#kyle gaz garrick cod mw
greatstormcat · 5 months
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Send Me Feral
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick x f!reader
TW: MDNI 18+, A/B/O dynamic, Alpha!Gaz, Omega!reader, dry humping, kinda but kinda not dub/con
AN: based on an amazing anon request
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The problem was you’d developed an allergy to the suppressants the Doctor had put you on, and it would be a while before you could switch to different ones. Something about it being dangerous to let the two different types mix in your system, or some other medical bullshit, you just had to ride it out for a few months. Not great when you worked and lived with Alpha’s on a hair trigger all day, every day.
You’d taken to bundling up as it was thankfully winter, and the wet and cold weather made wrapping your neck in a shemagh scarf quite normal. You’d always bitched about the cold so no one thought twice about it, and plenty of others wore them too.
The only issue was as your heat drew near and your body temperature started to go haywire. Sweating in your sleep wasn’t too much of an issue, you volunteer for every laundry duty so no one else smelled your sheets, but you got to smell everyone else’s.
You even started getting up early to do your gym work outs alone so you could shower and dress before the rest. You only needed to make it for a few weeks, then you’d be back in the pills. It would be fine, just another stealth op really. It. Would. Be. Fine.
If it wasn’t for Gaz.
Ever since you’d joined the 141 you and Gaz had been nearly inseparable, always in eachothers pockets people would say. The two of you just clicked on another level few people did. He was securely under the impression you were a Beta, which was fine as he was an Alpha. Oh, so much an Alpha. He was strong, fast, smart, never overstepped boundaries and protected those around him without a second thought. He was perfect, and you knew full well he was interested in you, but you couldn’t risk him finding out your secret lest you risk your career.
So often he’d find an excuse to touch you, getting his scent on you in the most subtle ways, but you knew what he was doing and did little to stop him. Some nights you lay worrying if you were leading him on, stopping him from finding the mate he deserved, and when you tried to discourage him he just doubled down on his efforts.
With just a few more weeks to go until you can start the new suppressants you sit in the base’s gym early in the morning, one of the rare moments you can be alone and not bundled up in layers of clothing. You’ve worked up a sweat and take on some water resting on the weight bench when the door noisily opens. Scrambling under the seat you grab the hoodie you had brought with you and pull it over your head, stuffing the hood as tight to your neck as possible with a small sweat towel. When you look up Gaz is standing in front of you, brows furrowed in confusion, and your heart stutters.
“What are you doing up so early?” you ask in as off-handed a tone as possible. His eyes narrow as he looks at you.
“Couldn’t sleep, what about you?” he asks with deep suspicion, head tilting slightly. “Has someone else been in here with you?” He sniffs the air, looking around for another person.
Shit shit shit… he can smell it… he knows your scent too well, and he can smell in the air, on the equipment, somethings different. 
“Uh yeah… there was….” as you begin to speak he leans forward, sniffing the air around you. His eyes snap wide open.
“Wait, that’s you? How…” he voice cut off with a strangled growl, deep in his thick chest, and his fingers twitch. “Why do you smell of… of…” 
“Gaz, I can explain,” you say quietly, holding your palms up in front of you as you try to back away. Your shoulder blades press into the padded bench behind you, giving you nowhere to go as he stalks forwards.
“Omega,” he whispers, his voice deep and deadly, huffing in deep breaths of your intoxicating scent. You lower your hands, almost fearful of touching him as he treads a fine line between self control and feral nature. He shakes his head slowly and his eyes take on a hunger you’ve seen hinted at before, but never truly unleashed.
With terrible precision, muscles trembling with the control he is exerting over himself, Gaz straddles his thighs over you on the bench being careful not to touch his body to yours, caging you under him with his arms braced on the corners of the bench beside your head.
“Stay still,” he grits between his teeth, and you stop moving instantly, needing no persuasion to comply. With a simple jerk of his fingers he wrenches the towel away from your neck, exposing your skin and your secret in one movement.
He lowers his face to you, breath hot and moist against your skin, until you feel his mouth and nose press over your scent gland. Your gasp and shudder at the contact, earning a strangled groan for the barely controlled Alpha above you. You can feel it, he is so close to going feral, and it’s just the two of you here… Guiltily you acknowledge to yourself how you aren’t frightened, if anything, you want him to lose control.
He presses his nose into your scent gland, his body almost vibrating with tension.
“Gaz, I can explain,” you say softly.
“Shut up,” he growls, your brain shutting your mouth with a snap for you. “You can’t be an omega… shit…”
The heat from his body bleeds through the air, filtering through the hoodie to your skin so easily. You know you could reach up and touch him, that his control would snap instantly and what would happen would happen.
“I… I want you…” he whispers, and your blood turns to liquid heat. You know he smells your response when his body shudders. “But if you let me inside you, I won’t stop until you’re mine.”
His voice is tight, almost laced with pain. Without thinking you brush your hand against his hip to comfort him and the contact breaks his control. 
Gaz drops down onto you with a growl, his lips latching onto your neck. Your thighs are trapped between his and the sides of the workout bench, letting him grind his hips against you, rutting his erection right over your clit through the perilously thin layers of gym shorts. Your slick quickly soaks through the layers, and spurs on his frantic movements. His arms wrap tightly around your head, securing you he licks and sucks at the tender skin of your neck. You feel the barest touch of his teeth, sharp incisors dragged over your neck and again, but never biting down.
Helplessly you grip his sides, fingers digging into his flesh, trying to move your hips in sync with his desperate pace, chasing the threatening high of your orgasm. Your mind can’t help but image how this would feel if he was fucking you properly, guiding you through a heat, and your empty pussy pulses and grips, aching around nothingness.
He grinds his length back and forth, roughly sawing friction over your clit with every movement and sending you higher and higher. The bench creaks and slips on the tiles below you with the force he is exerting, still managing to keep his base instincts in check enough not to strip you and bury himself into you. 
“Gaz…” you whined needily, unable to tip over the precipice yourself, and he answers by sucking hard on your scent gland, filling his mouth with your unmasked scent. Your orgasm hits hard, bowing your back up off the bench even with his weight atop of you. With a guttural moan against your neck, almost a stifled roar, Gaz comes in his shorts. You feel every throb and twitch of his shaft as he spills himself, leaving him panting, kissing at your neck until you both recover.
“You owe me an explanation,” he murmurs. “And… I owe you dinner.”
Next part
Taglist lovelies:
@ttsbaby01 @0alk0msan
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chamomiletealeaf · 1 month
Being so sensitive to squirting that the 141 make fun of your for it and have little competitions to see who can make you squirt the fastest :(
Johnny holds the record of 37 seconds from fingering you so fast you couldn’t tell when his fingers were inside or out of you.
After their little competition your poor pussy was so swollen and sensitive that all it took was a few rough spanks to your pussy from Price to make you squirt again.
“Oh well look at that? Seems we got a new record holder hm?” Price teases you and Johnny.
“That doesn’t count the competition is over!” Johnny exclaims angrily at Price.
Meanwhile Simon and Gaz are fucking rock hard from watching you squirt again so quickly.
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xynnoix · 7 months
//mw3 spoilers
He’s fine, what do you mean? He’s just in recovery
(And I’m still in denial)
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audisive · 2 months
♪ BROOKLYN BABY. (💌) – previous part
౨ৎ simon 'ghost' riley | reader
synopsis: the 141 believes the scot now.
tags: fluff, romance, soft!simon, you're basically their mom atp lol, bickering, there's a bet between gaz n soap, gaz secretly wants you shh, ooc characters, not proofread, price being the gentleman he is, he's seriously just watching everything unfold
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       It's not always that Ghost is willing to let the 141 stay at his house for their traditions – which is just drinking beer and watching sports, really. In fact, he's always said something about his place being empty, so they always settled on someone else's. They stop asking after a year, and in turn, he stops having reasons.
It's not until Soap pops the question again when everyone else's houses are unavailable for a variety of reasons, his being that he left his faucet on and now his shitty apartment is flooded. You can only imagine the suspicion and shock when Ghost agrees (or, rather, simply grunts).
The drive is long, nothing short of 5 hours, and Soap spends the better half of it bickering with either Gaz or Ghost. He falls asleep by the next half, and when he awakes, he gawks at the lovely looking house before their car. There's two stories to it, a balcony, a front porch, and there's no doubt that there's a backyard.
Contrary to popular belief, no, it is not all black or plain at all. It's all equally surprising to them. The Brit isn't the type to care about the appearance and state of a house, usually. They do envision him in a mostly empty apartment with only a bed and a bathroom, though.
There's a delicate touch to where a rough man lives; the smell is almost heavenly when they enter the house. It's homely, the scent of newly washed sheets and lingering smell of food; there's a cat perched on the living room table that Ghost scratches the head of lovingly in a way that's so casual and natural. It's like they're at the gates of–
"Simon!" Heaven's bells ring in their ears, luring them into the doorway of the living room, and the sound of feet padding against the cold floor. There comes a soft-looking thing running into Ghost's arms, completely engulfing you.
You only notice the three familiar faces of your boyfriend's team members – though you know he considers them family if anything – when you pull away. An angel clad in only a cami top, shorts, and Simon's hand around your waist, you turn to look at the group with a surprised look on your pretty – Soap thinks that God, you're so pretty – face. "Oh, hi," you smile sweetly, obviously awkward at the silence and the staring.
"It's been a while," Ever the gentleman, the gruff voice is the first to speak up with your name uttered, the only who's actually met you – John Price. Soap is too enamored with the way you hold yourself and the fact that, holy fuck, even your name's pretty. Gaz raises a brow at the captain's greeting.
You smile once more – a genuine one now. "Nice to see you again, John."
"'S rude to stare, Johnny." Simon speaks out, a smirk under the mask. "Please excuse him, miss," Gaz adds, this beautiful man, and offers a charming smile.
"You must be Gaz," you hold your hand out, "it's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Pleasure's all mine," Kyle forgets that a hand could be this soft and gentle, "and please, call me Kyle." He barely stops himself from turning your hand in his to kiss the back of it like one should to a lady so fair; his lieutenant has good taste in women, he'll give him that. And when you're out of the area, Soap is sure to rub it in Gaz's face. I told ye so! LT wis hidin' somethin' from us. A pretty something, that is. You don't miss the way he slips a twenty-dollar bill into the Scottish man's hand.
"Glad tae meet ye," Soap finally says, winking. "Understand why he wis hidin' a bonnie lass like ye from us." There's a mischievous glint in his eye, almost naturally so.
"A'm hurt, LT, but whit can I do? After all, we're just a couple o' brutes, arenae we?"
Simon watches in amusement, "you'll live." Soap is quick to move to your side as you lead the small group of hulking men through your shared home after that.
Simon is visibly more relaxed with you around. He's comfortable, that much is a given, with the way he's taking up most of the thankfully large couch with his manspreading. So is the 141. They're pampered like spoiled children (or pets, really) through the whole day.
Instead of just beer and faucet water, they're offered a variety of drinks in the kitchen that's enough to be considered a private bar. Instead of an empty belly unhealthily stuffed with beer and a mix of mediocre takeout, they're met with warm homecooked meals. They lose track of time quickly; the night falls by the time they've tired themselves out, and they've had not one, but two meals thanks to you.
(They're sure to commend your cooking skills and think of how lucky this tall brute of a man is blessed with a woman so soft and pliant and wonderful and– while Price is the one to be the most grateful, Soap compliments you the most. "A can practically taste the love." You laugh in turn.)
Gaz is the first to speak after a meal so lovely, they could simply just sleep on the floor comfortably and wake to the same smell of home. "It's a bit late, love, we should probably go."
"Thank you for having us," Price smiles down at you kindly.
"Ye've been lovely, bonnie." He wants to stay some more.
"Wait," you stop them, looking up at Simon for further approval. He's already looking at you with a reassuring brush of his thumb on the side of your hip and a nod. You turn your eyes back at them. "It's already late, you three should stay the night. We have enough room for everyone."
There comes, "we don't wanna intrude," then, "we can take care of ourselves, it's alright."
"Please, I insist." Your smile brightens, "I'll even cook breakfast before you leave."
The mohawk moves with a sigh, "now tha's just no' fair, lass. How are we gonna say no tae that?" You giggle. Only then do they find themselves tucked away in the guest room, and boy, you were right when you said it could fit them all if not more.
On the way to the bathroom in the late hours of the night, Soap catches a glimpse of light through the crack of your bedroom door to see his oh-so strong lieutenant, vulnerable in your arms. There's something natural about the way you cradle the large man and kiss his hair like it's part of your DNA, like you're programmed to do that 'cause Soap thinks you're simply unreal.
He's proud of his lieutenant, this lucky bastard. He turns another blind eye once more, but he's paid in full with another fulfilling meal by the morning.
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witchthewriter · 2 months
Gaz: I sleep with a knife under my pillow.
Soap: Weak. I sleep with a gun.
Y/N: You’re both pathetic
Soap: What do YOU sleep with?
Y/N: Simon.
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1-ker0sene-1 · 4 months
Poly 141 x Reader
Home is where you are
"What ye think she made this time?"
Johnny mumbles, dropping his head back against the seat behind him. Blinking tiredly up at the ceiling of the truck, a daydream clear in his eyes. Simon next to him stares out the window, sweat seems to practically seal his balaclava to his face.
"We'd be lucky if anything. It's three in the fucking morning.."
Kyle says from the passenger seat. Pursing his lips a bit.
"She should be sleeping.."
Price chuckles from the driver's seat, hand on the steering wheel, paying close attention to the road.
"She knows we're on our way home. If she made something. We'll be thankful."
His other hand is resting on Kyle's knee, his thumb rubs slow circles against him.
Simons foot taps on the floor of the car silently, brows tight together. The man just wants to go home, shower, eat whatever heaven you cooked and sink into that california king mattress. With all of you, all five of you together.
He mutters.
Johnny questions with a hum, Simon clarifies.
"On days we come home.. it's either steak or shepherds pie. She made shepherds pie last time so it's gonna be steak."
They all salivate at the damn thought.
"It's tha little things with ye huh Simon?"
Johnny smiles warmly, leaning on his shoulder.
It was another thirty minutes driving before they finally pulled into the secluded driveway. Their safehouse. Their home. Where you are. Filing out of the truck, bags over their shoulders. Covered in grime and dried blood, they didn't even let themselves clean up at base before going home to you. Walking forward, Simon slings an arm around Kyle's shoulder. Tucking the sargeant into his side as they walk to the house. Both Johns walking behind them, Price giving the younger a good slap on the back.
"Home, boys. Let's enjoy it while we can."
Price comes forward to unlock the front door, pushing it open for the four of them. Mumbling out a reminder to take off their shoes inside. Leaning down with a grunt to pull off his boots. The others doing the same. They can already smell what you're cooking, Simon was right. The smell of steaks is pretty clear, garlic butter, some kind of steamed vegetables and spices.
The house is clean. Warm. Low lighting, some candles lit. Everything about it screams home. John opens his mouth to call out for you, but he can feel his spine practically melt hearing you hum in the kitchen.
Johnny is the first stumbling forward, hopping on one leg as he throws off his remaining shoe. Eager to get back to you. Grinning as he comes around the corner into the kitchen. He melts. Seeing you there, in your chair dishing up their plates of dinner.
".. Hey lass.."
He mumbles, feeling like all the air left his chest.
You turn your head when you hear him, the brightest smile spreads across your face. Tossing the fork down from your hand as you turn towards him.
"Hey soldier-"
You beam. You don't even get another word in before Johnny rushes towards you, you let out a puff of air as he crashes into you. Laughing against him as he squeezes you to his chest, his face buried in your hair.
"Fuckin' missed ye hen.."
He whispers. You return with one of your own.
"I know baby.. I missed you too.."
You lift your head, kissing the scar on his chin.
"This bloke botherin' you love?"
You already know that voice immediately, smiling as you turn to look at Kyle. Who is quick at your side with Johnny, his hand cups the back of your head. Pressing a long kiss to your cheek. Taking a deep inhale of your scent through his nose. You smile warmly, your hand finds his bicep, giving a soft squeeze.
"There you are Kyle.."
You murmur, turning your head to press your own kisses across the bridge of his nose.
"Always here."
He chirps, kissing on your skin. His eyes bore into you, drinking you up. Johnny huffs, mumbling something about stealing all your attention. Earning a small tug on his mowhawk from you.
"Alright you two- showers. The both of you. You need it-"
You chuckle, giving them both a hug. Giving Johnny one more kiss on the jaw. Letting Gaz get one more kiss on your face. Watching them head past you down the hall to the bathroom. Kissing on eachother, bumping into walls. You shake your head at them with a smile.
Eyes flicking back to the entrance. You find Simon staring at you, his shoulders slack and sinking. Eyes half lidded and tired. The rest of his face under the balaclava. Your eyes soften, holding out your hand to him.
"Oh Si.."
He takes the invitation. Coming over to you. He would tower over you in height. But instead he falls to one knee in front of your chair. Hands resting on the arm rests of your chair. Your hands immediately cradle his head. Leaning forward to press your head to his.
"You're home.. it's alright now .. no more Lieutenant.."
You whisper against him. Your fingertips lift the edge of the balaclava, pulling it over the nape of his neck. Over the back of his head, nails dragging soothingly up his scalp as you take the fabric away. Making him shiver in vulnerability. Putting his mask aside on the counter.
Seeing your Simons face eases the both of you, cupping his jaw and lifting his head.
"I know doll.. I know."
He mutters, you kiss his temple. Caressing his skin. Threading your fingers into his hair.
"Go shower with the boys sweetheart.. I'll be in there soon."
You coo at him. He chuckles deeply, kissing your head between your brows as he gets up. Bumping your foreheads together one more time before walking to the bathroom.
"You're not gonna say hello to me John?"
You joke, turning your head to watch said Captain. Who was holding his hat in hand, leaning against the wall watching you. He's been watching you the whole time.
"Just seein' you with our boys darlin'.."
Pushing away from the wall he walks over to you. His eyes full of exhaustion, longing, warmth. Tossing his hat on the counter behind you. He leans down, callous hands hold your cheeks. Bringing your lips to his.
He's not as sneaky as he thinks. You know of his little demand to the boys. He's the first to kiss you. Each time they come home.
You kiss him back feverishly, as much as you've been calm and steady for them. You missed your men like hell. Your hands find his shoulders, squeezing them tightly, beginning to work on the knots of tension in them. Emitting a deep groan from John into your mouth. You smile against his lips, feeling the scratch off his beard.
"Everyone's alright?"
You whisper against him. He nods, his hands finding your hips. Slightly lifting you from your chair and towards himself.
"No one's broken. .. Kyle's a little stressed. Y'know how he is.."
You nod, eyes still closed, continuing to brush your lips together.
"And you?"
"Just tired.. But I'm home. That's what matters."
John mumbles, kissing you deep again. Dipping his tongue past your lips, a soft sigh slipping out of you. Arms pulling him closer.
"Taking good care of our boys John.. You always do.. Making sure you all come home to me again... Our strong Captain.."
You can feel him sinking at your praise. The older mans knees want to buckle at your voice.
"Let's get you in the shower baby.. Hm? Get you washed and relaxed.."
You mumble against him.
You yelp as your lifted into the air by his arms, laughing openly as he carries you like a bride. Burying his nose to the crook of your neck. Carrying you down the hall, to the bathroom door. Where you can already hear the chatter of the men in the shower waiting for the two of you. John is grumbling against your skin.
"We need you darlin'. "
"Our boys and I need you bad.."
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frogchiro · 8 months
I-I just can't stop thinking about Captain MacTavish and his stupidly large, uncut cock and full, low hanging breeder balls :((
He's just,, so much man you get me? He's large, and bulky, well developed muscles moving and flexing beneath a layer of fat, thick, slightly tanned skin and a thick layer of dark hair all over his chest, tummy and happy trail and he's fucking proud of it.
Captain MacTavish isn't afraid to strut and parade himself like a prized stallion, showing off in front of all the soldiers but especially in front of you, like that one time in some backwater safe house.
It was a real shit hole, barely holding together but it was better than nothing and poor little you had almost cried out of relief when you set the heavy backpack with your technical equipment down on the dusty floor, Captain MacTavish, Captain Price and Gaz following shortly after. Except there was one tiny problem; there was a very limited amount of warm water supply so either you shower all together or someone will get an ice cold bath, and with the raging snow storm outside, the rapidly declining temperature and only a shitty old fireplace to keep you 'warm' the answer was obvious.
While you were given the 'courtesy' of having a flimsy old curtain hung to protect your modesty, to be honest you kinda resigned from it since it was basically see-through anyway.
So now you were all naked, your poor soft body sore from all the running and carrying heavy equipment and to top it all off you were surrounded by equally naked, powerful men too :(( While Soap, Price and Gaz made a half-assed promise to not look, they obviously did just that; sneaking glances at your soft tits and broad hips, thick thighs all nice and bitable looking- but the worst of all was Captain MacTavish :((
He wasn't even trying to be subtle, he was shameless in fact. Soap was standing the closest to you and he made use of that position, flexing his burly body and turning you you could see his half-hard cock hanging between his powerful legs, balls hanging full and swollen form all the backed up sperm; fighting always made adrenaline and testosterone run hot through his veins and the close proximity and scent of a pretty young thing like you?? If Soap was a worse man he'd bend you over right there and then and stuff his fat cock inside your poor cunt, tip right against your cervix and all and maybe, just maybe his cock drooled a nice amount of precum while smirking like a wolf at your flustered squeak and the annoyed, jealous groans of the men around him :((
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azucarera-art · 6 months
based off this:
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Ghost forgets he wears a mask sometimes.
The remastered version of the OG prompt because that ending REALLY sets the fucking scene.
I'm sorry Gaz.
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gasoline0816 · 3 months
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in the rec room 😊
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midnightarcheress · 2 months
a little bar challenge characters: simon 'ghost' riley, john 'soap' mactavish, kyle 'gaz' garrick, john price cw: nsfw, fem!reader, tf141 lusting for their teammate, idk there's nothing much
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"i'm not going on that!" you exclaimed, crossing your arms at the man in front of you.
the buzzing of a bar after a successful mission was a familiar sound for the task force. the glasses clinking, the chatter of old and new friends, the horrible background music, and the abhorrent pick-up lines would, weirdly enough, calm your nerves after days covered in heavy gear and harboring pent-up stress. or maybe the source of your mind's serenity was just the alcohol already flowing on your bloodstream, courtesy of the three tequila shots you were - willingly - forced into drinking.
"come on, bonnie, it will be fun!" Soap said, pointing at the sign propped above the mechanical bull, "besides, ye can win the hat for us."
you scoffed, glancing at the direction the scot referred, right after seeing another contender fall to the bouncy mat under the bull, followed by a string of boo's from the watchful horde. bold red lettering stated 'break the bar's record and win a cowboy hat!', tempting drunk custumers into fooling themselves for a measly prize.
"i bet she's scared," Gaz prompted, adding fuel to Johnny's pleas, "don't wanna be mocked by the crowd."
you rolled your eyes in response, "i'm not scared, Gaz, i just don't see what all the fuss is about. why don't you do it?"
"nuh-uh, don't turn this on me, missy. you're the one being challenged here," he retorted, earning a soundful hum from Soap, "tell you this, if you manage to stay there for a full minute, i'll pay you a twenty. don't even have to stand the whole three minutes of the record."
Ghost and Price stayed quiet during the whole exchange, unimpressed by the trio's shenanigans. they had endured too many drinking competitions, bets, dares, arguments and blatantly stupid ideas coming from the youngsters of the squad over the years, so nothing fazed the two superiors. underneath their apathy, however, lied a real sense of entertainment, illustrated by discreet smirks after particularly dumb comments - usually dropped by Soap's mouth.
"make it a fifty and we have a deal." you smirked, sipping from your beer pint. if you were gonna humiliate yourself in public, it better be for real cash.
"fifty if you break the record, how does that sound?"
after a second of pondering and a few too many glances at the machine's movements, studying it meticulously to engrave how to properly react when the controller jolts the apparatus from side to side, you uttered a hesitant yes, winning a cheerful chant from your friends and some whistles from the audience. 
you stepped on the mat and quickly hopped on the mechanical bull, adjusting your legs around the fake saddle. it shouldn't be that hard, right? the initial movements were easy - just holding on the chord and letting the laws of motion do the work. you didn't want to admit, but it was actually pretty fun.
eventually, the controller decided he was being too gentle and started picking up the pace, making your body rock back and forth on bull, decision that knocked the air out of your lungs for a split second, before you composed yourself and tightened your grip on the handles like your life depended on it. the crowd shouted gleefully, encouraging you to push through, despite a few snarky comments preying on your fall, just the expected.
what you didn't expect - and neither realized - was the way your teammates were reacting.
Gaz stood there with his jaw almost reaching the floor, being impressed not only by your sturdy grip, but mostly by the way your back arched when the machine tilted forward, defining your muscles through the skin-tight fabric of your shirt. even if you didn't endure the whole minute from the initial bet, he was willing to give you his entire wallet, just to watch you ride it again, and definitely not to imagine you bouncing on his lap for a little longer.
Soap, who has always been aware of your beauty, suddenly had to sit down after feeling his pants tighten at the sight of your plump ass jiggling due the repeated impacts on the bull's back, in desperate attempts to grind yourself. in addition, the tiniest bit of your lacy underwear peeking out of the dark jeans that hugged your hips flawlessly wasn't helping with his situation.
the daring smile that painted your lips, juxtaposing the concentrated frown of your eyes as you tried your best to not fall during an exceptionally wild movement, only supplied Ghost's cock with an overflow of blood, twitching at the view of your plush thighs clenching around the bucking machine whenever it defied your determination by leaning too much on the sides, shaking to make you collapse on the mat.
Price, however, acted as gentleman the whole time, just admiring your ability and strength to stay clutched to the unpredictable machinery. that, of course, was only until he got a view of your perfectly round tits, taunting the edges of your low-cut top and threatening to spill out at any given minute, ready to give him a real show. the adrenaline-filled flush that gave your cheeks an innocent pink hue, felt very similar to the sudden rush on his shaft that made your captain almost choke on his scotch.
three minutes and forty-seven seconds.
"that was so much fun!" your giggly shout and stumbling figure getting closer to the group was enough to snap the men out of their trance. they quickly took notice of your wide grin and the brown cowboy hat placed on your head, followed by the loud screaming of the public that just witnessed the bar's record being broken. 
"come on, pay up, Gaz." you said, sticking your palm to receive your well deserved money in a contained victory dance.
the four men glanced at each other, gathering the courage to speak up after your little performance that had them weak on the knees for a colleague. 
"didn't think you had it in ye, bonnie." Soap stated as Gaz reached for the wallet in his back pocket, almost considering giving you a fat tip for the spectacle. the sergeants were certainly doing a poor job in hiding the blush on their cheeks and small beads of sweat on their foreheads, consequence of trying to ignore the tent formed on their trousers.
your superiors, on the contrary, remained quiet and seemingly undisturbed by the previous scene, silently sipping from their glasses but still watching the chatting trio. only now, they wouldn't dare to get up and risk the others - specifically you - noticing their throbbing cocks marking their pants, yearning for the touch of your silky flesh.
after collecting your gains, you rapidly swayed to the bar counter, ordering a new drink with your sweet, sweet money, while the task force members ultimately etched the sight of you riding the mechanical bull in the deepest corner of their brains - saving the images for the great release when you all get back to base.
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okay this is my first official thingy i feel so silly. also english is not my first language so...
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greatstormcat · 4 months
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Into the Fire
TF141 x f!reader Medieval AU
Part 1
Series Masterlist
TW: MDNI 18+, violence, threat, injury detail, non-consensual touching
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Today was a bad day, the worst day of your life in fact. Flames licked and snapped around your feet, creeping and jumping from one piece of wood to another as you watched helplessly. The heat and smoke were beginning to make it harder to breathe, not helped by the tight rope coiled around your stomach and chest to bind you to the wooden stake at your back.
Your watering eyes roamed over the crowd in the village square searching for any sign of help. Dirty, exhausted faces staring up at you impassively, although a few have a noticeable excitement gleaming in their eyes. The small knot of better dressed people at the front of the crowd are the most eager to watch. The priest and magistrate that called from your execution, along with their gaggle of fawning lackies, watch with rapt expressions. You begin to cough, lungs burning and heart hammering in your ribcage, as your skirt begins to smolder at the hem, and you try to kick away the burning bundles of sticks.
It’s a futile effort, you know this, but you can’t just let them do this without trying to fight back even a bit. You look around frantically again, and a dark shape moves at the back of the gathered spectators. The aching pain where you were struck dumb with an axe handle adds another layer of misery to your current predicament, and you begin to fervently pray to every god and goddess you’ve ever heard of in the hopes that one might just listen and intervene. You squeeze your eyes shut, feeling your skin heating beyond tolerance and send out your prayer with everything you can muster, on the precipice of turning your words into a curse instead.
A man on a horse rides through the crowd, disgruntled looks and shouts left in his wake. His hood covers his head, cloak fanned out over the animal’s flanks, but the sword at his hip is clearly displayed. He stops and leans down to speak to someone at random, who then points up at you, making the stranger's head snap up. The black smoke and tears in your eyes make it impossible to see his face clearly, but something shivers through you, cold against the rising flames.
Amidst indignant shouts of protest he rides forward, pushing people aside until he reaches your pyre and slips down from the saddle. The group immediately before the conflagration startle as the stranger marches up to them, his gloved hand on the hilt of his sword. They appear to cower at whatever it is he says, waving their hands about like frightened birds but doing nothing to appease him. Eventually he shoves them out of his way roughly and jogs forward to the pyre. He kicks the burning material aside, risking himself as he pushes into the still young flames to get to your side. A dagger flashes in the burning light.
“You still alive?” He asks gruffly as he works at the ropes behind you.
“For now!” You shout, voice hoarse and you cough and hack, pulling desperately to loosen the ropes. They snap free, and the man grabs your arm, dragging you free and into cool, clear air before you can collapse into the burning wood below you.
“Right, you’re coming with me,” he announces, roughly patting down smouldering patches on your dress before hauling you over to his patiently waiting horse. He pulls himself into the saddle and grasps you firmly, heaving you up and over the horse's neck like a heavy sack. You don’t have time to protest at the undignified treatment, your head still spinning, and he turns the beast and drives it forward out of the village. He canters down the road, his horses hooves sparking on the damp cobbles of the road beneath your face until you reach a small copse of trees.
“Right, let’s get a look at you,” he grunts and pulls the horse to a stop. Your eyes have yet to stop streaming from the irritation of the smoke and heat, and once he drags you down from the horse you slump onto the ground, coughing and retching on all fours in the mud.
“Th-thank… you,” you managed to splutter out after a moment, and he crouches down in front of you with a deep chuckle.
“You okay?” he says, a large hand on your shoulder while you wheeze.
“I’ll be.. fine,” you reply, trying to steady your laboured breathing. Finally you manage to lift your head and look at your rescuer.
He is dressed better than anyone else you’ve seen in the village, his cloak covers a coat of good quality chain mail, soft leather riding boots and dark breeches. His gloves are good quality leather, and well cared for, and the hilt of the sword at his hip is intricately engraved. This is clearly not a peasant like you, and when he notices your eyes darting about his appearance he pushes back his hood to show his face fully. He is beautiful, with dark eyes that sparkle as he looks at you with concerned amusement. His smile tugs on a small scar beneath his left eye.
“I’m Kyle by the way,” he says by way of introduction and offers no more information than that. His eyes narrow as he sees the crusted blood on the side of your face from the blow you received earlier, a fleet twist of his features mars his beauty.
“Thank you again, Kyle,” you mumble and get to your feet unsteadily. He stands as well, and you are astonished by just how big he is, broad shoulders and chest, as well as tall. Whoever he is, he is well fed, strong and healthy. Certainly not working stock.
“What was going on back there? Why were they trying to kill you?” He asks while taking a water flask down from his saddle and handing it to you. You try to dust yourself off, knocking burnt patches and mud away, but it just spreads the muck and you give up with a frustrated groan and accept the flask, drinking eagerly before pouring small dashes on the burns on your hands and arms with a hiss.
“I was accused of witchcraft,” you say carefully, not sure what his response will be to this news.
“Oh,” he says, watching your failed attempts at cleaning yourself up. “I doubt you are.”
“Really?” You narrow your eyes at him, a sudden flair of indignation rising inside you. “How would you know if I was or not?”
“In my experience witches don’t hang around and let the flames get that close,” he answers coolly, and you feel he is poking fun at you. Your face burns for an altogether different reason.
“Is that why you rescued me? I looked too pathetic to be a witch?” you demand hotly, setting off another fit of coughing that ends with a distressed groan.
“Well, no…” he has the decency to look a little guilty now and you narrow your eyes. “They told me you were a healer, and I have need of your services. So as I just saved your life, you owe me a debt.”
“Are you serious?!” you shriek in disbelief, a wood-pigeon startling in the nearby trees and taking off with a flurry of wings. “You saved me so I had to help you?”
He looks down at you totally nonplussed.
“Basically, yes. I can always take you back, let them finish what they started,” he shrugs, his grin showing sharp incisors under his full lips. “That fire should be going nicely by now. I could even just throw you on there for them and save time.”
“Alright!” you snap. “I don’t have a choice, do I?”
“Not a good one anyway. I take it you’ll need to get supplies,” he asks. “I doubt you had anything with you back there.”
Your shoulders slump in resignation, and he chuckles seeing this.
“Yes, my home isn’t far from here. If there’s anything left of it mind you, they were tearing it apart when they dragged me away,” you tell him, absently touching the cut on your head with a wince.
He climbs back into the saddle and pulls you up in front of him, your dress pulling up and exposing your legs, burns and soot marking your skin, but you try not to dwell on it. It’s a short ride across the fields from the village, and you avoid starting a conversation as much as possible.
Your home is little more than a wooden shack, and as you approach you can see that it has been ransacked. Your meager possessions have been dragged outside and smashed, broken pottery and burnt books left outside, and your medicinal garden torn and ripped to shreds.
“What happened here?” Kyle asks as you let yourself down from the saddle.
“They destroyed it because of the priest’s command, ignorant pigs,” you pick your way through the devastation. Tears prickle your eyes as you see your entire life strew over the ground in pieces. “Bastards,” you say softly, balling your hands at your sides in impotent rage.
“Hey, it’s okay. You made it out alive and that’s the most important thing,” Kyle murmurs reassuringly, placing a hand on your shoulder, a heavy weight that somehow helps ground you.
“I need to see what I can salvage inside, what kind of sickness is it you need help with?”
“Not sickness, we were attacked by bandits and some of our men are wounded,” he explains, following you inside the remains of the shack. Every item of furniture has been smashed, it looks like someone brought a hammer just for the purposes of destroying anything you’d ever touched.
“There’s not much left but I will do what I can,” you gripe as you pick through the debris. You breathe a sigh of relief when you find a large, untouched earthenware jar filled with burn salve and begin to shove things into a shoulder bag.
Once you retrieve what you can you say goodbye to your wrecked home and everything you knew, riding through the fields with Kyle at your back. Soon the rolling fields turn to woodland, and you follow the road for several miles until he veers off on a narrow trail leading into the woods. Panic spikes in your chest as you think about what could be in your near future, and how you might escape if the worst should happen. The feel of his arms around you holding the reins is both unwelcome and pleasant at the same time, an odd mix of emotion that swirls with your fear.
A small clearing opens before you, a single canvas awning erected at the edge but the ground is churned up as though several horses and carts have recently passed through. Kyle drops from the saddle in a fluid motion, and leads the horse with you still on it, towards it the small shelter. A small fire burns on the ground just outside the canopy, and several heavy packs lay on the ground. You try not to worry about the swords and shields resting on top of those packs.
You gasp as you see what looks like a bear sitting beside the fire, but when the head turns you realise it’s a huge man in a bearskin cloak. He stands as you approach, and you swallow thickly as you see he is even bigger than Kyle. His bearded face takes on a sardonic look as you approach, bright eyes looking you over as Kyle gets you down from the horse.
“You were meant to get us a healer, not more kindling,” the hulking, bearded man says.
“Yeah, the idiots were trying to burn her at the stake for witchcraft,” Kyle replies with clear disdain. He nudges your shoulder, urging you towards the the man,
“She can’t be a witch, not a good one, if she got that close to burning,” he observes. “I guess you’ll have to do then.” You resist the urge to roll your eyes at him, fearing he might just snap your neck with his huge hands if he felt like it.
“Nah, she’s no witch but she is good enough a healer to spook the local peasants. So that’s something,” Kyle agrees and takes his horse to picket it with three others beside the small camp.
The two carry on talking, all but ignoring your presence now as dusk begins to settle. You shiver slightly and take the decision to sit by the fire, your clothes now full of singed holes and offering little warmth.
“The other will be back soon, they’ve gone hunting but you know they won’t rush back,” the bearded man tells Kyle.
“Who is injured?” you ask, failing to see anyone with a wound so far. They look at you, as though surprised by you being here.
“The rest of my men have moved on with the carts, we will rejoin them tomorrow and you can treat the wounded then,” the bearded man says, giving you a curious look. “Do you know who I am?”
You slowly shake your head, feeling as though a hole is opening up below you that you’re going to be pushed into. Instead, he chuckles, a deep, rumbling sound.
“Well, call me Price,” he says with a crooked smile, clearly not telling you everything.
Darkness falls around the small camp, and the woods around you become quiet as the day creatures return to their nests and burrows, while the night animals prepare to come out. Ordinarily you’d avoid being out in the night like this, lest a hungry wolf take a fancy to you for a meal, but you are sure that Price and Kyle are used to dealing with such things. The urge to pee becomes insistent, and you get up to move away for a modicum of privacy.
“Don’t wander off,” Price warns you as you move away from the fire. “You don’t know what’s out there.”
“I will just be a moment,” you assure him.
You move between the trees and find a secluded spot in front of a large trunk, gathering your skirts about you as you squat down and relieve yourself. Once you are done you stand and turn towards the camp, and scream. A terrifying, grim specter stands before you blotting out the light from the fire, dark eyes in a polished skull face that reflects the dim light with a sickening glow. A pair of twisted horns
A sharply clawed hand grasps your arm when you step back uncertainly, knees weak. You squeeze your eyes shut, expecting death or pain or both.
“Fuck! Simon!” You hear Price bark roughly, and you risk opening your eyes.
“What’s this? A stray?” The creature rumbles in a human voice, deep and harsh, but with no visible mouth to form the words. It moves closer, pinning you between the tree truck behind you and its body, lifting its claws to run down your cheek.
“She’s a healer, let her be,” Price answers with a hint of amusement in his tone, as though you aren’t about to be eaten alive.
The monster tilts its head suddenly and steps back a little, letting you go. You rush back into the comfort of the firelight, and sit beside Kyle who smiles irritatingly at you before dropping an arm over your shoulders. The monster softly steps into the camp, into the light of the fire, revealing a black enameled helm with a skull fixed to the face plate, the clawed hands are gauntlets in reality. It’s a man, a massive man in terrifying armour, but a man all the same.
You notice another huge shape moving in behind him, yet another man, wearing a leather jerkin and breeches but with a blue tartan cloth wrapped around his shoulder. A Highlander, if you remembered what you’d read in the past. A shock of hair runs down the middle of his head in a bushy band, with everything shaved low either side. The remnants of blue woad smeared on his cheeks. He carries a brace of rabbits in one hand.
“Fuck…” you grumble to yourself, and the men laugh at your expense.
“Good thing you’d already pissed or you’d have disgraced yourself,” the skull-helmed man chuckles and begins to remove his gauntlets.
“Not funny,” you bite back, but a smile tugs at the corner of your lips despite your ire.
“You look like shite, what happened tae ya?” the Highlander asks while he guts the rabbits and skewers them over the crackling fire. Your stomach suddenly growls, you’ve not eaten anything all day and the stress has taken its toll, suddenly making you feel shaky.
“I was being burnt alive this morning,” you shrug, clutching your hands together as they begin to tremble. The burns on your skin throb and the aching in your head pulses, it’s suddenly difficult to focus your eyes and sweat blooms on your skin despite feeling so cold.
“Kyle,” a deep voice utters, seemingly from a long way away, “she’s gonna go…” You struggle to stay upright just as arms grasp you tightly and you slump against their hold while your vision fizzles out.
You can’t have been out long, when you come to, the smell of roasting rabbit floods your senses and your eyes snap open as your stomach growls again. You slowly sit up, head still pounding but not spinning as badly now.
The strings of your bodice are loose and you quickly wrap your arms across your chest as you feel it gape. That’s when you notice the salve smeared onto the burns on your arms, as you gawp at your arms you see your skirt is pushed up to your knees and salve spread onto the burns on your legs. A wave of nausea rolls with your hunger at the thought of someone touching you while you were unconscious.
“Who… who did this?” you splutter, turning to the men sitting around the fire. Whoever had tended your burns had laid you down at the back of the canopy.
“Never you mind, you’re safe with us,” Price snaps with authority, his back still turned to you. “Come and eat before you swoon again.”
“I didn’t swoon,” you bristle, fixing your clothes and tugging your laces extra tight. “I was nearly burnt to death, rescued and then threatened, and then scared shitless. So excuse me if I got overwhelmed!”
You sit down with little grace beside Kyle, deciding he is the least offensive option and snag a rabbit from the fire. You eat as though you are starving, ignoring the bemused eyes turned towards you.
“You better watch that tongue wench, or you’ll find it cut out soon enough,” the masked one warns you, low and ominous. You risk a look at him, his dark eyes fixed on you through a mask of black fabric that covers his entire face. Even without his helm he is still utterly terrifying. A tiny part of you wonders why he still wears it, if it’s because you are here.
“We’re leaving at first light to catch up with the rest, so get some sleep. MacTavish, you take first watch,” Price announces, and nods to the Highlander who acknowledges him.
“What if I run away?” You blurt out.
“If you want to risk running blindly through these woods in the dark, be my guest,” Price replies with a callous shrug but looks you in the eye. “You’re hardly the only healer around.”
“C’mon, just come and get some rest and it won’t seem so bad in the daylight,” Kyle says calmly, as though he wasn’t the one who had brought you here under a death threat. Truly you had fallen out of the frying pan and into the fire now.
He tugs you with him as he stands and moves you to the back of the canopy again, laying down and pulling you with him. The fight leaves you, and you crumple down to the blanket on the ground beside him. You don’t have the energy to complain when he pulls you against his chest and murmurs quietly to you about keeping you where he can keep an eye on you. You're too exhausted to feel him tug at your bodice laces gently, you just fall into exhausted sleep.
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temeyes · 27 days
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he really looked like he was gonna vomit tho,,,
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ramvur · 5 months
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got your six
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tb-png · 7 months
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bloody pretty boys (pt. 2) - 👻🧼🧢
soapgaz are chronic mask thieves and i reaaallllyyy cant blame em for that
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141wh0re · 2 months
Out of pocket shit w Y/N
Overheard in the mess: Y/N: The queen can suck my left tit. This food is shite. *Gaz & Soap stifling laughter* Price: Y/n! Y/N: What?! Ghost: Did you just offer the monarch to suck your left tit? Y/N: It's not tyranny if it's a sexual favor, right? *Gaz & Soap spitting their drinks on Price* *Ghost snorts behind his mask*
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