rookthorne · 1 year
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐞
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It was inherently a dangerous way to live the life of a Nomad Dragon Rider — an outcast. And those very dangers would be what would tear you apart, and what would separate you from the one you trusted, the one you loved.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ☽☾ Dragon Rider!Bucky Barnes x Dragon Rider!F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ☽☾ 1.3k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ☽☾ Angst, whump, gore, established relationship, cliffhanger (because I am cruel)
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ☽☾ I am back in my whump era, chaos kittens, and I am not sorry.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔 ☽☾ Akkadian Empire by Audiomachine ☽☾ Guardians At the Gate by Audiomachine ☽☾ Lachrimae by Audiomachine
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 ☽☾ @buckybarnesevents Into an Alternate June-iverse 𝗖𝟰 — Fantasy AU — Masterlist ☽☾ @allcapsbingo 𝗜𝟯 — Whump — Masterlist ☽☾ @anyfandomaubingo 𝗡𝟯 — Dragon AU — Masterlist ☽☾ @anyfandomdarkbingo 𝗚𝟮 — Unhappy Ending — Masterlist
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The life of a wanderer was dangerous – full of tumultuous battles for territory, for blood lust, and for the right to call yourself a Legend. 
It was no different that night. Patrolling the border of your territory while the wings of the powerful beast you rode beat the night air in a steady rhythm; the gold and ivory scales shining brightly under the luminant full moon. 
Your second, a man that you had come to trust with your life, flew behind you, a formation that displayed you as the leader. Bucky followed you, sitting just off your flank to your right, atop his shadowed hell flyer – the symphonies of beating wings and heavy breaths filling the silence and eerie stillness of the night air. 
There was a slight, almost indistinguishable movement amongst the cliff face ahead, and you hauled your dragon to a stop, the beast complying through the invisible bond ensnaring you together; making you as one. “Movement,” you said simply, narrowing your eyes as you scanned the rocks for another sign. 
Bucky fell in beside you, his left hand moving to the many weapons he had saddled on his mount. “I see it,” he replied lowly. “Move in? Or should we get out of here?”
“No…” The movement happened again, and your dragon huffed, a snarl lingering on her sharp, angular mouth. “Easy, Sig–Buck, we need to-”
You never managed to finish your command. 
Flame and ice converged over your path, and Sig started, a loud roar echoing off the rocks, and she swerved to miss a barrage of flying boulders. Bucky’s yell of fury sounded amongst the chaos, and you watched his dragon scrabble against the cliff face, a twisted, demented snarl of anger to show rows and rows of sharp teeth. 
“Move!” you shouted at him, gripping Sig’s saddle and bowing low against her neck. “Go, get out of there!” Sig bellowed at the approaching darkened shapes in the sky, and for a single, split second, you thought it was done, your life was finished as you knew it. “Hel, no, no! Sig, fly!”
Wings beat and Sig’s claws thrashed through the air as she whipped around, dodging more boulders. 
The attack only worsened – flashes of flame and ice continued to clash and spread over the rocks and the sea below, and Bucky with his hell flyer had vanished and was nowhere to be seen. Your heart seized amongst the chaos, the thought of him falling to his demise in the sea below froze you to your core. 
“Bucky! James! Where are you?” you screamed. “Buck! Please, where–?”
A loud roar echoed above you and you braced for an impact you never saw coming, only, nothing happened. 
Instead, an almighty crash of scales and leather and metal shook the world with the force of the collision, and you watched, horrorstruck, as Bucky and his dragon collided full force into an approaching attacker. The navy and crimson of the attacker’s dragon blurred and shifted as it was knocked off balance and out of the air to plummet down to the sea below. 
The shadowy form of Bucky’s dragon falling right behind them. 
Cursing to high Hel, you cried out in shock – a call of grief that even made the attackers pause in their attacks. 
Your feet found the stirrup switch and you pulled the reins. Sig followed your command and swiftly turned in the air, her wings beating swiftly as she roared loudly from the grief flowing between the bond. “Dive,” you barked, squeezing your knees, and Sig did so – folding her ivory wings and streamlining her ginormous form. 
Wind whipped through your hair and your armour, but you still did not let up. No matter how fast Sig dived, it was not fast enough – not quick enough to stop Bucky from plummeting down to the raging ocean. 
You forced a feeling of calm through the bond, and leant even closer to Sig’s neck, one hand on the reins, the other gripping the saddle. “Breathe,” you called through the bond, unable to open your mouth. “Swim.”
The feeling of Sig’s chest expanding under your knees grounded you, and you braced for impact. Sea salt stung your eyes as you neared and neared, and you watched Bucky land against the rocks, his unconscious form slipping into the sea, and his dragon caused a craterous splash of water around them both.
Ice enveloped your whole body as you breached the surface of the raging sea, the force of the impact burning your skin. Frantically, you searched for the darkened form of Bucky’s dragon, for the sight of Bucky’s limp body. A cloud of darkness shrouded something from view, and it took all of your will to not scream underwater – it was Bucky, a cloud of blood around his floating body. 
“Go!” you pushed through the bond. Sig turned and rushed through the water to James, her tail pushing her faster and faster until her giant clawed foot wrapped around his middle, and pulled. 
Sig’s head breached the raging waves and she propelled herself onto land, placing James on the rocks. The sight stole what air you had left in your lungs, and you fell off her back and onto your knees with a scream of grief, but before you could reach for your saddlebag, Sig turned and dived once more into the sea. 
Bucky’s left arm… it was gone – torn and bloody rags left in its wake.
The rocks were cold beneath your knees, and you sobbed while reaching for his unconscious body, desperate to feel him. Your hands met his chest and you felt it rise and fall shallowly. “Bucky! Please, please wake up!” 
A loud splash and a grunting bellow sounded behind you, followed by a solid thud of a heavy, scaly body landing on the rocks – Bucky’s dragon. You turned and saw the black mass of scales unmoving, but his chest was rising and falling at a much higher rate than his companion. 
“Sig, here,” you rushed, gesturing for her to move closer. The dragon complied while watching her mate lay motionless, and you dug through the saddlebag for your healer’s kit. “Buck, do not die on me,” you sobbed, groping for a potion vial. A small noise of victory pulled from your throat when you felt cold glass on your fingers, and you latched onto the vial, pulling it free. “I have to do this, I’m sorry.”
You forced Bucky’s mouth open and poured the potion down his throat, just as a white and blue dragon landed a stride away, mouth open and teeth bared. “Hands off,” a voice yelled, and you looked up to find a loaded crossbow aimed right between your eyes. “Back away.”
“Fuck you,” you spat venomously. “Like Hel will I back off!” your hands, now shaking from adrenaline, flew to Bucky’s arm and you tore a strip of the bloody fabric off with a grunt. “Who do you think you are!”
The crimson fabric in your hands stained your palms, but you continued to act swiftly – a tourniquet would stop him from bleeding out, you prayed, hoped. 
Sig suddenly roared behind you, and you whipped around to watch her fall to the rocky outcrop, unconscious, with a blood red dragon ridden by a masked woman looming over her limp body. Pure panic flooded you. You were outnumbered – with both Sig, and Bucky’s dragon down, you couldn’t fight them off. 
“What do you–” A loud splash cut you off, and another dragon rose from the sea. The same one that Bucky had collided with. 
The last thing you saw before the world faded to black, was that dragon stepping closer and a blond man dismounting, his glare stony and face set as he aimed a crossbow at your thigh, and fired.
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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theocannibalistic · 1 year
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more dragon art! i’ll post the rest when my players encounter them :3c
ID: Four digital drawings of dragon headshots. The first shows The Lachrymose Lady (she/it), an adult bronze dragon who is mottled greenish, with droopy fluffy ears and horns evocative of branching lightning. The second shows Polarisaeth the Generous (he/they), an adult silver dragon with smooth white swept-back horns, ears that point up, wispy white hair and a small beard, pink eyes and whiskers. The final two drawings show Altriktsch the Incessant Hunger, an ancient black dragon. The third image is linework only and depicts a small figure handing a joint to Altriktsch. The fourth and final image is a colored bust of Altriktsch, who has iridescent black, green and purple scales, with many spiky horns that look like ancient bones and has eyes and a mouth that are the same bright toxic green.
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asouearchitecture · 1 year
the outskirts of Lake lachrymose
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Does prowl prefer red or white wine?
Pink. He’s a rosé man.
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jellyfishinc · 2 years
Why did it take a HANNIBAL FANFIC
For me to find out LACHRYMOSE
Means "TEARS"?????
Lemony Snicket literally named a lake the Lake of Tears!
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dailyenglishvoca · 5 months
Today's song is Dear Lady Lachrymose by JesterPies (jesterpiesmusic) featuring the Synthesizer V voicebank Mai
Content warning: themes concerning death including suicide and the death of a child, and scopophobia
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heliotrope-journey · 4 days
Post-Midnight Update on Son of a Hustler's Episode 3
Good early morning, vampire hunters.
Chubbo has had a busy past few days at his real life job this week so Son of a Hustler’s Episode 3 will be delayed for a little while longer. Anthony and I have been busy ourselves, but we’re making certain Michaela’s hike through the Lachrymose Blood Forest will be available for you to experience over the summer. Check out some of the progress we’ve made, but don’t get too excited. Showing you Anthony’s contributions too early will spoil the boss battle for this installment. :)
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That was a line written to test a change in aesthetics after dialogue is spoken. No way would Michaela be this enthusiastic to wrestle a hatchet from a skeleton slouching on a fence.
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Not all faces Michaela and Einsam will encounter in the forest are hostile, but they’re still on edge over the hidden dangers such as the sound of Arachne sneaking about in the treetops. What runaway can blame them?
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The séance circle where the earth magic practitioners gathered to meditate is complete. Though the deer skull is alluring to some*, the sight causes the young woman discomfort. Photo by kaplanart on Pexels.
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Chin up, guys. If the early morning hike in Lachrymose Blood Forest has gotten you disconsolated, you can always go to your happy place at The Sunny Inn in Baudelaire City. It’s too early in Waltz of Sepulchral Silence Volume II’s development to release it, but you’re welcome to save this tranquil ad as your lock screen. Photo by Zak Boca on Unsplash.
Thank you for supporting the series as always and I hope you have a great weekend.
*Somehow, my mother and a friend of my late brother's were intrigued when they saw the skull. Best not to let either of them visit the séance circle alone. *gulps*
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flurrys-creativity · 2 years
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lachrymose (adj.) - (1) tearful or given to sheding tears readily (2) tending to cause or induce tears; mournful; sad
Pairing: Mark Tuan (GOT7) x GN!Reader; Genre: Sci-Fi, Hybrid AU, Guardians of the Galaxy AU, Lovers to Exes, Angst; Rating: sfw, nc-17; Warnings: descriptions of of hijacking other space ships, stealing stuff, one suggestive joke, mentions of killing people, usage of weapons, torture, blood, explosions, cursing... so much cursing, reader gets tortured, Mark gets shot, tears... a lot of tears, feeling of betrayal; Wordcount: 4.263
Summary: Based on Rocket's origin story. You and Mark worked perfectly together. A menace to society and the best treasure hunters of the galaxy. Sometimes though that isn’t enough to stay together, or is it?
A/N: This is for @got7writerscollective​ Cinematic Universe! I am like a month late with this entry. But nonetheless here is Mark as Rocket Racoon! Also this has like only the setting of guardians of the galaxy as Mark is not a racoon but a hybrid... and it’s basically happening before Rocket meets Groot... and there are some things that probably won’t add up with the Marvel Rocket... also I don’t guarantee for any scientific logical things to happen
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“You got the goods?”
You looked over your shoulder and bared your fangs into a wide grin, raising one eyebrow knowingly as you watched Mark coming closer.
His striped tail swayed behind him with every step, drawing your focus shortly towards it instead of Mark’s sparkling eyes. He stopped right behind you and looked over your shoulder, seeing a bunch of weapons and gadgets splayed on the ground in front of you. Mark’s lips twisted into a dangerous grin as well, showcasing his sharp canines.
You grabbed one of the weapons and leaned against the wall behind you, looking up at Mark while you twirled the gun in your fingers. You looked through your eyelashes, playing coy with him before you spoke up. “I was about to leave you behind. Didn’t realise you’re so slow, racoon.”
Mark grabbed the gun out of your hand and stepped closer to you, caging you between his body and the wall. He grinned down at you wickedly, trying to hide the mirth in his eyes. “Last night you wanted me to go slower.” His round ears flicked forwards attentively, picking up any of your reactions.
You inwardly cursed how your heartbeat picked up upon the thought of last night. You cursed again, knowing Mark’s sensitive hybrid ears definitely heard the change. At the same time though you grinned as well, hearing how Mark’s heartbeat sped up too. “Pleasure is meant to be taken slowly.” You got on your toes and pecked his lips.
“Isn’t stealing from another ship a pleasure?” Mark wrapped his arms around your centre and pulled you against his body, trailing a path of kisses along your cheek and neck down to your collarbone. 
You snickered and pushed him away, despite silently agreeing with him about the thrill of hijacking other space crafts. “It’s only a pleasure when we make it out alive.” With that you slid past him and sat on the captain’s seat, pushing a few buttons. “Hold on tight, racoon.” You shortly looked over your shoulder before you started hyperdrive and warped yourself away from the burning pile of metal that used to be another space craft.
“With a sly otter like yourself, we’ll always be able to make it out alive.” Mark wrapped his arms around your upper body and rested his chin on your shoulder, nosing the side of your neck as a matter to scent you. “After all, you’re the logic to my wrath.”
You turned your head and kissed his cheek. “You make it sound like I’m not as anger driven as you. Also I am pretty sure you would be more logical than me IF you decided to think something through.”
“Nah, I’ve got you for that. I stick with blowing shit up.”
You snickered and placed one hand on his head, carefully petting between his hybrid ears. “That truly is the most fun part.”
“I love it when you’re so supportive.” Mark lifted you up from the seat and sat down himself, placing you on his lap and wrapping his arms back around your form, nosing every part he reached that way.
Your little moment got interrupted when your ship suddenly stilled and an obnoxious alarm rang through the room. 
You sneered and turned to the screen in front of you, stopping the engine to prevent it from overheating. “What the heck…” You weren’t even able to finish your question when a larger space craft appeared on the screen, showing that it held your little ship by force.
Mark growled and checked the screen as well, not recognising the other ship. “Fucking bounty hunters playing space police again.” 
You scoffed and got up, walking over to the arsenal of weapons you either stole or created together with Mark. “I wonder how much they got offered now.” You assembled a larger weapon and strapped several guns to your belt. “Let’s deal with this quickly. I’d like to have the weekend for us.” You stared at the screen, searching for any weak points in their ship while Mark grabbed some explosives and hid them in his pockets.
“What do you think?” He asked and stepped next to you, checking his gun thoroughly before he flipped it around in his hand.
“It’s a nice ship.”
“Wanna hijack it?” Mark grinned wickedly and licked over his teeth, looking back at the ship. 
You weighed the options in your mind before you shook your head. “Nah, it’s a hassle to transfer everything.”
“So it’s blowing shit up?”
You pursed your lips in amusement, turning to walk towards the boarding ramp of your ship. “It’s blowing shit up, yeah.”
The ship shook momentarily when the connection was created but you didn’t mind it at all, being used to rocking waves from your animal counterpart. 
You held a gun in each of your hands and stood leisurely in front of the door, leaning your weight on one side. You looked at Mark, who hoisted a bazooka on his shoulder and stepped next to you, eyes focused on the door. The glimmer of madness now burning in his gaze. 
Both your ears flicked towards the door, hearing the bounty hunters getting ready on the other side. They whispered some commands and orders on how to open the door forcefully.
“Ready to greet our guests?” Mark asked you and wrapped his pointer around the trigger.
“Whenever you are”, you told him with a sultry look in your eyes.
You immediately slammed your hand on the button to open the door. For a split second you saw a bunch of confused faces, their eyes skipping around until they landed on Mark’s form. Their expressions morphed into fear and horror. Some of them tried to scramble away but it was already too late.
Mark’s manic laughter filled the space, followed by the explosion from the bazooka.
You grinned as well, watching how the hunters got blown away from the blast. You ran into the chaos and shot the few moving survivors, quickly making your way through the smoke and into their ship.
Mark threw the bazooka away and followed you swiftly, still laughing and firing his bullets around whenever he saw a movement. He quickly overtook you and ran through the hallways of the ship.
You never were sure whether he did that to protect you or because he just loved firing weapons at enemies. Despite that you let him be and focused on your surroundings. Once you found a map of the ship you ripped the plate off the wall and hid in a corner, studying it. A wicked smile spread over your lips as soon as your eyes spotted the engine room.
You heard another explosion up ahead and dashed towards it, knowing Mark would be somewhere around there. On your way you strapped the plate on your back. It wasn’t too hard finding him as he still laughed and spewed profanities with every step he took.
You ran up to him, sliding your hands into his pockets to grab some of his explosives. “Make sure you have your back covered!” You nudged his arm with your shoulder and looked at him pointedly before you hurried down the hall.
After a few turns you arrived in front of a heavy metal door. A frown appeared on your face once you noticed the green light on the pat right next to the door. You shifted the explosive into one hand and grabbed a gun with the other, holding it ready as you opened the door. 
To your surprise you didn’t meet any of the crew members. The room was empty. Totally empty. You stuffed the explosives into your pocket, confused and annoyed. You then grabbed the plate to check it again. “This should be the engine room”, you mumbled and traced the way along the hallways with the tip of the gun. “Then why is there no engine?” You looked back up again and walked further into the room.
Stale metal walls from the floor to the ceiling surrounded you. There were no windows or other doors, no furniture, buttons or maps inside it.
Your eyes roamed around the room, trying to find anything out of the usual. When you couldn’t find a thing, you tentatively sniffed the air, which smelled just as stale as the walls appeared to be.
Out of nowhere the door closed behind you and trapped you inside of the room. You spun around with wide eyes, dropping the plate and running towards the closed door. You desperately hammered against the metal, calling for Mark in hopes he would hear and save you.
That hope vanished the second Mark fell through an opening in the ceiling and crashed on the ground. 
“Mark!” You rushed over to him and helped him up, frowning worriedly. Your gaze shortly wandered to the already closing opening in the ceiling, before you looked back at Mark. “Are you alright?”
He scoffed and brushed over his clothes, looking around with an irritated expression. “This is a trap.”
Mark looked up, cursing under his breath. “How did you get in here?”
You pointed at the door behind you, watching Mark, who walked over and checked it even banging against the metal with his fist. “We need to break through that door. It’s probably the weakest point of the room.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “There is nothing to cover behind. Don’t even think of placing the explosives around the door! I really don’t need a shrapnel pierced through my body.”
Mark came back to you. “Do you want to get out of here or not?”
“I do, but how about we wait until whoever wants us comes inside?! We’re both great fighters so that proposes way less injuries than blowing up the door.” Your voice was snarky and dripping with annoyance. Mostly because you were annoyed with yourself and that you fell for such a simple trap.
Mark scoffed again but dropped the topic, silently agreeing with you that way. He walked over to the wall across the door and sat down. He leaned against the wall and stared at the door, having his weapon placed on his lap.
You grabbed the plate from the ground and walked over to Mark, sitting down as well. While he continued to stare down the door, you checked the plate again. You scratched over the edges with your sharp fingernail, surprised when you were able to pull the map off of the plate. You gasped, seeing the real map underneath it.
Mark glanced over to you. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s a fake map”, you hissed and balled the paper, throwing it away into the room. You leaned your head back against the wall and closed your eyes, scolding yourself silently for falling for such a cheap trick. “Whoever is responsible for this”, you sighed deeply and straightened yourself again, “I’m gonna rip their throat out.”
“I’ll agree with you on that.”
He grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers and squeezing them rhythmically to transfer his intentions. Without knowing whether the enemies were able to hear your conversation, Mark decided to rely on the method the both of you had created, making sure nobody else would be able to understand.
You sat silently within the room, planning how to attack the enemies once they would enter the room. Every little detail got planned like that and both of you felt almost giddy now, wanting nothing more than to cause havoc.
Soon enough your hybrid ears picked up on sounds from outside the room. You shortly glanced at Mark, making sure he heard them too. There was no need for you to ask, seeing how his expression darkened and a wicked smirk appeared on his lips.
Both of you jumped up when the door opened and dashed forward, ready to strike. But as soon as you two stood you got slammed into the ground again.
You groaned in pain, trying to move but something pressed you down. It took everything within you to turn your head and glance upwards, seeing nothing above you. Your eyes darted towards Mark, noticing he came to the same realisation as you: Increased gravity.
“Cheap trick”, Mark hissed with a lot of effort, moving his head towards the door.
Two men in strange suits walked into the room, surprisingly not affected by the increased gravity. They crouched down next to you and Mark, removing every weapon. They patted you down, snickering in delight whenever they found another weapon. “Quite a lot for an otter.”
“I’d still take you on without them”, you growled.
Once they stripped both of you off every weapon they tied you up into chairs, lowering the intensity of the gravity as soon as you were secured.
“You two are some troublemakers”, a voice spoke from somewhere behind you. “Gives us a nice sum for your heads. We even got permission to torture you two as long as we keep you alive.” Several crew members snickered upon hearing that, satisfied they could avenge the deaths of their comrades. “We’re going to start with you!”
A scream ripped out of your throat when you felt someone slam the blade of a knife into your shoulder out of nowhere. You tried to move your upper body away, pressing against the cuffs around your limbs. Instead you got pulled back and the knife got twisted within your flesh.
Mark fought against his restraints, growling and cursing with every movement but none of the crew members paid any attention to him.
Someone crouched in front of you and twirled a laser gun in his fingers. He grinned maliciously before he started burning holes into your thigh, writing profanities about your species into your skin. Another member slapped the wounded skin once he was done, laughing when you cried out in pain.
You had no idea how much time had passed. Your consciousness slipped out of your grasps with every passing second. Tears stained your face and lap, blood smeared over your clothes and dripped from your skin. Your head rolled to one side, not able to hold it upright any longer. Still, you fought to stay awake.
The crew still tried to torture you, wanting to hear your cries and screams but you had long passed the pain, only feeling a dull throbbing throughout your body.
“Let’s make a deal!”
Your ears turned towards Mark’s voice, noting how hoarse it sounded.
“Someone doesn’t want to get tortured, eh?” The crew laughed loudly.
“Yeah, yeah”, Mark scoffed, “I can help you to get even more money.”
All the pain you felt from the torture was nothing compared to the breaking of your heart upon hearing Mark’s words. You didn’t have the energy to look at him but you had heard enough already. A single tear ran down your cheek while the betrayal settled into your remaining consciousness.
Everything felt like a fever dream afterwards. You weren’t able to hear anything, white noise filling your ears instead. Your vision faded more often than staying. But whenever you saw something, you saw Mark fighting and killing the crew members. You saw how you crouched over one member as well, blood dripping from your sharp canines onto the dead body. You pushed yourself up and staggered towards the exit, faintly remembering the way out from the fake map. 
It was probably sheer luck that you even passed the entrance to your ship before you dropped down and lost your consciousness but you couldn’t care less, seeing in your last seconds how Mark rushed into the ship and shut the doors behind him.
“How are you feeling?”
You groaned when you turned around, feeling spikes of pain shooting through your whole body. “Peachy”, you hissed and opened your eyes, seeing Mark sitting next to your bed.
He offered you a glass of water, being unusually silent.
You grabbed the glass and downed the liquid in one go, sighing in satisfaction as the water ran down your dry throat. With your most immediate need gone, you were able to check your body, seeing that most of the injuries were almost healed. You quietly thanked your hybrid genes for the quick healing ability and moved your limbs carefully, only feeling a remaining numbness from the torture.
Mark was about to say something but you immediately pushed yourself up and stumbled out of the room, not wanting to hear anything about the incident. Though your body had mostly healed, your heart and mind were just as wounded as the moment you listened to his betrayal. You couldn’t even bear the thought of confronting him why he wanted to abandon you and save his own skin.
You walked over to the drawers for the weapons, checking what you had despite knowing most of your weapons were gone. “I need a new blaster”, you scoffed, making mental notes of what else you wanted to get on your next raid.
“Are you planning the next hijack?”
“Yeah, I feel almost naked without all my weapons. If these bastards are misusing my babies, I’m going to cry.”
Mark stepped behind you, still keeping some distance to your form. “They won’t be able to use them at all. The whole ship with everything in it got blown into pieces.”
You made a grimace. “At least that’s something”, you murmured before walking over to the driving seat. With a few taps on the board you quickly started a scan of the vast galaxy around you. “There!” You leaned on the board and focused on the little blinking dot on the screen. “It’s a start.”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Mark questioned, looking torn between his desire to hijack a ship after almost three weeks of doing nothing and his worry for you.
You turned to him, contemplating his question. It was quite rare that Mark showed his worry. Usually you were the one playing save while he just went berserk. Having it the other way around now felt foreign and unreal.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be fine as long as I get some new stuff.” You grinned, knowing quite well that it didn’t reach your eyes.
Mark reluctantly agreed and set the course towards the other ship, following you and getting ready for the hijack.
Both of you grabbed the remaining weapons and secured them along your bodies without talking to each other. Up until you docked against the other ship neither of you spoke.
The betrayal you felt tore a rift between you two, making the hijack a lot more complicated than necessary. While Mark tried to call to you, wanting to know your goal, you ignored everything he said, running around the ship and shooting absolutely everything that moved.
As you ran berserk you didn’t notice the mechanism you set off, until the loud alarm rang through the ship asking the crew to evacuate as fast as possible.
You halted in your movements and listened to the announcement, cursing under your breath once you realised what you did.
“We need to go!” Mark called from somewhere behind you. “The ship is about to blow up!”
“Not on my watch”, you pressed through gritted teeth and ran to the headquarters, ignoring Mark’s desperate calls. You slammed on the buttons of the board, trying to figure out the system while an obnoxiously loud countdown blared through the room.
“What are you doing?!”
“Be quiet!”
“NO! We need to leave! Now!” Mark grabbed your upper arm, trying to pull you away. He yelped in surprise when you bit him and turned back to the board. His eyes darted between you and the screen in front. 
Large, red digits in the upper corner visualised the countdown, showing you two only had seconds left.
You cursed again, pressing every button available in hopes to stop the countdown somehow. You growled when Mark suddenly pushed you away and leaned over the board, ripping all the cables out of the control centrum at once.
Within the blink of an eye the two of you stood in absolute darkness. The countdown had stopped blaring through the air and the screen showed nothing anymore.
“How did you know that would work?”
“I did not”, Mark barked at you, turning on the flashlight on his gun. He glared at you as you squinted and shielded your eyes from the light. “What is wrong with you? What the hell were you even trying? I didn’t agree to go on a suicide mission!”
“That I know!” You sneered and rolled your eyes, already turning away to find a lightsource of your own.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. How about we make a deal next time?” You broke through some emergency glass and grabbed the lightsticks behind it, snapping them until they glowed in a sickening green. “I’ll take the blast while you can hide like a coward.”
“Coward?! Are you out of your damn mind? I am not a coward!” Mark snarled and leaned forward, his stance threatening and ready to strike at any second.
Before you were able to throw another snarky comment at him, you heard a shot ringing through the air. Reflexively you raised your gun and turned around, shooting into the darkness several times until you heard someone drop to the ground with a dull thump. You hurried over to the person, making sure they wouldn’t be able to shoot again, before you looked back up at Mark.
All your intentions to argue with him some more left your body, when you saw him clutch his stomach with one hand and the other hand with his gun lowered. He looked down at his body, removing his hand from his stomach only to see it covered with blood. His gaze wandered back up to you and even in the dim light you saw how his eyes rolled into the back of his head, right before he dropped his gun and collapsed.
“Mark!” You shrieked and ran to him, hoisting him up and half carrying and half dragging him out of the ship back to your own. Even though you didn’t trust him anymore, you never meant for him to get hurt.
It took you an hour of cursing and frantically pressing gauze on his wound to patch Mark up again.
It took him three more hours to wake up again, in which you gnawed at your nails and nervously bounced with your leg. 
You had more than enough time to think and no matter what you did, you always came to the same conclusion. You had to leave. After all you knew your temper quite well and with your lost trust towards Mark there was no guarantee something like this wouldn’t repeat itself. There was also no guarantee for you to trust him again and even if you did, it might take years before that happens and there was simply no way you could work together for that long without trust.
Mark groaned in pain as his eyes fluttered open, immediately finding your tense form. “Are you alright?” He asked in a raspy tone. “Did you get hurt?”
Tears welled up in your eyes and quickly dripped down your face. “Why are you asking for my well-being? You were shot, not me!” You wiped over your cheeks, still determined to go through with your decision.
“Doesn’t matter.” Mark raised his hand and cupped your cheek, wiping your tears away with his thumb. “Next hijack I just revert to my animal form, so that I’m not such an easy target.”
You chuckled through your tears, shortly imagining a racoon with a bazooka on its shoulders and shooting around the area like a madman. Still, your laugh quickly vanished again as you remembered that you needed to leave. 
“What’s wrong?”
A deep sigh escaped your lips and before you knew it, you crawled onto the bed next to Mark, snuggling into his good side. “Once you’re healed, I’m going to leave”, you whispered and closed your eyes once you felt more tears brimming at the edges of your eyes.
“Leave? What do you mean?” Mark wrapped his arms around your trembling form, ignoring the pain that shot through his body. “Why do you want to leave?”
“Because it’s better like that. Something changed and I don’t want to be the reason you’ll get hurt again.”
“I don’t care if I get hurt! Please! We’re a team!”
You shakily breathed in, feeling how the pieces of your heart broke even more with Mark’s desperate tone. “But I care. You saw how that last hijack went. We are no team. Not anymore. I love you too much to risk another incident and I know it will happen.”
“No”, Mark whispered, hugging you even tighter, “why should it?”
You laughed quietly. “You know that both of us easily lose our temper at the smallest inconvenience.” You bit on your lower lip, suppressing a sob when you felt Mark’s hold losing its strength. “We should both go separate ways. Find new partners. Cause more havoc on our own. If there’s something like fate we’ll meet again and be the menace to society that we are.” You stretched yourself and placed a kiss on Mark’s cheek. “Promise me, you’ll find someone to keep an eye on you.”
“I want you to keep an eye on me”, Mark pouted, his eyes watery and red. 
“Maybe”, you said in a hushed voice, “from afar.”
Mark nodded solemnly and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in despite the pain in his torso. “From afar.”
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Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​
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DIAL H FOR HERO...if you dare...
the subject of documentaries, dramatizations, an infamous Gregg Araki film (starring Mike Mayne as Mister Thunderbolt and a young Buddy Baker as several of Robbie’s dialed-in heroes), the “Robbie Reed” story is among the most analyzed and mysterious stories in 20th Century metahuman lore.
Supposedly discovering an Hero Dial or “H-Dial” sometime in the late 60s, Robbie unknowingly connected himself inextricably to the Heroverse, a living matrix of “Conceptual Heroes” existing in infinite possible formations. Robbie used these heroes to transform himself for a time and become heroes in an era when heroes were few and far between. Along the way, his friends--Susie Shoemaker and Nelson Jent--also took spins on the Dial, none of them knowing the terrible intelligences waiting within.
While the heroes summoned by the dial were almost all only possible heroes, within that superset were a subset of heroes who already existed...as well as subsets of horrors, possible and impossible alike. Chief among them was Mister Thunderbolt, master of the Horror Dial, the Hero Dial’s dark shadow that existed within it.
Along with the Bandwidth Banshee and Captain Lachrymose, Mister Thunderbolt attempted to trap Robbie, Susie, and Nelson within the Dial and replace them permanently in their world. The attempt failed, but at the cost of Robbie becoming trapped in the Heroverse.
Decades later, Susie and Nelson--both their aging slowed by the effects of the Dial--along with the mysterious Roxie “Manteau” Hodder, heard of the Dial reappearing out in the world--along with its counterparts--and set out to find their long missing friend...
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foxclcves · 8 days
I am winter and you are autumn every year you must die and make me solemn but every year you come, and I come and we meet with a breath auburn and gray and depart with the first snowfall. I am autumn and you are winter every year I must die and wither, for you but every year I come, and you come and we meet with a breath vapor and decay and depart with the first snowfall.
— Lachrymose, Part One: November
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asouearchitecture · 1 year
The lavender lighthouse in color
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zoeflake · 1 year
While Heaven Wept - Vast Oceans Lachrymose
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thisismyanimus · 1 year
it seemed that searching three words allows you to find all posts containing those three words
with two words, it seemed that both words have to be in tags, or else it doesn't work. maybe unless the post is popular
but what if i write a really long tag? the maximum limit is 139 characters per tag
i did this experiment in this post
i concluded that if your search contains common words, for example "what write really", it only retrieves certain posts where those words are in the text
for uncommon/nonexisting words in the text of your post such as "brasput yabet mituarb", you can find your post by searching just 1 word
for two words in any of the tags, it retrieves the post, even if the words are common. for example "eat above"
#Sesquipedalian floccinaucinihilipilification antidisestablishmentarianism circumlocution prevarication obsequious perspicacious fastidious#aberration aberrant abscond accoutrements adumbrate affectation agglutination alacrity alluvion amelioration amorphous antediluvian#antepenultimate apotheosis apposite approbation apropos arrant assiduous augury auriferous auspicious baleful bellicose beleaguer bellicosi#bilious benighted bevy bipolar bivouac boisterous bombastic braggadocio cacophony calligraphy capricious carafe cataclysm caustic chicanery#churlish circumlocution colloquy commensurate complaisant concomitant concupiscence confabulation connivance contumacious convivial copious#coterie craven cull decorous demagogue demarcation denouement depravity desuetude diaphanous diffident dirge discomfit discomposure#disconcert disingenuous disinter disinclination dissemble dissimulation dissonance dithering dolorous dross ebullience effrontery emollient#empyrean enervate enfranchisement engender ennui ensconce entrench equanimity equivocate erudite ethereal evanescent execrate exigent#exiguous exoneration expatiate expurgate extemporaneous extirpate fatuous feckless fecund felicitous fester filigree florid flout foible#forbearance forswear fount frippery fulminate garrulous germane glabrous glib glower gnarled gossamer grandiloquent gratuitous gregarious#guile gumption gush halcyon harangue harried hedonist hegemony heresay heterodox histrionic hoary homily hubris hyperbolic hypocrisy#incipient inculcate indigent ineffable ingrate ingratiate inimical inimitable invective inveterate inveteracy irascible irresolute jejune#jettison jocund jubilant judicious ken knell labyrinthine lachrymose laggard lamentation largess levity libation lissome lithe loathe#lugubrious macabre maladroit malcontent malediction malfeasance malleable mawkish meander mendacity métier milieu minatory mire misanthrope#mitigate mnemonic modicum mollify morass mote mundane myopia nadir nascent neologism neophyte nexus#story saw far sea draw left late run don't while press close night real life few north open seem together next white children begin got#walk example ease paper group always music those both mark often letter until mile river car feet care second book carry took science#eat room friend began idea fish mountain stop once base hear horse cut sure watch color face wood main enough plain girl usual young#ready above ever red list though feel talk bird soon body dog family direct pose leave song measure door product black short numeral#class wind question happen complete ship area half rock order fire south problem piece told knew pass since top whole king space heard#best hour better true during hundred five remember step early hold west ground interest reach fast verb sing listen six table travel
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would you... 👉👈 would you maybe like to share the two massive carts of garlic bread? 👉👈 i dont think i can eat all this on my own... *sitting on the floor, surrounded by garlic bread, looking lost*
y-you mean..... you mean you don't want my presents???🥺🥺
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heliotrope-journey · 29 days
An Artisan's Bestial Retribution
Good evening, vampire hunters.
Scroll past this post if spiders give you the creeps. Skinwalkers and rotting corpses laying in the dirt aren’t the only monstrosities that found a home in the Lachrymose Blood Forest. If you’re cautious enough to look up, you’ll find a colony of venomous spiders have woven a dwelling in the treetops and their queen is none other than the forsaken Arachne. Read on if you dare.
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The punishment that Athena inflicted on this monstrous, humongous creature has done little to tame Arachne’s arrogance. She has spent a couple millennia plotting her revenge against the goddess she competed with. She treated her craft in textile as a representation of her individuality. In Lydian and Greek society where women are taught to be subservient to their husbands and fathers. To see value in the clothing and the tapestries they weave is considered to be a seed that could eventually blossom into independent thought. Arachne had no qualms to spending her days at home, but it angered her that her hand with the needle would be used only for her elders to profit off of. So she chose not to marry against her father’s wishes and sell her textile pieces herself. Her success as a business owner has allowed her to defy the status quo and the mark of the goddess of wisdom was her just reward for inspiring her customers to perceive sewing as more than a burden forced upon them. In her eyes, Arachne was undeserving of Athena’s wrath. She expected her of all deities to be understanding of her desire to revitalize the use of textiles, but her punishment has caused the spider to see her as another lackey to her promiscuous father. Years have passed and in the twentieth century, upon learning that Athena had begun to conceive demigods along with the other Olympians, Arachne vowed to get her revenge by hunting them like prey. Using the knowledge she recalled from her days as a famed weaver, she climbs on top of the trees and builds a nest to store her kidnapped victims for her dinner. Due to its close proximity to Mt. Greylock, she chose the Lachrymose Blood Forest to hide in. Photo by HAMZA-CHERIF Elias on Unsplash.
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Michaela sees Arachne as nothing more than a monster that must be slain to protect the defenseless. It is because she does not recognize nor understand the misfortune she has suffered, but she knows no soul should answer to someone else’s misery. No matter who she is up against, her drive to do what she thinks is right always erodes the hopelessness of the conflict. Episode 3 of Son of a Hustler will have her and Einsam’s helplessly witness Arachne’s kidnap three schoolchildren, but the second time she encounters her in a future installment, she’ll be quick to put an end to the now-depraved spider’s plan for revenge.
Thanks for supporting the series as always and have a great week!
P.S.: I gave an old weapon I designed in 2014 an upgrade before it can be used by the students at Caspian Academy. In comparison to their peers at magic schools in the Conifers Kingdom, they were taught to fashion their own wands from the bones that litter the Lachrymose Blood Forest. Their spellcraft instructor believed that doing so would get them t.
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eclairse · 4 months
i know i wouldn’t be this way had i been more valuable. i’m endlessly trying to gain value but being talentless kinda ruins all the hard work.
i know i bring nothing to the table because i fail at everything. and yet i foolishly long to be treasured and appreciated
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