#larry sex
so-idialed-9 · 11 months
Throwback to this classic article about Zayn's scruff that takes a sharp Larry turn -
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Vanity Fair, March 21, 2016
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milowing · 1 year
my favorite part of doom patrol is the way larry is always on some random side quest/not affected by what's happening to the main group
like in 4x05 where everyone else is getting deaged but larry is too busy getting a boyfriend/finding keeg
or how he's the only one who wasn't swallowed by ezekiel in 1x15
or how he was the only one not on vacation in 3x02 (which lead to him being the only one to survive) because he was too busy having weird alien sex with the negative spirit
i feel like this is exemplified by that scene in 1x14 where they meet danny for the first time and larry's like "oh yeah me and vic already met them. they're chill, we did karaoke. oh did i not tell you guys about that? we need to talk more lol"
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louisplumpyass · 9 months
where the fuck is louis i mean he has to come out once in a while he can't just keep breeding his wife during the entire break for christ's sake
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faggyangel · 1 year
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that episode just made me think of this
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larrylimericks · 1 year
“Yes lad!!!” for Ni’s song! Hello, lovers! Just wait until Louis discovers Recent noteworthy acts (Which may merit congrats?) By the curly-haired one of his *brothers*.
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ciceroballtorture · 3 months
another connection btw mrs danvers and mrs de winter is how they're both outsiders to wealth and had to work for a living (for mrs danvers its self-explainatory, and mrs de winters its her job as a paid companion for an older woman that naturally transitions into being a wife) and both of their first names never being really revealed. in juxtaposition to all the aristocrats in the book going by their first name exclusively (maxim, beatrice, frank etc)
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ao3feed-larry · 2 years
by hazz45
Harry é aluno novo e seu professor é muito gostoso.
Aquela em que seu professor de matemática o fode na hora do intervalo
Words: 4317, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Português brasileiro
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Intersex Harry Styles, Top Louis Tomlinson, Bottom Harry Styles, Professor Louis Tomlinson, Smut, Age Difference, 17-Year-Old Harry Styles
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/LrpAyix
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littlegirlovhazz · 6 months
Por favor, Delegado ❤️
Oioi minhas gostosinhas, essa demorou em? E eu sei que tinha prometido outras duas ones pra vocês, mas eu estava muito desanimada e meu tumblr tava horrível, sem chat, sem poder responder os posts e eu também estava triste. Escrevi essa com muito custo e talvez não esteja tãooo boa, mas espero que vocês gozem gostoso mesmo assim. Amo vocês 💚
Avisos: one tradicional, Delegado Tomlinson, Harry bandido, Louis fardado, uso de algemas, desuso de camisinha, spanking, submissão, palavras de baixo calão como: cuzinho, cacete, putinha etc.
A sala estava quente, o pequeno ventilador não dava conta já que Louis estava usando a farda de policial, o relatório a sua frente dançava na tela e suancabeça estava explodindo de cansaço. A gravata azul parecia sufocar, o distintivo prateado era ridículo, ele só usava essa roupa pq a delegacia exigia, imbecis.
O tumulto do lado de fora se formou rapidamente, vários gritos e policiais se levantando, fazendo com que ele se levantasse e saísse da sala ajeitando o chapéu idiota em sua cabeça, 3 policiais seguram um homem sem camisa e tem sangue em seu rosto.
- Que porra é essa aqui? - Ele diz em um tom de voz alto e todos paralizam, o policial Mathias é o primeiro a falar.
- Delegado, esse babaca aqui estava repassando droga e bateu no Policial Fernandes. - Seus olhos reviram imediatamente, por que Fernandes é um imbecil.
- Manda ele pra interrogatório. - Quando Mathias tenta mover o homem, ele se debate.
- Me solta, caralho. Eu sei andar sozinho, seu Imbecil. - Mathias o arrasta mesmo assim, o jogando na cadeira, seus pulsos já estão algemados. - Como vocês são hospitaleiros, arrombados do caralho.
- Claro que é você, Styles. - Os olhos de Louis o analisam pela primeira vez o homem sentado na cadeira, o reconhecendo de imediato, ele já entrou na delegacia mais de uma vez, mas ele sempre se livra, sempre. - Coloca ele na minha sala.
- O Caralho! Todo mundo sabe que não tem câmeras, eu não vou entrar nessa merda. - Ele volta a se debater e os policiais o seguram, então algum deles fala “ta com medo?” - Medo devia ter você, filho da puta, me solta.
Geralmente Styles se mantém calmo, mas hoje sua camisa está arruinada pendendo na sua cintura, suas mãos estão cheias de seu próprio sangue e tem um corte em sua testa. Ele se debate o caminho inteiro até a sala, e quando ele é preso na cadeira enfrente a mesa do delegado, ele o olha com ódio ou muito mais que isso.
- Saiam. - Os policiais se mostram apreensivos. - Saiam, porra.
Eles saem apressados e Louis fecha as persianas em sua sala.
- Belo teatro, Senhor Styles. - O preso sorri sarcástico. - Pelo que me lembro eu falei que não queria você na minha delegacia de novo, você estava passando droga de propósito e insultando um policial.
O sangue está começando a estancar do corte em seus rosto e Louis pega um pano limpo dentro da gaveta, o pressionando na testa dele, até que pare de sangrar, limpando um pouco aquele rosto.
- Você me disse que se eu aparecesse na sua delegacia mais uma vez, ia me dar uma lição. - É claro que Tomlinsom se lembra disso, lembra de como chegou o rosto tão perto dele, nunca em todos os seus anos de delegado ele sentiu tanto ódio de alguém, Harry entrou pela delegacia pelo menos umas 6 vezes, antes apenas pelo policiais o acharem suspeito, mas nunca conseguiram provar absolutamente nada, ele não passava droga, nunca. Da última vez que ele esteve lá como investigado de participação de tráficos de drogas, ele estava em seu máximo de flerte e Louis o disse claramente que ia ensinar uma lição a ele, tão perto de seu rosto que seus lábios quase se encontravam. - Eu não podia perder a oportunidade, Delegado.
Seu sorriso é enorme. Ele era como Judas, como se Louis estivesse traindo a Jesus e seus princípios por querer ele, era óbvio que Styles não estava envolvido de forma pequena ao crime, o delegado sabia que ele era um traidor por estar aqui em sua sala, o provocando, sendo pego propositalmente, mas o de olhos azuis se sentia um desgraçado por sentir tanto tesão por ele, ele era um poço de perdição.
Bonito como inferno, suave como céu, delicioso como pecado.
- Achei que você era só mais um machão Styles. - O delgado contorna sua mesa pegando a ficha dele que jogaram na superfície. - Você quase bateu no Fernandes, xingou ele de vários nomes, mas agora você está tão quietinho, na verdade vocês sempre fica quieto na minha presença, Por que?
- Por que eu quero te agradar, Delegado Tomlinson. - Styles o olha com aqueles olhos verdes enormes e parece outra pessoa, e Louis não vê mais o homem imponente, por que antes de ser bandido, Harry styles era a maior vadia.
- Assim você parece só uma putinha desesperada, Styles. E você já pode parar de fingir que está preso a cadeira, quando sei que você já se livrou das algemas.
Harry bufa alto, trazendo as mãos pra frente as algemas pendendo em só uma mão e a chave que ele roubou de Mathias na outra. Então ele prende a outra mão novamente e estica a chave na direção do outro, fazendo um biquinho nos lábios vermelhos, limpando a mão no pano que Louis deixou em seu colo.
- Estava doendo um pouco meu pulso, desculpe. - O menor se aproxima para pegar a chave e assim que a pega, Harry faz o que sempre quis, o puxa pela gravata azul do uniforme. - Por favor, Delegado Tomlinson.
E o Delegado se desespera e simplesmente choca suas bocas, Harry tem gosto de cereja, sangue e nicotina, ele o levanta da cadeira percebendo que ele é tão alto que precisa ficar na ponta dos pés para o alcançar, joga os papéis no chão e o deita em sua mesa, e o maior geme pelo contato gelado em suas costas, a boca de Tomlinson é como mel, suave, a língua macia que implora por mais, como se ele fosse devorar casa pedacinho. Eles eram como material inflamável e fogo, eles se quiseram desde o primeiro olhar, por que não importava quem eram.
Louis e Harry queimavam.
Quando Louis segurou seus braços presos acima da cabeça, e chupou sua clavícula, onde ainda tinha um pouco de seu sangue, o maior gemeu deliciosamente.
- Você precisa ficar quietinho, minha vadiaizinha, ou eu vou ter que explicar pros meus policiais que não resisti em te comer fundo. - Harry gemeu de novo pelo apelido, dessa vez baixinho - Uma putinha tão obediente, Harry. O que será que diriam ao ver o machão lá de fora entregue pra mim? hm?
Ele sugou os mamilos rosados e beijou todas as tatuagens do peito, mamando nos biquinhos de Harry, o fazendo arquear a coluna e chamar pelo Delegado em um sussuro, mas foi quando ele chegou na barra de sua calça, que precisou se conter pra não gritar. A boca de Louis era macia, tão molhada. O gosto metálico de seu sangue estava deixando o de olhos verdes ainda mais tonto quando ele enfiou os dentes em seu lábio inferior ao que o Delegado abaixou sua calça e seu pau já molhado bateu em sua barriga.
- Oh querido, que delicia. Você tem um pau lindo. - A boca de Louis aguou de vontade, o pau na sua frente era rosa, cheio de veias, a cabeça lisa, pelos aparados e estava tão molhado, que ele apenas caiu de boca, lambendo da base até a ponta, sugando todo o pré-gozo doce, que enchia sua boca e o fazia chupar com fome, brincando com as bolas cheias e pesadas, dava para sentir cada textura em sua boca, a enchendo tão bem, o menor se sentia no céu.
- Delegado T-Tomlinson, ohh, caralho, que boca gostosa. - A boca era tão macia, molhada, e chupava seu pau como ele nunca havia sentido, parecia que Louis estava faminto, querendo o matar de tanto tesão, suas pernas tremiam, o suor vertia até mesmo de seus braços, sua mente só pensava no calor envolta de seu cacete, no som obsceno que ele fazia ao chupar cheio de baba e nos olhos azuis brilhantes que o veneravam como ele o pertencesse, Harry arrancou aquele chapéu ridículo e segurou nos cabelos castanhos. - Caralho, isso Senhor, sua boca é deliciosa, continua me mamando gostoso assim que eu vou dar toda minha porra.
Louis deu um tapa forte na lateral da coxa gostosa, fazendo Harry arquear as costas e morder o braço enquanto gozava em jatos doces e quentes naquela boca. Sentindo seu corpo tremer e sua cabeça quase apagar de tanto tesão, sentindo seu leite passar por seu pau, suas veias bombearem, seu membro pulsar e Louis beber cada gota dele, ele olha em seus olhos azuis, com cílios molhados e a boca rosinha com lábios finos pingando a sua porra.
O maior se levanta e joga o delegado na cadeira, arrancando sua própria calça e subindo em cima de Louis, beijando a boca com seu gosto e sentindo as mãos cheias de veias segurando sua bunda e passando um dedo em sua entrada, sentindo o volume enorme enquanto roça em seu colo, era como se estivesse descontrolado ao levar as duas mãos na camisa da farda e passando os dedos pelo distintivo prateado de Delegado e abrindo a camisa em um só puxão, os botões voam e Harry finalmente tem a visão daquele peito, com tatuagens ainda mais deliciosas e aquela barriga bronzeada molhada em suor.
- Caralho Harry! - O menor segurou os cabelos em uma mão, e segurando aquele rosto perfeito na outra.- Você acha que é quem, hm. - O tapa foi certeiro, fazendo um barulho alto, fazendo a entrada de Harry se contrair. - Vou ter que te lembrar quem manda aqui? Quem é o seu Senhor?
Puxando o cabelo macio, Louis faz com que o maior se ajoelhe, batendo naquele rostinho mais uma vez, só para ver os olhos verdes arderem em fúria.
- Isso minha putinha, me chupa com ódio, mas baba todo meu pau bem gostoso, por que eu não vou abrir esse cuzinho, eu vou te comer sem preparação. - Louis diz abrindo a calça de alfaiataria azul que aperta suas coxas gostosas e tira o pau pra fora, é enorme, longo, com a cabeça arroxeada, a gota de pré-gozo brilha na cabecinha e aquele cacete é pesado na língua de Harry quando o delegado o apoia ali.
O gosto de Louis preenche o paladar de Harry, deixando sua boca cheia só com a cabecinha e ele chupa com vontade, babando, sentido cada centímetro entrar e aquelas veias pulsarem enquanto a língua rodeia o comprimento, ele chupa com raiva, lembrando de todas as vezes que o outro o ameaçou, leva as mãos presas até as bolas cheias, vendo o delegado relaxado na cadeira, as pernas abertas e o rosto cheio de prazer, a cabeça pendendo pra trás em um gemido baixo e seu nome saindo daqueles lábios, e Louis estava tão entregue que até mesmo deixou Harry apertar seu períneo e passar aqueles dedos em sua entrada, só massagem e era tão gostosinho.
- Oh Harry, claro que você seria profissional nisso, com essa boquinha que implora por um pau, desde que entrou aqui pela primeira vez eu imaginei essa boca deliciosa mamando. - Louis sabia que ia gozar se continuasse ali, e ele não queria, sua vontade era encher o bandido de leite, então ele tira seu pau do calor molhado daquela boca olhando aquele rosto.
- Que pau gostoso Senhor, me deixa chupar mais, por favor. - Os olhos era tão grandes e pidões, mas ele não cede, beijando a boca com gosto do seu caralho, levantando ele pelo cabelo sem descolar suas bocas, passando a mão por aquele corpo, batendo naquela bunda e chupando aquele pescoço cheiroso, já se sentindo viciado.
Ele jogou Harry na mesa novamente, dessa vez de bruços, fazendo o criminoso segurar na borda da mesa com as mãos presas, era uma puta visão, aquela bunda empinhadinha, marcada pelo seus dedos de tanto apertar e não resistiu ao acertar outro tapa. Provocou o outro passando seu pau na fenda, cuspindo um pouco antes de alinhar a cabecinha com o cuzinho apertado e se forçou pra dentro de uma única vez, fazendo o maior gritar. Ele se debruçou e o puxou pelos cabelos.
- Cala boca, puta do caralho, não queria o meu cacete, hm? - Ele disse dando uma tapa em seu rosto e tampando a boca de Harry com a mão. - Quer que alguém entre aqui e me pegue assim? Arrombando essa entradinha apertada? Mostrando o quão macho você é? Ou é isso que quer Styles, mostrar como você é uma vadia pra mim?
Ele passou a estocar com brutalidade, a mesa balançando, o barulho das peles se chocando enquanto Harry tinha seus gemidos e suplicas abafadas pela mão de Louis, suas peles suavam e a entrada do maior era tão apertada e quente, suas paredes apertavam aquele pau, fazendo com que Tomlinson gemesse em seu ouvido.
- Porra de bunda gostosa, você ta me engolindo tão bem, eu quero te foder pra sempre. - E Harry queria, ele queria Louis lá dentro e bem fundo, mas ele sentiu o pau saindo dele e suas costas colidindo na mesa, o menor agarrou seus pulsos e abriu as algemas, ele queria àquelas mãos em seu corpo e voltou para dentro com ainda mais força.
Ele sentiu o pau tão fundo, seu pau roçava na barriga do delegado que bateu mais um vez em sua cara só pra logo depois cuspir em sua boca e chegar com aqueles olhos bem perto de seu rosto, falando enquanto roçava seus lábios.
- Quem é o seu delegado, Harry?
- Você, Louis Tomlinson, Meu Delegado Tomlinson. - Louis sorriu em satisfação, fodendo a próstata do outro. - Fode sua putinha, me enche de leite.
- Vem minha vadia, goza comigo, deixa a gente todo sujo. - Harry arranhava as costas colocando a mão por dentro da camisa aberta, a gravata já caída pelo chão, mas o resto da farda naquele corpo, aquela pele macia, os lábios nos seus e o bandido sabia, sabia que estava perdido, ele queria o Delegado muito mais vezes.
- Oh Louis! - Ele gritou sendo abafado pela boca do outro, mas a delegacia inteira sabia o que estava acontecendo naquela sala, as janelas suadas, os gritos e batidas, até o cheiro de sexo.
Então o caralho de Louis foi apertado quando outro gozou, sentindo o melhor orgasmo de sua vida tremer seu corpo todo, gemendo para o outro, e enchendo aquele cuzinho, derramando cada gota de seu leite enquanto Harry se perdia em prazer, sentindo o pau pulsando em seu interior e as lágrimas caírem de seus olhos verdes, chorando de prazer.
- Você é meu, Delegado, entendeu? - E Louis só pode concordar, implorando pra que fizessem dar certo e ele pudesse ter seu bandido pra sempre.
Me deixem saber.
All the love,
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so-idialed-9 · 1 year
Louis: not loving James' rule that he can't just choose "marriage, sex, kiss - everything, the lot" with one person as he has previously with someone the group said looked like Harry
James: [the sex would be] One time - just one time.
Liam: Better file for a divorce, then.
Harry: gasp-laugh and nervous hair flip
I love when Lima unsubtly Larries. IG
Thank you to @the-love-laws for this gifset and this masterpost on H &L talking about marriage and engagement to each other:
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Bonus- Louis acting like he is reviewing the floral arrangements
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Larry Ray: The Sex Cult Leader
Larry Ray first met the college students through his daughter, Talia Ray, in September 2010. At the time, Talia was a sophomore at Sarah Lawrence and lived in a large dorm named Slonim Woods 9 with seven other students. Ray moved in with his daughter in the dorm after he was released from prison, where he served time for a custody charge related to his children. Talia claimed (and told other students) that her father was imprisoned for “heroically” trying to save her sister and herself from her “abusive mother”.
Ray quickly solidified a relationship with the other students living in the dorm by cooking dinners and ordering deliveries. He would also give them “therapy” sessions under the guise of helping them with psychological issues
Soon Ray targeted a young student named Isabella Pollok, who was going through a break up. Ray began sleeping in her dorm room and even convinced her to stay with Talia and himself in a one-bedroom condo in New York City during Sarah Lawrence’s winter break in 2010.
Later, Ray convinced three more Sarah Lawrence students–Daniel Levin, Claudia Drury, and Santos Rosario–to live in the same condo with Talia, Isabella, and himself during the summer of 2011.
Ray would later be accused of "sexual and psychological manipulation and physical abuse," by U.S. Attorney Damian Williams in a Department of Justice press release. The press release claimed that Ray used tactics like "sleep deprivation, psychological and sexual humiliation, verbal abuse, threats of physical violence, physical violence, threats of criminal legal action, alienating the victims from their families, and exploiting the victims’ mental health vulnerabilities."
In April 2022, Ray was charged with racketeering, sex trafficking, extortion and other charges. He pleaded not guilty to the charges, according to Intelligencer. His trial was postponed multiple times due to medical emergencies,
During his trial, several survivors testified against him. Claudia Drury testified that Larry coerced her into prostitution in order to pay off a "debt" that he convinced her she owed him. Over four years, Drury alleged gave him around $2.5 million.
He was sentenced to 60 years in prison by Judge Lewis J. Liman on January 20, 2023
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julyzaa · 6 months
is Mrs Blaine gonna be Larry's Kemal Pamuk this season? i really hope so lol
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srldesigns6277 · 5 months
This video has so many innuendos its not funny. Ya I'm sure you were mucking out that morning and probably more often too.
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larrylimericks · 2 years
Harry read the script, knew it by heart, And then ardently sought out Tom’s part; A truthful performance— The subtext’s enormous— When you can’t speak your truth, speak through art.
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics with mirror sex! If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word.
Happy reading!
1) It Was(n't) A Mistake | Mature | 1861 words
Louis should be getting married to a pretty princess. But he finds himself a better company that is Harry Styles.
2) I Want To Ruin You | Explicit | 2045 words | Sequel
Louis Tomlinson is wearing pink spandex with a matching pink headband and fuzzy leg warmers when he meets his soulmate. And by meet he means spilling beer down the boy’s shirt.
3) Believe Me Yet? | Mature | 2377 words
Based on this idea from tumblr:
Louis knows he’s attractive. Mildly so, and can never agree with Harry when his boyfriend tells him how beautiful he is. So, in an effort to get him to believe it, HARRY FUCKS LOUIS IN FRONT OF A MIRROR SO HE CAN SEE HOW GORGEOUS HE LOOKS YEP"
4) After You My Lady | Explicit | 2737 words
"Harry, I’m getting this, but you can’t get ready at my house. I want to surprise you."
"Lou, like I care how you look."
Louis opened the door with a little pout on his face, “Ouch Hazza.”
Harry smiled, pulling him into a hug, “You know I’m kidding Lou, you’re going to look amazing tonight.”
Anyone looking at them right now would think the two were a couple. Louis fit in Harry’s arms perfectly and Harry was constantly tickling Louis, making him laugh and causing those crinkles by his eyes that he loved so much. Tonight was going to be a blast.
5) It's For Your Eyes Only, Living For You Solely | Explicit | 2909 words
Harry and Louis are both married, but not to each other. They still make it work.
6) My Darling, We're Both On The Wing | Explicit | 2933 words
He glances up and stares, a bit flabbergasted, as a tan, curvy, male flight attendant stands dutifully next to him, blue eyes wide and attentive, little hands folded professionally in front of him. Harry's eyes unabashedly rake up and down his body, taking in how the short sleeves of his white shirt are pleasantly tight around his biceps and how his pants seem to be straining around the width of his hips. His mouth goes a bit dry and when his eyes travel back up, the man's smirking.
7) Your Plans and Those Slow Hands | Explicit | 6374 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
AU based on that episode of Friends where Monica makes sex noises when she gets massaged. Harry and Louis meet at a coffee shop at the expense of Liam's embarrassment and Louis gets well and truly wooed by Harry's dating abilities.
8) Searching for a Sweet Surrender | Explicit | 7250 words
Louis stopped and started twice before finally saying, “Because I was being a brat.”
“Right. And do you deserve it?”
A moment’s hesitation. “Y-yes.”
“What was that, Louis?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Louis said clearer than before. “I deserve it.”
9) Shackles (I Just Want to Praise You) | Explicit | 7562 words
Louis is an extra for a low-budget gladiator movie. His day takes a turn when his shackles turn out to be more than just a film prop, and the production assistant turns out to be helpful in more ways than one.
10) Dancer, Dancer | Mature | 8740 words
From the time he was born, Louis Tomlinson was never allowed to live how he wanted. One night out changes everything for him.
11) Come A Little Closer | Explicit | 9867 words
Louis puts on lingerie. It's not, like, a thing.
12) Let Me Carry Your Weight | Explicit | 28633 words
Louis is fresh out of a bad relationship with someone who made him feel awful about how he looked. On his journey to better himself, he meets Harry - the ridiculously attractive and fit personal trainer.
13) The Prince Of Light | Explicit | 35735 words
Louis was found abandoned at a hospital at six months old and adopted by an older couple who raised him. Now twenty, he studies by night and by day works as a live-in au pair for a family with three little girls. One of the girls, Holly, swears there is a Garden Fairy coming and eating treats she leaves out in the cubby house each night.
When the family goes away for a two week holiday, Louis is secretly tasked with feeding the Fairy. While laying out the food one night he falls from the cubby house and is found by Harry. Harry is different and Louis is fascinated. But as Louis learns how different Harry really is, he discovers his own true home and a very surprising past he never knew.
Cue badgers, bananas and cookies, soulmates, a whole other world, and a future he’d never imagined.
14) The Way You Make Me Feel | Explicit | 47353 words
Liam convinces a reluctant Louis to join his Jazzercise class, as his instructor is holding a ‘come and try day’ in celebration of his birthday. Louis, the diva that he is, does not make it easy for Liam, but is surprised to find that there is a lot to be said about Jazzercise when he runs into a pink spandex clad Harry during their first class. This sparks Louis to initiate ‘Operation Manhunt’, a months long endeavor with the goal  to secure Harry as his future husband. Or at the very least, to get into Harry’s very, very tight pants. Even if Harry is oblivious to this small fact. Will Louis succeed in his mission? Or will he fall flat on his face?
15) Forgive The Urgency, But Hurry Up And Wait | Explicit | 53701 words
Note: This fic is the a sequel to this fic.
Louis' going to do better. He’s going to have all of the uncomfortable conversations and the relationship talks. He’s going to make himself be a good boyfriend.
And he’s got absolutely no idea where to start.
16) Warming Up to You | Explicit | 56227 words
“I feel you,” Harry nods along as he zips his bag open, carefully pulling out his fancy looking camera before pressing a button to turn it on. “I love taking pictures for a number of reasons, but I think the best part of the whole thing is that I’m able to go through my older pictures and have all these memories from those moments come back to me.”
He puts the camera against his eye and points at Louis, and before the shorter one can even react, he hears a ‘click’, and Harry’s smiling down at the screen of his camera.
“And I don't think I want to forget about the day I got stranded in a cabin with a pretty stranger,” he finishes off.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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dykecrawler · 1 year
doom patrol's adamance that larry would be fixed if he had gay sex is so funny i hope they never stop doing this
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coochiequeens · 4 months
Another violent man claiming to be the actual victim. This time use gender ideology.
By Anna Slatz January 1, 2024
CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains graphic descriptions of sexual assault committed against both adult and child victims. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A violent transgender sex offender has launched multiple lawsuits against over 20 members of staff at the St. Francois County Jail and South Missouri Mental Health Center after reportedly being denied female undergarments. Kelly McSean, a violent rapist and pedophile, is awaiting trial after escaping jail while in custody for attacking sex offender treatment program staff.
As previously reported by Reduxx, McSean, born Larry Bemboom, has an extremely long and depraved criminal history.
In 2003, while still living under his birth name, he pleaded guilty to the sexual assault of a 39-year-old African American woman. McSean had offered the woman a ride home, but instead took her to his residence where he both orally and vaginally raped her.
During the assault, McSean made racially degrading remarks to the victim, telling her that his ancestors owned slaves and ordering her call to him “master.” The woman managed to escape and fled nude from his residence. For the brutal attack, he was sentenced to just five years in prison.
Before his scheduled 2008 release, a prison psychiatrist reported that McSean met the statutory definition of a sexually violent predator and, after a second evaluating psychiatrist concurred, the state of Missouri filed a petition to involuntarily commit him to its Sex Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment Service program. A jury trial subsequently found that he met the legal requirements for civil commitment, and he was sent to reside at Sex Offender Rehabilitation and Treatment Program (SORTS) in Farmington.
McSean appealed the decision, but evidence presented by the evaluating psychiatrist provided insight into the predator’s extensive history of sexual violence dating back to when he was just a minor.
According to the evaluation — at 13 years of age, McSean molested an eight-year-old girl and forced her to perform oral sex on him. He also fondled and orally copulated a 12-year-old boy. The following year, he was sent to counseling after he was found soliciting other boys to perform oral sex on him in his school bathroom.
McSean was placed in sex offender treatment when he was just 15 years old after exposing himself to a younger relative, but while in treatment he molested another underage girl in his proximity.
Between the ages of 19 and 30, McSean would commit several more sex offenses, primarily against minors. He told the evaluating psychiatrist that he repeatedly raped a 16-year-old girl in 1995, as well as engaged in oral sex with her 11-year-old brother. He also stated that he moved in with two girls aged 14 and 16 in 1998, raped a 15-year-old girl, and molested a 14-year-old.
At age 30, he was arrested for sodomizing a 12-year-old girl after giving her marijuana. He received a suspended five-year sentence and three years probation. McSean said that while in the community, he committed a number of sexual assaults for which he was never charged, including molesting children as young as 8 at the Salvation Army, and raping unidentified male and female children.
In 2003, prior to being charged for the rape of the 39-year-old woman, McSean admitted to having kidnapped two teens and holding them captive at his residence where he forced them to perform oral sex on him.
McSean also said that around the same time, he was molesting a younger female relative and threatening to kill her if she told on him. He would sneak into her room at night, cover her mouth and rape her, as well as penetrating her with foreign objects.
While McSean attempted to appeal his sexually violent offender designation, the appeal was denied in 2010 and he has remained in civil commitment since. Sometime between 2010 and 2023, he began identifying as a “transgender female woman.”
While at SORTS, McSean violently attacked a treatment worker, leading to his transfer to the St. Francois County Jail to await trial on the charges.
On January 17, McSean, along with 4 other inmates, escaped the prison via a plumbing-access hole. Cameras that would ordinarily have tracked their escape were not functioning due to construction being done on the building. The prisoners weren’t discovered missing until a routine inmate count. A wild police chase ensued, with McSean and the others being caught on street surveillance camera footage stealing a car in a nearby parking lot.
McSean was apprehended three days after the escape, and has been at the St. Francois County Jail ever since. But Reduxx has now learned that over the course of the past 5 months, McSean has filed a number of lawsuits alleging mistreatment at the hands of staff both at the jail and at the South Missouri Mental Health Center.
Though McSean is alleging various forms of mistreatment, the majority of his complaints appear to stem from his inability to access “gender affirming” items and treatments, most notably women’s undergarments. He also takes issue with being “misgendered” and “demeaned” while in custody, and having been treated as a male despite his state and prison documentation listing him as a “female.”
McSean has similarly alleged sexual harassment, with these claims stemming from “misgendering” incidents, “discrimination on the basis of sex,” and routine searches not being conducted in the fashion he demands. He has also claimed he was “sexually assaulted” during a strip-search, emphasizing that his penis and “breasts” had been exposed to male officers.
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McSean has alleged the various “mistreatments” have caused him anxiety, sleep issues, nightmares, high blood pressure, a los of appetite, migraines, crying spells, and more physical and psychological issues. He has requested damages ranging from $50,000 to $100,000 per defendant and per concern. In one of the filed complaints alone, the total requested damages exceed $14,900,000.
One of McSean’s lawsuits was filed with two other inmates as co-Plaintiffs, both of whom were involved in McSean’s escape from the jail in January – Aaron Sebastian, a sexually violent predator who sodomized a young girl, and Dakota Pace. McSean identifies both of the men as “friends” of his. In their lawsuit, the three criminals allege mistreatment at the hands of St. Francois County Jail staff.
Disturbingly, one of the multiple complaints filed by McSean suggests that the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has intervened on his behalf at least once. In a hand-written complaint submitted in August, McSean wrote:
“After being informed that the ACLU and an attorney has contacted the St. Francois county detention center of [sic] the constitutional rights of transgender persons, I submitted an inmate request form as to the status of ability to purchase and have female undergarments.”
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While the ACLU has not commented publicly on McSean’s case, the organization has been known to be a strong advocate of transgender inmates, even those who have committed the most heinous crimes.
In Indiana, the ACLU recently filed a lawsuit against the state’s Department of Corrections after a trans-identified male inmate convicted of murdering his infant stepdaughter was denied “gender affirming” surgeries. The suit, which was filed on August 28 of 2023, challenges a recently-adopted policy stipulating that the Indiana Department of Corrections (IDOC) cannot provide transgender surgeries to inmates.
The ACLU has also lamented the criminal penalties of transgender inmates, including the Florida execution of rapist and murderer Duane Owen.
On June 16 of 2023, the ACLU, through their official Twitter account, lambasted the state of Florida for refusing to provide “medically necessary gender-affirming care” to Duane Owen. Using feminine pronouns to refer to Owen, the ACLU claimed the state had caused Owen “enormous suffering” and had violated “her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody.” 
They further stated that Owen, who had raped and murdered two women in an effort to “harvest their hormones,” had argued in legal documents that he “should be afforded the essence of human dignity.”
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