurled it with no trouble despite it still being separated from her hand. “I can move it too. Weird, right?” Arial added.
Virgil was visibly tense upon seeing the digit move on its own like it was from a horror game. Virgil looked like he was actually gonna scream again, but quickly covered his own mouth with his hand.
Janus had calmed down and even started to smile. “Interesting. Logan totally wouldn’t experiment on you for hours if you told him.” Janus joked.
Arial chuckled at that and reattached the finger. “That’s not the only joint I can detach…” Arial gently pulled on her hand and watched with a smile as the hand and wrist bits detached from her lower forearm. Arial held up her hand and waved at them with her 4 fingers. “Cool, right?”
Remus was ecstatic! “Can I hold the hand?! Please please please please PRETTY PLEEEEAAAASE?” Remus begged.
Arial burst out laughing and handed her free hand to him. Remus felt the hand excitedly, and manipulated it carefully. Arial clenched her teeth slightly to prevent from giggling. His small pokes and prods tickled her a little.
She mentally let out a breath of relief when Remus moved onto creating symbols with her hand. “Look!” Remus started showing off the middle finger he had made from her hand with clear pride in his eyes. “It’s a boney fuck you!” Remus declared.
Janus let out a breath of relief. “I thought you were gonna say something else…”
Arial laughed at Remus’s joking around. But her laughter quickly halted as she felt herself get lifted up. It was Virgil! “Up we go, you little trickster.” Virgil declared.
Arial giggled and wrapped her arms around Virgil. “Am I really that humerus?” Arial asked.
Virgil raised an eyebrow and grew a grin. “Think you’re such a witty bone-fied genius?” Virgil asked.
“Tibia-honest, yes.” Arial replied.
“That’s it!” Virgil threw Arial onto the couch. Arial laughed at his unusual reaction as she landed on the soft cushions. But all her laughter paused the moment Virgil grabbed her ankle. “Since I know your joints can be harmlessly pulled off you, I can do this:'' Virgil removed Arial’s foot and ran away with it. Arial let out a super high-pitched shriek and reached out. “HEY! YOU MEANIE- OHOHO FAHAHAHAHA!” Arial immediately fell back laughing hysterically as her foot was attacked mercilessly.
“Nimble fingers, and flat feet! What a fun mix!” Virgil reacted. Then, Virgil pointed to Janus and Remus. “Any of you want the second foot? It’s free for the taking.” Virgil told them.
“IHIHIS NAHAHAT!” Arial yelled back.
“Are you sure? She might not want this.” Janus mentioned.
Virgil giggled at that. “Trust me: she loves being tickled.” Virgil told them.
Janus grinned widely upon that news. “Make that surprise número dos!” Janus said in part spanish.
“I CALL DIBS!” Remus shouted as he ran to her foot. “Mine!” Remus pulled on the foot and accidentally got her ankle as well! “Oops...Welp, more to tickle!” Remus declared.
“AAAH! WAIT-” Arial was immediately shut up by Remus’s weirdly soft skittering fingers. UHUHUNFAHAHAHAIR! AHAHAHAHAHA!” Arial shouted as she kicked her legs to cope with the strong tickles.
“Hey...Hey Remus...Is her ankle ticklish?” Janus asked.
Remus paused his tickling and decided to try it. “Let’s see…” Remus started gently skittering and scratching on the different sides of her ankle.
“EEEEEEHEHEHEhehehehehe! REEHEheheheheEHEHEHE NOHOhohoHOHOHohoho!” Arial begged.
“No, her ankles are totally not ticklish.” Janus replied. “Not ticklish at aaaaall…”
Remus smirked as he detached the ankle and handed it to Janus. “Here: Free tickle spot!” Remus said.
Janus smiled. “Wonderful. Her laughter is totally not the cutest thing in the world, and definitely not worth ending the game over.” Janus replied as he started tickling her ankle.
Arial rolled around all over the couch as she giggled and laughed. This was SO unfair! And yet...The best scenario to ever take place! It would be even CRAZIER if Fluffymary read this fanfic and drew fanart for it. If they did, Arial would surely die of the embarrassment from her lee mood.
The moment Virgil went up to scritch on Arial’s toes, she was done for. She shook her head around like a bobble head and let out her first snort!
Remus grew super excited at the sound. “SHE SNORTS!”
“Hmm...I sense there’s more to her anatomy than meets the eye.” Janus added.
“...Janus...You are currently tickling a girl with no visible Larynx or vocal cords, no visible tongue and no eyeballs…” Virgil mentioned.
Arial’s laughter only went up an octave after Virgil’s comment! The emo was completely right! The only thing she really lacked was a stomach!
Soon, the boys gave her a break. Arial went limp against the couch and breathed heavily to get her endurance leveled out. Janus handed Remus the skeleton’s separated ankle and watched Remus connect the ankle and foot together again. Then, Remus handed Arial her foot back.
“Tha…*huff* Thank you Re...Remus.” she replied.
Virgil handed her the other foot and gave her a glass of water with it as well. Arial drank some of the water, and looked up at Virgil and Remus. “Hey you two: look.” Arial separated her big toe from her right foot and dropped it into the water.
Virgil looked down awkwardly, quickly growing uncomfortable with the thought of soggy bone. Remus looked closer at the bone and noticed it was turning more yellow than white. “Why is it yellow-y white now?” Remus asked.
“Because it’s wet now. That’s what wet bone looks like. Because my bones are alive yet not engulfed in wet layers, my bones go more and more white from exposure.” Arial explained.
Remus hummed curiously and poked his finger between two of the ribs. “Am I able to-”
“OhoHOHOHOhohohokahahahay...Ihihi dihihid NOHOHOT expehect thahahat!” Arial admitted.
“Sorry Arial. I wanted to see if I could fit my fingers through your ribs.” Remus told her bluntly.
Arial chuckled with her eyebrow raised. They’re so weird. After a bit of thought, Arial lifted up her shirt and watched Remus bring his finger over to her rib spaces.
Remus started to put his fingers through the different rib spaces that were lower and more safe to touch. Remus discovered he could fit his pinky and ring finger through her ribs! But his thumb and index finger were too big for her rib spaces. All of it tickled enough to make her giggle through the whole thing.
Arial had to watch and feel every ticklish move Remus made with his hands and wiggly fingers. The anticipation was both anxiety-inducing, yet adrenaline-rising! She couldn’t figure out if she liked all the excitement, or didn’t like the unpredictability. Remus could strike at any given moment. Remus could easily change his mind and start full-blown tickling her in a surprise attack. But even his unintentional tickling was still tickling her.
Remus’s moving through her ribs would move quicker and turn more intense, before slowing back down. It was SOOO EEEVIL!
“OHOKAHAHAY! Thahahat’s ehehenohohough!” Arial decided, pulling her shirt down and giggling up a storm. “Nohoho mohohohore guihinea pihihig time.”
“Well that didn’t take long at all!” Remus reacted.
“Well how would you feel if you had fingers wiggling in between your sensitive ribs?” Virgil started skittering and digging his fingers into Remus’s ribs. He made sure to pay particular attention to the Duke’s rib spaces.
“Sorry Remus! I wanted to see if I could fit my fingers through your ribs!” Virgil teased as he continued to ‘attempt’ to fit his fingers through Remus’s muscle-covered ribs. “Oh wait! You have muscles and skin!” Virgil acted. “That means you’re eleven moooore ticklish!” Virgil started massaging Remus’s ribs and ab muscles next. Remus had a particularly tight core. For some people, this would make massaging it more painful. But for Remus, this made Remus more ticklish beyond belief!
Remus quickly flopped to the ground and landed smack dab onto his right shoulder and hip. Thankfully, it didn’t really hurt that much. Virgil knelt down, and just kept on skittering and massaging his fingers into the abs and lower ribs of the Duke of Stinkyton. Remus had completely lost his composure and was now laughing hysterically below the emo.
Oh my, how the tables have turned.
Arial happily watched the new tickle fight while sitting on the couch with her glass of water. She had started to finish her last gulp of water when something rock-like and hard, smacked into her nose hole.
Ow...What was that- Oh…
Arial picked it up and chuckled to herself as she held the soggy toe in her finger and thumb. With one last bit of toeless water, Arial put the cup down, dried her wet toe on her shirt and put the big toe back onto her foot. There. Now she’s all together again.
Let me rephrase that: She’s all TOE-gether again.
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theygiveusnochoice · 6 years
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Media Studies #WEEK2
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In the second week of studying media studies we began learning about the camera used for filmmaking and the different movements used for each shot in a movie/show and further researched upon each term.
First we began with one of the aspects, which is resolution. resolution is basically the details an image holds. the higher the resolution, the more detail an image has. the term resolution can be applied to film images, raster digital images and many more. 
To measure an images resolution, a photographic lens and film resolution are most often quoted in line pairs per millimeter.
We can conclude that resolution is determined by calculation/ multiplication of pixels in an image horizontally and vertically.
Some examples for resolution are, 1920 x 1080p, 1280 x 720p, 2160 x 1440p.
There are two main types of resolution which are used, they are, progressive and interlaced resolution. 
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An interlaced picture draws every other line and rotates between drawing, odd lines and even lines
A progressive picture draws every line in sequence. So a video signal sends x2 as much data than an interlaced signal.
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A pixel is a tiny illuminated square, which have a single shade of colour.
An example of a pixelated image:
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Here are a few more examples for the different resolutions in more detail:
SD:- also known as standard Definition Usually 960 x480p, anything below 720p
HD:- also Known as High Definition 1280 x 720p
FHD:- also known as Full High Definition 1920 x 1080p
2k:- 2160 x 1440
4k:- 4096 x 2160 UHD 3840 × 2160
6k :- 6144 x 3240
8k:- 7680 x 4320
Aspect Ratio
The aspect ratio of an image is the ratio of its width to its height. Below are a few examples of the different aspect ratio sizes.
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                                              Camera Shots
There are various different camera shots, angles, movements while filming and are very important as they are applied during the filmmaking process and must be followed.
Here are the names of the camera shots we will be going through:
Establishing Shot
Extreme Long shot/ Wide Shot
Long Shot
Mid Long shot
Mid Shot
Mid Close shot
Close up
Extreme Closeup
Master shot
Over the Shoulder
Two Shot
Three shot
Arial Shot
Point of view Shot
Establishing Shot
An Establishing Shot is usually focused on the location which is being filmed and it shows the setting where the story will take place. It generally includes visuals of the surrounding area in which the characters are situated.
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(scene from the movie ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2’)
Extreme Long shot/ Wide Shot
An Extreme Long shot/ Wide Shot is used when an object or human is to be shown from quite a distance in the scene taking place. This shot shows the contrast between the character and the background. This shot sets the scene and the character's place in it. It can also be seen as an establishing shot as it also shows some aspect of the location the character is in.
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(scene from the movie ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’ emphasizing on the background with the character shown on his horse at a distance)
Long Shot
A Long Shot is used when the entire character or subject is wanted to be shown from head to toe and shows a certain relation with the characters surroundings in the scene. A long shot can also be called a wide shot or a full shot. This type of shot also shows the body language of a character. 
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(scene from the movie ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’ showing the characters from head to toe with surrounding background of Venice)
Mid long Shot
A Medium long shot shows a character’s body from around the top of knee level in the scene and are generally wider than medium shots and are tighter than long shots. This type of shot is used most often in group shots, two shots and emblematic shots as it gives enough area for more than 1 character. 
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(scene from the movie ‘Rush hour’ showing Carter and Lee having a conversation with the frame at knee level)
Mid Shot
A Medium long shot shows a character’s body from around waist level in the scene and is shown from a medium distance . It is also used to express the body language (used for dialogue scenes) and movements with a deeper look into the setting. In a lot of the scenes, multiple characters or subjects with a part of the background and space are shown in the frame.
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(scene from the ‘zindagi na milegi dobara’ showing Kabir, Imran and Arjun having a conversation with the frame at waist level)
Mid Close Shot
A Mid close shot shows the character in the frame from right above their head, down to around midway of their torso. This type of shot is usually used when a scene has to present a neutral narrative approach.
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(scene from the movie ‘Jurassic World’ showing the man’s face from right above his head, down to around midway of his torso)
Close-up Shot
A close-up shot is used when a frame shows a character or subject/object from a close angle to depict greater detail to the viewer. In this type of shot, it shows more emotions on the characters face and deepens the connection with the viewer.
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(scene from the show ‘Stranger Things’  showing Hopper’s face from a close angle)
Extreme Close-up Shot
An Extreme Close-up Shot is used when a subject in a scene has to seen very closely in the shot and is often used on a character to show specific areas of the body, like a close-up on the face or hip, and sometimes it go even more closer, like on the characters eye or mouth.
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(scene from the movie ‘Equilibrium’  showing a close-up shot of an eye.)
Master Shot
A master shot is a film recording where its usually just 1 take, and it shows an entire scene that may show certain drama in it from start to finish with a camera angle/view which shows every character in frame. It can sometimes be a long shot scene combined or perform a double function as an establishing shot.
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(scene from the movie ‘Old Boy’)
Over-the-shoulder shot (OTS)
An over-the-shoulder shot shows the positioning of the camera used to film, which is placed behind an off-screen character and shows the view from over the  shoulder of that character, and the character opposite it is seen on the screen. It also shows the connection or understanding between the characters in the scene.
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(scene from the movie ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’ showing the camera angle from the professors shoulder)
Two Shot
A two shot scene comprises of 2 characters/subjects where it shows the emotional reactions between them. They can also have one subject in the foreground and the other subject in the background. The two shot is often used for romance, tension, and action scenes in a film.
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(scene from the movie ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’ showing two characters in the shot admiring the treasure)
Three Shot
A three shot scene comprises of three characters in a frame.
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(scene from the show ‘Stranger Things’  showing three characters in the shot watching Eleven)
Aerial Shot
An aerial shot is used to show a scene from a top view vantage point, usually at an angle. This type of shot gives the viewer a better understanding of the entire scene from a view situated at the top, giving a clear image of what's happening below. To take an aerial shot generally helicopters or professional drone equipment is used.
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(scene from the movie ‘A good day to die hard’)
Point of view Shot
A Point of view Shot is a viewing angle that shows the event taking place from the perspective of the character and is generally portrayed through the character looking at something, or by showing a shot of the characters reaction in the film.
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(scene from the movie ‘Maniac’ showing the entire film from the main protagonists perspective)
Birds Eye View
A Birds Eye View angle is shown when the camera is placed right on top of the object at a fixed 90 degree angle from a certain height and can also be said to be from the perspective of a birds eye.
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(scene from the movie ‘eternal sunshine of the spotless mind’)
                                      Camera Angles 
Here are the important camera angles we will be going through:
High Angle
Low Angle
Eye Level
Dutch angle / Canted angle
 High Angle 
A Top / High Angle is a technique where the camera points down on the subject from above. This technique is usually used when the character/object is to be shown weak or powerless.
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(High Angle from Avengers)- Weak, Powerless
Low Angle
When the character is to be shown strong and powerful, we call it a low angle
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(Low Angle From Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)- Powerful
Eye Level
An Eye Level shot is used when the level of the camera is placed at around the same height as the eyes of the character shown in the frame. It does not necessarily have to be directly pointed at the characters eyes and the character does not have to look directly into the cameras lens for it to be an eye level shot.
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(scene from ‘the fast and the furious tokyo drift’ showing the camera at the characters eye level)
Dutch angle / Canted angle
 A Dutch angle / Canted angle occurs when the camera is positioned in a way to be tilted right/left or tilted in a horizontal axis/x axis angle. It is usually used to signify tension in the atmosphere that something is wrong or to show a sudden change in emotion in the character.
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(scene from the movie ‘mission impossible ’)
In this week of media studies we got to learn even more about the camera aspect, and all the different shots and angles. Overall, it was a very informative and interesting week.
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Destiny Characters as Disney Characters (I had this idea while standing in line for Peter Pan's Flight)
Cayde-6: Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert
Zavala: King Triton
Ikora: Mama Odie
Lord Shaxx: Shang Lee
Lord Saladin: Sebastian
Saint-14: Grand Pabbie
Eris Morn: Tia Dalma
Shiro-4: Prince Eric
Tess: Jane Porter
Drifter: Genie
Petra Venj: Merida
Uldren Sov: Prince Hans
Mara Sov: Queen Elsa... or the Evil Queen
Banshee-44: DORY!
Amanda: Gogo Tamago
Speaker: Narrator
Ghost: Baymax
Osiris: King Agnarr
Ana Bray: Belle/Arial
Failsafe: Mittens
Rasputin: Beast
Did I miss anyone?
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dispatchesfrom2020 · 3 years
A Study in Confederate Statues
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Cook Collection, The Valentine via Richmond Magazine 
Since 1890, a statue of the General of the Confederate Army, Robert E. Lee, has towered over Richmond Virginia’s Monument Avenue, one of the richest neighbourhoods in the state capital. The 61-foot statue is absolutely enormous - and heavy. When anti-racism protests filled this streets, the other confederate monuments along the Avenue were quickly pulled down. 
But not the monument to Lee. It was simply too large, too heavy, to sturdily concreted into the ground to be toppled, at first. And so it became a canvas for protesters. They covered the stark marble with a rainbow-coloured messages - the names of black victims of police brutality, protest chants, calls for love, anti-cop messages, profanities and cartoonish hearts, the iconic raised fist synonymous with Black Lives Matter. 
Collectively - through the hands of dozens - the work was transformed. And its transformation shifted the neighbourhood too. The site became a place where people gather. They distribute food, register voters, listen to music, dance, and hold vigils in the shadow of their monument.
Virginia’s Governor, Ralph Northam, has pledged to remove the statue. Confederate statues have long been used to prop-up apologist views of the confederate clause, venerating men who fought to keep Black Americans enslaved. Across the United States - through protests and government action - the confederate statues have begun come down. This summer’s protest have helped spur communities to reconsider the message of these statues - about who we choose to celebrate and why. Northam’s efforts to retire the statue have been complicated by lawsuits filed  by conservative advocacy groups. 
The New York Times named the transformed statue of Lee as one of the most profound, important piece of protest art in post-war America. And, as a former Art History student and museum person, I agree. The reason I loved art is because it has the power to interrupt these historical narratives - and reshape an entire landscape. Art is power.
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John Moser/Broad Street Magazine
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Lance Jennings, a 2020 graduate of King William High School, taking graduation photos in front of the Robert E. Lee Monument in Richmond Virginia - Steve Helber/AP
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An image of Breonna Taylor, killed during a no-knock police raid on her home in Louisville Kentucky, is projected onto the base of the statue - Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA
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Arial of the Robert E. Lee monument in Richmond, Virginia. 
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Ballerinas Kennedy George and Ava Holloway pose en pointe atop a graffiti’d statue of Robert E. Lee in Richmond, Virginia, June 5 - Julia Rendleman/Reuters
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Images of George Floyd are projected onto the monument during a candle-light vigil -Jordan Vance
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soyforramen · 5 years
We really missed out on Fred being the Mayor and having to deal with all the petty things that go on in Riverdale, including but not limited to:
Alice’s MLM monopoly 
Hiram would be the fiercest complainer as it’s cutting into his own profits and territory
The family of raccoons at the back of Pop’s that Fangs has made world famous on Twitch
Betty’s constant three/five person protests about everything ranging from a lack of recycling to the high school’s health curriculum to the library changing their font from Helvetica to Arial
How the Farmies have taken over the farmer’s market with their badly made wool scarves and goat milk soap that makes everyone break out in hives
The Farmies’ hive mind responses to said complaints that extended a meeting by almost forty minutes
Cheryl’s impassioned speech about free enterprise laced with dark humor, ample maple syrup references, and a call back to great-great-great-grandaddy Blossom not dying in the Revolution for this country to turn it’s back on hard-work and entrepreneurship
Great-great-great-grandaddy Blossom died not in the war, but of syphalis in the arms of a Madam of the Moulin Rouge surrounded by three French Assemblymen and an emu
Old Nana Rose’s seance’s in the middle of Main Street causing complaints of unexplained happenings occurring around Picken’s Park, specifically the ghost emu chasing the ducks off
Numerous complaints that Mr. Lee has seen an old man in a red-headed wig walking an French assemblyman outside of his businessve
Veronica insisting on sprucing up Fred’s wardrobe leading to a Pretty Woman montage. He shows up at the next meeting in a plaid three piece suit
Ms. Bukowski’s requests against zoning laws allowing a tax office one hundred feet from residential areas, all in iambic pentameter for her allotted ten minutes 
FP showing up to every meeting to heckle everyone who disagrees with Fred, make sexual innuendos, and wink at Fred just like he did at all their high school debates
Inner council fighting with Fred having to referee adults as if they were in peewee football, including but not limited to providing the Hi-C and orange slices for after the meetings
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mememaker-underson · 4 years
Que piensa Arial de la ruptura de Snow y Ilan?
Lo siento amiga nadie esta contento con esta situación y lamento en serio lo que pasó con ilan y snow
Nadie quería esto , nadie quería que pao sufriera por un juego
Que al final rompió la amistad que llevabamos desde hace tiempo
Quiero a pao y no fue mi intención lastimarla de tal manera, aunque se que ahora ella no quiere hablarnos ni escucharnos
Solo pido que si alguien lee esto
Porfavor no molesten a Pad
Ni tampoco a Pao
Que aquí nadie esta contento ni alegre con la situación el otro
Y si pueden apoyenlas
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