#laurie bianciotto
banefolk · 7 months
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La Voie du Poison (The Poison Path) by Laurie Bianciotto
The only French-language witchy poison path book in existence. A solid introduction to the poison path with some recipes and rituals throughout.
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hekatecovenant · 3 years
Prayer to Hekate Chthonia
"May these words of entreaty
Find their way to Hekate Chthonia,
She who heard Persephone’s distress from afar;
And being filled with great compassion
For the grieving of another,
Pledged to mediate between the realms of God and Mortals
Lady of the deep Earth,
Bear witness to the suffering
That we must endure for a time.
Bring forth your stabilising presence
So that we, your children,
Can find sure footing upon shifting ground.
May Strength and Resilience seed and take root
Within despairing hearts,
May your light find and nurture those shrouded
In grief and confusion.
Spread your protective mantle about us
So that we may always find a community
Within the sphere of your guiding providence,
Relieve the burdens of loneliness and isolation
Inspire us to seek out the Ineffable,
Rekindle our joy in reciprocity, growth and flourishing.
May these words be heard
By Hekate Chthonia
Who bears witness
Tender hearted Phileremos
Who mediates
Between the realms of Gods and Mortals"
Written by Anna Marie, from Noumenia News n°52 Artwork (detail) by Laurie Bianciotto
Shared by Laurie Bianciotto, Devotee CoH
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poisonerspath · 2 years
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THE POISON AFFAIRS, with Laurie Bianciotto @les.energies (one of my favorite topics) author of La Voie du Poison. March 19-20 The history of poison is full of intrigue, betrayal and secret meetings. Knowledge of poison was often found among the same company as fortune tellers and magicians, a part of the criminal underworld. In some instances like in the court of King Louis XIV the threat of poison created quite a stir, and this became known as the Poison Affair. In this presentation Laurie takes us through this turbulent time in history through the eyes of one of the most notorious and prolific poisoners, La Voisin. In this presentation we will explore who her aristocratic customers where and why they needed her specialized services. Bianciotto also discusses the types of poison that would have been used. La Voisin is an infamous figure rumoured to have committed all sorts of crimes beyond poisoning. She is also believed to have murdered 2500 children during satanic black masses; but did she really ?" More info can be found through the links in bio and @botanicaobscuraconference Tickets are available in Eventbrite! #thepoisonaffairs #lavoiedupoison #lauriebianciotto #botanicaobscuraconference #poisonousplants #poisonpath #thepoisonpath #veneficium #banefulherbs #medicinalnightshades #plantmedicine #plantspiritmedicine https://www.instagram.com/p/CalYcWdr3AK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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les-energies · 3 years
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Sortie le 16/09/21 !
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herbwitchery · 3 years
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🍄🌿🥀J'attendais ce livre avec tellement d'impatience que je l'ai dévoré d'une traite. Comme beaucoup, je suis fascinée par les plantes vénéneuses depuis toujours et assez désespérée de les voir autant boudées dans les ouvrages ayant trait aux plantes magiques. Alors forcément, quand on m'annonce un livre entièrement consacré à ce sujet, je me jette dessus comme la misère sur le pauvre monde. J'en ferai bientôt une review vidéo, parce qu'il y a beaucoup à dire dessus, mais vraiment j'ai été très séduite. La voie des poisons est encore très confidentielle dans le paysage littéraire francophone, et Laurie Bianciotto, alias @les.energies, a relevé un sacré défi en s'attaquant à un aussi gros morceau. On tient là un livre rare, atypique, marqué d'une forte expérience de la part de l'autrice, qui nous emmène à la rencontre d'un monde obscur, volontiers effrayant et dangereux, avec beaucoup de simplicité et de lucidité. Un seul regret, qu'il soit trop court ! J'aurais pu en avaler encore 300 pages sans me lasser. Un très bon ajout à ma bibliothèque, merci @editionsdanae ! 🍄 Oui, je vous spamme encore avec mon Oracle, mais que voulez-vous, il semblait approprié à la situation et je ne me lasse pas des illustrations de @lafeelumiair 🖤🍄🐌 #poison #poisonpath #poisonous #poisonousplants #poisonousmagic #witch #witchcraft #lavoiedupoison #plants #magicplants #traditionalwitchcraft #flyingointment #shadowwork #book #bookworm #booklover #read #readingtime #reading #bookstagram #booksofmagick #bookaddict #oracle #oracledeck #divination #divinationdeck #cardreader #oracledelamagieforestiere #mushroom #poisonousmushrooms https://www.instagram.com/p/CT6zvwDsZKO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bruxurso · 4 years
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🌙 "Hekate ensina que, sem a morte, não há vida. Sem a liberação do que prejudica, não seremos nutridos. Ela é a Mãe que dá vida e a destrói. Ela acolhe de bom grado o nosso miasma, para que possamos nos deleitar com sua recompensa.
Hekate é Borboraphorba, o Comedor da Sujeira. Ela pega tudo o que contamina seus filhos de boa vontade. Evidências disso são encontradas na prática antiga de liberar miasma, que imundície espiritual era chamada pelos gregos antigos, nos sacrifícios rituais e depois descartando o desperdício resultante como uma oferenda a ela. Hoje, é improvável que transfira nosso miasma para um filhote de sacrifício, mas podemos manter o espírito dos antigos, dando-lhe nosso próprio miasma. "
Escrito por Cyndi Brannen, extraído do blog keepherkeys.
Fonte:Rede CoH por Laurie Bianciotto, Devotee CoH 🌙
ㅤ— [✿🖤Meus Estudos✿] - -❀ೃ .
○°•°♡Bom esse foi o meu blog espero que tenham gostado. Que os Deuses nos abençoe sempre!♡°•°○
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witchstagram14 · 2 years
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Reposted from @witchstagram_ Reposted from @covenantofhekate "The hekataion is a small household shrine to the goddess Hekate. It was situated near the entryway to the home, and offerings were given to it in order to gain Her favor. The aspect of Hekate worshipped here was not the Hekate who was the fearsome goddess of witches, but a protector goddess, of the home and of children. Offerings given to Her here were aimed at guaranteeing the home’s protection from harm and ghosts. These shrines were incredibly common, especially in Athens, and ranged significantly in size and material. [...]" Written by Bennett Shoop on hekateanwitchcraft.tumblr.com Artwork by Karina kulyk Shared by Laurie Bianciotto @les.energies , Devotee CoH #hekate #hecate #hekatean #coh #covenantofhekate #hekatedevotee #hecatedevotee #devotion #hekataion #shrine #altar #offerings #protection #hekateanwitchcraft #hekateanwitch #karinakulykart https://www.instagram.com/p/CZsumEKh1GH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hekatecovenant · 4 years
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“Hekate is primarily a goddess of the Underworld, holding dominion over death and rebirth. This is meant both in the literal sense and in the metaphorical as well. 
For life is filled with many deaths and rebirths aside from that of the flesh. Because of this the Dark of the Moon especially is her time of the month, since it is a time of endings and beginnings, when what was is no more, and what will be has yet to become.
Hekate guards the limenoskopos (the doorstep), for she is a goddess of liminality and transition. Of being on and crossing boundaries. This includes not only the boundary between life and death, but any boundaries, such as those between nature and civilization, waking and sleep, sanity and madness, the conscious and the subconscious minds. Indeed, any transition can be said to be her domain. As such she is also goddess of the crossroads, where the paths of one's life fork and a person must choose which future to embark upon. In ancient times these were believed to be special places where the veil between the worlds was thin and spirits gathered.
Hekate is also the goddess of psychological transformation. Her Underworld is the dark recesses of the human subconscious as well at that of the Cosmos. Many have accused her of sending demons to haunt the thoughts of individuals. What they fail to understand is that the demons are not hers, but their own. 
By the light of her twin torches Hekate only reveals what is already there. These are things which the person needs to see in order to heal and renew. However, if they are not prepared for the experience of confronting their Shadow then it can truly feel like they are being tormented. Hekate is not motivated by cruelty, nor is she seeking to harm. But her love can be tough love. She will prompt a person to face the things that they must, whether they like it or not."
From hekatesgrimoire.blogspot.com
Shared by Laurie Bianciotto, Devotee CoH
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hekatecovenant · 4 years
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The Restless Dead are, generally, those who enter the Underworld but are unable to pay the fare to Charon and cross into the rest of the afterlife.  
They despondently, despairingly, wander the shores of the Acheron or Styx river, perhaps forever or perhaps only for 100 years. 
 Others of the Restless Dead may be those who Hekate allows to temporarily leave Tartarus or other areas in the Underworld, as well as those who had untimely deaths or Heroes who died without a wife.
Hekate is one who takes charge of these restless wandering souls.  At night, especially the night of the dark moon, She leads the host of the Restless Dead to wander the paths of the Earth. 
Epithets of Hekate of the Dead, Night Wanderer:
Anassa Eneroi: Queen of the Dead
Nerteron Prytanin: Mistress of the Dead
Psychopompe: Soul‐Guide (more a description of multiple deities, including Hekate).
Stratelatis: Leader of Hosts/General (PGM)
Nykhia: Nocturnal. Of the Night
Nykteria: of the Night
Nykti: of the Night
Nyktipolos: Night‐wandering
Oistroplaneia: Spreader of Madness, Causing the Wanderings of Madness"
Written by Bekah Evie Bel , exerpt of "Hekate goddess of the underworld" on the patheos blog hearthwitchdownunder
Artwork by Stephanie Vera (IG: invocation9)  with permission. Shared  by Laurie Bianciotto @les-energies , Devotee CoH
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hekatecovenant · 3 years
The 12 epithets of Yule Tide for Hekateans. A simple guide.
By Octavia
This is personal work without any other intention than just being able to help all those Hekate devotees who cannot enjoy the time or freedom needed for this season. As always, everyone's preferences are important: It's about living our faith in the way that most fulfils us. These tips about celebrating Yule Tide are adapted for Hekate’s devotees from my original article on the Northern pantheon.
20 December - Mother's Night, Hekate Pammetor
The night before the solstice we prepare for the return of the sun into our homes. Tonight, we honour the seed that awakens in the darkness that needs warmth and love to grow. Just like all of us when we were rooted in our mother's belly growing thanks to her. We will present an offering of hot milk and honey at nightfall in honour of all mothers ancestral or alive. And after thoughts of gratitude, to Hekate Pammetor, Mother of All as well. This offering can be consumed afterwards, so no milk will be ever wasted. PS: If you prefer a vegan offering, hot almond milk and cinnamon will be just fine!
21 December - The triumph of the braves, Hekate Akimos
The importance of remembering the perseverance as the basis of our daily life lies on this day; the fight against the constant difficulties and adversities that make us weaken and fall. We persevere to show Hekate our courage, we don't fall on our knees, we don't pray for help even if the gate of Hades opens, and the darkness brings its cold fingers over us. We do not give up. Take a few minutes to think about all the obstacles overcome and those to come. Write them on paper with a graphite pencil, and then erase them. While the words will not be seen, the pencil marks of your writing remains in the same way that past difficulties seem to be erased, but all the sacrifice and efforts leave a mark throughout our lifetimes. Keep the paper safely for a while, and when Yule Tide is over, offer it to nature (pour into the water of a river, bury or burn it).
Written by Octavia, from Noumenia News n°49 Shared with the CoH Network by Laurie Bianciotto, Devotee CoH
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hekatecovenant · 3 years
Floating offferings to Hekate
"[...]Flames were also floated out on Lake Nemi, a few miles south of Rome, where the famous Nemoralia festival sacred to the goddess Diana was held annually in August. Here Diana was worshipped as Trivia, in triple form. Entire ocean-going ships were also found at the bottom of this inland lake, which some researchers believe were given as ritual offerings. Inspired by these various ideas, I decided to incorporate some of them into my own devotional rites.
I also know that other groups in the UK create floating offerings for goddesses such as Isis (in London on the Thames) and Sabrina (goddess of the river Severn) on the river Severn. There is also an individual who regularly floats offerings out to Manannán mac Lir (the Irish god of the sea), on the Irish coast. Their paper boats are far more elaborate than mine! I guess a lot of supposedly fabulous new ideas are more often, in reality, old prodigious recycled ideas.
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Floating offerings on water, for water goddesses, is of course also a living tradition in other spiritual traditions. For example, flowers and other offerings accompanied by prayers are floated out to sea for Yemanja (Iemanjá) the water goddess of the Yoruba religion. This is done in Africa, Brazil, Uruguay, Cuba and wherever she is worshipped. In Thailand, offerings are made to the river goddess Phra Mae Kongka. The most famous contemporary example of this kind of offering must be the daily offerings made to Ma Ganga, the goddess of the river Ganges in India. [...] I hope to be floating many more devotional offerings out onto the waters of this planet. If you, like me, enjoy the idea of connecting with the spirit of the waters of our planet in this way, please make sure to be responsible in your choice of materials / offerings. Never use any plastics, always make sure your offering is not harmful in any way to the creatures who call the waters home and that everything is fully biodegradable."
Written by Sorita D'Este on patheos blog adamantinemuse.
Artwork by Juri H.Chinchilla
Shared by Laurie Bianciotto, Devotee CoH
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hekatecovenant · 4 years
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Archeologists re-erect structures at Sanctuary of Hecate in southwest Turkey :
"[...]The Sanctuary of Hecate heightens Lagina's importance because it is the largest in the world built on behalf of the Greek goddess of witchcraft, magic and ghosts, Söğüt said. He said their goal is to be able to show the artifacts to visitors and to show them that the ancient city was an important religious center. “We knew previously that the half-round entrance of the Propylon was on the west side. To the east of the same door was a section with a triangular pediment, and the blocks of this area are now about to be completed with our excavations. We will restore this part and the northern pediment of the Lagina Hecate Temple in the coming period," he said. Söğüt also noted that Lagina is the only place where the Amazons, a tribe of female warriors in Greek mythology, are depicted as peaceful and that both domestic and foreign groups come to visit the area because of the importance of the sanctuary." written by ANADOLU AGENCY. find the full article at dailysabah.com pictures: The Propylon in Lagina, Muğla province, southwestern Turkey, Sept. 7, 2020. (AA Photo)Shared by Laurie Bianciotto, CoH Devotee
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hekatecovenant · 4 years
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“In 2020, Hekate has burst forth because of the virus and the general social disruption. The old order is crumbling all around us. 
This is the call to go deep into ourselves while working for social change. In astrological terms, this year is the time of a rare planetary configuration of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in the sign of Capricorn. It is no coincidence that the last time this occurred, about 1894 BCE, was around the same time that a famous plaque, known as The Queen of the Night relief, was created in ancient Mesopotamia while a new form of civilization was emerging. As I wrote earlier, there is evidence that Hekate’s roots are in this place and time.
Wherever there is witchcraft, there is Hekate. The opposite is also true. Not witchcraft that is superstitious nonsense, but witchcraft in the true sense of healing the soul. The breakdown of the separation between the medicine of the body, mind, and spirit. This is the power of Hekate. The popularity of witchcraft today is due to the fact that modern life has negated this simple truth, which necessarily accompanies avoidance of the darkness. "
written by Cyndi Brannen, exerpt from her blog Keepingherkeys .
artwork by Stuart LittleJohn
Shared by Laurie Bianciotto, Devotee CoH
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hekatecovenant · 3 years
Hekatean yuletide 26-27/12
26 December - The Force of the Protector, Hekate Pasinedeonsa
During this night, Hekate is present as our protector and so we have the torch symbol as part of the Yule celebration. This is an object that could be used to light up our path when we are lost. It carries the primordial fire of life and reminds us of the important cycle of life and death that we face daily. No death should be in vain, nor should a life pass without meaning. No flame should be extinguished before its time. We have faith in our word, our promises and our families. This is one of the central axes of our life code and with this, we become protectors and caretakers ourselves of the most vulnerable of our loved ones.
Tonight, keep any protective symbol, mineral or charm close to your skin so it can be charged by your energy, body warmth and your own fire. Be aware of it and notice it as much as possible. It physically represents that we care and protect all those we love. When the night is over, give this charged charm talisman to the one you think who will need it the most.
27 December - The Hunter's Truth, Hekate Agrotera
We must keep in mind the importance of hunters amongst our ancestors, who even at this time of the year, so dangerously went out in search of food for their family. We stand in respectful silence for a few minutes, concentrating on the sacrifices that are still being made for our lives today: Every bad-paid job that we consent to (as long as it’s enough to buy food and clothes for our family), and every effort and sacrifice that is voluntarily assumed. Let's face the truth in our hearts and link strongly to it. Because knowing the truth of why we face this modern hunt every day is why we need to pray.
Written by Octavia, from Noumenia News n°49 Shared with the CoH Network by Laurie Bianciotto, Devotee CoH
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hekatecovenant · 3 years
Hekatean  yuletide 22-23/12
22 December - The Necessary Darkness, Hekate Skotia
Her torches illuminate the path between the shadows, reminding us that our passage through the darkness is not alone, even though it seems that way. The value of silence and the night is a gift that we must keep in mind to never lose focus of our principles and priorities. We keep our courage with us in the present. On this night, we can go outside to look at the black sky and Her deep darkness in silence, and share with Hekate Skotia in a low voice our three main reasons to keep fighting; the reasons we always remember when things go wrong, those things that keep us moving forward even in the darkness.
23 December - The Filled Cup, Hekate Pandoteira
In the cold of winter that has just arrived, we need to remember that hospitality is a basic trait of the Hekatean path. Being able to share our home, our food and drinks (but not by social obligation or the fact it’s the “season-to-be-good-to-each-other") but instead because we know the value of needing important things and not having them. Being hospitable, providing our warmth and closeness to people we have distanced ourselves from for no apparent reason. Reminding them that they will continue to be welcome in our lives is the most real and sincere face we can give them. Let them know of any distance you feel between yourselves- you can jump it, or go around it.
Written by Octavia, from Noumenia News n°49 Shared with the CoH Network by Laurie Bianciotto, Devotee CoH
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hekatecovenant · 3 years
Hekatean yuletide 30-31/12
30 December - The pride of living, Hekate Pasikrateia
We are architects and responsible for our actions and their consequences in life. Those are our "business cards" to show to Hekate, everything that we have been through, and are capable of. 
We were born blessed with self-sufficiency. We fight, learn and find our place without having to beg or implore anyone. Tonight, we just need to remember that Hekate is pleased by our pledged fealty to Her. 
But She as Queen doesn’t want us to kneel down but stand up for what we are and live for.
31 December - The oath, Hekate Soteira.
Today we finish the 12 days. It is the night of the great banquet, of the promises after having reviewed the most crucial aspects of our life these past days. We learn from experience and forge our own wisdom to grow and understand the world we have lived in, and the years that remain in the thread of our life. 
We will lift our horn/cup/chalice/glass for our ancestors for our family. We also lift it for Hekate the Cosmic Soul, and the promises, the oaths that we have made after all the meditations of the past few days. And we will say it in our mind and soul. Spoken words can be manipulated by other people, but silent oaths are protected by our souls and powered by our ancestors.
Before the night’s end, consult the runes, tarot, oracle or any divination form you prefer for the omens to come until summer. If possible, have someone consult them for you. May Hekate always be witnesses of your achievements.
Written by Octavia, from Noumenia News n°49 Shared with the CoH Network by Laurie Bianciotto, Devotee CoH
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