#kisses in the rain
kasienda · 1 year
Written for @ladrienjune Day 25 - Goodbye Kiss
Read on AO3
Chapter 1 - Adrinette - Kiss in the Rain
Chapter 2 - Ladrien - Goodbye Kiss
She’s out during the middle of the night again. It’s the fifth night in a row. Adrien watches her swing gracefully from one building to the next and contemplates joining her. But whatever is bothering her, she won’t share with Chat Noir. Each time he asked, she insisted that with him there, she knew they’d be fine.
And when she offered him the brightest smile - a smile he thought existed only in their Jubiliation inspired shared dream - he couldn’t bring himself to argue. And he spent the rest of their shared patrols making her laugh with his antics. He thought he had turned each of her nights around, but clearly any positive effect he was having wasn’t providing any lasting benefit.
Because each night, she was out again, clearly trying to run from whatever kept her mind spiraling in circles.
Before he can overthink it, he whips out his phone and flashes his light at her. And almost immediately she changes the trajectory of her current arc towards the mansion. It’s almost as if she was already watching him.
She lands gracefully on the edge of the window sill.
He reminds himself to breathe. He’s always more taken by her presence when he’s sans the cat ears. He’s not sure why. Perhaps it’s because he has nothing to hide behind. He’s always wanted her to see his face, so when she can, he feels something. Or perhaps it’s because of the way she looks at him when he’s not wearing the mask. Her eyes are bright and pink dusts her cheeks.
“Good evening, Adrien,” she says, grinning.
“Hello, Ladybug,” he breathes. “It’s very kind of you to go out of your way to stop by.”
She nods deeply, acknowledging his thanks. “What can I do for you?”
His hand flew to the back of his neck. “I uh… just noticed you’ve been out a lot this week–”
“You’ve noticed that?” she asked, the pink on her cheeks darkening.
“–and I wanted to ask if you were okay?”
She stares at him for a moment, and he has to look down at the floor.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” she asks.
“Umm… last time you were here all the miraculous were stolen and you broke down in my bathroom?”
Her shoulders stiffen and her eyes blow open.
He wants to kick himself. “Not that I blame you for any of that! I was just worried about you!”
She glances away. She looks defeated and he wishes he had opted to go out to meet her as Chat Noir afterall. If he was wearing the suit, he would at least be able to pull her into a hug.
“That was months ago,” she says quietly.
“Doesn’t mean you’re over it,” he says.
She remains silent, her gaze locked on her yo-yo as if everything that has happened since that night is its fault.
“Though I don’t mean to presume,” he adds. “I’m sure a lot has happened between now and then.”
She turns towards his window. “Have you ever been in love?” she asks, taking a step forward so they’re standing side by side, looking out over Paris’s skyline.
He wants to laugh that it’s her asking him that question, but he doesn’t. She’s too quiet.
“Yes,” he says, looking straight at her. If she turned to him would she be able to see his feelings written on his face?
“Have you ever had to pretend that you didn’t love that person?”
He turns back to the view. “Yes,” he says, feeling the weight of that one word.
She turns to him with furrowed eyebrows. “Why?”
He shrugs. He can’t really explain why he had to turn down Marinette as Adrien. But maybe he can explain why he had to turn her down as Chat Noir. “Anyone I love, anyone I show any special attention to is likely to become a target. To get eviscerated, tortured, and harrassed by my fans. Especially if my father is not on board.”
She nods enthusiastically. “That’s exactly it! Anyone I show special attention will become a target for Monarch, and can be used against me. That, and I can never share all of myself with them. Turns out lies aren’t great for a relationship.”
“Tell me about it,” he mumbles.
“But it makes it hard to want to keep doing this,” she gestures to her suit, “knowing that if I gave it up, I could maybe be happy.”
“Do you want to give this up?” He fears her answer though he knows he has no room to talk.
“I can’t,” she says, her gaze falling into her hands. “I almost did once, but I couldn’t go through with it.”
“What stopped you?” he whispers.
“A different love,” she says.
He breathes in again, and the air is sweet with the scent of her floral perfume. He finds himself smiling. It was the same for him.
“Paris is lucky to have you,” he says.
“You think so?”
He laughs and nods. “Definitely. You don’t?”
She shrugs, but doesn’t say anything and they go back to staring at the night sky.
“Does the person you love know that you love them?”
She’s watching him, staring into his eyes, before her gaze drops to his lips. Suddenly he can’t breathe.
Marinette knows that she shouldn’t. He shouldn’t know that Ladybug loves him. They just established how dangerous that knowledge was. She’s already gotten her kiss. It’s supposed to be enough.
At least until Monarch has been defeated.
She promised herself it would be enough.
But she reaches for his hand anyway. Slides her fingers through his, and she can feel his sharp intake of breath, and the look of awe on his face is so worth it. She smirks at him. That seems to bring him back to life.
“I think one of them knows,” she admits. “You?” she asks, looking at his face, not acknowledging their joined hands. If neither of them say anything, is it really happening?
“I think both of them know,” he whispers, his fingers tightening around hers.
And now it’s her that gasps. He loves Marinette. She knows that he does. Is he saying that he loves Ladybug too?
Her eyes burn with threatened tears. It’s not fair. This sweet boy, who stole her heart the day she met him somehow along the way fell in love with both of her. She should be able to love him back. A single tear breaks past her defenses.
His thumb brushes it from her cheek. “What is it?”
She leans into the palm of his hand, and shakes her head. “Nothing.” She wishes she could tell him. She wishes things were different so she could reciprocate his feelings.
If she had never become Ladybug and never met Chat Noir, nothing would hold her back.
Not that she can ever regret meeting Chat Noir.
“I should go,” she whispers.
But he doesn’t let go of her hand. “May I offer you a goodnight kiss?”
She needs to say no. She should say no.
“It doesn’t have to mean anything,” he says.
But it would. It would mean everything. And that’s why she pulls him closer, and lets her lips find his. He is warm and velvet soft. Their lips part and they’re breathing the same air. She’s already kissed him once, but he doesn’t know that. She isn’t going to turn away one more stolen memory if it’s all she gets to have of him.
The kiss ends too soon.
“Thank you, Adrien.”
“For understanding why I can’t give you my heart.”
He kisses her hand. And then she pulls away, and sends her yo-yo flying. Knowing that if she stayed, she wouldn’t be able to hold back.
And she has to.
She can’t tell Adrien who she is. She can’t love him as Marinette without lying to him constantly, and she can’t love him as Ladybug without putting him in danger.
But she wishes that she could. That she could give him all of herself.
Final chapter will be up in Ladynoir July!
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louce123 · 9 months
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orgaslink · 6 months
Totally ok if it's not your thing, since I kinda believe I'm the only on in the planet into this ship, but, n° 25, kisses in the rain with Ravio and Shadow? Again, no pressure, I just wanted to ask anyway :)
Ooh! I like this one, thank you for the ask! I love Ravio and I love Shadow so why not bump them both together to make kissy noises in the rain?
Hope you enjoy!
Somehow, someway, their worlds had collided and neither could make any sense of why and what for. In many ways, it could be seen as a curse, a nightmare that plagued Ravio’s world and threw the kingdom in shadow. Ravio, however, couldn’t bring himself to see it as anything other than a dream; a dream that was anything but if the cool rain gently cascading over them was any indication of reality.
“Shadow! Wait, I—” Ravio didn’t know how Shadow had ended up here, had no idea when or how these feelings inside of him grew to the extent that they had, but he also didn’t care. The only thing that mattered to him was Shadow, and that said entity had his back to Ravio and was walking away.
Ravio couldn’t, wouldn’t let that happen. Not now, not ever.
He’d stepped out of the shelter they’d taken from the rain, the fine drops quickly gathering to drip down long ears as Ravio reached out for Shadow but was hindered by his own robe and scarf. Something in Ravio’s voice had thankfully made Shadow stop in his tracks, though he still kept his back facing Ravio.
The wet sounds of boots through puddles accompanied Ravio’s panting as he caught up to the other. He wanted to reach out and touch but something held him back; maybe it was his own hesitancy, maybe it was his worry that Shadow didn’t feel the same. All he knew for sure was that the feeling that held him back wasn’t from his own doubt as there wasn’t a speck of that to be find in any fibre of his being.
“Shadow, please,” desperate pleas from a desperate voice filled with the worry that his chance was literally slipping through his fingers like a shadow bathed in light. His Shadow, the one he’d grown so accustomed to, turned to look over his shoulder at the merchant, expression matching Ravio’s own in the hurt his crystal blue eyes displayed.
“Ravio, don’t. I can’t do this; we can’t do this. I’ll only hurt you when I have to leave and I can’t do that to you.” As if that would be the end of both the conversation and whatever this fleeting thing between the two was, Shadow made to walk away again.
This time it was his footsteps hindered, but not by something as mundane as clothing. No, for Shadow it was a steady pressure around his wrist that halted his steps closely followed by the weight of Ravio’s forehead pressing into his shoulder blades.
Shadow’s ears twitched to hear the quiet confession of Ravio’s words over the sound of the worsening rain; they were both getting soaked through, clothes beginning to stick uncomfortably as the rain continued to pour as though the very sky was crying over their situation.
“I don’t care,” words quiet but no less unsure, growing louder and more confident with each one uttered between chapped lips cooled by rain drops.
“I don’t care, Shadow. If we only have now and this moment, then so be it. No, I don’t want to lose you but I would rather make the most of any time that we do have than to regret having let you go without even trying to fight for us.”
A hitch in breath before Shadow shallowed, the swell of emotion in his gut so fierce it made his heart pound. And then the world spun. Or more accurately Shadow spun as Ravio pulled at his wrist to turn Shadow to face him.
Their lips met and nothing else in the world mattered beyond this moment and the two of them, one of Shadow’s hands acting on instinct to cup Ravio’s cheek and bring the two closer together. Right then, there were in a bubble, a bubble of just this two of them and the feeling of each others lips pressed together. Even the sensation of the rain falling over them fading away to the intensity of their moment.
It was Ravio who pulled away first, but not by much, resting his forehead to Shadow’s and sharing the radiated heat of being so close.
“Just… stay. Please.”
A promise in the form of another kiss was pressed to Ravio’s parted lips. “Always.”
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hansoeii · 11 months
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mcmissileproof · 9 months
favorite hobby when I'm driving is to catch someone trying to climb up my back bumper while I'm going a completely reasonable speed and just slowly take my foot off the gas. you seem upset, brother. why don't we slow down and enjoy the view awhile
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mythical-illusions · 10 months
I was thinking about how Crowley's idea of people falling in love is them standing together in the rain and I just kept thinking about these
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But also I remembered the first gos2 poster we got was
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Just a couple standing in the rain looking up at the stars- which they witnessed the birth of together
I hate it here
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yomeiu · 8 months
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vavoom-sorted-art · 8 months
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bilaudad · 2 months
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"Now, you listen to me"
one of my favorite scenes from chapter 15 of @moonyinpisces' brilliant fic how do we turn on the light <3
(chapter 16 just dropped last night though, kicking off act 3, and it SLAPS go read it!!)
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kasienda · 11 months
Kisses in the Rain: Chapter 3 - Ladynoir - Out of Time
Written for @ladynoirjuly​ - Day 24 - Out of Time
Read on AO3
Chapter 1 - Adrinette - Kiss in the Rain
Chapter 2 - Ladrien - Goodbye Kiss
Chapter 3 - Ladynoir - Out of Time
The onslaught of miraculized robots is endless. For every one they manage to throw off, another three portals open to spill out more to fight.
She’s not sure how they ended up in the sky fighting on a cloud. And it’s bad. She knows it’s too much. She’s exhausted and she knows he is too. It’s only a matter of time before they’re overwhelmed.
She feels no fear at the conclusion. In fact, she finds herself smiling with Chat Noir at her back, grateful that if this is the end, he is here with her.
“I love you,” she shouts, and she can barely hear herself over the gales of wind whipping around them. But she knows he can hear her.
“I know.” She can hear the smile in his voice, she’s picturing it in her mind as she presses against his back facing the onslaught.
“You do? Since when?”
“Since our dream.”
Of course he hadn’t believed her attempts at misdirection after the fact. He had gone along with it because she wanted him to.
Because he always followed her lead in all things. She loved him so much.
“I wanted to say it out loud. In case, in case–”
In case they didn’t make it.
 “I love you, too.” he tells her. And for a second, she forgets where they are, fights against the never ending horde on autopilot as time seems to slow down around her at his simple words that she’s heard him say before, but had never accepted.
 Now, she accepts and tears prickle at the corner of her eyes. She wants to whirl around and throw herself into his arms. She wants to kiss him for real - outside of a dream where they both will remember. She had her memory of Adrien. It’s not fair that she doesn’t have her memory with Chat Noir too.
 He grabs her hand and she feels the pull in her navel as he vaults them over the army  that’s always closing in, right into the open sky. The air is battering her pigtails and ribbons around her face as they fall to the ground that look kilometers away.
 They needed to drop their transformations. The robots had said enough that she had put together that they were tracking their active miraculouses. But that knowledge hadn’t helped as they had never been out of sight long enough to detransform. And now they were in the open air with portals still opening all around them.
 Assuming they could create even a second of cover, she knew they didn’t have time to separate, which was fine. As cornered as they were, it seemed like it was time - how else would they find each other if they couldn’t transform? Plus, she would be damned if Monarch discovered her identity before Chat.
 They needed just a moment of cover.
 “Lucky charm.”
 An umbrella - red, spotted with black like always - fell into her hands. She opened it. It was cartoonishly large, but it would cover both their faces. Still in Chat Noir’s hold, she opened it over their heads.
 “You have to drop your transformation first,” she tells him. “I have to hold mine to keep the umbrella.”
 “Always dreamed of sharing an umbrella with you, M’lady,” he quips, giving her a smile so soft that when he turns into Adrien a second later she’s not even surprised.
 Her eyes threaten tears. Of course it was him. She feels like an idiot for never realizing.
 She drops her transformation, while studying his face. His eyes widen only for a second, and then all his tension eases and he’s giving her a smile that’s somehow even softer than before.
 She cups his face and pulls him in for a kiss. The air around them is suddenly silent. It’s like they’re the only two beings in the universe because everything makes sense now.
 They've loved each other since the beginning. They loved each other over and over in all their forms and combinations, even when they weren’t allowed to. They sacrificed being with one another as Adrien and Marinette to keep being there for each other as Chat Noir and Ladybug. They made all the same choices even when it was hard, had to break each other’s hearts four times and counting.
 They’ve already had four first kisses.      Six    if they counted Dark Cupid and Oblivio. But this kiss feels like a first kiss all over again. A kiss where she sees all of him and he sees all of her. A kiss where she’s laughing against his mouth instead of crying.
 A kiss that she      know    s is a new beginning, the first of many to come. A kiss that is all the sweeter for all that they’ve gone through together, for all that they’ve survived together, for all that they’ve had to overcome.
 She had spent days screaming, crying, and yelling at the universe for denying her this love.
 But in this moment, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
 She loved every part of him as he loved every part of her, and even if they had to keep waiting, she knew without doubt that he would be there waiting for her. And she would wait forever for him. He was worth it.
 She pulled away to look into his smiling eyes. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t need to. All their words had already been said.
 “Umm… guys? I hate to interrupt, but—“ Plagg said.
 They were still falling, air rushing around them, the ground growing larger by the second.
 She giggled in pure delight. Adrien laughed as well - the same delighted explosion of joy that she heard the first day his umbrella closed in over her head for the first time.
 “Astro Plagg, claws out.”
 “Astro Tikki, spots on.”
 Wings caught painfully in the air, slowing their uncontrolled descent. Their hands are still entwined, and they pull each other in to share another brief kiss. The portals would start opening again in seconds. They could only be transformed long enough to land.
 “Let’s go destroy Monarch and then live happily ever after,” she says, when they have to break apart.
 “Brilliant plan, m’lady. As always.”
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buumbaby · 11 months
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" one fabulous kiss and we're good "
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underwatergalaxies · 2 years
sometimes when it rains I just think that, yes, this is when I need someone to run up to me and kiss me in the rain because they're so scared of losing me
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wantsgmarie · 8 months
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“I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night;
And now I see daylight, I only see daylight…”
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meowza315 · 8 months
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wow I remembered to finish something for once it’s a miracle
anyways follow up post for my last one because it was sad and yeah. it needed a good ending.
sort of a reference to flickergate / Will having powers of some kind with the lightbulb exploding so 👍 enjoy that
this seemed sorta rushed to me so apologies about that :(
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boylikeanangel · 11 months
I don't know how to explain to some people that their theories about how aziraphale is being mind controlled or how that's not really them or that this is all a big elaborate trick robs the narrative of literally all its emotional impact and makes the slow build this season worked so hard to establish completely pointless if the interpersonal conflict is artificial lmao. they need to have done this themselves, aziraphale needs to have made that decision with his whole brain and his whole chest, crowley needs to have been the one to push aziraphale that final inch back towards heaven, or there is absolutely no tension or stakes going into season 3. you all realise this right. I understand nuance and complicated character drama is uncomfortable when it doesn't get resolved immediately but some of you are so determined to absolve aziraphale (and by extension crowley) of any wrongdoing or guilt that you're literally robbing them of everything that makes them interesting; namely that they are totally fucked up and they did this to themselves. and rip if that's you I guess but personally I like it when my favourite characters are irrevocably damaged emotionally and incapable of accepting a shred of happiness into their lives. that south downs cottage isn't going to be hard-fought and sorely won all by itself <3
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Draw your characters like this
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